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XURUTTSOV, A. I. PA 43/43T44 b-mvkOduine - Insects 11 Jan 1948 Medicine - Nalronmient "Relationship betvem Team of Mountaintops and Yens In Slkhote-Allnp" A. I. Eurentsov., 4 pp "Dok Akad Nank SSW, Nova Bar" Vol LIZ, No 2 .N=ee various types of few& oaman to motmtaintope and wooded fens In and around Sikhote-Alin. Among s=e Insects mentionedt Pararge deldamla Xv., lycaaza optilete elbirica Stg., Itame fulvaria VI.U., sto. Submitted by Academician Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, 14 Misy 194T KURENTSOV, i. f. USSR/Madiolne zoology Jun 1948 Medicine BotjmV "The Zoogeography of Sakhalin Island," A. I. Kurent- soy, Far Eastern Base, Aced Sci USM 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SW Vol U, No 8 Sakhalin is divided into six ecologogeographical regions. Author briefly discusses the wide-leaved l lfcrests of the Island. Submitted by Acad L. A. ',Orbell 10 Apr 1948. 7ftO PA A tbology "Zoogeographic Division of the Amur Into Districts," A' N. Kurentsov,, Far East Base, Acad Sci USSR, 3,Pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSW Vol LPI, No 3 Result of survey =do In 1945 and 1946 divides the Azur basin from east to West inj* nine zoogeo- Vmphic: divisions according to prevalent fauna. Submitted by Ac%d Te. H. Pavlovskiy, 29.Mar 49. 52/49T41 i'l;z"O'lloll 3018n~llq - In tha Tachin-Guan mount-.ins Vladivestokv Primizdat, 1951. Eonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952. Unclass. Yll~i-..l..Tlju;, A. 1. Tachin Shan Youn%ains "In the mountains of Tuchin San." Reviewed by N. Yemellyanova. Voknig svet-a no. 8, 1952. F,onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of ~ongrass, November 10,52. Unclass. V- Ni, KUL'-'T~U, , ,. 1. Bark Beut19-s "Bark bastlo~,s and barren arei~s.ll Iriroda, 419 No. 5. 1952. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of longress, August. 1952. Unclassified. rILIT~:2J;N~:'Sov, A. i. Z o . ge ography - Far Eas t W~vit is Nanchurlan Puma? Trudy Lon. ob-va est. 71 Ao. 4, 1952 Monthl List of Russian Acconsions, Library of Congress. Jure -1953, Uncl. Y, nevedo:-yr. vershinarr. '~~--Hrcte-Alinia ZT-c the un'fnown -,III Vladivostok, Primorskoe knozhnoe izd-vo, 1953. 150 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. I April 1954. VJHD-.SOI-, A*-I.*--doitc)~-biologic'-n-eitkj*r~m mix" . Usguri beetle. Tokrug oyeta no.12:23 D 133. (XL2A 6:12) (Ussurl valloy-Bostlos) (Beetles-Ussurt mlloy) 1. Mr-NMV, A. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Kurentsov, Alcksei Ivanovich, 1896- 7, In the Tacbin-Guan Mountains. A. I. Kurcntiov. Reviewed by V. V. Nikollskaya. Izv* Vaess geoge ob-val 85, no. 2. 1953. (). montlily List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -April _-_1953, Uncl. Kve,ir-tirsrj~ It- NLSIMOVICH, A.A., doktor geograficheakikh nauk. Unexplored peaks of the Sikhote-Alin' Range ("Towards unknown peaks of the Sikhote-Alin' Range.