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KUZNZTSOVA, K.I. Limits of vertical distribution of spOcIeB of Lageuidae in Jurassic sediments of the V61ga, Va.1ley. Vop. mikropaleont. no.6:107-3-15 t62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Geologicheskly institut AN SSSR. (Volga Valley-Lagenidae, FosiAl) SHIZZINGER, A.Ya. 1p Upper JUraaqic cediments in the aulmrged zones of the 1-%ngy- shlak Penizwula. Biul.1401P. Otd.geol. 38 no.3:60-76 Yq-je 163. (141M 16:9) 'r, ~ i " 1;'-' ";' , ~. ! . .... ~ lilOrl(Ar-le 3t,,IJY 01' t,'.e ni,ell of robusta F-euss, a ltv~dc element of Lhq compllr)x of the YpIvI-yptites nt~itini zone of Vrsc-ow lkiolr,. rAkvorKil.conL. no.7:105-126 163 - 1,7:10) 1. iMi t, ', Tu L A N' S 17 3' R . VAKIfRAI,EYEV, V.A.; PEYVF, A.V., glavnyy red.; KIIZNETSOVA,,,.~,~., red.; MENNFR, V.V., red.; TII-IDFEYFV, P.P., red. (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous floras of Eurasia and the paleofloristic provinces of this period]. Mrskie i rannemelovye flory Fvrazii i paleofloristichaskio provintsil etogro vreumni. MoOva, Izd-vo "Naiika," 11U. 260 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Goologicheakii Institut. Til?d- -. 102) MRA 17:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). KORENEVA, Yelena Vasillyevna; ZAKLI11:33KAYA, Ye.D., oiv..r,-'.d.; FFY"TEY A.V., ltlavnyy red.; HZIMT;0VA, V.I., red.; V.V., red.; TIMMEM, P.P., red .: (Spores and pollen from the bottom sediments in the wortorn part of the Pacif1c Ocean.] SDory I pylltsa Az donnykh otlozlienli zapadnol chasti T'kliogo okouna. Voskva, 71zei-vo "Naukap" M4. 87 p. (Akadomiia rinuk SMR. Institut. Trudy, no. 109) 0011RA 17.-61 1. Chlon-korrespondent M1 SSSR (for Poyve). MIKHAYLOV, N.P.; GUSTOMESOV, V.A.; PEYVE, A.V., gilavnyy re6,; NENNER, V.V. , otv. red. j AMTSOYA,. red. . red.; TINDFEYEV, F.P.0 (Boreal Late Jurassic Cephalopodas] BorealInye pozdneiurskie. golovonogie. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 220 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakii institut. Trudy, no.107). I (MI'RA 17 t 10) 1. Chlon-korre8pondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). POSTEL;NIKOV, Y6.S.) ZATONSKIYI L.K.1 AFBDIOVA, R.A.; PE-M, A.V., akmdairdk, gla'nVy red,; PISHCHAROVSKIY, YU.M., otr.rod.; PJZNEI~j~~, red.; MENNER, V.V.,. rel.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P., red. (Tectonle development and struoture of Indochina.] Tektonlahe- skoe razvitie i strukfmra Indokitaia. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 92 p. (Akademita nauk MR. Geologicheskii inotLtut. Trudy, no.108) (MIRA 28.1~ ZHURAVLEVA, Z.A.; SLIUKHATOV, M.A., otv. red.; PRYVE. A.V... r,,lavl,yy red.; hMUF-EYL'V, KUZl1E,,TS(TJA K.I... red.; 1,2111M, V.V., red.; F.P..- red. [RiPhcan and 14wer Cambrian Oncolithes and Catagraphes of Siberia and their atratigraphic importance.] Onkclity i katagrafii rifela i nizhnego kembrila Sibirl -I ikh stratigraftchaskoe zrachenie. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 72 p. :Lllus. (Akadomlia nauk SSSI'. Geologlelleskii Jr- stitut. Trudy, no.114). 0-alu 17,0) 3. Ch-len-kozrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). M KUZNETSOVA K.I. Evolution of some species of Marginulina and metbods for studying them. Vop. mikropaleont, no,8:84,90 164, (MIRA 18:5) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. IAKOVJ.rlf milrolqv Vikolavevich; PEYVE, A.V., akademikO glav. red.; TIKHOMIROVO V,V.p otv. red.; JWNETSOVA, red.; MINER, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV., P.P... red. (Reminincencee of a pologist-palsontologist) Vospominaniis, geologa-palooritologa. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 85 P. (MINA 1813) B07VINKINA, Lyubovi Hikolayevna; YABLOKOV, V.S., ot-i,red.; PEYVE, A.V., akademik, glavnyy red.; KUZNETSOVA K.I., red.; 1,.1711ijol, V.V*, red.; TIMOFEYEV, PIP,p red. (Manual on the methods of studying bedding; transactions.] Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po izuchenilu sloistosti. Moskva, Naukao 1965. 258 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudyl vol. 119) (MIRA 1824) Gj- 'kYVE, A. V., akademik, glavnyy red.; M.Ye,i otv. red.; r..I,p rod.; V4,I rod.; TJM0FEYFV, PIP.,, red. [Riphoan cf the (fraltau Range.] Rifoi khrobta Ural-Tau. Moskva Nauka I-964j ?35 F. (Oadtmlla nauk SSSR. GeologJchoskil institut. Trudy: no.124). (MIRA 18t3) CHUGAYFVA, M.N.1 ROZMAN# Xh.S.j IVANOVA, V.A.; PEYVE, A.V., glavnyy red.; KELLER, B.M*, otv. red.1 LU~NETSOVA,_jj., red.1 WNM, V.V., fed.; TIMDFEYEV; P.P., red. (Comparative biontratigraphy of Ordovician eedim"t-R In the northeastern U#S.S.R.) Stravnitellnaia bioistritigraffis. ordovokikh otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka SSSR. Moskva, Naukap 1964. 235p. illus. (&kademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakil. institut. Trudy, no.106).. (MIRA l7sl2) 1. Chlen-korreBpondent AN MR (for Peyve). ZONENSHAYN, L.P.; URTELIS-USPENSKAYA, I.A.; SAFRONOV, V.S.; NEYMAN, V.P.; GFNDLER, V.Ye.; CHURIKOV, V.S.; YFKEMIN, N.I.; KOGAN, B.S.; TAKOVLFVA, M.N.; LANGE, O.K.; KABANOV, G.K.; KUZNEVjQVA,.K.I.; SINITSYNA, I.N.; SMIRNOVA, T.N.- VENKATACHALAPATI, V.; MASIAKOVA, N.I.; B11OWOVA, Z.D.; YAKUBOVSKAYA, T.A.; YURTNA, A.L.; RYBAKOVA, N.O.- MOROZOVA, V.G.; BARASHp M.S.; FOUAREV, V.I.; NIKONOV, A.A. Activity of the Geological Sections of the Moscow Naturalists' Society. Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 39 no.6:127-151 N-D 164. (MIRA 1F; 3) SHANTSER, Ye.,V., otv. red.; PEYVL, A.V., akadomik, glav. red.; ,,, VA K red.; 1-uITINt, V.V.,. rod.; TD,',OFF.YEV, KU221EITW~~ 'r-s M. (Geneolu and lithology of continental Quaternary i3edimental Genozis I litologiia kontinentaltnykh antropogonovykh otlo- zhenil. Moskva, Naukap 1965. IAI p. (MUA 18ie) 1. Akademi-ya nauk W~Ai. Geologichaskiy Institut. PEYVEO A.V., akademiko glav. red.; NIKIFOROVA, X.V., otv. red.; KUZATSOVAs K.I,, red.; MRINER, V.V.p red.j TIMFEM, P.P., red. [Stratigraphic importance of the Quaternary fauna of small mammals] Stratigraficheskoe znachenle antropogenovoi fauny zelklkh mlokopitaiushchikh. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 270 n. (HIRI 18t9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Geologicheokiy Inst"ITlul., Ill KIM OVA. K. I., I: 0~'v!:, A ~,Iriv. red.; T M 0=,,- EEV rzd . rea re'd. [Gorrelation of Quaternary depovit.3 of northern Eurosial Korreliatuiia antrop.-Temovykii otlozheii-t-4- 3averuoi Evra.. ziJ.. Moskva Itauka, 1965. U4.1- P. 18-.9) 1. Akadeadya nauh SSSI",., Ka4ARv V%-&-j RAAJEN,, M*Y*.; SEMIMTOV,, M.A.; MENN&Rv V.V.t otv, red.1 PEYVEp A.V... akademikp glavnyy red.; KUZhETSOVA, K.I., red.; TIMOFEYEVO P,Pop red, [Conophytons in the Riphsan of the US.S,,R, and their istrati- graphic importancej Konofitony rifeia SSSR i ikh stratigrafl- cheokoe zriachenies MoBkva, Nsulmj, 1965, 71 ps (Akademiia nauk SSSR, Geologichaskii institut. Trudy# no.131) (KM 18:9) MWRENINNIKOVp VA.1 SOLOVIIZVAp M.N., otv,,red.; PEYVE, A.V., akademik,, g1avW red. 1, &ILLMTSOVA red.; HEIRERp V.V.p red.; TIMOFEYEVI P.P.p i~C. [Voml.Palsogene atratigraphy of the eastern part of the YediterTanean area.] Zonal I naia, strs.U.