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7~;3.2 F19i ILICH .11. L "S LL. 57-9-37/40 AUTHORs Kurov, P.A. TITLEs On the Problem of the Structure and the Properties of Layers Obtained by the Evaporation of InSb in a Vacuum (K voprosu o strukture i evoyetvakh sloyev poluchayushchikhoya pri isparenii InSb v vakuume) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz*, 1957, Vol.27, Nr 9, pp 2181 - 2182 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper contains a comment on the work by I.D. Konozen- ko and B#D, Mikhnovskiy in Izvestiia Akad. Mauk SSSR, Bar. Piz., 1956t Vol. 2o, Nr 12, pp. 1486, where the authors expressed the opinion that they obtained layers of the intermetallio compound in InBb. It is shown that, on the strength of experiments oarried out in the laboratory for Electronography at the Institute for Crystallography AN USSR, as well as on the strength of data made in publications by the authors of the paper mentioned, not InSb, but pure antimony was obtained. This may also be seen from the alootronograme attached Irf Konozenko and Mikhnovskiy. This ex- plains the chanCes of electrical properties observed by the two authors. When producing intermetallio compounds by evapora- tion in a vacuum it is therefore necessary to subject the struct- Card 1/2 ure of samples to a particularly rigorous control. There are 5 57-9-37/40 On the Problem of the Structure and the Properties of Layers Obtained by the Evaporation of InSb in a Vacuum Slavic references. ASSOCIATIONt Instituto for Crystallography,AN USSR (Institut kriEtallografii AN SSSR) SUBMITTEDs April 15, 1957 do AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 2/2 KUROV, P.Ye. - Ilectromagnetio reversible drive for cutting control. Stan,i instre 24 no.12:30"31 D 153* (KM 7:1) (Ilectric driving) US-Wascellaneous Indivitrial devices Card A Pub. 103 - 13/23 Authors I Kurov, P. B. Title Eloctronignatic mechanism for automatic cut-off of traverse feed Periodical i Stan. i Instr. 2. 33-34, Feb 1954 Abstract t The difficulties irvolved ir, manual cut-off or traverse feedings diaring the machining of e,.ternal and boring of Internal surfaces of detaLls are analyzed. The develor,n,.-nt and employment of an electromagnetic auto- matic cut-otf devices for screw cutting lathes which works with an acrur- acy of 0,02 mm is announced. Thu electromagnetic device consists of electrical and mechanical parts and Its mode of operation is described in detail. Institution R..61 Submitted 000.6 KUROV) P.Ye. Automatic temperature regulatAon of electroplating baths Mashinostroitell no.2:14-15 F 163. iMIRA 160) (Zlectroplating-Equipment and supply) Vent. LIST OT Tlj'3Sjt~,j'7 1952 'T-CL~.- FED CL cl!1 -0 _)~T KUROV,S.A.; TITKOV,A.I.; VA3II,'yIV,A.M.-, GIADYSIIEV.G.I.; SHAPSIIAL,B.G. --13tYAXHW[,D.S.; BOGACMA,11.14.; FOMI)f,V.M. Critical notes on a reference book ("Tractors and Automobiles.* IU.A.Domatovskil, I.I.TreDenenkov. Reviewed by S.A.Kurov). Ayt. trakt. prom. n0-5:32 MY 155. (MIRA 8:8) (Tractors) (Automobiles) (Dolmatovskii, M.A.) (Treponenkov,1.1.) 0-011; S'l-;. "A New tYpe of Floating j)lades", Stanki I In:;Lrmiunt, 111, NO. 11-12, '1,(,1,3 j 0 I R-5205~01~. MIN, S.1,1. "A Eultipurpose Attachable Head for a Horizontal 11-ii-11-in- 1-~achine.ff Stanki I Instrument Vol. 15., No. 1-2, 1964. BR 52059019 AID P - 2213 Subject USSR/Aerodynamics Card 1/2 Pub. 135 - 14/18 Author Not given Title Readers' suggestions Periodical: Vest. vozd. flota, 6, 73-79, Je 1955 Abstract i In this column the four following articles are publl3hed, all related to the evaluation of wind in flight: 1) "Measuring the drift angle by twice taking the bear- Ing of a fix in the rear hemisphere of the aircraft" b~ Lakhtin, M., Lt. Col. Examples, graphs, formulae; 2 "How to accelerate the computation of navigational data" by Kurov, V., Guards Maj. Examples, graphs, formulae;.j) -TeTermination of the drift angle and the true speed by two alanting ranges and the course angle" bT Levshin, B., Jr. Lt. Examples, graphs, formulae; 4 "Graphs for the determination of the navigational data of a flight" by Shabalin, Yu., Lt., in which the AID F - 2213 Vest. vozd. nota, 6, 73-79, Je 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 135 - 14/18 author gives a short description of the use of a graph giving corresponding values of the drift angle slanting distances. Institution: None Submitted : No date KOBEZSKIY, P., lnzh.-, XUROY, Ve, insh. New asphalt-concrete plant with automatic control. Avt.dor 22 no-3:12-13 Mr 159, NIRA 12:4) (Asphalt concrete) (Automatic control) YURCHENKO, Ye.; KUVSHINCHIKOV, Tu.;JMQY,--V-. Winged ships shbutd also sail in nighttime. Rach.tranap. 22 no-lS45 Ja 163. OURA,16a) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Raketa-12" Volgo-Donskogo parokbodstva (for Turchenko) 2. KapAw-dublery teplokhoda "Raketa-1211 Voigo-Dons~:ogo ;arokhodatva (for Kuvehinchikovi Kurov). (Hydrofoil boate) KUOV, V.A. r--------Pr6blems given at the Ilth antliewitics content of students in Kuybyshev. Hat. v shkole no. 4:95 JI-Ag '59- (MIRA 11-7) (Hathematica-Comoatitions) SARYLOVjL, K.P., doteent; TOTOCH.ICNKO, V.K.; LAVROV, I.T.; BOOOMOLOVA,14.I. KUPDV, V. D. Clinical aspects of hemorrhagic capillarotoxicosts in children. Pediatriia no.4:55-58 JI-Ag 155. (HLRA 8:12) 1. Iz fnkulltetskoy detskoy kliniki II Moskovskogo meditainskogo institute. (zav.-prof. P.A.Ponomareva) (PURPURA, MONTIMOMBOMIC, in infant and child) , seleroaarma in a .5-and-IiAlf-yusr- Case of unilaterel affection by old girl. Peaiatrits 40 no.1:67-69 Ja '57. 1 ::: 111) 1. Ix gorodukoy klintabeikoy detskoy bollaitsy No.1 '%glevkvy vrach saslushennyy vrach RSnR Ye,V.Prokhorovich) (SCLRRODXRKA) KIJRDV, V.D. ~- 7, " - -- Ovarian tumors in children. Pediatriia 36 no.11:27-32 N '58 (MINA 12:8) 1. Iz Detsicoy gorodskoy kliniche&oy bolinitsy N(,.I Moskvy (glavzwy vrach - zasluzhenrqy vrach RSnR Ye. V. Prokhorovich, zav. khirurgi- chenkin Otdeleniyem, - doktor meditainskikh nauk I.E. Sandukovskiy). (OVARIES-TUMO-16) PHASE I BOOK:EXPLOITATION SOV/3925 Kurov, Viktor Dmitriyevich, and Yuriy Mikhaylovich Dolzhan0iy Osnovy proyektirovaniya porokhuvykh raketnykh snaryadov (Principles of Designing Solid-Fuel Rocket Missiles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961. 