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. -1 z , -. -c5f,, ~ -*.'F.- ~z : " - I . - . .. - I .- -Ili.~ ~. I- --, --l- - - 'a4M~ -z-,ftlitrF ~fl, TERSKIKH9 V.I.; CHERNUKHAq Yu.G.; KOKOVIN, I.L.; KUZI 4INAt R.M.; FRUDNIKOVI , M.N.;'SOPINAO A.M.; ZABEGINA, F.T. Regional. epidemiology of leptospiroses in Smolensk Provineb. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immm. 31 no.7:123-127 J1 160. (MIHA,"2349) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. GaAalei MIN SSSR i Smolenskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantaii, (SMOLENSK PROVINCE-LEPTOSPIROSIS) CHAZOVA, L.A.; CHERD' GLAZKOV, Ye.N.;_Klj~~IINA, RITSEII, 1. Ye. Combined systems for dressing copper-bis=th ores of Central Asia. Izv. AN Ut. SSR. Ser. tekh. nau!- 9 no. 614C-C. 165 (MIRA 19tl) 1. Sredazniprotsvetmet. SuIvitted May 20, 1965. .1owentov dlya lye p0 primem "konetruktalonnykh I Soveshchan ly,, IthesslUb ovcyot Uluchfib" spetat" nykh GtAleY I :pl%voV I, trudy wusshdUffI401 - stallakh I SPI&v&k RodkOZORal,'"Y" a"am"ty v .11 Is and Alloys; ?rmna"tlona of a (Rare I rtb S2..mnts Tn - teO a To Improve the PhYsl- clgl 31419 On the Use of " Earth M10ment, and Spa, t 1 9 conform 0 Ical PrOPA tle, of Structure 2116 Y. rre a I Cal amw w- goaco.. pt-tL1ur9tzdAt- 1959. and AIJA'761-2 Inserted. 3.1-50 top'&& Printed' A. L. OxeratskAY111 rutitshl-a FOUS f PmLhogtn* Ed. 0 A - . YSV&. Zd.1 Tach. Md.,P. 0. Islent technicians and d - and nonferrous Mass book is intended for "ZID04r d In th. metallurgy of heavy Palms educmtt0r-4'1 lats engage f acleat and a, be Used by students of higher the metallurgical Scie,44 Is i n meta . speciall'ing nowle. UbO a" the" metals L;v ; ad uses Of set gat'n :4: *a gat one a earth f r I'm ~ components In steels am alloys. The innuen 1:: o roving the technical PrOPQrt or 8;~.Ctuzml, in lm additives p fire-replatant and other steals and alloys is also described. h via-go. tablAs and references (mostly Soviet) ace ompany eac no personalities are mentioned. article. 4.7. -CAnd I"fif -or Sciences. Iftstltut mInsro- - agil, gookUlmidl 1 irristallw- . i rtdklkt% olementay, AN B33R 11natItuto for KIr4ralog7, Goochastatry and Cbesic&I Crystallm- Vsoyor Barst Mairth gle=cnt&,AS =H). The State of Rare KartTs - o to o dl t (4 cc r n n Production and t1l Trend In Its Developmen ng. Soviet Utorstur. 5 Tarealchow T V Rnstnear. Candidate of Chemical Sciencesj Nothods of Do- r, gArrms in St4*28 26 3&vlt2kAZ-Xa.JL, Doctor or chemical 3clances.4 V_P Tqrskhova. UW"tm of Technical Sclenctes and V__&_T& 0T. A = investigation or the ftysicochemical Interaction or Mr. h Metals With Irva and Steel 31 .ResnIkova. S. Tn. . In.-Ineari Iffect of Rare Martha an the Sulfuri-add-Oxygen Contents of Holton Steel and the State of Sulfur In Sol" Steel 50 Kultygin-1-2- Raciness- Dependency or the mechanical -ftoparrtlas of Structural Steel 37MX3A an Reducing Agents and Methods of Utractlon T? Oulyayev, IL J%_, Doctor of Technical Sciences; 1. A. Shapranov. . X. Ka&nltskty, Candiditi- w! Technical 3clonces; and:zIL;MR,~,6~a. XnX1n*:r- Ion a ftopftuenc: of Rare Martha on the Crys Iltzation Me of cut St"l 92 'Urbol0skayar-To. D_ Zngln*erl L-T._;aakove Znglneorj and A-ro.-Skslabalkow, Doctor of Technical Bclances~ Tn* Iffect of Cerlum Addltlvom an the J'rCpertl&2 of Cr-AI-K4 Steel for Shaped Stool C"tlM lie Candidate or Technical Sclances, and 0. D. Zhlzhaktna. lngineer, The Effect or Cerium on the Struct'. po and Propertles or Cast ar.: Ported Steel 130 Cmnd1dato of Technical Sciences. and Q_ .-tstukhor.-Cand1dats or Technical Sciences. Study of the Zrfect of Rare tarths on the PhyaltomachanIcal ftroNr- ties of Cr-Ml-Mo Steel 155 StudnLts, M. A.. Cand1date of T&chntesl Solancosi - TU.- K.-Konovj Znginwers and A. 1. Sokoltkov, Ugineer, The Influence or Par* garths an the Nature or rr&aturo and the Stractw" and troportles of Steel 183 Dantlova. 0. F.. Cand1date of Technical SeIsn**sj -tssm. Doctor of Technical Salencess N.Y. .