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(-I j/;..F7 n `-2/vT Nonstationary cehamd' in a pip3 ..-,7nf!nf-rno-ftzl'che~jkiy zhurmil, no. li, hp~v, -~xcharv,,-., approxh-Witlon inet,~cd, 1-5-,Ae Lhe w h k" - lj TZ ,.j C.,d 1/2 A -OiAWL6 P4 h dt 2) o n pfi =0. 7' tt,is via T. ITT 7-j: 1OSeP63 1-:-,, CL: 00 "ID, lit NO REF SOVi 001i JT H a, t: 001 Cot d KU Z,N!W -~' OV !.A. (lk,zkva); TIFHOMIP"',"ll, F.K- - - y ", - - Lanoga Ca,plun wptqc-.iayo 1-1-IrOda 51, rO-11,37-c)~n Jit , '65. ,IT, h f~ , 8, ,,,I I . i-2) GORSHKOV, V.I.; KUPIETSOV, -'- I.A.; PANCHENKOV, G-14. Separation of lithium isotopes by the continuous countercurrent ior-exchange method. Zhur. fiz. kh1m. 38 no.10:2489-2491 0 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Mimichcskiy fakultet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universi- teta imeni M.V. Lomonosova. KUNETSOV, 1. A. Kocheulov, P. F. and Kumptsoy, 1. A- II.-;ater pipes inider aAbankments", 1jauch. zapiski (Eosk. gidromeliorat. in-t in. Villyamsa), Vol. XV, 1943, p. 75-11-0. SO'- U-3261, 10 APril 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statcy, 1,o. 11, 1949). o uz. n,! i:-,. KMKITSO , kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. Exploitation of water resources of Lake Seven. Priroda, 45 no.12:87- go D 156. Ouak 10: 2) 1. Saktsiya po nauchnoy razrabotke problem vodnogo khozyaYstva Akademil nauk SM (Moskva). (Seven, Lake-Water resources-development) AUTHOR: PA - 2632 TITIA: The Developtient of Research Work in the Field of Hydrogrephy. (Rasvitic insledovanii Y oblasti vodnogo khozyaystva, RussiW FMUODIOAI4 Vestnik Akaaemii Nauk SSSR, 1957t Vol 27, Nr 3, pp 125-127 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewed: 7 / 1957 ABSTRAMt The department for hydrographioal research of the AcadaW of Science of the U.S.S.R. coordinates research work oLrried out by various scientific institutes of the U.S*S.R, and the allied r*- publics. At present the following problem are being coordinated: Investigation of problem of river beds, parameters of hydro- electric power plants wA the reguletion of drainage by the full uti3lxation of rivers, hydro-mechardsation of earthwork and mining. Details and conditions are entmeratea which factilitate the carrying out of the aforementioned plans, in which connection a photoelectron appamtus for the measuring of water pressure in rivers in isentioned together with the utilization of pictures taken from the air in connection with the investig&tion of Card 1/2 PA - 2632 The Development of Research Work in the Field of Hydrogrephy. river bed problem. Concrete dedsions were made 'by the oonfe- renoe for each of the above mentioned problems. AMIATICK: Not given PHIMUD Bri Sn KITTID: TrABIX: Library of Congress Card 2,12 MNETSOV, I.A. ....... Ways of reducing power consumption in irrigation systema using mechanical lift of water, Miansorosh9na reshe grunt, vod no,2t203-214 159, (KEU 1312) (Irrigation) 30(l) SOV/26-59-5-22/4? AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, I*A*j Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Floods and Inundations PERIODICAL: Prirodaj 1959, Nr 5, pp 90 - 93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes great seasonal changes in the level of Soviet rivers, which vary according to local topographical and climatic conditionb. The greatest flow of water occurs in the spring, as examplified by the fact that 53% of the yearly flow then passes in the Volga near Gorlkiy. In certain prairie areas of the South Eastern USSR, the proportion of spring flow is much greater. The excess amount of water can be used for irriga- tion, but unregulated flow leads to extensive ca- lamities such as occur in China and even in Europe. The author recommends extensive study of flood pro- blems and planning,for regulated water flows, in- cluding construction of river banks, afforestation, Card 1/2 creating water reservoirs and eventual harnessing SOV/26-59-5-22/47 Floods and Inundations of the water flow for irrigation and industrial purposes (power stations). Finally the author refers to the works now being carried out in the USSR, China and other countries. There are 3 photographs and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: Sovet po problemam vodnogo khozyaystva Akademii nauk SSSR/Moskva (Council f or Water Economy at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR/Moscow) Card 212 VONKOV, V.V.,;_JM=3CY,LA.o kand.takhn,nsuko red,; TURCHINOVICH, T.T., prof., red.; POPOVA, K.L., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; KOISIWA, I.G., redoiad-va; POLYAKOVA, T.V., [Studies on maximam flow, wave action. and sediment motion] Issledovaniia maksimallnogo stoke. volnovogo vozdaistviia i dvizhaniia nanosovo Moskva, 1960. 133 p. (KtRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Sovet po problemam vodnogo kho- zyaystys. 2, Chlen-korres ondent AN SSSR (for Zvonkov). (Hydrolo~3 EMURTSOV.- I.A. Accuracy of calculating maximum discharges of vater incase of unavailable or deficient hydrometric data. Meteor.i gidrol. no-7: 28-30 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7) (E[ydroloj7-Tables, calculations, etc.) I.; ROMUMNKO, gornyy inzh. ~OVC.~-A, , POLIZHOEVA, Hydraulic mining equipment umed in the development of the Lebedi open-pit mine. Gor.zhur, no.9010-14 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Nachallaik SubkinsVogo upravleniya tresta Gidromekhanizatetya Ministerstva stroitel stva elaktrostantaiy (for Kuznetsov), 2. Glavnyy inzhener Gubkinskogo upravleniya tresta Gidro- mekbanizataiya Kinisterstva stroitelletva alaktrostantoiy (for Polezhayeva). j.Filial Instituta gornogo dela AN SSSR na Kurekoy magnitnor anomalii (for Romanenko). (Lebedi (Belsorod Prov ince)-Mining engineering) (Hydraulic mining--squi ment and supplies) (Kursk hagnetic Anomalr3 ZVONKOV) V.Ve, otv, red.j-XU21W9j,,,~Aj kand. teklm. nauk, red.; TUR- CMOVICH, V.T.,, prof.p red.; FAVORIN, II.N.) kand., tekhn. nauk, red.; POPOVA, K.