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-- IZRAILICV, G.M.. __ --- Reviewing In the 10th class. FIz.v shkole 16 no.5:19-22 S-0 '56. (MUIA 93 11) 1. lurskaya, oblast', 2-ya rozhdestvenakaya sTednyV& shkola. (Physics--Study and teaching) IZRAILIKV, G.M. Device for hanging wall charts. Fiz. v shkole 17 110-1: 70 Ja-F '57. (MLHA 1092) 1. 2-y& Rozbdestvaskaya, shkola, Kurskoy oblasti. (Teaching--Aide and devices) (Picture frames and framine MUl"T. G.M. Model of a step-by-step switch. Politekh.obneh. nt).1:77-79 Ja '5 9. WIRA, 12:2) 1. Srednyaya ahkola Ho.2, g.Nursk. (Blectric switcheear) 14RAILEV,-G.M. Experiments pertaining to relay protection* IPJ,z, v ihkole 20 no.6:71-72 N-D 160. WIRA 14 t 2) 1. 2-ya Rozbdei9tvensbWa oredmyeqa obkolag Kurskaya oblast'. (Electric relays) 8) 5 7 2 9 S/057/60/'030/009/022/023/X,y B019/BOT? AUTHORS: Ganevev, A. S. and lzrailev, I. IM, - -'-- -_ - - - ----------- TITLE; Interaction Cross Sections of Sol't X.-Fifa a Wifh Lt-zhit= PERIODICAL, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No, 9, pp. 1085-1086 TEXT: The authors carried out measurements of p/Q Afor lithium in the X-ray energy rEtnge 5.5-20 kev. The necessary energy rangeu were separat., ed by reflecting the X-ray beam from a quartz crystal. According tc the specificat-Jons of the supplier, the lith,.um specimen 7sith a thicknefls of 0.553 9/cm2 has the following impurities given in percents; C 0-05o N - 0.0059, Na - 0.025, Mg - 0,0027, Al - 0,0029, Si - 0.014, Cl 0.0019, Ca. -- 0.011, Fe - 0.0087, Zn - 0.0022, Bit .. 0.0036, amd Pb 0.0015, It. the diagram, curve 1 shows the measured values of the attenuat,icn factor. Curve 4 represents the values for p/Q of pure !it'.niur, obtained by subtracting the absorption due to the impuritios. Curve 3 shows the absorption of the impurities as calculated by u!ilng drAta of other authors (Refs. 4 and 5). The X-ray sauttering factcr and the photo- Card 1/3 2 i 08 A 02. oj Cos. O.0# Card 3/3 in - 8 911 Kit 20 /057/60/030/009/0:?2/023/XX M19/B077 S/12o/61-/000/002/026/042 E032/B114 Production of high-intensity ultra-soft X-rays 2400 OC. With high current densities the electron beam tends to defocus because of space-charge effects. This was eliminated by special design on the anode and cathode (Fig.1). The form of the electrodes was designed in accordance with thie recommendations given by B.Ya. Pines (Ref.1) and V.D. Bezverkhin and B.Ya. Pines (Ref.2). This was supplemented by electrolytic tank studies. With continuous operationg the power dissipation at the anode is about 3 kw, so that the anode must bo specially cooled. In the final form, the anode was water-cooled as described by V.I. Rakov in Ref-3. A schematic drawing of the tube is shoWtL in Fig.l. The copper anode was earthed and the dimensions of the anode reflector (tungsten) were 40 x 6 x 3 mm."I. The cathode was in the form of a tungsten ribbon 40 x 5 x 0.1 uun3 attached to holders by spot-welding. The cathode supply current was 75 amP. The focussing part of the cathode is made of copper and the angle between the focussing plates is 1350. The screw hoad 10 can be used to displace the focussing part of the cathode relative to the filament. Moreover, the cathode as a whole can be adjusted to lie Card 2/ 5 S/057/61/03 1 /003/017/0 151 B1 25/3209 AUTHORS: Ganeyev, A. S., Izrai~1Y,_1._M&_ TITLE: Photoelectron yield of soft X-rays PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 'z', 1961, 376-382 TEXT: The present paper describes the measurement of the total yield coefficient of photoelectrons from thick Al, Ag, Ta, 71 photocathodes through X-ra-s of 4-9 kev, as well as the determination of the dependence of these yle'.d coefficients on energy and angle of incidence of the X-rays. In the preseut paper, the ratio (number of electrons emerging from the photocathode/number of incident X-ray quanta) in used as a yield coeffi- cient. Methods of measurement: The required energies of X-rays from an X-ray tube were separated byselecWe metal filters (Ti, Cr, Fe, Cu with 20.5, 25, 30.8, and 38 mg/cm ). The theoretical mean :.,nergies of X-rays passing through the filter had the following valuoij: Ti - 4.4, Cr 5.2, Fe - 6~1, Cu 7.8 kev, For the mean energy, the expreSBiOLI K (Ed K (E) N (EV N (E) holds, where ?1,~E) denotes the spectium Y' ~ r E r Card 1/9 Photoelectron yield of soft X-rayu S/057/61/031/03/017/019 B125/B209 of X-rays passing through the filter, and K r the yield coefficient of photoelectrons. E t- depends only slightly on the shape of the spectrum n E). Fig. 1 shows the transmission curves of the filters, Fig. 2 the experimental setup, and Fig. 3 the ionization chamber. The photoelectrons were collected in a copper cylinder, and the photocathode was connected to a d-c amplifier. The following effects occur in the experimental arrangement used here: 1) The range of electrons with maximum energy and the range of nitrogen and oxygen fluorescence quanta are considerably shorter than half the distance between the electrodes of the ionization chamber. Therefore, the chamber is an instrument for the absolute measurement of the X-ray quanta flux. 2) The error arising from additional recording of the electrons liberated from mica and from the characteristic X-radiation of the elements containelin mica is not great. 