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I KWIMMISY1, Eugen-' a Static function in children with mental disorders born of serologically incompatible pregnancies. Przegl. lek. 21 no.6:430-432 165. 1. Z Panstwowego Szpitala d1a Nerwowo i Psych-;cznie Chorych im. J. Babinskiego w Krak OW4 e (Dyrektor: Dr. mod. J. Gallus). KWIATKOWSKA. Veuroses in children and their physical development. Part IV. Przegl. lek. 21 no-9:553-554 165. 1. Ze Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych im. J. Babinskiego w Krakowie (Dyrektor: Dr. mied. J. Gallus) i-z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. K. Spett). KWIATKOWSKI, Mgeniusm Development trends of contemporary chemical technology and its relation to science. Wlad chem 18 no.5t255-261 My 164 1. Former Director of the State Paotory of Nitrogm Compounds. - )MATKU-111SKA. URZYNOWSKI, Adam Problems of social plicy at the 3d Convention of the 'J'omen's league. Praca zabezp SPOI Aiee,41 no,6:23-30 je 1620 RGDZIEWICZ., Wlodziniers; BENTKMKA, Halina; KWIATKMKA, Irena Hy&olysis of trichloroethylsilane with CuSP4 0 5H200 Rocz chenii. 37 no.6s6ll-.614 v63. 1, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Technical University., Gdansk.. YVJIIA",'KC,'WSKA j-n.Lna imanin. -,-her. exp, 13 nc,.-,30'.'--36'7 165. Department of Physiologi...'al Cher.-.stry, School of Medicine, wroc1qw. - W.IATKOIWSKA, Janina The transscription aid translation processes of the genetic code. Postepy biochem. 11 no.3:267-279 165. SZYMIIEC, Stanislaw; KWIATKOWSKA, Janina A simple method for the cultivation of leukocytes for the study of karvotypes. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 18 no.5.849-852 S-0 164 1. 2 Zakladu Patofizjologii Instytutu Immunologii i Terapii DoswiadczOmej Polskiej Akademii Nauk imo L. Hirszfelda we Wroclawiu (kierownikr prof* dr, H. Kowarzyk) i z Zakladu Ghemii Fizjo1ogic2zYej Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawiu (kie- rownikr prof. dre T. Baranowski). JUZWIMOWA, Jedwiga; KWIATKOliSU, Janina -- - Fluorine in water in the Wroclaw Region. Postepy 17 no.5:579-584 S-41,63 1. Z Dzialu Higieny Kommahej Wc)ievodzkiej Stacji Sanitaxmo- Epidemialogiettej we Wroclaviu; dyrektor: dr.S.Przylecki, *, SWIDOWSKA, I.; KWIATKOWSKA, M.; GAMGF"KI, A. Ylotation method in determination of strains in diagnosis on tuberculosis in children. Grislica 20 no. 6:789-800 NoT-Dec 1952. (.GLXL 24:2) 1. ~pf the Institute of Bacteriology (Read-Prof. Zygmmt Ssymwtovski, M.D.), lads and of the Pediatric State Tuberculosis Sanatoriwi (Director--Ann& *%rga1sow_jL,, M.D. in Legievalki. 4w, MM2 SKI, Feliks; KWIATKOWMU, Maria " - '~- ~ Penicillin ointment. 7arm. polska 10 no.1:12-15 Ja '54. 1. ZZaklada 7armacji Stosovauej Akademil Medvesuej v lodzi. Kierownik'.1 prof. dr Folks Modrzejevski. (MMICILLIN, (OINTMKNTS, 100intment) *penicillin) XWOROVSKA, Iryetyna; IVIATXOVSXA, Karl& Karotaz as a component of pills. Farm polska 10 no.10:257 Oct 54. 1, Zaklad rarmaoji Stosowauej Akademll Nedvcznej w Lod21. (TABLETS, powdered carrot as vehicle) (MITABLKS, carrot powdered prop. as vehicle for tablets) (VBHICLRS, powdered carrots in tablets) KWIATKOWSKA, Maria; SLABIAK, BoZeWM Ronal, hepatic and myocardial fatty degeneration in newborn infants. Pediat-polska 30 no*.10:923-932 Oct '55. 1. Z Kola Naukowego przy Zakladzie Anatomii Patologicznej A M w Lodzi. Kiarownik: prof.dr mea. A Prustezyneki. Lodz. Narutqwicz 96. Zakl.Anat.Pat. t I NY? aT RN, U. iRTHey'A. ii,.r & myocardium) (LIVER '7dTtegaosses, fatty degen. in newborn inf) (XIDUMS, diseases, . fatty deg"n. in newborn inf.) (MYOCARDIUM, diseasee, fatty degen. in newborn inf.) CHWIALKDWSKA, Cacylia-, KWIATJOWSKA, garia Sypbylitic aneurysm of thoracic aorta with gastric cancer. Polski. tygod. lek. 11 no.8:370-371 20 Fab 56. 