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vk"P-Ls I I al-AX, 111p S.~I.; s tudy o~L trace and of inSee-,,S. 17,~ 1. Laboratorlya oravnitellyloy j, TV 1 7rl (,,`,.ranel fr, np-,, s c j s and e oboz. 44 rn 165. 18: .3 t, bal~edrcl eriV~r,--)Ingil gosudarst-ventiogo univer-liteta imon! ~'.A.'Z-hdariova, lpeningrad. Z~l V=, 11CHAG1111 S.M.; SYTESKly, I.A.; TYSHCHN11CO, V.P. --------- L-~ HLackcing effect of gl=a--aminobutyric acid on the c&-Itral Bynapses of insects. Nerv. sist- no-4:108-110 163 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Flziologicheskiy institut Lenlngradskogo itniverniteta. VE RES A G INT Sf.L'j7j')-KjY T. If Ef fer-, L of Eatr.-,a- a minobu y.-4- c a c ii c-i gian L ne, ".rj f ibc. 4~j no. 7: ~71)- "11 1 f F17,iologicheskiy -,--ls*,-!tut imer.1 Ukhtlcmskogo universitata, Leningrad. ,,..,TXSHCHEN,KO, Ye.; BERESIIGHUK, N., rc-d.; NAGIBIN, P., teklin. red. [On the eve of taking the frontiers] 17akanum shtutz-ma rubezhel. Alma-Atat Kazoollkhozgiz, 1962. 26 I v. 13 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Direktor Ubinskogo sovkhoza Vostochno-Kazakhstanskoy oblasti (for Tyshchenko). CHIZIIEVSKIY, A.L., professor (Karaganda); TIMOFEUVICH, A.Y.. xaveduyushchiy; TYSHGHMMO, Z.As, glavnyy vrach. Ilectrie reaction of the precipitation of red blood corpuscles; prelizimary report. 31 no-3:60-63 Mr 153. NLRA 6;5) 1. Klinichaskaya laboratoriiya khirurgicheekogo otdeletniya K-aragandinskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for Timofeye4vich). 2. Karagandinskaya oblastnaya boll- nitea (for Tyshchanko). (Bl~od--Corpuscles and-platelets) CRIZHEVSKIY, AOL., professor (Karaganda); TIMOYBYEVICH, A.Y., zaveduyuohchiy; TYSHCHENKO,.Z.A., glavnyy vrach. I Electric reaction of the precipitation of red blood corpuscles; prelimi- nary report. 31 no.3:60-63 V_r '53. (MM 6:5) 1. Klinichaskaya laboratorliya khirurgicheakogo otdeletniya Xara&-undinskoy oblastnoy bolinitay (for Timofeyevich). 2. Xaragandinakaya oblastuaya bollaitea (for T~rshchenko). (Blood--Cornuseles and platolets) I - TYSHCHUK, A.A. (Kiyev) Study of geocetrv at the eight-7ear school. Mat. v shkole r-o.3:35-39 my-je 159. (laRA 12:9) (Geometry--Stud7 and teaching) TYSFIGHUK, D. N.; BABICHEV, V. G. PPK-15m air-feed log drill. Gor. zhur. no.110*74 N 062. (MM 15--10) 1, Krivorozhiskiy gornorudnyr institut (for T~rshchuk). 2. Nauchno-I aledovatellskiy gornorudnyy inatituts, Krivoy Rog (for Babichav). (Boring machinery-Pne=atic driving) I i 7)--8-8-6/66 AUTHOR9: Sidorovf~, ff. G., Tyr?hchuk, G. 7h. MLE: Cyclo.,lkylation of Aromatic Compoundu .irometicheskikh soyedineniy) XV. Condensation of -luorene 7.7ith Cyclohexanol in the Presence of Aluminum Chloride (,:V. Kondensatsiya fluoren& s toiklogeksanolom v pri.-ut2tvii khloristogo alyuminiya) PERIODIf,'AL; Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 8, PP- 2030-2032 (USSR) AKTRACT: This raper is a continuation of earlier papers (Ref 1) v,hich describe the condensation of fluorene with cyclohexnol in the presence of AlCl 3. The end product of this reaction tins z,- cyclohexylfluorene of unknown structure (M-P, 133 ). The authors carried out several condensations with different amounts of AlCl and with equimolecular amounts of both com- ponents. ',7ith iLreased and with decreased amounts of alumiwm chloride the yield of alkylation product was inferior (MlIxi- mum: 32,9 -j6 with 0,85 g. AlCl 3* aq.). Besides the alkylation reaction a dehydration of the cyclohext.nol E:nd a polymeri- Card 1/3 zation of the resulting cyclohexene occurred, which indicatea Cycloalkylation of Aromvtic Compounds. 50V/79-28-0-6/66 XV. Condensation of Fluorene With Cyclohexanol in the Presence of Aluminum Chloride cleprly how the cyclohexanol was being used up. In ord.- to ascertain the position of substitution to produce cyclohexyl- fluorene this compound 0was oxidized under pressure in dilute nitric acid at 140-150 which produced 2-fluorocarbonic acid and which was then used to make the methyl ester. By dehydr:.t- ing the cyclohexylfluorene in the presence of platinum ble-ick a new product, a 2-phenylfluorene, was Produced. Both reactions clearly indicate that the condensation product is 2-cyclo- hexylfluorene (Formula I). To study this new hydrocarbon a mono-nitro de7-ivative was prepared. Since all electrophilic substitution reactions in the fluorene molecule take Place at the 2 and 7 positions, this coihpound Probably has the structure (II). There are 1 table and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. LSM;IATION: Srednesziatf~tl-iv Paoud.rstvonnyy universitet oe;nti~a "ii' "UBMITZED: July'4t 1957 Card 2/3 -,!, ~:IllorV~ c ( Id" `,romatic Compound!?. /7 - -0-( (16 of -. -' th C,,rclohexanol in th(., - --!--Ecnc,f o- :- ', --, of Fluorene '.i -*,'er,,, 3/3 SIDDROVA, N.G.;MAWAI,~ Cycloalkylation of aromatic corTounds. Part 15: Conden ;saticn of fluorone with cyclohexanol in the presence of aluminum chloride. Zhur. ob. khim. 28 no. 8:2030-2032 Ag 158. (KIRA 11:10) 1. Sredneasiatakiy gosudarstvewiyy universitat. (Fluorene) (cyclohazanol) (Condensation producte(Chemistry)) TYSHOMYL, N.F. okommist Irlproved spray bl2rner for fepd steaners. Zbivatnovadstvo 21 no.7:81 JO 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Belogorskaya rmontno-traktornaya stantsiya, Belogorskiv rayon, Khjnl'nitalmya oblast'. . t (Burners) Q TYSHCHUK, Ye.A. PUstic skin surgery in injuries of the foot. Ortop,, trav_-, i protez. 