293 p. Errata slip inserted. 12, 000 copies printed, Reviewer: M. F. Dyunze, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed.: M. V. Malyshev, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: M. F. Bogomolova; Tech. Ed.: L. A. Garnukhtna; Managing Ed. - S. D. Krasillnikov, Engineer. PURPOSE:. This textbook is intended for use at tekhnikuma. It may also be useful to students at schools of higher education and engineers specializing in rocket designing. COVERAGE: The book presents basic information on the design and construction of modern solid -fuel-rocket missiles and components, Generally speaking, Card 1/3 Principles of Designing (Cont. ) SOV/5925 factual and numerical date have been based on non-Soviet literature, Topics discussed include the following: methods for selecting optimum parameters; the designing of rocket engines and warheads; the laws of powder combustion and powder-gas flow, methods for calculating maxi- mum powder-gas pressure, unit impulse, and reaction thrust; equation systems for the motion of missiles; method for calculating missile tra- jectories; and flight -stabilization methods, Chs, I and VII were written by V. D. Kurov, and Ch, IV. by Yu. M, Dollzhanakiy. urov and Dolzhanskiy collaborated in writing Cho, II, III, V, anu VI, Tne authors thank Professor V. 1. Feodoslyev and Candidate bf Technical Sciences M. F. Dyunze. There are 36 references: 18 Soviet (including 3 trans- lations), 17 English, and I unidentified. TABLE OF CONTENTS J[Abridged Foreword Ch. I. Brief History of the Development of Solid-Fuel Rocket Weapons 5 Ch. IL Tentative Selection of Basic Missile-Design Parameters 24 Card 2/3 KLTROV, V.F. Using iteration methods in investigating the stability at the first approximaticn. Izv. SO L'I SSSR no. 1C. Ser. tekh. nauk no. 31/+9-55 165 (".:1:)A 1911) 1. flovosibirskiy elektroteklinichesk4-y institut. SuIraitted January 4, 1965. _L 9894-66 E','.T (d )/r IJP (c) ACC NR: APS026569 SOURCE; CODF,: UR/0Z81/65/000/005/00511C1063_ AUTHOR: Kur'0vF _'V4 F* Povooibirsk) ORG: none TITLE: Matrix algorithms of static stability of a complex power-supply system SOURCE., AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Energetika i transport, no. 5. 1965, 51-63 TOPIC TAGS: electric power system, system atability ABSTRACT: The modern theory of static: stability of electric power-supply systems has been based on the Liapunov first approximation and involved analyzing the roots of a corresponding chitracteristic equation. In practice, this method has been extremely cumbersome and to not relieved by tieing digital computers. Hence, a new method of power-system static -stability analysis is suggested which is based on studying the characteristics of the individual parts Card J/Z UDC: 621.311.1:621.3.oi6.351 L 9394-66 ACC NR: AP5026569 of the power system and uses matrix algebra techniques. Initial equations for each synchronoua machine describing the mechanical motion of the rotor and the electromagnetic transient phenomena in the machine are set up. These cases -are, analyzed: (a) aperiodic stability of a multimachine system having no field regulators, (b) static stability of same, and (c) static stability of a complex automatically controlled power system. These conclusions are offered: (1) It is expedient to analyze the synchronous electromechanical stability, electromagnetic stability, and oscillatory electromechanical stability separately; stability criteria of the entire power system are formulated on the assumption that all synchronouly machines are replaced by constant ernf's acting u otr1he impedances which allow for the regulation; (2) The developed algorfthi;;~ permit easy programing of the stability calculations; standard subroutines can be used for transfor"ng the matrices involved. Orig. urt. has: 90 formulas. SUB CODE: /;2/ 10 SUBM DATE: 14Apr65 ORIG REF: 016 OTH REF-. 003 L KMOII S V. G. Electric heaters for petroleum products. Prom.onerg. 16 no.9:21- 22 8 161. OAIRA 14:8) (Electric heating) KURCV, V.r3r.; MOUSMSKIT, O.V. E7.1jerience in setting up an automatic cement concrete plant. Av-t.dor. 18 no.1:14-16 Ja-F 155 (MMA 8:4) (Road construction) (Cement industries) KUROV Vitali Cjorgiyevich; KARTYNOV. N.V.,redaktor; GAIAKTIONOVA, Te.N. n Rce ~'ifdfflftw [Automatization of asphalt concretcplants] Avtomatizirovannyi afal'tobetonnyi zavod. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry. 1957. 69 P. (MLRA 10:5) (Automatic control) (Asphalt concrete) '-.! . -3 . M07, T-Q.. inshener. Work of the efficiency promoters In rotA constructioL. Avt. dor. Z(Lno.4:27-28 Ap 157. (Road construction) (Mr-RA 10:6) 4, KUROV, V.G. , insh. Electromechanical system of automatic control for asphalt concrete and concrete plants. Avt.dor. 22 no.11:11-12 N 159. (MIRA 1312) (Concrete plante) (Automatic) ~ KUROV, V.G..inzh. Two years' norm fulfilled in one year. AvIv. dor. 23 no.5:9-11 VT160. (MIRA 13:10) (Concrete plants) KUROVP V.G., inzh. Structural and technological characteristics of an automatic asphalt concrete plant. Avt.dor. 25 no.7:11-12,, 21, Jl 162. (MA 15.8) (Asphalt concrete) (Concrote plants) KURGV, V.G., inzh.; On"ROV, L.K., inzh. Organization of earthmoving operations at the Stato North Caucasus Road Construction Combine. M,-3kh. stroi. 20 no.11:12-15 M, 163. (MIRA 17:1) KUROVt V.G., inzh. Asphalt-concrete plant "Zvezdochka.fl Avt.dor. 28 no.8:9-11 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) t. _KUROVt VII. V inzh. ModernizaticT, and automation of the G-1 asphalt concrete mixers. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.3125-28 Mr 162. (MIRA 15!4) (Concrete mixers) c4ute"ill of mews. I. 119"i 14Ntv, -A~ kit,- Klilm. (I (kit. chrill.) at. ts(cllt ilitu litt)NA SA%r, A lKahl 611111(ka intool. ill 111V 11SUAl lXg. 101411`111% VAMPI MCOIL It ii britotyartf hv 11,0. licutills to-sol' initially (final lempANK, )JAvec,114. "ith ("lorf-shic 011111. it( Cq) I I Ile %~ 116 40.4% CO. and Ili I ~; C,11., Smir AM *A% drivelvil. FbMiliIV Cf.) Ali'*% ffUlll lilt. 1111, -ItAtV filloLitillft 4-1 IICOjXJ Alml Ac1l; the fociot-t Owl yil-Ul~ CO no.1 NaOll, "hilt, the Lsttcr vichilt \'&,C4 t, a it 1 110). A jolmicii I I v a I IcAA 2 couruttrait whruir, of lic Air ill ulwi'll."I C. M. K-kj-d USSR/chemistry - Carbonic Acid Raters Sep 51 "Salts of Alkyl Half Eaters of Carbonic Acid. Ilp* V. I. Kurov "Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XXI,, No 9, pp 1637-1642 Prepd MeOCOONa) PrOCOONa, and BuOCOONa; studied theiz phys chemthermodynamic properties, and dec'ompn proaucts; proposed general scheme of decompn. of Me, Et, Pr, and Bu eater-salts. PreA studiedphys chemproperties of, and established consts oi MeOCOOK, EtOCOOK,, PrOCOOK, BuOCOOK, and BuOCOORb (last 3 compds vere prepd for lst time). 191T42 E c !7 t Wi I USSR/Orga~ic Chemiitry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abat Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61429 Author: Kurov, V. I. Inatit4ion: None Title: On Interaction of COL> Gas with Alcoholates of Sme A+Ihols (On Alkyl-Carbonate Salts) Original Periodical: Tr. Leningr. tekBtil'D. in-ta, 1955, No 6, 99-102 Abstract: A series of Li-, Na. and K-salta of alkyl carbLmic acids ivn been prepared containing normal or branched or tun3aturated radkcalB. The synthesized compounds possess mixed salt-ester functions. CM30COOM was prepared by passing C02 into heated solution of CH30Li after whi,.!h the solution is filtered and treated with ab- solute ether. Analogously are prek*ed C3H OCOOU and C4HqOCOOLi. All Li-salts are soluble in CH OH By realon of C02 vitfi = CH OCOONa. Satamtion with C02 Of C3H5ONa was prepared CH2 warm solutions of the corresponding alcoholates yieldj3 Card 1/2 USSR/Orgdnic Chem!st.r-y - Synthetic Organic ChemiBtry, E-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, Vo 19, 1956, 61429 Abstract: (CH3)2CHCH20COONa, n-C5HllOCOOK, n -C5 'HljOCOGRb and n-c5H110COONa. Card 2/2 AEEILEi~ A-- ,- - - , ~ 6 . i- - - ~ - - - - . - .- -- i i .- , V AUTHOR: Kurov, V. I. 54-1o_2-i6/.i6 TITLE: A Method of Determining the 1etal Content in Alkyl Carbonic Acid Salts (Metodika opredeienlya soderzhaniya metallov v alkiluglekislykh solyakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta,Seriya -fiziki i khimii , 1958, Vol. 10,11r 2 , --Dp. 139-142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of several years the less known compounds of the so-called alkyl carbonic acid salts of the type RVC0 and R2~Mj (C03)2 were studied. These compounds are of greal scientific interest bebause they are compounds of a mixed salt-ether function. Besides the already knoan carbonic acid methyl saits (Refs 3-13), which, however, have not been studied, the author obtained and studied a number of nevr carbonic acid alkyl salts, among them salts of butyl carbon rubidium (Ref 14) and alkyl carbon lithium, salts containing radicals with isostructure, unsaturated and other (Ref 15) as well as methyl carbon strontium salt concerning which only insufficient data have been published (Ref 6). From a scientifio point of view the alkyl carbon lithium salts CH 3LiCO C H7LJCO Card 1/ 2 C4HqLiCO3 are the most interesting. Whereas the acid lithium salts A Method of Determining the Metal Content in 54-19-2-16/16 Alkyl Carbonic Acid Salts of carbonic acid are unlmoym t'Ref 16), the author obtained substi- tuted acid lithium salts of these acids (Ref 15) in a or/stalline state. A common method of obtaining the above carbonic acid salts is the reaction of metal alcoholates obtained from absolute alco- hols and corresponding metals with carbonic acid gas under certain conditions: R - OH + 11 ->R OM + H 2R - OH + M1 -4 (R - 0) ~11 + H2; R - CM + CO 2--) ROCGO11 ~ MICO 3) (R - 0),91 + 2CO2-~ (ROCOO)2M1 (R2Ml(C03)2) The results of the analysis of alkyl carbonic acid salts by the volumetric method are given (in a table). For reasons of compari- son also the results obtained by the sulfate method are given. There are I table, and -18 references, 7 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 26, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Alkyl carbonic acid salts-Volumetric anal"is.-Tables 2 9 Metalo-Determinatidn Card 212 USCOMM - DC - 55, 224 I KUROV. V.I. Device for filling mortars in slab joints. Suggested by V.I. Kurov. Rats.1 izobr.predl.v stroi. no.11;108-109 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Proizvoditellrabot stroitallnogo upravleni7a NO.77 trosta Mosstroy N6.16 Glavnos,3troya. (Vibrators) 50) SOV/79-29-4-46/77 AUTHOR: Kurov, V. I. TITLE: Alkyl Carbonates. IV (Ob alkiluglekislykh solyakh. IV). Alkyl Lithium Carbonates (Alkiluglelitiyevyye soli) PERIODICALi Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 4, pp 1245-1249 (USSR) ABSTRACT: These salts are of scientific importance. Acid lithium salts (bicarbonates) are as yet unknown, but the author succeeded in synthesizing the substituted acid salts of the composition LiRCO in their crystalline state. It was impossible to obtain the alit CH 3OCOOLi by tkie usual method (Ref 2). The synthesis of this salt, carried out successfully by the author as early as 1948 at increased temperature and at pressure in abulb, was later on simplified (Ref 3), and the methyl lithium salt was ob- tained in its crystalline state (this is described experimental- ly). Thus the following alkyl lithium carbonates were eynthe- sized for the first time: methyl lithium salt CH 3LiCO 3' propyl lithium salt C 3H7LiCO 31 butyl lithium salt C 4H9LiCO 3' and methyl rubidium sall. CH RbCO The analysis of propyl- and butyl Card 1/3 lithium salts wi& re4ect to their lithium contents by the Alkyl Carbonates. IV. Alkyl Lithium Carbonates SOV/79-29-4-46/77 sulphate method met with great difficulties. In order to avoid