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KWAPINSKI, Jerzy (Warszawa, u1. Skax7ozewska 10, x 9) Considerations on chemical structure and multiplication of viruses. Polski.tygod. leik-~9 no-13:404-407 29 Mar 54. MRvas, chem. & multiplication) IVAPINSKI. Jerzy (Warszawa. ul. Ohalubinsklego 5, taklad Mikrobiologil Baoterial resistance to drugs bacterial variability. Polski 12 July 54. (BACTIRIA, resistance variability in) according to the phenomenon of tygodo lek. 9 no.28:888-891; coutd. and sensitivity. IVAPINSKIO Jerzy (Warszawa) Bacterial resistance to drugs according to the phenomenon of variability. Polski tygod. Isk. 9 no.29019-923; conal. 19 July~ 54. 1. Saklad. Kikroblologil Lekarsklej Ak, Red. u1. CW%binskiego 5, . (BACTERIA, resistance and sensitivity, variability In) WAPIMIt Arty KWAPINSU, Jerzy (Waresawa) Review of oarological problems in tuberculosis. Prsegl. lek. 10 no.4:121-131 AP '54. - . (TUBERGMSIS, imunology, *oerol. aspects) MIKUIASZEK, Rdmund; KWINSKI, Jerzy SLudies on structure of Wcobacterium tuberculosin. 2, ComPISMOnt fixation reaption with rabbit immane sera with fractions of Myco- bacterium tuberculosis. Gruslica 22 no.4:245-254 Mr 154, 1, Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej Akademii He~cznej v Warazavie. Kisrownik: prof. di B.Mik-ulassek. (MERGULOSISO immunology. *complement fixation reaction with rabbit immune sera with X. tubere. fractions) (COMPIRMENT, *fixation with rabit Immune sera with M. tubero~ fractions) CKI, Michel; KWAPINSKI, JerzL., %NWA" Effect of phonanthrene alkaloids on respiration of Serratle. marcescans. Had. doev. mikrobo 7 no.1:21-25 1955. 1. Z Zakladu Kikrobiologit kelarskiej A.M. w Warazawis. Kierownik*. prof.dr.'B.Mikulassak (PMANHEMNA, effects, on Sarratia ma coseens reap.) (SWATIA, marceacens, off. of phenanthrene on reap.) KWAFINSKI. Jerzy 'i Bacterial catalase. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.34:1125-1131 22 Aug 155. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej A.M. v Warezawle. Warszawa, u1. Chalubinskiego 5. Zaklad Hikrobiologii Lakarskiej A.M. (CATALASS. metabolism, bact.) (BACTIMA, metabolism, catalase) KWAPINMI. Jerzy (Warsuava) ~-~ Itiopathogenests and epidemloloff of viras hepatitis. Przegl. lek., Mrakow 11 no*3:85-87 Mar 55. (HIPATITIS, DnOTIOUS etiol., pathogen. & epidemiol.) KWAPIASKI, J. "Orypell (Flu), by J. Kwapinski. Reported in,New Books (Nawe Ksiazki), No. 13, July 1, 1955 KWAPINSKI, Jerzy L forms of microorganisms ana their role in the etiology of rheumatism. Postepy reumat. no.2:3~,~14 1956. 1. Z Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warszawie Dyrektor: prof. dr. E. Reicber. (BACTERIA L forms, etiol. role in rheum. (Pol)) (RHMMISM, etiol. & pathogen. role of bact. L forms (rol)) KWAPI ML,4:;Z6PCZYNSKA, Krystyna; GALL, W'eslaw; KWAPINSKA, Barbara Waaler-Rose reaction. Postepy reumat. no.2:45-58 1956. 1. Z Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warazawie Dyrektor: prof. dr. M. Reicher. (.ARTHRITIS, RHEMTOID, diag. sarodiag., Waaler-Rose reaction (Pol)) (RHEMTIC YNER, diag. sana) KWAPINSKI, Jerzy: MADALINSKI, Wlodzimiarz Investigations on the immunocbemical character of the Waalar- Rose reaction. Postepy reumat. no.2:59-65 1956. 1. Z Fanetwowego Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Waremwis Dyrektor: prof. dr. Z. Reicber. (ARTHRITIS, RHRJMATOID, diag. serodiag.. Waalar-Rose reaction. technic (Pal)) o1 ibo, gea- A' al. -,Ara;: vit --;kf IA t,&. Wa m le. IN-1 twty, ut -fintiob ttGt mV -Ttb- -c6m*'. Kom 11am Ar. _b-= utwum Ir" _W ~1. sled C. upj to that baAron C; diphlAcr ll,,Rv an alunity b,,t,,_*D UAW, tvam At. pmti -1 C., JIPAAm_w midZrol."M V~W us~sRl Microbiology, General Microbiology F-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 24o46 Author : Kv a Ri_nqk iZ.J--Y Inst : R~ given Title : Investigation of Antigenic Structure in the Genus Actinomycetales. Antigenic Relationship of Strains of Species Mycobacterium and Corynebacterium. Orig Pub: Byul. Polskoy AN, 1956, Otd. 2, 4, No 11, 1101-404 Abstract: From cultures of' tubercle bacillus (H37Rv) M. phlei, diphtheria bacillus (PW8) and 11ofmann's bacillus, lipoidal, carbohydrate and nucleoprotein fractions were obtained. The chemical composition of these fractions, isolated from all four mic- roorganisms, was to a large degree similar. At the same time a qualitative difference was found in the content of separate components of carbo- hydrate and protein fractions as well as the Card 1/2 USSR/ Microbiology, General Microbiology F-1 Q Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 24046 Abstract: presence in corynebacteria of qualitatively specific fatty acids. The serological study of fractions obtained in recrossing experiments of bindin:, the complement with the corresponding immunosera showed the antigenic relationship of investigated strains within the limits of each species, as well as the similarity of antigens In tubercle and diph- theria bacilli. The serological relationship of M. phlei and C. pseudodiplitheriae is doubtful. Card 2/2 KWAPINSKI, J. Ressarcb on the antigenic constituents of Corynebacterium dipbtherias. Act& microb. Polon. 