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;KMASHEVA, I.G., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.P., tekbne red* [Control of surface ab4*undergrbnd water resources and their utili- zation] Upravlenie poverkbnostM-mi i podzemrwmi vodrqmi'resureami i ikh iopoltzovanie, Moskva, 1961. 245 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Sovet p0 problemam vodnogo khozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR(for Zvonkov). (Hydrology) SLASTIKHIN) V.V.;.14 q at* nauchn, f3otrep reteenzent; LISITSYIIA) Ye.A.) reds; S-URNOVA, E.) red. [Problems in the melioration of slopes in Moldavia] Vop- rosy melioratsii sklonov Moldavii. Kishinev "Kartia mol- doveniaske," 1964. 211 p. b4IRA 17:8) 1. Sovet po problemam vodnogo khozyaystva AN SSSR (for Kuznetsov). TURCHINOVIGH~ V.T.j doktor tekhn.nauk. pruf., otv, -,ed.; KUZNETSOV, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; FAVORIN, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; POMVA, K.L.$ kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Methods for studying and utilizing water resources] Meto- dy izucheniia i ispoltzovaniia vodrWkh resursov. Moskva, Vauka,, 1964. 160 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po problemam vodnogo kho- zyaystya. KUZNETSOV, I.A. Subsurface prensure Irrigation. PrIroda 53 no.9t82-84 164. (MIRA 17tlO) 1. Sovet po problemam vodnogo khozyaystva AN SSSR, Moskva. MINR=, M. Hot KIJZNETSOV, I.A,-, TOINTIMOV, Go So, AIND FIIJPPcvg So Do Yagnetic Control of the Depth of the Hardened layer and of the Hardne3s of Steel Tools Hardened by High-Frequency Currents A mobile coercivity meter of M. N. YdIcheyev's design for Mignetic control of the depth of the hardened layer, treated by high frequency currents, is described. Experiments proved that the depth of the hard- ened layer, its hardness as well as that of the core are in constant ratio with the readings of the coercivity meter. (RZhFiz, 110. 8, 1955) TZ, in-ta FIzIk-I ntalloy Uralsk Fil. AN S53R, No. 14, 1954, 43-47. SO: Sum. 110. 744, 8 Dee 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (17) SOV/126-7-4-5/26 AUTHORS: AaKnetsov, :~,..A- and Mikheyev, N.N. TITLE: Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 313-526 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first object of the investigation described in the present paper was to study the effect of various heat treatment procedures on hardness HRc (Rockwell, C scale), coercive force, Hc(oersteds;, maximum magnetic permeability, ~Lmax (gauss/oersteds), intensity of magnetisation, IS (gauss), electrical resistivity, p (ohm cm), impact strength, ak (kgm/cm 2) and.the proportion of retained austenite, A(%), of two chromium steclant2M andML101 whose chemical analysis is given in Table 1. The second object was to establish which is the most reliable method of determining the proportion of retained austenite in heat treated specimens, this characteristic being of particular importance since it determines the dimensional stability of articles made Card 1/12 of steals of this type. The experimental specimens, SOV/126-7.-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments measuring 10 x 10 x 66 mm, were protected from decarburization at high beat treatment temperatures by a 15 - 20 microns thick layer of electro-deposited chromium which was removed after the heat treatment by grinding each face of the specimen to a depth of I mm. Quenching was done at room temperature either in oil or in a stream of air. Tile intensity of magnetization was measured in an electromagnet in a field of approximately 4500 gauss. For the sake of greater accuracy, the differential ballistic method of measurement was used, i.e. in each test two specimens (a standard specimen of known I., and the investigated specimen) were used. Fig I shows the circuit diagram of the apparatus used with the standard and i vestigated specimens denoted by ) and x, respectively.,Ahe deflection, a, of the galvanometer is proportional to the difference between the magnetic fluxes in 3~ and x. If the cross-section areas, S; and Sx, of the two specimens are nearly the same and if the difference Card 2/12 between the magnetic fields H,) and 11x is iiot large, SUV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments the intensity of magnetization of the investigated specimen can be calculated from formula (1) given at the bottom of p 514, where: Cb - a ballistic galvanometer constant for a given value of' the resistance r; n2 - number of turns in the measuring coils connected in series and magnetically opposed; IS':0 -intensity of magnetization of the standard specimen. The standard specimens were made of steelsKhl2M andKh12FI, quenched from 1125 and 11400C, respectively, subjected to a sub-zero treatment and tempered several (up to ten) times at 330 to 6500C, each tempering treatment being followed by supplementary cooling to -1950C. It was considered that no austenite was present in specimens heat treated in this nianner and the proportion of retained austenite in the experimental specimens was calculated from formula (2) given at the top at P 515. The mean values of hardness (Rockwell, scale B), HC1 ILmaxt 1S and P, of the investigated steels in the starting condition (i.e. consisting of fine-grained Card 3/12 perlite with more or less uniform distribution of SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steele with High Chromium Content After Various float Treatments carbides) are given in Table 2. The effect of the quenching temperature on the investigated properties of steel ML2FI quenched in air and in oil is illustrated in Fig 2a and 2b, respectively, the numbered graphs corresponding to Bpecimens subjected to following treatmentt 1 -aquenched only; 2 - quenched and tempered at 520 C; 3 - quenched and tempered twice at 520 C (second time for 2 hours). The effect of the quenching temperature on the properties of steelKUM quenched in air is illustrated in the same warnier in Fig 3. The results of ti-tose experiments showed that only the magnetic properties can be used to check whether the correct quenching temperature