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IZRAITEL~, S.A,,_, otv. red.; WISEYEV, S.L., otv. red.; SKUPAT, 7.K., otv. zed.; SLASTUITOV, V.G., otv. red.; ""AYTSEV, A.P., red.; POLESIN, Ya.L., red.; SKUiar, V.K., red.;SLAST'JIV)V, V.G., red.; SOMU'V, G.G., red.; FEOKT'iSTCV, A.T., red.; 141A)SIDUCIFENKC, V.D.J. rod. izd-va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tokhn. red. [Unified safety rules for mining metalliferous, non-metaIlic, and placer deposits by the underground methodlEdinyle prnvila bez- opasnosti pri razrabotka rudnykh, norudnykh i musypykh mesto- rozhdBnii podzemnym sposobam. Moskva, GoagortekhdzdAtt, 1962. 253 P. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)Gosudarstvennyy komitet p:) nadzoru za bezop!tsnym vedeniem rabot v promy3hlennosti i m3rnomtt nadzoru. (Mine safety) IMUTEL I) S.A. , inzhs Eliminate shortcomings in prom. 6 no.2:4-7 F 162. (Mine mine ventilation. ventilation) Dozop.truda (MIRA 1-5:2) L 04466-67 EWT(l)/EWr(M) ACC fti AP6 ............ ......... SOURCE CODEi UR/rx)20/6,6/169/003/0573/10576 AUTHOR: Izr 11, Yu. A*'] GG ORG: none TITIE: Cchdition~ for the formation of radioadtive fallout jmxtiales md fractionation of isotopes during an underground cratering nuclear ex ylosicq1 iSOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady,, v. 16;Tno - 3 9 1966 .TOPIC TAGS: nuclear explosion, hydrodynamic theory,, enthalpy, incompressible fluid, thermodynamic equilibrium, adiabatic expansion #BSTRACT: In the present paper, on the basis of American data. the author attempts lo, calculate the change in volume, pressure, and temperature in the crater ,formed by the 100-kton Sedan cratering explosion in alluvlum at a scaled depth pf 50 m /kt 1/t.4 ( G. W. Johnson et aL Reviews of Geophysics, v. 3, no. 3, -00 1965, p. 365). The water content in alluvium is *assumed to be I b (by weight). The radius of the cavity (lower part of the hemisphere) wag calculated using the one-dimensional hydrodynamic elastic-plastic theoretical model (_T,_Rjb%ovjch. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 70, no. 4, .1965, p. 885) for the Sedan event. Them upper cavity configuration a" the shot horizon and the free-surface topography during the gam-accelera~lbn phase were detertnined from the calculated motion (accelerations of ei~6nent~l mass elements of the overburden material by applying Newton' a second law.1 CWd 47 UDC: 621.039.9 L 04466-67 ACC NRs AP6027954 with a frictional force. 'Me frictional coefficient was calil)rated by means of data from the experimental Scooter event (J. B. Miox wid R. W. Terhune. Journal of Cbophysical Research, v. 70, no. 10, 1965, p. 2,117). The following assumptions made in earlier Western papers were used in the calculations: 1. About 32-47% of the energy released by the explosion is expended In heating and melting the rock (G. W. Johnson et al. Journal of Geophysical 'Research, v. 64, no. 10, 1959, p. 1457); 2. The melting temperature of the ma4rial is about 1500C. Assuming a 154 water content, the enthalpy of the melt t, material in 700 calIg '(G. W. Johnson. Ibid); 3. The melting and evaporation of the rpaterial (including the water) takes place mainly within the initial cavity dur,ing the time te (the -time of Peak spall. acceleration of the earth' s free surfa6e over tile epicenter) (J. B. Knox and R. W. Terhune. op. cit.), 4. The temperature and the pressure a&-`ny point in the c4tvity are equal (J. B. Knox and R. W. Terhune. ibid); Cnrd L 04466-61 7~ ACC NR4 AP6027954 5. The overburden material is assumed to be a homogeneous Incom- pressible fluid Q. B. Knox and R. W. Terhune. ibid); 6. As in a surface explosion, the liquid and the vapor phases were assumed to be in thermodynamic equilibrium, and the Raoult law was assumed to apply (E. Freiburg. TiD-7632, 1962, p. 25). i The theoretical calculations (not given in the paper), which agree with the available experimental data, show that the initial cavity radius durini the first few hundred msec reaches 45 m, that the volume Vc m 3. 9 X 105 CM , that the cavity is 'Lined with about 6 x 10 4tons of melted rock and that the cavity contains 6 x 10 3t of water. At the time of gas venting (J. 7-2 sec), the volume VV = 1. 1 X 107 M 3, and the maximum volume V In at the time when the highest ejection point is reached is 1. 8 x 107 M3. The calculation of the temperature regime in the cavLty was performed on the assumption that the gas during the time interval at expands adiabatically, but at the same time the heat flow from the melted rock causes the gas to reach the temperature of the melted material. According to Knox, the ratio of heat capacities of the expanding gas Y = 1. 03, while Card 3/7 L 04466-67 ACC NR, - AP6027954 height t*o which the cloud.would rise during the Sedan explosion. It was assumed that the temperature of gases at venting was considerably lower than the actual value. Therefore, the height to which the cloud rose was 4 times greater than the predicted height (G. W. Johnson. Physica Today, v. 16, no. U, 1963, p. 38). After venting the hot gases begin to rise. After 4-5 see the rate of rise of gas bubbles will exceed that of the rocks, and about 6-14 sec after the explosion, the two will be separated, and the cloud will begin to fox-Tn. The cloud will rise analogously to t he cloud In ground-level or atmospheric explosiom The change In temperature in the cloud calculated by the present author in ac'cordance with the inethod usod by P. D. Stimbo (XM Session of UNSCEAR, 1964; WA10, Technical Note no. 68, 1965) is shown in Fig. 1. The wave and the lower part of the cloud form a zone in which a temperature of 1500C is maintained for a considerable length of time (5-10 see for a 1-2-kton explosion and 6-14 see for a 100-ktan explosion), which greatly exceeds the time in the fireball of a surtace explosion. C.,d 5/7 place in the zone in which a high temperature ia mairitainfid frir a Iang tizoo. A comparison with the relatively limited material available appears to The paper was presented by Ye. K. Fedoro,r, substantiate the above conclusions. Academicianj on 9 November 1965- Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [F.I)Bt v. 2, no. 91 SUB CODE: 19t 18s 20 / SUBM DATE: 270et65 / ORIG RUC 004 / OrIf REF 1 013 IM rjed~i - , -5-;1 -ine - Dysentery Mur 53 'r=_-_OrS Of I-TatILITal ILIMmunity Again-st rrj9enter-j A. S. iz-1-skiy, !