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UTMV, A.F.; KOPKINA, V.V. Timm@ therapy in diseases of the nervous system. Zhur.neyr.1 psikh. 5,7 j n0-10:913-816 0 151. O'CLU 6:10) (Nervous system--Diseases) (Tissue extracts) UTE)EW, A. F - 6977- UTEM, A. F. 0 vrede alk -2 olja. Chita, Kn. izi., 19511. 36 s. s Ill. 20sm. 5,000 ekz. 65k. -Z-1.002 P 0~, 13 - 81+392 Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 UTEYEV A F. palkovnik med.sluzhby; POLTORATSKIY, R.P., podpolkovnik GUTOVICH, S.P., v--ach Consequences of a closed trauma of the brain; a preliminary reporto Sborenauch.trud.Kieveokruzh.voen.goope no.4.*357-360 162. (MIRA 160) (13RAIN-WOUNDS AND IVJURIES) SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/011/2018/2034 JAUTHOR: Kel'aan,V.M.; RodnIkov&,I.V.;_Rt2=,~ ACC NRe AP6036034. ORG: In.stitute of Nuclear Physics, Xaz.SSR, Alma-Ate (Institut yadornoy fIziki Kaz.SSR) TITLE: A magnetic prism mass spectrometer SOURCE: ZhurnaLl tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 1966, 2028-2034 TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrometer, prism, magnetic field, electrostatic lens ABSTRACI,&": A magnetic prism mass spectrometer is described, theoretical and experi- mental background for the design of which will be found In two papers by V.M. Kel'man and collaborators (ZhT.J?, 31p108311~ 1; DAN SSSR, 160,85,1965). Collimation and focusing are accomplished by two identical 100 cm focal length singlet electro- statlic lenses. The dtmensions of the pole pieces of the magnetic prism, in which the beam is deflected thrbugh 1060, are 3 x 15 x 13 cm, and the gap bctween them is 16 mm. A beam of 4.0-4.2 keV ionp from a conventional electron impact ion source Is admitted through a 0.1 mm alit, limited by a 1.0 x 1.2 cm oval iris 88 cm from the alit, collimated by the electrostatic lens 12 cm from the Jr1s, deflected by the magnetic prism, and focused by the second lens onto an adjustable alit having a maximum width of 0.35 mm. Tho current through the exit alit is amplified and record with an automatic plotter. The Ion beam Is brought to a line focus by the fringe CWd 1/2 UDC: 539.1.08 field of the prism, and the focal line is In the central plane of the prism when the instrument is properly adjusted. This adjustment is effected by moving the prism magnet, because the collimator tube is rigidly fastened to the vacuum system. The relative mass dispersion of the instrument is 1330 mm (i.e., 13.3 mm per percent mass change). The records of several close mass doublets obtained with the instrument are presented. A resolving power of about 2200 was achieved with the exit slit wide open, and resolving powers up to 30000 with a narrow exit slit. Spectra were also recorded without the second (focusing) lens, the collimator being adjusted to over- collimate the bess and bring It to a focus on the exit slit. There was no appreciabl deterioration of the resolving power under these conditions. Orig. art. has: I formula and a f ftures. SUB OODRI 20 BM ]DATIi ISDecOb ORIG. RZFt 005 Coid 2/2 I UfGOF, A. A., CHERBYANOVA, L. F., POLIKAFTOCHKI-1, V. V., KAS'YA:-.;OVA, I. V. "Geochemical ExplDration for Polymetallic Ore DepositL; In the Water:: and Silts of East Zabaykal'ye Water Systems" "Spectrographic Gold-Test Surveying as a Method of Searching ot Gold Deposits Without Mechanical Aureoles of Dispersion (Placer Depozits)" witil SAFRONOV, N. K., POLIKARPOUKIN. (New Developments in the ththods and Techniques of Oeological Kxplomtion) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 423 P- (Series: Its,. Sbornik trudov 1) POLIKARPOCUIN, V.V.; K&SIUMV, I.V.; UTGCF, A.A. Geochemical prospecting for east Transbaikalian complex netal deposits based on channel silts. surface and ground waters. Trudy VITR no.1:46-73 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Transbaikall-w-Geochemical prospecting) S"HOMOV, N.I.; POLIKARPOCHKIM, V.V.; UNCY, A.A. Spectral aurimetric survey as a method of prospecting for gold deposits without mechanical aureoles (placers). Tnidy VITR no.1:100-108 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Gold ores--spectra) SORONOV. N.1.; FOLIXARPOCHKIN. V.V.; IJT", A,A. Uperimental studies of the aurimetric prospecting method in eastern Transbaikalin (with oummnry in Inglishl. Sov.geol. 1 no.7:130-137 Jl 158- WRA 11:11) 1. Vasnoyusnyy instit,2t metodiki I tokhniki razvedki. (Transbaikalia-Gold ores) (Prospecting) UT I A 6, fl N 0 V, SMOTMTT-T-.- "How we organize work on state income.' ?.Utiaganov. Reviewed by V.Saisollov. Piu.i kred. SSSR no.3:89-90 Mr 154. (KCRA 7:4) (Utiaganov, F.) (Yinmes) UTEVSKryp A.M. [Uti0v8'kYi,,-A.M.j; OSINSKAYA, V.0. [Osy-nalka, V.0.); KALIMAN, P.A. (Kaliman, P.O.] Transformationa of catechol amines via quinoids. Ukr.bickhin.zhur. 37 no.5:798-804 165. (MITAL 18:10) 1. Kafedra blokhimii KharlkovaRogo meditainskogo Instituta Khartkovskiy institut endokrinologii i khimii gormoncv. TJTI=.VA, D. o.: master med Sci (dies) -- "-Vne problem of ccmbire.-' ~ifzordlerp of the function of the digestive orMns in diso-ailes of the bile ducts". Kazanly 19~9. 15 pp (Kazanl St^te 14ad Innt, Chair of Hospital Thnrapy), 200 coplos (KL, lio 16, 1959, 110) UTILIN, M.11.9 Imnd. tekhn. nauk; DFIYXV, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk. Studying the electric spark and other methods of grinding hard- surfacing alloys. Sellkhozmashina no.12:20-23 D 157. (KM 11:2) 1. laboratortva elektroobrabotki Nauchno-issladovatellukogo Insti- tatu traktorosellkhozmaeh. (Grinding and polishing) UTIMA kBnd.geo&-r.rwuk; BERLYAND, T.G., kand.geogr.asuk; Sh.A., jmne.fiz.-matem.nauk; BAYDAL, M.Kh., kBnd. geogr.nauk; KUZMSOV, A.T., kand.geogr.nBuk; CHUWK(N, L.A., doktor geogr.nauk; SffVYREVA, Yu.G., mladshiy nsuchnyy storudnik,, UTISIOV, A.S., kand.geogr.nauk; GOLITSIMG, I.A., doktor geogr. nauk; KLYKOVA, Z.D., starshiy asuchnyy sotrudnik; IGWISHIKOVA, Ye.A., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GELIHGOLITS. N.Y.. starshiy nauchn" sotrudnik; PRMOROV, I.I., starshiy nauchayy sotrudnik; TKAGHENKO, H.S., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MMANOVA, L.P.. red.; 3RAYNINA, M.I.. tekhn.rad. (Climate of Kazakhstan] Klimat Kazakhatana. Pod red. A.S.Ute- shevas Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-va. 1959. 