them, these salts first passed into the nitratef, which were then transfcrmed into the sulphates by sulphuric acid. Later on the metal content of the alkyl carbonates was determined ac- cording to a new volumetric analysis developed by the author, vi.z. by means of inverse titration of the hydrochloric acid excess uoed to dissolve the weighed alkyl carbonate with sodium hydroxide. This method proved to be faster than the sulphate method, and equally accurate. The alkyl lithium carbonates are white crystalline products which dissolve more easily in cold than in hot water. Their aqueous solutions enter alkaline re- actions (hydrolysis). It waa found that the thermostability of the alkyl lithium-, alkyl potassium-, and alkyl rubidium salts is a function of the metal and radical contained in the salt. A general scheme was suggested for the thermal splitting of these salts. The experimental results are illustrated by four figures and two tables. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, anJ 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Leningradskiy Card 2/3 tekstillnyy institut (Leningrad State University, Leningrad Alkyl Carbonates. IV. Alkyl Lithium Carbonates SOV/79-29-4-46/77 Textiles Inatitute) SUBMITTED: October 4, 1957 Card 3/3 1, KnOV9 V.11 Alkyl carbonates. Part 5S Methylearbonic salts of diva-lent Metals. Zhur. ob, khim. 31 no.10-11 A 161.- (KUIA 14: 1) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Leningradskiy teketil'W institute (Carbonic acid) KUROVI V.I. , ,I ompositton of sodium ethyl carbonate. Kinetic,3 of .Ile I lermal ciao Dokl. AN MISR. 7 no.6:391--394 Je 163, (MIRA l6slO) 1. lomingrad!ikAy tekstilInyy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. Predstavleno 0-,qd(~rn.Jkom All IZSR B.V. Yerofeyevym. OSTASHEVSKAYA), N.S.; OLENTSEVICH, N.A.; BASHKATOVA, A.S.; LANDA, M.Bol KUNSIJCHTKOVA, A.A.; LISIN, D.M.; FUROV, V.V.; YEMFLIYANOV, N.A.; FAKTOIIOVTCIIJ B.A.; KIJRDFJITIN, A.N.'-- -- Industrial testing of Listvyanka anthraciie for lining the bottom of aluminum electrolytic cello. TSvnt.met. 38 no.10s62-66 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) I(MOV, Yu. Q11nntitative of proportioning vitemins, antibiotics, and microelements. I-Ut,-,elev. prom. 27 no.11-19-21 N 1;1. (14M 24-.12) 1. Glavnyy konstrukto, nauchno-issledovatellskoy chast.-I. Ukrnigiproselikhoza. (Peed miUs-Equipment and supplies) ZHOGA, V.; !aTGV, Yu. Poultry plant for three million broilers. Sell. stroi. n-).10:26-27 0 162. (M]ILA 15:11) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii ptitoevodcheskikh. sooruzheniy Ukrainskogo gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo i nauchno- issledovateliskogo institute. proyektirovaniya sel'skogo i sellskokhozyaystvennogo stroitellstva (for Zhoga). 2. Glavnyy konstruktor laboratorii ptitsevodcheskikh sooruzheniy Ukrainakogo gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo i nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta proyektirovaniya vel'skogo i sel'skokhozyaystvennogo stroitel'stva (for Kurov). (Poultry plants) KUROV, Yu.A. Overall meebanization in poult27 faming. Mekb. ail'. hosp. 14 no,9:23-24 S t63, (MIRA :L'7sl)* 1. Zavedtqupbchiy laboratoriyey Ukrainakogo nouchno-irsiodc, vateliskagb i proyektnogo instituta. aeltalcogo khozynystva. KUROVI Yu.A., inzh. New typea of poultry farw. Makh., sill, hoap. 13 no.7:15-16 J1 162. (14IRA 17:3) . -0. VAYN 'HT'7YN, A l.; BFIRDNIK(Af. V.A.; ANTONYUK, B.N.; DENESYUK. I.P.L_jUROj,j VEYTS,W, M.B.; MOM, A.A.; IVANOV, A.S.j GAYFVSF-,V., B.L.; YC-Z7L'-:-S~E:Y., S.G.. L.K.; KOZEWTSEV, L.I.; KTIVALDIN, ~IrSUTN, A.T.; M-1-11KOW. G.Ye.; ZUBKOVSKIY, R.P.1 TZYUROV, D.N.; V.T.; KCChlTK%W. V.P.i BUBLIKOV, A.V,; 91,HANASIIIIAL, V.A. Patents. Bum. i der. prom, no.103-54 Ja--4r 165. (miw. 18110) BYKOVI A.P.p karid. tekhn, nauk, dote.; LWAGIN, N.A.p red.; M-OVA,.A.A., red.; IIIKOLISKAYA, N.G., tokhn. red. (De-elopment of electric power engineering and railroad electrification in the U.S.S.R.] Razvitie elelctroenergatiki i clektrifikataiia zhelezrqkh dorog SSSR, Izd,2,, perer, i dop. Monkva, 1963. 63 p. (MIRA 1713) BARSHCHEVSKlYp B.U.t dotsent, kaW, fiziko-matem, naukj__KUROVA, A.V.j red.j KLUWp L.G.p tekhn. red. - Mysics; disperoion of light] Fizika; disperaiia eveta. Konspekt lektaii dlia studentov 11 kuraa vaekh opetsiallnoatei. HoWmat Voeo. zaochnyi institut inzhenerov zhol-dor. transpop 1960. 13 P* (MIU -14M (Refraction) SOLOVIYEV, N.V., dotn., kando tekhr.. nauk-; VEDEMNIKOV, A,.I.,, red.-, KIjwiAj A.V.y rod.,; XII-'YIXA?I, red, ------ (Fandfunentals of safety engineering and fire prevention in railroad transportation; course of lectures for students of all branches] Osnovy tekhniki bezopasnonti i protivopozharnoi tekhniki. na zhelezr*- dorozhnom transporte; lairo Icktuli dlir, ,studentov vsakh spotviall- nontei. Moskva, M-vo putei. soobahcheniia Vses.,.aocIwyi. in-A inzhene-. rov zliel-dor.transp,, 1961. 308 p. WmA lj,;12) i(alh-ond"i-Std,tity I-Romful-00) (Railroads-Firos and fire prevention) ASHEKO, S.M., dots., kand. takhn. nauk; KLAUZ, P.L., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk- KUROVA A V. ?ed.; NIKOLISKAYA, K.G., tekhn. red. KLEYMAN, tekhn. red. (Repair of road and construction machinery) Remont pute- vykh i stroitellnykh mashin; uchebnoe posobie po distsipline "Tekhnologiia mashinostroeniia i remont mashin" dlia studentov V kursa spetsiallnosti "Stroitellnye i dorozhnye mashiny i obo- rudovanie. " WoakviL,, zaochnyi in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp. 1962. 108 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Road machinery-Maintenance and repair) (Construction equipment--Maintenance and repair) "IPCIIJAKI rl.p.# dctti.j DUUNOVA, N.F.0 asBl3ten',; TYU-N, B.V.p ITAVD1,11, Zh.L., dota.1 KUROVA, A.V.p red. (',,!E!thc,ds manual o,- the solution of problems in theo- reticnl mechanics; dynamics] Metodichaskoe posobie po reshe-nilu zadach teoretAcheskoi mokhaniki; dinamika. I-loskvii, 1.1,osk. in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp., 1962. 