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SHATENS11TVIT, iL.I.; ZVYAGINTBVA. Ta.N.; YAKOVLRVA. Ye.A.; IZRAJIXVIGH, Is.A.; ViUMHAVSKIY. Ya.M., WZHXIIIA, M.G.; VIDIINBTEV, As ". Acid-base catalysts of tho hydrogen isotope exchange renetion. Probl. kin. i kat. 9:218-233 '57. (MIRA 11:3) (Catalysts) (Hydrogen-Isatopne) "I i I-V lZRAIIAVIO, Ta.A. Chtnining organic douterium compounds. Probl. Icin. I kmt, 9:430- 440 1:57. (XIBA 1113) (Doutorium) V.L. lzral lavluh 'iu L 0 11 TL3 0.. Bloccrwl -ra of Ax") ~; ;1i, Ifych.,O: at 2COK (0'u J:. vo`e)rofl,~v I ilkh 'K P-1 JODI JAL Optika I Spak~-rokopiya, 1956, Vol 5, Yr 2, AFSTI~~,T '.'Iiu prosont paper is the fimt of a aw-sorption spe&ra of dautoratud cm-ooundii 4 ue;),J b-! dq.~ -,;.%. i.ioleculur ard crybtal stractiro prod -.-',iu hypez-fino structure and bo oLsarvo ti.0 3.111 Z; L, ijousuro--iow. ts made at 200K. Tha -.,;or,: a.-~%;a5ion of ilio applicAtion of I-,Iij C., iuo-xpic exchz~L' G--j of hydrogan liq!Ad 1%* a solution of KTD2 In liquiu I:JJj (."Cas 'i-10). 2 r 1 In Dable I -uhich shovis tbo".. E;uc',,. ii~ dinhonyl, n:,pht-haleno, tolueno, I U'L 'othylbenzono may be rorjlac~;i. by dcruturilx: iii:; ;,'-ird 1/3 Collo-.-.,ed the iu~jthod described in .,Of 10, vnicl, ~ilij~, C 0,,j _jjuc,,j-c-jj SL)3ct-.j-a of 11-aaa-ic ilydrocarboas and 1,hoir DaAtorx-A 1) of tho numbor oe rjp1ktc,y1 hydroj;en ate-s i,. 't :~oloz-alo. Tho laz+. colu;:m of Ta~)10 1 shm"--% t11) I.,,I o~il:, A lit'Llu froi~i tho total wL.ibar of' hyd.-%~Ia -;I: v in qiostion. Ilia follmvinr hydroc,irboij:5 tOju.)I'O' ),'I-xYlorlo, n-xylorle' I'loul-'~l,wic" d"11,I)II0, i'a --.U0 (I.-, diphonyl. Tho emw1aitts;, ~t:~ zai;s ~ancas ar,3 -ivin irk TabloD 2. Usinf.; polarlz""l 1!.J~'tl Ob-~:'.~Irlocl th.) fAoc.:Voll spocti:'a of -010 cryst!da list-A i.. ~41.1-) ('Uo-:~:. Ll and ~:r, ar,) E nim in Fj~s 1-7. ~01K and T1 Ll Z3 ", j c p.,-cx,iI,cjd by d.1.1~ol-ALion ara due, firs-idy to chaasi:i ia 1.11') of :;ccondly Lo cl~Uuges in the crys-=X ~Cirb-i; i)ro6u-~%s shii'ts towards the short wavolon!'-;h.5 1,y 100--X0 ca-i a, id n d )(.-rcasa of frequoncies of by a fac-lor of 1-0-1-1.15. Tho Or:st'.k1 wcru(~tlkl%) :.)olarizz.-.A~~Icn 4-AtiOG for thu airsorption m"idI3 UL'.'i III 5 polarlLod bar.~Li Ubt):c.-:0, (I-L A 0., scioacus of tl.o j .3 n, j rd I I t) t!'O a i;!, 1 ')': I.; c) 11 Ob - A . I . 3 1U1 -60r-Sh -, 0 YJ 1 a 111-1 Y 0 - ,'L 1 Z Va t, Vi sov/51-5-2-6/26 on Electron Spectra of Ar(xjL-atic Hydrocarbons and their Ueuturatad Deirivutivest at ZOC'K (Piqui c O-Chanical IniAitut.o imuiki Karpov) propuxud dixt'eratui corapourms. V.L. Broude, M.I. Oaopriyenko, O.S. Pukhomova and A.F. Prikhot1ko (Institute of Physics, Acadwy o.1' Sciaro,.w of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) obtained and Interprotad tho elactron spectra. The authors thank Yu. Antoachilc for donsity measaraments ~f the deuterated hydrocarbons and P. Manochkina for help in deutaration of the hydrocarbona. There are 7 fl&uras, 2 tablos ani 16 reforoncea, 14 of vhich are Soviet, 1 Ajiierican and 1 English, ASSOGIA,TIMT: Ins titutu fiziki AN UkrSSR; Fiziko-kh:Lmiches1ciy institut. Dn. Karpova fInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of tho Ukrainian S.S.R.; Physico -Chemical Institute imeni Karpov) SUBL,ITTED: July 16, 1957 Ca rd 3/3 1. Hydrocarbons-d--Spectrographic analysis 2. Ultraviolet spectrizn --Applications AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A. I., Tzrailevich, Ye. 3011/79-28-11-8/"j TITLE: On the Protonic Mobility of the Hydrogen Atoms in Aromativ Hydrocarbons With Aliphatic Substituents (0 protonnoy podvizhnosti atomov vodoroda v aromaticheskikh uglevodorodakh s alifaticheskimi zamestitelyami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 11, pp 2939-2943 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Owing to the protonic mobility the hydrogen atoms are capable of being substituted by deuterium or tritium on the action of bases enriched with these isotopes, as well as by alkali metal, and of taking part in various organic reactions (condensations etc.). The degree of mobility of the 1-ydrogen atoms does not only depend on the structure of the compound but also on the question with which othor compound and under which conditions the reaction takes place. 'For this reason various methods were devised for the do-termination of the mobility of the hydrogen of different sensitivity. The substitution by metal belongs to the most seinsitive ones, this substitution, however, changen in the vsse of the alkali Card 1/3 metal the reactivity of the compound in sucb a degree that . I I I:I !; t II 1 1! ~ On the Protonic Mobility of the Hvdrogen Atom5 In ZO V/-? 9 - 2 e - 11 - (3 Aromatic Hydrocarbons With Aliphatic Substituents the subsequent metallization meets with difficulties even in the case where C-1i bonds of equal valence r%re present in the initial product. The difference and tho advantage of the isotopic reaction are represented by the fact that in it all hydrogen atoms that are mobile according to the conditions of the experiment take part in it. The sensitivity of the substitution reactions Is sufficiently high in the case of a high protophilic behaviour of the re(tgent. For this reason, the authors employ the isotopic method for the classification of the protonic mobility of the hydrogon atoms in aromatic compounds with aliphatic substituents 1)y usfng solutions of potassium amide in liquid deutero-ammonla for the douteration (Refs 1-5). The experiments described in thq? experimental part show that in aromatic hydrocarbona with aliphatic substituents (alkyl benzenes, phenylated alb-anes etc.) the hydrogen atoms of the aromatic nucleus and the atoms connected with the c4-carbon atom of the substitment fin thi ratalysis with potassium amide in liquid ammonia) are substituted by deuterium. The combined hydrogen atoms connected with the Card 2/3 /3-carbon of the substituent are consid4rably less mobile A U 1MRS: Shatenshtejn, A. I. , Pere_-udov, G. V. , 1zr.!t_Jle-,ic!1, Ye. A. Kalinacht-.nko, V. R. TITLE: Preraration .,f Some Deuterated Aromatic ilydr=~rbono and '2heir ;iectra (Polucheniye nekotory'*-Ili deL,1;erirovi-,nnY11,h .ikh L1,;1ovodorodov i i1ch spektry kombinat:jionno,~o ras;-, PEMIODICAL: Zhurnal 2-izicheskoy Kbir-iii, 1958, Vol- ~;~2, 1.r 1 , P,;-14,j-1)1 (M3R) ABSTRACTs Jon,~ knoan preparationo, aj wcll as joiia on~~s of 1'ei-.tQrat,,d aro.-xl- tic h~,drocarlbons still not bcinL4 Licntioned in *i'.ar.-.,tu-Lc aere ob- tained, and their IL-inan sp~-ctra were t:ieasured by n~3_,ns a:7 -4-0tope ' eyc~ian,-,u of hydro.-er with 111D + KIND2or with liqi4id DBr. A conpa- ta- rijon between the Ram.,Ql spoc~ra of 1_Wxndeutcrrbt~nzvna- ~,nd oc deu terona-.ihtialene preparations and those fm r the references 11 1A, and 15 proves the identity of all 'Ird flUlly comL'ir:ij th%3 approbation of the new nctL~ioilo o-" p.Veparation olf deu- t2riitod hydrocarbons. The advanta_cs o.' t' .i_io reu in rela- tion to tliooe of other autliors ar,- enuitcr;,tud: r::,Ad re~;cticn, t1ne solvent is easily to be removed, possibility of' it complete deutera- tion of various aromatic-, aliphatic-aromixtic- and ethylene-hydro- carbons, as well its many other organic compound3. The advantag-,e Card 1/4 on occasion of the douteration by means of.' liquid DBr in relation 76-1-22/32 Preparation of Some Deuterated Aromati c Hydrocarbons and Their Ralan Sle ctra to tiat one by moans of liquid ND is the hi.