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C-4 cismakat valrety of tarba and irm. Alfred AAC IIUfIS ill all MOM thill SIX CAIMbir W W"Iling to. va:,mt or mutnLI bomais nl defince as "ckvte-am- vWtmy.*' in emmust to rviative valmer virith vispect t* Hs or Oj - Tho C aim Amms an Wirmlil Asno. of two t-kormses in COU C A 44 MOSt) Mwe a palt of ek"tais Is always I in ;W *it Ulm ;bat the eketmic Yak-cK7 moN be 0t21 (ie. 2 at 4) for eltusents baying em at. rm. mid odd (ie. I or 3) #0r ek-ments having odd kit. nos. This rule dam not boM for elements with at. nos. hum 89 to 71. -and thoseaftbe It group. A te th electrank- ciftecitialto4vati4i I WS 1;~ Its at Urv 11. C. U. of FrO, FrA, Fria,, FrCI,. and No. it. aNT-W19MI --10~rvw for Xpe a atom xnd,;,~ lattices Is ba" M Ust WISMIN that dw swm is defined in sPaCt dint to the no. Of by a SPUN" our"" enerespoo Only electnm O"s, w%kh ntrer tieved, 4, et- -ns betchnut-MIZAPe. an poWMC. sphere. It are In 4=vWMtM sedron. Atom ,W pberical tetral id Wbrn t tKInd p.btMtMtw"-hcAW-oae e,* they.reftbtlY eaeW betwm two atoms is k- than =;;a with pw,. paeed from sweb other of tilted or r is. constructed on cileb etw to the loodd. Models of IM thi, 9,W*k dow the cared in- of the formula. e-9- I tntw as perTj~-*~ In bicb an Fc- MICO)p isj= a C &tama a &membered ring, 90 that t toma wd CMA. iskWift- an ng OW atom appW in tb& boraw I CUSO.. cry" ktum may IMewbe be modeled. e.g- tM bw 04kow in mtW cogtad with eacb othet ..'Mook W low 4 yakocks for --S escribed &W H,, 7U lattkas d -,kg and diamond - d jodgw, Tb*ktlffbM=bymM-C0mPZr.- *~&tvmbftIItftc"W"OfAV"t dodees ton , I a eso" the max. badaM 011101k.11M. 16 rpkr' cam. Brunn C. Mct&DV 1995. g0ALZFIgAI2j jI-TDXX- Wealaski, A. (Priecl. Oorniczy (Min. Rev.). Nov. 1951. vol.7. 452-456). A kystem of classifletAlon to descri'ted based on a formula of D. Wi*luoh, I . 100 - M(O *20H +1_0N) a 7 whore X is the coalification index and the other symbols are percent- ages of elements. (L).. 1447 55334 Onw, ,WshMnik uvtglenia". Prx"14d G6rnlcxy. No. 11. 1951. pp. 452- 456. 7 figL Wieluch's coalificaUm Indim make possible. when applied to the specification *1 coal, a more accurate dlffer#nU&t$on between coal types, Wieluch's coalificsUon indieft were Introduced to Aptel. beck's wW D. WhlWs diagrams enablk* them, to be inore clamly and more exaotl~ Laterprete:1. It was found that the fuel ratio is & function of WieduWa Wei. 'j" j U AAL A. 094MCAtion of Costs and lbetr Properties. KWPC33iSK a wqgli i Ich w1unoici" Pmglqd Gerniczy. N~j 4, 11~0)3'- IM-158, Igo- PP A sbnplifled formula for determining the conlifleit,)-i I-jolely trewh1he C and It content, the influence of iow~lla-, -Teftical Mout. 1 1954 content being negligibW- Correlation between "tie C, a cm v j W, t~ ma cal-h-Ig 1"ing ttw cmtent the combustion temperatiLre, Intumas:enco, 41 fa-, 1'~Wty' and the coalification degree K. Conception of --iverziLe coal". k coa% ,teW. that 6~ a standardisLd summary of rknult.-z of t(!~tin~ Its prvertles, .Decimal" classification of carbonnceous _bzdiC3 On buls-of the coalMeation degree K, and polnr diagrun of thi& Ion. Review of the mnv, revised ECE intern, ationiti classific. tion i A -MO A,* TT ml X6 777~'7 777 7 -77 KWIECINSKI, luejan, dr.; ZOLEDZIOWSKI, Wojciech, inz. Application of petrochemical raw materials in agricultural chemistry,- pientane fractions as starting raw material for the synthesis of new insecticides. Nafta Pol 18 no.6:161-163 Je 162. 