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23670 Z/039/61/022/003/002/oo6 Design of Cavity Resonators .... E192/E382 lier show-n that the resonator has a minimum volume if: it is furt' 5 coS3 T - 3 Cos5 2a/Q.A (16) where 9 is defined by: pl~, /2m R tS y (8) R 'D/t and A 2 wh or e V/a 6,vflzo , evf A ~f,,i- and zo IL /c It is now determilic the optimum ~fio 0 value of D/C' This is expressed by; Card 4/6 2, it) 7 0 Z/039/61/022/003/002/006- Design of Cavity Resonators .... E192/2342 J~', +1 +0,263 + Pi't P (20) I -1r1 +0.2.3 p', When the optimum value of DIC is determined, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the resonator. These can be found by employin,-: 2 2 )2 2 2 (D~ (fD 2 - a + p (19) 4 provided a and p are known. In practical calculations*it is necessary to take �nto account the.x-ou--hness of the resonator surface and it is shoi-m that, in general, this reduces Q by a factor of\r-2 . Two practical resonators are d,esigned on tac basis of the above analysis. Card 5/6 236 0 Z/039/6 J/C)22&3/C02/0o6 Design of.Cavity Resonators .... E192/Z-282 There are 7 figures and 11 references- 2 OzLcl-, and 2 non-":Loch. The English-lanmage reference quoted is: Rof. 3 - K inz or Wilson, Schrarimi, Boll Syst. Tochn. j., 1946. ASSOCIATION: CVUT, elcictrotechnicka' fallmlta, pobocka Podebrady (CVUT, Electrical-on-incerin- Department, Podebrady Branch) 200 SUMMITTED: Mlarch 17, 1960 V F 1g. 1: Card 6/6 a too .4 120 30 10 4 j 2 t 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,7 0,9;0 ;4 (8 ?A _S,_ L If 714 "P z ;'p lA W~ W/ - (V)/-. (1) A.10.14Lh5UO Pl_Ji/l>ki_Vpk_4Pn-4/ PCC4 EXPLOITATIN po_4/pa-5/Fq_4/pac-4/Fr-'i ' BavAr, Yllroalnm, (Maincer), B'c'nes, K ml, (11rofeccor, Doat6r),, TloiO~ ji~ij AW OIL poctor); M%tc U, Ivol (Gradu_m_t_e_inOGOpl'Y); Cl-,~ccltL- MyGicul and Matilcmarical Sciences); Codr, Mlan, (-We 001'nz-al V3-,(Umir _k,ror.J,: Antonin (Candidate ol: 1.'.cEUcal Gaictices); DvorcC.. (Doctor); Girth, Aclinir, (Candidate of I-Tedical Sciences, Docent, Doe r - Foruk, Zdrnclc (Doctor of llhy:*,iral and 1'6-Lthe=,.ticrrl Cciencria, Corrcapondin or tire ..M) Cuchonlovalt Acadenq of Sciencc3, Prorcozor) Dactoor)) 1106poctirl ~Doctov of athematical Sciences, Doctor), MCC7.ek J04ip, (DOCZO-r); KISII.L-, rhysLeal =d'M 0 (Candidate of Physical and MmUematical Sciences); Kolculejvnl,,v. MI."; Kornl._ Vlpdirir (Doctor); Kopeck-L, M-orl (Candidate of Lceal sciences); Krivrky. (Candidate of Ybyzica.1 and I-lathematical Sciences); Y'vi'l Zdcnclc (Cam- didate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences); Ladvina, Mdii~'7'~ ; R-Alcikp Vla 4n r -azek- jDoctor); Morwrck, Mmny (Candidate I'It F jaro-lav, (Cwadidate Or Medical Sciences; Engineer); llra%cl- Jiri (C3j ~d%~e ~cf --r-- --- sciences); (Doetor)u t-~~C`azaat. of TccEiaca llatizil, Ludckt , 110-ti) , J, . 1rhyaical and lhtac=atical ScieuccG); Novotny', Zdenck, (Doctor; ' Lgr, Jaroalav (Do--to* -Canc and, K~Eczatical Scic=cs~ Pese ta Professor, Udate of Ph~mieal Doctor, Mudnear); Imokav (Doctor of Teabnical Scitacos, CorrespoldIng r,ember, Of U20 CZaCbOalorma: Acad=y of Scie:mcon), puvec miro (Doctor); . Poko=yj Zdaneley (Ca=dLaato at Pliyaical and cg=tp Doctor);- card 1/0 71 L 41519-65 "~"5110 lhva, Vladimir (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor); ef , (Doctor of %Ysioloxical Liences); Schnal, ladirlay; gtvornk-Jiri,rDoA,2 Sveatka, Menck (Doctor) - T=a Jaroslav, (CarAidatc of Phynical and Hathcmitical Scicucesp R'-~; ; T-Y'1' .',lav,, (Docent, Engineer); ble a.- Ivan, (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Profezsoi~,-Doctor); VaInieck, roris, ICandidate of Physical wd Hathe- mtical Sciences, Doctor); Vallysek, Vladlzai=, *(Cnridldata of Physical and Xmthe~ Matical sciences, Docent, Doctor); Vlazak Marian (Candidate of Physical aikd Mathematical Sciences; Doctor); Princ. plea of astronautics (Zaklady kow3onautiky). Prague, orbia, 1964. 445 p. was., biblio- 5000 copies printed. TOPIC VM,. coommautics, rooketp oate=te, space ght, miagile PURPOSE AIM COVERAGE: Mda rubli"tion. In a popilar sclentifla referencet book for people vorking In cosmonautics. Mw bo* Ixements a wArfV of cosmossatlas an& space flight up to i jun* 1963. TA= C? CONTEWISs 9"d 2/8 - TYSL# Vaclavq inz. Design of cavity resonators with a round cross section. Slaboproudy obzor 22 no.3:148-152 Mr 061. (EEj lOj6) 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, elektrotechnika fakulta, pobocka Podebr2dv (bavity resonators) 4 L, ., , c - ~. , ':A. TYSL, V. B. Kvasil's Theoretic%e zak.ady techn'iky etrovych vin (Diuzallgal Fogndations of the Technique of Centimeter Waves); a book review. (Supplement) rj. L35. (SUE30FROUDY 09ZOR, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Luropean Accessions (ZEAL) L.C. Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec 19157. Uncl. TYSL, Vaclavp doc., inz., CSc. Use of the Michelson interferometer in raillimetper wave, tpochnolog7o Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.9:511-514 S 163. 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, elektrotechnicka fakulta, Podebrady. TYSLP V. cavity resonators, p. 237,, SLABOFROUDy OBZOR, (Ministeretvo strojirenstvi a ministerstvo spoju) Praha, Vol. 16o No. 5, May 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EM) Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 195.5 30135 S/194/61/000/007/060/079 D201/D305 AUTHORS: Basharinov, A.Ye., Fleyshman, B.S. and Tvslvatslciy,. G.S. TITLE: The method of consecutive analysis in problems of signal detection in multi-channel system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7. 1961, 7, abstract 7 158 (V sb. 100 let so , dnya rozhd. A.S. Popova, M., AN SSSR, 1960, 76-78) TEXT: The structure is considered of the algorithn of sequential analysis in detecting m orthogonal signals (S). The algoritlua con- sists in forming m charmels which produce particular values As of the probability coefficient for the s-th form of S with consequent group weighting and comparison with the threshold. In the case of two alternatives the solution of the problem of S being present is reached with A D/F, that of S being absent x-rith A < (I - D?/. J~y (I - F) where D the probability of correct detection, F - probaD- C ard l/% 30135 S/194/61/000/007/060/079 D201/ '305 The method of consecutive... ility of false detection. The approximate ex-piession for thO aver- age number of sampling has the following forms: in the absende of S ln m :~sa (m) v 1~sa (1) + k _ Zsa and in the presence of S' (m) ;s (1) In m ZS where nsa (m), W. (m)' Wsa (1) the average number of samplings with one and m. channels respectively, ;Fsav i,3 - the average value of the algoritbm of probability ratio at the first stage of sampling with m = 1, k - coefficient depending on allowable probability of The evaluation of the average duration of sampling processes was carried out on a digital computer. The values thus determined were 0.5 < k < 2 for a probability of the signal beinn- transmitted of " 10%. 5 references. Z-7Abstracter'snote: Complete translation.2 Card 2/2 PETROV, I.M.; TYSLYATSKIY$ G.S* in regard to j;.p.Kukiev and 1U.P.Ozerskii's article scomparison. of two methods for decoding interval codes-N R&AUotekh.L elektron. 6 no.7sl2ll-1213 J3. 161. (Km 14:6) (Information thi-ory) (Kuklev, L.P.) (Ozerskii, D.P.) fil. IV lit !,.Ili II iA .'Vila! a its, As lit 1111.1 s Im OL nw~ (c 10 so IS wva) A. & L t r. r- TmtamK-4 & SL M~ r. A. C~ n C. A- L MM- "- F~ f. A. Ak..~ r6-."0-. (C 10 AD 16 WKO-) 9-w- JL IL 0~ PaAm"- C.U.U" mmsuo 0 um astwAwu ftebmiagiftl sm'"r 0 Ilaftiftl O~wmjseb= JS. A. 8. hyft tYMS), WAOM. $-UAW. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5648 Sokolov, Aleksey Nikolayevich, ed. Mekhanlzatsiya I peredo~raya tekhn~logiya litcynogo proizvodstva (Mechanization and Advanced Proceasing in Foundries) [Leningrad) Lenizdat, 1961. 236 p. 2, 000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye.V. Yemellyanova; Tech. Ed.: I. M. Tikhonova, PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is Intended for technical personnel, foremen, and skilled workmen of foundries. It may also be of use to staff members engaged in the mechanization of production operations. COVERAGE: The collection contains articles discussinp the experience of a number of Leningrad plants and engineering and design organizations in mechanizing foundry processes and in applying advanced techniques to the manufacture of castings. No personalities are mentioned. Some Card 1/5 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. SOV/5648 articles are accompanied by references. References are all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Sverdlov, V, 1. Mechanization and Automation of Foundry Processes Zeleranskiy, Ya. V. . M. S. Kashanskiy, and L. Z. Tsyganko. Pneumatic Transfer at Foundries Zelichenko, 0. S. Automatic Line