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TMANOV, V.N.s KARASEVA, N.K.; FILIKIN, I.N. Calculating the displacement angle of cranks in mechanical press drives. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 3 no.9:31-37 S 161. (KIRA 14:9) (Power presses) (Cranks and crankshafts) ;I , - .11 1 !- , - fl- V.D., T 7"' --f lt~ 'r~.y roli I ~ f , - 4 Ma5hirostzo~,rlir; no.1:61~6') J!?.-F 1-1,10 1 M 7 ---1 A '- ; -, ~ ' KOZLOV, G.S.; I?T~AFOVAII Ye.L. Cardiovascular system in rheumatic patients treated with ACTH Vrach. delo no.7: 12-16 J1163. (MIRA 16:10) 1, Kafedra gospitaltnoy terapii (zav. - prof. M.E.Vasilevskiy) Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RHEMATIC HEART DISEASE) (ACTH) (STEROID HOM40NES) GROZIN, Boris Dmitriyevich; DRAYGOR. David Abramovich, doktor tekhn.nauk; OHIROG-ORLIK, Vrevolod Nikolayevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; IPUZAROV, Mikhail Apollonovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; GCRB, Mstvejr Livovich. kand.tekhn.nauk; YAMVICH, Villyam Fedoseyevich, inzh.; SINYAVSKAYA, Mariya Dmitriyevna, inzh.; VALICM. Oeorgiy Iosi- fovich, inzh.; KRAKAROV, V.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; TYNYANTY, G.D., red.; GOR110STAYPOLISK.ATA, H.S.,, (Increasing operating safety of machine parts] Po-7yshenie eksplu- atatsionnol nadezhnosti detalei mashin. HoBkva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 292 p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Gr021n). (Kachinery) (Mechanical wear--Testing) HUM, Ye.Z.; MISYURA, K.R.; ICMO. II.K.; TYUYAIIKIR&., Ye.V.; SIRIDOVA, A.G.; ZUDINA, A.A.; HISYUREIIKO, A.T. red.; [Economy of the Khabarovsk Territory-, a statistical nanua go rodnoe khoxiaiatvo Khobarovskogo krais; stattatichenicti abornik.111habarovek] Xhabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. 127 P. (MMA 11:3) 1. Khabarovskiy kray. Statiatichaskoye upravlenive. 2. Statisti- cheakoye upravlenlye Xhabarovskogo kraya (for all,except Tachenko). 3. Nachallaik Statioticheokogo upravlenlya Kbabarovalcogo krays (for Yatchenko) (Khabarovsk Territory--Statistics) TYIIYAN-&'IL-ILT.---- Axtension of I.A.Sitnikov's in manifolds not satisfying im.Ser.mat., mekh., astron., duslit-V IrIv to the case of sets lying conditione of adyclicity. Test-HOok. fiz., khim. 14 no-5:21-31 '59. (MIRA 13:8) (Aggregates) TYNYANSKIY, N.T. , -k Exact limiting sequences of the reversed spectra of exact sequences of groups. Soob. AN GrLIZ. SSR 30 no.4:393-400 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet irieni Llimoriosova. Predatavleno akademikom G.S. Chogoshvili. TYNYANSKIYO N.T. Exact sequences of hcmology groups on arbItrar7 vibaets In a polyhedron. Trudy Mat. inst. AN Gruz. SSR 27s15-25 160. (MIRA 15:3) (Topology) 69h7l S/055/59/000/05/603/020 AUTHOR: T yanskiy, H. T, TITLE: The Extension of the Duality law of 1C. A. Sitnikov to the Case of SetkAying in Manifolds Which do not Satisfy the Acyclicity Conditions PERIODICALs Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959, No- 5, pp. 21-31 TEXT: K. A. Sitnikov (Ref.1,2) denoted as a true cycle Z q -IZ-9 x I" of the set B a sequence of t,-,ycles z-1 situated an a-compaetus Kj K. K le S . B and E, -chains x"+ which satisfy the following~conditionst 1 . ) E, 0 for k - 00 2. x"," = z9 *,, - z' *There he considers strong homologies and groups VfA. The author applies these notions and prdves the theorems Let Mn be a closedy orientable homological n-dimensiondl manifold, let A be a set in M", B - lift\ A, p and q nonnegative integers, p + q - n - 1. Then the group Aq(B.-M') is Card 1/2 69471 S/055/59/000/05/003/020 The Extension of the Duality Law of K. A, Sitnikov to the Case of Sets Lying in Manifolds Which do not Satisfy the Acyclicity Condi- tions isomorphic to the group VP(Ade). Here e(Bile) is. the factor group of the group-of all q-dimensional true cycles with compact carriers in B which are homologous to zero in the whole manifold Mn, with respect to the subgroup of the q-dimensional true cycles which are strongly homologous to zero in B. The group VF'(A:M') is the factor group of the group 'VPA with respect t- the subgroup V1, (AtM"-) which is defined with the aid of finite coverings of M' and which consists of certain equivalence classes. If Mr"is acyolic in the dimensions q and q + 1t then Al (BtM'L) and VP(Aim') are transformed into Aq B and VPA and the thoorem changes over into the duality theorem of Sitnikov. There are 4 Soviet references.,,~' SUBMITTEDt September 28, 195 6 K Card 2/2 TYNWSKI.Yj,-9.T. (Moskva) Homological properties of the arrangement of sets in polyhedra and manifolds described by sequences of strong and weak homolo.- gy groups* Izva vys, ucheb. zav.; mat. no.5:11'/-US "63. (,,.IIRA 16: U) Doterminable 165. TYNYANSKIY, N.T. Relations of duality of engagement for manifolds whidli do not satisfy acyclic conditions. Vest.