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ARKMOV I V. I.; Shape and size of the regions ot coherent rearrangement of crystal lattices during orderea allotApto transformations. Fiz. met. i metanoved. 15 no.5086-788 .Fq t6j. (MM 16:8) 1. Institut fisUd metallov AN SSSR. (Crystal lattices) (Allotropy) - ____xu--TN _--i-auT IT tMoscow)----- --- -- -- - - J, --- 7-1~1 - "On the geometry of instantaneously rigid cable nets". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. KU2NFTSOV, E.N.P kand. tekhn. nauk (,-'.Ioskva) Instant-rigid guyed systems. Isal. po teor. qooz-uzh. no.13: 231-236 164. 041PA 18:2) KUJ.7NETSOV) E.N. Gecmetry 580-583 (Hoakva) of instantly rigid guy nets. Inzh. zhur. 5 -nc).3- 165. (1,1MA 18;7) - 45776-66 F-4P (j) 19w (m) Rmljw kCC NRs P666104 SOURCE .CODE: UR/0195/66/007/004 /0732/07,34 AUTHOR: Bazhin, N. M. Kuznetsov, E. V.; Bubnov, N. N.; Voyevodski , V. V. ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion,SO AN SSSR (Institut khImicheskoy kinetiki I goreniya SO AN SSSR) TITLE: Reaction of the hydrogen atom in the system H20+H2SO4+FeSO4. 13L Reaction with saturated orgaWo compounds SOURCE: Kinetika i Waltz, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 732-734 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen atom reaction, methanol, ethanol, Isopropy! alcohol, ethylene glycol, isobutyric acid, malonic acid, acetone, free radical ABSTRACT: Atomic hydrogen obtained by the action of UV light on frozen H20+H2SO4+FeSO4 at 77K was previously shown to react with unsaturated organic compounds. In the present paper the autho a studied the reaction with a series of saturated compounds having weak C-H IM4-Ls-~' (methanoll Lq I isopropyl alcohol, ethylene g_ ethanol lyco") toobutyric acid, malonic acid and a etone). The reactions were carried out with 0. 1 M g5oliutions of the organic reagents at 90 and 120K, and the products were Identified from the EPR spectra. It was found that the reaction between 11 and methanol, ethanol, Isopropyl alcohol, malonic acid, and isobutyrio L 45776-66 ACC NRt AP6030704 acid resulted in the following radicals ~H2011, CH36HOH, H3C- CH3, HOOC-C-COOH and 113C- CH3, respectively. Inthe LOOH case of methanol, the 6H20H was further broken down to H60, but no 6113 could be detected. With acetone, the reaction yielded C112- CH3 instead of H3C- ~-CH& while In the case of ~-11 OH ethylene glycol, only 6112-rH and no 6H2011 could be detected. The mechanism by which atomic H at approximately 90K can capture hydrogen from alcohols, organic acids, and ketones is discussed. Orig. art. has.- 5 formulas and 1 figure. [261 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 080ot65/ ORG REF: 004- ATh PRESS: 5o84 6ard 2/2 7989-M 9WT.(a)YEWP(j)/T/EM(m)-6 WW/JW/WF"/M ACC-NIG-AP6007776 tlR/-(1195/66/067-/VOif6i6-f/OI AUTHOR: Bazhin, N. M.:- Kuznetsove E. V.; Bubnov, N. _N.; Vo evodskly, V. V. _y _ I ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion. $0 AN-,5SLR (Institut khimicheskily'! kinetiki i goreniya SO AN SSSR) I TITLE: Reactions of bydrogen atomPin the system water-sulfuric acid-ferrous sulfate. IL. L&actiona with junsaturated compounds A 44 -G - SOURCE: Kinet16 i kataliz, v. 7, no, 1, 1966, 161-165 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, free radical, free radical reaction, unsaturated hydrocarbon ABSTRACT:~ Previous work has.shown that UV irradiation of FeSO, solutions in dilute sulfuric acid at -77K -leads--ta -the -formation-of --hydrogen-atoms-i-which -are-- stable- -at- tii-is--tem-p---e--r-a-t-u-r-e-. In.this workthe reactions of such hydrogen atoms at 90K and 120K with acetylen I, el!Mlenelpropylene, allyl alcohol and carbon monoxidewere studied. The concentrations of hydrogen atoms and of the reaction products were measured by observing the EPR spectra of the samples. Except for acetylene, all EPR measurementai were made at 77K. Hydrogen atoms add to acetylene to form vinyl radicals whose hyperfine structure is similar to -that obtained by -other workers in the photolysis of, HL in the presence of acetylene at liquid helium temperatures. In discussing the mode of addition, the authors compare their observations with other work on tile addi- tion of hydrogen atoms to deuterated acetylene. Addition of hydrogen atoms to Cord.-I/_?