for Molding and Shakeout Zelichenko, G. S. Mechanization of the Cast-Iron Foundry at the "Elektrik" Plant Card 2/5 fr 5 27 52 63 SOV15648 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont.) e Charging Operation Sokolov, A- N. Mechanization of th 'Furnace Steel %1janufacture in Electric- From Mechanization PractiFeB In Zeleranskiy, Y11- V, Foundries Metal-Mold Casting anization of Matveyev, V.N. Mech Matveyev- tov and V, N, P.R. Kura , Currents Dityatkovskiy. Ya.] igh-Frequency of Cores by Mechanized Drying M. A. Making Small Steel Castings in Shell Dlugach, Molds r and S. Ye. Tysov M. A. Krerne Kashanskiy. M. S- el Trimrning and a Rational ;methods of [Flarn gkay:_* Meaning Steel Castings Card 315 77 99 108 118 '133 152 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. SOV/5548 Mednikov. Z. G. Application of the Group-Processing Method In Making Blanks by the Die Casting and Die Forging of Molten Metal 160 Desnitskiy, V. P. (deceased). Heat-Resistant Steel Castings in Power-Plant Constructions 172 Kremer, M. A. Determination of Sizes.and Economiq Efficiency of Exothermic Risers for Steel Castings 188 ElItsufin, S. A. Cast Rotor Blades for Gas-Turbine Compressors 203 Tkachev, K. 1. Experience In Developing and Using the Slot-Type Gating System 21D Card 4/5 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. SOV/5648 Kononov, M. N. Patterns With an Epoxy-Resin Base 229 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS233. S55) VK/wre/be Card 515 11-15-61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3691 Tysovskaya, Soflya Yevstaflyevna, Engineer Novyy sposob naplavki bronz na chugun i stall (New Method of Surfacing Cast Iron and Steel With Bronze). Leningrad, '1958. 10 p. (Series- Informatsionno- tekhnicheskiy 1-istok, No. 90, Svarka i payka metallov) 6,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Leningrad. Dom nauchno-tekbnicheakoy propagandy, and Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu. politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR. Ed.: Z.M. Ryzhik, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: D.P. Freger. PURPOSE; This booklet is intended for welders and may be of use to other metal- workers. COVERAGE: The author describes a new method of depositing bronze on cast iron and steel by welding. It is a simple and efficient method requiring no special equipment. According to the author,the present methods of depositing bronze by means of gas flamep electric arc, and high-frequency currents are found to be of little value from the technical and economical points of view. According to the author, this is especially true in the production of fittings Card 1/2 Now Mothod of Surfacing (Cont.) SOV/3691 and other bimetallic machine parts that are subjected to friction and cor- rosion. No personalities are mentioned. There are 6 references, all Soviet, TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given [the booklet is divided as follows]. 1. Surfacing -o-f Cast Iron and Steel With Bronze 1 Essentials of the Process 2 Calculation of Regimes 4 II. Production Experience In Building Up Sealing Surfaces in Cast; Iron and Steel Pipe Fittings 7 III. Technical and Economic Indices 10 Conclusion 11 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2,12 7-8-60 TYSOVSKAYA, Soflya Y6vstaflyevna. inzh.; RYZHDC, Z.H., in7,h., red.; -~ (Now method of depositing bronze on cast iron and steel] Novyi sposob naplavki bronz na chugun i stall. Leniugrad. Laningr. dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandy. 1958. 10 p. (Informatsionno- tekhnichaskii listok, no.90. Svarka i paika metallov) (KIRA 12:12) (Bronse-Welding) (Blectroforming) ALEKSMIDROV, A.N.3 DDM'TIYEVA, M.I.; FMGH]21KO, G.S.; SKOP. S.L.t TYSOVSKIY, G. 1. Analyzing vJ-nyltotIutftx6'Iiy mass-spectometry and gas-11ki'uid chromatography. XhIm. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.6%6,-'+.-677 Jo 164 (MITM 1.7 V7) 1. Teesoyuznyy nauebno-issledovatellakiy institut neftskhi- micheskikh protsessov. . ', *r:U., ,~, i 1 1. . .,. I I -, ~ I . ~: : i r , . 1. , , I _. I : -;fj -,- anse 0' (~.itie- fr;- . .. i,~. -- r , - - ~ . - ~ L ~ I , ., ~, *~, - , ~,-, . - f -, , - - i~. 0 24 Ja 165. TY90WSY,I, Francltz,ek, PPI'k mvr tecirn 86 --- I.- - I c,f p dus-Lr--'e~' 7,lant5. pt.2. Air deferLS13 ities and 2n n0.9110 28 F 165. KARONY H.; WOJTOWICZ~ M.; TYSPER, Z. Glutathione content and osmotic resistance of erythrocytes in surgically treated hyperthyreoid patients. Postepv biochem. 