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S/17 60 003/005/014/017 IBO12Y,305~ AUTHOR: W1112anov, R..S. TITLE: The Influence Exerted by the Pulsations of the Flow Velocity Upon the Evaporation of Fuel Drops PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp; 119-123 TEXT: During the motion of the aftomized fuel-in heating installations, the average flow velocity of the particles is superimposed by the varying pulsation velocity due to various causes. Here, this process is idealized. It is pointed out that already in the case of relatively low pulsations caused by turbulence a large part of the not very large particles (more than 50 Wwill no longer follow the velocity pulsations. It is assumed that during one-fourth of the period of average flow pulsations an accumula- tion of vapor occurs in the boundary layer near the fuel drops and only partial evaporation occurs on the outer surface of this layer (Ref. 1). Should the-spatial amplitude of the air-flov pulsations be considerably greater than the dimensions of the drop, during the next fourth-period of Card 1/3 The Influence Exerted by the Pulsations of the Flow 5/170/60/003/005/014M7 Velocity Upon the Evaporation of Fuel Drops B012/BO56 pulsation a sort of "blowing off" of a part of the boundary layer and, correspondingly, a molar removal of the vapors accumulated near the boundary layer surface will occur. For the molar removal of the vapors formula (1) is written down. In order to obtain the funotion C(r, T), whioh is oontained In this formula# for the general case in an explicit formg the diffusion equation for a hollow sphere must be solved. In an isothermal problem, this equation has the form of equation (2). The latter is transformed into (2a) and solved by the general method. C is the concen- tration of the fuel vapor in the boundary layeri r is the radius of the boundary layer of the particles; T = time. Formula (8a) is derived for the particle dimension q . It is pointed out that, proceeding from the assump- tions made, this formula should be used only for particle dimensions that are not too small* It is shown by a concrete example that dQ2/dc, if pul- sations are lackingg is considerably greater than the evaporation constant (Ref, 4). It is pointed out that in the evaporation of the drops in a pulsating flow dq2/dT is no constant but a function of the drop dimensions. From formula (8a) it may be seen that with an increase of the drop tempera- turep evaporation in the first rough approximation increases in proportion to the change of exp(-C/2). In conclusion, it is pointed out that the Card 2/3 The Influence Exerted by the Pulsations of the S/1700/003/005/014/017 Flow Velocity Upon the Evaporation of Fuel Drops B0127BO56 method of oalculation described here is a rough approximation, but never- theless offers the possibility of determining the effect produced by air,. flow pulsations in heating installations. Professor V. V. Pomerantsev revised the manuscript of the present paper* There are 1 table and 4 referenoes: 3 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: TsKTI im. 1. 1. Polzunova, g. Leningrad (TsKTI im. 1. 1. Polzunov, Leningrad) Card 3/3 KORCTMiOV, Yu.N.; SYRKIITA, K.D.; TTULIPAIIOV, R.S. Experimental study of the operation of the distillation shaft of gas producers designed by the Central Boller and Turbine Institute. Gidroliz. I lesokhtm.prom. 11 no.8: 4-6 ' 58. (IGRA 11:12) 1. TSentraltny7 nauchno-iasledovatellokiy kotloturbinnyy institut. (Gas producers) 3-10-18130 AUTHORi Tyull-panay, S.I., Vice Chancellor of Leningrad State Univer- sity imeni A.A. Zhdanov. TITLEs What the First Results of the Entrance Examinations Tell (0 ch8m govoryat pervyye itogi priy9ma) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Phkoly, 1957, # 10i pp 65 - 66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Preparations for the new admission of students tothe Lenin- grad University in 1957, were made a long time prior to the submission of applications. In January, a reception commission and agitation collectives were created to popularize university education among the industrial youth. These collectives were usually attached to industrial enterprises related by their purpose to certain faculties. Rany important scientists of the university took part in this activityp among them professor S.S. Kuznetsov from the Geological Faculty,professor V.N. Sharonov from the Mathematico-Mechanical Faculty, etc. Lectures and receptions were organized tor the youth. Within the Army and Navy, Card 1/4 meetings took place between university representatives and What the First Results of the Entrance Examinations Tell 3-10-18/30 soldiers to be demobilized. Preparatory courses for 500 Persons were organized. Students of senior courses and aspirants gave such courses directly in the factories. As a result, 1,620 alplications,1,267 of them for correspondence courses, were submitted to the Lenin- grad University. About 50~6 of the applicants, bearers of gold and silver medals, were accepted. Entrance examinations were supervised by commissions headed by well known scientists. The commission for the Russian language was headed by profossor Ye.I. Korotayova and that of geography by professor A.A. Korchagin. The results of entrance examinations revealed some problems, particularly concerning the Russian language; there are still considerable deficiencies in style, orthography and syntax. On the othor hand, some improvements were observed with respect to foreign languages. This relates in particular to day schools, for the teaching of foreign languages in evening schools is still unsatisfactory. Only