21 no.3.1:25-30 160. MIRA 14:4) (FOOT-WOUNDS AND INJURMS) (SKIN GPAFTING) TYSHCHUy,, Ye.A. Use of homoplastic and filxrin film in arthroplasty of the interphalangeal and the metacarpophalangeal joints. TJiiru-rgiia 35 no. 5:52-59 My 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1. 1z patologoanatomichskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof, F.V. Sipovskiy) i otdeleniye neotlozhnoy travmatologii (zav. - dotsent S.Ye. Ka3hkarov) Leningradakogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. V.S. Balakina). (BLOOD AS FOOD OR MEDICINE) (HAND--SURGERY) - TYSHCHUK, Ye.A. Comparative evaluation of anesthesia methods in surgical interven- tiona on the extremities. Trudy Len.gos.nauch.-issl.inst.travm.i ortop. no 8:25-31 161. (MIRA 15:9) iEXTREMITIES (ANATOMY)--SURGERY) (ANESTHESIA) TYBROM, Te.A, Pathological changes in newly formed zetacarpophalav4peal joints following arthroplasty. Trudy,nauch,-Isel.inet.trava.1 ortop. no.7tl6l-169 t58. (KM 13W 1. Iz otdelenty patologoanatomicheakogo i neotloshnoy travma- tologii Laningraaskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo institute. travmatologil i ortopedlio (JOIRTS--DISFASIS) (PLASTIC SURGKRT) TYSHMUK, Ye*A. Anatomical characteristics of the pain syndrome in fractures of the radius in a typical location. Ortop.travm. i protez. 20 no.1:34-37 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Is otdelenlya neotlozhnoy travmatologit (zav. - kand,medonauk S.Ye. Kashkarov) i bollnitsy Frunzenskogo rayons, g. Leningradao (RADIUS, fract. causing pain. synd., anat * causes (Rug)) Tr =I cU A Blood vessel and nerve Injuries in fractures of the radius at a typical site. Ortop.travm. I protes. no.2:11-13 Mr-Ap '55. mai 8: io) 1. Is kafeary operativnoy khirurgil I topograficheekoy anatomit. (say.-prof. A.P. Udsin) Gosudarstvannogo instituta usovershen- stovavniya vrachey im. S.M.Kirova I khirargichaskoto otdalaniya (2av.-prof. A.P.Nadein) bollnitsy Frunzenskogo rayona g.Lenin- grada (glavrqy vrach-L.A.Talyzina) (RADIUS, fractures, blood vessels & nerves inJ.) (FRACTURES, ' radius, Inj. to blood vessels & nerves) (BIDODIESSELS, wounds and injuries in tact. of radius) (NERVES, RADIAL, wounds and injuries in fract. of radius) (WOUNDS AND ISTURIBS, blood vessels & radial rerves in fract. of radius) CIRINSHTEYN, I.M.; TYSHETSKAYA, O.V. Special features of the stripping of hydrogen chloride from thickened hydrolyzates by live steam. Sbor.trvA. NIIGS 11:2,~-30 f63. 1 --'T- . K~I- Stripping of hydrogen chloride from hydrochloric hydrolyzates at atmospheric pressure. Ibid.t3l-40 (KIRA 16s3;.,) GRINSHTEO, I.M.; TYSILETSKAYA, O.V.; BABINA, O.M. Rotar7 absorber for producing.concentrated hydrochloric acid. GidrolizA lasokhim.prom. 13 no.6:12-13 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Ilauchno-iialedovatellskiy inatitut gidroliznoy i eallfitno- spirtovoy promyshlennouti. (Kansk--flydrochloric acid) (Aboorption) TYSHETSKIYI V* is Morbidity of the population in Vinnitea Province from malignant tumors. Vop. ozdc. 8 no.7:99-104 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1, Iz kafedry organizataii adravookhrananiya i istorii,maditsiny (zav'* - prof, Le G. Lekarev) Vinnitskogo maditainskogo inatituta im. N. L Pirogova (dir. - dots. S. 1. Korkhov) (VINNITSA PROVINCE-CANCER) Gli! Z91p-1.-< ur a, IF al 5 'a A -I- v IL -A--j -t.- ai-. k -.A A-A -I-J, )40 CAD111 .ml-ctst's A~, *Ja VyWs of wood mateflat! fat pmublo gas patfaton lil A. slavranAit. V. %I, Tyhcokil iind P. A. Evaulov. No. 11 Lr PkAim. Prom. 193W.' N zhur. 190. No, 3. 1 It .--Wt;~Irn vhi~i or hhlck'% were Vjr;1rd"Its pyinlyMi in Isenymne to ofitain twown Work. be m y c4 the wo~wl rbr~44dv. Ttw pn~ wmA %verr. twxmn 14,wk. 41, 70. appm%. !,..% &k-. splwox. 0.9 aM go" aptwox. 11%. Lows of kernwm w"r from 112 to 1,11% of the wt. of k"vvww taken for the vi it.. 614-ZI it#. of krrownr I*r ti, 7 kg. of iAmowl W, R. 11, it Ijwee Wes 4 0 16 lose 4o0 vee CA WALLMOCAL L11IN41049 CMWICAT" VOO taided wit GMT cat *sisal roe .4 Ow WT M a 141111futdoll log u a " to At It "X am 0 0 ;Z409.0.669,T44000 TYSHETSKIY. V.I Method of special examinations of malignant neoplasms. Zhur. eksp. i klin. med. 3 no-3:99-103 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut onk-ologii AMN SSSR i kafedra organizataii zdravookhraneniya Vinnitskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. KAUFMANO B.D.; LIBFTtl4A~.1, I.S~; '1Y3H1,-,T,33F.TY, V.I. Some maUriaI3 d-?a11.,,1g with thL- diatribsitirn of cancer in Gurlyev Province, Kazakh S.S.R. (apccrdin- to materials of the 9th Expedition oC the Institute of Oncology o~ the Academy of Medical Sclenee-s of the U.S.S.R. Von. Onk. 11 no.22:78-8~ 165. T ~. j-' 1. Jz naue hno-, organ izato i onnogo otdola Instittitq onkologii AH1 S35H (Jspo1nyayushchiy obyazannostl zavediiyushchogo otdolom - kand. med. nauk B.D. Kaufman, dir. instituta - deyot.vit6j"Inyy chlen AMP) SSSR za-.31',uzhennyy deyatell nauki P-9FSR prof. A.!. Serebro%). TYSHET, A.A. Device for determining the coefficient of rocks under pressure. lov.