~E_ ;. C-aivayeva. Dnepropetrovsk Inst of 7-Didemioic-gy and Microbiol ~~ur Mikrdbiol, E-Pide--Iol, i I-m iol" -Nr-% 3, r-P ~2-26 ,The gastric juice of adults has a strong bacteri- cidal effect on dysentery bacilli; that of ciAldren, Vhich possesses a lower acidity, has not. This me---s tl---t children are ---.)re susceptible to dyserr--=-jr than adult;s. Theblood serum of adults and af some very 244T31 young children exerts a strong bactericidal effect on dysenter-f bacilli, but this does not safeguard against infection with dysentery. 244T31 IZRALIMSKIY, A.S.; GULTAYEVA, H.V. Collection and preservation of test material for dyeonter7 deteo- tion. Zhur. m1krobiol. apid. i immun. no.10.-99 0 154. (KIRA 8-1) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskogo inatituta opidemiologit, inikrobiologii i gigiyeny im. Gamalsi. (MEDICAL TESTS) (DYSENTERY-DIAGNOSIS) ~ '! , , 11 1 1 1 111 ! 11 11 1 .1 - Ine' by S e'ntery Card 1/1 Pub 148 - 23/36 Author Izralimskiy, A. S.; Sillchenko, T. S. Title The microbiological and epidemiological characteristics of dysen- tery produced by Newcastle bacteria Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. No 2, 64-68, Feb 1955 Abstract Investigation of 96 strains of dysentery bacteria shcrded that all of them closely resembled Boyd-88 strains and strains that ha6 been isolated earlier in Moscow. In accordance with the new USSR classification, they have been identified as belonging to the New- castle subspecies of B. Dysenteriae Flexner. A high percentage of erroneous diagnoses (40.2%) had been made in cases of infection with Newcastle bacteria. Two tables. Institution : Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology, and By- giene imeni N. F. Gamaleya Submitted : Febiuary 15, 1954 . .. . .......... I zr;..' irn!j kly, A- S. rhC 17cian-s Morbi~ity Rnto J. ORIG. FU b . V s,, ' 1"57, &7-fltl~ A PM T R-A CT" A ~hiii-L of 1A-A-niiol.ogic..t1 s!irv~-y of pa:t1cuts with '~(-';11`4110- wlolek--~d Crixt whioh war. ivnt' to 3 A litPktjoi~s. The -". L 4. 7,70 of the .111"rivi 4.1~. -k xh,-- n! !it oi,::. Tht- c-r-li of W-~;_e nbst-.rveci chitfiv In the rtir;tl i i I I t' P _q ( 9 7. 1Trauriwt.k rd looter exti-emitioa r)o-.'Pd in 70.9`~j of tL:! nit- upper 11 v 'A T,!I:. Pritil-Tit's s'.-XIL for 'iid in thyle. RD AC o:1 C' A'.! LT gencraUlt accqted rna',,od of using t~AantL3 n'tj llnjcctinkl of scriall uti3erui-o was a fr--ctir) ,joses dail-j- !cjr x long t-L-17e. !T' 40. '!*~`6 cj7,3e~~ tjc_ ainease tvrrni-j,'-t!.,d fatAly. Ya. bo~Lrskaya P_-Z D 2/2 1299. MICROMOI-OGICAL CHARACTEIMSTICS OF NFW TYPES OF DY5FA;'1-ERY BACTEMA I* LATED IN DNEPROPETROVSK (Russian texl) - I zr a I it.. ki A.S. Dnepnopetrovsk - Z14, MI"OB. EPID, I IMMUNG- TrOU-7-125 4A '-(71--74T Fifty-seven strains of Shigella boydii were studied, viz. 8 strains of type P, P.5 strains of type Sh. and 24 strains of type U. In Dnepropetrovsk these types formed 0.5-1.5% of the Shigellatypes Isolated. They do not split amygdalin, Insulin, lac- tose. starch, urea, rhamnose, raffinose. saccharose, erythrin or esculin; they form acid from Iglycerol. galactose. laevulose, mannitol and maltose. The typen Sh and U differ from the type P by their inability to split zylose and produce An- dole. Type P. as opposed to types Sh and U. does not split dulcitol. Kaulen Moscow A 6 - e r 6 < V T I IZRALIKSKIY, A..S.;,STONSLP.V, M.Yn. ,rouo, nuthor's obstroict. Zhur. Pignent bneterin of the mnti-ric to mikrobiol..mpid. i imun. 29 no.2:110 Y '58. (14IRA 11:4) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskogo inntitutA ADideniologii. mikroblologii i gigi.,rany i Zaporozhakoy oblAStnOy snnitnrno-epidemiologicheekoy stAntaii. (DYSLWMY, B)CILLARY, microbiolot7, Digment bRat. (Rue) (BACTERIA, nigment, of enteric grouD (Rue) KOVALRIKO, A.D.; -IZ:h-MLDISKIY, A.S.; 01--i-WCMORDIK, A.B. Sensitivity of pathogerde Eacherichia, coli to ocine antibiotics. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 5 no. WG-28 Mr-Ap 160. OMLA 13: 10) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskogo instituta, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. (MCIIE-RIGIA COLI) (AlrrIBIOTICS) lZRALINSKIT-HARUT, Te.S.. inzhoner. ,,, , - ~ - ~- Rapid freight train movement In the German Fedoral R-41)xiblic. Zhel. dnr. transp. 38 no.11:83-84 N 156. (MLRA 9:12) (GermarW, Was t-Railroads-Treight) ~ I .-i :-I, -~.. -:- ~i. 1 ~ 1-11 11 unli III: 114LYLIzAIII-114111TAT oljnll:~n I . i! i " t, !!~ 1 r ~J! 1:! .1 1 1 : .! ~: 1 ;~ 61.-.'-6-~ '66~~~~~ IZRALIMSKIf-14ARUT, Te.S., Inzh. Mbro about the methodology of planning the mjkirq,-up of tralDs. . i Zhal.dor.tranap. 40 no.4:43-48 Ap '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Railroada-Making up traine) IZF,ALUL13KIY-ItAliU.T..-Ye-,tS., dotsont Systems f^or making up freight traina in the new slAge of tho expansion of railroad trar,69portation of the U.S.S.R. Trudy MIT no. 113:58-76 159. (I'm 14: 5) (RaJlroads--14aking up trains) IZRALI NLAI,12,-Ya.-S., inzh- Train sheets for passenger traffic in some capitalist countries# Zhel.d,or.tranBp. 