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VTYA,~IL, V.; JANMM, Jq SVACINA, J.; ZECHEL, B. ,pn Is ccj3A)zod with cadmium colors. 8111.1atty 6 no.)s245--257 162. 1. Sfimc Cet:ke Budejovice, nope JANNEK, J.; HAVRANEK, M. The mechanism of the effebt of on prciteln synthesis in auxatropic mutante of E3cherilchl.u ooll, FOlilk nicrottlol. 7 no.1:80-82 162. 1. Department of General Microbf.ology, Institute or Wicrobiolavy, and the Isotope Laboratory, Czo(,hoolov&k Acadomy of' Sciences. (SERIBE rel cpds) (M)OIBRICHIA COLI Metlb) VYTASIL, V.; JAIMCEK, J. Wdified method for determining the acid resiqtmnee of enameled boiling vessels. Silikaty 7 no.2:455-168 163. 1. Sfinx Cooke Budejovice, n.p., Vyzkume a vyvi)jpvo tstradisko pro povrehovou upravu kovu. POUSKA, Frantisek; JOECEK, J,aroslav The Czechoslovak standard for impregnated taine tixOer. Lreiro 17 no.3t92 Mr 162. 1. Stredoceske drevarske zavody, zavod Sublima, Bro,znice. STRAKA, Jiri, inz.; JAHECEK, Jaroslay ~ , Czechoslo:-k ;Itandard: Inpregnated wood ties. Drevo 18 no.9t 345-346 S 0. 1. Stredoceske drevarske zavody,, Praha* SKUTLp J., JARECEKq M. Irr,re3tigation of Liter saults of Matoirls tiamuo thempyo Lek,, UAY 5tl5-16p I Kuga 110. p, 45,L-6 1~ Of tho Orthopedical Clirde, Masaryk Univeraity im Dmo (Head-- Prcf~ R, Frejka, V. 0.)~ CL11 19v 5j, llmo 1950 JANECEK, No 1- 1 - Changes of the lncomntor organs in workers in bsixTj indiuitr7. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 19 no. 2-3:69-71 1952,(CI14L 22:2) 1. Of the Orthopedic Clinic (Head- B. Yrojka, No Do) of MnsMk Inivarsity, Brnn and of the Orthopodic Department; (Head- M. Janecek, M. Do) of State Regional Hospital, Jiblntva. JANACEK, Mllos, HUDr Contribution to diagnosis mid tlwrapy ce spond;rIcelvi and spondylolill- thesis. Acta chir. orthop. tratut. coch. 22 no.1-2:20-23 Feb 55. 1. Z orthoped. klin.univerait7 r Bme; predn# prof. MM-r. Berdich Prejka. (SPOIqDTLOSIS diag. & therj (SPONDTL40LISTHNSIS diage & ther.) JANECXK, kilos., KUDr. Xxperiencer with pentothal-alcolicl annothesia to orthopetIce and trausatology; practical cousiderations. Acts, chir. orthop. traum. coch. 23 no. 1:6-10 Fob 56. 1. Z oddelon pro orthopedickou chirurgii a trauniatologii a z oddeleni aneoteaiologicksho nenocnice GSCK v Condziftu. MR. (RAR ITURATES, anasthesia and analgosia. thiopathal-alcohol anesth. in orthopodic & tram. anes-th. Oz) (A.IZOHOL, XTHTL, anesthesia & analgesia, sane) x I JANECEE ) I-rdlos; 110161, Vitezslav Use of homplastic bone grafts in orthopedics. CLix, nwrz,. nxi~u ortop. polska, 27 no.2t2-49-256 162, 1. Z KlIniki Ortopedycznej Uniwersytetu v Brnie Kierow-ii4: prof. dr B. Frejka, (BONS AND BOIT,-Z transpl) JANEGEK, 1,%IjUrLi, V. Usr of frozen homnnl-&-ir bnnn PrPLftq in clinIcal practIce. Acta chir. orthop. tra=. each. 29 z&o.2:n%128 162. 1. Ortopedicka klinika UnIversity J. F-v. Purivynj v Brne, predn. doe. dr. M.Janecek. (BONL AND BOILZ transpl) I JANECEK~ M. Surgical treatment of scoliosia at the orthopedIc hrAspital in -Irnc. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no-5:457-461. 0 6ce. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lek. fak. UniverBity J.Ev. Ptirkynij v Bme, prednosta prof. dr. M. Janecek. (SCOLIOSIS) JANECEK, M. Preschool orthopedics in Great Britain. Act% chir. orthop. traum. cech. 30 no.3:279-282 Je 163. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarske fakulty NEW v Ili-no, prodnosta prof. dr. M. Janacek. (ORTHOIEDIC:;) (PEDIAMRS) Jff,ECEK, M.; HOWpV. Operational methods and rewlts oC the tissue Ixnk of the Faculty Hospital in Brno. Icta chir. orthop. traium. cuch. 30 no.50691-372 Ot 63. 1. Ortopedicka kl~'-ika lekarake fak-ulty UJMrP v Ihmap yTed- nostka prof. dr. N.Janeeek. -or -~' p 1 E -~- - -P 1i'(-1-31 , Ii . -, ~'r, IT, j . Biology of bone homograt".a. Acta ctA.r. ~rt.-vip. (ech. 32 no-5:386-391 0 165. 1. Ortopedicka klinika (p-,rednostAt prof. dr. M~ Jarie,-ak' a I. patologickounatoinicky ustav (prodnos'A prot'. dr. .'. S-veldii, DrSc.) , lakarske fakulty University J.E. l'urkyrie v 1"Irrie. 