8 no,,4:571-572 162. 1. Z Zakladu Ohemii Fizjologicznej AM oraz z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu. (HYPERTHYROIDISM) (GLUTATHIONE) (ERYTRROCYTES) (HEMOLYSIS) ; ELI WINSF-A, , '10f i a; 'of '~-I DREWS, Maria; Danuta, ~ 1 .1 Tenf.n.tIve clinIcnI evaluation of the value of estIzAtl,~T- C-' alpha-am~lase in the saliva and blood aerum in salivary glan.1 -)-1103 Ag-S 165. diseases. Pt.1 Czas. stomat. 18 no.8/9:10T 11 Z KI-Iniki Cblrurgil StomAtologiemej A14 w Po".r-aniu, Werownik: prof. dr. J. Stadmicki). !i '~( KOL-MKI, Jnlian; aiL~~ Remote results of in pepric ulr,~- w~t~- refer,-rce luo h-criatoiLogical studies. pol. przegl. chir. 3~ no. 53 6~"-t,164 1,V 16-4. '. Z 11 ?l_InUd Chirurgicznej e`~kadeniii Y,~-dycznej w ~-o~~rvlnlu (?,Jerowr-:ke prof. dr H. Drel4s). MASTYNSKA, Maria; PEZACKI, Zdzislaw;,TYSPER. Zofia Potassium and sodium level ~n skeletal muscles and blo4od during the course of interventions on the biliary tract in pmrombymal lesions of the liver. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.5: 497-501 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgieznej AM w Poznaniu Kiefrovnik: prof. dr R. Draws. (LIM DISEASES) (BILIARY TRACT) SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (POTASSIUM) DIUM) (TISSUE METABOLISM) M (MUSCLES) (BLOOD comicAL ANALYSIS) JA.NKOWIAX, Jozef 1. WOJTCZAK, Andrzej; TYSPER, Zof ia; MSZOWSICA, Anne, Ghauges in water metabolism with peat d;ressings. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.19:855-859 11 may 59. 1. 2 Ixwtytutu Balneoklimatyesnego; dyrektor: doe. dr J. Jankowisk. Adres: Poznan, u1. Slowackiego 8-10 Instytut Balneoklimatyczny. (WATER, metab. eff. of peat dressings (Pol)) (PEAT : peat dressings, eff. on water meatb. (Pol)) (BANDAGING AND MMSING same) _Zqfi4 SOKOLNIGKI, Julian; _jYS Remote results following partial gastreatomy in peptic ulcer with special reference to hematological studies- Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.3%219-224 963- 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr R. Drewso (GASTRECTOMY) (MMIA) (AN34IA, MACROCYTIC) (AMIIA, HYPOCHROMIC) (PEPTIC UIZER) SOKOLNICKIJ, Julian; TYSPER, Zofia CaUium-phosphorus metabolism disorders following gastrectcW in peptic ulcer. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.5:463-467 163. 1. Z 1-1 Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznanlu Kierownik: prof. dr R. Drews I UMPTIC ULCER) (POSTGASTRECTOMr SYNDROMES ) CAWIUM METABOLISM DISORDERS) OSPHORUS METABOLISM DISORDERS) N (BLOOD CFMUCAL ANALYSIS) TYSPER, Zofia Distribution of products of digestive proteolysis in th!- blood plamm and call in postoperative conditions in mem. Porman. tow. przyjac. nauk vydz. lek. 30s219-241 165 T '" 00 0 * 0 a 0 0 It U 14 It 9 a It "Of Os - ------ '11WWM 61 epaJ.jf4jkr* Was Im dif taie" 01 WAMMA mat"Ists. A, St#414. Alobvidy tM. No. 00 M~ 410AII11141141 44M." l1r,11111 *)&S Pik" I* Wed iviotvtkAl. as a IAIIlv III OWITIr. Ax a t%Wl- f cwt mictlan material and as a raw nmtrrW to produm 0 t , favirIs tile and ratt Insildinc 1vjtwkq. F,F.~'krfanow-Av 40 .3( - 60 00 If a for .41 4t a 44 it' 3u 114TIO It, Or 41 111 In a It 1. .4 T 'A' It 3 4 00 0 00 f-4 o o o 0 0 0 t 0 0 * 0 010 0 0 0 0 * 6 0 0 0 use as* a** 900 a** ago "040 Use We* ..7 a o owl u U 00 Ce-, off Zb 2 N 1054 IM T h i i 4 i f o. ).- w. o wircast t e act v ty o . ( . Was k is swo atended to *W 11mrstow and alumina to the molten fiquid mks. Tkk Is bw &w to a mixing device into which dm molten skg detr& directly (nm the Man furnace. The tamp. in the mixm in ke t of tation of the waste blast-lunusci gRm loweirit the coo &W 000 simplife" the consitruction, of Mich aa eqwpmnt. 04 W. R. Henn 4 00. -00 lop- Soo 490 *.Soo too So 0 .96 as* so '00 as# A MULtUROCAL LITINATUIC CLOWICATION AAmw '0' 00 0 z 0*0 ; 0 0 a a 7 4 00 a 0 0 9 41 0 0 0 40, to At # 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 ORLOVSKAYA, G.V.; ZAYDMS, A.L.; MTANOVSKIY, A.A. Microscopic and submicroscopic structure of collagen faselcull ot the tendons. Arkh.anat.glat.i embr. 33 no-3;19-,!5 Jl-S 156. (MIRA 12: 11) 1. Iz laboratorli, chl - korr. AMN SSSR A.I.Strukova, Teentrall- nogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo inatituta kozhevennoy prorq- shlennosti i Instituta patologii i terapii, raka AMU SSSR. Adrea avtorovi Moskva, B-Firogova)mya, per. Abrikosova, kafedra