42 no*3:80-84 Hr 160* OAiRA u.-6) (Railroads--Paosenger traffic) BRAGIN, HOPOI IZRAL3MSK 0 Universal electric rolling stock of the transcOttineatsl. express. Zhel, dor. tranep. 45 no-3:90-92 Mr (163. 1IM&A 16: 6) (Switzerland--Electric railroada-RoIlIng stock) RODIONOV, S.V..- ZHESTYANIKOVP V.74.; RYABOV, L.I.; jZWdYAR'T-';,-,-VJ!~4 GOLUBEVA7, T.M., inzh,, red.; SHILLING, V.A. red.ixd--va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Varnishing of wooden components in an electrostatic field using capacitive generators) Lakirovka detalei iz drevesiny v elektrostaticheskom pole B pri nenism emkoatnykh genera- torov. Leningrad, 1962. 27 p. rLeningradskil dom asuchno- tekhnicheakol propagaidy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Sarlia: Derevoobrabatyvaiushchaia promyahlennost', no.9) (1111RA 160) (Varnish and varnishing) W ~~ TFRLD, G.Ya.; IZRAL'YANTS9 Ye.D.; MANTOp Ye.B.; PULTOVA, T.F. Selecting efficient for7mlas for antifouling points with long action. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5t6-10 163. (HIRA 16:11) L 04965-67 Xtd-UR-tAf 66-66-722 prepared, PT-2p containing 90% zinc dust (of the weight of the dry film) h4d better -properties. 7he combination of protective primers and paints mado with an epoxy- pitch base was found to produce coatings with high anticorrosive aharacteristics. It is concluded that the adoption of epwW-pitch paints will ivisure long-term protection of the i=ersed part of ships from corrosion&. particularly xinder cathodic protecrtion conditions. Orig. art. hast 2 tables. I -i SUB CODEt 11/ SUBM DATEs none/ MIG REPS 004/ OrH R311 007 1-14 IZPAYFLIS, G. It., Cand T~-ch Scl (djas) __ "The probjf~m of the eitrengtb at' con. crete prepared from strong mixtures". Kailnas, 3,140. 132 ~-p (Itpite Coalitt~!e on and in-ter Spec Fd~ic of the Council of '41nIsterii 11thuanitin SM, , Kaunas PolytPch Inst), 150 copies (Kr., No 10, 1~,60, 1~0) DOMMOV, D.I.; GOL'DBUiG, D.V.- PAKELICIRK, ',!.Z.; BITMNAS, V.S., spets. red.; IZPAIEIJS,G.1-1.[Izi-aelis, G.), qlets. red.; MITSKAS, tekhn. retfl. [Collection of unit estimates for construction work in Lithuania; for construction projects of the second class) Sboimik edinicbnykh rastsenok na stroiteltrye raboty po Litovskoi M; dlia vtoroi gruppy straek. Vilniu, T,.I;ontx. biuro tekhr.. informateii i propagnndy. Vol.2. 1961. 580 P. (MIRA 15:3) 1. bithuanian S.S.R. Valstybinis vtat~bos ir iu-chitekturos rei):alu komitetao. (Lithuania-Building-Estimates) 124-1957-10-12063 -Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 10, p 122 (USSR) .AUTHOR: ;zrayel4t. A. B. TITLE: On the Assurance of Positive Solutions in the Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Beams and Frameworks by Means of the Method of Given Stresse (0 garantii polozhitell nykh resheniy pri raschete staticheski neopredelimykh balok i ram metodorn zadannykh usLliy) 1~ PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. zaochn. lesotekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr Z, pp 133-138 ABSTRACT: A method is evolved, which gives assurance of obtaining poigi- tive solutions for the geometric characterimtics of beam sections (areas and moments of inertia), necessary in the analysis of con- tinuous beams and frameworks, -by the method of given stresses. Analyzing the inequalities that determine the desired values of the reaction moments, the Author gives thern a geometrical inter- pretation as (n- 1) -dimensional surfaces of the region of stress in an n-dimensional space. The intersection of these plane ourlaces entabli5hes the closed space of the sought-for 4txclses, the knowledge of which is required in the design of the indeterminate beams and frameworks by means of the usual procedure. An Card 1/2 intuitive concept of the sphere of the sotigbt-for stresses can be i24-t9_57-10-12063 On the Asourance of Positive Solutions (cont. ) given only for continuous beams having not more than three inter- mediate supports. A construction is given for beams having one and two intermediate supports. P, B. Antonevich Card Z/2 SOV/124 58-42 2232 ,rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 102 (USSR1 AUTHOR: 1__1z_r_n y g I i f TITLE: The Regular Calculation of Continuous Beams (Regulyarnyy raqchet nerazreznykh balok) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-teklin. inform. po rezul'tatam nauchno --iss, led rabot. Leningr. lesotekhn. akad. , 1957, Nr 46, pp 29-32 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 11114i~EuLi~, F MITINSKIY,' Arseniy Nikolayevich; HOVNIN, H.S. Prinimal uchnstiye: IZRAYELIT, A.B.. ITSKOVICH, G.M.. inzh., nauchnyy red.; f4AMLAX-,'Ye.N.,' red.; IAVOCHKINA, L.I., [Strength of materials) Soprotivlenis materialov. Pod- gotovleno k izdaniiu U.S.Kovninym. Leningrad, Goo.soluinos izd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl., 1959. 294 p. (111RA 12:5) (Strenath of materials) S/194/61/000/010/068/082 D271/D301. .AUTHORS: Petrun'hinm V.Yu., Fcdorov, NJI. and 1:~raylit, A.B. TITLE: Ferrite phaseshifter for the dm region PERIODIC,~L: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioele~'Aranika, no. 10, 1961, 55, abstract 10 1332 (Nauchno-telchn. inform. byul. Leningr. politel-h-n. in-t, 1960, no. 9, 33-35) TEXT: Short-circuited sections of co-axial lines, ;L/4 long, filled with ferrite, are used as phaseshifters. Input resis- tance of these sections depends on the applied T-.iagrnetic field. A co-axial rectangular bridge is used in the apparal:ur,; free arms of the bridge are loaded with phaseshiftcrs of the type described above. A variation of the resistance of phaseshifterr, causes a chaaGe in the phase-shift between the input and output voltages. The ?hase- shiftcr ensures a phasc change of 700 when magnetic fir-ld varies from 0 to 1000 oersted. Power changcs at the phaseshifl:er output Card 1/2 IZRAYELITI A. B. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Designing of continuoiis beams and frames with undisplacing junctions on a basis of assigned forces." Lenin- grad, 1961. 25 PP; (Leningrad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers imeni Academician V. N. Obraztsov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 237) MOVNIN, Mikhail Savellyevich; TZRAF.T.TT. Amu 1101TAROV, G.M.,.:Lnzh., retsenzent; LAUTNER, E.M., nauchnyy red.j SEAUMC, Ye.N... red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M.s, takhn. red. [Technical mechanico)Tekhnicheakaia mokhanika. Leningrad, Sud- promgiz. Pt.l. (Theoretical mechanAtislTeoretichesicala. mkhanika. 1962. 355 p I (MIRA 16:3) (Mechanics, Analytic) MITINSKIY, Arseniy Nikolayevich; MOVNIN, Mikhall Savellyevich; jZUZUT, Aron Borlsovich; KONDRASHOV, D.A., inzh., reteenzent; ITSKOVICH,-G.M., nauchnyy red.; SHAURAK, YO.N., red.; SHISHKOVAi L.M., tekhn. red. * - - - a [Applied mechanics) Tekhnichenkais mekhanika. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz. Pt.2. [Strength of materials) Soprotivlorde materialov. 1963. 311 P. (MIRA 160) (Strength of materials) I LCIVNIN, Mikh,'jil Suv,~llyvvlch; .14iAYELIT, Arui, G.N., ir.,.,,h., ret.~:,enzant; ni~uchn. red.; SHArr.Af:, Ye.N. , red. (ThnorrAlcal mechanical Toorotichooluita me-khanika. -1 1 1, -_ Frod, Sudortz-oorio, 19C,4. 3t C. (N.UA ;":()) " ~? 1:. IZRAYELIT, B.Z., doteent; KAM IK, I.B., Inzhener. ~'- Sfficiency in boring through "bunenka'O (crumblimll, rock). Ugoll vol.28 U0.11: 26-28 N '53. Oaja 6:11) (Borint) 1 1 -.1 : f I : ; 1 ; - I I I I I I I I I I I I : I . . - ! IZIUYXLIT B Z., karAidat tal-linichoakikh nauk, dotsent. - r Useful depth of boreholeo. Ugoll 31 no.3:23-28 Mr 14,6. WRA 9:7) l.Kharikovskiy gorn" inatitut. (Boring) i IZRAYELIT, B.Z.; SUVOROV, 41-,.A.; VDPITIJ71, I.V.; SIUN, Y9,M. Anchor bolting at the Mine NO-3 of tile Yamu Do:j.omite Combine. Nauch. trudy KJIGI no.6:143-154 156. (NIIRA 14:4) (Yama region--Mine roof bolting)_ -(;nf, Temeratur.) o,' cuttini- -t~ccf-, (m roc.< vvs.sfikoly; t-or.delo ro.2:37.-,~,2 15". 1. Predstavloaa kzalfod:--~,T stroitell3tva gorny'~'.-t kovskogo pornogo instit-utz,.. (Rock dr~.Ils) (Mine tools) IZRAYELIT, B.Z4,, dotsent; MELEUSTSEV, A.I., inzh. Strength of feed and impact. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.11:54-59 1959. (WRA 14:5) 1. Khartkovskiy gaMy institut. Rekomendavam kafedroy stroitallstra gornykh predpriyatiy. (Boring) I ~ f '! IZRAYSLIT, B.Z., kand.tekh.rhauk-- KZLXKU',3TSIV, A.I., gori-qy Inth. F Dependence of the speed of rotar7 percussion boring on the number of strokes per revolution of the boring machina. Gor. zhur. no.9:70 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kharlkovaki7 gornyy Institut. (Boring machiner7) IZRAY2LIT,,B..,Z..-,dot9ont; VINNIX, I.V.. inzh.; UJLkSU, I.B., kand. tekhn.riLuk; TROFIMOV, V.P., gorrqy inzh.; VOVK, AqAo, gorr" in.zh.; SHAMRAY, G.A. Response to I.B.Datistov's article "Evaluating the efficiency of exPlosiveS." Ugol' 35 n0,3;58-61 Ur 160. (MIN, 13:6) 1. Goaudaretvannyy nauchno-takhnichoOdy koluitet USSR. (for Trofimov and Yovk). (Coal mines and mining-RxPlosives) -IZBAXFALIT B.Z.., dotsent, Index of the dullness of a drilling tool. Izvo vyu. vcheb. zavo; gor. zhur. 5 no.3:82-88 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Eharlkovskiy gornyy institut. Rokomendovam kafedroy stroitellstva gornyWi predpriyatiy Yuhar1kovskolp gomcgo instAuta, (Boring machinory-Tontinri;) (Mechanical wear) Fri"I'T -11 i-"--"--1-1-j--'1 17.333 - 4alJS3J2SJCWP-' 6201 #o of 411 41"Ilf vowwa WOW" 334L %MR .4 V. JWS 41461) 111 idkl*l Ot *MW'Fll POW OVA 10 do 4 W, me Wwrawn so" OC Wamwko im o"holl luall Uft" NKAIX 'OWN to *~~ll it �NOAWI 110611, oo,m,f %bo o4rAlumift tillill &t@ Uelf" ow go a I It a omddm 90W G Pwq~ ON Tbe W#*Od b *00W fW OWI&NO" flat ,slob -A.Ai- IpWOW I" " the cok do wa a ISONOW some I grotbogo" Sam %,V am wmmwl . - dwl 1 0 WVI*bow* hatMI, b I I modw 16 W~4m "Mma No do ift vw*o so lips dwkwk k" " bw. -f*A" 69W S" .0.0d.s., linowwww*411yoo *0 4om"od of idill w,ims 00 *0 wbow" w" tw"ApIp"* bakfts Coloot and ,A mmWWl " 0400 a' wppwl#' Me 43-C 10 IM Is is mod Id *At *Alml too dWV it wo vith do kvN or i too boo in WViM bUl tMI 00 IML.C. Of VAW bb min 3 tbmw o"Ooluo, aw 0u the Of-W of bAv. *a mtww &C, to 00;6 ,, jWvk$. Whia b 1-9 Im, w4wo o," owdow uld 2.1 *W ULAR016 dw smia ladbjM0 do 'Am fw COOJWWO lllwlllk~ tiom w" 0, mwft wmwtwy W vok,oo as *vd 111100 &JC- T-, TT, R. ; 7 T,,'~- L r.; n '-w- K 2. uss4 (6(Do') 1+. i-Aectric KacUner7 ' 7. Preventive te3tin,~ of 'b-- insulation of electric macNines -aitl-. hi;;;1- voltai-u, G.B. 1-raelit, A.V. 'Valantarov, Ellek.stla. .14 -10. 3, IV-5,3. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Llbrwy of' Congress, 1 11 1~ :i -1111:1 HUAW H illh 1~1211 I IMAU UjL-'jJ,0lj;!U ZVEZDKIN, Y.N., inzhener; IERATYLIT. G.B., inzhaner. Problem of testing the insulation of large eloctrical machines. Elektrichestvo no.2:64-67 F 154. (MIRA 7:2) 1. Lenenergo. (Slactric insulators and insalation-Tasting) %VrZDKIN, V.H., inshener. IZRAIILIT. 0.B., Inshe"r. Replacing,, windings of large electrical machines. Rok.sta. 25 no.8: 33-35 Ag '54. (XIJIA 7:9 (Iloctric machinery--Maintenance and repair) SKORIK, N.S., inzhener; TSUMMIX, S.V., inzhenor; MlikKOTS11Y. G.I., kandidat tekhnichesklkh nauk; ZVEOXIN, V.S., inzhemeir, IZUI=T, inzhener; KOUREV, N.A., kandidat tekhaichesklkh nauk: KUJAKUVSKIY, V.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; LUJUIZIN, L.P., inzheaer; ALEM.TEV, S.V., inzhener. Elect-:ical strength of stator winding Insulation in 6-6. 