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-551 ^,(.1 It P) Daw an the ORRIn 61 the Vatilluo- tylles of T41=4-- dpIqnllzL of the Flunpriiin Central Mountain Range -- a 1, 1,0'r '104,111- - fail,lipiali Aeli-thrievA-i -t"N , L, L iol ornal of - A Cc,Aotty, - FNdhini 1061(iiij) - 1t V In-12, I'll, 374 - )R~', 4 figs - I tJl7A' lit tha r,urso of involtig.iting m,:rr jh,m tom thin gediom of doloolitim and ommidimig fl,, O,il.% oil thit Cile,mi"31 fillIlYllca 011 43J SAMPI-t-4, tile "0l" H,m~ririan Technical Abet. chipion'l were drawn : (t) The (hilundti: fM-i of the ' V 6 No. 1 Ilutigarinn Central Al ountuimi do not beLing to the ro!t type. (j) Rolm governirig Lq-Pr-ty;o (lopositti tire valid 1 ?54 for their ritiantitntive ;Ipprakill &.1d winning. (3) Tim cliemicni "impoillion hom no bennnif ~'n thn mannir formatl(m. (4) A cm-mintion was obsitryu.1 btt%vCcn Olt tionritity of putti inioloblo In ncid and till, ill-gio, 0 dolomitit.ition (this refirl to insmitillatt)" of dillomite b(Ai Interbed(Nd with thig D&Oistein lhi-. I - of tile Coreclo 111111i"Asim Vill.'ro And of the IWA 11", Ilia int-mme of tile mallnitijum c,~oleiit is d1rt,:tl) 1-- portinnal to the inciews! ol tile quantity (..f losoltbic- p~irls. (j) Pofoinitirmflon MoV. plar)? af!rr dup-3fition b4it b,rfore Elligpne.M3. Epilienetic: Ion rj~flwm!4o noctuted Qnly ill fo-till shitill rripectivitly ill ralcitt. jilt~Jp1tilted in tile 7 . ...... - I I I rq ll~l I , ! v. ...r.. ~- "D , " , . A.". Crig~n ()f air curr.~ntn In I . -314. . Val . '3(, nn. 4, Auj.-.. 11,1"(. Flxlar-~~-it) SC: List of* Acce:,sLcn Vol. (-, m, 6, June 1~457. Uncl. JAKUCS, Laszlo, dr. Resoarch of cave siphons. Elet tud 15 no.U t331-335 13 Mr 160. JAKUS, Aloxander -- Possibilitien or uaing pol)nirethano rubber In tbf) shoo In,luntry. Kozarstvi 15 no.2:53-54 F '65. 1. Zavody 29. wigusta National EnterprIso, JAXUL;S, F - uonditions of phytogeographic research in Yugoslavia, p. 109 A MAGYAR TUDOMANYOZ AKADEMIA V. OYZTAIAY )3UIOGIAI US01101MAW XOSIEMEUI. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1959 Monthly liGt of Last European Accessions (RUI). h;. 7o1. 9. no. 1. Jan., ig6o. Uncl. MAIRGSI, Sandor; SCI,=, Emil, dr., a fold- cc, szvanytami tudomanyok a foldrajzi tudrirparyok kandidatusa; kandidatusa; PFC31, "arton, dr.2 SUMAY, Karc-A.y, ( Ir., a itux-Mcl tudorzin:!ol: kit-idirl,"tu.3a; SZABO, Pal Zoltan,dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatima; LANG, Sandor, dr... a foldrajzi tu0o-anvok kardidatusS;--.JAL'L'Crw,..-PoL.1 ., a i _,-Ar biologic! tu(IoTanyul, leand:Ldatusa Debate about, Sandor Sww,;,rils dissertation for cardidacy entitled "The formation of flanfaryls river system.oFoldra;jzi ert 11 no.l: 131-148 !62. 1. "FoldraJzi Ert,," szerkes-to.1c (for Narosi). 2. Dunantuli Tudoranyos Intezet irazgatoja (for Szabo). JAKUCS, Pal, tudomanyos The 12th International Pbytogoographic Excu,-:3.L(-.n in G3#3?