3) The contribution of Auger electrons from mica ii) leon than 0.5%. These three effects altogether increase the X-ray flux by 3-3.F)% at most. 4) In the case of an Al photocathode, the contribution of oecondary electrono from the cathode due to the electrons emitted from inica amounts to 10Ai Card 2/9 Photoelectron yield of soft X-rays S/057/61/03-1/003/017/019 B125/'B209 commercial foils and were not thoroughly cleaned. Noto in ro f: Agcord '_ " E 0-1 '.1 5 ing to new measurements with a pure tungsten specimen IK7 " E and. the absolute values of K,.(W) are higher by a factor of 12 ccmpared with tantalum. The coefficients of photoelectric emission have lately been determined by Rumsh, Lukirskiy and other authors ( Opt. i ispektr., IX, 653, 1960; DAN SSSR, 135, 55, 1960) by means of a seoondary electron multiplier. Fcr the coefficients of photoelectric eminsion, they found values that were 6 to 10 times lower than those deterinined by the authors of the present paper. Apparently, the electrons are liberated from the photocathode in. the form of "packs" which in the work of Lukirskiy and Rumsh were recorded as a single electron. The difference in the Idepend- (in the present papor K~ rv E ence of the coefficient K on. E, , in ths It -2 Ir r paper of LukirEkiy et al. K r _E r ) may be exp lained bythe same effect, too. The authcrathank V. S. Imshennik for a discussion of the results, and B. S. Dlyachkov for having designed the d-o amplifter and for his assistance in using it. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc e.nd 4 non-Soviet-bloo Card 4/ 9 IM I JLIL 1-1 S/05 62/032/011/009/014 B1 04YB1 02 AUTHOR: Izrailev, I. It. TII'LB: The yield of electron emission induced by sof;. X-rays PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikip V. 52, --o. 11, 1962, 1362-1385 TEXT: The photoelectron yield was determined over a wider range of X-ray energies than that covered by a previous paper (A. S. Ganeyev, 1. B.,. .~zrailev, ZhT?, 51, 370', 1961). The measurements in the range 0.7-3 kov were made in VILcuum and those in the range 4.3-30 kev at atmospheric pressure. All measurements were carried out iith %hit X-ray beam foxming an angle of 30() with the plane of the photocathode. The results shoirn in Fig. I have an error of 10-15%- Measuremelits were made uiing not onl.y thick phz;to-plates but also a platinum foil (7.65 mg/cm2) transparent to the X-rays. The yield factors were calculated by the formula (5) of T. M. Lifshits (HadiDtekhnika i elektronika, 1, 1272, 1950- The experimental differ from tha theoretical data by factors of between 1.5 and 2. These large deviations are attributed to wrong assumptions in the derivation of the formula, low accuracy of the range-energy curves for olectrons and Card 1/3 512). 3(4) WV/6---7-4/25 AV--lol: Tl=t Rowell. of the far IA. ]we. I-pr-trd 3.".:1100 (11-91 p"41 b-ij.) PnXCMICkLi G*o4osivs, I karloemfiya, 1959, 3tr 7. VP IT-21 (=U) ASSMC?3 to Ul 125). th. o,dl-ry cwptt%lm f- U. best L...- ind tuja..%lon L. th. ft:~.of l.par -1 aazlogr.phlo pr*4..tIm. oc,cjd.4 :t 12. -;Z.I- lonlye I kazl.irrefli KO 1332 (U.310 A4wL.LtVa%l.. of Geodesy "4 Cartography of the Hinigtry of InSormal Aff C, of low VWR). a LAst.- and fflKCk SOOL porl. A lotal of 30 and 31 o.r2oVopbtc, - "bolit.4. Th. I.% p,l.. at1.000 rablem. was as~led Is V. A. Worosev w%4 V. 1. rr,sov (MilaskATS, k"Itr' ft.h..knj. f.brIbs (Ulask Car%W.qhLI. P2,ast to, tt~. reet-iod; r ties 5,-Lo-. Tb- NA Prize. of 750 rubles -,. a~A.4 1., 1) TA--" J[X~ V. K. T~u is To V. C.jt%.kjy. C. Z-va-Ilax wool ISt. ("=b1 f;, of 4. Use of 2) r. T. r-S.U. C." 1/6 Des jars*.- 0. D, iu (w"k0`Ac*,T* ACT (~'O*cww AaP)) for I. A.-T of sy-tri. G"det"a Fors's4 by FlAwt-- of 1-4-1-1 . 4) 1- J.- -ZA-_Itp,r ( L:j- (%-..tbtrsk LrP)) for -LLjij P C.11.,, IULS L&41*r &r P-1 far - row !rS ...... of 5GO Is- (A were wa-dat to I ny Yakutsk ACY)l f= -Xsj&bjjsft,wsa% of rLz T.k.t. .4 ( POI-18 17 Um N.Shd of by b._ of v."r-. 2) 01'sh"akly (T&katgkQY4 ACT (rkutak Arp)) raw, re, -ii,.r Trwa.p.,%-. to of notW-Fr-- oa th* T. F. tr~- "r (Ndecow AZT)) far -Alug wy 5- So ex... I. ~41-k 1. M. -YAx Llax agAi the .A &ALt&- of To;~,r as IT $b. Th. -IL.f 61 N. F. f-WrtAL& (NL2*L C-4 tli--t.r Nr-s-l I'lit.& "able. to, f.or". Car%.- dr-vht* 1"111.14) f- -X-Lama.. r- tm L-w-c .1 7-.jL Olk-e-woo, A-W)) re, u-pr---L-t a u- Lr4 LLit- r= tu S"Phl.-Prl %LAX u" his, K?-I by D."4. wl" Loops Dsi4o-; .k Is- of 1"P C-111.%&-. rlzz A---7t, '~ or U- C-4-t L& AZT 41--ow Az;l) f= To- f" M.- "%i-.l of Z.Dr4%-- 4 k.ys A4P i4?),' f~- .7'. 