has been used for a given article. lt is pointed out, however, that the magnetic properties of a treated article are affected by even a slight degree of decarburization, as has been shown by the experiments the results of which are reproduced in Fig 4 and 5- Fig 4 shows the relationship Card 4/12 between the quenching temperature (*C) and the coercive sov/i26-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and ~Jechanical Properties of Stools with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments force He, of specimens of theKhl2M steel quenched in air. Graphs I and 2 show the variation of HC of specimens unprocected from decarburization from which a surface layer 0.1 and 1.0 mm thick respectively, were ground off; graph 3 refers to a chromium-plated specimen from which a 1.0 mm thick surface layer was removed after the heat treatment. The effect of the presence of a decarburized surface layer on He of steel characterized by low IS (steelKhl2M) is even better illustrated in Fig 5. Here, strips of transformer steel of various thickness attached closely to the faces of the experimental specimens were used to simulate the decarburized surface layers and Fig 3 shows how the values of He And IS varied with varying thickness of these super-imposed strips. Graphs 1 and 2 were plotted for quenched specimens, graphs 3 and 4 for specimens quenched and tempered at 600% (quenching temperaturet 12000C). The effect of the quenching Card 5/12 temperature on various properties of steel MA2F1 quenched SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments I in oil is illustrated in Fig 6. where graplis are plotted for specimens in the following conditions: 1 - quenched; 2 - quenched and cooled to -195*C; 3 - quenched, cooled to -1950C and tempered for 2 hours at 5200C; 4 - as in (3) but the tempering treatment repeated. Graphs reproduced in Fig 7 show; (1) - the decrease in the proportion of the retained austenite (6A), and (2) - the linear contraction of the experimental specimens (AL), brought about by cooling them to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, as functions of the quenching temperature. The relationship between the properties of steel MA2F1 oil-quenched from 10500C and the tempering temperature (duration of the tempering treatment - I hour) is shown in Fig 8. The characteristics of steell(hl2M quenched in air from 10250C and tempered at various temperatures for 1 hour (once and twice) are given in Table 3, where -the first column gives the tempering temperatures employed, the Card 6/12 next seven columns give the properties of the steel after SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments the first tempering treatment (the figures in the top row representing the properties of the steel in the as-quenched condition) while the last 8 columns give the properties of the steel after the second tempering treatment. The properties of steelKhl2M air-quenched from 11250C and tempered once, twice and 3 times at various temperatures (each tempering treatment lasting 1 hour) are given in Table 4 set out in the same manner as Table 3. The relationship between the properties of steelKhl2FI oil-quenched from 11400C and the tempering temperature is shown in Fig 9 for specimens tempered (1) once and (2) 3 times, each tempering treatment lasting 1 hour. The effect of the duration (hours) of the tempering treatment on the properties of steel Khl2Fl oil-quenched from 11400C is shown in Fig 10, curves 1, 2 and 3 corresponding to specimens tempered at 530, 550 and 6000C respectively. The relationship between the properties of steelKhI2F1 oil-quenched from 1140*C and the number of the tempering treatments Card.7/12 carried out at 5300C in shown in Fig 11, curves I to 5 SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments corresponding to specimens held at the tempering temperature for 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes, respectively. The same relationship for steel MZF1 oil-quenched from 11400C and tempered at 550 and 6oOOC is shown in Fig 12 a and b, respectively. In the last series the effect of the heat treatment procedure on the degree of stabilization of the retained Auatenite was studied. The effect of the quenching temperature on the properties of steelKhl2F1 quenched in oil and then subjected to sub-zero treatment immediately after quenching (circles) and after 6 days at room temperature (dots) is shown in Fig 13. The effect of time (at room temperature) elapsed between the quenching operation and the tempering treatment pn the stabilization of the retained austenite and on various properties of steel D12F1 is illustrated by the data reproduced in Table 5. The properties of the specimens immediately after quenching (in oil) from 1140*C are listed in the Card 8/12 second column; figures in the third column show how sov/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments long the quenched specimens were held at 200C prior to the tempering treatment (5 min, 3 hours and 50 hours); the properties of specimens tempered at 5500C 1, 2, 3 and 4 times (each treatment of 1 hour duration) are listed in columns 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The experimental results reported in the present paper are correlated with those obtained by other workers and several conclusionB are drawn. (1) There is a wide range of both quenching and tempering temperatures that can be employed in the thermal treatment of steels Khl2M and rw12Fl; the choice will depend on the properties required in any given application. The quenching temperature, however, should not exceed 1175 - 11850C: the application of higher temperatures results in excessive grain growth and grain-boundary precipitation of non-metallic impurities and carbides formed during subsequent cooling which affect adversely the mechanical properties of the heat-treated article. Since the high chromium content steels are very sensitive to Card 9/12 decarburization, appropriate precautions should be taken. SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various