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.11291-93 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Sovero-Vosioebtoye otdeleniye Instituta merzlotovedAniya Im. V.A.Obrucbeva AN SSSR. (Racks) Teplo-i ma~ssoobmsn v merzlykh tolshchakh zemnoy kory (Heat and Mass Tiansfer in the Frozen-Sfi4tii of the Earth's Crust) Hoscow,$ Izd-vo AN MR., 1963 213pe er Division of the Instituteof Research by'the staff of the'Heat-and Mass-Transf Peroafrost Study, Siberian Branchli AS USSR. --tvanov, i13_0 Measurement of Thermal Currents With Spherical and Cylindrical Probes in a Stationary Regime 185 Ivanov, N.S. Non3tationary Methods for the Determination of Thermal Currents With Spherical and Cylindrical Probes 191 Mandarov, A.A. Laboratoty Equipment for the Study of Heat- and Mass-Transfer in Soils and in Rocks 198 1 Kutasov, I.M. Detormination of the Overheating Tempera- ture of Thermistors 203-. Ivanov, N.S., Yu.N. Annenkov, and Yu.A. Tyshev. A Device for the Autornatic SwitchoveT Of the Measuring Range in (Ilectric) Bridge Systems 207 Card W Li- - -t L~L ,J~ I .. I - - - - - - - - - - ~, - ~-, ~ 4S , ~-- - i ~ P-l" z; -'P, ; it -.- Lf Ut , 1 , " - -- ---, few lie Use - - - -=~ . - - . . -. .. - ~ I -., --. -, .. d for- TrSHUVICR, R. f level p2., Irreducible nilpatent groups of matrices o Vestat AN BSM,Ser,f1z#-,tekhn&v* zwo4:34-41 139. (MWA 1300 (GroiVe. Theory of) SUPRUNBIIKO, D.A.; TTSHKEVICII, R.I. Reducible nilpotent and locally nilpntent linear groups. Trudy Inst.fiz.i mat.AH BSSR no-3:221-233 159. 04IRA 11: 4) (Groups. Theory of) I TYSZKIZWIGZ,Mag,d^len& Several cases of Huntington's chorea, chronic schizophrenia and other mental disorders withiA -the same family. Neur. &c. polsks. 10 no.1:121-124 Ja-F 160. 1. Z Poradni Zdrovia Psychiaznego w Gdyni. Kierown1k: lek. M. Tuszkolwiez. (SCHIZOPEMIA genetics) (CHORU HAR ITART case reports) (KEML DISORMS ganetiaB) GOWBINDER, A.I.,- SVETLOVA, L.M.;_17;~JUVIQH, V.F. Some reasons for detonation damping in boreholes. Vsryv. delo no.52/9:155-168 163. (PGRA 17:12) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina kbimiko-tekhnologiebookiy inetitut imeni DJ, Mendeleyevaq LIKAR V, Io.G., professor; RYUKHOV, F.S.; TTSEMTSKIY, V.I. Hoopital requirements of the population of Vinniten and methods for its estimation. Vrech,delo no.6:635-639 Je 157. (JURA 10:8) 1. Xefedra organizataii zclravookhraneniya i istorli meditoiny (zav. prof. L.G.1,skarev) Vianintskogo meditainskogo instituta (VINNITSA--HOSPITALS) I -- -: TYSHKEVICII, N.I. Structure of the Central Office of Technological Inforrm'Im of the National Economic Council. XTI no.5:3-? 164. (YIRA 17 s 10) 89533 5/04 60/000/008/005/035 16,440 CI 1 IYC222 AUTHORS: Suprunenko, D.A., and TITLEt Reducible nilpotent and locally nilpotent linear groups PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no.8, 1960, 29, abstract no.8620. Tr. In-ta fiE. I matem. AN BSSR, 1959, no-3, 221-233 TEXTs The authors describe a simple method for the reduction of the investigation of arbitrary nilpotent linear groups over the algebraically closed field P to the investigation of irreducible nilpotent groups. Basing on this construction and on earlier results the authors prove the following facts. 1) All maximal nilpotent subgroups of GL(n,P) of the class 13"-l decompose into an only finite number of classes of con- jugate subgroups. 2) The number of non-conjugated maximal locally nil- potent suLgroups of GL(n,P) is smaller than or equal to the number of n, nr) n. representations of the number n in the forms n=k +k +k ni 1 2 where /ki are not divisible by the characteristic of the field P. [Abstracteris notes The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.] Card 1/1 SM,-jUMM, D.AI-TYSHKEVICH, R.I.--- . Reducible locally ni-1potent linear groups. Dokl.Aff BSM 4 no.4: 137-139 Ap t6o. (MIR& 13:10) 10 1. Belorusskiy gosudaretvennyy =iversitet im. V.1.1enina. (Groups. Theory of) IOZELP P.T.; TYSHIEVICH R.I Two theorems on solvable groups.; mat. no.645-50 162. MM& 15:12) 1. Belorusakiy gosudarstvenmyy universitet imeni V.I.Lenina. (Groupa, Theory of) - KHANOVICH, Miron Grigorlyevich, L-and.takhn.nauk; ALTMITS, I.Ta., kand. tekha.nauk, retsenzent; TOM, I.A., inzh., retsenzent; KARA~ '-- TYSHM, S.G., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; VASIL'YEVA, Y.P., reT.-N-T--vw, tMWIN. P.S.. tek, [Liquid friction and combined supports) Opory xhidkostnogo treniia i kombinirovannys. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mlishinoBtroit. lit-ry, 1960. 271 p. (KIIIA 13:7) (Bearings (Machinery)) BUBRENNIXDV, V.V.; TYSHI19SKATA, I-I-'- CHUPAOINA* R.A- earths. Trudy TGU FormatioU Of complex compowIds by rare (MIU 12:3) 145:161-162 '57. 1,Kafedra, neoriganicheskor khimii Tomskogo gosudarstvannogo uni- versiteta im6ni V.V. Kuylqsheva. (Rare earth compounds) TYSHMCVICH,A.A., Inshener; CHMMAr.l., redaktor; TRUXMOVA,A.. takhni- tor [Innovations in the technology of producing lime from chalk] Novoe v takhnologil proizvodstva Izvesti iz melov; iz opyta raboty novatorov Izvestkovykh 2aVodov raionnol promyshlennosti BSSR. Minsk. Gos.i%d- vo BSSR, 1955. 62 p. (MIRA 9:1) (Lime) d F V ussR/Forestry DC-Aeulc~~- K. Abs JOU2 : Ruf zhur - Biol-, Ifo 21, 1956, Author : Tys'.