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14 Z / ly'a kj US?W/CVemistry - Tire cords FD-1731 Card 1/1 : Pub. 50-7/18 Authors : Uzina, R. V., Ionova, T. V., Vasillyeva, S. A. Title : The effect of a high hygroscopicity of viscose cord on the quality of automobile tire casings Periodical : Khim. prom., No 1, 34-39, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract : The harmful effects of a high moisture content in viscose cord are described. It is recommended that the Main Administration of Cord Production ["Glavkord"), Ministry of the Consu rs' Goods Industry, initiate work on the reduction of the hygroscopicity of viscose cord. Three references; one LESSR, since 1940. one figure, 11 graphs. 2 tables. Institution : Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry 0 UZINk. R.V.; DOSTYAN. H.3.; GUSBYA, V.1e; KALININA, A.A. Intex-carbon black compounds for impregnation of tire cord. Xauch. Irea. 16 no.12:11-18 D '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatelokly Institut shinnoy pronWahlonnosti. (Rubber) (Tire fabrics) axe 3Ns, A%~7kw, V. r-b- M.' I.. 1;-h'- , Y.G. X.G.. W T"Ma, Vj~yl-;;Mltr, ftb",,X'-A lAtexes AM cutimla M ibol, U.. VvA'CV:CJLL, Yaxo.lavak. V-st' (3~arkY= TA-slavsk, *Am. &I.. r-ra), 1953. No. 5. rp. 22-25 Tsx-r, Co;4lMrs or bu%4dt*n* wid 2-mtl-41-t,-vlnyl rrrld--n# (VYKI OM "b%&N-4 be- aml ;wly-lzstl~ tampvrit-a -d w, 0 ~ -d tat g~lratlon of WK-le"Lzod rutbc~~coods -:4-AlbIj U.-. r v4lr~txod prtducts f~ bQt&ilA,v-2tyr*ne mtbtr. IrX3). Rwbt- h- hlelh q..Ztty %I- Air o.". vpx 1.%-. Jh..-- of Kith SO -d SKS -bbr.. C..;-.d t. tnxd.~l rJj lup~c-tlm- TFK lepresnation lh-m-s the cMes--m st-gth or mtb- C-1 1/2 -,,J ty . '"-,r of I5-Z -4- stat'c c2nd-t!ons Aid -h ~re =I-r d,, -titto~. %FK, 5-C -j-A q-litj of obt.,-d Tr-%.*-,ur's Mtoi ThIs 1. the tull translatt- or crjgL~Aj lluszj~ Ab. t,u t SOV-/138-98-7-4/19 AUTHORS: Uzina, R.V., Basin, V-Ye-, Dostyan, MI.S.' TITLE: The Strength of the Bond Bptween Tyre Cozd - Adhe_=I'-~ and Rubber (K voprosu 0 prochnostf svyazi si-stemy kord - adgeziv - rezina) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, 1958, vr 7, PP 13 - 18 (USSSR) ABSTRACT: The authors consider that theories which reGard them adhesion between Inlymers as being a function of inter- molecular and chemical interaction satisfy experimental finding better than other theories. The basic point of failure in the system, tyre cord - adhesive - rubber is usually at the interface between the adhesive and the rubber. In order to increase the stren-th of bond at this point, it is essential to raise intermolecular action by incor- porating substances with active functional Eroups which will brin,,,, about cl'-emical bonds between the adhesive and rubber. The adhesive or rnaterial with which the cord is impre6nated must have sufficient cohesiveness to with- stand dynamic deformations, have high elastic modulus, high peel strength and goDd thermal resistance. Cardl/4 SOV/138-58-7-4/19 The Strength of the Band Det!.Veen Tyre Cord - Adhesive and Rubber The method of "luminescent analysis" (Ref 3) -,;Jth ultra-Tiolet li.,--ht -.,as used to study tle boundaries at- which fallure O~Ourc_. Fie~ure la shows characteristics of adhesive fai.lure at tILe adhesive-rubber interface and Figure 1b of co-hiesive failure. Further studies -.,-:ere made of throads of' the cord from trres which h;3d failed under high magnificat '-on - Fir-ure 2. The usuai impregnating mteria'l for cord is non-polar (natural latey. or divinyi-styrol), and does not increase adhesion bet-;,een cord and rubber. Addition of polsr substances to this$ non-polar, latex increases adhesion. FiGure 3 sI;oT,,:,3 t 1 *is 6ain in strexigth with up to 30,'L addition. by veicl-ht, of, Curve 1, resorcii)al formaldehyde and, Curve 2, casein. FigLLre 4 sho~-.,s tLe in-)rove.,rent with different percentaEes of (4a) cEirboxyl &roups and (4b) vinylpiridine L.-roups in the latex viith difhrejib rubbe-rs - thte top cvrve bein6 natural rubber, the middle SKB and the b3ttom SKS-ZOAL! in each case. The addition of albumens or caseins in latex raises the intermolecular action with cellulose and the addition Uard2/4 SOII/138-5877-4/19 The Strength of the Bond 'Retveeti Tyre Cord - AdLesive and, RublLer of resorcinal formaldeh,-d.e increases chemical interaction - Figure 5a. Curves 1 for the latter and Cur7es ~ for casein. Figure 5b shovs the result of sirailar addition-- on the 5th of the bond to Sn rubber. Addition of resorcinal- strenF formaldehyde to latexes which already contain functijnal groups must be made with discretion and can, in some cases, decrease the bond strenL.