_ UDC: 541.141:546.722'226-145.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Li X[Yuyaw ACC NRI AP6007776 P~ropylene leads almost exclusively to the formation of isopropyl radicals. It was observed that ethyl and isopropyl radicals do not decompose under the influence of UV or visible light under experimental conditions. The spectrum of the react on product obtained from allyl alcohol is very similar to those of hydrocarbon r dicali RCH,N2 and therefore can be ascribed to the radical tH,CH2CH20H' Since a protonated form of allyl alcohol is involved,-the radical in this case must be N2CH2CH20"'+2- The energy decrease due to the increased separation of the unpaired electron and the charge on the hydroxyl group.must be sufficient to offset the energy increase of localization of the unpaired electron on a primary rather than on a secondary carbon atom. Addition of a hydrogen atom to Co yields a product whose spectrum consists of a doublet with a separation of approximately 132 e, and can be ascribed to the rad- ical H60. The radical decomposes under the influence of light, probably to H and CO. The authors conclude that under the above conditions hydrogen atoms can react with unsaturated compounds by adding to double or triple bonds, or to unshared electron pairs. Useful quantitative data concerning unsaturated compounds can be obtained in this vianner, Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 14Jun65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 006/ ATD PUSS: 2/-L DfMIDOVj G. Ye.;_PT!Rqy~_~*A* Tiered chassis for table and portable electric medical equip - ment. Med. prom. 17 no.611,9-51 JeI63 (MIRA 1?14) 1. Voesoyuznyy naucbno-isoledovateltakiy institut meditain- skikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya. AUTHORS: 84255 S/076/60/034/009/021/022 B015/BO56 Kuzneteov, F. A., Rezukhina, T. N., and Golubenko, A. F. TITLE: Bea 0 Determination of the Formation t~lf CeqO3Ay the Method of Combustion in the Bomb Calorimeter PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizieheakoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 9, p. 2129 TEXT: For the purpose of determining the formation enthalpylof Ce,O 39 the reaction heat of the reaction Ce 203 + 112 0 2 - 2 CeO2 was determined . The Ce203 was obtained by reduction of CeO 2 in a hydrogen current at 1250-13000C. The reaction heat of this reaction was determined by the diathermic method by means of a calorimeter (volume of the bombi 0.04 1), and the experimental results of Ce 2 03combustion are given in a table. After the necessary corrections had been made, the value nHo 298.2 -85-43 1 0.26 kcal/mole was obtained for the reaction, and, according to (Ref, 3), A Ho 260.18 t 0-33 kcal/mole is substituted for the 298.2 Card 1/2 5 84255 Determination of the Formation Heat of Ce 203 by S/076/60/034/009/021/022 the Method of Combustion in the Bomb Calorimeter B015/BO56 reaction Ce + 02 - CeO 2' so that for the formation heat of Ce203 from the elements 2 Ce + 3/2 0 - Ce 0 the value 4HO 2 2 3 298.2 - -434-93 L 0.99 kcalbele was obtained. There are 1 table and 5 references: 1 Soviet, 3 US, and I German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDt May 16, 196o Card 2/2 S/076/60/034/011/008/024 B004/B064 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, F. A. and Rezukhina, T. N. (Moscow) TITLE; Specific Heat of Cerium Dioxide at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 2467 - 2468 TEXT: The authors report on the calorimetric measurement of the specific heat of CeO 2 in the temperature range 6080 - 1172 0K by the mixing method. A preparation of GIREDMET (State Institute of the Rare Metals Industry) with 99.9% CeO 2 was used. For the average specific heat the experimental da 1.42 -10-5 ta gave cp = 0-08895 A 2 T, and for the true specific heat, cp a 0.08477 + 2.844' 10-5 T. The calculation was carried out by means of the equation cp B- + (N7/dflAT. There are I table and 3 Soviet refer- p p ences. Card 112 Specific Heat of Cerium Dioxide at High S/076/60/034/011/008/024 Temperatures B004/BO64 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1959 Card 2/2 Aj I Ell GERASIMOV, Yakav Ivanovich; MESTOVNIKOVp Alekoandr Nikolayevich; SHAKHOV,, A3fdkoey Sergeyevicb. Prinimali uchastiye: DUDAREVA~ A.G., assistant; IA)MOV, A.L... assistant; FEYGINA, Ye.I., assistant; VYGODSM , I.A.