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- VAGNER9 V.V. Res- 1 6sl9-27 162. trictive oadgroups. Izv.vys.ucheb.tav.; mat, no, (NDA 15M) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet imeni N.G. Chernyahevokogo. (Groups,, Theory of) VAGNER, V. V. "Generalized groups of particl. transfb~mations" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 VAGNER V. .; LOPSHI'13, A.M. lAkov Semenovich Dubnov; obituary. Trudy Sem.po vekt.i tenz.anal. no.1.1:3-17 161. 04M 150) (Dubnov, lAkov Semnovich, 1887-1957) S/04YO62/000/004/007/099 C111 C444 LUTHOR: Vagner, V. V. T"ITLE: ticor:~ ~_s field theory of -2,e central serai-cones PERIODICALi Re.ferativnyy zhu.--,.-1, L;zitematiku, no. 1',, 1962, 69, abstrz-ct 4A422. (11z;auchn. yezhegodnik. Saratovsk. un-t. fak-., 1955"- Saratov, 1959, 27-54) TEXT: Let ia X a d4f`ert~_ntlai m-pseudome trio be jiven, i. e. let a unique binary relLtion n (Xn)---I R between the points of the fibred space E (x ) and the re4l numbers be given to which there n n corresponds in the fiibrad space E n x- R(X r, ) which is in one-to-one corres- pondence to the space Z n(xn)x, R in a naturi-d way, the'c entral sami-conic M-secant surface K a. an m-secant surfiice for which the inter- (n+ 1 ) +M sectiona K (n+l)+m Er. /. R(p) for all poizuts p C- (K (n+l)+M) are the central m-semicones KMf where is the canonical vapping of E nx R(X n on X - Let n Card 1/4 --07/059 3/044,'62/000/004/. Variation theory as field theory ... C1117C444 X - L be the coordinate equations of K (.,,+ 1 ) +M *The first n equ-tions define the central semiconic m-secant surfz~.ce prIf in E n(Xn) , r"n -4 1 e t h e fu r, c t i 0 r. L gives an expression for -~he pseudomodulus of the meaLiurable vector pr K in ~hc- tan~-antial E (P( in its homogeneous curvilinear X 1 M n coordin---tes 6A. An oriented curve C in X n i scalled mez~surable -aith respect to the giver. zi-pseudo.metric if its po6itiva tangential semi straight. lines belong to Pr10 . If the measurable curve G i,; defirted bj the equations I t =.5 t -(t, (t 2 (1) and if -.,a - -,,.a (t) is the fiela of its cont~,ct vectors, then the scalar Card 2/t~ S/04 62/OCO/004/CO7/099 Variation theory as field theory C111YC444 t L(~~ W, -"(t))dt t is an inte --ral invarii..-i'6 is called a pseudoarc-length. To every mea- suriible curve C inXn aith the equ4tions (1) in the (r,+1' Lipace xn+F, (Cartesian product of Xn and the numerical line R) one faakes correspond "'C, havin6 the c~qua"ons a curve 2 -,A a( (t), L( t') dt t1 if 4'C is anormal, then C is --oodetic (in this article ~hc notion of an L, anormal curve i3 defined by aid of the there introauced binary relation. of the variation of a curve). Card 3/4 SIG 4 4,16 2/0 WIGO"'IC, 07105 Variation theory as field theory ... C111//C444 It is jroved: In order a .,--easuruble curve to possess a weaki, extremal Useudoarc-length, it is -ecas3L~---.;t t i t 'D c- de ti c -It is stated 1hat the vcriation Problem of La.-rangv on coi-id.-itional extr'~mum be also cor.6idered a~; the problemn of ~Z',ue determination of curves vdth Xm in a differential ri-pseudometric. extre%,zil pseudolent;tlhs Lll lAbstracl,erls note; Complete translution.1 Card 4/4 VAGIOR, V. V. Transformative semigroupe. l6o. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.4:36-48 (MM 13: 10) 1. Saratovskiy goeudaretvennyy universitat im. N.G. Cheriqshevskogo. (Groups, Theory of) 1 .200(1 S/140/60/000/004/010/023 XX C111/C222 AUTHORi Vagner, V.V. TITLEt Transformative Semigroups PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960,- No. 4, pp. 36 - 48 TEXTs The author uses notations and notions of (Ref. 1). A semigroup is called transformative if in it, beside of the fundamental binary operation o which here is understood as a ternary relation between the elements of the semigroup, two binary relations are givent quasiorder X and quasiequivalence satisfying the condition that there exists an eigenrepresentation of the semigroup with the aid of partial transformations of a set, for which 7( can be represented as an enclosure relation of the first projections of the partial transformations and as a union re- lation of the partial transformations. In the present paper the author proposes an axiomatic foundation of the theory of tran8formative semigroups, where these are understood as ordered systems (G,o I '~) where the set of the elements of the semigroup and 0 are the mentionpr3 -relations. Eight theorems are given, the Card 1/2 65497 Transformative Semigroups S/140/60/000/004/010/023 XX CIII/C222 assertions of which are partially already contained in (Ref. 1) (theorems 2 and 5) or are known from the general theory (theorem 6). As an exception- al case the author considers the representation of semigroups with the aid of set transformations. It is pointed out that the axiomatic theory of re- presentable ordered semigroups can be obtained immediataly from the theory of transformative semigroups. There is I Soviet reference. Abstracter's note : (Ref. 1) is a paper of V.V. Vagner in Matematicheskiy sbornik, 1956, Vol. 38, pp. 203 - 2401 ASSOCIATIONt Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni F.G. Chernyahevskogo(Saratov State University imeni