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KMI&IZSOV, N.Me, inzheners Ifficlency suggestions@ Bumoprom#31 no~3;25-26 Mr '56. (MLHA 9:7) (Papermaking maohinery) Klu 21 ET f inzh.' SOKHAREVA, R.A.,, red.; GMIUKRIN, Ye.K.p tekhn. red. [Collection of inventions; woodpulp and paper industries] Sbornik izobretenii; tselliuloznaia i bumazhnaia prorqsh- lennost', Moskva) TSentr, biuro tokhn.informatsiis 1961. 90 P. (MM 15:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet, po delar, izobreteniy i OtIcrytly. (Woodpulp industry-Equipment and supplies) (Paper industry-Equipment and supplies) VJZNNTSOY,N.K., starshiy instruktor peredoTykh metodor traU I Device for cutting slab joints. Sbor.sat.o nay. tekh.v strol. 17 no.6:30 '55. (KIRA 8:9) (Concrete slabs) ALTUNDZHI, Sergey Yladimirovich; BUCHARIN, Yiktor Tladimirovich; DOBKINA, Tevgeniya Abramovna; XUZHHTSOVj Nikolay Mikhaylo- vj9J"nzh.; POPOTA, leeniya -Mtriyevichs. ITLADIN, Leon Romanovich; BADYLOUS, I.TS., doktor takhn.nauk, retaonsent; SKIRS M 0 = IT, A.I., in2h.. reteenzent; PRITUINI, L.A.. red.; SOKOLOTA. I.A.. (Production and use of liquid carbonic acid] Proisvodstvo i primenenie shidkoi uglakisloty. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1939. 207 P. (Carbonic acid) (MIRA 13:2) XUZHAT AaY__Kikhaj%ovich* LIUM, Mikhail Aleksayevich; YRFIMOVP VoSes nauchn"'rede; VUSOVA. Z.V., red.; TSAL, R.K.. (Combustion chambers of marine boilers operating on oil] Topochnys ustroistva sudovykh parovykh kotlov a neftlanym otoplaniem. Lenin- grad, Gos.soiusnoe izd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl., 1959. 206 p. (K= 14:1) (Boilers, Marine) 84312 S/170/60/003/009/003/020 Z,,I- 22-0, O'Ll B019/BO60 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, N. M. TITLE: The Structure of Shock Wave) in the Air Taking the Kinetics of Chemical'Reactions Into Account PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicbeskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 9, PP- 17-24 TEXT: The author studied the dissociation zone and the chemical reaction zone in the air, the relaxation of intramolecular oscillations being assumed to stop altogether at the moment when dissociation begins. Such reactions as are likely to occur in the shock wave in rarefied air are discussed first, and formula (9) is given for a description of temperature in the shock-wave front at those intensities, at which nitrogen is not yet practically dissociated. The author then deals with that range of shock-wave intensity, where 02 is completely, and N2 is partially dis- sociated. Formulas similar to (9) are derived. On the strength of formulas obtained here, a graph (Fig. 1) is given to illustrate the temperature behind the shock wave as a function of the distance from the front, and Card 1/2 84312 The Structure of Shook Waves in the Air Taking S 17 %003/009/003/020 the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions Into W9%06 Account another graph (Fig. 2) shows the temperature as a function of the time during which the particles remain behind the shock-wave front, Finally, the distribution of concentration of air components is examined. It is stated as a general conclusion that the temperature in the nonequilibrium region can be determined with sufficient accuracy from the concentration of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. The time until establishment of equi- librium at low temperatures is determined from the dissociation rate of oxygen. At high initial temperatures this time is determined from the dis- sociation rate of oxygen, nitrogen oxide, and the rate of reaction NO + 0 --). N + 026 The concentration distribution of nitrogen oxide behind the wave front can be obtained from the temperature profile. Frank-Kamenstskiy is mentioned. The author thanks V. N. Kondratlye Yu. S. Sayasov, and A. S. Kompaneyets for their discussions and interest displayed. There are 2 figures and 3 references: I Soviet and 2 US. SUBMITTED: May 3, 1960 Card 2/2 84725 S/057/60/030/010/004/019 B013/Bo63 AUTHORS: Skvortsov, Yu. V., Komellkov, V. S., and Kuznetsov, N,~ M. TITLEz Expansion of a Spark Channel in a Liquid 71 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol~ 30, No. 10, pp. 1165-1177 TEXTs The work reported on here was conducted in the years from 1956 to 1958 and dealt with initial stages of expansion of a strong spark channel after breakdown. The electric circuit of the experimental setup (Fig. 2) is shown in Fig. 1, its design has been described in Ref. 6. Figs. 3 and 4 provide examples of oacillog-rame of voltage and discharge current. Some of the results obtained from the oscillograms are collected in Table 1. Oscillograme of current I(t) and voltage V t) permit calculat ing the energy W liberated at a given instanti W(t) i(t)V(t)dt. Results obtained by such a calculation are given in Fig. 5 a,b; Fig. 6 illustrates the dependence of the initial rate of energy liberation Wn on the initial gradient i of the current. Fig. 7 shows the time dependence Caro 1/3 84725 Expansion of a Spark Channel in a Liquid S/057/60/030/010/004/019 B013/BO63 of current density j (a/cm2 ), Fig. 8 that of conductivity. The discharge pictures of Figs. 9 and 10 show three characteristic sections, namely, the spark channel, the shock wave front, and an intermediate region. Minor perturbations propagating from the channel to the shock wave front are distinctly discernible in the latter. The dependence of the channel radius rk on time is shown in Figs. 9 and 11, while the modification of the radius of the shock wave front rf in time is shown in Fig, 12. Table 2 contains values of Vk (expansion of discharge channel) and D (rate of motion of shock wave front) for various growths of current. A striking aspect is the little dependence of these quantities on the initial con- ditions in the discharge chain. Experiments have shown that the energy liberated in the spark channeli the pressure and the expansion rate of the channel, the velocity of the shock wave arising on a discharge in a liquid, mainly depend on the parameters of the discharge chain. The initial gradients in the channel attain 104 v/cm. EnerF liberation is protracted over the whole half-period, and attains 2~5.10 joules at i - 2.10 a/see and t --!