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cultivit~Ad Platits. Oodder %jr.,ijs-,s Fuid Rt:,ot Ourpq. P-7 J T)TR R Z, h 9, i o 11o. 3, 2 9~,9, 3n. 10987 i A. U Th C, R Ivanov, Ya. -P 111m1.; Grzk.-,,is So5diug on the Pied=nL "As of Kirgiz GFIR. 0 Ml C ,PI.M. kh. Kicgizii, 1958, No. 1, 1,~-21 2-3111?"ICT A genera-Lizatir-,n of the aigiuriemos and. sm~entlflo agri- cultural rooommndations on the osiltivation of Pereanial I gmifvis undar the conditiorts of piodmont landt of Frun- zewikaya,, Ozhzakayu aad Dzbulal-kbadskaya ablast3 of Kir- giz S-SR. Tha riacoseity of onlarging the swings of al- falra on the piadmont land:) is pointed out for the pu-- pose of utreagtheninla the forage roservas and also for increasing the soil ferti-Li-6y. ;CARD- 1/1 ~--l-VANOT,-Y"; KULIKOV9 B.N. Reaction of different yarieties and subvarietieit of M:eat and barlev to irradiation with Cow. TSitologiia 2 no.6:7.36-739 11-D 160. (IGRA 13t12) 1. Otdol selektsii Kirgizakogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta, zemledeliYal Frunze. (PIANTS, UFECT OF GM-Lk RLYS ON) (CHRCMOSCKM) IVANOV. Yakov Andr h, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; NOSOYTITS, 'Ecdor GeraAmovich, urronoiq KOLICHENKO, M., red.; CHOTIVYLl', S., tekhn. red. (Grain farming in the seven-year of Kirghizititan) Zernovoe khc- ziaistvo Kirgizii v semiletka. Frunze, Kirgizskoe gos. izd-vo, 1960. 46 p. (141RA 15:4) (Kirghizistan-Grain) TXAN.QV,,Yakov-Andreyevich, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AUKSANDROVA, N.Ye., red.; CHOTNEV, S., tokhn. red. (35 centners per hectare] 35 tsentnerov s ge).'.ara. Frunze, Kirgizskoe gos.izd-vo, 1963. 32 p. (MIRA 17:2) IVAKOV, Ya&A., inzh. Now vending machines. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.10:81-82 0 1.65,, (MIRA 18:11) F - Ir - - - - - - - - - - - L . ..... ACC 1WRI ---AP6017755 SOURCE CODE: UR/1)122/6~) 10 010/081/6082 0 AUTHOR: Ivanov,,Ya. A.,(Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: New vending machines SOURCE:' Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 10, 1965t 81-82 TOPIC TAGS: automation, automation equipment ABSTRACT: The author describes several new vending machine.-I devol d lope .recently in the Soviet Union. The M-U5 machinej, now beir!6 Used success-: fully in Moscow and Leningrad railway stations, sells checlati for rail baggage service lockers. Two other machines are described iihich ;ire designed ror selling railway tiq%eta- Pilot models of theiiii raach!Ln~es have shom good re5ults and plans are being made for mass production. The ARU machine makes change with two choices of coin c", binations imch for do mmi- nations of 10, 15, ^40, 50 and 100 copecks. The PAI machine sellwbullets in shooting rapges. One or five bullets are received for tut:) or tom oopeckm which are put into separate slots. The bullets are droppad into the buyerlai hand when he presses on the door of the delivery hopper. Zwperii~njtal testai have shown these machines to be reliable in operation. Orig,* art. has i Xigux~l (JPRSI SUB CODE: 3.3 SUM DATE: none C rd 13 UDC:: 681. _6 r j: 1 1H I IVANOV, Ya.r., inzhener; PANOV, I.Y.. inzhoner. Simplified self-wedging rail anchors. Pat' i put. khoz. ne.2:25 7 157. (Railroado-Ralle) (HLRA 10:4) __PLANO~, Ya.F.L__~ARZHIN, V.A., inzh.-mekhanik (st.11oskva,-Smo1enskay&) ,imple mthod of connecting to the electric retwork. Put' i put. khoz, 5 no. 1131-32 Ja f61. (DIIRA 14:5) 1. Nachallmik Moskovsko4molenskoy distantaii puti (for Ivanov). (Railroads-E-leotric equipment) Xk;LU , t2z 11, HH19,111PU21 ffill"M LAI 1i 1=1~~-IIJLMM 1"LLEJUSULLS I 1 K -iu T It ! M143V9 Ya-F., lnzh. Our methods for organizing the work of track inspectors. Put, i put.khoz. 5 no.6:16 Je 161. 011RA 14:8) 1. Nachal'nik Moskovsko-Smolen5koy distantsil puti Moskovskoy dorogi. (Railroadt,--Managament) Mm MAL j !L BARYKIN, F.Do, kand. tekhn, nauk; IYANOV, Ya.F. Small size rotary shovel. Puts i put. khcx. 8 noella45 164 (mvu 1w) Jf, -ju. 11--Verience in --bUtining high 'I-,.