patol. anatomii Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena Lenina maditainskogo instituta. (TRUDONS. anatomy and histoloa, collagen faaciculi, microscopic & submicroscopic structure (.Rua)) (COLULGRII, microscopic & submicroscopic structure of collagen fasciculi of tendons (Rua)) TYSTOVICH, Nikolay AleAsandrovich, VERSESOVA, Zinaida Aleksandrovna, "Concerning unfrozen water in frozen soils" report to be submitted for the Intl. Conference on Permafrost, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Indiana, 11-15 Nov 63 Wll'l[,A~11'~)Y~-,,'-eliy, Y;7 A.; V.p. and fl,:)w 17 TYSZY&, K. TEC RIO LWL Periodicalst FRZBGIAD BUDCULUX Vol., 'joj, No. 7., J111Y 1958 TYSZKA, K. Organization of a comission for the uti21zation of fly ash. P. "95. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol. 81, I-To. 2P Februar"y 1959, Unclass. -.., TYSZKA., Konatanty (Warszawa) Fly ash; research achievements and progress in applying it in 1962. Przegl budowl i-bud mieszk 35 no.3:158-163 Mr 163. TYSZXA, Krystyna (Lodz 23, u1. Okolna. 181) Case of tuberculosis an d malignant granuloma of the peripheral nodes. Pediat. polska 34 no.3014-317 Mar 59. 1. Z Sanatorium Przeciwgruzliczego dla Dzieci w Iagievnikach Kierownik: prof. dr mad. A. Margolisowa. (HODGKIN'S DISFASR, in inf. & child lymph nodes, with tuberc. (Pol)) (vmculmls, LYMPH NO=. in inf. & child, with Hodgkin's dis. (Pol)) (LYWH NODZ, neoplasms, Hodgkin's dia. with tuberc. in Child (Pol)) WITWICKI, Tadeugm; TALEJXO, Eu&qniusz; KADRZYCKI, Tadeuss; HAT M KA, Maria; MATUBEWICZ.,- Czeslase; EYSMNTICWA, Maria; TYSZKOWA, Maria; STRASURZYIISKA, T9iesa;-MZKA,..ZblpieW; WYSOCKAp Ludwlka; STACEOWSKI, Ryezard; ftAWli#dICZ,'*Ajez&rd; NORHOWSKT, Oblealm; SEDLAKP iiri Neir books, Przegl pskaol,~'ho.&123-185 164. TYSZKA, Z. TEMIOLOGY FERIODIC-~I: GOSFODkRKA WODIKA. Vol. 18, no. 6, June 1958 TYSZYA, Z. Water management in Yugoslavia. p. 235. )16nthl~ List of East European Accecsions (EKAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 4. April 1959, Unclass DFONACKI, bigeniusz; -TY.SZKIYJI'QZ, Stlwlislaw A case of isolated tuberculosis of the gallbladder. Gruzlica 33 no.2:149-151 F t65 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chiriii-gicznej (Kierownik.- prof. dr. med. T. Jankowski) 11 z Zalkladu Anatcmll Pot--)logicznej (Kier-,vnil-, M- --d., Prcf, dr. meri. T.. V .-toku. JANKMIAX, Josef; BISEMXA, Grazyna; DURIA130, Jerzy; GCRNIOK, Alfred; IIM# Karla; RACEILEVICZ, Janusz; TYSM, Zofla; WOUTCZAXv Andrzej Effects of thermal balneological stimuli on the wSter metabolism of the body. Polskie arch. mod. vewn. 28 no.4:519-524 1958- 1. Z Instytutu Balneoklimatyeznego v Posnaniu Dyrektor: doe, dr mede' Je Jukowiak, i s II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetroych A#M, w Ponanlu Merownik: prof. dr med. J. Rogapki. Adres sutora; Poznan, Slowackiego 8/10 I:ostytu$- Balueoklimatycqr; (BMY 7WIDS' off. of thermal baths on water-electrolyte metabolism (Pol)) (HICAT, eff , thermal baths on water-electrolyte metab. (Pol)) (BALKSOLOGY. off.. of thermal baths on water-electrolyte metabo* (Pol)) 'I \I S S~ K 1 1*1 IV I SMANT~, N.A.'; TXSSXIY.-A.V,; GORYAYNOV, K.Z., kan&ldat takhnicheskikh , redaktor; AYRUTSX&TA, R.F., redaktor; ATTOPOVICH, M.K.. tekhaichaskiy redaktor Nineral wool] Shlakovaia vats. Pod red. X.Morlainova. Koskya, Goo. ixauchno-takhu. izd-vo lit-r7 po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgit. 1953- 191 P- [Microfilm] (MLTtA 7-10) (Kineral wool) ANICHKOV, U.N.,; ZUBOTIIISKIY. Yu.M.,; ZAYKO, N.N..; SOPOVA, T.L..; TYSYAGMi=, S.1.,; KHLOPIRA, I.D.(Laningrad) Ties" changes following disorders of Innervation. Arkh. pat. 18 no.1 3-14 156, (KLRA 9:6) 1. Iz otdala patologichaskoy anatOmii (z&v-nakad. 19.N. Anichkov) Instituta akeparimentallnoy meditsiny AA1 SSSR. OMVOUS SYSTEM, p1wsiology, off. of donervation on surrounding tissue (Rus)) TYBYAOHW=. B.1. Neur opn1o trophic ulcers of the abdominal wall. ftkl4.AN SSSRIII h6,2s456-.48 N 1560 (XLRA 10:1) lo Zhetitut Mcaperimentallnoy meditsiny AkpA#mii zeditsintskikh nauk SSSRO- Prodstavleno almdemikop N,N. Azlchkov~m. U Ceneral problems of pathology. Tn'lammatory USSR / procenoesb - BiOl# I lio 10, No 46667 jour Bef Zklur 1 13 USSR of Neurogenic Origin' 9c Author ~-f6jence I all ulcers Academy 0 na T.Ust phical Abdomi Title Tro 1956~ iii, NO. 2) 456-458 rally orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR) severed un-ilate spinal nerves were the vebsels Of rabbits., 3 to 7 After 24 hours) e site L ~enfie& at th Abstract the level OfD thee 4th-Bt'i daY at 11 ~ec'a;e greatly d:L81 the abdominal v inning with on an& beg ultmately ulcers of the operati Y ear d where frequently in the nunerous erosions eera de e more ame COMPletely developed, The which ti bee rs healedy but u1ce, .ea of the tests) ee ,x cronized. After 2- v ne Cara, 1/2 Abs Pro, Ob-ZeM 08808. 