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69662 8/180/60/000/02/025/028 90711HI35 Mechanically Strong Aluminonickel Qatalyst for the Process of Destructive Hydrogenation precipitation. The activity of the catalysts prepared was tested under standard conditions of destructive hydrogenation at a modarate pressura (Ref 1) of sulphurous Tuyma-in crude oil and -,:()mpared with that of .L- an indust:cial aluminomolybdenum catalyst. The exper" m,Dntal results are givon in Table, 6. It was found that in zespect of their a(,,tivity aluirAnonickel catalysts are not Jnfezior to indust-:-ial alumlnom~-jlytdenum catalyst Nr 7360: the i1eld cf 11qutd products amounted to '7-,~.8% and the degree of the yield of oaXe to C. desulphurization to 76-88%~ It ii c::ncliided that aluminonickel catalyst prepa7ed undz~r optimlxn oonditions satisfactory meclianioal properties and activity for the process of destructive hydrogenation under a moderate pressure (30 atm). Card There are 6 tables and 7 references. of which 5 are 3/3 Soviet, 1 is English and 1 is Germa~. KATSOB&SHVILI, Ya.R.; KURKOTA, B.S.; LDMBAMUKO, V.S.; LWITSKIY, J;A.; GOWS(jy;-S-.j.--.-)WOWTA. r.A.; NitUROV, G-1. Apparatus for washing filter residues resistance. KhIm.prom. no.4:340 J9 of high hydraulic 160. (MIU 13:8) (Filters and filtration) KATSO iRBILVILI, Ya.R. (Moskva):-XWtKOVA, N.S. (Moskva); :,3VITSKIY, N.A. (Moskva); LIKH)iOENKO, V.S. (~Mo-s--k-v--u--)';"-M-ASO!i)VA, F.A. (Moskva) PreWing a mechanically renistant alumina-molybdenum catalyst. Izv. A14 SSSR. Otd, tekh. nauk. MetA topl. no.5:234-238 8-0 160. (Catalysts) (Molybdenum compounds) S/076/60/005/012/006/016 B017/Bo64 AUTHORSi Katsobashvili, Ya. R., Kurkova, 11. S.., Levitskiy, E. A. TITLEt Stability of the Hydroxide Precipitate of Pentavalent Molybdenum at Different p1l Values of the Medium PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960. Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 2681-2686 TEXT: The effect of the pH of the precipitating medium upon the dissolu- tion process of molybdenum(V)hydroxide was investigated. The solutions of pentavalent molybdenum were prepared by reducing hydrochloric ammonium molybdate solutions by metallic aluminum, Molybdenum(V)hydroxide was pre-- cipitated from these solutions at pH 5.0-6-5. At plf 8-10, molybdenum(V).- hydroxide is dissolved again. The potentiometric fitration curve of M05+ solutions is given In Fig. 1. The dissolution of molybdenum(V)- hydroxide in alkaline medium was found to be due to the oxidation of .1 6+ Mor+ to MO . Molybdenum(V)hydroxide is dissolved at pH higher than 7. Card 112 Stability of the Hydroxide Precipitate of S/0713/60/005/012,/006-/016 Pentavalent Molybdenum at Different pH Values B017/Bo64 of the Medium The dissolution of molybdenum(V)hydroxide i!j independent of t,.r-e and temperature. The pH ishoweve~, the primary factor. When heatinc mol~bder:lm- (V)hydroxide from 20 to 500C, It is rapidly dissolved; when the tempera"ur V is further increased to 700C, no essential change of the dissolution rate occurs. At pH below 7, the precipitation of molybdenjm(V)hydroxidF, is quantitative. The dissolution rate of molybdonum(V)hydroxide. :19 lndepenjan~ of the ammonium chlorldr, concentration in the u:ilu' iin. On fhe bao-'s. of