366 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Russia (10,23- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniya gidrometeoro- logichaskoy sluzhby. 2. Kazakhakiy pedegogichookiy institut MOO (for Utimagambetov). 3. Glavnaya goofizicheakaya observe- to*riya im.,A.I.Voyeykova (GGO) (for Berlyand, Golltaberg). 4. Ka- sakhakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gidrowteorologicheakiy inati- t-at KazNIOKI) (for Bezverkhniy, Baydal, Kuznetsov, Uteshav, Kly- kova. Men'shikova, Gellmgollts, Prokhorov, Tkachenko). 5. Insti- tut geogr3fii Akademii nauk SSSR (IG AN =R) for Shvyreva). (Kazakhstan--Climate) SKVORTSOV, Serafim Grigorlyevich, laureat Stalinakoy promli UTIE A,A. inzbener, radaktor; UDOD, V.Ta. redaktor; PERSON, M.N:, lttam- cheekly redaktor. (Hermetic sealing of concrete in construction work] Vaim(wirovante betona v strottellatye. Hoetva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po at-oitall styu I aLkhitakturs, 1955. 135 P. (KLRA 8:11) (Concrete cons truc t lon) ISAYMY, N.V.. inzhener, redaktor; Z.W,,.A.A-. inzhener, redaktor; PgIrLUR,A.S., redaktor izdatel'stV"-,-;--GUSWA, S.S., tokhricheekly redaktor [Instructions for thermal struengthening of loons macroporous (loons type) earth] InstruPteiia po termiche akomu ukrepleniiu protiedochnykh makroporistykh (lessovidnykh) gruntov (1-202-551 Moskva, Go*. izd-vo KUFKKW - lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakture. 1956. 30 p- (MIA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo stroitellstv~a predpriyatty metallurgicheakoy i khimicheakoy promyshlennosti. Tekhnicheakoye upravlaniye. (Soil isochanics) NECHMUV, B.I., laureat Staliankey promii; UTIW, A.A., Inshomer, redaktor; UDOD, V,Ta., rodaktor; TOUR, A.M., OlftMemkiy rodaktor. CRY work practice, in carpenter shops) M*l opyt rabety v slollarsykh tookhakh a& streitalletye. lzd.2-9s, perer. I dep. Moskva, Go@. izd- ve lit-ry po streit. I arkhitekhture, 1956. 134 p ' (KRA 9:6) - (Carpentry) I USOT, Tladimdr Dultrlmxdm U711, AA., inzh., nauchnyy red.; SKVCR!ESOVA~, I.P., red, lsd-vm~, *XLIKM, BAs, Wean. red, [Work of awmenters and joiners In Inxilding] PlotnichzWe I stoliarnys raboty na stroltellstve. Moskva, %a. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arichit, I strolt. materialam, 1958. 262 p, (MIR& n i 7) (Carpentry) (Joinery) MITROSHIN, N.S.., inzh.; UTIN, G.Ya., !nzh. Reconditioning tractor parts of road machinery. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 no.3:36-37 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) I A .-i~j BASKIN) B.I.; UTIN, I.A. Experience in the meebanized build-up welding of metallurgical equipment parts, Ivtom. avar, 16 no.4:67-70 Ap 163. (141FA 16:4) 1. Awrbaydzhanskiy truboprokatnyy zavod im. V.I.lauina. (Pipe mills-Maintenance and repair) (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) YU.V. , I Redesigning assembl. le s cf pipo!~ rolii ng r-ill I-Q. , '-,: - - 1 ~ -Irg 22-24 Ap 165. 1. Azerbaydzhanskly trubopy-okatnyy zavod. nd~.- r ;I pe r,-j' n., 'n, Meta-Liurg IC, my f i' Rzerlm~yilzhariskly triibr,-,pi-(,katny-j zavod i Kharllr.:~vskly rlolJt,khni,h,-,~ly institut. Miscellaneous Efficiency exposiw 1/1 Pub. 133 22/23 Authors I Utin I V Managir of the Telepaph Division of the Arzamas Communica- Title i The creative work of efficiency specialists in the office of communications (of Arzamas) 'Periodicol, I Vast. avyazi .11, 31 - 32, Nov 1954 Abstract I The improved efficiency of work and the econoW in expenlitures in the Arzame Office of Communications, as a result of proposals made by vi,rious efficiency experts is briefly dealt with. The system is des. cribed m4 a number of tackmical improvements are listed. Institutions ..... Submittedt. 40... UTIK. I.T. ......... Improving the qualifications of village communication vorkers. Yeat.eviazi 14 no.1:22 Ja 154. OMRA 7:5) 1. Nachallnik telegrafa Arxamsskoy kontory evyasi GorIkovskoy oblasti. (Telephone-Imployees) UTIN, I.V. Creative activity of efficiency experts of a commnication c,ffice. Vest.mviasl 14 no.11:31 N '54. (9LHA 8:1) 1. lachallnik telegrofa Arsamanskoy kontory avyasi. (Telecounanication) .~TIN, P.P. Tin depo5it. Trudy VITR no.4:201-232 '61. (XIRA .14:9) (Tin orps) S11 69/63/**000/002/'077/127 D263/D307 AUTHOR: Utin P. P. TITLE: On a rational network of sampling ore-deposits and rare metals-of North-Eastern USSR of gold PERIODICAL: Re.lerativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 196159 12-13, abstract 2D74 (In collection: Vopr. metodik'i', oprobo- vaniya rudn. mestorozhd. pri razvedke i ekspluat. M., Goageoltekhizdat, 1962, 161-170), TEXT: Results of experimental studies carried out by the thinning -.method on 19 Sn- and ku-bearing deposits showed that the existing network sampling and exploitation sampling may be thinhbd out by A-factor of 2. The recommended thinning out has no effect on the~flnal-calculated.reserves, and gives fully permis- sible deviations in the mean determined parameters of ore veins and reserves of the required minerals, both over individual blocks -Abstracter's note: Complete transla- and over the whole deposit. tion..7, ~7-Caid 1/1 UPIN, V. P. ~C~.ief Geodesist) o Leng-idep Expedition) "Geodetical Work Carried out on the Building Site of the Krasneyarsk Hydraulic Power Plant." )(I I repoit presented at theA.Scientific and Technical Conference, Novosibirs,'r-. Inst. of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography, 15-22 Feb '58. (Geodeziya i Kartograf Lya, '58, 11:79-80) ITT RYA - Muazlos, CL-mistry - Rito--volen!e 1xid 49 "i4le of Vic InUmuelli lar Rulliculi-r StructLwo :~nd Ritxawlainic .c It! in thc Fcz-;;aticn of ., -ijr*rocrr-,t,ens,* D, Lavir-acn., 7. 