6 ky electi~ic machines. Blek.sta. 27 no.4:38-31 Ap 156. (MLRL 9:8) 1. Mtrlkovskiy elektromekhanicheskly zavod (for TSukarnik); 2. Donbassenergo (for Lyaakovskiy); 3. Lonenerp (for Iz-raqelit); 4. LPI (for Kozyrev), 5. TSentrallnava nauchno-issledovatel'skaya elektrotekhnicheekays laboratoriya (for Kulakovokiy); 6. Sverdlov- energo (for Karamzin); 7. Moesnergo. (for Alakpoyev), (Electric insulators and inaulation-Tosting) ZVEZIKIN, V.N., inzhener; IZRAMIT, G.B., inzhener. Testing the insulation of large electric machinev. Zlelc.sta.27 no*o6: 32-35 Je 156, (MMA q..q) (Electric insulators and insulation--Testing) GERASIMOV. V.P., inzh.; ZVXZDKIN. Y.N., inth.; URAY111LIT, GB., lnzh. . I- , , MOKEYNITKO, I.Ye., inzh. Fore on the testing of Insulation of large elootric machines. Blek.sta. 29 no.6:67-70 Jo' 156. (MIRA 11:9) (Ilectric Insulators and insulation-TestIng) I.. ~ K: , In , ~III IN, 11-19! ------ W1 b2" ~-o S/1.04/60/ooo/00/00i/001 E194/E484 AUTHORS: Zvezdlzin, V.I., Engineer, Lzra e~jt G B Engineer, LoytsyansLaya, M.G., Engineer and Nadellson, R.G., Engineer TITLE: The Influence of the Dielectric Proy)erties of Transformer Oil on the Electric Streng-th of Tr,insformer Insulation I'EIRICDICAL: Ele.-,triclleskiye Stimtsii, 1.900, No.11, pp.(A-64 TEXT: Study of the insulation of ti-nnsformers In service sh-)ws that the insulating properties often deteriorate quite quickly, although the electric strength remains high the pow(!.r factor increases and the insulation resistance diminishes. As this haa been due to impaired characteristics of the oil, therwo-syphon filters have been fitted to wany triansforiners or the oil has been c1lianged. However, these are both temporary or inadequate solutions and it was decided to study whether it was safe to leave transformers :in service with oil of poor dielectric properties. Increase in the dielectric loss angle of transformer insulation caused by deterioration in the electrical properties of the o ' Ll causes additional heating of the insulation which could lead to Card 1/5 V1011/60/000/004/001/001 E1911/E4811 The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Transformer Oil on the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation then ditainishes from 38 to 35 kV/cm the gradient in the bakelite rises from 16.1 to 31.4 kV/cm. However-, this is not considered to be dangerous. The incrensed stress in paper board is less because it is more highly impregnated with oil. Thus, the calculations reveal no special risk in allowing transformers with oil of high power factor or low resistivity to continue in service. Tests were made on various transformers filled alternatively with fresh and deteriorated oil, large power transformers could not be used for these tests but instrument transformers and a smaller power transformer were used. The values of breakdown voltage were determined for the case of therinal breakdown with the transformer insulation at a temperature not below 950C. The temperature was maintained by the use of a special heated chamber. At 200C, the propertitt of the used oil were tan 6 = 7%, resistivity 4.55 x 10 ohm cm and at 800C tan 6 = 90%, resisiivitY 3.2 x 1010 ohm cm, the corresponding values F, or fresh oil were; at 200C, tan 6 = 0.1%, resistivity 3.2 x 1011 ohm cm Card 3/5 I PL 111A I F6622 S/104/60/000/oolt/001/001. E194/9484 The Influence of the Dielectric Properties or Transformer Oil on the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation and at 800C, tan 6 = 0-510', resistivity = 1.88 x 1013 ohm cm. The tests on the two types of instruments, transformer and the power transformer, are described and tests results are plotted in Fig.2, 3, 4 and 5. It is concluded that in eaoh came, the minimum value of voltage at which thernial breakdown would commence with fresh and used oil is either the same or so little different as not to matter. Where there is a difference, the insulation temperature is in fact much higher than would be observed in service. It is concluded that power transformers in service have sufficient resorve of insulation strength for thtire to be no special risk in continuing to uso oil of impaired properties. The above calculated and experimental data are confirmed by reliable service experience of a number of large transformers, details of which are given. Table 2 gives properties of the oil in a number of German transformers both initially and after six years operation before major overhaul. During this service period the dielectric properties of the winding insulation had deteriorated by Card 4/ 5 ZVEZDKIN, V.I., inzh.; IZRAYELIT, G.B., lnzh.; LOYTSYANSKAYA, M.D., ingh . Detennination of the permissible egree of moidtaning of transfo=*r insu-bition. Elek.sta, 33 no.101-54 A 162. (MA 15:3) (Electric transformers-Windings) r-7-T-.-TF ! r I I fl' I F i I V I ZV-WZDKIN, V.N., inzb.; IZRAYELIT, G.B., Inzh.; LOYTSYMISKAYk, M.G., in.