the resiilts obtained, a new procedure of prr~paring thermcstable aluminum- molybdenum catalysts with good mechanical strength is s.;ggested. Tlwrf- nr,~ 5 figures, 2 tables, and 13 rcf,~rf-ncnoi 9 Soviet and 2 G~-,rman. SUBMITTED, September 30; 1959 Card 212 KATSOBASIIVILI.. Ya.R.; KURKOVA, N.S. - LIIGIOBABENKO0V.S.; LEVITSKIY, E.A.; kUZIMIIIA, T.N.; KUKHTICHEVA, V.F.; MOSOLOVA, F.A, Preparation of mechanically strong catalysts based on aluminum oxide. Trudy Inat. nefti 14:160-186 160. (MIRA 14-5) (Catalyo,ts) (Aluminum oxide) A UTHORS Y;; K:, TITLE: PERIODICAL ad! pp 73j~ 7" U S.S R A BS TR A o I rv, :7) e pa ra t e p r, c G' e I' v "j e'* c M -a t~.L C)'-' 'D r a 0 na prepai---C-, l"Y ar-nmorijurr, rnolybdati:~ , ' , ~ I rl C _ I 9 '~"lovl he'll: ard 1. Brief Communicatio- 's, Mc2ybdenum F.-rorr. Catalysts Theve ap(j, 6 t,(-11 j SUPrOlITT. D; Appi 1 C"A ~d KXTSOBASHVILI, YG.R.j Ku4KQVAO-Ii.,S~;-ILIKIIOBABEIIKOI V.S.; LEVITSKIY, B.A.; KUVIIINAt T.H.; KUKETICHEVA, V.F.,- HASOLOVA, F.A. Effect of the conditions under which the hydroxIde precipitates on the mechanical durability of alumin= oxide. I~v. All SSSR. Otd. khIm. nauk no.gt245-250 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut-neftekhimichopko o sinteza AN SSSR. (Alu KATSOBASHVILIP Ya.R.; KURKOVA, N.S.; UNITSKIY, E.A.; ROMANOVSKIY, B.V. Preparation of active opherica.1 aluminum oxide, Khim,prom noel: 26-30 Ja 162. ~KEFA 15:1) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. (Aluminum oxide) BELIKOV, F.S., doktor biologicheskikh nauk, prof.; MOTORINA, M,,V.,kand. biologicheskikh nauk; KURKOVA, Te,B.0 laborantka. Using the GIP-5 infrared gas analyser for determining the inten- siveness of photosynthesis. Izv. ToYhA no.3:30-39 160. WIRA 14:4) (Photosyntheais) (Infrared rRys) DELIKOV, P.3., doktor biologichunkikh naull-, prof.; 1-10TCRIIIIii,, '%V., ki,nd.biolo~:icheakikh nauk; KURYOW., Ye,.i3., laborant Intenvity of photosynthesis in various Triticum species. Izv. TSKhA no.5:41,~54 761. NEU 14:12) (FhotosyntLemia) ANDREYEVA, I.N.; KURKOVA, Ye.13. Oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria of corn rcots. Fiziol.rast. 12 no-4:584-590 Jl-Ag 165. 18:12) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy imenj Moskva. Submitted June 26, 1964. (YTR,,,, K.A.Timlryazeva All S-cSR, KURKOVSKAYA.K.V. - Some discrepancies of "Regulations." MeteorA gidrol. no.10: 52-53 N-D 153. (MIRK 8:9) (winds) 11 (4 3 HASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV12925 Baku. A,~~~*lt,'t)a,[(I,,,,~-.,~i'i~l.,-,i'7 In6titut, nefte- pvoiry~O-tlennoatl lum)ni V. V. Kuybyslieva. Sbornih 1;~-idov, v ',m. 2. (CoLleclGion of Works., No. 2) Pa ku ftneCtelzdat, IT:iA. 37.3 p. Errata nlip Innorted. ~~100 Additional Sponnorinr. Ar.-,~~rjry: A-,erbnyd-hiri. Minlsterstvo neftyanoy Ed. of Pub~.-Lvhtnj, T.B. Al~trnrtn; Editorial Boarl: V.S. Allyev, Candidate of' Ch.emtra.I V.S. Gutyrya, Doctor of ChermicaL Scieneps, A.M. Kullyr-,v, Dcctor of Chemical Sciences, N.M. Indiikov, C n 1-1 d I d.:0~~ oc 'ref9killoal. V.Ya. Matmmyrtn, Cfindtdate or Scl,,It,-.t, P.O. Su of Tvi,11,11c.11 Sciences, A.M. 1,~vshin,.,i, C;Indldate of Chemical Sciences, N.B. A11 tman, Candldat:~~ cf Chemtcal Sciences, I.M. Orradzheva, Candidate of TechnIcal Sciervi~s, M.M. Mellk-Zade, Candidate of Cheralcal Sclencen. Card 1/8 Colle(,.ti()t1 :~f N.). ~,, SOV12925 PURPOSE: Thi.3 of art1cles Is, Intended for chemical ? enlr,-~Irif . ~;i ii.