1. Instytut Rrzemyslu Organiemago,, Warszawa. 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 -010 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0.00004000000600s 0000 4-8 **ISO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00: u &I as 040 I L 00-4-P, 41 A, _;~ 1. , 1, '1 w Is a " p I . I V" *1 -V., A' f T " W" W* *A u 1Z i 00 ;ieT 1 0 4"Wiza /I , I 00 L, KWI* A Awt) L 261AACK' .00 OiOV - SO AbWFdft IW Wft'*W V01 by 2M-2wifiltfigiiih). - I'Mrious cxftz~e Lawwu, Bull. imbra. ". poli"im 19"k ot C.11a: A &OL 2, Z. 11bq 190) evmW tM feWwioS WAX. in the absimption spectrum -04 B at Ma. C at 2M7. D at 249o, R at 2434 and F at UXI A. V. & A grrvio"y nVortod bgud don no, exist, The mw inwestitati- cuTicd out by di ~rcot method with -00 00 41 th Vey "fined vateriall rtiodered the nme Iresulb, eavPt that hand A has a ma%. st wM_ -160 by flenji (Etudrs Ile pholmbimir (1919); BaW F a in don not check with that (mind 1. WIZRTXLAZ so d. C. A. 2470% me 0 of =of COO RE 3] ~00 f - Z-40 'too 100 40 11. -tIALLIVOCAL LITtRAILIF usistricAtioN to a 0 ;00 U It t1t ~ 11, 'It ft it it a M IN fi I( a 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4: :0 IOTO000000-0000000000000*0004 00-000000000006009100 a It. NA-1011-01.1" AA0 IM _A_A_ A A I Alteratim of the obsorptim spectra of maltose. ltvulou and dextrose under the Von influe 371 iML 1, KWIVAl"M AND 1- MANC111.19W71141 V? Vir'117 ;Vl~cf, ( ?.wi. NIXCtT:,nxJucLd y utiting Af cw 0.5 At *iltm tit mmitaw. lcvub~ and tlrxln~ with 00 a N m "m of IICI ha%v 1-n tam'UnA at itilemAl-4 It. 24. 72. IN and. in umw Cam-A. 21401in. after taiiing tbrmofm. Malum and IICI gisran irmerrmw,of (be mlurf,ing tx)wrr but no diatinct abwMtkm hands. There is al,xv vM little change in the optical r--tAtim cyrn With (Irainrc anil IICI the dn remain% tiwhangtA V%-ell aftr' .00 '14, t lots, bul % tit NsOll wkvlive OvAirpliou lxvauw t,( thr *0 Ll Ntinstion of &oHnim, prialucti. 1xvulivar and Ilk I slum it 4ight -hitting 4 the 411 t6341 MAL. Upward shuttes wa%v k-tiStIln. ulkles, with N4011 thetv t, a giaduAl 990, 'a coo All of the hand to the red, H. C. A. *Ov 90 00 00 ir Oo 91 _1j, 4.4 t i - 6' tt 14 *000 0 _94_mw~wv W 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 off 6 * 4 11 u t3 w h 16 It a J11 11 Is it DAWI;Piftll was INA bit M** 0 UO .41re 00 A lee -00 -00 LIN 14PItsmad 2-1u~~ baw. c D*WD#Am. 25s'-M'. IV wa, coupird with diazotlAed PhNII, misid p- -00 00 L._,Kvrift%*M awl L. Stertst"wit. AmU. inifors. mittail. O*NC.H.Nill to give red amtks of the comirgiomhux 041irvi, math. niv. IJAWk. W-417,-Ulkird. ilywitals. C8.1inNiiih. M. 247-9'. mui C1,1624006 to 00 PAN 0 - It trftli,4 with ArM in the Pmwmv 94 41011"1. low ZOCSO woo M." I-alf-mwi- to a intat, of 90 d, ul 0. 00 11.14COlp and 411 cv. tif H#Vl ussill tutib" %44p. savv m% T Itcl. AM 4-1 pmroll. Ill, Wsi, C-Nuirn"twil 411 willk %irelt 00 41 I~Pik 1-6mm*wiwaispiM.W k&Vw (1). C%HAVNOt. m. infliep"W"v W Zmet'stsyr .1.