-th throuf)i increE?sed intcr- molecular acti.)n within the film of ifitprc-Cnant itself. Figure 6 illustr,--,tcs this. The question of introduction of vulcanisinE agents -into the cord impreLt,pItin--- material is considered. Date sugLests that sulphur should not be added since it vill miF,rate into the cord frorr,, the rubber in any ca.,,e. Addition of sulT)hur to im-prc-Lnants of latex-casein composition Worsen~t.'ne rcsi~-tance to repeF.,ted compression, as shov..-n J-P- Table 1. Addition of an acceleratinE aCent DMASK to late.x-c,.-seic or latex-resorcinal-formaldehyde iirpievrants improve this rcsistance - Toble 2. Further v:ork confirms the importo rice of good bondinr betiveen cord and rubber with field tests - Fi;-,ui:-,-, '~. (jard3/4 Other fiCures show the inflUE!nCC.' of additions of rc-sorciiial- SOV/13~ 0'-58-?-4/19 The Stren6th of the Bond Eetvl~een Tyre Cord - Admesi-ve and Rubber formaldehyde on thc breakin, stren.-th, modulus c;rjd portioiial elonL,,!tion of latex filn:s and, siril.,rly, for ad-flitions of carbox,,11 functionol Croups FiLures C, ~nd pin~;17.77 corisi6er;tion is Liven to Ue ncttlir- of the adherents it) rel,-,tion to adhesion. A roughened c3rd surfz,ce if.,.-proves adhesion. Charwel black iL the rubber comr,isi".ion is r,ood !.-_n6 subs.11cmces such as benzyl cllloric'e, ri-nd benzo-t-richloride lead to stronj:-or bonds throu6h inci. eased cbemj-,.ce-.l reaction. The effect of small additions of the latter into the rubber composition is shovn in Figures 10 and 11, the cord impregnant in t"As case beir~g divinyl-2-metYl-5-vi~,iylpiridine latex. There are 10 figures and 12 references of which are Soviet 2 BnElish and 1 Uerman. ASSOCIATIOD: vauchno-issledova.tellskiy irstitut s.'Lianoy .7-romy- shler-n-1-4 fr.'-.4'.ntific RPL;earch Institute of the Tyre Industry) Oard4/4 1. Tires--Design 2. Tires--Mechanical properties 3. Polymers --Adhesion 4. Tires--Test results --UZINA, R.Y.; BASIN, Y.T*.; DOSTTIH, H.S. Problest of bead-stobility of the myoten card-odhomiye-rubber. Kauch. t ros. 17 no. 7:13-18 Jr 158o (Knu 11:7) 1. lbuchno-imeledovetallskiy institut shinnoy promyshlencosti. (Rubber) (Adhesion) AUTI~ORS: Uzina, R.V. and Basin, V.Ye. SOV/138-528-:1-5/14 TITLE: Gas Perraeability of Rubbei-cord Material (Gazopronits- ayemost' rezino-kordnykh sis-mm) IV--( - PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina.9 1958A Nr 11, pp 18 - 21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Permeability of gas through a polymer film results from absorption into the film, diffusion through the film and desorption on the other side. Initially, the gas is fully absorbed into the film and there is no &-jozption. The rate of diffusion then gradually increases and finally attains a constant rate. The factors involved are strongly influenced by temperature and are related to the energy of activaticn of the material. Permeability tests were made using a Varburg apparatus, the diffusion chamber of which is shown in Figure 1. The diameter of the rubber-lord specimen is made the same as that of the perforated plate in the chamber, 103 mm. The rubber-cord specimen is surrounded by a ring of plain rubber which is vulcanised to the test specimen, as in Figure 2 and provides an edge seal of the same thirkness as the specimen. In order to measure gas penetratien Cardl/4 along the cord, other specimens were prepared as in Gas Fermeability of Rubber-cord Material SOV/138-58-11-5/14 Figure 3, where a thread of cord material is bonded between two rubber layers and protrudes through them at the ends of the thread. The permeability of the sample is determined by formula (1) from pressure difference in a r4enometer connected to the chamber below the sample which has area A and thickness d . The specific permeability Q = P/d for a sample of unit thickness is given in Eq (2), where Pi - P2 is the pressure difference by the md1nometer on concluoion of a test of duration H seconds at a1emperature of T abs . Formula (3) gives the'quantity of gas penetrating along a thread or capillary of area S Figures 4 and 5 plot quantity of nitrogen gas diffusing through natural rubber - viscose cord samples with the cord impregnated with various latex impregnating mixes, and also the quantity diffusing