Heat Treatments (2) The initial hardness is best obtained in steels Khl2M and Kbl2F1 by quenching them in oil or air from 1020 - 1040 and 1025 - 1050*C respectively and tempering for 2 hours at 150-2000C. No transformation of the retained austenite takes place during tempering at temperatures below 450-500OC- Even after tempering at high temperatures, hardness of the steels under consi'deration remains comparatively high: it is hifher than 61 (Rockwell, scale C) after tempering at 200 C and higher than 59 after tempering at 450-500*C, the hardness value of the quenched specimens being of the order of 64. (3) When heat treating for the secondary hardness, quenching temperatures of 1100 to 1175*C are recommended. The tempering treatment should be carried out at 520 to 550*C; this should produce hardness of 60 to 61 Rockwell (scale C). When best mechanical properties are aimed at, it is advisable to replace one long tempering treatment by several of shorter duration; Card 10/12 such a procedure assists in securing the complete SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetic, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with High Chromium Content After Various float Treatments decomposition of the retained austenite and in obtaining the highest value of the secondary hardness. When this heat treating technique is employed, check measurements of the mechanical properties and determination of the proportion of the retained austenite by means of magnetic measurements should be carried out after each tempering cycle. The number of the tempering cycles can be reduced by means of a sub-zero treatment applied after quenching. (4) When quenching temperatures higher than 11259C are employed (treatment for the secondary hardness), there is no stabilization effect; if steel is field at room temperature prior to the sub-zero or tempering treatment, only a small reduction in the proportion of the retained austenite is attained. (5) Hardness measurements cannot be used as a means of controlling the quality of the quenching operation (hardening treatment) since specimens quenched from, and tempered at, various temperatures can have the same hardness. Card 11/12 (6) Measurements of the intensity of magnetization, IS, SOV/126-7-4-5/26 Magnetics Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Steels with-High Chromium Content After Various Ifeat Treatments magnetic permeability, Pmaxi coercive forceI Hc and electrical resistivity,p, provide the most accurate means of controlling the quality of the thermal treatment of steels =2M and 10312F.1. When the measurements of the magnetic properties are used for this purpose, the best results are obtained with the aid of the differential ballistic method, the advantages of which have been already proved on other previous occasions (Ref 6, 19 and 20). There are 13 figures, 5 tables and 20 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imen� A.M.Gorikogn (A.M.Gor'kiyUral State University) Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR ( The Institute of Netal Physics, Academy of Scietices, USSR) SUBMITTED: Auguat 21, 1958 Card 12/12 02633 S/126/60/010/02/003/020 E073/E335 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, I.A. X 19 TITLE: Thermoelectric ProEertieslof Chromium Steels After Various Heat Treatments PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp 191 - 199 TEXT: The results are described of investigations of the thermoelectric properties of a number of Cr steels after various heat treatments and these are compared w�th the structure, magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties for the purpose of utilising a thermoelectric method for monitoring the quality of heat treatment and for sorting components of such Cr steels in accordance w1th the grade of the steel in the case that they become mixed up. The compositions of the investigated steels are given (1-08 - 1.50% C, 0.58 - 11.9% Cr) in Table 1, p. 191. All measurements were carried out on 8 x 8 x 65 mm specimens. By means of appropriate heat treatment, various initial structures were obtained, namely'. coarse-grain non-uniform pearlite; granular pearlite; granular pearl1te with a carbide network; coarse-lamellarpearlite with a --arbide Card 1/4 82633 S/126/60/010/02/003/020 E073/E335 Thermoelectric Properties of Chromium Steels After Various Heat Treatments network; lamellar pearlite., After heat treatment, specimens 9 x 9 x 67 mm and 10 x 10 x 68 mm were produced (from the original forged 16 x 70 X 35qrjn rods) which were subjected to structural studies and thead'compared with results of mechanical, magnetic, electric and thermoelectric measurements. The s&-up for measurin$ the thermal e.m.f. is shown in Fig. 1. The obtained thermo-e.m.f., as a function of the temperature of the joint, is graphed in Fig. 2. other obtained data are platted for Figs.2- 9. The average values of the physical properties of the individual steels tested are entered in Table 2, p. 193. The obtained data indicate that great differences occur in the magnetic, electric, thermoelectric and mechanical properties of the investigated steels after annealing and also after hard- ening and annealing, depending on the structure of the material. The change of the thermo-e.m.f. as a function of the hardening temperature is basically of the same character as the saturation magnetisation and can be utilised for monitoring the quantity of residual Austenite. A reduction In the saturation Card 2/4 82633 S/126/60/010/02/003/020 E073/E335 Thermoelectric Properties of Chrominm Steels After Various Heat Treatments magn9tisation of some of the stools after tempering above 300 uC, as,compared with the saturation magnetisation of specimens tempered at 260 - 300 0C,is attributed to the carbide transformations during the process of tempering. The great difference in the thermo-e.m.f. of four of the investigated steels in the annealed state from that in the hardened state hhs been used successfully for sorting components in accordance with the grades of steel. A sketch of the instrument used for this purpose and developed for sorting ball-bearing components on the basis of the thermo-e.m.f. is shown in Fig.10. This instrument is used for sorting ball-bearIng components after final heat treatment at the Sverdlovskiy podshipnikovyy zavod (SverdbvBk Ball-Bearing Works). Acknowledgments are expressed to Doctox- of Technical Sciences M.N. Mikheye- for his interest in and criticism of the work. Card 3/4 .1L 82633 sA26/6o/m/o2/m/o2o E073/E535 Thermoelectric Properties of Chromium Steele After Various Heat Treatments There 10 figures, 2 tables and 24 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gorlkogo Ural State University im. AoM. Gorlkiy SUBMITTED: March 17, 1960 Card 4/4 GORSHKOVP V.I.; KUZRTSOV, I.A.; PANCHENKOV, Gr.M.; KUSTOVA, L.V. Continlio,is countercurrent ion exchnnge method for separation of lithium and sodium.