-.hos1owLkia. Elovilag 4 n .10-9 J&-Mr 159. - JAK ULIC, . Dorijan-L ing. The "Juvidur" pifes. Fcm ind 11 rio.1:2/4-26 Ja '62. YUGOSLAVIA/Memical Technology - Chemical Products an,! III - 13 Their Application - Cercuaics, Glass, Binder,;, Concrete6 Abs Jaur : Ref Zhur - Kiimiya, No 3, 1958, 8778 Author : 11ribernik E., Jakiis J. Inst : Slovenian Chemical Society Title : Effect of Various Substances on the a-ocess of Setting and Hardening of Portland Cement. Orig Pub : Vest. Slov. kem. drustva, 1956, 3, No 3-4, 135-142 Abstract : Elevation of the temperature accelerates the procezs of setting of portland coment M. Addition oC apsum semi- hydrate at temperatures from 20 to IOOP has no L-rf-~!ct on setting of I. Sugar that has been dissolved in water, Qven when used in srall amounts, retards strongly LI-t! setting of I at temperaturcs from 20 to 100". At IC.O'-' Card 1/2 YUGOSLAVIA/chor ,dcal Technology - MCMical Products and Ii-13 Application - Ceramics, Glass, Binders, Concrote. Abs Jour Ref Mur - Khj~miya, No 3) 1958) 8778 and with a wa-cer/cerient ratio of 0-50, Na CO ---I accelerate the setting of 1, 0 3 "' while at ordla--I!~Y tcaperatur(: ZnO is a retarding agent. -HuMtes) bonegiu(! end -Ijgnites are strong retarding agents in the process ()f, setting of Card 2/2 I POIAND/Pbysiml Chemistry. Electrochemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KbiMiya,, No 22P 1958, 73395. Author : Inst : it"B"Oeie4ty-10fo ~",, W, 6 and Literature Title : On Certain Problems Concerning the Theory of Electrochemical Potentials - Orig Pub: Bull. Soc. sci. et lettres Lodz.) 1957) Cl- L 8, No 4.. 19 pp. Abstract: The magnitude of the potential (P) jump on the boundary between aqueous solutions and the gasevis phase was computed. It is -0.22 v at 260. The computation is based on using the absolute value of the cbenical energy of Cl- ion hydratim a 75 kcal per g-ion, vhich has been computed prmadougly Card 1/3 "o r. fre ene- rea.,; (lod-l'ie PI Lod,'. V-)!. L v Ix, t4on th I.y 1, Uncl. P/01 2159100,11031olon AUTHORS: Jakuszewski, B.; Taniewska-Osin3ka, S. TITLE: Solution Energies and Entropiesl of Univalent Ions in Methanoll PERIODICAL: Societas Scientiarum. Lod2iensi3 Acta Chimica, 1959, Vol 4, PP 17 - 26 TEXTs Although numerous works have been devoted to the study of the electromotive force of galvanic cells in nonaqueous solutionst they do not present full numerical data, as they were not carried out systematically enough. Standard electrode potentials of alkali metalij in rjethanol are known only for Li and Na. The aim of this work was to raeasure the stand- ard electrode potential of K in methanol, using an ele-c-trode, of the third kind, reversible in relation to K+ ions. The electrode chosen was: Hg1 H92SO4/K2304/KBr,CH30H. Sums of free energies of solution in methanol foi' salts composed of ions: Li+, Na+, K+, Cl-, Br-, J- were calculated and compared with corresponding hydration energies. The relation obtained was found to be a linear one. From these equations obtairted, free energles of solution and normal potentials of rubidium and cesium in me"hanol were ap- proximately estimated. Normal and molal entropies for salts investigated. 14- Card 1/2 JAKUSZEWSKI,,_,~1. LAZINIEWSKI, M. Microcalorimetric study of the enolization heal. of ~-diketones. I.II. Bul Ac Pol chim 7 no-3:169-180 1,59. (EEAI 9s7) 1. Zaklad Chemii Fizyoznej Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, Lodz. Presente par W.Swietoslawski. (Calorimeters and calorimetry) (Isomerization) (Ketones) JAKUSZEWSKI, B,; LAZNIEWSKI, M. Microcalorimetric study .)f the enolization tvmperature. 