-her coofficient of the douteration distribution betwhn the Cti- I., and N13r bonds ( 0(- -3,0) in c~)mparison to &_ - 0,9 in C11- and N11 bonds (joe reference 18 and 21). In the presence of an equal quantity of heavy wator, 25 times more of DBr than of ND is obtained, bo3ideLi. The pure ben- zone- and toluene proparatioAs placed at the disposal by A. L. Libernab served as initial substances. Tho liquid ND was prepared D by the action of 0 (99,6 atm.~ D) upon He )11 (refe;ence 2 whilot the liquid ~Br was produced WntheticMy from the elements (reference 24). The technique of the experiment has bcqn described in these references. Presently, the representation of the deutero- -ammonia is simplified I Mg3IT2 and an ampule with heavy water are put into a steel balloon. A valve is screwed in into the latter one. By means of destroying -the ampule the reaction between '~'g3 N2 and 1) 0 i3 liberated. On occasion of the hydrogen exchan-re the 2 3u 3 lances exist in the solution. As a rule the potassium onide concentration is not great (0,02 11). ~Me exchanji. reaction was carried out once more with new solvent portions ILt room tempera- ture during a period, which guarantees the obtaining; of the eqlii- librium in the exchange reaction. On occasion of ~he experiments with C1 Ha the number 6f the ND i:iols amounted to 50-150 Per L'ol Card 2/4 of sl'llusWce, whilst on occasio?, of the experimont with benzene 76-1-~;1/32 Preparation of Some Deuterated Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Rai.-Ian _'pectra and toluena por mol of oubutance only ?C-,qQ mol ol' tho, volvent was taken, becatioe thcoa hydrocarbons (especiiilly berizene') on OCC..Bion of distilling after the experiment are easily entrained by anmonia. In o-der to obtain preparations by means of isotope exchange with liqu..d DBr I of the 3ubotance waa diasolved in 15 of li- quid DBr. After evaporation of the solvent the liquid 3ubatancus were distilled (above CuSO 4' in order to remove Uie IlD 3 traces, or above Ila, in order to bind DBr). Solid substancen were distilled 2 - 3 times. The spectra of the combined scatterine (Rartan spectra) were measur- ed by means of a two-prism-3pectroaraph "Fluet" with relative aper- ture 1 : 4,7 and a dispersion of 100 cm-1 ill the 1,11n,rle of 4356 qj. In the following work the computationo, and the intorpretiation of the spectra are Given, and the value3 of the fri-quencies are p-re- cised. The Raman srectra of followin,~ !,ibotances ware mca:qireds C D C Do) C Djop C,.D CD31 194,5,5-C 1) 1; *~' 6 62 10 12 5 10 11.Zip . 01"197-C 1) H 0 1 10'4 4' 2,4,6,21,4',61-C 12D 6F4 -.,nd 3,5,5',5'-C12D4it 6' The authors were advised by G. S. Landsberg, Acade-Aci-un, land Pro- Card 3/4 fessor P. A. Dazhulin. P. 11. Manoclikina aa.,:Iiszed. 2he density of 5(4) AUT1101715: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Shatenshteyn, A. 1.2 arvi Y(:. A. ~-)mpa~rjsoff-Betvreen Deuteriwm Exchange ~%nd the Metal Substitution in Alkyl Benzenco (Sva,rr-qniye .~eyt4~roobmena i metallirovariya alkilbon:w1cv) Zhurnal khiml.1, '19'-)B, Vc)]. 1)2v Nr 12, pi) "1711-27"( (uSSR) S 6- 32-12-9/32 ABSTRACT; Toluene, ethyl benzen-3, ~.gopropyl bfjvr,-~,ne, tertiary but3,2 benzene.. and r-b-utyl benzene werc~ tre~ited with deuterium brczj.d~- ; 0 at 00, so , and 25(3c In the presence of porassium aniic~e, The deuteriu~m substitutign in the alkyl j.,roup wari calculated from n. = n - ri. (n .. deuter`.um in tht, alliy: Fro%ip; n k , a deluterium content, determined in the combuotion product; r~-, in the ring, determined af,ti,,x, oxidation into benzo~,-- ao~~d and --ombustion). The hydrogen atorts in the ring are hardes, to substi, tute than the alkyl group hydrogen atoms. Shorygin (Ref '! ! ) diocovered the metal substi tvtioa b.,,, means of organic alkali ~-ompounds, A. A. Marton (Ref 14", confirmed the differenc, .1 Card 1/3 in the of' hydrogen in the iequence CH 2>CE 2 A Compari3cn Between Deuterium Exchange ari-11 the I etal Substitution in Alkyl Benzenes M ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khiTicheskiy inotitut im. L. Ya. Karrova, lroskva (Physico-Chemi~-,al Institute imeniL. Ya. Mc-scow) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1957 Card 3/3 ygina, Ye. N., P. Pol AUTHORS: jur 8/076 60/034/03/015/0313 izrailevichF.-TIe. A#j X noc na, 3115YS016 _Shsten~e~p~. ~.oscow) TITLE: The Yinetios of Deuterium Exchange of the Ioomerij of Monodoutoro- tolu(,ne.AXonodoutero-diphenyl,AancI Monodeutero-naphthalene With _1_iquJ:T_4drogen Bromide and a Solution of Potaanium Aside in Liquid Ammonia PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii# 1960, Vol 34, Wr 3, PP 587 - 593 (USSR) TEXT: The aim of the investigation under review was the determination o,'r the factors of the partial rate f in the hydrogen isotopic eicohai4le of the sub- stances mentioned in the title with the reagents likewism mentioned in the title. The synthesis of monodeuterated hydrocarbons, the deuterium conoentrai- tion in water on combustion of the hydrocarbonsl %nd the carrring out of ex.. periments are described. The rate constant of the deuterinm exchange Is cal.- oulated by an equation and, when using ammoniacal solutions, b.,r a simplifieil form of this equation. The results of the measurements made with liquid HBr are given in table 1, those of the experiments with ammoniacs.1 solutiono in table 2, and the mean values of the constants of the deuterium exchange rate Card 113 The Kinet.-,,d of Deuterium &xnhanf,- -,- Lae lacmere of S/076/60/034/03/015/038 Monodeutero-toluenet Monodeutero-diphenyl, and Nono- B115/BOt6 deutero-naphthalene With Liquid Hydrogen Bromide and a Solution of Potassium Amide in Liquid Ammonia V, ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy inatitut im, L, Ya., Karpova (Inatitute of Physioal Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpo ) SUBMITTED: June 13, 1958 Card 3/3 EXCMPTA lMi ICA Scc.4 V61.11/4 C~-Ob. ctc. ki-1::!1.53 897. BACTERIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY STAGES AND BLURREED FORMS OF PERTUSSIS (Russian text) - I z r a 114-, v i c h E. Y. - NAUCIL TRUD. N11OSK. INST. VAKT. The author used the posterior pharyngeal viall tampon mel.hod (advocatod by htm earlier as giving rather better results than the cough platv. nlethl;d) to Check- value of bacteriological diagnosis of pertunsis in tEe early catarrhal s*,-.,.':e, ana al- so for defection of atypical, blurred forms of pertussis. The experiments showed that the pertussis organism was successfully grown in 771TP (48 ol 59 children) of patients cxamined in the catarrhal stage. In 38 patients the bacteria were detected 1-15 days before the onset of whooping cough. The method also proved useful for the diagnosis of blurred forms of pe-rtussis In children's homen and schools where there was not a single obvious case of the disease. (S) IZRAILEVSKIY, M.[Izrallev--,'I:yl, Y.1, inzh. Fruit storehouses for collective and state farms. Sil'. bud. 12 no.10:11-12 0 162. (141RA 15:10) (Y'ruit--Storage) ~.1 VAYNDKi(Z", IWILIT, Lov A"branovich; SFORIUS, Eduard Alok,~eyevioh; TIMICN,~'N, FAYNISHTEM!, Vladimir Maksovich; LA1,11, I-A., otv. red.; SAKIlAi"OV, Ye.D., red. [Vechanication and automation rf m-Al proo-c-sol tic-, cqx!.ration!3j "ekhanizatsila i a,;to-,atlznt:iiln obvabrtkA ic-li I:y; 1. - ' - 4 - 1% 1 ~! on a tsiornyi swrriik. leloskVil, lZd-vo 77 v. P -11_~l . . A BCRODZTUK, G.G. STEPANOV. G,N.; DRIATSXIY, U.N.; IO11TOVp L.Ylq.; KOVALEY, S.M.; BLOKHIH, A.S.; DVORTSOV, L.D.; UJGOVSrOr, JIJO.; PIEMLOV, 'VSKAYA, I..