1. Z Zak. Radiologii A M. kier. prof. dr. zed. Wladjvelaw Trzetrzewinski i z III Ki. Cbtrur. A H w Lodsi; kier. prof. dr. mad. It. Tomassewic3 LoA**. ul. Zamenhofa 38/24. (STOMACH, neoj~Usms, with syphilitic aneurysm of aorta. (POW (AORTIC ANNUATSM, etiology and pathogenesi 8 sy-pbylis, with cancer of stomach. (Pol)~ (SYPHILIS. CARDIOVASCULAR, complications, aortic aneux7sm with cancer of stomach. (Pol)) FIKSOWA, Krystyna; KWIATKOWSKA, Maria -;',- Acase of malignant granuloma primarily diagnosed as tuberculosis, Gruzlion 27 no*4:327-331 Apr 59- 1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr mod. F. Redlich.Z Sanatorium w Lagievnikach Dyrektor: prof. dr mod.l. Margolisowa. (HODGEMI'S DISEASE, diagnosis) (TUBERCULOSIS LYMPH NOIM, diagnosis) DEBIEC, Barbara- KWIATKOWSKA Maria; MARGOLIS, Alina Trials with oral therapy of juvenile diabetes with biguanide deriva- tives. Pediat. pol. 37 no./+:359-370 Ap 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzied AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof, dr mede F. Redlich. (ANTIDUBETICS ther) ARMATYS., Hanna; KWIATKOWSKA, Maria A case of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas in an 8-year-old girlo Pediat. Pol. 37 no.5:517-520 MY 162- 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM v Lodzi i z Katedry Pediatrii WAM v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. Fr. RedUch. (PANCREATIC CYSTIC FIBROSIS case reports) DEBIEC, Barbara; KWIATKOWSKA, Maria; MARGOLIS, Alina Mental pamdiarities of a diabetic child. Pediat. pol. 37 no.12: 1287-1302 D 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzisai AM w Lodzi Kierownik- prof. dr med. F. Redlich. (DIABETES MELLITUS JUVENILE) (CHILD PSYCHOLOC-Y) -1 .1 BASZGZY14SKI,, J.1 BODAISKI,,J.; HOASKISe; JAROSIK,11.; KVIATKWKA,14.; MACIEJEWSKI,A.; REDLICH,.T.. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes.syndrome in a 10-year-old boy; clinical death and resuscitation by prolonged direct heart massage. Kardiol.pol. 6 no-4t259-265 t63. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatryc2mej AM w Lodzi (kierowniktprof. dr. F.Redlich); z Kliniki Chlirurgii D2decieoej MI w Iod2i (kierownik: prof.dr. "ciejemki) i a E:Liniki Weurologicz- nej AM w Lodzi (kierovinik: Prof. dr. F.Herman). MCDRZ3J3WSKI~ F.) If of, dr; - DaATKOWSKA, ~M. -Water-absorbIng bases for ointments subgtitu,tibg for lanoline Farmaja- Pol 19- no.ck182-184 10 Yv 163. - 1* Zaklad Farmacji Atosawanejp Akadamia Wdycznal, Lodz* Kierwownikt prof. dr F. ModrzeJews . . A DEBIECp Barbara; KWIATKOWSKA, Maria; LORFJJC, Jadwiga; MARGOLISI Alin"a- Studies on the excretion of uropepsin in diabetic children. Fediat. POI. 38 no.3t2/+9-260 163. L Z II K-Uniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. Fr. Redlich i z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. B. Filipowicz. (DIABETES MU1ITUS, JUVENILE) (13ROPEMIN) (URM) KWIATKOWSKA, Maria Blaioplasts in dahlias. Pauki matem przyrod Lodz no.14:81-91 t63. 1. Katedra Anatomii i Cytologii hoslin, Uniwersytet, Lodz. Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 9 lop 1954 Organic CYABMdStrY PeAtjj-. NO helffillin-tim and wal hnol- WSEM!Z) a "2zl 1951 The nitration of 9(Qi'l e". ta. and hexant- trates; however, a n1tv k own tem favors the for- mation of the Vents deriv.. while ibe b0, a doriv. Is formed at 3-60. To 18 g. swbltot In 78 g. HNOm (d. 1.62), 160 g., IfMg (or 20% oleum) was added dropwise at D-3' for 1.6 ho.; from the cryst. 29.7 g. product, m. 38-0% was obtained 8 C. sorbitol nexan't-te, m. 64.6-5.5% by fractional crysW. from 60% aq. etc.; from the fraction easily sol. in 50% &q. ate., was pptd. 2 g. pentanitratr by adding Hj0 to make an approx. 