17. Bul Ac Pol chim 7 no.8:541-545 9590 (EFAI 10:4) 1. Zaklad ChemiA Fizycznej Uniwersytatu Lodzkiego. Preadinte par W.Swietoolawaki. (Somerization) (Calorimeters aW calorimotry) DistT: LE3d Solvation energies xnd entrij ot ud-Mlout I' ' f ~,Cv -U~Ttll S. TanlawlIllaxCII JAM W xiellm6- WAY9 ~ 3 AY 7 , I IMIlil 1 z , , r. , .nl ~V- 0 1 . IS. rmz . nT ~, 0. , 7figlishl.-Illecarl.f. of thag.-Ovinic 96OXIn L W CeII 11~fffgs.SO4, lCj,1,04jKBr, MtO11114jOrill1l; Ls incomired -d potcatiA of H: hi MuCiff is 2 at 5 "emco, the nanr- calcil, as -2.915 Y., fit good agriielnent with PrIluor and Strehlow (Z. pAysik. Cketis. 17, No. ", 341KIII18:s). The 11 K free enargif.'s of Solvation H Me()F-f for LI, Nat oil), halidel; gut calcd. A finest betwom delle 1111111(ts and the free energies of hydrutlon of these wflui Ill owLexi. Henc-e the approx. free ener&3 of o-Avation of Ith, javIl Cs and the nor=1 poteritials of the-se metals itt MeOilf. ve found. A similar Unmr teittion is stated boxiveon the motar entropies of alkali b4ldl.-j in Aleoli ll.rill bli 1110, as yrrll as betwten the abi. moh'r entronpes of Cla 011;cImte scivents. kill LV-,ZIJjJi JAKUSZEWSKI, B. Interpretation of the electrochemical potenti4l. Bul chim PAR 9 no.1211-15 161. WE 109 9/10) 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Lodz Univorsity. Presented by M. Smialowski. (Electrochemistry) (Potentialo Theory of) ... - J410CUSZETI sic 14 13. j su=-J'In ca'?O); Given ANtuaca CO)Intry: Poland Acadtmic Pk~7ee3: Not stated Departmont of Phy-Sical Chemistry, +i6di University Maland Chemii Fizycznej , Untgrorsytet -b4d-.Ici) Source; ThIrs'aw, Bullotin do I'Acad-nio Polonaise des Sciences, SA'ie Ocs Sciences Chiniques, Vol 9, 15o I", Nar GI, P") 1.33-13G. Data: "Thermochomical Proporties of Electrolytes in Hethanol Solutions. II." Co-author: TANIEI'-I'SI4A-OSdSICAJ S. , Academic degrees not stated, Department of Physical Chemistry,-Ldd-, University (Zakerad Chemii Fizycznej, Uniwers�tet +,.ddzki). ZABLOCKI, Boruard; LUNIEWSY1, 1,11kolaj; Bogdan,, CZMTjAW~,Kj Eugeniuez ' '- ' ' ' '* ' '*'-- - '--, GCGCICKI, Janusz; 4 f - Measurements of the caloric effects in bacteria cultizi,es; theoretical fundamentals, apparatusp and r4thoda, Niku).1 matem prz)Tod Lodz no.12.3-7 '(-Q. 1. Katedra Rikrobiologii Szozegolowej i Katedra Chcn1i Fizyc=oj, Uniwersytat, Lodz. ;?f jAKUSZEWSKI. B. Interpretation of the electromotive force of the cell containing interfacial potential between two solventa. Acta chfm 8t5-10 162. 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University, Lodz. JAKUSZEWSKI, Bogdan; GRABOWSKI, Jan Ireneusz Application of thermistors to microcalometric memsuremonts. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.12:145-153 162. 1. Katedra Chemii Fizyaznej, Uniweraytot, Lodz. -/(,,a I/63/oco ~'101/B 186 AUTHORS; Jakusze-waki,- B..-,. ta~niewaki, M. T IT L".- Microcalorimetric study of the heat of onalizativin. V PERIUDICALs Heferativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1965, 66, abstract 1D426 (Bull. Acad. polon. sci. S~r. sci. chim., Y. 1'0$ no. 1, 1)62, l9!