4_11- or L-ILA4 13) (I.. "p)) for &.4 far RgIT-r It. Tres, Tar- al k.lax ..I P.- _4 the 1-11-LA4 a-- by J.rjr, 11, 1, lzt (21-41-ok Art)). --~l.rfraz. r- Card 04.,rv.ti DASHMICH, L.B.; IZIRAILEV, L.G. --- - Carbon suboxide and some of its reactions, Part 7: aarbon suboxide in the Friedel-Crafto reaction. Zhur. ob. kh1m. 30 no-9:3060-3062 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. leningradekiy khimlko-farmatsevtichovk:i7 luntlAut. (Carbon oxide) GOGINA, N.I.; IZUILEV, L.M,,;, LEONOV, B.N. New data on the nature of boundary between Riddle and Upper Cam- brian sediments In the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform. Trudy VAGT no.8sl6-20 162. (KRA 15:11) (Siberian Platform--Geology, Stratigraphic) PROKOFCHUK, B, I.; IZRAILEV, L. M. First finds of diamonds in the lover JuranBic bilial Coln- glomerates of the vestern alope of the Verkhoyawsk f4modeep. Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.43906-907 D 162. 1, Va.Bsoyuzrqy aerogeologicbeekiy- trest, Preftlavlano akadenikom Do No Shoherbakovy . (Verkhoyansk Range region-Diamonds) PROKOPCIIUK, B.I.; IZRAILEV, L.M.; ILIIII, P.A.; LEONOV, B.N.; SLEOV, M.V.; KOSTRYUKOV, M.S. Diamond potential of the Lena Valley; new diwwnd-lx!aring area in the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform. Trudy IAFAN AN SSSR Ser. geol. no.9:115-122 163. (?IIRA 16:12) . . r ~h '1111T illj! 11 1 11 1 !'! 11.1 PROKOPCHUK,, B.I.; IZRAILEVp LsM,, Diamonds of the northeastern part of the Siberian Platform related to interformational Lower Jurassic pebbles. Sov.geol. 7 no.2t146- li,a, F 164, (MI.U 1793) 1. Vsasoyuznyy aerologicheskiy trest. PROKOPCHUKO D.I.; VRAIIdN. Basic trends in the ablation of rudaceous matexlal ajxj diamonds in the northeastern part of the Siberinn Platform in the Lower Au-assio. Izv. vyB. uchob. mv.; gool. I razv, 6 no.5:19-28 My 165. (m:PA 18.-Io) 1. Vsesoyuznyy aerogeologichookiy trs3t. ~ " hil , , - -. -I - TIHWiffl-N, D~S-; LMLOMOV, M.N.; TURCUOY, P.P,; 1ZHAUP', M.A~ ..-, ... "!!t- -- ---- 1. 4 The object and problems of economic geography. Iii.vJees.geog.ob-va 86 no.5:435-438 S-0 154. OKIBA 7:10) (Geography, ]Cconomic) MGADZE, I.L., professor; IZRAILBY, M.I.; TWZOV, IF.A. Plastic surger7 in defects of the thoracic wall. Sovemod, 19 no*4: 26-29 Ap '55. (MLRA 816) l.Iz kafelr7 goopitallnoy khtrurgit (Iav -Prof. I.S.Brood-ze) Kovo- sibirBkogo meditsinakogo Inatituta (dir.-prof. G.D.Ulmeski7). (THORAX, Burg., plastic, in defects of thoracic wall) I, I dII i1 11 11 h II II MEGADZE, I. L. ; DEM IN, A. A. ; V ITSYW, B. A. IZRA IIXV, M. 1. HHURG IY, M. I. CfM)OVA, L. A. Ligntion of externnl Iliac veina in chronic circulntm-y insufficiency [with summnry in English] . Kh1rurgiin 11 no. B: 87-8.9 Ag '57. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z gosDitallnoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (znv.-Drof. LL Brogpdve) I goaDitallnoy ternDevticheskoy kliniki (znv.--orof. A.A. D;min) Novonibirekogo meditainakogo institutn (dir.-prof. G.D. Ulemskiy) (VASCULAR DISEASES, PERIPFIMAL,aurg. ligAtiOll of nnterior iliAc velne In chronic circ. lnsW'f.) (VEINS, ILIAC, surg. snme) ffaGArjZ-E, I.L., IZRAILE-V. M.I. Rad1b 1. al treatment of cancer of the pancreas, Yater's ampulla and extrahepatic bile ducts. [with summary in 3ngllahl. Vvp** onk. 4 no,'4:458-464 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1a Iz gospitallnoy khirurgichetqkoy kliniki (save prof, I.L., Bragadze) Rovosibirakogo gosudaretvennogo meditsintil-ogo institata (dir - prof' G.D. Zaleaskiy); Adres a7torov, Novosibirsk, KrBB;Y; pros;ekt, d. 3, Gospitallnnya Mirurgicheskaya klinik-.a- (PANCREAS, neoplasms surge radical, in caucer of pnncrepa, Vater's ampulla & extrahepatic bile ducts 06)) (BILM DUCTS, neoplasms surg., radical, In canner of axtrnhnpatic bile ducts, Vater's ampulla & pancrens (Ruz)) .L I&AILEVY M.'. (Novooibirsk, ul.Kamenakayn, d.8) Method for pancreatoduodenal reoectiona. Nov. kUr. arkh. no.l: 107-108 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 1592) 1 .L. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirargii (zav. - prof. I.L.Bregadze) Novorjibirokggo moditainakogo ~nstituta. (PARCRW (DUODUWI--SUflG-TRY) IZRLAILEV, M.I. Retrograde invagination of the small intestine into the stomach. Kaz.ned.,zhur. no,1126-28 -Ta-F'61 (MTRA l61ll) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy kMrurgil (zav. prol'. I.L.Bregadze) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta. MRAILEV, M.I., kand.raed.nauk (Novosl birak, ul . Namenakay'll I d .8, 1,11. 