8 Of Re,- zb Ology. Abat*aL ur '0102. to* 't 80012 IVO Zo.. 3 'ne.rj, thex .958, e8 recuz,~Z, 'VO 46667 Ve 0 e se ,, e I espe 4'as te e a (the clajj,~, tn ra - At Obser..' such to Ce e e stles tljzes atJOI)a cases Whe of P . thl a reer. Car re se"e tecl, 4ncIta proce L ancl atOZ7 as al ti , n C1 '00t he.., 4ew ev,01 zi cz out ecl '40t 'Yet. a OP'n012 t ~PVe~recj -, but neict card V2 4 TYLKINA, M.A.- % ;-TTST-GANDVA, I-A-; SAVITSKIY, ye.K. Phase diagram of the system tantalum - rhenlum. Zhur. neorg. kbin. 5 no.8:1905-1905 Ag 160. (KERA 13: 9) 1- Institut metallurgii im. A.A. ]3aykova, Akade?nii nauk SSSR. (Tantalum) (Rhealum) T,13ZKA A 2. Ylin., Chor. wewn., hkad. med. we 'roe-llawiu. -P~.'plyw tiouracylu na odc;-Inowos'C" ustroju. 'Effect of thiouracil derivatives on the reactivity of th-c organism. POLSK. TYr,. LEK. 1953, 8/2 (41-46) Administration or metl~ylthiouracil in man cauaen an incre-isc of the reAction or the skin to s.c. injections of' 0.5 -ag. histpTdne or to intracutaneous injedtions of tuberculin A. T. 0.1 Mi. 1:10,000. Szabuniewicz - Gdansk SO: EXCERPTA 21,2MICA, - Section II, Vol. 7, No. 10 7YSM. A. - Mect of thiouracil on reactivity of the organism. Polski tygod. lek. 8 1 no.2:41-46 12 Jan 1953. (GIML 24:-3) 1. Of the Sawnd faternal Clinic Olead--Prof. A. Falkiewicz, M. D.) of Wroclaw Medical Academy. I I - ~-_ -:1-- ir-. - 4,- :, ~, " - - , - - - - - - Ldv~ , - -'7,:k r,~ , , - , - , .. I - T *T- S Z h I H N . ~ W . :.! ` . ,, , .' ... " i" . I I': !""t' I lul, 'j., 11, t... j 'ii, , ~ ttll,z 11, t:, ,, I ,trolgth, -f .1, ~ il , Production of burnt lime in sugar factories during the intercampaign period 1.957/58. P. 179 GAZETA CUKIZOW4ICZA (Stovarzyuzenie YaL,.kowo-Techniczne inzynierow i Technikow PrzerVslu Rolnego i Spozywczego i Centralny Zarzad PrzeMslu Cukrowniczego) Warszawa) Poland. Vol* 61, nos 6,, Jtine 1959 Elonthly List of East European Accessions (EEU) LC., Vol. 6., no. 9, September 1959 Uncl. . 11 ! i -- , V- ~A U.- -- .-- ,,i:,,, -k~i- ~-- ~g~: ~pj 1L, :!I- ~' 1-1 . ft-.C sjju~m thri"s aidulg f).025'i, dccrc~hci the Vsc`lty uy F Wierbiciri I~m ry,tn. I :c ~, "% - .- In. - 1 -1-- 1 r - ~ I "I ~ I ~ .1 immiclation of aininuilla Mtl~l funiesi droodifell on 1,118 %VO~;d - .-,I 1; 14~e-S~W. wiih ~d'- i'l(I - A *I:Tl;~~rc, 'I - . " I TYQ 11 Tf A , T __ _ a 11 run _'i , !'Finishing in the production of furniture." p. 7. (Przemysl Drze , Vol. 4, no. 5, May 53., Warszawa) SO: Monthly Fist of East European Accessions, Vol 3 No 6 Library of Congress Jun 54 Uncl T~'Zl~.A' j. L~= Coloring wood in autoclaves, p. 21. (PRZEMYSL DRZFUNY, Warszawa, Vol. 6, no. 2, Feb. 1955. ) X. SOt Monthly List of East European Accessionsl (EEAL)t Up Vol. h, No. 1', J~n - 1955, 1 Unal * I I TYUKI.) J. IlDeep Staining of 1-Tochda-1-1) -.,. 1211 (P:IIE173L Vol. 5;, ?110. 11, 195,,., Warszawa, Poland) SO: lionthly List of East Europ,,:an Accessions, (EEAL), Lr,, Vol. 4, Uo- 5, Yay 1955, Uncl. TY J Z. I ". , i . "Staining Lunber Im-.eaL'-.e1y Efter Cutti--W,", --. 13, ("' '1 7--7- '- I r 110. 12, Dec. 1954, !-!IuIrszawa, Poland) r -_7 -, ~ 1 * ~-: -- ~: - - J, j~-, ,, SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions., (EFAL), LC, 1101. 4, 1-10. 5, 1~~y 1955, Unci. T15--KA, J. "Materials for Filling Wood Pores", p. 26-1, (PR7,-!-V.YSL DRUMn, Vol. 3, #9, September, 1952 Warszawa,, Poland) So: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, #8, Library of Congress, August, 1953 Incl, TYSZKA, -Tanusz, mgr inz.; SZOKALSKI, Zyg=mt, mgr inz.; KOSSAKOWSKI, Jan, inz. Properties of high-pressure mercurv v-r-r lamps made in Poland. Przegl elektrotech 40 no.3sSupplements Techn swietl 3 no.2*-153- 156 -Mrt64 1. Zaklady Wytworcze Lamp KLektrycznych im. Rozy Luksemburg, Warszawa. Great -..-ork- of --ri- D ;'1 ':0. 11 C. : 1-:O"-,t,13:y List of' -3,as, E~,roy~ca.-. A-cce~o4ons, LC, Vol- 3, "o-12, Dec. 10 19V~, Uncl. c-f~- e~ 11-rduotry in i-oland", ?. 270, Aly 1Q54, Warsaw~ Pcland) :~C: YGIAMY Lit,'l of East "umpean Acc,~-,,-J.oruq 1-:arch 1955, Uncl. Ln wf., r I rig, '-.r v, :1. n 1;;i. Id ir aj, L11, 1'. f, ji y Vol. 1-c,,. 