- 23 jrenchl summary in Russ.]) T Llv"T 37-hen di.,solving benzoyl acetic ethyl ester (1) and acetyl 809tone (II) in hexane, the content of the enalf'orm increases from 21.4 to 31.3% r-Or I. and from 76.2 to 92.31o for II. The heat liberation in dineolution of I follows A firot-order equation with a half-cyole of 11 minutea. With UP tht: kinetic dep#.-ndence is more complicated. This is apparently due to MID t-,.o consec',itive processes of enolization and of internal complex formationd The heat effects .of these processes are respeotively 3.'16 and 0.25 k0al/61,01 they were calculated on the assumption that the entire einol ivas converted into a chel3te compound. The h1vat effeat of the e.-olizi%tiorl of 1 13 6.6j kcal/mole. For communication IV, see RZhKhims no. 13, '1960, 51081- lAbstracterlo notes Complete trannIntion.j Card 1/1 JAKLJSZEWSKI, D~r~diln; KOMMSKI, Zyf;nunt Measuring the --oro chargo potontlt~l 1-fy tlie (lip njj~tjjo~:!. Roc'm cheinii 36 no.12:19'13-1877 163. 1. Katedra Chonli Moorganicnej, i Katedra ("Jivrili F.Inyermaj, Uniwersytot, Lodz. ,!~t r-C chim strv cat' ~i- T I I L H! 1111 ih 1~ I MIA :!AHLiLIU;i-LIl:,IiUlI' Ll~~lijt!LLA ~iutl li.WT T11,41-.115 ial-,tjil JAKI TISY E. 'llie problem of the profitability of replacing coal gas with natural or conversion gas. P. 178 GAZ, ~IODA I TIFUTIKA SANITAP14A (Stowarzyszenie I,aukowo-Tt-cKr,..iczne inzynieraw i Technikow 'Sanitarnych, Ogrzewnictwa i Gazownietwa) Warsviva., loliln,']. Vol. 33, no. 5, '-ay 1959 I:onthV List of hast European Accessions (EF.AJ) LC, Vol. 8, 111). !?, 6epter.ber 1959 Uncl. JAKUTOWICZY K.; GhhblEc, S. "Organic elements appearing in minerals of' the meteorites Orgufil and Ivuna (carbonaceous chondrites)" by Bartholomew Nagy, George Claus, Douglas J.Hennessy. Reviewed by K.Jalcutowicz wid S.Grabiec. Kosmos biol 11 no.5:533-540 16;1. JAKUTGWICZ, Konotancju n3earch for organ.; zaA elem~,-,nts in c.-u-bonar.(-jou!4 cii:;nclrites" by 1"0 "..rdero., 'P..1. Yitch. Reviewed by Konitaneja Jukutmricz. Kosmos biol l-, no.5:1j64-!~60 1631. BRODZICKI, Staniolav; JA.KUTUiICZ, Konstanoja Review of recent scientific publications. Kagmos biol 13 no.21 167-169 164. G.-UtBIEC, ArA7 imi ora. FreliniLnray .,)n of lilgh entw4D com- pounds in the lrlaaenopho,u ~a lios*:3 (Ceatoda) and _'ri ~he f int ermcd i pl~ paraz-it. 10 no.40%1*7-279 tU. 1. Zaklad ParazvLolog.1i. Fo!,,3kieli Akadnmli Nauk, JAKY, Gyula, dr...- PARXAS, Lajod, dr. Diveitic-alum of tuberculous ureter. Magy. nabetmt 7 no.2:1'11- 137 Apr 54. 1. A Szegedl Or-vostudomarwl Xg7etem I. as. Sehemseti KlInIk-A- janaIr kozlemenye. Igasgato- Jaki Gyula dr. egyotamt tanar. (TUBERCULOSIS. IMOGINITAL ureter with divarticulum) (UHZTNRS, diverticuln with tuberc.) "W 4 F 1 4 P I I IQ it 72 13 Is is it if is is 11 it, It 1 3 id 11 b . 1`1 It 41 Ill a Ii if 11 Is 4; $1 4: kJ O.f: 0 A A 0 * . r L L. L.J [,-X--A--k --L A it I I v I ~ LA. Ak 00 CC DO 1111A A t t-i --L- I,, J~ 4 ..1 -00 I I J * 0 * -40 00 4 Alit'llinallan of 1111"Itallan x1mil.wry 00"I. Ith spot ~41 00 lF.I.Vo I., th.11 Injusillal 41111*141ily ILto 111.4"Ild,wit li'm 1-1 1.1 , I . It ... 1.01, 1, 00 111111tilkivt Amil'taxyl A-h-s.4 40. '. 2~1116.