* A.Kurenteov. Reviewed by A.A.Wasimovich). Vokrug sveta no-7:62-63 J1 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Kurenteov, Aleksei Ivanovich, 1696- ) (Sikhote-Alin' Range) SR General arid Special Zoology. InOe,~t,"- P 11)., Jour: Ref Zhur-Bioi., No 1, 1958, 212-) iLuthor : inst :The Far Eastern Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences USSR ~1'itle :On the Zoogeographic Interrelations In the Lower Priamurlye (Amur River area) OrIg Pub: Soobshch. Dallnevost. fil. AN SSSR, 1955, vYP.8, 50-54 Abstract: The sifting of the southern Ussuri species and an increase of the more northern species - the Okhotsk or East Siberian ones - occur along the Amur River, from Khabarovsk to Nikolayevsk, depending on the gradual chango-s In the direction of the mixed and broad leaved forests. The data on the distribution of insects along the Amur-Amgun divide, defines Card 112 USSIA / General and Special Zoology. Insects P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No Ij 1958, 2129 Abstract: more exactly the zoogeographical map. An analysis of the ecological conditions shows that the mixed and broad leaved forests are the area of the Ussuri- Amur fauna, the fir taiga, of the Okhotsk fauna; and the pines, larch-trees and marshes, of the East Siberian fauna. Numerous examples of this general situation are given. However, "tropical" elements in the fauna of the Far East constitute an individual case by not displaying the tendencies of following the laws shown by the distribution of the ancient species. It is Possible that the "tropical" species went through a special course and do not have close ties with the "manchurian" species; their present range points to faunal changes which had preceded the zoogeographical Interrelations that exist to-day in the Far East. Card 2/2 3 USSR / General and specialized Zoology. Insects. P Forest Pests Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 17, 1958, No 7832*5 Author Kurentsov, A. 1. Inst :-rm--Tuntvrn-TTrffch AS USSR Title Materiala on the Entomofauna of Foreet Youts in Komsomoskir Rayon, Khabarovskir Kray. Orig, Pub Tr. Dallnevost. fil. AN SS6R, Ser. Zoul,, 1956, 3 (6), 88-104. Abstract Conditions of the habitat and the general char- acteriotics of the entomofauna of the district (1952). Physiological posts and breeding ground of their mass reporduction (silh. worm moth of Siberia, Jumping plant lice, larch sav,fly, black cerambyeid with additional feeding; European bird cherry moth, satin moth, and gypsy moth; Card 1/3 USSR / Goneral and Specialized Zoolo6y. Insects P Forest Peats Abc Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 17, 1958, No 78323 willow floa beetle, willow tonebrionid, chiny alder nnd trGmbling-asp leaf miners; tree acridid). Secondary pests aad their breeuili,'- ground8 of maoB reproduction (on the Ayan opfwo- t"'le typogPaphur bark bootle, the Opruce, pol."'