through plain film made from the same latex compositions. Quantity is plotted against pressure in PSWe 4 and against temperature in Figure 5. The fact that the impregnated cord samples and the latex film samples have similar curves, suggests that permeability Card2/4 is determined primarily by the rubber covering layers and Gas Permeability of Rubber-cord Material SOV/138-58-11-5/14 the layer of impregnating matekial. Table 1 shows the influence on permeability of various polax additives to films of latex compositions used for cord impregnation. Table 2 - the influence of various impregnating compositions on the permeability of natural rubber - viscose card specimens. Permeability is sharply reduced by addition of casein or resorcinal formaldehyde to the latex impregnant. Table 3 gives permeability of rubber-cord specimens with natural, natural plus butyl and of chloroprene rubbers in conjunction with cotton, viscose and with nylon cords in both impregnated and unimpregnated conditions. Chloroprene rubber shows very low permeability as compared with natural rubber. The influence of the depth of impregnation into the cord fabric and into individual threads from the cord is shown in Table 4. Diffusion through the cord fabric in a directic-j perpendicular to the fabric is influenced little by depth of impregnation but permeation along the threads is strong1v influenced by this factor. In the event of a puncture or damage to the tyre, causing the ends of the cord threads tc Card3/4 Gas Permeability of Rubber-cord Material SOV/138-58-11-5/14 be exposed, permeation along the threads could be considerable if they are not deeply impregnated. Table 5 shows the quantity of as permeating along the threads of rubber-cord sampleb made up with cords of cotton, of viscose and of nylon material in both impregnated and unimpregnated condition. There are 5 figures, 5 tables and 13 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 5 English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-ii3sledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promy- shlennosti (Research Institute for the Tyre Industry) Card 4/4 IONOVA, T.V.; UZINA, R.Y.; BDGOWWVA, R.A-; KOGILIVSKIT, Ye.K.; ROGOVIN, Z.A. jVfect of the chemical composition of reagents on the bond strength between viscose cord thread and rubber. Te"t. prom. 18 no-8:35-37 Ag 158o (MIRA 11:10) (Rayon) (Textile chemistry) (Tires, Rubber) UZIN, Semen Vladimirovich; LIPETS, Yu.G., red.; KALKICS, B.N., mladshiy reu,; DOGTIAC-I.I., [What the map does not show] 0 chem molchit karts. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 94 p. (MIFLA 12:8) (Names, Geographical) I AC~U..6: V.L., arb,rov, '-1,, F :teen' I ! 4 z4 ro~. UQ=a-,L9Y-. P07.ner. ~oi;azllV 7, I V. To - I . T~11~:. zprapar~uioa of IaLexds 01~~aimol by too Copalyz~rl.mtloa of Butadleme ad - i-ez4yl-5-VinylyrIdi=e. on! -'-heir Una for rm- fi`Opoliior:[zatsijj~utaclIyv" a 2-metil-i-vizLilpiridinox I prizenenlys 3i= d1ja propltki shl-go korda) B~RILVICA.Lz laucbtxk L rosiza, 1959, !Ir 3, pp 6 - 9 (TISZR) AN-3-RAZTs'Mie addition of copolymers Of butadiane mnd 2-=mthyl-5- WillilpyrIdims, and &'-no of rripolyzars concl.4-Ir-g cf butadione-sty mail, and Incritatits strear.4 between the rubber &=4 the cord by 80 rite barA to 100% Beg 5 - 8), The copolymari~tton ef t~Tmd.'*=a ( &md d-matr,71-5-vinylpyridine van investigated a=4 the otrtalzed lacexes were evaluated as I=qrv %al;L-Ig agents. "no two compounds were copolymarised at 41A 50 C. in 5 -a teats &&Its of syntharle fatty acids were used as enulatfiers and "Laukanol" was added an stabillsor. Pot&saiu2 persulphate ~as used as polymerisation talzlatcr Card 1/4 and 0.01 to 0.005 .01j;bt/voluma of Trlloz B mr-tom, the Proca a awas mrried O"t at 500C (Leopropylbezzaan irydrc- 38--OxIdsl we& "ad when tL. copoly~.ri~atlon prccoodaj at; Q. Purthdralo:4, 0.001~', mothy-,-p-a "Rhe ~I-wftv 4da'd ol b~ m- 4 Poly=rlaalica La~ibit 6 a or. e . ts n Za lft 1 LzAicata t:.- the addition of Ihe ia.~,' biror do** non affwv the r&Z~ of CDpQIym%rAxaCicn . be L"Matima Man allowed %0 proteed (at both process temperatures) until a ',!. to t3~,, converbion am& reached after 6 -a 12 bouxs~FIC,"" 1). The umrsacted mono=arn sure separated from t!:* LAt*X by vacuunt difitillation and 2- of Neozova D alded to tho re" ared latex. -to effcr of -hd addition of ZiptvxLd i ' di s.qrepyl xantLagan dLsulp!