35% a1c. soln. Sorbitol g.) added dropwise to 50 g. coned. HsM at -10 to ~ 570 pve 7.0 g. of a mixt., mostly pentanitratc. . The hexanitrate Is eully denltrate4 by warming 'it in ale. p1ridine. Gent A, Wowiv KWIATKOWSKA. Sk GIERWW6Mq J1 Kum, B. KW1ATKUWSi(AJ, 51 GlhRLOWSKA, J. MMM, B. Research on the lose of vitaircLn C during the manufacture of strawberry and gooseberry Jame. p. 259 Vol. 10, no. 6., June, 1956 PRZOML spozywrazy TECHNOLOGT Warsaw,, Poland 6o. Fast Accession Vol. 6, no, 2. Feb, 1957 FP-O LAN D JABLOMSK~'., Anna and KWIAII~OWSNA, Teresa, First ClAnic of 1' ediatrics (T Klinika Acadenly.] in Lublin (Director-, Docent, Dr. med. A. SOKOLUMA-DEKOW,A) and the Mental Health Conviltation Cl.inic (Poradnia Zdrouria P!iychicznago) in Lublln (01.cocCor: Dr. mod. 3. SMARSKI) "Effact of Allergic Diseases of the Skin and ilesriratory System on the IrtCo,11ectual Efficiency of Children," Warsaw Polski_DZodnik LokLirslci, Vol 18, No 3, 14 Jan 63, P P Abs ~Ot: Authors' English summary modifiedi In view of thNconnect.Lon between the function of the central narvous, system and allergic diseases, the intelligence of children with allergic dtseases was studied and was found to be 7-7 -index points lower. There are 18 reforencos, of which 8 ara Polish, 7 English, 2 French, and one Fcassian. L1 / I --1 ZAORSKAp Barbara; KWIAT KA,,.WAqslawa --NW41- Clinical picture of histiocytosis X on the basis of observed cases. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.7:713-720 i1 165. 1, Z Kliniki Onkologii Dzieoiecej Instytutu Matki i Dziecka (Ki6rownik: doe. dr. med. J, Bozek; Dyrektor: prof, dr. med. B. Gornicki). .8F.A, Wieaiawa Sarcoma of the thigh In a 3-year-cld child witI, unusuaa cnir3etl Pediat . o 39 nool,,.965-967 Ag 164 lo 471, Ylinikl Onkologicznej instytutu Mtki. I Dz,,*ocka -K.IercvnJk.* doca dr. mpd. 0. Bczsk; Lyrektor Ins-ty-tutt)a pi-f. dr. ined. Do Ocrniukl)~ KWIATKOI,,ISKA, Wieslawa A case of primary tubermilosis of the abdominal cavity with the clinical picture of renal t=or in a 3-year-old child. Gruzlica 32 no.6:541-543 Ja 164. 1. Z Kliniki Owkoloeicznej In!3tyWtii Matk-i i Dziecka w Warazawit, Werownik Kliniki: dr. ined. J. i3ozek). CZYZYK, Artur; GORSKI, Czeolaw; XWIATKOWSKA, Zofla Function test of the anterior lobe of the pituitary with the use of Matopirone. Fol. areb. nod. wevu. 33 n0-3:253-257 063. 1,, Z III 11iniki Chorob Wevnetrsnych AN v Vamrssavie Kierownib prof. dr med, E, Kodejszko i z Oddsialu Chirurgicznego Instytatm Onkologii w War3savie Kierwnikt prof~ dr ned. T. Kosz&rovski Dy-rektor Instytutu Onkologii: prof. dr med. W. Jasinski. (KE:TONF,S) (ALDOSTERONE ANTAGONISTS) (PMITARY GLAND, AJMTMIOR) (YTTRium isompEs) (FrmTARY mmunox) I~MMSEA, Zofla; ORLIKOWSKA, 141adyalava; SERZYSKO, Wieslaw; ~.Y Edward; ROGALA, Ifenryk. Effect of oxygen saturation and blood PH on erythrocytic carbohydrate metabolism. Pol. arch. med. wownet. 34 no*10: 1341-1348 164 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetr-znycb Akademii,-nej w Warszawie, (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. E. Rodejszko). - -". - . ! F ~' ~, .1, - --' 1 4 ~ . urri 1,.j - , 7 1 -, (.~ ~ 1, (';' Vr, ~~ -', I )I , y, , , , hy-l--o- ~ 11 1. . - : .. ' 1, ~ , . i , ~ . - .- - - bicl. n~ no.19 -li 1. Biolog"i :",Okudetiaa E~nuR, Krakow. KWIATKOWSKA-KORCZAKO Janina I Recent development in folic acid biochemistry-. Postepy 7 no.3:371-396 161. (FOMC ACID metab) IKWIATKOWSKA4UWECKA, Zofia A caoe of Sturge-Veber s~mdrome. Klin. oozna 34 no.4:4.19-423 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Okulistye.-nego Szpitala Volskiego w Varszawie (Ordynator: dr. med. H. Hryniewska). COMIRY POLAND CATMORY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applications. Chemical Wood Products.