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L 18852-66 ACC NR: AT6006474. tained at temperatures ranging in 1000 intervals from 600 to 12000C and the relation T is time in min) was obeyed; k i LMk= ST (where am is the weight gain in g/cm2 varied as a function of oxidation time and temperature from 0.5 to 2.0. Up to 800OCi a brittle scale formed while at higher temperatures the scale was sintered and be- came denser and stronger. At constant oxidation times, the sintering caused k to decrease with Increase in temperature. The oxide structures were analyzed x-rayl Idiffraction. At 500 to 8000C, two layers of a-Nb lower scall 205 were formed and the a ;of a-Nb2O5 had a texture due to contact with the metal. This texture endured oxi- I I :dation for 3.5 hr at 8000C. Above 8000C, a-Nb2O5 changed to O-Hb205, especialiy In i :the outer layer since a-M205 WOB precerved in the inner scale even after prolonged loxidation. Lattice parameters and intensities were tabulated for oxidation at 10000C and 4.5 hr for both the external and inner sides of the scale; the oxides 10-Nb205 and HbO were present, the NbO forming as early as 45 sec at 10009C. The ;texture of the scales was further studied by means of electron diffraction and datai ishowed that for oxidation at 10200C for 20 sec the O-Nb2OS and NbO had no texture !but after 30 sec a texture was observed. ror NbO, a (111) texture was determined. IThe fact that the texture persisted even during the *-ffb20S + O-ffb2OS transformation .confirmed the hypothesis that the oxide formation mechanism was Independent of phas'l composition. Orig. art. hass 5 figures, 3 tables, 1 formula. SUB CODE:n, 20, 13/t(MN DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 003/ MH Mrs 006 _Par. _;12 AFAVASIYEV, P.S.p drits., kand. tokhn. nauk; SUVCHOF0, Ye.T.1 nauchn. red.; KU22ILTSOVA, M.I., roJ. [Development of the manufacture rVood-working equipment in the U.S.S.R. and in capitalist countrIes) Razvitie pro- izvodstva derevoobrabatyvaiush,--hego oborudcvaniia v SSM i v kapitaliBticheskikh stranakh.' l,'.Pskvar 190. 210 p. I (MIRA 17:8) I* Floscow. TSentrallriyy Institut nali6hno-tekhnicheakcry informatsii po aTtOlDati2atell -1-mashinostroyeniyu. 2. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnichoskoy informatsil po av-Lomatizataii i mashlnostroyenlyu, Mosha (f-,lr Afanaslyev). ZHUKOVSKIY, N.I.,, inzh.1 KUZNZTSOVA. M.L. otv. za vypuak; KASHIRIM.. I A.G., tekbn. red $- "* [Types and basic parameters of instruments and automatic control- lers in the state standards of the U.S.S.R*] Tipy oenovrqe para- metry priborav i avtomaticheskikh reguliatorov v gouudaravven- nykb standartakh SSSR. Izd. ofitsializoo. 14onkvaq Gossizd-vo standartov, 1961. 751 pe (MIFIA l5t2) (Automatic control-Standards) (Instruments-Standards) PrBUY, V.L ? GFLIFVRTN, 'U.1.1 SITAMOVA, M.N.; KUZNFTSOVA, M.I. Calculation of thn processes of liquid extraction from ultleamponent solutionn. Khim. prom. 41 no.3t212-217 Mr 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Moskovskly Inatitut tonUoy khimicheakoy takhnologii imeni Lomononom 9 t -. - 4- L C'7 I It *,-;. 1. "XXVIII. Relative activities of amonia and aniline in reactions with furan and tetrahydrofuran.ft Yu. K. Yur'ev, I. K. Korobitsyna, nnd M. I. Kuznetsoy . (p. 1,493) SO: Journal of General ChCmist (Zhurnal Obshchel Khimii) 1950, Vol 20, No 8. DIYNER ) . 1. HNAP .. D.I.; SOLOVIYEV, V.Ta.; KUZNET3()VA, m.!.; KRU I'll ilKoV!, -FER j. Ye.1.1 SL&SAREVA# U.N. Studying the ox!.dation of niobium. Trudy Glpr:)t!3vetmatobrabotka no.24:75-85 165. (MIRA 18:11.) MIDINSKITO U.S., (Tashkent); KUZXBTBOVA, N.I.,(Tashkent). Uperisqute on the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Kh1u, v shkole 11 no-5:43-48 B-0 056. (Muth q.- 11) (Alictrolysis) KUZNETSOVAp M*I.p redol HAVEMA, A.Ye.p tokhn. red. [Testing measures and instruments for measuring lengths and angles; instructiono) Poverka mer i mekhani- cheskikh priborov dlia izmereniia dlin i uglov; sbornik instruktsii. Isd-r ofitsiallnoe. Moskva, Standartgiz, 1963. 534 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.H.) Komitet standartov, mer i iz- moritelinykh priborov. na IAOCHULISKAYA, Yu.Ch.j SEWNYAK, B.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: FWACHEVA, L.V.; RANTSEVA, M.I.j KUZNL?SCVA, X.I.; TETERINA, N.H.; SABUROVA, I.U. Dressing of kainite-langebeinite ores of the Stebnik ore deposit. Khim.prom, no.63454-456 Je 162. (MIM 15: 11) 1. VBesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut galurgii i Llvovskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo soyuznogo inatituta po proyektiro- vaniyu predpriyatiy gornckhimicheakoy Vromyshlermosti. (Ore dressing) GELIPERIN, N.I.; FEBALK, V.Lq~~UZI~~ ~M.I.. Rotary extraction column with alternating mixing packing-free separation zones. Zhur.VKHO 7 no-1:114-115 162. (MM 15:3) le Mbskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. :(Extraction apparatus) KONOVALOV, V.S., kand. tekhn.nauki STEFAMKO, S.A., inzh.; KUZNETSOVA, M.1,,'- KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red. (Yeohanization and automation of intrafactory transporta- tion in machinery plants) Makhanizataiia i avtomatizataiia vnutrizavodskogo transports, maahinostroitellnykh zavodov. Moskva, TSINTIMASH, 1961. 68 p. 04IRA 16t4) (Conveying machinery) (Industrial power trucks) (Automation) (Cranes, derricks, sta.) SOKOLOV, N.L.;.