&.; A.G.; SMIRNOV, B.P.; ROGINSKIY, N.M.; BALA.4-ILIT11 IZRAILI'T- GRAW. H.B. ; ZARIN, S.A., otv risld.; PUJOROVSKATA, L-.H., red.; MARKOCK, X.G., [Multichannel apparatus for high-voltage telepho-ay on overhead lines and cablesJ Haogokanallaaia apparatura vysokochantotnogo telefoidrovaniia po vozduahnym I kabellnym lintiam avlazi. Hoskya, Uos.izil-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio, 1959. 511 P. (JILRA 14:1) (Telephone--JCquipment and supplies) I ! I III 9106110110001011101410,10 B105/BPO3 AUTHORS: Areflyeva, N. V., Diykov, U. V., lzrallov, K. B., Ktrenkov, 1. 1., Shemetillo, N. V. TITLE: Meagurement of the thermodynamic equilibri"m teirperature between solid and liquid zinc. as well as i3olid and liquid gold PERIODICAL: Referati,,nyy zhurnal. Khimiya. no. 11- !:)6',. 164, abatract ,1E25 (Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. pri.borov pri Sov. Min. SSSR, 1960. ','.,;P. 49 (109'11~ 15-25) TEXT -. The authors describe a new gas thermometer of improved preciBion. They give results of measurements of thermodynamic equLlibrium temFerat-11res between liquid and solid Au, and between liquid and solid Zn. and 8tudy the instrumental errors with which the parameters of the tht?rmom-z~'*r had b4!en detormin,~d. The 1-mproved design of the manometer and the U3e Of new UnItS increased the pre~iaion of pressure measurements. [AbB~,racter's note: Complete translat-ton.] Card 1/1 -q ii . 7, -~ =1T r S/1 15/51 /CCO/C01 1100-A /-C'7 0 " I j B1 29/B2!01 AUTHORS: Gordovq A. H.9 Izrailov_,__r~ 11 'A Yandyba, V. lUren-:cv, I., Kovalevskiy, V. A. , Lapina, E. It., Finkel'shteyn, J. Ye., and Ergardt, N. 11. TITLE: Jomprehensive metrological studies for developing methods and apparatus for exact measurementsof hii,,h tempezatures PERIODICAL: Ezmeritellnaya tekhnil,.a, no. I , 1~61 , 22-2~ TEXT: The ever- Lncreasint; demands made by industry on the accuracy and range of measurements of high temperatures make it necessary to reor~.-,unize the entire metro'LoE;ical system in the field of measurements of hich tempera- tures and the development of new standard and model devices on the basis of the latest achie-iements in the coristruction of precision instruments. In this connection, the VNIIM imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva and KfIGIMIP developed a program for the performance of comprehensive metrolog4cal studies for the establishment of new standards and high-precision master instruments for peratures of up to 10,OOOOC. This metrological research work was completed in 1960. The studies were made in four fundamental diroctions: thermometry Card 1/2 G/GG 5/00 1/119 AUTHOR: 1 z r T I TL E': An instru-;(_nt for the capacitive fixation of the mercury-level .height in a gas-filled thermometer PERIODICAL: iii-ferativnyy zhurnal, P,1zika, no. 5, 1962, 11, abatract 5A12) ("Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i lzmerit. priborov pri Sov. mir.. sssn". 1961, no, 51 (M), 12-22) TY,'.X'T: A descriptinn is given of the principle of detem.4ning the mercur-j bevel in a gage by the (?',,~otrlc capacitance. The design of gage heads function- ing, az capacitance presLit..,o transd'.icers is presented. Investigated are the narav:eters of the Xid Ule effect of variou!i Dictors on its operatian. "lie use of the capaciliv~- method ind of the correspondin6 r-mlasuring units in -,.:,1e gago of the new precision gas-filled thermometer of the VINMI permitted to seaure t,-wreury-level rwidlngz; ..'th an error of + 11,k,. fig. F'Abztranter's note: Complete translation] I 'lard 1/'L Temperatures of tcrmodynamic equilibrium between... S1263162j'(001 1/013/022 1007/1207 on the mercury, thus permitting the pressure of both gases to be equalized. Displacement of the diaphragm is controlled by the capacity method through an a.c. bridge. with an error not exceeding I inicr. fig. The mercury pressure-gage provided with capacitive blocking of the mercury level, ensures a me-asuring accuracy of � 3 micir. lig. Methods of melting of zinc are described with maximum inipulitics of OAWY. and of' determining the thcrmod-inamic freezing point of gold having an impurity limit below 0.0001 Measurement results are given and the total measuring error is computed. On the strength of theic results the temperature of 419.57 � 0.2'C was found to be the most probable temperature of the rmodynamic equilibrium between solid and liquid gold while 1064.5 � 2'C seems to be the most the probable freezing poitil (if sihcr. Hicrc arc 5 figures and 8 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 2/2 KIRENKOV, I.I.; GORDOV, A.N.; IZRAILOV, K.S.; DMOV, U.V. New measurements of thermodynamic temperatures of nference points of tin, cadmium, zinc and gold. lam.tekh. no.9:31-35 S 162* (MIRA 15*11) (Thermometry) 42677 S/589/62/ooo/o63/015/021 E194/E135 AUTHOR: lzrailov, K.S. -------------- TlTLEt A separating chamber for gas thermometers with optical interference reading of zero 6OURCE: USSR. Komitet standartov, wer i*izmeritellnykh priborov. Trudy institutov Komitata. no. 63(123). Moscow, 1962. Isaleaovaniya v oblasti teplovykh i temperaturnykh izmereniy. 16b-161. TEXT. When using a gas thermometer there are many advantages in separating the gas in the thermometer bulb from that in the manometer. This article describes the operating principles, construction and main properties of such a device for this purpose in which the absence of pressure difference acros4i a flexible diaphragin which forms the separating barrier is recognised to within better than I micron of mercury by an optical interference method. The diaphragm is made of polished phosphor bronze, 74-76 nun diameter, 26-28 microns thick. it im sealed round the edge to a nickel-plated and polished copper backing plate which, fer an area of a diameter of 76 nun, in hollowed to a depth of Card 1/3 AIM I A separating chamber for gas ... 5/589/b2/000/063/015/021 E194/E135 0.06 min in the shape of a spherical surface with a b in curvature radius. The diaphragm can be deflected thus far without . damage. The upper cover of the diaphragm, similarly hollowed, is made of optical glassi the overall cover is made of copper. The space below the diaphragm, which has a volume of 0.2 ni,e, is connectod to the g~s thermometer by a steel capillary of 0.5 nim diameter. The space above the diaphragin is connected to the manometer by a similar capillary. The complete device, together with a special optical system, is mounted on the stage of' a microscope with a magnification of X 100 over a field (on the diaphragm) of about 1.2 nun diameter. The optical system passes part of a light beam to the diaphragm from which it is reflected back to the microacepe and another part of the beam is reflected from another mirror, the whole being arranged to give a double interference pattern in the microscope. The pattern changes when the diaphragm is displaced. A typical diaphragm was displaced 0.25 microns per micron mercury pressure difference across it; the diaphragm mero setting was reproducible ' to better than � 0.5 microns mercury-, the device is sensitive to within 0.2 microns_mercury; the stability is Card 2/3 42678 S/589/62/000/063/016/021 E194/E436 AUTHOR: Izrai TITLE: An isolating chamber with capacitive reading SOURCE: USSR. Komitet standartov, mer i immeritellnykh priborov. Trudy institutov Komitota. no.63(123)- Moscow, 1962. Issledovaniya v oblasti teplovykh i temperaturnykh izmereniy. 