~O;Aavko, - Candldato of Toct&alcal 3clences. Additives ror We 14 tne Titanium Allays 196 loffe# V, N. , candleate or Technical Sciences. and T.M. burow. :h6In0*r* lioctrochomical Nothod of Producing Risen metal-* - i %snessum Allo" for Modified cast iron 204 Ism L. P.. Candldat* of Technical 3clances; L.N. ShISIdIna. 21gI"rj &W 0. 9. Su4akova. The ProblosS of C&UV4X L no Plsstlcltv~ of Xh23NIS-T"o Steel at 111ith Tanworature and ZA'YEVJ, N.Ye., inzh.; KUZIMINA, R.P., inzb. Some properties of charged solid dielectrics. Elektrotekhniks, 36 no-4:41-43 Ap 165. (MIRA 18;5) KUZIKIKA, Rita Favlovna; ZTUZMOV, I.?., red. 1 ATRO&^VMO, L.Ya., [Lighter then cork. stronger then mtal; plastic materials and their uses] Legahe probki, prochnes metallal plastmemy I ikh primenents. Moskva, !zd-vo Mkanie,' 1960. Vessoiusnos obehohastvo po rasproutrananiiu politicheakikh i nauohnykh snanii. Ser.10. Molodeshnaia, no.3). 31 pe (HMA 13:4) (Plastics) KUVAYEV, N.N... kand.tekhn.nauk; KRIMP14 R.V., inzh.; MOZERERINt V.M., inzh. :-~ Stability of pit edgeR at the Central Mining and Ore Dressing Combine. Gor.zhur. no.12t8-9 D '63. (MIRA 17:3) 1. KrIvorozhskiy opornyy p-ankt Vuesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatells- kogo marksheyderskogo instituta. KUVAYEVP N.N.p kand. tekhn. nauk; KUZIMINA, R.V. Insuring the stability of strip mine slopes at the Southern Mining and Ore Dressing Combine. Met. i gornorud. prom. no*lt49-50 Ja-F 165.. (MIRA 18s3) 11 - I % M-A~- ~ - 112~, "UZ h . (Noveorod). First lessons in geometry. Mat.v shkole no.5:88-91 S-0 '57. (Geometz7--Study nnd teaching) (MUtA 10: 9) XMININA, S.A. (Novgorod). lxperience in working with the now geometry textbook In grade 6. Mat. v shkele no 6:47-52 N-D '58. (KM 11:12) ZGesmetry-Study and teaching) OVIIIIIIA, S. ~ IMKIY, I. S. ~ _P Test problems for the geometry course in the 6thgade. Mat.v shkole no.4:44-51 Jl-Ag 159- (MIRA 12:11) (Geometry--Problems, Ixercises, etc.) KUZIHINA~ Sarafime AlLekicsoyevna; MISOV, A.I., red.; GWIKOV, G.G., red.; SUPOSUIKOVA, A.A., iiid.; NOVOS=VA, V.V. , Demonstrating theorems in the 6th grade geometry course] 0 doks- zatelletva teoreM T karse geometrii VI Kassa. Pod red. A.I. Fatisovs. Xoskva. Izd-vo Akad.pedagog.nauk RMSR, 1960. 49 p. (NM 13:12) (Geometry-Study and teaching) NEDZVETSKIY, S.V.1 KUZININA, S.N. strueture of lipoproteins of the gray matter of animal brain. Biokhimiia 25 no.23251-254 Mr-Ap 160. KU 34t 5) L Kafedri biologichooko3r khimfi singkogo inatitutap Leningrad. (LIPOPRMEINS) Sanitarno-glgip~icheskogo medit- (BRAIN) KUZIMINA, S.N. Structure of a 11poprotsin in the white substance of the brdin of animals. Vop. med. khim. 8 no.3:238-241 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 1537) 1. Kafedra, biakhimii laning-radskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo instituta. (BUIN) (LIPOPROTEINS) DAVYDOV, YU.P.; POKROVSKIYO G.V.1 KONDRATIYEVA, N.D.; Prinimali uchastiye: KWHICHEVp M.D.; LOMOHOSOVA, A.A.; P;kIMINA. S,P. Mechanieal properties and the forgeability of alloys of the system aluminum - magnesium. Alium. splavy no-3:285-299 164- Forgeability of peened magnalium-type alloys. Ibid..300-312 (MIRA 17:6) (b) S- Pecutt"Wes at the Radtatto-trAmccd ralytocrization of At"y1cole I 3 VAGolVansk I/ TIP: kinctics'af the tradlidervind.; -Onitlattd by 1.5 %1eV electrom) of phertylaWylene~ Mlokxylacelylene and kilne wtm studied. Eiperinients relating to the radiation-Induccd polyawrization or tol4ma ahd p-dietherrylbmene wem atto carried out. The polyrnerizaiian *so carried our xt temporatumi from -196 to+59*C In bulk and In sofutions. The fate ol'polyrricrization wAs found to be proportional to the Inic-ify, Indic-tinx a rnonc-tccut- wminalkm rrocc%% Radical Inhibilon (bmtoquinormt, %:hIut3nwI) in the liquid ph33C did not affcct the rate of the t3dintion-Induced polynterliallon. not: O%Ycen Otn Occele.t'd the polyrnrizatiort or phemylacetyttoo. 