- 1 r, with advanced meth~)(M of COVERAGir.- Th%~ 11, -,,i e ~ i T.. 5i an atili I ysis of' different J.. 5d In Azerbalrdzhan ari,1 of the products .re(j fl-r)m them,(, f~rudles ',hrnii[-,h petroleum conversion T-) ro r~ o, n . li,i(I deqii1!iify trig of crudes Is de,,(-,rlb,~d .iid th%, 3ultabilt'y of thf~se for the ol' t~, d1:3(nis3ed. Results of catalytic ovt.v a fluidlzed bed syrithetic catalyst and the of gasoline produced by two- Stage catalLyrt'. are analyzed. Attrition and deactiva- tion of cata'lyoti3. -m ~tz catalyst circulation in a hyper- flow aynteia -.,tv1ewod. Various lube oil additives and the production of types of' oils and of carbon black are ouGlIrif-,(1. ,v:comp~lriy Itd1vidual artioles. TABLE OF CONTENTS, Card 2/8 colir~ct-.1,A'l. (.1 Nzl-~ "? SOV/2925 k3hurrov, G-G-~ iind INT.R. Nitrogen Campoundri In Crudes From thf~,,;ty,-i OIL DepoysIts ori the Apsheron Penin[311la 5 Ashumov, G.G., and S.I. Kurkovi3kaya. NItrogen Compounds In Azcrbajr,.Ll,h:m 12 Masurm:yan, V.Ya., M.K. Daniyelyan, K.I. Antonova, Kh.M. Sultanova, and A.S. Arust'lum,.ov. I'vell-m1riary Treatm,~rit- of Balm CrUde3 for Ref 1nin- 16 1~ Agayeva.. S.k.: V.V. A.G. I.~tnaylov, A.V. Kudinov d 1,.A. M.N. Nadirova, A.B. Terteryan r- 1: t-- (i'S.A. Cruden as -i Raw Matorlal 0 ~Oork- ",,i Dlr:i~ I IP~A~-I-; .34 117iz-;lrov, A.B. ~ V.S. Gtit yry~'i, and D. 1. Zul I fugarly. Effect of Cept'alli .-d' CaLrtlytir; Cr,.jolclng Performed Over a Fluidized Sy,lith-tic Sillcri. Aluralma Cc-ltalyit. on the Formation of Aromatic It', 17,t-tolllle 44 Card 3,8 SOV/2925 ro vA - JT3 V S Ma s 1 1 :T1v a rt d 1) - I - ZI ' f 1 Chemical Compo- . sition C~i"rilylrlc cl-rie'I'llni" 70 Altliyev ;r;ri, ,n(1 P.P. Kasi!r-)va. Role of H,7--t , Carril t, V. o~ I I _j L if;.-avy Pe t, r0 1 f! um 77 A.A. fit on-lov i, V-S. Fvolov;i, itiul YO f I M.-x V,1 I P, 1 J:,~ A.B. S) I,; of a Powdered Stlica Alurain~-t C~it,,tly;;t T~.,Hnf- (7~f' DI: 'tiDi`ez Frorr. Non- sulf'urous Crix], k)l.l 86 Ashumov., G.(--'I., K:i! L.yc;%-~ K.J. Arilnnrivri, T.S. Stepanyany Ye.N. KItuohAn~,.1, L-(l Si-,.V. VoLllyev. S,-Iud,, of Petrolcura From the Upper Kallriz3ka.yr, At%j:,rj C-,~_- I.--d eiit. Wlt(.-h a View to Producing Avia- tion Dib-, Oil 99 Kallyev, A.M., ft.Sli. Ku.11_t,/,--(, M.M. Dreyzina, K.I. Antonova, Yp.N. N.I. and M.T. Allyev. Study o,C Petroleum From tirn., '11, It,' ~ti~y Katriii Mqdt~ WIth a View to Producing Lu1.)(.: Oil D131u1i 1o6 Card 4/6 C (:, 11. ~' _T r I ! ! i, F, let " I - I ~'; ; 11) . 'P SOV/2925 Kill. ly~,v, :*i.j'.i,,. viil lvav, M.M. Dveyzina, K.I. Antonova, ye.11. Ku'u N.I. and M.I. All Pv. Production of Rc,31dual. 01_1'.; P0 voleum Recovered at-, the, Neftyany-je Kannin Deposits 131 Kuliyf~v, A.M.; R.Sli. Kuli,y rev, M.M. Dreyzina, R.L. Margolif-la, and M.R. Apiplicattmi of the De-asphalting Procestj in t-,he Product.ic,,n of AvIatIon Lubvicatlzig Oil MK-22 144 Kuliye%r.~ 1I.M., I.M. Orudzi-leva, M.M. Mirdzhavadova, S.N. Loginova, and M.R. M,i,ay~,~v. Pv,-w(JI]"-tIon of Oil From Paraffin Crucien by lvll~ 1!56 Banhap~v: V.Yr~_ T.J. E1.1rivich. Pr-A)lem of' Making Universal Lubt ;.o OJI"i 173 Or-udzheva,, I.M., -.!