N.G. Chernyshevskiy) SUBMITTEDs January 28, 1960 Card 2/2 65943 /6.2000 3/039/60/052/001/005/009 AUTHORs Vagner, V.V. (Saratov) C111/022 TITLE% Semigroups Associated With a Generalized Heap PERIODICAM Matematicheskiy sbornik, 1960, Vol- 52, No. 1, PP-597-62a TEXT: The author uses notations and notions of (Ref. 4,5). The author considers the binary operative (G, o) , i.e. the set G together with the ternary relation o CGX G X G which determines a binary al- gebraic operation defined everywhere. Let in brief ly (1) O(gl; g2) - g192 The following dual relations are defined 1) right and left ideal relations Vd and V. (3) V L V (919 - 9 V (gg, = 9 d 919g2) g 2 (g,,g2) g 2 2) right and left canonical equivalence relations C d~6 8 t Card 1/8 85943 Semigroups Associated With a Generalized Hieap S/03 60/052/001/005/009 XX C1 1 1YC222 (5) A (gg 99 Es C A ( g g = g, g) d (g1'92) 9 2) (91192) 9 1 3) right and left absorption relations 4 d .(3 (6) Oc d = (f (g192 * 91) (g1992) The absorption relation is denoted with OC9 (g2gI = gl) 919g2) V/ (7) d n ~(g C (g192 - g2gl- g1) 1992) The invariant, symmetrie.reflective, binary relation being dual to itself C (9192 - g2gd - pr 12 (0t)"*) (9l'?g2) is called the commutativity relation, where o is defined by Card 2/ 8 85943 Semigroups Assoc4ated With a'zed S!03 60/052'001/005/009 XX Heap C'I 1 !YC222 (4) ojf (gI V92) o (gVgd and pr 12 o - GXG Let the considered operative (G; o) be a semigroup, i.e. let o be associative. The factor semigroups of (G, o) with respect to stable E d (resp. d'8) are called right (resp. left) canonical factor semigroups. Theorem 1 s For every semigroup, a d ) C49 and o(- are transitive binary relations. A semigroup is called idempotent if all elements are idempotent. Theorem 2 1 For an idempotent semigroup, Ot d and (x8 are quasiordering relations and ct is an ordering relation. Theorem 3 s For idempot-int semigroups it holds (15) d d Card 3/8 85943 Semigroups Associated With a Generalized 3/039/60/052/001/005/009 XX Reap C111/C222 Theorem 4 : If e is a stable equivalence relation between the elements of an idempotent semigroup, then the binary relation ok do 6 (resp. c~80 is the maximal canonical inverse image of the right (resp. left) relation of absorption of the factor gemigroup of this semigroup with respect to,.'. Theorem 5 , Conclusion t A semigroup is called pseudocommutative from the left (right) if its left (right) canonical factor semigroup is commutative. Theorem 6 : For an idempotent semigroup (G, o) pseudocommutative from the right (left) it holds () ~, - I -- 1 d d ,d 13 a , ) Theorem 7 1 For an Idempotent semigroup pseudocommutative *.rom the right (left) it holds (21) d d //I OCd Ocs . 0(d 0( S Theorems 8 and 9 are conclusions from the theorems 6 and 7 Card 4/ 8 85943 Semigroups Associated With a G~,-ncra7ized -0/03 60/052/001/005/009 XX Heap C1 1 1YC222 The fact that for idempotent semigroups the absorption relation is an ordering relation, permits to use the theory of ordered sets in the theory of idempotent semigroups. Let (G,cj) be an ordered set, i.e. a set G with the ordering relation to . Let g1 be a minorant of 92 and 92 be a majorant of g1 if (25) 91 ~ 92 4r,' (g V g2) The subset A~kis called minorized (majorized) if it has a minorant (majorant) 'i -4 i.e. if 0 The relation to P W ( UP to ) is called minorizing (majorizin relation. The subset Al is called a minor- ant (majorant) raster if each of its pairs of elements has a minorant (majorant) belonging to this subset. Theorem 10 : In order that all maximal connected subsets of an ordered set (G, 0) are minorant (majorant) rasters it is necessary and sufficient that -4 -4 -4 1 (31) tO 0 CO C co (resp. C'j 0 W C coo tD) Card 5/8 85943 SemigroupB Anmociated With a Generalizod S/03 60/052/01,1/UO~-7/005 XX Heap C1 1 1YC222 11ow every idempotent semigroup (G, o) is considered as a set ordered with the aid of the absorption relation 01-- It is stated that the theory of commutative idempotent semigroups in ossential is equivalent to the theory of minorant semilattices. Theorem 12 1 For every idempotent semigroup it holds 1 (38) -5 C cc 0 -OC Theorem 13 : For an idempotent semigroup pseudocommutative from the right (left) it holds (39) Oc 0 of, C Theorem 14 z For an idempotent semigroup pseudocommutative from the right (left) which is ordered with the aid of the absorption relation, all maximal connected subsets are minimal raster. The author considers the ternary operative (K. o), i.e, a set K with the quaternary relation OC- KX Kx Kx K which explains an everywhere defined ternary algobraic operation. Let in brief (41) o(k,, k 2 , k3 [k,k2k3 Card 6/ 8 85943 Semigroups Associated With a -zed 5/039/60/052/001/005/009 xx Heap C1111C222 Three binary alufrebraic operations oV 0 2' u3 are associated with the ternary algebraic operation o and they are denoted with P, , -0 , V (44) oj(kI, k 2 kI L> k2 = [k1k1k 2] 02 (klk 2) . ki < k 2 = [klk2 k2] 03 (kilk 2) k, V k 2 k 1k2k11 The three binary operatives (K, 0 1), (K, o2)1 (K, o 3 ) are the first, second and third associative binaryoperative of the ternary operative (K, o). The ternary operative (K, o) is called a semiheap if for arbitrary k V..., ks it holds (45) 11k 1k 2k31 k4k51 = [k, [k 4k3 k2] k5] . [k 1k 2 1'3k4k511 The semiheap (K, o) is called a generalized heap if the operation o i3 idempotent and bicommutative. Theorem 15 ; For the generalized heap (K, o) the first (second) assiocated binary operative is the idempotent semigroup pseudocommutative from the Card 7/8 85943 Semigroups Associated With a Generalized !