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16(1) AUTHOR- Kuzlminov,V. SOV/20-125-4-9/74 TITLE: On the Hypothesis of P.S.Aleksandrov in the Theory of Topological Groups (0 gipoteze ?.S.Aleksandrova v teorii topologicheskikh grupp) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR'011959,vnl i25,Nr 4,pp 727-729 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With the aid of the reoults*of At*a~'-*-l,Mostert, and N.Ya.Vilenkin the author prqli" a oonjecture-ete to.P.B.Aleksandrov: 'Aopo1o'giq.a1.,,gfoup is'.4iadic. Every bioompadt'% There are 5 references,-2 of which-are Soviet, and 3 American. ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) PRESENTEDz December 27, 1958, by PoS.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDt May 4, 1958 Card 1/1 il, -'a %;A 400'- i XUZIMINOV, T.; SHMOV, I. Cohomology and dimensionality of uniform spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR, 135 ho*~6;1322.4325 10 060. (XIR& 13:12) 1. *skovskiy gosudarstyanW universitat im*H.V*Lomonosovae Predetavleno akademikom P*S. Alekeandrovp. (S~aose, Generalixed) KUZIKINOV V Vn continua. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.1:24-27 J3. 161. (MIFLA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S. Aleksandrovym. (Continuity) XUZIMImov, V. Example of a dimensionally deficient compact. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.2:312-315 N 061. (MM 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudar3tvennyy univeraitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Alek3androvym. (Complexes) KUZININOV, V. Cohomologic&l dimension of compaots, Sib. mat, zhur. 5 no.6sl282-1304 N-D 164. (KIRA M12) KUZIHINOVV V. Limit sequence of an exact sequence of inverse spectra. Dokl. AN SSM 163 no.34565-568 n 165. (MIRA 180) 1 1. Institut matematiki Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. Submitted January 13, 1965. M I KIN zh.; :ADO11OV, Viktor Ivanovich; V rod.; h12113YA, H.H., (Using brick blocks In building houses in Leningrad] Opyt atroitalletva domov iz kirpichnykh blokov v g.Leningrade. Leningrad, Leningr.dom nauchno-takhn.propagEindy, 1938, 22 p. (Informatsionno-takhnicheakii listok. no-39-40. Stroitellnaia promyahlonnont') (HIRA 12:12) (Leningrad-Brick houses) I SOV/97-58-8-8/13 AUTHORS Kuzlminovo V. A., Erk;ineer; Matveyev, P. N.,Technician TITLE: Floor Slabs Cast on recast Prestressed Reinforced Base Beams (Nastily s pristavnyrili predvaritel'no napryazhen- nymi bruskami) PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton., 1958t Nr 8, pp 307 - 308 (UL56R) ABSTRACT: Application of the principle of partial prestressing in precast reinforced concrete units allows the most economical use of the concrete. Castirw_ of this type of unit reinforced by precast prestressed base beams has numerous advantaaes over ordinary reinforced concrete, or even ordinary prestressed reinforced concrete con- structions. The advanta,,:,,e of this method is the use of high tensile rainforoement which economises on steel by 50 - 70% in comparison with ordinary reinforced con- structions, and saves 15 - 30% of cement compared Yrith precast prestressed reinf-oreed concrete constructions. The manufacture of box floor constructions cast on pre- cdst pretensioned base*beads commenced in 1957 in the factory "Stroydetal!" of the Trust Sevzaptransstroy. These precast baso beams could be mass-produced in ordinary metal forms very economically. Fig-1 illus- Card 1/3 trates a standard box-type floor construction N-2 calou- SOV/97-58..P-8/13 Floor Slabs Cast on Preca,3t Prestreased Reinforced Base ffeams lated for uniformally distributed load of 690 kg/m2. FIg.2 illustrates construction of precast prestressed base beams, conical in cross-section,. 41.30 cm, lonC and 10 om hiph. The ;Ud"h of theae units is 5 cm smaller than the width of the rib of the box construction above. These units are reinforced aith hiGh t ens;le 2wires, 5 mm. I S brea'.-,Irip_ stro3s 14,500 kg/om -Pif 3 dia0eter hav-1n. shows oaaUrZ of theao baae baum units on stand. Fig.4: arrangements for tersioniiiL wire reinforcement of the base beam units on the stahd. A sinLle wire is tensioned by pull equal to 1,890 kig. The manufacture of lorV;er base beam units is ve)."y difficrAt as deformation occurs, as experienced by the factory "Stroydellal"t. Concrete Mark 400 is used for base beari, unite and Mark 200 for box floor constructions. Tests showed that cra6ks in floor con3jruotions appeared only at a loadin& Pf Card 2/3 1,570 kg/m;'~ insteid of at a loadinn of 690 kg/mr-, accor- SOV/9?-58-8-8/13 Floor Slabs Cast on Pre-cast Pre-stresBed Reinforced Base Beams ding to calculations. This means that the safety coefficient is 2.27. Use of pre-cast base beam units resulted in a 30% saving in steel and 25% in cement. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 SIDOROV, V.I., inzh.;_M__'_HIN'DV1V!_A_#,O Inzhe Vibration casings uned for excavating pits under reinforced concrete electric line poles. Transpostroi, 9 no,2:11-15,. (Hm,A2: 1! F 159. .1 (Sxcavating mchinery) (31actric lines--Poles) TIMCUINA, v.r., rodaktor-, ZARMOVA, Tu,T., toldmicheekly oii WITAPOV, x.r.. takhnichookiy redaktor (Mechanization of 'industrial metalworking processes; work practice of metalworking artels in Moscow) MakhanizatsUs, proit -odetyemwkh protsensov metalledbrabotki; Ii opyta raboty metalloobrsbatyvaiu-~ ohohikh artelsi Moskv7. Xoskva, Vaesolusnoe kooperativnos Is&-vo, 1953. 101 P. (HLRA 7110) (Metalworking machinery) KUZIMINOV V.I. Test "coo. