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RT SHCHEVA ~~f mcni~- and 2r-:,r~ac ga3es t ~- C, a w1de -an.77 e o c m r,,j rt.. tur c~ r cl r t. n e 0 U., idnal state up to 20 000 K. Trud-.,,,- GTFYil 11 o. 49: 6' -83 1 "' ( I 1 1 '14'-~-, 17 -__EWr P-Ab46Ai~-4beb M/At AC=SIOR Mi AP5005309 5/0181/651001 /002/06191'0621 AUMORt Xvlividze, V, A&; Mhobkoya, Ye, S %.lcban=& V , A. T1 ME: Concerning the-ncatte -by -netallic surfaces 5~i 9~; "W -ilk tVerdogo tela #406- --i ~JMPIC T_405r:- ion- scatterin zeW,spiAt16r1z* ~Dclitteirlng' angle, angular distrib A- tion, sputteringcoefficient or. -Opp. -AMTRAM Results are presented--of a nunterical calculation of the dependence of th-t scattering angle on the impact ptrameter over a wide range of energies, i;i;ing thit potential of L. B. Firsov MEW v. 33, 6960 1957). It is assumeed in this ap*roach that the incoming particle Interacts vith the lattice etms like Vith fri?e particles, Tbe calculations, accueate io,5%, vere made at the VTs 1-M. (Com- pWUtion Center, Wscow State University). The number of fast. Wattered particlias In experiments on the angular dintribution of scattered particle3 is es"Urnated on thi., basis Of this calculattion, An estimate is &lffo given of the sputtering coef- fit.-ient of polycrystalline copper bombarded by 30 keV argon ions, using the for- 1 2 AS150CIATION: l6bskovakiy gosudaratyennyy universitet in, 14, V. L,=oLoz;civn 01~oscau- S tmte University) SU13MITTED: 1 u-,jun6 h ENCL: 00 SLI CODE: SS, -,P REF SOVt 006 AUTHOR: Pomerantsev, N. M., and Kvlividze V. 1. 120-2-16/37 THEO: A Sensitive Arrangement for the CYbservation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals. (ChuvstvitelInaya Skhema dlya Nablyudeniya Signalov Yadernogo Magnitnogo Rezonansa). PERIODIO.AT,: Pribory i Tekhnika -Eksperimenta, 195?, No.2, pp. 56 - 59 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The main experimental problem in ruclear magnetic resonance work is how to increase the sensitivity (signal to noise ratio) of the apparatus. Besides the use of low noise installations it is usually necessary to apply other methods of increasing this ratio. In the present article the description is given of an arrangement incorporating the full compensation of the signal of the amplifying channel input (Ref. 4) as compared to the partial compensation method described in references 1 and 2. The "resistive voltaGell as frequency carrier is introduced in this case after the amplification of a nuclear magnetic resonance signal. An improvement in the SIN ratio is obtained and although the relative noise cannot be reduced during the compensation process, its absolute value is made smaller, so that for a constant value of the magnetic Cardl/4 resonance signal the S/N ratio is improved. If I for the 120-2-16/37 A-Sensitive Arrangement for the observation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals. partial compensation, the resistive voltaea is of the order of mV, for a complete balance it may become of the order of one or a fraction of a microvolt. It is then smaller than the noise level and in principle the SIN ratio will be determined solely by the receiver noise and the pure absorption or dispersion observed. The resistive voltage of correct phase is fed into the mixer where detection occurs (as opposed to Reference 4.). The mixer is a multiplying circuit with integration. The integration constant is so chosen so as to pass low frequency components without distortion, the high fre quency noise is reduced considerably in the same manner as in a high frequency phase sensitive detector with the frequency pass band reduced to the required value. The experimental arrange- ment consists of a generator with a power amplifier, the output voltage of which is fed into the compensator. The latter consists of a coil with a sample placed in its constant magnetic field. The signal of the magnetic nuclear resonance from the compensator is applied to a high frequency amplifier, then to a multiplier where it is multiplied by the generator voltage with a proper phase Card 2/4 shift, obtained with a phase inverter (variable). After 120-2-16/3'17 -A Sensitive Arrangement for the