-,nkiv-.--k,0tcbaccO jt. i z -vc se2 lkhc7. t -ryv '. 950. lic -)~-3467) vlloskva, Gon. -1 1, i Collation of the original as detrminA fc-cm the film: T) Cpy-t poluch.cni Vi. (CLrd 2, "Lic 55-3467 Aicrofilm Slavic 59 AC IVANOV"Ya0M. Nitrogen activization in peat. Krat.soob. BKNII no.3:61-64 162. (KM 16:5) (Nitrogen) (Peat) IVANOVS Ya.V., inzh.; SORO&A, V.I., ingh. Direct disruptions and inverse firing in the RMV-25(hibcIll meroury-are rectifier. FIektrotekhn'Aka. 36 no.903-54 8 t65. (KRA 1839) ARAKELYAN, A., akademik; ZLOBIN, I.; .IVANOV,. Ye.; KANYDR, L.; SAID-GALIMO K.; SPIRIDONOVA, N. More on the theox7 of amortization. Vop. skort. no.1:130-113 Ja 164. (KIRA 17:3) 1. AN Armyanskoy SSR (for Amkelyan). I lit III I I 11 ZHMYKHOVk, nnaj- BORODIN, Ye., red-; GERSHANOV, Ye.,, rad.; Ye GURIYANOV, S., red.; KARZANOV, V., red.; ~YAP~Q red.; MAMSUROVA, L., red.; MEDVEDEV, A.,, red.; KADY X,2'' red. [International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; academic lectrues on the "International labor and trade-union move- ment"] Mezhdunarodnaia konfederatsiia svobodnykh profsoiu- zov; uchebnye lektsii po distsipline "Viezhdunarodnoe rabo- chee i profsoiuznoe dvizhenie. Moskva, Kuray profdvJ.zheniia dlia. profaktivistov iz stran Azii, Afriki i Latinskoi Ameriki, 1963. 51 p. (MIRA 17:9) IVANOVJ, Ye. Forum on the irmaunity of plants. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.12:53-54 165. (I-M~ 19: 1) L 04484-67 F -S 2/-1: VIT ( 1TT/07 ACC NR. AN6010454 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/9008/66/000/080/0008/00()8 AUTHOR: Ivanov, Ye. (Engineer); Pavlov, N. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Lunar artificial satellite-4 SOURCE: Krasnaya zvezda, no. 80, 06 Apr 66, p. 8, col. 1-? TOPIC TAGS: lunar flight, lunar mission, lunar satellite, artificial satellite ABSTRACT: The authors comment on the reconnaissance mission of the Luna-10 artificial satellite launched on 3 April 1966 and discuss the computation problems connected with the flight. Figures concerning launch, trajectory, and orbit,11 veloc- ity, and altitude are presented in the original article. The number of revolution,,- and altitude needed for a complete reconnaissance of the -mounls surface are given with various alternatives, and are compared with those valid for the earth artif-C4 al satellites. The first and second flight stages deal with overcoming gravitation and setting the spacecraft in a trajectory toward the moon, while the third stage of ~he flight in which the retroacting power plant was actuated to slow down the vehicle and Card 112 ACC NR: AN16010454 set it into a computed lunar orbIt is diSCUbSed in 1-1101-C (10tidl, inelliding the firning and power requirement for correcting deviations from the cai-th-moon soction of flu flight trajecto:~y. Factors such as the gravity influence of the sun and other planets upon the satellite trajectory and the absence of lunar atinosphere tire discussed. Them ;authors also speculate about future use of artificial lunar S,LtOllitefJ which, in additioni, i to gathering information on the lunar mass, shape, surface, and surrounding space.. arelikely to include radio-relaying in long-distance commuritcation systems includ~- ing TV, replace, to a certain extent, the function of the earth's ionosphere and serv as orbital stations supplying moon explorers with necessary logistics. [KPI7 SUB CODE: 22/ Card 2/2 SUBM DATE: none/ REIM lp'(5) SOV/1.9-58--11-280/,"549 AUTHORS: Berg, P.P., Ivanov, Ye.A., and Fighbeyn, Ye.I. TITLE: A Precision-Casting Method (Sposob pretsizionnogo litlya) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1958, Nr 11, p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 31c, 8 NF 76535 (371025/740 of 3 July 1947). Submitted tooKe Ministry of Heavy Machinebuilding of USSR. Precision-casting with the use of melting patterns made of ice, by freezing water in press molds; placing a heat-insulating lining between the ice pattern and the mold, and using a quick-setting molding mix. Card 1/1 SHYSHI,YAYEVA, L.M.; KHACHATUROV, T.S.