~ At a steeper growth of current, the energy maximum in the unit 4 volume of the channel shifts with time toward the beginning of spark IF Card 2/3 t%7?5 Expansion of a $park Channel in a Liquid S/057/60/030/010/004/019 B013/B063 development. It 104 joule/CM3 for the-mentioned parameters. Due to persistent energy liberation, the rates at which the channel expands and the shook wave propagates remain the same during 1 - 2 half-periods of the discharge current. The present paper gives a hydro- dynamic calculation for the pressure field and.fo5 the velocities behind the shock wave frW (Figs. 13, 14). At Wn 3 10 joule/sec the peak pressure is 2.8.10 in the channel, and 2.1;4 atmospheres at the shock wave front. According to rough estimations the gas temperature in the channel attains several tens of thousands of degrees, The temperature peak in time shifts toward the~beginning of discharge on a steeper growth of-current. Fi 15 shows the dependence of energy W released in the channel (joule7c'm3) on time- The authors.thank M. V. Zollnikov, V. N. Dudorovo and P."T. Shevtsov for their assistance in the experiments. There are 15 figures, 2 table, and 10 references% 8 Soviet. SUBMITTEDt April 21, 1960 Card 3/3 KUZNETSCV, N.M. (Moskva) Equation of state ars~ heat capacity of water in a wide r2n#s of thermodynamig parameters. PMTF noolt112-120 Ja - F I~i. I. (KIRA 14s6) (Equation of state) (Heat capacity) (Water--Thermal properties) 2.1 316 %0 7/6 1/0 00/00 6/0 2 1/0 2 5 A001/AlOl AUTHORS: Anisimov, S. 1.,_Kuzntts9y,_X_ M. (Minsk, Moscow) TZIM Self-modeling problem of strong explosion in water PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki I tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1961, 167-168 TEXT; The authors consider the self-modeling problem of strong explosion for the case when disturbed motion Is spherically syWmetric and temperature T 2 (at the shook wave front) exceeds considerably 3,000 K. The equation system of central -symmetrical adiabatic motion in partial derivatives Is transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations and its order is lowered by using Integrals of energy-and adiabaticity following from the self-modeling nature of the motion (investigation of self-modeling solution was conducted by N. N. Kochina and N. S. Mellnikov) and, after transformations, one differential equation of the first order is obtained. This equation Is integrated numerically and the results for velocities, pressures and densities as functions of distances traveled by the shock wave are tabulated and presented graphically. An equation is derived which enables one to calculate the distance r2 traveled by the shock Card 1/2 31644 3/207/61/0W/006/021/025 Self-modeling problem of strong explosion ... A001/A101 wave, for which the self-modeling solution is applicable with sufficient accuracy: T2 = 0.22 x 10-8 E On) r2' where E Is full energy of explosion. There w-- I figure, I table and 3 Soviet- bloc references. SUEMITTM: August 28, 1961 Card P,/2 4r- 32~Vjf/61/035/007/004/019 B127/B208 AUTHORt Kuznetsov, N. M. TITLE: Equation of state of the products of Hexogen detonation PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii# v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1430 - 1434 TEXTs At low charge densities (P,G:~ 0.5 g/cm 3) the particles of the deto- nation may be described by the equation of state of real gases. At high densities they may be regarded as solids and the Landau-Stanyukovich equa- tion p - A? n + B?T may be used approximatively. A. B, n are constants, p is the pressuret p the density and T the temperature. The author assumes a linear temperature dependence of energy and pressure of the detonation productst p - p y(F) + B(p)pT (2) and E - E 0 + Ey(p) + CvT (3). E0 is a constant, Cv the specific heat at constant volume. By means of the values D, q and u at the front of the detonation wave the density F2' the pressure P2' the energy E2 and the sound velocity C2 at the Jouguet point may be de- Card 1/5 26335 3/076/61/035/007/004/019 Equation of state .... B127/B206 termined from the following equationst D - u/(1 - ?1/P), p - ~,D 2(1 - P11g), E2 - U2/2 + Q, C 2 D u. T eliminated from (2) and (3) gives P - py +?rJE - E E (4). From E -j[p - T d' + f(T) follows 0 y ~T ~2 E - J!, df and f(T) C dT - E + C T (5). If the specific heat Y, T2 v 0 v P constant at all temperatures, E0 M 0. + r(E. d EO) (6) 2 ?o P is then obtained from (4) and (5). Tds/dP is determined from pt - C2 Tds - dE d~ It follows 2 2 (8). The 2 P2 Et ) - ? (f 2- P27?-2 variable y - p/P py/y is substituted in (6)t E - E,-fL- d + Y-d - Y. ?2 f? r (9) is differentiated with respect to p 2 - P2(p)' and gives after further Card 2/5 26335 S/076/61/035/007/004/019 Equation of state ... B127/B206 reduction y rexp d~ xp d? E 12 L2 )d? + C1. AtT 0 2 - I [~e ~ ( F2 1 in the liquid phase tTfdensity of the detonation products equals 0 at which py - 0. At sufftciently low temperature 3, they practically exist only in the liquid phase. The mean density ?, was determined to be 0.62 g/cm3 with an error of 5-10%. Basing on the experimental results by A. N. Dremin and Yu. Lebedev the author arrived at the following relations: u - D/3.6, D - 2.56 + 3.47 91 for 1.2 < ?I < 1.8; Q - 1204 + 172 ?1 for 0.5< f, < 1.8. The results of calculation are presented in Table 2. It may be seen from the results that the thermal pressure p t and an "elastic" pressure py are equal at ?rvi.3 g/CM3. Pt ~~\ pyfor? n,!O 9 g/cm3' pt,~~ p for5Cl 2.0 g/cM3. The solid-state model is applicable when 2 y 3 P" 1 g/CM3, the products of Hexogen datonation may be 9/cm ; when Ye-garded as gas.' In the latter case the specific heat of the detonation products may be determined by statistical ideal-gas formulas, the innermo- Card 3/5 Equation of state ... 26335 S/076/61/035/007/004/019 B127/B206 lecular vibrations being taken into account. This calculation is not only applicable to detonation products, but also to other aubstancest e.g., metals. There are 3 tables and 5 referencost 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non- Soviet-bloo. The reference to English-languago publication reads as fol- lows: C. Hodgman, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 33rd edition. ASSOCIATIONt Akademiya nauk SSSR Institute khimi,-heskoy fiziki (Academy of Sciences, Physicochemical Institute) SUBMITTEDt March 27, 1959 Table 2, Legends 1) P, glCM3 2) y,-10-3 kg-cm/g PY/F.10 kg-cm/g 3) 4) P2/?2-10-3 kg-cm/g 5) E cal/9 pr 6) df> cal/g Card 4/5 3eO62 S/170/62/000/006/010/011 B117/B136 A U T HI 0 KuznetsovP N. M. TITLE: Xfnetics of chemical reactions in expanding air PERIODICALt Inzhonerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal,,no. 6, 1962, 97 - 101 TEXT: The problem of a flow round a blunt body moving at hypersonic' -speed in %"he atiosphere was dealt with. Earlier'papers (R. Duff.', N.. Davidson, J. Choiri. Phys., 31, no. 4, 1018, 1959; author, IFZh, no. 9, 1960) investigated the zonal structure of non-equilibrium chemical reac- tions in the shock wave, and admissible simplificationst 1) 0 + 6 + M 02 + A 2) N+N+M 14 k2 No + A -3) N +, 0M 3 NO + A Card 1 01 S/170/62/000/006/010~011"' Kinetics of chemical reactions ... B117/B138 4) N +NO _h4 ', 0 + N, X. 5) 0 -r NU 2- N + 0, It was shown in the present paper that the equations for chemical kinetics in expanding air can be much simplified and expressed in the form of a simple differential equation of the first well as algebraic equations. Such a single differential equation was derived from an analysis of the recombination of nitrogen: d~ 2A 'A (6). . n k;+-k;+"L k, no A ~A TA Concentrations of other components can be determined from the equations: X (1) and ag2/ 2 X (3) or*from a6 /ya - X (2) and (3), 4 A 'A 6 A A 5* and from the conditions for the conservation of the original air composi- tion 2a + a A + Y - 0-42 2 A + AA. + Y 1-58 M- Composition as- .Card 2/4 3/170/62/000/006/010/011 Kinetics of chemical reactions B117/B138 sumed: 79 ,"3 nitrogen and 21 ~. oxygen. It is essential for the dyn6mics of flow that oxygen may recombine after almost complete nitrogen recombi- nation when -the expanding air is sufficiently cooled: da/dt. = k;n (n.a 2 _X a) (9) . The other concentrations can be detern:1ned A I from (1), (3), ani (1). Pinally, the case is discussed when the flow is not affected by chemical reactions, and 'he problem of flow round a body and the aetermination of gas-component concentrations have to be treated separately, i. e., when reactions (4) and (5) are notlquasi-eauilibrium" and reactions (1), (2), and (3) are "frozen". In this case, Eq. (1) and (2) are not fulfilled. The approximation described is useful if the gas dyna=ics is noticeably affected by the chemical kinetics. Symbols used in the paper; M - any particle; n - number of moles per unit volume; .component concentrations; a w 0 N ; a . 0; . X; Y - 110; 2 2 A A X5 - equilibrium constants of reactions (1) - (5); IC 6 -constant of chemical equilibrium of the~total reaction N 2+ 20 Z=~ 2N + 02' whi-ch is in quasi-equilibrium. Card 3/4 3/17 62/00/006/010/011 Kinetics of chemical reactions ... B117%138 ASSOCIATIONt Institut khimicheskoy fizik! S5SR, Moskva (Inatituze of Chemical Physics A3 USSR, ;ow) SUBMITTEDs August 25, 1961 ~,Uznetsovj- I~icji, trUC LW'O. Of dicCk %mves at firs t t-ram, f, -TIKIacinc-r! mekhaniXi i tok~.ri.chqz;?, 3hoc", -1-3, phazia traasitll )n, I ho author e;camines the qual i ta t ive cim, t r vi) i e nf) n, wi t ex o th 9 r r, - )r ur -irrinches nF tn,~ qhnr~ I~no pl plane ahifts a2ong F, chard rf 'Vie -t~mrti, w -3 Q1 I a v I ~ ..,,i :AP's"- -976 . : ~-,,nj I ..I - ", ; 27Dec63 FNGL: 02 SUB ~,'CDE: I Ax: I'C -L--F SOV: C'05 WIER: 001 co'd ?~A ACCESSXON NR: AP4037640 S/0096/64/000/006/0055/0056 AUTHOR: Kuznetsav, N. M. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); Burakov, B. A. (Candidat'd-6f'-C Irn" i"ficiences) .TITLE: Investigation of critical heat flows during boiling of a diphenyl ,mixture in a large volum ISOURCE: Teploonergetika, no. 6, 1964, 55-56 ~TOPIC TAGS: diphenyl mixture, critical beat flow, boiling crisis, critical ~thermal load ABSTRACT: The authors used pressure ranges from atmospheric to critical to study formation of the crisis in vertical stainless steel tubes having an I.D. of 4 mm, :an O.D. of 6 mm, and 150-300 mm lengths. The tubes were installed along the axes of a vertical cylindrical drum, having a diameter of 180 mm and a length of 800 mm, filled with the diphenyl mixture. The mixture was given a dependence of qcrLt"f W .which was obtained by the following formula: 4 0.35 l 7_2_)0.9 w/K2 qerit-3.72 10 Perit Perit PcrLt Card 1/2, :ACCESSION NR: AP4037640 'Curves are shown which compare the authors' results with those of other investiga. itors who used other organic mixtures; the results were essentially the same. ~Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIMED: 00 DATE ACQ: 22Jun64 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: TD NO REY SOV: 004 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 ION NR: AP4042459 qre usQd an e their temperature lopendences ta) into account. I- LOn the Kinetics of the e~,eiltation of [he mc'e-ular oacilla- he n it rrj,4e7) i jallowed for and t_'*-'e -a'7,,!Fitions are mide '~e entire interva ut *_1-1e shock r)T'. s t ru, ctu re L ;.t~ Pa -,.--rk is that account of the beh'nd the front of -he shock wave- ~'tained by numerically integrati,q the aqu-rinns of the .-ion kinetics and the relaLxatir_-i equation for the excitation of vibrations of niftroqen. 7he extrenza of pressure and den- ~Ir-,,-Are z)f t:~ie wnve and ~!Iscuased in light of the ex- of the caicula- 1 7 z -,ear 510at '-Ord 2/3 7e-,66 ACCZSal of? SRO. AP t 20rW 0424.59 for th, te Zbuted nPeratur ar-t -h,-a, f- Y to ,e distrib e Litlon. 6 rormul.-W r0 .crepa., r t 8, ca Aca(j -1 -at- i~ fit. p ACCESSION KM AP4028949 8/0057/64/034/004/0624/0629 AU7HORt 11~!Tetsov, N.U.. Q !TITLE: Influence of radiation on the ionization structure of a shock wave ,SOUI=: Zhurnal takhnicheakoy fixiki, v.34, no.4, 1904, 624-629 ,TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, ionization, shock wave ionization, electron avalanche loni- mechanism, recombination radiation absorption innization ABSTRACT: In this papor the kinetics of approach to ionization equilibrium in a hot gas is discussed, and the non-equilibrium region behind a shock front is conai- dered in the light of the results obtained. Only two ionization mechanisms are con-, sidered: the electron avalanche mechanism discussed by H.Petschek and S.Byron (Ann. Phys.1,270,1957), and ionization by absorption of recombination radiation produced in the more highly ionized regionse Tho gas is regarded as filling all space, and tho rolative ionization is assumed to depend only on the one Cartesian coordinate x and to fall monotonically from the equilibrium value at x a -.00 to zero at x a +co. The electron avalanche process is rapid when the relative ionization is sufficient- ly great (about 10-3 or more)j but it Is very slow for low values of,the ionitationw Card 1/3 ACCESSION KH: AP4028949 'At large negative values of x, therefore, ionization will proceed almost entirely by the avalanche mechanism, whereas at large positive values of x it will be the re- sult of other mechanisms, of which only recombination radiation absorption is con- sidered. Somewhere between there will be a neutral plane or ionization