~bsk.un.Ser.l: Mat.., mekh. 16 no-4:3-9 Jl-Ag 161. (141RA 14:8) 1. Kafedra vysshey geometrii i topologii ~bskovoskogo gosudarstvennogo, universiteta. (Topology) TYNYANSKIY, N. T., Cand of Phys-Math-Sci --- (diss) "Homologuus Properties of the Arrangement of Arbitrary I-Tultiples of Diversitibs." Moscow, 1959, 15 pp (Moscow State Univ imeni M. V. Lomonosov) (KLp 6-60, 120) 7nMbSKIY, N.T. Correlation of linkage dualit7 for aggregates not satiBfying acyclic conditions. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.9:7-10 '59. (KIU 13--1) I.Inatitut matematiki im. V.I. Romanovskogo AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akad. Alff-UzSSR T.A. Sarymeakova). (Aggregates ) T., YA 3 T'71 R=:tnoss cf 14--it Or-rences the rcv,;rzcd -7,ectr=. Of 0::Pct - . :.-. Sequences or discretc -roi-t?s. Dokl. l61. (MIRA 24:11) %,jjvorL;jtat ".V. I.c.-nosm.. mardrownr. coo (1.~mthe-:atics)-4rectra) 'llicor! of) TYNYANSKIY, N.T. Spoctral theorem of duality for manifolds not satjk,~i~-, acyclic conditions (with sum=y in English). Vest.Mo2k. ml. Ser. 1: 14at.) meldi. 16 no.3:11-18 My-Je 161. I'JAIRA 14: 7) 1. Kafedra, vysshey geometrii i topologii Moskovskogo, gosudar- stvennogo universitsta. (Groups# Theory of) " v , - ]y 'y jj:Fjj- 17Y !; Y i,N Y G I S'f C. KV [Improving -uhe design of ei-anesl Usovershenotvovanle !:t,rukt.sAi kranciv. Kie,,,, hudivel'noyk, "Y"'. SC) P. (milift 18T,)) TYNYBEKOV, A.T. Sme age-related characteristics of hemodynamics in the residents of the Tien Shan (2000 - 2400 m.) Vop. geron. i gerlat. 4:153-159 165. (K] RA 18: 5) 1. Kirgizskiy institut krayevoy meditsiny AIC SSSH. TYNYBEKOV, I. A. 2C643 Tynybekov, 1. A. 0 sezmn,,.-~y yaicritcsti- skorni-ana ti-it-Iss c~n--Caricus (Nordrmnn) 181.0. Izvestil, m Akad. nauk Kazak~ 6,ift, No. 44, Seriya parazit-~,!., vy-p. 6, 10L8, S. 193-94. - Rezyme na Kazakh. yaz. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 2~`, Moskva, 1949 KH,ANlN M.A., dotsent; 714YBEKOV, I*A,y a;gsistent 04' a F,ffectiverzA-55 1.5 &-,en and mathcds - of 42 no.11.64-65 N 165. Veterinariia (mim 19:1) 1, Alma-Atinskiy zootekj-,njcliesko-'7eterinaMrY institilt- TYUYSTANq)t,-E.K,- Determining the periods of thermal coagulability of the blood aerum as a method of diagnosing and evaluating the severity of thyrotoxicasi5. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.3:38-41 FIY-Je 162. (MIU 15- 5) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgil (zav. - chlen-korrespondent A1,21 SSSR, prof. I.K.Akhunbayev) Kirgizakogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta. (BLOOD-COAGUIATION) (HYPE RTHYROIDISM) CC)U*.,-?7Zy CATZ'C Goneral Biology. B (ionetics. ilant Genotlc.,3. AK' . JOU. RZhDiol. , lio. 1959, ~Jo- AUTHOR Tyomkin, V, 1. fo-s-f-avlnstltute of Agriculture. T IT L;i: 31aborating, on a fJfAhod for the !1ybpi-111zaUcn 0 f lVe RS . a~,z!G. puB. AB!3TR;4CT -Pr. Yaronlnvsk. In-ta, 1957, 4, 160- 1/8 ,rnftc.-d on other When any given pea strain is f, pea strains the succfilsful, taking, of t4egruaft clopends on tho priistinc!. of nutritivo substmoer, in the needlobes of the vrAll-d1jig, A still greater influence )f thewrildini; on the Eraft is obnervoil if the *,,Olldbip, is rajiscd in tho field to tii(,, ag6 of (Iftys qfLcr :%proutinj1, while the srlon is, ritimod In a Dibovatory uiMl, it reaches the size of O.c' - I ca. :Vhvn poas with angular seeds (r~lce-slve in,'Ucatcr,, are f- ,rp_ftod or, c-t vrildiqg, with Emooth skin (Jor--inctnt CA.ID: 1/2 0 'CAT% .0 ABS. JOUR. I R_7;,LBjoj. go. IL 9 5; 9 AUTHOR 11TST . T I T U-'. ORIG. PUB. AB3T.RACT indicator), the forn and the size of the seeds change. In most plants.. howover, as in the primary strain of the scion., the aceds become angular agnin I n. succeeding generations. Plants with smooth seeds were selected, In generations groym from such seeds, changes of atom height, of the pea's form and size,, of the seed size., of tho vogotation porioda duration, otc. woro observed. Now pea utrains wero obtained which exceeded local strains in their yields. Ye. F. Kozhevnikov Card: TYPOVSKI.9 KI, dotsent; KOZIMp Ho --------- - Pbov2ts of the treatment, of fw-advanced breast cancer with bilateral adranaleatcmy. Toot.khir. no.109-95 162. (MBA 15d) 1, Iz kbirurgichookogo otdeloniya (zav, - doteent K. Typovski) oblastnoy boltnitay g. 09travy, Chakhosloyakiya. (M=T.-CANM) (ADMAL GLANW-EXCISION) TYPOVSKY, K.; BRUCKNER, L.; DOLECEK, R.; KOZIEL, M.; STEPAIREK, VI. Metastases of breast cancer to bones and lungs and their responses to adrenalectony. Cask. rentgenol. 16 no.2:100-105 Ap 162. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni Krajoke nemocnice a poliklinikou v Ostrava, prednosta doe. MUDr. K. T~povsky, CSc. Onkologicke oddeleni Krajske nemocnice a poliklinikou v Ostrava, prednosta MUDr. B. Raffersbarg Interni oddeleni Krajske nemocnice a poliklinikou v Ostrava, prednosta 14UDr. J. Cerny. (BREAST ITEOPLA24S surg) (BONE AND BONES neopl) (LUNG NEOPLASM surg) (ADRENALECTOMY) MWIR. I Partappendiosal Infiltrates in children, their prognosis and therapy. Rozhl,,ohir.40 no.lo.40-42 Ja 161. 