~ otv. red. izd-Ta,- TIKHCHIROVA, S.G., tekhn. red.; SIRKINAO G.S.., tekbne red. (Development of the gas industry and the econordc effqctiveness of capital investments] Razvitie gazovoi pronymblennosti I eko- nomicheskaia effektivno6t' ka~italovlozhenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 190 p. (14IR& 15:1) I Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSS11 (for Khachaturov). (Gas Industry) ACCESSION NRs AP4036841 8/0288/64/000/009/0092/0092 AUTHORI IvAnolrp Y80 A4 TITLEv A doviae for autautioally converting oartesi&u ooordinates, to polar coordinates@ Class'42, No* 162369 SOURCS: Byul. izobr. L tovar. tuakov, no, 9, 1964, 92 TOPIC TAGSt oartesian coordinate system, polar coordinate system, ourtevian-u- polax converter, coordinate ormversion device, coordinate conyarter, cartesian-to- polar coordinate converter, computers rotary transformer ABSTRACTs This author's oertifioato introduces a device for automatio oaqversion of cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, The &vice contains a sine-oosins rotating transformer, amplifier# motor and taohogemoratore In orchir to inore"a the dQOuraoy of oouvvroioa. the not winding of the tachogenerator 14 owneoted to tha output rotor winding of the sine-oosine rotary traneforwor vhklah puts ml~ a voltge proportional to +he magatude of the raAivs vector of the polar ocordAzate aptean ASSOOIATIONs now Card M-MUM ACCESSION NRt AP4036047 SUWT=s 14Jw43 SUB CODEs EGj DP Card 2/3 DATIt AOqo O2Jum84 310 Rgi SOTs 000 BTCLI 01 OTMI 000 fT 'TL I t~b wil La I-V j'j s tir, i: L cr) i-it ro Ond Vlri-4' of i~" curl, deformist,1.611 Of tho rnots near Unroot C(~).Iars . temporary cf the lewros vure. nbj~.-rve,. in corn ;:.ftAgr- treatment . I-tOLOV IVANOV, Ya* A- Chemical Engr. Pipelines DE(I'MI ZD c. 163 19631 IVANOV, Ye.A.; ALEKSAUDROVA, I.V. (Mool-va) e. Automatic control of a7,:~ I :-illture. Usp. sovr.biol. 56 no.l: 90-97 Jl-Ag 163. (KMA 16:1.0) (ALGAE - CULTURE AED CULTURE MEDIA) (AUTOMATIC CONTROL) (SPACE BIOLOGY) ACCESSION NR: AT4037711 s/2865/64/m/oce/0415/0427 AUTHOR; Ivanov, Ye, A.; Aleksandrova, I. V. TITLE: Analysis of two methods used in measurements of t1to photosynthetic rates of a chlorella culture SOURCI,',.- IN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologichaskikh nauk. Probloomy* kowichaskoy biologii, Y- 3, 1964, 415-427 TOPIC TAGS: photosynthesis, closed ecological system, manned space flight, air regeneration, algae, Chlorella, capillary manometry, polarography ABSTRACT: Automatic regeneration of the atmosphere on boord apaceships emn be accomplished within a closed ecological system. An algae' culture will be an an- sential component of such a system. The rate of photosynthesis in an algae culture constitutes a basic controlled parameter which canbe measured by capil- lary-manometric or polarographic methods. Mathematical iuialyaia has show* the polarographic method offers greater advantages if a chlordilla culture is used. ASSOCIATION: none Card 1/2 M M lul 7wf 1, 1 fijjl~! 11, 1~; : !ill[ Jill I!) I it I I I.' ig I ff I I I I im;wjg I U I I) I 'jo I ?I.; J'Alm-.... ICU-I AcczssioN NR: AT4037714 S/2865/64/003/000/0449/0459 AUTHOR: jygnov, Ye. A.; Aleksandrova, I. V. TITLE: On the problem of automatic control of the process of algae cultivation SOMCE: M, SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy* koumlichaskoy biologii, 'V. 3, 1964, 449-459 TOPIC TAGS: algae cultivation, air regeneration, Chlorella, algae, closed ecological system, manned space flight, automatic control ABSTRACT: The problem of controlling the process of photosynthesis in unicellular algae (chiefly Chlorella) for the regeneration, of air on spaceiships during prolong- ed space flight is