* ABS. JOUR. MUKhim., 11o 17, 1959, No. G-1323 AUTHOR INSTITUTE TITIZ Problems of Chemical Tochnologv of Wood Pulp ORIG. PUB. :Frzegl. papiern., 1q58, 14, No 11, 342-344 AMPACT :At the scientific conference called by the De- partment of Cbenical Technology of Wood Piil-p of the Psdanskiy Polytechnic Institute (May 13-i4, 1458) the ~)roblpms rertaininr to wood cheviistry and cellulose were discur-sed. The nonessity of tolving problems involved in the i0ilization of oak and -nine sbavings and of beech wood for the manufneture of colli ilose were indicated. The feasibility of nronagating noplar forests and utilizing romlar for cellulose manufacture were *Hydrolysis Indiistry. Card- 1/2 H - 99 COUNTRY CATEGORY t059) ABS. 70CIR, f~ 5 NO. AUTHOR INSTITUTE TIME ORIG. PUB. H AMSTRALCT also mentioned. The woo(I chemistry estaldished Con'd tl~e.necessity of finding new sources of tars and rosins and. metbods of increasiuR their yield, improving their qualities and uppri-ding the Dro- ducts obtained in' t)ie fractional distillation' of tars and in subsequent treatment of tbese "Dro- ducts. Recomondations i)ertaininv to -the lise of calcium acatate nowder for dryinrl and of the Prof. Kozlov's dryj.DP egiiinment (Sverdvolsky Tis y V, -n', were ationted. _- Te. Gurvich. Carcl: 2/? XWWjtKOWS[Ip A. -11 - - Problems of the rationalization movement in t~e Kielce region. Przegl techn no,21tIO 27 My 162, KWIATKOWSKI A I The oity of Ostrowiec SvietokrZyski an the road to a large industrial center. Przegl techn 84 no.14:7 7 Ap 163. KWI :Adam; SZOMNSKI, Czealaw; GRZEGOROWSKI, Leon ..FWOr-~n6rease of the electric power's on by 8.1% during the night a in 94oilers of the Skaleczno Power building tubular burner Go ap paliw 11,~:~cial issue no4(95)t59 A 163. KI-.,'V-TKOWSKI, Adam; szyj!jAIjSKj, Czeslaw; GULGOROWSKI, Leon ~ - Power increase of the electric power station by 8.1& durJR9 the night peak by building tubular bux-ners in 8 boilers * of the S.&aleczno Power Plant. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(0,5):59 Ja 163. KWIATK oni A new plant with now problemS. Przegl techn 84 n0 .21:7 26 my 163. 1 3 a phwt cDn1'4)3U1Eu'o1 pral and it-~ bunobtAijon on oonti 1 0! .!i!1V;' '~Awr-.A;t and AfEksati~ Vwi i~'z` a POL-1 'Gdat~ i3d). Chern. K . No. 1, 5_24~1954)(Enjljih slunmary). d R0=10 and i Pali -0 M, race Glhr~Ao Ine, Yq, i9h. N.. 3.-A V" J 0 V 0 -J' P1 benz-ne Qnd Wii -VU111 In a ratio 1:2 hy vall Is, U flixt- Z.: 1 1. ! inwt mdtable for extg. ~ valuable wanr "t't; tuoes. feavins ta 0 unextd. Tiweitit. of 118 different Polish &2ts %M wW out in it soxhlrtat4~. for 8 lin, rVer, ;Vats ;.. how jeonts. > 10% of the waxy-bit=lrow;!:ki1-dt-4nm had to b-- td toilm. The Investigated pr3ts WU contained IV- :A6%HiOrftrrd;yiugattwm taup. (the crude peats,eants. > 2011 110 wem dthA by infrArW heat -Aith a vab."UcAt MR wa3 evapd. and tht'residut dried at 120* or in tornii. 'nit p' lant c=pn. (1) and the degree of humifintion ~H) of ptats :vrere dr IrL hr Microscopk- tutthods sad theft approx. w- Clentap wAs evaluated,: The rZect al 1'em "'amt. at the waxy-bitimnincio ext. (M) is in Ckritral grtiter than ~ the left of 11. According to I tht pents vat divrided Idto 10 ft v'pe!~~) Spha uni t$ JiM thRrAt!tCTiVA by low 11 )- 5 d - an thi; jf;~P theM is R PeSt wit V 10.6 and M 10% CDUtS. ' $=t ny E-11peOuns roots "kith an known ta entsin a V arnt. of waxes. (2) Mus-sphagmun peats are -52 by a h4b content of pint wood (10 21-W%, and, l l i M Sbest content of EU cons sts most the b y% (9A el roshi from p1nt3. , (3) Cata-moss peats contain cam l h 5 71 i U A 4 10 akna ts 104 .0. SP , M t N 2 d W i M it r Aryubs 10-0%. s fi 3 4 t 214 varks ut o var 0 an effect of 9 ou M was zatked In cat e o ka . " V=p. , (4) Fattit Ves cliginjite masOy Irm tv= (content r 410. nfttt1n'NtK) t (ent"t 85%) or WW4 ( - m c . ~!~Orv M "Watson Or'bitm ~AsoalW~ Applications of blimmi. KWlATKOWSKI, Aleksander; RODW, Zbignlev; SKORKO, Romuald Refi,ne'ment of peat-wax. Przem chem-39 no-7-.449-452 JI 160. 1. Katedra Technologii Chemicznej Drewna i Torfu, Politechnika, Gdemsk. BRANSKA, K.; KWIATKOWSKI, A.; PUCHALSKA, I.B. Use of the electron microscope in studies on ferromagnetic powders. Archiw elektroteoh 13 no.3:697-711 164. 1. Department of General Physics B, of the Technical University, Warsaw. KWIA~TKO'--ISKIf I".. "Device for the Remote Control of the Condition of Apparatus; Mod, 53-153059-1", P. 353 (PRZEGLAD TEISK011-15UNIKACUNY, Vol. 27, No. 11, Nov. 1954, Warsz,,via, Poland~ SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, I'lo. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ;Fi~ m RIATYMSYI, A. YWIATI,'Cl;SYI, A. Eleat irsulatior of tui2ding inateria2s. 330'. Vol. ic, No. 12, Dec. 195-l5 KAT LRIAl Y ~,V't~WLAL liEclilkCIC-cy Warszawa, Foland So: l4ist Etiropeon Accession, Vol. 5, ripy 191~6 -7 z~ 42 FIR cox~w L,~c,,,Oli-pmrzLQ_z y C) P.17 Remoiz Pp. ra. ;us ; -T 1 21 . ...... undor PLzn, ju. r op~ rat tertS ,,, al, ried KWIATKOWSKI., Antoni; MASINSKA, Jozefa Ink conductin? electric current. Przegl elektroniki 3 no.6: 302-304 Je 62. 1. Zak'lad Aparatow Matematyemych, Polska Akademla Nauk, Warszawa. KVIATKOOKI, Antoni Furthor dovelopmont and rodornization of the local state- managed industry. Pr.-eg.1 te~,Iin nn.40:12 ? 0 '02. KARASINSKA, Jozefu, KWIATKOWSKI, Antoni - - - .. ~. ~ - The IM-18 magnetic layer for drum storage. Prace inst masz mat 2 no. B -3 1-25 163. 1 FILIPWCZ, Wandap KWIATKOMIp Antoni Electroconducting ink of the K-IV group. Przegl elektroniki 4 no.9t525-528 S*63. 1. Instytut Maszyn Matematyesnych.. Polska Akademia Vauk-, Varszawa. KWIATKOWSKI, A. New deposits of valuable raw materials have been discovered in the Kielce Voivodeship. Przegl techn [841 no.7:9 17 F 163. T.MOR, Karol; WATKOWSKI 1-~tlo~miej Adsorption of Vi-phage II on the Vi-receptor coated erythrocyte membranes, exemined in the electron microscope. Acta microbiol. pol. 12 no.2:1(Y7-112 163. 1. From the Biochemical Laboratory, Institute of Marino Medicine, Gdansk. I (SUMNELLA PHAGES) (ERYTHROCYTES) (MICROSCOPY ELECTRON) (ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS) BUWAT, Franc isz9k,-,PfIATK0WSKI, Bartlomiej. Vsp61pre0dowiiqy:KOWATM1, Zyta; TAYLOR,, lti~01:;'TAYLOROWA., Alina. Laboratory diagnosis of smallpox at the Institute of Marine Medicine in Gdansk during the 1963 epidemic. Bull. inst.mar. med. Gdansk 15 no.1823-28 164. 1. Z Thstytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. BLAWAT, Franciszek; KWIATKOWSKI, Bartlomiej; BARGMISKA, Brygida Electron microscopic examination of lesions on chick-embryo chorio-allantoic membranes inoculated with poxvirus. Ball. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 no.1:21-25 165. 1. Fran the Institute of Marine Medicine in Gdansk. hwiAlrI((,--.-!K,,, Doguslew, mgr inz. j ~.j T l)-lC drIve and f,,ed f!ydr-opneumoit-~c- lt:-,`DArg Yech,,nik3.luppl.0,;'Iad przwr obrab rv,rz 6 lly'64. 1. Kopro-6ech, Warazawr-.. JAPITUSZKIEWICZ, Irena; KWIATKOWSKI, Eartlomiej Attempted use of laboratory membrane filters for the fractiona- tion analysis of aerosols. Dull..inst. Gdansk 14 no.l: 181-189 163 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Mbrskiej w Gdonsku. JARNUSZKIWICZ, Irena,- KMTKOWSKIs, Bartlomiej- KNAPIK, Andrzej -T:~ - - 1 .1 A study on the aerosols formed during welding works. I. The morphology of particles. Bull. inst. 15 no.1:53-59164 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine in Gdansk. KWIATKOWSKI, Czeslaw Regeneration of transected nervous connections in the brain Of Xenopus laevis. Folia biol 7 no.4:309-319 '59. (EM 9-9) 1. Department of Biolo Medi al Academy, Krakow. (XENOPUS LMIsF' (REGMERATION (BIOLOGY)) K-TUATKO-wSKI, E. "New forms of public road administration in the Provinces." p. 33.5 (DROCC10ur-ir, Uol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 1952 Warszaya, Fol,nd) SO: Monthly List of East %-ropean Accessions, Vol. 2, #E, Library cf ConEress -kugust 199, Tincl. KTIkTK(WSKI, E. Technological progress in carrying out the plan of maintaining roads in Poznan~Voivodeship, P. 52, (DROGUYNIGTV10, Vol. 10, No- 3) March 1955, Yfarszawa, Poland) SO: rionthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5 LI-V 1955, Uncl. zwp(j) - ;bv~ 0' 05-' 000207- ACLC N~4 CODE: PO/0099/66/040/002/0177/0189 aaA-TKMiMa,B,,-of the bep-titment of I6oriiahic Ghemistryj 'Nachers Collegei . (Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Wyzszej