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Kb-ZNETSOV. Ye.I.;. FOLIKARPOV, V.V. Impro%e the blowing of press-and-blour machines. Stek. i ker. 22 no.200-32 F t65. (MIRA 180) DOCE14T YE. K. KUMIETSOV ,i-_" KUWAT V evgeniy Konstantinovich; FINKLM, I.Te., otretstvannyy %re ktor; DOBRYNINA, A.U., rednictor; LIDNAVA, N.V., takhnichsskiy radaktor [Telephone apparatus3 Telefonnya apparaty. Moskva, Goa. izd-!!vo lit-ry po voprossm sviazi i radio, 1956. 295 p. (mLPA 9:9) (Telephone--Apparatus and supplies) - - - -_- FINKLER, Ivaak Yokhillyevich, inzh.; KURWZO-,,,-'XzA&j dotasj otv# I red.; KIRILLOV, L.H.J. red., OLUTSKIII, A.A., tekhn. red. (Blectroacouotical characteristics of a telephone channel] Elaktroalwaticheakie kharaktariatiki tolefonnogo trakta. Moskva, Goo, izd-vo'lit-ry po voprooam sviazi i radio, 1961. 131 P. 4MU 15 t 2) (Eleatroacouotics) (Telephone) CHERCHENKO, G.V.; KAPTEII, 0.1.; X .; KHOZHAYWV, NA- Measuringthe density-of formation oils. Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.'3:338-352 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Petroleum--Density) AUTHORS: 8/081J62/000/008/024/057 B160/B101 Kaptell, 0. 1., Kuzneteov., Ye. L., Khozhaylov, N. K., Chernenko, G. V. TITLE: Float instrument with ultrasonic positioning of the floatf for measuring the density of a liquid under pressure PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 8, 1962, 148, abstract 8Ye12 (Sb. "Primeneniye ulltraakunt. k iaoled. veshchestva". no.14. M., 1961, 323 - 336) TEXT: The calculations for a float-type instrument for determining the density of a liquid under pressure are given and its sensitivity is indicated. Electrical and ultrasonic methods of positioning the float are discussed. The maximum error in density introduced by the electrical method is 7-10-5g/CM3. Calculations are given for an ultrasonic float- positioning method based on the changes in amplitude of a reflected pulse which accompany changes in the orientation of the reflector and crystal planes in relation to each other. The ultrasonic aethod was checked experimentally. At a frequency of 30 Mo/9 the ultrasonic method provides Card 1/2 i 3/081J62/000/008/024/057 Float instrument with ultrasonic... B160/BIOI sufficient accuracy in determining the density of a liquid. The inetrumen was calibrated *ith mixtures of alcohol and water. Cheak meacuremente, t show the mean arithmetic error in determining density to be about 0-0, The results of measuring the densities of petroleum in strata of the Chubovka deposit at presoures of 35:300 atm are given. The petroleum's coefficient of compressibility is 6 j05 g/om;datm. (Abstracter's note; Complete translation. Card 2/2 - - ----- ZALITSIMI, X.F., Inxb4 POLTANTSBY, V.A., lnzh,-IKUZN3TSOV. Te.N.. inzh. Construction of pipelines In Central Asia. Strol. truboprov. 3 no.8:11-13 Ag 158. OGRA 11-'11) (Soviet Central Aeta-Ans, Natural--Pipelines) XUZMVSOVI T801T.Onsb.; SHOR, L.D., inzh. (Samarlmud) Suspension crossings of the Dsharksic-Bukhara-Samarkiknd-Ta-shkent gag pipeline* Stroi.truboprov. 5 no.11:21-23 N 160, (mm 13:11) (Gas, Matural-Pipelines) -- --- -~:~ --- ---- KUZNETSOVO Ye,N.v inzh,; CHEM' TSOV-p-P*-P&--P-kand-otekhn-*,nauk------------- Applying thicker protective coating in one operation. Stroi, truboprov. 6 no. 1:17-18 Ja 161. (KML 3,4:2) (Protective coutingo) (Gasp Natural--4ipelineo) or SHALINOV) A.F., kand, tekhn, nauk; KUZNETSOV, U.N., inzh. Let's improve the organization " technology of building vater pipelines in the Virgin Territory. Stroi. truboprov. 7 no,1:5-7 A 162. WIRA 16:7) (Earthwork) (Virgin Territory-Water-Distribution) KUZNETSOV YO.N. (Moskva) Hotiol& of a magnetized symmetric g3rroscope in a magnetic field. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no.62143 N-D 163o (MIRA 17:1) ICOTENXO, Reciani'laar b*ubble Aambers' with operating volume of 750 003 having Plates. Prib. i takh. skep. no,106-39 Ja-7 157. (KM 10W 1, Yizichaskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeve, Ake4emii nauk SSSR, (Photograph.v, Particles track) (Iouisation, chambers) A 56-1-50/56 AUTHORSt Alikhanyan, A. I. , Kirillov-Ugryumov9 V, Go Kotenko, L. P. Kuzneteov, Yee Pe t Popovp Yuo So ------------------------------ + + + TITLEs The Angular Distribution of Positrons in the T - A,,,-_e + Degay in Propane (Uglovoye raspredeleniye pozitronov pri JA raspade r propane) PBRIODICA~s Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy F12iki, 1958t-Vol- 340 Nr 1, pp. 253 - 254 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The measurements discussed here are also important from the standr point of the suitability of propane for measurements of the pheno- mena of angular correlations which are of the same nature as the IA-e-decays. The authors in this connection think of an extensive use of propane bubble-chambers. The tat arrangement is illustrat d by a figures A bubble chamber with the volume (7,2 x 6,5 x 16)om3 was irradiated in a polyethylene-target with a beam of positive pions with the energy 175 UeV in the phasotron of the United Inati- tute for Nuclear Research (Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh issile. dov4lniy); Alt~gether 8000 photographs were taken on which 6670 Ir -)a - e -decays were determined. The authors determined the angular distribution for the projections of the spatial angles to Card 1/2 the plane of the photoplate. The experimentally determined angular The Angular Distribution of pogitrons in the 56-1-50/56 e -)U* - a'-Decay in Propane distribution of the decay electrons is illustrated in a diagram, This distibution can be approximated sufficiently well by a funq- tion written down here The rStio (number of electrons emitted in the angular interva; 9; - 180 Wnumber of electrons emitted in the interval 0 - 90 ) is 1919* This corresponds to a coefficient A a - 0,22 + 0,03 in the expression (I + A coo 4 ) for the diatrl- bution of the oo3Jd angles. The angles in the last-mentioned ratio were related to the direction of the projection of the initial impulse of the positive myons. There are 2 figures, and 5 reforen- cea, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONs Physical Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AN USSR (Fizichaskiy insti- tut im. P. N. Lebedeva, Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBUXTTEDs AVAILABLEs Card 2/2 October 25, 1957 Library of Congress A'UTHORS: Allkhanyan, A. Kiril lov-ugryumov, V.G.t Kotenko, P.f Ku tsovs Ye. P. 3OV156-34-5-816i TITLE: The Angular Ono I Popov, Yu, S. Anisotropy in a n+ + + Propane Zubbl Chamber (Ug -Decay, measured in a raspade, 10v4Ya anizotropiya pri z+ - lzm:rennaYa 7 prop,nov9y PUSYr'kovoy kamere) at PERIODICAL! Zhurnal ek.P;rimentalinoy I teoret V01- 34, Nr P PP. 1101-1109 (U icheakoy fizlki, 1958, SSR) ABSTRACT: The authors inv8stIgated the angular anisotropy it4 + speot to a In a -a+ --decay with discrimination Of the decay electrons with re norgy. These decays were recorded by a propane bubble chamber. This chamber was Irradiated I Plons on the Phasotron of n a beam of Positive issledovan tile Ob"YedinennYY inatitut yadernykh IY (United Institute tive Plona were Produ Of Nuclear Research). The pool_ Polyethylene target cad by 610 ilev Protons on an external measuring device. i~e The authors give a hort description Of the angles between the mo y measured the proj:ctiono Of the solid on th0plane Of the f menta Ofthe Positive myon and the electron case the distribution ilm in the Photographic camera In this Card 1/4 du, r, I+ a x2/16)co8'fJd%f is to be used. A figure gives the dlatribut Ono Of the projections -of the The Angular Anisotropy in a R + - A+ - e+ -Decay, SOV/56-34-5-8/61 Measured in a Propane Bubble Chamber angles between the initial momenta of the positive myon and of the electron for 6670 n+ - p+ - e+ -decays. The experimental distribution is well approximated by the above mentioned for- mula. The coefficient L, which is found from the relation "(backward/forward)"~ was equal to A - -0,22 + 0,03. The results of the measurements discussed in this paper lead to the following conclusions: 1) When the energy of the electrons which are produced in