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KOZHEVIIIKOVA, Ye.P. (Sverdlovsk); UZILI"ISKIY. Ya.G., professor, --aveduyushchiy. Effect of the higher nervous function on the development of experikental neoplasms. Arkik.pat. 15 no.1:22-27 Ja-F '53. (XW 6:5) 1. Kafedra patologichaskoy fisiolegil Sverdlovskogo 4;osudarstvennogo wedi- tsinskogo instituta. (Twwre) (Central nervous system) UZHMKIY. Ya.G., i)rofeasor, prodeedatell pravlenip; TOLSTOUKHOVA, L.I., detsent, IIQIAI-~_ - - so At the Ural branch of the All-Union Society of Fathophysiologists; on the organization and the first conference of the Ural branch of the A11-Unioa Society of Plathaphysiologists. Arkh.pat. 15 ne.2:90-92 Mr-Ap 153. (MY-RA 6:5 1. UralPbkiy filial Vassoyusnogo obahchentya pat*fisiolegov. (Urlil Mountain Region--Physiology. Pathological) (Medical societies) UZHANSKIY, Ya.G., professor, predsedatell; T01STOUKHOVA, L.I., dotsent, sakretar'. Second conference of the Ural Branch of the All-Union Society of Pathophysiol gists. Arkh.pat. 15 no.3:88-90 My-Je 153. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Pravleniye Ural'skogo filiala Voesoyusnogo obahchestya patofisiologov. (Ural Mountain region-Pathology-Sooisties) (Sooisties-pathology- Ural Mountain region) (Ural Mountain region-Physiology-Societies) (Sooietise-Physiology-Ural Mountain region) UZIMISKII, IA. RT-13?1 ('Ural pathophysiolo&ists investigste problans of regional pitholo:y) Patofiziologi Urala izuchaitit vo-rosy kraevoi patologid. MEDITSBUII RABCM!Ir,, 17(15): 4, 19 February 1954 PA IMN, L.R. (laningrad); UZHANSKIY, Ya.G.(Srardlovsk) ~ 1. Discussion on T.M.Turpasyls article, Kethod of registration of tonus of the bronchial muscles. Fistol, zhur. 40 no.3:387-388 W-Js '54. MRA 7:7) (BRONCHI, physiology. *to=s of bronchial muse,, r*giotration) 0 e- vi mv-~LK ~ YL-ld - , TURPAYV, T.^W.--- Anever to L.R.Perellman and IA*G.Uzhanakii. Yisiol. shur. 40 n0-3:388 My-is 154. (KEaA 7:7) (BRONCHI) KonmiwvA. ire.k., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; HODOV, A.I., professor-doktor maditsinskikh nauk; UZHANSKIY. Y&*G.. professor-doktor maditsinakikh Morphological studies on experimental silicosis in rats. Sbor. rab. po ail. no.1:130-132 '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Sverdlovskiy G03udaratVennTr~r ~7tdjtij"3Kjy inHtItUt. (-',4W4Gfj--DIJST DISWES) UZEIANSKIT, Ta.G. (Sverdlovsk) I.610~;~U Of regeneration of the blood and vays in vhich it can be gu studied. Arkh.pat. 18 no.6:29-35 156. (KLRA 9:12) 1. Is kafedry patologicheskoy fitiologii (sav. - prof. Ta.G.Ushanskly) Sverdlovskoga molitainskogo institute. (BLOOD, physiology, regen.. method-of studies (Rue)) T~SSR/human and Anirral Physiology. Blond. T Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8., 1958) 36273. Author Uzhanskii, Y G. Inat Title Total Blood Volume Determination and its Significance in the Study of the Mechanism of Hemopoicsis. Orig rub: Tr. Vnen Konferentnii po ned. radiol eksperin. med. radiol. Medgiz, 1957, 237-239. Abstract; The methed cf total blecd volume determination by injection of radioactive phosphorus is described. The radioactivity was meftsured in 0.1 ml of a aus- pension of erythrocytes (E). Cne ml of sunpenHion was injected intravenously in rabbits and 5 rainutes later the radioactivity was measured in 0.1 ml of blood. The total blood volume is equal to the ratic Card 1/3 2P USSR/Huran and Animal Physiology. Plood. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 8, 1958, 36273. of the value of injected activity to the value of the resulting activity in 1 ml of blood. The absolute E count in the blood was call~li ated frcm values ob- tained for the E count in 1 m-m and the total blood volume. The assumption of an increased destruction of E during the posthemorrhagic period was confirmed. New E. formation is stimulated by the products of E breakdown. In order to study the effect of a higher o2 concentration on henopoiesis (H), rabbits were placed in special chambers for pericds of 6-10 hours daily for a period of 12-20 days. H in normal rabbits decreased under the effect of a higher 02 intake, the E count decreased; in anemic rabbits - itice-versa. Fol- lowing denervation of the sinocarotid and aortic areas the author noted an initial anemia, follrved by poly- Card 2/3 L,,L,L,h/kL,mn__ri am jaii rrn i rhysin-Log y. junna, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bio.l., 11-3 8, 1958, 36273. 2ythemia, findings aimilar to those noted in blood loss. Therapeutic sleep under normal conditions in- hibits H, but when applied in conjunctinn with patho- genic factors it is followed by more intensive blood regeneration. Card 3/3 23 UZHA)ISKIY, Ya,,Ro, prof.. XACHAUIOVA, S.G.. dote.. TOLSTOMOVA, I.I.,dots. ub""two- 1- 7ifth conference of the Ural branch of the All-Union Society of Pathophysiologists. Pat.fisiol. I skap,terep 2 no,3960-62 my-js., 1-58 (MIRA 1117) (PHYSIOLOGY, PATHOLOGICAL) UZHANSKIY, Ya.G., prof, (97erdlovsk) Problem of autoregulation of erythropoiesis. Arkh.pat. 21 no.6:3-13 159. (MMA 12:12) 1. Iz kEtfedry patologicheakoy fiziologii Svordlovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (nTMOCYTES erythropoiesis, autoregalation, review, (Ratt)) (NEWOUS SYSTEM, physiol. autoregulation of erythropoiesis, review (Ras)) (HEMDFOIESIS' physiology. same) UZHA KTY, YnG-, FAVLOVA, I-V-; Prirximali uchastiye: MORDOVSKIY, G.G.; --4r, KIPRIANOVA, N.I., studentka (Sverdlovsk) Signs of autoagression in the mechanism ofb2oo~ regeneration. Pat.fiziol.i eksp.torap. 4 no.4:52~57,Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. Ya.G.Uzhanskiy) Sverdlovskogo maditsinskogo instituta. (M40RRHAGE) (ERYTHROCYTES) (ANTIGENS AND AJITIBODIES) UZILANSKIY.. Ya.G.t prof. "Problems of laukosis and imunohematology.0 Reviewed by IA.G. Uzhz=1di. Biul. Uch. med. sov. 2,5 -Ta-F 161. (HIRA 14:10) (LEUKEMIA) (BLOOD-EMINATION) UZHANSK11v Ya.G. t3verdlovsk) - ---------- -- Some problems In pathological pbysiology at the Stb European Congress of Hematologists, Pat.fiziol.i ekBp.terap. 6 no.2:83-85 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) (IMATOLDGY-CONGUSSES) (PHYSIOIDOYsPATHOL-OGICAL) UZWSKIY, Ya.G., prof.; KACHANOVA, S.G., dot-jent SIxth Conferenckof the Ural Branch of the All-Union Society of Pathophysiol8gists. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no. 61 89-92 N-D 162. (MIRA 170) 1, Predsedatel'Urallskogo filiala Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva patofiziologov (for Uzhanskiy). 2. Sekretarl Urallksogo filiala Vsesoy-uznogo obshchestva patofiziologov (for Kachanova). UZHIN3KIY, Ya.G.; MACHANOVA, S.G.; TROFT140VA, Z.G. Brief news. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.l:gl Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:2) UZHANSKIY, yg.r,,, KAMIANDVA, S.G, TIKHACII-K, Ye.S. Ccitif'e mme of* t. I it, !jrri I I rAt.-rnq? I, wil Sr r- i(i ty of' IlatJ i,~ I 7;ly, I sts . Pat.. fiziol, i nk2p. ~.ertjp. 9 no.2:8'!