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JANKOWSKI, Junusz I "The Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transportation in Leningrad, 1809-1959." Reviewed by Janusz Jankowski. Kwart hist nauki i tech 8 no.2:291-294 163. JANKOWSKI, Janusz, mgr n't. One hundredth anniversary of the orening of the ltierbedz Vistula' 4 River bridge in Warsnw; 1864-1964, Inz 1 bud 21 no,Q:330'-335 , S ' 64. - .N JANKOWSKI, Janusz, mgr n.t. Fiftiath anniversary of th6 FrInan Jozef Ponlatowsk! Bridga and Viaduct in Waraaw, In2 1 blid 21 no.5.175-180 W 164. 3(5) POL/26-59-1-6/20 AUTHOR: Jankowski, Jerzy TITLE. The Diffraction Problem on the Conducting Half-Plane in Geophysical Research PERIODICAL: Acta geophysica polonica, 1959, Nr 1, pp 34-40 (Poland) 1 STRACT: The author states that his work is a continuation of the 2 papers ublislied in the i~,cta geophysica polonica L7,ef s .2 end -3 by R. Teisseyre who is concerned xAth the diffraction problem of the ideally conducting half- plane in the theory of induction -,,,~,ethod, and who based his calpulations on the method indicated by T. B. A. Senior ZITef 17. In geophysical practice -the e-xperiment- al curves pe Hz and Im, H2 were obtained. (Hz - the - C__ liz il Z constituent ma,(,,rnctic component vertical to the ground ' ~' e plane, fiz - the dipole field in vacuum). Teiss Yre computed the curve fninily Re Hz In this ~Ixrk the TFZ Card 1/2 author deals -with the curve family IM HI adopting 9 V POL/26-59-1-6/20 The Diffraction Problem on the Conducting Half-Plane in Geophysical Rp-earch R. Teisseyre's designations and using the formulae developed by him. In 15 mathematical formulae the au- thor computes and discusses the curve Im 9z_ (for the Hz T)articular wave number k), which may be used in the in- ierpretation of shall.ow ground profiles. There are 2 graphs and 3 references, 2 of which are Polish and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Instytut geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Rau"L, Warszawa (Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sci- ences, Warsaw) SUDMITTED: December 2, 1958 Card 2/2 JAYIKOWSKI, Jerzy Proton magnetometer and its use in field and stationary measurements of the magnetic field of the earth. Przegl geofiz 8 no.3:179-187 163. 1. Zaklad Geofizyki, PolBka Akadenda Nauk, WarBzawm. YANKOVSKI, Yu. [Jankowski, J.]; YANKE, B. [Janke, B.] Measurements with the proton magnetometer In the Hel 0b-- servatory. Acta geophys Pol 11 no.3tl99-202 163. 1. Instytut Geofizykit Polska Akademia lqauk., Warszawa. JANKOWSKI, Jerzj. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw, Acts, Geopbysica Polonica, No 2, April-June 1965, pp 85-105 'IShort-period variations of the earth's magnetic field on the territory of Poland and their relation to deep substratum structure." JANKOWSKI, K. Industrialized buildingj a settlement in Bielanyl the first report from the building site. P. 30 Vol. 27, no. 99 Sept* 2955 PRZEGLAD BUDOWM Warszawa SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM), LC, VoL, 5s, no* 2 F,,b* 1956 JAWI(VSKI, K. Comparative differential methods of determing errors of measuring transformers. PA67 (POMIARY, AUTOMATIKA, KOYMOLA, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly Imist of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC,, Vol. 6, No. 9.. Sept. 1957, Uncl. I "J 'AIL '/Y- k'( POIAND/Laboratory Equipment. F. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 16, 1958, 53530 Author : Yankovsky Inst Title : The Storage, Control and the Care of an Analytical Balance. Orig Pub : Pomiary, automat., kontrola, 1957, 3, iio l.2, 463-466 Abstract : Information is given on the operation, care, use and minor repairs of an analytical balance. Card 1/1 S -_JAtIKQ~ISKT_s_S;TY,ZKIT,l~ITC7,, Z. A new system for the investigation of current transfomers. p. 107. ELEKTRYn. (Politechnika Gdanska) Poman, Poland. Noe 3, 1958* Monthly list of East 1~uropean Accessions Index (Er-AI),, LC, Vol. 8, 110. 