10, Jarsaw, i-,cland) 0: i'Ontilly List of 'Frat 1- (1- 'iU;), LC, Vol. urc .Ccf 195r, Urinl. 'T-Y YI, , l' . j ;. .. T. C-4 1.n 10) c c r Vol. M To- ball -Wily List Of SO. Yca Mncl- ,,XCh 11 - TYSZA-'A,K.,-r-,b-r.,inz, A visit in Cz echo slovalda . Biul inform in5t 'Eechr. - -; . TYSZKA, K. Utilization of Pirmice du,3ts in the huilriin,- i-ndusti7,r. P. 50,). PIL22GLAD DJD:Y,:LAI7,!. (Naczeina Organizacja Technicvna i Pols'd Zwia7.ek Inzynierol,r i Technikow Rudownictwa) Warszawa. Poland. Vol. 31, no. 10, Oct. 1~)59- 'monthly List of East, European Acc-3ssions (E-7:11) Lrl, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Uncl. TY*S'L~!'.,A) Y al ~cnf-- rr~ Rr-.-O-Jr! with i r~ Pr c M ri t! 11) 17a T. '275, "it' A'.1-'31 y Ltz~bcr 11'at, rialsf Cc~.clb-r 27-2(7, DUDC.1'1-^i17rL ) Vol. 9, 10, G - tcbr~r 19 1. ar a aw , ---c I -T,Q C : 1,-'cnthly LiA of 'YasL ' llru,- .'a I iAcc,-,13A(po '.MQ, 1-,c, Vr,i. Parch 1955, Uric,", TYSZKA, Konstanty W. (Warszawa) Utilization of fly ashes in building; Seventh Congre.3s of Experts of the United Nations, European Economic Comrilssion Coal Committee. Przegl budowl i bud mleazk 36 no.2z 87-93 F164. KRZYSZKOWSKA., Anna; ZIOLECKA, Izabella; RZUCIDLO, Ludwik; GOLASZEWSKA, Wiktoria; STUDNICKA, Krystyna; 7SZKA.,,KW" WMU Ryozard .--_I �, Comparative tuberculin reactions to the A or A + B proteins and to the PFD tuberculin prepared from the Moreau strain of tubercle bacilli in tuberculous and BCG-vaccinated children. Gruzlica 31 no.9:94"54 163. 1. T Zakladu Epidemiologii Insty-tutu Gruzlicy w Warszavie Kierownik: doe. dr 0. Buraczewoki Dyrektor: dr M. Juchniewicz Z W~rtworni Surowic i Szczepionek w Warszavie Dyrektor-. dr !;. Brzezinaki Z Dzieciecego Oarodka Sanatoryjno-Preventoryjnego w Rabce Dyrektor: dr J. Rudnik Z Beskidzkiego Osrodka Sana- toryjno-Prewentoryjnego w Jaworz DyTektor: dr M. Nizegorodcew Z~ Sanatorium Przeciwgruzliczego d1a Dzieci w Lagiewnikach Dyrektor: prof. dr A. Margolisowa Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Przeciwgruzliczej w Krakowie Dyrektor: dr K. Mulak. (BCG VACCINATION) (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (TUBERCULIN REACTION) TYSZKA, Komtanty (Warszawa) Discussing Tadeusz Zbierskits article on "Buildings drowned in mad".. Przegl budowl, i bud mieszk 33 n0-4:213 Ap'61. I LEWILNDOWSKA, Danuta; TYSZKAl Krystyna Tuberculin test in children. Interpretation. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.32:1227-1230 ' Ag 160. 1. Z Sanatorium Prteciwgruzliczego d1a Dzieci w Lagiewnikach; kierownik: prof. dr. med. Anna Margolisowa ('11JBERCULIN REACTION In infancy & childhood) SIPA, Konrad; TYSZKA.._.jxTjtyna; WALEWSKA, Etnilia 1qmph node-bronchial fistu2ae in primary tubarcmlotsis in children. Gruzlica 30 no.6:559-563 162. 1. Z Sanatorium Przeoiwgruz3-iczego d3A Dzied v Lagisimikach Dyrektor: prof. dr med. A. Yqrgolisowa i z Kliniki Otolaryngo- logicznej AM v Lodzi Kierowiik: prof. dr med. A. Radziminski. (BRONCHIAL FISTULA) (LYMPH NODES) FISTULA) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) TUBERGULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (BRONCHOSCOPr) ~ jj,c-UA2 L. 1 in 1953# p. 63. More irportant achievements in the technology of iron sad stee (HIMK, Katowices Vol* 22, no. 2p Feb* 19550 SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions$ (FY-AL)p LC, Vol. hp No* iy J~n, 1955, Uncl, 'N-C. I it ! if. rO r) vi,r s, t9 1 f r 1 v I f n 1 rr S 0 :ont' 1,,, T4~qt (-~f W,,1~7+ T-Y-S-ZKA , Z - ustandardization Aspect- in the Application of Natural Stono in J~ydraulic p. 445, (-,CS COAP-KA wMI Vol. 1", "o. 12, Dec. 19953- Constructions Warszawa, Polard.) so: monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, 'No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. TY SZKA., Z. Collaboration with the Soviet Union in the field of inland waterways in the decade 1944-1954. P. 382. GOSPODARKA WODNA. (Naczelna Organizacja Technicznal) Warszawa. Vole 14, no. 10, Oct. 1954a SOURCE: Fast Ei]Topban-Accessions'List (EEAL), Library of Congress., Vol. 51 no. 71 July 1956. "IYSZKA, K. Berlin Building Conference. P. 307 Vble 27# nop 9P Sept. 1955 PRZEGLAD BUDOWEANY Warszawa Sos Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL)j, LC., Vol* 5. not 2 Feb, 1956 04 M'"Am -,RV Ail V.