1,11, ; 1101ill, V. ; MICHTA 1 .1 . ;I F. Ourvival of precerved bone tiamio. Acta ckjlr, ortw.:.~, t-ral,.m. Cuch. 32 no.5:422-424 0 165. 1. Ortopedicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. K. Jaim,-ak, Csc.) 1. patologickcanatainicky ustis (prednosta prof. dr. J. Ovajda, DrSc.) , lekarske fakulty Univorsity J.E. Purkyno v Brne. 1 1:3 Du tec Lion (A It n I, 1)wi I It,- (.1 ; :i: f.i, bonti t i -,t Ac t.!k ch r o: i u!t i;:' o 6g,. 1. Or t oi (,d,- cka k I I ni kf-. hh ro~ faku I LI: t. v Brne pro'. dr. i.'(- - 7 7...A ..Uwl , " r- # i,,; J101- I,*,$ 'I. . .,.C , , Tranafor of lz,-t;o h(xiop3af)tlc bona rXaftv4, Aclil c2urj ox-thap. tra" Cocho 1! ,,0.5-1./,9 0 165. 1. Ertopedicka lokaral-c A-lijIty Uni-vailoRty J. w A,Lrkynti v lime (prediionta pro:* cL,-# Ill* "Icu-co.1cs, C6c.). Valter, dii,,. inz. Organization of ue --onStniction ~-f the Do,,; i~lvfx ba"i .11-i Irali. Energija firy 12 no.11/12s355-3518 16). JANECII, Vladimir, prim. dr. Sympathicus lesion as a result of phtineo surgical operi-tions. Cas.lek.cesk. 91 no.61l77-179 8 Fab 52. (SYMPATHSTIC NWOUS SYS-2M, diveanee, disord. caiwed by pulm. tuborc. surr.) (HORM SYNMOX3, etioloU and pathogenesis. tuberc. pulm. surg.) (TUBXRCULOSIS, PULMOIURY, surgnry, causing Horner synd.) milltinr? oC p. Icl, ~~si wi 11 .1 1 , I ~ LLL 110i -41 ii ~4,'~bp ~cL. 1;.~I, czi~ehoslovtikla) ,c): :,, p .(~)jjtjjjy il!~t of Acc.~-.ijlonS Vol -,, f8, 7Jb., cl, C,--lnlorcos, Aw-Tunt 1-)5.111) Uncl. JANECEKi V. mInjections with Fituitary Tissue Extract, An Effective Aid in tht: SpiwnJng of Bretding Fishes.0 P. 1148 (ZA SOCIAIISTICKE Z&.EDELSTV.I, Vol. 3, No. "jO, Oct. 11953) Praha, Czeci:oslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congross, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. Unclassified. 9LASBAWY Frantisek; JANEC~:'K, Vilia-ri - ---- ---; ...... ... .. ...... - . On the present prokil,--ins of ac(2noralcal use of' pawor. Knergetika Cz 13 no.10:528 0 163. 1. Statna anorgeticka insrx4kcia, pobocka Mina. JA NEON.-& , IOz. ZpIcardNI diverticulum of the eaophagus. lak,liatj, 5 n~,,q~ 247-249 '1 Vq 150, OUIL 19:2) 1. Of the 7irst Surgical Clinic of tbe Medical Facult7, Haiiar.,rk University in Brno. (Head -- Prof. Josef Podlahu, M.D.). "All'iiJIL, J.-~ -TA*:IzXEK, Z. Surgical t;!eatment of the so called cardinspa-im. ?q 3177-324 19,50. (CML 2C,:7) 1. Of the Pirst Surgical Clinic of 14anaryk Univeriolty, .3--,-no (Head--- Prof. Joce' Podlaha). -.-. JAII ZC M Z.; PANEK, I. F. . ~. ~ - ~- 1~, ~ New proctosigmotdoscope produced in GzechosloTrkia. Uk. listy, Brno 8 no.21:495~-497 I Nov 1953- (GUIL 25:4) 1. Of the Traumatic Hospital (Heal-Prof. V. Notrak, K.D.) of XV17., Brno and of National Snterprise, Preoise Meolumice in Stara Turix Plant, Brno. JAMCEK. 2denek, (11rno, Uyoz, 107) larly hemorrhoidal thrombectorT. Lek. linty, Brno 9 no,.21:496- 498 1 Nov 54. 1. Z Vyzkumnsho ustavu traumatologickeho Y Prne. Rjoditol p:~of. MUDr Vladimir Novak. (THROKMIS, hemorrhoidal, murgj (RSCMR, blood supply, hemorrhoidal thrombosis, surg.) E~CFRPTA MICA Sec 9 Vol 13/6 Surgery June 59 3323. HEPATIC THAUNIA - Porarif!ns'jiter - Jane?ek Z. V~,zk,irnnl Ost. Traurnatol., Brno - ROZ11L.('11111. The inc-dence of hepatic trauma has been increusing of late, in connection wth automobile accidents. The clinical picture, diagnoHLH. indications. for operation and operative technique and tactics are discussed. The most serious poiloperative complications are the hepatorenal syndrome anti so-called hepati'c death. Tht! pathogenesis of both of these syndromes to not known. but present-day concepts -ire discussed. Long-term functional results of hepatic traorna are disrosued. Directions for improving resultr in occult trauma or the liver Are given, - -TANECZK. Zdonelc Yunctional replacemen t of the awil sphincter. Rozhl.chir. 39 no.9:614-619 s l6o. 1. Vyzkumny uRtav traumatolopicky v Brno, redital prof. MUDr. Vlad. Novak. doktor lekarskych ved. (ANUS surg.) I I. w . 'J~ .-- Allgb~ PwAmr-,% "t %J jav No c C~K Q . I, _i . ... ~~ i " i -- - - - - - mmmmum i I . . I I . I . .1, 3. 1 1 -