~NNETSOVA, M.I red.; BOHDAREV, M.S., takhn. red. _~ I :[Hot extrusion] Goriachaia shtampovka vydaylivaniem. Mo- akvaj TSIMTIMASh. 50 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Extrusion (Metals)) Ar- . I ". BApAIWA, iianooov, OZL,po 0.1 moso V, extractw.. of %m "aba'" yisk, %-12 AUJ)Dioa Cad on sot Wo Troofelf rtpwt MY CtowAld Mocal %ot of twt UVILIS, S..".; .0711IFT.110VA, M.I., red. [Regulations 28-64 for measuring the consumption (if fluids) gasos and steun by standard diaphragms and r.oz- zles) PravIla 28-64 lzmeronila raskhoda zhidkortal, ga- zov i parov ntandartr-yaL diafrFAgm,,uLI i saplazi,l. lzd. ofitsiallnoe. Voskvax Izd-vo standartov, 1964. 146 p. (MIKA 18.2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.A.) Komitet standartov, mer i Iz- meritellirykh priborov. 32651 I DO 1~ r4 5/126/61/012/005/oo4/028 E073/E535 AUTHORSt Dunayev, F.N. and Kuznetsova, M,K. TITLE: On the temperature dependence of the magnetostriction of electrical steels PERIODICALI Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.12~ no.5, 1961, 652-655 TEM The dependence was studied of magneto3triction of p6lycrystalline specimens of electrical'steels containing 1. 24% - si, ~) (Ei) , 1. 93% Si. ),A (E2), 2.7 4 and 3.36% Si, -33 (E3) and,_4,10% Si,:)tf (E4) in the temperature range 20 to 7500C in high vacuum. The equipment used ensured rbliable compensation of the thermal deformation of the.specimen. The sensitivity of the metering set-up was 3-10- mm- , the error of measuring the saturation magnetostriction % did not exceed 6%; the solenoid enabled obtaining a uniform fi'eld of up to 1600 Oe throughout the entire length of the 150 X 3 x 0.5 mM3 specimens. Prior to the measurements the soecimens were annealed in high vacuum at 10000C for two hours and subsequently cooled at a rate of 150OC/hour. The temperature was measured with a maximum error of +50C. As can be Card 1/ 32651 On the temperature dependence S/126/61/012/005/004/028 E073/E535 seen from Fig.l. (curves 1,2,3,4,and 5 relate, respectively, to steels containing 1.24, 1.93, 2.74, 3.36 and 4.10% SO, The curves of the temperature dependence of the saturation magnetostriction for alloys containing up to 4.10% Si show a maximum which shifts towards lower temperatures as the silicon content increases, The temperature dependence of the saturation magnetostriction X in the temperature range Curie point to maximum X a was non-lfnear for all the alloys investigated, The following qualitative conclusions are arrived at: a) The constants of magnetostriction X 100 of all the alloys in the investigated range of composition increase with increasing tempera.- ture between 20 and 420OC; b) The constants of magnetostriction of all the iron-silicon alloys containing up to 4.10% Si are nega. ive and their magnitude decreases monotonically with increasing temperature. c) As can be seen from FigA, the constant of magnetostriction of X111 decreases monotonically within the investigated ranXe of compositions, whilst the constant X100 appears to have a maximum for a s1licon content of 2,5%, F19A shows the dependence of X max' Card 2W 32651 On the temperature dependence S/126/61/012/005/004/028 E073/E535 ond the constants% 100 and XIII on the silicon content. There are 4 figures and 7 refereticest 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-langunge references react as followst Ref.41 Tatstmoto Z.. Okamoto T. J.Phys.Soc.of Japan, 1959, 14, No.11; nef.71 Carr W. and Smoluchowski n. PhYA-Rev-, 1951, 83, 6, 1,236. ASSOCIATION: Urnl'skiy gostidarstvennyy universitet im.A.M.Gor1kogo (Ural State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTED: March 22. 1961 Card 3/0 I SULTANOT, G.I.; ZABABILOV, N.A.; KU 'ZXXTSOVAIJ&H.; WAAZEIEVICH, P.V. o otvored.; FZVZNI . AsSeq zavo radofzd-va; OSMO, L.M., tekhn,red, [Uniform time and M standards for construction, assembly, and repair operations in 19601 Bdizkya normy i rasteanki na stroi- telinys, montashnye i remontno-stroitollnyo raboty, 1960 g. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po etroito. arkhit. i stroit.saterialan. Sbornik 5. [Making and assembling steel construction alements] Montash i izgotoylenis stalinykh konstrmktaii. No.4. (Assembling W*164 cylindrical tanks and gasholdors] M6ntesh tsilindricheskikh evarnykh resermaroy I gasgollderov, 1960. 23 p. WRA 13:6) le Passia (1923- U,S.S.I.) GosudarstvanVy kamitat po delam stroital'stva. 2. TSentralluoys normativno-looledovatellskoys byttro Hinisteretva stroitel'stva WER (for Oultanov, Zarabelovp lusnateova). . (Gasholders) (Tanks) (wages) KUZIETSOVA, M.M. ------ Subsurface geology and oil potential of the Dzun-Bain Lowland. Geol, nefti i gaza 5 no. 3:60-62 Mr 161. OURA 14:4) (Mongolia-Patroloum geology) ROUNFELID, I.L.1 PERSIANTSEVA, TERENTIYEV, P.B. V.P.;.KUZNhjS.OVA, H.M.1 POLTEVA,, M.N.; Electrochemical behavior of metals in the atmosphere of volatile inhibitors* Zhurepriklskhime 34 no,lOt2239-2244 0 161a It (KMA 14 til) (Metals) (Electrochemistry) (Inhibition (Chemisti-j)) ROZEIrEEID,, IOV. (Rozanfelld; I,L.11 PERSIAMEVA, V.P. (Persiantsevat- P TEUNTIff I F. B* (Terentlyevp ?.Boll POLTEVA,, M.N.; ~ZHETOVA,. lumetsova, M.K I Studies on the influence of chemical compositionp structure and certain physicochemical, properties of the organic compounda.upon their capacity of brak:ing the corrosion process. Analele chimie 17 no*3:175-196 JI-S 162* TITARENKOt 0.0. [Tytarenkog O.O.1;.XUZMETSOVAq M.M. Effedt of microelements on the growth and development of decorative flowering plants. Visky)(Bot.eada AN URSR no.4j 21-23 162, (MMA 16 t 1) (Plants, Effect of trace elements on) (Odessa-Flowers) ~1'11'.;: ~ .1, DO I , Z, L. ; KIj I' NET SO VA , 1-1.11. ; S.