Sikoly Pedagogicznej)\Rjansk, "Studies on the Formation of ComplexeisAin Solution. III. Isosbostic Points", Warsaw, RocznikiChemii, Vol 40, No 2., 1966, pp 177 - 189 Abstract (Author's English abstraot)i The conditions of-occurrence of beatic points in a set of absorption curves are given. A method allowing to ascertain their existence is described. stigate a setj - - - - e- of absorption curves which do not intersect./ /IFPRS: 36,00V TOPIC TAGS: Intermolecular complex, aqueous solution SUB CODE; 07 / SUBM DATEt 23 Apr 65 / ORIG REFt 001 / OTH REFt 009 KH Card L 41767-66 Eqi~(J)_- ACC NR. AP60 lo SOURCE CODEt PO/OD99/66/040/0()3/0351/0360i 31687 -12 AUTHOR: Kwiatkowski, Edmund ORG: Department of Inorganic Chemistry,, Normal Schoolp Gdansk (Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej) TITLE: Studies of the formation of com lexes solution. IV, Method of investigatioh of equilibria accompanying the reac on + B - AB when one of the reactants is a colored compound SOURCE: Roczniki chemii--annales societatis chimicas polonorum, v- 40., no- 3, 1966P 351-360 TOPIC TAGS., spectrophotometric analysis, chemical equalibrium, reaction mechanism, stability constant ABSTRACT: A spectrophotometric method is described allowing to define a side reaction which accompanies the reaction A + B = AB. The method is applicable if one of.the reactants is a colored compound. Stability constant of the outer complex is calculated for piperazine, piperidine and morpholine. Orig. art. has*. ll figures and 3 tables. LBased on author's Eng. abst.) 1JPRS: 3690021 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 23Apr65 ORIG REF: 002 / -8OV-J&F: 003 OTH REF: 018 ~"-. "Y 044i tj Card 1) L 111768-66. Eq 1-L - -- - - ------ - ACM AP60jl~ (N) SOURCE CODE: PO/0099/66/040/003/0361/0371" AUTHOR: Kwiatkowski, Edmund ORG: Department of Inorganic Chemistx7, Normal School, Gdansk (Katedra Chemii '6 Nieorganicznej Wyzszej Szkoly Psdagogicz~e-3) TITLE: Studies on the formation of complexes in solution. V. Reaction between crystal violet and primary amines in me ano solution SOURCE: Roczniki chemii-annales societatis chimicae polonorm,, v- 40, no- 3, 1966, 361-371 TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotometric analysis, intermolecular complex, amine ABSTRACT: The interactions between crystal violet and some primary amines in methanol solutions have been investigated spectrophotometrically. The absorption band at A = 583mu disappears if a low ionization-energy amine is added to direct the reaction in the direction: CV + amine - CV amine. Orig. art* has: 1 figure, 4 formulas and 11 tables. [Based on author's Eng. abst.] (JPRS: 36,0021 SUB COM. 07 / SUBM DATE-. 23Apr65 / ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 006 lUIAMM'SKI, Eugeniusz Genesis, development., acheivements of the Institute of General Chpmistry in Warsaw 1928-1963. Przem chem 42 no.12:661- 669 D163. POLAND/Organic Choraistry. Natural Compounds and their E-3 synthetic Homolop 084 Abs Jours Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 6j 1957t 19323. Author IkJor S. ~I(w ~,o~sld E -Lonkoviski P. Lukasiowicz Il., !-X,~Z~ Hodon. Zbontaki Z. Inst Titlo t Modification of the Synthesis of Toetostorono, Orig Pub: Przom. Chom., 1956, 12) No 5, 287-288. Abstract: A rvdifiod synthosis of tostostorono is developed (I). From the somicarbazono of dohydroopiandrostorono acetate, isolated rom neutralized products of cholostorina dogra- aation 4 with a yield 91.5114 dohydroopiandrostorono is obtained. By oxidation of the lattar, according to Oppen- awor, by mans of cyclohoxanono and alwainum isopropy- lato in toluono -androstondiono-.3.17, y--',old 96%,'which is transformed into the ethyl other of 3-anolo (II) is Card 1/2 KWIATKOWSKI,, Edmund; SZYCHLINSKIt Jerzy Determination of chlorine and silicon in benzeno solution of silicon tetrachloride. Chem anal 3 no.1;65-69 160. (Ew 9:11) 1. Katedra