-,d M.M. MI-rdzhavadova. Investigation of Lube Oil -Irid L'Ibri-al.Inn Oil Recrivered From Standard Surakhany ppt-rc-IC-11- 179 Card S 0 V/ Kully-7; A.M., V-1. Respon;3e of Lubri- %irm to Arli it Ives 19" A Zr- Tr.- 1-:a, D.A. Akhmed-Zade, I riv t ~-a t I o n9 1,1, rl jr~ A, I -~ t. i i r;, o f Ai I cl tt, I t i J 1 Kul 1,; A P1 . il N! 1. i A!.!, Inveol.1gatlons In and th(- S' udy of' Tiielr E, :;.z t.) n G oups Extracted Fr- 225 an'l K,I. Sadykho,ir. SyntheBls 't-,! Oil Deter(rents S-pJlli,:~~-I~:,,~~j Fi r, Sullarilk: A, ld 244 V, L (A' W.I.v,-, linprol-ting the Quality of' DI-ea3el Fuels 256 C;ai-d A , -,,,!. " ~ ~ . i ~ . ; ~,,7 2L ;. . :1 1 1 . SOV "2925 v: M,~thodology of Ariilyzing, M.R. Muszallcv, V.V. S11111dian- 1 Prol,iw, of Appralllln)~ the Sta- A lit T)!-,~t,l nit by 14('arm nf 279 Su f'( A. I.S. She Ll-'C, 1.1, S.M. MarRaryan, and T-(,h,0(pu, of Conversion uf of Cam-le(l out Over a Fluidized 288 u lo') v and F.A. Kagral'.111lova. of DibrIoati. ti 011, 10 rid 18 303 IT r C p. 1 1) -.1 11, 318 1R.A. 4 I L I t 1 0 C _3 5'-1 With HiJ!,11 Coritc-lit jb fE f 'rM/',l b 12) o - 0 C ASHUMDV. G.G.; KURKOVSKATA. S.I. -z-, Nitrogen coffpounds in Azerbaijan crudes. Sbor.trud.Azgll UP no.2:12-15 A.- 158. NIRA 12:6) I ~(Azarbaijan--Petroleum--Analyois) (Nitrognu compounds) 4 ASHWOV, G.G.; IMIROV, A.B.; KURKOVSKAYA, S.I. Investigating higl, molecular weight -'edaponents of the Artemov asphaltic petroleum. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.6:13-20 159. (MIPA 14:9) (Potroleum--Analysis) KURI,-OVSrJYA. Ye. The first Soviet turbine-angl,ned bus. HTO 2 no.3:2;,' Yx 160. (MIRA 13:6) (motorlbuses) ABIUMOV. H.A.: ALIVERDIZAIM. K.3.: AMIROV, Yo.A. I ARENWH. R.I.; ARSKNOTIT, S.I.; BAGDASAROV, R.M.; BAGDASAROT, G.A.; BADAKTANTS, A.A.; DANIT11- LIAR, G.N.; DZHAFAROV, A.A.; KAZA , A.S.; URCHMEXIT. H.H.; KONW- KHOV, $.I.; KRASNOBATZT, A.Y.; LAT-AZAROV, G.S.; LARIONOV, Te.P.; LIMNGARTIN, M.Te.; LIVSHITS. 3.L.-, LISIKTAN. K.A.; LOGINOVSKIT, V.I.; LISUKOVSKIT, P.S.; KOLGHANOV, G.V.; KAT- DILIMAN, N.M.; OKHCNIKO, S.K.; ROKANIKHIN, V.I.: ROSIN. I.I.; RU- STAMOV, E.M.; SARKISOV, R.T.; SKRYPHIK, P.I.; SOBOLEV, N.A.; TARA- TUTA, R.N.; TVOROGOVA, L.M.; THR-aRIGORYAN, A.I.; USACHIT, V.I.; FAIN, B.P.; CHICHEROV, L.G.; SWIRO, Z.L.; SMCHUK, Tu.I.; TSUDIK, A.A.; ABUGOV, P.M., red.; MARTTHOVA, M.P., vedushchiy red.; n&NlyX- LYAN, A.Av; TROFIMOV, A.V., [Oil field equipment; in six volumes] Neftianoe obortidovanie; v shesti tomakh. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.3. [Petroleum production equipment] Obo- rudovanie i instrument dlia dobychi nefti. 1960. 183 P. (KIRA 13:4) (Oil fields-1quipment and supplies) LACHINOV, B.S., kandidat takhalchookikh nauk; KMOVSKIY, V.A. -Problems relative to the %~oory and practice of the eynthesis of ammonia. Xhim.sauka i prom. 1 me.6:610-619 156. (HI2A 10:3) (Ammaxia) 1/"oq/O it", A C, U 5/A 00 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1960, No. 21, P. 50, # 83987 AUTHORS: Lachinov, S. S., Kuznetsov, L. D., Ku,rkovskiy V A . Shishkova, V.N., Dmitriyenko, L. M., Lyudkovskaya, 11. u. iaki~ TITLE: The Activity and 3tructure of Iron Cataly.,A:; of the Ammonia Syntheals With Three and Four Activator:; PERIODICAL: Probl. kinetiki. I kataliza, 1960, Vol, 10, pp. 199-20-,' TEXT: The activity of an