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December 31, 1967
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A generalization of a theorem by,.. B172/B186
accordingly (in a domain G with the boundary r). The main result is as
followst A n andu n be the eigenvalues of (31) and (3) respectively.
if Y:. (/in - A,) converges and if V(x) in G is identically
nal n
equal to zero.
ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy fiziko-takhaicheskiy institut (Moscow Physioo-
technical Institute)
PRESENTEDs May 7, 1962, by 1. 0. Petrovskiy, Academician
SUBMITTEDi May 5, 1962
Card 2/2
Synthesis of others and eaters of 1,2--dioxyethylene and their conversionoo
Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1695-1696 S 162. (MML 15910)
(Ethylene glycol) (Ethers) (Eaters)
Some conversions of 1,4-dioxone. Izv. AN SS.A.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:
1859-1860o 162. (KLRA 15:10)
1, Inatitut ox%anicheakoy kbimli im. N.D.Zolinakogo AN SSSR.
SHOSTAKOVSKIYO M. Y,y n~~~~AN CBZHE-MrNl [rang C139-min];
So= comrrimm of ac*talo of alkmq- and brommeetaldebydooo
Isy'. AN SSSR Otd. khim. nauk no.22t2220-2223 D 162,
(MIRA 16:1)
1. Institut organicheskoy kb4-41 in. N. D. Ze3-izwkogo AN SSSR.
(Acetals) (Acetaidebyde)
Some new tranoformations of ethoxyacetaldehyde. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.
khim.nauk no.3$553-554 Mr 163. (KIRA 16t4)
1. Irkutakiy institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirakogo
otdeleniya AN SSSR.
3~,54initrobenzoyl hydrazide, a now reagent for a carbonyl group*
Izv, AN SSSR. Otd.khim. nauk no.4.750-752 AP 163. (MIRA 160)
I* Irkutakiy inotitut organizhes*y khimli Sibirskogo otdeleniya
(Carbonyl eoup) (Benzoic acid)
Now method of Bynthesizing unsymmetrical acetals. Izv.AN SSSR
Otd.khim,nauk no.5:922-923 W 163. (MIRk 16t8)
.'p 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdolaniya AN SSSR.
Synthesis oftglyoxal and glycolic acid. Izv AN SSSR Ser Khim
no. 4:692-695 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Irkutskiy ihstitut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR.
Seminar for raising qualifications of engineers of the State
Institute for the Desiga and Planning of Roads, Industrial
Metablishments and Structures. Avt.dor. 22 no.2:31 IF 159-
(MIRL 12:2)
(Road construction--Study and teaching)
GALAKTIONOUp U.N.# tekbn. redo
_1~*V. 9 otvq za. vypusk,
[Otandard crooo-veation profi2oo of earth roadbedep etaUlizing
e2ementop and road dresolage for rural roadel Tipovys poperecbmye
profili semlianogo polotnag k#mUruldsii ukreplenii i dorozbmykb
odezbd d3la, oel'Wdkh dorog. Mookvat Avtotransi2datq 1961. 164 P.
(MIU 14:7)
le Moscowo GoondarotmM institut po proyektirovaniyu avtormqnt-
mykh savodovp garazbeyp masterakilth i avtookoploatatsiomogo kho-
(Road construction)
~.w; ~_;74 4 - - -
uIngtructions for designing highways.ff Reviewed by N. KuzrAtaovt
V, Ookolove Avt# dore 24 no. 1:3 of cover Ja 161.
(MIRA 14t2)
KUZNETSDVp NIOV otv za vyprusk.- DEBERDEM, B.S., red.; BODANOVA,
.~# 0
[Handbook for heads of survey teams]Spravochnoe posobie na-
challnikam izynkatellrqkh partii. Moskva, Avtotransizdat,
.1962. 310 p. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Moscow. GosWarstvenxWy institut po proyektirovaniyu avto-
remontnykh i avtotransportrqkh predpriyatiy,
(Animals and birds of Yaroslavl Pravince] Zveri i ptitsy Uroolw-
okbi oblasti, IAroslavll, OGIZI 1947. 65 P. (MIRL 14:11)
(Taroalavl Province-Satural bletory)
KUZ14ET5C)V, 1-1. V.
I'arov, S. S. mid Kumlaj;oy. 14, V. "Zoolo(-,Ic.Ll observations daring -Uic -f Illing
of tho Rybbiolc rcnarvoir", Qkhrana pr1rocly, 1.-19-1 (on the c v : , - ) T
0 cr , No. 6,
P, 31-35.
50: U-32.61, 10 April 53, (Lotopis lZhurnal lziykh Statey, 11,10. 11, 1910).
A ON, ''it 8" ' , khadozhe
etvanno-tekhnicheskly redaktor.
of biological groups and diorama for anam axhl-
bits of natural history] Isgotoylonis blogr I dioran dlia w-
sainoi ekspositoll pr1rody. Kooky&. Goo. Isd-vo kullturne-
proevetitalluol lit-ry, 1953. 171 p. (NM 7:7)
1. ftuchno-isolodovatel'skiy institut krayevedcheskoy i wazeynor
(Zoological 5pecinens-Collection and preservation) (Tataral
history museum)
General Problems
f Frara Aniraa 21417
-Biol., No 5s ygzne
zhur G.
jour. Ref v N. V., zva
iderloriyeva Ye %.udryaBhO
'Autho XUznetBov 1;. V. a. Jersey 'Breed (Razvede
of Cattle Of the - eyslcoy porody)
just Breeding 81cota dzherz
Title s Th( rogatOgO
..Uiye IcruPnogo 14o 61 60-69
tvo) 1957,
.pub. %,
orig aivotnov odB tion of Eas t
the fat-Inillt produl' 'breeding
order to increase I inteI
Abstracts Ir crossbred cattle by Nay of . Were brought
1?rjesian ad Jerseya bulls
-be Jersey bree P ng
sires Of t 110 heifers and 3 You
with in 1955. It asOvO it in the Rya-
into ~the VSSR the state f arm Nelcr year, 1o5 heifers
sent t0 . aperiod of One nd posses-
mere Dur-Ing aloped well a
zant oblas - calves 'Which deve acteristic trait Of
produced 107 ty, a char
Bed early sex Maturl
Card card 1/3
-LvejV.- _T,
Jill 2
ph; WICH9VA, Nonna Vladimirovna; PLLVILISHCHIEDY,
N.N., doktor biolog.nauk-, red.; BINENSON, A.H., red.; MY R#Aq,
[Nature in a regional museum) Priroda v kraevedcheakon muzea. Moskya.