-V,k 1', Wti. ti. Kh. ; , "a'. I. y Tn)ef3 of tho electromechunicid uctivity of Q, lteirL in taitral atenosis. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Blol. nauki 17 n(,',7s37-43 JI 16,4. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut kardiologii i serdechnoy khirurgll A!.',',q' SSSR. VISHM, SKIYP A.S.; KHODYKINp A.V.; CHVAEANIYA, A.Ye.; Pr-InIzall uchastlyet TURANSKATA, A,G., vraoh; BARNOVA, M.M., vrachj LEVITSKAYA, L.S., vrach; BUBLIK, V.S., vrach; KUZITETSOVA, M.M., vrach - Clinical aspect and treatment of chronio panoreatitis at a health resort. Vop. kur., fitioter. i lech. fiz. kul't 29 no.lt23-27 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Yesoentukakaya kurortnaya poliklinika (glaynyy vrach F.G. Sendarovich. .KUZI&TSOVA, M.N. KUZNETSOVA9 M.N.., Cand Mqd Sci -- (diso) "Histopathology of the placenta in acute radiation sickness." Mos, 1958. U pp (Ist Mos Order of lanin MPA Inst im I.M. Sechenov). 200 copies (KLI 20-58pl0l) MIURTSOVA, M.N. Remote resultn of a Cesarean section* 3 noe'5359-63 6-0 158 Vop*'ol:h.met. i deto (xLu nal) I* Is kefedry akusherstva i ginakologii (sav. - prof. X.N. 3hmakin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina. meditsinskogo Instituta Imeni I.M. Sechenova' (CM;RW SECTION) J'I.N., kand. med. nauk Some diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic prob.lerns of the premenatrual syndrome, Sov. med. 27 no.2:67-72 F 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra akusbarsiva I ginekologil (-Inv. - prof. K.N. Mmakin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina moditainskogo inrtitutn imeni Sechenova na baze Nauchno-issledovatellskogo Lnstituta akusherstva I gineko- logii (dir. - prof. O.V. Makeyeva) Ministerstva zdrhvookhraneniya SSSR. KUZNETSOVA, M.N.~ MAKAROVS, V.N. Yflonitization of rooks Of the Yakovlavo deposit in the Kursk Magnetic Ancoaly. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.13247-52 162, WMA 16.-8) (Kursk Magnetic ArLomaly--Mqlonite) I a MIKHAYLOV, V.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, pmf., red.; GIZZAROVA, I.L., red.j KU21ETSOVA, M.N., red.; KABROV, D.Yn., tekhn. red. (Manufacturing prestressed reinforced concrete elements] ProizvodBtvo predvaritellno napriazlienr7kh zhelezobeton- nykh konstraktsii. Pod red. V.V.Mikhaylova. Moskva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 214 p. (FIRA 17:3) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut betona i zhelezobetona. MIKHAYLOV, X.V.p kand. tekhn. naukp red.j KUZNETSOVA, FI.N., red. [New kinds of reinforcements] Novye vidy armatur7. Mo- skva, Stroiizdat., 1964. 202 p. (MIRA'.,,V:4) SKRAMITAYEV, Borls Grigorlyevich, doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.; LESHCHINSKIY, Marat Yurlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KUZNETSOVA 14 N., red. [Testing the strength of concrete in samples, products, and buildings] Ispytanie prochnooti betona v obraztsakh, izdeliiakli i sooruzheniiakh. Moskva, Stroiizdat., 1964. 175 P. (MIRA 17:12) *000000*09064 1 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 a 0, 0 * 0 e em t u u m Afi-r_ft & 0.,-" 1 1 L o4 A #It ?;~ ny M, U, oo.A go It *0 4) 00,j 0 0 0 11 11 11 4 to**$ v a if MAP 'Welpll au &4'c0 A loo- 0 0 ftrkodm" maims 61 of 12"don NOW"S or- vok Mktg "d A". 1. Reactift of Wes wfd1 fafty vW& The WicistrotitcXAtoc"114A wilb In &U proponk- but do OW (Om W~.cgmqd#. n*fiu&wgwftkCB,H,,Lhfimitt4 kum matle W smad, ibe adY, dffftedno wit% it. Both "bakia and Neuk odb am preelkAUr Im- nLWcibk with urem. U. Thmew *W*o of the tarAM Gew-VOW. M. N. Kusimam am W7-61~Tbt rqud. di&Vwa Flic t 4 ".fi".bdivWcdbytbcbImrY (IMMIRL071 (IV) ilat. two t". I-AcOll MHV with a cutcelic &I I-jv-u with a euteak at -22J), tho 16. L1,I2%M.72.U%L lVinstabilrintite OfT, IMM which It tm,y be crystd. T4buktcd John Livsk L A MIAM"CAL LITINAIN08 CLASWICA1100 slow Basil ow 4 f, a, W, -01 x4 6 0 5 1 N It 0 A 1 3 9 9 TU : 11 41 41 a 010 6 * 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 o 0 0 0 : * 0 0 0 410 o * oloj o 000 * 0 0 0 * a 0, q 0 ROD-0 *141 0 0 4 * 0 0 000 000 0 * # 0 -00 -00 00 see See 400 0*4 g*0 000 goo fee ZOO fee woo 1*01 11T 'lolten ant! Ji, Aqur~oin, "j-diAlon, c-do of iic,,,-l Minly-nis." 'at, -0- List S. f " a s. I _ I . (Dis:;c-l-tation for Vio of Caiidiu'zite of Ci.e.,.lic!~l :3ricrxco) 30; Yniz"infna 1(1`5`1 XV 7- /l/GTI OVA /)"/V- f B-8 USSR/Thermodynamics - Thermochemiatry. Equilibria. Physical-Chemical Analysis. Phase Transitiona. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya) No 6, 1957) 1854o Kuzn ,LA,G. Bargmn. Author J4-- Title Physical nalysis of Interaction of Amines and _~r Acids. IIT. Thermal Analysis of Ternary System Urea - Formic Acid - Water. Orig Pub : Zh. obahch. khimii. 