-th. Permii3sible moisture level of electric transrQrInar Insulation. Elek. sta. 33 no.lot6o-62 0 162. (HIRA 16:1) (Electric transfornerm) ZVEZDKIN, V.N., inzh.; ~~RAYELIT, G.B., inzh. Authors' reply. Elsk. sta. 34 no.3:90-91 Mr f63. (IMIA 16:3) (Electri.e transformers) SCV/z,2-24-7-56 '65 An Apparatus for Estimating the Deforwability of Rubbo-r h1j:Xturea thirty seconds. The results of this experiment are graphically represented as function of the piston travel vs. the time of observation. The values obtained from observations at a distance of 5 sec (T5") may be taken as criterion of the flowing. The diagram of every rubber mixture is determined ac- cording to the data obtained from five oamplas; the error in. creases with the "flow rate", however, it is not greater than � 6,5~ as a maximum. The plotting of the flow vurve can be automatized by simple adaptions. There Fure 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatelfskly institut rezinovykh i latekanykil izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute for Rubber and Latex Products) Card 2/2 S/137/63/C/)0/002/026/034 Investigating the effect of... Aoo6A~.Qi level of non-strengthened specimens. Multiple extrusion bY 3.3% with interme- diate recrystallization heating at 5000C during 2 hours, and '2ie las'. heating operation bY 3000C during 10 min, entalled after alternating extrusion = in- crease in a's from 4,650 to 6,305 kg/cm - Uniform S was 6.1%, h did not change. The problem on the.11ractical use of the described method of .9trengthening sh=ld be studied. N Kalinkina [Abstracter's note: Complete translE.tion] Card 2/2 IZRAYKLIT., M.M., inzh.; GEMSHCHEMKOV, N.S., Inzh. Using dolomite for h1gl-strength concretes. Str4~1. nat. 9 no.6:25-26 Je 163. (MIRA 17t8) I.L.; GALUZO, G.S.; IZIRAY-ELIT, Xd-1. Str.-~nd-,h and defor-mation of lime concrete with aj;;.oporl~a filler. 10 no.12:21-23 D 164. (MIRA 1811) no.3 6006337 SOURCE CODE: U 03/6 i/0001F6ij lj7~9 li9/6 INVENTOR: lzraylev. Yu. S. ORGi none TITLE: Method ol* controlling the capacitance of. a In ci oa,.-Ator. Qilsa 2IP No. 177989 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promystilennyye obraztsy, tovatn3ryitt imaki iao. 2, 1966, 59 TOPIC TAGS: capimitor, thin film circuit, microelectronic component ABSTRACT: The proposed method of controlling the capacitaime cig a microfflia capacitoz during manufacture by vacuum deposition Is based on varyinj,, the ~nrea of one ~ of the capacitor plates. To increase the accuracy and simplify Oto auiimatian of the procens the area of the capacitor plate is regulated by control]. in1j; sinultaneously m toving stencil 'and the magnitude of the capacitance during the spiraying process. Orig, art. haz: 1 figure. [DWI SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 06Feb65/ ATD PRESS: CGrd L-OZF-66 'd)/EWP(1)- LJP(o) 00 BB A&M31U,' KRI APS000039 AUTHUia Bugab M. K.1 Israylit, TITLr%t A was to generate an intorferenoo-tres bimry group 044vo 0:114fla 42* No. 16U66 SOUnSt Wd, Itobre I tovar4, aukovp wo 21l 1964# 50-51 TOPIC TAZSt binu7 codog *ode convorto! ',_ Intorrorenco Contr6h, orpim oon'Gotlmd code, co=utator A~ X33T.UCTi This Author Cortif loate presents a generation mmthii,id for! am interfav- one*-froe, binary Croup cod* dos*,ned to correct errors or smy~mpmcl-17111,d Oultipall;- Ity, Tht zwthod ozplqv the aomutation of parlodia.puls 0 06:11UMW1141, 9On41rGt41J *! aystez3 or frequonoy division or the puliss, Into tV6 nonporilidio Ittilito a4quanaois. The m3ultirZ no~2perlodio sequenoto are uned as a Conerstrixo WiQur tho Sun-A*-W2 o! these s*quana-ss, an inftrmatioa alphabet ot mo4taum IWo'" Im faimmill. A.tF=1AT1C'Vi Zn'T'TZDt 25ZA62 411CLs 00 SUB COMI DF NO RIF S711 r,010 OT Wt 1 000 cw4 IAA.,d,. J~ 7, IZRATETSKAYA, N.N. Ii, - - j- Minima of Algol-type stars. Astron. tairk. no..175:20 D 156. (MIRA 10:5) 1. AutronomichesWa obeervatorlya Gosudarstvamogo mirersitsta, Odesna. (StarB, Variable) 1111 11 1: i .: 1 i I I : 1 ~' 'VI69 16/02.1 AO()5/A('.10 I Translation from: Ref,-,rativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 19~~, No. 6, p. 182, # 6,7'~O AUTHORS: -FWdenkc, 0. A., lzraystsksk N. TIME: Elements of the Orbits of 16 Meteors V15 PERIODICAL, Astron. tsirkulyar, 1959, 5 Irxiya, No. 202, p. 19 TEXT. lhe radiants and elements of tle orb14,S of !6 a;79 pr,.~:sentsd, which were photographed by th#3 ast-ronominl obsl.4rva'~OTY att Oda-zsa in 1957. The basis letngtlh was 38 km. The photographs were tak!in. diiring tke standard meteor r)a4.rols with an obturator of varlable aeotIon, Translator's notq~ This is the full translation of the orIgInal R.Iz-.ian abstract. Ca-d 1/1 3/035/62/000/010/060/128 A00IIA101 Z AUTHORS: Kramer, Ye. N., Teplitskaya, R. B., Rudenko, O.-A., lzrayetskaya, N. 11. , Vorobl yeva, V. A. --- -- - TITLE: Photographic meteor observations In Odessa PERIODICAL: Referativnyl zhurnal, Astronomlya I Geodezly,, no. 10, 106 . a _ 2, 65, abstract 10A464 (In collection: "Ionosfern. issled. (mete'ory), no. 8", M., AN SSSR, 1962, 75 - 96', English summanp) TEX'r: The astronomical observatory of the Odessa University organized photographic observations of meteors at three stations: M;Vaki, Kryzhanovka ,uid Botanic Garden; distances between them are 44.9; 13.6 luid -"1.6 km respec- tively. The obsei-vations were carried out by standard patrols ;dt.h cameras HA-I)A-,, C /25 (NAFA-3s/25) (focus, 250 mm, aperture, 100 mm) . 7,he authors dt~!- scribe in detail the functioning of the shutter with variable wtnGs, tech;lilque of measuring the photographs, calculation of trajectories, photorretry or muteon3, do'termlnation of atmospheric density and errors In result.-i. 106 &Iuble photo- graphr, were taken, 23 of them from three stations. Presented are!: the callendar Card 1/2 S31335-162A,001C IVC60/1~28 Photographic met(or observations in Odessa AC-3L/AlGI of photographic cbservations, the table of atmozpheric densities ;t-nd the cata- logue of astronomical parameters for 16 meteors. There are 9 referrences. Authors' summary I LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 -il.-; flip, 17 VOROIFAYIW. M.; lZRAYETIUKUY L Eev develoDnents in the dinpatch Bystem in mirpl~vnm rq)Rir work. Grazhd.av. 12 no.9.31-32 S '55. ()!LRA 10:7) (Lirplanee-Maintenance and repmir) IZRAY]ITSKIY, L.. inzhener-tekhnolog. , '! room* NechanIcs introduce Improvementso Grazbd*av.13 no,11:22.-23 N 156. (Alrplanes-4(aintenancs and repair) (KUA. 10 -. 