-kevich, G.J7 List Title Physical-Mccl-lallical Propert-Loo ;,f Sprucc 11-food. in t7r-c car.. Pc.tlhicww~ and 'riwil. Mmi,,;o on th,; T~r.-)u of ori G Pwo Jzv. v-yss:,.. lac"010-n- z-olicdcAy, Lc!s:-,. 1953, 11-0 1) 68-71. Abstract 11-i --bGtract. Card 1/1 USSR / Forestry. Forust Economy K-3 Abs Jour: Rcf Zhur-Biol., No 1.3, 19587 583135 troo, and in an area of the typo B2-C2 occupied by puro spruce gxovc~s. It was determined tlLat it is n~~cessary to take into consideration the sub- sequunt rE~foxustation of the spruce, when conduc- ting massive fellings in spruce groves on deep malkozem (fine) soils (60-70 centimetc~rs thick) and on flat northurn slop,~s, the most widuspread type C3 in the Carpathians. Combinod ruforiz~sta- tio is recoramcndi2d whurc the width of thu clear- ing is over 150 metors. Natural ruforostation sh- ould be conductod near the forost bordors, and P.rtificial reforestation is recommcndcd ov,~r thQ now fulling, without soil preparation. In the typc B2-C2 whoru the thin layer of organic soil substance Is destroyed during luraboring and whore only stom scatterings remain, natural reforosta- Card 2/3 I U65R / Forostry, Vorust SconomY 1,---3 V. Abs Jour; Rof Zhur-Biol.) '-,To 13, 1958; 58385 tion is impossiblo and cultivation is indispcn- sable. --V. V. Protopopov Card 3/3 - I TYSHIWIWIR GOL* `Ifd~rpathlan apMce forests [with numnary in Ingliah]. Pnchvf)vedonis no,2:26-29 7 058. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iosotokbnicheskiy institut, LIvov. (Carpathian HountalnR-Forost soils) nrS --- "-onidovna,- VEIMEOV, I.S., akaderrdk., otv. red.; MIDELIMAN, GOT,, red. izd-va; VOLKOVA, V.G.., tekhn. red. [Spruce forests of the Soviet Carpathians]Elovye lesa Sovetskillch Karpat. Moskma, Izd-vo Akad.nauk. SSSR, 1962. 172 p. (KMA 15:10) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokhoz-yayiAvennykh nauk imcni V.I.Lenina (for Helekhov). (Carpathian Mountain region-Spruce) 6y.Y IV OUNT-V XTSSR -CATZGORY Pam Animals. Cattle ASS, JOUR, RZBiol., No- 13, 1958, No. 59499 AU T H OR Gordiyonko, M, F.; Ron', 1. F.;-M-Wcevieh, 11K.ST. Kamenets-Podollskiy Agricultural Ins. a TITL2, Pinzgau Cattle and Prospects of Breeding Work with Them ORIG. PUB. :Sots. tvarinnitstvol 110 10t 41-44 ABSYRAOT :In 1956p the Kamenets-Podollskiy Agricultural Institute carried out investigation of 1,000 heads of Finzgau cattle and its crosses in six kolkhozes of Chernovitskaya Oblast; of thesep-33% were purebreds and 61% were eros- ses with Simenthals. The live weight of purebred cows averaged 430 kg. and that of N. G.- CARD, 1/2 - TYSHMIGHt V.I. -, kandidat tokhnichatskikh nauk. Length of -receiving and departure trgLck-B for Ogrmlpl trains. ZhOlo der. transp. 39 so-3:62-64 Kr '57. (aU lo: 4) (Railroads-MAking up trRins) w-SIM"VICII) V. - - The e)Terience of dispatche Orlov 14oskva., Gos. transp. zhel-d(jr- izd-vol 1',-0. 42 p. (50-19901) TF563.T97 1. Railroads - PenzensVaya, oblast', Russia - Training dispatching TTSHKEVICHI N. I. Opyt dispetchera. Orlova. ZO-rlov's train-dispatching experiencg7. Moskvap Gos. tramp. zhel-dor. izd-voj, 1949. 42 p. port-, diagro- DLC i TF563. T97 SO: Soviet Tr=sR2rtati9_n Nd Commications, A Bibliography Ubrar7 of Congress Referenca Department,'Washington, 1952j, UnclaesUied. TYSHEVICH, N.I. Reference and information collections of All-Union and branch information centers. NTI no.9-3-5 165. (MA 19:1) i -i 2 T -I ", L- v ' - ' I -,. I . - TYSHKEVICHO R-1. (Minsk). Pm "Pa 10 --ammosmom Kilpotent linear groups, Mat. abor. 42 no,4:-441-444 Ag 157. (Groups, Theory of) (KnA 10:12) SURUIf-ENKO, D.A.; --- TYSHKEVICH, R.I. Reducible locally ailpotent linear groups. mat. 24 no. 6:787-806 H-D 160. Izv. Ali SUR. Ur. (PILRA 14:1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.I. Mallteevym. (Groupe. neory of) 1-11z,~,~ TYSIREVICH, R.I.: Master Phys-4,%th Sci (diss) -- "Ijul-pote-atial linear groups". Minsk, 1958. 4 pp (Belorussian State U im V.I. Lenin, Chair of Algebra), 150 copies (KL, No 1, 1959, 113) SUPPJJNENKOP D.A.; TYSHKEVICH, R.I. Dynamic representations and one class of determinate machine-. Kibernetika no.2:9-17 Mr-Ap 165. (AURA 18:5) AUTNORt TYSMVICH R.I. (Ninsk) 39-4-2/9 TITLZs On Kilpotent Linw&r.4roups,(0 nil-potsatnykh lineynykh gruppakh) PZRIODICAM lat.Sbornik# . 195T, V61,42, Ir-49 pp-441-444 (USSR) ABSTRACT-s Lot P-b*--&n-4g*br&io&l1y- elated fields M - the multiplicative ---g'V*up-.of.kjA1L(u9P) .... complete .14near group of n-th degree over- P I A. s B - index- of the subgroup B in the group A. Theorems Let 0 be -an irreducible nilpotent subgroup of GL(n,P) being mausizAl' among all subgroup@ of the class 1> 1. Lot z1 fi, N C Z2 C a 0 0 0 C Z1-1 C G be its upper central series. 1. if Zi in irreducible, then.Z i w of 2. if 1>2, then Z2 in commutative, 3. if Z 2 1 ZI - n, then Zl-1 is &b9lian. Three Soviet references are quoted. SUBMITTEDs NOY 17, 1956 AVAILABL19s Library of Congress Card 1/1 SUPRUNENKOP D.A.; TYSI[KEV-.ICH,, R.I. Dynamic mapping. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.5.-289-292 My f63. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Belorusakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. W -- .