6.4 June 1959 unclao 6(7), 9(0) POL/19-8-3-3/10 AUTHOR: Jankowski TITLE; Linearisation of the Static Characteristics of a Circuit by Means of an Inverse Function PERIODICAL: Archiwum. elektrotechniki, 1959, Vol. 8, Nr 39 pp 389-402 (Poland) ABSTRAOT: The author assumes the existence of an arbitrary cir- cuit transferring an arbitrary signal. This signal is determined by three quantities: w which is the signal entering the circuit; a which is the signal leaving the circuit; and a.i which represents the para- meters of the circuit. The relationship between w and a may be described by the function F which sub- ordinates signals a to si-anals w according to the equation a = F (w). The function F depends on the parameters a and hence may be determined by their , , . One of these parameters, X, is set n proper selec~io card 1A aside as the one whose properties will asure that the circuit fulfils the conditions placed on quantity a POL/19-8-3-3/1 0 Linearisation of the Static Characteristics of a Circuit by Means of an Inverse Function parameter must hence be achieved in such a way that the dependence of X on b should be governed by the inverse function )S. The author sums up his conside- rations in the equations a = P (k,R b) W = F 1A,ginO (B,b)] w = kbw where R is the resistivity- g the resistivity of the wire inll/m; n is the numNr ;f wire coils per unit length of the resistor; and k is the linear depen- dence between a and b. The potentiometer body thus obtained is shown in Fig 4. By applying the inverse function to the transfer function of -the circuit under consideration to the relationship between the a luxillary parameter and the fundamental parameter, one can obtain the linearisation of the static cha- racteristics of the circuit. The method described above applies only to circuits in the steady state. Card 3/4 The author considers that it may have certain prac- JANKOWSKI, K. Protonation effect on the electronic spectra of nitrogen haterobenzenes, and their aminoderivativas. Bul Ac Pol mat 11 no. 9:621-624 163. 1. Department of Experimental Phhsics, N. Copernicus University, Torun. Presented by A. Jablonski. WOMICKI, W.; DOLEWSKI, J.; JANKOWSKI, K.; KARWOWSKI, J.4, FWPITOWSH, 9~ Electronic structure of n1trogen baterobantrine.,i. Bol Ac' Pol math 12 no.10:655-661 164, 1. Departrwnt of Exparim-ptal Physien and Depwtmnt of Theoretical Physics of N.Copernicus University, Torun. Submitted August 1, 1964. .JANKM4SKI Kazimierz 9 'isowered basi~-rhythm and demential syndromes of old age. Neurol, etc.,-polska 11 no./t.:505-512 161. 1. Z Pracowni EM Kliniki Psychiatryoznej AM w Warszavie Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr J. Handelsman Kierownik Pracowni EEG; doe. dr K. Jusowa. (PSYCHOSES SENILL diag) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH in old age) JANKOWSKI, Kazimiarz; KAI, Ju The level of cholesterol and phoBpholipids ~n the blood ser= in cerebral arteriosclerosis, Neurologia etc. polska 111 no.6:825-,832 161. 1. Z Kliniki Psydhiatrycznej AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. AJua oraz z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzny~h AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. D.Aleksandrow, (CHOLESTEROL blbod) (PHOSPHOLIPIDS blood) (CEREBRAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS blood) JANKOWSKI, Kazimierz; MCZAR, Bozena Symptomatic schizophrenia in Schilder's diffude sclerosis. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.5-.737-742 162. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM w Warszawie Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr A. Jus i z Panstwowego Szpitala Psychiatrycznego w Fruszkovie Dyrektor: dr F. Kaczanowski. (ENCEPHALITIS PEMAXIALIS) (SCHIZOPIMNIA) JPIIKOWSKI, Kazimierz, Electroencephalographic studies in geriatrics. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.2:62-65 8 Ja 162, 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM w Warazawie; kieroAmik Kliniki: prof. dr Ahdrzej Jue. (ELECTROENCE PlIALOGIUPHY) (GERIATIUCS) JANKOWSKI,K.1 AFELT, Zofia Degeneration and regeneration in the chronic spinal prepara- tion of Rana esculenta. Acta biol. expe (Warez.) 24 notlt 3-11 164. 1. Laboratory of Histoplathology of the Ner7ous System, Department of Psychiatry, School, Warsaw, and Department of Neurophysiology, The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw 22, Poland. i pi-i toy.;sr r , kazim-"e-.-Z nrmplicatlon% in c:n.rse n eu :-,~p 1 e pt 1 c s in t,~- e h o t' h i. s t,-,) pa4 ~'n nl,~, g, c aIn 7e ~j ti 17-~i 4 i -1 N oa r( ! n %i r o c hlr ps"- Lt 1 14 rv.). i Ag, 1. ~: KI-Iniki- Aariegii Medycn-,-i w Wa---~M-O (K .