~114) on tLe hardness of . ~ _Jymer was tested (Flelru 2). Bu-.h typez ~f the ,.wed good mactaolcal properties. laz*x was QLrd 2/4 fux-ther used for Impregnating v1sco" &ad polya=ds cords -;6d on rmturale butadisaii in ConSuactlaa with rubl; -ra 'Ca (313) &ad with butadlendl-stYre- Th. quantity of 2-=ethyl-5-vlzylpyridlz4 contained 10 the fazes effects the bond strength b6t-A t!" yl-oxft card and the rubbers; (Viguria 3). -'th C the bond is achieved when N=uta ltroae~ 0 for-~ ditr'yde regime &XID added to the copolymer (Pigtlre 4). Improved physical and malh-olcAl properties of the &dho"'ve fLIZ3 result %hen 10% by weight of 2-m&thYl-5-v-YIPYr--lms are "'la'd ns ef:&ct of varjous quantit!,os a! rvioroin- (Tsbl& 2). T ol-fo=aldshydo realms on the strength of b0adi=16 t-dt"*n t1se Cord and the rubber was laves'.I.G.Lted (FLF-Imd 54t a an& 0). Changes in the planticl-y or the poj7:::*r effect the physical Mal mechanical .1 ~t- i I riix and the bonding between thit cord and the rubtro. sew.Lits of relevant experiwzt~ are shown IM ir~ TV ItL* pby~jcel &a4 mechanical properties of the a4-001~* proved and the stmngth of bonding '10 I=c-%AW.A are is Card 3/4 when lowerial; the poly=arisation temperature (Table I)- Table 4 given the date on,the strength of boodi-1Z of the wiscogi, zord with ~r,ous tyre rubberil. -`t- sitlv"Kth of bonding van particularly S.,ti&factory %hen natural rubber was used and when the latexua "r- P3IY=-r'-4 at 50C. re are 7 figures, 4 tables and 10 rdforvnc-S r! -111 Al am znglist' 6C-v3'6t- A&~OCIA-'ICINI jI&'JC=0-iCSl.d0VaVQl'dkiy insttut morc~oro~ ally. IIK! sauchao-iLsledovasollikly injt3.tU; Shinnoy prC=Y.]; VAQr.zyu=yy nau.La- -14~jodc outal, akly L1.6t it'4t sizLot -'lk- vsk,o "U:bukk I Taro Slavvicly Chinon raV44 1114tt":1-0 for WCOQ63.4 for tie ULQ in j~yntg4tj, iiraseir-b luaCr-u-to for 15(9) SOV/63-4-1-6/31 AUTHOR: Uzina, R~V-., Candidate of Chemical Sciences TITLEt The Stability of the Bond in the Systems Fabric-Rubber and Methods for Its Improvement (Prochnost' svyazi v s_~stemakh tkani-rezina i puti yeye povysheniya) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennosti, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 42-49 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The factors determining the stability of the bond between rubber and fabric are the followingi thq nature of the ad- hesive- its physi-cal-chemioal properties and the nature of the glued surfaces~ The type of the emulsifier, the polymerization temperature.... the length of the hydrocarbon chain of the polymer, etc~.influence the stability of the bond between the impregnated cord and the rubber.~ A latex polymerized from divinyl and styrene at low temperature in the presence of salts of the paraf- fin acids, like SKS-30ShKhP~ increases this stability. In the USSIL carboxyl-containing latexes for the impre4nation of tire cords have been synthesized ~_Ref 2, 3, 8; 11_/~ They are poly- merization products of divinyly styrene and methacrylic acid, Card 1/3 like SKS-30-1, or divinyl and methacrylic acid, like SKD-1~ The SOV/63-4-1-6/31 The Stability of the Bond in the Systems Fabric-Rubber and Metilods for Its Im- provement introduction of protein substances into the latex increases the stability on the interface cord-impregnated layer due to the interaction of the polar amino-groups of the protein and the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose. The addition of resins to the adhesive increases the stability on the interface adhesive- resin. Isocyanates enter into reactions with the hydroxyl groups of cellulose as well as with the double bonds of the rubber. The physical-mechanical properties of the latex films are determined by the use of various emulsifiers and the re- duction of the polymerization temperature; by an increase of the polar groups in the latex; by the introduction of an active filler. The smooth surface of synthetic fibers reduces the stability, whereas the hairy cotton fibers increase it. In the system cord-adhesive-rubber the principal destruction takes place on the interface adhesive-rubber. A chemical bond must be established on this interface. thereforeq either by using adequate resins, like iso,,,yanate resin, or by introducing various substances into the coating rubber and the impregnat- ing compounds, which form the chemical bond during vulcaniza- Card 2/3 tion. Caseine and hemoglobin are the principal protein additions SOV163-4-1- 6/31 The Stability of the Bond -Ln -,he Syszems Fabric-Rubber and Yethods Its I=- provement to latexes Z_Ref 21, 22; 34_7. Recently latex-resorcin-formal- dehyde dip_parsions are rep-acing the latex-protein dispersions ,~_Ref 39_/_ Latex-carbon black dispersions have been developed recently containing also piotein and resorcin-.formaldehyde com- ponents for the impregnation of viscose and cott)n cord. Several polyisocyanates are used for impregnationt triphenyl.