'the cmrgy or activation or the radiation-Indwed POI)Tnerization of acclykne darivativ" "s 7M-IODO cril/Mole. It k not Possibld to CxPlalm the mulls obtained Cm the bills of an Ionic mechanism of poly. Tritrizalf(st: til. It was found that the ipolyrncriallon of phcrtylacetylcoe~ Initiated by bco~royf ;wm%kk. takes pbCc %ith an evergy of activation equal to %hat or the activation or inKition (L4000 callrook). Unlike m3ny Tdixlian- induced polyrocrilatiorts which are thought to have look mcchanhati, we do not observe any ch3nga of energy of activation over the rmlling-point region. ror the polyrnerintlon In solutions it was round that a considerable trams. rcr of energy tAkcs PUM frorn ft solvent (no"Ane. ethyl mootate) to the rnomonw. ftulmorf CW~ArW Pkytk,. A.A~y WJk-.1.6, USSR. of Ra"UM go& TAU. COW V"IlOnt44 01% t1o T- h 3 2L 0 S/844/62/000/000/077/129 D4234/D307 AUTHORS: Barkalov, I. M., Gol'danskiy, V. I., Dzantiyev, B. G. and Kuzlmina, S. S. TITLE:. Radiation polymerization of acetylenic hydrocarbons SOURCE: Trudy 11 Vsesoyuznogo-soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. 1". L'olak. Wosc.ow, I-.d-vo AN 306R9 1962, 455-459 TEXT: The reaction kinetics and the mechanism of polymerization of phenylacetylerie, hexene and cyclohoxylacetylene were studied, in both bulk and dissolved monomers, bet%qeen.+80 and -1960C, initiat- ing the polyi.,iorization by 1.5 Nev electrons. Por bulk polymeriza- tion, the yields increased proportionally to the dose of radiation, indicating the absence of inhibitors. Atmospheric oxygen incroased ~hc yield of the phenylacetylene polymer, b4t not thooe of hexene and cyolohexylacetylene, owing to the,absence,of the phenyl group in the latter 2 compounds. The rate of polymerization velocity (V) -i-e-directly proportional to the radiation intensity (I) and not to Card 112 J. S/844/62/000/000/077/129 Radiation polymerization ~fll ... D425/.~D307 TI as is typical for vinyl monomers. Cha-in.rupture is of a linear nature and is the most important feature of these reactions. The temperature dependence of V was relatively sliirl,t for all 3 mono- mere. Solutions in noriane a*nd ethylacetate w'ere also studied over a wide ran-e of conc-,ntratiorL- in all 3 monomers the yields of poly- mers diffe,,ed sharply from those expected. A theory for this differ- ence is proposed, oub8titqting the cl.early defined process of chain rupture by a single process of chain 'extinction' or 'damping', for which mathematical formulas are presented. This theory accounts for the low activation energy of radiation-induced polymerization of acetylenic hydrocarbons, ana also explains the absence of any in- hibiting action by oxygen. Mention is also made of the possibility of initiating the polymerization by peroxides. Ther2 ;re 3 figures and 1-table. ASSOCIATION: 1natitut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR) Card 2/2 5/190/63/005/003/014/024 B100203 ~AINHORS t Barkalovo- I. go# Golldanakiyo V. I.g Kotaval Lo Hog .7 -4yz Mina. TITLEt' R14diation polymerization of-aoetylene derivatives PERIODICALs -Vyeokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyap v- 5j no. 3, 19639 373-377 OP TEXT s I The radiatio polymerization.of hexyne-1, cyclohexyl dcetylenev and.- I ocityne-I up,~to 10-12~ degree of conversion was studied by a methoO describeii. earlier sokomolek. soyed., 2o,11031 iq6o). The results were co.:.,.)ared with thoee obtained.for phenyl acetylene. The rate of polymerization de- creases in the order phenyl acetylene>octyne>hexyne, cyolohexyl acetylenivg' and is proportional to thefirat degree of irradiation intensity, The polymer yield between.