-89 Mr-Ap 165. . UZHDAYINI, S.R. Natural conditioned digestive reflexes in foxes depending upon distance. Trudy Inst.fisiol. no.2;321-334 153. (MMA 7:5) 1. Laboratoriya ekologicheakoy fiziologii (saveduyushchiy - A.D.Slonim). (Reflexes) (Foxes) Trans: M-3251j, 12 Jun 156 under title., "Connection of Distance with Natural Conditioned Alimentar7 Reflexes in Foxes", Trudy Inst Fiziol im. Pnvlov. T %.IZFDAVINI, P,. R. "On the Formation of Natural Con-litioned Food RC-f*leXe5 In the Cntoger-jy In Dogs." Acad. Scl. USSR TnFt. of Pilysioloa imni T. P. Pavlov. T.AboritcrY of Scoromic Fhyeic--10?7, Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degme of Candidate of Biological Sciences) SO: Knizbnaya ICtMi5f, No. 22, 19515, PP 93-105 PAYZIYEV, S.H., UZHDAVINI, E.R. Natural conditioned salivary reflexes in sheep. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 4:176-182 '55. (MMA 9:4) l.Laborateriya ekologicheskoy fisiologii. Zaveduyunhehiy A.D.Slonim. (Conditioned response) (Salivary glands) (Sheep) MUIVINI, E.R. Inborn food reflexes in puppies. Opyt izwh.reg.fiziol.fank. 4: 101-1U '58. (MIRA 12.-4) 1. Laboratorlya ekologicheekoy fiziologii (zaveduyushchly - prof A.D. Slonim) Instituta fisiologii imeni I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (DOGS) . (mmms) LMIDAVINI, I.R. WONEW Formation of natural flood reflexes in dogs at early stages of on- togeny. Opyt, izuehoreg.fisiol.funk. 4:112-123 '58- . (MIRA 12:4) l* Laboratoriya ekologichaskoy fiziologil (2aveduyushchiy - prof* A.D. Slonim) Institute. fisiologit imeni I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (DOGS) 0MUM) UZHDAVINI,__~.~,Ij...v rabote prinimale uohastiye NANTSIliCIVAV N.I., studentka. Materials on a comparative physiology of sa:Uvary reflexes. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 9:139-150 160, (WRA 14:3) 1. Laboratoriya ekologichookoy fiziolgii (iAaveduyushohiy - A.D. Slonim) I stituta fiziologii im. LP.Pa,Vlova. ~SIIALIVILRY GIANDS) (REFLUM) olmADEYEVO M. M.; GELLER, L. Igj UZHDAVINI, !I, TV Conference on the probleme of industrial hygiene, occupational pathology and industrial toxicolog7 in the patrols= and petro- chemical industries. Gig. truda i Prof. 7ab. no.3:55-57 '62. (MIRA 15:4) (PRTROLF-UM INDUSTRY-HYGIENIC ASFECTS) UVIDAVINI, E. R. (Ufa) Toxicological characteristica of the tetramer of propylene. Gig. truda i prof. 7ab. no.4:48-49 '62. (MIRA 15-4) 1. Ufimskly nauchno-insledovatellokiy institut gigiyeny i profzabo- levaniy. (EROMM-TOXICOLOGY) NA or 2'. got. v 0 O'd a Of 11 Id IH d 0; v C3 .1 -d A All. :1 ---j -g ill Hill 1451 UZHDAVINIS, R.V. [Uzdaviny3, R.3 Simultaneous distribution of values of additive arithmetic functions from polynomials with integral coeficients. Liet ak darbai B no.l: 5~-?-q 9 6o. (EFAI 9:10) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN LitovskW SSR. (Functions) (Polynomials) (Number, Theory of) Transactions of the Sixth Conference (Cont.) 20. _.Uzh4UIn_Ig On the Problem of Distribution of Ad- witive Arithmetical Funotions of Integer Polynomials 125 MARK07 PROCESSES .21,: Blagoveehehenskly# Yu. N. On Diffusion -Processes With a, Small Variance 131 22..'-Girsarov,.I. V. Ito's Stoahastiia Equations...'and Some of Their aeneralizati,ons 1.33 23, Yalmykov,, G. 1. Cft Semiordered Markov Processes 143 24. -Nagavevj, S, V. Some Problems of the Theory of Markov Processes With Discrete Time 145- 25, ~Sarvanov* 0. V. On One Method of Invest1gating StationsrY ..Markov Processes. J49 Transactions of the 6th Conf. on. Probability Thaory niad Ya:thematical Statistics a nd of the Syrmosium on Distributions in In.2inito-Drimonsiona! Spaces held in Viltryus, 5-10 sop 16o. Viltriyus Zospolitizdat Lit- SSR 1962. 