2~ 'Aliv, , rnat of ?,wl, ".o)uc(,w Svt~Ao t, irent 141. V. A; A, pp D col -6 A.1 no 111%, Vol I ,( V ,Eo 5 ".-thoo-, nnd ;3 -cc-Lons ~-rl ",-Cladao tl:.,-t c1bizinow W)mltted by ;~cad A. 1. L-parla, 12 kp~.r !,9. Aw Mali* - Zoology ,"Cytoloa of the, Neurosecrative Process 'Anwhilels," L., V. Xarlu6p, 1. A. Utim, ~Vrrr f"ll "Cow 6~ats,u V. Low"Mov, 4 pp pDak Ak J~auk SSSR" Vol.=,, No 2 I!rseents results obtained from c)rtological reweank an the neuroeenvtory activity of Dufo bufo, Bufo *irl4le and'Dombins' bomblas. Notes.tbere am marked difforences,in the cell organization of similar animals. Submitted II Nor 49. wAm~ BTZOV, A.L.; UTINA. I.1. Notion of the nuclei of retinal rods in the frog and site of origin of the elechroretinogram Lwith w, ar7 in Inglish], Biofisika 4 no.2:187-197 159- (Nnu 12:4) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RIVINAe physiol. lability of rod nuclei & eite of origin of electro- retinogram in frogs (Run)) ~ U INA P 4~ "A---- Studying the activity of two types of bipolars by the methcd of ultraviolet cytophotometry. Blofizika 5 no. 5t626-627 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RETINA) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) TJTTP# I.A.; BECHAYEVA, N.V.,- BRODSKIY, V.Ya. Ribonucleic acid in ganglionic calls of the retina of a frog in darluiess and in constant or flickering light. Biofizika 5 no* 6:749-750 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RETINA) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (LIGHT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) BYZOV, A.L.; ORLOV, O.Yu.; UTIINA, I.A. Adaptation study of the eye of cephalopod mollusks. Biofi2ika 7 no.3:318-327 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Ins~itut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Yoskva. (VISION) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v.'157, no. 5, 1964, 1216-121-8 TOPIC TAGS., ri'*nu leic acidj- RNA content, retinal cell, -horizonte), cj!ll, --Ift ht- - flashing-light j---electrophysiological -retinal - - - ailiac rine -cell, continuous cell response, retinal cell RNA increase, light frequency ABSTRACT: Irritation by flashing light is known to increase the RNA content in th title cells.~ The tudies aiffied at~obtai e a riing additional electrciphyW ological data or, their functional propertieE;. The frogs were immobilized with - -diplacin, one lot was kept- in the dark, the other under continous.or flashing ligi.-It (100 luxY ofvar ing frequency (1 or 5 hertz.) at 1:5 ratio of light to dark. RNA mriount was determined'in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The test material, obtained Card 1/2 i5631-65 I~CCESSION NR. AP4043844 ,dter one hour of illumination, --was studied by photographic evtophotonkettly. Resu lts show a RNA'increase in both amacrino and horizontal cells to oa~cur solely -With- AaWng light; _ this -is an -unexpected, result,- since- electrical reactions (if _t,he, horizontal -.cells to light -irritation is known to differ corisiderably from that of othorretInal nerve- cells Jitanglion, bipolar). This RNA contew, increas- i ed linearly with.inerease In light frequency. This result points towards a possi -tile similari of the functional properties of both types of cells. "The author ty wishes to thank A. L. By*zov anti V. Ya. Broadski for their help with thia work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table.- problem peredachi informatsit Akademlinauk-9113S.R i. (Inst-Itute of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences SSSR) 29Nov63 ENCL: 00 ~iS!UB,AGTTED: -SUB CODE: LS NO. REF SOV: 009 OT14ER: 009 t_~?rd '2/2 10 -.1-7:47 .11 165. Gla.rny, L y nieklianlk -avod% "Kv~tsnyy CktpibrIll 2. Glavnyy itialdinni kAzarhavd"AIIITIS~Ot~O LIMI'DO11-c-I (for Utln). 3. Crlllvri.-;y meklanik cheskoUo zal,,odrt "SibclektroaLall" (far UTI NA I A k BYZOV A. L. 7 Rudy of funcl 'lonal propert,'q3 of tho t-jf* ,n& frog retinh by cytochemical. method. Blofizlka 10 no.~.,. 1088-1091 165. (mi;(", lq~-I) 1. Instillut problem ptiredachl Inforrvit.aii AN Mv~~a,.,.-I. Submitted May 5, 1965. Name: UTIKA,, 0. S. Dissertation: Some data on the mode of actlun of tisaue therapy Degree: Cand Med Sci Min Health USSR,, State Order of Lenin Leningrad Inat of Advanced Training for Physicians imenl S. M. Kirov gefe~Date, Place: 1956, Len!Lngrad Source: Knizhnava I-e-topis', No 2,. 1957 1-6-,,-,7 -69-5/16 AUMR: Utins Z. `~ P.M. TIM: Compit.'ing the Difference iu the Coefficients of Tarblulence for TIemp- eratlixe and ~Ioist=-e in Combined Treasformiation ('01chet razlichiya koeffitsiyentoa turbiilentnosti dlya teamperat-ary i vlazhaostl v zadache o, sovmestaoy transformatsii) PERIODWAL: ThWy G]Avnoy er-ofizicheskoy observatarii 11957, Nr 69, pp 41-44 (ussR) ABSTPACT: The authar offers a mw' hema tical solution for the problem of combined traniformation of air temperature &ad air humidity under the impact of an irri&Lt- ed tract of land. The solution includes an evaluation of the dIfference between the turbulence coefficients for t-.mpera;.LUM &ad humidity. The solution is b&5ed on data. on turbulence coefficients obtained e- -Ing the Pakhta-Aral expedition [Pkk- bta-Aral iB a cottaa-gnwing sovkhoz in Surth r.zakhst4a). Tea-~Is ccmd-xcted duzring 8 days belp:yd to estmhlish that for this span 2 time the turbulence coefficient of temperatu--e equa)jead 0.03 square meter per second, whereas the tarbulence co- efficient of moistm%-e was 0.07 square meter per second. The author uses several mathematical forwilas to demons",brate the interrelationship between temperature and moisture in an irrigatad oasis and in an and region in its vicinity. He con- cludes that if the zwAsture transfer coefficient is assumed to be constant, but the temperature transfer coefficient is falling, the influence of the oasis on the Card 1/2 ComptAing the Difference in the Cr>_-fficients of TuebtUence (Coat. ) 36-57-69-5/16 temperature of the adjacent and region decr,,_-asl~-s with height ,, IrZt, remitirs strong in the near-surface air Jzyer. This fall in tempera-zure in the uear.