-Al. erown ikL- prof. ar. .7'u.;,L i t I, ka.-I in'; J ~ :IF Y i:,,i c e:~ c, e dor e,.,. r i i zyciij at ri vzne.-' w "'a ns -I [1111l.H "jitflilli'l -11 TI i, 11! Pall KAJEFL, ~azlmierz Apropos of ateroid therapy, Pol. tyg. Ick. 1.9 no.4:137- 140 27 Ja 164. 1. Z Klinil,'. 1'3ych4,atr-ycznej Akademii Melrc-,nej w Warszawie (.-Jerownl~ KlJrik-i. prof. dr red. Andrzej TUS). JANKOWSKI, XyzjJorz; KAKOL04.)KI, Jun; U01,11A, E-'J,,,bicUL; URJANEK, Bogumila iInve-at.1gations on the effpct of the chronic Pd.,4nial,ration of 7- 14U&nLrll (P-2647) to rats. floural. rieurochir. paychiat. Pol. 15 ni).2:235-240 Mr-Ap '65. 1. Z Kliniki Psychlati-yezmej AM w I-I'arazawle (KLerownlik: prof. dr. A. jus). JANNOWSKI, rAziirierz A case of paranoid schizophrenia induced on the psychogenic course in connection with the deafness. Neurol. nourochir. paychlat. Pol. 15 no.2:345-347 Mr-Ap 165. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM w Warszawie (K5.ero,,*nile: prof. dr. A. Jus). JANKOWSKI, Fazimierz '.7he general architectonics of the spinal cord and spinobrulbar junction in the frog, Acta biol, exp, (Warsz.) 25 no.3;153-159 t65. 1, DepArtment of Neurophysiologyt The Nencki Institute of ExperJmental Biology, Warsaw 22, and laboratory of 11isto- pathology, Psychiatric Clinic, Medical Akademy, WarBzaw, Poland. AFELT, Zofia; Kazimierz Relation between the ambulation pattern and architectonics of the spinobulbar junction in the frog Rana asc. Acta biol. exp. (Warez.) 25 no-3:173-176 165. 1. Department of Neurophysiology3 The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw 22, Poland. JARKOWSKI, Ludwik, inz. Tube generators of high frequency for electrothermic purposes, Wiad elektrotechn 19 no.9:257-261 S 159.. 9 (2) POL/24-60-i-9/20 AUTHOR: ~jk?w3~kl, Ludwik, Engineer TITLE-1- Poweil upply for the Plate Ciarrent of High-Fvequancy Heating Generators. Fart I: a-c Power Supply. PERIODICAL: Wiadomobci Elektrotechniczne, 1960, Nr 1, p 18 r~ ABSTRAN: Refarrl)5g to the article published In Nr 9 of this peviodical 1959 (",ngh Freq7uency Vacuum Tube Generators for Thermoelectric Purposes"), the author explains the principle of -transforming network current into higb frequency current by means of vacuum-tiabe power oscillators. He explains that the plate current is not rectified, but taken directly from the transformer. The current flows only when the plate obtains positive charge. The fifty positive half-cycles per second are sufficient to supply high-frequency current, which can give satisfactory heating surges to the receiver (e.g. Card 1/2 an electric furnace). An h.f. power generator with two tubes In push- 1!1t~ P01.724-6o-1-9/2o Power Supply for the Plate Current of High Frequency Heating Generators, Part I: a-c Power Supply. pull systlem gives a more continuous flow of h.f. current. A third possibility is a three-tube generator for three-phase current supply. There are 3 diagrams. Card 2/2 s I - 1 11 1 1 . . JANKOWSKI Ludwik inz. Two-call interference eliminator. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.1:8 Ja 161. ,JANKOWSKI, Ludwik, inz, Sources of heating current in industrial electronic geAerators. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.61lSO-182 Je 161. - JAMWSKI, Ludwik, inz. Application of the generator type PDK 195 for irduction heating, Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.9:271-273 S 161. JANKOWSKI, L., inz. Induction drying of motor wirings. Wiad elakti-otechn 30 no.12%401-402 D 162. JANKOWSKI, 4,udwik, inz. Adjustment regulation in high-frequency heating. Wiad elektrotechn 31 no.4:71-73 Ap 163. I r JAIMMKI2, L.,, inz. Induction drying of motor windings. Wiad alaktx-otachn 30 no.12t 401-402 D 162. KOWAI-S)KAI Ewaj wKwai, i,~,ciej Durability tenting of the DrP-60 current counter. Prz-3gl elektroniki 3 no.8:481-1-82 A- 1621. l. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektronikir Warazzma. !~I:-: HIM, KOWAISKA, EwaLLA~~~; IESINSKI, Jan Temperature and voltage rating of the DOB-60 current counter. Przegl elektroniki 3 no*9:533-535 S 162* 1. Przemyslowy Instytut, Elektronikip Warszawa* L 1.0""2-63 BWT(m)/hDS--AFFTG/ASD ACTESSICU NR: AP3003190 1005316VbX)A)5 40- ATTLHOR: Lcrinsk-' . Jan: Kawal~qlm Ewa;. J'0A-k(vS1d, Maciej IWO TITM- Design and, technology of type DM, -60 and Dr,3-40. iiL~91IL";n-e9waterz SOURTE: Przeglaa elektronilldl, no. 5-6. 