Isdryo "SovetaWa Roselia.n 1958. 76 p. (WRA 121:2)
(Taroslavl-Natural history musaums)
V,P,, takbn,rado
[Animals of Yaroslavl Province] Zhivtnyi mir IAroolevokoi
oblasti, Uroslavlls lArnelavskoe knizhnoe Isd-vo, 1939
226 p. (Yaroslavl Province--zoology) (HiRA 13:3)
C;~ -;
mmm-MOVO N. V.: t".t~r Tech Scl (dies) -- "Problems In the synthesis of
kinematic Behemea of bydromechanical transmissions for themal locomotives".
Moscov, 1958. 14 pp (Min Transportation USSR, MDacow Order of 1PnIn and Orcler
of IAbor Red Larmer Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers im 1. V. Stalin),
150 copies (EL, No 3, 1959, 110)
SHISMIN. K.A., prof. ;[deceaded]; DOMBROVSKIY, A.B., dotsent;
TRETIYAKOV, A.P., doteent; SOLOXMINNOT. V.A., dotsent;
BOGOYATLENSKIY,'Y.N., dotsent; SMANOT, A.D.. doktor takhn.
nauk; ITAKOV, prof,;-KUZHITSOT. N.Y., nd.takhr4nauk;
SLITIKOTo ?.A.. profo, doktor takhn,nauko retsenzent; GA is
Ye.Ya., dotsento doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; PANSKIY, T.M.,
dotsent, kand.iekhn.nauko retsenzent; LUGININ, N.G., kand.tekhn.
nauk, red.; KHITROT, P.A.,
~Diesel locomotives) Teplovosy. Koskys, Toes.izdatellsko-poligr.
obledinenia 9-va putai 9oobshcheniia, 1960. 34o p.
WRA 14a)
1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina institut inzhenerov zhelsznodb`r hno-
go transports im. skademike Y.N.Cfbrazteova (for Slitikov, GaMONIS,
(Diesel locomotives)
Asymptotio formula for the eigenvalues of a circular membrane,
Dif. urav. I no. 12:1682-1685 D 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheokiy institut. Submitted
October 1964.
I , , I I . Z' -I " -.1, 1 - III, F~ 1. r, ~ , - I - 's -1 .: - . " " K -
xuznetsov, IT. Ya. - 111'egularities in the ;.ogtembv~iunic 6rowt~. of c~,terpilli--rr of t~.e
Dimorpha (BrAxomic) ver3icolor Linn type," In ?,y-m,,,,o,?ium: Par--,7~-ti Al-ad. S. A. ',I,e.-n,)va,
Vlolcow-LeninCrad, 1946, P- 335-45 - Bibliog: 17 items
SO: U-3600, 10 JulY 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh St,tey, No. 6, 1949).
(Principles of insect physiology) Osnovy fisiologil naeakomykh.
Moskva. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. Vol. 2. 1953. 402 P.
(mT,RA 6:12)
rMNETSOV. N.Ye. (Novokuznetsk)
Calculation of electromagnet-'a slide clutches with non-
ferromagnetic rotors. .4vtom. ." telom. 25 no.W,95-588 Mr 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
KHRUSTALEV, I.K., dot3ent; Klr4,Nf,,'1'SOV, N.Yc., dorsent- TlTftNAYFV, P.I., Jn'lh.
Aultowitic drl o of nlri(, tio.'otIng r.,ar.,hlnf,.n wlth C--Inct~romagnetlo
clutchts. Izv. vys. uzhob. -av.; For* zhuzz. S no.'7rlSO-lFQ. 165.
(nRA 18:9)
1. Siblirskiy metallurgicheskiy 'Institut imeni Ord7honikidze.
Rokomendovana kafedroy ob--hchey clektrotekhnikl Eve-xdlovskogo
gornogo instituta.
Agriculture - Study and Teaching
Organizing the computation of the work of leading, f:mders, Dost. sellkhoz. Eo. 2,
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl.
36867. 0b urovne krovyanogo davlenlya v zharkom kliTate i znachenii poslednego
dlya techeniya gipet-onicheskoy bolezin. Trudy Uzbek, gos. nauch-4-issled. in-ta
kumirtologii i flalote-mpli im. Sm-m-sWkc, Ob. 11, 1449, c.
SO: Letopist Zhtwnal'Nykh Statey, 'Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949
KUZNF,TSOV, N.Ye., inzbt; BURATOV, G.N-,, inzh,; BOIKO, Yu.P., inzh.;
:rwviwvbKIYO V,V,p inzhe
Radio control of svitches. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.6:-73 Je 161.
(Railroads--Switchimg-Radio control) I
=m-TSOVI W.Te.
Experience in coordinated operations of the railroad transportation of
the "Bokovoantratait* Trust and the Antrateit Station of the D=erts
Railroad. Trudy MUT no.W:120-133 162. (MIRA 15:7)
It Glavnyy inzhener Upravleniya promyshlennogo transporta i
planirovaniya perevozok Iugamkogo soynarkhoza.
(RaLlroado-Preight) (Donets Basin-Hine railroads)
GOLUBIV, T.M., doktor tekhn.nauk, Prof.; CHNLTSM, N-A-, kand.tekhn.nauki
dote.; KLITAMV0 Me?., Inxh,; rUZXITSOV,__g.TQ., Inzh.;
BOYCHENED, S.M., inxbo: ?UnMTW, N.A., Insh.
Operations of a forge bleohing mill with use of automatic
control* Izv,vys,ucb9b.vav.; qhern.met. 2 no-7:59-74
11 159. (MIR& 13:2)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgl0askly institut. Rekomendovano kafedrGY
obrabotki metalloy daylenlyem 31birskogo metallurgicbeekogo
(Rolling mills) (Automatic control)
IEBEDEV, V., kand. med. nauk; KUMTSOV, 0., vrach-polkholo-,
Silence. Av. i kosm. 47 (ekstr. vyp.):59-64 0 IE4.