studied. Because of the wall size and weight of the regenerat- ing system, the rate of photosynthesis must by very high. The rate of photosyntbe- sis I is a function of such parameters as the intensity and spectral composition,of the! light to which the algae are exposed E, the temperature of the auspenzion V the quantity of mineral salts dianoived,-A, and tire (I= I (E, \j jl:~ V t 1 ..4)0 To control photooynthesis, an optimal aelf-adaptive control syditem which datermiuou and stabilizen the parameters of tho growth of algau to a4isuro an optimal value 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4037714 of the function I. The mathematical theory of optimal control is applied to the solution of this problem. With certain simplifying assumptions, equations and the block diagram for the system of optimal control of the rate of photosynthesis of Chlorella are obtained. Transfer functions for the synter: are derived on tile basis of which varicus properties of the control system are analyzed. It is shown that the optimaL system for controlling the process of photosynthesi4i is an astatic, f irst-order system with respect to extremal values of I. The rosults-of the studied version of controlling the process of photosynthesis of Chlorella show that to determine the block diagram and parameters, extensive biological studies are necessary. In 'the first place, numerous experiments must be carried out to deter-. mine the dependence of the rate of photosynthesis on the given number of para- meters, under the assumption that other parameters have constant values which are .close to extremal ones. Such experimental results make it possible to establish basic characteristics of the control system. Of no less ioportance is the study of the dynamic properties of algae. On the basis of these dynwaic properties ,the stability and rapidity of action of a control system can be obtained. To deter- mine the dynamic errors of the control system, the rate of change in time of the rate of photosynthesis, assuming that other parameters are constimt, must be idetermined. The authors are conducting a series of biological experiments to GFcr 2/3 T~-q I! JMT - ~~ 'ACCESSION NR: AT4037714 establish the relations mentioned above, but a great deal of prelmratory work must be completed before an automatic system for controlling the process of photoaynthe- cis can be designed. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 003 SUB CODE: LS, MA Card 313 .......... jj 168i(Y-66 EWT(1) SGTB DD ACC HR: AT6003904 SOURCE CODE- U`R/v1G.S/r01iiiO011 /(Poo /06 ~vO657, '~AMOR: Ivanov# Ye. A, 'ORG, none ITITLEs. An attempt to determine conditions for maximum Chlovmlla lotosynthovis ,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdelenlye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemyr" kosmf CT 'Ieskoy blologil., iv. 4, 1965, 655-657 ~TOPIC TAGS: algae, Chlorella, photosynthesis, closed eco:lo~~;y srtolm, atmosp~ierii! regeneration ~ABSTFACT: An attempt is made to describe the conditions Undor idj,~ch a ChlcYr4!11a :photosynthesis system will produce the maximum amount of ox!rgen folin a1v remelieraf. ,tion purposes. Judging from the results of experiments in Ch"Wrell'a lit .flat cuvettes, it would appear that the conditions for growlng the algac are 111ost ,favorable when the density of the culture is close to zero since e,pch cell 1i cola- ,tinuously and completely illuminated. Moreover, there is no defl.ciency of carban !dioxide or mineral salts and the quantity of metabolites and toxkno capable of In- ,hibiting cell growth is small. If the maximum permissible density of the c'-ilture -'Card 1/2. ........... L 16fto-66 ACC HR* AT6003904 is such that the volume of cells Is half the total volume oi! the ii~qpansion, then I ,with ChlomlZa cells ranging in dimeter from 2 to 5V$ 20 X09 cells iq1 am i a .where n is the density of the culture. Since man requires mbDut 1360 liters of oxy-1 gen a day, 1 liter of Chlorelle. suspension sh;)tild theoretivilly ba sufficient to, ,supply Us axygen requirements. :SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE- 00/ ORIG REF: ODO/ OTIR Mr- 606: Pard 2/2 A,'r ALEKSEV-Y,V, Grigoriy FANCM, !KOj Nikolay 1-filkhaylovich; rOT1YLOU, L.P.,, red.; ANDREYVA, L.S.j tekhn. red. [Soviet trade unions and their status and role In it so6i,&list societ.v] Sovetal-de prof8oiuzy, 3.R-n polo:.,.honie i I-01.1 v sotsialistichaskom obshchostvo. Nonk-va,, Izd-yo Ws.SPS Prof- izdat, 1961. 