#-J##JwmWJ .00 Out. in vined. IlsW)4 vkh a blood4vil OOW. 9 hw. CulltN*. to. 1411% 110 Mk. to. 3tv)*. douse Oak -0 0 BY bitistift Vvith ak. W% KOH Im 8 birs. I was upond. Via #f('4. In. M'L povem w. ZW~ A win. J 3.3 t, 0 At, of n in bot a1c. ;)~; rrfiuwd'witb O.W s. of 5 assid IS r. m0 0 to J-PA'r-dwiatimpililAw boo" (a). CIASNO, M. 1674- R.3% pkrak, to. 041% Ac derip., m. 137% Bit (it CSj for 10 tin. Tbr mai prochact ims crtd. with I I =0 0 0 4".. An. 129-W'. Ort diatutiatiou and ftarraugmAst C.Sv. Rem-mit. of thir mmiduc pvt calm" priam of I ; 4 the d6sonium imoln. by at Witting for 12 km.. a wam trem. 4y). C01I.NOWS, sit. -0 kwmw Into cillful0ii. W. IW-1., 18440* (sivoctlift to the mte of hitatim) Ne t1ft. $&sit" vvitti the mmO. d~-tib-l by Firaw (cf. C. A. dumt1im ul Lsw with 11 in the pmwmv of 11111C. roll save 00 M MIMI. The c,-odcnmti,-n of l1sCJ with 0.14NCJit a S-Inv cmuddim dedr.. 0 00 a is quite diff"rnt Itivii I he pvrvi.-m~lv dim-wilied cmdesm- co It= with thir.1-fivrin it'. .1. as. 27W.'). roe dluotimd so. C.16N.04. In. 3m" VOO 11A. vm empkil with o-cnillAM aild with 2.3-c~jl~ wm to a in ClIC4 at (to, %*kkd km44~vi1-:. 1.1 101I)CIN)l jk+l (M) and vieWl lakk4W ott&s W t"AgAwm. CjJl,,NA. ML WINS I1W Mil"toild for 2 disirs. C, St. AMinall -441 vi,4rt kadiris 4.1 all 1'X4y*my*aP4A#k &W, C4JI,#NA. a. 31,40" (de- zoo U in 60 cc. PbCl by bodists for 3 Aim im do I of ly 0.6 jr, PCI. gave Yellow kaWs of j -PA kvipme (M. C"HisNOv. a. A I I k A *kTAILLUNGICAIL L11111AIL419 CLA%tWK&IM t:O 0 we 0 7-14-4 i I ma fit it �v '0 1: --- --- 0 0 u is AV A tv 0: 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 04 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41, 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ze0 0 0 0 is * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ',0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 00 i KWIECINSKI, L. On the Reaction of Chlorination of Toluene in Side Chain., Part I by L. &ILCBSKI, J. M3LOM and E. WIRTESKA, Page 467, Przemysl Chemiczn , No. 81 1957. 1,420 wjewka a the Reaction of Chlorination 'Ma!!R!LJ ChShL IL of ,0 Cookeg ohloroww& tokv= 'w Jaficudhu!'. 2. Przerayst Che mkzny. lqo. 0, 1968, pp. Sn-~-595. I fig., 5 tab&. EsUbliahment of tbe-arder of magatbade of the arnmmts ol corn- pound WorinaW - during the oxidation, of toluene - in the benzene ring as a result of the inevitable side reactlon. It was found, that under-the given condlUono, the raw chlorination product contains awounta of chlorine In the benzene ring wb1oh do not exceed P.N-0.311t. The khMnary determination of 'the character of compounds chlorl- -noted -In the benzene rim showed the vmwwe of Insignifloant amounts of chlorotolueneg' whic ch do not.endanger the conthwity of the tech- Y lpoloii6l 'aces's, or hinder the preparation of the pure conurrarcial pr 'Product according 40 thp Accepted standards Attention Is drawn to Ahe 'possiblalty of prepecing purv~, benzylidene 'ehloride7frarn waste pro- 'duct the. re6kkm after Taw berwyl *Worlde reMation. ;L 6zd'=Mu- aM Rdlward kJ _SOL W r, 77 ~A *U. "7i--Tbt W.", OM-Mcc' 'WY Method of cbkf 3% compds. in WhIlch Cl was in Thel 1. Uctjons were as toHows, 40.2%, unrencted Wuene;! b dizu tWI chWWI(24.96% Cl in; 1.6%. mixt, 0l tolum and r 7Mr hattl sild 0.44% Cl Id IV744.3%. Ilen 1~ the d :,hiddt(2T.88%Cl the chain and 0-I& Cl In the tin 2.9%. Milt. of "Yl cWmWe and bmsylidene (88.13% CA IU the cbW 1,0 0.50% el in ibe rWg)- 10 7% ide (41.29% Cl in the 3Z Q tuwtly be"Aldefte chta Ileadel- 1.7115 Cl in the fWg)- 9q L.; s". of `7,F- T' -IC KWIECINSKI, m. The limit of the laadcarrying a capacity of slab and beam structures. P. 335 (A-rchiwum Inzynierii Ladowej. Vol. 3, no. 3, 1957, Warszawa, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) LO. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1956 -1 MMINSKI, M. Forperimental verification of the theory of limit load of ribbed slab BtructureB. Bul Ac Fol tech 9 no.3:191-196 161. 1. Chair of Elasticity and plasticity, Warsaw Technical University. Presented by W. 0182ak. (Calculus) (Load) (StructureB, Theory of) NWIECIBSKIj, Ma"k, dr inz. Designing of bearing pazelo bised on the theory of limiting loads. Inz i bud 19 no.3-1,.433-436 X-162. 1. FolitechnikAJO Warszawa, KWIECINSKI, Marek Plastic exhaustion of the load carrying capacity of ribbed plates. Pt.l. Rozpr inz. T!0 3-1 n6..23253-299 163. 1. Politechnika., Warazaw4. MMCINSKI, Mare-k Plastic exbaustion of the load-carry-lng capacity of ribbed plate structurem Ft.2. Rozpr. inze PAN 11 noo3s389-409 163 1. Folitechnika, We-vszawa- XVIECINSKIL, Marak,.-d;!.,in.z. Book reviews. Ins i bud,21 no.10-4 of cover A 164. It KWIECINSKIP Otmar, Inz., The Krakow branch of the Frozamet Designing and 1~onstruction Work of the Metallugic and Electrical Engineering Industry. Przegl mech 21 no.9/~0:309-310. 10-25 My 162. 1. Dyrektor Oddzialu Promamet, Krakow. -_oeee 0 0 6 00 0 0 0 see 0 0 0 0 * 4 : : 0000000600000000060 0 000000000040 [ oz, t: 1 4 1 al I d I V 11 a 1) m n it v V Ila X1300 WM JAS Um BNO 41 U ll Noce A2, If G -4 1. ",(X I L 00 0 1 11 A: Iman"We of 4kiasiodimalde AM Una as tm actim of Certain 022ya". R d G TMV M, IN - k1f, *all. 141JONGIS A On. fWals Phlawy 10. 40 - - li 1k %I* R ( III W d 4 h 1 x UVSWV I, tAl 'AlU t! 11% VO a k Y 4 Y p M tile Itakin the grilltinstion III whk-b 6 Imelar.1 by 0.5 T'l, I It wa* Itlutut that duftt,tAII 00 a a, am) nuairr hindo-h-d in Itri wtisata On starrim by the presence 011 than is IfyiVA", abs~ It %n Ow other hand, the actim -A 0 Sa i-tarnpraws the plant prolvin, particularly rdestin. L 'Vialaw i% inhibited idiaghtly by 1% 1 at SAW And conxitirrablyst.W. Tbrinhibilim ' 016 the lain"I b of 1 I TW this munot IV cX ta ts M 1 I ith . . 4~ tutarr pronouba W r C1111 1CC s r " M p y 00 1 the injurious &cWi oh I is due to a certain concu. tot nrg. malt. p 'uppamition thal Vitt t in the -AAn., is pfuvvd by the clipts. with ur" of the marme coven. Mills. ej 64 %allies with vatious. concras. of I indicated thAt the reactions of thew substmaxvs am- 1 roll 0 - 0 75 -luting 12 tie"). Calvartusion: The Inhibiting actit'li -f 4140 0 a, imal (P. - 0,2 I iot st-stuirtatitin 4 grairlt in altritsutaW to its abdilv to inactivate thr ratalaw. : 1 4 i'die zoo tie 0 ralme A 1 4 $a A *llAXLa,rfACA1 WINAT1,11f CLWOKAT11h U, t*% At 4) It',l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 '"k AM 1 3 N 0 1 IF It I a a 1 0 da 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 too irx 0 004 4 040 00 oft *0 00 a cil 004 0 es r 0 00 3 1, 0ow 60 00 8 _7 "TT A 9 P f I An "V_tP.tBt EL L -P -1 -1 _A1 Aw" ad r mate as (Sol I= Ad-&" 000. ftrwo PMAPWY 11, 71 rtatii Boot P P I . of WS. substance in the Prot. Oat stmw W&A latwou Without CUS04. Morbid Eff~w Min tbe: rtwVwrkbmvAsed a compk4e rd W oats Im"m on peaty no omed lea.