part of the applicants had a superficial knowledge of the USSR history, nor were Card 2/4 they well informed on the directives of the XXth Party CongreseL,. What the First Results of the Entrance Examinations Tell 3-10-18/30 Applicants examined in physics, chemistry and other natural disciplines, were unable to deal with practical problems. The author states that many of the applicants had not expected en- trance examinations and were not well prepared. The author states that a majority of the applicants was rejected, particu- larly in mathematico-mechanics, physics and chemistry, due to unsatisfactory school education and, in some cases, interrupted training. About 4CO of the students admitted to the first course, had 2 years of industrial practice. The author believes that applications from industrial youth to enter universities will increase, so that there will be great competition. Therefore the organization of preparatory courses must be expanded, privileges due to these students have to be worked out, etc. The teaching process will be subject to increased requirements so that proper methodics, additional consultations and improvement of lectures and seminars must be faced. Card 'What the First Results of the Entrance Examinations TeU 3-10-18/30 ASSOCIAMON: leningradskly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Mdan (Leningrad State University Jwni A.A. Zhdanov) AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 4/4 DEMIN, Andrey Andreyevich;,ITYULIPANOV, S I prof*,. red.; SMOROV, I.V., red,; ZHUKOVA., Ye.G.., tekba. (The largest monopolies of the German Fedoral Republic] Krupnelshie monopolii FRG. Pod red. S.I.Tiulipanova. Leningrad., Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1961. 103 p. (MM 3-4: 10) (Germargr,, West-Trusts# Industrial) TYULIPANOV, Sergey Ivanovich, prof.; ONUSIIKIN, Viktor Grigorlyevich,, AZAIMV, E.K.., red.; TIKHOII'OVA, 1.1-14., tekhr. red. (Crisis of world capitnlismlKrizis mirovogo kapit,liziaa. Lo- ningrad, Lenizdatp 1962. 281 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Capitalism) ZISELISON, Ye.I.; TYULIPANOV, S.I., red.; SKILOV, L.A., red. (Restoration of industry in Leningrad, 1921-19241 Vossta- novlenie promyshlennosti Leningrad, 1921-1924 gg. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ. Vol.l. 1963. (Its: Vosstanovlenie i nachalo rekonstruktsii pronyshlennosti Leningrad, 1921-1928 gg.; dokumenty i materialy, no.1) (MIRA 16:10) 1. Leningrad. (Province) Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Oktiabrlskoy revolyutsii I sotsialistichaskogo atroitellstva. (Leningmd--Industries) I-TYULIPAIIOVP S.I.P prof.9 red.; FFWROV, A.V., prof.p red.; DAKHIYA, Ya.M.p dots.~ rei.-I. GAUBIKHt B.V., dots.9 red.; KLIFUSHEV, V Ya., dots., red.; BOYARSKff, V.A., red.; ZLvJrA, K.V., red. izd-va; VORONYiA, R.K., tekbn. red. (The Coiruiunist Party as the inapirer and organIzer of nnrionwido socialist co"tition in tha U.S.S.R I Koumiunisticheskaia partiia- vdokhnovitell I organizator vsenarodnogo sotsialisticheskogo sorev- novaniia, v SSSR. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkolat" 1961. 565 P. (IIIRA 14:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) UpravlenAye prepodavaniya obshchestvennykh nauk. (Socialist competition) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Piol-, No 9, 1958, 4o657- Author Lyubashenko, S. Ya., Iyul'panova, A. F., Grishin, V. M. Inst Title Aueski. Disease Among Mink, Arctic Foxes and Silver Foxes. Orig Pub: Karakulevvdstvc o zverevodstvo, 1957, No 6, 52-54. Abstract: Animals of all ages are succeptible to the Aueski disease. Basic sources in spreading the disease are subproducts and meat remnants of pigs afflicted with the disease. The disease takes a very acute course, and all diseased minks, as we" as arctic and silver foxes die within eight hours after the Card 1/3 34 UsSR/Diseases of Farm knimals . Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 9)1958Y 40657. and the skin is severly injured; subcutaneous cells and muscles are torn and there is secretion of blocdy exudatE. Most of the animals show a weakness of their hindquarters with subsequent paresis. Antibiotics treatment, as recommended by Solomkin, proved to be ineffective. An effective measure, which helps to check the spread of the disease, is elimintLticn of con- taminated meat products from the animals' diet. Card 3/3 35 BAZYLEV, P.M., dok-6or veterin.nauk;ITYUIPANOVA, A.F.,, nauchnyy sotrurini Aluminum hydroxide formol vaccine against Au-esz -'s disease =ado i lk., -- from embryonic tissue culture. Veterinariia 40 no.9:22-23 S 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-konstrol 'nyy institut veterinarnykh prepa- ratov (for Bazylev). 2. Nauclino-issisdovatel'skiy institut pushnogo zverovodstva i krolikovodstva (for Tyullpanova). o essor,, Moscow TL-chnological Institute of the Meat and Dairy Indusiry) and MtPANOVA -0 A.O.E. (Junior Scientific Worker, Scientific Worker, Scientific arch Institute of Breeding Fur-Bearing Animals and Rabbit Hui;bandry). "Comparative effectiveness of different vaccines against Aujeszkyls [Aueskits] disease in fur-bearing anima]s..." Yeterinariya, v01. 39, no. 3, March 1962 PP- 54 LYUBASHBM, S.Ta., prof.: 7YULIPANOVA, A.F., veterinarnyy vrach; GRISHIN, T.M. Aujesky Is disease in sliTc,K7atr~iti~"?6z, and silver fox [with summar7 in Englisb]. Vaterinarlia 35 no-8:37-41 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Momkovskaya, vaterinarnaya akademiya (for Lyubashanko). 2. Yee- sovusnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya pushnogo zvero- vodstva (for Tyullpannva). 