iron catalyst activated by K20 - CaO - A1203 is higher with respect to the 14H synthesis than the activity of an iron catalyst activated by K 0 - Al Id ~ 8 - CaO - Al 0 - SiO (mainly on account of the 2 203 ar 2 2'3 2 higher specific activity) , If a nitrogen-hydrogen mixture is applied with polsons containing oxygen, the activity Is higher for an Iron catalynt with four activa- tors. An iron catalyst activated by K20 - CaC, - Ai,-p-, in, In Q `C~~O comparison with an Iran catalyst activated by KP - - A12()3 by crreater face, higher dispersion degree, and finer porosity. in Ircin catalyst-, with an intricate activator compositon, the alkali and alVall e.%rth activators increase Card 112 AU05/AGC' I The Activity and Structure of Iron Cataly3ts of the Ammonia Synthesis 'Kiz-h Three and Four Activators the specific activity of the iron catalyst but lead to a ~iecrease in -surface while the amphoteric and weak acid refractory oxides decrease the specific activity but increase the surface. Prom the 3ummary of the atithors Tranolator's note: This is the full translation of the original RuF~.-,ian abstract. Card 2/2 r -- XURKOVSHY, V.P.; POLIKRPOV, A.F.; SHINIARAV. M.N. Morphological modifications of lumbosacral intervertabral ganglia gollowing high ligation of the abdominal aorta. Blul.eksp.,biol. i mad. 42 no.9:64-67 S 156. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Iz neyromorfologichookoy laboratorii (rukovoditell - prof. V.P. Kurkovskiy) kafedry fiziologii voyannogo truda (nach. - prof. M.P. Breatkin) Voyanno-meditsinskoy ordens, Lanina, akademii imeni S.M. Kirova, Leningrad, Prodstavlona akademikom N.N.Anichkovym. (GANGLIA, AUTDWOKIO, physiology. lumbosaoral interyartebral ganglia, off. of ligation of abdom. aorta (Rus)) (AORTA, physiology. off. of ligation of abdom. portion on Interverto'bral lumbonscral ganglia (Rua)) J_ AUTHOR MKOVSKIY 20--5-5-6,'67 TITLE __0_n__fKe-Pathologioa1 Changes ocouring in the Interoceptors of the Orifioea of Venae Cavae. (K voprosu a patologicheskikh izmeneniyakh interoteeptorov ustiy polykh ven.- Russian) PERIOCIDAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1957, Vol 113, Nr, 5v PP 1147-1149 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT During the last years several works were published which treated the changes of sensory norve endings developing in the orifices of Yenas cavas on the ocoasion of a lack of oxygen in animal organism. Earlier works of the author showed that In the case of a serious lack of oxygen in the air inhaled, or in came of circulatory disturbances essential morphologio changes occur in the sensory (intervertebral-)ganglia. For the right olassi- fioation of the pathology of receptors it was important to know whether, in the case of normal animals, they always have a clear structure corresponding to standards, This is the subject of the present work. Only male oats were selected as experimen- tal subjects in order to eliminate probably disturbing in- fluences of possible pregnancy. Mainly the preterminal arborizations were found to have pathologio fusiform thickenings. Besides these there was a great number of unchanged fibrea with the same animals. There is, therefore, no doubt that with CARD 1/3 normal animals in one part of the nervous fibres and