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SO 11/9o' -55-11-2/21 AUTHOR; Cdrididate of Tecn-nical Science TITLE: Tl-,e DesizL:r of Combined Ndveris,~-O-Puel/Gas L%arners witYi Centrul and Periplieral Gac- Delivery (Ruschety 1-om'Jirirovuymy',~ pllrle,~~uzovyl~h ~orelol~ S tsentrallnoy i pcrif:iriynoy pod"chey --raza) C~ PEELIODIC2.L: Te-,-)1opreri,-eti'ra 195"), 1117r 11, Pr, 9-13 (USSR) .P3STIU.CT: Combustion 'L,-!-Is not ul-.-.-ays beer, complete YA burni]3Z ,r--as fuel. Viis is 1:artly becaus~i there is no Z' f'~stablished Tprocedure for C-.esiLnirL burners for use 7iitl- forc,-~d drc-mL,-ht ard the con's,truction of the is i-iot al-.Iav- 1)as(-,0 or-r:ov1ed--(, of the of ii-tor. 'Lctinli bf~t'' t~ flo-w of L,.i:d ~:, flo,.-! of air. !.'o MetLod eristc for S7~leotir~f- t he best values of initii.i.1 C~Lx Velocity, e..iwmc-ter ut-,.L' i,itch of toles, of u-,tcck of J c t s to diractio2~ of Lir flo-,- i:Xd so on Th3 desir-r-, of burners of the jct-niixin~-- ty C., , ',,P-; Consists ir cuiculatirL; the behaviour of LL --rnui,'Jer of jets with a cross-flor of air. Tl--,i--- `i.;x beon studied in relation to ott-ier t.,20micai -,)roblem.,j i,-,. ;~r:!vio*as !A i2 T'a U -ar-- tlae s;-av(!rul So v1q 6, - C/* "I - Thc rj::~si~_)i-, of Coriilbilaed Pulverised-Fuel/Gis _-YJXL,~~rs aith Centr.1 t, ! Pe"i-pIL-3rul Gas Delivery nc - - L v~iriu',_A.~; that ~~ov,3r~~ the of jet develop-ment :)r~~ to t-,-.,c) --ovc!rnin-* A , t_j . ci the ,aral.!Iat ~r, 0 iLLS 017 0011d1t, iO"_jS 1.."Ls jet ill u croc.-flm-', of 'Lir J-11(it is fo-r is in F i kL -.1 U-1 co .-, 1c, - - 't f :t-la t ive do-c! t L o r p Pnetrat, ion C~f th'e, j~!t illto ifi-~ cross-flou is aefii,~cd and a f,,)rr,IU'l for j ~S :-~VL.Lj7j~jt ion -JV,-,~ I. E:,.Ipiricul Co-"Lficiarits t1'w;t enter irlto 'Le forlIrL.C-I'l. be ra"d from tLe --te of -,as and of Fi:;.o ln"dc~qu) CD air is one cause of inco-i-aplete combustion. It is -to olutain -uniform ilictribution of zus in air fc)r -.ood com",),1.,,stion: the for-rinfLue ~,iveu in t he -17Lticle uro -as-,d to of this ct~,C-e. VEe of a coinbin-~d burzier card 2/4 With. c,_-_,,itr_L]_ .;Ls dolivery, :,Ls ill-ustr,:,t.~d in Fi6.3, is ; :,~ I . ~ 11,1: L 1 11 :1 1 : of Com)incd ~~-u-nero Ath-, Centr,.1 --ar! 'ari2herul Gas D-~liv~ai~~r z first considered. On tcot, thic. buwi,~r found to o-,-,-rat.2 Test rc,ults) ar,~ L*,iven. ,1 calaa'.-~~tioil is 1-..lade sho.~,,s thut the -as jets L-' L C) tlie air flolf to !i d,--,--)tll of not more tLun ~O mm, so thot tper3, is d~!Iay ill t1h.'e of '? S 6A and air loz~; folame ind poor ec-imbustion. Calculations are tLien iiade to sho~'7 1-1017 tale desl-m nair be irnprov,!d. Tho 'climensiolis of the various 0 parts 0 f the burllr~r ar,-, ci,-L'culuted. Th,~ '),.L-n--,r gave a short flame and --ood coin'!,) ust i on. -1 coi,~L)ined ~Atli peripl-te~.-ral --us a,-)Iivei:~f is illustrated in Fio.4. T:-iis bur--ner also L,uvel Incomplete combustion; test results are pr'-sentued. Re-d2si~-,n of ttie burner is coiansidered. Dia,~;;rLz~,s illustruti-nL-, the distribution of the ;xs, jets in t1ne air flow, ~vitla c(!3atrai ~.nd ',-!itJ'J Tjerij)lleral 8as d,~~liv~~ry arc t-iven in Fi8.5. In tLl~e first cc~se, large holas Lx-~ located as nf--,:.Lr us po-91-1i'lle to tiae out-side of the burner ~~L--ad srm"11 holeo nF,- LL r t In e C.- --t r C.,rd 3/4 In th-- oacond cuse, tlhc r3l,~,tive , positioms ure S:)~Vc,, _r '~ gD The D~-)::~i;_;-n of Conbined Pu1v_,riscd-D,_icl/GL~.,; Burners Cezitrul and Perii)hor-Ll Gas Dolivery rov~~rscd. The cd,~SdL~,,-n -rurinciplec givf:!21 _i--- t~_,is urticle ma.