- methane.-tr".isocyanate, hexamethylene-di'llsocyanate diisocyanate, etc,. In the USSR a water-soluble resin "89" has been synthe- sized. which is the condensation product of metapherylenediamine and epiclhlorohydrinei The adhesisn of the high polymers is ex- plained as due tr; molecular-chemical, electrical, and diffusion factorra /'-Ref 44-46 7, Most investigators studying the systems cord-adh esive-rubber adhere to the molecular-shemical theory Z_Ref 2, 5, 6 15 7 . 7: 4 __/ There are 6 tables ` 8 graphs; and 49 refarences, 20 of which are Soviet, 22 English 4 German, 1 American, 1 -wrench and 1 Japanese. Card 3/3 UZKIY, K.I. Using now modern construction elements In bousing con- struction. Tranap.strol. 9 no-10:13-15 0 159. (MMA 13:2) 1. Glavrory spetsialist Tokhnicheakogo upravlenipt. (Precast concrete construction) BOGUSLAV.9KIY, D. -, KUTSENOK, B.; UZIRA, R.; DOSTYA11, M. Synthesis and use of carboxyl-contaiving latices for the impregnation of tire corts. Report No.l. Kauch. i rez. 18 no.1:6-13 Ja '59. (MRA 12-1) l.Vaesoyuzuyy nauchno-isaledovatelisicly institut sinteticheekogo kauchuka imeni S.V. Lebedevai Nauchno-iseledovateltaki7 institut shinnoy promyshle-anosti Taroslavski7 shinnyy savod. (Tire fabrici) (Carboxyl group) AUTHORSi Ionova, T. V. Uzina R T 5/183 P 2 /60/000/01/010/031 g* XozilevskU re. V., Roj_zovln~- A.P B004/BO14 Begalovich, N. A. TITLEs The Effect of the Composition of the Avivage on the Strength of the Linkage Between Tire Cord e nd Rubber PERIODICAL3 Xhisicheskip voloknat 19601 Nr 1, pp 50-31 (USSR) TEXT# This paper in intended to explain the problem as to whether the appli- cation of the avivage to tire cord strengthens the adhesion between the latter and the rubber impregnation, or whether the avivage applied to the cord diffuses through the impregnating film and changes the contact between the latter and the rubber. The experiments were performed with a special viscose monofilament and 14V viscose cord. The fibers were treated with the avivages Nevvol and Arirol, and a simultaneous experiment was conducted without an avivage. The specimens were impregnated with latex albumin, and the strength of linkage of the specimens with SKB rubber was determined from the loosening of fibers under static and repeated compression. Table I shows that in the case of both specimens (monofilament and cord) the linkage with the rubber is loosened by avivage, especially in the case of Avirol. Next, the authors studied the diffusion of Avirol prepared by sulfonation of butyl oleate with radioactive Card 1/2 The Effect of the Composition of the Avivage on the s/1q/60/000/01/010/031 Strength of the Linkage Between Tire Cord and Rubber B004/BO14 sulfuric acid. The accompanying diagram of the measured radioactivity illustrates that Avirol diffuses through the impregnating film (latex albumin or latex resoreinol formaldehyde). There are 1 figure, 1 tablet and 5 referencest 3 of which are Soviet. ISSOCILTIONi VNIIV (vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut iskusetyennogo volokna. - All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Fibers) NIIS-h-P-TN-auchno-isaledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennooti - Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card 2/2 S/138/60/000/002/007/009 A051/AO29 AUTHORSt Uzina, R.V., Basin, V.Ye. ~~" MwO."a- \1-11 k If, TITLEs A Study of the Nature of Destruction in Cord-.Adhesive-Rubber Systems PERIODICAL3 Kauchuk i Rezina? 