5 no-3-4:321-351 1956. 1.- 2 Zakladu Mikroblologil Lekarskiej Akademll Med]rcznej w Waresawie. (COIRY)MACTMUM DIPHTHIRIAII antigenic properties of various fractions. determ. by complement fixation test (POW KWAPINSKI,.Jersy; BACZYNSKA. Krystyna; RAU, Barbara Serology of rheumatic diseases. I. Reaction of streptococcal reaction in rheumatic diseases. Postepy big. med. doew. 10 nq-3:257-269 1956. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Instytutu Reumatologii Warszawa, ul. Nowogrodzka 59. (RHEUMATISM. immunology, hemagglut. reaction, review (Pol)) (HEMAGGLUMATION, in various diseases, rheum.. review (Pol)) KWAPIRSKI, J.; BMIMOWA, G.; GALL, W. Renearch on the action of salicylate on streptococci. PoBtepy reamat. no-3-.37-43 1957. 1. Z Inatytutu Reumatologicznego w Warazawle. Dyrektor: prof. dr. 11. Reicher. (STRVTOCOGOUS, eff. of drugs on nodium salicylate, in vitro action on hemolytic streptoo. (Pol)) (SODIUM SALICYJAT3, off. on streptoc., hemolytic, in vitro action (Pol)) ,tion EXbERPTA YIEDICA See 5 Vol 12/7 General Path* July 30, 1699. IMMUNOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PUS - Kwapidski J. and Mika- laszek E. Dept. of Microbiol., Sch. of Med.7V-arVJW--1TUL-E-ACAD. POLON. SCL 1957, 5/2 (47-52) Tables 4 The samples of pus derived from humans, horses, sheep, cows. cats, dogs and rabbits were chemically fractionated by the authors' own method. In the lipid frac- tions 3-5 diverse kinds of higher fatty acid were revealed by using the paper chromatographic analysis. The mucoid fractions contained 2-3 kinds of successive monosaccharides; ilucosamine, glucose, mannose, fucose and/or uronic acid. Two type: of proteins A and H were distinguished after chromatographic analysis of prot in fractions. Type A, containing cystine, lysine, histidine, serine, glynine, threonine, cystin.-, valine, phenylalanine and leucine. was found in the pus derived from humans, cows and rabbits. Type B, containing tyroalne instead of histidine and lysine, was found in the p4ja of horses and dogs. Both protein types were re- vealed in the pus of cats and sheep, The serologic activity of particular fractions IG 99 in homologous serum corresponded to titres between 1-.8,000-1-1,000.000, as in- vebtigated In a CFT. The investigations of serological activity of nucleoprotein mucoid fractions in cross tests showed the immunological distinctness of pus an igns of man and horse. man and rabbit. horse and cow and. to a lesser degree, of sheep mid tow, sheep and dog, tow and rabbit. Human pus antigens showed a considerable degree of relationship to dog, cow and sheep pus. KWOPLOM - C pa~hapft (tv, 5) Jr. KWAPINSKI, Jeriy; BACZYNM. Krystyna; RAU, Bar~bara Streptokinase & antistreptokinase, VIL Serology of rheumatic disease. Arch. immun. ter. doew. 5:315-328 1957. (RHOMATISM, blood in streptokinase-oztistreptokinase determ. (Pol)) (STRIMDORVASM AND S7FXsPTOKWSX, determ., in rheum. dis. (Pol)) -OL'YD / 'A"iorobjology. General Hicroblology. Physiol- ogy and Diochemist'ry. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5490. Author : . a J. Markel, E. Inst :Polish Academy of Sciences. Title :Investigations into the Chemical and Antigenic Structure of the Genus Streptomyces. I. The Chemical.'Structure of Streptomyces a-riseus. Orig Pub: Bull. acad. polon. soi., 1957, Cl. 2, 5t Fo 10, 335-340, )MIII. Abstract: Using different a9thods of extraction, the cells of four strains of S. griseus were divided into 41 fractions (9 lipoid, 21 polysacoharide and 11 nualeoprotein). Lipoid fractions contained 0.1- 0.5% of phosphorus and from 1 to 4 hi&her fatty acids, viz., palmitio, stearic, oleic and an acid with Rf 0.17. In polysaccharide fractions, 0.35- Card 1/2 FOL&YD / Hiorobiolo6y. Geaeral 1-licrobioloSy. Physiol- F ogy and Biochemistry. .Lba Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21 1959, 5490- Abstract: 4.73-,4 of nitrogen and 23-97% of sugars were found, including glucose, mannose, arabinose, xylose and rhamnose in various combinations. rucleo]?rotein fractions contained 2.59-12.62;L of nitrogen and 254%* of protein. Froa the cells of Actinomyces, 15 different acids Nvere extrac- ted, one of which, with Rf 0.93, was characteris- tic of strains of S. griseus. Card 2/2 18 KWAPINSKI. le '-~~Chem~lcnl & antigenic structure of Corynebacteria. Acts. microb. T1010n. 6 no.2: 133-169 1957. i 1. Z Zalclada Mlkrobiologii lelcaroklej Akademii Medvcznej w Warecawie Iftlynalo duia 30 pazdziernika 1956 r. (CORYXMCq-WM ahem. & antigenic structare of various spocies (Pol)) DOMOWKWAPIRSKI . MIKULASZBK, Edmund -.