163 P. (MIRA 18:8) GLEBOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KARINSKAYA, L.P., red.; ,, rr~d.; KLF 1~1ROVA,_AV MAN, L.G., tekhn. red. (Regulation of electrical machines and the traction characteristics of a. diesel locomotive) Regulirovanie elektromashin i tiagovye kharakteristiki teplovoza; uchebnoe posobie po distsipline "Elektromashiny i elek- trooborudovanie teplovozov" d1in studentov V i VI kur- sov opetsiallnosti "Teplovozy i teplovoznoe khoziaistvo." Moskva, Vses. znochnyi in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. tran- sportR, 1963. 33 p. (MIRA 16;10) (Diesel locomotives) (Electric railway motors) e trovl c!j ; w UPNf 'V rc~ti. [Descriptive geometry; wal,uall imersectiorl of yolyhedra rarld surfaces. Meth,,;aological textbook for ,.Audexnf.~; of thr-- first. counie majo-,-lTq, in, ary subject' l,'achrrLitellraia [,eomet- riia; waimnoe pereseci~enie -nno,,,(,)t-,rann!koV I T-wierklalostei. Uclintino.-rr,fita.-lict,*ri:tk,le F-)-scibie ilia Lu--,-IentoV 1 kilrLia spotsiallnostei. XoAva, Ilsea. nLocimyi iri-t Ji.-,,,hancrov zhel- dor. tranopo:--La, 1963. 36 1). IOFFE, Gerts Saulov:Lchy kand. fiz.-irattern. 11auk dots KU:,'OVA, A.V., red.; KLEEYMAN, L.G., -ekhr-. red. [International system of units of measurement of physical quantities; textbook for students of courses I, II, and III for all majors) 0 mezlidunarodnoi i0steme odinits izme- reniia fizichoskikh volichin; uchobnoe posobie dlia stu- dentov 1, 11 1 111 kursov -vBekh spetsiallno3tei. Yoskva, Vses. zaochnyi in-t inzhenerov zhol-dor. transporta, 1963. 41 P. (MIRA 17:3) [Engineering and structural drawing; a manual for sturlentq In course Il of "Building of Railroads", lliiridgao arJi lsuun- nels", "Industrial and Civilian Con.3tru,-tion", "WaLer atip- p.1y and Sowernge System", I'Eaonumi-o anci C(,notruction for Railrijad Trrtn.,ipOr-t!.1tAOT1"J Inzlv~ncrnc- st-oit.ellnoe cherclenio; u:!11,abma po:3obie d1la sztudento-,, II kursa spetsiallnostei: "Stroitei'-,tvo zl,.elezn-,-kh ~.:~rcl-g-"(S), 11Y,osty i tonneli" (MT), "Prurnryghlennoe i grazhdanokoe ~3troitpl'--- ,3tvoll (FGS), "Vodoonabzhenle i kFinn1AzAziJ-a1? i organizai.siia. stroitelfoLva ria. (ES). 1.~oskva, V803. V~-C)Clfflyi i.111--l", trallsp., 1963. (1:0 1). LAPIN, A.V.; KUROVA, A.V.j red.; KLKYWl, L.G., [Fundamentals of electric drives; textbook for the forth and fifth year students specializing in the "Electrifica- tion of railroad transportationp" "Thermal power systems for olectrio power stations," "Cars and car operation, maintenanco and repair," "Conatruction and rond r,achinejr and equipmentn] Osnovy elektroprivoda; uchebnoe posobie dlia studemtov IV i V kursov npetniallnoitoi: `-I'lektrifi- katsiia zheleznodorozhnogo Vranspor~W,1' "Toploonargetichookle ustanovki elektrostantsii," I'Vagony i vagonnoe khoziaistvo," "Stroitellnye i dorozhnye mashiny i oborudovanie." Moskva, VZIIT, 1963. 99 p. (MIRA 17:3) SSNITKO, Ivan Konatantino-iich; KUAVA, A.V.., rcd. (structural mechanics of metal elements of machinery; a manual for students in course 4 majoring in "Construction and road machinery and equipment"] Stroitellnaia mckhanika metallokonstruktsii mashin; uchebnoe posoble dlia studentov IV kursa spetsiallnosti "Stroitellriye i dorozhnye rnashirrj i oborudovanie" (W). Moskva, Vses. zaochryi in-t inzhenerov zhel-tior. transp., 1963. 138 p. (MIRA 17:4) ALIMEYDIT, V3adirir Goorgiyevich, doktor trikhn. nauk., prof.; LYAS]ICIOIKO, Vasiliy Ilikolriyovicht kand. takhn. nauk, dots.; PERSHIN, Sargey Petrovich, kiind. t~~khn. dots.; -R!tQVA,-.A,V,j red.; KIIIN1,121, L.G., tckhn. red. (Continuous track and continuou-c welded rJ-131 Bes-,tykovoi ~utl i dlinnye rol'Er.-; uclicbroe yo.,~oJie. jl~-j V.G.Allbre-k-ht i dr. Moskva, Vziit, .1,963, 213 p. (ma;'J' 17: 1) (Railroad ---Tr,,.ck) (I -.a ldirg) VFKSLE~, V.M.; ICTATOVICH, A.M.~ prof.; 1AUKHA, T.I.; KUROVA,, A,V., red. (Loading and unloading, hoisting and conveying machinery] Pogruzochno-razgruzochnye i pod"emno-transportnyo mashiny. Moskva, VZIIT. Pt.2. 1964. 137 p. (MIRA 18:5) GOLDSHTZYT,'J. it.l.; ZELIKIND, Ye.',,',.; TSEY711h, S.1.; CIIIEKULAYEVA. Yu,I,,- KUROVA, E.A., ved. red.; LkLOVIYEVA, S.S., ved. red. [Petroleum refining abroad; a statistical and economic collection] Neftepererabotka za rubezhom; statistiko- ekonomicheskii Bbornik. 14oskva, TaNIIITEIneftegaz, 1963. 112 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno--issledovatellskiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy po nef- tyanoy i gazovoy prop.7shlennosti. BMG, P.D.; GOLIDSHITY1.1, R.I.; ZELIMID, Ye.M.; 11014ASHFOLISKIY, L.M.; FEDOROV, I.V.: IVA11OV, V.A.; CHEFUUYEVA, Yu.j.- YU.,OVA' E-J. red.; IIIKOLAYEVA, Ye.A., ved. red.; 1-USOLOV, YaJlf.'__,~e -r;d~. (Petroleum refining in capitalist countries; statistical studies] lieftepererabatyvaiushchaia prorryshlennost' kapitalisticheskikh stran; statistichaskii abornik. Moskva,, Volal, [Petroleum refining and petroleum products) Pererabotka nefti i proizvodstvo nefteproduktov. 1960. 219 p. Vol.2. [Consumptionp transportation, and storage of petroleum and petroleum products] Potroblenie, transport i khranenie nefti i nefteproduktov. 1961. 323 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. ~Ioscow. Goaudarstvennyy nauchno-issledr-vatell3kiy institut na- uchnoy i tekhnichesk informataii. (Petroleur.--Refiningl (Petroleum industry -Statistics) 1WTHORS: Kurova, 1. A., Kalashnik-v, ~-I*. C.. TITLE: The Iont?.atiQn Ene~rcy of and Ziallitbm in Gernaniun 'Energi~nz lonizatail viamuta Tal-Uyu v Germmili) PLHIC-DICAL'. 7hin-nal Teklinicheskol, 2e,, "r 2, pp. 21~'-258 ABST ~AGT6 Tho tempe ra ti tro -depon, 1~i rice of t.hl) resiqUince of ~errian to 6. 10 -3 hismuth and thallium at a concentration of 7-1o wax v e i t, i 1,at Pd h e re . The r-,,!w3, i re-me nt,3 Y;;~ re r.1 arl e i n a c ry j ti tat. Yt i. th pi wMch was connected with Liu- sariple Il a Th- rature varied from L,2 t,~ 2oOK and was controllk:d !