1956, 26, No 5, 1326-1335 Abstract : The system CO(NHA) (1) - HCOOH (11) - H20 (III) and binary system I - II were studied by the method of thermal emalysia; the presence of combinations of I with II of the composition 1 : 2 (IV)) melting point -11-50, and I : I (V) with a transition point at -30 and 44.5 mol- was The cause which had not alowed the auth~;rs to detect the compound (V) earlier (report 11, Zh. obshch. khimii, 1939, 9, 637) was disclosed. An Card 1/2 - 221 - US.M./mIliermodynamica - Thermochcmistry. Equilibria. B-8 Physical-Chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya) No 6. 1957, 18540 A-'-eutectic Ims found in the system II and 59 -mol. % of III; the data (A.A - III at -48-50 obshcll. khimii, 1941, 11, 765) conce - Glagoleva,, Zh. rning the presence of two hydrates Of Il were not condirmed. The eutectic in the system I - III is at 12.7 mol. % of I and The graph phase of the system 1 11-50- - II - III Plotted basing on the study or J-3 sections includes 5 crystallization field. BOt7zA t_A2 discovered compounds are stable in pre- 8:,nce of water Lind occupy 15.7 (IV) and 8.4% (V) of the graph area. This area is divided intQ Wo ternary sysA tems by the section with IV - III: into the system III - IV II with an Outectic point at .49.80 and the sys. tem - IV - I with two non-variant points, eutectic at -39.20 and transition point at -32.20. Card 2/2 - 222 - -MW40VA,XJ.4,XW MAN, A.G. Physic9chemIcal analysis *f the interAction of amines with acids. Part@ 4. Thermal analysis qf the ternary system: urea - water - - butyric acid. Zhur.ob.khis. 26 ne.5:1335-1340 my '56. (MA 9:9) I.H*skovokly tekhnologicheakly Institut myaonoy I molechney prs- wyahlennesti. (Urea) (Butyric acid) 5 (4) AUTHORSt Ku%netsova, M. Nst Shullman, M. M. SOT/79-29-5-69/75 TITLEs Physico-ohemical Analysis of the Reactions of Aminee and Acids (Fiziko-khimicheskiy analix vzaimodoystviya aminov I kialot). 5. Thermal Analysis of the Three-component System Ursa - Triohloroaoetic Acid - Water (5. Termicheskiy analiz troynoy eistemy mochevina - trikhlorukausnaya kislota - voda) PERIODICALs Zhurnal obehohey khimii# 1959P Vol 29, Nr 5t PP 1737 - 1739 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Nine sections of the melting diagram H 20 - CGI3COOK - CO(HH 2)2 were investigated (Figs I and 2). A visual method of thermal analysis was applied. As the diagram shows (Fig 3), the stability range of COtNH 2)2 * CC13COOK covers 60.8A of the diagram surface. The seotion H 20 - CO(NH 2)2 - CC13 COOK divides the diagram into two three-component systemst 1) CC1 3COOR - H20 - CO(NH2)2 CC13 COOK with the eutectic point at -38.3 0 and 2) H2 0 - CO(NH 2 2 - COM 2)2 - CC13 COOK with the Card 1/2 eutectio point at -12.5 - Physico-chemical Analysis of the Reactions of SOY/79-29-5-69/75 Amines and Acids. 5. Thermal Analysis of the Aree-component System Urea - Trichloroacetio Acid - Water There are 3 figures and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovekiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i zoloohnoy promyshlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute fo&- the goat Packing and Dairy Industry) SUBMITTEDt October 8, 1958 Card 2/2 KMNSTSOVA FOTAFOVA) MoAo; SAIDA=o K.M.j OLISHANGVp K.M. DooMption of iorw from ion exchangas atudied by ileetrodWyvia. Imv,vys.uohbb.zav.jkhim.i IdLim.takh. 5 no.3t4l8-422 162. 11 Mookovskiy tokhnologiahookiy imatitut myasnoy i m6lochnoy promyshlonnoati., keLfadra analiticheakoy khimii. (Dooorption) (Ion exohange) (Electrodialysis) GOLUBEV, V.B.; KUZNETSOVAO_.,,~!~~-; YFVDOKIMV, V.B. Transformations in the quinone-samiquinone-hydroquinone series in alkaline medium. Part 1. Zhur. fizo khim. 37 no.l2s2795- 2796 D 163, (MIRA 17tl) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova,, GULUBEV, V.B.;_!LUZNETSOVA M.N.; YEVWKIMOV, V.B. Process of conversions -in the quinone - semiquinone - hydroquinone series. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.lt230-231 Ja'64. (MM 1712) 1. Raskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni, Lomonosova. BANSHCHIKOV, V.M.; KMNETSOVA, M.N.; KOVALEVA, Z.Ya. Some mental changes and treatment in the premenstrual syndrome. Trudy 1-go MMI 34s254464 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1, Kafedra paikhiatrii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyntell rAuki prof. V.M. Banahchikov); kafedra akusherstva I ginekologii (zavo - prof, KA Zhmakin) 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Loenina meditsinskogo inatituta imeni Sechenova. MARTYNENKO, L.I.; ZINTSOVA, Ye.S.; IMAROV, V.N-; KONDRATIYEVA, D.N.;SOVA, N.G.; TARANETS, V.j : ., DOMARFV,D.S. Stratigraphy of the iron ore complex in the Yalrovlevo deposit. Sbor.nauch.trud.KGRI no. 2104-29 163. (MIRA 17:7) MARTYNENTO, L.I.; MAKAROV, V.N.;-jjgjETr3QVAj_1jN.; SOVA,N.G.; TAFANETS, V.I.; DOMAREV, D.S.; KONDRATM11A, D.N. Association of minerals in the group of iron oxides in rocks and ores of the Yakovlevo, deposit in the Kursk 14agne+ic Anomaly. Sbor.nauch.trud. KGRI no. 21j29-36 t63. (MIRA 170) IMIAO-NOV, ';.A.p cioktoz- toklm. nall~p 1~rof.; kAl.111111,', L.,A~, tekhn. nauk; KlIVCROSIYASYM, V.F., inzh.; inzh. ;GVA, M.N.p red. [V,othuds for the rapid hent truatment of concrote ityYJ prospect3 for using them In the productim of p,,enast concrete] Motody kratkovremennol teplovul obrau(Aki be.- tona 1. perapektivy ikh prixenenila pri, proizvodatve i3bor- nogo, zhelozobatona. .. 14ookvap Stroijzdat, 1964. 11P j, , -~ t ; (MIRA 17: 8) G.G.; VASIL'Ullp A.P.; MMUYLODIJ, V.V.; FE2l,'.'L'Sf?r:"YH, N.L.Weceased]; .1,111SHEM, H.G.; Yf..Y,*JBCjVr-,Krl, B.V.; MIT111K), G.S., kand. teUn. nauk, nauchn. red.; YMN-ETSOVA red, [Prestresved reinforced concrete; ba.