~/039/60/052'0~1/007/'Oc xx Heap C111IC222 left (right). Theorem 16 t The absorption relations of the first and second associated semigroup of a generalized heap are identical. After introducing numerous further definitions, the author proves further 12 theorems on the connection between a generalized heap and the semi- groups associated with it. The proofs result in essential from the theorems I - 14. The theorems 25 and 26 are already contained in (Ref. 6). There are 6 references s 3 Soviet, 2 French and I German. Abstracter's note s (Ref. 4) concerns a paper of V.V. Vagner in Mate- maticheskiy abornik, 1953, Vol. 32, PP- 545-632, (Ref., 5) is a paper of V.V. Vagner in Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1956, Vol. 8, pp. 235-252; (Ref.6) is algtper of V.V Va ner in Ukrains~iy matematiches- kiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol, 11, pp. 231-2~2 SUBMITTED% January 14, 1959 Card 8/8 ytic trtnsfornations, of n--.e,.,tanr, over rady LIM no. 46:96-102 1631 17:6) BURMISTROV , Yo.F. dots., red.;_VAGNER V V , prof., red.; LIBER, P ::2 "'J A.Ye.J. prof., red.; FALIKOVIC prof., red.; PERSHIN, A.I.p st. prepodavatell, red.; PERSOVA, V.M., red. [Work of young scientists; mathmmatics issue] Trudy molodykh ucherjykh; vypusk matematicheskii. Saratov, 1964. 121 p. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Saratov. Universitet. 2. Kafedra matematiki i statistiki Saratovskogo ekonomicheskogo Instituta (for Pershin). VAGNER, V.V.; GLUSKIN, L.M.; AYZENSIITA'-7,, A.Ya. Evgenii Sergeevich 1-Japin, 1914-; on his 'Oth . . U!5 p. ta ' . nauk 20 ao.1:24.,,-245 Ja-F 165- (KILRA 18:4) VAGMER, V.V. (Sar-,O.ov) Shifts in a groupolid. Izv.7r *,~b.zav.; 37-47 165. ys.=. (IVTRA 1911) 1. Submitted May 27, 1965. VAGNERP V.V. ("Iaratxv) . .. .1 1 1~ Groupoid t~e~,,T-fs .; ' " 5- (,,., ,, :--i,k 2 e . lc, ) TAGMIR, Ys.A. Diagnosis and treatment of injuries of the pericardiun and the heart. Xhirurgiia, no.9:70-71 8 155. (XLRA 9:2) 1. Iz khirurgichookogo otdolonlya Beresnikovskoy gorodskoy bollnitey (glavu" khirurg garoda--kandidat meditsinskikh nauk A.P. Naskov) (HIA , vounde and inj. diag. & ther.) (PJRIGMM, wounds and inJ. SAWS) (WM= in INJMINB heart & pericardium, diag. & ther) VAGNER,, YE. A. VAGUIR, YE. A.: I'Sureical tactics in penetiatinc wounds of the chest under peacetime conditions." Molotov State Medical Inst. Molotov, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Science.) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 37, 1956. Moscow. VAGMW,~: , .. (Berezniki, Permakoy oblasti, ul. Demeneva, _.Tq A, d.11P kv-17) Surgical treatment of penetrating wounds of the chest in peacetime. Vest.khir. 83 no-91-89-95 S '59. (KIRA 13:2) 1. 1z khirurgichookogo otdelenlya Bereznikovskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavuyy khtrurg - A.F. Hoskov) i kafedry obahchey khirurgii (saveduyushchiy - prof. N.M. Stepanov) Permskogo meditsin- stogo Instituta. (THOUX, wds. & inj.) VAGNER, Ye. A.; TSUlWOVp V. I. Our ex per ionce in the treatment of concuselone of the brain. Xhirurgiia 36 no.UtIO2-105 9 160. (MIRA *13:12) 1. Is otdolon-lya neotloalmoy khirurgii i trawatologii (zav. -*nauk Ye.A. Vagner) oblastnoy bollnitay g. BereznW Permakoy oblasti, (BRAIN-CONCUSSION) VAGNER, Yevgeniy Antonovich; DFZHTYAR', Ye.G., red. [surgical treatment of penetrating chest wounds in peace time ) Kbirurgichoskoe lechenie proriikaiushchikh ranenii grudi v mirnoe vremia. Moskva, Meditsinap 19(x4. 191 p. (MIRA 18.2) c v 3 t no~ 1-3.3, 1 GOLOVIAT, Igor$ filippovich; MI IT, A.V., rateensent; HIROV, YMMM wwwa A.A.0 spoteradaktor; MORMTA, I.I., radaktor; LIB, -Te"Miabeeklyrodaktor [Vhmling techniques] Takhnike kitaboinogo pramysla. (n.p.1 Pishchapromisdat C19561 110 P. (NIAL 10:1) (Vhsllng) ANDREYEV, Nikolay Nikiforovich; Y~~GNER_N~HPXW-r4,_A,, spets. red.; KCSSOVA, O.N., red.; SGKOLOVA, I.JL , tekhn. red. (Manua: on fishing imrlements, nets and equipment]Spravochnik po orudiiam lova, setesnastnym materialam i promyslovomu sna- riazheniiu. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 503 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Fishing--Equipment and supplies) PETROSYAN, Ye.A.; VAGNER-SAKHAROVA, M.P.; STARCHEUS, A.V.; VARGINA, A.K. Production of sorbed dipbtheria and tetanus anatoxin. Nauch. Csn. proizv. bakt. prep. 10:107-117 161. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Moskovskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotak im. Mechnikova. PRATP V.; IIA'CAI-A., M.; BIELESC':A, D.; Teclrmioka asi:;tonce: DFITiS, ~'.; DIVOPAIKOVA, J.; VAGNi,*ROVA, L.; Vjl!)'.'AROVA, If. Experimental conzximuticn Lr, the proolem r,,' ol' some straln:J Of 1". COli. CUS. lek. cesk. 103 110-40:lct~)7-1102 0 164. 1. 11 s pro choroby olwiiu krE,;ril tic) v F raoe (rod P,.,. ,I . -!