- 00 Ift"n val-u~ patio t4 tfw o-411111% 11.11 It I., Iill I 00 WU Ivetc cisnut. Ili twilet to drt - what y-ahw r 4 mo.k so ~,uhl be produr"I. The ratio (4 ~hrljs 4,, L,-tnvl% at Ill' -00 00 "t 1., (11' 1., It, 41"1 1. -90 so- ill 14111 Ill I- P140, 1 .11, .1"1l" .1mir ...IV 1.1 thl. ..V oil 1. I,Kll "Vill 1-111 ii.m.flim"'I MI-0 raw-11110ttill elmstrill (4 such tiaewls~ Ill-1411til %Ili-IV 44 1114. tw-dure in factcwk~ Owurtl that All Ilk-ICA--C In the 1411- .4 temoval of ithelli, cauWA 114) plarlical ICK,c, .4 prollill (w ,,It it the prfx-ms i. ltr,,Iwrjy ca"ird out, providt"I that wit Z morr titan 1111", of list S)will iq frult'velf. Of the twe'tull. O0 t~ m the .11(114 Kill A M I IL A AlffittalIGIcIt Jf?jSA?1Wf CLAIJIVICATIO" IV 93,11.1 0 * 0 & 0 0 1111is & a 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 9 90 0 ties Of 0 WOO IT ~11 . , , It .0, 0 94 0 0 0 & a 0 0 0 0 a 0 Is 0 : : :,* 0 0 9. 0 000 06 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e q 1* * 0, 0 * 41 Ol 0 & a-6 6 v v , - *,-# 11 * o 4) 0 0 4) 40 0 0 a o 0 o 0 0 6 0 * 0 @ * 0 , 1 11 zi n k ;I v m ). N V 4 H $1 1,0 11 1 I A f AA t.~ it' It 0 4- Theories and now ~Ttxr"#$ In the field of Of pro4unfit'll 00 of vegetable ods 110- JAI- /,,Pm~; i. ;:*. . Z G. %twov Koo of 00 Zee of 10 Are 0 go* IF It 0110011-1 (LAMPICOK- a I- Zoe 10 0, of ' , ' iw i 1,4 n OR 0 a 0 e 0 0 o s 6 a It a 0 9 0 a 0 * 00 C." I i 0 O 110 rva- T 11, is 1, 00 0 0 0 9'1 A I of 11 i Is 0 U p n Mo n a a a v a 4) a a:EO A A 1 it Is t IL 4 L I 4 L A A It .s A. L r. L -1 it-' 11 is , - - . _ q . _ _ - --- _ 00 to 00 is 00 The ash of outifWwri hullso Ilk, .,,.1 ' , ( P. f f.- id * / J V -60 9 I. ' y " If . IN . . J11 # . 1-01111 Wo .4fispit, Iv... b"u, -"I istill, it Mallooll Wis. i 11"*V1 -je.'I bullit Air u"W lowd 46 fuel roint4ifird 1 lot, It :1 .00 00 -.1 laimsti'm 1", 4 INA IIA1, to ;Is Ms. P1.4 3 'do M -ill, 4141. 'I.h (is ' - ols 11- _4 1.411 .. I kit i % ' 1- 0 fl, % .Cl (I J. " lost N , ill, ~.' W; ill III, Ill. IICI 0-1. 104-ripm VA"Iso, -00 0 2A.111s, MS44); 11134, NIFOP .00 of IAb.emptxAadkvtto*kjC(h 00 m fivery -1 52' " fly jormil.stlim with 1.6 Mists. of cold Hot) 000 Isef "1 44 ;4th in 1"mil Wale plants. In Well"Isirlsed "logs, di- fmi, "Id, It tl~ *1* 4 IIo(j a ill-, It"'Visity .1m.ble I.IVAII 111111sly :0 coo 00 goo goo 100 Igoe not A 0 1 L A SIT&LI.604KAL 1,11911.16'st 1L.S1,10KASKIM 1, ' Is 0 'F is'; 41 A of it fq "AD it I to Mot L t 6 13 so "I V S AD 4 3 4 1 1 a 00 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * a 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 o 0 OF * 0 0 as 0 a 0 91 A . . : 00 000 0-9 0.9. 0 0 * o o;* 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is. 0 46 0 0 0 0 446b 0 0 s CA 1; -7 Reswe'li problons ad the vollplablos all lisdatti'l Nlih! Aky jUr-mit h Wool Ast Iml , IlwC.1-f I Alrojda*41-lc 1 jp4t 3. N... I I . IJ. It I It 111401 Ito At4l -41 umoo%~ 0% 1 Ing too refinhoji with Aah-, wim 11% r joi-roinatio with lit 4 If I w4s ttivl. Acidity III Crude itull(k1wrr-K141 IW ";III frimit-ord br 90% EtOll to a higher destort IhAn by 061'k, P1011, prit- vided the crude oil W a high Acidity. Incme if (Twe all" of a Imr "Icy 96% Moll 6 Preferred. Nottins weir. q%tantitatively removed by the VIOl I trnavownt. The qtt. 014161nell by prion-saing cnids, toile with (M'v RtOll 4numnittf to 2.2% of list otwital Crude C91. The C.11. rov'sin"I Itm fatty socids 42.16. neutral illymides M.7, and ismaponified OubstiLAM 3.9" (cbkdy lecithin). 