-Zhur. neorg. Mim. 8 no.12:2790-2794 D 163. Feasibility of countercurrent ion exchRnge separation of rubidium and cesium. Ibid.:2795-2799 (MIRA 170) 1. MoskovskLy gosixd&rstvennyy univer-31tet imeni Lomononova, kafedra fLzicheskoy kh1m1i. KUZNF,TSOV, I.A.; MIKHFYEV, M.N. Magnetic and electric properties of steels in connection with electro- magnetic methods of control. Fiz. met. I metalloved. 17 no.2s201-207 F 64. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gor1kogo. KlJZIF-TSOV, I.A. Unsteady beat transfer in a pJpel;ne. irzh.-fiz. z~ur. r4o.11: 16-21 11 164. 18:2) 1. Fiziko-energeticheski.y institut, g. Obninsk. 'Z7 a (6) SOV/91-59-4-17/28 AUTHORs Kuznetsov, 1. A.9 Engineer TITLE: A Devio'sor ~Determining Short Circuits in Coils of Relays and Automation Devices (Apparat dlya opredeleniya vitkovogo samykaniya v obmotkakh rele i avtomatiki) PERIODICALs Energetikv 1959t7Nr 4, pp 24 - 25 (USSR) A ABSTRACTs This device is composed of one P3-B transistor and diodes DGTs-26, DGTo-27, as shown in the circuit diagram. The basic part of the device is a sound frequency generator (800cps) with self-excitation. The coils of the oscillatory circuit are located on one U-shaped core. The coil to be tested is placed on one of the arms of the U-shaped core. An emf and a current are induced, if there is a short circuit in the coil windings. The q-factor of a series- connected resonance coil, which is normally 3.45 is reduced, and the current in it decreases. By measuring this current decreasep the presence of short circuits is determined. Card 112 The device is l80xl7Ox7O mm and weighs 1.8 kg. SOV/91-59-4-17/28 A Device for Determining Short Circuits in Coils of Relays and Automation Devices There is 1 circuit diagram. Card 2/2 KUZNETSGT,--I.-A., inzh. Remodeling the time-recorder of a three-loop oscillograph mde by Slemena-Halske for the two frequencies 500 and 100 c.p.s. Inergetik 8 no*5s2l Vq 160~ (MIRA 11:8) (Oscinogreph) KUZHETSOV, I.A., inzh. Device for testing compound protection. Plek.9ta. 31 no.1:86-88 Ja 160. (MM 13:5) (Electric apparatus and appliances--Tenting) KUZNETSOVO I,A.p insh, --L~ Directed protection from abort-circuits to ground for electric power transmission lines feeding peat enterprises. Elek. sta. 32 no. 5:8&-87 My 161o (MIM 14: 5) (Electric power distribution) (Peat) (Electric currents-Grounding) KUZNETSOV, I.A.,--inzh. Transistorized phase-sensitive phase and voltameter for measurements in secondary networks. Elek. sta. 32 no.66-68 D 161. (MI.RA 15:1) (Voltameter) (Electric networks--Measurement) !t I I --- - LIVOT. YuliY SargeYevich; I"' "PSOY I.A. red.; ZUYN, N.K., takhn. red. -- I - [Alumimm bridges] AliwainisTY8 mo8tV. Wookys, Nanchno-tokhn. izd-vo aytotransp, lit-ry, 1953. 99 po ~Km 1197) (Bridges) GIBSHKAS' Yeje., prof essor; KUZIETSW~-~.k-.- --r-edakt-or; GAIAOIOMVk#--Te---No-#-- tekhnicheakiy radaktoro [Metal bridges on automobile roads] Matallicheskie mosty na avtomobill- nykh dorogakh. 3-e, parer. izd, Moakva, nauchno-takhn. izd-vo avto- transp. lit-ry, 1954. 338 p. (MLRA, 8M (Bridges, Iron and steel) YARTSSV, Nikolay Audreyevich, inzhener; KU,"uNUTSOV, I.A.,redaktor; AYRUSHCHZNIW, R.A.,redaktor Watell A.D. a tva teklinichaskiy redaktor [The building of amall municipal engineering structuroal Stroitel'stvo malykh iskusetveWkb soorushenit v gorodakh. Moskva, Isd-vo M-va ko=un. khoz. RSFSR, 1956. l1c3 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Bridge construction) ANDREM, , 0LeC Vladimiravich-, BOLDAK(TI, Riganty Vasillyevic.1,; GATIJ-111., Kirill Vasillyevich; YCOMA.MV, Vymheelav Aleksaadrovich; RODIN, Jrl-ftdiy Ivanovich; ROY121, Zvgenly Nikolayevich; BOLDAKOV, Ye.Y.. doktor te- khntaheskikh nauk, redaktor; MWETSOV, I.A., redRktor-. GALA-ATIC-9011A, tekhalcheelUy (Conalae handbook on conduits and small bridge*; researeh and planning] Kratkii spravochnik po trubam t malym mostan; Izyakanita I praektiro- vante. Pod obehehel red. ',P.V.Boldakova. lzd.2-oe, nerer, Most-va, Sauchno- takhnicheskoe Isd-vo avtolvranp. lit-ry, 1956. 211 p. (twn 9:5) (Bridges) (Pipes. Concrete) PUSHTORSXIT, Tavgsniy Ivanovich; KMNBTSOT. I.A., radaktor; AYRUSHCHMO, tokhnicheakiy redaktor P.A., redaktor is [Principles of city bridge design] Oenovnre printelpy proektirevanila goro-Iskikh mostov. Moskva. Ixd-vo Xinisterstva kommunallnogo khoziaintya RSFSR. 1956. 338 P. MRA 9:7) (Bridges) BOLDLKOV. Yevgeniy Vasillyevich, doktor tekhnicheakikh naukl ANDEMY, Oleg Vladimiroviah, kandidat tekhnicheskikh aauk;-ZUZENTSOV, I.A., redaktor; aALAXPIONOVI, To.K. . tekhnicheokiy iWiraubt- - -- [Bridging waterways) Perekhody chores vodotoki. Moskva, Nau--hno-takhn. izd-vo avtotranep. lit-ry, 1956. 404 p. (MlRA 9:U) (Bridges) GRANILISHCHIKOV, V., inzhener; KUZNCTSOV, I.i.inzhener. Designing and building large-span reinforced concrete bridges in cities. Zhil.-kom. khos. 6 no.6:25-27 '56. (mm 9:12) (Bridges, eoncrete) MITROPOLISKIY, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, &oktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, professor [deceased]- J.Awo-inzhener. redaktor; SHNEYEWT. S.1., redaktor is4atellatva-, PITROVSKATA, U.S., tekhnicheekiy redaktor Clquivalent, stresses for desip!ning city and highvay bridges aIOc9rding to 1953 standards 11P.06-53)] Xkwivalentzqe nagruski dlis ruscheta gorodskikh i shosselDykb mostov po nwmm 1953 9- (N106- 53)- Moskwa. Isd-vo V.