(I-IM-1 28:3)
L 07850-67 SCTD 1~
AM N~t A q-------
i6-028039 SOURCE CODE: UR/0025/66/boo/W5/6111/0113
1AUTHOR: Kuzna tsov, Oe (Payo.hiat'riat); Lobodov, V.(Candidate of medical sciences)
tRG: nono A 7
ITLE: Isolation
SOURCE: Nauka i zhiznl, .006 5~ 1966, 1U-U3
OPIC TAGS: isolation test,, nervous system, psychologic stress, psychopathology
'ABSTRACT: This popular article based on the literature discusses the phenomonon,of
~hallucinations reported by;astronauts and experimental subjects under conditions of
Prolonged isolation and lack of activity. To determine the nature of this phenomenon#
various experiments have been conducted in mockup, space capsules and soundproof test
1-hamb r with,
c e s the subject isolated from external stimuli. Some subjects lose their
sense of timej some develop anxieties, and others experience delusions, illusions and.
h;l1lucinations-0 These states in themselves are not symptomatic of mental disease as
they may appear in healthy individuals when some factor e.g. lighting, prevents
laccuratep visual or auditory.porception. Various cases are cited. During prolonged
periods of isolation the psychic state of the person is very important, particularly
atigue,, anxiety and fear. Another type of hallucination found to appear is
haracterized by visual and auditory mental images becoming so vivid that they become
Card 1/2
L 07850-67
reality for the subject* The vividness of the images is causedby the reduced
cumber of stimuli acting'on the'sensory organs* Under normal conditions the vividness
Iof mental imaies (recollections, wishes, ideas) is damped by numerous real stimuli
awaking the former appear-very pale and comparison. The two different
Pheories explaining the.-origin of hallucinations are not incompatible. With higher
nervous system and brain disorders induced by prolonged isolationj, vivid mental images
may become hallucinations,-,* and., in tup illusions and delusions may become
hallucinations, Possiblys hallulinaticiis found in mental ?illnesses also have two
6ifferent origins. Further studk-of the!problem is vital for aviation and space travel
as well as for persona-engaged in monoto'nious tasks under conditions of prolonged
isolation. Orig. art* ha&A',: none*',
Card 2/2 m0 A
Temperature waves in the Atlantic Ocean according to the observations
of the research ship uSedovu in March-May 1958. Trudy Inst.
Okean. 52:160-165 161. (MM 3416)
- "(Altantic Ocean-Ocean temperature)
AUTHORj Kuxuetsovi 0, A,
TITLEt Buoy for undistortod meteorological measurements at sea
SOURCEt AN SSSR-r-Ins-titfat okeanologii, Trudy*, v. 64. 1964s Issle-
dovaniya IndLyskogo okesnal 33 rays */a "Vityazl', (Investigations
of the Indian Ocaanj 33d voyage of the expeditionary vessel "Vltyazl%:~
TOPIC TAGS: meteorological buoy, semiautonomous buoy, Soviet resear4
ship, oceanography* meteorological instrumentation
ABSVRAM In 1960 the Institut okesnologii AN SSSR (Institut or
Oc~inologyj Academy of Sciences SSSR) developed a semiautonom:US
meteorological buoy for the measurevent over the open sea of the
gradients'af meteorological elements in the surface atmospheric lay-
ro The buoy, modeled after a German unit built in Kiel in 1957#
:onsists of a foam plastic PS-1) come'-shaped float (height,230 cal'
weights 350 kg; v 'lume.1.4' mi
0 ; specific waLght.0,13), a shock-ahsor-,
bLng device, and an 895-m,alumLnum and steel mast with 5 radiating
arms (130, 110jt,90# 709 and 50 ca long) which extend outward 1, 2,
Cc 1/2
. ...........,
Gradient apparatus for maaaw,ing wdocity In the l1rwer part
of the surface air layer above thn nen. Clkennologiia 5 no.1:166-1.69
165. (141PA 1824)
1. In3titut okeanologil AN SSSR.
ACC NR: AP6002558 )V) SOURCE CODEs UR/0286/65/0Oo/o2i/oo56/oo56
~HY e O3molov8!S5Y08j!-N. j XRM"t ovj_0t_Afj_ or-Ox, A.
Ya.; Davydov., Tu. S.
ORGt none
I TITLE: Method for fabricating moiature-sonsitive elements for elootr2lytic air
1; humidity detectors. Class 42, No. 176708
SOURGEt Byulleten' isobretenly J tovarnykh znakov,'no* 23, 19659 56
TOPIC TAGSt atmospheric kalmidityj, electrolytic cellp moisture measurement
ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents a metto fqf~f4bricating moisture-
sensitive elements for electrolytic air hu ltiAors., ba3ed an the utilisa-
tion of the change of resistance of moisture sensitive films with humidity. TO
increase the sensitivity and stability while widening the measurement ranges the
sensitive element is in the form of an insulated shall with parallel metallic
electrodes wound on it, The element is placed in a hot aqueous solution with a
temperature of no less than 950 containing 1-4% sodium chloride, 3"8% of
Cardl/2 UDC*
L 20889-66
t' AP"600255-8
Rochelle naltj, Oel% propantriol, and Oel% fomio acid amide. The element is
removed from the solution, and the eleatrodes are heatail to a tompamture of
75-430C by an ac current for 5-6 mine
SUB GODU sox DATZ.t 22jun64
Card 2/2
L_2U3j-6�, &'T(1)/FCO QW
ACC NR, AT6012604 SOURCE CODE: UR/2566/65/078/000/0179/0191
AUTHOR: Kuxnetsov, 0# A*
ORGt Institute of Oceano graph (1astLtut okeenologii)
TITLE$ Formation of the wind yrofile~la the surface boundary layer
of the air above the surface of the sea
SOURCE: AN SSSR* Institut okeanologii. Trudy, v. 78, 1965.
iseledovaniya atmosfernoy toLrkulyataii i prizemnogo sloya vozdukha
nad Tikhim i IndLyakim okesnami (Studies of atmospheric circulation
and the boundary layer of air over the Pacific and Indian Oceans),
TOPIC TAGSs micrometeorologyq wind$ wind gradient, oceanography.
atmospheric boundary layer, near water layer, ocean roughneseg buoy
ABSTRACT: Data obtained on the 35th voyage of the Vityaz' in the
Indian Ocean (1962) and a minor Black Sea expedition (1963) wove used
to study wind profiles 6ver the outface of the sea. Although there is
no single optimum method of obtaining these datap the most representa-
tive data were obtained from two types of buoyss 1) Froude-type buoys
which were used in the Black Sea (measurements could not be taken,
L 22933-66
ACC NRt AT6012604
however, below 1-1.5 m. above the surface in "fresh-wind" weather)
and 2) mushroom-shaped buoys equipped with Induction anemometers which
moved up and down with the waves (wLnd speeds continuously recorded on
tape at several levels by a POB-14 oscillograph). These records
generally Indicated a fundamental period corresponding to the period
of the waves. In good weather on the Black Sea, wind speeds could be
measured 20 cm above the water surface; the anemometers were Installed
at levelg of 43, 939 163, and 277 cm. It was found that the relia-
tion of the anemometers. The results are discussed and presented In
a table of characteristics of low-frequency wind fluctuations over
the surface. Several time-wLse wind profiles were also constructed,
The difference In periods and amplitudes of low-frequency fluctuations
was clear, being identical at most of the levels. The use of.induction
anemometers also permitted a limited study of wind profiles above wave
crests and troughs, which showed that the wind profiles above wave
crests were steeper than the average profile for a given Interval of
time and were more gently sloping over the troughs. Values of param-
eters of roughness (of the surface) were obtained by Interpolating the
---profiles to "zero" velocities and vere tabulated with wind velocity at
relationship be ,tween-changes-La the roughness parameter and.changes in
Card _gj 3
------- --------
L 22933-66
ACC NR3 AT6012604
wind speed was,investigated, In spite of great scattering of graphed
points, an overall pattern was established in which the roughness
parameter increased with increasing wind speed and vice versa* Origo
.,art, h&93 6. f ig.u r-a * ark d 4t ab 1 a a
SUB CODEt 04/ SUBH DAT83 none/ ORIG REFs 005/ OTH RZ?t 001
ATD PRESS 1 2 -7
Lcard 3/3'~'
ANDRONOV, V4V., kapitan 3-go ranga; KUZNETSOV O.A., kapitan-leyte-nant
Our experience In training vallors and petty officers aboard
a ship. Mor. sbor. 1+7 no.22:50-52 D 163.