- be us,~d to cl-iecl,,the mixiuLr co2:Aitions in burn,~rs of bota typ,~s and to indicate desi-ii cd improveme The problain of the de6rec of mixinE, of ~;us t1aut, must be uchieved in the burne-r, tliro-L-At cwa be solved by practicul trials on lo-arners desL,-_-!!d by ID the recounc-nded procedure. Thcr_- ar,~~ 5 fi6urcs a-md 6 liter"tur.- r,7~f-,r-_nces all, of whicL ar,-- Sovie-'L-,. -ISSOCLITION: L-13titut enlarL~eti7-i "'N EstozlsT-,oy SSR (Institute,, of Po-,,;ar Bn~:,ine_arin, of the ~xadc;-ny of S6ierce,g, Estonian SSR) Card 4/4 of th4i Acad Sci IVANOV, Yuriy Vasil 'yevich (Institute of P oi on the buis of dimeartation defenddd IJSSR) ~ or Doe of TeehiW~l S 25 Ilay 59 in Council of im. KrOd.zhanovskiy., Acad of jert M-4~"4m in 'Free Sci USSR, entitledt "1nv4o*4f*b+&* *&"' Z and me (EUViSSO USSR, 2-61, 30) 401 anair 2ii SOV/23--59--2-2/8 Al TTHORS: Oui, H., -and Ivanov, Yu.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences I-------------- _TLE: The Study of the Development of a Round Jet in the Initial Range of a Transverse Stream of a Larger Dimension L7,3RIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, qeriy,--% '.ekh_n_'daesk!Jr_n i fiziko-matematicheskikh nwtik) 1959, Nr 2~ FT 78--83 and insert,(1'35R) ABSTTIULCT: The article deals with the development of a round jet in a transverse stream. The results of experi- ments prove that, in a transverse stream (D-700 mm), the extinction of the axial velocity of round jets of different diameters (d=5 + 20 mm) with the same speed value does not generalize in a single curve (Figure 2) as is the case in a stationary environ- ment and with a co-stream. The velocity r~mges of Card 1/2 the round jet in different sections .,,re similar SOV/23-1-19-2-2/8 The Study of the Development of a Round Jet in the Initial Ran~7,e of -a Transverse Stream of a Larger Dimension (Figure 5), and they may be expressed by a formula (2). There are 5 graphs, 1 diagram, and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 21313 S/023/60/000/004/003/005 C2 6, ~3 0 D221/D305 AUTHORS: Suy, Kh., and Ivanov, Yu.V,, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: On the question of a jet flow in a mixed stream PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSRq Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 19609 331-337 TEXT; In their previous work Yu.V. Ivanov and Kh.N. Suv (Ref. 1; razvitiya strui v sputnom potoke (Research on the Development of a Jet Flow in a Mixed Stream), Izv. AN ESSR9 Seriya Tekhn, i Fiz.-Mat., nauk, vol. VIIt No. 2p 1958) and (Ref. 2: Issledovaniye razvitlya kruqloy strui v nachalnom uchastke vs-Urech- noy strui bolshogo razmera ~Research into the Development of a Cy.- lindrical Jet in the Initial Sector of a Head-On Large Dimensional Jet), Izv. AN ESSRt Seriya Tekhn. i Fiz.-Mat. nauk, vol. VIII, No. 2, 1959), established the basic laws of extinction of the axial velocity of turbulent cylindrical and flat jets developing in a Y Card 1/j# 21313 8/023/60/000/004/003/005 On the question of a jet D221/D305 co-stream. Since in experiments with jets in co-streams it is im- possible to obtain a constant profile of the main jet velocities along the whole of the jet cross-section, it has been thought use- ful, both from theoretical and practical points of view, to estab-- lish experimentally the relationship between the velocity profilo in the vicinity of the nozzle and the laws governing the decay of the axial velocity of co-streams and the present article presents the results of this experiment. Velocities of the jet near the orifice were being changed artificially. It was determined that the basic parameter for isothermal streams is the parameter A = = V2/V11' where v 2 is the axial velocity of the stream at the ori- fice and v I is the average velocity of the co-stream. The experi- ments were carried out for streams of various dimensions. The