-va kommun.khos. RRM. 1957. 57 P- (MLRA 10:7) (Bridges) 17 PUSHTCUX~I TeJ., insh, XUzIb9TSOV X.A. $ - 9 teldi-noredo Etra me Is tor) -, TARTSIV, N.A., iazh. (translator]; red.,- TARCIAMOVA, A.M., red.izd-ve; VOLKOV, S.Y., (Bridges of prestressed reinforced concrete; a collection of 8rticles from foreign journals] Mosty Is nopriazhanno-armirovennogo Oetona; abornilc statei is inootrannykh zhurnalov. Perevod X.I. Pushtorskogo i N-A-Yertseva. Moskva. Izd-vo H-va kommun. khoz. RUSH, 1957- 115 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Bridges. Goncrate) PUSHUMIY, Isygenly Iianovich. lush. t KMIN, NIkD1V Aleksoy*vioh. lush.; rimmsov. X.A..-redt TMOV. a-T., takhn. red. [AWIneering researoh for bridges In met 'ropolitan areas] Isyskmila, nostoifth perakhodoy v gorodakhe Nookwa, Isd-vo X4a ko--. kb~%. RSPM~ 1958. 181 P; (KIRA 11110) (Bridges) V, T.-~nzh.; KM 4W~Ro 41 WAOV, I~Anzh. Building lar concrete bridges. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 8 no.1:16-18 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Bridges, Concrete) OSTROVIDOV, Aleksey Mikhay1ovic'h;_.;.X=NRTSOV, Ivan Aleksoyevich; KIRILLOV, V.S., kand.takhn.nauk. red.; KALIrOVA, N.Y., takhtiaed, [Tables for designing bridges] Tablitty dlia proaktiroyaniia mostov. Kookys., Naucbuo-tskhn.isd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1959. 535 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Bridges-Design) I GORSHKOVP V.I.; KUZNETSOV. 1.A.; PANCHENKOV, G.M. Maintenance of parallel transport conditions in a moving bed of.ion,exchanger.1hur. fix. khim. 36 no.316n-613 Mr 162, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovaldy gosudarstvenW universitet imeni Lomonosova. VVVI VV.71 DUV.Cl DW Z AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, I. A.; Mikheyev, X. N. 7,,AUE7 TITLE. Effectq of carbide formation on magnetic characteristics of carbon steel TIT SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 5B7 SOU. REF SOURCEt /Tr./ In-ta fiz. metallov. AN SSSR, VYP. 24, 1965; 36-46 R F TOPIC TAGS: carbon steel, magnetic property, carbide phase ABSTRACT: Variations'were studied of the saturation intensity Is and the coercive force He of 05, 60, U12, and 6OS2 steels after hardening at 900--950C in water and subsequent cooling dowrP'-~195C and also after tempering at 100--600C for a time from 10 min to 4 hours, The-variations of I. with temperature corroborates the hypothesis that low-temperature-tempering FexC-type carbides (x4 3) are distinct from the, cementite Fe.C. In tempering the carbon steels, three carbide phasesare formedi -& FOXCI / Fecc, and F%C having Curie points of 380, 265, and 210C, respectively. Both He and I are sensitive indicants of carbide appearance in tempering. When the carbides wsere passing through the Curia &int, a maximum of He was observed 1,which again testifies to the fact that three distinct carbide.phases occur during steel tempering. Nine figureso Bibliography of 53 Titles. V. Olenichava. [Translation of abstractj SUB CODE: 11 Ca*rd '1/1' UDCi 621-318-122 % I __I_jPi(_CA__ j- L-29964-6 ---E#T-(m-YFW lr_ __ - - - ACC NR, AR-60-0-0-45-4 '_ S OURCE-CfQD% -F-M701-3776-5/000/009 /0017/G017 AUTHOR: Gorshkov., V. I.; ~~znetsov,,__X._ A ; Panchenkov, G. M.; Savenkova--Y-p- TITLE: Continuous counterflow ion-exchange method of separating cesium and rubidium SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs, 9G154 REY SOURCE: Sb. Ionoobmen. tekhnologiya. M., Nauka, 1965, 49-54 TOPIC TAGS: rubidium, cesium, chemical separation, ion exchange ABSTRACT: The separation was carried out in a counterflow apparatus consisting of 2 columns 16o cm high and 25 mm in diameter. The Rb-ionsl were not retained by the cationite as well as were the Cs-ions, there- fore, the Rb-ions accumulated in the upper part of the first column, and the Cs-ions in the lower part of the second column. 1W-1 sulfo- cation was the ion-exchanger in this case. A hydrogen-type of cationJtd was selected and as a displacer - a 0.2 or 0.11N solutions of BaCl 2 (in some of the experiments Cs salts were also used). The rate of Rb-ion accumulation in the upper part of the ion zone to be separatled 1/2- 'uDc 669.885/.886.og L 29964-66 ACC NRt AR6000434 0 depended upon Rb concentration in the initial mixture. In the second I column a zone of pure Cs was quickly obtained. Its impurity was < 0.001%. The output of this apparatus for purification of Cs-salts, containing 0 5_to 20,155 impurities, changes very little and was ciiaractex,; ized by a l.A 2.2 phlegm number. When CsCl is used as a displacer, L) there is no limitation of concentrations, however, a phase of COI re-en-1 eration takes place. The Rb+ separation from Cs mixtures, containi'n"'G no other alkali metal ions, is easier in as much as the frontal separ- ation in the H-form on the cation exchange resin does not cause diffi- culty. V. Semakin. SUB CODE: //,JO,07/SUBM DATE: none Card 2/2 & b AffrONOVSKlY, V.L.; DENISOV, Ye,T.; KUZNET= W.K101YUSHEV, 1U.Ta.; SOLNTSEXA, LeVe Mechanism or the liquid-phase oxidation of cumene studied by the inhibition method. Part 1: Chain initiation. Kin. i kat. 6 no.4: 607-610 J1-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Novokuybyshevkiy filial Nauchno.-iseledovatellskogo inntituta sinteticheakikh spirtov i orgenichookikh produktov, V-/ KUZNETSOV, I.A. Carbide transformation processes during the tempering of steel. Fiz. met. i metalloved 20 no.1:140-142 J1 165. (MIRA 1811l) 1e Urallskiy gasudarstvennyy universitat imeni A.M.Gortkogo. ~ ~ '~ ~- ~ n c ne Nc fteKh in! ya, -v . 4 , nf . I, ' ' - ' I'll , , "-., - .--r.4- ~f ... . . I I t- I .. -L I I A -" 11 1 1 - I ; - I I )c , w , ~ , - n ! - f rig r a - AP5JU2209 I r1 an Gr, 7 n r 1) po re ct-ne ne. a n,~ G. Ool CMIER A)f; - - aiL.I~-E--Jv . i m. -- - - -- -- - - ---- - KUZNETSOV, 1. B,"Troatment of Gunshot Wounds of the Head and Fingers in the AriV Sector on the Leningrad Front.