2) S/084/62/000/002/002/00'5 AUTHOR: 1zr4yctskiy_,_ L.., Engineer TITLE: A hundred-seater Tu-104A PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 2, 1962,.20 TEXT: A modified version of the Ty -104A (Tu-104A), oentlina,- 100 nas.-PnCerz instead of 70, is described (Fig. 1). Alterations, inc'-tiding- a second Ealle:f and kitchen and rearran,-ed cloakrooms and toilets, were carriod out by a4e- si,-~n-enC,ineers I. Kolodin, G. Ashil-hin, 11. Mikhaylova and A. :11herebin of an uniden tif4 ed repair plant under Kh. Izmiryan, in cooperation with members of the OKB and A. Teteryukov and S. Kuznetsov of the Go!jNII GVF. The modi- fied Tu-104A is no carbon copy of the existinL~ Tu-104A or TJ -10,19, (Tu-104B), the humber of pa3rjenCer ,eat3 being increasee.1 aithout lengtheninI3 the fu3ela-e or increasinG the base weight of th,~- ai;-crlaft. Although Ole flying viei,-ht is :lamewihat increased, the mechanical and flying character- istics, including the flight range, remain practically unchanged. The whinh in terms of efficiency of the aircraft is increased by almost r Card JZF AXLET, L - ; KOROMOV, V. M. - KOYFMAN, S. 1. "The Use of Phytoncides of Garlic for Prophylaxis aruft Treatment of Grippe and Severe Catarrha of the Upper Respiratory Tmcts," Voyenno-Hed. Ztwr., No. 11, p. 62, 1955. I BLYUGRR, A.F.; ANSHELSVIGH, Ye.V.; lZIUMET, L.I.j KLEYNEII, G.I. I'..- I... I - Method for effectivo bleMin adninistration. Antiblotiki 6 no-4:324,327 Ap 16L (MIRk 14:5) 1, In:3titUt organichookogo sinteza AN Latviyskoy SSR, Rizliskiy medit.,;ii;skiy institut i Rizhskly zavod mcditusinalcikh p:repqratoy. (PENICILLIN) LI- z1LAX31 "VICH. YU.V., Novili, U.Xjj~; GAU NOVIKOVA, O.-A"; PAVLOViKAYA, A.I.; =-iAZL-,T.* L._I.; IAYDAP B. Bicillin-3 and Jts clinical use. 25 no.7:78-81 JI 161 kHIhA 15:1) 1. In3titut organicheakogo sinteza AN lAtvijrglroy SSR, '.dzhokiy meditsinskly institut i Rizhskaya gorodskaya detokam idinicheskaya bollnitsa. (BICILLIN) ly n T*v 71 nc,t i onfw~.,,l t 4 17~ M., n M'rw / j p/Will ACC AP6003286 MURCE CODE: uRfol:1.5/611,A'GO/001/00.",glool9 M AUTHOR: Razikgv. M. (Candidate of technical sciences); (goginter) Dubinin, L. - (Engineer); Zubchanko,.M. 0. (Engineer); 1. ORG: [Razikov, Illin) UPI im. S. M. Kirov ; [Dubinin, Zubelwmko) ltsimlyansicitya (;zs; [Izraylevichl Rostovenergoremont TITLE: Use of 30Xhl0G1O cavitation-resistant steel as lint Lf~q.j*otor whael. chitmber~ of hydraulic turbines/ 11% 1 SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1966, 29 TOPIC TAGS: steel, turbine rotor, water turbina, wear resistant metaa, protective coating/ 3OKhlCG10 steel ABSTRACT: At them ~imlyanskava - -- lower StAgig.11 the rtmor wheel chambers of hydraulic turbines, built of 30 teel, are subject to Eztvarksive cavitation over a depth of as much as 30 mm. Until 1962 these chambers were prote-otmd againat. cavi- tation by lining them with 18-8 type Cr-Ni steel. In 1962 &J:cin~ 0in overha;il of turbine no. 4 it wits decided to experimentally line a part (9 m ) of the surflice area of its rotor wheel chamber with 30Kh1QGlO Pr-Mn cavitation-rellist-int steel. 111in t1as done by using strips with a 3x5O = cross'liection, 600 vm looll, viouated vertically on the chamber walls and spaced 8-10 mm apart. The strips warm volifild onto t1h4t waills 1/3 UDC: 66.02348 rn IV -X I p L~~ ACC NRI AP6003286 C Fig. 1. Diagram of device for clamping th* Uc4lij; strilps against. the chamber wall: 1 - supporting bracket; 2 - sliding beam; 3 - clanpi:ng screw; 4 - facing strip 2/3 ACC NRI AP6003286 of the chamber manually by means of UPI-3OKhIOGIO-2 electroiks (dEilmeter 4 tno, re- i versed-polarity DC, welding current 130-150 a). A year later inspection revealed no traces of cavitatiorial erosion or damage to the strips. Henco in 1.1163 the entire Votor wheel chamber (area 39 m2) of unit no. 3 at the same hydroeloic tric; Station was lined with 30KMOGIO steel. To improve the quality of attachment of the Otrips, a opecLal clamp was used (Fig. 1). inspection of units no. 3 and 4 perfo:rmeti to May 190.5 showed that the 30KMOG10-neel lining in both units was in satisfactory tivite- there wag neither any cavitational erosion nor any rupture of the strLps. At preseut four rotor wheel chambers at the Tsimlyanskaya Hydroelectric ?ower Statioll aTj- Lined with ( 30KhlOG10 ateel (aggregate area of lining: 118 m2). The repla,cemenf: of IKM8119~r Isteel with 30KhlOGlO steeh as the lining of rotor wheel chambers in fout tqrbines bas Itade it possible to save about 2.5-3.0 tons of scarce cj)rome-nich'qI stmitVwhile, at the same time providing a lining with a higher cavitation resistance. Orig. art. tilts: 1 figure, I table. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ HIM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REIN OCKD USIRt/Metals - Foundry, Equipment, Testing Sep 51! "On Certain Properties of the Indicator Diagrimn of a Pneumatic Jolt-Ramming Machine," L. A. Iz- rallevich, Cand Tech Sci, Omsk Mach Bldg Irwt "Lltey Proiz" No 9, pp 12, 13 After analysis of the indicator diagraii, can- st:-acted by Prof N. P. Aksenov's method, cori,21uO.4i there is no necessity for using entire diaavw ti$~! ob..ain complete performance characteristic Cie jolt-ramming mechanism, but It is suff Icient. to get a piston path-time graph, vhich is cowider- ably easier -14*.o obtain under practical conditionn of machine operation. MtATLEVICH, L, A., CHErNYASKEY, L YAL 2. U3SR (600) 4. Sand, Foundr7 7. Production cost of reclaimed sand. Lit. proixv. No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Eussian Accessions, L.Il-,r:-.ry of Cc,ngress, -Apr I POPOV~ V.I.-, DOBROSEMV. L.L.; SUBBIMOV, T.N.; ARMUNT, X.F.; ZNAKSMIT. G.M.. professor, retsenzant; SKORLO. 