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XULIYEVp R.Sh.; SHAKHNOVICHp M.I.; SAMOVA, F.I.; MUSAYEVp G.T,; CHIKAREVAp N.Ie; Prinimali uchastiye: ALIYEVAp A.; ALIYEVA# V,j KATKCVA, 0.; BESSONOVA, Ye.; KURILINAp A. Improving the quality of transformer oil from Buzovna crude oil. Khim. i tekh. tople i masel 8 no.10:16-22 0 163 * (MIRA 16111) 1. Institut neftekhinicheakikh protsessov AN AzerSSR. I FA A i%,r -F,,FYF=YI7 VA - -------------------------------------- - - 7or~ov a: A T ^T".013 A---giru fing Tm- Tr M t- rnp- PA-DIOD. ACCESZKON, h1t.- AT3001316 inn't mftfxr 241) hre 2/2 KURIIJIIA) T.S. Gomplications developed as the result of internal and subcutaneous use of atropino preparations. Vrach. delo no.7tll,5-146 J1163- 41IRA 16slO) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. P.S.Plitas) Kiyev- skogo meditsinskogo institute. i glaznoye otdeleniye klinichaskoy bollnitsy imeni CktyabrIskoy revolutaii. (ATROPIRE) (671MCOMA) 14 (5) SOV/92-59-3-30/44 AUTHOR: Kurilkin, L.R., Laboratory Assistant TITLE: The Organization of Oilfield Production and Work During the Next Seven Years (Organizatsiya proizvodstva i truda na neftyanykh promyslakh v predstoyashchim semiletii) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1959, Nr 3, p 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In addition to advanced methods facilitating the exploitation of petroleum deposits, an important role will be assumed by the automation and telemechanization introduced to increase the productivity of labor and to eliminatemanual work in various intricate operations connected with over- hauling oil well subterranean equipment. It is expected that by 1965, 60 percent of all wells of the Soviet petroleum production industry will be automated and telecontrolled. According to tentative calculation, it will be possible to release at that time about 20,000 workmen. At present more Card 1/2 The Organization of Oilfield Production (Cont) S(PI/92-59-3-30/114 than 300,000 oil well maintenance operations are carried out in the Soviet oilfields every year. Maintenance and over- hauling of wells cost almost 350 million rubles per year. The organization of work in oilfields will be radically changed as a result of introducing automation and remote control. A certain category of specialists will become superfluous. Training of oilfield personnel will have t.o be revised and Its educational level raised. This program will nece3sitate a change in the educational methods adopted by vuzes and technical schools. All of these groblerps have been discussed at the convention arranged in 195 by the All-Unlon Petro"eum and Gas Scientific Research institute operating uri0or the Gosplan of USSR. Materials pertaining t1o problems co.-"ne,~ted with the reorganization of petroleum productixi called for by the introduction of telemechanization, are being distributed among various oilfield units. They will help to work out recommendations necessitated by the introduction of auto- mation and telenechanization. -e) ASSOCIATION: VNII(The All-Union Scientific and Resear h Institut Card 2/2 IOSEV, M.T.; XMILKIN, L.R. Oil field organiz!~~tion in connection with automatic and remote control of petroleum production. Trudy VNII no.26:140-158 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Oil fields-Production methods) (Automation) (Rgmote control) FLYZHEINKOV, I.I.; LOSIEV, M.T.; KOL '-' 1,11 ~, T .,I.!. ; K U z--. I UK 1 . ", 1, . 1-', . ; -t,, I . I- TIKHONOVAt Basic facers IlL thIO Frl'OW'il ("L JP"nr -viuct.1%,ity in ptrolaum j.;r,-,Juf,tlon of' the Ti-rdy ~111T no-39:187-190 163. (M I M 17: 10) Effect of the production orjTar-,!,,,!Alon lind --!orH f, I ? an labor productivity in ptrolei,;i~ 'i~iti.:2(Y)-213 lly, t f ri,, a n,,r~ ,, u Is cif Llr. r- Z ~.l 7- fu T~! tro sbor. po 1. V:3(3soyiiznyy vteCtet~rtzojyy LOSEV, Mikhail Timofayevichj RYZHENKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; KURILKIY, Leonid Roman 'o:VJrh;-KOLEMA5GVA, Irina Haksimovna; TTKMWV~, LyudrAila Nikolayevna; IATUKHINA, Te.I., ved. red.; POLOSINA, A.S., takhn. red. (Labor productivity in petroleum production] Proizvoditell- nost' truda v dobyche nefti. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 152 P. (MIRA 16:10) (retrbreum prod~ction-Labor productivity) KMIIJIIN, V.S., master All-purpose set of implement$ for mechanical assembling operations. Suggested by V.S.Kurilldn. Rets.i izobr.predl.v stroi. no.13: 8&96 '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kraenoturlinskore montazhnoye upravleniye. (Hoisting machinery) KURILYO) G P.,,-inzh. New method of rudder filling. Sudostroonie 29 no.7167-68 J1 163. (MIRA l6s9) (Steering gear) (Foamed matarials) XMIKO, N.D., inzhener. wk*;k,h*""!;,-*,-,~k~~..-,~10,,~ _" Insulating the reinforced concrete slabs used In bridga construction. Avt.dor. 17 no.2:27 S-0 154. (MIRA 8: 4) (Bridges, Concrete)(Precast concrete construction) KEJRILKO, T. Cafeteria on Kreshchatik Street. Obohchaetv. pit. no.317 $57. (MIM 1113) 1, Direktor kafe No.310 na Krashahatike, K17ev. Wev-Restauranto,, lunchrooms, etc,) W11 A% is 3 1? 1 1 ILI FAYNBERG, Ya.B.1 KURILKO, V.I. [Adiabatic invariants for a plasma in a magnetic field] Ob adiabaticheakikh variantakh dlia plazmy v magnitnom pole. Khartkov, Fiziko-tekhn. In-t All U= 1 1960. 297- 303 P. (MIRA 17:2) KURILKO., V.I. [Kinetic theorl of the reflection of electronagnetic waves from a novinC plaama) K kinoticheskoi teorii otra- zheniia elektronagnitnykb voln ot dvizhurhcheisia plu~ny Kharlkov, Fiziko-tekhn. in-t All USSFy 1960. 414~--423 p. (MMA 17:1) (Electromagnetic waves) (Planim (Ionized guses)) ACC NR. AP7001322 SOURCE CODE: UR/005T/661036/012/2210/2212' AUTHOR: Krasovitskiy, V. B.; Kurilko, V, I. ORG: none TITLE% Oscillator acceleration by laser emission SOURM Zhurnal tekhnic hakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 12, 1966, 2210-2212 TOPIC TAGSt oscillator accele'ration particlea acceleration, laser beau 77' ABSTRACT:' An analytical investigation was made of the possibility of using laser emission an a means for amplifying particle energy. The laser beam was considered a superposition of a large number of varioun oscillations of close frequencies and random phases. The analysis shows that the principles of particle acceleration by a resonant field are also valid, under certain circumstances, in the case of a laser beam despite the beamla wave phase differences and deviations from pure' monochromatism. The required condition for acceleration is an appropri- ate pulse duration, which should'not exceed a certain critical value. Pulse duration above the critical leads to a reduction of the actelara- tion rate. The acceleration effect is said to stem mainly from the resonant harmonies of the field, which are most effectively absorbed by AP7001322 the oscillator. The authors thank Ya. B. Faynberg for suggesting the topic and for discussing the results, Orig..arts has: 9 formulas. EWA-14) SUB CODE: 20r/ SUBM DAM 22Jui66/ ORIG REP: oo6 -- --------- 81679 (0, ~'r)vo S/057/60/030/05/06/014 B012/BO56 AUTHORs Kurilko. V. I. TITLEt The Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From Moving Surfaces PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 504 - 507 TEM The present paper was read at the Jubilee-Session of the AS USSR (AS UkrSSR) held on the ocoasion of the 100. birthday anniversary of A. S. Popov (April 7, 1959). In the reflection qf electromagnetic waves'b from moving surfaces, the double Doppler offeotl'ocours ( 'Rof. 1). In the case of nonrelativistio velocities of the reflecting surfaoea, a single refleotion,may laad to considerable effects only in such cases in which these velocities are nearly equal to the phase velocity of the wave in the respective medium. This was pointed out for the first time by Ya. B. Faynber . The corresponding investigation was carried out by the latter and by V. S. Tkalich. The effects of the frequeni.,,y amplifications and the amplification of the amplitude of the field may be conaiderab Card 1/3 816751 The Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From 8/057/60/030/05/06/014 Moving Surfaces B012/BO56 increased with a multiple reflection. This possibility was pointed out by Ya. B. Faynberg (Ref. 4) and E. L. Ginston (Ref. 5). The prenent paper deals with the quantitative investigation of these effects, which are connected with a multiple refleotion. First, the simplified problem of a non-steady process in a space bounded by two ideally conductive planes is dealt withl the planes move towards each other with the velocities vj at first they are at a distance of 2s, from each other; the field lying between them is exprassed by the functions E(x) and H(x). The investiga- tiorL is then extended to the entire range of the process and is applied to a multiple reflection. Formulas (4) and (10) are derived, by means of which it is possible to determine the field at any point between the planes at any instant t, so that the problem appears to be volved. On the basis of the investigation carried out, the following is foundt 1.) As the distances at which the fields undergo essential changes decrease in the course of time, the characteristic wave numbers increase according to formula (10), and therefore also the frequencies of the compressed fields. 