3. Starshiy vaterinar"y vrach Rashchinsko- go zvoroBovkhoza (for Grishin). (Fur-bearing animals--Diseass5 and posts) (Panudorabies) LYUBM9HIM, S. Y&., professor; ITANOV, B.G., professor; TMIPANOVA, A.T. . Cliniceanatemical characteristics of spontaneous and experivental loptospirosis in horses. Veterinariia 32 ne.12:14-20 D '55. 09RA 9:4) l.VNILZO I Toessyuznyy institut eksperimentallney voterinaril. (LEPWSPMDSIS) (HORMS-DISEASIS) .... .. -1.1-1 ~ 1-1.11--l -ll - -.1 - ..-I.-I~-.1.- '; --- - I f..1--.1.11. - ,V- -;-, .py,, gj~ ~ p~g M * , ~l aL Z7 nm -li'lls, Ag.", VON -2 1 Mf, Isiv- U,9;3_R/Gc,ncrc.l and Spocial Zoolo'-y. itisocts. Injurious in- 11 socts.lnnd 2csts of Fruib and Bcrry Crops j,T0 11, 1953, Abo Jour Rof Zhur - Biuli , I ',:o 49646 Author Soboluva Yo.11., jyu1'rj",jjV_,-,. N91. Inst Titlo ScolytuEs ;:ali Bochat. Mid IlIctli,)ds for Ita Control Or 13 Pub Sots. s. -kh. Uzb~;kiatana, 1957, No 7, 75 AbGtrv.ct No abstract C a r,:1- 1/1 MIDNIKUY. F.A.;T!R~,IPANOTA T.N. I Sam &W--sr, Weight computations of tar-impregnated stumps. Gidrolis. i lesokbin. prom. 8 n0-5:26-27 '55- (MIRA 9:1) 1.Leningradskayn lanotekhnichaskaya akademlya imeni S.K.Kirova. (wood-measurement) MEIJN:EKOV, P.A.; TYULOPANOVA, T.H. Gathering and processing unsawed stump vood. GldrollzA lesUchim. prom. 9 no.5:20.-27 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1. LeningradshWa lesotekhnicheakaya akademiya. (Forest products) U L 1'j A- USSRI?Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Wood chemistry vroducts. Cellulose and its manufacture. Paper, 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xh4-miya, No 2, 1957, 6.246 Author: Mednikov, F. A., 7`yullpanova, T. N. Institution: None Title: Procurement and Processing of Lumbering Lightwood Original Publication: Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-st', 1956, No 5, 26-27 Abstract: The technical and economic factors in the processing of lightwood derived from lumbering are analogous to those in treatment of trimmed lightwood of equal pitch content. Rosin, turpentine and f lotation oil obtain ed from such lightwood meet the requirements of GOST and technical specifications. Card 1/1 USSR/Farn Ho;-.ey Beeso Abs Jour Ioi &hui- - Biol., No 10, 1,,5fj', 33449 Autilor Tyt-,l.;?aaovaj V.A., Bwx.-.c:~, Y.G. Lis Title : for the lfostil*'-:'~'y D".~%--)Iriyed by Honey Bee-3 Orig Pub : Pei--OIOvQe--5tvo, 1956, Yo 2, 17-20-1 j"ibstract : Lwe~;'tJ~ptions carrieC. u,i'~ z"L Bashkir of Apicultu:,-0- the fact tilot- C.i.splaYe,cl by bees -.ij;Iw'ited queens is ca-zsc,". :'e-fei,,sive reactions. Li a--)sc.-1ce of such ~.S -.10 hostility a new queen 6qiic'- --a3 'z -1 tltrouc~i the '-':~C! k.-: -%in, lice., evea if a (ft'2C, Tace:i',~ cell are `~`;ae----a. Defensive reac-L zao wca"wr at aigit, for and bees acce-)'_- '-~c -0,., crL--ecla much easiler if s:,o S LMIanted at Tlio y ithich exists v.!o queens depei.Os on -ie Card 1/2 USSR/Farm Aa~..imls - 11o;-.,ey Bees. Abs Jour "Ief '-,*!.-ur - Biol., No IS, ie-53; 33449 of olfactory As antennae werc: or civei:ed by lacquer, between queelas cca-,ee.. Li zuch cases, however, c.-- layinL; capacity cea~;cs a-, voll. Xi--n On -'--he day ui-, w.-.-L'c:i left their ce" , ___C qiiei7~;' was -C' :L~ mating; i--ot a2fected; they "-o lay eggs properly ai.-'- normal speed. Qluec:---~ -iLase sting was sh --nitat' u -- --xi by 1/3 of fJ"t"12; "' ~ uc,icr. However, bei,,.:, of the ability to 6i cy -ecorae tired aa-' g7adually cease. 7ic. ~:esumc c:-'~; layiiiLg. -- V.A. Tc.-.umv Carr-I 2/2 7f - ;-, -, -"p,4u tit, I" ix.-I " .Ag.,; 'M I I .li 14'. S. ~0 - . . ~Nli, .V ~ 4 i . 5: zf- 0, 1, T i;4 ~o - og 'g, N, ~qw 99606 41~AL A- 1 4 s I A v p 11 it 11 is is I& it it a; it a a 14 a 14 t? 1# of m if u u wa to ifaP a if u li 44 tj a N 8. 1 .0 1 ? 4 AA 060 U41 lit A 1-4 j % q D#I#fMJnAdOG Of IOdInG W "a Woods. A, S. Kimix- .rovskil A,-F-TY=J!,ta,wW H. It. Fkhcr. 8 151 4(1W]4), The mrlhfxl 1. 0 that u( Lrnz (C', A. 11, !NN)4), Asialy6c.11 IV%1311% We lAbUlatr(l. L. N'dweviell Ile* goo LITI&ATLAC CLAS%lftCA??Cft fl 09 a 0 0 It 14 '16* '11 ..,.v 4 r of 1) it A,; 0 0 0 0 6 00 10 0 0 0 0 d I.Te., inzh. 24.1t-up rlding of cast iron parts with TSCh-4 electrodes* Svur.-pftizv. no.1206-37 D 161. (KMA 14:12) 1, Kaluzhokiy turbinnyy zavodo _ (Turbines-Maintenano'e-and repair) (Electric welding) * NAU14DV I V.A.; SKACHKOV, V.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TYU-~i~~~. I starshiy nauchnyy sotrudytik Causes of warp breakage on looms. Tekst. prom. 24 no.9:24-28 S 164. (RIRA 17: 11) 1. Rukovoditell tkatskoy laboratorii Ivanovskogo nauc~no- issledovatel'skogo instituta (for Faumov). 2. Ivanoiskliy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut (for Skachkov, Tyulyalin). TYULYAld)III, A.D. Uterotubal pregnanc7. 22 no.3:137 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Sharlinskoy gorodskoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - Y.L. Kazatkin) Kostromskoy oblasti. (PREGNANCY, NCTOPIC, case reports uterotubal (Rue)) _,17UUMIR, A - AD. Organizational and metho4ological work at the Sharlya Dietriot Hospital, Zclrar.Ros*Mar. 7 no,WO-22 A 163, (MM 1612) I* C[Lavnyy vrach Sharlinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Kostromakoy oblasti. (SMIYA DISTRICT-HOSPITALS-ADMISTRATION) qLADKIY' M.L[deceasedb SHANIN, G.A.; IODKO, Ye.K.; MANAYENKOV, S.D.; MIKHAYLOVP E.A.; GRIBOVA, Ye.N.; LUGOVSKIY, P.P.; KULESHOVi S.M.;-SHATOV, A.I.; SHNYREVA,, N.N.; IShIXYA,, V.M.; LYKOV, otv. red.1 SIDOROVA, T.S., red.; SHEFER, G.I., tekhn. red...-.. [Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system] Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi effektivno- sti novoi tekhniki v khoziaistve sviazi; informatsionnyi abor- nik. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Communication and traffic-Technological innovations) FROLOV, Pavel Alekseyevich;,TYU -MLWAYEL.-A-114L., otv. red.; SITRDIDVA, I.S., red.; SLUTMN, A.A., tekhn. red. [Small coaxial comm=ication cablesIl-falogabaritTiye koaksiall- ziye kabeli sviazi. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 76 p. (Coaxial cables) (MIRA 15:9) POLYAK, Mark Uriyevich; FRIMAX, Illys. Naumovich; TYULYAYEV,_,..AN,,, otv. red.; BOGACHEVA, G.V., red.; ROW-OVK-,-S;T. - :bomik. [KRR apparatus] Apparstura. KRR; informatsionnyi Moskva, Sviaslisdat, 1963. 158 P. (MIRA 16t1O) (Telephone--F.quipment and supplies) ! A ~, ~r C? r, -t~ p ~ . . -- P - -I" . - " ~, 1- -Y-)1 - . ,r ,, - - co 1, - . , , ~X. - . I 'If A)04 , ..-.1 4. KURBkTOV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; FROLOV, Pavel Alekseyevich; TYY ZAYFV, F, - A.N.* otv. red.; K(VAPOVA, Ye.V., red. [Stability of the parameters of long-distance communication cables] StabilIncst' parametrov kabelei dallnei sviazi. Mo- skva, SviazI, 1965. 103 P. (111IRA 18:4) KIA3KOV,, I.V.; TYULYAYLFV, A.N. Forty-seventh anniversary of Soviet electrical communication. Elektrosviazl 18 no.lltl-4 N 161, (KIRA 18:2) SOV-4-58-7-10/22 AUTHORS: Tyulyayev, D.Y., Shenker, L.M., Vilenskiy, B.S. , Architects TITLE: Brussels - 1956 (Bryussel I, 1958) PERI01-JAL: Znaniye - sila, 1958, Nr 7, pp 19-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors, architects of the Soviet pavilion at the Brussels Fair, describe their impressions of the ex- position. There are 18 photographs and 12 sketches. Card 1/1 TYULYAYEV, D*V., arkhitaktorl SHEMR. L.M., arkhitaktorl VILENWIT, B.S., Brussels - 1958. Zaan. sila 33 U0.7:19-20 JY 158. (KIRA 11:11) (B rue eel a--3bchibi tions) YAKOVIJIV, N,,H*, prof.; TMYAYV. YeVe.,kand.teldin.nauk Establishing tractor work norms on the basis of power consumption. Mekh. i elek.sots.sellkhos. no.4:16-22 157. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Vsesoy=njvy nauchno-looledovatel'skiy institut mekhanizateii sellskogo khozyayatvas (Tractors) GUCHEK, T.S.; ZEMIYARSKAYA, V.G.; KIROMEV, M.N.; .12CTIVA, Al.; SENTSOV, V.M.; TyJU-L' LA-y-Z-VA-,,-V Y.; ORRUCILW,, V.V., otv. red.; KOi-VILITSEVA, A.A., red. izd-va; GOLUBI, S.P., tekhn. red. (Bibliograplq of the Yakut A.S.S.R., 1931-19591 13ibl-'ografiia IAkuts1coi ASSR, 1931-1959. Mo--kva, Izd-vo Akad. naQ SSSR. Vol.2. (Ilatural features, resouces, and national ecenomy] Pri- rodriye usloviia, resursy i narodnoe khoziaistvo. 1962. 254 p. (14IRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spetsialtrykh bibliotek. 2. Hauchnaya biblioteka Soveta po izucheniyu proizvoditell- nykh sil Akademii nauk SSSR (for Guchek, Zemlyanskaya, Sytina T7ulyayeva). 3. Moskovskdy gosudarstvenny-y universitet (for Karavayev),4. Yakutskaya respublikanskwya biblioteka im. A.S. Pushkim ~for Sentsov). (BibliograplW--Yakutia) SERB, P.;-TrULTUKOV Hatabliahing work norw ie the concern of the entire collective. SotB. trud 8 no.5z79-.82 Yq 163. (MIRA 1696) (Sverdlovsk-Machiner7 induatry-Production atandards) ~'O a 0 0 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 mp a 0 0 low -A ft U Is mIs Is ty it a Y11.7 IsIdis slim M 11 v It m Its is $1 a it $ 1 10 1 IA AA POP Cc 4 tt d a 0 At u 0 P 00 A - - 00 x 490 8V j I 1mv CORMi" hydrOM WM. bj h -00 rroo". gkm-'. A jmv sit, Xf K 747-mmV-116 IIA it, ~.j~ C j, with is heckled to WHW t t 0 et ot The (NH,)P'l VOW. * talm 1 f --a* 00 .) an. e jyj tree the .9. The C Is rinadlysted at I M value is th" 14rWert4l Thi ' s kmy. tW *0 Mpsclival uiescif the me timher i,y repeated ww. k*"Itr I Nf 00 . .c arv diwll%-d. 00 00 90 go 0 0 X#O- SIVINSAV* 1 " 43L.11 -.1 too 0u a AT so &$1 04 .11 at 11 11 IK K 4 1 i ft 41 A f 0 * * 000 O O 0 000 or 0 o st , 0 0 0:4 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o at 000 0 a 04 st 0 a 0 o 0 4 0 0 * 9 0 e 0 0 e a goo rful'ym, B.n. w:-- - , ""T-, -". ... - ~ I - p of Ircm ores in the Ta5helginf) Froap derx;s]"s Irknrip-7a Ag ;~ % "Inrlya) acoording to pota3a'iAi tirgon datLng. Kotod. Opl.. (m aboa rozra gecl, obr. ?64 LIRA 18.1,2) -TYULYWO, B.M. Relationohip of the Iron ore depovits of the Tat5hel-ga g7rc,-,,- t-, Igneous fo2ka. Cool. i n,-,.7:11e~121 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Toniskly gosildarstvennyy universiltet. lic i-r--cf-E in C-~l t. in lr~.n _lt*f-~ 'f t Al v--Tpit, Tr, u~.-ta, uer. rtol, 1---, Tho autlicir confAdcr-, thtt f.,-overninp tiac, form;~tior, _-' cirt;Iin, c~,ntact-~-.ietpoow: tic Bate.,- cf Iron in thci b,4ilin of the C,.ernyy Iyus hivt~r -1 zk Al, 1h tt;s nre loct(I~,_ -*n of frr!ct;,.-c. ;r, 7uz ne n-lnu. cont,tct with uDDer C47i;.ibrivn intrusiv-, o~' n~_-..ellite effusive-Btl('11.1ert;.ry li:.t3-tl-,ne-_ll,,,-c lcy,~r cf the Ti,,,,ozoic ;!ria wed-ech-le ~~nd vrite fumations of thc C:;J)ri&n. Tht, ~uthcr --~teu tha extensive of Etv~itl.d te--..tul';-t: In tht: oies r-nC, Tbe .,ccurreenca of thp z-trL--ti~)n by the -1- the initiElly sel-A,-tooe rock-r- On the b:-sls calf )Id :.,uti),--l intf~rrel.~tions of the minc-iralp. the nuthor t-stvblishes thrpe vt-eec in ti.e. i,Arteri~li~v- tion: h~7,rnstoni,..,ttlon f rocks, for,.~Pti,.,n of rk,-,rrs, Fmd forn"tion A. ores. '~R~'hGeol, 1,40 -, 1955) Sixm. I-To. `_81, 7 U('t 55 10 ;;,i I'M ON- 'MON M TYULYAYEV, V.N.P kand.tekhn.nauk; FAVLOW, N.A., inzh. Operating reliability of tractor engines with the combustion chamber in the piston. Trakt. i sellkhosmash. no.914-5 S 165. (MIRA 1. VoesoyuzW nauchnc-issledovatel'skiy sellnkogo khozyaysiva. 