493 p. 2500 copies printed KRAKHKALOV, Z.; UZHIGOV, G. Work experience of the excavator operator I.F.Hetsev. Sbor.mat. 0 ROT. takh. v stroi. 15 no.7:6-9 Jl 153. (KT-I?A 6:7) (Xxcavation) (Notaev. I.F.) BURBEL', A.H., Inzhener; UZHEGOV, G.T. - , ~ 'maur Work experience of excavator and scraper operators of the Stalingrad hydro- electric power project. Biul.stroi.tekh. 10 no.13:12-13 Ag 153. (MLHA 6:10) (Harthmoving machinery) (Stalingrad hydroelectric power station) .qZHE.GOV, T., podpolkoynik With the force of public opinion. Ko7um. Vooruzh. Sil 4 no.4:91-92 F 164. Omila 1,1:9) IlLyxt p., podpolkmnik; MWOMO T.,, podpolkamilk IM owls; mlowe tomberts vocatlon. Kam. Voorush. Sil 46 no.600-55 Mr 165. (KMA 18 Ila) jMa:V~,., J. G- 41 jj .4 Zenl-evich, L. A. Birslitcyn, l,. A. marnevinh, A. F. Ya,taonskayaa, Ye. A. Belycwev, G. 1. Spasr~ki,y, 17. N. "".CCllT(l%tizrttinn of Nerei!~ in the Casnirm seall l"Jnlstr,-,- of thp 'Yood Prodiints Indlistv. USSR BELYAUV, Daitriy Vasillyevich; VORONKOV, N.A., inzh., retsenzent; UZHAVSKIT, G.S., inzh., retsenzent; SHITH, Ye.P., inzho, red.; ZL#rjjM,-L.K., red.isd-va,- KARASZT, A.I., (Notallurgy of tin; manual for the training of qualified workers in industry] Metallurgiia olova; uchabnik dlia pod- gotovkI kvalifitsirovannykh rabochikh na proizvodetye. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi mstal- lurgil. 1960. 94 p. (KIRA 13:5) (Tin-Netallurgy) UZHICHKIRI HO I'll -t- .1 Keating with a writer. Promoko , no.1:34 J& 056. (KLRA 9:6) (Ignatov, Petr Karpovich, 18M TJZHIK,G.S. Mechanical hitching assembly for trailers. Sellkhoz- mashina, no.6:19-21 Je 155. (MIRA 8:8) (ffarvesting machinery) LITVINENKO, L.B., kand.seltskokhoz.nauk; UZHIK, G.S., inzh. Universal crane-type hay stacker. Trakt.i sellkhozmash. 31 no.9:31-32 S 161. (KERA 14.-10) 1, Kharikovskaya stantsiya, Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledova- telfskogo instituta makhanizataii i elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Loading and unloading) (Hay--Harvesting) UZHIK, G., inz~L. Exchangeable ambine trailer flor gLthering broken corn stalks. Tekh. v sellkhoz. 20 no-7:25-26 Jl 160, (MIRA 13:9) 1. Khartkovskaya opytnapa stantsiya Ukrainskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo institute, mekhanizatsii i elektrifikateii sellskogo khozvaystva. (Gorn (14aize)--Harvesting) UZHrX, Go V. Metocbr ispytanii metalloy i detalsi nashin a& vywslivoat'. Moskva, 1948. 262 pop diagra. Bibliograpby: p.254-259. Title trot Methods of teuting the strength of metals and machine parts. Boo AerorAutical Scienees and Aviation in the Soviet Unionp Library of Corigreesp 1955. as i v am jo Is Y2 n u x is vu w 40 It a A) a I I UN coo AT t9 n ro* X L PQ_ 4 1, ',Ctrs 10141"aw lV.111vk'14i I. I a s v It Ist 'ratio j 01 JO .414u: joqlo 10 M111144 4ItAL vidtittua 810019 OJAI JOJ 1"Up [vim U01) 00 .11141jujap 40 jussuous qm 19 J101 pug Jvalp 01 ODUVISISS-1 JO *nmt *)nlOq43;w)QlnUI IQ*jd OtP JO 11011 n1a, 1UL ad poqls- -am d '#"t 130 -in lvmuq-j. 10 UOR-206 Lussa 041 jo yeaualn JO A'M*Pu3V 11411 JO un*l aj 04"MOND A J) 09"MOS Aorwa pMkpwj US wWw""Mu P So wapMPNA"M Is 9 1111K 00 Ge ;7 so of oft 'P' -3-4 a '7- J"-'f '-ftI ol it is I S i 0 f I is 11 o" *,, is, 0*0000 o6woo 0 0 to 0 0,0000 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Cle 0 a all elm ago 000 UZHIFI G. V. Effekt kontsentratsii nap-dazheni-i pri asir-metrichnykh tsiklakh naprlizov. ('Iestn. Mash., 1949, no.4, P. 5-9) Effects of stress concentr.