1960, No. 2, pp. 28 - 35 TEXTs The authors point out two types of destruction which may oc- cur in the cord-adhesive-rubber systemi 1) lamination at the interface be- tween cord-adhiasive and adhesive-rubber, 2) destruction of the rubber, the cord and the adhesive film. The present article deals with the first type of destruction only. The work carried out by the authors in this connection was directed at seleoting and perfecting a method for determining the lo- cation of the destruction and at the study of the interface lines between adhesive-cord and adhesive-rubber, using the usual methods. The types of rubber, impregnation compositions and the cords used are listed In Table 1. The method applied is fully outlined, whereby the luminescence analysis method, described in References 1 - 3, was utilized. Cross-Bections of the samples were studied under the microscope in order to determine the depth Card 1/2 B/138/60/000/002/007./009 A051/AO29 A Study of the Nature of Destruction in Cord-Adhesive-Rubber Systems of penetration of the rubber into the tissue. A number of microphotographs are submitted. Each interface is discussed individually and supplemented with the microphotographs taken. The adhesive film Is also discussed. It was established that no destruction takes place along the cord-adhesive interface in the system cord-adhesive rubber. It was shown that t)le main J forms of lamination which take place in the cord-adhesive-rubber system arei_ a) the cohesive types along the adhesive film layer, b) the mixed types with part of the adhesive migrating onto the rubber and part of the rubber migrating to the cord, c) the adhesive types along the interface adhesive- -rubber. Thereforeq the interface between the adhesive and the rubber and also the adhesive film is considered as the weak part of the system. In going over the results of the experiments, the authors state that the deriv- ed conclusions are not unexpected, since most of the work carried out for the strengthening of the rubber-cord system in the USSR was directed prima- rily at this weak spot, i.e., the adhesive-rubber interface. There are 8 sets of microphotographs, 5 tables and 12 Soviet references~ ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the T-r(j-lndus_tr Card 2/2 I 5-A 83294 S/138/59/000/010/006/010 A051/AO29 AUTHORS: Boguslavskiy, D.B.; Dostyan, M.S.; Uzina, R.V. TITLE: The Application of Carboxyl-Containing Latexes in the Impregnation of Tire Cord *~ Communication 2 PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. IOP PP. 27 - 32 TEXT: Brief reference is made to the first of two articles, where the re- sults of carboxyl-containing latex synthesis and the application of these latexes to increasing the bond stability of rubber-fabric systems (Ref. 1) was discussed. The importance of selecting the right dosage of resorein-formaldehyde resin In de- veloping the composition of the impregnating materials was stressed, since the ad- hesiveness and the physico-mechanical properties of the viscose cord depend on it. Figure 1 shows that with an increase in the dosage of the resin in the latex the bond strength of the rubber and the cord increases. The tensile strength and the impact-resistance decreases with an increase in the non-uniformity of the cord re- sistance. The optimum dosage which would guarantee sufficient adhesiveness of the cord in carboxyl-containing latexes without noticeable changes in the physico-me- chanical properties and in the fatigue stability was found to be 12 welght partsof Card 1/4 83294 S/138/59/000/010/006/010 A051/AO29 The Application of Carboxyl-Containing Latexes in the Impregnation of I'lre Communication 2 resorcin-formaldehyde resin to 100 weight parts of rubber. The effects of the pH value, drying temperature and new impregnating compositions of the cord on the bDnd stability of the rubber-cord and the tire quality were Investigated. Impregnating com;psltions baspd on carboxyl-containing latexes of the divinyl-styrene'lUd d1vi- nyl type were studied. Rubbers based on CkC-30A"(SKS-30AM)' natural rubber and (SKB) were produced. The experimental conditions are outlined. The effect of the pH value of the impregnating material could be regulated by adding potassium ITIdrex- Ide to increase the pH to over 9, and by adding acetic acid for obtaining a pH value less than 9. Figure 2 shows graphically the effect of the pH of the impregnating composition on the bond stability of the cord and the rubber. When the pH is o,,vr 9 the adhesion of the cord to the rubbers made of natural rubber and butadiene-sty- rene oil-filled rubbers decreases noticeably. Figure 3 shows that the physico-me- chanical properties of the adhesive film drop with an increase in the alkalinity of the medium. This is explained by the change in the condensation conditicns of the resorcin-formaldehyde resin. This is also assumed to be one of the causes of the decrease in the bond stability indices. Figure 5 shows that at low drying temperature (100 - 11000 the impregnation