182-199 TEXT: When using a gas thermometer if is often necessary to isolate the gas in the thermometer from the manometer. In this way contact between the thermometer gas and the mercury vapour is avoided, dead space in the thermometer is-cut down and the manometer can be located at a convenient place away from the gas thermometer. Two types of chamber were developed, an interference chamber described elsewhere and a chamber with capacitive metliad of confirming zero pressure difference which is described here. The isolating chamber is a zero differential manometer, in which the thermometer gas is separated by a special diaphragm from the gas in the mercury manometer. Flexing of the diaphragm in converted into an electrical signal by means of an electric Card 1/4 microammeter S/589/62/ooo/o63/016/021 An isolating chamber ... E194/E436 type M-24. The indicator, its amplifier and other auxiliary equipment are located in a separate unit. The bridge circuit to capable of measuring diar)hragm displacements leas than 0.01 U and the diaphragm sensitivity is about 0.04 p displa-cement per micron mercury, and displacements up to 106 )1 are directly proportional to the pressure. The clearance of 80 )A between the diaphrngm and guard stirfacc is thus very suitable. The 'Stability of the chaml)crls properties was partictxlarly studied and found satisfactory in respect of barometric pressure, time and temperature, the total temperature error being of the order of + 3 ), of mercury per degree and, since the equipment is thermo- statted at 20 + 0.10C1 this is negligible. The equipment has operated stabl7 and reliably for over two'years. Pressure differences in the chamber of 0.1 microns of mercury can be detected reliably, A new design of electrode is now being te3tod in which the rim is made of glass to facilitate observation of deflection of the disc during calibration. In determinations of thermodynamic temperature with a gas thermomete3- the overall error of balancing the pressure in the short arm of the mercury manometer dooa not exceed + 1 4 of mercury, The use of thin Card 3/4 5/589/62/000/063/oi6/o2i An isolating chamber ... E194/E436 device has greatly facilitated not only gas thermomater moasurements but also such mattors as checking the nealing of the thermometer system and the passage of gas through the capillary tubes to the thermometer bulb, setting up the initi&l pressure in till the bulb and so on. The isolating chamber being a sensitive micromanometer should also find other applications. There are 15 figures. ASSOCIATION: VNIIM SUBMITTED: January 14, 1961 Card 4/4 A'~~',:Fl Yi VA , N.V. DROHi,c)"'i"i -'NF t I I Y I In L.'i New measurements. of ther,=dYnalilic trjmv.6 I'll turo With IL f-liq ~rudy AnsL.KoLq.stand.r:;er i lzin.prib. na.7.1-.14-29 I(J. i. Vsesoluzn.,,y D.I. Mendeleyeva. 1, - v. ..V r , 1- 11. --., -1. How to obtain a high perennial gi-ass yield. (Smolensk) Snioleniikoe ob'. i-w3. ill-vo, 1951. 55 P. DA 1. Seeds. 2. Grassrs - hussis - SivoInn-k.9ya oblast'. 1. IM~trOVTCH, N. YE. Eng. 2. vsIcR (6oo) 4. Building 7. Application of efficient methods in the erection of iix1v6trial buildings. BtiLl. atroi. tt-kh. 9 no- 20, 13-952 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _Jnmuary., 1953. Unclassified. SHATSKIY, Ye.Z.. kandidat tokhnicheakikli nauk; MaYWTICII, N.Ye., inahaner. Industrial enterprises of the Construction Trust for the Development of the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant. Blul.stroi.tekh. 10 no-15:8-12 0 153. (MIRA 6:10) 1. TaIINS. (Gorlkiy--Reinforeed concrete construction) (Reinforced concrete cmintruction-GorIkiy) I I I I II I A IMTL(YfICH, N.Ye., inzhener, redaktor; UDOD, V.Ya., rs&,Jftor, TOLM, T34-'*,"T`e=icheskiy redaktor. [Uperiment in constructing dwellings of large building blocks] Opyt streitel'stva. zhilykh domov iz krupnykh blok*T. Moskva, Ges.izd-ve lit-ry pe atrettellstru i arkhitektuxe. 1955. 46 p. (ULRA 9: 4) 1.H*Bcov. TSentrallnyy institut informateii pe mtroitel'stvu. (Building) -; '.' f'' ir- V Using reed for building purposes. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1954. 42 F- I F-I --- I I " 1'. I I . ". HT WIIII ~111,11 "]:''; 111 '' I H. 1, 1. t ij I I til III; I liat IZRAIL40VICHI N,Ya,, inthener. nauchnyy redaktor; UDOD, V.Ta., redaktor ~Xstva; GUSEVA, B.S., takhnicheekly recWrtor (The practice of using precast rainforced concribte construction elements In rural butlding) It prakttki primenealia. abornykh zholazobetonn.vkh konstruktaii v sellakom strottelletyes Moskva, Gos. Lzd-vo lit-ry po istrolt. I arkhitakture, 1956. 39 p. (Wft 9:8) 1. Moncow. TSentrallnyy institut infomatalt po strottel'strus (Precast concrete construction) (Yarn buildings) IZRAIWVICHI..-N.Yo.~.,,,inzhener, nauchnyy redaktor; KGTIX, B.A., red-aktor GUSZVA, S.S., takhnicbeekiy rednktor (Anrotated list of research works on building and architecture; work carried out during 1956) Sbornik annotatmil nmuchno-Loslado- vatel'skikh rabot po strottellotyu i arkhitaktmre; raboty, vypolnen- rqe v 1956 g. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po strait. t arkhit., 1957. 466 p. (MLRA 10:9) 1. A;mdamiya stroitelletva i arkhitekturr SSSH. TSentrallnyy institut nauchnoy infarmataii po stroitelletyu i arkhttekture (Bibliography--Building) (Bibliography--Architecture) IZRAIWVICH, ILJ~~ nauchnyy red.; KHLOEYEVI, Ye.l.,red. istdl--ra,; XWEEIT. L.Ya., tekha. red.; GIUSSON, P.G., tekhn. red. [Collection of abstracts of research work in building and architecture-, works completed in 19571 Sbornik annotatati muchno-Issledovatel'skikh rabot oo stroitel'styu t arkhttekture: raboty. vypolnnimye v 1957 g. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po otroit.. arkhI%.I etrolt. materiaUx 1958. 651 P. (MIRA 11:1.21 1. Ala:demiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. TSentral'W institut naucbnoy informateii po stroitel'stvu I arkbitekturs. (Building research) IZRAILOVIGHt S.D. ~,; ~' Work practice of the coucil of assistance. Sovadrav. 1.5 no-It: 36-41 Jl-Ag 156. (H-M 9:9) 1. Is gorodskoy klinicheokoy bollnitsy No.18 Imoni Oktyabrlskcy Revol.vutaii Krasnogvardeyekogo rayona Moskvy Qla-nWy vrach X.I.Kamnpv) (PUBLIC HIALTH, in Russia, organiz. (Hue)) VECHTCUOV, V.!., inzh.; KUDIMUSEV, VI.A., in-h.; I, ALKE!-:;j D.A&j inZho; OST;ROVSKIY, G.I.,,POVEHM1YY, L.D.;SUSHKOVI inzki.; 117YUMIM, 11.Z., inzh. Prinimali ucharitiyo., GAMX~:OVA, N.S.Y in,:h.; FUILYIEVA, N.P.; IZHAYLOVICjj,_Xq,:&,,., inzh.; Uit(AMIYO, G.A., inzh.; VALYGDAY Z.S.;_rC_YOLOV~_,Ye.A.; SOKOV, U.I., -Inzh.; 'SIKUSMA, S.N.; TASHAYEV, A.L., inzh.; FILIPONOV, S.V.; 1:14'-ALICH, K.F.,invffi., n-guebt. red.; NOVITC1041",O, K.M., inzh.j, nauchnyy red.; SIMAKOV, S.N., inzh., naucluiyy rod.; FAMOROVICH, Yu.A.0 kand. tokhn. r.Auk, nauclaryy red.; STUM, Ye.N., otv. red.; LUNN, N.S., red.; IVAI,CV, V.S., red.; BAGUZIOV, N.P., glav. rod.; VOLW`:GO"-tSrIY, zam. glav. rod.; DOBRYNI,',, SX., rod.; LAZILWV,, I.i., red.; KOLESINIKOVY S.I., red.; 117111VIKOV, D.P., red.; SUSTIMOV, A.A.,red.; STARCI'MOV, I.G., red.; MKINA, L.S., red. ivi-va; GO.MEW'YEV, P.A., red. izd-va; 03'rTKO, L.V,., toklin. rod. (Handbook for the designer of inductrial, rosidontial, and public buildings and structures; organization of coi-.struction and execu- tion of 'building and assembly operntions. Induutrial construc- tion] Spravochnik procktiravslichika prorWshlermykh, zhilykh i obs1-Xhestvenny1ch zdanii i sooruzhenii; origaniziitsiia stroitell- stva i p~-oizvodstvo stroitel1no-rontazhnykh rabot. Proi'.Drshlon- noe stroitellstvo. Pod red. P.M._'%ishkova. Voskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. rntorialw-., 19LI. 372 p. OMIRA 15:2) (Industrial buildin!,-s) IZRAII I SKAYA, F. A. 25cf75. Izrail'skayap Y. A. K patorarfolo-il traviratl6heoPr-,7o shoke. rdravookhreir- enlye Kazakhstpnn, 1949, Ko 4, s. 13-16 SO: Knizhnaye LetOT'16', VOL Is 1955 DETIACHEV, I.S. ; IULAILISKAYA, M.A. , - 7 Pat homorpho lo~i-a~xl "pathogenesis of taberculous maninlro-encephalitis treatod with strepton7ain. Pediatriia, Monk-ra m)-5:6-12 Sept-Oct 193). (OTAL 25:5) 1. Professor for Dergachev; Candidate Medical Sciences for Israillskaya. 