(MIRA 18:12)
KUZNF,?SOV, Clog Andreyevich; GOLUBI , tioria Ivanovich;
Fedoseyevich; red.
(Autoffatic terper&ture control. In Industi-1; survey of
foreign engineering] Avtomaticheskii kontroll temperatui-,, v
promyshlenpasti; obzor zartibezhnoi tekhrAki. Movkva,
GOSINTI, 1962. 92 p. (mu 17:-1)
KUZNETSOVp 0109 Andreyevich; KOPYTOV) I.P.p red.
(Automatic control of the interface level of two media]
Avtomaticheskii kontroll urovnia razdela dvukh Bred.
Moskva Energiiap 1964. 85 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike;
no.112~ (M:RA 17:12)
Experience invaing the polarogmphic mthod in the analyole
of raw minerals..Zav. lab. 28 no.911347-13149 162,
'(MIRA 16t6)
1. Zaveduyushchiy pqt~diobeskim kabinatom TSentrallnoy labora-
toril Krasnoyarokogo &ologibheekogo upravlaniya (for Kuznetaov).
2. Starahiy inzh.-kbimik TSentrallnoy laboratorii Kraanoyar-
skogo, goologicheakogo upravlaniya (for Popova).
System of the differentiated distribution of information by
the use of punched card machinery. NTI no.8:25-31 165.
(MIRA 18:9)
ACC NR- AP6003750 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/6.")/000/008/0025/0031-
AUTHOR: Kuzneko 1_0.1_~-_Khromov, L. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: A system of differential information classification using computer punchers
SOURCE: Nauchno-tekbnIcheskaya informatstya, no. S., - 1965, 25-31
TOPIC TAGS: -information processing, punched card, data processing equipment, cost
f ABSTRACT: An experimental mechanized system for differential information classification
Is described. It Is designated for the continuous processing and differential classification,
by processors, of the information flow according to requirements. Incoming materials are
coded using the UDC classification (up to 210 signs) while the output data of a document and
addresses of the processors are- given in digital codes. The search is carried out by means
of computer puncher equipment processing 80 column punch cards. The system accepts I I
simultaneously the information and processor request flows. The paper describes indetall
the ten different steps of information processing, and estimates, on the basis of a six-
.-.Card UDC: 002.6:681.141--___
---l- ~ ~ 1. - I . -I,.-,,",
Apparatus for studying the efforts of filers. Gig. i son. 21 no,9:
71-73 Z 056, (KLRA 9:10)
1. Iz TSentralluoy nauahno-tooledovatellskoy laborstorii giglyany i
apidemiologit Hinleteretva putsy soobahchentya SSSR.
daterms of stress in filers with special apparatus)
Aerodynamic roughnses of the isea ourface. Trudy Inst. okeano
72s214-138 163, (MIRA 1718)
Replies to S.N.IAkushev's article "What we expect from industry."
Vest. sviazi, 22 no.10:25-26 0 162. (K[Rk 15:11)
1. Nachallnik Leningradskoy oblastnoy direktaii radiotranslyatsionnoy
seti (for Ivanov). 2. Starshiy inzh. vnutrirayonnoy zVazi Tomakoy
kont.ory Bvyazi (for Xuznetsov). 3. Nachallnik laboratorii GorIkovskoy
oblaitnoy direktaii radiotranslyataionnoy seti (for Klyuchey).
4. Nachaltnik KharIkovskoy direktali radiotranslyat8ionnoy aeti
(for Kitov). (Electric equipment industry)
(Radio-Equipment and supplies)
(IAkushev, S.M.)
R-r--! aj;~ f oirl tu j 1
. ~ - -114-1. ~-'I - , - 2
Protective effect of homologous and heterologous immune sera in
experiments on tissue cultures. Vop, virus, 10 no-3033-338 Yor-
I Ja 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Otdel virusologii Institut& eksperitre-ritallnoy maditsiny AM SSSR,
DOLGTIlp I.M. kand.geograf.nauk; NIKOIA'YEVA, T,V., mlpdshiy nauchnyy
Potrudnik; BJISOVA, L.G.., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VORONTSOVA.,
.L.I.., mladehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; DANIWVA, V.M., ;-ladahiy
nauchnyy sotrudnik.- KOVROVA, A.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
SERGEYEVA, G.G., mladbhiy nauchn7y sotrudnik; SIM ,'OVA , V.N.,
m3Adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KHARITOiiOVA, L.I.,' mladshiy nauchnyy
sotrudnik; ALEKSANDROV, V.F., aerolog; KUZICETSOV, O.M., aerolog;
MAYOROVA,, L.A... aerologl POSTNIKOVA, D.G.-I aerolog; SMIPMVA, I.P.,
'adrolog; VASIL'YEVA, R.P., telchnik; HEDIIIS, L.V., tekhnik,-
(Aerological observations of Arctic stations during the period
Ili= Jtne 30 through December 31, 19571 Aerologicheakie nabliudeniia
poliarnykh stanteii a 30 iiunia p0 31 de3mbria 1957 g. Leningrad.,
Ud-vo- uMorskoi transport," 1961. 994 P. (Alfticheskii i antark-
ticheakii nauchno-issledovatellskii institut Trudy, vol.243)
(RIIRA 14:3.1)
(Arctic regions-Moteorology-O~bervatiom)
DO D04o/DI13
AUTHORSt Yerokhin, A.A., Bykov, A.N.t and Kuznetsov, O.M.
TITLEj Oxidation of manganese in basic electrode coatings
PERIODICALt Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 8, 1961, 13-19
TEXTt The oxidation of ferromankanese in mixtures with marblep fluorite,
ferrosilicon and graphite ias studied in experiments with specimens nuated
t!~ 1000-10500 in a laboratory tube furnace. The quantity of Mn left non-
oxidized was determined by methods proposed by V.S. Nagibin and A.V. Arkhi-
pova, staff members of the chemical analysis laboratory of the Institut me-
tallurgii im. A.A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy im. A.A. Baykov). The
mathod consisted In treating specimens with a CuSO4 solution and passing
the metallic Mn into the solution according to the following reactiont
Mn -i- CuSO 4 'MnS04 + Cu.