-Jerzy, Immunology of puts (leakooytes). 1. Recent studies; problem of serological relationship of antigens from pas and laukocytes. Postepy hig. mad. doev. 11 no.2:109-148 1937. 1. Zagadnienie serologionnego pokrewienstwa, antygenow ropy I laukocytov. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Iekarsklej AN.WariLzava, u1 Chalubinakisgo 5. (ANTI(M, serol. relationship between antigens of pus & laukocytes, roview (P01)) PODMID/Gencral Probleiis of RatholD,~Z - Path.)physiDloa )f U.- Infecti.)us Process. Abs Jjur -L%ef Zhur - Dijl., 1T, D 19, 1953) 89512 MAth-w Kwapbiukl, L., Licl-itillidtJ111) A., WAU) B. Inst Title SerolcMr ,)f Rheur-utisri. StreptAysins and ;uitistreptoly- Sins. Ori~; Pub P)stepy hib,. i necl. doowiadez 1957, 11, 11,; 3, 253-281. Abstract t 113 abstract. Cnrd 1/1 01- KWAPIESKI, Jerzy; IAZOWSKI, Zygmant Inveatigatione on allergy to oomatic streptocoooal antigenn in rbum&tic diseases. Polskie arch.,. med. wewn. 27 no.12:1611-1620 1957. 1. Z InStYtUtU ReUMatOlOgiC2nego w Warezawie. Dyrektor: prof. R. Reichner. (RHEUMATISM, immunology, allergic reactions to streptoo. antigens (Pol)) (STRMOCOCCUS, antigens, allergy in rheum. (Pol)) KWAPINS~a, J. Specific enzynatic inactivation of antibiotics, p,lFl. Vol. 7, no. 3. 1958 ACTA 1aCROq-OU)GICA POWNIGA. (polskie Towarzystwo Ydkrobiologow. Sekcja Fdkrobiologi-i Ogolnej, Rolniczej i PrxerWslowej) Warszawa j)Poland. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EUI), LO, Vol. b, no. 61 June 1959 Uncl, 2k :LAI Studies on the i=ulwhemical properties of cellular fractions of hemolytic Streptococci. Med. doew. mikrOb. lo no.1:81-89 1958, 1. Z Zakjadu Mikrobiologii InstytUtu Reumatologiemego w Warazawis Kierowuik: doo. dr J. Kwapinskie (STRIPTOCOCCUS metab. & imT=ochem. of various strains of hemo4tic A D(CERTTA MEDICA Lec 6/Vol 13/6 Internal Xedicine June 59 3217. THE VALUE OF THE STREPTOHYALURO-NIDASE-ANTIHYALURO-NIDASE SYSTEM IN RHEUMATISM - Znaezenie ukladu streptohialuroriidaza-antv hialuronidaza w Goddcu - K .I f, s k i J. Zakf. Mikrobiol. Inst. Reum;t.-I.. Warszawa - POSTFPY Hld.!0*&Sk.-1958. 1211 (33-47) Graphs 4 Tables I A new photocolorimetric technique for the estimation of the titre of antistre Pto- hyaluronidase (ASH) is described. By using this method an elevated titre of ASH was found in 85.5% of sera from active rheumatic fever. The correlation between the titres of ASH and antistreptoly sine 0 was found in 81%. and between ASH and ASK (antistreptokinase) in 72TP of blood specimens. (VI, 19) ------- A %Tn IMM %8A rxin- KWAPINSKI, Jerzy. RAU# Barbara, BACZYNSKA, Kryotyna G-reactive proteins. Postephy 12 no.lo.49-61 1958 1. Zaklnd Mikrobiologii Instyttitu Reumntalogiezuego. Adres'. Warszawa,, ul. Iffowogrodska 59. (Blo(m PROTEINS. C-reactive (Pol)) LWWISZ-WOJWAROVSKA, T., SUFFCZYRSKA,14~ ~11a, ~J., 11~Mff B., Blood antistreptolysin 0 level in children with rheumatic fever Pediat,Polvta 33 noolt63-69 Jan 58- - 1. 1 11 Iliniki Peaiatryoznej A.N. v Waresavie. lierammik: prof* dr nod. M, Xichalovics i z Zakladu Nikrobiologii Instvtutd Reumatologli M~nmktor Irstytutu; prof. dr Med. 1C. Reichert Warszawa, ul, Litbwaks (EMEWTIC 73M. blood in antistreptolysin 0 (POI)) IS, in blood Oi in Aeum. fever (Pol)) KWAPINSKI, Joray ,.. ... ... --, Irimnochemical analysis of microorganisms. Postery doew. 13 no.4:433-472 JI~Lg '59. (ANTIGINS chem) (MIGROCRGA'.41SX8 ahem) 10 Vol,9/10 Obstetrics Oct 56 EXCERPTA vEDICA See 1811. KWAPINSKI Z. and TURCZYf4SKI T. 1. Klin. Ginekol.-Potoznicza Akad, N,,,d.. It* Wroc aw. FTFadania nad dzialaniem 9rodkdw przeciwalergicznych na rniqsif macicyciqzarnei.The action of antiallergic agents -an the uterine muscle during pregnancy ARCH. IMMUNOL. TERAP. D09W. (Wroclaw) 1953,1/1-2 (101-103)Grapho I 1. m.. or I. v. Injection of 0.2 mi. of antistine was followed by cramps of uterine. muscle as determined with Lorand's tocograph but oral administration of 0.1 ml. did not provoke cramps. The authors suggest that orally administrated antistine may exert an antiallergic Influence. Kwapinaki - Watmw HRINHATH, Thdouss; ROBACURSKI, Jerzy; KWAPINSKI, Migniew Significance of Aschholm-Zondek test In clinical diagnosis. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.30.ql49-1151 25 Jl 160. 1, Z I Kliniki Poloznlotwa I Ghorob loblecych A.M. we Wroclawiu; kierownlak: Aoc. dr Kazimierz Nowosad I z Oddzialu Chorob Kobiecych Okregowego Szpitala Wojskowego we Wroclawiu; ordynator: dr ZbIgniov Kwapinski UPWROCT TESTS) (GMCOLOGY diag) CIIIIELMA, Marla; KRZYWINSKA, Krystyna; MAPISIEVICZ, Irena A case of exfoliative dennatitis in a 6-year-old girl. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.2:193-197 F 165 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. 0. S--czepski). 31,573 S/044/6211000/00-/O~9/06'~ clli/0444 AUTHOR- Kwap-4-97. mcirian TITLEs The solution of n-rdinary linear differen-ria: equatior:; ~-f r...-th ~I-rder by suc.--essive approximati-ons PERIODICALs Referat-ivnyy zhurnal.,: Matematika, no. 329 abstralt lb'.~;9. ("Zesz, nauk. Poldtechn. gdafisk."j- 96oi no., 20 '. 13-29) TEXT~ Considered is the 7ariant of the meth-~,d of approx-,,mations wbtnh hal been formulated by S. A. She-.-guno-.r (QuarT. Appl Math, -,946. no.. A, UB) for the solution ef the Iifferenf -3 ,aqua 4--ior (X) P, (X) Y n" (X) -4 P,(X)Y(X) f(x'l (a) whl,7!b, -..z5 br-lzght ~c the form n X)Y(n (X) '~~ f (x) + Y ET~ C;ird Tit, e -qr%lu t ion cf )r Itnary 2, inear '~. (x) (x' an-I (x) are arbitrary a r -3 -vh4 --?n be -in a sye!,ial oqs-?~ 'tin ~he S/044/62/000/001/0~9/061 C-!II/C444 fur, - t4ons Th4;j sc,-Iu-:r,- ~,f lhe equa---.- 06) Ym 0 w'I q:r i Yo~,o (x) --.s the -gol.,ition o f f W 0 y Y(l a v (x'j fa the R-07.11t. C%r- Cazl .?1,!F S/04 YC 62/000/001/019/061 The sojution of ordinary linear cill 444 n r (r. E ~, (x) pi(x)l y(n--i z ~,W Y M,O 3.7b with tbe initial condition W(a) - 0, n-1 Ym,O of the series (b) is proved b-v In the present article the convergence reduciv,9 (a) by aid of the Cauchy formula to the linear Volterra eauati6n system (V ) 0~0 x rk + (X, Eli(t) - Pi(U] Yn-i(Vj q 0 0~ n-1 of where is the sclutiOn) depending on the paramete, Car! S/044/62/000/00J1//olq/06', The solut-on. of ordinary ljnear CIII/C444 x Y 0 0 0 - 1 1 whi~~h satisfies the initiul conditim~ 1 r-- : for 4 V~ - i ( solved by successive approximations, where ii is Pl' The system s ) I y0 (X) Y(?) V 0,0 x K (E (X. n , ~ Ep P.; m n-- Y' tr X S 7 i 2 0 m 0) 2~ 0. 1 , n.-I Y!, (Y-) S/044/62/000/00 1/0 1; 9/061 The solution of ordinary linear . . . 0111/0444 The proof of the convergence of these series follows by aid of the e!34-itra tIon M LE M(x-a)l' YI) M! 0:> where L, M are constants. Further on it is proved that yO(x).- 2- YO X) M~O is solution of (a) and that the series mentioned above iis identical with the series (b). &bstras-ter's note; Complete translation.] CR.nd 5/5 34574 IL. 3q00 S/044/62/000/001/020/061 C111/C444 AUTHORs Kwapisz, .11arian TITLEg On the question of the modified mathod of successive approximations for the solution of ordinary linear differential equations of n-th order PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no~ 1, 1962, 3-'-~-33, abstract 1B160. ("Zesz, nauk. Politechn. gdafisk~". 1960~ no. 20, 31-48) TEM In the present article one considers the differential equation of n-th order (n-2)(x) = f(x) pi(x) Y j'-0 a~: well as the following modification of the Piccard successive approximations, Let p,(x) - F,(x) - 7,(x), where ~i(x) and '.(x) are Pi arbitrary continuous functions, TOW / 0' *PO 0 (X) / 0' p (X) / 0 in the interval -e- 0, a > . YO'0(x) denotes the solution of the equation Cgri S/044/62/000/001/02o/o6i On the vestion of the modified C111/C444 5i W Y(U...i )(X) = f(x) ~=o with. the initial conditions y(k)(9) = y(k)(0), k ~: 0. n-1, 0.10 Let ~ym-o (x) be the solution of n n 1 -p4(x)y W Y Ti(x) YM-1,01 i=0 i=O with the initial conditions (k)(0) = 0, k n-1. Y~.O It is pro-kred: In order the series Go 7- Ym, 0(X) Card 2/4 M=O S/044/62/000/uUl/U20/061 On the question of the modified C111/C444 for 0--4 x ::~ a to converge uniformly to the solution of (1) with the i-natial conditions y(K)(0), k = Op n-1, it is sufficient that either holds n max 0 :S X 14 a 2 i=0 PiNI T7iTl or (under the supposition tht~t ;,(X) const. and p (X) F- C 0 max Po NI 0 1E x e a 1 '901 These conditions are proved by reducing (1) to the system of integral equations V~' x y = A(x) y + S B(x,~ ) yd (2) Card 3/q- 0 S/044/62/000/001/020/061 On the nuestion of the modified C111/C444 where A(x) and B(x,~ ) are matrices, and y and f are vectors The solution of (2) follows by successive approximations x yo = f, YM . Aym-, + 5 By M-1 d 0 The series 77 YM M=O converges uniformly in case max IIAI)---- 1 . At the endit isnoted 0 11 x - a that the series (I) is the first component of the vector (II). CAbstracter's notes Complete translation.