~,r r,f an .0 ther,i(:ietex with ar acclirac,r up to 101/0. ;~t rore 70K th;f * , ce vas n~,,asure-1, witl. ti.e ai-I oll' a Li.j;hly rc-sistive ;~lc-rer, (Corll,act-~-*--- d-% to tjje Coj,[~r rl --5 t,f!r 0,2 - 0,3 ml,,) sur,~,e "tMt;-al probes. At jo-,-Ter tempexatu.-,s r,,-sjs Lance, vain fletcrol iled rt!aw-, of 1.1,,e clectrc!-.(~tc~r -4 l' 3 parlsoi~ witit a ot,arilirrl Fror, the tilecific tet:..,jeratitre curvus 1~i 11- ~)u seen tliat the reasure!::ents accord-I.- iE t,, comp(tnsatior, ua~-tlhcc'. Yi,ld tlio sare iyadienU as t*,;v. electrc=k:~,.r- 7- surt~ments- antl t~iat a chunt~,! ii- tlie ienctii of Ll.(! sa-rplc- doers refererc-, Card 1/2 any ini'll-ie.-.ce. upon this garlient. fror The Ionization EnerLy of Llisi,iath and Thalli~Lr.-i 57-2-1c/32 in (jurman.L-_ for deterriirling the ionozatinn-enorgy ~,for the sarnple:, of thf-- J From the valuen, sLvT.,.ari7,ed in a table, for the ionization f_-wtr*U antirr-ony and zinc 0 to he seen ttiat tliey agree viith the data giver i:i publications (0,0097 eV in reference 1 an(I 0,03 eV in rofcrei~ce 411. Icnization ener.rien in hisnuth an,1 thallilini lic rear Oe nerGies of ot1wr elementa o,L' the 3rd and with a hiLh distril I t1c,-, coeffici_(~nt. The obtains!d result.!,. nhow that tl.e local lattdce-~Iof'~~'[P'J' tions which aro canscri by the purictration of for~.A;,n itoni.,; wjili fvrent ator-radDis do not r1arkedly infliience thu ionlzation_F-nerg~r least. iri the case o1' weakly lbo%incl and dn n(,t distifflu the noe of a hydrogon-like rodel for the Looal levels. The ;--reqvrit, ruasurernenLs were 1,orforried In the Cryoscopic -Laboratory of the University., 1,oscoiy. T1,ti work was advJsed by A. I, shallnilrov. V. 13. Alekseyeva placed tl.(~ 2ariples at the autliors' disposal. There are 1 fiLiu-~,j 1 tal)lc, and 6 references. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University, Physics Department, (Jios kovs k i y goo iidair:, t vt.-,:i.-y u ' nIversitet. ~'izlcl~-enkiy fakultet) None Soviet SUHUTTED-. Ju4 1, 1957. AVAILABLE'.' Library of Con~~ress. Card 2/2 lo Cx7stalo-Ionization 2. Bismuth 3. Thallium 67405 SOV/181-1-9-29/31 AUTHORSt Kurova, I. A , Kalashnikov, S. G. TITLEi On the 'Electrical Conduotivi~zlof Germanium-at Low Temper- atures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 9, PP 1476 - 1479 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The anomalies occurring at low temperatures in germanium with impurity concentrations of^,10 15_1018/cm3, had already been investigated earlier several times, as briefly shown in the introduction. The authors investigated igh-ohmic n- and p- type germanium samples with , 3-1013/cm~ and antimony-alloyed germanium samples with , 1.1014 _ 3.101 5/cm3; they measured the Hall constant, the resistivity and the change of reBi- stance in the magnetic field. The preparation of the samples is described. The voltage was measured by a Compton electro- meter. The field inside the samples did not exceed 0.2 v/cM and was for all samples within the range of validity of Ohm's law. Half-constant and change of resistance In the magnetic field were measured at field strengths up to Card 1/3 3500 oersteds. Figures 1 and 2 show typical curves for LK 6 7405, On the Electrical Conductivity of Germanium at Low SOV/'Fil.-I-9-29/31 Temperatures antimony-alloyed samples (the characteristics of the sampleo are given in a table). It is shown that for 0a11 samples the law of reoiatanae growth changes at about 4 Ks the actly- ation energy drops from a value of , 0.01 ev (impurities of the V group) to , 5-10-4ev in high-ohmic samples. The temper- ature dependence of the Hall constant and the change of resistance in the magnetic field of samples with an impurity concentration ( 1-5-101~cm3 deviates strongly from the de- pendence for samples with high concentrations. The Hall con- stant has no maximum for high-ohmic sampleu and changes by approximation after the same law as the resistance. In the range of 500 - 5000 oersteds it does not depend on the magne- tic field. For low-ohmic samples the same ratios were found as already eqtabliahed in refe ences 1-8. The Hall mobility It-R/Q is of the order of 1 83CM5 /v.sec for low impurity con- centration samples at T< 4 K, Tho results obtained show that in high-ohmio germanium with impurity concentrations - 1015CM-3 and lower at low temperatures the weak conductivity Card 2/3 is conserved in the ground band; in the samples investigated 67405 On the Electrical Conductivity of Germanium at Low SOV/181-1-9-29/31 Temperatures it corresponds to a carrier concentration of tho order of 1050M-3 and can be explained by the existence of low levels immediately at the bottom of the ground band. The author finally-thanks A. 1. Shallnikov for having offered the possibility of conducting the investigations in his labora- tory and for valuable advice as well as V. 0. Alekseyeva for h&ving prepared the germanium crystals. There are 2 figt~res and 12 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Mookovskiy universitat Fizicheski fakulltet (Moscow University, Department of Physics~ SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959 Card 3/3 83018 S/181/60/002/008/037/045 .24-4 7 v 0 B006fBO63 'AUTHORS: Kalashnikov, S. C., Xurovap I. A. A TITLE: Electrical Condictivil f6f Germanium at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1949 - 1950 TEXT: The present article follows a previous publication (Ref. 1) in which the authors gave the results of measurement of the resistivity, t~e Hall constants, and the change in resistivity of Ge samples with Sb impurities of 8.1013.