2. Of the Pathoanatomic Division of the Institute of.Padiatrics JDj_ rector, -- Prof. M. N. Kazantseva), AcadmW of Hodical Sciences IXMR. z- r 580. PATIIONtORPI'1~)L~~Y OF THE CNS'11114' CHILDREN *W1111 11HEUNIATI.Sr-1 (Russian text) lzrailskaya M. A. VOP.(jE11R.,'.IA*I'E:R.DET. 395,6, 1/5 (46-54) . ..... ---- The CNS of 20 children who had suffered from rhe uniat i sell wat; Investigated. Pathological findings fell into 3 categories: In the first group of 11 children with the cardio-articular form and cardiac failure, pathological examination revealed congestive encephalopathy and changes caused by insurfiaent and ds-ranged blood circulation, and also changes in cerebral vessels an a resolt of hnpoxia of nerve cells and glia. In the second group of 4 children there were signo of exudative meningo- encephalitis. In the 3rd group of 5 children there viere signs of productive encephalitis with knot-like formations in various parts of CNS, however, without the features of Aschoff's nodules. In all groups there wern nigns of changes in the smaller cerebral vessels In form of focal ordiffuse sclerosis and dystrophic changes in the nerve cells. Involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in rheumatinm was reflected by pathological changes in the rnid-brain. Many of the changes were probably reversible in life. (S) !r V I ~ 11 :! A:, I ~IlLili*.1111!JIL,Iiiii~tiLiii~fl!LiL:ig.!.li7L,,Iii7 LNU- 111i-m-li pil,~: fIj 111112.11HRIIIIIJAU21H I . I . : I h .;! ;~ 1 : i i ; ; , 1: I , 11 ~I. ~ 111 T I ; ~ I - .. ! r. I XZRAILISKATA, N.A. (Moskva) Changes in the central nervous system in rheumatic fevF&r in children, Arkh.pat.18 no.4199-104 156 (KIR.A lltjO) 1. Is patologoanntomicheskoy lnborntorit (zAv. - prof. I.S. Degrachev) Institute, pedintril AMR 55SR (RHKMTI$H, in inf: and child brain pnthol. (Run)) (BRAIN. pathol. in rheum. in child* (Rue)) UIS(I,LtTs:";Vl 'A.. N., ll,a-id. nnli4; 1--Rit-TILISWAYA, '-. A., kiltrA it:mki. tlatik Rheumatic pne-linonias in childran. Padiatriis no. P.- 21-27 161. 1. Iz otdcleniya patologii starshego detskogo vozrnsta, (zav. - df-ystvitallrjrj chlen kSl SSSR prof. 0. D. 3olrolova-flonomnreva) i pktomorfolol-Ich-,skoy laboratorii (7-tv. - )rcf. 1. S. DisrVvAiev) Instituta uedLtrii JU-1; SSSR (dir. - prof. 0. D. Sokelova-Pcmowireva). (RFEUMATIC FEV61R) (PNEUMPNIA) OSKOLROVA, M.K.;-IZRAILISKAYA, M.A. ,T- Problem of the diagnosia of heart tumora. Vop okbr. mat. i dot. 6 no.6Z71-75 Jo 161. ~141" 15:7) 1. Iz revwtologichaskoy kliniki (zav. - chlen-koivespolidant AVIN SSSR prof. O.D. Sokolova-Ponomareva) Institut pediatrii AHN SSSR i patomorfologicheakoy laboratoril (zav. - prof. I.S. Dergacheiv) Instituta pediatrii AHN SSSR. MART-TUMORS) USCLITSEVI A.U.p kand. med. nauk; 17,RAIL'SKAYA, M.A., k-arid. Md. YWIk Clinical and anatomical characteristics of Changres In the lungs of children with leukemia. Pediatriia 41 no.20:43-50 0 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Iz otdeleniya patologii starshego detokogo vozraista (rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AHN SSSR Prof. O.D. Sokolova-Ponomareva) i patomorfologicheekoy lat*ratorii rukovoditell - prof. I.S. Dergachev) Instituta pedlatrii. dir. - dotsent M.Ya. Studenikin) AID SSSR. ~ TOPARSKAYA, V.14'., IZYUILISKAYA, N.M., MOSPICH. Effect of a fatty diet on the course or dinbmt-s mellit-as" Sove made 22 no*7:29-34 Jl 158 (6A 11:10) 1. 1z endokrinologichookogo otdolenlya (znv. - prof. 14.5. Voysi. Moskovnkly gorodskoy ordena Lenina klinichegkoy bollnitity imeml S.P. Botkina i kafedry laborntornoy disignomitki (zav. prof. Ye.A. Ust); TSentrallnogo Instituta usovershanstyoraniya vrncheyll (DIABETES KUJJIIUS, there diet, high fat (Rua)) (DIETS, in varions din. high-fat diet in dinbates mollitus (Rua)) KOSTV Ye.A,; BOKUNYLYEVA, N.I.; IZRAILISKLYA, N.M. "Handbook on laboratory methods of Invootigation" by G."111.2intsevp V.B.BI=ftj I.S.Timeskov. Reviewed by E.A.Kost, K.I.BoRmliaeva N.MiIzraillskaia. Iab. delo 7 no.3:62-63 Mr '61. (MIRL 14:31 (MEDICAL LABORATORIES-IIANDBOOKSp HLMLS, F.Tc.) (UDINTSEV9 G*N.) ',BLUK~ V.B.) ("I'IMMKOV, I.S.) RUSTAMBKOV, A.F. ; HARMY. N.B.: J~MWSXIY, A.M.; FUMLISIMM, G.M. Reducing the conmumption of casings. Azerb.neft.khoz.)5 no-7:8-10 J1 156. (INRL 9:12) (Oil well drilling--Equipment and supplios) F I . ]T-7-7 --------- - ------- T 1-1 - I'1 -Ijill !'111 il 11 1 ~__T I .. . T " ~ 11 '1 '! I I- T T I Equipment fcr transpci-tinc- LuildinF matcdals. Biul. stroi. tekh., 9, ro. 11, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. . I, 'M 11 :1 ~ I I I 1 11' 1 1 ~ ~ I I I I , IZRAILISKIY, X.Ya., inzhener. .,.. - I king reinforced concrete products. Strol-pron-32 no.llr47 N 134. (MIM 7:11) (Precast concrete construction) -.:III ~l , I t. I I I 1 11 t 1~ 1"RATI"KI" V. F., I i j, "The Problel-i of Ac~juired Lnrvinity in Pl-mts," ?riroda, r1o. 11, 19311, 25-j~. ;If-. P~3' SO: SIRA SI-19-53, 15 Doc. 1953 sis 0, rud sp-so; u,7,noi,o .tul a Zerna "Bacterio -Iiieat," V Produktov Ego PereraboLkt, no, 13, 1-077771-.9H7 IzRlJLsKn, V. P. and KA,"&KOI/A, A. SO: SM& SI-19-53, 15, Dec. 1953 000000 440:0000 010 09 go* go 040000 **-W-" agooso: ***Ooo #a 0 1 m 41 a CK 41 a 71 W IV & L 0 11 0 FS 0 $ t .... ... A-4. -4A L-A--L 04 01011T)ld"ll" la"IT11111.11 11,V%JAIWAS" tuAwd sa4vl Imp valaw0all io"I M14MM 0111M Ojjq~lk $NNJORI~ 110 IRl" M#j 9 yit;)"- a) S1,9n, 'WQJ VN" nuol POP"J 1"If '419"1 fv"Pltw Pul I"Voldad 'aurivioN "nbll *M ~ Ou vnpa uiaAaun IIJAIV I pus UM"IM iAMA 9 qj~% Lv w O(U al u , io i t nowtirp atuve aq% pasuct; p 113!qAL JO ITU VOUJIV '9W" O M'W"lla IUOUW400 O 0 On . JUDUKWPA 9 J 41111 PlAffifillit jMq -ULM PM Ott . 31 VU"!IWW 06MIl"O ClIqUitIMS hAA 9 Oq 01 tMMJ :Oil fill^ : 1) UAW QTqMP'M '"Id sw2v ~~ twit wpnavq 11090 INOR Imp 11'sVil r slaps"P "" May RMU440 alu" Qqj P 'd , uolul)O wlQ"M4 'tKMJ MUM 01,41A fQLQ OAI "Jul"40" 1014~1011~1 j 10 1"119411 INJOA ON Vocal 'kP" 'Ml `09 C'M "'dd'j'!!A'(-j- 111DA)RI"PIANO saameloap OWN jo 9xiolm"ll 0 10. UVW4*VWOOj* %~41.UAM4tH 4 1) WlP,)TAOwWMl*MwJ (A 'A) nmwvvl lobar) k-Vaw. 44*1 ~ 1- 1 1 Is -a -T-V is it " sk K ti a it t, 0 to iw A IN 0 9 0 0 0 40 0 41 900 00 'a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0090000 0 6 r l-. -0 ; 000000000 0 0 a q 00 to 1 00 00 go 00 400 it 00 0 see 0- 0 0 -1111,-0--4 0 a 0 * a 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0, nP so t( diff" Kim) in tacit ficrologwal PrOFW.fttm Anil 101111%vilivit Y. lNivieriulshap fhons Not, "mslovAhwum jilpid.. xvi. 1'. 3391 and that hi-In 11. cQri)mdmdO imolatc4l froin Iiingerin" 11IM4.1 all buterim, bAmiging to tho fluotwont gruvp bist no other. Som 411" rabbila 1111- munised spinet A ritriputmiet aplutinaed all sirsinm ;If this lmw- torium And sonic, of lkid. hshwum, whi6 *or* iminunixeNt apintirt Aul. Orwi agglutin*1141 "kapt o( Me Ptrailim ol' 11. 61rip4*914, And eoluct III loe Bad. UNuvaL Stral4a of 11. e4ripWeaht in thoir bimilimni. oil properties wem not &Wutio*W by Arm of tither A eirtipuntsU or Aid. mori. It is amatteW fm a omuin Incon4doncy in tho art). 