Chemii Fizycznej Szkoly Pedagogicznejp Gdansk. (Chlorine) (Silicon) (Benzene) (Silicon chlorides) BASIBSKI., Antoni; KWIATKOWSKI Edmund crystal violet complexes of chlorides and oxychlorides of some elements in solution. I. Optioal studies on-the antinomy pentachloride - crystal violet - chloroform system. Rocz chemii 36 no.2:195-2023 162, 1, Department of Physical Chemistry,, Copernicus University, ., and Department of Physical Chemistry, Normal Schoo" Torun ~J' Gdansk. KWIATKOWSKI-, Elmund; BASINSKI, Antoni ~. Some comments on the relation between the volume ratio of solutions and the composition of a complex under conditions of Job's method. Focz chemii 36 iie.11:1671-3676 162. 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, School of Education, Gdansk and L-epartment Physical Chemistry, 11. Copernicus UniversitY, Torum. -- )MATE045KI, U=nd Studies on the formation of complexes in soluti0z;o Pt- 1- Roes ohemii 37 noaO4814M 163o 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry., Normal School., Gdansk. .IMUMKWKI, Rugeniusz, A closed chapter; 15th anniversary of the publication *Przemyol Chemiczny.,* 1945~-1960. Frzem cham /+0 no.7:361-363 Jl 161. 10 , L) 0l -- .- , na on -1.2 c . -1 .,-" , .~",. 1 . "'I-IlTXC03KI, Janusz ~ - ------ Influence of temperature deviation of feeding water on the internal tompe,-ature in pump heating. Gaz woda techn sanit 38 no.2-.65.-66 F 164. KWIATKO14SKI Januozp mgr inz. L,-,ng S".Mlems. 'Equal diameter pipes in pmp vater heatf Gan woda tec.m sanit 38 no.4M4-1.16 A-P "64 ~ KWIATKOWSKI, Jozef Teams composed of youth a good school. of progress. Przegl techn 81 no.16123-24 Ap 160. KWIATKOWSKI, Tckzef Acceleration of trains on the Leningrad-Moscow line. Przegl kolej mechan 14 no.10:319-3 of covey 0 162, KWIATKOWSKI, Julian; BARTECH, Jerzy Design and iitilization of extraction extraction of sodimm altuninate from maszyn 12 no.10:289-296 0 164. apparatus for continuous sinter. Problemy proj hut 1. Biprowet, Trzebinia. .- KWIATKOWSKI, Karol Notes on Internal blue stain; practical attempts for determining the ohanges-in the woodworking proftotionp to prevent internal blve ptain. Prsem drzew 13 ro.2:3-5 152. r4ummi, XAmIM Materialoznawatwo elektryozne. Wyd. 2. Warszawa, Nakl. Panstwowego Vjdawn. Naukowego, 1951. 273 p. Z-Knowledge of electrical materials. Illus. , 2 9 Sept 53 SOs Monthly List of East BuroR2#a AQ22agions,, Vol XNo]2 Library of Congress 9 1 Uncl MIATKOMISKIP M, Changing the unit used for indicating the hardness of watere pe 76* ENERGETYKA. Ministerstwo Energetyki Stalinogrod, Vol* 9y no, 2, Mar*/Apr* 1955. SOUPCE: East European Accessions List (PEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5, no* 7, jilly 19569 KI'daTKU":Sij' 1'.1. Cooperation between the Chemical Service and the Heat Measurement Service in measuring boilers. p.;')l. (ENEIRG2TYKA. Vol. 11, Nio. 1, Jan./Feb. 1,0571. Warszawa, Foland) SO: Nonthly List of East European Accessions (E&IL ) TC. liol. 6, No. 10, October 1~57. Uncl. POL/8-58-6-1/11 AUTHORSt Zatyka, H. Master of Engineering;~Kwiatkowski, M.v Master of Engineering ................................... TITLE: Designer's Data Sheets of the "Technika Lotniczall -Periodical (Pomoce Konstruktorskie OTechniki Lotniczej") PERIODICAL: Technika Lotnicza, 1958 Nr 6, pp inside front, inside and outside back cover ~POL) ABSTRACT: This article contains designer's data sheets for rivet- ed joints in the aircraft design and welding in air- craft production. There are 8 tables and 4 graphs. Card,l/l POL/8-59-1-1/12 AUTHOR: Zatyka, H., Master of Engineering and Kwiatkowski, m., Master of Engineering. TITLE: Designerts Data Sheets of "Technika Lotnicza" (Pomoce Konstruktorskie "Techniki Lotniczej" PERIODICAL: Technika Lotnicza, 1959, Nr 1, pp inside front, inside and outside back cover (POL) ABSTRACT., This article contains designer's data on soldering in aircraft production and riveted joints in aeronautical designs. There are 10 tables 2 graph*, 6 figures and 8 diagrams. Card 1/1 KWIATKOWSKI,, Marian Conside, ations on a semi-technological model of production processes. II. Designing because of changes in the production process coused by waring-out of the apparatus. Przem chem 40 no.U: 673-675 D '61. 