~ dut to the pkvhrhewN and xanthimt. C09042,10410bot-SCUP the - t 14 pkntg 6 The hboace of aWmIlabbe N. Und" the M-me of =011=1 tjoe 1.8 of djover" of b%uuus diminished &0 Nfl., Ca and .4. b. ext. of peaty voll in- P-*=. The mot. of wwnonkwW N in "mad naft 0* bduefte of C"50'. The ash Gmte= tbe Ca C(Wtftt were dw-Abled in es"foon wD Uuttd with CUM. At- MR - Ifitst t- whilt witbmt t"r %d4n. of C%6% Im 16N v intatlbtaq.ext. Cu5CNboduv~ootbeqvsmtitly,A 001. K. flia 4w4w of COAW "aw of buram of pat braW;ht about by CuSO& im wed as the increasing mg. at welmoftabla NM* and aA. Ca MWumd, had a fovarahle effect an tbe developmst of plants fivom the markWtwsl standpoint. Kuhm Boom ".Ill t"7- = lk 19#4104 "it 04. oft 811111 ON a-V ill a b v 0 g 0 000 000 0 lap 0 -00 ~00 00 .00 410* too 9*0 Co 0 so* so* 400 lob* 12 SamenUal oUs mad the methods of tbsk prodwtk)o. - R. Riorwit6ki ml K, Mini (DAM Chrudi Roilinnei. r t~. l',ZeMVSI RtIfIV I S"Vkmvr 4 * Irview. W. Ssvlvl%ki ACC NR& AP7001006 SOURCE CODEt PO/0046/66/Olli'001/006710069 AUTHORt JanCzysZyn, J.6, NwIecinskil S.; Loska. L, ORGt Institute of Nuclear Ensineorl , AGH, Krakow (Instytut tachniki jadrowej AGH) TITLE: Choice of the optimum shape of a nautror~.bowltzer or neutron absorption SOURCE: Nukleonikal v. 11% no. 1# 19669 67-69 TOPIC TAGS: neutron absorption, fast neutron, thermal nautron$ collimator ABSTRACT: The apparatus consists of a neutron source (Ra-Be) sum unded by a paraffin moderator,with cadmium shielding, a Pb plug, and a shaped paraffin col- limator that directs the slow-neutr6n flux to a neutron-absorption sample. Tho Pb plug reduces the gammas and fast neutrons which travel down the collimator* Behind the sample is located a scintillation counter with a scintillator that Is sensitive to thermal neutrons. The paraffin collimator Is replacable so that the thermal neutron flux distribution across the noutron-absorption sample can be preselected. Mie angular distribution of neutrons at the centercf the absorption- sample location is given for several collimator geometries. It was measured with a goniometer-type of neutron datoction device. The overall geometric factors Irere selected to maximize the usable thermal neutron flux at the location of the abuorp- tion sample. Orig. art. host 3 figuress LM-7 SUB C 0 / SUBM D&TEs 15tbv65 12 MEt 2 Card I - - PS R 217, 71 CHRZANOWSKI, Ryszard; KWIECINSKI, Stanislaw X-ray hazard to the patient and personnel during the course of cerebral angiolrapby and Welography. -Polski przegl. radiol. 25 't no.4:393-403 61. 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgii AM v Kmkowie Kierownik: prof. dr A. Kunicki Kierownik Pracowni Rentgenowskiej: prof. dr. S., Spettowa i z Zakladu Fizyki II AGH w Krakawie Kierownik: pirof. dr M. Miesovicz. (CEMRAL ANGIOMPHY compl) (SPINU CORD radlog) (RADiATioN PROTECTION) CHRUSCIEL, Edward; KWIEGINM,, Stanislaw Stabilization of the strengtbaning coefficient of ENI 6097-F and PFX-29 multiplier phototubes. Nukleoniks. 8 no.4:273-276 16% 1. Katedr~ Fi7.yki II., Akademia Gornieso-Hutricza.. Krakow.. i Instytut Teabniki Jadrowei., Akademia. Gornicao-Hotnicuip Krakow, KLARNER, St.; "KWIECINSKI.1w. Varietiee of Virginia Bright at the experimental staticu in Skroniov. Rocz nauk roln roal 81 no.4:879-918 160. (Ew 10:9) (Poii~ aeo) V Kw I c i