-od on materials at the Fourth Inturnational Congrans on Prestre.-sed RoInforced Concrete 1.1tructures 'Pqld nt Rom. and ?'-uloi In 10A')l rrwl- irpr4f.,ol Int- - 'priazhennvi zhAl-n;--ton; po materialam IV 14ezhdunarodnogo kongressa po predvaritellno napriazhemwm zhelezobetonnym konstnilctsilam (FTP), Him-Nealmll, 1962 g. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 281 p. (MI RA 17: 10) USSR/Soil Science - Mineral Pertdizers, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol-, No 4., 19581 15334 Author M.N. Kuzneteova Inst Title A Contribution to the Characterization of the Soil Conditions of Plant Feeding at the Kirov Bovkhoze (K kharakteristike usloviy pochvmmgo pitaniya raoteniy v sovkhozo ime Kirova). Orig Pub Pratsi 0des1k. un-tu, Tr. Odeesk. Un-ta, 1956, 146, zb. etude robit, 8b. etude robot* No 41 69-90 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 VASYAGINA 1 MariYa Pavlovnai KUZM--- a Nadezhda Fedorovnap SHVARUNAN, sof Niko evna; PISAREVA, nauk; SUVOROVA, R.I. I red, Ruv ovna t and. b1olog. tekh~# red, ; 91WORUK, T.I.j red.; ROROXIIIA, Z.P.1 (Flora Of aporeforminj plant$ rastenji Kazakhatana. Alma_AtaOf Kazakhstan] Flora sporovykh V02.3. (Mi I Idewl Muchn1Bto-r.eiarWIZd-vO Akadlnauk Kavlakbakoi ssR. a CrIby. 2961. 458 p. (Kazakhstan--Mildew) (MIRA 15SI) TITARENKO, Te.Ye.; KUZNETSOVAI M,N, Influence of microelements On the productivity of ornamental floral ~Iants. Hauch. dokl. vyo. ohkolyl biol. nauki no,.2:169,-173 161. (KM 1435) 1. Rekomendovana Botanichookim oadom Odesokogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta Im. I.I.Meohnikova. IFLOWM) (TFACE EIDMITS)) SOV/ 137-58- B-17069 T ran slation, from: Refe rat ivnyy zhurna I, Meta I I urgiva, 1958, Nr 8, p 124(USSR~ AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, M,P, TITLE: Electric Arc. Welding of Vibrating Components (Elektrodugo- vaya svarka detaley v usloviyakh ikh vibralsit'i PERIODICAL: Traktory i sel'khozmashiny, 1958, Nr 1, pp 3?.-33 ABSTRACT: The process of arc welding (W) ol , orriponents which were imparted a vibrating motion of Z5 t-ytlles/sec at an amplitude of Z irim was investigated (the spe, imen, .vere rigidly mounted on a vibrating table'). For comparison purpotves, W of plates was also performed by the standard method. Electrodes of the same type and identical welding ( ondit)ons ,vcre employed. Specimens welded under vibration c-,h,,bited a greater tensile strength. The microstructure of the weld is uniform and fine- grained-. overheating and columnar nature of primary crystal- lization are not as pronounced as in tile case of standard welds. 1. Arc welding 2. Vibration. -~!ctillurgl cal effects V.P. 3. Welda-Properties Card 1/1 1 4 SH.AG&LOVA, R,Yu.; DAYLT, N.A,; GOLIPERIN. N.1.-. KUZNICTSOVA, M.P. Some Improvements In the cbloral mntbod for the production of vanillin and vanillal. Trudy VNIISEDV no.4:34- 8 158. (Vanillin) (Bourbonal) (Chloral) IMIRA 12t5) 8/276/63/000/004/001/007, A052/A126 AUTHORt Kuzn TITLEs 'Cold expansion of metal with vibrating punch PERIODICALa Reforativnyy zhurnal, Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniyal no- 4, 1963, 52, abstract Pi* (In-collection "Konstruir. i prois- -vo n.-kh. mashin. Mo:~cowt Mashgiz, 19062, 296 - 296") TEXTs The possibility is diL;cussod of employing expansion by means of a vibrating punch in agrioulturz,.l enjineering as one of the methods to increase metal strength. The application of this method is illustrated with the expansion of rojeoted piston p!ns of automobile and tractor engines to standard demensions. A diagram of sit experimental installation is given and a graph showing the dependence of pin expansion on the expanding force (Q) is plotted. The investigations have shown that in the presence of vibration', piston pins readily yield to expansion in cold state; the strength of the internal surface increases by Mja', but 70 - 60% of the recovered pins are rejected on account of cracks, T.Kislyakova [Abstraoter-a notet Complete trank.lation.] Card 1/1 PALISHKIN, D.A.; IVANQVj V.I.; W.MtENK09 L.N.; G.'-LAOV, K.K.; THURCHINp S,I.; KPT 5YUK, V.I.; YIEFAIRN., A.D.; SAZ%CVA, FISA;T-NKOP G.N.; LODKOV, M., red. N I LMEI (Mechanization in animal huisbandry] Mekhanizatsiia v zhi- votnovodstvo. stavropoll, Stavropollskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 287 p. (NIHA 17:8) cHATrAsHrAm, m-1h., xUMWTA, X.B. Iffect of nlootlalo &old and thiourea on the vernalization of winter wheat. I)okl. AN SM 105 no.4:842-845 D 155. (NM 9:3) 1. Justitut fisjologit resteMy imeni I.A. Tialrysseva Akadoull nauk G6fiR- (Wheat) (Urnalization) e KIMLLT307A, 111. S. Y T!Z NMNOV A -P 71. S. -- "Investigation of tlic Effect of a v.,~oce.,3.3 :,f Calcil.latJon of the Nec',ianical and Mclectric Propcrtle5 of SteatIt'd.11 Sub 26 12) llio-qcow Order -)f Lunia ".*Ii,.r-;,Lco!-,!jcltn,)I.--.,,i,ctI Tati~l irrarti T .. 1 .1 ~ D. 1. Mcale-leyev. (DiatiertaLl.on Cor f.ic De-rou of in Teel-mical ~-ciances). ,SO-. ~ ocharava I~cjskva) Jaauary--Da~. tithe r 1)52 O~~ /77 - I- --- -.- f I . 10" --2%, +457, -,-. +470, 0%; QW +70" ifij -,)m,Cl in 74*, 0g, ISIN h yIAC &Clg At A.- M. +71-- MI;to the of Sao 0%. 8%; P ;4 Uctim of hah a the 4"b PhCHIC%H inaftses the phy"- aCtIvItT. whkb Is -,-.0%.+21 2,4-di-Cl;m 131 tlo &i" 9TC%tc8t with Cl, Dr Is less ::. ffl~, 1t1,19$q; 2.5-di-0.