- 2.9*1015 cm-3 placed in a magnetic field * Samples of higher impurity concentrations (2-7-105 - 2.90o15) showed a typical impurity conductivity at the temperature of liquid helium. This is In agreement with the results of other authors. Further studies on samples of impurity concentrations of -1015CM-3 showed that these samples had a remanent conductivity owing either to long-wave rays scattered in the instrument or to thermal radiation emitted by tubes. The intensity was Card 1/3 83018 Electrical Conductivity of Germanium at Low S/181/60/002/008/037/045 Temperatures B0061BO63 -10 2 was estimated to be-.10 W/cm . The accompanying figure shows typical curves (Q and R as a function of I/T) of samples exhibiting such a re- manent conductivity. These curves were recorded by a modified instrument in which the effeots of scattered thermal radiation were considerably reduced. The temperature dependences of the Hall constant and resistivity in the presence of this scattered radiation are shown for comparison. The curves differ considerably. After the elimination of the ncattered radiation, Q and R vary according to an exponential law with an activa- tion energy of about 0.01 ev, and show no anomalies. The change in re- sistivity in a magnetic field for the two cases is also to be seen* In the presence of this radiation, the Hall constant has no maximum, and the carrier mobility calculated from Q and R retains its high value in L>~ the entire temperature range. The samples to which the data and curves refer are indicated by 1-1 and 4-2. They show different behaviors which are discussed here. Their composition is not given. The author thanks A. I. Shaltnikov who made these experiments possible and gave him valuable advice. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/3 M 83018 Electrical Conductivity of Germanium at Low 3/161J60/002/008/037/045 Temperatures M6/K63 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Fizioheskiy fakulitet (Moscow State Universi~j, Devartment of Physics) Ux SUBMITTED: January 29, 1960 Card 3/3 87916 q, 430 0 2Li T750 S/1Fj 11/60/002/01, 210 -, 6/0 !,9 BC06/BO63 AUTHORS: Kurova, I. A. and Tyapkina, N. D, TITLE: Electrical Conductivity of Lithium-doped Gprmanium at Lcy, Temperatures PERIODICAL! Fizika tvordogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 12, -P. 3106-3109 TEXT: Germanium specimens containing impurities of elements of the 4 1 LhIrd and fifth groups have been studied repoated'y at the temperature.9 of liquid helium (Refs. 1-9), but there are no data available on the variations of ionization energy of lithium in germanium and on the electi-L cal ronductivity of lithium-doped germanium at low t"_mperatures. This wo;k was intended_~o fill this gap. Az Li in Ge has a diffusion coef- ficipnt of D=1.10 CM2/sec at 5,10'C, diffusion of Li i-to Ge at elevated temperature is the best method of introducing lithium. The germanium specimens were ground, etched, purified, and annealed in -,rauc, at 1900C for 4-8 hrs, depending on the size of the specimen. The anneali-ng was done with an Li-Pb alloy, from which Li diffu3ed into Ge. Starti_nE; materials were p-type and n-type germanium havin6 a re3istiv-,ty of Card 1/3 67916 Electrical Conductivity of Lithium-doped S/'~81/60/002/0112/016/018 Germanium at Low Temperatures B0061BO63 -.')0 The specimens were cut perpendicularly to th,~- growth ~.ixfa Ull, and had a size of 3-4-15 mm. After the diffuuion, the specimen- were ground anew and etched with boilinE: 11 202' LI-Pb spots were left. 43 14 15 contacts. Lithium. concentration varied from 2.3-10 and 2.9-10 CM resistivity at 3000K from 6-5 to 0.58, and ionization ~_nergy from 9.3 to 9.4 kev. The Hall constant (R) and the variation of resistivity -tinder the action of a magnetic field were meanured as well. This was doll(' in liquid helium; the temperature of the specimen5 was df-tcrmlned from the saturation pressure. The measurements in the magn,~tic field were made all .1 1 / C I 1200 oe; the electric field inside the specimens did not exce9d 0 If, m T ': V - and thus remained within the range of validity of Ohm'3 law. h c r - V(1/t) and R - f(l/T) are reproduced here. They ohow that cnly specimens with 6.5 and 4.45 and lithium cc~nc,~ntratioqD '~f '.9) ~ 1014 -3 cm have reE;v'A-,tr functlo,_,j, %'ith higher lithium cQn temperature dependence of ? and R Rlk~'T) for ~xamplL,. have peaks. The authors thank S. G, Kalaohnikov f,')-, A. I. Shallnikov fri, V'-ttInC hi-. T rl~xd 2/~ n' ej El.e:trical Conductivity of Lithium-d,-pf--d Germunium at Low l'umperatiirei 2 figures, I table, and 23 references; 2 So vl' i~ t ,16 US, Fr-?nch, 1 Canadian, and 1 ASSOCIATION: Fiziclieskiy fakulltet 'lloskovskogo univer-itk-,':~ Di ji on of Physics of Moscow Stat-2 Univeroity) SUBMITTED: May 5, 1960 Card 313 ~--J~Ukvill 1.~.; 1-.D. C-)-," :,~r-m&niLn containing llti.iui ~t low F'..-,. tvcr. 'Acla 3 no. 12:31C(-31C~ *- "0. 14: -.,) 1. Kzicb~uldy f LvIltot !.o:;kcvskoUo gooudLiAvenno~o urAvcI,,nIt,;tr-. (Garr.-.Lidm---'loctric properties) 26410 S/O 56/' !,,'O,l 1 /00 1 /005/021 C~t B1021B212 . f,7?0(0 AUTHORS: Il'ina, MA , A,, Xurova, I. A, TITLE: 'Effect of unidirectional compression on the electrical properties of p-type germaniumat low t,.-mreratijre~j PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy I teoretici.eskoy fizik-., ,,~ 41, no. 1(7), 1961, 81 - 82 TLXT: Unilateral compression splits the valence band In rerman:um. -.%,hich is normally quadruply degencrate, into doubly and, deforms it.. This brings about a change of the electrical properties of r-tyne germanium. G. Ye. Pikus and G. L. Bir have already investigated thi3 problem theoretic- ally. The authore of this paper have measured the resistivity, Hall conotant~ and resistivity variation in a magnetic fi-ld 4 for p-cypa Ge specimens, whose resistivity, 9 , at ruom temperutule w a '0 ci 1; M The 1012 resistance of the specimen was R ohms at T 7 K Th~~ :,-.e.-isurements were made along the direction of deformqtIon C ic] n~-,7MD-~ -o~ ,- , U, 10], at a load of 600 kg/cm 2. For the measurements an -.;oll shielded Card 1/3 2641-o 311W)t~111"i'P '111)4 ' 'OFO 1 /005/0-1 1 Effert of unidirectional against thermal radiation, wan used. since cadiation weakenB t~:e nzeanured effects, which even disappear with a ntror.C -zAdj~j-zjr.,,;. 