Observation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals. multiplication and filtering of high frequency components, the sigaal is amplified and applied to the deflecting plates of an oscilloscope. The generator works at 12.933Y,.cls, in Colpitts circuit, using a triode connected 6ZhlP (6WITT,-) tubel the output voltage range is 0-12V. The com ensating element is a double-T bridge network (Ref. 61. The high frequency amplifier has 11.8-14Mc/s band width and a gain of 80c1b. A valve volt-meter measures the output of the high frequency amplifier down to .01V. The multiplier is based on 6X6C tubes (Ref. ?). The constant magnetic field is 3,000 oersted. The modulating vcItage is taken from the type 3G-10 (3r-10) generator. The arrangement sensitivity was compared with that of an autodyne system. The latter gave the signal to noise ratio 1:1 for the same conditions for which the described instrument prod-aced the oscillogiam as shovn in Figure 3, A block diagram of the apparatus, a circuit diagram of the amplifying circuit with inverters, phase shifters, differen- tial amplifier and all the integrating network are given. Card 3/4 There are ? references, 2 of which are Slavic. 120-2-1-0/37 A Sensitive Arrangement for the Observation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signals. SUBMITTED: Aug)ist, 8, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov. (Fizicheskiy Fakulltet JdGU im. M. V. Lomonosova.) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 33207 s/141/61/oo4/oo5/009/021 E032/E.114 AUTHORS~ IYevskayav N.M.o Kvlividzeg V.I., and Umarkhodzhayev, R.M. TITLEi On the observation of nutation in nuclear magneti~_- resonance experimenti PERIODICALg Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, v.4, no.5, 1961o 903-911 TEXTs The authors report a study of the form of the absorption and dispersion signals which are produced in a strong high-frequency magnetic field. Explicit expressions are derived for the z-component of the magnetization vector and the fcrm of the absorption and dispersion signals in the special case of equal relaxation times. An approximate solution is also obtained for the case of linear modulation of the magnetic field. Conditions are derived for the appearance of the nutation of the magnetization vector. It is pointed out that the thecretical and experimental work carried out by the present authors indicates that great care must be exercised in distinguishing between fine structure of NMR signals and the nutation effect. The rate at Card 1/3 On the observation of nutation in s/l~I~Ji/oo4/oo'4/009/021 E032/F,114 which resonance position is traversed must be such that where 2 2 ~ = a/y H. (2) 1jyj dHm/dt, and H.1 is the amplitude of the high-frequew~y magnetic field, When JXI 4 1 and the relaxation times are comparable or greater than the resonance value Tr the form of the signal is distorted and oscillations appear on passing throligh resonance. It is pointed out that the phenomenon of nutation can be used to determine the amplitude of the bigb- freq~aency magnetic field by measuring the period of the oscillations at resonancs~ The period is given by; 1/f1 =- 2 07/ .1 -(1 HI There are 4 figures and 9 referencas' 5 Soviet-blo~ and 4 non- Soviet-bloc, The English language references read as followsi Ref.l~ B~A. Jacobsohn, R.K. Wanganess, Phys. Rev., v-73. 942 (1948), Card 2/3 33207 On the observation of nutation s/141/61/004/005/009/021 E032/E114 Ref.4s F. Bloch, Phys, Revol v.70, 46o (1946). Ref.6i H.C. Torrey, Phys. Rev., v.76, 1059 (iq4q)~ Ref.91 A.G. Redfield, Phys. Rev., v.98, 1787 (1955). ASSOCIATION& Moskovskiy gosudarstliennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1960 Card 3/3 35065 s/195/62/003/001/oo6/olo E071/E136 AUTI-IORS Lvlivid--re, Y.J., Iyevskaya, 4egorova, T.S., Kiselev, V.F., and Sokolov, N.D. TITLE: NYR studies of water vapour adsorption on the surface of silica gel YERIUDICAL; Kinetika i kataliz, v.3, no.1, 196~-, 91-98 TBXT: The mechanism of adsorption and the state of the -adsorbed molecules on the surface of an adsorbent cannot be elucidated on the basis of purely adsorptive rneasurerent. For this purpose some additional data on the system adsorbed substance - adsorbent obtained by physical methods are necessary. As a first stage in the inve.