57 P. (Trade unions) (VIRA 15:2) ALEKSEYEVI GrIgoriy Petrovich;-IVANOV, Yevgeniy Akimoviah; FrIATOVA, I.T., red.; KOROBDVA, (Trade unions during the period of the large-mcale building of communism]Profsoiuzy v period razvernutogo stroitel'stva, kommunizma. Moskva, Profizdat, 1962. 274 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Trade unions) VINOGRAU~, V.M.; RAZUMOVSKIT* V.V*; SAROVA, LT.; TAHZTWMg P.P.; KOZEMIK07, O,.T.; PICHUGIN, B.K,; FRCKOPOXV. I.Y.; TIDOR070, KOSHMUYIVSKIY, V.S.-, IVANOVA, A.S.; SHIGIRIV, I.G., USIMIDWO, G.I.; VCRONKOVA, YewA.; ZAXYkTINA,'A.A*; SIWIM# NA.; KURIOPOT, A. I.; P6POV. B.L.: FINOGINOV, V~P., IWOROVO V.B.; CIMNCHIXOVSXIY, S,F.; IZ4#Z Ye.A.; AMIMOV, V.S., red.; VIROGRAMP, V.M., red.; SMIRNOV, AGM*71~n*,- DnOVSKATA, O*G., red. iad-va; WDOMM, A,M,, red. izd-va; LIWOVA, I.S., tiakhn. red. [Foreign co-rce of the U.S.S.R. with capitalist coitatries] Vnesh- niaia torgovlia SSSR a kapitalisticheskim-i stranami. Moskra, Vnesh- torgizdat, 1957. 232 p. (MIRL 1117) 1. Koscow. Navdbr,,>-isaledovatelIskiy kon"yunktwun institut. (Russia--Commerce) BUNICU, P.G., kand.ekon.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; FAMONOV, A.H., kand.okon.nauk, starehly nauchnyy sotrudnik; BUDINEY, V.Yu,, nauchnyy sotradnik; I-TANqy,. Ye.A., nauchnyy sotradnik; KIRILLOV, I.A., prof.. doL-tor ekon.nauk;*XOTATXVA, A.M., kand.ekon.nauln, WRAT. G.Ys., kand.ekon.nauk; YAKOBSON, M.O., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; GOGITISHVILl, R.N., inzh.-, KH 'UR, B.P.; BROUS, I*HO; FILATOV, K.L.; BLAZIMY. Zdenko, doktor, ekonomist (Chekhoslovatskaya Rempublika.); ENSHVXR. Vatelav, inzh., ekonomiat (Chekhoolovatakaya Respublika); RTUXIN, SA., red,; H#BEMAYEVA. L., red.izd-va; LIM3XM, A., [Planning and financing of major repairs on fixed assets] Planlro- vanie i finansirovanie kapitallnogo remonta osnovnykh fondov. Moskva. Gosfinizdat, 1958. 223 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Continued on next card) BUNICH, P.G.---(Continued) Card 2. 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isoledovatellakly finanoovyy Instit-ut. 2. Wauchno- issledovateltakiy finannovyy inotitut (for Bunich, Pakhomov), 3. Nauchno- isoledovatellakly akonomichaskiy institut Gosplona. SUMI (for Ivnrov)* 4. Moskovskiy lnzhonerno-ekonomiahaskiy institut im. S. Ordzhbnll-.idze (for Safray). 5. Sksperimentallnyy nauchno-leoladovatal'skiy institub metallorezhushchikh stankov (for Gogitishvill). 6. Zamestitell diroktora TSentrallnogo nauchno-losladovatellskogo institute morakogo flota (for Khabur). 7. Nachallnik finansovogo otuela sovnarkhoza Tatarskoy ASSR (for Broyde). 8. Skeport Hinisterstva finansov SSSR (for Filatov). 9. Investitaionnyy bank (for Blashey), 10. Tekhni)co- orgonizatsionnyy neuchno-issledovatellnyy inatitut ruishinosbroyaniya (for Neshver). (Industry-Finnnee) ZHOLKEVICH, A.; IVANOV, Ye. Indlces of the utilization of capital assets In indtwtry. VOP. ekon. no.10:25-33.0 160. OMA 13:9) (Rue a ia- Indus tr ie a) (Index numbers Okonozics)) IVANOV, Ye. There, where the sky is eternally blue. Sov-profsoiuzy 17 no.13: 34 J1 161. (!UM 14:7) (Mongolia-Economic conditions) IV-,.,, OV, '~U. -'"los for thu 6 volon-l'.-I'A 0. ,,a ~ Ovi~;t-7,1paLloe - ~ 1 -1 "~e , t I tra(.a. V- ";A_ la no. 3:3-,) (. --'1"-;. 14:2) - b.-Co".