the pt - e+ -decay increased, also the angular anisotropy increases. This fact is not inconsistent with the theory of the two-component neutrino. The coefficient A in the distribution of the angles between the ma:nenta of the myon and the electron is equal to A - -0,22 _+ 0,03~ (This coefficient A was found bv recording of the n+ - p+ - e+ -do- oays in a propane chamber). The value of this parameter, averaged over 5 investigations with propane chambers (after taking into account a correction due to the depolarization) is equal to a - -0,28 + OP03. This value nearly coincides with the value of the parameter averaged over 9 investigations with photographic emulsions, The mean value of the results of Card 2/4 the measurements with propane bubble chambers and with photo- The Angular Anisotropy in a n 4- -P+ ". e+ 'Decay, SOV/56-34-5-8/61 Measured in a Propane Bubble Chamber graphic emulsions is equal to a - -0,283 � 0,023. The d1stri- bution of the angles between the meson momenta in the x Ir - p+ decay is isotiopic. In an appendix to this paper the relation between the spatial distribution of the angles an& the dis- tributionsof the projections of the angles upon the planes of the p - e -decays and of the n - p - e -decays is calculated. The authors thank Professor V.,P. Dzhelepov who enabled them to carry out their experiments on the phasotron of the Ob'1- yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy. Furtheri the authors thank B.A. Dolgoshein for his valuable discussions; L.A. Kuzin, A.V. Samoylov and F.M. Sergayev for their par- ticipation in the evaluation of the experimental results and A.A. Bednyakov for his help in the experiments at the phasotron. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 14 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Flzioheskly institut im. P,11. Lo3bedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physios Institute iment P.,N, Lobedev,AS USSR) Card 3/4 The Angular Anisotrupy in a n + - pf - e+ -Decay, SOV/56-34--5..0/61 Measured in a Propane Bubble Chamber SUBMITTED: December 12, 1957 - 1. Radioactive substancoo-Decay 2. Propane bubble ahambers --Applications 3. Proton bombardmont---Applications Card 4/4 21(7) 807/56-35-5-45/56 AUTITORS; Kirillov-UgFy-umov, V. G., Kotenko, L. P., Kuznetsov, Ye. P., Sergeyevs F. M. +~-Meson~ on Carbon at Energies of TITLE: The Elastic Scattering of v 5 4 22 11eV (Uprugoye rasceyaniya n -mezonov na uglerode pri energiyakh 5 4 22 MeV) PERIODI~'AL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichookoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, ffr 5, PP 1300-1302 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For their measurements the authors used a propane bubble chamber having a volume of 750 cm3. This chamber waa irradiated on the phasotron of the Obl'yedinenilyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy ( Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) with a beam of positi4pions. The energy interval investigated 2 corresponds to the residual ranges of from 0.125 to 2 glom of pions in propane. The pions were ascertained by the n -* g - e decay when being slowed down in the working sub- stance. A total of 5675 photogTaphs of phton traces was d9alt with. Poripation of stare by plons at from 5 to 22,MeV was not investigated, the inelastic scattering of positive piona is only inconsiderable at these energies. The authors Card 1/3 determined the angular projoctione of the single scattering, +- 307/56-35-5-45/56 The Elastic Scattering of n Mesons on Carbon at Energies of 5 4 22 MoV of piona to the plane of the film in the photographic camera. Of the 5675 pions 75 were scattered round an angle (within the ener interval investigated), the projection of which ey D is greater than 15'. After Coulomb (Kulon) scattering was taken into account, 31 nuclearly scattered particles remained. The corrections taken into account when determining the nuclear scattering on carbon are given. A table contains the elastic scattering cross sections of pione determined by the authors of tile present paper as well as by other authors. At energies of 6 - 22 1,110 the croso sections found have tile same values rithin the error limits as tile elastic scattering croso nec- tione at 33 MeV. At 5 - 8 McV the scattering cross section increases quite considerably. 