.. grapher, and "krifal"; on the Daur larch - the elongated molytid, the Baykal forester, the hec- tographer, the larch "krifal,'; on the white rind fir - the big acerose corambycid, the larvae of the black cerambycid; on the birch - scolytids, birch cerambyolds, horntalls, curcullonids; dif- ferent pests of timber cutting). Different measures for protecting the forest and the lum- ber In forestry, resulting from the investigations carried out (more narrow bands without trees Card 2/3 USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Innects. P Forest Pocts. AbF3 Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 17, 1958, No 78323 along highways and rallwaye; afforestatien or uoe of waotee for agriculture; liquidation of the band breeding grounda along the roads, and cultivation of the flowerbed breeding grounds of the secondary pests; sanitary felling In white birch woods; conditionally continuous wood cutt. Ings, leavinG not lower than 0.5%; minimal dura- tion of the resting of undecorticated trees in the forect; sleeper roads from the decorticated trunks). -- A. P. Adrianov. Card 3/3 ussR/General and Specialized Zoolo--y - Insects. Abs Jour Ref Mur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 39956 Author Kurantaov, A.I. Inst Far Eastern BrancH-6-t AS USSR Title Concerning Two RemarImble Species of Leaf-Rollers (Geracidae, Lepidoptera) of the Ussuri Fauna. Orig Pub Tr. Dallnevost. fil. JI SSSR. Ser. zool., 1956, 3 (6), 239-252. Abstract ;, description (with Illustrations) of the species Ceracc- opsis u6suriensis op. n. and the variety Eurydoxa advena f. orbimaculata f. n., which are representatives of a family only some species of which are found in the ralcar- ctic rcGlon. The systemtic position of the described ope- cies was given. The zooL;co(,-raphy and the evoloCzr of the Far Eastern Geracidac and the C.;encral distribution of the Card 1/1 species of this family were discussed. -- G.,,. Mazokhin. 2 2 Pip 2: Af) MISTICIBITY0, Aleksandr Ivanovich, kand.biolog.nauk.,P~~P,!IITSQV.,,-IL.I., dn'k+nr binlog.nauL, red.; MARKOVA, 5.14., red.; KAYDALOVA, M.D., [Insoct posts of agrieultural crops in the Far East] Nasekomye- vrnditnlt eel '9knkhnziaiatvenrqkh matenit Dallnego Vostoka. Pod red. A.I. Kurenteova. Khabarovskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1957. 204 p. (KBA 12:1) (Soviet Far East-Agricultural ppnta) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial) KRrIOLUTSKAYA, G.O.; MUTSOV, A.I., otvotstvennyy red.; GOLOVNIN, M.I., red.izd-"; TYMITIIIOV.A, K.S., [Bark beetlea of Sakhalin] Koroedy oakhalina. Hookys, Izd-vo Aked. nauk SSSR, 1958. 195 P. WRA 11:4) (Sakhalin-Bark-beotloa) -3(5) FRASX I BOOK X37LOITATION SOV/1910 Akademlys, rAuk LSM Dsl4n*vost"hu" filial, vljkdlvost*k. Inatitut googref, I - Raterialy po rlzlcheakoy g*ografli yuga DalOnegio Vostok&. PrIkhankaT. skays raTnina 1 prIlegayushchlye k nay re7any PrImOrzkogo kraya (Physical GeOrraphY of the 3outhern (Soviet) F&r Eastj Khanka ALrets thetrimors4ly Kray) Roscow, lzd-vo MUd 14%!49~ P. .386 cop so printed. 4 Reap. Zda.z D.P. Zole-1110T, Doctor of Biological 3clences, O.D. Alkhto.r. Doctor of Ck-ographical 301encee. Professor, and V.V. RlkollakAya, Candidate of OeographIcal 3clances, Zd. or Pub- ll-ht, Rouseg P.K~ Xav%m; Tech. ZI.i Ye. V. Rakunl . WxrMe This book Lm intended for geographers interested in the pAysleal geography of the Primrskir Xray (Karltln* Province). CarMags These articles deal with various aspects of the physical geography or the Primorskly Kray. prtleularly the Su,7funo-Khan- kayakaya plain. A paleogoographle'StudY or the ussuri Talley is given.