`m. 105".+71 1 +80 active; Iodine jit.thefi-pwtiala .does not Increase activity. most Active am the 3. +h%, 30 122; Jj."ri-a, M I belas 1 1 +40 I-It active the 44UJO dedrs., while the 3-hala daivv. am 15G o -fY)17,, 2 4,64ri-V apwlng, in, ' ~jd ar.' M -I-" Intermediate.. Ills Is the remse order of activity k com. 120', 071~.4~156 '+IOU'7,' P-VrO, in- tyk 4rhom with PlitnoxYm(k acliO. Introdued" Of 83 ore Oril.-, +220i' whille.., ~V 91flocen don not change the phy +6% + 45.6%, M. in. 0.V I,: dol. activity. while & V $ 69%; 4,3.B,Me, haloicia can either reduce or,increan activity. A Me + In ths P-position reduces the activit 1 +20 +71 14 6,1-03fr, in. FW yo and a Me ,M 82' 1 -2 +40 0 . 2 reduce It very much. A smaller decrease in activity 10 t by a p-jiteo limp, Hid9genittlon +69 + CA +M, 2.4'ClIff, m. loci% of N-Mtc#H a - - jj_,1fe Aft()). .0CH#C0oII -uses Increased activitro the greatest activi +1 + 1,2%. T,6%, ulting from 4-substitutiono and I ar. I, -, g7,, 047,- 2 4 PrNe, in.. halo esm activity f. 117*. +3%, -6%, - -21 _2_,Rf -'Ya-AMAfeft Ifnatlon. With 2.4-13 as the standard w 00 P Increase of Wheat Coleaptue growth at I m rn. 107*. 1. tibtituted Was Showu that MM0% mg. btbylalkykwboxylic 0 nd l1ctcv0Qu1IQ As the standard which gayl Of lildricAmn root growth, the following mults MH from the ring by hAn I C stom redum the were obtained In plant tegtj*, (in above (irder; w PhY11101. activity and the cotnpds. with an gcid groul) at the andlOO K,e- C011=11i tesQ for the wheat nd I-position an C,41r, akdeton ar sub- I 'be 1' 10 e the only UctI% 50 And 100 MCA cOnme. for the Udine I~ stanco with 2-subs(itution at -C ones; Wil e Inactive. Subititutlon Of SISA"Awmd PAfxY(4(fa4 adds (substItucats, given AtiyI groups or MCC) grotil" Into the C,411, ring le-ads to sharp decline In activity. The following msults wete ch-_ talned In blot. tests (same standardi jLj above): Rilrtl- tuted I-naplithalenca"tic adds (substituents given). 11, in. 131'. +77%, + 169%, -, -, +92%, -; 44W. in. 1441, +278; -12% - +107, +2777a, +9'7a; 4-1te, in. 148'0 +Itv, +1~.', -~4%, Tlfi~~, +24%. -1()%;, 4-FJ. 120*. +9%. - +9% +60'. +27 4-Pr. in Jig' -5% -70 X -~247g, '+50-9. +32 4-flsf, m: 110", -,*'-14j' +-)I I +W%, +33179, 1- C1,111COCIfieffIC0,1111, in. +4601.- .2-C.II,C0CIf,CII,CWI, in. 174 MOM of the abovit-a6l, were prcTxi. bythe Williteradt reaction othcri tljTmigh the ititrilc,4 fmin the corresponding bentyl linlides. G. N1. ~GJLTRFVJCH~ G.P.; KHMELEVA, M.G.; KENETSOVA, M.S. %jortant of iodine, cobalt and copper In the rattons of students of a boarding school in Vladivostok. Trudy Vlad'.FMG no.23 214-216 162. (M-Tak 1813) 1. 1z Vladivostakskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta. opidemlologAll, mikrobiologil I g1glyeny I Vladl~vostokskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantall. Li 112-2-2713 ,~Tranolation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal., Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 13 (VSSR) AUTHORSs Fridkin, A. Ye., Nuznetoova, M. S. T1W Thermal Treatment of Porcelain (K voproou o termicheskoy obmbotke farfora). PERIODICAMTr. Goo. i9aled. elektrokeram. in-ta) 1956, Nr 1, pp. 25-44 0 combination with metal parts in a number of very important el6ctrical appliances (air circuit breakers and otbers). The thermo-elaatic properties (the modulus of elasticity, the coefficient of thermal expansion, etc.) of metals and porcelain are different. Ceramic materials obey Books's lav in a given load interval, but do not have yield properties, and break down when the load is increased within the Proportional limit. In addition to this, residual deformation is observed in porcelain after a force applied over a long period of time Card 1/4 is removed. Internal stresses are of particularly great importance in porcelain insulators. Research on residual stresses in metals and glass ABSTF=T :Electrical industrial porcelain ( ) is the basic material used in 112-2-Z713 Thermal Treatment of Porcelain, (cont.) has been going on for quite acme time, and an electrical cermic materials it was initiated in 1952 at Gieki. It in chiefly internal stresses of a primau nature that affect the mechanical Strength of porcelaln insulators. These stresses balance out within areas with ai- ions close to those of the given body. These stresses are usually determinecl by cutting the sample being investigated into parts and measuring the deformations produced during the process. Residual internal stresses can develop during hmtlm fma - cool- ing, for example, those due to the heterogenous plastic deformation of Individual parts of the ceramic body, am well as to the irregular develo;ment of phase changes throughout the volume of the sample. The modification Of quartz into porcelain is an example of this. Still another category is that of temporary thermoelastio stresses. Insulators, especially large ones, often break up during discharge of residual internal stresses. Two methods were used in carrying out resparch on residual intemal stresses: 1) the method of boring layer rings; 2) the bar method. They have found wide application in determining residual stresses in metals. By the first method, the stressed state of hollow pokeelain cylinders can be determined by successively remov- ing the outer Were and subsequently measuring the deformations (the change of the inner and outer