71ithin thio enerC;y range the wavelength of the pion already exceeds the dimensions of the carbon nucleus * An analysis of the cross section energy dependence and of the angular distributions will be published later. The authors thank Professor A. I. Alikhanyan for the interest he displared in this work, and Professor V. P. Dftlepov for making it possible to carry out measurements on the phaso- Card 2/3 tron of the Institute for Nuclear Research. There are I table I ' +- IOV/56-35-5-45/56 The Elastic Scattering of n Mesons on CjArbon at Energies of 5 4 22 !,',eV and 13 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Pizichaskiy inatitut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebadev of the Academy of Sciences,USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1950 Card 313 SOV/120-59-1-9/50 AUTHORS:Kirillov-Ugryamovl, V. G.I. Kotenko, L. P, Kuznetsov, Ye. P., Samoylov, A. V. TITLE: Determination of the Masses and Momenta of Charged Particles from Multiple Scattering in a Propane Bubble Chamber. PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 1, pp 44-47 and 1 plate (USSR) I ABSTRACT: 246 photographs of particle tracks which came to rest in the bubble chamber (Ref.2) were examined. The tracks were analyzed by measuring the multiple scattering by the chord method sug3ested by Goldschmidt-Clermont et al (Ref.1). To determine the masses the formula given by Olbert et al (Ref. 1) was employed. The fcllowing results were obtained; m - (268 + 23)m t = 2 cm 312 angles e m - (263 -It-37)me t - 1 cm 132 angles m,,, --(196 * 25)me t -l cm 132 angles mp - (1973 +-184)m, t -.2 cm 288 angles To determine the momenta Olbert's formulae were used (Ref.1) Card 1/2 SOV/120-59-1-9/50 Determination of the Masses and Momenta of Charged Particles from Multiple Scattering in a Propane Bubble Chamber and it was shown that in order to determine the momenta of mesons to 1.5% at 100 Mev, 25 cm of track in propane is sufficient, while for 200 Mev protons the track length is 50 cm. There are 4 tables, 2 figures and 4 references, of which 2 are Soviet and 2 English. KSSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Ali SSSR (Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1958. Card 2/2 '_/109160/005/()09/014/0z6 140/055 'JO.F. Its0vt de and ILUI.Do ---!!! ~Dauunl Tube Targets dchl 0 of Using Gorr Camera 140.91 Pero-vodet 'o ,___ 'i" Vqre'v0 I:Ltes as 'relev .19:Lon ) -jol.5s ibili-ty -01 guVolts I Th Possi stane VtrOOilcal 1.96( o to lovision i TILT'$ % V otores Ole n-typla article Cho It Radi0te in a v:Ldico ent 1483 stances Tile Vl'oohoto- 1956. "ach p ,phur pp. tore's L in Y Of with a 'S pho Cashmall tud , 0 uee of 6f d bY 6 1 5 sermaDjum :Lcai metric Th roPOse eYLP6r1m nta ure Iiately sto the fan rally-P 03tides TOT tube was 0 spect #.pyroy- d f r0'0 Camera results of separate from a to onto t'ne Alloy F base. 11 a 8 V a, C. uta 0 pres An 1598 GeS was all we ted in . rrm gap* resi.stancese to a the tiOD2 re,'POr* ith o.5 as rated on sed where sub I ims i evBPo were U e bY er were e% loll's w tudted; was t:Lons . 0 mm jere 5 .jong the ulphide desoto ayer It t d proPOr dis resi. eo- tro I vapora foun n le elec -4, e gera'aulut th ara f t e P te qj- -It react'lag t 0 subsqquent and UOn-, vi, t 0 ra nt.; I essitV t es t,oatme ties plat e 8 rial not orl in base glass and 95,etem ors, err Resisti'%r3.ty . the bas e i t. were variat'on r D's 0 ress re all sa on f0 :'un'otjoi ;as P and r resi.dual loons :L t 4,v ttills that the tme0t per heat tre Card S/log/60/005/oog/014/026 2140/2455 The.possibility of Using Germanium Sulphide Photoresistances as Television Camera Tube Targets tem erature during evaporation. Residual gas pressures up to 10-3 mm Hg had practically no effect on the resistivity or the sensitivity. The layers obtained were fairly sensitive, with