-itigations the authors studied signals of nuclear magnetic resonance from protons of hydroxyl groups of water adsorbed on the surface of silica gel. The results obtained were compared with adsorption properties of silica gel, with measurements of heats of adsorption and available spectroscopic data. Silica gels k-2 (K-2) and K-4 (1~-h) obtained by the hydrolysis of SiC14 and a purified sample of technical silica gel Card 1/3 NINIR studies of water vapour ... S/195/62/003/001/006/0'LU E071/E136 KCK-3 (KSK-3) were used for the investigation. The NIR measure- ments were carried out at room temperature on a sample of 0.2-0.3 S. The width of the lines was measured as the distance between maxima on "he differential curve. The second moment was calculated from the differential curve of the signal absorption. Additions.of uratev vapour in the ampule with silica gel for N.Kk and adsorption measurements were carried out by means of a spring balance. Heats of adsorption were determined either directly from calorimetric measurements or by the differentiation of the curve relating the heat of wetting and the amount of water adsorbed on the specimen. From the adsorption data and heat of wetting curves, differential curves of the changes in free energy and entropy of adsorption were calculated. It was shown that molecules of water are absent on the surface of the samples evacuated at 200 OC. In the initial stage of adsorption a sharp decrease in the width of the line of the second moment was observed. These changes in the h-MR signals agrz)e with the trends of the curves of differential heat and entropy of adsorption. The possibility of interaction of water molecules Card 2/3 INE-41 studies of water vapour ... S/195/62/003/001/oo6/olo E071/E136 with the surface of silica gel through the coordination and hydrogen bonds is discussed. There are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: 'Yoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet irli. M.V. Lomonosova, Fizicheskiy fakulltet (Moscow State University imeni Y..V. Lomonosov, Physics Division) SUBMITTED: July 3, 1961 Card 3/3 KVLIVIDZE., V.I.; KWILINIKOV, K.G. State of water sorbed on calcium bydrosilicate studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. Dok1.AN SSSR -145 no.6:1305-1307 Ag 62. (MA 15:-8) 1. ~bskovskiy gosudarstvenmyy universitet in. M.V.Lomonosova. kredstavleno, akademikom F.A.Rebinderom. (Water) (Sorption) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) S/020/62/146/006/009/016 B104/B186 AUTUORS: Kvlividze, V. I., Rashkovich, L. N. TITLE: The magnetic nuclear resonance in some hydrosilicates and c' in calcium hydroxide PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.' Doklady, v. 146, no. 6, 19621 1322-1325 TEXT: Synthetic Ca(01i) 2 crystals having an order of magnitude 3~i-were dried for four hours in vacuo (, 1 mm Hg) at a temperature of 2500C and then enclosed in glass anpoules~ A spectrometer made in the Kafedra obshchey i khimicheskoy liziki Moskovskogo gosudarBtvennogo universiteta (Department of ueneral and Chemical Physics of the Moscow State University) was used to observe the signals of the macnetic nuclear resonance of hydroGren. A permanent ma-net produced the magnetic field ,strength of 2950 gauss, the inhomogeneity of which was less than 0.03 L;auss. An analysis of the curves recorded showed that alm.)st any of them'can be described by a sum of three Gauss curves having respectively a wide, a mean and a narrow half-width. This implies Card 1/3 S/020/62/1'46/006/009/016 The macnetic nuclear resonance in... B1041Dia6 that hydrogen nuclei in crystals are characterized by 3 different types of bond. Evidently, the narro%,i curves appertain to adsorbed water and the other two curves to protons bonded relatively strongly or weakly in the lattice of the hydrosilicrtes. The parameters of the unit cell given in Table 2 were calculated on the basis of the structure model (Fig. 2) proposed by J. D. Bernal and H. D. Megaw (Proc. Roy. Soc., A 151, 873, 364 (1935)). A comparison showed that the results arree with those obtained by D. M. Henderson and H. S. Gutowsky (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 67, 12/2, 1705 (1956)). There are 3 figures and 2 tables. A3SOCIATION: Moskovskiy -,--osudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Iloscov, State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Institut mestnykh czroitellnykh materialov pri VSNKh RSFSR (institute of Local Building Materials at the VSNKh RSFSR) PRESENTED: . March 24, 111,62, by N.