-s*=face strata diminishes the moisture gradient so that. evaporation decreasee. There are 3 Soviet references. AVAIIABLZ-. Library of Cozgress Card 2/2 .UTINAS I ---_ Calculation of the difference between the coefficient of turbulence for temperature and moisture in a problem on sicultaneous trans- formation. Trudy GGO no.69:45-50 '57. (MIRA 11:5) (Turbulence) ,-6-57-69-lo/16 AUT'MRs Ormcheva., V. P., Mina, Z. M., and Mainafto, N. P. T T 19'.' Irriev'41-ion SU2,AArd for Different. Climatic Conditions ( Hormy on)sheniya " xs-,.lichnykh klimatichaskikh w1oviy) PMODICAL: Trady Glavwy geofizicheskoy observatoril, 1957, Ir 69, Pp- 71-76 (USSR) ABSTWT.* The authors define the tem "trrigation standards" ac the amount of water needed to maintain the moisture content of soil at 60 to 70 percee... Con- sequently theae standards vary with climatic and meteorological conUttons. The authors analyze the W.;erdepandence of weather conditions and irrigstion stand- ards and refer to D. L. Laykhtmn who in 1955 established a set of standards to be adhered to. The article contsains 5 maps shoving the application of these standards in the and zones of the Soviet 7hion during the vegetation period. The standards are expressed in thousands of cubic meters (of water) per hectare. There axe 3 fig=-es, but no refem-nees. AVAILABLE: Library of Con Ss Card 1/1 S1 169/6 D228/D305 AUTHORS: Laykhtman, D. L., and Utina, Z. M. '~'I T L E.-. Influence of macrometeorolotric condItions or the structure of the boundary layer in the atmosphere PER--ODIC.AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no,, 12.. 19- 46, abstract 12B282 (Tr. G1. f,eofiz. observ.- 1961, no. 107, 14-20~ TEXT: The distribution of the main meteorolo~;ic elements and turbulence characteristics in Lhe boundary layer was ob-- tained by meano of solving t-hp joint system. of the equatinn~' of move.~.,ien-~, heat-'.nflow, water-vapor dirt-usion, -and ground tiler- moconductivity. To close the system, the equation of the tur-z bulence energy balance -.-,as used in f-n integral form for the whole boundary layer. The coorricient of turbuience is assiui. Card 112 S116~V611000101210541OH9 Influence of macrome-teorologic... D228/D305 to the"model with a fracture." On the basia of the derived formulas, apprt.isals are given for the changes i.n th'-; prof2.les of meteorologic elements in the boundary layer a.11d in the com- ponent-- of the heat bclance durin,-,, the variation of th(: ra,~1,~- tion balance, and al'so for the degree of' hu,~iidificat-.on of an active surface and its rourhness. Abstracter s noted, Cor. plete translation.j Card 2/2 IAYKBT14AN, D.L.; KAZJIDAN, R.M.; UTINA, Z.M. Experimental determination of radiant flow of heat into the lower atiriospheric layer. Trudy GGO no.107:112-115 161. WM 14:10) (Atmospheric temperature) ORLENKO., L.R.,,-_!jT.RjAq Z.M. t Calcii2ation, of the accretion and thawing of old ice. Tridy GGO no.127.i iii-H5 162 OGRA 15:7) .. ZArctic regiona-Sea ice) UTINA, Z.M. Effect of horizontal temperature"inhomogeneity on thestructure of the boundary layer of the atmosphere. Trudy 030 no.127:234,-144 162. (MIRA .15-.7) (Atmospheric temperature) UTIPIA, Z. M. KAGAIN, B. A. On the Thermodynamic Interacrion Between Sea and Atmosphere report submitted for the 13th General Assembly IUGG, (OCEMIOGRAPHY) Berkeley, California, 1)-31 Aug 63 UTINA, Z.14. -Structure of the bound~zr~ layer of the horizontal-liptiin- geneous atmonphere. Trudy GGO no.144zl7&--l82 163. (Mir'ut 1'l. 6) KAGAN, B.A.; UT -Z.1M. Theory of the thermodynanic interaction of the sea and the atmosphera. Okeanologiia 3 no.2:250-259 163. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Loningradskiy gidrometecrologicheskiy institut. (Meteorology, Maritime) V L 14184-06 LWT(1)/Fcc Crd ACC MR: AT6004147 SOURCE CODE: UR/2531/65/000/167/0038/0043 AUTHOR: Utina, Z. M. ORG: Main Geophysical Observatory, Lenimad (Glavnaya geofizichaskaya 6bser0a ort t ya) TITLE: Structure of the boundary layer of the horizontally nonhomogeneous atmosphere 0, iql WS 5 SOURCE: Leningrad. Qlavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 1, 1965. Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atoosfery (Physics of the boundary layer of the atmos- .phere), 38-43 TOPIC. -TAGS atmospheric ~undary layer, radiation balance, geostrophic wind, atmos- ipher'.1c temperature, atmospheric humidity, atmospheric turbulence, temperature gradi- ~ent .ABSTRACT: The author determines the distribution of wind, temperature and humidity 'in the boundary layer of the horizontally nonhomogeneous atmosphere as a function of external parameters with given conditions for the coefficient of turbulence. This prcblem involves solving a system of equations which account for motion in the .Card 1/2 L 14184-66 :WC NR: AT6004147 presence of thermal wind, heat conductivity in the atmcsphere and soil with regard- ;to advective term (for the atmosphere), diffusion of water vapor, and turbulent en- iergy balance. The system also contains an equation which gives the altitude of the -boundary layer as that level above which the wind changes with altitude only due to the horizontal temperature gradient. An approximate is given for determining the thermal wind, which is assumed to be unknown. ro-mulas are derived which may be ,used to calculate the characteristics of the boundary layer of the atmosphere as a function of geostrophic wind, radiation balance and temperature and humidity of the '~free atmosphere. Consideration is given to the case where the coefficient of turbu- lence may be approximated by a function wnich increases linearly with altituae in the ground layer and decreases according to an exponen-fial law above the ground lay- er. Examples am given showing the effect which the coefficient of turbulence has .on the other parameters of the boundary layer when there is a horizontal temperature ,gradient. It is found that the coefficient of turbulence has a stronjer effect on the meteorological characteristics of the boundary layer under conditions of advee- ,tion. Orig. art. has: 1 table# 24 formulas. ;SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE:- 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ 0711 FXF: 000 ~Card -AtC Nk_,__AT6_0_zi5r4 SO-UR-C-E---C-OD*-Et--U-R,-/-Z'-~-3-fr6-6-/o-(j-OTf~6-i-fo-1-4-6-fo-aB~---?