* First Leningrad Mod Inst imani Academician I, P. Pavlov, Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences) SO: Kaj&hUM letoDjjI, No. 37, 3 September 1935 --- -KUZNETSOV I B doktor mad I,- s--&AtW nauk Pathologio fraoturoo in ostoomyelitio. Ortrop.travm i protez. 21 no.3tl4,-16 Mr 160. EMIR& 140) 1. Is Wdr4rgiohe'okogo otdoloniya (zav. - I.B.Kuznetoov) bollnitoy g. Lomonosova. (glavnf vraoh - A.I.Sviridov). IS ,. (OSTga4Y=TIS (FRACTURES) KUMTMOV, I.D. Prouaine .pentaillin in the treatment of gonorrhea in men. Test. vener., Moskva no.3:50-51 Yhy-June 1953. (C DG 25: 1) 1, Scientific Associate. 2. Of the Department of Gonorrhea of the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Mcin,-Vquereological Institate (Director - Prof. A. X. Krichevskly) and Kharikov Oblast Venereal Dispensary (Head Physician -- M. 1. Lisin). KIMYlOV. A,fi.; BAGROV, N.A.; KMESTSOV, I.D. Experiment with the use of streptomycin in the treatment of gonorrhea in men. Vest.venA dorm. no.lt4l-43 Ja-7 '54. (MIaA 7:2) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologi- cheskogo instituta (direktor - professor A.M.Krichavokly) Kharl- kovskogo oblastnogo vandispansera (glavnyy vrach M.I.Lisin) i Oktyabrlskogo rayonnogo vendiapansera. (Streptomycin) (Gonorrhea) 17 ej Uzi - SOV, UiSR/M~dicine Roentgenology Card 1/1 Author : Title ; Periodical : Abstract : Institution Kuznetsov) 1. D. FD 222 The significance of laminar roentgenology in the examination of the thoracic aorta Vest. Rent. i Rad. 85-88, Mar/Apr, 1954 Tomography,of the thoracic aorta is very important in the discernment- of various pathologic conditions of the aorta - especially in an aneurysm. The region of the aneurysm can be detirmined more accurately as well as its depth, with the use of tomography. Six photographs (X-rays). Chair of Roentgenology (Chief - Professor Yu. N. Sokolov, Scientific supervisor - Honored Worker of Science Professor S. A. Reynberg) Cen- tral Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (Director V. P. Lebedeva) 7777777~~M:;'-,;" 'IV 6 ~-- ~ ~ IRICHIVSKITP AM., professor; MrKHATLOVA, P.V., ImAidat biologichookikh naukI KARGOWIA, K.I., kandidat madLtsinskikh nauk; ruzNETSOV,. D., usuchMy sotruAnik. A-.V- Data on the etiology, clinical aspects, and therapy of the so-oAlled urethro-oaulo-synovial syndIrome. Vast. van. i dorm. no#4:6-15 Jl- Ag 154. (MM 7:8) (RAIMIS DISKASI, clin, aspects, stiol., & ther,) u ItikipmIlIr B.G.; KUZKB?STF X.Dj MIKUYLOT. I.N. ]kporlenoe in use of some now antibiotic preparations In the therapy of gonorrhea in sales., Test* vane I dares uoe6:35-38 N-D 154, (KLRA W) Is Is Ukrainakogo naxtabno-lasledavatellskogo kozhno-vanarologichs- skoge institute, (dir,-profo A.M.Krichavakiy) i Kharikovskogo ob]Aat- nogo vandispansera (Clay. vrach X.I.Main) (GONCERS14 therapy .antibiotic#) (ANTSIOTICSO there use gonorrhea) RDZWHTT?AUXH, L.S., kandidat rkeditsinskikh nauk; KUZNETSOV. I.D., kandidnt meditainakikh nauk-, MALINOVSXAYA, T.X: Method and technic of directed b ronchograpby. i rad.- no.4:78-83 JI-Ag 155. (KLRA 13:12) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologli (zav.-prof. Yu.N.Sokolov) TSentrall- nogo Instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lebedeva) i 1-y khirurgicbeekoy kliniki (zav.-zaslushenrqy de7atell nauki prof. B.N.Lloorg) Moskovskogo oblastnogo naucbno-isoledovatell- skogo klinicbeikogo Instituta iment X.F.Tladimirskogo (dlr. P.M. Loonenko) (BRONCHI, radlograpby bronchography, directed, methods & technic) I Y!"111111,70-im-:7,I "The treatment of ac,Ae prorr Pn in mcn -,dth preparafions of a rovocaire salt of -enicillin uLin~ a sini.:le intrapp.i:;cular YJ!;3,r-krv 11edicil Ir,-,t. fhay--kov, Cu"-siarfution for Degree of Candlidate in Nedicol Scienceo). SO: Knizhnaya letn-isl., No 23, 195;~ NSGOVSKIY, N.P., professor (Moskva, Novo-Paschanaya ul., d.3, kv.45); KU2MgS!gOTL,'jl,R.4Klpkva. Fogodinka, d.2/3, ky 24) Diagnosis of medlastinal tumors [with summary in Inglish] Top.onk. 2-no-3:356-359 156. (HLRA.9:16) 1. Is rentganologichoskogo otdolenlya (save prof. N.P.Nagovekiy) Institute eksperimentalinoy patologii i terapit raka AKN SSSR (dire chlen-korre AMR BBSR profe N.N.Blokhin) i kafedry rentgenclogii (zave profe YuvNeSokolov) T$entrallnogo instituta usovershonatTora- niya vrachey (dire V.P.Labodeva) (MIASTINUK, die. licc~ tuceir) ,achinocoocosis, differ diag.- (ECHINOCOCCOSIS. differ. diag. madiestinum, differo diag. froo tumor) KUZMBOV, I.-D kandidat meditainskikh nauk Body section radiograp~q In differential diagnosis of diseases of the major vassals and benign tumors of the mediastinum. Yest.reat. I rad. 31 no.2:57-62 Hr-Ap 156. (MLRL 9:8) 1. Is 2-y kafedry rentganologii (say. prof. Tu.N.Sokolov) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey I kafedr7 rentganologit (zav. Prof. V.A.Diyachenko) II Moskovskogo meditoinskogo instituta iment, I.T.Stalina (MIDIASTINUK, neoplasms, differ. diag. from cardiovasc. die., stratigraphy (Rus)) (CAMIOVASCULAR DISRLSES, differential diagnosis, madiastinal tumors, stratigrap)W (Rua)) Ci P-) RAPOPORT, S.G., kanclidat maditainakikh nauk; MIJUUTLOV, A.N., nauchnyy dotrudniki UZUTGOV, I.D., nauehzWy sotrudnifr Studies on causes of chronic gonorrhea in males with special reference to its course and methods of prevention. Test.derm. i veno 31 no.3:38-4o My-Je 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Is Ukrainakogo nsuohno-insledovatZlIskogo kozhno-venerologiche- skogo institute (dire - profe AsX.Ir chevskiy (deceased)) I 11harl- kovakogo oblastnogo vandispansera (glavnyy vrach K.I.Lisin) (GONCFdtMU, course & prev. of chronic cases (Rus KUZNMBOV, I'P Kalinina, d.7/6, k7. 