- --- Ow- f; I q 'I S'4 - I ", _ M g; lull UMFq I g " M:-, ~0 ~ M, --m ~ ~ SOV/124-57-5-5225 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 17 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tyshkevich, V. A. TITLE: The Method of Affinity Regions of Mechanisms and Its Application to the Study of the Characteristics of Hinged Four-bar Linkages (Metod oblastey rodstva mekhanizmov i yego primeneniye pri izuchenii svoystv sharnirnykh chetyrekhzvennikov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Seminara po teorii mashin i mekhanizmov In-ta mashinoved. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 16, Nr 62, pp 11 -25 ABSTRACT: A mechanism is presented in the form of a representative point in an n-dimensional coordinate system along the axes of which the relative dimensions of the links are plotted on the chart. The geometrical region of the existence of mechanisms with identical kinematic schemes is next established as follows: The points of a mechanism which possess similar kinematic properties are plotted on the chart along well-defined lines, surfaces, and volumes designated as affinity regions. The method suggested in the paper is suitable for the design of Lower-pair mechanisms which is to fulfill a prescribed Card 1/1 lawof motion of the driven link. V. N. Geminov TYSHKICVICH.,V.A., kand.takhn.nauk. Homographic method used in the kinematic analysis of four-link mechanisms. Trudy OMI no.1:9-20 '56. (KIRA 11:2) (Machiner7, Kinematics of--Graphic methods) TYSHKzvrcH, V.A. "Analogy domaW of mechanisms used as a technique for studying the properties of hinged four--~3&r mechanisms. Trudy Sem po teor, mash. 16 n0.62:11-25 '56, WRA 9:10) (Links and link-motion) (Mechanics, Analytic) TY-SHK-1-01CH, V. A. "A Study of the Properties of a Four-Thraw Crankshaft and Directions for '~ompi:limg a Manual Listing Their Uha rac teris ties." Cand Tech Sc4-j AU, Union Correspondence Polytechnic Inst, Moscow, 1955- (KL, Nlo 8, Feb 55) SO: Sim. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertaz,ions Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) G011,113INIER) A.T.; TYSlIFNICH, V.F. Channeling effect in the detonation of explosives. Lokl. SSSR 156 no. 4:905-908 Je 164. (M TRk 17: 6) 1. ',.Ioskov3kiy kh.-miko-tekhnolcgicheskiy insti-tut -Lm. D.'-. Nendeleyeva. Predstavieno akademikom Ya.B.Zelldovichem. JACCESSION NR: 'AP40411-58-- --S-/-0020/64/-156/.004/0905/0908 AUTHOR: Gol'binder, A, I.; Ty*shevich, V, F, :TITLEt Channel effect in the detonation of explosives !SOURCEs AN SSSR, DoklAdy*. -,. 156,, no. 4, 1965, 905-908 ITOPIC TAGS: detonation, explosive, channel effect, shock wave, !luminosity, shock wave propagation, trotyl, hexogen, lead nitrate ABSTRACT: High-speed photography (500,000-1,000,000 frames per sec) and x-rays were used to study the channel effect in the detonation of ! lexp'losives. The experiments were carried out in organic glass shills busing fine ground trotyl and hexogen charges with densities of 0.5 g/cc iand fine ground mixtures of trotyl and lead nitrate (10--202) with'den- isities of 0.6-0.7 g/cc. Analysis of the experimental data and publisbad data showed that in all cases the boundary of the expanding 4etonstion 1producce is sharply delineated and never overtakes the detonation front. IThe luminosity observed in the channel is not connected with the motion .,of the detonation products. Special experi.ments showed that the lumi- ty.i laosity depends an the type of gas in the channels Haxinum luminosi Card 1 /2 FACCE'SSION__NR's'_'_AP4O4ll58 was observed when the channel was filled with argon; minimum luminooLty was observed with carbon dioxide. The detonation products generate a shock wave (in the channel) which overtakes the detonation front and has a compacting affect on the charge.' The detonation ceases when the shock wave overtakes the detonation front ata distance permitting a prolonged action of the shock wave on the charge, Equations are given for calculating the thickness of the layer of the charge compacted by the shock wave and the compacting time. The calculated data on the thickness of the compacted and uncompacted layers agree closely with that obtained by measuring the layers by x-ray pictures. Depending on the sensitivity of explosives. the shock wave may also initiate det- : onation. The effect"of baffles in the charge and the effect of com-: .pression of gas inclusions on the attenuation of detonation are also discussed, Orig, art* has: 3 figures, ASSOCIATIONt MoskovskLy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut ims Do I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology) SUBMITT3Dt OSPeb64 ~SUB CODE1 WA Card 2/2 A7D RMS: 3042 ENCLt 00 NO REY SOVt 005 OTHERs 003 TYSIUEVICH. YU.I., in2h.; ZUSSM, A.P., inzh. Heating and drying unfinisbod buildings. Blul.tekb.inforn. 5 no.1:21~-26 Ja 159. (MM 12:41) (Building-Cold weatber conditions) (Dryint7 apparatus) TYSHMICH, YU.I. , Laying and plasterin brick walls at the same time. Biul.tekh.inform. 