1963P 2190-292 TOPIC TAGS halogen counter-.,. Q--mma rays, ra-~Uation, neciij imcmi:~'v~ M lo~zen count Or A13STMICT: Descriptions are given. of the DCS-6o and DCM-40 hm a rSyj. meas=ing Ga=.a-r-,y intensity in the 0.5-4o and 2-2G0 hr vmges,' (~,evelope,~- at tl,4-e Przewlawy Inst~tut Blektroni-ld (Industrial Ins,Utute of The concentric position of the emode imide the cathode cylimder i's feature o-f the counter design, since anode cen:~,e-ring hSs a co:msidc.-A-a"51~,- T" On the maxtraim current of the counter. This prablem was solved by usiziz ct-~:Ltit-~ in- sulators to hold the anode 'in pa-ace. Me cathole et the ccranter mafta of C-ATe covered -with Cr2O3. 7he coLmters arc fillcd vith P, mixtura (:if nerm mad bra".j.,ne. The DM-60 counter ore-rates in the -20 to +5'~C rimse W:A the DMI-40, in tb~2 -40 to +50C rauge. Orig. art. has: 2 fiGuares :a--Ld I Card 1/2 I, : I :; , I i I I F 1; ~ ! IR,:,!! q I .H '11-11! 61 11 I~ !I s 11 !. ~ I 1 1. 1 1 1 .: I- I H LESINSK11 Jan; K0WA1ZKA, Ewa; JANKOWSKI, Maciej Design and technology of current meters of the DOB-60 and DDB-40 types. Przegl elektroniki 4 no. 5/6: 290-292 My-je 163. 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Warszawa. IESINSKI, J.; KOWAISKApE.; JAMNSK1,14. Basic parameters and characteristics of DOB-40 and DOB40 current meters. Archiw elektrotech 12 no.3*.609-620 163 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki.. Instytut Badan Jadro- wych., Warszawa. :;i ;1:11 -ill ?!-. LFS.DiMp Jan) JIM014W, Mmtoj jr.-4 '- A 1.1cluld.-flow btilogen Gnigor-9d'Ller onantor wIth holAx anode and tbin-wd1lod tube, in activa volum. Prmcgl altikit-roniki /, no.12016-718 D 161. 1, Vr,.,(;,V, clowy Inatytut Roktronikl , WArazuwa, JANKOWSKI, Mieczyslaw; NIXPOLOMSKI, Vitold Methods of operating cysts of the nasal vestige*, Czas.stomat. 8 no.6:223-230 Je 155- 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Stomatologicznej Slasklej A. M. w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr M. Jankowski. i z Zakladu Anatomil Patolo- gicsnej Slaskiej A.M. w Wabrzu. Kierownik: doc.dr V. ffiepolomaki. (NASAL CAVITY, cysts surg. methods) JAFKOWSKI, Mieczyslaw ailous mouth diseases in puberty, menstruation or Dregnancry. Gin. polska 29 no-5:509-517 Sept-Oct 58. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Stomntologicznej Slaskiej A. M. w Zabrau Kierow- nik: Drof. dr M. Jankowski Klinika Chirurgii 3tomatologicznej Slaskiej A. H. Zabrze, ul. Buchenwaldczykow 19. (PRMGIWTCT, die. mouth lis., atiol. & ther. (Pol)) (MENSTRUATION, physiol. relation to mouth die. (Pol)) OfOUTH, d is. in menstruation, prega. & puberty, etiol. & ther. (Pol)) -J~'~-!11'01117sil'il ". Superheterodyne with an untimed input circuit. T). "'0 R;,DTOA'IA'7 ') (Publication for am-tcur radio oporaLors. Tl-tac wivj.-mi beCcwo Radio Arator. ikonthly.) !,,1avszawa, Pollarid. Tjo-TI7-,--n--=6.., Dec. 1955- M-onthly list of East European Acce3sicns (EH:;ii), IXU, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jar.. 1?51/~. Uncl. inluernationni "c Internatin-11 .1 r ot-anclarris concernin- p ,,LC(, ch oni'e, ol:,k N 2", n,). 19 5 5 1 (7- ~3 11 ; T , I I JANKOWSKI, Stanislaw Development of the glass industry in the Wasterr brritories of Poland during the years 1945-1960. Szk2o 13 no.1:7-9 Ja 162. Jankowski S. -i NA!" il , I W. 11,F] 1V, ,I 11 hl -J, 11- Jankowhki S., "Some Remarks on the East-W:ist 11ioroughfare.11 (Niektore Uwagi o projektowaniu Trasy Wschod-Zachod). Architektura, No 12-12, 1949, pp. 313-326, 40 figs. An article written by architects of the EastAWest Thoroughfare studio. It is in the nature of an opening to the discussion which is likely to develop on such a great town-planning undertaking, the East-West Thoroughfare already built, and an invitation to other architects to participate. The article also gives some remarks on the condi- tions in which the staff of the East-West Thoroughfare studio among the specialists in terested. Such a discussion should give in detail all the "pros and cons" necessary to the formation of an objective opinion on the whole of the East-West Thoroughfare and to the establishment of a bavis for suggestions for the future. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2. 1951 R N KO K 1, 1143' JankowskI S. The Vse of Theruti-plastics In Me Cable, Industry. ZiiMS(1W9nlQ MINVAtOW MMUP13.6tycinyell w 1mvinytIt kablo- -A-ym-,, r1r1,eql4d Llektratcelinlemy. No. 1-2 .3. 10~1. lit), d4--W, I fig. -rhe author. In dealing with synthetic plaS;IC M41rrWS suitable for use in electric conductors and cables. concentrates on the oppLL- cability of Pol3rvlnVI resms. for both power and telecommunication, conductors and cables VzJttnlca Mirukriniomt ATO;1te"I%oll No. 7. 10 t1its This article explaim the bas4c assturIptit 0 thc NVXM-r~al- dentiAl difitriCt. intended for 45 thousand In, -Inin3. r.te mat,, tank of :he NMI drauKhtirnen was to cream, In Me n1loit bally pan of the city, IMni; accommodation for the working lx*c;)I(, 'rite whole group of designers was charged with the elaborall4m. bried 1,1,1 ecrinoralcal. poiltAcal and technical problerm of the full ptoiramair They v re rrijuirt-4 to wo& ow thr proper orrhnrmu~nl formi for hou-ts. iitrects;, sqtiarax and cky-quartefs, due conittilerAllon b(,In;, given to the i)rw &MIallxt euence, The nrucle brimilly detscribri ". t- clal problems of a 100 ha area. the building programnin ato the architteturat treatment of the houses. JANKOWSKI, S. "A New Range of Cables and Conductors Insulated with Polyvinyl Chloride and Thiokol and the Scope of Their Application." p.421 (PRZEGLAD EIMROTECHNICZNY Vol. 29, no. 10, Oct. 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthl List of East EuroDean Accessions, LC, Voi. 3. no. 5, Ha;r 1954/Unel. JAKKOWSKI, Stanislaw, mgr.j Into Stand-by supply of auxiliary power for large boiler-turbine- generator unit system. Pt.l. To be contd. Energetyka Pol 16 no.3:77-82 162. 1. "Energoprojekt". Warszawa JAMOWSKI,.5tanislav- Stand-by supply of auxiliary power for large boiler-turbine- generator unit systems. Pt. 2. Energetyka 16 no.5-.138-143 MY 162, -1. Energoprojekt,, Warszawa. LACHOUICZ, Tadeusz, M.; JANK011-ISFI, 14 islaw; 11011EVI)OFI-F, Wanda Wn A new type of isoantagonism between serologic types of Shigella flemori bacilli. Arch. immun. ther. exp, 12 no.61 690-701 164 1. DepnrLment of G-netics of Microorganisme, Trmtitute of Iaununology and Rxpe7lmental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, 'Wroclaw. LACHMICZ, Tadeusz M.; ZIMNICKA, Jadwiga~~K HoliPVDORF-STUDZINSKA, Wanda. Eff eet of conditions of incl. baticy 01 'U1' agoulm flevieri lb and its antigenic mutw,t. Acta mi-~-.roblc.L. t;.u. -L4 no.W35-1.414 165. 1. Frcm the laboratory of Genetics of Micr-,--organisms of the Tnstitute of Immology and Experimental Tierapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the MicroLiological Department of the School of Medicine in Wroclaw. X . ; NIMIAKOWSKI, Kazimierz,' CIESIELSKI, Tadeusz. Jfil,"KCWS I," $~anislsV Effect of conditioning grain on the milling value of wheat. Roczniki Wyz Szkola Rol Poznsm no.13: 1,7-62 "'62 1. Katedra Technologii Zboz, WyTsza Szkola Rolnicza, Poznan. Tr la -law. -KMKI, Stanislaw; M-IIEWICZ, Mieczyslasp; REDES, W11'. Effect of certain factors on the results of determinint, nitro- gen in grain by the Bluret method. Roczniki Wyz Szkola Rol Poznan no.13sl27-134 t62. 1. Katedra Technologii Zboz, Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, Poznan JAUOWSKI, S. cAsswo ja dity of flow time4 VAG 44 isswai de -hunildity and temp. The fatty acid tonen. dt, u the dow bemme moldy. TWmald:11rowth In- cam appamt In 6 days at 309 and 01% btxmldity. In V dAL 73g I.Ality. ,,otm"AH 0w-5 4030 fit Jankowski S.. Sulak S. Tile Ufflivition All Wasic Wifley-Prolefit in flatlingf.. W LrIliaiAct [he Nutrillowti Value q( arrad. ndp,Adkoweg~ 11,!alka servja(Jkvlvc~Z4) w piflazeiliefe w piv, zywa' f D, If milSing whey-ptal:!Ili and fict s th-, p. ),-,,wImn ,f Nactim- - al tire pro- I wl:or, of i,r~ ]"I ~Ihljmin Ind molars-, 4Ajod is -3.11: m- Iy It I)r,,~id *!- hr-1 whes add.~d. 'rill! eteltl, ~;,,ahlv ari, ll~tvllzr Ifiln ."thout such "N -iw -I'l :.-!I -if ,'-.t .