1); Obturation of the extrahepatic bile ducts and the large duodenal papilla by polypi. Klin.khir, no-537&-eD My 062, (Mlltk 16 &4) 1. Kafelra gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.L.Brogadze) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BILE DUCTS--TUMRS) (DUODRIUK-TUMNS) I'l 11M I H d I~ 1 11 1 1 - : I I !1 1. . ': I I I i ~ VEPRIKA D.I., -inzh.; RIS.S, L.O., inuhi.j SALIKOV, B.L. , inzh, Featurea of relay protection of traction substation feeatg lilies. Elmiftfrehestvo no.lsl5-22 A ;161. (HIRA 14f 4) 1. Leningradskoye otdoleniye Toploolektropr akta, O~ (Electric railrohda-Current suppiT (Electric protection) ACC'NRi jU36021496 SOURCE CODE: UR/b/.13/06/0GO/01-1/0146/0146 INT211TORS: 8amoylovo G. S.; Izrailov, P. Go ORG: none TITIZ: A device for grinding and polishing a nonsphorical surA'nco. Clans 67, Ito, .182549 SOURCE: Izobrotoniya, prorVshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye znald.,'no. 11., ~9660 JJ.6 TOPIC TAGS: grinding, metal polishing, grinding machine, abraisivo ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate pre3onta a device for grinding and polishing a nonspherical surface. The abrasive material in fed into the clearance between the surface being worked on and a template on which a calibrated wire or a capron thread is stretched (see Fig. 1). Tho latter =ovos progressively alorsG the template in the course of -ork. To regulate the process of working especially deep nonaphorical surfaces of revolution, the template is nonsymotrical and is yrovided with an axle perpendicular to its plane. The axle serves for adjunting and positioning movements. C,rd 1/2 UDG: 621.923-1,02:6,11.924.57 1 1;Ji ~111 ACC NRi AP6021J.96 Fig, 1. 1 detail with a nomphorical surface; 2 template; 3 capron thread or a wiro; 4 - axle Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 17Jun64 A -A T T, !6u-j' .'j Card ;d/Z 14, YS-041 00,5101 11,3 1) f, 93,6 0 8/103/61/WC02/014/015 Boig/Bo6o AUTHORS: Bykhovskiy, Ya. Let Izrailev, Re A., fAikutskiy, G. V., Skitalitsev, V. Set -9-0k-01-6-v, -V. K._C~roscow) TITLE: New studies on high-frequency channels in telemechanics PERIODICAL: Avtomatika, i telemekhanika, ..w,. 22, no. 2, ic,161, 263-270 TEXT: A report is made here on studies conducted at the TIME on high- frequency channels in telemechanics. The first part describes an acoustic device oJ"*tEe15,~6-MT-n(Md-,6. This apparatus makes use of aemiconductor3 and is intended tua: ~;~Q multiplexing of conductor circuits of high-frequency channels of various transmission systems. The relation f le 450 + 160(n-1) n (n - 1,...,16) holds for the 16 transmission frequencies.. A narrow-band frequency modulation has been made use of to obtaiii a good noise-proof feature. The type deearibed here differn from its pradocestior by the use of semiconductors and in that emitter and receiver each have their own current feed. Figs. 1 and 2 show circuit diagrams of emitter and receiveto The second part of the present paper is devoted to high-frequency tele- Card 1/4 ~ I ~, __7- 89183 S/103/61/022/002/014/015 New studies on high-frequency ... B019/BO60 phone systems. The high-frequency systems for telephone and telemechanicel communications are made of new elements and intended for information -transmission over high- or medium voltage lines. They are also suited for relay proteotion and automation systems. The units are made of semi- conductors and ininiature resistors, capacitors, and inductors , and require 'the use of output power tubes. The third part of1the paper deals with remote switch systems. The purpose of such remote, switch systems in bower transmission syntems is first explained, and it is stated that the transmission lilies themselves can in most cases be used for the transmis- 'aion of the switching signal. A two-frequency signal, a control frequen- cy, and a signal frequency are regarded as the best suited. A diagram of the system concorned is discussed and shown to feature a filter for the ,suppression of noises having the frequency of the remote switch system. A power generating and transmission system is most conveniently controlled by controlling the phaAfin a central point of the whole syntem. The final part of the paper is devoted .,._to the discussion of channels for the transmission of the phase relatioh'M within such a system, to the control unit. The system discussed is opeAed with a separate high-frequency Card 2/4 S/103JI;1/022/002/014/015 New studies on high-frpquency B019/BC60 cha=el over tho transmission lines. The emitter conoists of a crystal- controlled generatorl a two-stage amplifier, a power mmplifiar,' and an output filter. The emitter consists of an input amplifier "ith a high- frequonoy filter, a frequency oonvertert an intermediate filter, a discrim- inator, and a amplifier for industrial frequency. There are 9 figures and I Soviet-bloc Teference. k#) 7r L SUBMITTED: May 9' -3/4 25' J, III Fit III J -------- IZRAILEV, R.A,, inzh. 1 -.1- VP-60 communication and remote control equipment. Trmdy VNIIF no.12., 93-96 161. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-is3ledovatellskiy institut elelctroamrgeti-ki. lZRAILEV, R.A., inzh.; NIKIFOROV, Yaj., 1ruh.; I'MITSYN, IA.t red.; PATLOVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Divitance-type device for signalin ice crunt, formatLon on overhead power transmicsion linea.1 Distantsionnyl aLgnali-za- tor gololeda na liniiak elaktroperadachl Moskvit, Gosanergoiz-- dat, 1960. 