of cord with carboxyl-containing la- Card 2/4 b JL94 S,/138/59/000/010/006/010 A051/AO29 The Application of Carboxyl-Containing Latexes in the Impregnation of Tire Cord Communication 2 texes has little effect. By increasing the temperature to 1700C the bond stabili- ty of the cord and the rubber made of natural and synthetic rubber continuously increases and at temperatures of 190 - 2000C it drops abruptly. This is assumed to be due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the resorcin-formaldehyde resin with the high polymers containing carboxyl groups in the molecular chain, Table 2 lists the bond stability indices of the viscose cord with casing rubbers, depending on the type of latex in the impreganting composition. The data proves that by using the new latexes the bond stability of the cord-rubber increases in static as well as repeated deformations. The extent of the stability of the cord- rubber bond, where the cord is impregnated with different latexes, depends on the type of polymer in the casing rubbers, which Is explained by the different compat- V~/ ibility of these polymers at the impregnated cord-rubber interface. Stand and operation tests showed that the use of viscose cord in tires, which have been im- pregnated with carboxyl-containing latexes, Increases the bond stability between the tire elements and also increases the tire durability. The bond stability of the cord-rubber, when carboxyl-containing latexes are used as the impregnating material, depends to a great extent on the pH of the impregnating composition and Card 3/4 - 83294 S/138/59/O00/O1o/oo6/oio A051/AO29 The Application of Carborrl -Containing Latexes in the Impregnation of Tire Cord- Communication 2 on the drying temperature of the impregnated cord. The use of t~g above-mention- ed latexes instead of butadiene-styrene latex CK-301U(SKS-30Sh) or the impreg- nation of the tire cord greatly increases the bond stability between the rubber and the cord and increases the durability of the tire. The advantage of the di- vinyl-carboxyl-containing latexes CRQ-1 (SKD-1)h9Ver divinyl-styrene CHC-30-1 (SKS-30-1) is proven. There are 6 graph-s-,-7 -tables and 12 references,, 9 Sovle*,' 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennostl i Yaro- slavskiy shinnyy zavod (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry and Yaroslavl' Tire Plant) Card 4/4 S/138/59/000/012/003/006 AUTHORSt Peyzner, A. B., Uzina, R. FejaSLL_N. A., Khazanovich, -L G. TITLE: The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-St-yrene Latex in Tire Cord mpregnation lj~ PERIODICALt Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 12, pp. 10-14 TEXTt The effect of the emulsifier, the polymerization depth, the polymerization temperature, the plasticity of the polymer, the ratio of divinyl and styrene in the polymerizing mixture on the strength of the bond of the rubber-cord system in the polymerization of divinyl-styrene latexes was studied. 1) The emulsifier: It was found that by replacing Nekal with soaps of paraffinic acids and hydrated colophony the strength of the bond system is increased significantly. This is explained by an increase in the physico-mechanical properties of the adhesive film and by the intensity of the intermolecular interaction at the adhesive-rubber interface (Ref. 7). (Table 2). In switching over to low-temperature polymerization latexes the stated advantages are retained. 2) The polymerization deptht The bond strength of the impregnated cord decreasee in the case of divinyl-styrene latexes of low-temperature polymerization at a conversion depth of 60%. Card 1/4 S/138/59/000/012/003/006 The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire Cord Impregnation 3) The polymerization temperature: It was found that the highest bond stability was obtained at a temperature of 200C (Fig. 3). This is explained by the combination of good elastic properties of the polymer at low-tem- perature polymerization and a certain branching of the chains observed in a switch-over'from 5 to 200C. At 200C the polymerization takes place more rapidly, the 60% conversion depth is reached after 9 hours instead of 24 hours (Fig. 4)- 4) The polymer plasticityi With an increase in the polymer plasticity the bond stability of the system and the physico-mechani- cal properties of the adhesive film pass through their optimum value at a Plasticity Of 0.15-0.25 according to Karrer (1,500-2,800 g