-V. Belov, Academician SUBMITTED: 'March V5, 1962 Card 2/3 Kv31Iv1,,DZ-19 V.I.; ZARIFIYANTS, Yu.A.; KISFLEV, V.F. Properties of a freshly cleft graphite. Part 6. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.2:461-462 F 165. (NJRA 18s4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Loinanovova. ?:VLIVIDZE VA14.1---- Nuclear magnetic resonance of protons at 930K in water adsorbed on silica gal. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.1:158-161- Jl t64 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovski7 gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom M.M. Dubininym. I- I . i_. _ i- - I 11 KREJCI, Zdenek; 1~1'.~~#slav; SGMJSTER, Otto Mechanical processing of data for establiebment of output standards. Prace mzda 11 no.91408-415 S'63. I. Vyzkumny ustav v1narsky. K Vi;CV-r+ndtSrI av How to improve technical standardization, Prace mzda 13 no.2- 56-58 F 165, 1. V1na Fconomic Unit, Brno. f the par -Peter-s of 1'i r. d. non the tWCI-Cil'~;Ld t 22OKv . e 1--c tr i c pude r tran smi. ss i '.,) r, -2 -J ne 5lek. st-P. 35 no.6:47-51 je 1-2, IF:I) ~, ~, ;:, -- ~-, t-- , -~ , ~~ -'. , KVOGHKIN, A*F. Yast-e-n-ri%F'eZjFper tube grids to flange joints of heat exchangers and 'evaporators. Gidroliz. I lesokhIm. prom. 10 no.8:22-23 '57. - (Heat exchanges) (MIR& 10:12) (Hydrolysis-Iquipment and supplies) KAMYSH6V, Sevastlyan Filippovich; QALIKHIN, Viktor Dmitriyevich; IARIN. Vasiliy III ich; MIKHAYLOV, Ieonid leonido7ich, FILONOVA, Lidlya Ivanovna; YASNITS. Mikhail Grigorlyevich; dog-Abramovich: IA)ZBYAKOVA, Ye.S., vedushchiy red.; POLOSINA, A.So, tekhn.r~_ [Petroleum industry of Groznyy Province] Groznenskaia neftianaia promyshlennost'. Moskva, neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. 1957, 57 p- (MIRA 11:2) (Grozmy Province-Petroleum industry) J J BASHIWV, Arseniy Aleksandrovicb, kand.tekbn.nauk: STOIDV. Allbert Izrailevich; KVOCIIKIN, Fedor Abramovich; KOUSITIKOV, P.M., red.; BABICHSVA, V.V., tekhn-,red. '--- [Ways of reducing losses of petroleum products in refineries) Putt sokraebebaniia poter' nefteproduktov na neftepereraba- tyvatushchikh zavodakh. [Grozriyil Groznenskoe knizhnDe izd-vo. 1957. 125 P. (MIRL 12:1) (Petroleum--Refining) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION 1094 Bashilov, Arseniy Aleksandrovich, Kvochkin Fedor Abramovich.. and Stolov, Allbert Izrailevich Kompa,.%ndirovaniye motornykh topliv (Blending of Motor Fuels) Moscow, Gostopte&i- zdat, 1958. 138 p. 2,500 copies printed. Ed.: Sukhanov, V.P.; Exec. Ed.: Yefremova, T,D.: Tech. Ed.: Mukhina, E.A. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the engineers and other technical vorkers em- ployed in petroleum refining plants.,commodity transportatioL officeolpetroleum supply and storage enterprises of various branches of industry., automotive, vater and air tvqns~ortation., and in agriculture. COVERAGE:' This book,gives theories and methods for blending fuels and the chArac- teristics of basic components of automobile and aviation gasolines, tractor kerosener.,and diesel and reactive fuels. Problems of ethylating and inhibiting motor fuels, practical calculation and indusirial e*xamples of blended fuels ob- tained from slightly sulfurous and sulfurous petroletm.. automation problems, and safety techniques during blending are also discussed. Card 1/3 Blending of Motor Fuels 1094 TABLE OF CONTEVTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Quality Requirements for Motor Fuels 7 Ch. II. The Layout of a Modern Petroleum Refining Plant for Profte1bg-ftel- 23 Ch. III. Principles'and Methods of Blending 26 Ch. IV. Components of Motor Fuels 39 Basic components 39 Components of aviation and automobile fuels 40 Components of tractor