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4005407 0 163. (MIRA 16M) Ly Instittit matematiki b vychislitellnym tsentrom Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom P,S. Aleksandrovym. I KUZIMINOVI V.I.;SHVMM9 I.A. Cohamology groups,of uniform spaces. Sib. mat. shure 5 no.3065-595 I,Lv-je I", (KERA 174) 1'' 4. 1 1 KUZIMINOV, V.K.; SMIMOV, G.N.' prof., nauclinyy rukovaditell raboty Some ponsibilities of mathematical analysio of the contractile activity of the rVomotriwa. Nauch.trucV 18 no.2:218-224 164. (:-'Ir'A 19:1) 17( SOV/177-58-9-3/51 AUTHORS: Kuz-1minoy V.K., and Borshtenbinder, V.M., Colonels ' o e ~ie Corps Rodnyanskiy, L.L., Lieutenant- di~c Colonel of the Medieal Corps TITLE: The Prophylaxis of--Traumatism in Garrison PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinakiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present article contains some basic problems of implementing prophylactic measures against injuries in military units. The Decree of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU of 17 December 1957 "On the Work of the Trade Unions of the USSR" says that the elimination of traumatism is to be considered a State task. This task is to be carried out by the command of the units, by the Medical Corps and by hospitals. The prophylactic work is to be headed by the surgical section of the garrison hospital under the control of a medical officer. According to stati- Card 1/2 stical data, most injuries occur ff-duty SOV/177-58-9-3/51 The Prophylaxis of Traumatism in Garrison (table 1). A sample questionnaire (table 2) is pro- posed to cover the principal reasons of traumatism, such as fatigue, insufficient supervision, faulty equipment, lack of safety provision, personal failure, and more accidents. The kind of injury, its location and medical progress must be recorded and evaluated. A determination of the most frequently recurring single instances that lead to injuries is regarded as especially important. Elimination of these cases would considerably reduce the overall number of trailmatisms. There are 2 tables. Card 2/2 KUZIKrIOV, T.K. low electrode models for biactive diathermocoagulatiou of the uterine cervix. Vop,okh.mat. i det. 4 no.4:55-58 JI-Ag 159. (KIRA 12t12) 1. 1z kafedry akwheretva i ginekologii (sav. - prof. G.N. ftirnov) Pyazanskogo moditainakogo instituta. (BLICTROSURGERT) (UTIRUS--DISPASES) ~---W -:77 %i 7:*. If T V 7-1 - minov, V. --v-L.- ELa EE coL-L Lr tj MOM I MUM wil thrGral-mid. The ravorne ripoaa-qa cir 'fir R Id N~ KUZIMINOV, V. L. Mechanization of Industrial metal working processes; work practice of metalworking arts13 in Moscow. Moskva,, Voss. kooperativnoe 12d-vo, 1953. 101 P. (55-19631) TJ1160.K89 I . .. . USSR (600) Sugar - Manufacture and-Ref-int-ug-, Results'of a public survey of the Introduction of inventious and suggestions for efficiency In the sugar industr7. Sakh. prom. No. 7 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Octobevj.-1951, Uncl. 2 ~' - I - - - - 'T. " - , "II-Li 1-71--T V. qesearch, Industrial Helping inventors and innovators. Sakh. prom., 26, No. 2, 1952. Monthly Lisi-of flussian Accessions Libranj of Congress, June 1952. UILICUSSIFLO. KUZIMTNOVJq-V~.P-.--------- - - -- 2. ussn (6oo). 4- Sugar Industry 7- Contribution of inventors and rationalizers in the development of technology for the sugar industry, Sakh. prom., 27, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, . April, 1953, Uncl. 177 1.10111D~OV, A. P. 9L-JrrQ!AN, D.; MIZIMP'OV, V. P. Sugar Industry Collection of su&estions frora inventor3 and efficiency men in the sugar induztx- V y Reviewed by A. P. Maslennikov D. Blanl=an, V. P. Kuztminov, Sakh. prom. 27, No. 2, 1~53- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. -KUZIIAINOV Yu. M., Cand. Tech. Sci. (diss) "Equal-resistanae 05 Channel Cutting in Non-bonded and 8emi-bonded Bolls," Tashkentj 1961, 22 pp. (Acad. of Sel. Uzbek SSR, Inst. of Water Problems and Hydraul. Engr.) 175 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 269). KUZ'MINOV Yu.M. Criterion of the stability of particles on the noncohesive slope of a river bank. Vop..fidr. no.3:124-132 '61. (MIRA 15:4) (Hydraulics) KUZ W NOV. YU.M, Fore ast of stable sections oftthe head part of Amu-Bukhara Cana . Izv.AN Uz.SSRSer.tekh.nauk 7 no,2s68-70 163. OaRA 16W 1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki AN UzSSR. (Bukhara-Canals) VYZGOp M.S.., prof.1 XMIXINOV,- Yvr.m., insh. Ghanging the length of a hydraulic jump by changing the roughness of the bottom of the current of water. Gidr stroi, 33 no.2t49 F 163* (MMA 16:4~ 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Vyzgo). (Hydraulic jump) VYZGOJ, M.S.; KUZIMINOV, Yu.R. .. ft~ Effect of roughness at the bottom of the water current on the length of the hydraulic jump. Vop. g1dr. no. '12.5--13 163. NIPA 17:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ai UZSSR (for Vyzgo)o S/07o/62/OO7/oo6/ol6/O2O E132/Z435 AUTHORS: Kuzlminov, Yu.S., Yamzin, I.I., Belov, N.V. TITLE: The magnetic structure of yttrium ferrite PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.6, 1962, 946-948 TEXT: Neutron diffraction examinations were made of poly- crystalline specimens Of Y3Fe5O12 at room temperature 3000c, which is above the Curio temperature. Very good agreement was obtained between the observed and c'alculated intensities. The nuclear contribution was calculated from the structure of S.Geller and M.A.Gillio (J. Phys. and Chem. Soc., v.3, 1/2, 1957)- The magnetic contribution was calculated from Neol's model in which the spins of the Fe"+ ions occupying the octahedral positions (a) are antiparallel to the spins of the Fe... ions in the tetrahedral (d) positions. The ions in (a) positions were ascribed a room- temperature magnetic moment of iia zs 4.60 p13 and the ions in (d) positions - Ud = 4.16 pB. It was assumed that at OOK the moment of the Fe+'+ ions was 5 ~La- The parameters assumed were: (in the space group Ia3d) 0 in general positions with (x,y,z) - (-0.0247, 0,0972, o.1492); Card 1/2 S/07o/62/007/oo6/olb/020 The magnetic structure E132/E435 Y in 24(c) positions. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR I(Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) SUBMI'."TED: June 8, 1962 Card 2/2 5/070t62/007/006/017/020 E073/11335 AUTHORS:-.Kuz'jiqnov, Yu.S., Yamzin, I.I., Malltsev, Ye.I. and ffelov, TITLE: Determination of the amplitude of Raman scattering of thermal neutrons on yttrium nuclei PERIODICAL; Kriatallograftyal.v, 7, nos 6, 1962, 948 - 949 TECT: The atlas of Hughes on iieutron cross-section gives the -24 2 value o,= (8.0 +-0.3) x 10 cm It can be calcuUed from this 12 value that b y = 008 X 10- cm, 'I'liere was some doubt about this value sincelthe references given by klughes did not contain information on the scattering of neutrons on yttrium. The authors of this paper determined b y from the measured intensity of neutron diffraction oil polycrystallino yttrium oxide, using a 15-nuii diameter, 70 rmii high specimen pressed from powder of a grain size between 1 and 5 g. Tile value of b y was determined from tabulated values of b 0 0-58 x 10-12 cni2 and the structural model of Card 1/2 it - S/07o/62/007/Oo6/ol7/0n-O Determination of .... r,073/r.335 yttrium oxide, as publizhed by W. Zachariasen (Norsk. geol. tidssl.-r. 9, 310 - 316, 1926; Struct. Rept., 16, 218, 1952). The average of three moasurmients of the amplitudo of the Raman scattering was bY - (+o.816 + 0.07) .1c 10- 12 cin . Thera is 1 fi'gure. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut icristallografii Ali SSSR (1-istituto of Crystallography of the AS USSR) Fizilco-taklinichaskiy institut AN SSSR (Physico- techni6al Institute of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 8, 1962 Card 2/2 5/07o/63/008/001/004/024 9132/%46o AUTHORS: KuzIminov, Yu.S., Taitizin, 1.1e, Belov, N*V* i TITLEs A neutron dirfrac tion stady of an yttriust-~eodywiun ferrite with the garnet structure PERIODICALs Kriatallografiya, v.8, no.11 1963, 21-24 TEXT., A polycrystalline specimen of composition I - 5 Y203 1.5 Nd203 5P0203 , prepared by ceramic't4ehniques was examined at room temperature and at 3600C (abo,~e the Curie point) by neutron diffraction. The wavelength was 1411 R. Pauthenet W.Appl.Phys., V.30, no.4, 1959, ~90) proposed a scheme of interactions for garnet structures of-com obition 3M20 Ve 0 - following Neel's analysis of spineiso ~ re lonii are tit' 2 3 N e ral positions 16(a)', 6Fe ions are in tetrahedral- positions oct d 24(d). and 6 rare earth iona'are in 24(c) positions wit4 coordination 8 (tetrag. anti-prism). He proposed that the sub- lattices a and 'd had a strong negative exchange interaction, and :,that the sub-lattice c was magnetized anti-parallnl to the resultant moment. The interaction c-d in weaker than a-d.. K.P.Belov and L.A.Malevskays, on the other hand, suggested that the &red (Izv. AN Ser.fiz.,' c sub-lattice was not ferromagnetically ord Card 1/2 S/070/63/008/601/004/024. A ~'noutron dirfra6tion E132/E460 251 no,11, iol, 1371-1375)4 'suggestion -,The latter , -is, here shown experfi'lientAlly correct'. The chemical unit Coll was .Cubic, Ia3d, with a a 12.48 A and extra lines were not .-observed. Th,,% intensities were mcasured and were also calculated" The differences between the intonsities above and below the Car point,gave the jil".1grietic contribution which was compared with that calcttAoLted from -Iwo sub-latticos (Bolov) and from three (Pauthenet% Very good agracyiont with Belov's model was obtained. * The conclusion was checked by examining a specimen of.composition --1:.5Y2O3l-5Nd2O3,5Al2O3 which should ahow extra lines if the N4 weire ordered - these were no't found. There are 2 figures and +aLble.' ASSOCIATION: Inatitut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) SUBMIl'TED: .kuguat 9, .1-962 C ard 2/2 5/07o/63/oo8/m/017/017 E05?/E435 AUTHORS: Yam"zin,' 1,1.1 Kuzlminov, Yu.S,, Staritsyn, V.Ya., klalltsov-s Ye. TITLE. A neutron diffractometer Tkj(T: This'instrument. differ*z-from.tho earlier miniature diffractometer inade at the'Institute of Crystallography in that it is universiLl and intended foi the investigation of poly and single -crystalgr, ---~-the mechanical -loading'- requirement-in the design to stringent, cg. the-Axial-load on the sample stage is about 2 tons. A fairly detailed description of the apparatus is given. Its main dimensions are: length or baseplate 2800 mm, width 1050 mm, height 550 MM, distance from center of sample stage to the and of the cantilever 2000 nuo,. distance from the center of the stage to the end of the counterweight 650 mm. Overall weight without the electromagnet is about 3 tons. The base is of cast iron with parallel ways for the displacement or tfie carriage. The latter is moved by means of a worm drive. Ball bearings are used throughout to facilitate operation and ensure long service. All Card.1/3* N*N,,'P 5-- S/070/63/008/002/017/017 A neutron diffractometer E039/F,435 control is remote except for the reversal of the drive and displacement of the carriage* It has been used with the 13SP-M MR-4.0--reactor-at-t e-----A --colJ-imated---- he-Phyalco-techftical-Insti-tut