After heating the specimen, the losses in tempering and the quantity of me-
tallic Mn were determined. According to these data, the marble dissociation
Card 1/ 5
Oxidation of manganese.## D040/Dll3
degrs6(1)) and the Mn oxidation degree were calculated. Argon shielding
deereased Mn oxidation (6 ); ferrosilicon had a noticeable effect in the
caer~ of fusion in a mixture with fluorite; graphite and ferronilicon addi-
tions had only a slight effect in argon. Marble dissociation practically
ended after suspension for 2-3'min at 10000C, or 3-6 min at 8500C (Fig. I).
The Mr. oxidation reached Its maximum after 2-3 min and remained unchanged
after further heating (Fig. 2). The valuelindicates the percentage Oaco 3
ratio in the mixture. In all experiments and f increased proporq9fnal-
ly approximately according to the linear futeltion -but only to a certain I
valup, after which ey ceased to increase in heating the specimen in argon
as well as In air. This effect is explained by the action of C02 forming
(luring marble decomposition. Increased carbon content compared to the
initial content was observed in metallic Mn nuggets that formed in mixtures
with fluorite. The behavior of electrothermic 1;-romanganese (82% Mn,
1% C) was different f-~om that of blast furnace-meited ferromanganese (71%
M,-f 6.5% C), the summary o):idation rate of the former being lower than that
of the latter. The peculiar behavior of coarse blast furnace ferromanganese
(cessation in the inp~rease in ~ when f > I and a secondary increase in
Card 2/5
Oxidation of manganese*.* D040/D113
when 6) requires additional experimental investigations. The'
01lowing conclusions are drawn: (1) On rdheating a carbonaceous coating
containing ferromanganese, CO oxidizes 20-6C$ of the manganese during the
.decompbsition of the carbonate; (2) Th4 manganese oxidation degree (y )-
the car'bonate and manganese
similar conditions depends'on the ra:tio between
) in the mixture. The books ~' values increase prpportionally
contents (4
but to a d inite limit. The lower the f value, at which the maximum Mn
oxidation degree for the given ferromanganese pordee is reached, the higher
is the rate of oxidation; (3) In oxiditing the electrothermic ferromanga-
nese, the carbon content in the nonoxidized part of it increases in com-
parison with the initial carbbn content. Thts may be explained by the ther'
modynamic'stability 6f manganese carbide in thd given conditions. There,
are 4 figures, 2 tables and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova (Institute of
Metallurgy im. A.A. Baykov)
SUBMITTEN December 31) 1P60
Card 3/5
AUTHORS: Yerokhin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, O.M.
TITLE: Lowering the carbon content in weld metal when welding stain-
less steels
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 11, 1961, 53-54
TEXT: Experimental data indicated that the increase in the carbon content
in the weld metal produced by low-carbon electrode wires was caused by marble
in the wire coating. This was substantiated in experiments with varying
marble content and constant quantities of ferroalloys in nonoxidizing coating.
It was shown that o.06% carbon was contained in the weld metal when elec-
trodes without marble in the coating or with 5 to 15% marble were used;
0.7% carbon was present when the coating contained 20% marble. The finally
selected coating composition contains 10% marble and 11% deoxidizers (fer-
rosilicon and ferrotitanium) and is called 14MET-6 (IMET-8). It has been
tested on two wire grades - 60 -l'Y.. 18H 9T (Sv-lKhlBN9T) with 0-056% C and
0t~-Y,l8H1lM(Sv-Xhl8NllM) with 0.37% C. DET-8 coating is recommended for
Card 1/2
Lowering the carbon ... D04O/Dll3
the f ollowing standard wires: 16a-02 X 19 ~) 9 (Sv-02Khl9N9), Cm -04X 19H 9
(Sv-04Khl9'R9), Cd-04 A 19 H 9 e 2 (Sv-04Khl.9N9S2), Ce -04 X 10 u 11M 3
Sv-04Khl9NllM3) and other wires with specifications as par f'OCT2246-60
~GOST 2246-60). The weight coefficient of the coating is 30-35%, which
aorresponds to a 0.9-1.1 mm. coating layer depth on wire, 4 mm in diameter.
IMET-8 electrodes are suitable for welding with direct current and revu,-Sv
polarity. The proper current for electrodesl4-5 mm in diameter)is 110-140
and 130-180 amp respectively. As short as possible are length is recommend
ad. There are 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii imo A.A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy
im. A.A. Baykov)
SUBMITTEDs April 4, 1961.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Ycrokhin, A. A, Kuznctsov, 0. M., and Bykov, A N
TITLE Arc welding of nickel-base heat-resisting alloys by means of molybdenum-alloyed elec-
SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zhatoprochnym splavarn.
Y. 9. 1962. Materialy Nauchnoy sessii po zharoprochnym splavern (1961 g.), 239-242
TEXT The resistance to cracking of welds made by 3H-435 (EI-435) and 31,1437 (EI-437) electrodetj
was investigated and as a result new electrodes were developed by alloyin the above with 18-20 Y. of mo.
The new electrodes made of the E1435 alloy are called HMET-4m (IMET-4m) and HMET-4a (IMET4P)
and those made of the EN-437A (E1437A) alloy are called HMET-7m (IMET-7m). The mechanical pro-
pertics and the mictrostructures are given of welds made with these electrodes Thero are 3 figurn and 2 tables.
Card 1/1
ACCESSION,NR., AP3012231 S /oi35/63/000/01 1/0015 /0017
AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, 0. H. (Engineer); Yerokhin, A. A. (Doctor of
t a c h n i c a 1---s-cte tid-W"
TITLEt Welding of host-resistant nickel alloys with IMET-0 elec-
SOURCEs Svarachnoye proizvodstvo, no. 11, 1963, 15-17
TOPIC TAGSt nickel base alloy, nickel alloy welding, heat resistant
nickel' alloy, IMET 4P electrode, EI867 alloy, E1435 alloy
ABSTRACTs The Institut metallurgii im. A. A, Baykova (Institute
of Metallurgy) has developed the IMET-01 and IMET-0 electrodes for
manu-&I welding of heat-resistant nickel-base alloys, The electrodes
yield a weld metal with a molybdenum content of 18-20% (IMET-01) and
above 20% (IMET-0). The weld metal (especially that of IIIET-4P) has
a high resistance to,hot cracking. The weld metal of a multipass de-
posit with an IMET-0 electrode had a tensile strength of 51.5-68.4
kg/mm2 and 'an alongation,of 0.7-6.0%, both of which were lower than
Card I/ f .5
the figures for weld metal de0ooLted into a copper mold (66.1-72.5
kg/mm 2
and 3.2-9*2%) because of the more rapid solidification of the
latter. The metal of IMET-0 multipass deposit has lower strength and
,elongation at room temperature that the Ni-base alloys E1437B[Nimonic
SGAYand E1445P [0.08% C, 17-202 Cr, 2.2-2.3% Ti, 0.7-1.7% Al,
~,4-5% Mo, 4-5% ~4, 0.02t Ce, 0.017. B). 11ow'ever, with increasing tem-
.perature the difference becomes less pronounced (see Fig. I of the
Enclosure). The metal of the IttET-4P multipass weld in heat resistant
alloys contains less molybdenum than metal deposited into the mold.