-,tinn -indpr asyrmetrical cyclical lopds, rJ.C: T'1114.74 -00: Manufacturing and ;mechanical Z`nginecrinF in the Soviet (Jninr,, L~brpr,,,, of ConFress., 1953. oil T I It lot t t i I A. 004 0110C94"t A-* poe"09141 Moto A 00 00 tball Of 84"1 O"Ier Simultanimm, Actim 00 of CGOM"t and Aller"Wift Mrvaitev. (h% Ituutalij ' G V i N . . 11 eillim olkatirm t amk- ~V~V.NM t?jcjo,- - T A 4 4 W of r 1 1 mir v-AsA h Nauk tllull,tit I of uf St-iroms of tho USSR, Section of Ted fical 00 ences). May 1949, p. av-mso., The al-ove was Investilrawd for two h,w-lilloy 00 steels. Diagrams for drtermination ,( endurante 00 lituits ovet a Wide range of constant and ait~r- natitt tr i i l emes act lc s n9 s mu tant4jusly art, pro. posed. Notch sensitivities werv established at ttif. ferent Iminta in the stress cycle. RvIation betwevel 00 U offective concentration of otrrsa und nmA-h ogi. Do tivity was. establisheil. 1,57 00 00 r't Ajqt.$LA &ITALLORCICAl. Wt.111ATWIL' CLA$IWICAIPOOF 4 2#1121 4W a.. Ill =-T- --- 4-1-17"V;7~1--; to two a PININDA629'.", b u It AV 00 LI! It & 1 94 I , Cy 0 It IS K i TO rie-so 1*0 to *10 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 COO v:*q 1,00 WO 9 USSR/Metals - Theory of Strength Oct 49 C, i-i r-i "On Fundamentals of the Theory of Strength and Plasticity," G. V. Uzhik, Inst of Mach Studies,, Acad Sci USSR, Cen Sci Res Inst of Ferrous Metal, 22J pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Qtdel Tekh Nauk" No 10 Suggests new criterion of strength -- resis- tance of materials to break, which character- izos ability of materials to resist destruc- tiori at stage of elastic deformation. Ana- lyzes new characteristic and proves it is a constant independent of stressed state. 161T99 USSR/Metals - Theory of Strength Oct 49 (Contd) Submitted by Acad 1. P. Bardin and Acad Y4. A. Chudakov. 16=99 FA 27f49T" Fab 49 1168tiolty Stress Analysis "The,Ualty of Strength and Pl-tability Conditions," G. V. Uz~lk, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk 8SSR* Vol IXIV, No 4 States that one important factor has been neglected In calculating conditions necessary for transfer to boundary state. This is the resistance of a material to break, I.e., the material's ability to witbatp-A breakdown or elastic deformation. Attempts to determine this value. Submitted 24 Nor 48. 27/49T55 4.!!*W im Lmd4wiri" CAPMAY of a EliAL u. V. U" (I*Akdy 411. (1). $144; Appl. NfrAnnics Rer.. IMI. 406).-(In Ruasian). It is shown analytically that the ultimate load P, sustained by a tensile specimen with a deep cirt-umferential grtx)vu may be xubstantially Increased by appropriate mechaitical orki of the outer tayer W= Of the Metal In the area uf *tMO c0nVWFjjraUQn. I on his previtmaly Jublished theoretical develapnient (am preceding abstract). U. privenid Jamily of thearet1W load curves for a i;tmen of IS nim. dia. having a V-gruovo 4 mm. deep. He shown tha shear OUrualb of the material in in outer layer of thickness I is reduced by working this lay-r. ftw -mail v It:$ of I (to a -00M, wb(-re:!a is apeamen dis. at the jruov~). P, drula; but with increased depth of working 11, Itirrrears unti at tho uptimurn point (I - 0.404. shear strength mtio, worked to unworked metal, - 03:U1. is doubled. 