maximum sensitivity at 590 mp, in individual layers shiftihg down as far as 56o mp. Typical characteristics are shown in Fig.3. Since appreciable absorption occurs at wavelengths below 600 ant, the sensitivity of the photolayer depends appreciably on its thickness. The temperature characteristics (Fig.4) indicate the presence of intrinsic and impurity conductivities. The width of forbidden zone obtained from the curve is 1.7 to 1.75 eV, the dissociation work of the impurity levels 0.9 to 0.95 eV. Although the layers were stable up to high temperatures, the sensivity decreased by a factor of 3 between 20 and 60*C, and by a factor of 8 up to 100%. Vidicon samples were produced approximating to tL) Soviet type LI-18. A resolution of 500 to 550 lines was obtained, ' The target had appreciable inertia. With a motion of the test chart across the target at 2 to 2-5 mm/sec Card 2/3 s/loq/6o/oo5/ooq/oi4/o26 9140/2455 The Possibility of Using Germanium Sulphide Photoresistance as Television Camera Tube Targets the resolution dropped to 300 to 350 lines. There are,5 figures and I English reference. SUBMITTRDt Ootober 8, 1959 Card 3/3 S/056 60/t*b2/12/061 4 90 0 B006YB01 I AUTHORS: Alikhanyan, A. I., Xirillov-UKry=oy. Y. Gel Kotenko, Lo Peg K4z j_Xqf__F_fp Sam TITLE: Single Scattering of p_-Ussone on Carbon at Ikergies of 10 - 30 Mev /7 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheekoy fizikip 1960p Vol. 30, No. 20 PP. 387 - 393 TEXT: The authors inveotigated the single p_-meeon soattering on oax- bon with a propane bubble chamber and compared the experimental results with theory. The chamber had a size of 370,104*100 mm. The p--mesona used for irradiation originated from the decay of %--mesons'froa the synohrooyolotron of the Ob"yedinenn i titut yadernykh isoledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Researohl, The 150-Mev %--mesons had been produced in the inner beryllium target of this synchrocyclotron, The experimental setup is briefly described. On an average 3 - 4 P- stop- ping points were recorded per photograph (with Industar-23 lenses), or a total of about 60,000. On interpreting the pictureav such 11K Card 1/4 82014 Single Scattering of p--Uggons on Carbon at 9/056J60/038/02/12/061 Energies of 10 - 30 Nov B006/B011 p--tracko were selected for analysis as were longer than 1o5 cap which corresponds to an energy of over 10 Nov. The p--stopping point was identified according to the p-s dsoay. Table I offers data concerning the flux and the energy spectrum of it--mosons- 489100 (1 2.3%) P--mosons were recordedg whose range was >1.5 am* The investigated energy range of 10 - 30 Nov corresponded to a auon range of 1-5 - 10 as in propane# the density of the latter amounting to 0.4 On% Table 2 gives the numbers of scattering events recorded in angular intervals of 100 each between 15 and 850P and in the interval 85 - 1800. The following columns of the table contain the numbers of events after correction for non- rsoording, the finite chamber size, the passage from one angular inter- val to anotherg the %--deoayg and the scattering on hydrogen. The cor- rection factors averaged,over the angular intervals are compiled in Table 3. The various corrections are discussed in greater detail# Coll- 7 of Table 2 contains the linal numbers of scattering events after the application of all corrections. 204,350 an p--tracks were evaluated, which number corresponds to 1260 nuclear path lengths of carbon. In this connection, 263 single scattering events on carbon were Card 2/4 te Single Scattering of p--Xesons on Carbon at 91/05%9,0)~0343 8/02/12/061 B, Energies of 10 - 30 Nov B006 Boll ascertained, whose angular projection onto the photographic emulsion was greater than 150. The obtained angular distribution of p- a none in illustrated by a diagram. The two curves show the theoretically calculated course with Coulomb scattering in the case of a finite nucleus (Curve 19 Column 8 in Table 2)9 and in the case of a point nucleus (Curve 29 Column 9 in Table 2)* Finallyt considerations con- cerning "anomalous" scattering