&A In a general treatm4nt Of the h7drogral-JI7 &rA allate or the PrIkh&nkaYwkjtya (KhanksLY) Plain. Lnfcr- nation is Provided on the non-mstAllIc mincrIL10 of the plain and the rocks available for construction purposes. References '460apsmy each artIcle. i;~vWalivw;; ii-&-a. . . "Statsenko. A.T. A C31matle Outline of the PrLkb&*k-Y*k-Y- Plaia and Adjacent Territories ,I Sokolov. I.P. Dry Wlmds Scoaveys as a ClImAtLe Posture of the porest-steppe LALodoespe Of the Pr1khankay9kAkya Plain 162 ,i Stotamako. &.T.. T.0. Chom*xLkO. A Fjdrog*cgrwphle DescrIp- sion or the xivers, or the Prikhan-k-70-YR Fla!= am Those or Contigov's - Rations I-rq Stotssm)ko. A.T. Floods in tha Primorskly Krar 254 gw~tsov, A.I. Ant--I JAfs in the MkhLmkayzkaya PILISIS 273 ATAXXAWAi U brary of CQr4p~oss ((13325.A45) w 6-19-59 Card 1 - o fe F1r T 1 17. ,'iCrRtion of ',rnss Frop-:: 10 1 C A 1, Priroda, 191F-1, Nr P, p 111.~ A FS-RACT In 10r)/1, near ','cunt tie n-.:thor o1,f:(,rvr,, v.:inr, qunntity of grass fro;rs ( Pr,nn temporarin 1. mipfntinj-, into the vslley. '7he froFs live in tihe upner, mixed forest F,.n-i descend to the valleys to bury themselves in the mud and 'riber- nste for the winter. !he -hortage of ronds )Yl !~-.e -cuntain itnelf makes it impossilln to hil;r.-rn,ite t-;erp. The migrntion is usun I ly a grn,lunl one 3pr(,ad out over, sever,a I Irt'v,,! rind thf, nuthor concludes that thii untinuvl mn,- movement hAd ',~en troorht .il-out by the onset of -orning frostc. on the r,:)untr-in. --..).,OCTA'P ION' -a I I nevostochnyy f il ip 1 A kp~cmii nruk la. d i "I os to F"Ir T Pr,qnrh of the Acndtny )f ivos t,:~k Card 1/1 XURMTSOVS A.I. Relicto in the fauna of Sikhot-Alint, Komarochtene(DVFAN) no.7: 19-53 159. (KIRA 14:4) (Sikhot-Alin' region -Zoology) KMIITSOV, A. 1. Zoogeographic problems in southern parts of the Far JCnst [with summary in 'English]. Zool. zhur. 38 no-2:153-166 2' '59. (MIRA 12:3) l.far-Yastern Branch of the Siberian Departmeut of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Vladivostok). (Soviet Far East--Zoogeography) 7r7 KURENTSOV, A.I. "Click beetles of Western Siberia (glatgridae, Coleoptera)" by A.I. Cherspanov. Reviewed b7 A.I. Kurentsov. Ent. oboz. 38 no-3: 709-710 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Siberia, Western-Wireworms) (Cherepanov. A.I.) hUhir-M-011, Ale-N-eey Iveno-ilch, (Prof.) III ad i voetock "Typen der Felikten der Ussurischen Ineektenfauna." report presented at the Intl. Con,6reas of Entoit4logy, Vierum, Austria, 17-25 Aug 1960. - --- -KUF:-;IITSOVI A.L; --IVLIYEVI- L.A. Pouts of the Japanese stone pine on Kamchatka. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSBR no, 11:97-10.3 160, (MIRA 14:1) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Kamchatka-Pine-Dioases and pests) eT-TI-7n -,y :,n 1; y fll-. J. w.11- y 'y co 'Ln.