-i~irce-japall) -i -~i;ia) A KATS, V.I., doktor ekon. nauk; KIRICHENKO V.N,, kaAd. ekon. nauk; IVANOV. Ye. A, ; SAID-GALIYEV, K. G, ; LWK I YANJY, E. 3. ; MUSATOVI, V.A.; PLYSRR-VMIY, B.P., kand. ekon. nauk; STOMAKHIN, V.I.; KARPUKHIN, D.N., kand. ekon. nauk; KIRIGHENKO, N.Ta.; ZHIDKOVA, M.V., kand. ekon. nauk; ANCHISHKIN, A.I.; KLINSKIY, A.I., kand. ekon. nauk; SOLOVIYEV, N.S., KLOTSVOG, F.N.; VSYAKIKHY E.P.; LAGUTIN, N.S., kand.ekon. nauk; WWHEV, M.Ya., kand. sellkhoz.nauk; KORNNOV, Yu.F., kand. ekon. xiauk; SAVIN, V.A.; TEREKHOV, V.F.; KPDROV, V.M., kand. elan. nauk, LLITER, L.B., doktor ekon. nauk, red.; KRYWV, P.N., kand. ekon. nauk; LEPINKOVA, Ye., red.; KOKOSHKINA, I.., mladabiy red.; ULANOVA,L., tekhn. red. [Grovth of the social product and the proportions of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.]Rost obahellestvannogo pro- izvodstva i proportsii narodnogo khaziaistvit SSSR. Moskva, 1962. 453 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Rassia-Economic pelicy) BUDAVEY, Vsevolod Yurlyevich; IVANOV, Yevgeniy..4;p~smadrovich-, ROTOVA~ R.S., red.; MURkU1GVAj V.A:,--," takhn. red. (Reproduction of the capital assets of U.S.S,11. ir4ustry] Vosproizvodstvo osnovrqkh fondov promyshlennooti SSSR. Mo- skva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkolaj" 1962. 120 p. (141-U 15:5) (Capital) HE BELOUSOV, R.A., kand. ekonom. nauk; KMOV, P.11.9 ktmd. okonw. nauk; IEVESSEEV) I.I.Ya., kand. sellkhoz. Mauk; IVAN VI..' 0 Je.A. , nauchnyy sotr.; KOSTAKOV, V.G., kand. ekonom. 0.T., Icand. ekonom. nauk; YEFBIOV, AJI.p prof., doktor eltonom. nauk, red.; KWIIIA, Ye., red.; KOJOLEVA, A., mladVhiy red.; LIWOVA, L,p teklm. red. LEconomy of the U.S.S.R. in the postimcr period; concise economic survey] Ekonomika SSSR v poslevoennyi period; kratkii ekonomiclie- skii obzor. Moskva, lzd-vo sotsiallno-elron. li~l L,ry, 1962. 486 po (1-r-DA 15:2) 1. Ilauchno-issledovatollskiy ekonomicheskiy _JnBtitut Gosudarstven- nogo ekonomicheskogo soveta SSSR (for Belousov, Erylov, Lemeshev, Ivanov, Kostakov,Bogomolov). 2. Diroktor llauclwo-issoeclovatellsko- go ekonomicheskogo instituta Goaudarstvennogo al-onov4chasko soveta SSSR (for Yefirov). (Russia--Economic conditions) U NXIOV,jay,-,iani mi.; MUSBAYEVSKMA, G.V., mlad. red.; r-0110RAiI.ETIA, A,A., tekhn. red. [Plaxming the efficient utilization (:f rapital assetsl Planirovanie effektivnosti ispollzovz-n-lia osnov-nyIh forA.ov. Noskva, Xkonoi:-.izdct, ic)63. Ic)C) p. WIRA r1:1) (Cap-i tal.) it j 'I j I I Z ---- -------------------------- ~kLa KOLOSOV, Aleksandr Fomich. Prinimal uchastiye: IVANOVj Te.A.,, nauchnyy 3otr.; LEPNIKOVA, Ye., red.; KIRSXR-6V!-,r.-,' mladshiy red.; KORNIIDVA, V., tekhn. red. [Capital asaets-and thair role in the socialist reproduction of the means of production (using industry an an example)) 08novnye fondy i ikh roll v sotsialisticheskon vosproizvc>d- atve (na primere promynblennosti). Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1963. 245 p. OMIRA 16:7) 1. Sektor osnovnykh fondov Gosudarstvennogo nauchno.. isoledovatellskogo ekonomicheakogo inatituta Gosplana SSSR (for Ivanov). (Capital) I ~, -,i * A , ? " ~ I, v ~ ~ (- . IVANOV,Te.A., kandidat tokhal(sheekikh naak, doteent ftv- uOuttweavi; Keasuriag slip in short-eircruiting asynchronous motors in transical systems. Sbor. LIIZHT no.145:163-172 153. (MIRA 8:10) (Blectric notors, Induction) -IVLIIOV dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh naxik; M, GER, A.Ta., professor (Leningrad); YUMATOV, A.A., Inzharier (g. Kronohtadt); AITIX, I.V., inzhener; TSVIRAVA, G.K., inzhaner Dolcaitogorsk). Reviewing scientific and technical terminology. llektrichestvo no.4:69-70 Ap '54. WRA 7:5) 1. Leningradskiy institut inshonarov zhel*zno-doro!thnogn tranaDorta (for Ivanov). 