beam of neutrons is incident on a monochromator consisting of a single crystal plate 'of lead cut at an angle of 60 to the (111) plane; dimensions 100 x 175 x 10 mm, before entering the diffracto- meter. The' whole of the* neutron beam from the channel to the sample is contained iri a'borated-paraffin shield with.lead bricks outside. The shield thickness is about lm . A CHMO-5 bounter placed in a cylindrical channel in borated- paraffin is used as a neutron detector on the carriage of the diffractometer. It'is used in conjunction with a monitoring counter to *correct for fluctuations ia the intensity of the primary beam. The resolution AX/% = 0,035 for 1.13 A. Results obtained from a polycrystalline sample of yttriun ferrite are given. The sample size is diameter 20 mm and lengih 100 mm. There are 2 figures. -KSS~OC'LiXTIONS-:-Inst-l-tut-kri-sta~1-1-agraf-i-i-AN--SS~-SR-(InstJ-tuto-of- Crystallography, AS USSR) Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Card 2/3 W A ne4tron diffractomet S/070/63/008/002/017/0 tar E039/s435 17 ,-M -3 .5 1 19h62=61 E7tJP(q)/r-.dr(m)/BDS/FWP(B) AFFTGASD JD AP3004105 S/6070/63/008/004/0675/.0677 'AUTHORS.---Kuzlminov, Yu. S.; Belov N. V. TITLE.-' Amplitude of coherent neutron scattering,by gallium nuclei / X5~ S6URCE: Kristallografiya, v. 8, no. 4, 1963, 675-677 TOPIC TAGS: scattering, amplitude, neutrons, coherent scattering, Ga, Y, 0, Fe, ferrite, ceramics, difg~abtion ABSTRACT: The authors undertood this study because data for this factor are not given in the revised edition of G. E. Bacon's book (Neutron Diffraction. Oxford. 1962). Samples were prepared by ceramic procedures normally used to prepare i6rritas. Cylinders 100 mm high and 10 mm in diameter were constructed from 20 separate plates. Results were obtained from diffraction intensities of various reflecting planes. These values, with corresponding amplitudes, are shown in Table 1 (see enclosure). neer "The authors express their thanks tc Engi Ye. 1. Mal'tsev (FTI AN SSSR) fur his aid in measurements on the investigated samples.". Orig-- irt.--has: *1 table. Card J, L 19462-63 f ACCESSION NR:~ AP3004105 ASSOCIATION: Institut kriit&llografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) i SUBMITTED: 29Dec62 DATE ACQ: 15Aug63 ENCL: 01 SUBrCODE: PH NO REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 004 j Card 2/0.1, ACCESSION NR3 AP4024987 S/0070/64/009/002/02014/0208 A7LJT1HOR: Kuzlminovp Yu, S. TITLE: Neutron diffraction studies of garnet forrites SOURCE: Kristallografiyag v. 9,, no. 2, 1964, 204-208 TOFIC TAGS: neutron diffraction, garnet ferrite, mrgnetic moment, space group, collinear system., crystal lattice ABMACT; Studies were made on 3Y2035F 5Fe 0 ~Fe e203-l'5Y203l'5Nd203 2 3'3Tb2035 2 3 at tei%iperatures of 570, 293,, and 8M. The diffraction pattern may be satisfac- torily described within the framework of the Ia3d space group with a collinear system of magnetic momentse The orientation of the magnetic moments in the neodymium lattice has been establishod experimentally along the direction of resultant magnetization of two iron sublattices, From the magnetic part of the neutron diffraction, values have been obtained for the magnetic moments of pe3*, Nd3*., and 'ro3*.:Ln the garnet lattice, These are 406 + 0.4 and 3.96 + o.25ii- Card 1/2 7 ACCESSION NR: AF~024987 ifor Fo3* (at room temperature)., -1.00 + 0017~kD for Nd3+ (at 80K).. and 1-50 + 0-31 for Tb3+ (at room tempeIrature), The author believes it possible that at :temperatures lcwer than employed in this bxperiment (lower than liquid nitrogen) ~the investigated garnets.may be characterized by different orientations'of the ,magnetic moments of the rare-oarth sublattice., orientations that are but weakly ;manifested at the temperatures used in this work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii ANI SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AN :SSSR) suBmTED: 3.qAug63 DATE ACQ: 16kpr64 -EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS,, BG NO REF SOV: 002 OTHM: Oll Card., 2/2 V CAL, 0.4-. The :4111(a reshunct.. of dyacaterk baciorla.-M, L. 1()53, im" 3. U, 3; A"ff'IL !3 1055 'A ~ 9. r I i 4A d"'nu.ry ie'~Iu O~zi!!Iaq to 0.0. 't'ld '~f dl~ulhlle IV;,, ifil-v-fig,od. Sillf.a Aw., ff.,.Untl in of lift: btfaili'l. w j. W '14" V=INOTA, X.L.; KTASNIKOV, Ye.1.1 MONOVA. L.Y. Iffootiveness of bacterial vaccine In the treatment of children affected br chronic dylenterys Yopskraevopst. no.4:13-17 154. (DYSBUTIRY) (TACOMS) (XIMA 9:12) IaIZ'XMOU,JLI.; SIAVINA, Kh.M.; ZHDAVOVA, L.D.; PIETNEVA, O.G.; HUSELI.. A.L.; MULOUMOV., B.P. Etiological significance of certain serological types of Escherichis, coli in dyspepsia. Mad. zbur. Uzb. no.4:20-2/+ Ap 160. (KMA 15:3) 1. 1z kishecbnogo Wela Instituta vaktain i syvarotok i kafedry pediatrii Tashkentakogo goeudarstvennogo instituta moverehenstyovaniya vracbey i Tasbkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo instituta, (ESCHERICHIA COLI) (DYSFEFSIA) LETTMAN, M.Z.; KUZIMI~NOVA ~M.Lf; SLAVINA, Kh.M. Study of the immunological effectiveness of the typhoid component of polyvaccine from the Scientific Research and Experimental Serological Institute. Trudy Tash11,IIVS 6s245-250 161. (TYPHOID FEVER-PREN (MIU 1523-1) ENTIVE INOCUIATION) MIMIT61 L.B.; KIIAZAIWV, 14.1.- L,,;YTIIAII# M.Z.; KUZIMIIIUVA, M.L.; SLAVDAY KbJI.; VASILIYEVA, A.V.; MLOhNOVA, A.S. Typhoid-paratyphoid-tetaiius chemically sorbed vaccine. (aperimental study, reaotogenic properties, epidemiological effectiveness). Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 32 no.9:18-25 S 161. (MLLA 15.2) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta vaktain i syvorotok imeni Mechnikova, Tachkentskogo instituts, vaktsin i eyvorotok.. Turkmenskogo instituta epidemiologii i. gigiyeny i Kazakhskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii.i gi iyeny. (TYPI101B FEVER) (MaTLIHOID FLITEli) (TETANUS)' (VACCIIES) KtM 33MA, Mk.; MEVM, M.P.; K07ENW, L.I.; KAWOVA Nethod of obtaining coproculturea in the diagnoois of abdominal typhyn. lauch.trudy uchi prak.vrach.Uzb. rio.31140-1/4 162. (MIRA 1612) 1e Is Thaftentskogo institute vaktain i Worotok i gorodskoy sanitarno-baktariologicheskoy laboratorli. (TYPOID F9M) (mm.-ANALysis) LEMMI, M.Z.; ALFEROVAP V .; ZIMIVOVA, M.L.; SLAVIIIA, Kh.M.; ZHDAVOVAj L.D.; 0 Ap Aque; BOMCMAp R*I*; GIVZBURGpG.M.; GOTGIL'Fp M.Mq SMIRNOVAp T.T. Study of the effectiveness of subcutaneous immunization against dysentery with Chernokhvostov's alcohol vaccine. Trudy Tash. VIIV 5:59-71162. (MIRA 16: 10) (DYSENTERY -PREM.TIVE INOCULATION) KUZIMINOVA, M.L. Comparative study of the antigenic grid immunogenic properties of atypical and typical dysenteric bacteria. Report Wo,2. Trudy Taub. NIIVS 502-76162. (MIRA 16:10) (SHIGELLA,) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) KREYFETSp L*B*; LEYTMAN, Me; KUZ,'MIHOVAt MoLej SALMIN, L.V.; SLAVINAp A*M*; ZHDANOVAI L.De; PUTNEVA, O.G,p- KOTENWg L.I.; GINZBUR09 G.M.; VARBANOVA, Te.1a.j MELINIK9 Ye.Tu. Studies on the epidemiological effectiveness of alcohol corpuscular and chemical sorbel typhoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines, Zhur. mikrobiol,, epid. i immin. 33 no.7: 53-59 J1 162. (KMA 17: 1) 1. Is Hookovakogo instituta vaktain i eyvorotok imeni Mechnikova, i Tashkentskogo instituts. vaktain i syvorotok. KMYFETSY L.B.; SALMIN, L.V.; LEYTMAN, M.Zd#&'*OVA U Ij M. L. VASILIYEVA, A.V.; GALIPERIN, I.P. r 'M A, L.D. PLETNEVA, O.G.; VARSANOVA, Ye.Ya.; GINZBURG, G.M.; GLYAZER, N.G.; MELINIK, Ye.Yu. Comparative evaluation of typhoid fever vaccine prepared by various methods, materials from an epidemiological experiment in 1961. Zhur. mikrdbiol., epid. i Imm. 41 no. 200-76 F 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moskovskly institut vaktain-i syvorotok imeni Mischnikova, Tashkentskiy institut vaktain i syvorotok i Ashkhabadskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. KHEIFETS,, L.Be; SAWN, L.V,; IE7THANp M.Z.; K117~TKINGVA, M.L.; VASILIIWA, A.V's; SLAVBAp L.M.; IEVINA,, L.Aq Prinimli ucbaetiye: PAYLOVA., Ye.A.; ANTONUVAI, I.A.; FLETNEVA, O.G.-,ABDIgAMATOV., M.A.; GkLIFMINp I*P,; NOMOVAl V.I.; ADUYUAj NOJO 6,emparative evaluation of the reactogenicity and effectiveness of vaccines intended for the prevention of typhoid fever and pars, typhoid fever DI basic materials of the spidoiciological experizent, in 1962. Uwe vUrobiol,p opid, i immun, 42 no.7%5&.64 JI 165, (MMA 18t11) I., Mookovokiy institut vaktsin i oyvorotok imeni Machnikova (for Favlova, Antonam). 2. Taahkentskiy institut vaktoin i syraretak (for P"tneva, Abdusamatov). 3. Ashkhabadskiy institmt, spidemic2ogii, mikrobiologii i gigiyany (for Gallperin, Newtsova). Gcw1kovskiy institut epidemlologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyorq or Aduyeva). t KUZIMINOU, W., inzh. Mechanical car retarders. Zhel. dor. transp. no-3:89-91 147. (MRA 13:2) (Railroado-Hum yards) KUZIMS:, L.P.; ZHITMSKIIv Rjio, Problem of benign chandroblastama of the bonea qrtopotravzi protez. 21 uo*6874F-76 Je 160a (KRA 13al2) (BMW-TUMORS) KUZMINSKA, Alina; KUZMINSKI, Roman Use of opasmodex in labor. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.14:519-521 5 Ap 165. le Z I Kliniki Polunictwa i Chorob Koblecych AM w Gdanaku (Kierowniks pror. dr. mad, Stefan Metler). yr. i.oro,--ci-o. A varc oa:7(: of 'lill-t-Cl. Pjj,.y.jIljtjoTj of l9r~3, F/0' -91 3 An acti~.e sport~,i~mn of 2h had for the last lmlf :.,clr !-.a0 a'Icac-s of Flittcr-filnrilla- tion Of n'no_~t 1111ra,~' nr 1,er- oftcia, a~tcr ~:~,vcl:-- . The at- ion, occurri .1 tacl-s ---cared 3 til,ler iinder Iiosnital ob:_-tn-,ra!.J.on 1:~ si-.Ilar condi'Lionc. T*ne Pa- 4 J' c n t ar: lrnvl~A.vv nnd hwl mar,7 and nez-:1onal -rn1L-lict.-:.c ~,%Ith tcrc1cly-Y 10 i.nCreasek! cor. fi 771-f7d (~Iinical and T_IWI c:.-arInation re-calrc! no c~anlar Icniont. "cit! i~!:y sical C_-art nor nlch as a0rcnalinc, cr-en, :70rv--nr nr provo!:r, flhc 11, The fl".,~Ory"rr ~r follm,,-.: `ic,'Lors nct~nr or. the cortc_-- nro-vol-c its discmii-Ii r-77, lca,'inr7 to .'I- of ~'-c apr! cir The 'rc-,,,icnc.-,- of Lhr? attncl~[; I,- Cue Lo thr: f7'roor-r rmnf.J.on. to BORON, Piotr; FARM, Jerzy; KOWAISKI, Edward; IMMINSKA, Dorota; MAE, Stanislaw; GRADMI, Janusz; LAMSZ, J. Distomiasis of the lungs. Folski tygod.lak.11 no-5:197-207 30 Wan 56. 1.Z Oddzialu Wewnstrznego Szpitala POK W Korei; kieroynik oddzialu; dyr.Szpitala w r.1953 dr med.W.'Wiechno; w.r.1954 dr medeJ.Oi3zackI).W&rsz&v&, Instytut Hematologfi, Chocimaks. 5. (DISTOMIASIS lungs) (LUNGS, dis. distomiasis) MKINSKA, Dorota (Warozawag Plac ZDnsyturji 3 m. 23.) --~~:Owtment of anemia with cobaltous chloride, PolRki tygod. lek. 13 no#36: 1384-1388 8 Sept 58. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewn. Gentralnego Szpitala MON; kierownik: prof. dr. med. M. Nedra. (ANSMU, ther. cobaltouB chloride (Pol)) (GOBAIM, ther. use cobaltoua chloride in anemia (Pol)) DAVIDOWICZ# Alsksander; XMINSKA, Dorota; KONOPKAo Krzyeztof A came of com In a women with Glinek-i-Sheehan syndrome. Polaki tygod.lek. 15 no.30:1157-1160 25 Jl 160. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob W*wnotrznych 2 Centralnego SzpItala KlInican,ago W.A.K. w Waresavis; kierovnik anukowy: doc dr mad. (PITUITARY GLAND d1s) (COVA stiol) Yl KUZMINSXA, Dorota; CZAPLICKI, Sy1weeter Congenital heart block (considerations on a case). Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.4:143-149 23 J& 161. 1. Z Oddsialu Chorob Yownstrsnych 2 Centraluago Sspitala Kliniesnego W.A.M. Poleki tygod.lek, 16 no.4:145-149 23 A 161. (EMT BLOCK case reports) GIETKA, Jan; KUZMINSKAj Dorota Goiter the to butazolidin. Wiads Isk, 18 no.10:857-860 15 My 165. 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Chrorb Wewnstr2nych 2. Centralnego S2pitala Kliniki WoJakowej AM (Kierowniki prof. dr. med. S. Bober). .05 IT P w V.-I 'V"tt~ 4~Q 0-*J~10,-, x wa he Duda, A, 'u t 1 061 t o, but (Ro"s. tL34 . eect on ap'lled Utti an I?qdlitn .,j toso t Vi"Ica qn jow'~ d tio I a ot 84, U.-O prvra i (tz!!j.SO4. t for PU tun no- than %hlLt Oi 1411, coam- OLLoLD. =1 61 Tnov, TAVA " 1,11 &a In WS ons 0l VIA, on L. Collemboles. Wszecbmdat no-3:73 Mr 163. KUZMINSKA, Marla, inz. Drying process of walls ill htitldirig3 of sjAg concrete blocks. Inst tech bud biul inf no.17:46-52 164, 1, Department of 'Mermal Physics of the Institute of Civil EngJneering, Warsaw. I TA, G , kand-980grOf-Muk: mKoLoy, G.T., red.: DUIMO, Met to red. - Krasnodar# Krasnodarskoe knishnOO [Black Sea] MOMS mOr6a (mM 14:4) izd-vo, 1960 56 % ZBUck .) M---ZZ "'I IOXA Wave reflection in the port of Klaipeda. Meteor. i --idrol. no.3: 32039 I-Tr 161. (Klaipeda-Waves) (11111 14;2) KUZININSKAYA, G.G. Use of stereophotography to study waves in the water of a port. Okeanologiia 2 no.5003-906 162. OURA 15311) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskaya stantsiya Gosudarstvennogo institute, po proyektirovaniyu morskikh portov i sudaremontnykh predpriyatiy, Sochi. (Sochi-Vaves) (Photography, Stereoscopic) .KUZIMINSKAYA.. G.G. Taking refraction into account in determining the length of waves in shallow water. Meteor. i gidrol. no.9t45-47 8 '62. (KRA 15:8) 1. Sochinakaya nauchno-ianledovatellakaya stantsiya SoyusnornUproyekta, (waves) KUZIMINSKAYA, G.G.; LOGIROV, V.N. Transverse spreading of wave energy. Okeanologlia 4 no.6:987-993 ,64. (MIRA 18:2) 1, Nauchno-issledovatellskaVa stantPiYa Gosudarstvennogo proyektno- konstruktorskogo i nauchno-issledoatellskogo instituta morskcg3 transporta Ministerstva morskogo flota SSSR, Sochi. GrigoEsyevnap'kand. geOgr- nauk; LOTY-MEV, IKUZIMINSKAYA -GII~Iirl -!U-~~- . re . .0 i(rasnodar, Krasnodarskoe [Black Seal Chernoe more. (MIRA 19 :1) knizhnoe izd-vo, 1965. 92 P. \1 ACC NRt AUTHOR: Kuz'minskaya, G. G. (Candidate of geographical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of deformation of sea wave spectrum in shallow water SOURCE: Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy I nauchno-iseledovatel'- skiy institut morskogo transports. Trudy, no. 8(14), 1965. Volnovyye iseledovaniya; inzhenernyys izyskaniya (Wave studies; engineering research), 72-87 TOPIC TAGS: ocean lb-- spectrum analysis, ocean dynamics ABSTRACTs Deformation of sea wave energy spectrum in shallow water is calculated. The sea wave energy spectrum in deep water Is found as a function of the number of its components and directions of their propagation. Deformation through reflection and refraction of each deep water component when it enters shallow water in ports and bays is found; the number of such components requiring consideration in order to obtain a reasonably accurate solution in also found, Calculations of wave heights in coastal zones, on the basis of spectrum theory, can be made by considering only the unidimensional sea wave directional spectrum. The unidimensional directional spectrum is deformed in shallow water so that, in the vicinity of'the shore, the- spectrum-transforms into a single wave system. Orig. art. hast 21 formulas, 7 Card .1/2 LL --- I ..- . ~ - ~ - , . - %I,--,, f, .- ~!, "I- . . - - . LT-~ - , i .".7 , . .: ~ I - - --- - - - m I M I ACC NR1 AT602880 SOURCE CODEi UR/3222/65/000/008/008710100 AUTHOR,. Kuzlminakaya, G. G.~ (Candidate of geographical sciences) ORG., none TITLE: Study of wave damping,under the influence of barrier structures in ports by .'.considering the spectrum, SOURCE: Moscow. Gosudarstvannyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy i nauchno-inal"dovatell- skiy institut morskogo tranoporta. Trudy, no. 8(14), 1965. Volnovyya isoledovaniyal inzhenernyye izyskaniya (Wave studies; engineering research), 87-100 TOPIC TACS: ocean wave, spectrum analysis, ocean dynamics ABSTRACT: Diffraction of sea waves due to single wavebreakers is calculated by taking the incident wave spectrum into.consideration. The following types of im- penetrable wavebreakers are considered: a vertical wall, a roughly constructed wall from solid blocks, and two single walls representing a port entrance. By considering the actual incident wave spectrum the diffraction coefficient is increased, in some cases, by 25 to 30% from that for a single incident wave system. Consideration of the incident spectrum increases the diffraction coefficient in t`e wave shadow region, 1.5 to L5 times for wave Incidence angles greater than 90'.. For the case of two wavebreakers, representing a port entrance, consideration of the incident vave spectrum decreases the diffraction coefficient by 20 to 352 along the tsain beam of 'ard 1/2 I -- - --.- KONIKOVAP G.S.;_k1!~IMMSKAYA, G.N. Cholesterol metabolism in experim-ital poisoning with sod7lum fluoride. Fam. I toks. 28 no.6:71+1-742 N-D 165. (141RA 19:1) 1. Kliniko-W-khImicheskaya i patofiziologicheskava 2abor-atoriya (rukovoditp"i - kand. mod. nauk A.V.Shchaglovu I Mi. I.Abravova) kllniches~,ogo otdela (nikovodit.