77jim effect is the mom pronounced the clowr to unity in ;~a ratio of tensile to *hear strmgth in the unworked material. This ratio was 1-5 in the given example. =F' ental no Its are not given. but it is indicated that experiment subs the above thcwry. vw/~"iclr .- 21"tic Derazination 11 Sep 49 Metals'- Elastic Deformation "One notable' Peculiarity of Multifold., Nonuniform Compression," G. V. Uzhik, 3 PP -Dok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol L-.VI12:, No 2 Determines certain conditions Vhere it is possible in the stage of elastic deformation, -to subject jL material to a very considerable =Itifold, non- uniform. compresgiop vithout d8nger of br'eak. Moreover, value of tmLxJ-40-(63)/2', vl~ere 46, &td 6 are the r sses7'may be rals" 3 omp-ression-stmv to amount nec"sary to overcome material's 3/50T84 UM/Physics - Elastic Deformation 11 Sep 49 (Contd) 4*his resist- *hear resistance, no matter hov great I, &act U. - Submitted by Acad Ye A Chudakov. 11. ITU1'49-' 3/5OT84 USFIK G. Y.", 1721~7 Usaft/metals - Plasticity 21 Oct 49 Briftleness "New Criterion for Brittlene6s and. Plasticity of Metals," G. V. Uzhik, "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 1XVIII, No 6~ PP 1037-1039 Defines 2 states of material by ratio of resistance to rupture'to resistance to shear for materialL. If ratio>l material is in brittle state., and if ratio< 1 material is in plastic state. This ratio not only defines state, but determines deg of friability or plasticity of material. Submitted by Acad I. P. Bardin 27 Aug 49. 172T47 O-TrI77 UzHrxs 0. V. Soprotivlonia otryvu i prochnost' metallov. Moskva, Tzd-vo Akademii nw* 53SR9 1950. 254 p,,, illus., tables. BibliograpbVi p.251-252. Title tr.: Strength of metals in relation to their technical cohesive strength. TA46o.u94 SOs leronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 1 3 A I: so A 00 00 00 At so go A f as 41 14 to Ur-v-a . R 1 is U 11 1 a I I L _P__4 'I' AND ).a ".0f#, Oft"191,11 DIWMWGD of Paper by (I. V. 11 -0-W C-rit_v__r_ta--;-G_r_ -94 -a' t- Mpt&W at Meetintl of Rm-tion of Tech- nItW Moores, Ac*Smty of Mphres N,f tow 11114141111 T!V%IlIv^j Cohrolve 1441'" not% fill a 1111fs. 11'riff-flon of l4rPnxth. iln itumvian.% n. v. u favatipm Akademif Makk RBRR MI. letin of the Academy of Mencom (it the USAR). R-Ption of Tophnical Net. onc**. Apr. 3950. p. 5944104; 0054M. First part Is a general alwuselon based an several ParNers published by Ushik. The It to "monttally an on. I.ndrd reply to the points ralsed In the discumiminn. The authnr present- a4dillonal theorotleal analvals anil experimental evidpncp In munport of his orovased stronarth rellorlat. Ph- tomicro"ohn show structures no. sort I-d wIth failure of metals. 19 of. '(Q23, HT) I a ;I JOD AND 41" -00 -00 coo -)goo so pit J#5 tog A I-9IALLU*fKAL LITERATURE CLASSOKATION A 1~ I use Islas,) Mi# O.V as( 84131 31 A a a, I 110-:ffolom T'481*19 oi~ U n Im a n W -1 Ar 0 dqa o 0 0 0 00 00 0 9 Wo **goo 0 o 9400 o 0 0 4 0 0 0090 0 0 0 e o 0 90000 q 'A 2-4 A J.I. L At A r 4 4. k- 4. 00 A '491!1 _j .'!Emt4 4,0 flif!#!Vdi w4l 00 " - - __ --- OOA !TW .a 0 O'l 00 46 ---_____.