front, at which ionization by the two mechanisms takes place at the same ratzo. As ionization proceeds, this ionization front will move in the positive x direction. The propaga--~ tion velocity. of the ionization front is calcula'ted. It is assumed fot simplicity that only the avalanche mechanism is effective to the left of the ionization front and only approximations of a purely mathematical nature are introduced. The rate of ionization by the avalanche process is taken from Petschek and Byron Cloc.cit.) and the rate of production of recombination radiation is calculated from Its absorption, cross section (for a hydrogen-like atom) by the principle of detailed balance with the assumption that in non-equilibrium conditions it is proportional to the square of the electron density. The velocity of the ionization front is found to depend on; the temperature, density, molecular weight, and ionization potential of the gaa,and~ on a coefficient given by Pdtschok and Byron that determines the rate of the ava- lanche -process. The nature of the non-equilibrium region behind a chock wave is d9- termined by the relative velocity of the Ionization front and the shocit front. 11 the ionization front would propagate more rapidly in an infinite ghs than the shook Card 2/3 ACCEGSION NRI AP4028949 front, it cannot Ing bohind the shook front by more than about a radiation absorp- tion length, and the present mechanism determines the structure of tile non-equill- brium region. In this case the width of the non-equilibrium region is about 1/100d cm, where d is the density of the gas in units of its density at standard conditiom If the shock front propagatas more rapidly than the ionization front, the present ;.mechanism is not capable of establishing steady conditions, and the structure of :t'fe non-equilibrium region will be determined by other ionization mechanisms not , considered hero. For hydrogen, the critical temperature at which the velocity of :th~ ionization front becomes equal to that of the shock front Is 2.4 x 104 OX for and 104 OK for d a 10-4. 36 formulas. ASSOCIATION-. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki, Moscow (Institute of Chemicak Physics) SUBMITTM: 28Feb63 DATH ACQ: 28Apr64 RNCL% 00 Sun CCUE: PH HR REW BOV: 003 0IMs 002 card 3/3 KUZIIETS(jV, N.M. Break of shook adiabate in the phase transition of the first kind. Dokl. AN SSM 155 no.lil56-159 Mr 164. WIRA 17-4) 1. Institut khimiciieskoy fiziki AN SSI")R. Predstavleno akaden,ikom V.N.Kandratlyevym. -1 A - rsifl.~71 qi-, upper bound ccrd 2/2 ACC NR, AP6003585(N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/66/010/001/0064/0067 AUTIIOR- Kuznetsov, N. M.; Oloynik, V. N. ORG: Higher Naval Engineering Inst It-Lite im. F. E. Dzerzhinskiy, Leningrad (Vyssheye voyennomorskoye invienernoye uchilishche) TITLE: Use of the theory of IlierinLdynamic similarity for the generalization of experimental data on the heat transTe-r- 7o boiling rganig coolants, SOURCE: hizhenerno-fizichaskiy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 1, 1966, 64-67 TOPIC TAGS:~ coolant, heat transfer, thermodynamic property, heat transfer coefficient ABSTRACT: The authors demonstrate how the basic concepts in the Meory of thermodynamic similarity may be applied for the generalization of experimental data on the heat transfer of boiling fluids. The following formula is proposed: C& Igo 7.'/!M'1- 1 +4,65 q;'. (1) & PK The experime ntal data of the authors on the bolling of a dipheny'mWure (DPA~ and mono- is22ro2XldIP~er%11(mrPD) in a tube and annular ducts of --a naiural-circulation circuit at pres- sures of IV-8- 10 n/n? and thermal loads of 50- 10:'- 380- 10~\v/m2 were compared with the Card 1/2 UDC- 536.248.2 + 536.24 ACC 112, AP6003585 formula (1). The results showed a distinctly appreciable deviation between the theoretical and experimental data in the heat transfer coefficient values. The deviation of the result-, Pd reasons for the deviation are discussed. It is conluded that the formula obLdned makes it possible io calculaic ihe heai transfer coefficients during the boiling of organic coolants which are thermodynamically similar to DPM and MIPD on the basis of information on tho critical parameters of a boiling fluid and its molecular weight. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and 2 figures. -bATE.'.- .10665 ORIG REF:'004 SUi3 c6DE:: 11 SUBM & L 2124-66---- EwT(1)/ETr,/m7.(n),2/MO(m /FPA(' )-2 -IJP(c).- AT ACCESSION NR: APS021900 UR/0207/65/000/004/0010/0020 :AUT11OR: Kuznetsov, H. H. (Hoscow)i Rayzer, Yu, P. (Moscow) ~717 n recombination in a 21 uu ..,TITLE: Electro .,plasma expanding In vac m Zhurnal prikladnoy imakhaniki i tak1hnichaskoy fiziki, no* 49 .1965, 10-20 TOPIC TAGS: plasma ionization, recombination, ionization-degree re- combination coefficient, triple collision ABSTRACT: In an earlier theoretical work by one of the authors (Ray- zer, Yu. P. 'On the residual ionization of a gas expanding In vacuumo ZhETF, 37, 2,.1959, 580)0 photorecombination and 3-body recombinati 'n processes occurring in a gas cloud expanding in vacuum were briefly 1nvestigated, This study extended and reviewed in the light of theoretical and experimental data recently published in the Soviet' Union and in the West. It is shown that, contrary to the findings of' the earlier work, if the expanding gas cools rapidly, recombination: 'does not stop, but diminishes infinitely, Because the cooling of the., ,Card 1/2 .L 2124-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021900 gas is in turn an effect of-heat liberation during recombination, the 'process must be described by a system of equations in which kinetics and energy are related to unknown time functions* The comparison of coefficients and recombinations due to triple collisions indicates that at excessively small electron densities, thel latter collisions prevail. From then on neither photorecombination nor triple collisions (with atoms being the third particles) play any part. When the deact'ivation of a highly excited atom takes place rapidly when compared to the speed of the change of electron density*-1j- and temperature,the recombination energy is liberated immediately.. after the electron capture by the Lon. Only this part of the recom- -bination energy turns into heatt which is transferred to the electrons during the deactivation of excited atoms by second-kind collL8ions. We the gas is transparento the'remaining part id almost completely 10 at& Orig. art. has: 25 formulas and 2 AZLJ-. ASSOCIATION: none SUBHITTED: llHay65 ENCLI 0 SUVC0. 