ra- tios of the stream diameter D s to the diameter of the nozzle ori-- fice d or to the smaller dimension of a flat kozzle 2b have been 0 Card 2/16 22313 S/023/60/000/004/003/005 On the question of a jet D221/D305 taken for cylindrical nozzles from 22 to 70 and for flat nozzles from 250 to 580 respectively. The results are given as graphs in Fig. 1 and Table 1. Next the experimental data for the jet in a co-stream were analysed. Fig. 2 shows the radial distribution of. velocities at the cross-sections of the jet and of the stream for A = 13.1. This shows that the jet flow in a co-stream can be ob- served at a distance up to 30 times the diamiter of the nozzle and that it is characterized on every curve by a transition point, in the vicinity of which the velocity becomes commeasurable with the mean stream velocity. Fig. 3 has been drawn from the results of measuring the velocity fields at various cross-sections of the main part of the jet in a co-stream. It is seen that oxperimental points form smooth curves within the investigated section, The same curves are redrawn in relative co-ordinates in Fig. 4 as graphs of function (1) AV f( z nvm zav Card 3/16 21313 S/023/60/000/004/003/005 On 1,-he question of a jet D221/,305 where Lv = v - vi - the excess radial velocity of the jet with respect to the co-stream velocity at a given point of any cross- section; Z\vM - the excess axial velocity at any cross.-section of the jet; z - distance from the axis to the given point and zav distance from the axis to the point for which Av/,!~ivm = 0.5. The solid line on this graph represents the theoretical profile of the jet in a co-stream, correaponding to the law for velocity profile in the border zone of a jet 3 f (q) = (1 - q~ /1) 1 - , (2) First met in the work of H. Schlichting (Ref. 3: Ueber das ebene Windschatten-problem, Ing. - Arch~ No. 5, 1930). According to G.N. Abramovich (Ref. 4: Teoriya turbulentnykh struy, Fizmatgiz, M. 1960) this law can be applied to facilitate further determination of the velocity profile of the jet in a co-stream; after transfor- Card ~/16 on the question of a jet ... mations S/023/60/000/004/003/005 D221/D305 Lv = Z-1 - (Z) 3/2_72 EV__ S m (3) is obtained, where z - distance from the jet axis; b - half width of an arbitrary cross-section of the main region of the jet. Fig. 4 shows good agreement between the experiment and the theoretical profile for the whole region except for -the region ?./'Z from 0 to C> av 0.5, within the curve of the velocity profile of the jet, drawn from experimentally obtained data, lies somewhat above the theore- tical one. Since experiments were carried out with jets of various diameters in co-streams having various velocity profiles at the nozzle, it was of interest to establish the influence of the above conditions in the decay of axial velocities of jet flows, The re- sulta are presented graphically in Fig. 5, in which the decays of jet velocity of various diameters are compared for two values of Card 5/16 21313 S/023/60/000/004/003/005 on the question of a jet D221/D305 A (5.08 and 13.1). As in all other cases, experimental and theore- tical points are in good agreement, It follows that the usually ob- served irregularities in the velocity profiles of the co-stream at the orifi,-e of the nozzle do not substantially interfere with the mechanism of development of the jet with basic section. It also snows that irregularities in the velocity profiles near the wall of the nozzle orifice do not influence the law of decay of axial velocity, and the similar development of velocity fields at vari- ous jet cross-sections and do not influence the boundaries of the jet flow. It is stated in conclusion that the monograms arid formu- lae given by the authors in their previous works (Refs. 1 and 2: Op.cit.) for determining the decay of the axial velocity of the jet flow in a co-stream are, therefore, of a general character. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki, akademii nauk B'stonskoy, SSR (Academy of Sciences of the Hs~oriian SS11, Institute of Energetics) SUBHITTED: June 1, '1960 Card 6/16 IVAHOV, Yurly Vasillyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk; LYAYJIOVF-:I, Lidiya Voiseyevm.. I~n.; ~MMMT_,_KiVman Mironovicb, Inzh.; SHATSILID, 0.1., jinzh.) red.; FOMICHEV, A.G., red. izd--.ra; GURTS, V.L., tokhn. red. [Experiment in the change-over to gas of the boiler units of industrial enterprises and electric power plants; fror. practices of the gazifica- tion of Leningrad industries] Opyt perevoda na gaz kotloaffXegatov pro- DWshlem-qkh predpriiatii i elektrostantsii; iz opyta gazifikateii lenin- gradskoi promyshlennosti. Leningrad, 1961. 31 P. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Ener- getikaj, no.7) (MM 14:9) (Gas burners) (Boilers) IVANOV, Yu.V. Elevation above tho mouth attained by a stream of gases lsouirq; from a point or linear source into a transverso airflow. 1nzh.'- fiz. shur. 4 no.4:113-115 Ap 161. (M-IRA 14:5) 1. Institut energetiki All ESSR., g. Tallin. (Aerodynamics) it! 411141FILL-111".1 :JJUIUIM~ ~LLILUI U'll ~ -11MI111,H 7-- IMUF AL LkjU IVANOVI YU.V. . mractive utili;~~tion of gaseous fuel in boilers. Trudy ICI 16.4 388-411 161. (KRA 16:7) (Boilers) (Gas as fuel) S/11 62/000/001/011/011 D201YD302 AUTHOR: Ivanov, Yu.V. TITLE: A generator for testing dosimetry apparatus PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, no. 1g 1962, 30 TEXT: The author describes a generator for testing and adjuatment of dosimetry instruments (Fig. 1 ). An M H -8 (0-8) neon tube relax- ation oscillator, its frequency determined by the time constant RC feeds a transistor single-shot multi-vibrator (transistors T and -) 1 '2' producing single pulses for every firing of the neon. After the pulse shaping network - negative pulses are obtained which by pro- per choice of the circuit components, may easily be made similar to./ pulses from any radiation counter. The (DG-Ti38) crystal diode suppresses the positive pulse residues left after the pulse forming circuit. The power supply rectifier bridge has I:,"- d' -27 (DG-Te-27) diodes. The mains transformer has a 24 mm thick core of 111-16 (Sh-16) laminations. Diode D'2 is also of the type DG-Ts-27. .xV)Q-"ja j - 2, Card 1/A/ S/023/152/000/002/001/002 D234/D308 AUTHORS; Sui, H., and Ivanovf Yu.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLD: A system of round turbulent jets in concomitant flow ---PDdIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR. Izvest'iya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh i tekhnicheslcilch nauk, no. 2, 1962, 83 - 89 TEXT: The purpose of the investigation was to find the effect of relative distances s/d between parallel turbulent isothermic air J jets on the development of a jet in a concomitant flow oil the sam medium. The experimental. installation is described. Two different velocity fields were tested, the ratios of the velocities of jets and flow ~, being 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and co. 9 nozzles %yere used. The re- sults are given in graphs. It is concluded that 1) the attemiation of the axial velocity of jets depends on both A and, s/d; a system of ts is attenuated more slowly than a,single jet; the influetlice iN decreases rapidly and practically disappears /d larger of s for s than 8. 2) The influence of s/d begins at a distance from the nozzle Card 1/2 S 2 11/003/002/002 /0 D237gV/8 AUTHORS: Timma, E. and Ivanov, Yu., Doctor of Tectinical Sciences TITLS: Jets of round and rectangular croso-section in a co-stream PIERIODICAL: 11cademiya nauk.Estonskoy SSR.