1. Chirurgicks oddelani KUNZ v Ostrave, prednosta doo.dr. X-Typovsky. (APFMIX dio') - TYPOVSKY, Kamil, MUDr.(IraJoky chirurg) C A new screwdriver for bones. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 23 n0-3: 250-251 May 58. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni KUFZ Ostrava-Zabreh, prednosta MUDr. Kamil Typovsky. (MOTURES, surg. appar., new screwdriver (Oz)) 4659. TYPOVSK'~ K, and DOUBRAVSKI J. ChIr. Kiln. LiN. Fak. Palack6hoUn'v, ?51-6-moue. *Vyt;ledky chirurgickd (paliativrif) 166by karcinonnu p.-su prostou ablad a ozai~ovdnfm. Res u I t s of s u rgi c a I ( pa I li a t iv -) t rea I - ment of cancer of the breast by simple mastectomy and irradiation ACTA UNIV.PALACK.OLOMUCENSIS 1955. 7 (137-154) Graphs 8 Illus. 2 The authors are against radical surgical operations which mutilate the patient without being able to prevent further dissemination of the disease. Insteau, pal- liative simple mastectomy with post-operative irradiation is advised. Statistical results of the 1948-1955 period comprising 116 personal cases are presented and a detailed description of irradiation technique is given. 731* of patients operated upon in the first stage and 42.5% in the second atage survive for 3 yr. ; 5074 of the patients operated in the first stage and 3376 in the second stage survive for 5 yr. after the operation. Zakryd - Lublin (IX, 5. 16) 71j_1GA -See 9 "o1 -13/7 Sur-ery JuV 59 3481.(922) THE RECUMBENCY TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC SYMPJHY.SIO- LYSIS AND VERTICAL UNILATERAL FRACTURES OF BOTH RANU OSSIS PUBIS - Pozycyjne leezenle rozstqpu spojenia 4onowego oraz piono- wego jednostr9nnegor ztamania obu rarnlon kofict lonowe) T o v s kt X. Chir. Odd. KUNZ, Ostrava - POL. PRZEGL. CHIR. 195;. 3F"nr4M- Illus. 4 The simplicity and rationality of this therapeutic method,inducing In a comparative- ly short time the apposition of the fragments into a satisfactory position without overburdening the patient. are stressed. Results and experiences are reported. KOPECKY ) J. ; jf~qy~KY, K. Foreign body in the right heart atrium. Rozhl. chir. 43 no. 2:110-113 F 164. 1. Chirurgicke oddelani krajoke nemocnice -,4 poli.1,11n1loit v Ostrava 3; vedouci: doc. dr. K. Typovsky, CSc. Ix TYPOVSKY, Kamil Treatment of aneuryffm of the heart by a plastic flap from the diaphram.. Rozhl. chir. 41 no.6o.386-390 -Te 162. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni krajake nemocnica a poliklinikou v Ostrave prednosta doe. dr. Kamil Ty-povsky, CSc. (HEART DISEASES surgery) (ANEURYSM surgery) (DIAPHRAW transpl) .TYPOVSKY. Kamil; KOZIEL, Milan; DOLE09K, Rajko Our experience with bilateral adrenalectomy in the treatment of advanced mammar7 cancer. R02hl.chir-39 no-11:780-791 1060. 1. Chirarg. oddel. IM v Ostrave, prednosta CSo. KrDr.K.Typovsky Interai oddel. WHZ v Oat-rave, preduosta prim. MUDr.J.Cerny. (BREAST NEOPLASMS surg) (ADRENALECTOMT) TIM.=j# Ke. Docent Dr,, e3a, Surcical Vard, of the Kmj Hospital and Polyalinio (Chi%'ur,gicko Oddeleni kmjnio na- Ocli1ca c joll- klini'mou), Ootrmva T=Suo, Ic%2r, I'D 12t 1963, IP M-460 "gircholo.-,iml 11mblemn in Ila= C"os.* KUSKA, Ladislav; TYPOVSKY, Kamil Suppurative mediastinal infections of cer7leal origin. Cesk.pediat. 14 no.9:840-843 S 159- 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni KUNZ Ostrava, prednosta prim. CSc. dr. X.Typovsky, detske oddeleni KUNZ Ostrava, prednosta prim. dr. M. Zak. (MBDIASTINITIS in inf.& child.) (UCK die.) TYPOVSKY, Kamil, An., Dr.; PRACKE, Tomas, Dr. Ossacryl in traumatology. Acta chir. ortbop. traum. cech. 24 no.1:43-48 Jan 57. 1. Chirurgicka klinika PU v Olonouci. prednosta prof. Dr. V. Rapant. (FRACTURES, plastic proath. with ossacryl, indic. (Cz)) DOSTAL,-J.; TYPOVSKY, K. Results of the treatment of patella fractures by patellectomy & suture. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 25 no.6:441-441; Nov 58. 1. Chirurgicka kiinika PUIv Olomouoi, preduosta prof. dr. V. Hapant. Chirurgicke add. KM Ostrava, prednosta KUI)r. K. Typovaky, &T. Do, Ostrava V. Syllabova 19. (KNIM, fract. surg., natellectonW & suture (Gs)) Recumbency treatment of traumatic ayriphyaiolyais and vertical itnilateral fractures of both rami oasis pubin. Polski przegl. ch1r. 30 no.73759- 762 July 58. 1. KUNZ- krajaka nemocnica v Ostrave. V. chiurgicke od.deleni. Ostrava V. Syllabova 19, CSR (for Typovsky). (PUBIC SympIrMIS, symphysiolysis, traum. with vertical unflAteral fract. of both rami oasis pubis, surg., recumbency technice (Pol)). (PUBIC B0113, fract. vertical uniltLteral of both rami oasis pubis with aymphy- siolysis, surg., recumbency technics (Pol)) TTWVSXY, Unil, AS,,, Dr. Line of demarcation with intramedullary nailing of femoral fracturse. Acta chir. ortbop. traum. cacb. 24 no.2:83-94 Mar 57. 