3 no-7:4-8 J1 '57- (MIRA 10:10) 1. Glavnyy inzhener tresta. U.19. (Plastering) (Bricklaying) -TYSHKOP A.G. Study of senun protein fractions obtained after a simultaneous introduction of a mumps and smallpox vaccine. Vrach. delo no.l: 100-102 J064. (MA 17:3) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologli ( zav. - prof. S.S. Dynchenko) Kiyevsko- go meditsinskogo instituta. - 7 KC) 8 cr. --Rj 42 A. all 10 0~ .3 Su ca. sit jr, ;91 M I. 30 .02 a *log u;., KOROBKO, M.I.; ISTRELICHOM, A.G.; KOROTMICH, Y.N.; KOZLYUK, V-I-; TTSHKO, A.I.;,ARTYNSKIY, V.M. Automatic control of thermal processor. in an open-hearth furnace. Avtom.i prib. no.1:9-14 159. (MIRA 13:10) (Electronic control) (Opon-b'sarth furnaces) SERDYUKI S.M., inzh.; TYSHKO, A.I., inzh. Using photorelays in open-hearth process. MekhJ avtom.proizv. 17 no.IM JI 163. (PIRA 16:8) (Open-hearth furnaces) (Photoelectric measurements) V.'.-)., kand, t;skhn. naijka TYBUO. A-I-~ L.A. 9 Effent of regulatj--~ the heat conditic-13 of' P- on Nel consuipt-irn ancl t%ei quallt7 of ing0t. ~eftt'.ngs 'INst. ' gornorud. prom. no.6,29-32 lt~9 '65. (141RA 12 L 12) KRIVOSHEY, D.; DRAGUNOV, V.; KORENYAK, A., otarishiy inzh. po tekhnike bezopasnosti; MLCHANOV, A., rabochiy syrlyevogo tsekha; POVOLOTSKIY, B.; LOBACh-EX, L.; STMAMV, A.; ZEMIYAMM, I.; KOZLOV~ A.; POFENKO,F., inzh. (Moskva); SHAPIRO, A. Editor's mail. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 5 no.802-33 Ag 162. (MIRA 15%7) 1. Glavnyy inzh. shakhty "Mentrallnaya", Krivoy Rog (for Kirvoshey). 2. Pomoshchnik glavnogo inzh. po tekhnike bezopasnosti shakhty 11TSentrallmaya,"rivoy, ~og (for Dra unov). 3. Nachallnik ventilyatsii shakhty "TSentrallnayaI Krivoy Rog Ifor Tyshko). 4. Tomskiy podshipnikovyy zavod 5-GPZ (for Korenyak). 5. Kabluchnaya fabrika, g. Nerekhta (for Molchanov). 6. Predsedatell zavodskogo kamiteta Moskovskogo zavoda zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy No.7 (for Lobachav). 7. Transportnaya kontora tresta "Sterlitamakstroy", g. Sterlitamak (for Sukhanov). 8. Fredsedatell mestnogo komitete. gorodskoy Upografii, g. Michurinsk (for Zemlyachenko). 9. Predsedatell komissii okhrany truda gorodskogo komiteta professionallnogo Boyuza meditsinskikh rabotriikov, g. Yevpatoriya (for Kozlov). 10. Vneshtatnyy tekhnicheskiy inspektor Voronezhskogo oblastnogo soveta professio- nallnykh soy-uzov (for Shapiro). (Industrial bygiene) TrSHKO, V#I. Once more on dust control in mines Of the Krivoi Rog Basin. -Besop.trada v prom. 4 no~8.31 Ag 160* (MIR& 13t8) 1. Nachallnik ventilYatsii Shakhty OTSentral'rALYa" rucloupravienlys, "Ingulets" tresta Dzerzhinskrudao (Krivoi Rog Basin-Mine dusts-Wety measures) TYSHKOS,V.I,.; DRAGUNOV, V.P. Ventilation of stopes at the TSentrallnais. mine of the Ingulets Mining Administration. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.2:55-56 Mr-Ap 165. (MA 18:5) I)UNkUVO A*N,,; TISHKOVSKryl S..M* -11, Modernization of an amplitude pickup. Btan.i Imtr, 35 no.7,-40 JI 162. (Vibration-Measurement) (MIRA 15.7) SOV/3-58-12-23/43 AUTHORt Tyahkovskiy, V.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences TITLE: The Scientific-Methodical Council at the University (Nauchno- metodicheskiy sovet v universitete) PERIODICALt Vestnik vysshey shkcly, 1958, Nr 12, pp 67 - 70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1956, the Council of the Kiyevskiy universitet (Kiyev University) established a Scientific-Methodical Council at the university. It is the Council's task "to examine and work out the organizational and teaching-methodical problems on training pedagogic and scientific personnel". For this purpose the council studies and generalizes the experiences gained in schooling, and proposes measures for its improve- ment. Among its 39 members are 8 professors. The Council has 5 sections. Last year the Section on General Methodical Problems arranged its first scientific methodical conference. The first plenary meeting was attended by 357 persons while 500 persons participated in the work of the sections. The University Rector and Member of the AS UkrSSR, I.T. Shvets, delivered a lecture on increasing the quality of the intrc- Card 1/2 ductory lecture. The Scientifio-Methodical Council solved The Soientific-Methodical Council at the University SOV/3-58-12-23/43 a number of organizational and scientific-methodical pro- blems, and is in close touch with-all the universities nf the Ukraine and other republics. There are 2 Soviet refer- enoes. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBitet imeni T.G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T.G. Shevchenko) Card 2/2 TURKUMA. D.M.; TY59KUL, F.F. Work education on a school, collective farm. ?o1ite'eb.011ach. no.6:33-37 Je 159. 041RA 22:12) 1. Direktor aredney shkoly, solo Kerzhautsy, Lipkanakogo raVona Moldavskoy SSR (for Turkuman). 2. Prodsodatell kolkhogn, solo Kerzhautsy, Lipkanskogo,rayona, Moldavskoy SSR (for Tyshkul). (KeWiautsy-Student, activities) (Agrif,Ulturo-Study and teaching) TYSHM, I., saveduyuchchiy; YALANSKIY, A., inshener. Regulation of vorking capital norms for tree nurseries. 2hil.-kom. khoz. 3 no.5:20 Itr 153. (MIR& 6:7) 1. Plaixovo-ekonomichaskiy sektor Stavropol'skogo kraykomkhoza (for Tyabler). 