11ishro levilhin vitliLs trere Ob In proressingirrshly notoosiourd. ofts. 8*1~, at the #lit. Pyr a sutmtawv (roils. I" G3 11%. The crude W obtained frormn the firmlite vitin --f twr-imtl wairt" and mut.d~-sevd ca" wiLt prioresuA *Jlh Moll. Oil ksmiet were high. thrichise ancrihtr virt. %its' ctorsilucted with fxl% EtOff. This latteor tritutnumt dimin- isbed the scit! too. tram 3.1 to Lit. Ile tit - ktimaAAlned Kmie sterols but no levithin. Tim pfe,tritre of mpiro" w4s dirfeclett by the Tortelli-jallst tracti-sit (CA. 11. VXI., V. 12m). Ismin FIhAlV ~ 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 044-4 0 0 111110 4) 0, Of 4 4 4- Q0 it e M 9 04 it if il 4 if p: 11 a ait A if n is ~!, n 1 44 a 0 F Q I I I Y PA TIAA 14 W IX 00 4' 0. : 0A 0 .00 : 0 00 0a 14 the 1111,011111 [A CMIIY hilutrared by the &Vre of -00 :01 6014 ?A fn3 -hint; and may even Allsin is vidwir n( 300 lief G& The Is al an of AM" swatifrafre areds. 1Y U. cent a& Compared to It" 10011 vs~%C of the qfheU In 004-, Briual priselfice Itiv k~,11" $lAv j 11w 41l&1:% j &all j Iffror". 1-9411"eft,41 $pfir" - A*,..d 1 o i1ors - Vill. IV. Nn~ 10, pp. 4,10, (W~ IDW, Ifirrm- vairdiprif only It the WN6 firif Ivry 1140,J 0: fle"11"d and the shells C41HISInJid 14 [he 10AWMIF Off' Roo to ranclushm It ron he OWN thol zoo Plant tqwrls are of life cionlon Ual 10 to 20 Ahelled porif"er awfr4l can n!w) lip prncrvaroi 0 ;,14&6 00 .3 per cent of the shells munt be retained In the malerfal "Wiltairlorily. howiffirry. prelirrAltary plant tests O;r 03 to he Virocirs" to enture The necessary eapillsrll~ sihiiiawe in' Mae of larp ficale prodipconn. 0v. for the flow o( solfitat dur4ng *4 extradloo proccal. r Then4ifrit. detailed laboratory enwrimento were 400 00r pirriforsaird to esia"ish the tilent to which the $00 quantity of Aems lurreasift the veume ri 111111 ;00 substion" during pmessing and to inake clear IIW 901 function of the %ttd sheUs In preffalfag. respedl-lir soo 09 d-iring ex1rairtion. no restilk of Ike eirtiments Zoo 00 praived that shelled sunflower artida (41(ter the shells 310 0: have been completely removed) c2o be procrased by 1141 6 hydroulle and p, y by screw prisaaft &A writ. In s-40 the extraction Pror"a, the advent iretaloing ealiddlY too 00 It too r I V, do I tw a - -N it I 1 0 -x .1 W , , -3 Li of it 119 of It tI it 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 a 6 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o ~~c #1 0 Is 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 9 0 4 a 0 0 6 0 JArd, I-I., HG:,0ITIIAY, 14. .Dmg~ Extraction of sunflower oil "by .-.eans of etbyl acholhol. p. 300 (Elelmozesi Ipar, Budapest, 'Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1954) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (29AL) LC , Vol. 4, no. 6, Jun. 1955, Urtcl HUNGARY/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 'Ibeir If Application. Fats and Oils. Waxes. Soap. Deter- gents. Flotation Reagents Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim., No 13) 19581 44729. Author Jaky Miklos. Inst ------------- Title Chromatographic Study of Fatty Acids. Orig Pub: Elelm. ipar, 1956, 10, No 2, 44-5o. Abstract: Description of the results of a study of a mixture of fatty acide by means of paper chromatc6raphy. The effect is discussed of the experimental con- ditions on separation of a mixture of acIds vh:ich contains palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolit-ic anil linolenic acid. Card 19 -14 M51YE F - HUIY,GA,-IY/ChQ!,,iica1 Tf_;chnology. Chemical Prod-,icts and Thuir Applicati,:ns. Fats and Oils. Vla;-us. Soaps and Dotorgents. Flotation Agi.nita. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, N-, 6, 1959, 21111 Author : Jaky, Iiiklos Inst -r- Title : Investigation of Fats by Papor Chromat.)- graphy. Orig Pub : Elelm. ipar, 1957, ll~ No 5-6~ 148-156 Abstract : It was established that Fishor's rule con- cerning the existing linear depondenco between tho size of the surface of a spot on tho chromatugram and the logarithii of its concentration is also a fact for fatty Card 1/4 HUNGARY/Chomical Technulogy. Chemical Products I A ano Their Applications. Fats aaC Olls. Waxes. Soaps and Detergents. Flotation Agents. Abs Jour t Rof Zhur-Khlmiya, No 61 1959, 2:1.1.11 acids (FA). On this basis, a method was daveloped for the quantitative dotermina- tion of difforent FA in thuir mixturo, A one percent solution of FA of sunflower oil in benzene was subjected to paper chromatography for 48-72 hours a:t 20-210 in 8o-85 percent CH COOH After 'Llie ap- pearance of spot$, Ky ;iero wtractad by a mixture uf benzene-alcohol (1&2) and titrated with a 0.005 n solution of NaOH in the presence of bromphanol blue up to bright yellow color. Thu quantities Card 2/4 HUI f ! D t t: 'R o '3 1959, ,',bs icur: 70- ."Uthor j aIY Not, 1) L I- t V 0 Aon S 2 140 1-2, Pub: Elc-;!-,. 4-- R mlts ~r- Tl'cl- --b-t CAp.rus ....scu- -"5Ull S s Bibl. ;,~Fl r f S JAKY, Miklos; KAFFKA, Karoly The use of radioactive isotopes in the analysio of the prodiiet,'.1 of the vegetable oil industry. Elelm ipar 13 no.11:333-337 N 159. 1. Novenyolaji es Haztartasbegyipari Kutato, Intezet. KORAYYI, Andras, dr.; JAKY, Miklos, kandidatua Arteriosclerosis and fat metabolism. Dietary studies in arteriosclerosis patients. Orv.hetil. 100 no-51:1828-1834 D 159. 1. A, Fovarosj Tanace Janos korhaz-randelointexat (ig;iaguto: Tako Jozeef dr.) I. belos ztalyabak (foorvos: Noranyi Andras dr.) es Noranyolajipari Kutato Intemet Qgazopto: Ja)7 Miklos kandidatus) kozlemenyo. (ART3RIOSCLNROSIS jptubj (FATS metab.) (CHOLM:3',fML blood) (LIPIDS blood) I i JAKY, Miklos "Effect of detergents on the skin" by H.Stupfal, A.Szaka Reviewed by Miklos Jaky. Elalm ipar 14 no.6:189 Je t JAKY, Mlk3os, Dr. 4. Te9ting fats by means of papar chromatography. Flelm ipar 15 no.10i 289-294 0 161. 1. Novenyolaj es llaztartasvegyiT~ari Kutato Intenet, IU JAKY, rliklos; K;.F.~KL, Yar-.Iy Analytic application of radioactive Isotopes In. the %,egetable oil industry. Elelm ipar 13 no.11:333-337 N 15Y. 1. Novenyolaj- es Eaztargaovegyir-ari Kutato In'tezet. BIRO) N. A.; MUHLRAD, A.; GOBEL, Vera; JAKT,_. Inhibition of myofibrillar ATPase activit7 by a.denosine monophosplmtte. Acts. physiol. akad. sci. hung. 21 no.1:1-8 162. 1. Biochemistry Group, Institute of Pbylogeny and Genetics, Eotvoa Lorand University, Budapest. (MUSCLES metabolism) (ADE40SINE PHOSPHATES pharmacology) (ADENYLMOPHOSPHATASE antagonists) -~I- ~J'z f0v 'j;A%r tv