- AUTHOR: UtInag Ze Mo ORG: ?Whe., TITLEt Distribution of wind in the boundary layer SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheakaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 187, 1966. Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atmoofery (Physics of the atmospheric-boundary layer), 146-148 TOPIC:.-TAGSt atmospheric boundary laver, advection, wind distributicn, boundary layer wind, horizontal temperature gradient, Aimr.A_ IV Q W" W" alto-/ ABSTRACT: .7ap distribution of winds in the boundary layer (Lp to 3 km) in the presence of! marked advection is' analyzed on the basis of pilot-balloon data obtained at, the Voyeykovo Station near Leningrad. The U(z)/Vog and V(z)/Vog ratios were considered as functions of the dimensionless height Lz/Voe; (where U(.z) :and V(z) are components of the wind velocity at height z,-V,g is the geostrophic wind, and L the Coriolis parameter) for a given roughness zo land temperature'stratificatilon. Since cases of large horizontal temperature ACC NRt AT6021514 gradients were seiected', no noticeable connection was found between VW/Vog and the stability- 6f the atmosphere or any dependence of V(z)/V on cbanges c in roughness from winter to summer. Values of the geostrophi Und and ,er,sential pa-rameters were obtained from 9~ound-level isobars.and isohypses on ATOSo and AT700 maps. All of the cases selected were divided into four groups in ac ordance with the dipensionless arameteria ax/L-and IL ~X Sd'P a _ 3d a an d co. + - -;2 _5j and axe Ueyorizontal r . where ,temperSure OadientW averugeA over height): I CLX /I> 10: -10 < oy/ Z < 10 (10 cases) II ax/ < -10; -10 < ciy/ it < 10 (8 cases) -III oLY/ < -10; -10. < a,/ k < 10 (7 cases) IV o~/L> 10; -10 < ax/k< 10 (is cases). Groups I and II correspond to cases in ihich the isotherms and isobars parallel each other and the geostrophic wind increases or decreases with height without changing direction; temperature changes amounted to 3 deg per day. Groups III and IV included cases in which the isotherm and ,isobars are perpendicular to each other and the. geostrophic wind shows sharp changes in direction when the u(z) 'component ia constant. Sharp advections of heat or c6ld caused changes lo the air temperature exceedin ,3 deg per day. The cases in each group were-averaged and graphed (Fig. 1~. Card 2 / 4 Card 34 Fig. 1. Distribution I .!of wind velocity com- ponents during a wind A temperature radient parallel to the baric gradient;-." ;III, IV - temperature V ri igradieut perpendicula It the ba-zic gradien t 4, AT6021514.. V1f ACC NRs AT6021514 1 w-The -curves co;-respond to groups'l-'IV and the points to values of the 'dimensionless ratios,zjj~dg equalto 0-35, 0.3, 0.7, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, :3.0, and 4.0. Hod.ographs taken from. this graph indicate that the horizontal temperature.. gradient. has considerable effect on wr4d distribution. art. has s f ig'ure . -A- 50; CBE-No',* 0 FUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: ORIG'REF; 002/ Card 4L KOWM# Hiroslav; UTIJW, Vaclav On anti-henclytic vomponents of human NorAL. ContiMIAtion of the subject 00a inhibiting factors in the blood serum of patients with careinome *. Gas. lek. cook. 99 no. 1,5:459-466 8 A,~ 16o. 1. Oddoleni pr( Uinickou biochemll OM Pribram, prednosta WJDr. HiroolAy Knek a blochemicke oddeloni Vojenskeho ustayu pro bygiona. opideniologii a mikrobiologii v Praze, prednosta HUDr. Vaclav Utinek. (NJIOPIASKS blood) (EMOLYSIS) (CHOLISTEROL) - - - 9 )0 1 1 6660 *44, i is6we 'w w 0 Sal 14 Is is If Is 1. x 1 it )A A a H A jv A, v U11 " A w 4, It At .1 At J! 0 A 11 L D k, r- J ... L, 1. 0 X.J.4 4 $ 1 4V . I . II I AA N " 0 (t A , - " -.1", 00 T see A , - 90 . -00 .00 SO GeologY and or@ deposit of the ?]#a-pdO.ghAn Mine. -00 Yen-ch' Pref"'I'Ife, Chin 't&O PfOvinc# - '1-- -00 09 Pull. G-I 14-1. 11"N' 4"146" M.. 09. 1 ; -"; fO 1, 00 Mille i'I KI-0119i'411% ,I , 11.1-,j, 1j", -00 flit,, 'fone, 11,11-111W 00 X'A'J't' ~h.-- -00 hiotite milti granite jAwjjjjvrv), Juri&V~iv i4neou, I r-k.. Me-voic dikr-t-k,%, ali,f 0 ;io -00 0OZI , 1.00 are '11.11 ... pvt~11' J-""" Imb.4 00 WI It v K;. Cu IC.97. 111, 11:11. 1:, " 1011. sit 1 004, 1. AM 1, 1;.", cact 1, 1." is. NIK 1, 11 av.I 0 0 40.1 %fit 1 .11-, 4. ~69 ~; 00 -;00 z00 2041 P-00 0 41 &6O All ILA s11*1LL1rW(&i LITFRAMR9 CLAII.IFICAMN oz- =00 00 ; I a 'w a 0 I i 046 600 0 0 00000000000000000000 SO 0 -0*0090,90000960*0000 00000000 0 0 0:0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0: ACC N.R. X136J32270 SOURCE COD-1: "/,,.'.4 9 ALMMR: An dreyev, Yu. P. p a~r c-,.,-& e:~?. 0y ORG: Mzscow State University ia.2M. V. Lononosov (Mloskovskiy gosudarztvennyy T! TLE : Oxidation kinetics of carbon monoxide containing additives in a silent discharge SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 40, no. 9, 1966, 2145-2149 r-.b mc r E r .10KC TAGS: oxidat ion einetics, carbon monoydde , co. ustion dif e -,-t 'o e argon, helium A3STRACT: '--"he -nechanism- of action cf nitrogen, argon, and heliurr, ad,-Ji`~Ilves on -,-e oxidation of carbon monoxide in F_ silent discharge has been studied. The e~-,erize:'~Zs were carried out in a closed circulation system described earlier (I. A. Se-'o;'hin, Yu. P. Andreyev, G. M. Panchenkov. Zh. Fiz. kh--mii, '38, 2076, 19064). 