-.11 - doktor med. nauk L.N. Gratsianskava) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellnkogo instituta gigiyerty truda I profesn Iona 1. t nykh zal)oLovanly. L 22582-66 ACC NRt AP60 38377 SOURCE CODE AUTHORt Babmindra, Ve P4 ORGI I4boratoq'of Morphology, /hWed by Active member ----765105910051 UR76219 0110/0213 4-4- AN SSM, Professor No, Go ioted by Academician Vok H. Chernigove AN-W= (Laboratoriya-morfologii Instituts, fitiologii AN SSSR); atory of PathopiWsiology /boaded by Zhe I, Abramm/, Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Disommos (Laboratorlya patofitiologii InstitiFA glglyerW truda I proftabolevanly) TnUs State Of the perloellmUr AMrattis of appathatic pnglia under conditions of cbronic load poisoning SOURCEs Byulletant eltaparimentaltnoy biologii I meditsiny, ve 59, no. 5, 1965 110-U3 TOPIC TAGSt rabbitj, autonomic nervous system, pathologyt neuron, lead compound, poison, toodoology ABSTRACTS 1he pathologi6ail--aiangis In'ihe pericellular apparatus of sympa" ,'thetit giftlia of rabbits to which a 10% solution of lead acetate was,given per os in doses of 0.025 S/kg per day for one month or 2 months were Investift. gateds 'in morphological investigations carried out for 6 monthat it was established that degenerative changes In the synapses of sympathetic ganglia developed which were most pronounced within 2-3 months after the beginning of the experiments, Deterioration of presynaptic: sections of preganglionic Cc It UDG: 61~*739.i~-099-oj6.2n.02:6:L6.8i~.p4l84?1 L 27589-66 ACC NRa AP6018377 fibers was observeds. Ibis daterforation*wao sometimes complete; it was thanT. the growth of now fibers and restoration of synapses in this manner*, the deterioration and restoration of the fibers resembled those PS- "Mitch had' occurring a tar tr'aumatic njdry, Ihe__ to -i~thiie-6yna not lost the connection with the neuroas was accompanied by an enlargement of the terminal (synaptic) endings* The enlarged endings presumably took- :over the functions of completely destroyed synapses# This type of damage was reversibles the hypertrophy of the endings gradually disappeared during the pqriod of recoverye The degree of deterioration and capacity ,Ior restoration of endings~dspanded on the stage of.,the pethologkifilj In which tAs connection ul th the ncurOn was. 1084," This paper was presenW b7 Academician V6 No Chernigovskiy* Orige art* has, 3 fivn-asw fAlftis SUB CODS v.06 SUBM DATE 23"3 'CRIG PZFS ~006 OTH REFi 003 Corti R/2- KUZ I KINSKAYA, G,X, - Afferent inurration6f the alimentary t"ot In the carp (vith ounmry in 3kglishl. Test. IOU 13 no.9t?7-72 158; .0 (KIRA AtQ (ALDUMMAV CIANAL-INgIVATIOW) (CARP) ABRAMOVA, Zh.I.1 KUZ.'MINSKAYAR G.N. Some featurea of the picture of bead polooning in ratis subjected to radiation injury, Mod. rad. 5 no -12l80-81 ,6o. (NaPA 14t3) (RLDIATION SICXKESS) iLEAD POISONING) KUZIMINSKAYA, --- G.N. (Leningrad) ExPerimental atheroscl~losis in lead poisening. Arkh. pat. 26 no.912l-24 164. NIRA 1824) a. FatofiziologichOBkaya laboratorlya (zav. - Zh.I.Abramova) klinicheskogo otdela (zav. -- Prof. M.A.Rnvriatskly [deceased)) Laningradskogo nauchnc-ls8lpdovat.-IIskogu "I-StIltu ta giglyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevrjniy (dir. - Prof., Z.E.Grlgorlyev). L 11236..!6 CMIOKM AP3OOl050--_--_, -------A'UTHDRS -K=!mins!~~ 71=s Change In sorption properties of certain cells and tissues in white mice exposed to total X-ray irradiation SOU=-. Radiabiologiya, ve 3$p..noo 3.p 34-344 TOPIC TAGSg sorptionp X-ray irradiationv erythrocytes, reticulocytesp granule formation ABSTRACTs Ionizing radiation can produce a nonapecific reaction in tissues- caused by-denaUration. change3 in the pro-teinse One of the manifestations of this reac- tion is a change Vi the capacity of the proteins to be stained with dyes* The pur- pose of this sitndy was to make a test tube investigation of the sorption capacity and granulation formation of different tissues in white mice In relation to vital dyes in the first days after total mcpoaureo Tissues of radiosensitive organs (spleen., 1yaphatic nodes,, and testis) as well as radioresistant muscular tissue were cho3en for investigations A suspension of erythrocytes convenient for quantita- tive cel.1 count and capable of depasiting granules was used to observe the granula- tion formation* Experiments were conducted on adult male mice exposed to a single Card V2 t 11236-63 ACMIGN MRs AP30MO58 total radiation Of 900~re. Tor'& vviek afterArradiation blood analyses were made every 24 hrff. to determine the uumber of erythrocyt4s, retioulacytes,. and arythro- cytes with granules of vital dye* Then the animals were decapitated and the sorp- tion capacity of corresponding tissues was determinede Results are summarized in tables 3: and 2s During the first six days after single total exposure of 900 r the phenol red sorption capacity of the radiosensitive organs increases and no change is observed in the radioresistant muscular tissues The number of erythrocytes capable of depositing granules- of r4rl dye and the number of reticulocytes sharply decreases. Faster disappearance of erythrqey~es vith gra:aules from the blood indicates that an erythrocyte count is a more senshlie method of investigating reticulocytes than reticulocyte counts in blood smears, Origo arts hass 2 tables* ASSOCIATIONs Cloanduvtvany~-bar-difto-isel-edovateltakiy institut gigiyeM* trada i proftabolevaniyp Leningrad (StAte Scientific Research Institute of Industrial =ene and-ftempational Mae"") DATZ ACWt MJuI63 MIOU 00 SUB CMEt 00 NO RZF SOYs OU Orms 003 Card 2/2 BABMINDRA, V.P.I__Lql NSWAO G.N. State of perioel-lular apparatui cf Vmpathatic ganglia under conditions of chronic lead poLeonlng. Blul.iksp.bioL i mod. 59 noo5ilIO-113 t65* (NIRA 18:11) 1. Laboraboriya morfoR-g!4 (zav. - eblerr-korrespandent AN SSSR prof, N.G.Kolosav) Inatituta fiziologii imeni I.P.Pavlova (direktor - alademik Y.N.Chern1gavokly) AN SSSR i laboratoriya patofiziologii (zav. MI.Abramicrva) Instituta gigiyenr truda i pror-zabolevaniy. Submitted November 23, 1963. 