18slO) institut makhanizatsii TMAINOK, A. [ Vimanok, A. ) Nonateady-state axisymmetrical vibration of a cylindrical shell induced by a mobile load. Izv. AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.- mat. i takh. nauk 14 no.3:414-422 165. (KIRA 18:11) 1. Tallinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. MIIMLAVSKIY, Ya.l.; ARDAMA'I'jKlYp N.A.; IVANOV,, Yu.V.1 LIHAVAWSEV, V.A.; IZGKUH, A.M.; MASLENNIKOVA, A.I.; M.I.; TYUNIHA, Ye.A.; SHOLOKHOVA, G.I. (Ityazan') 1---.- Urinary-excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxy corticosteroids In hoalthy people. Probl. endok. i gom. 9 no.31:76-80 MY-Je 163. (MIM 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'totskoy terapii (Ispolnyayushchiy ob7azamosti zaveduyuqhchego - dotsent N.A. Ardnmatskiy) rLyazanskogo meditsinskogo Instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova. .t TYUMENCEV, F. Good labor organization is a key to success. ~ftnka 5 no.9:31-33 S 155. 1. I'Vorosilov" banya (Kuznyeek-medence) szakszervezati bizottsaga e1noke. r I RANNIKOV,A.G.; TYUKIMS, Vasiliy; PSTLIN, Ivan; BAIKOVYedor [First Russian travelers in Mongolia and Northern China] Perwye rusekie puteshestvenniki v Mongoliiu i Severnyi Kitai: Vasilli Tiumensts, Ivan Petlin, Fedor Baikov. [Izd. 2.3 Moskva, Gos. geo- grafichaskoe izd-vo, 1954. 52 p. (MLRA 8:11) (Mongolia--Description and travel) (China--Description and travel) TYMNEVAO-LD. Efficacy of syntho?qcin treatment in typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Nauch.trudy uch.i prak.vrach. no.2:76-82 161. NIRA 15:8) 1. Iz I Tashkentskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy lnfektsionnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach bollnitsy - M.Kh.Khashimov, naucbnyy rukovoditell prof. I.K.Husabayev). (TYPHOID FEVER) (PARATYPHOID FEVER) (CHLRO14YCETIN) i000000600000064 4111466 000 0 0 **of 0 a0::::: F, U1,11, WW14 9 is is u 13 W is m 11 19 a a a 14 a A ly a A a L v !A 4-j- 4-11. L-L-T-.L A 0 U 0 CK "Off$ 00 00 00 is 1141 a !i i 46 a 00 a 0 a j 00 0 00 j 4111111,U 001 0 000 00 000 all mil usba a a a 01 v a A t %.,,A- I -a.- I --a- Pro"TO'C0,6"tis'p, forom wood" "m of 4" most. L-K-Tyuwacy, SAelk Ion No 6. KAim. 1&firaf. Zkkr. 2. No. 2, l34(lMj.-j4at. W: qtmzs can used for protection ci the woo&Q parts. The lacquer is applicd to the wood heated to W-W, dried mid -% second coat applied. Good mults me. obtained with the acidk as well as with the buk kcqum V'stsolll, $31housh the arlific lacquer has a momcwhat us- pleasant odor and is less stable to bases, W. R. Uran .ti I - L I -!~LU COC!L Lr~gfilft~f CLI$UFKATIG* 00 r_,e o 90 -0* .00 -of o00 40* 400 200 no* ZOO 660 goo 400 4*0 ,,o * goo too too too 1 1;91 a, tit vW no I An I I a 040 ONIN090431 v o 0 o 0 o 0 ; ; ; o * : : , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * & 0 * 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 :10 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 v 0 : :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 YURY-OVA, S.M. TYUMFNTSEVO m. - 'he Fffect of wind erosion on soils -in western regions of ~ . Dal'. Vcst. 04. Altai Territory. Okbr. pr1r. Sib. I nc.1133-36 "" (hlHk 17.,,Ij) TYUMENTSEV N.F. Local fertilizer resources in the non-Chernozem areas of Western Siberia. Uch. zap. TGPI 20:62-82 '61. OURA 15:7) (Siberia, Western-Fertilizers and manures) IVANIYEV,, L.N.; TYUMENTSEV, N.V. Saientific-activit7 of.I.V. Arembovokii. Trudy Iek. un. 14; 3-8 '58. (MM 16:7) (Arembovskii,, Iosif Viaohealavovichp 1907-1954) BRODSKIY, P.A.; TMUIW L.K.; TAL7YANOV, VQVQ Tester attached to a logging cable. Pj=ed.i okh.nedr 28 no.1:48-49 Ta 162. OMU 150) 1. Volgo-Urallskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki. (Oil well logging---Equipment and supplies) BARTMW, Prokofty Vieil'Yeirich, Prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; PARMOV, Viktor Prokhokovich, dote,q kand, tekhne' nauk; POMLIM, S.M., dote., kand* tekhn. neuk;'LABAZIN,, P.Se, dote.; LTAKHNITSKIY,. T.U., prof,, doktor tekhn. nimk, zaa*luzhenM7 dayatell nauki i te*khniki, red.; SOLOV'Mff, A.F., inzh., red.- A~. Inzh., :red.; NOTNOT IFSk!Y- A.V., gi A,A glavW marshal ariateiii, red.V 9 avnyy inzu., re4; TURMO, A*P*, red,; KHrIEtOV, P.A., tekhn. red. [water..road, air# andlindustrial transportation] Todnyi, awtodo- rozhuyi, vozdushrqi i pronqshlennyi transport. 14oskva, Gas. tranap. zhel-dor. izd-vos 1958. 303 P, (MIRA Iltio) 1. Isningradakoye otdeleniye instituta proyektiroyaniya prou7shlon- nogo transports, (for Tsplitekiy), (Transporbation) Gh7BRNOBYLISKIY, I.I., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor;RFJKM, O.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; BOROVSKIY, A.L., inzhener; SATANOVSKIY, A.U , inzhener; TYUKMW , Ta.1r., inzhener. Study of the raw silk drying process on cocoon reelers. Tokst.prom. 15 ne.11:15-18 N '55- (MLRA 9:1) (Silk manufacture) a is If Slifi son Avx a Z A. -- -- --I - ------ 00 00 0 0 04 ".69 00 .00 00 -.00 .00 011 muc acid by atmocium MWOO 14 thl' .00 dlam dyes- Va-K.- 00. 00 ~kg ITYUU diel 1918, -60 -in She g o( natural silk with .4, 33, 619T. 0 140 and bWx dLucp dyes thez"It treated with The dYv 2 00 13 An. in the pivsc-,e of Glauber salt at 30* (09 3() "110- 1 of after which 04114)rsot is ad&d in-%ttad of HOAC. The 110 btb Li brought to boilu*41 within 40-45 min., kept at this tcmlt. 20 into., and then. tmatd with $its- for 15-2U W. A. Mome mill. aoo ;Do a" hL LME&IM11 CLAlsVWA'nft 11"m NIT1414" too 0!OM dftf UZ 41141111 cm e.. IL a F q p ; IBM I* Karl, a TIUAAL Iliad 0 0 . 