- TY'L., L'~Vl "Problems of the Industrial Safety and Hygieno Agency in Transportation Accoraing to Resolutions of the 2nd Congress of the Polish Urdted 'i.orkers Party." P- 157, (MX1OArYZ-kCJA~ Vol. 9, ',No. 6, June 1954. ',-;arszaiTa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionst (ESAL), W , Vol, 3, No. 12, Dec. 19541 Uncl, TYSZKILVICZ, B. "For a Further Development of competition in Work." p. 269 (140torY , Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 1953, Warszawa) SO: Mnthly jAst of East Mg2R_ean A_ccessions, Vol. 3, 11o. 6, Library of Congress, June, 1954, Uncl. TYSZKIU,vIICZ, MAgdalena Tramma in children and its psychiatric sequelae. Neurol. etc.., polska U no-4:535-541 161. 1. Z Foradni Zdrowia Psychicznego w Gdyni. (MITAL DISORDERS in inf & child) (BRAIN Wds & irj) TYSZK13WICZ# Magialona Treatment of ties in children. Neur. &c. polska 9 no.4: 5)5-540 Jl-Ag '59. 1. 2 Przyohodni Zdrowia Psychicnego w Odynt. (TIC in inf & child) TYSZKINWICZ, Magdalena, (Gdynia) 7)ai~outlc difficulties in a case oscillating between paeudologia phantastica and confabulation bridging gaps of memory in an 11-year-old girl. Neur &a lake. 9 no.4:555-556 JI-Ag 159. jLYIQo JAROSZEVTCZ. Lucja; STUCHLIK, Elzbieta; TYSZKrEWICZ, Magdalena, dr. med.; DE WALD121, Jolanta. . --, ` -- . ....... ... .... ........ ". Stuttering in children - Its causes and significance. Neurol., neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no.-:909-913 N-D 164 1. Z Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego w Gdyni (Kierovnlkt dr. med. It. T-yszkiewicz). GRAVOWSKA, Halina; TYSZKIYdICZ, Magdalena Treatment of enuresle. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.17:?40- 743 23 Apr 56. 1. Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Zdrowia Peychicznego i z Oddzialu Psychlatril Dzleclecej Klinlki Chorob Psychicznych Akad. Med. w Gdansku, Gdansk-Ollwa; ul. Poczty Gdansklej 4/1. (ETIMSIS, tberapy, (POW TrSZKIEWICZ, Magdalena ........... Hysteria in preschool and school children observed at an ambu- latorium; data of the Field Mental Health Clinic nf Gnydia. Wiadomoscl lak. 8 no-7:317-320 July '55, 1. Klinika Chr)rob Psychicznych Akademii Medyczuej v Gdansku (HYSTERIA, in infant and child) Before col-lectin-, sceds. LIS PGIL~'I. (1anisterstwo L~!snict:.:a craz Stowarzyszenio, TTIaukr,,,qo-Tec!,-,dcznc lnzynl,~ruw ITo-chnikow i Erv.~.wnictwa) T'lar-awri, rclanc-1. Vol. 321 -10. S,,,t. 195,*-~. 1R.nUly list of Fant Furop~an Am-ssicns (FFAI) L", Vol. 9, no. ,, I-b. 106C unci. Adequate management of see2ds as a mleans of increasing fcrc-~-,t nrcluctil!It-. ftlydvial Nauk Rolniczych 1. Le3nych Polskicj Akadevdi Nauk i Prj13)-ic Towarzystwo Lesne) I.-Tarszzua, Polin-1. Vol. 103, no. June/J;il-y "onthiv List of East, Furcp,,~an Accessions (EIE.J) L-C, Vol. 9. nzo. I, 19~0. unci. iin and cul-,,iiration in Poland. r. 75- ?roblerls 0" PcIplar seltct al !,lauk Rolniczych i I Iisna) W-11rozaWa, Vol. 103, no. 6/7, 195~- ~'ontlnly Ust, of Fast '71iropean Acce-sraorl's Vol. 9, nn, 1, "in. Uncl. STANTS'LAW Naelennictwo Irzne z 7aryseta selekcji drzew, Wye. P. , uzuP. i popr. 'J1r37awA, Panstwowe WydAwn. HoInicze I Lesne, 1952, ~3r p. (Fr)rest mped with ;In outllkn,~- of tree selcetion. 2d ed., enl. and rev.) DA Not j n DIL SO: Mv-mthly Ust of East European Accessions LC, Vol. 6, NO. 8, ',U--, IQ57- Uncl. HILCZER, Tadeuss; TYSZKIEWCZ, Stanislaw I.-- New comparative method of measuring the density of liquidB subjected to high pressures. Mat ehemia no-5:119-133 ,62. 1. Katedra Fizyki Dowladezalnej, UnWersytet im. Adams, Mickiewicza2 Poznan. MIHAJLOVp L.J.; ~~TIN, E., az ardeezeti tudo, anyok kandidatualf; JMZK~~.- prof dr. Oreetinge delivered at the itinerant meeting of the Hungarian Forestry Society,IDebrecen, June 29-July 1,, 1962. Erdo 11 no.8:374,379 Ag P. 1. Orooz Foderativ ftocialista Koztaroasag Miniaztertanacoanak kozvetlenul alarendelt erdeszeti foigazgatosag erdohassnalati osztalyanak helyettes vezetoje (for Rih4lov). 2. Bukaresti, erdeezeti dokumentacios kozpont igazgatojej ORevista Padurilor" ozerkeoztole. (for Costin). 3. Varosi ordeezeti kutato intezet maggazdalkodasi es nemesitesi osztalyatak vezetoje; "Sylvaix" szerkesztoje (for Tyszkievicz). t MUL WIGZ~ STAN1SLAW Wyluszczanie nasion lespych. Warszawa, Panstwowe 14ydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1951. 43 P. (Biblioteczka lesna) (Shelling forest seed) DA Not in DLC SO: Monthly List of East 1-uropean Accessions (EEAL) Le. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957.Uncl