~ r od DrSc.); Ust,av klinicke a experinnentalni v ilrazf~ (re~iltel prof'. dr. Ji. Spacek, DrSo.) a Kalednt patolo- i glckc,, ai,ul,omle a lrjlkrobiologif~ l'akulty detAf)hj Klir- lovy Urilver%iity v Fraz(-. (vedouci prof. dr. V. Kubelrka). PRATP V.; HEJL,ZZ.; DEJDAR, R. Tecirmicka spolupram.: VAGNEROVA, ES.; TR!-AISIL,V. Our experitfnce8 with transfemoral acrtography by the Seldinger technic. Rozhl. chir. 43 no.12:812-817 D 164- 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Traze (reditel prof. dr. J. Brod, I I AT I 'A ,I!. ;I !, I ;I-,' .-L, i. -: .I , -, ! I li ~ ~ , - k ~ I; 3 1 , -. I I I i E. Ii, use r;f TTIG - a teat f!;r b ct~(,rltwia 11i prnt~rlnrcY- Ca!'- Itok. ct-~ 104 ri,,.~~:`21 26 F165. 1. IILA"av I-.-- d, . Fl. rbohil I: prof. dr. j. Dr-d, a "~,,nske eddele:7i Ust.,-tvi, I, (redltol: UNZ '.IUD--. Z. Va-~!Iavlk). PRAT, V.,(Praha-Kre, Budejovicka 804; IIATALA, M.; UER., 0.; SRAW'K, L.; V~WROVA, E.; Laboratorni spoluprace: IMEJCOVA, K.; CHRPOVA, V. Bacteriuria in pregnancy and its relation to the maturity of infants. Cas. lek. Cesk. 104 no-48:1327-1328 3 D 165. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Brod, DrSc), Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze (reditel prof. dr. B. Spacek, DrSc) a Zenske oddeleni Ustavu narodniho zdravi Okresniho narodniho vyboru v Praze 4, (reditel KJDr. Z. Vaclavik). HATALA, 1".; V.; RO5,S%'-IAIj'IJ, P. Tachnicka asistence: DIVIS, Z.; DVOR~KOVA, J.; tp~,JAI_E.; VIDI,W-.0VA, H. Pathogenicity of different speci6s of various serotypes of ZacherichJa cali. in the kidneys and urinary tract of rabbilts. Rozhl. chi". 44 no-5:326-333 My'65. 1. Ustav kliniClKf' P. exi,er-mental-ni chirurgie, v Praze prof. dr. B. SrB,,,ej',-, D--Sc.); a Ust,-Y pro choroby obei;a kremle,--) v Praze (reditel: Drof. dr. J. Brod. DrSo.). VAGNEROVA, Kamila; MACURA, J.; CATSKA, Vlasta ------------ Rhisosphere microflora of wheat. I. Composition and properties of bacterial flora during the first stages of wheat growth. II. Composition and properties of bacterial flora during the vegetation period of wheat. T-TI. Fungal flora of wheat rizosphere. Foliu microbiol 5 no-5:298- 330 160. (EEA.I 10:4) 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (Wheat) (Roots (Botany)) (Bacteria) (Rhizosphere) (Fungi) VAGNEROVA, Kamila; 14ANCURA, V. Production and utilization of aminoacido by various species of rhizosphere bacteria. Folia microbiol. 7 no.1:55-60 162. 1. Department of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology Czecho- slovak Academy of Sciences Prague 6. (AMINO ACIDS metatj (BACTERIA metab) VAGNEROVA, Kamila; VANCURA, Vlastimil; LASIK, Jaromir Wzosphers microflora of wheat. pt. 4. p Jl-Ag 163. ost v.7roba 9 no. 7/8:6P,7-,"-2 1. Mikrobiologicky usteLv, Caskooloven,3ka akademie ved., oddeleni pudai mikrobiologia,"Praha. VAGO, A. Complications and reaction in blood tranBfusion. Or7. hetil., 3udap. 93 no.3:74-79 20 Jan 52. (CLML 21:5) 1, Doctor. VAO o' F. 45. The tic I erillina lion of the quantity of mullite In baked ceramic products -- Mullit tpsej,!~O . Igitieh Irle),,- Mro-j"I Art'jimiji IrrInAeAhen --j. to c,ik and VAq. (Building NLIterwis --- P i1J,S)'YJ9 - - Vol 4, 1,)5-i_ to I 1 1--, 111) if I - 215, 5 t1gs , 6 t.tbs ) Fitiditir the optimal conditious for the formation uf 111,1114w. such .0 I"king tulm., Comix),sitioll of the ratv III.itellal. tMAYA'i, t-le. V, ~1:ry imimmoil ul lim m.11111- lattisle 401 kAll leff,tclullt'!, .110 I:,tamits. A japid ind att uraw metIsAx) Ito delvisimiiiij; me imiffite coisivilt 0 11t, bill'I't-ti In'OUCH 1-i lbelt-fum. If the Hungarian Technical Abst. 1, )A- ex.,111111,11 ii filluly Pillyt-ri.,ed with allmit,1111kill Vol. 6 No. 4 1953 4111oll-It! it ..ill I "! 1311)"Ided %~Jlll Calmda I'al-.111k Into mm di,t ~tiLks lor Abve-S,Aeoer X t.ty te.t. X-lay phot". Me .1kab-'e,plently lna,tt: "t [I,,- llll~tw, ,,th CIJK . r.v", N, p kv all.1 15 ll,., diel It it,,- 10. ",A), ,I the i jo A 'kild (I tj $5 A title,; C.,11 1~ dct, I mm''t the mtol-4-ty ,I tit'! 1-. 1-, I-st".11A h, ill-! .111mitity i'l 11111111tt: jew 1-lit V1.11, %vIV 11-ailk whi'll tit 114't I I.; Ow v A - J-, , T-7 c f ar HUNGM/physical Chemistry. Crystals. B Abs Jaw: Ref Zhur-Mimiyaj No 22, 1958, 73044. 1 1 Author : J - Grof as J, 4---V-aiO-- Inst : Acadewl of Sciences of Hungary. Title Study of Polymorphous Conversions of Quartz Taking Tridymite Formation Into Consideration. (Preliminary Report.) Orig Pub: Act& chim. Acad. sci. hung., 1957, U, No 3-4, 35T-358- Abstract: It is shown that the addition of various metal oj:ides to quartz, when it is calcined, results in the formation of various modifications of quartz of various specific gravity (2.65 g per cub. cm in the case of low-temperature quartz and 2.3 9 per in the case of higb-temperature mocU- Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1958, 73044- fications). Besides the specific gravity deter- mination, the process of polymorphous conver- sions of quartz was btudied also roentgenographi- cally, the pictures indicating the presence of christobalite and unaltered quartz but notridy- mite, although the specific gravity of the ob- tained calcined quartz glass vas about 2.3 g per The x-ray data refute the generally accepted opinion that tridymite is the moot import- ant component of Dinas and prove that the methods recommended for the determination of the mineralo- gical composition of refractory Dinas are not ap- p1i cable B Card 2/2 W Cl BWGARtAlicrobiology. G3n,)ral 11,iorobiology. "hysiology F and BiochomiBtry. .