1 0 a 9 do 0 3 1 S o 0 o 0 On :, 1o" 0 9 9 0 0 000000 * 0 0 0 0 o q o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 V 0l 'A IL i 00 00 go 0 .3 GOO 66 W 001 i 7 -a-A-J- 9. a_A_j._SL_ -a "I'll" AND 9 so 0 W_ I -09 .00 A 60 41101114616" Of WW" SPOU's dy*d Tyumen . Shl& 1, No. 2. SIMS I ~ the febt with PIRO owwW is wet wkb soda win. at 3D-M'. *&@bed ow ~ed at t1w WIMC temp. witb a NOW see saW. c=tC, 022-0.23 C. Ildive a and I a. Natcok per L it is tims **dW Will watts for 20 min the a Acially washed wilb a NAH54N Mfg. (2 9-A.), MA for 2D-25 min. with W&III Wotff. 0, mom. Coo no* gee see Igoe ISO@ 34-SLA ACTALLIJEWCAL LITINATLARE CLASUPICATOCH old" 911noliva Iola slap" "Wine -10 U U 11 0 Alli L ~'j 'jVWj'j jj~:IAL SOW 0 0 0 1 OF 0 9 A 0 .1-1 -1 TYMENEV, Ya.K. [Tiumeniev, IA-K-1 Use of organosilicon compounds 'in the llFht, in&aatry. Leh. prom. no.4:3-5 O-D 165- 19: 1) MARKOV, Arkadiy I.Ivovich- TY71-MIEVA. S.T., inzh., red.; SHILIMIG, V.A., red. izd-va,---MMTn-V. [Yieasuremnt of surface roughness in compliance with -13~te Standard 276c,'!-59]Izverenie sherckhovatonti poverkhnosti p* GOST 2789-59. Leningrad, 1962. 25 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Mckhanicheskaia obrabotka i kontroll kachestva pro- duktsii, no.20) WIRA 15:12) (Surfaces (Technology))-fleasurement) NELISON, Mikhail Solomonovioh;,TM%NEVA,-$*T-t-.iiizh,p red.; GRIGORIYEVA, I.S., red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Quantitative evaluation of the reliability of machinery and instr=ents; according to results of t4esting)Kolichostvennaia oteenka nadezhnosti mashin i priborov; po rezulltatam ispyta- nii. Leningrad,, 1962. 31 P. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym oMrtom. Seriia: Kon- troll kachestva produktsii- no*7) (MIM 15:8) (Machinery-Testing) 4nstr=ents--Testing) DRUTSKAYA, Liya Vladimirovna; VELIKODVOHMAYA, Alla Markovna; TiMUEMEVA, S.T , D.P.., red. izd-va; GVIRTS.. IT.L.-'- -..... - - ------- .."i zh., red.; FRECIM- -U-6113n, red, [Particular features of the spectral analysis of alumina and bauxite]Nekotorye osobennosti spektrallnogo analiza glinozema i boksita. Leningradq 1962. 19 p. (Leningradskii don nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredorrm opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestva produktsii, no.6) (MIRA 15:8) (Alumina-Spectra) (Bauxite-Spoetra) BEGERO Solomon Izrailevich; BASKOV, Vilor Sillvestrovich- TYTR-!ENEVA s.T.I_An_;h., red.; GRIGORIYEVA, I.S., red. i zd-va; tekhn. red. [Quantitative spectrum analysis of titanium-base alloys using the method of electric spark contact sampling] Kolichestvermyi spekt- ralInyi analiz splavov na osnove titans. a primeneniem metoda kon- taktno-elektroiskrovogo otbora proby. Leningrad, 1962. 17 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestva produktsii) no.5) (MIM 15:6) (Titanium alloys-Spectra) (Electric spark) NEKHENDZI., Yevgeniy lulianovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; IUMITONOV, Nikolay Pavlovich, kand. khim. neak- TY - . inzh.,, red.; FREGER, D.P., red. izd-va; GV S) V.L., tekhn. red. (Resistance tensiometers for measuring static deformations at high -temperatures; stenographic record of reports presented at the LDNTP seminar on vibration technology) Tenzometry sopro- tivleniia dlin izmereniia staticheskikh deformatsii pri povy- shennykh temperaturakh; stenogranma dokladov na seminars v LDNTP po vibratsionnoi takhnike. Leningrad, 1962. 57 P WIRA 15: (Strain gauges) VOLOW,MCH, Fedor Pavlovich; TIUMEMA, SeTe, inzh*g red.; IWGM, D,P.# red* izd-va; GVIRTSq V.L.-,-t8kbn-.redw--- (Checking devices and measurement metbods- practice of the Central Measurement Laboratory atthe Kirov P2&ntl Kontrollrqe prisposoble- niia, i metody izmereniia iz opyta raboty TsIL Kirovskogo zavoda. Leningrad, 1961, 19 ps tLeningradakii Dom nauchno-tekhnichaskoi pro- pagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestra produktaiiv no.6) OURA 34z 7) (Leningrad--Meaouring instruments) LMTSKIYj Vladimir Nikolayevich; MIRMy Moisey Samuilovich; DMITRIYEVAq Hataliya Ivanovna; TfMfflMM-p- . A'T-.1 red.; FMCHEV9 A.G.9 red. izd-va,- BEWGUROVA-f iik6aed, [Using autocollinator and prism in determining kinematic errors of the dividing chain of slot-ii1ling machines] Opredelinis kinemati- cheakikh pogreohnostei dblitellnoi tsepi pazofrezernykh atankov a pomoshchliu avthkollimatora i prizmy. Leningrad, 1961. 22 p. ,Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhni6hbskoi propagandy. Obmen peredo- vym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kacbestva produktaiiv no.4) (MIRA 14:7) (Milling machines-Testing) (Optical instruments) FAYNI Faina Abramovnaj KMWj Genrikh Goymanoviohl YYUMMEVA# O.T.4 red.; S11IL1MJGt.V.A.* red.izd-val DELOGUROVAv I*A,g tekhn. red, [Gauges for checking splined'Joints with a rectilinear face profile] Kalibry dlia kontrolia shlitsevykh sobdinenii s priamobochn7m pro- filem, Leningrady 1961. -28 p. (Laningradakii Dom nauchno-tekhniche- skoi propagandy Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kaohestva produktsiiq no.;) (Gauges) (MIRA 14--7) TISENK09 Nikolay Gavrilovichy kand. tekbn. nauk;-TYWLIIM- S T inzh.9 red.; FREGERp D.P.# red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. [Self compensating wire strain gauges for general use] Ssmokcmpensiro- vannye provolochnye tenzodatchiki obshobego naznacheniia. Leningrad, 1961. 43 p. (Leningradskii Dam nauchno-tekbnicheskoi propagandy. Ob- men peredovym opytom, Seriiai Kontroll kachestva produktsii, no.3) (IJIRA 14:7) ~Strain gauges) STOLYAROV9 Konstantin FAvlovich; TYUMENEVAp S.T.p inzh.) red.; SHILL.UIGI V.A. v red. izd-va; BEL40GUIIOVA-v-1 teldm. red. (Luminescent zetbods-of the detection and determination of inorganic ions; stellographic i~eport] Metody liuminestsentnogo otkrytiia i opre- deleniia neorganicheskikh lobov; stenogramma doklada. L6nibgrad, Leningr. Dom naubbnb~-thkbn. propagandy, 1961. 