2. Gosenergoisdat (for Antik). (Ilectric snaineering-Torminology) AUTHOR: Imai, Te sov/llu-~8-9-6/20 J%A,lPandidate of chnical Science) TITLE: Tho Use of Squirrel-cage Induction Motors for Electric TracGion (Primcneniye asinkhronnykh korotkoza1n_=tykh dvigateley dlya elektricheskoy tyagi) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektroz)ro!nyslilennosti,1958,lir 9~pp 25-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility is discussed of driving an electric locomotive by means of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors fed from a single-phase overhoad line through a sin~le-phase/three-phase convertor. With this method of con rol, the output characteristic can easily be varied, and simple, light motors can be used. ThG suppositicn that it might be difficult to balance the load between motors is not justified. Good locomotive characteristics ccm be obtained without overloading tho traction sub- scations. Regenerative braking is easily applied. The article considers the possibility of using ordinary squirrel-cage motors in this way to drive~a locomotive type VL-23- It is proposed to use six motors type DAMSO V+Al0-6, the rating characteristics being 3,000 V, Card 1/3 520 klyll 6 poles, 93.25/c,' efficiency and 0.89 power factor. Frequency starting under various conditions is then SOV/110-58-9-6/20 The Use of Squirrel-cage Induction Motors for Electric Traction considered and formulae are derived for motor torque and efficiency as functions of stator frequency. The results of the calculations for the locomotive in question are recorded in Table 1. Provioiisly-publishad formulau fox, frequency starting of an induction motor are then given and applied. The mechanical characteristics are best determined experimentally, but can be calculated. A rate of change of frequency in the motor stator is selected and it is shown that a train can be started ui) in the normal time of eight minutes. Curves of tractive effort against train speed are plotted in Fig 1. It is calculated that the temperature rise in the motor will not; be excessive. Similar calculations are then made for braking conditionsi the corresponding graphs being in Fig,2. Torque data are Card 2/3 SUM I Q__ _('.120 Tile Use of Squirrel-cago Induction Motors for Electric Tractiun given in Table 2. It is concluded that oPeration. will also be satisfactory under braking conditions. are 2 tables, 2 figures, and 7 "loviet; referen2es. SUBMITTED: February 19, 1958 1. Locomotives--Propulsion 2. Induction motors--Applications 3~ Mathematics--Applications Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Ivanov Ye A. Docent, Candidate of SOV/105-58- 10-18/28 t' ces C-T-ec =cai~ci=n TITLE: Torque Measurement of Induction Motors (lzmereniye vrashchayushchego 0,,v momenta asinkhronnykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 10, pp 77-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a description of a method developed by the author for the experimental determination of the function M - f(s) in transient operation, M denoting the torque and a the slip. Firstly the scheme of the experiments and then the theoretical foundation of the measuring method is exposed. The meaouring method suggested was checked by means of comparison with two other methods, employ- ing either a deformation-measuring pick-tip transmitter (tenzometr) or a capacitive pick-up transmitter. The diagram obtained in this connection is presented. There are 5 figures and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozlinogo transports imeni Obraztsova (Leningrad Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers imeni Obraztsov) .1VANOV Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich dotn., kand. takhn. ratuk; VOLIFE, L.,, [A.c. machinery; a manual on course pro j ect s ]Elek-tricbe skis mashi- r,7 peremennogo toka; rukovodstvo Ic kursovomu proekt1rovanUu. Le- ningrad, Severo-Zapadnyi zaochnyi politekhr.. in-t. 11o.2.[Asyn- chronous motors with short-circuited rotors designed for specific performance] Asinkhronnye dvigateli s korotkozamflmutym rotorom. spetsiallnogo ispolneniia. 1961. 