,but it has a higher content of tungsten, niobium and other alloying
elements, which come over from the base metal. As a result, this metal
.has a higher heat resistance. The effect of the base metal on the weld
metal is more pronounced in welding thin sheets, in which case the
properties of the base and weld metals are almost identical. The 100-hr
rupture strength at 850C of the 11111ET-4r multipass deposit was 8 kg/mm2
compared with 3, 10, and 30 kglmm2 for the E1435 [Nimonic 75], E1437B,
and E1867 [composition not given] alloys, and with 10.8 kg/mmz for the
weld metal in the E1867 plate (15 mm thick). Postwelding austenitizing
(at IOSOC fur 2 hr with air aqoling) or austanitininn with suboaquent
Card 2
single aging (at 850C for 5 hr) or double aging (at 660C for l6hr,
and at 790C for 16-12 hr) hkd no beneficial effect on the properties
'of the weld metal either at room or elevated tenperatures. Orig. art.
hast 2 figures and 6 tables.
..ASSOCIATIONi Institut metallurgiL im. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy)
Card 3?g
-KUZNETSOV, O.M., inzh.; YEROKHIN, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk
Welding heat-resiotant nickel alloys with IMET-4P
electrodes. Svar. proizv. no.11:15-17 N163. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut metallurgii im. Baykova.
r-e r~V.Mr-tlng hnt crnik
-, - ~ Z -.;?5
Wrect of cerfAin elements on the properties of" the seam
metal In volding heat resistant alloys. Avton. av&r. 17
no.9all-14 S 164. (XM M10)
1. Inatitut mota.11urgii im. A.A. Baykava.
'Dae of staperazins in treatment of periodic schizophrenia, Trudy
Cios.nauch.-isel.inst.paikh. 35&165-174 162. (MA 160
1. Otdeleniye paikbosor poodnego vot~asta (sav, otdelmiye
prof, S.Gs Zhislin) i otdeleniye paikhofarmakologii (sav. otdalani-
yam kand*medstauk G.TA* Avrutakiy) Gosudarstvannogo nauabno..
isoledovatellokogo instituta oikhiatrii,
Unusual side effects of Waporazlne treatment similar to psychic
disorders in epidemic encephalitio. Vop.klin., patog. i lech. shiz.
no.1:7840 164. (MIRA 18:5)
1. Otdel shizofrenii (zav. - prof. S.G.ZhiBlin) i otdel psikhofar-
makologii (zav. - G.Ya.Avrutskiy) Gosudarstvennogo
nauchno-issiedcvatellskogo instituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva
zdraVgokhraneniya fL9FSR.
L 08268-67 FS9-2/EWT(1)./EEC(k)-2
.ACC-N R T - IT6 0-3 64-8- -1
anov. I. M#; BnWov, 1. 1.1 BaLurAnka,-Y-,-A-; Eleregovkin, At Vol
0; Kovalev. V. V-j Xondrakov, V, M.; KrasovakiX,-A, S.; 11annotenv
-V.; Nikitin. As V#; Nistratovo V,'V ; Tkol-lymy, Ve Gp;
ORG; none
TITIE: Some results of the postflight %amination of P. I. Belyayev and A. As 14anoy
following their flight on t a-YqAkhad---Z1fipaoeoraft [Paper presented at the Conference
on Aroblems.of Space Medicia Moscow from 24 to 27.May 19661
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam, kosmicheakoy medltainy, 1966# Problemy
kosmicheskoy-mediteiny. (Problems of spaos.medicine); materialy.konferentaii,
Moscow, 1966, 36-37
TOPIC TAGS; space medicine, postflight;lmedical examination, bodily fatigue, body
weight, cardiovascular eyatem,-poulocaidiac'reflex, unconditioned reflex, space
psychology, oxygen consumptionp'rsspiration~, pulmonary ventilation/Voskhod-2
A.BSTRACTs.. Poatflio~ examinations of the Vodkh.od-.2. crew members, Leonov
:and Belyayev, were performed on the -tWd and fourth days after the Ilight'
:and again a month later. The cosmonauts complained of light fatigues
:They were found to have hyperemia of the.mucosa of the nose and thai6at
.~L~d con'Junctivitis of the eyeUds and ey~b~lq,_ 7~w-. hadAost Wei
CC NRo AT6036481
Their pulse showed a certain lability. Pulse frequency rose sign Ificantly
!during mild physical exertions and changes in the position of the body.
iThere was an increase;in intraventricular conductivity, an increase in
;the systolic index (7 -1116), and a delay In restoration of h eimodyna mic
indices after physical exercise.
Belyayevl s oxygen consumption increased by 23% and Leonovl
by 1476 as compared with preflight levelsi. Vital capacity of the lung
diminished by 8-1216, while pulmonary ventilation increased by 51-18%.
'Neurological examinations revealed a light tremor of the fingers, a
high orthostatic reflex with an absence of pulse reaction to the oculo-
cardiac reflex, and an increase in the slow bioelectrical activity of the
brain cortex. Psychological tests revealed an increase In distribution
and in the middle magnitudes of the duration of the period of sensory
motor reaction. Since this was not accompanied by errors, it is possible:
to assume that the fatigue observed in cosmonauts was a compensatory
readtion. Mood and urine examinati6n on the third day after flight did',
not differ. substaxitially from preflight levels. Biochemical exarninati~n
uncovered an Increase of chlorides, adrenalin. noradrenilin, and
17.-?x~cortlcosteroida in the urine.