-196 and 000 is independent of the radiation dose. i Admission of oxygen does not inhibit the process. A reaction sequena6 is suggested which corresponds to the degradationalchain transfers k k k 2 (0) U --0--.). R M + R* RH + M*J M + R R* (2 3) R* + K* tf*r k k minat ion I U* + H* termination;,-(5) V+ R' -1+ terminationj where' Ca 1 2 rd- S/Iqq/63/005/003/014~024* Radiation-polymerization of... BIOI/B203 R.. olymer ra dical: M* rad type R-CgC*; M - monomer. Since CR6J1.4r. The structural and the photometric features off the 1'ebruary 15, 1961 corona are very much like those of Yebruary 25, 1952 and June 30, 1954 corona. There are 5 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCLITION: Kafedra astronomii i geode-ii Urallskogo gosudarstven- nogo univer3iteta (Department of Astronomy and Geodesy of the 'Ural State University) Card 2/2 ACC -NRt -AT7003-860-(AY---SOUITCE~-CODE-:- UR[3241/65/002/000/0116[0120' AUTHOR: Shubin, Ye. M. (Candidate of technical -sciences); Kuzlmina, V. A.; Shubina, L. N. ORG: none TITLE: Defining the production technology of cheese paste from buttermilk SOURCE: Krasnodar. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlen- nosti. Trudy, v. 2, 1965, 116-120 TOPIC TAGS: food technology, processed animal product, food product machinery ABSTRACT: On the basis of previous information and the results of laboratory tests, the Tikhoretsk cheese factory, which Is equipped with a special production line for condensed buttermilk milk products, started to produce experimentally cheese paste from condensed buttermilk. The results of this experiment are presen4d in detail in the original article. Tests verified and improved the com- position of the raw material for making cheese paste, the basic characteristics of LCS,4 1 / 2 XCC-w~ AT7003860 the finished product, the cooling conditions and the preservation qualities. The cheese paste produced was found to satisfy all requirements of quality and taste. The technical specifications instructions for manufacture and cost estimates for the cheese paste were determined and approved. The Tikhoretsk cheese factory, is presently -equipped with special machinery to produce condensed buttermilk products including cheese paste. The participation of the Scientific associate I. G. Lopatina and N. 1. Seredich in the study is acknowledged. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 4 tables. JGC] GARNISH, A.M.; SHAFRANSKIY, L.M.; DANILOVA, A.G.; -KUZ -'MINA, -V.A-; __ Prinimali uchasti"t ZVEZDINA, B.A.; ISHCHERIKOVA, G.A. I Obtaining a' roloin from a propane-propylene fraction. Nefteper. i neftakhim. o.10s26-28 163. (MM 17 s 2) 1. Novokuybyihevskiy filial Nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo instituta sinteticheakikh spirtov. OSLON, N.L.; KOKHMAN, L.V.; G1fFM.JRP1:1KAYA, i(.I.; BURGANOVA, V,%;,K*dZ1P.,INA, IIf-A, -.111. -, Investigating the effect of' Ingot metal denUty or, the quality of internal pipe surfaces made of 311Yh,15 steel. 3'tall 24 no.6029-530 Je 164. (MIRA 17%9) 1. Permskiy politekhnichaskly institnt I Pervourq-11skiy N(wotrubnyy zFtvod. Names MWIMLI&I Vera Dmitriyovna Dissortationt Dramaturgy and Theatrical art in Russian hmici- pal demeratic theaters of the 18th century (study and texts) Degroos Doc Milologioal Sei Affiliations L not indioateo Dofonso Date, Places 23 Nov 56, Council of Inst of World Litorature, imni Gortkiyj Acad Sci USSR Cortifioation Dates 23 Mar.57 Souraos BM W57 MUAMM, B.A.; KUZIKEFAj, V.G Fractional method of determining pyrophosphatea in a cyanide-free electrolyte for brus platinge Ka-uchA res. 21 no.4;49 Ap 162. 1. "vokiy zavod-'4'XrasW resirAohchik** (MM 1534) (Pyrophoaphatea) (Bra") GORSHKOV,( Pi.P,, nauchrjyy KOLYCiM', L.I.t nauchnyy s0tr.; KC)TOV, G.G., naucbrqysotr.; j~qZIMINA.-VJ.., naucbM7 -,Iotr-p* RMIYARTSEVA, A.V.s n&uchruy sotr.; =A, E.G., maucbm sotr.; cH=PKOVA, I.V.x nauebmyy sotr.; POTAMVP Kh-18-P red.; OVCH12jjIjKOV2 N.G.j red,; POIICKAREVA, A.A.) tekhn. red* (Raising the level of the development of collective farm opera- tion) Povyshanie urovnia razvitiia kolkhoznogo proizvodstva. I,Soskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 236 p. (HOA 15:2) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuzrory nauchno-i9sledovatel'skiy institut eko- nomiki sel'skogo khosjaystva. 