are disouseedi the crosi.eVion for an "anomalous" soatteringg if anyt cannot exceed 1*25*10- m per nucleon at a scattering angle >4509 for scattering through an angle >960 it cannot exceed 0.7"10-28 om2 per nucleon. Not a single zuon decay into three electrons was recorded among all 60tooo stopping events. Henoo, the ratio (g 4 a + 9 + 7)/(p 4 e+e+e) < 1-7*lo-5 Is de- rived. The authors finally thank Professor V. P. Dzhelspov for having rendered the experiments on the synchrooyclotron possiblep and fur- thermore the co-workers of the laboratoriya yadernykh problem OIYaI (Laboratory for Nuclear Problems of the OIXal 9 especially N. B. Yedovins and V. G. Svyatkinat as well as A. A. Bodnyakoy for him assistance. Thete are .1 figure, 3 tableop and 10 references: Card 3A Single Scattering of p--Meaons on Carbon at 8 /0 5 y6eloro 318 /0 2/12 1061 3, Energies of 10 - 30 Nov Boo6 Boll 5 Soviet# 3 British# 1 Indiang and I Dutch, ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut in* 'P. N. Lebodeva Akadomii nauk SSSR (Institute of o loademy of SoiGnoes'-]jQ A) SUBMITTED: August Ilp 1959 Card 4/4 BANNINs B.P.; GALPER, A.M.1 GRISHINI V.G.; KOTINKO) L.P.1 KUZIN) L#A.; KUZNETSOV Te*F*j MWN, G*I.1 PODGORETSK37, M.I.1 SILIVFMROVp * a 31"tio Ocattering of 2.8 and 6.8 BeV/o negative pions on carbone Dubnap lzdatellskil, otdol Ob"edinannogo in-ta iaderrqkh issledoya- niij 1961, 20 p. (No oubject heading) FM ALEKSANYANI A.S.;.ALIMANYA142 A.I.j VErOXEYEV, M.M.- GAW , A.M.; KjRjLLOV..UGRYUMOVj V.G.; YLTEMIC09 L.P.; KUZIN2 L.A.; KUZI&-MV) re.p.; MM011) Freon 570 liter bubble chamber, Prib, J. tekh.eksp. 6 no.6:34- 38 N-D 161, (MIRA 14: n) 1, Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Bubble chamber) BANNIKp B.P.; GALIPER, A.M.; GRISHIN, V.G.; KOTENKO, L.P.; KUZIN, L.A.; _jUZHUSQL,.XuP.; MEWN, G.I.j PODOORLTSEY, 14.1.; SILIVESTROV, L.V. Elastic scattering of 2.8 and 6.8 Bev./c rp-mesons on carbon. Zhur. ekep. iteor. fiz. 41 no.5:1394~1401 11 161. (MIRA W12) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy i Fizicheskiy institut imeni, P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR. (Mosons-Scattering) (Carbon) 'R d, --U K=-,V, OV, Ye. V., BIWJJW, Yu. U., and MWIC111, A. F., YJ)7;X-1JW, E. P. "Zvidr-nce for the Reamances, I Sys tema at 1650 and 150 HN. IL-port presented at the Intl. Conference an M& Fnergy Physica, Geneva, 4-11 July 19G2 Institute of Theoretical wid, X rimental Phycies.,K-scav, =-R (ICuznataov, Shalawn, (~'I-IhinT Lebedev Institute of PhyoIcs, Wacov, U30R (Kuznataav, E.P.) 6/05 62/042/005/P03/050 3125YB108 AUTHORS; Kotenko, Ii: Merzont G. I.f Sharov, Yu B. TITLE: Elastic scattering of n--masons with a momentum of 2.8 BeV/o from hydrogen PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, v- 42, no. 5, 1962, 1158 - 1165 TEXT: Elastic scattering of 2.8-Bev/c negative pione from hydrogen nuclei was measured with a propane bubble.obamber with zero magnetic field. The 306 two-pronged stars selected for. the. study originated from relativistic particles which entered the chamber with a scatter of not over 20. 60 t a of the elastic scattering events of negative pions pertained to stars of type I + 1p,and 13 t 5 to stars of type 0 + 2p. The differential cross aection of elastic n--p-acattering in the o.m.s. first decreases rapidly from do/iN 15 mbarn/sterad at cosjV - 1, virtually approaching zero asymptotically. All this is indicative of a diffraction character of elastic scattering (small momentum transfer of the incident pion). 9% of Card 1/3 S/056/62/042/005/003/050 Elastic scattering of..* B125/B108 the scattering events (with scattering angles of less 'than 30 in the laboratory system) were not recorded. The total cross section of elastic diffraction scattering amounts to d d - 6-5 ! 