7he concentra- ne ~iori of the additives varied from 4.8 to 060%, which corresponds %o a c"ange "in t" tatal initial- pressure of 315 to 750 = Ho. The initial pressure of the stoichiomaia-ic mixture of CO + 1/2 02 was the same in all the experin-ents Viz 'DO mm H The current was 38 manm. A kinetic analysiG of the CO oxidation reac IWII~Ias carried out using equationr, for reversible first-order reactions. On the basis of the experi- rental data and the kinetic analysis, it was established that argon and ',-,eiium are Card 1 UDC: 541.124/.128+541.13 ;-A cc-~f~-,--Aj~~66~ffw inert diluents, while nitrogen is an "energetic catalyst" of the CO oxidarioz reaction. N2 + c-N2'. N2* + N2 -- 2,N2, N7.*+02-()*+0+N2, INZ' + C02 - C02* + Orig. art. has: 6 fiaures and 6 formul&q. NA-68) SUB CODE: 07, 21/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr65/ ORIG REF: 005/ Carcl 2/2 ACC NR, AP6032270 SOURCE CODE: UR/0076/66/040/009/2145/2149 AUTHOR: AndA reyev, Yu. P.; Semiokhin, I. A.; Panchenkov, G. M.; Utirov, B. U. ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy posudarstvennyy universitet) TITIE: Oxidation kinetics of carbon monoxide containing rtdditives In LL silent discharge SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy kbimii, v. 40, no. 9, 1966, 2145-23.49 TOPIC TAGS: oxidation kinetics, carbon monoxide, combustion modifier, nitrogen, argon, helium ABSTRACT: The mechanism of action of nitrogen, argon, and hellum additives on the oxidation of carbon monoxide in a silent discharge has been studied, The experiments were carried out in a closed circulation b- yetem described earlier (1. A. Semiokhin, Yu. P. Andreyev, G. M. Panchenkov. Zh. Fiz. kbirdi, 38, 2076, 1964). The concentra- tion of the additivea varied from 4. 8 to 60%, which corresportb to a chrungn in the total initial pressure of 315 to 750 mm 11g. The initial presat~re o!7 the i3toichiometrici mixture of CO + 1/2 02 was the same in all the experiments, viz. , 300 mm Hg. The current was 38 mamp. A kinetic ana3,3is of the CO oxidation reaction was carried out using equations for reversible l'irst-order reactions. On the ba.3is of the expe mental data and -the kinetic analysis , it was established that argon and helium are Card 1/2 UDC: 5141.124/.128+541. Acc-Rp~-~~6o32270 inert diluents, while nitrogen is an Ivenergetic catalyst" of the CO oxidation re actim j N2 + e , N2 Nz' + N2 - 2-N2, N3' + C6 , 04 -~ 0 + N2, Nj' + C02 - C02' + Nj. Orig. art. has% 6 figures and 6 formulus. (WA-681 SUB CObE. 07, 21/.SUBM DATE: o2Apr65/ ORIG REF: 005/ Card UTKALOV, P.R., gornyy inzh.-elektromekhanik (Donetsk) Drilling a coal seam in development mining at mines of the Donetskugoll Combine. Ugoll 38 no.607-39 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Donets Baoln-Boring) UTKALOV, P.R., inzh. UBing loading machines during the mining of InclAried workings at mines of the Donetskugoll Combine. Shakht.stroi. 8 no.3:21-2;~ Mx 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Proyektno-konstrxktorukaya gruppa kombinata Donetskii.oll. UTKI-OTKI. L.A.; KOSTENKO. A.I., inzhener. *..% .....w Th" drive for mech;micnl boosters of IT preprtgaes, 22 no.6:29-30 156. WMA 9; 10) l.Kir&vRbadokiy MRsloboyne-shirsvoy kombinAt. (Oil industrien-Equipment and supplies) TJTKIN, A. 19967 1UTKIN, A. Se t r ISA dlya ochistki zhircrv. ?Iyats industriya cc-CR, para o 1949o No. 3, s. 51-5h. SO: LETOPIS 7HURTAL STATEY, Vol. 27, '!oskva, 1949. MKIN, A.A., at al Science Meelicinal plants of Chelyabinsk Province. I;heliabinsk, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Acceisions, Ubrary of Congress, Iforember 1~52, Unc lass if ied. v UTY,TN, .. A. Vorests=d ?ore3try - !~enzvratlon flew instniments for forest mensuration work on r.-:vuntainoun terrain. Le:;. !~*-,. 1, 19r/2, 9. Monthly Li-st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Seotember 19562 Unclassified. UNIX, A., Inshener. 1,11-0~f!-,~~e~~ Shrinkage norms for cold processes and refrIgerai;ed seat products. MlasAnd.SSSR. 25 no.4-.46-M 154. MU 7-.8) (Packing house products) (Cold storage) UTKIN. __ A.(Ghslysbinsk). Vargashin plant puts out low-quality machines. Posh.delo 3 no63:18 Mr '57. (HLRA 10:4) (Fire engines) S/044/62/000/006/06~4073 C111/C333 AUTHOR. Utkin, A. A. TITLE: '~he__prbgramming of several problems of the analysis and synthesis of logical circuits PERIODMIL; Peferativnyy zhurnal, V,atematika,- Ro. 8, 1962, 50, abstract M6~ ,: ~11'r. jibirsk, fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomzkom un-te 9A, no. 40, 145-159) TE XT: There ~Lre two programs de3cribed which were realized on the machine "Ural". The first program solves the problem of the analysis of a complicated circuit, which is given by Boolean functions which re- present the functional. properties of the comporients of the circuit, and V9 by information on the connection of the components..The second proeram realizes the ca3cade-niethod for the synthesi-s of contact circuits ~Rzh. ',.at., 1958, 8642) which is modified for the case of a non-cokylete determination of the zoolean functions. The results of the synthesis of-a circuit which is described by 6 not completely determined Boolean functions of 6 variables, are given. The analysis of the 41 variants of the cascade decomposition of the function may demand 9 machine hours; the revision followed according to the method of the random numbers. Card 1/2 3/044/62/000/008/062/073 The proLraviminC; of several problems ... C111/C333 Une has observea a notable dispersion of the number of the contacts in-the synthesized circuits which correspond to the different variants . 0 1) of the decomposition. Literature: 7 titles. V_~:- LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 L 12248-.~�3 EW(d)/FCC,w)/BDS ASD/ MZ737AFUG Pg-4/Fk-4/Po-4/Fq-4 GO/IJP(Q S/27l/63/3W/O04/O22/(Yj5 AUMOR: Fecherakiyj lue N,: and T5t1dn., A. A* Y-;~ --- 17 TIME: Programming an analysis of relay circuits PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Avtomatika, telamekhanilzL i Vyrhislitelinaya. tokhnika, no* 41 1963 59., abstract 4A367 (Uch,, zap. Tomskiy un-t, 1962J. no. 41., 180-193~ TECT: The task involved in analysis of a relay circuLt is to determine 'the system of functions of the link of output and input logical variables (matrix of reactions) and to find the matrices of the transitions, It is noted that thc procFss of analysis of relay circUts may be automated. Ls distinct fro-a familiar methods based upon the construction of speciali7-ed devicen, the method in question is based upon the use of universal digital co-mputers, Hero., the analysis of Z. re- lay c1-:0cuit amounts to an analysis of N logical oi.