of the On the Pathological Changes oocuring in the Interooeptorm of the Orifices of Venae Cavae. sensory endings In the wall of the venne CAVae (and probably also of other organs) single sensory nerve calls in various sensory ganglia degenerate and perish with growing age (I!, the ganglion nodosum of the nervus vaguB, in spinal and other ganglia). This kind of change is brought into connection with the diseases which had oocured in the course of life as well. as with the functional wearing and prostration of the respective calls. It is self-evident that also the final apparatus have to share the fate of these diseased and perished neurons. The findings of the author show that it is necessary to be careful in classifying the pathology of receptors under various in- jurious influences on animal organism, as in some receptors analogous changes can happen independent of these influences. As regards the degeneration of the interoceptore of the venae oavae under the influenoe of gravidity hormones, the author found similar changes with animals which are known to be ex- aluded from such influences. This would contradict above men- tioned opinion. (1 illustration (from 3 pictures), 6 citations from Slavic publications.) CARD 2/3 2c-5-56/67 On the Pathologioal Changes oocuring in the Interoceptors of the Orifioes of Venae Cavae. ASSOCIATION: Army-Medioal Aoademy "S.M. KIROV" PRESENTED BY: L.A. ORBELI, Membor of Aoademy. SUBMITTED: 5-1- 1957- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 v 17(4) 170' A U T i .`0 Tt S xarkovskiy, V, P. , LIvov!;kiy, A T 117' L hi On the ~heno::i2na of Nc-uronop~ka',,ia ir~ '7f'1r'-'z`---t-`---11 of R a s , Obs erv ed in tiie v ci, ZX; i. t a i 1--, it I I C; A L ij clt. a rl y Alk% 1 1 a S2!3'.i p , p ~Isq ABSTi%ACT t A 3,:von,& ccr.:~ r~ ion of irrever- lb-' of th~-; rurve CL qlia (Rel'.3 Thl:~ eff--ct toc,) strong a necroblojis o f t ~-i t~ nerve ceI I n C LZ t a 1: c a r:. ~ 17:) ion of, t'nu (,;-,1l ~! lzi, The carv.--t --ut c, ar,,* 12 h a -u r,, '34011 04* t*- --,I'La a s t r 2. c t i o n i n o C r t ) c a,~ a e i e r i .ul~; number oi' cLllls on trI.: ~r.,2 ha,.~d 7 jurrour.,il--.1ri miLlieu npcessary blood supply of hand. T!~,! :-Aarta was clnmpf--,.i outs4-de the abdo~:,C-n d lr~,tl-f if th,: C,-ru TE,4.1~~Vf7~ ~1*~-r u-12 hours, tb-As tiz `:Iccct h ff P',l nom er, a j f Ne a r ~) no a I in t u r r t ra Gan~;Ila of Rabbits, Gbsservod ;.r, tne Course Of The wound -nao ~;uturl--d. T~,c. ariii.-.als wcrc '~:Il-d d a li L a z- the re:noval of the clamo. T~-.e gec*,ion na-erial 's-,-inai L S -,--ac treated to -,he of Liss! n', .-artly with 3ii-jt~r re.:ult-j diffi.r;?d conijtriot~on of t:-,(., aor~-a, Thij 'he 0-' rierv- celis as a3 f sa' 1 0 ellitcs. The invcst~CatJcns show-?d the satellites play an important role ir. replratlvz, prvce3sf~-o- It- was fftund tnat pha,-,oc~-tal of then. Nagootte showed that the lattor are able to z~angc- into neuronopliages in loco as well as in the transplantation of glinglila, if the-,v of sjc~'n tran.~for.naticns Nas nc. 1whed by noxious ae.~--nta 'Ahich ca,.isFd the dL,ing of nerve cello ir. the ganglia. Theut. clatF. confirc. the a us;.