kerosenes 69 Diesel fuel and its components 70 Reactive fuel and its components 78 Ch. V. Ethylation and Inhibition of Motor Fuels 84 Ethylation of motor fuels 84 The technique of ethylating motor fuels 85 Card 2/3 Blending of Motor Fuels 1094 Sulfur compounds and their Influence on fuel quality 87 Chemical stability of fuels 89 Inhibiting fuels 89 Ch. VI. The Practice of Blending 94 Industrial conditions for blending 97 Practical calculations of the blending processes 100 The use of light components for preparing gasolines 108 Rule for cross and triangular diagrams 118 Ch.'VII. Problems of the Automation Process in Blending 126 Ch. VIII. Safety Techniques During Blending ANAIIAM: Idbrary of Congress 7M/sft 1-12-59 137 Card 3/3 EVOCH"KIN, L.P. V. Evaporation of solutions and drying of Wroligneous powder. Gidroliz. illeaoWm. prom. 11 n0,2:15-16 158, (MIM 110) 1. TSontralInyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy IeBokhimicheekiy institut. (Galcium acetate) (Drying apparatus) KHAYK-IN., Abrwri r DYADYTI'llloV. jr,l inzb', retrienv e n y j: v G N'.%' KVOCHKINA G~F,S, rv h e [Automa t,.,_~ f pitch ~Ontl-vij all! e. body sud~:~v VySt." ra- P. EELOTISITKo-t)~KIf r -, Irlg,~- "Z-Y 13ents!,mc-v:jcyj- KALMITAPov Jnzh., "Otz*~:nzena,; Fi ~,, I -ST k, arwi. nauk, -se-nzent; f;KUN' red.; KVOCHKIIIA, G.P., red. [Oscillatory r .ircjj~-tR I aTd fill ers fIlItIT. J.,enijjgr&j ' KC-IEII-','AeIIr7e konto-,,y 1965. - a35 p. (MB-4 18. 8) KURNGS3T. Anatoliy Ivanoviih; YUDO, Vladimir Vasillyevich; ~Imov, Zh-I.j kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent: MITROFANUP V.V.s, inzh., retsenzent; PASYNKOV, V.V., prof., doktor takhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; CHFAS, M.A., red. red.~J,v '~GgjNfi' P [Technology of the manufacture of semiconductor devices] Tekhnoir;giia proizvodstva poluprovodnikov-ykh priborov. Leningradp Sudostroenle, 1965, 247 p. (MIRA 18.8) BEREZNIKOVSYTv SerReY Fedwrov-T-11. dots., kand. teklui. nauk; BESDIMSKIVY, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk., ratDo"Zont; VASILIYEV, D.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; retsenzent; BLAZIIKIN, A.T., prof.pied.; MOCHKINA, G.P., red. [Automatic regulation and control of electrical machines; some theory problems and elements of control systems] Av- tomaticheskoe regulirovanie i upravlanie elektricheskini mashinami; nekotorye voprosy toorii i elemonty sistem uj).- ravleiiiia. Leningrad, Sudoutroonie, 1964. 418 p. (MIRA 17:9) XUDRUICH, Boris Ivanovich zas 1. deyatell nauki i telrhniki RSFSR, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk[deceased]; FORMAKOVSKIY, S.F., doktor tekha. nauk, otv. red.; RIVKIN, S.S.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; OSTRIA'WHOV, Ya.G., doktortokhn, nauk, nauchnYY redo SHAPIRD, M.V., kand. tekhn.nauk, naucbW red.; KVOCHKTNA,--L red.f.SR1=0VA, L.M., tekhm. redo, (Theory of gyroscopic instruments] Teoriia giroskopichaskikh priborov; lzbrannye trudy. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz. V61,1, 1963. 327 p. (HIRk 16:5) (Gyroscopic instruments) OIKUNI, Yevsey Llvovich; KALANTAROV, M.N.j, retsenzent; STRELIVIKOV, I-II.T.J. retsenzent; SHALIVIKOV, G.I., nauchn. red.; NIKITITA, M. I., red.; KLIMINA, Ye.V. , red.; SACIJUK, N.A. ~ red.; KVOCHKINA, G.P., red. [Radio trwismitting devices] Radiaperedaiushchie ustroistva. Izd.2.j perer. i dop. Leningrad, Sudostroenieo 1964. 539 P. (MIRA 17: 5) ZADONTSEV, Vladimir Ivanovich; KORSMUKO., Anatoliy Afanaslyevich; NIKOLAYEV., Boris Nikolayevich; WKOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; ZHILITSOV., I.F., kand. mad. nauk, retsenzent; GORSHKOV, G.V., doktor takhns naukj, nauchn. red.; KVOCHKINA, G.P.p red.; NIKITINA, H,L, red, [rosimetry of radioactive gases and aerosols on ships] Do- zimetriia radioaktivrWkh gazov i aerozolei na sudakh. Le- ningrad, Sudostroonies 1965. 202 p. (MIRA 18:4) V.1.1 YKRSFIOV, p.j.; ELyjKKIN, V.N.; KVQjQ I.I.; LEVINA, D~S.I iWIEVA., R.G. Charaottristics of the morphogenesis of the cultux-es of the line of transplantable CA-SV40-6-'~-l calls. Vop. virus. 10 no.3.-323-32c) MY- je 165. (MIRA 18%7) 1. Inatitut virusologil imeni Ivanovskogo ANN SSSR, Moskva. MMVI K*GS