-] Card 4/4 33 P7 60 5 8 61 /010/'003/003/003 D 0 (1/31-1 D234YD305 AUTHOR; Kwapiez, M. (Gdafisk) TITLE.- solving linear systems of differential equations by using the method of successive approximations SOURCE: Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematycznyy v. 10, no. 3. 1961P 309 - 322 TEXT: Systems of integro-differential equations occurring in the theory of linear networks are considered. The author states that J. Lenkowski (Ref. 1: Bull. Acado Folon. Sci., Ser.Sci.techn. 7. 1959P 531-539). adopting the results of -the present paper, uses an itera- tive process for the8e equationsp obtaining the solution in -the form OD L iM(t). (6) M=O He also refers to a previous paper by himself where a modified Card 1/2 KWAPISZ, M.: PALCZEWSKI, B.; PAWELSKI, W. (Gdansk) On the existence and the iinlcLty of sollitions of certain differertial equations of the t 'ype u -f(X*y)z,UsuXpUy.*Uzpuxy '4X2PUYZ ). Annales Pol math 11 no.W'~5-106 161. KWAPISZ, Marian. I --' - 777-- A comparison of Picard's'method of successive approximation with one of its mofifications for linear differential equations of the N--th order-. Iacznosc Gdansk no. 4:51-66 162. 1. 1 Katedra Vateimtyki, Politechnika, Gdansk. K-apis'.7 m. ., I (wzuzl,) I Remff.rk on the boundednesa of golutions of a oyatem of Voltarra'a integral aquations, Roca pradd matem noo7:1-6 162. ?U (Gdansk) Some remarks on a certain method of successive approximations in differential equations. Uol math 10 no.ltl5l-160 163. V, 14!) -I J. 1rrJ;&PiA Y tam, of llwsi P-ItY ="10WvanIU rpno~vj t ..2 d iteck-jolt. ctmpia~ IF Wcdna. No. pp: 44 Ism, I 1W Water nut-)Ccioellit Is an 'mWOW pmbie-m during the prela -vegc1At1OTL-.'rrl-3t1cn b~v Inunflation 'Calb for .3 0 1, N-1 M W, whem rStition by kPen trenebw preventaAhe mtohwi~iAon7of fltji~, wvri~ by, rviulTing trem" to tp vja~jtjy *,L~Od. poitt OmLria .4'rgely overcom", such d)!fkult!e3. T h'=wA'ite acm-1 to -the not svsLwn,_BLqmIft'ncnIs tht! ~a UT Ot Ek dePth of 25-40 ctuttrnetr~- sun 'r panded wME Wt Co"j~ "WV*t4;~ with call wa!er, Prarlittally n1l fypes it me);dp;~ &oil CM b,.~Jrv !~Y,rnolc drains -'Oi4a-;"Vj-waY weintOneti, Tij 9imm 'i no W. J; mole--drains z7hoidd 1 be itwrcc'Jy wt thnwsb gbo-rmV Jkver. Ti;er pre. In prnltce, bVI1% S133-4 tD 3 d ra PET g Wor I -,e0 by mtunv ceramic drain.% Om WtIot end btinil D-striptir diair.1m -n of 2 s showing.4hr draluoac' xyge4u, *Ith nurnerous deleils qdlecling: Me system 4 an e2tv* W V? Ing procedura. gation bythis me-ami accelemtes tbo, ute of.p4wiea.tIon 1frant 4 to I Urs pzr swind and WcUre), and SIvtF vubtlP.Mial &Rvl I USK 11 'WAW-1- MRIntenante S CxtmmtIj Wrftvll~ and tw cost ~'Cif vittlyainil. NY011", n lracw -mDunted mo)e drainer. rAM*mti - (CiCmldes tit3otmi~ MWO-; ix.,Df particular importance In fte c4b C~ . lft~pejr i L:;~'-- WIgntlaii of !irassli.ind ~y the mole dralutga Voliro culw do,4a thri W" gcn?n1I)i mquIred for *As purpose 'a from 2jo 45 ~ottrs, wrilies It powd5le V; divide thalnigut;un dnsc Into nwrernus amult pottlons oM IM C01141101ve to i' 6X60 goll Lit-ratloh. land improvemcrit in the watershed ar~,a of* Dablin l'oivocleship, the Canal. D.368. Ojaczelna GrEvid?,aCj,-,j TeCIIIIje-~ral) rE,7[t,,7!~ 01. 15, 110. (-11, "elit. Oo. East Eura:ean il..cce~-sirms List 01. 5, NO, 9 K,-IAPISZ7t:J3KI, J. Causes and prevention of the deterioration of injectors. P. 333. (PRZN3U,.D KOIBJ9,Tf MECHANICZNY) (14arszawa, P61anri) Vol. 9, no. 11" Nov. 1?57 SO: Monthly lnaei--~ of East European Accession (EKAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 KWAPISZEWSKI, Jozef ---*,---- Softening of water in the Clayton steam generator on combustion cars of the M 61 series. Przegl kolej mechan 14 no.5:141-144 Yv 162. 1. Zentralpy Zarzad Trakcji, Warszawa. t -~511 2., W Old t-~f Qao RO:LA 6 yeatm Plan- 't. 6 6Z, IT, d tre, -,&~q m ' Olki Pt-,)Juc WOR C~f Pig- Emn bint immute (Lro c-tLU~l f. t~xs IcAt fi;7a yLar. Ent Lf ora in prelptLr.