-rafiiA palsogena Vostoobnogo Sy 1i&. Mookvm, Iku3m, 1965. 74 P. (Akademiia rALuk SSSR. Geologioheskii institut. Trudy, no.133) (MIRA 1M) RA.UZER-CHERNOUS OVA, D.M.; MENNER, V.V., otva reds; PEYVE, A,V,, akademik, glavnyy red.1 KMETSOVA.. K,1,,, red,j TIMOFEYEV,, P.P.,, red, (FGraminifers. in the stratotypical cross section of the Sakmara stage (Sakmara River,. Southern Urals).] Pm=inif8x7 otratotipicheakogo razraza sakmarBkogo iarusa (r. Saknam., Mzhmd Ural). Moskvat Naula, 1965. 79 p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut, Trudy, no,135) (KIRA 180) PERaAWNT, Mil-Jiail Abramovich; MIKHATLOV9 U*P*p otvs redo t PZYVEj AoV&p akademlkp glavzW red.;_ Kol., red.; MF,NW,Rs V,V., red.1 TIMOnUVp P,Pop redo CL-weeram and Orstaceoun stratigraphy of the Pacifia area.] Inotseramy i stratigrafiia mela Tikhmkeazwkoi oblasti. Moskmp Nau3mp 1965, 101 p, (Ak&demiia mauk SSSR, Geologi- chaskii institut. Trud7, no.118) (MMA lU9) LIFINA,r O.A .; RAUZER-OHMNOWOVA, D.M.,, otv. red.; PEYVE, A,V.,, aktidemikp glawW red.1 ~TS,OVAp K.I., red.; MKITI-CR, V.V.p red.; TIMOFEYEV,, F.P.,q red. [Taxonomy of Tournayallidae.) Sistematika turnalellid. Moskvap Naukal 1965. 114 p. (AkademiJA rAuk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy# no*130) (MIRA 18:9) VYSOTSKIY Boris Petrovich; PEYVE, A.V. , glav. red.; JE_M~~TSOI~.A K.1,red.; MENNER, V.V., red.j TIYOFTYEV, -'EI'SITSYNA) N.A,p red. (Johannes Walther and his role In the progresB or geology] logannes Vallter i ago roll v ravitii, geologii. Moskvnj Hauka, 1965. 174 P. (VIRA 18:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SS.SR (for Peyve). RATEYEV, M.A.; STRAKHOV, N.M., akademik, otv. red.1 PEYVE, A.V., lavnyy red.; XUZNnSO11A, K.I., red.; WHAW, V.V., red.; 9 TIMOFEYEV . P.p. , red,-, [Characteristics of the distribution and genesis of clay minerals in reoent and old sea basins.) Zakonomernosti razmeahchenila i genezis glinistykh minaraloy v sovromennykh i drevM,kh morakikh bassainakh. Moskva,, Nauka, 1964. 287 p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Goologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.11"). (MMA 1819) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). YAROSHENKO, 011ga Pavlovna; VAKHRAMEYEV, V.A., otv. red.; PFYVE, A.V., akademik, glavnyy red.; KUZNETSOVA, K.I., red.; MENNER, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P., red. spores and pollen complexes of Jurassic and tower Cretaceous deposits of the Northern Caucasus and their stratigraphic Importance.) Sporovo-pylltsovye kompleksy iurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otloshenii Severnogo Kavkaza i ikh strati- raficheakoe snachenie. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 1(Y7 p. illus. Akademlia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakli Institut. Trudy, no.117) l (MIRA 18ill) P NGARTEN, N.V.; YONSTANTINOVA, N.A.; NIVIVOROVA, K.V., otv. red.; PYIYVEp A.V., akadomik, glavnyy red.; KIJZIIF:T3C)VA, F.T., red.; MRINER, V.V., red.; TRIOFEYEV, P.P.p ledff.- [Rolo of facles-mineralogical analynin in the recon3truetion of the Quaternary climate; an revealed by a study made in southern Moldavia and the southwestern Ukraine.) Roll fatolallno-mineralogicheskogo analiza v rokon - ntruktsii kbiwita antropopena. Mopkva, Naitka, 1965. 120 p. (Akademlia nauk SS5R. Goologichenkii Institut, Trudy, nosI37) (MIRA 181l1) KROPOTNIN, Petr Nikolayevich; SHAIMARSTOVA, U*niya Alokaandrovnaj FAVLOVSKIYj Te.V., otve red.; PEYVE, A.V., alademik, glaynyy red,; KMNETSOVA -Kj., red.; MENNER, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYF.V,P.P., red, :=:===;:j (Geological otructure of tho Pacific mobile belt.] Geologi- cheskoe, stroenie Tikhookeanskogo podyizhnogo polasa. Hoskrap Nauka, 1965. 364 p. maps. (Akademila nauk SSSR, Institut geologii. Trudy, no. 134). (MIRA 18t12) NEYBURG, Marlya Fridrikhovna (dooeand1l HENNER, V.Vs, owe red#j ,. _ 1, K.I., red.; TIMOFI MVIO A.V,, glavnyy rad*j-jVZ,!WSOVA -,YKVO P.P., red. I - I [Permian flora of the Pechora Basin. Part 2t Sphenopoida.] Permakaia flora Pechorokogo bassoina. Moskva) Nauka. Pt. 2. (Sphanopoida] ChlanistoetebelInyee 1964. 137 p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii inatitut. Trudy no.111) (MIRA 18t8) L Chlon-korreapondent U SBSR (for Feyve), LEBEDEV, Yevganly Leanidovich; VAKOAMFYEV, V.A., otv. red.; PKM, A.V., akademik, glavnyy red.; Xg4_ red.; WKNER, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P*, red, [Late Juraaalo flora of the Zeya River and the Jurassic- Cretaceous boundary.] Pozdnelurskaia flora reki Zei i ranitsa lury i mela. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 14-1 p. illus. ~Akademlia nauk SSSR. Goologicheskii Institut. Trudy, no.125) (MIRA 18:11) MCEWITIN, A.I.; SHANTSER, To.V., otv. red.; PEYVE, A.V., akademik, I glavnyy red. rod.; HEW?, V,V., red.; TIMOFEYEVP P.P., redo - [Pleistocene in the European part of the U.S.S.R.; critical review of published data.] Pleistotson Evropoiskoi chasti SSSR; kritichookli obzor literaturnykh dannykh. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 179 p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Goologicheskil bmtitut. TrWy,. no. 123). (MIRA 180.2) SHLEZINGER, A.Ye.; YANSHIN; A.L., akademik, otv. redi PEYVE~ A.V., sk-Aemik, glavnyy red.; -&UZffnQVA, -K.1., red.; MENNET., V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P., red. [Structural position and the development of the MangyBhlak dislocation system.] Strukturnoe polozhenie I razvItie Mangyahlakskoi sistemy dialokat-sli. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 218P. (Akadeid.ia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakil InE3titut. Trudy, no.132) (MIFA 18M) CHUMAKOV, Ivan Sergeyevlchl SHANTSER, Ye.V.,; PFYVI,,', A.V., akademik, glavW red.; KUZ?fETSOV~',,_6,,j., red.; METIER, V.V., red.; TIMFEYEV, Pop.*# iwdo (Cenozolc of the RudnYY Altai.] Kainozol Rudnogo Altaia. Moskva., Nauka. 1965. 219p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Geologicheakii Institut. Trudy, no.138) (MIRA 18-11) DEVYATKIN, Yqvg6niy Viktoraviahl NIKIFOROVA,,.K.T.,, otv. red.; FEYVEO A#V.p alrad mik# glavnyy"reds; XUZNETS . red@; WNHERp TV## redel TDMIZVp Papal re 0 (Cenozoic deposits and recent tectonics in the aoutheastarb Altalo] Hainozoiakie atlozhiniia 4. neotaktoni)m IUgo- Vastoohnogo Altaia.Moahap Naubp 1965. 2~;2 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSRe Geologioheekii inotitut, Trudyp no,126) (MIRA 18s9) PAIIWVSKIY, Yevgeniy Vladimirovicb; YESKINj Andrey Stepenovich; SHTREYSv N.A. otv. red.; PHIV , A.V., glavnyy red.; KUZNMOVA, K.1o, red@; MHUNKRy V.V.,, red.1 TIMOFZM, P.P., redo I IWW-..p (Characteristics of the composition and structure of the Nrchean of the Lake Baikal regionl. Osobennosti sostava i struktuz7 krkhela Pribaikallia. MoBkva, Izd-vo "Nauka"O 1964. 125 P. (Akademlia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakii institut. Trudy, no.110). (MIRA 1717) 1. AN SSSR.