-4 tri __z, .1 je..d .,T2 Iz A zlx-=vm -I..Wg T-T T31 Tr. % 1~i o T_.7 :11-I'm (Va'l:A =11-9) Asn ff, a -A 1-TR-T? 01 DIWT-71mr-d M PMIA=l T.N u. .TZ.E q% " . "V al p -=;Tien 1.9-P I -m-2) -7,.das -7--d-Eg rnz-K ..T7 'n MjA=j _T7 ~q qL "Y man v-.41 -,n pn%,* q va .fta KURUTSOV, Alekney Ivanovich, zanl. deyatell nauki, prof.; LENTMA, 1., red.; SIIAYKOVA, N.p tekhn. red. (In the shelters of UBsurian relicts1V ubezhishchakh ul.-u- r1inkikh reliktov. Vladivostok, Primorskoe knizhnoc j-*.U'-vop 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 15: 11) (4ikhote-Alin' Rango-Natural history) VITVITSKIY, G.N.; IMAIXIMKO) D.V.; NIKOLISKAYA, V.V.; CHICHAGOV, V.P.; RMITSO -.I,: VO'OBIYLV, D.P.; LIMOUM) Yu.A.; KARIW70V, I.I.I.; KU V, A~ R .4 KOLESITIKOV, B.P.; KABIXOV, DIVITRIYEVA, IT.G.; RIKHTER, G.D., doktor geogr. nauk, otv. red.; LADYCHUK, L.P., red. izd-va; DOROIUIINA,, I.E., tekh. red. [The Far East; its phpical geography] Dallidi Voetokj fiziko- geograflahaskala kharaktoriatika. MosIctra, 1961. 436 p. (KMA 11~.q) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geografil. 2. Institut, geografti AN SSSR (for Vitvitskiy, Kravchenko, Nikol'skaya, Chichagov). 3. Dall- nevostoclwqy filial All SSSR (for Kurentsov, Voroblyev). 4. Pochven- nyy institut All SSSR (for Liverovskiy, Karmanov., Petrov). 5. Bioiogi- cheskiy institut Ure-11akago, filials. All SSSR (for Kolesnikov). 6. In- stitirt less, All SSSR (for Kabanov). 7. TSentrallnyj institut prognozov (for Duitriyova). (Soviet Far East-Physical geography) KIJIILI;730V, A,J, The Far Eastern Sectior of the SiberJan Branch of the Academy of Scioncos of the U.S.S.R. Izv. AN SSSR. -Ser. goog. no.6:1110, 11-D 1 '01. (MMA 14: 12) (Soviet Far East-Goographical resoarch) KURENTSOV A.I.; KOIIOIIGV,, D.G. Bark boatles (Coleoptera, Ipidae) of Kamchatka. Ent.oboz. 40 no.3:59,5.-601 161. (HIRA :15 :3) I* Dallnevostochayy fi3.i&7 Sibirakogo otdoleniya All S63R, Vladivostoke (Kamchatka-Bark beetles) KURENTSOV, A.I. Dynamics of the ranges of ecologic complexes in the entomofauna of the Amur Valley. Vop. ekol. 7t92-93 162. (MIU 1615) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR, Vladivostok. (Amur Valley-Forest insects) ra, (,,f' ri Pa- L ri b L"L7. K,:-j7--. 01,13 RuiUMISOV) A.19 Problem Of Lhe Bel'iPZ Injid bridge Iii zougeorraphy. Izv.SO Ali SSSR no.8. Ser. biol.-med. nauk no. 2:3-13 163. (MRLA 16:11) 1, filial Sitdrakogo ot.,Iel -,.iyi AN SS)Lih, 7~ .. .. vuio to~. 4- KURENTSOV, A.11 Zoogeography of Kamchatka. Soob. DVFAN S,9SR no.38;97-100 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial imeni Komarova Sibirskogo otdoloniya AN SSSR. BELYSHEV, B.F.; KURENTSOV, A.I. -Study.. oC dragonflies (Odonat&)--in the Amur Valley.,- Trudy Vo!jt. -Sib. fil. AN SSSR 'no.40:71-80 164. (MIRA 17W IROXIXY, Gordey Fedorovich; zasi. dayatell liauki, prof., otv. red. ---! - [Ussurl boar (Sus scrofa, usBuricus Ifeude, 1888)] Ussuriiskii kabfin (Sus crofa usBuricus llpud,3, 1888 g.) tlloskva, Nauka, 1964. 105 P- (!"IliA 17:10) 11. T KU P LINTS OVY . . "A monograph cn Zest Psiutlf- .1 :-,f the (I.-epidoptera, -Satyridae)" by S!Fbert 1-1-1, r, c-n PT,. ,I,t. chiz. 43 no*1:238-24n '64. QI I RA 17 - C', ) t,"ue,E!!L;rjV, A.I., dol-tor WO.I. nwuk, prof.p Of-v. re-I.; . d r, :~ODIGNOVAJ, L.Z., red. (Ecology of the insects of the Maritime Territury and Amur Valley] Ekologiia nasekormikh Frimorlia i Friarnurlia. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 127 p. (".ILLA 18:1) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR. Dallnevostochnyy fi-lial, VIw-ivo3torII-. KURENTSOV, A.I. Alpine fauna of the Far East and its orJgin. Zool. zhur. 43 no.11:1585-1601 164. (MIRA 18:1-) 1. Diologo-pochvennyy inatitut Dallnevostochnogo filial& Sibirskogo otdcleniya AN SSSR., Vladivostok. KRIVOLUTSKAYA, Ga2l Olimpiyevna; PrIninala , , V.K.; KURDITSOV, A.I.Potv. rod. (Stem-mining pest in dark-Erreen con1fer forests of Western Siberia damaged by the tent caterpillar Dendrolimus sibiricus] Skrytostvolovye vrediteli v ter,,nokhvoinykh le- sakh Zapadnoi Sibiri, povrezlidenrkvkh sibirskim sholkopria- dom. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 127 p. (MIRA 18;5) ;'VL'O!,'LEY , Go rduy Fodorovich; K I T41`11TS0111 I ~ A. 1. 1 za: I I. .U~; It#: I I rmuki prof., otv. rfid. [Boars in the south of the Far Eftl3t, Of thl) U.S.').E.] Vlodvodl iura Ddllnogo Voatoka SSSR. Mookva, 11mika, 1965. 118 p. (!.'I:(A .18:6) w K G ~ (E.!_; T ~';-; . I "- i., 12,rl.'1EY, G.F.. cT,,;. - -- _-~ f -1, 1 t - ~ji"uO.Mir-hy rf th.'. reglon] Zongeografila Priamurlia. flatiRa, 3965. 153 p. fl,,IRA 18,.B) nRENTSOVA, G.R. -5 --'- Or7ifn";f~-'i~ro tat irin in the ]Quuika Plain of the Maritime Territor7. Bot.zhur. 40 no.2:178-188 Mar-Apr 155. (MIRA 8:7) (rhnnlca Plain-Botany) KURZNSOVA G.R. Formation of the Chinese pine Pinus funebris Kon. in Maritime Territory. Trudy Dallnevost.fil.AN vol-3:93-104 156. (nu 9: 8) (Maritime Tlerritory-Pine) KURENTSO Cand Blol Scl -- (dies) "Vegetation of the Khenkay Plain region and Ito surrounding foothills." Vladivostok, ul 1958. 19 Pp. (Acad Scl UHR, Far Na5t 100 copies. 9-58, 115). 46 Pj~- MOTTSOVA, G.&; VOROBIM. D.P. Ephodra monosperma G.A.Mey in the southern part of the Maritime Territory. Soob.DVFAN SSSR no.9:83-91 '58. (141RA, 12:4) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im. V.L.Komarova AN SSSR. %Maritime Territory--Ilphadra) Vi~SILIYEVJ, N.G.; KUMITSOU, G.E. Zonal features of the vegetative cover of Ko Mountain in central Sikhot-Alin'. Xon-r.chten.(DVFAN) no.8:21-30 !60. (MIRA 14-4) (Sikhot-Alint regioz&,-FhYtO9OO9raPhY) ROZIDIBERG, V.A.; VASILIYXV, N.G.; MAI-11KO.Yu.I.: POPOV. N.A.;:~~~_ G. E. Relation of the pine (Pitus koraiensis) and oak (Qiercus mongolica) in the southern Maritime Territory. Soob.DVFA';i' SSSH no.12:89-95 160. (MIRL 13:11) 1. Dallnevostochnry filial imeni V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otaeleniya AN SSSR. (Maritime Territory--Yorest ecology) (oak) (Pine) -- KDrean spruce forests in the Ueouri River basin. 3oob.DVFAN SSSR no'12:97-101 160, (MIU 13:11) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial imeni V.L.Dmarova Sibirskogo otdeleniva. AN SSSR. (Ussurl Valloy-Spruce) KURaTJOVA, G.L., VASILYEY, N.G. New plant species In the alpine flora of the Sikhote-Alin' Ran.