__'. ~ __ ____ 00 25$4* Fwdwr 11mismawlim Camear"m Itembdame to Tear as S- M h 0 0 NOW CA kO of sawleal (In flussimin.) G. V~ et U JA. lzvempa Made" NetA SSSR (Bulletin of the Acadkiny of k-kww of the VSSR), Section of Technical Sciences, Nov. J9W, p. 1716-1748, Replica to the crkkbm of GWmm and others. (See above 0* absiftect.) Presents extensive argumnemb and theord"I and exPeritnental verification of his theorift. Includes tables and "I graphs. IS ref. 00 litf a .L A 51TALLuRGICAL LITERATUfft CLAJIWK&TION p I & 14 i b 144: .00 cog aeg see vied moil woo L t U 1, 0. P,0it 1, 0, a w It 91 '1 U IT It 44; 0 00 0 0 * 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 : :1 0 0 0 61 0 4 0 0 00 0 00 fee of 0 0 Prochnost' metallov i viiianie kontsentr.tsii napriaznenii pri izribe E I- .xucheniem. v usloviiakh sirrj,-,etrichnykh tsiklov pers-mennykh nagruznk. (Vestn... Assh., 1951, no.7, p. 5-14) Includes bibliograpby. Strenrth of metals and effect of stress corcentration during benr~i----torsi-r under spmietrical cycles of variable loads. LLC: V-11L.7L S,'): Manufacturing ane Mechanical 'Engineering in the Soviet Unior, Librlry of Concress, 1'53. 4 n.) 0 . V. UzhLIL.. Livemnin Akt4trimil Nauk HHHH. Soction -( ,re.clintral Mclenera, Sept. 1051, P. MIX)- 1414 ~n answer W romments by N. N. Davidenkov on a previous nrtietv by 'he author. l4tresses In nolv),M I. and similar questleins nte din- cussed. 30 ref. I Q26) 470 Disrawd" of Work of G. 11'. t = in fir view of r n" no of purraffib and plaamtY. Con"Ming the Paper by V. 1. Xviddavlary, "lk-- MAPOW Wtwvrn Usub's arsislaarr r rMANW. (in Russian.) (). V. C Usblk.- 1tvastila Aka,le"ell Nawk MRRR. Section of Technical Sciences, Oct. 1951, V. 1567-15T2. The authors answer to Kudrinv- tsev's criticisms. Data are tabulated. t Q23) Concerning N. P. pilockapov*0 lin Russian.) G. V. V;bjL- f.-I'V411in Akodemii Nawk Iffifift. Rec. tion of Technical Science.. Oct. 1931, P. 1374-3578. Answer to Shchapov's critivifm of the author .a theory of mtrength. (W) UZ"LIKI G. V. USOR/Ketallurgy - Steel.. Compression 1 Jan 51 Strength "Particular Resistance of Metals to Repeated (Noncon- tact) Compression," H. A. Chudakov, G. V. Uzhik "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol"LXXVI, No 1, pp 37-40 For optimum use constr steel should have cross section with compression straugth higher than its tensile strength. Method could not be generalized, but in particular cases results proved high compression strength. Asym shape of parts found to be the moot appropriate. 17" U,11-11rx, r, ucnclu,91ons of the cop-,.i3si(.-,n on durability at the Prenidim of the Acadeny of Sclencen cf the U.S.S.R., based on the dircussions of Uzhik's works. Izv. Ali' 32,73F,, Gtd. tekh, nauk "S 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conf~ress, Novembnr 1952, Unclassified. UZIHIK, G. V. 1306M (Strength a! Metah ancl Effmt of 5 6AMI Xr A o~ Non. yc e, , AM Torsion in Condi orts a sYmmMiin(" I 31ing l^,A) Prodivost' mdal- Jay I Allanle hontsintreall napriazlicnif pri Irgibe o kruchenlem v- uslovilakh npoirnmetridinykh tolkloy pere- Mennylth no It ,ruxoI5,,-Q-Y-"I'--bik-VesWk blashinattroenun, v. 34, no. 4, pt. ,34.1b. TT-T4-- Formula for fatigue limit. Taljlcs, graphs, phatographs, 4 ref. USSRA~ngineering - Stress aralysis Card 3/1 Pub. 22 - 5/56 AuthOll I I Jzhik, G. V. ta. ~~z Title of plastic metals to the brittle destruotion PdriOAIC4l I Dok. AN SSSR 9915, 685-687,, Dee 3-1, 1954 Abstraot tMethods of detex%iining the brittle brealdng-points of plastic metals (silicon steel) at nwmal tenperatures are discussed in the light of the expression for brittleness* crs , indicates txo poesibLUties for determining R 6, a brittle breaking-point, RG', namely, eitherhv chang-4aig the load character- istic through a decrease of theTmax) or by changing the physical properties of a w tal through an increase. in Ts. The auth or used the first metliod and experimentally proved that the brittle breaki:nb-point of