(for Peyve). XURETSOVA, K.I. Effect of the mechanical proportion and the deformation rate on the failure of the ochematic model of an inhomogenous medium and now real materials. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geotiz. no.12:1729-1748 162. (MMk 16:2) 1. Inatitut fisiki Zopli AN MR. Orointo (Geology)) SITCHENNIKOVp S.T.j KUZNLI-TSUVA, K.N.j Vet. Glebov Poultry Plant "DDT,in th6 fight againat ectoparasites of poultry." SO: Vet. 26 (4) 10,49) p. 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCESSION NR: AT4037664 8/2981/64/000/003/0227/0236 'i -"J AUTHOR:- Zakharov, Ye. D.; Yugova, V, V.; Kuznetosova, K. N.; Sadovnikov~ L. K. i TITLE: Volume changes in semifinished products of alloy V 95 heat treatment. Y. SOURCE: Alyminiyevy*ye splavy*, no, 3, 1964. Deformiruyemy*ye splavy* (Malleable alloys), 227-236 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum,, aluminum alloy, alloy V 96, aluminum alloy heat treatment, -01 aluminum alloy aging, aluminum alloy quenching, magnesium admixture, zinc admixture: ABSTRACT: Residual stresses in the material are the basic cause of distortion during machining. These stresses can be produced either by rapid cooling during quenching or by separation of phases from solid solution during aging, and can be alleviated In varlous~ ways, e.g., by a light pressing operation in the final die, by subjecting the paA to a series of small plastic deformations alternating In sign, or by the method of thermal cycling. In technical aluminum alloys of complex composition, in which intermetallic phases pre- cipitate during artiffeal aging, the change In speoifto volume has a complex character. In the present paper, the authors report on the volume changes in alloy V 95 during the process of a" as weU as during repeated quenching, Since the lattice constant of Al 1/4 ACCESSION NIk AT4037664 depends on the amount and kind of admittures, the chemical composition was varied slightly (1. 8 or 2. 8% Mg, 5. 0 or 7. 0% 2n, 0 or 1. 4% Cu, 0 or 0. 3 5% Mn and 0 or 0. 15% Cr). Graphs arc presented showing the relative elongation of tested strips versus aging time from I to 120 hours at 140 or 160 C (for example, see Fig. I of the Enclosure)~ In tests with specimens containing 7. 0% zinc, shrinkage was obs erved at both 140 and 16 0 C. The' maximal strengthening of the alloy due to aging coincided with the time of maximal shrinkage, after which the length of the specimen practically returned to Its Initial value -4: Particularly large shrinkage (0. 1%) was exhibited by alloys with Cr, Cu and 7. 0% Zn. For parts in which distortion during the aging process is particularly undesirable, V95 alloy with 5. 0% Zn is therefore recommended, the volume changes of which are considerably lower and of a monotonous character. With regard to the influence of repeated quenching, tests were conducted with two groups of specimen a. Tests with the first group, which was annealed at 450 C for 48 hra., showed that a slight elongation occurs after the first th quenching. During subsequent aging, however, shrinkage takes place, and beginning wi the second cycle, the length of the specimens decreases monotonously. Tests with the sec- ond gr oup showe d that during 13 repeated qu on chi ng pro o edu re s without cc ns ecutive ag ing, the dimensions of the specimens decreased uniformly in all directions after each quenching. e resul a 0 r 3 queno a was 11 e c arac r o 8 Be -2/4 a rd ACCESSION NR.- AT4037664 shrinkage showed that this phenomenon is not related to processes of phase transformaHon. hn The authors recommend that repeated heat-treatTncnt (if such Is tec ologically required) be applied only to rough-machined details. 111. N. Sudzilovskaya, A. 1. Dzevoypd and I T P. Tigina also took part in the expekmental work." OrIg. art. has: 0 figures., A&SOCIATION.- none SUBMrTED: 00 DATEACQ: 04Jun64 ENCL: 01-* SUB CODE: bw NO REF SOV; 001 OTHML- 002 aa 3/4 Card, 4/4 ACC NRt AT6016425 SOURCE CODEt UR/0000/65/000/000/0173/0178 AUTMORSt Zakharov, Yo. D.; Sorokin H. A.; Kuznetaov, A. N.; SiMvok&, Ve 54'6"Y~ Gusovp Ve F6;.KuznGtsova1'K* He; Tsay. A. F.J"Waorova. L. S,_ ORGi none TITLE: Dependence of the stability of the solid solution/in the n Ml 6 on. Ile chemical composition SOURCEz A11 SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Metallovedoniyo larkikh splavov (14atal- lography of light a-Zoys). Mdcow, Iza-vo Nauka, 1965, 173-178 f-m-o TOPIC TAGSt aluminum-* oy, solid so3vutiol,# magnesium containing alloys copper containing alloy, manganese containing alloy / D16 aluminum alloy ABSTRAM The stability of solid solution in D16 type aluminukilloys was studied as a function of the alloy composition. The stability of t a solid solutions was determined by the method of step-visa tempering at 250s 300, 350p 1+00, and 45OG for periods of 0,5t Is 29 3j 5s 7s 10l 20, and 60 min. After tempering, the speci- mans were naturally aged for a period of 10 days, then their electrical conduc- tivity, strength limit, relative elongation, and ilov limit were determined. The experimental results are shown graphically (see Fig, 1), On the basis of the sx- perimental. data C-curvea for the stability of solid solution were constructed (see Fig. 2), The optimum anoy composition results froms less than 6% total copper mrd M I L 2Q7qR-66 ACC NRi AT6016423 m ot mine Fig, I* Ghange in the electrical conductivity of alloy No. 1 (3.91% OUj 1.2% Mg; 0.5% 14n) as a function of the duration ofisothermal tampering at intermediate temperature a 2/3 L X NRo AT6026425 #9 tv WF)0 :5 0r Ir 40 V 14 01 J I it Of It 1-443 Durav n f isotherma t Ampar4mg, Edna Fig. 2. C-typo diagram for the stability of the solid solution in anoy No. 1, constructed from data for the cha a in the strength limit (for normal tampering 0,? = 45.1 k6/vm2'07 and magnesium content for a total of loco than 4.8% copper content. The manganese content should be lose than 0,6%e Orige art,, hast 1 table and 5 figures, SUB COM. n/ SUBM DMs 16Sep65/ ORM Ws OOl/ OM PMI ~ 002 ACCESSION NR: AT4037656 5/2981/64/000/003/0153/0158 It AUTHOR: Kbollnova, V. L; Dzevoyed, A. A.; Kuznetsova, K. N.; Yelagina, Z. A TITLE-. Effect of various heat treatment procedures on the mechanical properties of allay V93 SOURCE: Alyuminiyevy*ye splavy*, no. 3, 1964. Deformiruyemy*ye splavy* (Malleable' alloys), 153-158 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, aluminum zinc magnesium alloy, illoy heat treatment, alloy aging, alloy mechanical property, alloy corrosion resistance, quenching medium, aging 1 temperature, aging period, Interrupted aging ABSTRACT: ForgIngs 200 and 300 mm thick, from Ingots (diameter 650 or 860 mm) of alloy V93 (1. 03% Cup 1. 86% Mg, 0. 30% Fop 7.3% Zn, less than 0. 