31.1., ka,ndl- dat tekhnichaskikh nauk, reta6usont: =RAGIN, P.V., Immildat ta"Inicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; IZRAILVICH, L.A., inaltaner, retsenzent, MAMDVA, Ye.]P.. redaArtor; DUBOVXIXA, N.A.. tokhni- cheskA7 redaktor. (Technological equipeent for fermentation Wustwlissl Itek1tw- logIchesime oborudovania brodillnykh proixvvdaty., Mook-le, Pishchapromizdat. 195). 515 p. OUaA 7-- 8) (Distilling industries) (Braving induatrieu) 1ZRAILZVIGII, I.A. Efficierit cycle of the jur-molding nuchine. kt.proizv. no.8:9-11 ALg 153. ( HLRA 6: 8 ) (Die-casting) IZRAIIZVIGH,L.A.; BAKHAREV,L.A. ' Deformation speed of molding sand and operation of tho sand alinger head. Lit.proizv. no.7:11-12 J1155. (HLRA 8:10) (Foundry sand) ~IZRAILZVIGH, L.A., dots., kand.tekhn.niuk. Basic parameters for efficient cycles of the J"-molling machine. Trud7 OWI no.l.-63--82 IS6. (Flu. 11-2) (Machine rn~olding (Founding)) 17-RAILEVICH, L.A., kandidnt takhnichookikh nxuk. -~.4 f-o Design and the operational proe*va of anndblosotiz4C mossloo. JI 156. (KLMA 9t9) (Sandblast) PRITMN, A.N., lnzhener; PROTASOV, didat takhnicheakikh naidc. A.G.. Inzhanari,jZRAXLVICII. L.A., kiw- Automatization of moldlng. Lit. protty. no-3:17-19 Mr '57. (Foundry machinery and supplies) (KLRL 10:4) (Automatic control) lZRAYLEVICH,j~.A-,-red.; MIKSHTA, V.I., red.; SEVASTIURIV, U.S., F -- id.; LISTOV, I.V., red.; V.A., toklin. i,od. (Foundry practice] Liteinoe proizvodstvo, Omsk, Omskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 180 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Omsk. Mashinostroitellnyy institut. Kafedm '"llashiny i tekhnc,loglyn litaynogo proizvodetva.0 (Founding) GERAWSIMOV, I.Ya.; IZRAYU-,VICH, L.A. Simplified characteristic curve of the Jolting mechanism on a molding machine. Lit.proizv. no.2:26-27 V '62. (YMU 15!'-)) (Maqhine molding (Founding)) GEWIl4jV, !.Ya.; lZRAYLEVICH, L.A. I Device for Investigating jolt-squeezer molding nalhinas IZZ-1. tekh. no.3:25.-27 Mr 762. iMIlU 15:2) Oblding machines-TestirC) GERASIMV, I.Ya.j--IZRAXEFVICH L.A- J-- Effect of a paying load on the performance of'Jolting mechanismg on mclding machines. Lit. proisv. noA17-20 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Machine molding (Founditill)) IZRAYLEVICII, L.A. Operation of Jolt molding machim- with air di.utriWtion valvea. Lit. proiav. no.8:8-12 Ag 163. (~m 16110) YUFA, Ye.Ya.; SOKOLOVA, V.G.; IMYLVICH, M.A. Preventive treatmdnt for rheumatic relapsev in children. Vop. revm. 1 no.4s49-52 04 161. (MIRA 1653) 1. Iz detskoy konoulttataii (zav. Yo.Ya, Yufa) 1+--.y gorodskoy Vvovskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach F.G. Sutly) i detskoy kom- sul Itatsli Gav. M.A. lzraylevich) 7-y gorodskoy polik-liniki Lrvova (glavnyy vrach V.G. Isayeva). (RHEUMATIC FEM-R) IZRAYLEVICH, M.L., inzh.; KOSTYUK, M.1.2 inzh.; LAULNt E.Yt- in2h. New %ibratory conveyers. 1-fakh.i avtom.proizv. 16 W-3:30-33 Yx 162. (Conveying machinery) (141HA. 15-4) r a c rj n-Dritr--] J. UW4 Eli; I lLiJ ill IZRAYLIT. R.M, Preservation of North Sea harring in chilled smawiter, Part 3. Microbiological research. Khol. tekh. 39 no.502-34 S-13 '62. (KIRA 16:7) 1. NauchnD-issledovatej'skiy inatitut epidemiologli. i g:Lgiyeny Litovskoy SSR, (Fishery producta-Microbiology) (Cold storage on shipboard) T "~~ ~ : ~Y ~ . - ! 'v" j C ~ " i I Y'Ikov ich, 1 ~-' I : " ; , , 4'. t ".:) !..-u Li r I -I t. ", ! a I, ~' ' v :-, ~ J I n2h. ; I b.11% I red. [Volaa Factory of 'brasiven] VoIzI:-qkJi vivod rtmr.;'vov. 0 Volgograd, Volgogradskoe krAzlinoe Ivi-vo, 1962. " p. (MIRA, .18:E!) -- I - - . .. ~ . I ~~. V!n(: T Islni: a method frraftinf-, in t~e fiCht a(rnimA ruot rot ~ L in vlne crops. .'Sad i of,. Ilo. 8, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Cc tObOr - 19532, Uncl. KARAMYSIIE'V, M.S.; GROKERKO, V.M.; IZRYUMOV, N.V. Why isn't capacity of the Novokuybyshevsk reflner:r fuII7 utilizedt Neftianik 1 no.8:10 Ag 156. (gim 9111) 1. Ispo).nyayushchly obyazannosti starshego inzhenora tsokha no.29 (for Karam7shev). 2.Sekretart partbyuro teekha no, 29 (for Grocenka) 3.NachalInIk ustanovki teekha no. 29 (for lzr3rumer). 4.1ovokuybyishey- skiy neftepererabatyvayushchiv zavod (for all). (Novok.u.rbyshevok--Petroleum--Refining) L" iiw~, i. ET IL, 17!jak) r. at '11., 11TIirwi new variable Btar~; In the Budape,st, Ungarlsciie Akade:~iie der Wis-uanschafteal I)U-D~211 p. 21 (:-!itteilunger der Sternwarte der UngarLscnen Ah'ademia der (No. 28: Three new variable stars in the globuLar elustei:- tR 15'~ 1. Iz5ak. No. 29t Photoelectric observatioas of the 1)~;O eclipse of' Zeta L. Detre and T. Herezeg. No. 30: liotes on R Lyrau and on Vvio new varial--les near M 56. Remarks on St. Draconis, Julia 3alazs. Tex-t of seco,-4 title in ~er",an. Nc. 31t Observation of AI Andromedae and AV Vulpeculae, I. Guman. Text in jorman. iwaarks on ZZ Persei, i"I. Lovas. Text in German) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2 '.~o. 7,July 1)53, Uncl. IZSAK, Karoly Mobile greenhouses. Mezogazd techn 4 no.6t8-9 164. IZ -,' -,, ~! :'!ew and -,)artr, in Vne trdcc~o-i:-Unica-ti-n :-,7ste-t. p. 5, 6 Vol 7, no. 2'), ,'Ov. !~)55. UJIT~)K LIM. Bvrlapp~st, 'I'u-igar:~. So: Zastern Furopean Accession. Vol 5, no. 1',, Anril 1556 12-CAK, L. lhe ezhibitir~n "Evolution of' 0:. r .5oclahl;t, ojulldin~- p. N. 1. Nikitin's Chemistr~ of W:,od; a book review. p. )0. Decorated activ.-,sts. P. 31. No. 1h, July 19!), . Board meeting of the Federation of Technological anc. Scientific A!;sociatiom held in June. p. 1. MUS71AKI IUET, ITO. 10, May 1955 (Muszaki es Termeszettudomanyos Sf,-,,esuletek Szovetsege) Budar-e-st SC URCE: E7AST E, RCPI,:ILN AM~L-'ICIIS LIST Vol. 5, flo. I 4;eptemlber, 1.956 Conf er, On n,:. 4, SO: n cc~i L