2. Vseso~uznyy nauchno-i3sledova- tellskiy institut ekonomiki sel'skogo Ichozyaystva (for Gorsbkov, Kolychev,. Kotoy, Rmyantseva, Selina, Cherepkova, Kuzlmina), (Farm management) V *.8/123/62/000/023/OC4/OCS Aoo4A'101. AUTHORS: Sviderskaya, Z. A. Barsukova, T. A., Kuz'mina, V. I., Bochvar, N.H. TITLE; The properties or aluminum alloys containing lithium PERIODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, MashinoBtroyeniye, no. 23, 1962, 17, abstract 23A122 (In collection: "Issled. splavov ta;vetn. metallov". 3. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1962,75 - 85) TEXT: The authors present the results of investigating the.effect of Li- additions (2 - 3%) on the properties of binary, ternary and more complex aluminum alloys. It is shown that, if the Li-concentration la 2 - 3%, the strength characteristics of Al-Cu-Li alloys decrease with a simultaneous drop of elongation. The addition of Mn to these alloy& Increases both the strength and the elongation. Alloys containing Mn possess best properties at elevated temper- atures. Thus the long-lif e strength c-100 of Al-alloys containing 4% Cu, 2% Li and 0.6% Mn amoitnts to 13 kg/m2 at 250~C. There are 18 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 SVIDERSKAYAp Z.A.; KADANERt E.S.-I TRKINA, N.I.; KUZIMINA, V.I. Boundary of the solid solution region in the aluminum corner of ,Atem aluminum - #angansse - lithium. Metalloved. i term. the sy I obr, melt.-no.12:2-6 R"63. (MIRA 17t2) KUZ'MIVA1 Medical equipment of the seven-year plan. Zdorovle 5 no.11: 16-17 N 159. (MIR 4, 13:3) (MOICAL INSTRUMENTS A1;D APPARATUS) DRITS, M Ye. (Moskva); SVIDERSKAYA, Z. A. (Moskva); W.k.) Effect of iron,, oilloon, and manganese on the proportion of almIumv.-oopper-lithium anoyo, izv. AN sm. otd. tekh. nauk, Met. i topl. no.6:150-159 N-D 162. (MIRA 3.6:1) (Alumimm-copper-Utbium alloyo-Testing) ANDRUSHCHENKO, A.G.; BEREMINA, O.A.; KUZIMINA, Y.I.; OZEROVA, G.M.; PALICHIKOVA, A.P.; TSARIR_._A_'P':_I-TIkFEYEV, L.N.; NIKITIN, G.A., krayeved; GARHASH., P.Te., red.; FISENKO, A.T., tekhn. red. (Alupka; an excursion sketch; its nature, history, sana- toriums, the palacw--amBsum, its park, and an information directory] Alupka; ekskursionnyi ochark: priroda, istoriia, zdravnitay, dvoreta-musei, park, spravochnye avedeniia. Simferepoll, Krymi-zdat, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 16t10) 1. Nauchnyye sotrudaiki Alupkinakogo dvortsa muzeya (for all except Fisenka, Garmash). (ilupka--Guidebooks) L-08137-6 ACC NR' AP6029270 SOURCE CODE: UR/0323/66/000/003/bO38/bO42' AUTHOR: Kotov, M. P. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor); Sorokina, N. So (Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Docent); Kharlashkin, V. T. gincer); Kuzlmina, - V. 1. Engincor); Petrova$ T. A. (Engineor); B 21&akovl_ Fe Me (Enginoor) 7 .2 to ,ORG: Kiev Technolo'gical Institute for Mot Industry (Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlemosti) Technological conditions for preparing and applying thermoplastic &dhG31V0 .1 in boadine parts of shoo uppars 'TVUZ. Tekhnologiya leakoy prom"yshlennoBti, no. 3. 1966, 38-42 7'-"1Fjenio,'AMSr7C r))e)ree.-,oq.,., TAGSz. footgearp adhesivep water repellant lubricant/ 04 1DNLC;/V& ABSTRACT: The now adhesive KTILOL-11 is prepared by mixing and heating to 190-2000C 50% polyarade 54 with 18-301'a modified alkyd, 4-8% plasticizer KPT and 27-18% novolac type phenol-formaldehyde resin. The alkyd is previously modified by heating, with removal of water, to an acid number not over 30 and a melting point not below 600* Such compositions containing no more than 24% alkyd and 6% plasticizer are suitable for making adhesive coated straqds which can be coiled without sticking. The adhesive, coated threads of LO-1.2 x 1VJ m diameter were made by passing cotton thread through the mc1ten adhesive and through a die. Various waterproofing compositions were tried Lcard -1/2 - L 