hardness accor- ding to Defoe) (Fig. 6). This is explained by the fact that the high plasticity of the polymer ensures favorable conditions for molecule diffusion from the adhesive into the rubber lining, but does not ensure the necessary mechanical properties of the adhesive (Refe- 4P 9). A decrease in the plasticity of the polymer raises the mechanical properties of the adhesive and thus limits the mobility of moleculars and lowers their diffusibility which leads to a decrease in the bond streAgth. A polymer with an average plasticity (0-15-0.25 according to Karrer) ensures the best adhesion. Card 2/4 S/138/59/000/012/007//006 The Basic Factors Determining the Type of Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire Cord Impregnation 5) The styrene ring contents The presence of styrene in the divinyl-styrene latex (over 30 weight parts) does not increase the strength of the adhesive- rubber system. Fig. 7 shows that an increase in the styrene content in the polymerizing hydrocarbon mixture increases the physico-mechanical properties of the film adhesive; the stability of the bond between the impregnated cord and the rubbers reaches its optimum value at 30 weight parts of styrene, At a styrene content of more than 30 weight parts the adhesive hardness in- creases. This brings about unfavorable conditions for the diffusion of the adhesive polymer rings and for the polymer compatibility. 6) Selection of the divinyl-styrene latex type for the impregnation of the tire cord,~ As a result of the investigations conducted a specific latex is recommended for this purpose. The -CKC-30wxnPKS-3OShKhP) divinyl-styrene latex was ob. tained according to given specifications and was found to surpass the CKC-30W (SKS-30Sh) latex both in the bond strength between the impregnated cord and the rubbers and by the physico-mechanical properties of the adhesive film (Table 3). The authors point out that by using the recommend- ed latex the strength of the bond between the individual parts of the tire, the durability of the tires in stationary tests and the roadability of the Card 3/4 S/138/59/000/0"12/003/006 The Basic Factors Determining the Type of the Divinyl-Styrene Latex in Tire Cord Impregnation tire during performance is improved. There are 3 tables, 8 graphs, 10 references: 7 Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATIONt Ysesoyuznyy Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut sintetiches- kogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedevai Nauahno-iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennocti (The All-Union Research Institute of' Unthatio Rubber iM. LebeAev and Scientific Research Institute of the Tire-Industry) Card 4/4 s/iqo/60/002/0~6/r;,~'~/C, BO I 5/B064 AUTHORSt Berlin, A. A., Uzina, R. V., 4hmurak, I. L., ,p TITLE: On Some Factors Influencing the Adhesion of Rubber ~~rj Tissue Fiber, Steeped With Latex Albumin Mixturr-3 PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vr,!. Pp. 832-837 TEXTj The adhesive power between rubber and tissue is of special importance in the production of tissue-reinforced rubber produ,,-~i~~ i~; car tires, bands, assembly lines etc. To increase the adhesive pow.~z, 0~'q ootton- or man-made fiber tissue is steeped with albumin '_5L'_er mixtures in the USSR. A method of producing a water-soluble of keratin (keratein) from industrial waste products was developed Ref. 6) in the laboratoriya vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedinenly MTIhU4P aboratory of Highmolecular Compound The waste- prodl,,~ts Ar- R treated with strong reduction-, or oxiaizing agents, with the 5-S cystine bond of the keratin macromolecules being torn; thus, the water. soluble keratein forms. Investigations carried out by the au4,,h,:,r!3 (R;~f 7; Card 1/3 On Some Factors Influencing the Adhesion SliqV6010021006/00~,," of Rubber on the Tissue Fiber, Steeped With D015/B064 Latex Albumin Mixtures showed already that keratin. is a complete substitute for ca3---:n hitherto been used for the above-mentioned steep solutions. The paper mentions some of the results obtained on the behavir'T of and other latex albumin mixtures used for tisnue ateepinF. Tlio ;,o!i,'". power of rubber on steeped tissue may be assumed to depend oil 0-.c- of amino acids with polar side chains in the albumin molecule- Ir. ~hc respect, keratin does not very much differ from casein and (Table 1, values of adhesive power betweenCKE; - (SKB r_ I