26 p. (Moscow. Vseooiuznyi nittichii4i-:Ifje'Li)dc)vatelt- skii institut elektroenergetik.l. rnfoMRtSiDnll"- ItUltOriaLV, no..48) (=A 1618) VELIKOVSKAYAq Ye.M.; IZRAIIEVp V.M. Structure and origin of tWftrth-Jurassic depresoloa between the valleys of the Kuban-Bolshaya IAba Rivers. Trudj WOT no.6:128-139 160. ' (MIW. 140) (Kuban Valley-Geology) IZRAIII&Vp V.M.; SPIRIDONOV, A.I.; TSESELICRUK, Yu.F. Classification of gully, ravine and valley fonrui of the central regions of the European U,S,S.R, Vest, Mosk, uno Ser,, 5: Geog, 18 no.1:16-22 Ja.-F 163. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Kalodra geomorfologii Moskovskogo univeraitolm. (Russia,, Northern-landforms) (Russiap Northern--Erosion) I I I I I I IF 1-1 7 5 V. V.; Xolobova. V. :.: .12noiri, G. 1.: Z. S.; ?,.i z ~ija z o v lzraileva, Z. S. non, prodLcing po5ltive electrodes ofdry-charged lead-acid stzora,~e b"tzci-*ies. C!:~zs 21, %,o. 185989 :zol)r,!t -prom oloraz tov zn,, no. 18, 1966, 61 .,7,7:C -AAC;S: szorage battery, battery component, positive clectro(h. lead oxi,~c, o'ect:-ode dcai~.-. Certificate har. been i5sued "or a method of 2r.:-ticing -,*sitive C*CeLl-ades fo:[7.1irneucralizinr the acid, and *,*.ot-air ~rzyin;; --.1 Con C i.-.uous-moc ion dryers. To simplify production ce6anology, t%e acid is zau:ralizek: during t*,-Ie dryin? procchs by lead oxi4e contalzcd in the active -~,zo-.- Oryiii,- takes place a. a temperatura, up to 200C. wit*a r(!1&ti*vu Air 10 min. A.r tem- not over. 30Z, and with 5-6 m1sac air velocity for 15 LO perazlre '" then reduced to 10OC-120C. and the process is maintained at this zem?crazure or 5 to 7 rUnutes. SZ;a CODE: 10/ SUBM DATE: MtayW LDC: 621.3.035.23:66.047.1 h: L JI FUKS, D.A., inzh.; in-!i.; I Z,. I - RAIL,""tly E.S.; DUROV, V.P., -zh* flc,w ra;Ahod for using storage batterios Jn e.k3ot.ric, power statLons and substations. Lnergatik 12 no.7:e'_7-29 J1 164. (2'-IIRA 17;9) :; I:. : HIM! ~11111 1,'I:.,: : III !:I:: V.S,, red. tora; FEKAIRETS, F.A.: red. t:,m; BYKADOROV, ,, red. toma; RYABOKONI, N.F., ed. toma; TFL-ICil G.P. S.M., Ted. toma; IZRAILEVA, G.A., ved, red, [Geology of coal and oil shale deposits in the Geologiia mestorozhdenii uglia i goriuchikh o1witoo-V !k'15R. Vol.8. 1964. 790 p. (MIRA Jl?,12) 1. Ru.,;sia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvermyy komitet. G. !'~, , &~, A,, UILuIC'---IVra, A. F,, AINIII r"LLMICUNIA) A. 1". " On the Complex diagnosis of Brucellosis," a report given nit an interoblast sicentific-practical conference onprpblems of laborstoyr d1agnosis of infectious diseaces which was held at the Tomsk Scientific Reacevch XnatitiXte of Voccineu and SEraj, 12-16 March 1956, SUM: 136o p 238 LITVINOV, N.A.; IZRAILEVA, G.L. red.; DOMIN, N.S., red.; IVAIIOVA, A.G., (Now prospecting equipment] Novoo gornorszvodochnoo oborudo- vania. Moskva. Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po j,sologii I okhrene nedr, 1959. 29 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Prospecting-Squipment and supplies) III 'A;1-111,11 ~ I PI I .I I I ~ 1 1;1At MASTENITSA, M.A.; KOROLEITKO, G.A.; YELABUGINA, L.V.; f1l."Mi i'NAYA, G.R. KORZEVA, V.S. Epidemiological and virological characteriaticts of Lhf) 1959 influenza outbreak in Prokoplyevsk. Tr-Lidy Tom RIM 12: 106-110 160 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy nauclmo-issledovatel I nkiy ins titut val, UHn i sy- vorotok, Kemerovskaya oblasthaya sanitarno-ep-.1demio1ogi- cheskaya stantsiya i 11'rokop8yevskaya gorodskaya sanitarno- epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya. pij TXMKINA, R.Z.; MIKHAILOV.A.N.; URAILEVA, I.R.; MUM, T.Y. Adhesive carbamide resins with filisrs. Der.prom. 5 no.11:9-12 H 156, (YJAU lot 1) 1. TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovatel'skir Inntitut femerv i mobeli. (Urea) (Fillers (In paper, Paint, etc.) (Glue) 1. if '.: I I I TH F --- FFI-T-r I --, I Resistance of plywood of the FK brand to the a ion of various temperatures and molsty.1re conditions. Trudy it,141IM isga-99 160. (KIRA 16.- 5.) (Plywood-Testing) IZRAIIZVA,,.k.g,, ,I Apyimwtr7 of the ;(Ii wA V 2 - lines of atom of the iron group* 161, Izv, AN SSSR. Ser. 6*Az. ;?.5 no.$.-954-956.Ag (MIRA 34 -.8) 1. Institut fiaiki Sibirokogo otdolmiya AN SSSR. (X rays--Spectra) wax= /cl'i I) J16 "'t) 27110()3/0C)8/0?5 1 1 -ji AUTHORSt Narb?itt, K. I.# and lzrailova, L. it.. ---- . . ....... . ... ........... .. -11... TITLE: Structure of' the K-abnorption sipeot),rum OT fba- 'i"11 2+ 1 o v. PERIODICAL: Akadeoiya nauk SSSR. lzvestiyai. 