~i.,tpt ion of B~ S. Doynikov ~Refs 9 anu 110~* ,~0x;Ccrrirg a pous--lble fc.rm-ation c:~ ma-crophages from Schwann's cells -which are omolcgu(,.s of sutellitt~3 rf sensitlv,~, nerve gun6lia in "-.e cf ~crip.neral t--e C a r r, 2, peripheral rearroglia to the central ont, tLe Of rv I d A~'S,'C IATION,- L i d s q U, c r z n" I i.-:. r. i A L o I- r:,7- 1 t t :z 7-7 ~,D: Fi A% A r I T'~'L D KU.,-tKOVSk,IYt V.P._ _ Morphological changes in tile central and peripheral nervous system in dogs in acute radiation sickness. Arkh. Fat. 22 no. 4:15-21 160. (MIRA 14:1) (NERVESp PERIPIOUL) (IILRVOUS SYSTEM) (RADIATIOIT SICKNFSS) F7JRYU,tI-3FA, J.; ?;.U?.7W7TOI;ITICZ, H. The arr?animation of workinp positions -*!n the clothinr industry. P. 55. OD"IIIZ. (Centraine Zarzady Przemyslu Dziewiarskaero, Odziezowerc. FonczP!37n-czr-f-o) Lodz, Pol.;nd. Vol. 10, no. 2, February 1959 Mlonthly of Ea:~~t Europ-an Accession (JEFAT) LC, Vol. 8, no. 2, July 1959 Uncl. KURKOWSK1 Bohdan (Warszawa) Some probleme resulting frOm the prospective development plan of concrete prefabrication until 1980. Przogl budowl i bud mieszk 35 no2-.73-76 F 163. BROL11, .11fred; fURKOWSK.1, Maciej Congenital cyst of the common bile duct. Fol. przegl. chir, 37 no.9:889-991 S 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Chlrurgicznego Szpita3a Zespolonego Ilr.! w Br.,omiu (Ordynator: dr. V1. Kubisty). 4 4 bit* a a "Of 60 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 P .t+ 1. 14 L 04 Meellanism of adrenaline spuse. -V 0 _1, iNfl-1. Ill't, Olr-a 11ZI. 11s,4. Aled 11 After ttellittv I I either the 1.11tur ltruir to 9 or Of the large hentisPhOts, the fft)X*4 tPral th-q4tragni 1wa, 04, connected to a rocarfling &pp. Intl 1; ljos, _111, 4 adrena - line was catfully deposited on the dr,irtil JoLatuln in either medulla okiloogataor midbrain~ lnthef,,,mrrca,c no ~hlange in eye .rat r rhythm was 04,crvrd, -hilc in Ito 0 (he , nd case ti. Trhm, became much loncrand i1r(intrr. 190 I lepinititon of a crystal (?I NaCl o" t lic inadbrain au-l a see 00 ir~ similar suppressive effrirt. Clitlieflurnfly, it 1% llrilliwly that Q'Ifenslinfolinfa istfue, film 411r" 1 irlsoAls,tt"It. so 3 G. Nt. K"U.141ii-tft U* 2. too 00, 44 A I a Pla 0 if I I if so I n a 2 t I L) 'A $11' 0 "o 0 to ff 1, et q OfU JIM 'IfIrT 11 at "LO n I 'a 0 0 0 0 74:1 44L ORKUDYK f, s (Av. red.; BE1121'KIY, 1-:.S., red.; KARAYPi, KEITS, V.V.,., red.; S,`YOLOV, A.V.) red. (Therapeutic mineral waters and mude of the U.S.S.R.) Le- chebnye minerallrrje vody i grIazi USSR. Kiev, Zdorovtia, 1965. 219 p. (MI iu 18: 7) 1. Ukrainskiy iviiichn,,-,.-i,-,rlf~clovtitell.~;kiy Inotitut kurorto- lul"11 i fizio"01-111iii. KURKUD)H_2j~-.-.Ye.'- ~AFAYEVq R.G.; BELENIKIY9 M.S.; ZAVALI, L.A.; KOVALE7VA, M.T.; '------SOVBTOV, VA; SOKOLOV, A.V.; SHUKHTINA, I.A. Professor V.V.Guk on his 70th birthday, Vop. kur,~ 4zioter. i lech. fiz. kullt, 25 no.21184,-185 Mr-Ap 160a (M,% 13, 9) (GUK, VADIN VASILIEVICIlp 1849-1) KURKUDYM., F.Ye., dots., otv. red.; KARAYEV, III.G., 3t.nauchn. red.; TOROUTU, I.I.D., red.; MUKELITAUB, M.S doktor med. nauk, red.; SHPIL'BEqG G.I., st. nauchn sotr-, kwW, mod. nauk,, red.1,MAKSMEMO, L.M., rod. [Problem.,, in the development of mineral water health resorts] Vopro.Tj razvitiia kurortov a minerallrjym-4 vodar-i. Uzhgorod, Zakarpat3koe onl. ki.izhno-gazetrioe izd-vo, 1962. 