1. Instytut Przemuslu Organicznego. KWIATKOWSKI, Marian ............ Automatic control of individual operation processes. Przem chem 41 no-5:287-28 . - MY 162. 1. Instytut Przerayslu Organicznego, Warszawa. KWIATKOWSKI, Marian "Apparatus and control-meumnment devices in the chemical industry" by Wladyslaw Riedl, Boleslaw laodzinaki, Miemyslaw Bober. Reviewed by Marian Kwiatkowski. Przem ahem 41 no.8; 475 Ag 162. i -IKW-IAT.KOWSKI. Marian;,NISSALAp Tadeusz; SZACKIp Wiktor Thermal balanoe measurements of produotion processed. Pt. I. Przem chem 42 no.6020-323 Je 163. 1. Instytut Przeqrslu Organicznego, Warszawa. ~, - ... I .64 1 ~. ! Mar ~ a n ~ I-',, I "': !I i.:., , T ad & un,,l , L Z il ' K I vj ~ k to r p y t -f Thcr-rail btilnmne neasuren-rits of prcdi~,:~tion ylrocesse5. Pt. 2. Przem chom 42 no,!O.-.576--580 0,163. 1. inqtytut Przeiky,61,j Orgtiniczriego, Warszawa. KWIATKOWSKI 1,1,,, 01rl. Ing. (Pollana); ',.1133A T A ;- - - 1, 1 T., dipl. Ing. (Poland); SZA(;Kl., W., ing. (Poland) Applying heat.balance preparing measurements in the analysis of chemical industry energetistic index numbers. 1par-i energia 5 no.3:55-56 M 164. KWIATIOWSKI, Xleczyslaw (Iublin, u1. Szopena 12 m. 5.) Case of leiomWosarcoma duodeni. Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.8.-821- 826 Aug 57. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirargicznej A. M. w Lublinie Kierownik: prof. dr. T. Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz Praca. wplynela: 6. 12. 1956 r. (DUORK M , neoplasms, leioqrosarcoma, case reports (Pol)) (LBIONYOSiLROOML, case reports, duodenum (Pol)) KWIATKOWSKI. MieC2yB1aW; JINIPOWICZ, HieCZyslaW Treatment of skin cancer with a lee trocoagulat ion. Polsid tygod. lek. 13 no.49:1971-1974 8 Dec 58. 1. (Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Und. Med. w Lablinie; k'Ler: prof. dr Tadeusz Jacyna-Orqszkiewicz i z Woj. Poradni Onkologicznej w Lublinie; kier: lek. med. Miaczyslaw KwIatkowBki) Adras- Inblin, u1 Szopens, 12/5. (SKIN NBOPLkSMS, surg. electrocoagulation (Pol)) (BLECTROCCAOUIATION, in variona dis. cancer of skin (Pol)) .p - H'e"YS'"; JESIPMICZI MiOGZY$laW; LUUSIEWICZ, Hieczyslaw ILTKOWSKI, - - WANWAWAMW ~ Usefulness of peroperative exam ion in gastric tumors. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.5:541-543 May 58* (BRFAST NNOPIASMS, surgery, perop. histol. exam. (Pol)) YWIATKOWSKI, Mieczyslav (Inblin, u1. Chopine 12 m 5.) Treatment of cancer of the lower lip by electrocoagalation. PolEki nrzegl. chir. 30 no-10:10096-1013 Oct 58. 1. Z I Xliniki Chirurgiesnej A. M. w lublinie Kierownik: prof. dr T. Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz orag z Woj. Poradni Onkologicznej w lalblinis Kierownik: lek. mad. 14. Kwiatkowski. Adres autora: lablin, ul. Chopina 12 m 5. (LIPS, neoplasms lower lip, electrocoagulation (Pol)) (BLWTIIOCOAGUIATION, in various dis. cancer of lower lip (Pol)) IUIATKMISKI, Mieczyclaw Cancer'of ` B.artholin's gland. Ginek. pol. 34 no,4:537-540 163. 1. Z Wojewodzkiego Szpitala Onkologicznego w Lublinie Dyrektor: dr M. Rwiatkowski. (BARTHOLINIS GIAND) (ADENWARCINCHA) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) KWIATKQjMI,-Mtac=jkv Treatment of stubborn leg ulcers related to circulatory disorders. Rozpr. wydz. nauk med. 9 no. 1:119-151 164. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Lublinie (,ierownik: prof. dr mod. Tadeusz Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz) Recenzenci: prof. dr nauk mod. W.Orlowski; prof, dr med. F.Skubiszewski, i prof. dr med. W.Rudowski). 2. Dyrektor Wojewodzkiego Szpitala Onkologicznego w Lublinie (for Kwiatkowski).