1080V, S.D., prof.; LAMODO, K.S.,; KUZIKMKLYA, G.Ta.; MOLAYEVSM, G.P.; 17MIS, F.G.; VIJMZEW1, -1.Sr-' K4GANoviCH, N.L, ZHUKOVA, L#D*; MILINMI B,Io.I OSHEROVICHp A.M. PILATSKAYAp Te.P, Minical epidemiological obaraoteristies of certain viral infectims in obildren's iwtitutions. Pediatriia, 39 no-426-13 Ap 1619 (K[RA 14:4) le Is otdals, detakikh infektaii (zav. - prof. S*D. Noaor) Thatituta, pediatrii AMN SSSR i epidemiologiobookogo otdola, (save - BOA. SamVelova) Moskovskoy gorodolcoy sanitarno-epidemiologichookoy atantaiis (VIRUS DISEASES) KRIVO,LUTSKIY,, A.Ye.; IC-1,1111) V.Y.; Prinima-U.uahastlys: VOSMESViSKIY, S-S-; SKORY.YA'.OVA., L.A.; KRIMIRSKAYA.. K.S. Geographical zonality of principal exogenous processes. 7hizn, Um. =.1185-90(pl6l. (MIIIA 15:6) hysical, geography) BOGUSLAVSKIY, P.S., inshener; KUZIMINSKATA, M-V.. inzhener. v ---- M ~l~ wn" Instrument for testing wattmeters on high-frequency alternating current. Vest,olektroprom. 27 no.6163-65 Je 156. (HLRA 10:8) l.Hauchno-iseledovatellskly institut Mininterstya alektro- takhnicheskoy pronyahlennosti. (Wattvieter-Tenting) J,Y. I -Mz qa-,,SYAYA-,R-. -A:-.-- - -- - - -.. PA 61/49T53 LIKHT, M.K.; NUZIMBSKAYA S.B. Solidification of binar7 alloys in the temperature range, Fiz.-.met.imetalloved. 11 no.6t878-882 Je 161. (MMA 14:6) 1. Giprostall, KharIkov. (Alloys-Thermal properties) (Solidification) ZHITOMIRSKIY, I.S.; KUZIMINSKAYA S.B. Moot of a cooled wall on the temperature of the charge and a gas moving in the counterflowe Insh, -fiz, zhar. 5 no*W-.89-92-0 162. O&A 15,12) 16 GosudarstvenM in~titut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy po proizvodatyu stali., g.'Khartkov. (Blast furnaces) T. F'JZ'IqINSKAYAp T. F. a Ra ' nvestlf;ati,n of tb,4 w ~'atdri4l for the Gr,),It.,, Ind,,,t. LL . =R Ila c'jR* I'Visaw T5ohmlogical Inst ry"' 1!1" 111,1h,r Education (Dissertstion for the De, solw f th,-^ Food indll,t,,. p I,)+955. Of Candldz,ta in T"chnical Scia.... No I Knizhnaya Letc)pisr , 1956, 102-122, 124 -KUZIMINS]rAU- T,F. livestigating physical properties of the grain of sons barley varistiese Ixv#vys~uahsbezav.;pishohtekh. no.5:17-!22 '58. (KWA M12) 1. Vaesoy=My saoohnyy inatitut pishchavoy promyehlennosti, kafedra nsorganicheskoy khtati. (Barley-Varieties) Ktr-'Mllr.KATA, T.F. ChAMICal MPOGitlon of Rome varintion of barloy need nf the 1952-1951 harvent. lzv.vys.lzchnb.9av.; no.6: ~0-21~ 15B. (14TRA 12:5) 1. VaesoyucrWy gaacbW Inatituh Kafn4ra neorganicheskoy Ichiml) (Barley-knalyals) pishchivoy proMrablennosti, KUZIHINSKAYA. T.F. Toohnological dharaoteriatics of the grain of some barley varieties as raw mat*W for the groats industry. Izv.vy",,- uchob.sav.; pislich.tekh. no.1:16-21 163. (KMA 160) 1, Vaeaoyuznyy saochnyy institut pishchavoy promyahlennosti, kafedra neorganicheakoyAldmii. (Barley)' KlrZ'NINS-KAYA T A, Yu.s. lnhibiting effect of alOaOls and Phenols on the oxidation reRction of Sodium Sul L Vs. ucheb. f!te with atmoapher!c oxyg za,v.; khim. -i khlm. t en, l2v lkh- 8 no.1:163-166 16;. k3'a*feVd8r8aBOYl'z?'YY ~,aochnyy ins!-,!tut pi shchevoy promyshlennosti, KPA 18,-6) khimij. SHAMRAY, Yo.F.; VERkNUTSKIY. N.S.; XUZIMINSKAYA, U.A.; NIXONOVA, V.A. The eff act of a vitamin P p7e-pAr,~Cro-nfr~m`-'the dog rose on the endurance of animals In a rnrified atmosphere [with summary in English). 4 no.2:120-124 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Knfadra biokhimii Kiyovskogo meditainakogo Inatituta. (VITAMIN P, piap. from wild rose hips, off. on endurAnce of mice & rats to high altitude (Rua) (ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE, low pressure andurnnee of mice & rats, off. of vitamin P from wild rose hips (Rue) (ALTITUDE, high altitude endurance of mice & rats, off. of vitamin P from wild rose hips (RuR) (PLANTS, wild rose hips containing vitamin P, prop. & off. on endurance of mice & rate to high altitude (Run) KUZIHINSEkYA, U.A., Effect of large doses of body with ascorbic maid. 1. Kafedra biokhimit (zav* vitamin A on the saturation of the Vrach.delo no-3:259-261 Mr 159 (MM 12:6) - prof*TesF*6hamrny) Kiyevskogo meditainskogo Inetituta. (VITAHIM-A) (ASCORBIC ACID) (HTMVITAIUNOSIS) SHAMRAys-Ye.F-.; WIMUTSMY, KUZj.MIS P--~~KAYA U. A. Z. 1. ~'IIKOIOVA., V.A.; SPILIOTI, Chemical and functional -relationshipa Of Vitamin C and vitam P-like aubstances, Vit, res,.i ikh 6p, no.4:30-40 '59. (MM 14,12) 1. ~iYsvl3kiv m8ditsinskiy institut. i~. (VITAMINS-P) (ASCORBIC ACID) BUSIMMINA, Z.I.- T&HKHRATSKIY, N.Si; KONSTANTRIOUdY, G.A.j KWTYUA'-, L.V.; KUZIMIIISkAYA, U.A.; KULICIII SXIY, K,I.; MIL'OKO, V.I.j Fia)LIKIS, V.V. Ileurobumoral, regulation of the cardiovascular system in experimental arteriosclerosis. Vrach. delo no.1:3-3-1 Ja 162. (~i!RA 15:2) 1. Institut, gerontologii i eksperimentallnoy patologii AVII SS'SK, Kiyevskiy meditainakiy institut. (ARTERIOSCELROSIS) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYST91) (REFISM)