0 DE, ~004 ATD PRE SS NO REF SOV- 006 OTHERI Card 2/2 XUZNETSOV, N.M. Interrelation between the vibrational relaxation and d1spociation of diatomic molecules# Dokl, AN Sf:~7R 164. n0,5:1097-1100 0 165, (MIRA 18t10) 1. Tnatitut khimichaskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted 'March 27, 1905. AUTHOR ORG: fiziki (Institut khimicheakoy TITLE: Deformations and gas dynamic discontinuities in pulse transformation of metastable substances SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no.-5, 1965, 1526-1531 TOPIC TAGS: detonation, condensation, explosion, thermodynamics ABSTRACT: Ananalysis was made of the thermodynamic conditions under which a sub- stance in a metastable state can be transformed into the equilibrium state by a de- tonation process. The analysis was based on the concept that a metastable substance is basically similar to an explosive so that a Hugoniot curve can be used in studying the problem. Formulas for the volume change by isobaric and isentropic transition from metastable to equilibrium conditions were derived and crystallizaticn of a.sub- cooled liquid and condensation shock in a supersaturated vapor vere considered. In phase transformations, a detonation-like phase transformation with possible overcom- pression or a slow phase transformation which propagates on the surface of the sub- Cord 1/2 13OURCH CODE: UR/0056/65lo49/005/152, Acc NR, AP6000210 stance in the =et&stabI:ie:phase onj may be analogous to slov deflagration or detona- tion processes. Orig. art. has: formulas and. 2 figures. (PvI StM CODE: 21,.07/ SUBM DATE: 02Jun65/, ORIG REFt 011/ OTH REF: .004/ ATD PRESS:,~4'/,97 -Orr" ---------- ------ -L 33030-66- -EfiT1:m)/FWP(--j)-----RM- ACC 1"r- -AP6014399 ,AUTHOR: Kuzn sov ,Burakov. B. As %ur ,,PRG: Higher Nwral oenno-morskoe Intaenernoye SOURCE CODE: UR/0096/66/000/001/0070/0071 N.,M. ,(Doctor of technical soiencesp Professor); technical sciences) np School Engineari im. F. E, DzerztAngUy (Vysabeye Uohillahabo) ITLE: Investigation of critical beat fluxes in the boiling of di nd dipbanyl oxide in a large volume SOURCE: Toploonargatiket.noo 1. 19669 70-71 OPIC TAGS: beat flux, boiling, organic oxide BSTRACT: The article gives the results of an experimental nvestigation of critical heat fluxes in the boiling of dipbanyl end ipbenyl oxide in a large volume, over a range ef pressures from tmospberic up to the critical.' The appearance of the boiling crisis as studied In vertical tubes made of Type lKbl8N9T stainless steelp itb a diameter of 6/4 mm and a length from 150 to 00 mm, located along be axis of a cylindrical drum with a diereter of 190 mm and a length of 00 mm, filled with beat transfer mediums dipbonyl or dipbenyl oxide, be experimental results are shown in a figure. It can be aeon from Card 1/2 UDC: 662.987-547.62.001.45 _j L 33030-66 ACC NRx AP6014399 the figure that the nature of the dependence of the critical beat loads on the pressure agrees qualitatively with the experimental data for water, Quantitatively, the beat loads for the boiling of the organic beat transfer media are approximately five times less than for water* Orig6 art, bast 1 formula and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 07g 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REFt 001 Card 212c~U 0 ~A. "3" 7-66 EYTI(i)/EWA(h) ACC NR. AP6013250 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0049/0049 INVENTOR: Abramtsev, Ye. P*,'; JKuznet!ov, N. M.: Loshkarev, F. A., ORG: none 11TLE: Motor-type time relgay. C ass 21, No. 180608 fannounced by.the Kuznetsk Scien- 'I tific Research Inst Tu_t_e___oT Coal Bene-ficiation (Kuznetskiy siauchn6-issfedovatel's Institut ugleobogashcheniya ]_ ~ SOURCE: Ixobreteniya, promyshleanyye obraztey, tovarnyye xnaki, no. 8, 1966, 49 TOPIC TAGS4 time relay, photoelectric cell ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a motor-type time relay containing an illuminator, photoeells connected with the object control circuit, and a progrMning P. Fig. 1. Hotor-type time relay I Illuminators; 2 programming element. ACC NRs AP6013259 element which shifts between the illuminator and the photocells (see Fig. 1). In order to improve the reliability of relay operation, the programming element is designed In the form of a trausparent, rotating cone. Inside the cone are photo- reaiators.and on its surface is a punched tape. The illuminator is fitted vith a reflector designed in the form of a parabolic mirror which covers the luminous slot. Orig, art. has: I figure& (DWI SUB COM 09/ SUBH DATEs -230et62/ AID PRESS t ZI lop Card 2/20c-- "I ;~ei t ZI I i 7. .-4~ 7:7 Kuznetsorv, 11, (Dwtor of Technical Sciencesj~- OlepAk, V. N. (Engine"-Jer) ORGi Hipher Naval Engineerina Order of Lenin School im. F. E. Dzorzhinskiy, -morskoyo Inzhener ..Ip-grad (Vysoheyo voyenno noye 13 C le TITU-j Heat transfer to an organic heat carrier in annuli SOURCEt IVUZ. Energetika, no. 3. 1966t 114-118 TOPIC TAGSs heat transfer, heat carrier, Reynolds number.. 11 usselt number2 Prandtl nunber, fluid viscosity ABSTA;iM The heat transfer 1to a-di no mixture was studied because there are pifolishod data on h4Wt; ~roKsfer to organic heat carriers in annuli. The heat translbr was studied in annuli ranging in width from 1.5 to 6 mm and An a round tube with dlaxAitor of 1.7 irm. Tho data obtained made It po.-3sAble to determine the effect or goopictric dimenviona of annuli on heaL trannfor and to riot np a criterion fornula., The oxpoilmontnl datti on the heat trnnsfer to a dipl;onyl mJxturzo In annuli tirn in good ngro(,~monL with the critoricn formula. Tho oxporJmol".iA dallion hoat trannfor to- a dipherjyl miAttu-o in round tuboo are In good agroe,-ront with th'3 datri of other Velep-1 tists and can be described by the following criterion formula Nu-- O.OVRe O'8Pr 0-36 A 0-11 , where Nul Ret and Pr are the Nuseelts Card 1 /9 L 45603-66 ACC NR:AP6021937 Reynolds, and Prandtl numberzip rospectivoly, and p and )-iw tire fluid viscosity w,,(i fluld viscosity tit temperature of wall of inner tube, ronpectively. Qdg. arL. bn.41 3 figures,, I -table) and 7 formulas. SUB CODEi 20/ SUBM DATEI 15Feb65/ ORIG REN 006/ OTH REFs 008 0 0 o 0 0 44_0-074_~ 674 " Sol , 0_4_4-w 1 4 f q Of U IS W t$ 1#4q Is -txx 04 000 sea Ot sea t 33 133. ml drimas 0( a Mel t 064 00 4 so sew 00 so$ 00 arm bob by upotilmum O'c a 't; A 0 -L..4 v 00 -00 600 -00 -00 -00 -4141 .00 =00 coo 0*0 P too =00 00.0 GOO 0 40 3 WOO %$O0 71! &$*.ILA "LLOOGICAt UTIOATIAl CLAUWKATWN US! -."Z. U901 z stow I ~911 44.41. woo t a.. d4c VISUI-Owl- #14111 dad.. A%. IS if 10 At I ITT 4, 1 a 0.0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 o o 0 0 0 *1 a as 4: 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 *0 :is 0 * a 0 0 000000 00 00 6 -, - FE t *a 1 0#16 is OVOILIUM" sill "alln ZOA J6VJIh, )p 11 U U )A 4 m Ar im Is a 41 .4 41 a a c 0 A I L I L L -J- p -&-jL-P -QL- A, A~ AL- -1 off 4" I.Q !!