didneters and of the length of the cylinder). Card 2/4 Thermal Treatment of Porcelain. (cont.) -112-2-2713 on the optical indicator. The second method consists of grinding by layers one of the surfaces of the rectangular bar. By measm*ing the deformations produced in the process,, it is possible to determine the value and sign of the residual internal stresses in the axial direction in bare cut from parts of large insulators. The internal stresses were tested under the folloving thermal treatment conditions (11000 to W - tempemture range): a) aan &ling - cooling mte, 5 to 15 degrees per hourl b) tempering-cooling mte, 450 degrees per hour; c) cooling 9-;at 25 degrees per hour (factory pructice). The research carried out has established the following: 1. During annealing in the process of cooling, and also during annealin after repeated heating, the deform- ation of porcelain rings is measurable on the optical indicator. 2. When tempering the fired elements of 4W kv lead in covers, the compression stresses which develop . in their owface layers attain 80 kg/cm2. In the middle layers the stresses change into tensile 11 s vith a maximum of 40 kg/cm2. 3. Under factory cooling conditions, with a cooling rate of 25 degrees per hour, tensile stresses develop in the rings as well as in the bars (in the surface layers), and, in the inner layers, residual compression stresses devel6p. 4. Plesidual internal stresses in porcelain increase with the tbickness Card 3/4 of the wall and the diameter of the insulator. This is observed during Thermal Treatment of Porcelain. (Cont-) 112-2-2713 tempering as well as during cooling. Optimum thermal treatment of prodwts made from electro-technical porcelain ( # ) my be ensured by aauealing ( removing the permanent stresses),, or by creating reinforcing (compression) stresses on the surface of the product by tempering. Ocntnpm7 3.10, 220 and 400 - kv insulators have a very complicated form is difficult to produce evenly distributed compression stresses on their surface by tempering. Annealing is recommended as the optimum thermal treatment of insulators vherein practically no residual stresses develop. 3.1 bibliographic entries. N.V.N. card 4/4 110-2-11/22 AUTHORS3 Fradkin, A.Ye. (Cand.Tach.Sci.), Kuznetaova, U.S. (Cand.Tech.Sci.) & Genin, L.G. (Engineer) I TITLEs Residual stresses in porcelain insulators. (Ostatochnyye napryalzheniya v farforovykh izolyatorakh) PERIODICAM Vestnik Blektropromyshlonnouti, 1958, NO.2; pp. 37-42. (USSR) ABSTRACTs Internal stresses in materials are classified into three groups, but the article is concerned only with the first of theme, namely, temperature stresses during cooling. It is possible to calculate temperature stresses In metallic bodies of simple shape, but little work of this kind has been done on porcelain. The difference between temporary and residual stresses in explained. The method of determining residual stresses in explained. The method of determining residual stresses in porcelain specimens was adapted from metallurgical methods that have been described in the authors' earlier work. One of these methods in the ring method, which is used to determine the stressed condition of hollow cylinders and rings. External (or internal) layers are aucc:;sively removed and measurements are made of the changes in the intern (or external) diameter. The internal stresses can be calculated from these changes. The rod method was developed by Prof. N.N. Davidenkov. Here one surface of a rectangular cylinder is ground off in layers. The resulting deformation of the opposite side of the block is measured and the stresses are calculated. .Card 1/3 Stress diagrams for the speciments are then constructed. Residual stresses in porcelain insulators. 110-2-11/22 When the porcelain speoiments'ars cooled in the hardening- ten&rature range at a speed of the order of 4500C per hour, compressive stresses of some 80 kg/cm2- are set up near the surface and tensile stresses of the order of 40 kg/cm2 occur near the contra. With slow cooling, at 5 - 100C per hour over the same temperature ranget there are practically no residual stresses. When cooling at the rate of 250C per hour, which is common industrial practice, the tensile stress near the surface of the speciments in about 20 kg/cm2. Residual stresses of thermal origin are AIWAYS compressive near the trlace, and the stress diagrams obtained indicate the existence of tructural stresses. To establish the temperature interval in which : stresses are set up, a number of porcelain rings were made and annealed. They were then subjected to various heat-treatments with different rates )f cooling. The results of deformation measurements and the corresponding results of stress calculations are given in Figs. I & 2. Internal stress can be completely relieved by treatment at 11000C, and stresses can be set up again by re-heating and relatively rapid cooling. It was then established that changes in the magnitude and sign of the residual stresses depend on the rate of cooling in the temperature range 800 - 5000C. The develgpmeat of tensile stress in certain cases was attributed to structural changes and in particular Card 2/3 to modification of quartz, Insulator porcelain contuins up to 17~ iesidual stresses in porcelain insulators. 