# aspirant; IAVRENTIYEV, V.I., aspirant; CMM- NOV, A.N., red.; KAMAYEVA, O.-M., red. izd-val MIKH V.V.q tekhn. red, [Chemical thermodynamics in nonferrous metanurgy) Khimichaskaia ter- modinainika v tavetubi'metallurgiie Moskira, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metanurgii. Vol.2. [Thermodynamics of copper, leadj tinj silver and their most.important compounds; a handbook] Tormodinamika--medi, svintsa.. olova,, serebra i ikh vazImel- shikh soedineniij-, spravochnoe rukovodstvo. 1961. 262 %RA i4m) (Nonferrous metals-Tbarmal pro rties) (Chemistryp Metallurgior KUZNE'TSOV.. F. A., Cand. Chem. Sci. (dies) "Thermo-dynamic inves- tigation of Acids of Cerium." Moscow, 1961, 16 pp (Instit. of General and Inorganio ~ihem. im. N. B. Kurnakov) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 256). 8/076/61/035/004/017/018 12"I's 11141 B106/Woi AUTHORSs Kuzneteov, F. Aep and Rezukhinap T. 11. TITLEs Heat capacity of Ce 203 ut high temj)orfituren PERIODICALs Zhurnal flzicheakoy khimii, v. 35, no. 4, '1961, 956 - 957 TEXTt The mean molar heat of Ce2o 3 in the temperature range of 578-11160K was measured by the method of mixing in a massive calorimeter. The calo- rimetric apparatus and the measuring method are thoroughly described in the literature (Ref. 12 M. M. Fopov, To-mometriya i kalorimetriyap Izd-vo MGU, 19541 Refo 2R L. A. Zharkova, T. N. Rezukhina, Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 2278, 1957). The Ce2o 3 oxide wag prepared by a protracted reduction of OeO2 (99.9% purity) at 1150-12000C in a hydrogen flow which ha"d beell-care- fully purified from 02 and H20. The product obtained in this way had a mustard-yellow colore The lattice parameter5 of the product that were found roentgenographically fitted data contained in the literature. Al- ready after moderate heating, Ce 2 03burnn in the air to form CeO 2. For Card 1A 22009 S/076 161/035/004/017/016 Heat capacity of Ce 203 ~00 B1061B201 this reason, the preparation was carefully freed from gases pr i'or to the calorimetric measurements and sealed in a quartz ampul. The beat caliacity of Ce203 resulted from the difference between the heat amount fed to the calorimeter with the oxide by the heated ampull and the he-a-t content of the heated empty ampulo The heat value of the calorimeter was determinrd electrically 0 cal - 4,1840 abs. joules), with an accuracy within 1.1~. Results of the calculation of the mean molar heat of Cc 203 from tho is)siilts of the calorimetric determinations are given in a tab!A (the molecuiar weight of Ce 0 3 is 328.26). The results obtained are reproduced with ari 3, accuracy of 0-5% by equation CP - 25-17 4 6.327*10- L. With -the aia of equation CP UP+ TedU P/dTp which establishes the relationship betwern actual and mean molar beats, one obtains the f,)11.cwiig equation for t1te temperature dependence of t4e actual molar heat of Ct~,,0,8 C - 23-31 + 1.265-10- 2T. In a previous paper (Ref. 4t Zh. fiz. khImilLf 34v 2129p 1960) the authors and k. 11. Golubenko have dritermined tbe change Card 2/5 Heat capacity of Ce 203 22W9 3/076/61/035/004/017/018 B106/B201 of enthalpy in the reaction Ce 2 03+ 1/2 01 . 2 CeO 23 &H0 -85-43 t 0.26 kcal (1). According to a nother indication in 298.16 - the literature (Refe 58 E. Euberp Ch* 11olleyp j.'Amer, Chem. Soc,,o 759 56459 1953) the change of enthalpy in the reaction Ce + 0 2 . CeO2 amounts too 6H 0 260.18 t'0.33 kcal (2). One therefrom obtains 28906 -for the reaction 2 Ce + 3/2 0 2 - Ce 203 the formation heat .of Ca2 031 0 3 H -434-9 .0.99 kcal (3)- 289.16 '" - t compares the temperature de- pendence-of the molar heat of Ce 203, as round in'the present workq with the temperature dependence of the molar 6at of CeO 2P as e&rlier deter- mined by the authors,(Refi 69- Zh. fiz. khImii, 34, 2467v 1960)j and with data contained in the literature on the molar heats of metallic cerium (Ref, 7s Stull# Sinkeq Thermodynamic properties of elementa# 1957) and of oxygen (W6 8a Ta. I. Gerasimo,79 A.11, Krestnikov, A. B. Shakhove Card-3/5 S/076/61/035/004/017/018 Heat capaoity of Ce 203-110 Bi C-6/B201 Khimicheakaya termodinamika v tovetnoy metallurgli~ to I9,Metallurgizdatt 1960)9 the following eq'uations result for the temperature dependence of .qnthalpy changes of reactions M-Ma 3.,2 0194-105 T_I Atio-0) -85-500 + 1,74 T - 1.49-10- . V I ~3 2 JNH (2) -'-?59800 + 0.62 T + Oi3i-10 T*165 Twl T .. . . . ': I . -3 2 5 Ho (3) ----4340Q0 - 0.410 T.