2.) The amplitudes of the fields between the planes increase with time. The cause of this increase is, on the one hand, the reduction of the volume, within which the field is enclosed, and on the other, the work Card 2/3 81679 The Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From 3/057/60/030/05/06/014 Moving Surfaces B012/BO56 performed by the external forces, which move the walls with the given rate against the pressure exerted by the compressed field. Both conclusions apply only to < 1. Under real conditions, the dispersion of the reflection coefficients leads to the amplitude increasing only so long until the corresponding frequencies have attained their critical value (Refs . 2, 6). Ya. B. Faynberg suggested the subject of this paper to the author. G. Ya. Lyubarskiy discussed the paper with him. There are 6 references, 4 Soviet and 2 English. AOSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut AN USSR Khar'kov (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR, KharIkov) SUBMITTEDi July 2, 1959 Card 3/3 JURI~~,J.1.-JKurylko; V.I.]; MITROSIMICHEEKO, V.I. (14iroshnychenko., V.I#] Reflection or electromagnetic waves by plasM,. Mr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.3:415-416 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 144) 1. Fiziko-tokhnicbeskiy inatitut AN USSR, go IKharlkov, Electromagnetic waves) iasma(Ionized geses)) R FAYNBERG, Ya.P.; Prininall uchastlye: KURILK,11, V.I.; HARCIIENKO, I.F.: SPAPIR:)" "'~D. Intpraction 'retwern team,5 of charFod particles and a plasma. Atom. enprp. ',I no.4:313-'.3-5 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Particlps (Nuclear physics)) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) 2V65 41. .19.12 S/057/61/031/001/010/017 /.20 (~oq9l NkZ, IS-0 2_', fQ-2) B104/~204 AUTHOR- Kurilko I., TITLE- Kinetic theory of the reflection of electromagnetic waves from a moving plasma PERIODICAL: - Zhurnal tdkhnicheakoy fiziki, v-. 31, no. 1, 1961, 7 1-77 TEXT: The author investigates the reflection of electromagnetic 'waves from a plasma moving in a space, in which the phase velocity, V phJ' -1 of the waves is smaller than a. In experimental investigations, such re- flectiono are studied In a waveguide. Here, the author assumes that a decreasing phase velocity is attained with the'help of a suitable dielec- tric. As a reference system, a coordinate sy3terj resting in the plagma is chosen, in which the dielectric-,nicves. T_~er�ofore, for determining the coupling between the vectors D, B, and E, 11, the Minkowski equations may be uoed. By elimination of D and if, a system of equations is obtain ed from the Maxwell equations, which describes the interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma in linear kinetic approximation: Card 1/5 2 W Kinetic theory of the reflection S/05 611~1031/001/01'0/017 B104YB204 dE- a X. 91 -1- a E- ds I ff'JO J&.YP 4?t/tA (1 - 02) jej cl dv, 4, jV..'P(-) I , I ( V E, V n ifil) -"n 5a ..'. D- a,= 2~('~L-1)1 a,= -4- a-; PICO! Me is the deviation of the electron distribution in the plasma from the equilibrium distribution f 0; n0 is the, plasma donsity; -'~ Is an angle in the velocity apaoe; 6) is the freqUency of the incident waves in the reference system; H 0 is a homogeneous constant magnetic field in the z-direction; and V 0 is the velocity of the plasma. It is assumed that the plasma fills the semi-space z > 0. The boundary conditions are discussed, and wiLh their help, the following system of equation is obtained Card 2/ 5 2 (D,--5 Kinetic theory of the reflection ... S/05"'V'I/031/001/010/01'i B 1 04~B204 for the waves of this aystem instead of (1): CD I d' Ew dE" -f. a2E' , a. dz'E; (z) (K:L- (1z - --'I) -t- pK� (1z -i- .d, i. (I - A2) exp V,I V = oil (2) VI Mml For solving this system, a method suggested by 1. Rapoport (Ref. 11.) is discussed. The reflection coefficient is determined from the ratio of the energy fluxes of the reflected and the incident waves: R - m12 I M = H(O) (&) 3/2 (6). + m ET37 T- Card 3/5 20665 - Kinetic theory