1+5 p. (KMA 34:7) (Luminescence) (Chemistrys Analytical) TAGAMOT, Konstantin Ivanovich;__jTUMXMMjj. IRIMp D*Pw 11 -,red.; I; HILOGUROVI, I.A., [Spectrum analysis - a progressive physical method of research and control; on the hundredth anniversary of its discovery) 5~pektrsllnyi anali2 - progressivnyl fisicheskii matod issledo- vaniia i kontrolia; k stoletliu dtkrytiia spektrallnogo analiza. Leningrad, 1960. 23 p. (Leningradekil dom zwuohno-takhnichaskoi propagandy. Seriis: lontroll kachestva produktaii, vyp.3) MRA 14:3) (Spectrum analysis) I BERGER, Solomon Izrailevich: TTUKOWA, S.T., inzh.. red.; KONEYA, M.K., [Use of spectrum analysis at the S.M.Kirov "Elektrosila" factory in Leningrad] Primeneuie spektrallnogo analiza na leningradskom zavode "Elektrosila* imeni S.M.Kirova. Lenin- grad, 1959. 19 p. (Leningraeskii dom nauchno-takhnicheekoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia; Kontroll ka- chestva produktaiii vyP. 6). (MIRA 13:3) (Spectrum ana ysia) (Metals--Analysis) BRAGIMMIT, Vladimir Abramovich, inzh.C TYUMMVA, S.T., insh., red.: MMAGINA, T.A., --- (Using mathematical statistics for production quality control in manufacturing parts of plastics] Analiz ksohostva proisvodetva datalei Iz plastma go 0pomoahch'tu matematicheskoi statistiki. Leningrad, 1959. 26 p. (Laningradskit dom nouchno-takhnichookoi propagandy. Cbman peredovym opytom. SBriia: Kontroll knohostva produktaii, vyp. 7-8). (HI" 13:3) (Qwlity control) (Plastics) BOGDANGVkp V.To inzh.j TITOVAq N.A.p inzh.1 TkGANOVI K,I.p kand, fiz.-mat.nauk;,TYUMIMAt S.T" inzh.v red.; PROKOFIEVp V,K,p prof,, doktor fiz.--mat.naukv laureat Stalinskoy premiij; MGER# D.Pef tekhn.rede (Spectral analysis of steels with an alternating-current are] Spektrallmyi analiz stalei s dugoi peremennogo toka. Uni Ol (Mad, 1952, 3 p, (Informatsiomo-tekhnicheskii listokf no*l (MIRA A 16) 1. leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. (Steel-Spectra) TEM, V.P&# inzh.j ANDREM, V.M., prof.9 otv,red.; TYUMENEVAq S.T.y inzh.v red.; EMIAVSKIY, G.M., --- [Color method for surface defect detection; experience of the Leningrad Metal Works) TSvetnoi metod vyiavleniia, poverkbnostvykh defektov; opyt Leningradskogo metallicheskogo zavoda, imeni Stalina. Leningrady 1952,~ 5 p. (Infomatsionno-tekhnichoskii listok, noj(349)). (MIRA 14:6) 1. Loaningradski:7 Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. 2. Lenimgrad- skiy metallichaskiy zavod imeni Stalina (for Tekht). 3. Ioeningradakiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy (for Tyumeneva). (Surfaces (Technology)-Testing) KOMAROVSKIrp A.G.p kand.tekhn,nauk starshiy nauchM7 sotrudnik; PROKOFIYEV, VA, p doktor tiz,-wt&m,a&Ujrof otvbred.j TIUMEMA zb,p j.~n 'U. p rejA doktbr fi;.-mtem.nauko otv r .1 HEGER, [Method of parallel curves and a system of stabdiMe in the analysis of alloyed steels] Metod parallellnogo grafiks. I sistems. stalonov pri analize legirovanxVkh. stalsis Im radj). 1952. "IT 2.1 P. (Informatsionno-tekbnicheakii listoks no~71 4,12 (MIFLA 3.416) 1. Ieningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. 2. TSentrall- rU nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut tekbnologii i mashinostro7e- niya (for Komarovskiy), 3* Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekbnichookoy propagandy (for Tyumeneva). (Steel alloys-Spectra) inzh.; PRO'KQF'YEV9 V-K.q doktor fiz-- HCHEV '_ G_V.Lg jL,,Zb. jo~A, S. A. S.T. 9 inzh- 9 red.; KWFMAt LES mat. nanko PrOt., Oty. red tekbn. red,, using a 1OW-VOItage spark; from [Spectral anaIY6is Of steel' etak spectral laboratorY ILt the Sestrorner practice's of tho nyj analiz Stali 0 Prim Aam DZ_ Ut plant) Spektthl' laborato-rii SeBtrOretakogo 7 (in- Instrume - , OpyU spektral'nO' ad 1954. 7 P- kovalitnoi islay ; i! ni Voskovao Leningr f ftotIrumeuW'nOgO "voda ime no*32(605)) (14IRA 14:7) forvAt"jOnxto--tokbnIohe'k" 1i9tOkv SoDU. 2. Leningrad- angradskiy dom DAUC'hnO-tokbnioh8flkoy PrOPAI a) 1. Ile d-om nauebno-tekbnicheskoy propagandY (for Tyatdwv sidy (Steel-SPectra) XVMOVA # Twwa Fedoroml TMTOVIUS, Mariya Sduardoynal nDORGV# Valentin Vasillyevichl TYUMMA# B.T,t insh,p red,j MOER, D.Pop reds isd- val BEWOMA red& (Industrial apparatus for the 4stermination of bydrogen in metalo b7 the speatral-isatopio method] Zavodakoi variant ustan*vki dlia oprede- laniia vadcroda v metallakh spektrallno-inotoprgm metodom. LeningrMO 1961* 18 p, (Uningradskii Dom nauabac-teMnichookoi proyagardy, Ob- men FO. rpdovym opytoms Seriias Kontroll kachestva yroduktoiij n0.2) etals.-Hydrogen content) (Deuterium) (Bytotr= ans,3,ysio) KOROLIV, Twiy Petrovich; BUTOMO, Dmitriy Grigorlyarrich; BUROVA, Tavgeuiya SergeYSvna, FrInImall WhastiYO! PMXOSKSMATA, S.V,; XMIKOTA, G,N,; YROWYA, R.1,; GRMAID, Te.L. _TMOUBMA.- SOT luzh,, red,; FMIR, D.P., red.izd-va; BNMUROTA, I.A., [Rapid spectrtm analysis of nonferrous metals with the use of INS-10 equipment; from practicas of the 61rasuyl Tyborzhetsw Plant in Leningrad] Spektrallnyi ekspress-analiz tsvotuykh metallov na ustanovke UrS-10; Iz opyta raboty leningradskaga zavoda w1rasnyl vyborabote," Uningrad, 1961. 13 P. (Lwmin- gradskii Dom nauchne-takhnicheakoi propegandy. Obme-A paiedovym opytom. Seriia: Iontroll Imchestva produk-taii, no.8). (KIRA 14 s 12 1. Gosudaratveanyy optiko-mekhantabaskiy zarod 1.f4r Podmoahenskaya, IkDnnikova, Frolova). 2. Laningradskiy politakhuieheskiy institut im. X.I.Kaliniua (for Grinzayd). (Leningrad--Metallurgical plants) (Nonferrrous metals--Spectra) MTINSM, Mikhail Mendelevicb; --TYUIMIEVA, S.T. It inzh. v red.; FREGER, D,P.,; GVIRTS-,T-.L-.p [Measuring spring heads manufactured by the Leningrad Instrument Flantj experience in using and repairing) PruzhinrWe i=eritell- rqe golovki Leningradskogo instrumentallnogo zavoda; opyt eksplua- tataii i remonta. Leningrad, 1962. 