-cuits) where N is the number of conditions. If we fix the values of the proper variables, then the relay aircuit may be regarded as logical. By means of successive select:Lons of all conditions of feedbacks, all unknoiin functions are determined. With ';he help of the given program., the authors analyze a number of logical and relEy circuits. Here, tae ti-me of analysis of a -ogical circuit of 13 elements amoitnts to 8 minews; of a Card 1/2 L,122118,63 S/271/63/,)00/()04/022/(V, 5 .~Programming an analysis ..... circuit of 19 elements, 3-1 minuteso To analyze a relay ciraait of four elements two feedback loops requires 20 minutes. The author-a point out the advantages and weaknesses of the use of specialized and universal computers. There are four illustrations and a bibliography of 7 items# A. So Zlbatrao~4erls notes Complete translatiog bm/d,& Card -2/2 ACCESSION HR. AM039659 B/00"/&/000/a*/V067/V068 50U=; Ref. zh. MatwatlkAp Aba, 4V429 AUZKOR'. Utkinp As A* TITIZ: An integrator for a modeling arrangement vith yee-odization of solution. CITED SOURCE: Tr. 81birsk. fix.-teldw. In-tap ". 42g 1963v 112-13A TOPIC TAGS: integratorj, modeling arrangemientp solution periodization, Integration cycle, electrmagmetic relay,, chain,, electromagnetic svJLt4h TRANSUTION: The necessity In pointed out, In certain ~aseap 0.1 frequent mpett- tions of Integration cycles in modeling arrangements wlth perlodizatUm of solu- tions. Under such concLitions it becomes Impossible to use electrcomignatic relayj In the chains for setting up Initial conditions ("dumping" chair, ). A direct replacement of electrmagnatic relays in the "dxuping" chains by electronic. evitches may not give the desired result because In swh chain it Is diffncult to eliminate their shunting effect an the Integrating cocilewer anA to avoid over- loading the IntegmtAng, constant current -amplifier (CMIL) by d1z%ot1ng japuls a. Card V2 ACCEW10H n: APA039859 iAn Integrator with electronic control of the chain for sotti% ? Initial candl- :tions Is described. In it,, the role of cLain for setting up (z- ro) initial conditiona Is described* In it,, the role of cbaIn for setting up (zero) Initial, conditions Is played by two bridge diode 3vitcbes,, vork1nj; synchronously, me of which is Inserted In series between two cascades of CCA,, the oU-dr In pu%LUl to the last t 2= wo cad@&. During the Integratim tion both. awltdws are-eloseds, ~cad wo 'and the sy an an Integrator. During the "dumping" t1se both switches iare disc ted,, the Lot three CCJL cascades represent an awipllMr with 'svitcbed-off Inputj, encompassed by a chaln of negative reverse connectUnj the voltage an Its output quickly takes the value zero. A sch--tlc plact Is offered for an Integrator Ath Integration t1= Tu z 40.-.msoc. and dumpIAg tim 2,9 2 Oelh asec*,, with an erzor not ~xcesd 2% of the full, scale. V, Alakparov, DAMS AM: 25KmA Cwd 2/2 SUB COZZ: JRP us MCLI 00 _A.Gk; ARTAMONOV. K.I., pomoshchnik masterti. i KHRAMEMOVA, R.N.: uchashchiyoya vechernego takhnikum; KORCHWIN, A.?., pomoshchnik mastere, i uchamhehiyisya vochernago tekhnikuxa; ARKHIPOV, A.P.0 pomoshchnik mastera i uchashchiyeya vechernego tekhnikuma. Needed brochure on carpet weaving ('Kastering wide, double- sheeting Jacquard looms for carpet weaving" by B.S. Fedosenko. Reviewed by R.N. Khramenkova and others). Teket. prom. 17 no.8: 66 Ag '57. (M13A 10:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy tekhnicheakoy bibliotekoy 14yuboretskogo kombi- nata (for Miamenkov). 2. Nachallnik tkatskogo tnekha L.Vuberet- sl:jgo kambinata (for Utkin). (Jacquard w(jaring) (Yedosenko, B.S.) Ail AUTHOR: UTKIN A. 1. 20-3-6/46 rra TITLE: _~he In estigation of Slipe-sonic Flows With the Aid of Volts is Integral 'd, ir.iegrala.%Vallterra)" ..I- techeniy E Pomosilchlyu PERIODICALt Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR 1957,Vol.116,Nr.3,j;p-369-372_ (USSR) ABSTRACT% The author uses Volterra's integral (cf-Goursat, Cours d'analyse III,1) for the investigation.of-the linear prcbl" of the approach flow of axialaymmetric-surfaaes.. By a. series of transformati-ons the Volterra's integral -is redneed to a linear integral equa:rion of second order. The equaticn in sol"d with the aid of the caloulus of operators or with a. series development. As a special. oase the profile of a ring-shaped. w1M*itkL a. Minimal wave resistance is determined. Further generating line of a nozzle-shaped axi.alsymmetric constriction is calculated from the givvtn pressure. SUBMITTED: April 10, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 -0 a sm am a MA MIX" K-IMM - L SM9-6& Qlr td)/EWr-(1)LMY? (m) /EWA (d)/FCS (k I AINA (11 1 IP(C _7CC NR- AP5026683 vs/ SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0258/615/00 5/0821/0829 AUTHOR: Utkins-A., I, (Moscow) ORG: None TITLE: Application of the Volterra integral to the problem of flow around a cylindrical surface with supersonic airfoils SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal., v. 5, no. 5, 1965, (121-829 -//,, qq,I /I TOPIC TAGS: Volterra e(Luationg supersonic airfoil, flow analysipj boundary layer problem ABSTRACT'-.- The article considers the linear form of the pvoblem with an arbitrary form of the supersonic air-foils (See Pig. 1). The profile of the airfoil 13 assumed to be infinitely thin. We > Y Fig. Y Y designate by 4)(xY.