1. Cbirurgicks kliniko, PU v Olomouct, prednosta prof, Dr. vi. Rapaut. (FBMUR, fract. subtrocfianteric & supracondylar, surg., intramedullary nailing. technic (Cz)) N TrMVSKY# K.0 As. Dr; YARGAS. Ad.. Dr; KMIK, Z., MUG ~argioal treatment of intra~artlcular fractures of the j-~Owlrls of the tibia with the aid of a clip. Acta chir orthop Gs 8-14 1 154. (UAL 3 -.8) lo Z chirurgicke kliniky PU v Olomouci. Preanosti prof. KUDr Vlad..Rapant. (TIBIA. fracturg1j, ftntra-articular fraot, of condyle, Burg. reduction with metal clip) (nAOTMS. *tibia, Intra-articular fract. of condyle, nw,-g. reduction with metal clip) TTPOVSKY, K. %.w .,a X.,, Pjskja ur.;L* zaswkn Dislocation of liefrann's Joint. Lek.listY 5 nc.11:311-315 I June 50. (GUIL lg,,4) 11. Of the'Surgical Clinic Palackeho University Olomouc (Head-Prof. VI.Rapant, M.D.) WALCZOK1 F.; TX~ ~VSKY, ~. Congenital lung cysts in Ymborn Infants, Cook, pediat. 17 no.1:6"7 A 162 * 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni Kmjske nemocnice a poliklinik u v Ostrave.. prednosta doe. MUDr. FamilTypovsky, CSo. (LUNG DISFASES in inf & child) 1) Do "Late metastases from an adonocarcinoma of tho kidne3, in the bunes and brain treated surgically." p. 266. (CASOPIS LEAKAIM CESKYCH, Voi. 92, #10, Mar. 1953, Czechoslovakia) East European Vol. 2, #8 August 953, Uncl. 501 monthly List of Accessions/ Library of Congress., 1 MALINAv Jkn; DOSTAL, -Tiri; TYPOVSKIp.,Kudl Indications for the app3ication of Oudov's apparatus In vascular sutures. Polaki przegl. obir. 33 no.2:119-123 161. 1. Z Oddsialu Chiruigionego Wojewodskiego Szpitala w Ostravie C,S.R, Kierownik: C. so. MU dr K. Typovaky. (BLOOD VES$= surg) WALCZOK, Frantimskv MUDr.j TYPOVSKY, Kamil, MUDr. Pulsonar7 Mt in a newborn infant. Magy. Sebeez. 15 no.1:61-64 F '62. 1. Az outravai meg3rei korhaz aebeszeti. oaztalyanak kozlemenye Igazgato: Dr. Dozent. Namil T~q=07. LUNG DISUSES in inf & child) CYSTS in inf & child) INFANT NWORN dis) ~ I WALCZOK, Frantisek; TYPOVSKI. Komi-i- Emergency instruments for cardiac resuscitation. Rozhl. chir. 43. no.l.-66-68 la 162. 1, Chirurgicke oddeleni Krajske nemocnice a poliUinilcou v Ostrave, prednosta doe. MUDr. Kamil Typovall, CSc. (PuZUSCITATION) (IMART T ther) ACCESSION NR: AP4019481 S/0133/64/000/003/0258/0263 AUTHOR: Ostrenko, V. Ya.; Yuferov, V. M.; Geyko, 1. K.; T .0slon, N. A.; Chererinskaya, R. I.; Viloyamst 0. S.; Lagutina, R% V. ~tITLE: Manufacture of tubes from new forritic martansitLe heat ~Veslstant steals iSOURCE: Stal', no. 3. 1964, 258-263 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant steel, stool tube, forritic martensitic .steel, tube rolling .ABSTRACT: The authors report on techniques developed in recent years :by the Ukrainskiy n.-i. trubny*y institut (Ukrainian Tube Research ~Institute) in cooperation with tube factories in Pervoural'sk and :Nikopol for hot rolling and heat treatingof tubes made from 9 new types .of steel, all of which contain 10-14% Cr and additions of V, Mo. Nb, .and W. The AC temperature was in the range of 810-830C; forrita :grain growth was not ed above 110OC; piercing temperatures varied from .1090 to 1200C. -Ductility at high temperat 'ures was found to depend on ,the content of free ferrite, and piercing of tubo'billets presented no Card 1/2 V ' ' * - - - - -_ " ---' - - .1 . I ;ACCESSION NR: AP4019481 !difficulties at a content of 50%. At 15-20% ferrite hot tears, -~*re*ks,j-and laps were formed. Annealing of hot-rolled and reduced tubes 4;__:aV-740-780C imparts a structure of granular pearlite and the mechani- *cal properties needed for further cold reduction. Metal consumption 'efor almost all stools, including machining, proved no higher than I !those for similar pipes of stainless stools in currant production practice. "Engineers N. S. Kirvalidze, R. A. Prudkova, N. N, Pillnikova, -L. S.-Rakhnovatskiy, I. S, Pachannikova, and otherstook part in-the.., work." -orig. art. has:- 8 figures and 2 tables, :ASSOCIATION: Ukrainakiy n.-i. trubny*y institut (Ukrainian Tube ';Research Institute); pervourallskiy novotrubny*y zavad (PerVouraltak :New Tube Pl=t)-, Nikopol'skLy yushnotrubny*y savod glikopoll !Southern Tub* Plant) :SUBHITTEDs 00 ATD PRESS: 3045 ENCLt 00 ,SUB,CODEt Mzj,IE NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 000 j 'Card 2/2 ROMYANj D.Ye., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; TYR, V.R., ijjzjj. Glassification and establishment of standards for pip-s. Standartizatelia U no.3:66 M~-Je 158. WIRA 11:7) (Pipe, Steel--Standards) S/l)7/C/000/002/00q/046 A006/A001 Translation froms Referativ-nyy zhvjrnal,, Metallurgiya, 1961, No. 2, p. 20, # 2DI90 AUTHORS: Chepurko,, M.I., R-:,khm;kn, D.Ye., Tyr V H TITLEt Melthods of Calculating Tables for Pipe Pressing PERIODICAL: "B5ral. nauclzio-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. trubn. in-t", 1959, No. 8, pp. 27 - 35 TEXT; Methods are given for calculating zhe dimensions of blanks and tools in pressing steel pipes. M. Ts. Translat-)r' s note. This is the Pull transla*,ion of the original Ru6slan abstrp-:~t. Card 1/1 25(6) S/115/60/000/04/031 D002/DO03 AUTHOR: Rokhman, D.Ye., Tyr, V.R. v- _' TITLE: ;2 A*Method of Measuri Inside Tube Diameters by Means of an Electr-1-77FE-ernal Gage. 'PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, PP 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The described iastrumen4\(Photo) can measure the in- side diameter of tubes over the entire length, which is not possible with conventional "go" gages and other measuring tools used in industry. The first model is only applicable for research, but it can be provided with a centering device and made usable in plant shops. The instrument consists of the follow- ing parts: two leaf springs fixed inside the body, vertically displaceable pins "feeling" the inside tube diameter and exerting a pressure upon the spring, resistance wire transmitters pasted to the leaf springs on their tops and bottoms, and a resistance Card 1/2 bridge which is brought into disbalance by these S/115/60/000/04/031 D002/DO03 A Method of Measuring Inside Tube Diameters by Means of an Elec- tric Internal Gage transmitters. The base on which the transmitters are glued can not be smaller than--3,-5x4O mm. The current flowing through the bridge is recorded by oscillograph. There is 1 photograph. Card 2/2' 'ROKHMAN, D.Te.; TTR, V.R. Measuring internal pipe diameters with an electric inside meter. Isv.tokh. no.2:6-7 IF 160. (MIRA 13:6) Ollectric instrunents) 28-56-3-22/39 AUTHORSt Rokhman, D.Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Tyr,V.R. Engineer TITLEs Classification and Foizilation of Pipe Standards (Klassifikatsiya i postroyeniye stayidartov na truby PERIODICALt Standartizatsiya; 1958, Nr 3, p 66 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The authors make suggestions for the classification a-rid st-ipu- lations of new standards for pipes, in reference to the stan- dards "GOST 8731--58-8734-58" which come into effect on 1 Jan 1959. The suggested classification is illustrated. There is one figure. Card 1/1 1. Pipes--Standards 2*;. Standards--Classification OSTRENKO, V.Ya.; YUFEFOV, V.M.; GEYKO, I.K.; TIR, V.R.; OSLON, N.A.; CHEMERINSKAYA, R.I.; VILIYAMS, O.S.; 1AGUTMr,--R.V. Pipe production from new heat-resistant ferritic-martensitic steels. Stall 23 no. 3:258-263 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy trubnyy institut, Pervourallskiy novotrubnyy zavod i Nikopol'skiy yuzhnotrubnyy zavad. Ty'ft,A~ CZ K, J&melAv Survey of fAyl--l sodi"rite in the West Carrathians. Geol prace 6067-~6 16). 1. Central Geological In,.9tituta, Pragrue. '4z Fre'rat ;!F 0 1 ~0-1 I a vp-lr~l 1., 701 VII, :G 2. 1-nur ot Aa~di- Z7 at sti4ntsq rkaie- 516 ved), IS62- 1. "Es'lzati:ng the V0111me of t!tq Llnerells Ir. Bar-anditzmxm Cres.- 0--Q cziz-:,A-,t pp 121-12.Z. 2. -Renaxkv or. the PL-11 0 f PWIna'In the diats layers 01. th-i Relen't ILUSC.'A; pp 13C-131. -?!iuervacj7 of Ced--U= In a 11o Ps Dayonite Ln .13rtlf 7--t ri3,P.rch ~~7 r=." ZAan*k 12:'W$ o' %h3 Cre3 ;;, 132-13Z,. ;ro *r,-zk= -vd 4. -;;#w ?in!* of PlAe%onallur DmIe't,41'.s (NzTa1-. IEIG)L-l the 3Lrronelem= ueu~: Lidcri-," J41--i . I 4 -Rom=ka On the A.'-ApKulm 7or c, the ;Orthern Por- - :, Valey." ZFLvm1 pp 1-45- -'on of I 157. 6. noesa :~tzroan~i-7*tm of ;;inenaoRics'll uti :T= MZB~ one klvna Of '.be Ccnrml Gaolo~i- cal MME-vate C:R&--*1q4r1.-uZ-t!i ~t; r logic;q) , 2rwne; p, IS: - 164. 7, "~;cr-lents oil thot Doz-der Between ^hc and U-;,er Do., TiMa a=4 ?.Q=CBSNip 265-1~1'. Coz C Xarat !!.mnice. jarcel-av ---TYIUCM~of th Cortral Ge--Zzc1'c&1 Inatittite. Pra"e; wA Salenology," Yonz-td BZI=3; pp 136-1S,3. 1C. -3kztcrL& In thu hezent 3,:& Sed1z'.'!ntq'* :demak n-%-tt pp 1.. "Adjunt%enz of Ccnparctire 3;.ectrri Tablet f3r A-10ther Ty;~e Of. Spectvarrsp~i Vtlnr the -xmvirle of ?Lmlirlm'm AtlLs for the 4-Q4 3pe---ro.-ruph.- At'dolf iCSTJ P; 112. *:,;ate an IhA yallow ?;Q27b(!iC Cchrel~rcm rrupke in Pohe- m1a,* Of the %inera cr!cuml Instit-ace, TYRAX(YdSKA, Jadwiga; GWOZDZIEWICZ, Teresa Mucoviscidosis and chronic lung diseasel in adults. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.49:1849-1852 2 DY63 1. Z Kliniki Ftyz~atrycznej AM w Gdansku; kierownik: prof. TYRAKOlvISKA, Jadwiga; GVIOZDZIEWICZ, Teresa quantitative s(-r*r0l 0" cirazlica 32 n.0./,:351-353 AP ndanshu ej Akader.-Ii NedYc--lOj 1. Z Kliniki Ft-.Iz.iatrynzn (Kiero-,mik: prof - jr. -Iecl. TYRAKOWSKA, Jadwiga Qual1tative control of the presence of PAS in urine in patients treated in ambulatory conditions. Gruzlica 30 no.2:143-145 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr med. T. Kielanowski. (PARAAMINOSALICrLIC ACID urine) I TYRAKOWSKA., Jadw-iga -1. . A case of mucoriscidosi3 in an adult treated as pulucr.