Card 2/3
L 08268-67
The observed shifts In physiological Indices were short-term and
reversible. They indicated the development of moderately marked
fatigue in the subjects, Thus, despite the complexity of the flight, the
postflight examinations revealed only moderate functional changes in
the two cosmonauts. There was no difference in the nature of these
changes in the cosmonauts. This indicates a high degree of training
and a good neuropsychol gical and physical pr~p+sTation.for aceflight,
[W.A. Noe 221 ATD Report 66-U61
suB com o6. 22 suBm un, Mky66
.:'0 -M oil
ACC NR. ATS036603
SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0241/0242
AMHOR: Kuznetsov., 0. No
ORG: none
TITLE: Quietroom, tests as 0, method of studying individual psycholoGical
charac'eristial of raorpal or prosptqd at the Conference on 2roble= of Spacoi
1-.Odicin~e hold n 1-bscow r= P427 My 1 "j
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmichesicoy maditsiny, ;966. Pmblcmy
kosmichoskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentaii,.
iMoscow, 1966, 241-242
TOPIC TAOS, isolation test, space paychology, psychologic a- ess, cosmonaut
training, bioastronautics, soundproof chamber test
The concept of operator activity presently consists of averaged and
!,abstracted (from individual psychological features) personality. In
addition, research on operator reliability has closely paralleled research
on tho Arf.Wence of the personality factor on reliability.
An experimental psychological study of human personality is an
urgent, if complicated and difficult problem. Most psychological and
experimental aPpX!ozKqhqs_ dq. not. reveal the psychological structure of
__ ACC- N-R:-X6036603-
personality to an, adequate degree. The sociometric' and projective methods
of the bourgeois psychology of personality are not designed to solve the
problems confronting Soviet science. The experimental approach of D. NN.
Uznadze and the modeling of complex operations by F. D. Gorbov reveals
the individual psychological features of personality far more comprehen-
Soundproof chamber tests involving the prolonged stay of human subjects!
in a closed space under regimented activity conditions is an approach which
rnost effectively permits detection of the individual psycholoLrical features
of personality which are immediately germane to operator activity in a
mumber of specialized professions. The advantages of this approach
I are: The matching of determined and undetermined activity, the blending
!of positive aspects of natural and artificial experiments into one approach;
4he capacity to simultaneously study psychological and physiological'
parameters; the chronic observation of shifts in various states; and the
observations of the experimenter taken to be the "publicity of isolation.
The task of the experimenter is to monitor that individual, well-defined
"psychological factor, coupled with other factors such as sensory deprivation,
hypodynamia, altered daily routine, and the necessity of adapting these
enumerated r.elationships to new conditions.
Card 2 L
Operator activity from the standpoint of the psychological si-nif.,cance
and suitability of an operator during a chronic experiment can be studied
by using polyeffector recording methods (V. I. Myasnikov, 1963) which
perinit the detection of the intimate aspects of operator dynamics. An
interesting capability of chronic soundproof chamber tests is the com-
of objective and subjective (diaries and personal accounts) data.
The necessary conditions for the correct evaluation of individual
psychological features of personality from soundproof chamber tests are
a comprehensive scope, dialectic approach, comprehensive of the goals
and motives of activity, and the clinical and psychological views of A. F.
Lazurskiy. The suitability of a subject, characterized by subordination
101 participation in the experiment to motives associated with his basic
personal interests, lends a vitally imitative aspect to the.experiment
conforming to the concepts of V. N. Myasishchev. The suitability of a
I subject is considered from the position of I. P. Pavlov' s goal reflex
and fror, the analogy of overrel~earsal and the transparent (method)
acting of K. S. Stanislavskiy (who created method acting).
Experiments involving chronic isolation in a closed space coupled
with relative sensory deprivation and methods, of group psychology (F. D.
Gorbov, M. A. Novikov) which expose subjects to special, predetermined,
ACC NR:--',~6031~03
delineated social conditions, can reveal those individual
features of personality which other approaches mentioned
'in the literature cannot.
In the author' s opinion. the use of soundproof chamber studies for
,studying the personality factor of operator activity has prospects and
,.can help to solve some timely problems of engineering ppyAplogy-as,
they relate to problems. of cosmonautics.
(W.A V0. 2,2; ATD Report 66-1161
80 CODE; 06005,22 / SUB4 DATE: OCMay66
ACC NR, AT6036605
AWHOR: Xuznctsov, 0. X.; Lebeday, V. I.; Litsov, A. N.
ORG: none
TITU; Problem of the "application" method of strict sensory deprivation du--!nC
prolowed quict-room teats LrPapor prosontod at tho Conforanco on Problems- of Sp4ca
'Nadicina ho-ld In ~bscov from 24-27 may 196i)
SOMCE: Konfcrentsiya po proble kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosmicheskoy meditsiny, (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii,
moscow, 1966, 244-245
TOPIC TAGS: isolation test, sensory deprivation, space psychology, psychologic
stress, cosmonaut training, psychophysiology
AB S '11R 10 T
Methods were sought to naturally enforce strict sensory deprivation
'in the absence of subjective psycholoecal complications. In the process of
Isoundptoof chamber tests of neuropsychic stability during normal daily-
activity and an increase of up to 9 hours of regulated sleep, it was
;established (based on subjective evaluations by the subjects, EEG' s during'
'sleep, autography, nocturnal pulse and respiration dynamics) th the
-major*ty of subjects slept
.~p 1?pger than 7 hours. The remaining time
I Card 1-2
ACC' kRi- AT6036605--
alloted for sleep was spend i~ a ... horizontal position in darkness with
strictly limited movements. These hours were tolerated with great
difficulty but were not considered as artificial by the subjects.
From here, experiments using a shifting daily activity regimen-
(sleep from 14:00-23:00) were conducted. Tests began at 13:00. During
'the first regulated sleep period (experimental night) 'subjective and
objective data showed that subjects did not sleep more than 4 hr. The
i remainder of sleepless time was spent lying in a rigid position in the
darkened soundproof chamber. This permitted the calculation of sleepless
hours while conducting prolonged chamber tests applying strict sensory
I~deprivation on a backround of relative deprivation. Despite the fact that
'these states were tolerated with great difficulty, no psychopathological
manifestations were noted. The degree of human adaptation to sensory
Ideprivation was judged to be a direct result of functional adaptation to
altered daily routines.
The method of enforcing strict sensory deprivation on a background
of relative sensory deprivation while increasing the number of hours of
regulated sleep during a norm& and altered daily routine can be used
for evaluairg space craft- operator tolerance to sensory Aqp ivation.