*b 8 To ur: Raf Zhur--Biol., vo 2, 1959, 5480. Author : Gall D.; Y2~~ Irst : Not given. Title : Use of the Kinetic Isotopic i,,athod for tho Study of Transport of Substances by Baotoria. Orig Pub; Agrok-am. as talaj, 1957, 6, No 3, 223-232. Abstract; Tho axistence of the process of ;:active trans- Dart-! of substance into a cell is dozonstratud. Card 1/1 16 POLDI, V.; RUSZNYAK, I.; SZABO, G.; VAGO, E. Antihyaluronidase titer of plasma in renal disease and in cardiac edema. Magy. belorv. arch. 4 no.2:66-69 1951. (WIL 20:11) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director -- Dr. Istvan Rusznyak), Budapest Medical University. MILGYAR, 1. * VAGO I , DUBSKY, M. 4-5 Years follow-up of diseases condition after acute hepatitis. Orv. hetil. 94 no.18:488-490 3 MAY 1953. (CIXL 24.5) 1, Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Istvan Rusznyak). Budapest University. I ~ if f4 ~ )7---1 1' r f t- , ~ - "- ~ MAGYAR, 1,;STEKKER, K4YAP916 No Unusual couree of hepatitis with intrahepatic obstructiort, Orv. betil. 94 no.46:1261-1267 15 Nov 1953. (CIML 25:5) L.Doctors. 2* lirst Internal Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Tatvan Russnyak), Budapest Medical University. MAGTAR, I. , ROITA, Gy. ; VAGO, E Heperglyeemia and arteriosclerosis. Acta med. hung. Suppl. 6 no.l., 64-66 1954. 1. 1 11inik fur inners Medizin der Medizinischen Universitat. Budapest6 (HTPIRGLTCAMIA, exper, in etiolo of arteriosclerosis in rabbits) (ARTERIOSCLIROSIS, exper, prod. by byperglycomia in rabbits) MAGYAR, Imre,; VAGO, krzoebet,; MATI, Zoltan. Carbohydrate and icalium metabolism. 3. liffect of glycogen contents of the liver and the muscles on the kalium metabolism. Kisorletes orvostud. 7 no.1:66-72 Jan 55, 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Jggyetem I. oz. Bolklinikaja. (POTASSIUM, sistabolim, off. of glycogen contents in liver & muse.) (GLYCOGXV liver & musc., eff. on potassium astab.) (LIVIR, metabolism potassium, off. of glycogen contents) (14USCLU, glycogen in, off. on potassium metab.) MAGYAR, Imrs.; VAGO. Br2sebet,, HATE,Zoltan. Carbohydrate and')~lium metabolism. 4. Lerulose and kalium. Kiserleten orvostud. 7 no-1:72-77 Jan 55. 1. Budapesti Orvostudonanyi (FRUCTOSE, effects on liver metab.. (POTASSIUM, effects on liver metab.. Baotou I. sz. Bolklinikaja. relation to potassium) relation to fructose) MAGYAR, I..; ROVA, Gy..; YAGO, N. Nxperimental studies on the pathogenesis of diabetic a---- Acta inad. hung. 8 no.1:37-59 1955. 1. 1-st department of medicine and I-at Institute of Pathological Anatomy University Medical School, Budapest. (DIAB M 3 MELLITU3, experimental, causing arteriosclerosis) (ARMIOSCLEROSIS, experimental, caused by diabetes mellitus) i.T1,WRY/F,--armcoloCz, m-A Tox4Lcolo!-,Y. V ,',bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, 1,.) 1-~, 1958, 90027- AuLacr VaE;o, E.; MaLyar, I. f..madclCr of 3c-'c, j -'. .1res . T~. o Relationship Dotwcc-a Carbohydrate and Meta- bolisn in the Liver of DoGs in Carboa T0Urac1!1r);Ade Poisoning - Pub: fcta physiol. %cad- Sci. hunG., 1956, 9, Sumi)l- 37-38. Abs tract: It was dorionstratea previously that n change in soxw.i K values, follminC; actainistration. of sugars, is very iastructive as to the status of Vic (;lyco- genic and GlycoGcnolyt~c fimetions of the liver an( r.mscles. Experitionts were carried out on cl%s po4 soned with carbon tetrachloride (CCII,), and also Card 1/3 Ljj'.rjC' Y/1~har,-m-colory and Tcc:~ r x--;colo,,-,y. V ,~-bs JoDur: Ref Zhur-D-ol-, 1958, goo27. levulose, w"'ich is into ~'-I-Yco~'-cn c-n1y in the liver, but n,)t thL~ i~msclcs- rrJAcw:-:ii- tn'.roduction of dcx~rosc into the intcstinus (T dorjs, no accu;-.mlat-;.r,-.i Of GlYcogen was obm-rv~A ia the poisoned liver, and the K level was in the blood of the ~~ cpatic veins thai-. -:, cl--o jor- tal veins. ILI tho :rLiscles, glycogen was tized under these co:',d.`-'cions and the K value was lower in the per-J.-i-cm! veins than in, V,c r-rtc:rics. FollowinG intravuiwus atl~iinistraticn of duxtroso-, Vnen it first reaches t'ic ;.-,usclr--s and thun the liver, there is so -.-mch K re-ta-ined in the muscles, that its level decreascs ..n the peripheral blood althou5i to a lessor extent thaa n,:,mial rLiirals under ide;Ai- cal conditions (CC14 clupreases t;lycc)C;c:i Y.,:ctv-bcJ.ism Card 2/3 V-51 I -iC-'-R'Y'/PI'Mr-mcology axd Tozicoloc-y- V M, Jour: Ref Zhur-Dial., No Irl, 1958, 90027. ill the imscles) . .'-ftur admilistration of levulosc, the poisoned li.ver syntlictizes glyco6cn better than following adLiii-J-strat -Lai, of dextrose. K is also retained in the moderately dmiaged liver, alt1iout)m hypol:alcuda is compensated by passage of K fro,.