&U tuberculosis. Gruzlica 33 no.3:21+7-250 Mr165- 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatryoznej AM [Akademia Medyczna) v Gdansku (Kierown1k.t prof. dr. mad. T. Kielanowski). , 1 " re,g- imwgwo~mf, FRIMPARM.- - I W02,19M to' i - , --, , t . I., I- : CHRAPOWICKI, T.; TTRAKOWSKI, M. Coexistence of skeletal roentgenographic modifications and of clW- cal manifestations in rickets. Pediat,polsks, 24 no-11:979-993 NOT 50- (CLML 20:5) 1. Of Warsaw Children's Hospital No.1 (Director-Prof.R.Stankiewics. M.D.) PRZYBOROWSKI, Tadeusz; RYCHARD, Juliusz; MAKOWSKI, Mieczyslaw Mass poisoning with dieldrin, as insecticidal preparation, ona ehipj Przegl. epidem. 16 no.3015-37A 162. 1. Z Wojewodzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Gdansku Dyrektor: dr J. Rychard i z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku Dyrektor: prof. dr Z. Buczowski. (DIELDRIN) (SHIPS) *14BROVSKIY, T.; ZAVISTOVSKIY, S.;MINTSER, T.; GADGISKAYA, Ya.; TIMAKOVSKIlp M. Toxic effect of parathion on the organism of white rats. Vo pit. 24 no. 6:7-12 14-D 165 WIRA 1.9:1~* 1. Katedra, tekhnologii rybnoy promyshlennostl Vysabey sellsko- khozyaystvennoy slikoly v Ollahtyne i kafedra gistologii i em- briologii Meditsinskoy akademil v Gdanake, Pollsha. POLAND PRZYBOROWSKI, Tadouss, RYCHARD, Juliusr,, and ,mioczyslaw, Ubjewodrtwo Sanitary and Epidemiological Sta- StacJ& - Sani tarno-4pidemio logic zna) (Direc- tor: Dr. Juliusz RYCHARD) aiid the Institute of Marine Medicine (Instyiut Medycyny Morskiej) (Directort Prof. Dr. Z. EMICZOWSKI), both in Gdansk "Outbreak of Poisoning with "Dieldrin" Ineecticide on a Ship." Warsaw, Przoglad 1~ pideniolokie-y'ny, Vol 16, No 3, 62, PP 315- 320. Abs-tr-actt [Authors' English summary] An intoy-ication out- orek on a foraign ship in Gdank was reported. Some members of the crew suddenly fell ill, and at first gastroenteritis duo to bacteria waa suapected. Epidomiological enquiries and Laboratory tests confirmed Intoxication due to "Di4ildrin," Control &nd prophylactic measures, as well an a clinical picturp of the intoxication are presented. Of the eight references, two are Polish, and six are American and WHO. FRZYBOROWSKI,: Tadeusz; -!~R4~~q!q~,,~~eczyslaw Fly control with organophosphoroua preparations in closed root Bull. inst. Gdansk 14 no*3:293-297 163 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine and the District Sanitary-Epidemiological Station in Gdansk. a 'rj SYNOWIADZKI, A.; KOJER, R.; KROWCZYNSKI, L.; WAGNAR, R.; GRUBER, K.; TYRAW, 19 Studies on stability of hesopoietio factors (vitamin B12) in concentrate of liver extract and in the presence of poltassium cyanide and cobalt chloride. Yarm. Polska 10 no-5:130-132 Kay 154. 1. Z Instytut Parmacautycznego w Warezawie. Dyrektor mgr W.Gumulka. (VITMIN B 20 stabili y in li7er extract In presence of potassium cyanide & cobalt chloride) (LIVXR EMACTS, stability of vitamin Blg in presence of potassium cyanide & cobalt chloride) (CYANIINS. effects, ' potassium cyanide, on stability of vitamin 312 in liver extract) (COBALT, chloride, off. on stability of vitamin 312 in liver extract) SYNOWINDZKI, Z.; KOJO, R. -. KROVCZYNSKI, L.; WAGNER. R.; GRUBER. K.; 9YRALO, R. Stability of hemopoietic, factors in concentrated liver extracts. Acta Poloulae pharm. 11 no.2:137-145 1954. 1. Z Instytutu Farmaceutyesnego w Warssawie. Dyrektor: wgr W.OmmiUm. (LIVER EXTBACTS. ~ *stability of hemopoietio factors in) PRZYBOROWSKI, Tadeuozp- RYCHARD, Juliusaj TYRAKOWSKIO Mieczyolaw Have poisoning on a ship caused by the insecticide dieldrin. Bun. inst. mar. mod. Gdansk 13 no-W83-188 162. 1. From the Institute of Marine Medioino in Gdansk and tho District Sanitary-Epidemiologioal Station. (DIELDRIN) (NAVAL MEDICIa) LUBAIS, 13. ; LOB0DZ'IhG,14.; RATTFuk, P.; TYWILA, L. Cobalt telegar--,--therap7 with the use of GUT-400 -.elth a toward radiologic protection. Pol. przegl. radiol. 28 no.6: 565-574 N-D 164. 1. Z Tnstytutu Onkologii; Oddzial w Gliwicach (DyrE&-tor: dr. med. J. Swiecki). ITMRA , Jerzy, inz. Ground effect machires. Techn lotn 19 no. 4: 92-98 Ap 164- I FiRDON, J. The Danube as an inspiration to Leos Janacek. p. 18. ZRASY SICIENSKA. Bratislava. Vol- 31, no. 1, Jan. 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (EEAL) Ubvery of Congress. V01- 5, No. 8, August 1956. TMCTCMO, Rikolay Alekseyevich; -TYR19W.._AJ.1bert_ Oeorgiy~yAch.; TISHGMMO, Nikolay Ivanovich; KISARET, A.P., inzh., retsen2ent; TULIP, T.T., in2h., red.; KHMOT, P.A., (Inspection and adjustment operations in the repair of diesel locomotives] Proverki L regulirovki pri remonte teplovo%ov. Moskva, Toes.izdatellsko-poligr.obledinanie X-va putei soobahche- niia, 1960. 