2. Blagoustroyetvo Stavro-pollskogo kraykomkhoza. (Nurseries (Horticulture)) 0 TYSIILYAR I.S.; AMILINCIIEVIL, 0.1f.; MAKOVITSHY, O.Ye.; KLYUSIMIYOV, V.I. ~ --__ V I - I Gas equipment of a kiln for ceramic tiles. Gaz. prom. 10 no.7;34-35 '65. (MMA 18: 8) TYSHIMM,Y&.. inzhener; UNSA,B-V-, inshener .EffjIo-'iency promoters in machine building plants strive 1-9 sati5f.7 the needs of agriculture. Sellkhossashina no.10:28-29 0'55 (Machine shop practice) (MIRk ;:12) jnz KLYUCHKO, P.V., inzh.; ROZIN, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; zh, Land improvement In Poland. Gidr. I xel. 17 no.7:49-55' J1 165. (~~ 1-A-12) 1. Kaliningradskoye ablastnoye upravleniye vodnogo khozyaystva (for Klyuchko). 2. Severnyy nauchno-issledovatlski~y inst-itut gidrotakhniki I malioratsii (for Rozin). 3. Re8publikanskly gosudarstvennyy Institut po proyektirovaniyu vcdokhozyaystvennogo I meliorativnogo stroitellstva RSFSR (for Tyshova). TYSKA 1-1aria An international exhibition of books and maps concerning probje= of the quarternary. Frzegl geolog 10 no.2F:87-88 162 Isar 4 V, X962 . ' C----,)) Tel 10, No 2 (1071. Fobr z. 'non or Geological, Works for 29JS2.' Swe XTSPVLS-~k- ef,th. C"tral 09ologr It I VP Gooi*s',c&i xnaorau~m or oeposits for s3-rZ:: C"str.;&Ion C.rls.- Jb-m"rd VAAMg 0 1 tLtedra Goolocii J. I - UnIvsrsity, crnlwsrmrto~ Vars&awki)l pp 67-72. (Znrllsh ~m"J. 3~, *ftospoat2 of FA*llm Oaturronae in the StraoZirs Mae. elf A-cloc.* Loch Rmw of th; Goo2cCIc.1 xn*tL- Onto IXM*tytut Go-legr- I - m1w nw- .x ; pp 2-7Y:- 46, *Dope4lu oC Clay far Construction Corantlee In the %bS*"d&tw of Lublin,* ZbIgnIew SOMRA, Zhigulaw KILIAN. and Matian WOJ Vp Sun- *ProsV mts.ror the Upleltatien IX quartalto In the Moles via Region., jorty 1411. CZ of the .**logical. In pp 79--aN OzglT;6'--r~ir7). S. OSLatk Congress or 3XQ;J&,* Romald ZYLKA of the Goo- loeloal. l"Stit"tal VP d"7. ton of PAeks wk4 Maps (INQUA). Marl a. ~.E:D~S ~!Xln oral* gl Cal Phco. Analjrxis of or S.' ktto%d ZAAL"11. of the _and xatallurfZ (Akiaamla O#.rnlvx*-I5t*lc&m)j p Ug-94. 9. u3slet. Vals.1ti., in th* Lod&-3z*zoaLn Synolinorims in the Light of the verelval Ties AAALIY'z*s of Deep of the office or oil imftewsh pP--9U--y6.- , 10. *Vs* of Patterns In Yolleving Goologival-EnCinearlng "*ceases. 6 Into"& %lqTaTw't'T th. X.ift Institut. of or xxfftax tolcuny xavvytut GSrniGtw)rP-Pq-7--1-O= 1/2 S/250/62P6/W/W7/M7 1001/1002 AUTHORS: Yerofeyev, B. V., Naumove, S. F. and TydWo, L. G. TIM: Formation of benzene in themic polymerization of cyclohexadiono-1,3 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Belaruskay SSR. Deklady, v. 6, no. 5, 1962, 313-315 TEXT: TWs is a continuation of a previous work on polymerization of cyclohexadiene- 1,3 at temperatures 16V-200*C (B.. V. Yerofeyev, S. F. Naumova, L 0. Tyskalo. Sb. nauchnykh trudov IFOKh, no. 9,1961). in the present work the spectrophotometric investigation was applied to mcnomers obtained in experiments with different degrees of polymerization at various temperatures. It was established, that in the process of the chemical changes of cyclobexadene-1,3 dimerization and polymerization to higher degrees are accompanied by a disproportionation. A formula is given for calculation of the amount of benzene in the monomeric products, There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut Mko-organicheskoy Mimi, AN BSSR (Institute of Phy3ical-Orgsmc Chemistry AS BSSR) SUBMITTED: February 28, 1962 Card 1/1 TY-SK-I, S- . Outlines of the history of geologic re-search in northwestern Poland. p. 5U. (FRUGLAD GEOLOGIMIY. Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12., Dec. 1957. Uncl. Tyffyip Stanislaw New data from geplogical 1-crinvi in Bartoszyce and Gel-dar. lrzevl peol, 10 no. 4/5:177-181. Ap-My 162 1. Instytu-t Gevlopiczny, Warszawa. 1. Q7Q86-67 E-Irr (d)/FSiS-2/E~',T (1) ACC NR: AP6018991 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/006/0971/0982 &J. 'AUTHOR: :ryalyatskiyo Go S. c1r, e" .ORG: none TITLE: Sequential detection in a system of many Independent receiving channels with noise SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, v. 11. no. 6, 1966, 971-982 .TOPIC TAGS: signal detection, sequential detection, signal noise separation,, ABSTRACT: The problem of sequential detection (C. 1-felstrom, IRE Trans., IT-8, 196Z, 43) is considered. The optimum -detection procedure consists of two parts: (1) Setting up the algorithm for processing sampling data and .(2) Establishing thresholds and the law of their variation. The theoretical 'detection procedure includes calculation of a likelihood ratio, at each sampling 1 Card I/ Z1 UDC: 621.391.16:621.391.8Z :L 07086-67 ACC NR: AP SO 18991 step, and comparison of this ratio with two constant thresholds. Approximate formulas for the average nunber of steps show that the energy expenditure in the multichannel system is logarithmic. This inference was corroborated by the results of numerical calculations on digital computers. These results are in good agreement with those obtained by M. V. Marcus and P. Swerling (IRE Trans. , IT-8, 1962, 3). As the number of channels increases, the relative spread of the number of steps (the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean number of steps) decreases, while the distribution law comes somewhat closer to the normal law. -Only the signal detection is analyzed; no identification of the signal-carrying channel is attempted. "The author wishes to thank A. Ye. Basharinoy for his attention to the work, and also G. A. Ososkov and G. L. Artem'ye-4ra for the numerical simulation work. " Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 44 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: Z3Feb65 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 005 Card Z/Z TYSZKIEWICZ, Stanislaw; JEMIrIffi, Franciszek Myomataus leiomyosarcc-ma. Pat. Pol. 16 no.3:373-376 jl-S 65. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomil Patolo lcznej AM v Bialymatoku (Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. L. Komezynskil. TYS14-Y, A. V. 0 Q t2 iz, 0 0 u It.- Q co t3 rw C 1; 0 cd C) z ~C, t., %70 Q w ;0 V. %0 v Q w 10 %0 a, atew, concrete, V. IYIXII. ~q~,, -- "-ZeFttr -I T04 I mbiiiilrs for thr ,161i7at 29,' ;).- ,rii, v-, i"ll ol the ;. q( nitpir I-Itgr- jjIlIj, rcfojUtj(!:t ArV III loffill., JIM L,!ICS f0l- nctiviltitIF tjg~e stags by lhc! widn. of 0.)kvd and undaktO finir in variolls duling 111.7 milling 0i by tile addil of foriinr(, slag or PoWn ,, I Eyment are diwilswd III lktail. R Is u,"mitial that tile. 51-ag Im subj(:vIed In stlifuhle pre. limilli%.ty Ittaillicilt Ill ordet to t(mdur tile usiborliM C rusidtm harmfi:~q. E, g., a uf tile follulving comp)). grive gowl Mmi W-ftf , SiCi! '39.40, AIjOj :33.72. YCO 5.0, CO) 11A, SO3 .1.0, S 0.4r) :411d Ignition kv~~; Ornct--Ai-~i of evvi,timial pwpvrd"- vo~iv tilt. taivol Nvith tllr~v nt-livatud Ozlg5. 'I'l-1-:11111unt of t1w o(am impr'n.-4 M. G. IM"op. 41 oat 00 0 Oes 96 0f& 004 00 Of *00000000006 V I)f pal stIALLOOCK61. tilt$ AS Ili-,- ill-fit'. it I so ts 0 000000 io, *000004 0 0 0 It , -T -o 0 -00 -00 pvciuctiom dif MO-411"fil SUOI Irm is Chafge With Ainuat OS (too Atz"fis to the modw d tk# 111100- ` witit" redvetim pmoes. V. 1. Tyishnov. Vral. JW. - b-1d A Ck,- ?ade f No M 4W 4 -ago . -- . . , . ; ; . , ~-*otlucticjn of Cr-V and CrN."do stma iiiiij. about -1% Cf. 0.15 V# ans! OM61* Mo in acid Martin fur. 45-0 154% Cr 0 I A ro . . ron ( S ti i i d coo t s epw ng together with 7170 femnaricanew wt a rating data are given on (be nt Is dewribed, Ope V 00 ipt). of the chafe. swelting Procedure and prupertic-it 000 he steel Produced.. G. h1wre Ito* 0 ' 0 1 0 MOO -00 0 0 ime Ctasiwoc4tics, ce o 0 I -- 0 - -, - ~ slits, 0., is, 0 is it X 9 st n a It X n .04 0 0 0 6001000,**0000000*0000*0000 00000000000~000#00000000*00006* TYSK MARII R4Nw materi4l, tri tha ,kip ~-f'qo. :; '? W. O~t co, IV, --- on Fei Cr' Sn' cu P~ . n Coal Ibid. no 01, 3 n nnd pyrite, 'i*M so 0 0 0 o - - - - - - - - - --- 11 a u W is "t Omp an mularbroot 400APS L a-.L- 1~-A-f-t X. AA 0 rx . a . A . "_ I to '44W.& 7,00 ::A -%OkAdf Is. No. 10-)1, 00A U. -7'0c Wari'mo pn--ibdilk% fiW the uld&mim ;I the large allots. of IxAW Oug pondered in Rusmi" WAqV 00 t reiincrictorediscusitd. Juaddil.,procv9srsiorwilvalog j-o* 000 thew slap by the uhin. of Ambed md wukked Halt in 00 warious domes dwms i he milfizxg at by the odda of bkm- 004 firrumm gag or Portlasul ctmcnt am dbcuomd in detail. ~00 004 It Is emwatial that the slap be opbjmled to mitalok pre- I t in order to rewitict the unburmed C -90 oof I H. x., a alas of the following colmlon. .00 go%** good results when tested: &Oo 3RAO, AIA 33~~2, 0 0 it Fro 5.6, CAO 11.11, Rh 3.0. S 0.45 and ignition kwA so* 004 12.50%. com7etes of examicew prqxftw Rest at-- 00.0 tained with them activated shoSs. Trmtmat of the, 00 coo "voted cocomte with stesm kopmvvd the Wength. 0013 M. 0. Moore V 0 0 800 coo nos see coo* 'few ""i"T woo ct 9 AV 00 u volt 00 0 ;ICA", spot a It Or I V 0 of 40 0 '1 0 W -_4 1 t 0 0 ,0 0 0000000000:400000001,0::Iooooooooooooeooooo70I 10000*01*000000000000oo 60600090000*0990000 Z/039/61M3PO03/O`O2/oo6. B192/Z382 It/306 AUTHOR: tyal, V6clav, Engineer TITLE:. Design of Cavity Resonators of Circular'Cross-sectlon PERIODICAL: ' Slaboproudy obzor, 1961, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 148 - 152 TEXT: Several aspects of the design of circular cavity resonators are considered. The quality factor of. a cylindrical resonator operating in the TE' -mode is omp (Ref. I - SNTL, Prague, 1957i.J. Kvasil; Ref. 2 - Tysl, V., Slaboproud~ obzor, 1955, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 237-948): ape gas + =04 gym 2a where Q 'is the quality factor of the resonator with no-load a is the radius of the resonator, Cardi/6 is its length, 23670 Design of Cavity Resonators .... Z/039/61/022/003/002/oo6 E-192/E382 m is a root of the Bessel functions, a is the conductivity of the resonator walls, 110 is the permeability of free space and 11v is the permeability of the resonator vralls. The resonator frequency is given by: -L . I . PO I 2 X (2) so that'Eq. (1) cah also be expressed as: P-'e D. f r ra -I 4a' Card 2/6 Z/039/61/022/003/002/006 Design of.Cavity Resonators .... E-192/E382 wh er eD = 2a Eq. (4) is represented graphically in Fig. 1 for TE -modo for air dielectric and silver-plated resonator wallso'Raving a conductivity 7 ce --' 6.1 x 10 Slm For a given frequency, the ratio of Q and volume of the resonator V can be expressed by: D I 4 It can easily be seen that this e3cpression has amaximum, at D T Eq. (7) gives D16 at which the resonator has a maximum Q/V regardless of the magnitude of Q The points corresponding to Eq. (7) are illustrated by the dashed line in.Fig. 1. Card 3/6