-f Iri-j dr...Amq, Arid I pur :.Ifi, of A ;~v, , -,t ',~- lolal I)rt)t(!:n in 64) O!r - nt), th, CorAWit ul' t:,;jnA3 p~-r -t-w, of hiamin by 4 Pei, tent, rib(iflavln h~ 40 per ~e(il, .1ail file L:,fI,- md kliCv Tbo additorl j-,,1 Lwlo~- n rich In ril:~N ivin owl of I r ~,f jlljj~ti iy~lnv .111(i ri-gmup vilainin Mills-fit (.1 41. (111-d It to tiblain ;i inff)r, ravimr3bl: JCVVI (if Illcit, to suppiy ~At:l, "I I,, If W - rye fly re'llureinvIlL ., ,so The biological and technological properties of early white lupine* En English. p. 213. MATEMATYKA., Vol. 3, No. 6., 1955, Warszawa.. Poland. SO; East European Accessions List (EEAL)s L. of Cs, Vol- 51 No. 109 Oct. 1956. -- !I.. ~c I I, ~ 1, z. !--, . :11--r-,!--, I 1 1, - . d I . I JANKOWSKI, S: SUJAK, S Utilizing waste whey protein in the baking industry for improvement of the nutritional value of bread. P-105 PRZEMYSL SPOZYWCZY. (Stowarsyszenia Naukowo-TeahnicznO Inisynierow i Tachnikow Przemyslu Spozywazego) Wars2awa, Poland Vol.9, no.3, mar. 1955 Monthly 21st of East Furopean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1960 Unal. Ile FArII WbIts JuVbL S, Barbacki'I*I=ki'.',,d K. L-Ravilm (Rqcr.v* Nsuh yet., 19S5,70. A. 479--M7.--M Wpin v=f0tY, orlAiDMUY 'I from a bitt,= stock, fa a. toug-day type, =5 ndingreadilyto Vmail's'tj- PA V tion. Euly mwing %avoured wt. p" 1910 secds, high fat arid1c,ly alkaloid Milliog yielded 35T, of flaul- sultablefor"s iixh-4kingenda&utsoo/"Ofgin3its- whcjljlliml~' ("%) with *heat mod rye Rout, lup(n dour afftctcd pastry lit ii cl4quer simitir to that ot soya-bQ~n, 1* breid tbe 16A vcI -pa4l Cr . 1h, ", i~i- - - - - -&s* - " ' - ' - *--------"---, " " ow, -;i e, a ric-add tribution of the lupin prolehi lit mill. I parer] with that of othler !vgundnous stieds. A. G. llotxtstn. qz") r~ y 5 87 ALL t':~ Floul or! !.-ual chem. zywr.. -In Gf "C s of pre pa. Z;hs )Est r 1. , 'ng r. t 1 .5 e ~A hE ame,-;-It of fl_, ro,-r t hu i~ 1L, t co of Le L 'D t i - II o v n - he s ,) i ~t2Sj il~,k a, L It emoea oread c ~jr c. uA]. - tws o b, 1'e c.:, -.2sing C S n F 2 V Drl:- lic, C- r, *,T-- -z C, oa. n~ r i 4. A er -Ire 3 t jo of 1; 1 a:-,d ur at lon 2tr, 0 t -"lour to wa"(.-- r 0 flclt~ntly spxngy fermer-t-fition of hours. Fcr a suf,.,. -tUre tj;jS DrOCedU-e lr~CreiAreE S' ightly thE.' aCidlty Of the orc-ad . To theIdough are added,;, 1~b yeast. A temper'--t.,ire of 350 musc be mailntained in the ff~-:,Yrjentation c1u,ibei,. -- A. Yetalullyanov. C Card 1/2 .1, "11 lit I, I y I in, I CGUNIM 11QLAk%V 11 CATEGOld Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their pplications. Food Industry. A- ABS. JOUR. Ra"m.) No 17, 1959,, mo. 62520 AuMfOR .-Jankowski, Nowakowski, K.; Parlak, 11. Tins E*aluation of Grinaability of Rye Based on Labora- tory Grinding Experiments ORIG. PUB, Roczn. Wyzsz. szkoly roln. Poznanin, 1958, 2t 3-37 ABSTWT Presented are tests on 4 sorts of rye, inost com- mon in the PDR, conducted on & laboratory scale Miag mill and obtaining the following datat yield color and nab contentof the intermediate produ- ats and of flour, yield of mill and bran from the torn -and ground systems, particle size of flour and gluten content, farinographic data I grindabi- lity of particles, starch content of the bran, grinding efficiency.* The beat, grinding properties had the USk imDorted rye, inferior properties bad the Nagradovitskaya, and Manitoba U sorts, and the poorest properties bad the byelaya Kleshchevskaya rye. Card: CCUNT& 19 CAUMEr Chemic&l Technology. Chemical Prodi)ctg and Their Apnlic&tions. Pood Industry. -Am. JOUR. R=Wm.., No 17, 1959) No. 62529 AUMOR Jankowski, S.; JankiLewicz, M.; 02.orczynnka, b. INSTITUTE TIZZ Effect of Blesebing Agents on the Rosulto of Che- mical Determinations of tbe Reducing Sugars in :57:WT'l ';ir ABSMCT presented is a comparativo determInation of th 0 reducing augers in water extracts dorivad from vbaut una rye flours anil wheat bree-ag employing the iodometrie# forricysaide and Dertran's me- thod.s. Various quantities of bleaching agents were.used in the determinations such as -the Barn- obteyn-Shtutser's reagent and ZnS04 and NaOR.. in accordance with the Proakuryakov's method, for the Terricyanide test. It is demonstrated that for the complete elimination of interfering *the Grain Refining Products. Card: 1/2 Country p(jj-qLj(j Oatogory Chodmil TechwUae Chemical ProftaU 4ai IMI App,11caftons. Food Maduntryo Abs, Joure 1. Ho 2h. - MAx. No. 13.) 195!~ 40452 Author Jankowski, S. and szwajkajzer, S. Inst' ut. -or-6 T:Ltlo On the Application of PhOtocolOrimutrY to the Gradij of Flour on the Basis of Color Orl,3 Pub. Przeglad Zbov.