0.8 mbarn, and the total cross section of all elastic processes to 6. a 7.8 t 0.9 mbarn. Th:.ab:f sorption cross section is d a a 23.5 t 1-7 mbarn$ and the cross sect n inelastic interaction is a 1-.22.3 t 1-7 mbarn. For a spherical homogene- ous nucleon of radius R and with a purely imaginary refractive index, the values corresponding to a standard deviation of the quantities cr d and dt- + 13 are respectively R a (1.10 - 0.09).10-13 cm and K a (0-71 ; 0,19)'10 Cm corresponds to a root mean square radius of the proton - (0-85 t 0-07)'10- 13 omy Atn&,fit *ell the experimental results. There are 7 figures. The most-important English-language reference ies K. W. Lail L. W. Jones, M. L, Perl. Phys. Rev* Lett,,7, 125,.1961. ABSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy institut im.*P.~Yi~:Lebedeva Akademii. nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the kcademy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/3 8/054-""2/042/006/042/047 B I 047Bj 112 AVEHORS: Kuznetsov, Te. V.,, Kuznetsov, Yes P..j Shalamovi Yas Ya.p Crashing A. F. TITLE: Experimental data on the,existence of resonance in the KO.A? system at 1650 Mev PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 42, no. 6, 1962, 1675-1677 TEXT: Previous papers (Ya. Ya. Shalamov at al., ZhETF, 40, 1302, 1962; I. A. Ivanovskaya at al., IX. Intern. Ann. Conf. an High Energy Physics, Kiev, 1960. Plenary sessions I-V, Moscow, 1960, p- 459) have shown that in the pair production of Ko and A? particles by 2.8-Mev A- mesons on complex nuclei (C' cl, F), i.e. i in the reaction n- + (A,Z) -->Je + Ko + mr. + (AZ)* (m - 1 2, . . . ) (1 ), the angular distribution of the AO particles in the center-of-mass agetem of AN is directed backward and that the angular distribution of the K particles is nearly isotropic. These angular distributions cannot be attributed to the.production of Y14 + K0, Y*+ K or A? + K" with the subsequent decay reactions Card 1/2 S/05f,"c2/042/006/042/047 Experimental data on the existence 31047B'112 Y A? + n and K* --3, K' + it. The angular distributions are explained by assuming, in (1), the intermediate reaction n- + N --> Z + mn, where 0 + Ko. In the center-of-maes system, the Zo M a 19 2, andZO ),A. particle traveli from %H to tho rear hemisphere. Results: UZI;$-,1650 mevi strangeness S - 0; spin I - 1/2, 2/3, ...; isotopic spin 1.- 1/2. Zc interacts as an individual particle with the nucleus. There are 2 figures.,,,*, ASSOCIATION&:. Institut teorstichookoy i ekaperimentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Fizicheskiy Inetitut im.44. N. Lebedeva AN.SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P, N, Lebedev AS USSR) SUBMITTED:. March 249 1962 Card 2/2 AOCE;SSICN MR: AP4031291 S/0056/64/046/004/1604Mdf AUMIOR: Aleksanyan, A. So; Ali)dmyan, A. I.; Gallper, A. M.; Kavalovp Re I"; Kiriliov~-Ugrwj~vq,ye_Go; Kotenkog L. P.; Kuzing-L. A.; Kumetsoyl Yes Pe; Monwo Go Io TITLE: Study of decays, of 0 =.,aone Into three 'neutral picna SOURCE., Zh. ekspere i teor, fizos ve, 469 noo 49;1964$ 1504-1507 TOPIC TAGS: neutral kacn deanys ielectra positrcn pairs kaon three pian decays int-lantic wul-r-n ABMAM- This is an ellaboration of an earlier preliminary report Me Vbpros)~ fiziki eleimntarny*kh chastits. We M ArmSSR, Yerevan, 1963, p. 324). Sone 509000 stereo photographs were taken and the events classified as 0-meson decay were those with 3, 49 59 or 6 electra -positron pairs directed approximately to- war-Js one point 9 and also V-events. The measure of the convergence of the 'y quantai- producing the pairs was the maximm distance h frcm the point of intersection of the trajectorirc of the two nearest y quanta to the trajectories of the other y gimbi. CoiviAori-ii of the histogram cormoponding to different nwMxxv of pronp 11141'rvill-ri fl~'If I I'T -*,I exist dofhdto physical remona which lead to the appearance ACCESSION 14R AP4031191 of three or mom electra - itrm pairs whose vertices am directed apprvximately Pos towards one point. The calculated probability for the K2 + NO decay relative to all K2v meson decay is 0*2 + 0*06o This agrees with theoretical predictions (23.61) 1 '"nm authors am p, obtaified by assuming the vZidity of the AT a V2 rule. pvtoful to E. 0. Okonov for a discussion of several problem during the plaming of the experiment, to Academician V. 1. Vekaler, 1. V. Chuvilog and the praton synchrotr