01% Sip Al based), served as the source of samples quenched from 470 * 6C (Z5 min. In a niter bath) In cold or boiling (96C) water, as well as in cold and preheated (76C) oil. Interrupted aging involved 3 hra. at 120C plus 4 hro. at 165 * 5C. Other samples were quenched in boiling water (94-96C) after 70 min. at 470* 6C, then aged in two stages: stage I at 100 or 120C, stage II at temperatures ranging by 5" intervals from 160 to 180C. Aging periods were 1p 20 31 4 and. 5 bra. at each temperature.' Results indicate that quenching in hot water produces only 1/2 L.Cop,4 ACCESSION NR: AT4037666 insignificant reductions in strength and thisiii deemed valuable in reducing stresses inside the piece. Best aging procedure from the standpoint of mechanical properties was at 100 plus 170C or 120 plus 170C, for 3 hour periods in each case, From the standpoint of cor- rosion resistance, aging for 3 hours at 120C plus 4 hours at 165 6C was found to be optimal. Orig. art. hut 4 graphs and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMrMD: 00 DATE ACQ: 04Jun64 ENCL: 60 000 SUB CODEz MM NO REP SOV; 000, OTHER. Lc~rd; 2 \-J ZAKHAROVO Ye.D.1 YUGOVA, V,V*; MOBTSOVA, K*N*j SADOWIIKOVA, L,N.1 Prinimali uchastiyes SMILOVSKAYA, I.M.; DZEVOILED, A.I.; TIGINA, L.P. Volumetric changes of semifinished products made of the B95 anoy in the process of heat treatment. Alium. a lavy no.31 227-236 164, fra 17:6) .1 nauchn, sotr.; IIYBKINA, A.I., nauchn. sotr. Prinimal uchastlye KiffZHIN, V.F. (centralization of the ropair of equipment and labor productivity; using, the oxvzple of machinery manufactur- ing) TSentralizatsila renonta oborudovaniia i proizvodi- teltnout' truda; na primere mashinostrooniia. Moskva Vashinostroenie., 1964. i3o p. (MIRA 17:8~ 1. Moscow. Vauchno-issledovatellskiy institut truda. 2. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy -listitut truda i zarabotnoy platy (for Kuznetsovap Rybkina). 3. Proyektnyy,tekhnolo- gicheskiy i nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Volgo- Vyatskogo sovnarkhoza (for Kryzhin). . - " :-.: .411 --- I !i I - .- - . -T:,7-. F"! , . - - I - - .-I IF, i~r'. I :! I . I 50) SOV/79-29-9-6/76 AUTHORS: Volodkovich, S. D., Vollfson, L. G., Kuznetsova, K. V., Mel lMikovq 11. N. TITLEt From the Field of Organic Insectofungic3des. XLIII. Synthesis of a-Oxidea by Oxidation of Polycyclic Halogen Derivatives With Hydrogen Peroxido PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, 11ol 29, Ur 9, pp 2837 - 2639 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Since some of the cyclic a-oxidoo are strong agents against insects and mold fungi, the authors oxidized some halogen derivatives of polycyclic hydrocarbons. To obtain Dildrin and Endrin it was first of all necessary to investigate the oxidation of Aldrin and Isodrin. The two former compounds were hitherto obtained solely by the oxidation of Aldrin and Isodrin with organic hydroperoxides (Refs 3-6) or H202 in the presence of pervanadic or pertungstic acid (Ref 7). To obtain the corresponding oxides, the authors oxidized the halogen derivatives of polycyclic hydrocarbons with 27-34o hydrogen peroxide solution in 8o-99%* acetic acid solutionj Card 1/2 almost all these halogen derivatives were transformed into Prom the Field of organic Innectofungicidee. XLIII. SOV/79-29-9-6/76 Synthesis of a-Oxiden by Oxidation of polycyclic Halogen Derivatives With Hydrogen Peroxide a-oxides in good yields. The following compounds recently syntsieeized by the authors were oxidizzedi 1,200-tetra- chloro-lo,lo-difluoro-l,,'4,5,6-di-endo.methylone-1t4,4a,5t8#8a- hexahydronaphthalene; 1,2-dichloro-3,4,lo,lo-tetrafluoro- 1,4,5,8-di-andomethylono-lt4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene; 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-1,4,5,8-di-endociethylene-lt4,4at5,8,8a- hexahydronaphthalene;1,2,3,4,lo-pentachloro-1,4,5,6-di-endo- inethylene-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-ht!xahydronaphthalene (Refs 8,9). a-fxides were obtained from all of these compounds. Aside from Dildrin and Ebdrin, none of the compounds synthesized by the authors are described in publications. it is inter- esting to note that the yield of a-oxide mainly depends on its water resistance (Table). The insecticide activity of the oxides runs in parallel with the activity of the initial products (of the unsaturated compounds). There are 1 tablef 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchnyy institut po udobreniya--i i inq4M-pfungitsidam (Scien- tific Institute of Fertilizerz and in3t~ctofungicide Agents) BUBMITTEDi July 17, 1958 Card 2/2 MELINIKOVt N.K.; VOLIFSONp L,G.; KUZNETSOVAp K,V,; SAPOZHr.OV, U.N.; -F p . GARP K.A.; GRANIN, Ye.F."-;. AREM.'-M S. insecticides bmad on hexachlorocyclopentadiene. [Trudy] NIUIF no.164t8-ll 119. (WRA 15:5) (CyClODentadiene) KUZURSOVA X.V. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Formation of resistant strains of Mycobaoterium tuberculosis during larusan thorap7 and its concentration in the blood and tissues. Probletube 34 no.2:58-60 Mr-Ap 156. (MLRA 9:8) 1. It everdlovskogo oblastnogo nauohno-iseledovateliskogo instituta tuborkulaza, (dir. - prof. I.A.Shakloin, tam. dir. po, nauchnoy chasti kandidat maditainskikh nauk H.G.Butkin) (TUJRCULOSIS. experimental. off. of larusal, form. of resist. strains (Run)) ussn/pharmacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 Antitubercular Drugs Abe Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, No 71297 Author :Kuzneteova K.V., Yegorova K.T. Inst : Title :Concentration of Larusan in the Blood and Organs Orig Pub :V ob.,. Klinika i terapiya, tuberkulaza i organizatisya bor'by s aim, Sverdlovsk, 1957, 70-75 Abstract :The bacteriostatic concentration following a single administra- tion of larusan (L) was determined according to 1&~Ieyevals method on 39 guinea pigs infected 2-4 weeks previous to ex- perimentation with virulent tuberculous culture of human type in a dose of 0.05 . Bacteriostatic action of the b1c*d mani- festo itself in its 1:40 dilution at a dose of 10 mg./kg. Of Lj In 1,.80 at 50 mg/hg., and in 1;160 at 170 mg/ke; it dis- appears after 6, 8 and 48 hours respectively. In the daily administration of L during 10-15 days, no increase of bacter- ioetasis of the blood was observed. The content of L in the Card - 1/2 USEI/Pharmacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 Antitubercular Drugs Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958) No 71297 organs is Proportionate to the introduced dose. In the daily introduction of L., bacteriostasie of the organs de- creases. The content of L in the blood was determined in 67 patients affected with pulmonary tuberculosis. The adminis- tratiOn Of 0.1-0,3 g. of L per os produces a proportionate bac- teriostatic activity of the blood after 1 hour. Treatreat with 3 divided daily doses of 0.6 and 0.9 g. assures around- the-clock bacteriostatic concentration of L in the blood 'which) after a 12 hour interval, is equal to 0s6-0.8 71/m1. -- G.F. Sivashinskaya Card 2/2 39 0 KUZIISTSOVA, K.V., kand. med. naukj CHMNIGOVSKAYA, N.N., nauk Characteristics of MycobactwU* tuberculosis strains in repeated diagnosis. Probl. tub. 41 no,907-41 t63 (MIRA 1714) 1. Zz Sverdlovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituts, tuber- kulaaa ( dire - prof. I.A. Shaklain, nauchnyy rukovoditall - kand. med. nauk N.0.11utkin). KUZNETSOVA; CHERNIGOVSKAYA, N.N.; UDILOVA, N.N. - "--. - I ~-V!,# Possibility of a therapeutic effect of pbthivnzid on experimental tuberculosis caused bj a resistant strain. Probl. tub. 41 no.8% 62-66 163. (KRA 17:9) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta, tuberkulaza (dir. - prof. I.A.Shaklein) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya IRSFSR. BXLIXCVA, N.A.; TOLIFSOII. Z.a.; lUZIMTSOTAp_X.T4; HIL'NUOV, X-Ni PERSON, A.I.; PIATI, A.F.