8oviya, fizichaskliya, v. 27, no. 3, 1963, 346-3,50 TEM The influence which the fie1d of An octaheifl:von of 6 11 20 Qw?rtj on the structure of the first section of the K-abaorpflan aliectIvu:3 o~ the Zn 2+ icn was examined. The structuxo of 'his wu!j avaume4l to be determined by the tranaition of tbe K-Zpctron t~:I-cim itli b(;,urjj titate into the pEtriphery of the Zn and, the wave funqrr-ions ol' thpsa were azsumod to contain admixturev of' p-atalles. It w;r1j; shown tha,t t1be ener6y of ;h..,se bound stateo (,,an be -'Ietirmiried by calw-ilatiag nondiai;onal matrix elements V ik Of the riel'.11 of lho o(It.!kno,~ra.1 i3*jri:,-,.-,f-~try in the statos i and k, an(i by jolvina t).ie sacu-1.5:1- Ell Uma Des restinj&, upon certain postulates, and cb%rriod out tn 11bio wa,yt lel~W 10 Card 1/2 ""I", 7K~ ~ t )/E TI T~ji ACC NRt AF6019526 SOME CODE: 1Woo20/66/168/OD4./O7-j"T/O7ft A~THOR: lzraileva,,,L. K. ORG: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits., Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemi (Institut geologil rudnykh mestorozhdeniyl petrografil, mineralogli I geokhimii TITLE: Contribution to the theory of the short-wave region of x-ra/K-absorption spectrq. of single-cryst"d polycrystElline specimens SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyj v. 168) no# 4p 1966j 777-780 TOPIC TAGS: x ray absorption, absorption edge, absorption coefficient, fine struc- ture, photon ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that ear]Aer studies of the fine vtructure of K spectra neglected the effect of the phace on the dependence of the absorption coef- ficient on the photon 6ergyp the author derives an expression for the absorption coefficient of a single crystal in the rhort wave region in the ease of radiation that is polarized or oriented, with due allowance for the phase. The expression is suitable for any crystalline field. It is also shown that for a polycrystaUlne specimen with arbitrary ci7atal3-ite orientation the absorption coefficient depends onl~r on the mean value of the potential of the crystal on the surface of a sphere with center at thu chosen atom. Data on the mean value of the potential and on the fir6t term of its series expansion In spherical function (the term that differentiates betNeen the singlc-crystal and polycryatal expressions for the absorption coefficient) Card 1/2 UDC: 537: 535.3 ACC NRI AP6019526 0 can be obtained from the K-absorption spectrum of the crystal by determining experi- mentally the dependence of the speclrim on the polarization or on the orientation of the incident beam. This report was presented by Academician M. V. Belov 10 September 1,965. Orig. art. has: 20 formulas. 07J 10 SUE CODN: 201 sum nATE.- meI65/ oRiG REF: o64/ OTH RM 003 Card 2/2 GG 67 E' -ACC-HR: AP6030011 SOURCE CODE: UR/D020/56/169/005/1048 1051 AUTHOR: lzraileva. L. K. Sy of Ore Deposits, Pet ORG: JnAjjtqtq of Geolo raphy, HinaE~~ loy, and Geochemj (Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrogra ii, mineralogii i geokhimLL) TITLE: The absorption coefficient of le-zone single crystals and Its dependence upon the polarization and the propagation direction of the radiation I ,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, 1049-1051 IOPIC TAGS: absorption coefficient, crystal symmetry, electric polarization !ABSTRACT: The dependence of the absorption coeffi_qient on the direction of polariza- I ition U. e., the direction of the electric vecto 9u) of the incident radiation, and its dependence on the direction of propagation, i, is examined. The author makes se- veral simplifications by observing the translational symmetries of th6l~~rvsuj_wten- tial for the most ccmmon and important types of crystal lattices. The absorption mefr ficients thus obtained for the various types of single crystals are then compared iritb ,those derived on the basis of the "polycrystalline model". FCW triclinic systems, the'L :symmetry does not help to rimplify the expression for the absorption coefficient T i V :ror monoclinic systems, the cross terns in i -which contain EIIEU or EU80 vanish. 7b8 k r, X ICard 1/2 UDC: 537.535.3t537.535.5 J]'I L 04204-67 ACCW_,&60_3_0_01__1___ Z-axis is taken to be perpendicular to the base of the crystal. For rhombic Systems, it is found that the absorption coefficient equals that of the polycrystalline model, if the polarization is such that (EU)2 = (HU)2 = 9`3 X Y For tetragonal and hexagonal crystals, that the absorption coefficient T k is complete- Illy independent of the direction of Eiu, the projection of tu upon the plane which is Inormal to the symmetry axis of the crystal. Thus when the radiation is directtd, paral- ilel to the symmetry axis, the absorption -rk 'a independent of the pol"ization dix-ec- Ition, whether or not the radiation is polarized. -rkdoes depend on the propagation Wirection k , however. The absorption is independent of changes in k X or kY, but changing kX alters the value of TV For cubic crystals, the absorption coefficient is ~the same as for the polycryatalline model (at least in the short-vaVelength limit); this is in agre ment with previous results. This is true regardless of the polariza- tion direction F. Presented by Academician N. V. Belov on 10 September 1965. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas. l SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07$ep65/ ORIG RM 002/ OTH IMF: 002 Card ZINOVIYEVA, I.S.; SHKRSUCHEYA, L.I.; IZRAILEVA, L.M.; SPIPAGINA, M.K. Drug resistance of dysentery bacilli. Antibiobild 4 nD.6:88-92 H-D 159. (KW 130) 1. Ku7b7shevsk:L7 institut epidemiologii. mik=obiologii i giglyev. (SHIGELIA pharmacol.) (ARTIBIOTICS pharmcol. ) TIP., "T TIFT I : ! H , - ~ 1 !::i 1 h, ~ ` 111 ;11111*111: ~111 11 E I :! 1 11 , I ;. 'i .I I ~ i . 11 A ! 4L~A 7- P ,I ~ -I -, - -~-, .., -1 -1 . I . I ! i ~ ; j ! I .. . . . I ; : I I il I ; I ii !I I i I I DOLIDITIOV, A.L,; ZVP-,M,V, D.P.; IZIUMEVA, S.B.; LUTT-HAUSE-Y, V.-I SIIIABALIIO~ A.A. Purification of mercury-ccataining -waste waters. KIliln.prom. no.9;610-6'L2 Ag 162. . t . (MIIIA 15:9) (Sevage-:Iurification) URAILEVA) Ye.,',I.; N06YREV, I.V. Formation of Paleozoic dikes in northern Kirghizia az revealed by the studies in the Dzhumgol-Tau and Lesser Komiii IWzjin. 13-A. po gool.Tian'-Shania no.2;111-129 162. (MDU 1~:Il) (Dzh:umgo1-Tau--Dikes (Geolog)) (Kichikemin-Dikes (Geology)) -i;'X. C --~ eU IrA Sn-c.1:7 V01.4/4 Pub-Uc rHo,.j1th,crtc.A.~vr 58 1089. BACTERIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY STAGES AND BL". RED FORIJS OF PERTUSSIS (Russian text) - I z r a L I e v i c h E. YA. - NAUCH. TRUD. MOSK. INST. VAKT. SYVOROT. 1956, 6 (261-26-1) The author used the posterior pharyngeal wall tampon method (advocated by him earlier as giving rather better results than the cough plate method) to chcck the value of bacteriological diagnosis of pertussis in the early catarrhal stage, and also for detection of atypical, blurred forms of pertusais. The experimpnts showed that the pertussis organism was successfully grown in 7776 (48 of 59 children) of patients examined in the catarrhal stage. In 38 patients the bacteria were detected 1-15 days before the onset of whooping cough. The method also proved usierul for the diagnosis of blurred forms of pertussis in children's homes &M4 schools where there was not a single clinically obvious case of the disease. (S) H;! MA144DME, S.A., prof.; lZRAILEVIGH, E.YA... laborant Acid-base equilibrium in hepatochdlOeystit~o. Joarhk med. shur. no.6:3-8 Je 160. 1 iMIRA 14:1) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. S.A.Mmedtade) Azgownodiostituta im. H.Harimanova (di-rektor -sisaluzhennyy doyptall naukig prof. B.A. Eyvazov. (GALL BLAPDj&_D1SEASES (ACID-BASE RQUILIBRIUM~ 301/135-59-4-161,18 Clitat 9,41-4r of the P.Wart-fte ?I?Lt. The Rostov Savoarkhos lold*ra riscuss We'ding :nduotry (3urshcaLlil 1-to-olme. Qm.r"o,4 olibughts7ut .0pro*7 raWritlys var6chhaga protzw~ls&-I, tDIONCALs 3,arochnaZo prola.oUt,o. 1959. Ir 4. pp 44 - 45 A23TUC?l Inform%loo 1. presented on iislain& conf*roncea in the Rostov SUMV StaCe the k*gLaaAfte of the Saw&st organiSa- tion of isdust" after the III Cc-u.i.t party ohdrr.o.. There ." a co.feronce at the Wlanl aR,,t,,11.,,h- in September 1954 as ce..ral Fro.P.CSL.0 a ... 1.peo.t' tith rgP*r%* b7i FACIater tachka "On Nr%h.r tA%rod.ctL.h of V41ding tat* ?roduattox PractIcent natnoor NtrOnOw on oSsahamisatlem of Assembly Welding Work ant Nodornigation or the $441pnews L.Cip..r Sol"- 6. -High- IfflOleacy llestrodes and their Prospective 'Joe o% the ast'. " of -t..4 at %no plant -Fred. aft ca" th mb satXI so. far ..1tise "let.. r In; ... ...... .. . - - -- ------- ----- - ---- Sr ties h 6 f % :, Sbor plan's :4 = : 1h: L f sitf.ress as %t# Taganrog flost -it ... ry f t" prob%4.0 of .1.4trtc .1.4 -Idt.1 -4 Cost..% V"..s*A 414144. It Is "skjazod that a-rly .11 -totinz reses"s aror *.Sexal.oly send S .11 Plant. "4 co..Sm. ; 61" p"J."t U the lost" Welded sort *.A.* .; 60% of sb* pribanall" of the ~bl.. bellal.4 Plants. it 18 pa"tt*4 that "'I in" "a -chmsixotlo. of WeIAt" A"the &us 111, 'r=04 as 6 to the task or %he 041"tifis sea pr"11cal vold." -A the sold.r. Innovators. Be" detailed infto given so %he comfor.aza or u tl : Uck.14.1 4e-l*V.#n% of -.t4t.9 rotevitbiir 1153, 4* ~ft ac "' ' ..lost. and the talrodeall. 1 I 1 plasits during 19 591!191 9. . n Lot* -4 .01ontift. Qrk p.rt10 1 1 ,C. A% I's to.- Jrm . % or ; a 1 0 SWv% rkhoS) SWOk of the ..#Co.. -fts-4 at Ift. 60tioll -h4 m4 tho Tm~ranroj#41Y beabsynovyy sav" C"d Zen"ft Coubtan Remoter Plant). --r., the 4 .f the &W-Or I.. .... We sl.r.4. %he *-' !1111;~Sh I'll ~: ." !:: ~, aoc..44'r -14, "1 1. 1 1 -1.%'t ;' "a 7M. "211L.Pj, :.. att - 7 -a- etm--w :3 641A4 aek."I Co. :.$14*4 .1 f.rsz 4'.111n,.Us anch -1-4 .44 .~71 ..3 '. US I's .'S.' a "Y it Sr In "I t1ld- T- 'Er ... J'y -, r I - he. o. 3 to in* Vr.1.c%&. Plant.. Th. to I- to 1-k d ..a as 1,11,11; a - '. ". :':h-Y'*r , - ': or .17b7 f iir-tr3.64 "I ,*r. it ... tj on. t.- t I's T.rA -'-C V 'lot n, 30'11-vkhOs "Old-ro Visa"* V-14LAc !