291 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Diesel locomotives--Maintenance and repair) I GONCHAR7 L.G.; KOROTKOV, L.I.; MALYSHEV, A.A.; SUKHORUYOVF A.R.; TMIGIOT, A.G. EfflciencW of engine exhaust braking of a rotor vehicl.f:. ~1'1't. prom. 31 no.6:4-6 Jo 165. (waA 181101 1. Kharlkovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy Institut i Yrtrenchugskiy a-vtozavod. TYRICHEWA Z A Effectiveness of clean and green fallows. Zemledehe 27 no.61 82-83 is 165, (MIRA 18:9) LITVIP-NKOP G.L.p agronom; TyRjcMA, Z. , The most honorable occupation. Zemledelie 26 no 5s92-93 My 164. ~MM l7t6) lo Kolkhoz imeni, Chapayevap Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti (for Litvinenko). TYRICHRVA Z.A. Principal problems of farming on virgin lands. Zemledelie 25 no.4:84-86 AP 163. ' (KRA 160) (Virgin Territory--Field crops) TYRICIIEVA, Z.A. Winter wheat "Bezostaia I." Zemledelie 25 l0-5:94-95 gy f63. (Wheat-Varieties) (MIRA 16:7) NMOROSHEV,, V.0 inzh.-mayorl TYRINt A,, kapitan tdkhnicbosko7 olu&b7 After the repair. Ar.i ko=. 1+5 no.2s6l-.&5 7 163* (MM 1612) (Airplanes-lWintenance and repair) MRIM, A*I, Apparatus for rapid setting of candy centers. Ref. nauch. rab. Mil nooltIO-19 157. (Confectionery-l9quipment and supplies) (MIRA lls3) ITEMS), B.G.; MIN, A*Fe 'Utmnl,va p-t-,ntial cf the .6; ~Y, ee , r,~ 16e P~ ""lt 1 Of Jakf~ f-'T, a~L L 20 t)0022133-134 JS (KIRA 18:8) TYRIN, G.P., gornyy inzh. "Ventilation in mining very long workings" by II.P.IAkusbin. Ugoll 36 no.9:60-61 5 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Mine ventilation) (IAkushin, N. P.) TYRIN, N., mayor Indifference is a dangerowg d'seaBe. Komm. Vooruzh, Sil 3 -, 14t .L -0 59-62 Jl 163. (~ffRA l7t9) ri-Riti f V. L. 2??16. TATEVOSYAN, S. YA. - Zashchita sinkhronnykh mashin ot vypedeniya iz sinkhronnoy raboty. - v oglI S. V. Tatevosyan. Doklady (Aked nauk am. SSR), T. X, No. 411%), S. 157-59. - Rezyme Na Arm. Yez. KOTLYATENKO.. H. F. .Tasledovaniya magnitnoy siatemy koinbinirovannykh rele postoyalmogo toka. - SP. 27871 TYRIN, V.,L. Raschet chisla priborov na stantsiyakh avtoraticheakoy dellney avyazi i in6tody uvelicheniya ispollzovaniya avtomatizirovnnykh kanalov - SM. 27878. SOt Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol 37., 1949 - , J~-l ~, . ! . J_ SM-~27878. TYRIII, V. L.--rpechet chiBln uriborov na stantriyakh mv~omatichpskoy dallney avyazi i metody uvelichpniya ip.col'zovpniya avtomatiziro-vannykh kanalov SM.27878. So: LL-topif;t ZhurnalInyl-h Statey. Vol 3?- 1949-' GRATSKRSHTL*TN, Izrail Marko,vich; MALINOVA, Revokka Davydovna; MZTT. G.Ta., kandidat skonomicheskikh nauk; r6tseasext; MARLT&MY, T.H., izzhessr, reteezzent; TTRIM, T.Ta, 1axhonor,.r*t4SOZ~At; KUZXBTM, G.D., lnsh*- nor, retsonx-o-nXI'l 'SKIT Kh.A., rodaktor; ARKUMBLISKAYA, H.Se, 6 redak:tor; YEPIMOVA;,A.P.,tokh-nicheakiy,rodaktor. [organization and planning at nonferrous metal enterprises; metallur- gAcal,plants and concentration mills] Organizateiis i planirovanis na PIridpriiatiiakh tevetnol metallurgii; votallurcichook-le ::avody i oba- gatitellaye fabiki. Koskvs~; Goo. ne6achno- tekhn. izd-va lit-ry po Cher- noi i toyetuoi metallurgii, 1955. 56o P. (xTaA 9:6) (Nonferrous metal industries) S/126/61/011/002/008/025 E021/E435 AUTHORSt Palatnik, L.S., Kosevich, V.M, and Tyri!1gL1 TITLE~ Electron Diffraction Studies of the Metastable Phases in Au-Sb, In-Sb, In-Bi and In-Bi-Sb Alloys PERIODICALg Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.2, pp.229-235 TEXT: Thin layers of the alloys, prepared by simultaneous condensation of the components at 400C,were investigated. A new phase was detected in the gold-antimony system (Fig.1 and table 1). It is cubic and its parameter changes from 5.89 to 6.08 X at 63 to 76 wt.% antimony. It is proposed that the new phase is the compound AuSb3, It was observed in films 200 to 700 1 thick but not in a film 10 microns thick investigated by X-ray analysis. In the indium-antimony samples, a cubic and a metastable hexagonal form of InSb were observed. Antimony in the amorphous state was also observed. In the indium-bismuth system, a new phase was found between the two stable compounds InBi and In2Bi. The data for the new phase are given in Fig.2 and table 3. it corresponded to 1n3Bi2 and was found in all films up to 700 thick. It was stable up to 90'C where it dissociated into InB� Card 1/5 S/126/6i/011/002/008/025 Electron Diffraction ... E021/E~'35 and liquid. The ternary antimony-indium-bismuth system was also studied. The stability of In3B'2 and the hexagonal form of InSb was the same in the ternary system as in the binary systems. Antimony in the ternary system could exist either in the amorphous or in the crystalline state, An in.Lrease in indium content tended to form amorphous antimony, The authors constructed a topological structure diagram for the ternary system; no ternary compounds were observed, There are 3 figures, 3 tables and 12 referencest 8 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, ASSOCIATIONS- Khar~kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gor~'kogo (Kharlkov State University iment A.M,Gorlkiy) Khar2kovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. V.I.Lenina (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I.Lenin) SUBMITTED.