* Izvestiya, V. 119. no. 3, 1962p 178-190 =T; This in a continuation of the work done earlier at the Institute of Power Engineering of the Estonian SSR. Initial ands transition.sectors of round and rectangulai~ furbu),ent jets were in- 1'vestigated, and component. velocities and temperatia-es al; variou parametric velocity and temperatute valkies, were obtained acroso the jets, ar varying distmces from the nozzle.-' Tht-experimental ih- stallation is described in detail. The ratio of abi6late- tempera-, tures of the stream and the jet 0 - T ./T. and that of stream Vibloci and mw;4mum jet velocity )A . us/u~ ware: - 9 1; A a 0; 0*2; 0,333 and 0 A~ 1.5; ~k a 0; 0.3 for pla e jets, 0; Opl; 0.15; 0.16; Chrd 1/2 11111t i1FT-17711 IVANOV --Yur:!,y-Vasil-lyeyich,,--doktor tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, Z.V., red.; GORIKOVA, A.A., ved. red.; VCRONOVA, V.V., tekha. red. (Fundamentals of the calculation and design of gas burners) Osnovy rascheta i proektirovaniia gazovykh gorelok. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 359 p. OIIRA 16:4) (Gas burners) L 22h93-65 AFWL/Amc(&)/ASD(f)-)/AFMG kCC:SSIO,'-! NfU AP5002420 , S/0286/64/0W/02,4/0MV0M4 AUTHORS: Dobrovollakiyj V. L.I-Kaspruk, Yu. V.1 Hydbov, Be III MWOV, Us 1191 HikheXU-..~11 L~V,~M - V.; Budrik, 0. V ~,Lju', TME: A method of raising and holding a cassets, with a source qf lonlaing radiation, in a vertical pipe in a suspended state. Class 21, go. 166975 SWCEI ByUllaten, ixobroteniy I tovarnykh snakov, noe 24, 1964p 414 'TOPIC TAGS, dymamic proosur., liquid flow, 9--,flow ABSTnACT: This Author Certificate presents a meth6d~of applying the dynmde pressure of a liquid or gas current to raise and hold a oasestn# with a souras of ionizing radiation, in a vertical pipe in a suspended state. ASSOCIATIONa none. SMXMDj 28Nov62 WLI 00 SUB CODEs HE NO RV SOVi 000 01=3 000 C,.,d 1A ITANOV, YU.T. Better use of constructiYe ideas. Leg.prom. 16 no.12:17-18 1) '56. (Shoo industry) (KW. 10:2) Iwalov, Yll.y., inzh. Now oquipmont for dyeing nkins by coating. Lee. prom. 18 no.10 of cover A '58. (Dyns and dyning-leather) (MIRA 11:2) d r I.11 TIMOXHIN, N.A.; IVANOV,,YU.V., Dr7ing and moisturing units used in the leather industr7. Biul.tekh.- ekon.inform. no.5:46-47 '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Ieather industr7--Equipment and supplies) 1H. I v IVANOT, Ta., inzh. equipment used in leather machiner7. Leg. prom. 18 no.8:50-51 Ag 158. (MIRA 11: 9) (leather--Machinery) IVANOV, Tu. ,inzh- Now tanning machinery. Leg.prom. 18 U0,10:55-56 0 158. (Tanning-Equipmont and supplias) (MIRA 11:11) I (JUGUT140-ow Gou's) (Z,E:ll VHIK) 685, K 491.03 j0 C-55II14ou 9-E emoado2al, q.Slqujx[Dgz Botle XON "lqzul'*A"ul 'AORVAI i w IVANDV, Tu.V., inzb, . I-- Now leather machiner7. Koch~-obuvoprom. n0-10.39-40 JOA '59. (KIRA 12.-6) 1. (United S tate a-Loath or-Machinery) N/ IVANOV, Yu., inzh. Prnductlon of footwear. Kozh.-obuv.prom. no.2:34-:16 1? 159- (HIRA 12:6) (Shoe manufacturn) IVAIIOV, Yu.V. . incli. -type roller vringer preus. Kozh.-obuv. prom, iw.4:39-40 Ap 159. NIU 12:7) (Leather-Machinery) moov, Up Basic trends in the development of dryirW notbods abroad. Kozh.-obuv,prom, no.12133-35 D 159. (MIlut 13:5) (Leather-Drying) IVANOV, Yu.V., inzh. New continuous glazing machines. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.4:35-36 Ap 160. 01IRA 13:9) (Leather-Machinery) ROM 1=1 U-1 Rai niUL1111, . 21 all a IM ARIU19 ITWOV, Yu.V., inzh. Continuous roller machines for the leather industr7. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 2 no.6:25-29 A 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Leather Induatry-Squipment and supplies) ITAITCY, Ya.y., inzh. Use continuous rollarmachinas in leather wnufmcturing. Xozh.~- obuv.-irom. 2 no.7:34 J1 160. OIIRA 13:8) (Leather--Machinery) JIT JJOV VA ~- T-qy,; SHPITALINIK, A.D. Prospects of the manufacture of machinery for the, leather Indwitry. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 3 no.2:13-15 F 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Leather industry-Equipment ard supplies) (Machinery Industry) IVANOV, Yu.v.; Vivirony, D.B. New aiaving machine. Kozh.-obuv.pram. 4 no.3.-36-39 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Leather industry.-,Equipment and supplies) Will [Ali ilia ivvlov_;~U.Tj Drvpr ,!itb "lass frames, Rozb.-Pobul.prcim. . J+ no.11:39-41 N IG!. L):Il) (Uzechoolovakia-Drying apparatus) IVANOV, Yu,V. Modern design of glazing and graining presses for leather manufacture. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 5 no.402-35 Ap 163. (MIRA 160) (Leather industry--Equipment and supplies) IVANOV, Yu, V, Continuous sole leather roller used ih the NSvit* Fmotory (from "Kozarstvi.m no.81 1962), Ko*~-obuv.prom. 5 no-5:36-37 My 163* - (MIPA 16-5) (Czechoslovakl~--Leather-Machiiier7) I I'VAITOV, Yu.V.; VOL'INOVA, Z.G., nauchr, red,; ;/;j2R,1A, G.V.q rad. [Modern saying and scouring machines for leather production; foreign technology] Sovremennye otzhimnye i razvodnye mashirrj kozhevennogo proizvodstia; zarublezimaia telthnika. 1.1oSkva;, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. infor7riatsii po avtomatltatsii i mashinoz;troeniiu TsBTI, 1963- 49 P. (Seviin ir'.11, I;r)v),e ria- 5hiny, oborudovanie I vradotva avtotwitizatoll) ~I~LiUs 17-6) No. -ACC- NRc' AP6035746 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/019/0109/0109 (A) ;t BalarKLinj M. P.; Volosatov, A. K.; Antonenko, L Yaq Bushtetso P. F~;~ A. I.; Kruglyakov, M. Ls; Mordukhovich, A. Is; Po F Povo ;nov, S. D.1 Fanfaroni, F, I.1 Shcherbakov, As H.j Krivoshey, Ho Ne none T1TLE-. A device for broadcasting pesticides and meliorating subs 'tanceas Class 45, 166787 5nnounced by A1141nion Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture sesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatoliskiy institut mokhanizataii sel'skogo khozyaystvay SOURCE: Izobroteniya, provqshlennyye obrastay, tovar" znakip no. 19, 1966, ~09 TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machinery, agricultural ongineerings broadcasting operation# pesticide, fertilizer ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for broadcasting pesticides and meliorating substances, The device contains a tank divided into noctions, br*adca3ting mechanisms, receiving chambers of the fertiliser duct, 'and a driving mechanisms To provide for a uniform broadcasting of a material, the broadcasting mechanisms are made in the shape of cones mounted on a conson shaft caTying.a spiral with the opposite direction of coil loops* EvWxwelvialt cons my be spiting loaded wd may c..m 1/2 UDC1 631-333-9 -M-N IN . 1 % IVANOV, Yu.V.; TEMNIKOV, F.Ye. I.- W'g"ical-information reliability systems. PribOrostr0enle nO.6.v 18-22 Je 163. (MIRA 160) (Electronic data procensing) IVAIIOV,,- Yuriy-,Viktorovich, kan6. ekon. nauk, dots., SHU~XRIN, Ilikolay Ivancvic~, kand. ekon. naWr, dots.; ISAXO% , V.I., dolctor ekon. nauk, prof.; EOVIKOVA, S., red.; F-YATAEOTA, N.D. , tokhn. red. [Organization of rmchine accounting] Organizataiia mekhani- zirovannogo uchota. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1963. 330 p. (1,111U 1.6- 12) (Machine accoimting) IV Al.,'(,-V YLW iy Vi k -TAITIPT, [Playining and a~:--omitirig Jnj7, ir, ionsd Planivowillic. 1 U-:h,.!,~ r:-t t kakh, Ylookvaj Stati:Ajkay 19i.,!,. 