010 06 1,30ml (let* t64 *me of Uw fitiono at bacteria contain a mixturo of 00 00 mfivne. 0( whick Sam 4" IPOCW and whers non 01mildo for the to 10youbauteria. Of the atming o(JI. cisripwm1a only jhjwm, wif.h tLo ljjt,,. diliciWeal awl WrAlgioal rtke typwimil for thim barivirium johivej liathogirnio to the bramlim lasym Anil limits nf lomms. wher"sim the- liberrant attains and *W Awit. mmi. Red. M&kvm, anif Awt. isloollAo. 00 tAkrum were not pathWaim 0* 00 00 of 00 fie 00 qIO 00 410 *0 0 0 It 6 0 a 0 0 9 6 0 0 41 0 0 4 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 111,41 0 41 0 * 0 0 a It 0 'A J 0 0 111j At I*" W-41" .L W ; I r 0 d 00 ARAIIAM (Y. P-) 41k CHINT0118111N)VA (M1110 (1, V.), CfP41,1111-autiew floptin4rillfwx rMixt- *W-4,ti with )i4imerial 13101,14,#4 1, Vill. 1. lip 101 114, 19.111 00 In (UttIller StUtlies in %I%VMXWIA J)IJ I h0 11A)SWI)JIltV ill 4glilly SUN 041111014 &1 f 05 h di f b i di iii 0* 8 tevits or t e mw* xv sposSis o acter al . 1). 1. 00 extracts frM the rbA of lemon fruits anti brancliml nt Imarst in" 01% infected with Jkle6wium (PomIrmIumul ekripwte4s gai-e a pretipitate *0 with rabbit me, immunized against this orpainat, wherosa oxtrads from healthy plant material pve norte: now of ihot exuiwtit gave any precipitate with nortrAl rabbit iiieria, Similar reoulfte were 0141W in analoptius tau with Atid. wari. A few rmmd sees Itave limalptatim ib i h f h l e with extracts ea row 1y (111 thy plants, e.g. MU404. p"W ng to t presence of ootne poeudo-anti1xitfies, anti it is, thrmfutv, of I inparlaam only to prepare immune sets, front rabbits whose wrtnal stro do not react in this way. HstnWAS frM branches of Irmon I"es Waturally in. fft-W with A cilr~pWssk MW to preciotow, h"revor, with Stan immunised against strain'lemon 25'of this owaiant. mA it litiotbenticial and wrolaiiiiial examination of three out of the LS wains W14W ftm them branch" showed them todiffir lklin strain'lo-viton'TWitt, iruivias -:11, -ILA CLAMPOCAT!" 64*v4-J. --Ngv&LLO" zoo see use 411111111 lie* 11111101111 9 - 40 10 IL 1 4 111 0 11 1 -f 0 0 a a 4 JU 0 00 'S 0 0 411 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 41 1111 6 1111M 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 : 41 0 M'* 0.: : oilll* 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 At 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 ; 0 j io*0*000 0 of 00 00 $6 * 46 so 00 66 90 00 * v 00 00 09 respects. Similar tests with beam and Bad. ranthorklomm (11*t-railm 69 and 77) Alm deluoustratiftl that the precipitation reaction is OpfTifie. and takm plare only when the wft uwwl we immurtiAml sgainst it strain of bacterium wroh*ically identical with, or ckxsrlv t'P6Of'd W, that ptreent in the infmW plant.. Exuamsfronitontatoatui*vnfltiwer malb caused kir Red. Immoefdriemx Pro my small Precipitate" With twm inintuniml against the unw strain of the'ofWanisin, and this is bAl to sulistan!iste the oNwrvatium of earlier workers thst the galln vowmin only very antall numbers of bacteria. AJ* -A-le a #00 46 -WI 0* 0 :0 00 00 00 09 00 the agent (Ba0wirium mmi) of Kulb~M-tM bactivrWAL - I I tivIn - I w Ll th w ir)j, j.IjjrrcJ,~jj. kiii. lip. 8M S!W, 1V39. [ItIlMill?). i t lj:11~11 11 %ummarv. AI", in I'hw. AW", xxxv. IL p. Ub".3. I'M L.1 The I me ;wtwn of the Iiiiieteriophisge if JhWlerfftf. ist(Pri, tliv isgria of mullierrv Imu-tenimiiii in the U.S.S.11. tff.C.U., xvi. it. 7M). ig jitatii] to 1k- non:spivific. The 1wirterioplinul, 4"(1.0's a pro- phYl,mvitceffi-q-t agminAt intillk-try leaf infim,fion 1,Y 1'. morimol bilk inf., twii ;m,ijjw4 4 straitw. avitl fm4l ikKaIiiie. of which wil v the fimmer fet ,,,ot nn,i Atirnw, no if iimoikiin4 a irifection libi,l., xix, if. 731 in the li(mt givrit the n0iii ar,ontv ri-sulti, An entuixion of a pure culturt- of the Imitterioplijap, (if fl. ttumi or the pulp of diiiii-atiet! okullwmv leaves. intniiiijerd into pararn m*l. will h*m, im artisity in Olk-lut JU,x I -) V. P. . i. "The s,:rdall-ical of the viru3 ari ba-~t.;3rLal of )Iantq. " ( .,-. 66 ) by l3ra-4151fy, V. P. 30; AdwAnces in i-:c)dcrn Biolonr Us~)cldd 3ovreirmanoi Biologle) Vol. CE, No. 1. 1939 1 ~--v ------------- M--u- -- --- -.1-1 ... !!. 7 - --" - : , I ~, 11 .11, ir 11 '1 : EMUAXI 4V- V.) A 14-YAUXINMRAVA (HMS K V.), AWWMOW OWIWMMWqM 111 PUM affftW with bacbriodii, M. SoAdoodo of boom Wl IL oWletiskib v. AumUwl~6 & doomodMAVA IL 0AWW 1. boom wW othl", Mit"p4mox.), - 13144TIWIlAd., 1, 4, P11, 41%) 48T. INI. lKngitsh ouninkiry, Alia, ku ftkJ.,jIAodp, xvi, 10, 11P.12331.0-23114). IM2.1 KXttSCt48 Of tW&n I IAdMJMS 14119ftiAl PlAlltd uIrl"AM by 1401trittots- xowJKM"wwa) Vitt. p#MW060110. RM-11. jVtmerwilweteritoml or Awl. INJ 14#1"444 Vat fil"lloo Itavo Alwifit, PlIvIlPitin froMilotto with Illorls prollaml otollknot tho i,ritanintil. T 10 IW'Nl Pllt*4-tM "VIVI 1111111111011 (hkIR 11114 1y flit 1wirt*114A Off III 1*11let Ill'Atni 14) VIAM1441tilln 1whist offildod Ivy txw lArtstime 111xvifie JIM'll'Itatro, which IM)IIIl 1w olinlinotmi by and Cm"ttillit tho olgincts, W141, ruirrual w rum Aor two hourp o9 37* tti 4W, folloviftl bV a tiny In 411t, IvIltillplotw. liho rM u Ito nt, provi pi 14 1e lwi nit ern trifiagwil off4vil 1 hr Orar filluid UMPII tin kro ing. Xxorwip o4itift4-ted im-edn thus trfttnl golve $IN%-) PwIllifin ftwYLkollo, wil3l lko *1111j"Irs lo tho ?$Perim Of 111wirna CAUlling infri'lion. Dislys" of tho NOM I'lilaotpi for TI bmix it A ooMmlitin bag sgainxt tunning wotvr aim) rornovotl the non-opwriihe pwipiud". Tim, rrosdije ,( ow4hiiiPW hft its the box wo donfietl Ity ront Hrulgown, ofter VI-Ilrb Imly Ap .4101-IN1111141141 PIX4'904' IV44'161410 WITV 01114tin-1. p6t,&.)- Yemm eotpmemmoA rotwimi. (AcAim~118 qf Biology), xv, 2, lip. 16240D, 1942, 'rho author remmtA a (Ift4ilml critical roMelf nf tho III-Siblik kDOW114h1q, *0 tho probit-at ofacquiml immunity in pktils (R.AW., xvii, p. 0111, ITfortirilt in jisWicular to the work o(Cirlinna(W., xI, p. 79MI, Calilwileld (Juts. Bo., At"mi, xvii, pp. 1 47, 19,214), and Magrou (R.A.M., xvii, p. 799). A at' 84 titles in AI)IwnIfNl. lza%"Ky (V. P.). Amilbi0k ORMNACM #A WWI& oan" lit modma0i srA --,jWK'4e" ConmAou"d Asammu Y Mommir. xix. S. pp. 3M471. 100. (Ruxim] 1110 AUthOr tfA~ the gfMdh Of iLAtif"O W101MIk hoto PsAfqir lei the pimut day. *Ful rrvirws thn wmA of neveM InmAigstan of the lirtulljols o( pf"W114"m ititit. and their impiKitim, touow* t6 dismvmy orpaiiemir, w ntrikins in imp. A NiblicIrmphy of TO titles. twelve by Rumitian authors, W appanded. I ISRAII.SKY, Y. 1'. "Growth promoting substances and their role in bacterial tumor di?Teloptnont." (p. 109) jby V. P. Israilsky. SO: Advances in Modern Biolo&Z (Uspekhi Sovremeanol i3iologie) Vol. XXIII, No. 1, 1946 L . . . . . . 11 . I t~ I :. I I - i I 1 11 -; ;I; I ULAW I I flulia-ai r3 I IMI ~ 60 fee off o 0 # 0 0 0 i U. 410 0 0 00 0 A Q- A NJ 11 hk PA I" (C W jj~j A r - .. 11 , J= .0 go .. . a 1 t - so go A so-! so a uio%th oub#tmoa and tholt LOPults"S In the 1911ma- go of bedtilal hMetv in punts its woo " (bolt ORK4 t Vo s4m Go 4 1'. i"All'ivii Ab bat4wlia and IW%4( % 14 R,) 2). 110 V. M: 14%4 (t, S~ 4 Z- 1947. 1, 73;1 -A c.. hh"'Iff .00 00 so of so 00 It 0 1 R* 4. , .0, 0 & 0 0 9 0 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 006 fee 0 00060 0000 000 0 4j 17 m~R 11 fils "K I 'Y' I V . I ,irouth Substances and "heir import"'alce il; tile Development of Bacterial. Plants, and A-1so in Phyi~opathogenic Bacteria axid Finj?.L." Lsyc:khl !