199 p. (mial, 18:1) 1. Dircktor Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta kurortologii i fizioterapii (for Kurkudym). 2. flachall- nik Zakarpatskogo kurortnogo upravleniya profsoyuzov (for Torokhtin). KUIIK!JDYM, I-.Y(,.; SHIIILIK,~,,Gj PToblernuo I rip the us o of ~Vlftl- '~i-i n-,oort an!; , ., ~j fr.,;! f',*(tor5 at tho Ukrainian ropublic, ronf'-~r-onvo on problem of rlr~oumnl,lc fever in cidldrun. Vop. Kurd. fi?,loter. i fiz. kullt. 28 no-3:285-287 1tv-Te 163. 1-7:5) KURKULOV, Ye.N.. inthener. Device for machining the wohericul wirfuce of a beurint! block. Energetik I no.3:11 Ag '51. Mam 6;8) (Bearings) Tlo vcldfriv, ~Iff;vf-ldl- -1 14-1-- f G t an i U-1 Wv n 12 SKOPINOV, Yo.N., Inzh.; KURKUMELI, A.A., Inzh.; MOKHOVIKOV, Yc.V., lnzh. Universal stand for the autcmatic welaing of longitudinal joints cm shells and aheets. Svar.proizv. no.10t42 0 164. (MIRA 1811) PRKINEI-1, A.A., inzh.; YAKOBSON, Yu.A., inzh.; P.CKPOUKOV, Y.~,V., inzh.; SKOPINOV, Ye.N., inzh. Pneumatic stand for welding plates on a flux padding. Svar.Fro-4zv. no.11:40 N 164. (MIRA 18-1) ACC t'R' AN 6 () 2 9 7 h 9 h9nograph Yurchenko, Yu. F.; Guma, V. V.; Roshchin, V. V.; Grincnko, V. I.; ropenko, V. S. ; Ku_rku.m.o,_1,i,. A. A. Fitting and welding of corronion-reeisting steel piping in the atomic industry (Montazli i avarka truboprovodov Iz korrotionnostoykikh staleyl v atomnoy promyshlennoeLi) Moncow, Atomizdat, 1966. 248 p. illue. biblio.' 2,800 copies printed. TOPIC TAGSf pipeline, welding, automatic welding. welding technology PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The authors discuss current practices in asacm- bling and welding p1pelfnes from coriosion-reeistant steels, designated for use in aggressive media in atomic industry. Existing techniques are evaluate'd and recommendations are made on the selection of approprk ate methods, whose technical and economic indices are cited. Welding operations and equipment, and assembly and welding machinery are de- scribed; automatic welding and the complete automation of assembly op- erationa are emphasized. The b-ook in intended for engineers and tech- nicians and all specialists working in design and assembly shops of plantd and research institutes specializing In the welding of corroeim~ resistant steel*. There are 108 references of which 56 are Soviet. 41,04 : 45*21- 00 113 , IVAI. J/. ZCif, ill. 049. f-ACC N-Rb~M-66-2-9-7-69 TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged): Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. General requirements for jipalines made from corrosion-resis- tant stools -- 7 Ch. 11. Basic materials and welding materials used in the production of pipelince -- 20 .Ch. 111. Pipeline welding -- 20 Ch.'IV. Preparing pipelines for welding -- 104 Ch. V. Welding equipment -- 129 Ch. VI. Organization of pipe-aaaambly operation@ -- 189 Ch. VII. Quality control of welded pipe joints -- 202 Ch. VILL. Safety measures -- 236 SUB CODEs ~13/ SUBK DAM 20Apr66/ ORIG REYs OBI/ OTH REFS 027 Card 2/2 AP7001,198 SOURCE -CODE UR/-01-25/-67jooo/001/0051/0052 IACC NRs AUTHOR: Kurkumcli, A.A ;""2ahchenko, Yu.G.; Dcdkov, L.K.; Rybkin, .1 V P A A :ORG; none TITLE: S-7B automatic welder 'SOURCE: Avtomaticheakaya avarka, no. 1, 1967, 51-52 TOPIC TAGS: tube welding, arc welding, TIG welding, butt weldirig,iL)Fit)&e, automatic weld-