- June 20, 1960 Card 2/5 S/126/6i/oil/oo2/008/025 Electron Diffraction E021/E435 Table 1. Interplanar distance d and intensity I or reflections from Au-Sb alloys Memnaouocy"ue pac"opwia d m motTe"cNanocTm I OTP4MCHHA cnimon Au - Sb. 65% c yphs..w 76% c ypiuu H"AeKcbi d A A d, 200 2.96 5.93 2% 04 6.08 Oq Ve sty 220 2,09 5 91 2,15 6.08 , C"JIbIrr,044 0q. C".11b 222 1.71 5:92 1,76 6,09 CpeAH-MF-bIvr4 004 1,48 5,93 1.52 6.10 C.126. WEAK 024 1.32 5 92 1 1,36 (; 09 CpejIIf 224 1.21 5:91 1.24 6:07 CpeAHI C ' i n p ime yaq~ij P c 5.92 6.08 t t g , j v p- R A I EV L A Card 3/5 S/126/61/011/002/008/025 Electron Diffraction zoqi/E435 Table 3. Experimental values *of d and calculated values of A and c for the metastable compoun.d In3M2 Tadjiitna 3 3xc-epxmetffnAbPibIC 3"R4e"ma d (Ne)Kn.WKOCTtIWX PaCCTORKMA) H:PaCC4HTgtHHue n0 HHM 3Ha4CHNII nAPAMeTpon a H c peweTKm meucndm6moro Ct3eANHeHMA In,131a t d. A* I hkI 4,32 C.1a 1 002 11,83 8.64 4.05 6 w 6% A Cna* 1 102 11.80 8,83 3,82 " j CP 210 11,66 8.42 ,42 " C H peA VM 300 11.87 8.39 2.84 "H e yg~ C iver 212 11,66 8.44 2.54 ' Cjtad 'A 113 T 11,65 8.46 2,48 CI1jIb~,tTr, C c; 203 11.66 8.54 2.18 0186. WIr. A4 ~ 004 11,6 8.72 2,10 CPeAR. MEDI UM 104 11.67 1 8.57 CpeAHHC 3143qejjjj,rjF-AN VALxM 11.71 8,53 Card.4/.5 Electron Diffractit S/126/61/011/00,2/008/025 ... E021/E435 1" "41; ;A P"C. 1. 3.-ICKTponorpomma Pnc. 2. 3nMpottorpamws MeTUTa6jobitoro COMIlle- WeTaCTaftnitoro coeAH- Him AuSbs. 11CIIIIH JnSDIS. Fj _z.,I. Electron diffraction Fig.2. Electron diffraction pattern of the metastable pattern of the metastable compound compound AuSb 3 In3B'2 ..Card 515. PALATIUK, L.S.3 KOSEVICH, V.M.; TYRIIdi, L.V. Electronog-raphic investigation of metastable pLases in Au-:~b, In-Sb, In-Bi, In-Bi-Sb alloys. Fic. zet. i netalloved. 11 no.. 2;229-235 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kharllcovoldy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. GorIkogo i Kharskov,skiy politekhnicheakiy institut Im. V.,-,. Lenina. (Alloys-44etallography) (Electron diffraction examination) AMSSION NR: AP4020694 8/0089/64/016/004/0325/0"2 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V.Ye.; Zeleneklyq V,F.; Stukalovp A.1.1 Az&ronkot A.V.; Ty*rinat P*V.; Gordlyenko, Ya.I.; Kunchenko, Me .TITLE: The relationship between the texture of hardened uranium and the typo*of heating and other aspects of heat treatments "SOURCE: Atomnaya energlya* v.16, no.4. 1964, 325-332 reoryst:llization, heat treatment, uranium treat- TOPIC TAGS: phase ment, polymorphic transformation, multiple hardeningp beta phaset al- pha phase, phase transformation, annealed uranium, linear expansion, slow cooling, diffusion conversion. ABSTRACT: It has now been established that the-radiativa growth of uranium Is largely determined by the nature and promiiient.features of its texture. An attempt has been made to destroy the uxanium, texture resulting from a single hardening process by subjecting it to sevetal such processes (up to 4 times). The re"Gult was &*pulverization of the grain and disappearance of the texture, although the authors claim that the latter requires additional verification. Opinions vary as to COM 1/2 ACCESSION HR: AP4029694 the best method of hardening uranium with a view to'limitAg its In- creasing radiation. The tests made In this connection Included harde- nint; tale uranium samples In the beta- and gamma-phasoo# followed by the slow-cooling and water-cooling methods. The test results indicate that the textura of.hardened uranium Is determined primarily by the parametersof the heat treatment of the metal, and the following con- plusions are therefore justified: 1) the' texture of hardened uranium depends on the nature of the heat treatment but primarily on the dura-. tion of exposure to high-iemperature pkases; 2) the greatest,destruc- zion of the texture was noted in the samples that had been heat-treiat- .,ed under the effect of tensions produced by thermic gradients or ex- ternal efforts, and 3) in the case of low and moderate heating speeds the texture of hardened uranium Is determined to a large extent by the'. tec',nology of the uranium production and the duration of its exposure in the beta-phaae before the hardenin Origo -art* has: 9 figures.' ASSOCIATION:. None SUBMITTED: ~OKO.A3 DATH ACQ3 OlMy" WOL 00 SUB CODE: 714 No NR REP 80vt 015 - OTHER9 005 Card i fv r I rk lal TY-RIKA, V.A. Development of buds in winter. Fiziol. rast. 5 no.2:177-179 I 'Mr-AP 158. (KMA 11:4) I.Dallnevostochnyy filial AN SSSR, Vladivostok. (Buds) (Trees in winter) (Apple) BRYKOVA, Z.I.; TYR114A .4 Ye.A.; MkRTZOVA, T.V. Making tablets from preparations using sodium hydrocarbonate and tartaric acid. Med. prom. 1~ no*12:43-44 D 161. (MRA 15:2) -1. MoskovskiT kh.imi farmatsevticheskiy zavod No 1. (SODIU1 CARBONATES) (TARTARIC ACID) (TAHMTS (MEDIQINE))