18 p. (Leningradakii Dom nauchno-tekhnichaskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym'opytom. Seriia: Nontroll kaebestva produktsii, no.1). (MIRA 14.-6) (Measuring instruments) KMOV, Arkadiv Llvovich; TYUHHHXVA, S.T., insh., red.; MGZR, D.P.,,b (Introduction of now standards for precision in manufacturing gears] Vnedrenie v pronyshlennost' novykh standartov nn tochnost' izgotovleniia zubchatykh peredach. Leningrad. 1959. 30 P- (Lenin- gradekii dom nauchno-takhnicheakoi propagandy. CbM8n peredovym opytom. Seriia; lontroll kaebeetva produktali, vyp.10/11). (MIRA 13:3) (Gear cutting-Standarde) LEVITSKIY~ Vladimir Nikolayoviobo tnzh.LZXUMBNEVA S I inzh., red,j TETLj__J- FREM, D.P.., red. izd-va; BMGUROVA.. I.A.., takhn. red. [Attachnento for measuring instruments and toole] Prisposoble- niia k i=eritel'rWm priboram i instrumentu; iz opyta raboty izmeritellnoi laboratorii zavoda. "Vulkan,," Leningrad.. 1962. 30 P. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnichaskoi propaganc~v. Obmen paredovym. opytom. Seriia: Hontroll kachestva produktigii, no.3) (MIRA 15:3) (Measuring instrumenta-Attacbmonts) KARASIK, Iosif Grigorlyevich; TYUHEMA,-S.T.,,,ipzh., red.; FREGER, D.P... red. izd-va; BUD= I I.A.p tekbn, redo (New portable equipment for flaw detecti6n] Rovaia portativnaia apparatura dlia defektoskopii. Leningradp 1962. 21 p., (Ianin- gradskii, Dom nauchno-tekbnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen persdavym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestva produktaii, no.4) (MA 15:3) (Nondestructive, testing-Equipment, and supplies) ORLOV) Anatoliy Georgiyevicb; NIELEKH, Bekir Talibovicb; TYUMEMA S.T inzh red.; FREGER, D.P., red. izd-va; ki~ ~,Wp* -A.p -i;i~t red:' [Spectrochemical analysis of ohlorino, brominep and iodine in elementary tellurium) Spektrokhimicheskoe opredelenie khlora, brova i ioda v elementarnom tellure. Leningrad, 1962. 10 p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnioheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom, Seriias Kontroll knehestva produktaiip no.1) (MIRA 15:3) (Halogens) (Tellurium) (Spectroohemistry) VASILIYEVf Nikolay Pavlovich;LFVITSKIY, Vladimir Nikolayevich; TYUMIEVA, S T lnzhoq red.; FREGIR, D.P., red. Izd-va; -GuFas~ V.C.*'U ,, eF.9. red. (Special purpose indicating gauges and devices) Spetsialtnyi indukatornyi izmeritellryi. instrument i prisposobleniia; iz opyta raboty i2neritellnoi laboratorii zavoda "Vulkan." Lenin- grad, 1962. 12 p. (Loningradskii Dom nauchno-tokhnichoukoi pro- pagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestva produktoft, no .2) (MIJU 15:3) (Gauges) . I V d i~t_, K --';, "I '~, _T_ N ~~V H - __t__ ' __1_j LIV, Tevgeniy Semenovich, kand.tokhn.nauk; BRUK, Marlen Vladlmirovich, inzh.; TIMMMA, S#T* p inzh., red.; GVIRTS. T.L., [Use of radioactive isotopes for the quality control of weld joints in thin stools] Primenenie radioaktivnykh izotopov dlia kontrolia kachastva evarnykh shvov stall malykh tolshchin. Leningrad. 1959. 40 P. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-takhnichookoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Kontroll kachestva produktaii, vyp.12/13). (KIRA 13:3) (Welding--Quality control) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) BOIROVPA '_G_*;-TIUMBEVA. S_.T., inah., red.,--GVIRTS. V.L., (Device (tension gauge) for testing thin sheets] PrisDosoblenie (tipa revereora) dlia ispytanlia tonkoligtovykh materialov. Leningrad, 1955. 3 P. (lieningradakii dom nauchno-takhnicheakoi propagandy. laformatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.63(751)) (MIRA 10:12) (Sheet metal-Testing) (Testing machinery) -7 y "., ~V'f /p & - 4, k BOBROV, A.G.; insh.; TYUMMEVA, S.T., inzhi, red.; FIGGIM, D.P., [Device for testing metals at high teMDeratures] Pribor dlia ispytanila metallov pri vysokikh temperaturakh. Leningrad, 1955. 4 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi ropagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.410293) (MBA 10:12) (Metals at high temperature) BORZOV, Vasiliy Favlovich; IL'INA, Yelena Vitallyevna; TYUMENEVA. Soflya Trofimovna; FREMM, D.P., CTen-year studies of the Seminar on Application of Spectrum Analysis in Leningrad] Desist' let raboty seminara po pri- meneniiu spektrallnogo analiza v Leningrade. Leningrad, Leningr.dom nauchno-takhn.propagandy, 1958. 11 P. (Informs- tsionno-tekhmichaskii listok, no.61. Kontroll kachestva produktaii). (MITLA 12:8) (Spectrum analysis) r F BORBAT, A.M.; TYUMMVA, S.T., inzh., red.; FREGER, D.P., [quantitative spectrum analysis of brass taking into account the influence of the third constituent; from the Kiev Motocycle Plant) Kolichestrennyi spektrallnyi analiz latunei a uchetom vliianiia tretlikh sostavliaiushchikh; iz opyta Kievskogo mototaikletnogo zavoda. Leningrad, 1955. 6 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichookoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhaichookii listok, no.105(793)) (MIRA 10:12) (Brass--Spectra) r -f v PLATOROVA, P.I.; PROKOFITXV, V.K., prof., otvetetvenyy red.;TTUMMA,S.T., red.; FREGER, D.P.. ..... [Solution technique for the specrum analysis of sodium and calcium admixtures in magneoium] Spektrallnoe opredelenie primesel natriia i kalltsUe. v magnii metodom rastvorov. Leningrad, 1955. 7 p. (Leningradak-ii dom nauchno-tekhnicheekoi propegandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheskii listok, no.100(788)) (MIRA 10:12) (Me .gaesium--Spectra)