14. A. No. 22; AM Roport 66-1161 . .......
I card 2/2 SUB coDsl 06,05 SUBM I)AUt ao~fAy66
;1ACC NR, A%036612 SOURC& CODE: UIV0000/66/600/000/0254/0255
AUTHOR: Mgonfkov, D. V.; Surinovq Yu. As; Xuznotrov, 0. N.; Lobadov, V. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE: Question of the psychological bases of individual physical traininv
C11apor pro,24n~qd.,nL t48 nforonco on Problems of Space Modicino hold In I-bscov from
SOURCZ: Xo~Fordffiya po problemam kosmichaskoy moditsiny, 1906. Problemy
kosnichesUoy maditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); matorialy konforantsUp
tbscow, 1966, 254-255
TOPIC T&GS., cosmonaut trainingg space psychology,*physical exercisop space
ph~slology, psychophysiology
Individualization of the physical preparation program is one* of the
!best methods for developing the individual psychological qualities
!,necessary for good performance in spaceflight. Of course such individual
I tailoring of physical training is impossible without analysis of the
!personality of each cosmonaut. -' On one hand, data obtained from
;psychological studies 16 used by phy6ical-education instructors to select
'the most effective teaching methods. On the other hand, observation, of
cosmonaut behavior in the process of physical training is a valuable
Card j,
!'.ACC NR, A-L6036612
addition to the complete psychological picture. during physical training
!,emotional and volitional characteristics, demonstrated in the ability
io overcome, difficulties, thoroughness of movements, psychomotor activity.'
formation of motor coordination habits, and initiative, are identified.
With the use of exercises selected according to the degree of individual
physical preparedness, (jump turns from unusual positions, complicated
,3umps on the trampoline, -and a variety of other exercises) it was
possible to identify other psychic characteristics: stamina, the capacity
for analytical thought, attention, and memory.'
The method of studying individual personality characteristics and
the method of developing psychologically valuable qualities by means of
physical preparation was developed by the authors on the basis of experi-.
mental work by the leading athletic psychologists P. I. Rudik, 0. A.
Chernikova, and T. L Gagayeva. Personality manifestations in work
awere considered on the basis of theories of B. M. Teplov and V. S.
Complex atudy of personality (using the methods of teaching
-psyqhology) during physical training permits substaniiation of data
-obtained _during observation by Means of laboratory exppriments. Data
ACC NR. A-1,6036612
can also be compared with those from sources of personality i n form at-ion
associated with the method of clinical psychology. Inclusion of physical
,training in personality study permits use of the teaching-psychology
1ex-aeriment. which expands the possibilities of personality analysis. with care'fully sel6dted teams are used'to determine
e group characteristics of a given group of cosmonauts. Various team
irearrangements help clarify group typology of individual cosmonauts
!(according to the methods of F. M. Gorbov and M. A. Novikov).
Individualized physical traininIg consists of iwo steps, 1) interviews
iand observation, and 2) individual preparation and experiments in
iteaching psychology. There are many kinds of possible interactions
'between psychological study and physical'training: information can be
:exchanged between instructors and psychologists using the same
:personality theory and itudy methods, joint consultations on training
methods can be held, individual courses of study for each cosmonaut can
be developed and modified i6intly.
ACC NRJ AT6036612
Scientific and psychological grounding of individualized programs for
ithe physical training of spacecraft operators will enable researchers to un-'
:cover and reinforce valuable psychological.quAj~tiqs in.cosmonauts witb--
:out fear of overtraining,gr br~eakd'own,
EdT. A. No. 22;'ATD Report 66-1167
SUB CODE: 06,05 SUBM DAM O%Iay66
card 4/4
11781-66 DD
AP6003276 SOURCE CODE: UR/0246166/066/001/0081/0088
is S, 1:~ -
Gorbov, F. D. (Moscow); Kuznetsov, 0. N. (Moscow); Lebed~v`l V. 1. (Moscow)
ORG,. none
TITLE: The modeling of psychosensory disorders under conditions of short-term
.wei&tlessness 14~'
SOURCE: Zhurnal nevropatologii i paik'niatrii, v. 66, no. 1, 1966, 81-88
TOPIC TAGS: human physiology, parabolic flight, weightlessness, space psychology,
spatial disorientation, depersewaftcub6on
ABSTRACT: The authors reviewed 10 Western and 28 Soviet sources to demonstrate
that the reaction of healthy subjects to short-term weightlessness (20-60-see
parabolic flights) can be tined as a model of some clinical psychosensory disorders
such as depersonalization, derealization, the "and-o f -t lie -world" syndrome,
etc. The reaction characteris tics of subjects exposed to weightlessness fall into
three categories. in the first, weightlessness is tolerated without difficulty
or unpleasant sensation, and working ability is not impaired. It is stated that
all Soviet cosmonauts fall into this category. The second category consists of
subjects who experience acute sinking, tumbling, soaring, counterrotational, and
upside-down sensations, accompanied by sensations'of discomfort, fear, and loss
of npatial orientation during the first 4-5 sec of weightlessness. These sensa-
Card _1/!a __UDC- -613-6q3--07:
L 11 ?d1_60
ACC NR1 AP6003276
-_7 At
tions are interchangeable with those of happiness, playfulness,. and euphoria.
Subjects in the second category ultimately adapt to subsequent flights. The third
category consists of individuals whose illusory reactions to weightlessness are
more severe and persist throughout the entire weightless period, often resulting in
seasickness. Some individuals of a subgroup of the third category experience
acute sinking sensations which lead to hysteria, involuntary screaming, and in-
creased motor activity, persisting throughout the entire weightless period. Such
a complete loss of spatial orientation is compared to depersonalization or the
ltend-of-the-world" syndrome. -In-general, there are many significant features common
to both psycho-sensory disorders and those perceptual sensations observed during
parabolic flights. An analysis of psychophysiological reactions to short-term
weightlessness can serve to confirm theories of the origins of disintegrative
psychosensory disorders. Weightlessness data indicates that psychosensory reach ono
have three phases: In the first phase, there is a dissociation of analyzer activity
which can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and unstable spatial illusions;
in the second phase, depersonalization reactions occur although the subject
interprets the illusions rationally; in the third phase, depersonalization and
derealization occur with delirioue illusory interpretations by the subject.
It is concluded that the analysis of psychosensory reactions to short-term weight-
lessness can lead to an understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of clinical
psychosensory disorders, just as studies of specific reactions to isolation and
sensory deprivation can serve to elucidate some heretofore unclear questions
concerning various psychiatric syndromes. JCDJ
SUB OODE.- .2;1106/ SUBH DATE: 22jun65/ ORIG REP: 028/ OTH REF: 010/
:ard .313
Use of latex paste for the knotless yarn joining, Teksto promo
24 no.2:34~35 F 164. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Zamostitell nachallnika nauchno-issledovatel'skoy laboratorii
malanzhavogo kombinata imeni K.I. Frolova.
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Kuzneti! .
TITLE: The application of predicate calculations to the
synthesis of one class of multiple switching cir-
PERIODIGAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 2, 1961, 34, abstract 2 V257 (V sb. Avtomat.
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TEXT: The operating conditions of a circuit may be written as a
system of equations for all outputs (Y's) at a certain instant
t + 1, in the RHS of which are the predicates Ai(ti) corresponding
to the inputs and Y-(t-) corresponding to the outputs, with the
conditions ti im t, 3 tji