$0m A -!--I -A- 0! d~i 1 4.0 leopiall'i, C 16- 1 00 00 -06 04 N. A. F. Dc l. X 1 .00 4 30, 104, T W . 7 to a boated to 80 G 4 WAII 1, iddd find NIOWDULOW a & : =ttd in lbf UP-1 W-wl- w 00 Poo 9 see XO* to* 1"Oe i 1 , ties 00 is U U AV 00 ; : HO W13111 ,k A~ 1S Mi CW A 0 a twit 14 Ilin 191t 4 O;T n un 0 0 0 a 0 0 A 4 @**go* so$ * 06640001 0 0 0 0 WWA-0:0-46 Q *1* 10 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 00000 "0'44,0000010000 0514 1 1 1 a I is it 11 11 M nmills A A I A I A W IF ~ f -A T, I Ak 0 it IV U, a 00 4 00 00 00 so 00 00 Of I 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91) or a bit voo&v "Ofte"ro 0 - a A 0 4 1 wagrif T,w llwj 11(likul ;~~Iw pwaekc. 4vu is uwd in 11W ClAws- *Oihi raw. FITT cl by thor "mirk dan. of I - Y j"-hvdlwvI I'Arman-as we "wvk-I ~i,. kid. with %be *W cA Ow p4watke. C*U. lutistraticas Sold MOS. Chas. likw .00 -#G 00 go A%. ILA to 4) . . . . .. 4 u I. Ad a 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 =so 10 ;Zoo 190 t:04 0 tle 0 f 4 0 so 0 0 0 W-W-0 7 1 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 la~ 0 47 1 U 1 - 1 1. Mr ! . ! . PROMW 4.0 110"tat'll 4092 *Ole N. Ktunclvw.-,- & 4-mat" Law. so witb factory sell - I V, JuIM P. Smith wobkvuQ o . go *0 Go 4 -06 00 000 @*-I goo *Va 11500 GOO oo~d 0040 1. goo see 400 see floe No* So* 4*0 A a. S L A 09MLIOW" UUSAIVU CLASWrATWw goo S"m $?mass** pit 01V @as 391000 3"010081 dw cww tat W-M-0. 0 4 0 00 0 0 0 a t , , 7 0.0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0* a * * 0 * * a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 * * di a a .8 q a 9* *so of.**-* 9 ,,, 00 091;0 OU 31 V a IS 111 IF a a 411 a If 1, , INd ejutf 0 '-pit"Utf sw~ 0111*affits-I leveli - - . 00 000 Ways in wm4b disowy smi-b. 0* c ^A" Proms. 000 0 0 *00 041 IC goo Ise 0 4111'~d aloe goo moo %* 0 MITALLIPOSIC&L LtT$NAT6$t CILASSIFICAt" loom 11"astwo view MOWIAV WO0 G~ NIA161 me GxV I slid" Nit Me 441 141&441 4c ZA is aloe A, W, a, 14, :0 o 000609000*6400 OT 000000000000000000 0000*00000000000060 Mgt a A In it IS w a 10 IV a 0 to a a 0 &A* I" tj w it It it i. i-. Aa I -Al." 'a CLAP sea .Pt. It 7T-e -00 T A so it and P. "yd ftem. I. No. 3. "(1 prgtm la t1w Soviet ak. indtu- A revkw S. t;tAthell try.-, sea "so 004 lose see, 000 now sow go* fee ZOO boo boo 1,40-60 .0-r Imodej .6. a., d*& fam, iT m, &W 4L I I Im 0 0 9 1 9 x I u a A# Ic As a 0 0 e 0 and grains Ifor malshl. Thej~ot processoz of potato" N. M. Kuznctsoy fAlf-Union SH, Research filst.Ftifiritoni Ind.-. Kiev); -Spirlowrs flier". 20, .14io. 1. Plitatocs, outs, rye, wilk-t. harky. Innize, of %*lwat (187-190 kill, per cu.m. of oligestion sp-ice) Is m.-WitJ with 2.3-3,ri 1. of vmter per kg. of mw imittrial to give a nui;h entag. 1.5.5 - 17.0% dry matter. Tile arnount of 11.0 iequircd depend,; on tile kind of ra%v Illatetial.-Intl tin its stilt ch t-oiltent. Prr.;- surc3 (1-5 Win,) and the tittic., 01 aftVIC3, Intl (54-9,'1 nlil'.) too are functions of tile rameri'll It . 'rile filli,hell III IsU Is sterilizcd by adding -90 tilt. of I 4(1'/'o CI Ito liter. The temp. at the end of -tarchar ificat Ion is 57-8'; after addn. of malt, 48- 60'. This manner of pre tj Icay" very little 3tarrh ,updisstilvW; it aLwi bte7s"(31owonn much of the.amitto-acid content. A schem,tfle drawing of the app. is presented, Werner Jacab~ ~i KUNMOT.R.M. - ZOO A*~ 7 teawhnical progress In the alcohol, liqueur and vodka In- 7 dustry. Sloirt.prom.21 no.2:1-3 '55. (mm 8:10) 1. Glammoye upravlentye 'apirtuoy prowroblennosti (Distilling Industries) IRONOVICII, Vladimir Teniaminovich, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; IMUMOT, ,-rateenzent; BKOBLO, D.I., retsenzent; SXMIff, L.ktor; KABLOYA, Teel., redaktor; GOTLIB, I.M., tekhnieheskly 4 redaktor I. [Instruments and regulators in the distilling industry] Pribory i regulistory spArtovoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Fishchapromisdat. 1956. 300 P. I (MIBA 9:12) (Distilling industries-olquipment and supplies) KUZNSTSOV. ff. M. Means for increasing the productivity of grain preparation sections in continuous heat processing of starchy raw materials. Spirt. prom. 22 n0-3:5-8 '56. (NLU 9:11) 1. Ministerstvo pronyahlonnosti prodovollstvannykh tovarov SSSR. (Grain milling) A S HKINUZI. Z.K.. rukoyoditell brigedy; BIUNSHTEYN, A.F.; WINOVICH, B.D,; GHATSKITj F.A,; SIDORENKO, D.F.; NOVALNVSXATAt A.I., red.; TAROT, N.M., [Pontinuous thermal processing of starchy raw materials) Nepre- nala teplovaia obrabotka krakhmaliBtogo syrlia, Moskva, Pishche- promisdat, 1957. 59 P. (MIRI 12:4) 1, Klyevskiy filial Veasoyuznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo insti- tuta spirtovoy pronWahlonnosti (for Ashkinuzi). (Distilling industries) I -/ - v I . I KOMAROV, Avramij Yedoroyloh; KOL4)SKOV# Oorgpv Paylovich; YM.-Nv=Qz- N.K.. spetersdakton MMLINITSKAYA, WqZo, redaktor; -.. kandidat takhnichaskilh nauk, retsenzent; KISIIU, Ye.I., tekh- nicheskiy redaktor. LNechanization of labor consuming operat4ons in distillarisaJ Makhanizateits, trudoemkikh rabot na spirtovykh savodakh. Ko- skya, Pishcheprom4-saat, 1957. 173 P. (MLRA 10:6) (Distilling industries) MZHETSOV,-i.m.' Alcohol industry Spirt om. 23 no.7:1-10 '57. (MIRA 11:1) 4100ho TAROVICHKO. Viktor LIvovich; KUZHMSOV, N.M., retzenzent; MALCHEIIKO# A.L. , spetered,j KOVAIJVWAT'A,-A.-1-,q-ired.; TAIWOVA, N.M.,, [Continuous alcohol fermentation] Potochnyi metod spirtovogo brosheniia. Moskva, Pishchapromisdat, 1958. 127 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Fermentation) GRYUNOT, Vyachaelay Pavlovich, kand. tekhn. nank,- ZXLIXM, Grigoriy Fedorovich, kand. tekhn. naxtk; V ~ I I NOT N.K., inzh., reteensent; -j.. IFIRTKAN9 Gel., Imnd, tekhn, naa- " ad 00 RIMP G,S., red.; CHIBYSMA, Ts.A., tekhn. red. [Calo~latiou, storage and transportation of distilled spirits] Uchet, khranenie i transportifoyka spirta. Moskya, Pishchepromisdat, 1958. 179 P. (KIRL 11:7) (Alcohols) KUZNNBOT, N.M. 4,C50vtv j I -,to" .Processing sugar beets at alcohol plants. no,724-6 138, (Smar beets) (Alcohol) Spirt. prom. 24 (MIRA 11:11) STABI41KOV, Vsevolod NikoUyevich; jWZffETSOV,--H.14. . retsenzent, KAFAROV, V.V., retsenzent; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.I., red.; KISINA, Ye.1-op tekhn. red. (Distillation and rectification of alcohollPeregonka i rektifikataiia. spirta. Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1962. 503 Pe (HM 15:11) (Disti.Uation) (Distillation apparatus) PUSHKIN, Nikita Ivanovich; BUZNIK, V.M... doktor tekhn. nauk', prof., retsenzent; GASANOV, G.A., dots., reteenzent; KUZNETSOV nauchn, red.; SMMIO-V, Yu.I... red. ap"-~ [marine steam boileral theory and calculations] Sudovye parovye kotly; teoriia i. raschety. Leningrad, Sudo- stroenies 1965. 510 P. (MIRA 18:7) ACC NRt AP7000049 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0042/0049 AUTHOR: Kuznetsoy, N. M. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Kinetics if electron recombination in molecular gas propagating into a vacuum SOURCE: Zhurnal ~rikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 42-49 TOPIC TAGS: electron recombination,-space vacuum, high altitude explosion, !ABSTRACT: Kinematics of a diatomic and multiatomic gas propagating into a vacuum is considered. Recom 'bination, dissociation and charge exchange reactions with account ofl the negative ions are included in the derived rate formulas. This study is modeled I ,on the monoatomic theory of explosive gas flow and the similar and distinguishing cha-: .racteristics of the two theories are enumerated. The time-dependent concentrations of. ,charged particles in the ionized nonequilibrium gas are expressed by quadratures for known reaction rates. In addition, the instant of the departure of electrons and ne- gative and positive ions from equilibrium is obtained. It is shown that even in cases where reaction ratios are known within an order of magnitude, a good prediction of the equilibrium state is possible since departure from equilibrium is relative to the po- sitive ions, while electrons and negative ions remain in equilibrium considerably long- 'er. Orig. art. has: I figure, 35 formulas. 'SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATE: 04Mar66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 006 Card 1/1 AP6036432 SOURCE CODE: UR/0096/66/000/012/0057/0039 of Technical Scioncosp Pr ,WTHOR; Yuznotsovp IN, M. (Doctor ofeasor); Oloynik, V, ORG: Naval Collogo of Engineering im. Dzerzhinakiy (Vysshoye Voyenno-MQrskoye.1nzhG- nornoyo uchilishcho) TITLE: Study of boat transfer during boiling of organic boat carriers SOURCE: Toploonorgotika, no. 12, 1966, 57-59 I'TOPIC TAGS:'. heat transfer coefficient, heat carrier, boiling I ABSTRACT: Heat trans4l r was studied experimentally during boiling of a diphonyl mix-~ ture and monoisopropylbipherql in a tube and in annular channels with natural circu- 1atA*on,-at -pressures of W - 8 x W n/m2 and thermal loads of 50 x 103 - 470 x 103 1,41m:1. In the case of the biphenyl mixture, all tho oxporimonts showed that the heat A. %.ransfor coefficient is independent of the velocity of the natural circulation, is to the thermal load, and increases with the pressure. The experimental points aro-described by the empirical formula-a = 1.28qO.7pO,24. In the case of I monoisopropylbiphony3,, the heat transfer coefficient is independent of the circula- tion velocity and of the geometrical dimensions of the heating surface; as in the case of the bipherql mixture# it depends only on the thermal load and pressure of, UDCt 536.24.1.662.987.661.7.001.5 Cord- ACC NRi A%0)6432 tho'boiling liquid. It is expressed by the tomula cz 1.23qO-7PO-19. has., 4 figureso I table and 2 formulas. SUB CODE 1 20/ SUM DATE I none/ ORIG REFS 007 Orig. Aut. LC~Lcd 2/2 A CODEv AUTHOR: Kuznataov, N, M F3 ORO: Institute of Chemical PhIsIcs. AN SSSR (Institut khimichookoy fiziki,,-XN 33SR) 4e 110- TITLE: Vibrational relaxation In a recombiningexpanding gas SOURCE: Teplofitika. vysokIkb tempersturp Yo k. no* 2p 1966p 282-284 TOPIC TAGS: vibration relaxationg gas relaxation, Is-a' Zua4~4-' 104- ABSTRACT: The process of vibrationel relaxation of a diatomic molecule in the presence of dissociation or recombination can be described by the system of equations see 00- e-9-61 where E* is the vibrational energy of molecule, which in a function ~ot the tagersture of the vibrations T E is the equilibrium value of V; D in t e energy of dissociation,# Ok in the ratio of the number of I L 36055-66 ACC NN, AP6014076 0 moleculqs to the number of molecules in the undissociated gas; t is the time; K' and X" age constants of the rates of dissociation and combination; 0 = 2(1-cp(*) Is the relative concentration of atoms; r g is the ratio of the density of the gas to its normal density,* T is the time of the vibrational relaxation. The article proceedsto a mathematical solution of the problem on the above-promises. Orig. art. bee: 14 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATEt 27Mar65/ ORIG REFO- 003/ OTH MW: 003 Card 2/2 vab EY1 Ll L 25671-66 ENT( P(rn)ZEI I /r !G. ZMA (d ),"'T uu-W.6/041 ACC NRt Ar4600832 lip(c) viw/3,,/ Monograph UR/ JWD/Wt/RM Kuznetsov,, Vi Dla2-Mikhaylovich Thermodynami functions and shook adiabatic curves of air at high temperatures (TermodInamicheekiye funktsii i-udamyye adiabaty vozdukha pri vysokikh temperaturakh) Moscow,, Izd-vo 'Mashinostro- eniye". 1965. 462 p# biblio., tables, Errata slip inserted, y 2000 copies printed, TOPIC TAGSi atmospheric physics, mathematical table, thermodyna- mic function, atmospheric density, atmospheric ionizationp oleo- tromagnetio radiation e,.Igag A PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for specialists e%& in engineering calculations in the fields of, upersonic aerody-/ namics and the physics of/explosion phenomena it should also ..tutions of higher learning, The Be useful to students in insti book contains tables of thenndUynamic functions for air and elec- tromagnetic radiationj concentr tione of components of airp ion- ization equilibrium constants for atoms and all iono of nitro- gen., oxygen, and argons shook adiabatic curves., and mean free paths of equilibrium electromagnetic radiation. All tables were compiled from computations 'and do not contain data from, Card 1/3 UDC:_ 536.yo/.T9.ooi.24(O83-3): 546.21T loom L 25671-66 ACC NR. AM6008326 0 other sources, except essential init6al data. They cover te!n- peratures ranging from 200 to 3 x 10 K and densities from 10-6 to 30 p0 (where is the normal density of air), The text includes essential exppFanations of the tables, procedures for computations, and initial wMerimental and theoretical data, TA33LE OF GONTMS (abridged]: Foreword 3 Ch, 1. Thermodynamic functions for air and electromagnetic radia- tion, concentration of components of air, and chemical and ion". ization equilibrium constants -- 11 Oh, II, Shook adiabatic curves of air for heights from 0 to 97 km,* above sea level -- 28 Ch, III, Mean free paths of electromagnetic radiation averaged by the Roseland methodp and mean absorption coefficients 34 Bibliography (26 titles] -- 36 Tables 1, Energy,# pressurej, entropy,, and speed of sound 37 Tables 11, Energy, preoourep and entropy of electromagnetic radiation -- 321 Tables III, Conoentrations of components of air 329 Card 2/_3 T. P4671-M NRi AM6008326 .