-I.stry Snelmoor 1. D. ~74-hko. Candliat. cr and 314114 (P-lont -grOARY)r 10101'ahchlk')/ rand & report cbm %be Applies,,.* of ya. ;,ad,, In I'* prodootleft of Dollars, -4 .. the T.~h..lOgy of ThO-O Steel&'- NIV Is starting it.. ... Of the 61001tic 02-C --!dIA' pro,... f., steel and is studying the -191A4 Of Aust-AltIC ~d othor stools ml ll:yS. Inginoor T. N. grr.=O. (pl"t -X-#.yy total. : b0 Ik') RA4 1041"or T. T. 'Zochko (IM..I#.I-...h-) told or their plants ox;arsofloo in the reports --a& WAY.'Or &O!)A.1ooatIc Z.61 ... r 3-fic. l1as.ob "d login#* -4~rOxbnyy (911-X) p .... ht. "Part$ 00 'Otooral Uporlammo Otto 1.1dir4 In Cftrbon DIORIA. a I the 3ov,vsark1L*m- Plantow. Canill.dato of Tachni. oal 3020.4 a. A. Z loans 0 f the An.t-skly tft.tIt.S SA0.4orl" shola, "'" :rfehmme. ir".Vorto (lost- La"It'ato 11 1411-" '~-IA.Ar.). and "WI ... r P. R. Sat... .'er of "'. 'ROOt.OVoo*%' Plasat L.Wor.lory. -4. ropOrts an *9 - "I"S "; -4 ck" 414 Lt f N Fort 4. T%. lost" 3w".vkhos WoUtra 016-6- VOI41-4 I'deftrY r--t-PO-At Smetsoers T. t. 3 1* and 1. 1. pta -Do,elapament and of St-P-4-w- 4,4 a -p1". The Cost *" Vote". " a War to 8.4... %" 'signs of Ifiach't"... chief LUCIM-;..f x.roliql6ix-t414 %bo coa 0f the aspen -7"-To"morgeramont, P.Ir ::a,,. of '. the an : madml t pl"t.. and of its vor 1. t: IAC OAS III. of An. q.ip_t far In.p.CtIf& I gza-ft... T. .at on'. r!;:Yy r*:* I rIO4 nal ..Soo.tlo f -.&&.C process.. I. the V-4-tIOR at electric U. C.Ofor- a '4 ... mpl; or 9h me*=.. wo. -4 So .11 0 h. 1:.t" abl"t, to f.Ift.1 So t Obltd.lj**. 1. its "~cbaal..%Iom of seld.14 -4 the out.". 61" of vol*IRC #r"waono In *as* Irvj%et-=. coca !ItszAv ;~a-oar%435 1#14*T* :IsrwOO 16141fW la4ustrj, :ow-lop"wat htromi A-I.- 6/6 ATLEl4'jC,'j, T.I. Exp3rimental study of gan flo-.j t~-,rruj!~ Nri!jy region of transient prescitrov, Dok!# A: S!~;R IC4 0 165- 1. Submitted Februai-f 24, 1965. 3/020/62/147/004/011/027 B117/B186 AUTHORS: Goshch-itskiy, B. N., lzrailevich I S. TITLE: Problem of the existence of a "negative" enriclunent effect in thermodiffusion of gases in PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 4, 1962, 817-818 TEXT: The separation uf binary H 2-Ar, H2-Kr*, and H~-Kr mixtures (concentra- tion 507,0,) in porous media (BaO*6Fe 0 ) was studied. The test unit adopted 2 3 differed from that described by H. D. Beckey and 4. B. Groth (Zn. Hatur- forsch., 7a, 474 (1952)) by a precise temperature adjustment of the two work chambers and cf the neighboring surface of the porous medium. Measurements were conducted along the sample in the presence of both temperature and pressure gradients, and with the temperature gradient alone. For the latter, the pressure gradient was eliminated by a special tube with high diffusion resistance and low hydraulic resistance. Results, in the first experiment (T1 . 4730Y., T2 - 2980K), a "Positive" enrichment affect Card 1/2 W 3/020/62/147/004/011/027 Problem of the existence of a... B117/B186 vanishing at PO . 0, was observed in the whole pressure t-anj-Je. In the second experiment (T, . 4770K, T 2 - 2950K), the effect reachert a maximum at P0 - 0 and decreased monotonically as the pressure increised. Even at comparatively high pressures it was higher than in the ca;~e of Thermo- diffusion in free space. No 'enrichment of the light. component at the cold end as observed by Beck,y, Grothe and H. Baum (Vakuum-Tec,inik, H. 7 (1957)) was found. The above-mentioned "negative" enrichment effect ia,, assumed to be due to "neglected" negative Temperature gradients in the test unit or by the motion of gases in long capillaries. There are 3 fig-ures. PRESENTED: JulY 25, 1962, by 1. K. Kiko-, M, Academician SUBMITTED: March 9, 1962 Card 2/2 ACC W -~P502-722;: W~~IJf~IRM SOURCE CODE,- AUTHOR: lzrailevich, 1. S.; Novikov, S. N. ORG: none I r TITLE: Experimental study of gas flow through fine III;.Iin I ho intermed Woe peeu- sure range SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 6, 1965, 1263-120 TOPIC TAGS: gas ficw, porosity, porous gas flow ABSTRACT: The autliorS studied at Kn - 1 the pressure and ternpoit-otum chipenden4ce of specl- fie gas flow through &xmples made of compressed highly dispersed IlowdL1913 Covering:& widol range of porosities. Some of the results are shown in Figureo I and 12. 1/3 LTpc: 1g.6oL..1:539. 217. 5 L 1,5397-66 ACC NR, AP5027222 Lnj .......... MO 000 T111(alfg 3anurnnoc?b upumormomi oryamiu or rpomero painivinux Texinciniryliix, 06pucq N 7. Aproit, a - f, 2WO Fig. 1 Sample permeability as a function of average temperature at dIfferent temperabil,en. Sample waB made of iron 0-'M, 0. 45 cm long, with a porosity J' = 0, 11 '0, nbl'xotcteiiistic goo- metric diameter d = 0. 055p; and the total spmlfic area (determined b,,I, a lom, temperaturet nitrogen abE;orption) S = 16. 3. Gas - argon. a - t, = 20C; b - t1 - -711. 5C. . ........... ACC NR, AP5027222 Fig. 2 A comparison ol'experimental and theoretical relatlonsl0ps 11;/g, ot n-- (irj