~, PRTANISHNIKOVA, N.A. Preparation of aldrin and dieldrin. Zhur.prikl.khlm- 33 no.2s 454-463 7 160. (KMA 13:5) (Aldriu) (Dieldrin) ANISIMOV, A.A.; KUZNETSOVA, L.A.; DUBOVSKAYA, I.S.; LIKHOVIDOVA, Ye.V. Flow of assimilates during the infiltration of osmotically active substances into leaves. Fiziol. rast. 9 no.1:16-20 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Gorky State University. (Plants, Motion of fluids in) (Leaves) DEVYATNIH, V.A.; SOLUNINAp I.A.1 KUZNETSOVAp L.A. Adsorption method for determing ergocalciferol in irradiated ergosterol solutions. Med.prom. 16 no.4:30-33 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Veenoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy vitaminnyy 1natitut. (ERGOSTEROL) (ERGOCALCIFEROL) KUZNETSOVA, L.A. I- A ease of giant pusudoqrxoma of the peritoneum. no.10:90-91 0 155. (MIRA 8:12) 1. Is fakulltatakoy khirurgicbeakoy kliniki (sav.--prof. S.G.Rukoeuyev) Taroelavokogo mediteinekogo instituta. (PP,RITOIMM. diseases pneudocVxoma, giant) KUZNETSOVA, L.A. -- -- --- 2 - Giant pseudovWxoma of the abdominal oavity. Vest.khir. 76 n0-7: 136 Ag 155. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Is fakulltetakoylkhtrurgicheekoy kliniki (zav.-prof. B.G. Rukoeuyev) Taroslavokogo meditsinskogo inatituteL. (ABDOHEN--TUNDRS) IMNETSOVA, L,A# (Taroslavll). Late results of stomach resection in peptic ulcer. 111n.zed' 36 no.11:66-71 1 158 (MIRA 11;12) L Iz kafedr7 gooritallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.A. Troitskly) ;~kovoditell raboty - prof. A.A* Busalov) Taroolvaskogo meditatinakogo inatituta (dire - prof* N.Ye; Tea7gln); (GASTRECTOW, in various die. peptic ulcer, remote results (Rue)) KI, KUZNETSOVA, L.A. Late digestive disorders following gastric resection in peptic ulcers Save mod. 24 no. 5:72-77 My 160. (MMA 13t10) 1, Iz kafedi7 gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav, - prof. A.A..Troitakiv) ~ ~s Yaroulavokogo mediteinskogo institute, (dire - profq N.Ye. Yarygin (STOMACH-SURGIERT) KUZNETSOVAv L.As Roentgenological otudy of the resooted otomach at early and remote periodo after operation, Sov. mod. 24 no. 1005-60 0 160. (KERA 33 112) lo Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof, A.A. Troitskiy) Yaroo.lavokogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir, - prof. N.Ye. Yarygin). (STOMACB--SURGERT) KU7.IXTSOVA. L.A* Reaction of dogs to oomo vascular tonus stimulants at dif- forent intervals following hypophysoctomy.Biulseksp.biol, i md. 55,G-43 JaI63. (14MI 16:7) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. L.N. Karlik) Ryazanskogo meditainakogo irwtituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova.,Predstavlona deyetvitellnym chlenom Mi SSSR V.V.Parinym jHYPOPHYSECTOW) (BLOOD PiMSURE) (VASOMOTOR DRUGS) NALFTOVA, O.A.; KIJZSFTSOVA, L.A. Reaction of hypophysectord"d 4ogs to so-ma Ot4mulants of t1he, vascular tonus. Nauch. trudy Riaz. md. imst. 1501-84 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafedra patologichookoy fiziologli (zav. kafedroy - prof. L.N.Karlik) Ryazanakogo mditainskego Inatituta imeni Pavlova. -A-C A-P-7 6.62 H t U H / OM-4 V-3 /02 4 /010 3/0103 INVENTOR% Antonova, Ye.A.t Kuznetsoval Lsks ORG: none TITLE: Solder for joining me tal to metal, ceramics or cermeta, Class* 49, No. 189668.'. SOUR.CE, Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraitay, tovarnyye znaki, n6, 24, 1966, 103 1 TOPIC TAGS: solder., met al 1=11tirm solderin p fhFMAL -.7oiA>iH&, CEW41771C. 77) n7er4l_ 44"094 FP1,7)Fr ABSTRACTS This A~thor' Certificate introduces a solder for joining me.tal to metal, ceramics or cermets. The solder consists of a filler and a bindels such as a noncaustic glass. To improve the air-tightness and oxidation resistance of the joint, the filler contains 20% chromiim,,70% nickel, .5% boron4 a.nd 52 silico'~. ETD),I SUB CODE: 131/ UBM DATE: 16sep63/ ATD PRESSt 5114 VS . 1/1 UM 621.791.36 ,,jand. wl'skokhoz. nauk, KUZNWgUv,,A.,A. - ZLOBINA, L.Z. Some physiological characteristics of the seeds of wild plants. Uch. zap. Kab.-Balk. goo. un. no.lOs6l-66 161. (MIRA 17t6) . 1 .1 1 1. - , 'i USSR,ftnarala Speotral Anaiyais Card 1/1 Pub- 43 - 91/97 Authors I Fe0filovo P. P's and,Kuznetaovaj L. A. Title Spectral luminescence method of determining the Or content in epthatic rubies Periodical s Izvo.AN SSSR, Ser, fiz, 18/2, page 297, Mar-Apr 1954 Abstract I A method was developed for quantitative spectral determination Of chromium in natural and synthetic rubies. A study of spectral# kin4i* and polarization characteristics of the luminescence of rubies with various Or contents showed that a change in Or concentration affect mostly the luminescence spectra* The Or ions which are iaomorphic&14 included in the crystalline 2attice of cormu2um (L;2P3)' determine the red color intensity and the-1wainescence of natural and synthetic ruby crystals. Institution A Submitted "Investigating the Phase Composition of the Per Salt Stratiri of the Usoll Rock Salt Deposit." Cand Chm, Sci, Kazan' State U imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin, Mlin Hif;her Education, Kazan', 1955. (n., 111o 15, Apr 55) SO: Sum, No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Apj'.)li- 1-31 cation. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jour : Ref 2hur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 105o6 Author : Kirina, K.I.,--Kuznetsova, L.A., and Marder, G.S. Ir; at : Moscow Technical Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry Title : A Method for the Preparation of a Soluble Modification of Keratin Orig Pub : Slb. stud. rabot Moak. tekhnol. in-ta myas. i moloch. prom- sti, 1956, No 4, 33-39 Abstract : The action of a 5 - 10% aqueous solution of NaLS at 20o transforms keratin into a soluble modification, keratein (the yield of keratein is 74 - 77%); 1 - 10% solutions of NaOH at 18 - 200 are not suited to the production of keratein, since under these conditions a considerable dec-,radation of the protein mcromolecule takes place. Card 1/2 USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-31 cation. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jo-ar Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 105o6 Abstract The preliminary treatment of the keratin with a 5 - 10 M ur$a solution increases its reactivity and facilitates the transition of keratin to the soluble modification under the action of Na S. At a temperature of-4200, keratin dissol- ves in 1 - 3~ alkaline solutions and in 5 M urea, solutions with the formation of viscous solutions. It has been e5ta- blished that keratein can be used as an emulgifying and foa- ming agent and as a component of film-forming compounds. Card 2/2 7- -.