-Mlynarski, 2, No 10-11 (1953)-, Biul Inform Inst Zboz Vlarazawie, No 5, 7-15 (19q8) Abstr,,:~ct The authors discuss the restiltm obtained from com- pari8on studies of the color ol flomr (whiteness) as a basis for the determination offlour quality and as a substitute for the gradingUned on ash content. The determinations were made with an SIR-3 colorimeter, a leiss leucomoter,: and an Engliih- made colorimeter ('flour colour grader". It has -been.foond that colaritutern in which the affect of partinle site han boon eliminated are'suitabla:for the whiteness measurementa. The color 6f the 'Llour was not correlated with its ash content. A. Nemellynnov Card: 1/1 JANKOWSKI, Stefan.. mgr. Activities at the club of technology and rationalization. Milling Enterprises in Zielona Gora, Gorzow and Szprotawa, Przem spoz 16 no.404-56 AP 162 11 1 rG I P.; t!. pill. W!"o-I-P- -WIFIC ~ III!I P I 17 T, Transistcrs in ~,~ulse vsclected problems. p. 121 RLZI i',;:..Y (PolsJul 'ItIvIchomIL, Nauk, Instyt,,A Pa"Icatwowych Problemow Techniki) 1..arszawaj Poland. V01. 5s 110, L, 1959. Monthly List of East Eurcpean accession (ET-11), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, S~?ptember, 1~)59. Uncl. I f H 1-5: 4 1 W T! I f 1 4 - - i I d I . - 1 .11- 1 1.!-. jj'~ PUZYMISKI, It.; JANKOWSKI, T.; KOZUBOWSKI, 11. Method of analysis of the single stage turbine characteristics with the use of a digital computer. Bul Ac Pol tedh 12 no. 1: 59-67 164 1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machines, Gdansk, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented t)y R. Szowalski. C -, T - . , , en::.-. ; ' ~j:jlvj' ~.,n ;-, q r ~ r7; I ~,( ~ ,Y ~ 4. - ~ ~ , f I .I. P~!. "'t birch . .: n. (-; c .11 16 n c - 3 .8 T-) . STEFANOWICZ, Jozef, mgr inz.; jANKOWSKI, Tadeusz, inz. Ultc-asonic method of determining the Zpom strength coefficient of A welded butt joint for g ~5 -20mm. Przegl .9paw 16 no.10-233-235 0 164. IF N iL-a-i ! L-A AL4 A[. 4Lk-'-. O(jjPCLZWLU LJ u W, lkg .; --- - - . - - - --.- : . - - . ; I ~ : - , - 1~ - - -~ 1. --- ~-az ! - -,- - . ~ 11 1 :, ~ !, t ~ I - t ! 'I I , ! ~ - , , ! A I - I t I ;!.:!; 7~ , i:- 1,'j - ~-, 2 . 1 - -, . .- -- - 7 ~ I I . : I . . :.: ral ; ~ :- -t .4! : I ~! I Mmmm JANKOWSKI, T. - - Closure of extensive hernial openings with implanted skin grafts. Polski przegl. chir. 25 no.6:499-515 June 1953. (UHL 251.1) 1. Of the Surgical Department (&ad--T. Jankowski, M.D.) of the Hospital of Zyrardow Plants, Zqrardow. JANUWM, Tadeuss Cholangiograpby and biliary manometry; technic and clinical value. Postepy chir.1:114-163. 1954. 1. Z Oddzialn chirargicxnego aspitala v Zyrardowie. Iterownik: dr T. Jankowski. (BILIAEr TRACT, manometry) (BILIAff TRACT. radiography. cholangiography) TUICZYITSKI, Marian; JANKOWSKI, Taaeusz Tuberculosis of the spleen & liver with hyperepleaism. Polaki tygoa. lek. 13 no-34:1324-1326 25 Aug 58. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Bialymstolm; kierownik: prof. dr mea. M. Tulczynski i z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Bialymstoku; kierownik: -prof. dr mea. T. Jankowski. Warszawa, ul. Lekaraka 11. (TUBIRCUU)SIS, HEPATIG, physiol. hypersplenism in hepatic-splenic tuberc. (]F01)) (TUBBRMUSIS, SPLENIG, physiol. same) (SPLMN, phys io 1. same) ; .1 : 11' : 1: 1 !, - , - " "' "-' -,- - TULGZYNSKI, Marian; JAITKOWSKI, Tadeusz Ranulto of oplenoctomy in blood diseases and opleen furiction toute. Polskie arch. mad. wewn. 29 no-3-339-344 1959. 1. Z I Klintki Chorob Wewnetrznych A'.M. w Bialymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr med. M. TUlGzynski i a II Kliniki Chirurgicmnej It..M. w BialymBtoku Kierowniki prof. dr med. T. Jankowski. Adres nutora: Warszawn, Inkaraka (BIOOD DISFASES, surg. splenectoaq. funct. aspects (Pol)) (SPLEBN, surg. excis. in blood dis., funct. aspects (Pol)) JANKOWSKI, Tadousz Inflamnatory conditions of the pancreas. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.17/9:923-942 161. (FANCREATITIS neopl) POLAND Jil-NKOWSKI, Tadeusz, GORCMNSKA, Zofia, and RUDKOWSINI, Alfons; a 6f Ine-edtfous Diseases (Klinika Cliorob Zakaznych) (Di- rector: Docent, Dr. med. P. WROINI) and Second Surgical Clinic (II Klinika Chirurgiczna) (Di,rector: Prof. Dr. mod. T. JAN- KOWSKI) , both of the ANI [Akad-emia Iiedyezna, Medical AcadoMY3 in Bialystok "Chronic Viral Hepatitis Treated S :urgically by Denervation of Hepatic Artery. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 32, 5 Au. 63, pp 1196-1199 Abstract: [Authors' English summary] Authors report a case of a bT--year old woman suffering from severe viral hepatitis, followed by chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Patient was treated by denervatIon of hepatic artery, and her clinical condition four months after the operation is good. Authors discuss the value of this kind of treatment. There are 11 references: 3 Polish, 2 German, and 6 French. 2 JANKOWSKI., Tadeusz; SIDOROWICZ, Jozef -------------- Transcutaneous transhepatic cholangiography in differentiating of jaundice.-Pol.'prz~gl. chir.*830-833 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Bialymstoku Kierownik: p~qf. dr T. Jankowski., OAUNDICE) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERFMIAL) (GHOLANGIOGWRY) Jfil[KGWSKI,T. Dr. Tadeusz Wagner. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.ltl-/, jal6/+ ~AIIKOWSKI, Tadeusz; ZALEWSKI, Jozef; MALMISKA, Snb.,Lna Glinical. significance of some congenital defects of the extra- hepatic bile ducts. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.3:94-96 18 Ja 165 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgioznej Akadernii Medycznej w Binlymatoku (Kierol.-nik: prof. dr. T. Jankowski). JAVKOWSKII, Tadeusz; SUAKOWICZ, Teresa; WAPXJKO, Stanislaw - Case of hepato-diaphragma'uic interposition of colon. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.14:528-529 5 Ap f65. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych AM w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. Piotr Boron) i z II Kliniki Chir-urgicznej AM w Bia2ym- stoku (Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. T. Jankowski). .JANKO.WSKIp 7aq~upz; ZALEWSKI, Jozef Protection of incompetent duodenal stumps in difficult gaBtrectomies. Pol. Przegl. chir. 37 no.lltll.56-1161 V 1 65 1. Z II Kliniki Chirur icznej AM, w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: prof. dr. T. JankowsM J. . , 11 1 V I . Ili-! 1 1 111 ~,Ij 111 1 1 if 11 1!!~j , i : ~j I : ; I ~;. :, .1jil ;, ifil,1014SKI, Tadeusz; NEOCYEK, Robart Preliminary report. Simplified method -,e --titestinal (I.Lalyr,3-3. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.16:578-579 19 Ap 165. 1. Z II Klinlkl Chirurgicznej AM w Blalynuto-)Ni (Kierownib Klinfid.. prof. dr. med. T. Jankowski; Kierownik Oddzlalu Ifrojogic,;,nago: med. Robert Rroczek). ACC NR' AP6019785 SOURCE CODE: PO/0053/66/00()/001/0008/0017 1AUT11OR: Jankowaki, Tadeusz (Member of computers construction dept) ;!ORG: Department of computers Construction, War~xnw Polytechnic (Kat. Budowy Maszyn lMatematycznych Politechnika Warszav7ska) ITITLE: Charge measurements of diodes and transistors [The paper was presented at them, Synposium of Electronics of Semiconductors--held in Jablonie from September 28 to ~Octobcr 1 19641 ISOURCE: Przeglad elektroniki, no. 1, 1966, 8-17 'TOPIC TAGS., transistor switch, junction transistor, diode, semiconductor ABSTRACT: The article deals essentially with the measurement and prediction of tran- Isistor transient switching parameters in the case of semiconductor diodes and triodes, :(primarily of the junction type)'and of the point-c6ntact type only by extrapolation rof the results. The devices are used as fast-action switching devices in secondary .networks and low-level circuitry. The fundamentals of charge-control theory in their specific application to this problem are reviewed, and'a description is given of a charge parameter tester operating on the integration principle with direct indicator read-out. Test accuracy estimates are also given. The test device described was de- signed by the author in 1963. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 09, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REP: 010 1 ic rd UDC: 621.389 JANKOPKIS M-thematical Reviews Vol, 15 Noe 2 Feb, 1954 Analysis ......... Sue 6A ihoo:d MAW (as 66es rbl 21 i%IL A Pam aka, Se t.- A.'$ (1951)1 31-92 (195 (PON .4rldl C Russian summaries) Let Pk(z) denote a polynqmial of degrft- pt having affijq' zeros in the circle jol;jYj and let AW -Pt.(x)+alP1(-x)+ +axk(x), !where theat are atbitrary piraineters and Pi