-tioa of tho ChSNO. go- ou rcn'evl A W m~,,miml~t;cku of an C 0 "1 ntry Poland FI-17 46837 Au4-h,-r Rolski7 S.; Kwapiszewski, W. T, ---------- Preparation of Glutamic Acid by hydrolysis of Kerat'in-Con""'ining Animal Raw Materials Or I~r Pub. : Farmac. polska, 1957, 13t No 129 311-314 Z'-bo'r--ct : A method has been developed for preparation of u glutamic acid M. 3 kg of clean and dry horns and hoofs are heated 2-3 hours with 1500 ml concentrated H01 (acid) at 40- ,500, then for 3 additional hours at 100-1100, and held at ~this temperature for 18 hours. After 15 hours added 500 ml concentrated HCl (acid)t solution fi".&red and allowed to Istand for 5-( days, to effect crystai-,'?,ation. Hydrochloride lof I that separates is filtered, washed with concentrated IHCl ~acid), dissolved in 800 ml water, heated to 80-~00, de- icolorized with charcoal and filtered. I is precipitated ,from solution by adjusting pH to 3.2-3-3. Purification is. repeated, precipitate washed, dried at a temperature up to W/9 COUNTRY CATEGORY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applicalions. Vatts and Oils. Waxeg,* ABS. JOUR. AUhim. I ~,04 93 1939, iio. 83713 AMOR Kwa-nnievski , Z. ', RutkowsRi, A.; Kobik,B. 7 11 T - -;I T ilf T Efflrecl of Pa-'er Vrft-pi)in,F, on tbe Stal)ility Fats OR IG PUB. Przem. snozywozy, 1.968. 12, No 10-12t 412-415 ABSTMICT C"onaucted were exl)erimepts DertaiDing to the investigstion of the effect of wraover 'norosj4,~ and of the presenco of iron and copper in the wrp-D-Ping material on the dewree of self-oxida- tion of fatty nroducts and of the effect of Qm'"Ioyin~ wrEL-p-pinv naper, satursted with Anti- oxidant solution. Five tyres of wra ng rp.-'ner were investigated: p&rcbment, sam-i-par- chment, acidic T)archment, wbite and brown card- board. Ps-nor or/~and ep-rdboard was finelly *Soaps and Detergents, Flotation Agents. C A ED 1/4 COUNTRY H CAT-PIGOR7 ABS. JOUR. RZLhIm., NO. 23 1959, Mo. 83713 AUT H 0 INST. T ITL'.' 01-11 G .PUB. A ~-'Ij FS T W~. 0 T-Y)ul-,-erizvd into mill, emnloying emery wheel, COIA tj followed by mixinp vrith molten fnt (F) in the nroportion of 5 gr of mill ner 95 qr F. The mixture wns loft standing in n benker within a thermostatically controlled oven at 600 tem- T~eratixre. Simultmnoously, a samnle of F con- t8dniug no Y),~-er mill wns subjected to the sRme conditinns. Periodically, the neroxide nV.MbOr W49 dOtOT'nined on botb ssonles. As a measure of stability, t3 certain intervitl of time was considered during which the -neroxide number of a samnle reached. certain CA-RD: 2/4 H - 86 COUNTRY CATEEGORY 0. ABS. JOUR. L--IkUhia, lio. 23 1959, 110. 83713 AUTIH OR TTT L EE ORIG 0. PUB. ABSTRACT -nredelarnined value. It, was established tbat 'Con'd -the fastost rate of oxidation occurs with sam- nles of F conte-inirlq nttraliment R-ad aciaic parchment naner. ofdifferent gradoe of ,~a-cer on the inerease of free fatty acids con- ten't was not noticed. For the nurnose of revea. ling the effect of is-nor structural ebarateris, ticalon tho stability of F~ I gr P, dissolved in 5 ml of ietroleum ethert was -tilaced on a piece of Twnsr measuring IIX7.5 cm. .0ter the evanoration ot netroleum ethert naper -sa=les (susnenaed on nylon threads) were ex-nosed to 10 ARD - 3.4 t, Lo j, %).L /w vjr revealed the't effect of A on the rci~~i dation of the P oxidation Drocess. ".Zemlyanykhins. CARD: 4/4 POLAND Apq-f-EVJSKI, 7b-Eni ew; SLIViIOK, Jozel C ene, al. 'boiili stry, 131. Eher Peda[-.c, c School (Katedra Chemi, Or~:,andczn,-~~J, o c z n a a t o v: i c e o r b:o t h ) ~- I b-) 7.1ar3-av.r, Chomia 5, ,-)n 771-71L. "Petroleum a3 ft pa~-~r C t;,.,9 of KWAPHEMSKI, Zbign.iew; SLIWIOK, Jozef .- --- Application of fuchsine dyes as developers in paper chrmmtography of higher fatty acids. Chem anal 8 no.3; 433-435 163. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Pedagogic School, Katowice. HOLOWIECK1. Jer2y; PTOTROWSKI, Zygmunt; KWAFULINSKI, Eryk Evaluation of the clinical ucefulneso of a color tew. datorm. ining the Intensity of bacteriuria. Pol. ',yg. lek. 20 no.24:879-880 14 Je 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob ',1ew-etrznvQh AM w Katowicac~ (Kierownik: prof. dr~ Jazef Japa". OSTROWSKI, K.; 11OMDER, ;.; KWARECKI, K. Quantitative investigations on the solubility of proteins extracted from tissues fixed with various chemical and physical methods. Asta biochiz.poloz.8 no.1:83-87 161. 1. Department of Histology and Embriolog7, School of Medicine, Warsaw. (PROTEINS chem) OSTROWSKI, K.; KOMENDER, J.; KOSCIA14M, Hanna; IKWAi~ECKIL-K* Elution of some substances from the tissues fixed by tho "freeze- substitution" methods Acts. biochim. polon. 