- , :-,~ . - - - : ~ 2"l- - 17- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--" .1% - - - I . .- I -- :,- - ; 1.. . I . . . . . ., i Category: USSR Physical Chemistry - Molecule. Chemical bond. B-4 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29567 Author : Kuznetsova L. A., Sveshnikov B. Ya. Inst : %-ca-&-n-w-ar-Ga-re-n-kes USSR Title : Effect of Dyestuff Concentration on Luminescence of Alcohol Solutions of Acridine Orange at a Temperature of -1830- Orig Pub: Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1956, 20, No 4. 433-442 Abstract: Study of the effect of dyestuff concentration on the spectrum, dura- tion and yield of summative glow and phosphorescence of alcohol solu- tions of pmridine orange at -1830. At dyestuff concentrations below 6-5 . 10-0 mole/3.iter-J- the spectrum of minnative glow undergoes prac- no changes; it is determined by the monomeric form of the dye. When the concentration is increased from 1.6 - 10-b to 1.3 - 10-2 mole/liter-1, in the spectrum of m1mwtive glow the maximum is shifted in the direction of longer waves by at least 110 m,*-aLnd the appearance of the spectrum undergoes extensive changes, but the spec- trum of phosphorescence is altered but little. Absorpition spectra Card 1/2 -15- Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry - Molecule. Chemical bond. B-4 Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Mimiya, no 9, 1957, 29587 of monomeric, dimeric and tetramerie form of the dye have been recorded in alcoholic solutions at -1830. The associated molecules exhibit greater duration of excitated (fluorescent) state, than the non-asso- ciated. On increase in concentration the duration of phosphorescence remains practically unchanged. Association results in an increased pro- bability of a transition from fluorescent level to the metastabile. Card 2/2 "i ~ F- , , 'k- :- K T, " , - ~ - A'cJTHORS:Kuznetsova, L.A., Sveshnikovp B.Ya. and Shirokov, V.I. TITLE; On a Diffusion Theoz7 of Pluorescence Quenching in Solutions by Foreign Substances, (0 diffuzionnoy teorii tusheniya fluorestsentaii rastvorov postoronnimi veshchestvami) PERIODICAL: 0 tika i Bpektrosko]Ay4, 19571 V01',2, Hr 5, pp.578-586 U3 (USSR ABSTRACT: S ,I-Vavilov and his co-workers developed a diffusion theory of fluorescence quenching in solutions by foreign substances. This theory is here applied to study: (a) the dependence of the fluorescence yield and lifetime on the concentration of the quenching substance and the viscosity of the solvent, and (b) the fluorescence decay law of quenched solutiona. In the t~,noretical nart thn authors2 starting from a non-pxponential law of fluorescence decay, show that both the yield (B) and the average life- time M ) of fluorescence are not proportional to the con- centration of the quenching substance. This result does not contradict the Perrin-Vavilov relationship since the latter applies strictly only to the average lifetime of the excited state 'V' t which is, in general, different Card 1/2 from the average lifetime of einission It . The non- 51-5-5/26 Oh a Diffusion Theory of Fluorescence Quenching in Solutions by Foreigil Substances. exponential character of the fluorescence decay is proved for 3-aminophthalimide quenched with KI and dissolved in (1) glycerine or (2) ethylalcoholl as well as for (3) fluorescein dissolved in water and quenched with KI. The dependence of the fluorescence yield and lifetime on the concentration of KI is shown in Figs. 5p 6 and 7 for the three above solutions'. There are 8 figures, 15 references, 9 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: September 25thl 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 TXOFIIOOV, P.P.LMN L*A, . Using Scintillation spectrometry for determining the chromium content in synthetic rubies. Insh.-fis.zhur. no.4-.46-52 Ap 158. (MIRk 11:7) (Rubies) (Scintillation spectrometry) 4 - 4-1-7/26 5j ~ AWTHWO: Kumetsova, L. A ~s, irid Ya. TITI.Ii'j': Dependence of Quenching the Fluorescence of Solutimm by Absorbent Substanoeson the Viscosity of the . Solvent.. (0 zaviL3iraoi-jti tuzhaniya f luovc-st,-,(---ntsii raotvorov pof3loshchuyushchimi vo.,ihchw5tvami ot, vyazkouti rastvoritelya. ) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.1, pp. 55-59. (U01;R) A13STIZACT: The present paper shows that in sorrie canes the yield and duration of fluorescence of zolutions, quenched by slib- stances which absorb luminescence, depend riot only on the concentration of the quenching substance, but also on the solvont viscosity. This findinc,j- -.-ontradicts earlier views, expressed by Vavilo-,r and Galani-z~ Fdroter (Ref.3), Vavilov and Frank (Rell.4). The followin- combinations of fluorcsr,*ent and qaorichir-E; Card 1/6 substances were studied; 3-amirloplithaliraide + ohryecidin, 51- 4 --l--7126 Dependence of Quenching the Fluorescence of Solutions by Absorbent Substanceson the Viscosity of the Solvent. 3-aminophthalimide + fuchsin, 3-amir,,Qplithalimide + ci-jstal violet, rhodamin 5G + fuchsin. Glyrcrino, isoamyl, ethyl and Liethyl alcohols .,iere used as solvents. The tuchnique of exporimunts employed i,ras that.deocribed in, aef-5- The main difference between the mathod of Ilef.5 and the prevent measuremorits lay in the extensiori to the cases whove absory,,tion of the excitint- JAp ~ht was not complete (dilute solutions). Thin layera (0-07 - 2 mm) Ath constant absorption (the dje concentration was inversely proportional to the layer thickmess) viere employed. Since solutions of chrysoidin were found to be unstuble under heatin- to ?0 - 80 the U combination 3-aminophthalimide + was riot studied further. Fig.2 gives t"he fluorenrence spectra Card 2/6 of non-quonched (curves 1) and quenched (curves 2) Dependence of Quenching the Fluoreacence of Solutions by Absorbent Substance on the Viscosity of the Solven~. solutions of 3-amiliophthalimide --.-Jith or-jotal violet (FIE;.21 q), fuchsin (leig.2, b), and of rhodaridn 5G quenched with fuchsin (Fik;,21 v). These s-t~etra remain practically unchan6ed in the whole 3:-o,:-ion of ccn-- centrations studied. The exception was 3-aninophthal- imide + fuchsia dissolved in Z;lycerine whore a considerable defo-rmatior. of the fluorescenc-,~: spec~trum took place on an increase of the f~.ichsj-..-a c,0no-cilt-lation. 10-4 to 7-i,-.!, from 3 x 3 x 10-3 molo/litre. L r, r the values of the i've-ciprocals o" the re2ativ-, ife-id and the relative duration of fluon'--cc,,.~.~n-2e a,--:- Cf th--~ concentration of the quenchin-; zubztance. Fi~~.4,a Card 3/6 [--;ives results for 3-aminophthaiiLlde + -zr.!,L-L:-aI violet, 5-1- 4 Dependence of quenching the Fluorescence of Solutions by Absorbent Substance on the Viscosity of the Solvenic. FiG.4,b - for ~-af.,inoplithalii-.Ido+ for rhcdcu;iin 5G + fuchsin. The con-Lin-au.13 cur-7---_7 the variation of the duration of a-nd f-110 dashed curves shoir the t3ho.r.