110-2-11/22 of free quartz, which Is converted from the a to the-3 form on passing through the temperature of 5730C. Special experiments ware undertaken to confirm this hypothesis. The results, given in Fig.3 and Table 2, show that the effect is most marked when the quartz content is high, and in Absent when the fluartz content is very low. Hence, insulators with no residual stress can be made by appropriate heat-treatment, if the quartz content in kept very low. Another method of reaching low residual straisoo is to adapt the heat- treatment to the quartz content. The method by which temperature stresses Are set up when porcelain products are cooled, is discussed in none detail, It is considered that residual stresses are unlikely to cause cracks during cooling because they reach their maximum value only when the temperature is uniform throughout the product, i.e. at room temperature. However, they may cause spontaneous cracking during storage, or in service. There are 2 tables, 4 figures, ASSOCUTIONt GIEKI. 2 literature references (Russian) AVAIIABLEt Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: KuznOsOva, M~ S- soy 72-58-7-8/19 TITLE: ihe Products in Periodic Furnaces With ;,uto- tantic Air Supply (OklilazMeniye farfarovykh izdeli.v v periodiches- kikh pechakh a prinuditellnoy podachey vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 7, pp. 27 - 29 (US'JR) ABSTRACT: In order to balance the temperature in the furnace, the GISKI# to(;ether with functionaries of the "Izolyator'l- and "Prolotariy"- Works introduced a cooline method with the auction of cold air below the vault of the furnace. In this way it was possible to reduce the temperature drop in direction of the height of the furnace from 22o0 to loo - 12oO. GIEKI proposed the mothod of automatic air supply into the furnaco in order to be able to pro- duce articles of larcer di~~ensions. This method was tried with the aMitatance of the engineers L.G.Genin and G.M. Khlopin in the 'Ilzolyator"-IYorks. The scheme of the vacuuz--snd com.nrersed air lines is shown in figure 1. The coolinC-process in carried out in 3 temperature intervals: up to Oooo, from 3oo to 500 0, and from 500 to 500- Froi 1300 to 8000, the fragment of porcelain is still sufficiently plastic and may therefore be cooled quicker. This Card 1/2 may be intensified up to 1000$'y opening the furnaces and the The Cooling of Porcelain Products in Periodic Furnaces,'EV/72-58-7-0/19 With Automatic Air Supply chimney draft. The following cooling regime was by means of tests determined and then introduced during tho first 2 to 3 hours - loo to 1500 per hour; up to 0500 - 30 to 350 per hour and up to 8ooo to 2o0 Der hour, in which caue the cecond period (000 to 5000) is considered to be the most dan::erous one, nince the final so- lidification of the liquid phase taken place within this tempera- ture interval. It was reconmended to fix the cooling velocity for lar,E:e products in the temperature intervi4l fron 500 to 500 with 2o to 250 per hour. The values of the dropa in tenperature within the period of from Goo to 500 0, are given in the table. On the strength of toots, the cooling period was reduced from 77 to 76t to from 6o to 62 hours, and lateron to from 52 to 54 hours (Fig 2). There are 2 figures and I table. 1. Ceramic mate:,ials--Processing 2. Furnaces--Cooling 3. Air--Applications 4. Vacuum systerns--Applications Card 2/2 KOYNATSKIY, N.A. IGORK, 1.T~.;GROWZNCHIXO X*A* ;rA4MAKOV4, P.M.; KOVIXOYA, G.S.; KORNIW , A.I.;KUZKZTSOVAo.g.V.;HELINIXOVA, L.9. I "I" Silicosis, etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical aspects. G1'g. sanit., Moskya no.8128-32 Aug 1952. (CLKL 23:2) 1, Of the Clinical Department of leningrad Soientific-Researoh Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. 112-57-7-15920 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elaktrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, pp 298-299 AUT14OR: Bukhman, Ye. N., and Kuznetsova, M. V. (USSR) TITLE: Statistical Study of Telephone Traffic Used in Designing Dial Telephone Offices (Statisticheskoye izuchentye telefonnoy nagruzki pri proyektirovanii avtomaticheakikh telefonnykh stantsiy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. po statist. , 1956, Nr 2, pp 263-270 ABSTRACT: In constructing new dial-telephone offices, high quality of service and minimum construction expenditures can be attained only through correct equip- ment design. Telephone traffic fluctuates, depending on the season, time of day, and chance factors. The Erlang tables have been used to determine random fluctuations of traffic caused by independent actions of subscribers. In addition to random fluctua- tions, it is necessary to allow for irregular fluctuations observed during politi- cal campaigns (elections, subscriptions to loans, etc.) and national holidays. The effect of irregular fluctuations of telephone traffic is particularly pro- nounced in the case of large trunk groups connected so that all lines of the Card I /Z 112-57-7-15920 Statistical Study of Telephone Traffic Used in Designing DW Telephone Offices Ible to every party. One of the factors influencing the traffic group are accessi fluctuations is the concentration of a great number of calls around a certain group of parties (recording board, information, etc.). With all correction fac- tors introduced, the final formula for estimated traffic at a dial telephone office is: Y I + O