83) .U~qkva, ul. Value of pueumbmedlaetinal tomography In the differential diagnosis of tumors and cysts of the mediastiuum. Vop.onk. 5 no.8:164-171 159. (MIRA 12M) 1. Is rentganologlehookogo otdolenlya (zav. - prof. ToA Abarbanell) Onkologlohookogo Inatituta Im. ?.A. Gerteena (dir. - Prof. A.N. Novi- kov, uauchnyy rukovoditall instituta - saslushennyy dyatell nauki chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.I. Savitakly). (MMUSTINUM neoplasms) (MILSTINUM die.) I,KUZNETSOVj I.D. Cysts of the thymo gland, Vop, onko 6 no. 9:37-43 S 160* (HIM 1411) (THYMUS GLAND-TUMORS) (CYSTS) 1. EMNETSOVP-I. D.1 LAVNIKOVA, G. A.; KOROLEVA, 0. F. Two caoes of seminoma of the mediastitmi. Vop. onk. 7 no.6:55-61 1619 (MIRA 34:12) - - 1. Is Gooudaretvennogo naucbno-isisladovateliskogo onkologicheekogo instituta im. P. A. Gertaena (dir. - prof. A. N. flovikov, naucbn. rukovod. - deyetv. chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. I. Savitskiy). (TESTICIX-TUMORS) P~~TqqVp jpD. dotoontl SABLOTSKIY, V.I. I Treatment of nongonorrheal urethritis in men. Yrach. delo no*7t7l-75 JlJ63. (MIRA 16:10) 1, Kharlkovskiy meditsinskiy institut 1 5 kozhno-venerologi- cheskiy dispanser g. Rharlkova. (URETHRA-DISEMES) ROZENSHTRAUK11, L.S., prof., otv. red.; 1k $0,,.J.D. , kand. med. nauk, red.; LUKIYANCHENKO, B.Ya., kand. med. naukp red.; PERESLEGIN, I.A.j dots., red.; RABUKHINA, N.A.j kand. med. nauk, red.1 SHNIGER, N.U., kand. med. nauk, r@d. Aktuallnye voprosy kliniches-koi rentgenologii i radio- logii; doklady. Current problems of clinical roent- genology and radiology. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-issl. rentgeno-radiologicheskii in-t,, 1963. 205 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. MezhUstitutakaya konforentsiya molodykh uchewjkh, po- svyashchennaya 46-y godovshchine Velikoy Oktyabrlskay So- tsialistichoskoy revolyutsii. 2. Rukovoditell nauchno- poliklinicheakogo otdela Gosudarstvennogo nauchno- is8ledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo institute, Ministerstva zdravo-okhraneniya RSFSR (for Kuznetsov). 3. Rukovoditell rentgefiodiagnostichaskogo otdela Gosudar- stvennogo nauchno-issledo44tellakogo rentgeno- radiologichaskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhrane- niya RSFSR (for Rozonshtraukh). 4. Rukovoditell rentgeno- terapevticheskogo otdola Gosudarstvennogo nauch-nn- issledovatel'skogo rentgeno-radiologiabookogo institute, Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (for Pereslegin). ROZENS11TRAUKII, L.S., prof.p otv. rod.; SVIRIDOVp N.K.j kand. biol. nauk., red.; DEMIN, V.A.p red.; MJZb=MV,-I.D.j' naukp red.; WKIYANCUNKOp B.Ya.p kand, med. nauk., red.; PERMEGIN, I.A.: iots., red.; RABUYMNA, N.A., kand. med. nauk, red.; SMt'IGER, n.U.p kand. med. nauk, red. Aktualtrye voprosy klinicheskoi rentgenologii i radiologii; doklady. Current problems of clinical roentgenology and radiology. Moskva., Gos. nauchno-issl. rentgeno-radiologi- cheskii in-t, 1963. 205 P. (MIIIA 17:5) l.Mezhinatit-itskeya konforentniya molodykh uchenykh,, posvya- shchennaya 46-y godovshchine Velikoy Oktyabrlskoy Sotsiali- sticbeskoy revolyutiii, 2. Rukovoditell Vauchno-polikliniche- skogo otdola Mockovskogo Gonudarstvennogo rentgano-radiologi- cheskogo institute, (for Kuznotsov). 3. Rukovoditoll rentgeno- diagnosticheskogo, otdela Moskovskogo, Gosudarstvennogo rentgeno- radiologicheskogG instituta (for Rozenshtraukh). 4. Rukovodi- tell Rentganoterapevticheokogo otdela Moskovskogo Gosudarstven- nogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta (for Pereslegin). KUZ N;,"!'-': ON , 11 X--ray diagnosis ~-,f brozwh,.l- and cnit,~r~)gpn!.r, ridl-a3Linal CYS tS, Vest. r-nt. I rad. 39 nrj.6i37-!o3 164, (VITRA 18:6) 1. l~kiuchno-polikILnich#3-11,.I.y- ct,del (zav. I.D.Fuzriptxv) Nauchno- Inaledovatallck-ogo irii3tituta Wlni5terstva zdravookhraneniya ROF~',? i ofdell YGOA* LI'Ahtenshteyn) ll~.-ialull lzil~,-eo c'nkc,logicneakogo instituta imenl Gertsana, Mank-va. DE,MLO",~, :T.F.; ild-,IvEfik~c?, E.""; ?MA,;I-.T3OVl I.D. (Noskva, If-,n-in3kiy prosp., d.3i,y R(,-.,iuLLa oV the use of clinical pneumomediastinography. Grud. khIr. 6 tio.6;62-67 11-D 164. (114IRA 18:7) 1. 1-CrIL-eno-radlol.cgiclieskiy institut (ciirekLor - pror. I.G. Lagunova) 1 Ozilkologicheskly institut imeni P.A. Gertsena (diroVtoy prof. A.11. Novikov), llluskva. L 38152-66 E 'kv~i k 1 )IT-2 ACC NRj AP6025678 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/66/000/013/0146/0146 INVENTOR: Kuznetsov, I. D.%. Shchukin. 0. G.; Mitrokhin, V. M.; Nekrasov, L. M. -6 ORG: none TITLE* Air conditioning system. Class 622 No. 183604 SOURCE: Izob reteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966g 146 TOPIC TAGS: air conditioning equipment, aircraft cabin environment, auxiliary air- craft equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for sin air-conditioning system, ouch as could be used on a supersonic airliner. It consists of a sequentially placed air- Fig. 1. Air conditioning system I - Turbocooling unit; 2 - humidifier; 3 - air-to-:air cooler. UDC: 629.13.01106.697.9 NRs AP6025678 0 to-air cooler, a fuel-to-air cooler, an evaporator, a turbocooling unit, and A 0 humidifier (see Fig. 1). To increase the system's cooling efficiency, betvaen the turbocooling unit and the humidifier is mounted an air-to-air cooler. Orig. art. has: I figure. JKTI SUB CODE: Ol/ SUBM DATE: 22May65/ ATD PRESS: 15,0V1( Card ff - - - -- - -- KUZIF;Voov I.F. Attachment for grinding. Hashinostroitell no.3z~6 Mr 165. (MTRA !8i4) I "/ l-,, -- V --Iv Fedorovich. inzh.- ARMOV, Andrey Ivanovich; KUZNET$O, isaledovatell; MA KIA--,--E,A,, red. (Trade-union work in a commnist labor workshop] Profsoiuz- naia rabota v tsekhe kommnirticheskogo truda. Moskvap Prof- izdatp 1965. 94 P. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Sekretarl Vostochno-Kazakhstanskogo oblastnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh metallurgichookoy prorWahlennosti (for Arzamov). 2. Ust'-Kamenoporskiy svintsovo-tsinkovyy kombinat imeni V.I.Lenina (for Fumietcov). KUZNETSOV, I.F.; TABAK, A.Kh. Cutter head for machining gear wheels and racks, Hashinostroitell no. 5s26 Fq 164. (MIRA 17%7) KUZNETSOV, I.F. Consultation. Taket. prom. 20 no. 12:83-84 D 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1, Nachallaik tekhnicheekogo otdela Pavlovo-Pokrovskoy fabriki, (Woolen and worsted manufacture)