-.i the rmscles. No C~Iyco(;(--a synthesis or K retention occurrs ill the liver or muscles in severe liver dianaGe- Ad- i.linistration of galactose., as well as of Glucose, causes hypolmlorlia. The glycoGenic fuliction of the liver can be estiit,.ted when dextrose is administered orally (and not intravenously) by the som.,. K level; the lowerinG of tre K level neans that the liver syntlictizes Glyco[;c-;i, absence of clianj~co t'ic K values siou"Sics 3uppressior of this s,r:it'ausi.s. -- A.G. Lrussilovs!:aya. Card 3/3 MAGTAR, Imrs, dr.; Erzoebet, dr.; JELLINFK, Harry, dr. Carbohydrate metabolism and potassium. V. Carbohydrate metabolism and potassium in liver disease. Magy. belorv. arch. 9 no.4:119-123 Aug 56. 1. A Budapsett Orvostudomanyt 1gyetem I. et. Bolklinikajanak (Igazgato: Rus2rqak. Istvan, dr.; el7etami tanar) kozlemanys. (LIVER, metab. potassium. eff. of sugars in orper. lesions induced b7 carbontetracbloride in dogs (Run)) (CARBOHYDRATES, eff. sugars, on liver potassium content In exper. livcr lesions induced by carbontetracbloride in dogs (Hun)) (POTASSIM, metab. liver, eff. of sugars in exper. liver lesions induced by carbontetrachloride in dogs (Hun)) , - r /I ~3_ In HUNGARY/General Problem of Pathology - Tumors. T-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1., 1958., 3230 Author : Horanyi, M., Vago, E. Inst Title Positive Thorn Test in Gastric Carcinoma Accompanied by Eosinophilic Leukemoid Reaction. Orig Pub Orv. Hetilap, 1956, 97, No 22, 611-612. Abstract An eosinophilic leukemoid reaction (22,000 WED/1 cu mm; 54% eosinophils) was observed in a 76 year-old patient with a gastric carcinoma. In the bone ra row as well, eosinophils predominated (50-64); there were 2-3% myeloblasts. Fo" owing administration of 25 mg of ACTH the number of eosinophils was decreased by 61%. SZOLMOKI, J.tAAW-*-~- DecompositXon and hunification in the soil of straw narked with isotope C14. Acta agronom Hung 9 no-3/4.-407-414 159. (ELkl 9:7) 1. Bodenbiologiache Gruppe des Forachunginatitut3 fur Bodenkunde and Agrikulturchenie der Ungarischen Akademie der Wlasenschaften, Budapest. (Hungar7--Straw) (Radioisotopes) (Carbon) gardi,d :t I rvw I j,i o, !,t, ao;i, u r; of m:t ri-O 1 r~;*, j A y fte ullit (.4 f;!1,.- lw j, it f 1'. at I, , 'I- mnl conduptivilv. Th~! f1,111 t-tt~Iin w, the vh:xr~,illw of xl;,~ At fjr~t, alifl J;jt~r, i miktrol jr, :,r llavt! bei~n 11~v(l hy Oir alithor; Vj~ 1-4t~,r ojv~ ti %vcll. muchin-2 ~, the I-Aor: ory oi -Im K. Gott The epark ctittin iTIlry wufd, f,,rmf-r '-'(:avz" baj I)een miAturtrd with elcetrodynamip. control, and Fv,~ry gra,'..- of mak-hining call be, ewitched )n either directly (,. througli a imtgna s-.6tch by hand control. The a~:rurnvv rif the tooLq prtAuced. with tho Apark cutting m.,whing is C.Oi ma. Ff)rrn fidelily Lj obtained by Amall mitput, !fjrlarv ralkh itY t"". oi,., rojillf,nn'm Nfi-hirjinx of tunpun mtrO ran ItL- the N~elmmtion of 0.5-1.0 mm'firt', --with a virfii,e fini.~h of h- - I miuon. Author claims tbt LUA pro.-f,durr., ii alto tided with ruell-int. la""'Umion. l,rom nwlmr'~ tmmu.kry tq A. Hungary 621.9.018.5 L,~995. TlKvr3, Of dectriv 'Inth mnchirtlog_ and dig lpfoem umi. 49. I ZIII. 1-2, 21-35 litmarian. Bask problems ol ckoro-crusion machinirg arc explai"A and exampk-4 of it., application tire shown t in tool-making. Details of coittrul ~yitcmi are ektn and the 155ed. application of ffe nzw whniqui:s dkci A --f- A-1-1 a I it I. A 01 f (A A I I Q F ?-.A -r- I AA 40 CC IN 1, 1-6 1 a f -1~ 00 go Unhairims Militia. (1yotSy Vien, thing. 1111.10M, 00 9 %pt. 1, 11KI7. Sbxhtly rediwing agents are adol"I to %sil. go a Ark "un. which are Ams, ru,I ds-pilaimir and I he 0~" vahm of the clepilmory Will is held as It -12.5. V. or., a lhich I I it) ka. SWAY& is. 4 ks Val-iffs'l .N. 4 fift-tv .00 ASI1 ITTIM l.5kk;XAtSII it) in LWO 4,1111 00 4 'a& -90 water for ~.Is lifts Lie. hule. Unhatimic I- N,mphs, at 2U in 24-~W his. .00 00 00 00 00 00-4 =go 00 J, As 0, 00 41 00 .00 0 .90 go Ao too --so -Ao a S 0. V L A ftffAk&U'fKAk 1,1111VA14,41 CIAWFKAVICk tj IT- -- , . * a a ; 4 1 , I I ; pt 'A I A I -W ii so to t, if v is K it N u t 41 0 o 0 & 0 0 0, o a o * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 e 0 6 0 0 0 0YOO 000 00.0 0 0 00 0 0 4, 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 a a 0 0 0 000 0 go* 0 0009 0 0 0 4 0 0000000000040060000040000'c0 w ~ 0 0 0 03 Is 16 It to It A III v 0 JW 25 is It A to z 11 v w b k 1, a h 6 I I v y , v I 00 4 00 00 00 00 00 si r The tbowy ef lin3jag in the Itstber indw&y. (;Yfaxy-- 00 C I ;T limar 2. Ill WittlWO. fly4lililyfle lim- 00 J Slirlie Wit)(11; MIUCing I&CV0111 Are fAphl. l "JAY I)C 114flTdill tj~ the VA11141417 kVFA- , 041 .1 hair. Alk. preff"truTnt of hair hall A gtwA effect in such caws. ThethrurYanilPfacti-film)k J13. immunization aful of The hair-remeevinit effect of aminr% J.,i il S S t oo rt , e c . y air ifr"lxd in domil. 00 00 IF 0 0!0000000000000*0*0*00000 27 0 *00 -0 0 1-00 0,0 o =00 40 0 ZO zo ;00 SO* z:00 too 200 NOO 0 3 0 a I ow~ -CF 4 a a n It It it Or RL2 n 1. ONO GLOOO;Ooooooooooo 00 *O*Oo,Ooooooooooooooo0000:00040090000000*0 w0 0 C4, v,. t -at ~f 7f~. N -71 17 _-L -7-7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - KI i - ; -1 ,f 1 -4 ~-, ~ - , . /V 0 HUNGARY / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H-35 Their Application. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-.Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 3363. Author Vago, G v ~"W Inst 0 Title Concerning the Article "Now Liming Methods". Orig Pub: Bor os cipotechnika, 1956, 6, No 3, 66-69. Abstract: See R. Zh. Khim., 195?, 3173. Card 1/1 110 VAGO, Gy. Problems of storing 2nd lixivpting sumac; changeabi'-Ity of th~- t2nnin of sumac. ` No. 1, !';ir 1~147, Budape t, I., j p. L . (Bor-Es Cipotechnik~, Vo3- 7# -1 . s waary, SO: Monthly 1A.-it of East European Aceess;ons (EFAI) LC, voi. 6, ".,o. ti, ;tut, 1957. Uncl. I vj~ ) ( ~ C Y HUNGAIRY/Chemical Teohnology,ICheraical Products and Their H-35 Appl-icatir-n, Part 4. - Leather, Furs, Gelatin, Tan. %Dg AgtXLt3, Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour: Ref,*-,::at. Khimiya, No 10, 1958, 34833- Author : Jao--lo Badnoti, Gybrgy Va' ' KAlman Fekete. 90) Inst :Not Giv?r- Title :Retinairg of VeCetably Tanned Leather Fibers in Leather BoLrd Meaufact'are - Orig Pub: Bbr- es cipbtechziika, 1957,, 7, No 2, 47-50. Abstract: Waste leather was retanned with Al and Cr salts after the tannides had been removed. For example., a 10 to 15%-ual A12(S04)3 solution was alkalized with soda to the alkalinity of 25 to 34 at 35 to 400 before the tannage; in order to avoid the formation of Al soap, leather should bewashed thoroughly before oiling. Card 1/2 Ter.!.rolo-, Chemical Pxoducts aud Their Applicatioa, Pae.; 4. - Leather) Furs, Gelatin, Tanning Agents, Industrial Proteins. A7cs Jour! Pef.Zrr,~t. Zhux-nal Kbimllya, No 10, 19581 343033- An excess of A120003 decreases the tonsil strength of fibers. SIr-Uar results were obtained at the retannage with 1V,-ual Cr203- Considering that the retanned fibers are not strong enough, it is expedient to use them mixed with chrome leather shavings for manufacturing leather board. A treatment of retanned fibers with CHL>O does not alter their mechanical properties, but rises their sweat resistance. Card 2/2 HUNGARY/Chemical Teclmolog!,P, CheLdcal Products and Their H-35 Appij.cati-m, Part 4. - Leather, Furs, Gelatin, TarL-,-=.3 Age'lt3, Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhumal Khimiya, No 10, 1958, 34831. Author Gybry Vagoo Laszlo Ifiedner. Inst Title Tanning w.:i-h Dicyandiamide Resins. Orig Pub: Bbr ea cipbtechn., 1957, 7., No 3., 53-57. Abstract: A synthetic tanning agent "Plastan", condensation product of dicyandiamide with formoldehid , was pre- pared. It is soluble in water and contains about 44cp4 of dry substances and about 1.6~ of ashes. In the presence of an alkaline catalyst (C)p the condensation product congeals in storage; in the case of the reaction with an equivalent amount of hexamethylenetetramine in- Card 1/2 HUNGARY/chemical Technology, Chemical Prodvcts and Their H-35 Applicatio.a, Ibxl; 4. - Leather, Furs, Gelatin, Tann�ng Agents, Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal K111mlYa.- No 10, 1958, 34831. stead of CH,O + NH31 sol is preBarved 1 year. An increase of C1120 conecentration accelerates the condensation at first, a great excess of CH20 stabilizes the resin. "Plastan!' is similar to the syntan Retingan R6. Card : 2/2 f", 2~i -- - .,. .. . . 17 Vit CfT r ; ~y 0 Pir. o n S . F3:_" JOI.JR. it T f2i~' I ot.#; 1 1_44 n p Tr~ ft o P r r q? f r.n oil f-.)7 P I P I 1T.Sy : n on Ty- JLj~.trjtjj roA~(,jv,s. p '20 nil p r n (IT T:i rt n n 17 r. r (I i. V r - ir,7. 0/2 A WaterprcoCing and .ts agents in thp leatt:er industry. (To be contd.) p. 55. POR-ES CIPOTECIMTKA. (Boripari. Tudomanyos Eaesulet mint a Magyfkr Tudor"anyos Egyesulotek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EMI) LCP Vol. 8, No. 7, JUIY 1959. Uncla. Utiliz-~tiori of 3rifil,~- 'iqt:cr-, in 4 t?cri.cmiri W-.domanyos Ea-esulet ,iint a A'la;yir Tvrlawin~,os Egyesuletek 3zovetsege Tageaesu:Lete) Budape-A, Humggary Vol. 9, no-5, Get.1959 ,Xonthly TiSt of Last European Accessi--ns (LEAT) 1,C., Vol.p, no.12, Dec. 1.959 Uncl. VAGOS GY., MI, J., VAPG'Aj P. -.- ------- Autoxidation of vegetoble oils in the leather industry. In Germn, p. 368. ACTA Chimica. Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 20, No. It, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb 1960 Uncl, VAGO, Gyorgy, Dr.; LENART, Anna A new method for measuring the sludginess of vegetable., tstnninj extracts. Bor cipo 10 no-5:129-134 S 160. 1. Boripari Kutato Intezet. VAGO, Gyorgy, dr. Modified protein bindink materials. Bor cipo 12 no,5/6:351-155 0 162. 1. Boripari Kutato Intezet. GEMNE GLUCKLICH,Judit; VAGJ,G orgy - - - ~Y.. Lr Polarographic determ-l ation o' the momyner tents of ethyl-acn -- casein frdxturp-s. Ya;-Zr kem folvAr- ylate no.4:181-184 Ap 162 1. Bor- Cipo- es Szomeipari Kutato Inte:,,et, thidapest. VAGO, Gycrgy, dr.; ?al --- I- ~ - p I- - N(~wer --. -.' --~ --- I ~-- I ~ L , -;. auxilinry lo. Lor cij,o -I!, ti(-,.4: ', 3-: ",' J ' ,. 1. Aw-,earci., irmt J Ll.,tv) of t.rr, I E~ ~ n.::.,.~ ~.ry *," -.1 ~7, ' Leat,her lmiu~%try 11 1! t)ri!l L Lirt: 1, ),, Cipotechnikall (fur Elnli). VAM, Gyorgy, dr. 4 .- Stuffing of 14~h'-herO dTiec' ',!- -,' ,:. - ": -f:! sc Bor cipo 1). no.~,:165-16!-# N! 