~,e. Bot. zhur. 45 no-5017-719 My 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otedeleniya Akaderdi nauk SSSR, Vladivostok. (Sikhote-Alin' Range-Botany) VABILITEV, N.G., kand.biologichookikh nauk; KIJRIWTSOVA, G.B., kand. biologicheskikh nauk Relief and vegetation of lo Mountain. Friroda 49 n0-7: 90-92 Jl 160 (KIRA 13:7) 1. Dallnovostochnyy filial Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR, Vladivostok. (Ko Mountain) -A hMMSOVA) G,Z,; SKRIPKA, 11"I.A, Dynamics of the vegeta.'tive cover in the eastern part of Ydianka Plain in connection with the changes in its wator conditions. Bot. zhur. 46 no.8:1177-1182 Ag 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Dallnevostrochnyy filial AN SSSR, Vladivostok. (Khank-a Plain-Botozy) 4URENTSOVA, Ga21na Brazmovna; TOWACBEV, A.I., otv. red.; AREFIYEVAY tekhn. red, [Vegetation of the Khanka Plain and surrounding '~oothil2s] fiestitellnost' Prikhankaiskoi ravniny i okruzhaiushchikh pred- gorii. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. muk SSSR, 1962. 137 p. NIRA -15:12) (Khanka Plain-Botany) KURENTSOVA, G.E. I Succes.9ions and relicts of the vegetative cover of the Sikhote-Alint RRnge and their importance for the national econwy. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.12. Ser. biol.-med. nauk no.3:3-15 163. (MA 17:4) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdelenlya 1,N SSSR, Vlndivostok. KWRENTSOVA, G.E.; IVAI;OVA) I.T. Vegetation and natural regionalization of the left bank of the middle Amur Rivsr. Soob. DVFAN SSSR no.17:53-58 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im. V.L. Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. 1' li' G.I,-,. - , - - P,.,. XerophyL I c vogrit,;, tion of 41~,~ 1.".11-[ 'It I , y. pr : " . rill DLLI I . Voo t~. 110. -1 -. (,9--75 10. t,: 1: 1 1., ; I) 1. Pic I ago-pochvennyi, 1,J !,~: :IT i-,~ ! - ', t,4 - . I otdclonlyza At! OREM. G.S, Two observations on Behcot's disease. Zhur. ush.) nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.2:77-79 Mr-Ap 161. (MA 14:6) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzhennyy. dayatell nauki prof. A.I.Kolomi~chenko) Kiyovskogo instituts. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (SKIN-DISEASES) .KR.F~IA~ G.S . -- . Case of anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome following an injection of penicillin. Zhur.ush., nos.i gorl.bol. 22 no.2: 73-74 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. A.I.Kolomiyehenko) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (ANAPHYLAXIS) (PENICILLIN-TOXICOLOGY) KURFNYSHEV Yu. inzh. (g.Orsk); 14ASAGUNV, M4k.; FOFOV, S.; DUkTiViTSEV, N.; UGNIVENEO, P.N.; UC-IYYI, F.F., masier-vzrvvn1k; PROZORJVShIY, V.1s, mastpr-vzrvvn1k; F')MIN, P.F., master-vzryvnik; DROZYN, mastor-vzryvnik Readprs' letters. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.12:33 D '61- oria,~ 1-r1:1) 1. Nac~allniP Lurovzryvnykh rabot Solikanskogo kaliynogo ~ontinata (for MlasaFutov). 2. Upr2vlyayushchiy trestom "Soyuzvzryvprom" (for Popo~). 3. Nachal'nik proizvodstvennogo otdela tresta. "Soyuzvzryvprom" (for PuV~antsev). 4. Nachallnik turov7ryvnykh rabot shakhtoupravleniya 1-5 trr-sta Kirovugol' LuganskoCo sovnarkhoza (for Ugnivenko). 5. Shakhtoupravleniye 3-5 tresta KirovuEol' LuFan,~kop sovnarkhoza (for btiy~o, Prozorovrj