-') the potential or the supple- mentary volooities, Then# (Ilz + (D.X + Ow 0, where X. 2= Z)fft-p The boundary condition ior C(jrd 1/2 m&: 533.6,mi F. A-m Y-81619--_66 r A~ ^ NR-AP5026683 84D the surface of the airfoil will be V. Mn r-ro - where M and % ave the Mach number wnd the velocity in non-perturbed flow; alphEL is tho at-tack angle of the axis of the airfoil; 4P and r are the coordinatec corresponding to Fig., 1; ro is the mean radius of the annular airfoil, The article coniiiders airfoils whose length is bounded by the' condition The Volterra integral will be (v dv 29 5-st dN -dW) where ~F_ is the surface carrying the initial Cauchy (boundary) data, Afte.r transformation to cylindrical coordinates the iwticle derives the Volterra equation - a linear integral equation of tho second order. Orig, art, has: 19 formulas and 7 figures. SUB CODE: ME/ SUBM DATE: 07SOP64/ ORIG REF: 034/ OTH MW: 000 ILTUIM, _.ApAtqjjy--iv&novich; .. KA BAN OV, 11-ye., otv. red.; iikIN::KOVA, I.A., red. (Fore3to in central Yakutial Leon TSentrallnoi IAkutli. Moskvap Nauka,, 1965o 206 p. (IAIRA 18s1.1) '11~ UWIN, A.I. I Characteristics of the snpreading of root systems of trees in cold sollse* -Boob. Inst. lama no.90,64-71 158. (NIRA 11:6) (Boots (I%tarq)) (soil tonqxratuxe) UTKIN, A.I. Brief description of deciduous forests of c9ntral Takutia. Izv. otd. AN SSSR no.3.89-97 159-- (MIRA 12:8) l.fakutskiy filial S-1birskogo otdoloniya Akadendi nauk SSSR. KTakutia-Forests and forestry) A.I. . -_ -_-- , I - Two anniversary landmarks in the history of geobotalical research in Eastern Siberia. Izv- So An SSSR no./+ &)r. biol. med. nauk no.1:92-97163. (MIRA 16:8) (YAKUTIA-PIIYTOSOCIOLOGY) LY NIKOLAYEV, X.K.,[doceasedl,.UTKlff A.Ve YLMCUN),(), I.F.,; CHIMMOV, V.I., -red,l BQROTA, +eXAT'-~Wn! red a [Vages of workers emDloyed on rnilrond cFrsj OT)lnta t:-udA rpbotnikov vngonnoi slixzhby; sDravoc-hnik. Pod obshchei red. I.F. Yurchenko, Monkva. Goa. trnnap. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 121 D. (MIRA 11:9) Wnces) Rnilrond) ~ UTKIN, A.v. Vibration of rectangular bottom plates an machinery spac-a framing. Trudy GPI 14 no 1:55-6 158- (MMA 13:2) ?Hulls iNaval architecture)) (Vibration (Marine engineering)) UTKIN, A. V. Cand "Tech Sci - (diss) "Vibration of bilge rectangular plates in machine compartments of ships." Gor'kiy, 1961. lc , pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Gorlkiy Polytechnic Inst imeni A. A. Zhdanov); 225 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 247) IMI'VIORUCHKO, Vikolay Zakharovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SLUSUIMIKO, A.M., dotsent, retsenzent; YELISETIEW, F.G., dots., retsenzent; LERIM, K.&, dots., retsenzent; GIAMOV, V.A., dots., retsenzent; KIYAIIGV, P.I,, imb., retsenzent; TS13-MANGV, V.M., inzh., retsenzent; DO?kFETLIV, V.G.I. inzb., retsenzent; KALMUIKOV, S.S., inzh.., reteenzont; KOROIF.V, A.N., inzh., retsenzent; LOKS11111, Kh.A., inzh., retsenzeryt; FIRSOV, S.I., inzh., retnenzent; SEAKURSKIY, K.D., inzh., retsenz,3nt,,-UTKD, AN. tekh retsenzent; VAIETCV, A.I., inzh,. red.; BOBROVA, Y,-.14., ielfft. -red*-x [Operation, manegements awl repitir of rolling stock] Vagcnnoe kho- ziaistvo. Fjoskva,, Vses.izdatellsko-poligi-.oblledini3nie 11--va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 319 p. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Kafedra uKonstruktsiyal remont i ekspluatatsiya vagonov" Rostov- skogo inatituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for all except Valetov, Bobrova). (Railroads-Rolling stock) UTKIN, A.V., inzh. Calculating the strength of span covers with single cross bracings at ship ends. Tmly GPI 15 no.1:73-84 161 [i.e. 1591. GURA 15:11) ( (Naval architecturo)) ,--UNIN., A.V., inzh. -- 11- -- .......: Strength analysis of coverings curvilinear in plan. Trudy GPI 17 no.3:54-62 161. (MIRA 115:12) UTKIN, A~ekaey---Vasi-llyevich; EZERIN, Arnolld Ernstovich; CIIIZHITSK.U, retnenzent; YURCMIKO, I.F.., inzb., red.; NOUTU110VA, M.P.., red.; KHITRGV, P.A., tekhn. red. (Wages in rolling stock operations; manual] Oplata truda v vagon- nom. khoziaistve; spravochnik. Pod obshchei :-ed. I.F.OrchenkD. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 129 p. NIRA 15:7) (Wages-Railroads) SY SOY EV P.V.j inzh., red.; CHIKHACIIEV, B.A., inzh.,, red.; KRASBENINIIIKOVA, G.V., inzh., nauchn)7 red.; I'ROSKURYAKOV, AN., inzh., red.; UTKJ21 A V inzh., red.; SUKMEEVA, R.A., red.; SITNIKOV, L.-F-.,re&;*KU'&ffAVITSKAYA, A.A., tekhn. red. [The established clasBas of patent liconsoo and cortificates granted to Soviet inventors; an index divided into subclascnes, groups, and subgroups]Ukazatell klassov avtorskikh svideteLlstv i patentov, vydavaemykh v SSSR, s podrazdeleniem ikh na pod- klassy, gruppy i podgruppy. Mockva, TSentr. biuro telf1m.. in- for7r.ataii, 1962. 820 1). 15'.l:'.) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Komitet po delar, izobreteniy i ot- krytiy. (Patent licenses) UTKIN, A.V. P kand. tekYLn. nauk Stability of a rectangular plate clampad along the edres. Trudy GPI 18 no-4:12-16 163. (MIRA 17:9) UTKIN, A.V, Potentials in the ope-ration of the rolling stock. 46 no.307-41 Mr 164. ()GRA 17: 3) 1. Nachallnik otdola truda I zarabotnoy platy Glavnogo upravleniya vagonnogo khozyaystva Ministqrstra putey soobshcteniya. BYAIWZHISKIYe Grigoriv Val.arianovich, nauchnyy sotrudnik; MAJWIX, Rktor Dmitriyevich, nauchnyy sotrudnik; UTKIN, Boris Yesillyevich, nauchnyy sotradnik; YAKUNINA, Valentina Vladimirovna, naucbayjr sotrqinik; SMGLM, A.F., red.; ZUYX7A, H.K., [Winter maintenance of 8ILtomobils roads) Zimnee so&--zhaniep avtosobillnykh dorog. ffos~va, Nauchno-tekhn.12d--j aytotransp. lit-ry, 1958. 120 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Gosudaretvannyy vooooyuznyy dor02hnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy insitut (for Byalobzheekly. Prykhin. UtkILn, Yakunina) (loads--Maintenance and repair) AsTAKIIOV, A.V.; UTUN, D.V. Device for the p,_,esslng offr' of the reduntor ." 7_111-5 trollevimill3s. -'redl. nit gor. tO-~!: P I X 46 , (,)/,. ('~ITTHI`l 1?:2) 1. De~)o No.2 Tramvaync-trolleybusnogo upravIcnlya Lenin~vwla.