1. schet. (for Lajhlr.). f ~VLNLV, Y j6y. Detector of fast neutrons insensitive to radlatlom, Nov. nauah,-issl. rab. po metr. VNIIM no.2149-52 164, r-, (RMA l9t4) FETISOVt V.V. (Leningrad); KVARTALINOV, B.V. (Leningrad); IVANOV,.-U.Y-&-_ (Leningrad); PINCHUK, V.M. (Laningrad)j TIKHMUROV, A.N. (Leningrad) Generator-motor inverse d.c. to a.c. converter. Izv. AN SSSR~ Utd. tekh. nauk. Energ. I avtcxa. no-4132-39 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA 15:8) (Electric current converters) ! I I ~ 1 1! . i ii: ! .; ill L FETISOV, V.V.1 SIDELINIKOV, B.V.; IVANGV Yu.Ya. Study of the excitation systeu of msynchrono-Is machine of a reversible generator-motor typer con-varter. Trudy LPI -no.241i 33-40 164. (MIRA 1834) il IH; ~H- HI I ~ . I I ; FV d; li At ...-I ;. 1 1 i I . . ~l . ; I i I . . : !I., , !d i I . f , I . I : I . I 1~ I :- ~ : 1 1 : I : I I ; t : . . I I ; 1 L. ILIIN, M.P., inzh.; ivi-my, Yu,re., inzb. Using trench excavators in digging holes for contact system supports. Transp.stroi. 10 no.1:25-26 Ja 160. (HIRL 13:6) (Excavating macbInery) (Blectric linen--Poles) MIRONOVi V,Ye.,; KIIIi.'BA, F,Yii.; IVANOV, Yti.Ye. Comil IeN roiTounds of zinc with alkali rretal chb-i-iriv.-n. 1111r, neorg. khlrr.. 9 no.7tl633-1637 JI 164. (w.-u 1-7!q) 1. Leningradskly teklinologicheskly Institut imenJ Lermoveta, kafedra obshchey khImii. L 04443-67 EWT(d)/FS"~',2/hWT(I)/EWP(m)/EEC(k)-2 ACC NR; AP6022060 SOURCE CODE: U10146/66/009/003/0089/092 AUTHOR: Shumskiy, M. P.; Ivanov, Yu. Ye. ORG: Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (Tomskiy politekhniclieskiy institut) TITLE. Selection of gyromotor rotor shape to assure minimum aerodynamic drag SOURCE: IV1JZ. Priborostroyenlye, v. 9, no. 3, 1966, 89-92 TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope system, rotor, aerodynamic drag moment, pneumatic device ABSTRACT: The problem of reducing the moment of aerodynamic drag In considered under the condition that the parameters determining accuracy be preserved. Hence the aerodynamic- ally optimum rotor is sought from the set of rotors having a given moment of Inertia and size. The problem of finding a function passing through two given points and yielding a minimum fmictional is solved making use of the Euler formula. on the basis of the. derived formula, optimum profiles passing through one of the given points at a given angle may be plotted g7r3ph- ically. The problem of finding the optimum form of a uniform rotor is then solved ill a similar manner and yields a first-order equation. The optimum form of tTansition from the cylindrical opening to the end face of the rotor, and the optimum form of the diaphragm of a pneumatic gyromotor are considered as examples. Three variations of refinement of aerodynamic proper- ties of a rotor are shown graphically, one determined from the derived formulas, tvio formed by straight bevels at 45 and 150. It Is concluded that when It Is important to reduce aero- (-a,d 1/2 528.526.2 L 04443-67 dynamic drag the straight bevel can be repl. has: 14 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE; 1.7, 20/ SUBM DATE: 27A Card 2/2 ,77;..'TT77, HAIDDUMV, I. (Khaidutov, L)j IVAPOV, Z. Notes on structwal and petrographic puticularities of Stakevski pluton and its metamorphic mantle. Doklady BAN 14 no./+:377-380 161. 1. Submitted by Academician E. Bonchev. GOREV, P.M.; IVAI,"OV, Zh.; KHAIDUTOV, Iv. Structural peculiarities of the Mazdra pluton and its framework. Izv Geol inst RAN 12:5-76 163. tMM/ Miscelianeous Card 1/i Pub. 61 - 18/23 Authora Galk-in, N. M., arxi Ivanov, Z., F., Title Machine f or cutting skeleton wire PerlodIC&L Lit. Droizv- 3, pa,!.e 29, VIlay-June 1954. Abstract A simnle machine f or rapid cuttinr, of sl