7 0i. 31,17eMen tn were carried out with a magnetic field of 15OU oe and ar. ";.Pia that does not violate Ohm's law. The results obtbined for tne coi.ductivity a3 a function of pressure show that the conductivity wil-I c?.a-..,e mr~ra along the C110J direction than in the [11C] direCt20fl If It IS u3SU-.,ed tile scattering displays a small anisotropy, then it i6 voss:r,le ~o determine the sign of dD from the mobility ratio /M. I ip q - 6-145`11 wh-'ci, is negative, d denotes the deformation potential coefficient, D ihe matrix element of the spin-orbital interaction. An analysis of the -prosjure -!CT)2nd-?nC:e of and the carrier concentration ratio n/n - R /R (R - Hall :constant' along 0 0 the deformation direction R110 t~ at 4.2'K jho-,4 that the changt~ ;n conductivity of p-type Ge deformation is causiJ by brit~h t he Increased number of holes and increased hole mobility. Frow a m-~-ajur~.ment of the temperature dependen--e of the Hall constant at ztrc mina deformations, the change of the hole ionizatiun enerey was determin,~-_ -o I-P I, ';('j -4 ev, which amounts to 57c of the total ioni;,.ation e 'i y T i., I Close Card 2/3 26410 S/056/61/0,11/jOl/005/021 Effect of unidirectional ... B102/B212 to the measurement accuracy and the same c~ani ~;e i-9 obtained from the pressure dependence of the number of carrieri- The authors thank I 11. B. Brandt, A. 1. Shallnikov, and Or. Ye, Pik,is for 'nferest in thin work. ASSOCIATION: Mo8kovskiy gosudar.~it,veririyy (11"oscovi State University) SUPLUTTEM: February 22, 1961 Card 3/3 ~Lj -1 -7 0 0 5/181/62/CO4/006/019/051 3100112 AUTHORS: Kurova, I. A., Kalaishnikov, S. G., and Tyapkina, N. D. TITLEt The kinetics of impurity conduction in Au-doped n-type germanium PZRIODICALi Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 4, no. 6, 1962, 1503 - 1509 TEXTs The trapping of olectrons on the E 4 level of gold in Au-doped n-type germanium was investigated at hydrogen temperatureo The photoconduction of single-crystal specimens was determined in a He cryostat evacuated to _10-2 mm Hg. The heat emission of a crucible furnace was filtered through Ge and Sb-In filterao The damping periods _f the photoconduction of the specimens were measured for two different directions- of current passage. If the contacts of the samples are of,high quality, the damping of photoconduction can be described by exp(-t/t). The coefficients-0 of electron trapping on the E level of gold were' n 4 -1 determined from measured values of '~_, using the relation -~- (-~'N n 3 Card 1/6 The kinetics of ... S/181/62/004/006/01OW/051 B104/B112 (Table), where N is the dark concentration of Au" ions. The temperature 3 dependence of the trapping cross section in described by slexp(-F,/kT), where E is the activation energy. The dependence of '~on T increases with increasing Sb content. This confirms the authors' conclusions as to the effect of electron adhesion to Sb ions. The temperature dependence of the trapping cross section shows no signs of a strong influence of the potential barrier around the centers upon the trapping processes. There are 5 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: I.".oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (moscow State univerEity imeni I.I. V.* Lomonosov) SUBMITTEM January 25, 1962 Card 2/4 XUROVA, I.A.; KALASIINIKOV, S.G. Electric instability in germaniiim. Tiz, tvor. tola 5 no.11022.4. 3230 N 163- (MIRA 10:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni Lomonosova. Coinoensatc~d with gallium- TInc! spectra were mea8ured with an CODF: SS 119/11 9R REF SOV: D Cl 2 aFHER: 006 I - ,KUROVA, I.A.; QSTROBORODOVA, V.V.; OINONT, N.N. Volta sensitivity of Au-doped p-germanium at low temperatureB. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.3:940-941 Mr 165. (MIRA 1894) 1. MoskovBkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. L, QIPP~ L 64773-65 tio- Le- --w-gyy, unmvers Ltet (Moscow Sf-at- t L 2261-66 ACCEMIM NR: APS006920 9/0181/65/007/003/0940/0941 AMOR: Kurova, I. A.; Ostrobarodova V. V.-, 07~tq N~.N~ TITLE: Volt", sensitivity of p-type gernmium, with eld at low tanperatures SOURCE: rizika tverx", tela, v. 7. no. 3,-1965, 940-941 TOPIC TAM : germanium, voltage sensitivityq donor level, photolonizationg low tetq>e,ratur-- --,-search ABSTPACT: The integral voltage sensitivity of p-type gerTmnium samples withpar- tially compensated donor level of gold was wasured in a retallic helium cryostat. The sample was fastened on a cold finger topether with a heater and its temperature could I>-- varied between 10 and 50K, 7be source of radiation was a copper cylinder with heater, and radiation frcm which was nxyJulated at 400 cps. The voltage from the sample was displayed on an om-milloscope and measured with a meter after amplifi- cation. The tempeiAture dependence of the voltagc, sensitivity is illustrated in Fig. 1 of the Mclosure. The activation Pnergy was -0,04 eVq and the imization en- ergy of the donor level was 0,041 eV, The teqxreture dependerice of the voltage senaiti,~dty ums thus in agreement with the theory of im wity p-latocandw=tivi In thn pmsanca of CM impwity lewlo 7he voltage sennit Vity Ma 4100 ig vi Card -L 2261-66- ACCESSIM NR: APSG06920 of the degree of connnsiqion of the level and of the imprIty cmcentratinL A Value of (1,16--08) x 101b =2 was obt&tned for the average effective photo 7 izaticn cross seatim of the level, in agreement with data obtained by others. article has-. 'A. figure, 2 fenulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIMONt lbskovskiy I t mnivmitet ims Mo V. Lcn=osova (MDsww State universily) SUMU=: 1Wun64 ENCL.- 01 SUB CODE SS -2> !PCRE _jOV 1004 O'MM: 001 Card L 2261-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5006920,,~- lot - Arl tie- (J ENC. 01 Dependence of the integral voltage sensitivity on the temperature. Symbol n=ber: 1. 2078 2. 1641 3. 1033 4. 1431 BESFAIMILINAiA, V.A.; KTIROVA I.A.- OPMONT, N."I.; 0SiPOWLL)Cj*"".;,-, V.V. ... J-- . p Oscillations in imFur-Ity pho',occndactiv-'ty spectra of germznium. Zhur. ekop. i teor. fiz. 48 no.6:15r'8-1593 Jo 165. 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.