9 no.2:125-130 `62. 1. Department of Histology and Embryologys. Medical School, Warszawa. (HISTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES) (LIVEii ahem) (FHOSPHURUS chem) (NM~OG.147 chem) OSTROWSKI, K.,, doe. dr med.; KCMDER, j.,--~WARECKI, K. Quantitative research an the solubility of proteins extracted from tissues fixed by different chemical and physical methods. Folia morphol, 21 no,3:393-398 162. I* Zaklad Histologii i Embrologiis Akademia Medycznap Warszawa. Kierownik; doe. K. Ostrovski KWARTit' C'. RUSZKU,q'SKI,, M,; MTAj C. 'Bare oats in the new tests of selection and culture" P. 24 (92,2a, Vol. 4, No. 5p May 1953, Warszawa) r t,~E; p Vol. 3, No. 3 4 c~e SO: Monthly List of VV i I ~A cessional Library of Congress, March 1951, Uncl. LORKIEWIczt Z*gniew;_KWAS,.'Stefan,- SZWED-NAB=K, Grazyna Antigenic properties of nucleic acid preparations of Rhizobium. Acta microbiol. pol. 'A no.2:ll3j-ll8 163. 1. From the Department of General Microbiology M. Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin. (RHIZOBIUM) (DNA BACTERIAL) (POLYSACCHARI= , BACTERIAL) DIASHNY, Z. Method of feZI-MIMM detemigLUqg of metallic youteje 3. Bry-11A and Z. Lvatm (Ratnik,, 1951, l8j, 290-293; J. Inn Steel Inst.,, 1952., 170p 299). The sample (100 g.) is poured from a funDel-shaped sieve placed in a vibrator into a measuring cylinder. To determine the vol. of a powder with tapping, the receiver is vibrated and not the funnel. Thereproducibility of the results is very good. R.B. Clarks Swaodiate source clipping KWASIEBORSKI, T. tutritive needo of sinimals.n p. 12 (Llon, Vol 4 No 1 Jan 53 Warszawa) S02 Monthly List of East European Accesslons, Vol 2 No 9 Librar7 of Congress SePt 53 Uncl m4ASIEDORSKit S. A good bull is half the cowshed. p. 22. (PLON. Vol. 4, No. 7, 1953.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1954 K.n-ASIEBORSKI, J. "For Increased Breeding of Breeding Animals on Individual Farms." p. 22 (Plon, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1954j Warszawa) East E = pean Vol. 3, No. 6 1954 SO., Monthly List oXdbzmd= Accessions/ Library of Congress, Jime XX2"M, Uncl* POL12NID Farm sraieral Problems. q- 1 ,.--bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Yo 23, 1958, 105637. Author : Kivasieborski, J. Inst : "T g1r= - Title :krtificiai Insemination Stations in France. Orig Pub: Plon, 1957, No 35-36, 15. Abstract: No abstract. ad RIO, ROHI n4m a was %o IA 0 6 '0 o 6 si .0 t P, -0 d lp KWILSIEBORSKI, 1-1. Jak zwiekszyc mlecznose krow. 5. wyd. Idarszawa, Fanstwowr, Wyda-vn,ictwo Rolnicze i Lesne, 1954. 44.p. POLAND SOURCE. E,AST EURDPEM4 ACCESSIO]IS LIST LC Vol. 5, no. 7, 19561 August- FJ.4SIEBO'r?SKI, M. Poradnik brygadiera obrowego. IvIyd 2. Warsiawa, P2nstwowp '~Iydawn. Ro2nicze I Lesne, 1056. 279 P. (Guidebonk for n cattle stition foreman. 2d ed.) DA Not in DIZ Z) r~lj C- C SO: Monthly List of East '~uropepn Accessions (REPI) IC, Vol. 6, N' - 9. ' , 1 5-. Uncl. KWASIEBORSKIs S. "The Size of Planting Areas Under Contract. P. 4. (GOSPODMKA RYB14A, Vol. 5, No. 3, Marcht 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SOt Monthly List of European Accessions, L. C. Vol. 3, No. 4, kpri-1, 195h MWASIEDORSIKI, 31. IfFor increased Production of Peas." p. 4, (GO-`PMARyJ-i ZWM-iA, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan- 1954. liamawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Acoession, IL, Vol- 3, No- 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. BORSKII, S. 11contracts Must Be Fulfilled&"' P. 59 (GOSPODA:IM 'ZBOM,.!,~, Vol- 5, No. 9, Sept. 1954. Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East EuropeanAccession, (Ea~L), LC, VOL 3, NO- 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl, KWASInOMI, S. "'For the development of maize production. " p. 6. (GOSPOPARKA 2330ZO',~A Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1954- Warszawa. Poland) SO: Monthly List of Bes t .1Naropean Accessions. (,gZkL). LO. Vol. 4, No. 4~ April 1955. UhCl- frc,-,,~ collectivc 7c1. (;, nc~. 6", Jun, -.cmthl-i List -c~f LC, Vol. ii, 7,c KWASIEBORSKI,, S., Principles of barley segregation. p. 10. Vol. 6, no. 7v july 1955, Warnzang Poland AGRIGnTURE So.- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) I LCv Vol. 5, No. 2-~ Fabw- , 1956 PIASISBOmy'-2. Carry out in full the contracted deliveries. p. 3. GOSPODPFU ZBOZOWA. (Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa. Vol. 6, xw. 10, Oct. 1955. So. East R"opean Accessions List. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1956. Im"mBonSKI, S. Deliveries of the contmeted ~;rain are stili insuf-'icien',,. P. S. GJSPODA',M,A ZBOLOWA. Vol. 7, No. 5, Nay 1956 Wctrszwwa. Easu European Accessions List (ELAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 11, August 1956. KwAsn-BOHM, S. Sogreption of barley for brewing purposes as an element of its brewing quality. p. 11. GOSPODARKA ZBOMM. Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1956. Warszawa. East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol- 5) No. 11,, August 1956, S. HWASIEBORSKI, S. The quality of the grain of this year's harvest. p. 14. Vol. 7, no. 10s Oct. 1956. GOSPODARKA ZBDZ014A. Warszawa, Poland. SOURCE: East European Accessions List OTAL) Vol. 61 No. b--April 1957 KWASITW-RSKI, S. WASIF-BORSKI, S. The quality of the barley for breweries. p. 6. Vol. 7) no. 11, Nov. 1956. GOSPODAIMA ZBOWWA. Warsza-,Ya., Polane. vol. 6, "o. 4--April 1957 SOURCF,: East European Accessions 4st OTAL) POLAND/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their H. Applications Fermentations Industries. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya., No 11j. 1958, 37767 Author Kwasieborski, S. Inst Title Preliminary Evaluation of Brewing Barley's Quality of the 1957 Crop- Orig Pub PrzeG1- Zboz.-Vaynarski, 1957, 1, No 6, 2-3- Abstract Data about barley from different regions of Poland are given, together with meterological conditions during its vegetation period. Card 1/1 POLAIND/Chomica, Tochnolcgy. Cho.-mical Products and H Their Uses. Part III. Fomentation Industry. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur-Miinjya, wo 159 19587 51764 Author : Kwasiaborski. Stanislaw Inst . -Z-- Tit1c i Inproveriont of the Qw-Llity of Brawing Barloy. Orig Pub Przagl. zboz.-j-aynarski, 19571 1, No 9, 8-10, 15. Abstract No abstmct. Cr,rd 1/1 WASIERBORSKI, S. Quality of the grain of the 1957 harvest. P. 5. (PRZ33LAD ZBOWHO-MLYNARSKI) (Warszam, Poland) Vol. 2, no.'I, Jan. 1958 SO: II-Ionthly index of East European Accession (EWIJ LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 KWASIEBORSKI.. S. The quality of grain gathered in 1958. p. 67 PRZEGLkD ZBOZOV.10-,fLYNARSKI (Polskie V~rdawnictwo Gospodarcze) Warszawa, P61and Vol. 3,, no. 3, Ilar 1959 Monthly List of East U'ropean Accessions (EM) LC, Vol. bs No. 9, oepteriber 1959. Uncl. KWASIBCBSKI Stanislaw, W ins. By electric traction from Wkrsaw to Wroclaw. Przegl kolej , elektrotech 33 no.2:33-34 F '(A. DIAMWSKI, Adam Plastic surgery of the eyelid In a case of marginal cancer. Klin.Oczna 25 no.1:9-14 1955. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczy A.M. w Lodzi. Kierownik Kliniki: prof.dr mad. J. Sobanski. (RTICLIDS, neoplasms, surg..plastic reconstruction.) KWASKOWSKI. Adam Postoperative complication of senile cataract. Klin. octna 27 r,o.2:175-179 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Octu A.%. w Lodzi. Iterownik: prof. dr. mad. J. Sobanski. Lodz. ul..Narutowicza 128. (CATARACT EXTRACTION, compl. Testop., in aged (Pol)) KWASKOWSKI, A. (Poznan, ul 23 Lutego 29-33 M. 22.) An unusual case of cancer of the iris. Klin. oczna 28 no.3:293-298 1958. 1. Z Klinild Okulistycznej A. H. w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr wed A Kwaskowaki. (IRIS, neoT)lasms malignant melanoma without pigment, case report (Pol)) (MBIAND14A. case report malignant melanoma of iris without pigment (Pol)) KWASKOWSKI, Adam Separation of the choroid following balbar operations in an eye disease clinic in Pozn-. Klin.oezna 30 no-1:33-40 6o. 1. Z Klinild Chorob Oczu A.M. v Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof.dr mad. A. KvaBkowski. (EYE surg.) (CHCROID die.) BMWARDCZYXOWA, Anna; aASKOWSKI, Admm~ Angioms of the orbit. Klin.oexna 31 no.4:393-402 161. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistycanej AM v,Pozraniu Kierou-nik: prof. dr med. A. Kwaskowski Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM v Pbomaniu Kierawnik: prof. dr mad. J. Groniowski. (ORBIT neopl) (IMWGIOM ease reports) KWASKOWSKI, Adam Distribution table. Klin. oczna 32 no.2.171-172 162. 1. Z Kliniki Oku:Lietycznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Kwaskowski. (OPH'n"OLOGY equip & supply) ?,*b'AS.;,'.fjIeISKI., Adan Blepharoplasty with the use oil the exQhange meth(d. ~Ilnn. Oczna 35 no.3:481-/,84 t65. L. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu AM w Poznan~-a (Kieroumik: prcf. dr. med. I A. K%Bskowaki) . IWASNIGKI, Staniolaw; SFM=.. Alojzy -1 f" Now Fb serieo of uni*versal D.C. machineo. Wiad alektrotachn 30 !, no.5:137-W Hy '(P. 1~