+ 2-13-10 T 2182010 T T [Abstracter!a notes essentially complete translationt'~ There are 1 table and 8 references& 5 Soviet-bloc and 3.non-Soviet-bloo. 'The two references to English language publications read as followat E. Huber, Ch. Holley, J*'Amer, Chdm*,Sooo~q 759 56459 $9531 Stullq-Siviket Thermodynamic proper- ties of elements# 1957, ASSOCIATION# Moikovskii goeudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomononova (Moetov State University imeni M. V. Lomon3sov) SUBMITTEbs October 25, 1960 Card 4/5 REZUIKHINA, T.Ne; IAVRENT13MVj V,I*; LEVITSKIY, V,A,; KUZNETS(YV, F.A* Determination of the thermodynamic functions of oxygen- containing salts by the electromotive force method. Zhur.fis. kbJ-- 35 no.6:1367-1369 Jo 161o (MM .14:7) lo-, Moskovskiy goaudaretvew==itet ineni MVoLomonosovao (salts) ive force) 28653 S/020/61/139/006/020/0221 B103/B101 AUTHORS- j~zn~et Belyy, V. I., Rezukhina, T. N., and Geraeimov, Ya. I.f Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Thermodynamical properties of cerium oxides PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady# v. 139, no. 6, 1961, 1405-1408 TEXT: The authors determined thermodynamical data an cerium which, together with data from publications, provide a complete thermodynamical characterization of the system Ce-O 20 In previous papers (Ref. 4: ZhFKh, IAI 2467 (196o) I Ref - 5: ibid. 15, No. 5 (1961)1 Ref. 6: ibid. 34, No. 9 F1960)), they measured the high-temperature specific heat of CeO 2 and Ce20,, and obtained the value U 029,'0-85.43 koal. -The present paper deals with the thermodynamical properties of cerium oxides in the CeO 2- C90 1-5 range of compositions. They used the emf method with a solid electrolyte (Ref. 7, see below). In addition, the authors measured the equilibrium constants of cerium oxides with hydrogen. They used a more convenient Card 1/5 28653 S10201611139100610201022 Thermodynamical properties of... B100101 modification of the apparatus described in Ref. 7 (Ref. 8: T. N. Rezukhina et al., ZhFKh, 21, No. 6 (1961)) for measuring the dmf, namely, the cell CeOx solid electrolyte Fe +W08tite (2> X>1.5) 1 1 (1). Mixed crystals of the system Th02_La2O 3 with a purely ionic conductivity served as electrolytes. The Ce OX electrodes were pressed out of a mixture2of corresponding amounts-of Ce02 and Ce2o3 at a pressure of 10 t/cm . The oxygen content of the preparation was determined by measuring the emf by the method of "active oxygen". CeOx was handled in an argon atmosphere. The values of the equilibrium emf of cell correspond to the change of the isobaric potential WG_ 0 2FE) of the reaction I releasing the current: (1/6)CeoX +Fe 0.947 0 --* (1/6)CeO X+6 +0-947 Fe W- A combination of &7G.0 with -~O of the wastite formation from the elements: Card 2/5 28653 S/020/61/139/006/020/022 Thermodynamical properties of... B103/B101 0. 947 Fe + 0 - 5 02 0-947 0 (11), for which A011 63070 +16.06 T 1073 -12700K) according to Ref. 10 (e (1;,b3low) and H. Petereg H. H.Mbius ~Ref. 11t Za. phys. Chem., 209, 298 8 ), makes it possible to calculate the reaction 03-0 )1 (1/6)CeO +1/20 --,,-(1/6)CeOX+6 (III) III x 2 0 It was found that E varies linearly with temperature for each composition of CeO. over the entire range of temperatures: Ewa+bT. The equilibrium constants Keq 'PH20/PH2 'of the reduction of C90, by hydrogen: (1/6)CeOx+s +H2 P (1/6)CeO, + B20 (IV) were measured in a device described by the authors in ZhFKht Us 93 (1951). Since the intermediate cerium oxides are pyrophorio, only the constants of CsO 2 or C9203 were measured, By a oombination of b700 - -RT 1n K with AO of the reaction 0 IV eq of water-vapor formation: (AGV - 59,000 + 13-38 T) it is also possible to calculate 400 The authors' results agree well with those obtained by k Card 3/5 28653 S/020/61/139/006/020/022 Thermodynamical properties of... B103/BIOI G. Brauer et al. (Ref# 149 see below). The thermodynamical values describing the reaction Ce 2 03+1/2 0 2 --9-2Ce02 (VI) were obtained by graphical integration of the A75 0 isotherms for the composition of CeO III x between 1-5