~ovrei:~tvmoi Biolo; vol. 23, no. 1, 1949, pp. 109-126. h42.F. Er3 SO: SIRA 51-19-53, 15 Dec. 1953 ". i, 1, - . -" --- -7 - L11 1- - - i;, I I , I . ~ . ; r Loill , I1 11 '. I I' ~~o LP2~1,1 ru,,,tenii I -ii!-, --! 0" ~,I, "" ) - , 1: ."f:.-, V4 --. u 1.0 'w (I 1~ .: Su. Mont.,il;E List of A2,22ssi-210, V I (), " - 3, J 1 ;~j c q a t I infi.2oria . V" ! C- r 1""r. let(" t 1 o rv 11 s r Uri" ,-; C :, 0 " , ", 1 u Z, , I -I vie sci",~in Le~i c to r- n o B I W bb IZRAILISKIY, V.P. --, ~~_ _.- I I - Yiltrable forms of nodule bacteria. Mikrobiologlia 32 iko.6;645-651 N-D 153- (HLRA 6:12) 1. Hookovskoye otdolentye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isaltsdovatel'skogo instituta sellskokhosMetvannoy mikrobiologii. (Microorganisms, Nitrogen-fixing) IZRAIL'SKIY. V.P. Lxamination of changes in nodule bacteria grown in, filtrates of other bacteria. Mikroblologiia 23 no.1:22-26 Ja-T '54. (MLRA 7:Z) 1. Moskovskoye otdoloniya Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iiisledovatol'skogo instituta sellskokhozyaystvennoy mikrobiologii. (Microorganisms, Hitrogen-fixing) II"IRAIL'SKIY, V.P. "Plant diseases and the external environment." )I.V.%rlenko. Review9d by V.P.Israillskii. MikrobiOlOgiiIL 23 tio.2:2,10-234 Mr-Ap '54. (MLEA 7:4) (Plant diseases) (Gorlenko, M.V.) I e :;-- AW / ' ' A -/,y ' -- .,, if, T IMILISKIT, V.P.; BCRODULINA, Tu.S. .- "Problems in the use of bacterial fortillsers." Mroblologils, 23 no.6:731-755 N-D 154. (HUU 8:2) (BACTIRIOLOGT, AGRIGULMW (FMILIZIRS W HAMMS) IMILISKIT, V.P. "Bacterial diseases in plants." M.Y.Gorleako. RAviowed by V.P.Izraillskii. Mikrobiologila 24 no-5:638-640 3-0 '55. (BOTANf-PATHOLOG!r) (MLAA 9:1) (BACTIMA, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) (GORLICROO N.Y.) USSR/Plant Di3easea - Disea :ses of Cultivated Plants. 0-3 Abs Jaur Ref Zhur- Biolb, No 7, 1958, 3o226 Author IzraiL~~ Karpovskaya, S.Kh. Inst All Union Acadeby of Agricul+ural Sciences inini V.I.Lenin Title The Internal Ififection of Tomato vith Decterlal Canker as a Communicatory Factore Grig Pub Dokl. VASXhNIL, 1957, No 6, 22-26 Abstract In order to investigate the role or the internal infection of seeds in the spread of tomato bacterial canker, a stW:f was made with seeds collected from frulU 1) having inter- nal infections, 2) having infected fruit stems, 3) from heavily attacked plants, and 4) from plants having modera- tely damaged stalks. To detect Corynebacteriian michiga- nense (E. Smith) the seed sin,faces were (Usinfeated vith mercuric chloride (1: 1000 said 1: 3000), the revidual bac- tericide vas re=ved by soaking in sterilized wter for 31 to 4 hours (H S04 depressed seed gemination, 2 Card 1/3 USSR / Mlcrcblology. Symbiosis F Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur biol., No. 21, 1953,No 95071 Author : Izraillckly, V. P. Inst Title : The Investigation Of Changes of Nodule-Forming 3acteria During Their Growth In Filtrates of other Bacteria and the Effect of This Filtrate on Plants. Orig Pub : Mikrobiologiya, 1957, 26, No.5, 541-543 Abstract : Seedo of lucern and clover, first disinfected with sulfuric acidl were soaked during !-,o-.-Ing in agar mineral mediums without N li,ith filtrates of nodule-forming bacteria of lucerne, clover, pea, as well as with a filtrate of Bact. tumefaciens. Of all the variants, only the f=1tr8'f.Fs-oi the lucerne bacteria caused the formation of pipe- Card 1/2 H 300) riTLI: rmunz,"LL: A2371AM p 4 Cart 2/4 9-7-"157 Afri ky". X. K,~,, 1-hay.... A. G., C-dldt a of sloleffloal t7 f lntlbl.%l.* 1. Plant Culli,.tion (P _.ody. anti- : j b kov tj v.otneAk*d.xII mauk 3922, 1959. xr~ 1. pp 142-145 (VSU) I Comforemc. doollme with thli Pubject too place In Y*"V" fr.. ~ t-_A_Oe%ob-, 15581 It lt.4 be.. .Il.d by the 2-tit.t w2trOD10109-1 Lkwdoxii -uk 5551 tKI-crobloloelcal InstItuts of the Af&4#.y cf Emlencpa tl=j), the Ts~.oyuzwy7 j .:Ikr.blCl TIM.31L (Al giI . b f.r Adr.;.It ral Icz,o 1 1 Sy of the VASXWaL) amd , Stictor m1krobit)logli Ak&dezLll a" Armyaoskay 1= (Deport. f-r A.&~!.X Arey..".7. 331). < IE. It spok. al.r.o. -hink I! hl&66r P"o too Fr ... he 4ovelopmest 1. V. Pid,j:l,tk, .go, d .. 1-1-0% &vion. or a" ral Joarq Z 1,Y oil func-0 -. * _1 Q. . 1. the ficus ag"Ass d 1 . fl : ~itb tb.~Utllixetl_ of the T- S. .=,- o,,j:-ra- 1. ~fct",.s 1h. LL.-.& of -t%" Ivanhoe. -4 .- other %r..da~ R. 0. Y-'r&At4k7"'N r-l"m at b1 .9a-'-% *ba o.err!,:s af pot&t* warl, dla"as and dliftlbila In wUAO- S. cj=!=AT,.T_X. XK-1" Poke abust the ftlill"llm or 1. n4rling pta" e-ag -M eak -bbse- report.& ox U-0 ff..l a P"Pareitles. frna CIf 1. pre".1t Lit of tb. -tsom U.". -11:, b-% 4b . ....... rot t-I ...... .9 "S PC-at. .121- -eral plaes.. L, ~W AZ ... %L.I.4 -11. *11S.I..4 I. law-Us.lions of I~ till-glea A. fighlIRE ::,! : . :. Tt. %-.d it* off"% of "llb-otle preparmucas fisttleg !a. the 1--tZills- Pei mi-i ik. r-'Emijon I wbo 4" U.Lr f- r--% .. razaw or ai- Is b-A -4 .%or ..I-. #_~-top-4.4 - --It. ..hi In th. irtrilasuou Z FR" .7~.g.. r"ree of %laes-ia _s4oq,,,% A~ -4b.4 of r.;;.Ig L-t--- or Lt. fr-% or actIbl.1ls. - Tb. Tvaeti.t. I. ". fou.4 she ..ft on, lkl. 1 -14 ". $32 "onfrI.I.01. -be 0784al"U" of l."atzial pro,"Oti., of "', hl"Lo. "4 al.-b- pvParatio" for the prp". of th.L, 1-ge-e-19 2wl.tlaml Ijro*_Zj,k I. -Ili of 9f 361 4 be grrt& tS..U awd the 4-1er".s of 7 -1. of alarobI&I arl'i, eae re"'o, F-Itt-d no" ft- I.P.,tea- or -tIntim or van far Par,., fghlil-li.. or Ostia U" 1. ft: I the holding at dour ..... ee I" SbA. F-bles. prof., doktor biolog.aauk; SWMOVA, L.N.,, nauk; GORLWKO, H.V., doktor biolog.nauk; MURATIM, V.P'; BIW*'ZOVA, Te.F., doktor biolog.nauk; SUDAKOYA, L.Y., mikrobiolog; GRUMEVOT, S.Te., doktor aellskokhoz.aauk; NRIMMKO. F.Te., doktor biolog.nauk-, BELITIUKOVA, K.I., doktor biolog.nsuk; SIARTGINA. L.P., kand.biolog.nauk; PERSHINA, Z.G., kand.Molog.nauk; ARTIDWI MA, Z.S., mikrobiolog; NOVIKOVA, N.S., kand.bIoloj!,,.naWq OSHITSXAYA, Te.A., fitopatolog; TASOOVA, N.Y., fitopatolog-mikrobiolog,; HIKZAMITAN, R.O., kand.biolog.nauk-. TITTURLYA, I.V., red.; PHVZIMI, V.I., (Bacterial diseases of plants] Bakterial Inye bolesni r astanii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo solkhoz.lit...ry, 1960. 4677~. (KLU 13: 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainbkoy AN (ior HUXI)VIYOV). (Bacteria. Phytopathogenic) (Plant diseases) BEREZOVAp Ye.F.; DOREDWSKIYp AJ-j WSILINIKOV9 II.A., MISHUSTIN, Ye.N.; NAUMOVA, A.N.; RAUTFISHUPIN, Ya.I. E.V.F,'uncrv; obituary. Mikrobiologiia 29 no.6:945-94~- IT-D 160. (F-DU 14: 1) (MJNOV, EFIM VASILIEVICH, 1901-1960) ..j IZRAILISKIY, V.P.; RYZHKOVA, A.S.; ROZANOVA, L.I. Effect of gibberellic acid on kidney beans tj,eate(l with nitrogen. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no.11077-31. 961. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moskovskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo nauckmo-issledova- tellskogo instituta seltqk,,7khoz-yayatvennoy ml,krobiologli. MRAILISKIY, V.P.; BO.tODULDIA, Yu.S. "Ecological characteristics of root tubercle bnoteria in the Armenian S.S.A.11 by A.P,'?etrosian. Roviewed by V.P.Izrail'Bkil, IU,S.Do-rcKIWAna. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.6s1129-1131 11-D 161. W-12) (AIRIIIA-MICRO-ORGAMISMS rwroom-ip-Mmo (FETROS IAN, A. P. I IMUnISKIY. V.P. Detexmining the species in phy-bopathogonic bactoria by the aero- logical method and the geneology of some bacteria. Kiltrobiologiia 31 no,6slO18-1022 N-D 162. (MIM IV 3) 1. H)ska7skoye otdeleniye Toesoyuznogo nauchno--isaledovatellskogo inst:Ltuta sel'Bkokhozyayst7emoy mikrobiologU* (BACTERIA, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) (SEMM DIAGNOSIS) JZRAIVSKIYLV.P., prof. Bacterial blight of fruit trees. Za0ch. raot. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.100-51 Ja 163. (MIRA 1615) (Fruit-Diseases and posts) (Bacteria, Phytopathogenic) i I L: 111 ILUN-L-211 111umml Lj~ 1 M!' - I I 'III "11, "1': 1; IMIU2 ~IU4 I !A I . , I i It, I , i ; I ~11- Name: lZRAILISOON, Hashell Molseyevnit Dissortation: Non-ovulatory (extrogonewis) iiterino hemorrbagos Degroa: Doc\ Sci Me' Affiliation: Zn-ot , dicateg Defense Date, Place: 23 Nov Council of Central. Inst for Advance ~\ Training of Physicians Certification Date: 26 May 56 Source: BMVO 4/57 m " ~ F!, ullpy 1 1;,;, USSR/1,Ucrobiology - Antibiosis and SJIdOiOsis) Antibiotics. F-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 14739 Author : Fomichev, Yu.K., lzrattell, N.A. Inst . ...... Title Expeximental Eff,--,,t. of Le-jamycetin on Sclero,=L Pacillus. Orig Pub Zdrevookh--. 'R(aoru3sii, 1956., No 9) 43-46 Abstract It was established by. serial dilutions of levonlycetin (1) in beef-peptone broth that the bacteriostatic titer for Frish-Volkovich sclP_-_-ona bar-illus is 0.39-12-5 Y-IMI, and the bactericid&l one .1.12-50 Y/ml. The tests were conduo. ted in vivo on 40 mice weighing 16-18 g, to iftom I waa gi- ven perorally in doses of 1-5 or 15 mg, together with an intraperitoneal infeution with a knowingly lethal dose of scleroma bacilli (500 million microbial bodies). In the last two doses I protv~te-d all the anizias frain death. I also proved effe,,!tive in regard to a streptoiWcin-resis- tant variant of selprom bacillus in experiments in vitro as well as in treating mice infected by this strain. Card 1/1 UISSR/Virology. Bacteria Viruses (Pha_-es) z Abs Jour .1%ef Zhur-4"Jiol., No 1.3, 1958, 57328 Author :-Iax_~_itell 11. A. Inst : Not 7"Tv~e~ 7 `_'i t 1 e : Problems of Obtai -ning the Scleroma Bactcrioph:t1,e and its Applic-~tion in .,.xperirienI;.i.1 ""ierapy Orig Pub : V ab.: ?robl. skleronji. InfeLtski. Minsk, Gosizdat. BSSR, 195?, 6?-70 Abstract : The -.ihage w-s lsol:kted from 5 'to old agar and bullion cultures of the sc~eroma ba- cillus. The nha3e had a titer of 10-, was hi3h- ly s)ecific and lysed 77 out of 30 nwBeum strains. Secondary phaGe resictmrit cultlires pro- ved to be typical for `~,-he noncanaul:,T vari;?~nt of tl`te scleroma bacillus. U 'Don ta- intra-ieri- toneal administration of the ,e to Card 112 AIFTIBIOTICS "On the Reliability of the Paper Disk Method", by Yu.K. Fomichav and .N.A. Izraitell, Chair of Microbiology (Head - B. Ya. El'bert) of the jansk M-e-H-cal institute, Antibiotiki, No 2, March-April 1957, 9P 53-54. In view of the controversial opinions on the subject, -the authors undertook to investigate the reliability of the paper disk test. The experiments were performed with JW strains of the lacillus Frisch-Volkovich* and with 4 antibiotics: chlortetracycline, strepto- mycin, levomycetin*, and penicillin. As a control, the serial method was also used. In the light of the results obtained, the authors conclude that the paper disk method may be used only for the rough determiwLtion of the sensitivity of the Vacillus Frisch-Volkovich to the above-mentioned antibiotics. Card 1/2 36 i L Gatot-ory : Hjurk; 1) i j) logy- AiAti,)jv-~iis aiid I tibs. Jour : lip. 19, 051, 1,-; 0'1 Author : lzra.itell, i,.A. Inatitut. TItIc T1,0 I.CqLJJ611,10!~ Of 1401A.-AMIC0 '.).Y t..#.~ Crisclt-Volko- VJCJI lJJJCJllJJ&J tU or 1,1-3 :ub. Infe.,%taii., hinsk, Cosizdat 11.157, 76-79 Abst,ract aesi,itance to sti,c-1to;!%ycin (1) of fli,,. ~riach-Vol"-.u- vich bacillun upon cultared ii, broth coi.-tain- iiie a co_stant iuLi-bacteriustatic lcnn~;entrati,n of I increwisev alo-sly and lesti !,arkedly tt-an up'-)i) ctil- turin,, t1,e iicrolos in a iqol~lvii ~iith iicreasing concei.trati:)ris of I. .;y tiie lixttar ;ueans, strairs were o5tained with ~0,0~O 'Jmea grenter resistance to I thin the original culture. foun_ colonies of. toic resi~-.tant culturca lose tl*iei~- concectric ~;trjc- ture; tne streptamycin-reri,ztai 'it forTIs produce on a ,gar very s~wll colonies cri-Anin almost no S~Iiiae. All reci--tant for-as are lysed by scleroina Caril: i /z --L8- KRASILINIKOV, A.F.; IZIMITU', 11-k. Experimental anthrax in irraAiated animals. Mod.rad. 4 no.6:56-61 Je '59. (H VUL 12: 8) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof.B.Ya.3-111bert) Kinskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (RGMGXU RkYS, off. on exper. anthrax (Rus)) (ANTHRAX, exper. off. of x-rays (Rua)) 'c WU M iASILIINTIK V, A.P.; IZ~AYTU'v N.A. Effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and the prevention of experi- mental anthrax infection developing on the backgrotind of acute rad.Lation sicknees. Med. rad. 5 no.9j9O S 160. (MIRA 15:12) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (ANTIOUX) (ANTIBIOTICS) IZRLITELIP N.A.; DAVYDOV, O.V.; KRASILINIKOVY A.P. .,s with sclaroma. Role of fam animalo in the infection of humM being Zdrav. Belor. 6 no-406-30 Ap 160. OURk 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zaveduyusheldy - profwisor B.Ya.Mgbert) Minskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (RHINOSCLEROMA) (ANIVAIS AS CMUERS OF DISEASE) ELIEEFZx B.7a.; KRASILINIKOV, A.P.j IZRAITELI.. N.A.; DAVYDOTA, O.V.; FAIMHTEYN, B.A. Imestigatico of the fishes of the Pripet River Baisin as bearers of the soleroma bacillus, Zhur* ushap nos* i gorl. 'bol. 22 no.2t 39-," Mr-AP 161. (KE. RA 14 16) .1. Kafedra mikrobiolo~ii (zav. - prof. B.ya.Ellbert) Minskogo moditainako o institute. fRHINOSCLEMU) (PRIPET RMH 1011"JISUS) (FISH AS CARRUM OF DISFAST.) IZRAITELI, N.A.,; MWILINIKOV, A.F.,, lcand.meel.nauk Action of colimycln and mycerin in experimental saleromatous infection. Zhur.ush., nos.i gorl.bol. 21 no,6t49-55 H-D 161. (WIL4 151.11) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. B.'ra-Ellb-ort) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ANTIBIOTICS) (MINDSCUROMA) IZLU~I~,; KRASILIND(OV, A.P.; FAUTSIFTM, D.A.; DATIDOV, O.V.; BORTKEI[IGHP V.S. Role of a scleroma patient in the distribution of the disease. Zhur. ush,, nos. i gorl, bol. 23 no-5143-47 B-0163 (11ITUI 170) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologil ( zav. - prof. B.Ya. Ellb,-~,rt) 14inskcgo meditsinr -,o Instituta. KFASIL'NIKOVP A.P.; IZMITFLI, N.A.; KRYU)V, I.A.; KLYArZ-'Jtll):,, N.Yu. Reaction of passive hemagglutination in the diagnosis of scleroma. Lab. delo no.9:5)7-539 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zavoduyushchiy - dottiont A.P. Krasillnikov) Minskogo maditsinskogo '71*! , -11-1-1 7-11-1 1. 1! ~l 1~ r"Ir'AIT1,11 Y.,L. (ChnLyid~uak) W 41 y Extending the length of service and eliminating leaku In the fbash tank. Vod.1 san.tekhn. no.10:35-36 0 162. (MIRA 15,~,',)) (water closets) IZRAITBLI, S.A., inzh. Imprwrinp the ventilation of blind antrion. Besop.truda v prom. I no.4:12-13 AP 159. OGRA u: 6) (Mine ventilation) 4W OP, 12R&IT]ILI . S.A., lnxh. Bliminate causes of accidents in the mining Industry. Bezopotruda v prom, 3 no.12:6-7 D 159. (NOL 1314) (Xining engineering-Safety m2asures) A 7F7 ....... !------j-jj -!- - 11 , 'I " I ~ i ' ' J! 1; !,, ~r 11 11 1 11 ZAYTSEV, A.P.. red.; BORZOV. K.V., red.; BOOSLAVSKIY, Yu.K., red.; BELOUSOV, Y.G., red.; YODAKHOV, L.A., red.; INOITZLI, S.A., red.; KOLI, A.N., red.; LISM , S.I., red.; HOISM'F',' S.L., red.; WZIBIKOV, N.V.. red.; MOROZOV, V.P.. red.; MW)ROV, )F'*A*v redol PCILYAKOVA, Z.K., red.; PORRO. 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