'r;4. L 31456-66 EWP(t)/ETI jjp(C) JJD/JG/AT SZRJkd-E-CCDE- ---IIU70-Cjj-l-/6-676tk5-/662To62Y/6543 ACC--NRi kP602)098 AUTHOR: F Erno (S 2til taff scienttat); 3zlicap ~ibor--Syuch, T. (Staff spinjqist); Vrgo, ~Gyorgy (Staff scientist) ORG: (Fotil Central Research Instit-ite for_!Ilysics (Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet)-l [Szucs, Vagol for Communications Technologic qjjqq4~~Iry (Hiradastechnikai Iparl Kutato 1ntP-zWt-j TITLE: Suspended-drop metal ovaporation by electron bombardment SOURCE* Finommechanika, no. 2, 1966, 41-43 TOPIC TAGS: electron bomb2rdmpnt, niobium, generator, evaporation ABSTRACT: The suspended-drop technique for metal evaporation by electron 'bombardment was described. The instruments and operations involyed were discussed on the basis of an example involving the evaporation of niobium.I(The current generator and output stabilization were described in some detail and some special considerations pertaininE to the process were outlined. (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 110 18j, 20 / SU13M DATE: none Card L 11352-67 ['-'Wl'(k) 1ZWP(v) /E'JP'(t 9-V-3 1) ACt_1TR_t=t)032798 SOURCE CODE: IIU/0031/66/000/009/0265/0273 AUTHOR: Szucs, T. (Scientific assistant); Vago, G. (Scientific aosintant) V Y ORG: Research Institute for the Communications Technolog-lSill.Industry (Ili ra d 5s -te ch-n-i ka i _I~`a-Ff_K_ut a-t- 6--n-t-e-ze t TITLE: Electron beam weldina of thin metal sheets [Paper presented at a Session sponsored jointly by the Technology Department of the Association for Measuring Techniques and Automation, the Association for Acoustics and Film Technology, and the ScienLific Association for Communications Technology held on 23 May 19661 SOURCE: Finommcchnnika, no. 9, 1966, 265-273 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, metal welding, welding technology, beryllium compound, heat sink ABSTRACT: The authors review the literature dealing with the electron beam welding of! < lmm thick metal sheets and describe their experiences gained in the welding of beryllium bronze thin films at the Mechanical Measuring Instrument Works (Mechanikai Meromuszerek Gyara). This film is b.12 mm thick. Satisfactory results were obtained by using the following setup. (Fig. 1) The frame is made of Bz 2 tin-bronze; the con-, figuration illustrated provides for adequate heat sink, a lack of which function had prevented electron-ray welding of this membrane since the large amounts of heat re- quired for the melting of the Bz 2 in the configurations used previously damaged the .---T. 11 5Z-_67__ CC NRt AP6032798 film edge. The parameters of the welding operations are: acceleration voltage, 25 kV; beam current (in the operating chamber), metal 6 mA; welding time, 3 sec (one revolution ofi the jig); amount of heat supplied, 450 Wsec:! melt Fig. 1. Welding technology devel- oped for Type C heads. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: none _1/2 (i.e., 107 cal). Operating hints and means- of preventing common errors are presented. The authors thank their associates at the Third Main Department for Physics at the Central Research Institute for Physics (Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet 111. Fizi-I kai Foosztalya), primarily Erno Foti, the I project leader, for the theoretical and practical assistance given in the experi- mental work; Katalin Marosvolgyi for her conscientious metallographic and other analytical efforts; and Gyorgy Ispanki for his assistance in the welding and evaluation! of the numerous test specimens. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 18 figures. VAGO, I. (Budapest XI., Muegyetem rakpart 3); UZSOKY, M. (Budapest XI., , -- - Muegyetem rakpart 3) New method for calculating admittance of disc triodes at small signals. Periodica. polytechn e3Actr 5 no.2:107-127 161. 1. Tehrstuhl- fur Theoretieche Electrizitatslehre an der Technischen Universitat. Vorgelegt von Prof. Dr. K. Simonyi. VAPOO 1. (Budapest, XI., Muegyetem rakpart 3) 1....... ...., A new high~--frequency measuring bridge. Periodic-a polytechn electr 5 no.4:389-393 161. 1. Lehrotuhl fur Theoretische Ele)Ltrizitatalahre, Tecbnische UniverBitat, Budapest Vorgelegt vbn Prof.Dr.K.Simorqi. VAGO, latvan (Budapest, KI., Muegyetem rak-pmr-I.- 3) Calculation of the chars -.terA- a tic a 6f radiatlng traval.'r.'..; waves with losses in overhead horlAzonial. wire &nter-ag. Periodica. polytechn electr 8 no.l.-47-63 164. 1, Kafedra. teorotichaskikh oanov elaktrotakhniki Budapnen', okogo politakhnichaskogo instituta. Predstavleno zav. Wedroy prof. K. Simonyi. VAGO., Ist7an (Dudape~,:t, ZI., MuoUetex rakpart 3) The thoery of txanzmission liner, conaijUng of cylindrl'-.2-1 ~4aals on the basis of the elootxomagnetic field. Feriodica palytehcn electr 8 no.3:251-264 164. 1. DepartmenL of Tbearetical Eleatricity or Polytechnir,&.1 UnLvtiralty Budapest, Received Fabrurary 17, 1964. VAGO, Janos Incentive *awards and plans for labor productivity incrtagei ir. the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Pt.l. Munka szmmle 5 no.:ls28-31 mr 161. VAGO, Jan-os- Incentive awards and plans for lahor pmductivity increase in the Czech,-., slovak Socialist Republic. Pt.3. Munka szemle 5 no.4:28-32 Ap 161. VAGO, Janos ,,- State of the average wage economy in the iron and -n-T-allurgical industry during the year 1963. Mulika szemle 8 no. 6: 4-8 Je 164. KOVAILCZY, Gyorgy; VAGO, Jeno The Szentes television transmitter. Hir techn 22 no.3:91-'-6 Je 1,60. 1. I-lagyar Posta. f i