-r,o in 1"ne pendence of cluenchinL; on Accosity 1e ar -1y in De two cases: 3-aminoplithalimide + vi,,..Ic-t, _,nd rhodamin 5G + :Nchsin., To verify -,.h,-,- qw-mchim- on the solvent viscosity t"Ele aLtthor~; also obtained quenchin2; isotherms (change of the d,1-ration of fluorescence) for a solution of 3-amino--A-, + crjstal violet in izioamyl alcohol Lind isotherms of chance of the yield uith chance, C"L t1fie concentration of the quenchin,; substlanco for 3-aminophthalimide + rrystal violet in Card 4/6 (.Fi6.5,a). In the first case a considerable dependen,,,e 51-- 4--l-7/26 Dependence of Quenching the Flugresoenc6 of Solutions by Osorbent Substances on the Viscosity,of the Solvent of quenching on viscosity was ob-served; in the second cace it was aboent. The discowred dooendence of quenchinj; on -the solvent viscosity is an important confirNkation of -the usual mechanism of fluoros.~,onca quenching. This muchanism is based on three assumptions: 0 (1) frequency of the transition from -the excitInG molecule to a quann't-ling molecule is invorsely propor- tional to the sixth powor of the, distance betvacn two such molecules, and it depends on the orientation of these molecules; (2) this frequency does not depend on the duration of int,)ractioa of the two molecules if the distance between them romains constant; (3) probability -that a driven transfer of enera will -ause quenching Card 5/6 does not depend on tho relativo, orientation of the 51-4 -1.-?/26 Dependence of Quenobing the Fluorescence of Soixitions by Absoebent Substances on the Viscosity of the Solvent , -,io1rjcu1r;z taking parU in it. ii'o =.Plain t1hu, vc'.77 dupomdence of t1hc- fl'uor,~-sroncc qu-mchin:- :;f -Dak U .-aminophthalimide + fl).nhoizi on the solvwif; (FiE;.4jb)j the authorz su,~,1,pst 3omo ~orlj* of interartLion betwoun an --,xci--c:d phthal-Imidc-, ;,,olocule and fuchsin, which .,,as not tolker. into accoun" in thf,, moobai-i-sin describod abovo. Tho, auUhars thank A.M. Doncb.- Brayevich for 10-an of a fluorome .ev, and G.A. Tish~,,Iienko and V.I. S;iirolzov for help in 1UGas-uremonts. There are 52 fi,~~urcs and 6 references, of villich 1 is 2rcaclli, 1 German and 4 Russian. ASWUk.c1dif: stage Institute of Dptiom -_rlcmi S.I. Vavilov. (Gos. opticnt,-skiy in_-xitu,t im. G.I. Wavilova.) SUBIII'Ui~D: March 23, 195?. AVAILiOlp: Library of Congreas. Card 6/6 1. Solutions-Spectra ,AUTFORS: Sveshnikov, B. Ya., Shirokov, V. M., SOV/48-22-9-9/4o Kuznetoovaq L. As, Kudryashov, P. I. TITLE: On the Kinetics of the Qwnching of the Fluorescence of Solutions by Means of Foreign Substances (0 kinetike tusheniya fluoreatsentaii raotvorov postoronnimi venhchent- vami) PERIODICAL: Izventiya Akademii nauk SSSR S i fizicheskaya, 1958, or a I , Vol 22, Nr 9, Pp 1o47 - 1o50 Ss ~ (U ABSTRACT: The method of counting the effective collioiona between the molecules of the reacting substances in very important for the theory of the extinction of the fluorescence of solutions as well as for the theory of reactions in the solutions. The work by Vavilov, 1929, (Ref 4) presented the first striking proof that the application of the diffusion theory is possible in the computation of the number of effective collisions in solutions. Nevertheless, Vavilov's formula for the extinction gave no exact quantitative description of Card 1/3 this phenomenon. To remove the discrepancy between On the Kinetice of the quencbing of the Fluoresconce 907/46-22-9-9/4o of Solutions by Meano of Foreign Substancon theory and experiment Vavilov and Frank (Ref 5) set up a hypothesis on an additional statistical extinction. In 1935 one of the authors (Ref 6) succeeded in establishing a formula for the extinction which ex- plains the non-linear dependence of the quantity BP on the concentration c of the extinction agent witHout the assumption of a statistical extinction. This was possible because of a thorough analysis of the kinetics of the diffusion processes taking place around the excited molecule. The good agreement of the theoretical and experimental data validates the non-exponential law of fluorescence extinction and of the diffusion mechanism of the extinction. The experimental data not only prove the diffusion theory of fluorescence extinction by other substances, but also present the first ex- perimental proof for the correctness of the formula by Smolukhovskiy-Kolmogorov-Leontovich (Ref 8). This formula assumes that the rate of diffusion depends on the time which has elapsed since the beginning of Card 2/3 diffusion (Brownian movement). There are 2 figures, On the Kinetics of the quamU" - of the Fluore3cence SOV/48-22-9-9/40 of Solutions by Means of Foreign Substances 2 tables, and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 T'. .7 1 T 'U; Cie Difflisiorl Yloory of tl'u~ Killkjildc-' of +"Iv 'A j 1A:,.ojo1,u1yarny1--j rc-i~tfjiy v nmitu vora! -'A' I I'ERTODN Al.: Do,': I--~ ly Akti I cz-di niiik 3ssn, 7c, 1 1,21 Ili, 1 0-4.5-1U47 (trssR) A'B ST L~ C T :;'~tjlorc i~1von'ti,-~Uto the influunc,! of L'.i.-- ~tolvL,.-,+, on the a:.tinution of the p!iouphoresconce of A.cohol :1 -cerin ool~~- 4 -.; oil io-11''Ju anl Oxy-eJ4. T"!- n of airidiric or'unf;o by potao.-i,mi 1 :-,AA -;3.'OrCrty Of thiS Ltinction i;i V,.E: v~*,riutioii (if IifQ of th,3 ~!ionphorencent 3Ltto of i,~ie Ill ! 1.ndl- vidual cufle3 aloo tile variation of t'-lu relitive T~11jus,,',orr-ocen,,-,3 yiuld durilirr the cxtinc~ioll W;~S 1,11 the inven- tl-aWrl solutiona contained 5-10-~) -.~ol/l of acriJinc oranl~.e. '211, j;,eauuring a,%paratua conoisted of a i.!crciirf vapor lamp for extrfniely ,pre.-ourris (with u s taAli,.er desi~-,ned bly V. I. Shirokov)) of ,, lann and of 2 li.-,'it filtero. If thc: !,oleo in Uic dinko of tlij pho-p;ic)rcncc)1.'1 a)"-. uclected, Cal-it 11) tl;o~ 'clirve for the dam,'-inj of ',Iic. ,hoo-iLoni~icence i-nj correopond Concurn1m; the Diffuaio,. Thuory of Vie of t':,-- Solutionu Lo " 11olir-unble U1111n:"a of t1v'. Of "'le Ilir-J- I ciirvu ;,-L" I)c curvo il, ,-,!c nhort initical alid fimtl -'art"I of f;::.n "urve. corroopwil to tho upeniii,-, --i-I of '',icj of 1;";c are not UAk n 4 C C: 0, c~;n!-,'Lunt found -411 thi.3 WZ!Y (:Oi!L'-'i("~C '7101' i t'. 0C ons folind ill "be livil".1 way. Tile 0.,;.. C f tivo Yipla 01 Ule phool)hclrosconce ~,y of .1 T-3 (-- G q V,'~ r -.Lt 2ficitit ,if !;:; c11 f of tl~e ]~Iiospliorevcencc Iliac the aa-e rjr~:c;z (if : -0 -o di,lk. A dia, Uic tinc. of the ,~ivcj Uic vall,lon of %~le life of tile U,~e an~! not dj,;.~,iifiu,] (,T) of ora%e aa (I fillicLioll of tile licilid"ty cf t"le -jo,'lit i(,11. ','Iiu curve of ',-%is dharam ceemu to be vat'-~r ait.A17,;, ",C) 'G"c iu~,11-1:nown dc,,endence of tize yield ~ t"Ic fluoroaccance un tile viricooity of t1iu colveiit. A j-~i famid for the influence of vi.~co:!;ty f':e -.1-til'utioll of t',.c ;,~iosplhorevcqnce of dejasified colut-ion- c,-' pota3.:ium io"idc". '-'Ile el-.