of the reflection S/05 7/61 /0 31 /00 1/0 10/017 B104/B204 For m the author obtains the relation +cD 1 n7It M (a + 2n )dt (7). _02p, i -00 This relatiol is discussed for cases in which spatial dispersion is low or strong, and also for the limiting case (1 .. p2) ao 0; finally, an expression is given for m, which was obtained from(l) by the Laplace method. From a discussion of th,e results obtained, the author draws the following conclusions: Within the frequency range where for cold plasma M' < 0 and the reflection coefficient (6) equals unity, the occurrence 0 of a low thermal scattering of the plasma electrons cau3es a decrease of the re~flection coefficient as the result of oneru absorption. This ab- sorption mechanism, which was first inveStigILted by L. D. Landau, causes a damping of electromagnetic waves in a plasina i(ith non-zero temperature. The linear dependence of the' reflection coef:,.'icient on thermal velocity in the case of -a symmetric distribution function may be explained by an Card 4/5 2066 Kinetic theory of the reflection S/05 61/031/001/010/017 B104YB204 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut AN USSR, Kharikov (Institute of Physics and Technology AS UkrSSR, K)iarikov) asymmetry caused by the boundary conditions. With p - 1, this asymmetry vanishes, and the reflection coefficient depends on the square of thermal velocity. Finally, the reflection coefficient for various special cases is discussed. Mention is made of V. S. Tkalich, V. D. Shafranov. The ' author thanks Ya. B. Faynberg for raising this subject and for his help? G. Ya, Lyubarskiy for his calculations, and A. 1. Akhiyezer for discussion There are 12 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. SUBMITTED: May 30,1960 Card 5/5 AUTHORS: Faynberg, Ya. B., Kurilko, TITLE: The character of instabilities charged particle beams and 23717 S/057/61/031/006/001/019 B10 9/B207 V. I,., Shap iro, V. D. in the interaction betzeen plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 6, 1961, 633-639 TEXT: The problem of convective and absolute instabilities 1,9 treated by the method of 1. D. Landau and Ye, M. Lifshits (Mekhanika sploshnykh ared. GIITL, 1954). In papers by A. I. Akhiyezer, Ya. B. Faynberg (DAIT SSSR, 64, 555, 1949; ZhETF, 21, 1262, 1951), D. Bohn, E. Gross (Phys. Rev., 75, 1651, 1949), and G. I. Biidker (Atomnaya energiya, 1, 5, 1956), the solution of equations for small vibrations was formulated in the form ,p(r', t) - (p(y, -z)e i(kx-wt) (1) with the criterion of inatability for the existence of complex roots of the dispersion relation ~(k, w)- 0. The question as to the character of the occurring instabilities remains, however, unsolved. According to Landau and Lifshite, a distinction should be mfide between convective and Card 116 23717 S/057/61/031/006/001/019, The character of instabilities in the... B109/B207 absolute instabilities; in this connection, the behavior of the integral +00 exp iw(k) t I dk (4) -co plays the decisive role. The study of this integral by the method of Landau and Lifshits, which, for several reasons, is better than that of P. A. Sturrock (Phys. Rev., 112, 1488, 1958), must be carried out for all parts tj,(k) of the dispersion relation; for this purpose, the path of integration of ~4) is changed according to Pig. 1. The curve C in the i.~-plane (Fig. 2 with the integral iot do e (5) C dk corresponds to this path of integration. Points of type 0 do not lie on the examined sheet of the to(k) plane; points of typp ca* make no contribu- 2 tion; consequently, (5) takes the form e-W (I). If t --Poo, only d-- Card 2/6 23717 S/057/61/031/006/001/019 The character of instabilities in the ... B109/B207 the range 0 - 'K remains; hence, 03 [2 N d:-I L r.1 dw 2e (6) e-I d 21 OW d 0 2n All otherto(k) are treated in the same way. Then, a cold plasma (density no ) interacting with a monoenergetic electron beam of density ni and velocity V 1 is considered. After introduction of the usual frictional v (-J>O), the dispersion relation acquires the form foroe m,)eff' 41tel Y Wo no Card 3/6 2.3717 9/057/61/031/006/001/019 The character of instabilities in the ... B109/B207 The points to be surrounded are -etrmined by I +a - Y + ix) 4 per 2 4 2'1/2 +a - V- X i'j 4- per ~2 a- T (Fig. 3). The points X+ , which, together with (6),might lead to an per exponential increase of perturbation with time, are meaningless (type tZ*); 2 here and also in the case )