08137-67 ACC-14R's AP6029270 to keep the threads from sticking during storage# A 5% solution of stearic acid In mixed solvent (5 parts by weight mineral oil, 95 kerosene) prevented sticking Afor two days; coating with mineral oil alone also helped somewhat. Other precautions in ng the adhesive-coated strands: the resin composition should not be overheated during preparation; sufficient time for cooling the adhesive on the thread is needed- the take-up spool should be not less than 2 meters from the die; optimum rate is 20-25 rev/min. Lo N, Zavel'Rell5kii, Senior Engineer of the "Burevestnik" factory took part in the works Orige art. hast 2 tableat I I CODE: 11, 13/ SUBk DATE% 20Jan66/ oRiG REFt 004 2/2 not KUZIMINA, V.K.; PRAVOVEROV, K.N.; SHTEYNBERG, Ya.G. Calculating infrared systems of taking Jr-*r) consideration physiological characteristici3. Naueh. trudy AKKH no.23:71-81 163. (MIRA .17tl2) '141 Physiological basis for the use of warm showers after working in the cold. Gig. I ean. 24 no.6:27-32 Je 159. (KM 12:8) 1. Iz laboratorii proTkvohlennogo mikroklimata Institute. gigiyerq truda i profeasionallnvkh zabolevaniy AM SSSR i kafedry gigiyenv II Moskovskogo meditainakogo Institute, ineni H.I.Pirogova. (COLD, eff. physiol. basis of use of hot showers after work -inder cold cond. (Rus)) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENM same) KUZIMIKAj V.K. (Ijoakva) Sanitary and hygienic labor conditions in large-panel construct- ion during the winter season. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 4 n0-1: 13-18 Ja 160. 04M 150) 1. Laboratcoriya prmyshlennogo mi oklizata, Instituta, gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy ANN SSSR i kafedra, gigiyeny II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, imeni N.I. Pirogova. (CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY-HYGIEHIC ASPECTS) Setting standards for local radiant heating during vork performed in the cold. Gig. truda, i prof. zab. 4 no.U: 29-34 N 160. (MIRA 15:3) 1, 11 Moskovskiy moditsinakiy institut imeni N.I. Pirogova i Institut gigiyM turda i professional I nykh zabolevaniy AMN SSSR. (RADIAI%'f HEATING) (BODY 'MUERATURE) Hygienic evaluation of the radient cooling system of buildings in the summer at the Tokhaltubo Health Resort. Gig. i san. 25 no. 5:21-25 My 160# (MIM 13:10) 1, Iz Ins4tuta gigiyeny truda i profesisionalInfth zabolevWy AMN SSSR i kafedry gigiyany II Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituta 3feni N I. Pirogovao iTSKHALTUBO-AIR COIMITIONING) KUZ'MINA,.XeK.v assistant Sources of local radiant heating# Gig, i sane 25 no. 6:87-89 .To 160. (MM& 14:2) le Iz kafedry gigiyeny II Mookovskogo maditsinakogo instituta imui N.I. Pirogova i Institutm gigiyeny truda i professionalinfth sabolmay 4W MR. (RADIANT HEATING) KMGT,N, S.A.; KUZIMIRA's V.K. Detemination of the themal insulating properties of clothing, Gig.i oans 25 no#716"3 Jl 160. (KIRA l4t5) le Iz Institute, gigiyerq truda i profeaoiortallmy~~ zabolevaniy AHN WSR I kafedr7 gigijreny 11 Moskovskogo moditidnskogo insti- tuta, imeni N.I. Pirogova. I(GLOTHMG, COLD MTHER) DUBINSKAYA, I.D.t mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnikj KUZ IMINA, V. K. , starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik I..., Use of some phyviological methods of research for the hygienic evaluation of the agricultural work of school children. Gig. i san. 27 no.3:28-34 Mr 162. 1 (MIRA 15"4) 1. 'Iz Institute gigiyeny detey i podrostkov AMN SSSR. (SCHOOL CHILDREN) (AGRICULTURF,-HMIENIC ASPKTS) NISNEVICH, M.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; TIMCHENKO, N.K., inzh.: FIRSOVA, L.N., inzh.; KALASHNIKOVA, T.V., inzh.; KUZ'MINA, V.M., inzh. Dressing limestone found near Moscow so as to obtain high-quality agrregates for concrete. Sbor. trud. NI1ZHelezobetona no.3:3-41 16o. (MIRA 15:2) (Limestone) (Aggregates (Building materials)) D KANIKOVSKAYAO Ye.N.j UZ411NA, V-M- Coating bread pane ,rith polymer materials, Bii.1,tekh.