metals could be de- termined at nctmal temperatures. Five USSR references (1933-1951). Diagrams; illustrations. Institution The Institute Of Machim Engineering af the Acad. of Scs. of the USSR Presented by* Academician S. A. Khristianovich, May 29, 1954 1 -1 All strength Lnd Pluticity ef roatals it 14W "d extra low t4, rA trxwes. , - ' ` i -B.'aripow t3 Li,.Q 9ft Va~l "r S 1, 57-M, of er. app. Coattructod for the darn. of sh2ar-crength ebantes a% Comps. down to 0.0 b-P. Ct It. The: defortnitiart curves I USSR during loading Wmit obaervitiont; of chuges ia plasticity e r io a l th of th 4 0 t th ti l t p' e C nve s 4:1 o n 0 e e A3 c S e 1 Atts, jinj the dctn. of the Unsili- itcullth U A no, of metals (Anne* frotimst4on, scvcral OrAdc3ofsterl, WOUdInLY lk Cr-M steel, i bronze, dillrolunAtiani) at -106* and -24W. Structural ctcLls reta4i some plait [city at -IN', but bmt elmstitaUy with N-ry small pla3tic defurnmison at -25.3'. Low- ,-tempeA-ed steel (200' 1 Of low Pla-ticity at -Oorn temp. be. * colzt$ MWe at - 190 (Clongition - 2%~. Casil iron, piqessing practically no plasticity at room teinp.,. retains its tdrisile slrtngti: unchingrd at -2531. The pla3ficity; of iwnferrous alloys and auitenite steels is but Aightly affected at -253', but their resistanct to shear and terisihi A tahk gives changett ~i the ykld "iut of it no. of stnictural materLili. W. It. Sternbere "I qt frV 7 UZHIK,G.V., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk Study of problems of metal fntigue (at the intoffttional conference in Stockholm). Vest.AN SSSR Z5 no.9:62-65 S'55- (KW 8:12) (Stockholm-Metals-Fatigue) MR/ Rugimaring - D eforma-tion tests Cad 1/1 Pub. 128 - 3/28 Autho" s Uzhikp ,GeV., Dr. of Mach. So.p Prof. Titia i Limit rasistance of plastic metals to breaking t~rrou& brittleness PIRKadiCal I Vent. =she 35/6t 13 17# June 1955 Abstract s, Various types of stools vere tested at normal and -2530 tem;eratures to determine,the Iteld strength and causes of breaking and deformation of plastic metals through brittleness, Individual tests are brlefI7 descri- bed, and technical data is given. Nine referenceas 8 TJSSR and I British (1933..1955). Tableal graphol draving; Muotration. Uttitstion I Submitted i UZHIK, G. V. Machaniael aspect presented at International 56. of size effect on fatigue of metals, a paper Conference on Fatigue of Metals, London, Sep. DSI. No. 103 U V Categcry US SP/Sc S-rr,!- r- Pr, ys ', ~s - Phase TYPI-_-f -I! Mat V) a in, SO lid ?"-ij es E-5 1 _' kaN 1957 Nr V56 Abs Jc-ur Rr-f Zhu;r Author Uzbik, G.V Zi,.Vk-~ A A Inst Sci,-L~ce, Academy ,_~f Sciences USSR Title 0!:. the Mecha.-__-_aI. Nature c;f Temp-r Brittleness Orig Pub M!~tal_l,:ver1c--L.iyF 1. -b*rab~'_.ka meta"'.1ov, 1996, No 11, 26-34 Abstract Explanatio.el. -.,,f tb-~ zm-c~w,.,cal fiature c-f temper brittleriess and the cause -,f th6 the material at a certain tempering tem- peratu,re a brittle state- The iavestigation vas made on 30 KhGS steel., il~ is shrwr.. ~~hqt tne mecbBZ~,4_C81 nature of the temper brittle- riess lies prl.icipa-lly ~_n, the differert ability -)f the steels to form the irdtial, plasl~ir defczmation in the brittle and viscous states under conditic-_-,s that a- created after the start of the damage, i.e , after the appeea_Ta~..,-r- --f -he cracks. and ii-. co:Laection with this in the dif- ferent abil-itv c.f the material. in~ the brittle and viscous state to resist the. devel.~)Ine-,t r-,f the. already i-nitiated damage. Urder conditions when T max 16-