-I-fnc7l-i~',n rf Card 21--1 !",cl , '~osphcresccnce cl~' Une Ljoliitionz. of acri d nc. e is SOV/2o-121-6-27/45 Concerning the Diffusion Theory of the Kinetics of the Bimolecular Reactions in Solutions caused by diffusion processes agrees well with previous re- sulta. There are 4 figures and 9 refereilces, 7 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: April 23, 1958, by A. N. Terenin, Academician SUBUITTED: April 10, 1958 Card 3/3 BOGATSKIYp D.F.p prof.$ MIRMAp I.A., doto,j SHPRINK# BeEs, profol re- teenzent; MAKCWp A.M.9 d6teentl roteonzentl KUZNETSOVAp L.A.p red.1 VLADIMI=Ap L.A.9 tekbn. rod. [Pbase rule and its ippli"tkan in the teabnol of metals; 'o lectures for students of,tbe engineering facultyl Pravilo fas i $go primenenis v tokbuologii metallovl lektaii dlia studeutav inzhonernogo fakulltetao Moskva# Vose, oellkhoso in-t uoohnogo obrasovanilag 1960. 39 pe WRA 240) Is ZaveduyuBbohiy kafedroy rewntjt traktorovi avtomobiley L sellako- khozyaystvenzWkh mashin VoeooyusnI9go sel'skokbozyayBtv9=ogo institute, zwc4nogo obrasoyaniya (for Mawdov) (Metallurgy) (phase rule and equiubrium) Ll DD 82674 S/072/60/000/009/004/007 B021/BO58 AUTHORSs Appen, A. A., Antonova Ye. A., Kuzneteova, L. TITLEt Heat-reeistant~ = on Cast-iron Products PERIODICALt Steklo i keramika, 1960t No. 9, pp.-22-26 TEM As a consequence of heating, oast-iron products are destroyed owing to gas corrosion. An increase of their volume takes place in this connectiong as can be seen from the paper by N. A. Aleksandrov. G. T. Bakhvalov andA.Z.Turkovskaya ascertained that an increase in volume sets in and the strength of the metal is reduced with alternative heating and cooling. In the study under review, the authors tried to L/ reduce gas corrosion of cast iron at high temperatlires by providing its surface with a heat-reoistant glass-metal coatingRecording to the enamgling.prooess. The coatings were produced from mixtures of finely disperse metal powders with silicate binding agent. Glass of the following composition was 'used as binding agentF 28.6% Si02; 4.9% B203 ; 0.8% A120 3; 23.0% Or 20 3; "9% MnO 2; 33-7% BaO; 3.8% ZnO; 2.7% CaO; 1.0% CoO. The Card 1/2 82674 Heat-reBistant Coatings on Cast-iron Products s/o72/60/000/009/004/007 B02i/BO58 following mixture of powders was used as metal components 20% Cri 70% Nil 5% B; %, Si. The degree of dispersion of the metal powdere dotermined by means of sedimentation is given in Table 1. The protective coatings were fired in a special electric furnace in argon atmosphere at a temperature of from 1000 to 11000C. The results of experiments with cuot-iron samples as to beat resistance at 90000 in air are given in Table 2. Oxidation curves of cast-iron samples in air at 9000C are given in Fig. 1. The difference between the coefficients of thermal expansion for the coating and the cast iron decreases with the increase of the amount of the metal component in the protective coating (Table 3). The thermal- expansion curves of the glass-metal coatings investigated are shown in Fig. 2. The cross section of the oast-iron samples with coating can be seen from the polished sections (Figs. 3 and 4). In conclusion, it is stated that a glass-metal coating is to be considered as an effective protection for cast iron in air at a temperature of up to 9000C. The coatings are molten on in neutral atmosphere (argon, nitrogen) at a temperature of from 1000 to 11000C. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 8 references: 3 Soviet and 3 US. Card 2/2 L L67A-63 EWP(r.)/EWTk*m)/BDS AFFTC S/124/63/000/004/035/064 AUTHOR: Sur Kuznetsovap L. A. R. G.; TIME: The problem of bending a pk.Anx s2~erical panel of square plan,, with a nonlinear relation between deformation.,and stress PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. 116khanikas no. 4. 1963j, 7, abstract 4V48 (Tr. Xonferentsii poteorii plastin i obolochek, 1960., Kazan'., 1961,, 362-3bt~-) =IT: The problem stated in the title is solved on the 4ssumption that between the stress intmsity,, sigma sub i and the deformation., e sub i, there exists the non-- linear reletion3hip; sigma sub i equals Ee sub 1, (1 - gamma sub 2 sub i), where E and gamina are constants. The authors use the Bubnov-Galerkin neth6d, with-subsequent recourse -to a digital electronic computer. A portion of the results obtained are given in tabular form. The effect of nonlinearity with real values of the parameter gamma- would seem to be substantial, V. I* Foodoslyevo [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] -Card 1/1, - ANTONOVA, YefliL XTJZITET-bOVAY I.A. w ,t6imerature of formation and th6 atmature of g1ggs-metal coatings on steel. Zhur. prikl. khIm. 36 no.8tl637-1641'kg 1639 (MIRA 16 t 11) I L 16930-63 EPF (c)/EW (q)ItW (m)/BDS AMC JD S/076/63/037/004/022/029 66' AUTHOR: Samoylova, A. N., Malltsevi V. A., Tatevskiy,_V. M., Kurdy=ova,, N., ~~net ova, L. A.~ TITLE: Absorption speotrum-due to photolysis of boror. vhloride with ozone, 'M ;7,7 FERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, V. 37# No. 4, 1963" 909 TEXT: The authors studied the reaction of oxidation of boron bromide by owen and of boron chloride by ozone. it is shown that in pul.-e photolysis ofa mixture of boron triohloride with ozone it in possible to observe a band of 4,7eQ R, for which the carrier is apparently an Intermediate compound in the process of the oxidation of BC13 to B02. There Is 1 figure. The most important English- language reference reads as follows: Johnst Canad. J. Phyeicso 39, 1738, 1961. ASSOCIATION-. Moskovskiy gosuAarstvannyy'universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMTED: Tune 14, 1962 Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4020075 S/0051/64/016/003/OSU/0343 AtMKOR: Xuznetoov a,,kA.,,*__1~"yakov,Yu#Ya.; Tatevskiy,V.M. TI=-: On the electronic absorption spectrum of the WF2 radical SOURC9: Optika i spelctroskoplya, v.16, no.3# 1964, 542,-543 TOPIC TAGS: radical absorption, totrafluoroltydrazinoi nitrogen difluoride radical ABSTMICT: P*A.Johnson and C.D.Colburn (JOANr.Chom.Soo.83,3043,1001) obsorvad a region of "continuous absorption" nonr 2GOO A in tho spoctrum of the products of thermal decomposition of totrafluorohydrazino %N), which they attributed to the NF2.radical. In the prosent work this rogion was ro-investigatod by means of a higher dispersion and resolution instrument (an ISP-28 spoctrograph). The totra- fluorohydrazine at different pressures from 5to 200 mm Jig was heated in an alumdum tuba to different temperatures - up to about 7500C - where absorption in the 2600R ogion disappears. The study disclosed that the NF2 absorption spectrum In the 2600 region in actually not continuous but consists of 16 bands, The intensity and sharpness of the bands Increase with temperature up to about 300-4000C. The wave- lengths of the bands are tabulated, and a set of three m1arodensitociater trace4ja 1/2 --AP4020975 ACCEWIQN IM: reproduced in a figure. The averago separation between the bands Is about*390 eel.: This frequoncy is associated with doformation vibrations of-the radicale Orig.arts, has: I figure and I tabl,se :ASSOCIATION-. none SLMUZT=t lGJul63 DA7Z ACQt 02Apr64 RML: 00 SIM CODS: PHI CM NOR' BOVI 000 elms 001 -2/2