-ekon,inform. Goo.nauch.-IssLitst.nauch.-I tekh.inform. 18 no.J.-54-55 A 1659 (MIRA 18:4) VIL zz:- - ~--- ;. '--f 6335, Izucheniya Funklaionallnoy Sposobnosti Sordtsu Srortsmenov Po Dannym Pinutnogo I UdarnQ&o Ob"yemal Krovi. 1!., 1954..16B. 22sir. (Gos. Tsentr. Ordons Lenina In-T Fiz. Yulltury Im. I. V. Stalina) 100 Ekz. B. Ts. - (54-58207) SOt Knizharrya Letopis' 1, 1955 BOB Ve N. "Study of the Functional Capacity of the Hearts of Athletes Ac6ording to Data on the Momentary and Pulse Volume of the Blood." Cand Med Sci, State Central Order of Lenin Inst of Physical Culture imeni I. V' Stal1n, Moscow, 1954; Inat of Physical Culture and Sport imeni V. I. Lenin: (KL, no. 5, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SOs &n. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 1 21 R I W.76'i RE- MEMO, vl KUZ'HIIIh,.,V.H - - 3Z. tom-~ ... Stiuly of athletes' heart caDacity as shown by data on r1nute and stroke volime of the blood. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.3:177-193 155. (MIRA 12:9) VOLUIG) (AT=7&3) (HE&RT) (BIA)OD 4( IMMOVI,., Te.Ye; KIJKOLEVSMYJi,, Ye.V.; KUZ'141)IA, V.11. Study of the training Invel of short-digtance runnerE based on '58. medical examinations. kzobl.vrach.kontr. no.4:38-54 (HIRIL 12:9) (MMING-11YOUNITIC AGRACTS) ILIIIIA, L.I.; MOLNVSYAYA, Ye.V.; KUZIMINA. V.N. Corrparioon of the reaults Of a 13 y ~of a!thletes made by the electroencephalographic, chronaximetric, and general clinical methods. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.4:238-255 158. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Institut terapii AWI SSSR (for Illina). (ATHLETHS) (MCTROMICKM&WRAPHT) (IMRVOIJS SYS=4) Changes in the optic and motor chronaxia of athletes after various training loads. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.4:256-267 '58, (11M 12:9) 1. Inatitnt terapit AHN SSSR (for Il'ina). (AIMATES) (CHROILkIIA) KUZIMIYA9 V.N.; KOVAMCIMt T.P.; GESELEVICH, V.A. Training condition of wrostlers during preparation for imPortant compet:Ltiozw. probl. vroLoh kontr. no.5t79-94 160. (MIRA 14:3) (WRESTLING) 3-8-28/34 AUTHOR: Tulayevat A.G., Dotsent, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Kleshcheva, G.V., Kuzlmina, V.P. TITLEs A Textbook Required by Future Teachers (Uchebnik, nuzhnyy budushchim uchitelyam) PERIODICALt Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, # 8, PP 87-89 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The article is a review of a textbook "Foundations of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry" (Osnovy fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii) by S.A. Balezin and G.S.Parfenov, approved by the RSFSR Ministry of Education for use at pedagogic institutes. It is pointed out that there was an actual need for such a textbook and that it was warmly welcomed. More than 6 months have since passed, and there is no doubt that the book has greatly assisted students in mastering the complicated physico-chemical regularities. Students have made better progress this year, and their knowledge has greatly increased. The article enumerates a few deficiencies and mistakes but points out that they do not lessen the general value of the book. The article contains I Russian Card 1/2 reference. A Textbook Required by.Future Teachers 3-8-28/34 . ASSOCIATIO15; PbnzenWdy pedagOgichookiy Institut (Penza Pedagogical Institute) - AVAILANX: LILbrary of Congress Card 2/2 fin nip,Aml tA 14 It It Al At It Aj1%A r v rill! i A 1 F.111;1I f 9 Vs I 1 3 Wr 9 a P a ;kj 'T tj Z2 rh Ruz IMINAI-Y,--S,--, Physiotberapeutio methods In treating urogenital tuberculosis. Urologiia no.6:65-" 161. (MIU 1514) 2. Tz fizioterapertichookogo kabineta (zav. V. S-. Kusimina) urologichookogo otdoloniya (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk T, M. Mochalova) Mookovskogo nauchno-iosledovatellokogo instituta tubarkuleza Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya RSFSR. (aENITOUPJNARY ORGANS-TUBERGULOSIS) TJHMIYBT. I.V.; MCM". A.N.; GUSN' P.I.; OT, I.G., redaktor: KUZIKM, T.S.; KISINA, Ye.I., redaktor. (Construction and maintenance of centrifugal fish-pumping equipment] Ustrolstvo I obolushivenie rybouasosuykh ustanovok tqpntro'bezhnogo delstvila. Moskya, Pishchepromisdat, 1955.144p. (KM 9--5) (Pishing-Implements and appliances) (Centrifugal pumps) BODROV, Vikentiy Alckseyevich; GRIGORIYEV, Sergey flikolayevich; KOVAL?, V.D., retsenzent; MADAN, G.M., retsenzent; KUZIIIINA V.S. A- red.; KISINA) Ye.I.p tekhn. red. (Processing of raw whale products on whale factory ships] Pererabotka kitovogo syrlia na kitobazakh. Moskva, Pi- shchepromizdat, 1963. 362 p. (KRA 16:12) (Whalers) (Whale products) PELEYEV, Alekfiandr Ivanovich., prof.; LAPSHIB, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dote., retsenzent; AVETIKOV, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOLOV, A.Ya., doktor te)dm. nauk) retsenzent; KUZIMIN red.; ZARSHCHIKOVA, L.N., tekbn. red. (Technological equipment of the enterpriaeo of the meat industry] Tekbuologiabaskoe oborudoyanie prGdpriiatii mias- noi promyshlennosti lzd.2,, perer. i dop. Moskva, Pi bobs a r izdat. 1963. M5'ps (KERA 16:121"* (Meat industry-Equipment and supplies) KRUPINO Grigoriy Vasillyevichs prof.; KHANO a.-.rl=pv Kbaritonovich, Inzh# Prinimall uchastlyes RYABIKOV, V,F,j 1XVINj B.K.1 DEDYULIN# N.D., retsenzentl GATILIN, N.F.# reteenzent; KHOMINA,,-Y,~-, red. [Designing enterprises of the dairy Industry] Proektirova- nie predprilatil. molochnoi prouqahle=osti. Moskva, Pi- shchevaia promyshle=ost', 1964. 399 p. (MIRA 18:3) GMPAKEIII, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; DOId-AIKO, VladJj,;ir Vladimirovich (deceased]; DRYAMIOV, S.I.., dots., retBonzent; TEILEXTIYEVy A.V., dots., retsenzent, '~,,UA ,V.S., red. -1 ~17' (Tectmological equipment of fish processing plants] Tekh- nologichaskoe oborudovanie ryboobrabatyvaiushchikh pred- priiatii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Mosk-va, Fishchevaia pro- myshlennost', 1964. 566 p. ~MIRA 17:9) CbUPAKH1N, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; DENISOV, r.A., lnzh., retsenzent; GUBAYDULLBI, R.I.; prepc-Javatelt, retzenzent; LEONCV, I.T., dots,, speta. red.; NVYIPA,.Y.S., red. rEquipment for fish processing plants] Oborudovanie ryly)- obrabatyvaiushchikh predpriiatli. Moskva Pishchevala prow.yshlennost', 1964. 479 p. WRA 18-.1) 1. Astrakhanskiy rybopromyshlennyy tekhnilrum (for Gubaydullin). ROZANOVA, YEREKICHEVA, T,I. Ultrasonics in comporund treatment of destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. Proble tub, 41 no,,qt3q-U 163 (MIRA 17s4) 1. Iz" podrostkovogo otdeleniya ( rukovoditelf-doktor mad. nauk M.D. Rosmove.) i otdeleniya fmktoionallnoy diagnoortitki i fisd- cheakIkh A*todov lecherdpL ( r~mkovoditell - kand. mad. nank SaRe Uchinymn) Moskovskogo rimobno-iseledovatellskogo institu- ta tubarkuleza (dir. - kand. med. nauk T.P. Mochalova Akesti- tell' direktora. po naucbnoy chasti - prof. D.D. As;;;;j Minip- terstva zdravockhraneniya RSFSR. AKHLYNOV, I.Ya.j BASALAYEV V.N.; DANILENKO, O.T.; ZAKHLROV, A.D.; OLIKHOVSKIY, V.Ye:,- YAKOVLEV, V.I.; KUZIMINA, V.S., red. [Manual for navigators of fishing fleets; navigation of fishing boats and sea fishery practices] Spravochnik du- dovoditelia rybolovnogo flotaj-, pronyalovaia navigatsiia i morskaia promyslovaia praktika. Moslcya, Pishchevais, ?rorlahlennost', 1965. 194 P- (IAIRA 18:9) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye rybnoy promyshlennosti Azovo- Chernomorskogo basseyna (for Basalayev). 2. Polyarn" nauchno-iss.ledovateliskiy institut rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii (for Danilenko). 3. Murmanskoye vyssheye more- khodnoye uchilishche (for Yakovlev). 4. Gogudarstvennaya inspektsiya bezopasnosti more plavaniya i portovogo nadzora flota rybnoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for Zakharov.N.