~.Tablea'37, Ionization equilibrium constants fro atoms and all ions of nitrogen, oxygens and argon 387 Vables V, ~ Shock adiabatic curves 397 -Vl,, Mean rre .:-Tables e-pathn and-average-absorption coefficients - ------ of electromagnetic*radiation - 447 Appendix 1, Electron energy lev;ls and ionization potentials of atoms and ions of nitrogen,, oxygen., and argon used for computing electronic. statistical sums -- 06 Appendix 2, The densityi heightj temperature, and pressure of the standard atmosphere -- 460 isuB com o4/ sum DATEt o3Aug65/ oRia w: 014/ OTH PMs 012 KI;ZNETSOV, podpo]Jcovrik meditti-Diskoy sluzhby. Sci-!ntific Conforerice of Phyniciarm of the Moscow !;,ilitary Dintrict. Vocn.-mod. zhur. no. lt93-94 Ja 166 OHIRA 19s2) Ilse of the theory of thermodynamic similarity in generalizing the experimental data on the heat transfer from boiling organic heat transfer agenta. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 10 no.I:U,-67 Ja 166. (MM 19:2) 1. Vyseheye voyenno-morskoye inzhenernoye uchilishche im. Dzerzhinakogo, Leningrad. Submitted February 16, 1965. lxaersov, flikalay millLallovich; SILKNUUK, S.M., red. ......... . . ........ . ....... (Thermodynamic functions and shock adiabats of the air at high temperatures] TemodlmanilcheAie fxinktsJ.i 1 udai-*,,e adiabaty vozdukba pri vysokikh tomperaturakh. Moskva, Yla- shinostroonle, 1965. 462 p. WIM 1911) =NETS Oalculating a flow in a somibounded cylindridal tuba with a pistone Sbore rabe VTS MOU 0255-260 16% (MIRA 1819) USSR/Human and Animal Morphology - Digestive System o,-3 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, No 16, 1957, 70339 Author Kusnetsov, N'N. Title Histological Structure and Some Prorerties of Peritoneal Plates as Surgical Material. Orig Pub Tr. Kishenevok. med. in-ta, 1955, 4, 127-137 Abstract Dry plates of serous membrane of the appendix of horned cattle was kept 2 minutes in 70 deg. alcohol, after which it was studied by staining procedures. The histo- logical structure of the plates was preserved: cellular elements, collagenous and clast.Lc fibers, blood vessels etc. Impregnation with silver after Bil'shovsky-Gross method revealcd nerve fibers. The plates preserved thru dehydration retain their strength; to tear them requi- res 6-7kg per 1 of perpendicular section 1. After being kept in physiol. solution the plates acquire considerable elasticity, which reaches a maximum at Card 1/2 - 66 - USSR/Human and Animal Morphology - Digestive System Q-3 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, No 16, 1957, 70339 boiling of autoclaving, when the maximum pressure of 16-5 kg per is achieved by perpendicular section of the superficial layers. The use of these plates is recommended for plastic repair of superficial burna, tropical ulcers etc. The plates are sterilised by keeping It in fornnlin for two-three days, following it by washing in Phisiol.solu; autoclaving or boiling can be also uned, Card 2/2 - 67 - j- I - T!. !. -U,,::770) -. --I 11'.'Pthod for the introluction of antibl-otics 'I 1.,L) the nn'ral hunbarin- (-' Kurgan Oblast' V~tcninariya, Vol. 38,, No. 5., 19,51 Kuznetsov, N. N. - Head of the Veterinary Denartment of Kurpan CbLast' A-gricultural Administration KUZNETSOV, N.N. (Moakva) Hyperbolic system of linear equationR with discontinuous coefficients, Zhur.vych,mat.i mat.fis. 3 no.2s299-313 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Differential equations, Linear) L 12 7!L2~ BDS/EWT(d)/FCC(W) AMC IJP(G) S/208/63/003/002/006/014 AUTHOR: Xuznetsov, N.__ X. T I T LE Hyperbolic SYstems-of linear equatioas with discontinuous coefficients PMIODICAL,-. ZhurPlal 7yChisli tell nay matematiRi, i matematicheskOY fiziki.,- v. 3~- no. 2. 1963, 299-313 MT: The paper DaVestigates tho hyperbolic System of linear equations of type OU C 9AU L (u) + ~:-Au + Bu = f (tj x) (1) 1 '9 x with coefficients A having discontinuities along certain lines, and having other- at visa bounded derivatives, The author proves the uniquemes of the so, iona-Uy- continuous and sectionally-smooth solution for the Cauchy problen of the system (1). Solutions are joined along the coafficient-discontinuity lines using the condit-ions IuD. - AU] (Ir - xe)DIC - (A7u7 - eu*)=O (5) mhere Dk t) t=tk' (x -)-e-j(t)). A similar result can be obtained for the Card 1/2 L 12743-63 S/208/63/003/002/006/014 Hyperbolic systems of linear 0 t-he nondivergent system of equations (U) +: A 0 u + Bu f (13) at �3F- Provided the solutions join continuously at the discontinuity lines. The method', prQposed by Goltmgren is the same, as the one used by S. K. Godunov (Iftef. 1: Natem. sb. 0 .. 195', 40 (82)., No. 41 467-08) for the uniqueness investigation of the solu- tion to the Cauchy problem of certain pa:,tioular systems of two equations of the form (1), The author studied the uniqueness of equations of type (13) using the method of characteristics as presented :bi the paper by B. L. Rozhdestvenskiy (Ref. 2: Uspekhi matem. nauk, 1960, 15,, no. 6 (96)~ 59-117),. SUBMITTED: March 29., 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION KRt AP40390U S/0055/64/000/003/0025/0030 ~AUTHORS: Kuznetoovp No Nj Chlip Chung-tiao ITITLEt Uniqueness theorem in the thoory of hyporbolic quaoilinear equations SOURCE: Moscowe Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 1e Matematika, mokhanJJcap no* 3. 1964,, 25-30 TOPIC TAGS: hyperbo3ic equation., quasilinear equation, Cauo4 problem) integral relation, Green formals, convexityj eigenvalue,, eigenveotor ABSTRACT: The authors study., in the half -plane t 0., the Cauchy problem for a 1byperbolic system of quasilinear equationst + ftt(u"-x) 'h(u,t.* I. x), ul (0, x) - uO, (x), i - 1, 2, n, (1) j- - Ac meaning the soliktions of this problem In the generalized sense,, namely, as functions leatisfying not the differential equations (1) but integral rolationes as a result i, of applyina Green' 8 fomulas to theme Lot TA be a boundedp convwcp olosed region 1ACcasION NRs Ap4wmi ;of the space (ul.,u2peopun)p 'Y. be the strip /x: I< oo.. 0