263 p. (IMIA 15:7) (Electric motors, Induction) ABRYUTINI Viktor Nikolayevich; TIVOFEYEV, V.A., doktor teklin. nauk, prof., retsenzent; GESSE31, V.Yu., dote., retcenzentj dotu., ro'~~enz~nt; NAMIRMISCiN, Yr-.Yt,., d-stc., retsenzent; RUZIN, Yn.L., doto., kand. t6klur. riauk,; KLIKOV, V.A., st. prepod.) retsenzent; VOLIFE, L., red. F LElectromagnetic transients in electrical networks systems] Elektromagnitriye perekhodnye protsersy v elektrichegkikh se- tiakh i sistemakh; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad, Severo-zapad- nyi. zaochnyi politekhn. in-t, 1962. 278 p. (MIRA 17:5) ILVA';1,A Ye.A. "cl-mck of a hcrl~,cntai fleld 4,)r; rAlu Jls~'9- .r.k:,T z. 4 ra. "'hur. "'Ych. 11:0,. Piff'-acVon of purnllel Tbtd~ -264~27.1, 7 jj-j~ !jjjjj :r NI IVANOV, Addition theorem for elementary functions of elliptical waves. Dokl.Ali BSSR 3 no.10:399-402 0 '59. 011RA 13:2) 1. Predotavleno akademikom AN DSSR V.I.Yrylovym. (Wave mechanics) IVANOV, Ye A * RODOV, A.M. W;~A~ Diffraction of a plane wave on olliptical cylindera. Veotei All BSSR. Ser.fiz.-tekh.nav. no.2:27-36 160. (MIRA 13'.10) (Diffraction) .. I f ~7 1 K : . ; ~-IVAIIOV,-je.A,_ 4--- Rxeitation of two elongated spheroids by an elementarT electric dipole. Vestsi Ah BSSIL Ser.fiz.-tekh.nav. no-3:5-M 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Amctions, Spheroidal) IYANOV, Ye.A. Addition theorem for elementary functions of spheroidal waves. Dokl.AH BSSR 4 no.1:3-6 Ja 16o. NIU 13:6) 1. Predstavleno akademikom AN MISER V.I. Irv (Functions, Spheroidal) /~7 3 1~ 61 o/o ?/, //4 1/ 3/201/61/000/003/001/006 D29QJ/D303 AUTITOR: Ivanov, Ye. A. and Fisher, I. Z, TITLE: On current flow in a conducting half-space PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Bielorusskoy SSR. lzvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnichesk.ikh nauk. no, 3, 1961, 5-12 TEXT: The homogeneous isotropic conducting half-space P is con-, sidered (.a-*= const, r = const, E_= const) , in which the current i 0 flows through a circular contact of radius r in a normal direct t> 0 to t-he surface P. It is required to determine the singular part o1,17 the field at P. This problem is formulated as folloivB; Determine at P the exact solution of Maxwell's equations, subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1) E and H can have a polar singularity not higher than second-order along the periphery of the circular con- tact; 2) E and H vanish at infinity; 3) the solution should possess axial symmetry about the Oz-axis. For uniqueness of the solution, it is also required that if the frequency w approaches zero, the Card 1/8 On current flow ... 32'19R 8/20 61/000/003/001/006 D299YI)303 sought-for field should pass continuously Jinto the field of the c-orresponding stationary problem. The sphero-idal-, coordinates C, ,~ , 07 are used; if the circular contact degenerates into a point &onltact, the spheroidal contacts pass into spherical contacts, whereby ), r= R,t=: cos 0. Por, the stationnry problom, one obtains from MaxiAll's equations: E const + (4) -And 2i Cro Card 2/8 On current flow ... -ir c,-se of a point contact: i 0 2,rn e Hf 2i 0 tg 0 cR 7 (7) (8) With re-ard to the non-.Stttionary problem, itfter computations, orie ob ins ikr H(P - 2i0 e 2 0 sh"Lk r0(1 - vj ckr 2) 0 Card 3/8 23.9~ 3/201/61//000/003/001/'OOE, D299/D303 (21) On current flow ikr Os Loe 27rc"r2 0 S120 1/6 1 /0001003100 11006 D299/D303 Cil LICr0 lk~ i k r -' + y- E ioe 0-) 2 27)-T r2 0 0 + (22) (23) f The c _-', I -rcu2ar contacts degenerate into Poijj+-a, one obtains for the real part- of the complex ReHT 2i 0 e-nR tg 2 cos (Iffl c~)t) cR 2 C,j r ij, 48 (31) I 11T I! On current flow 3 141195 312011611C)0100310011006 D299/D303 ReE oe-nR (32) R 2~n-2 cos ("R - cot) i e-nR ReEe 0 n I;g -~ Cos nR -60t -C2-~-O'R (33) Hence at the points which are situated in the vicinity of P, the normal component of the vector E changes periodically with time. Therefore, the mean surface density of charges at the boundary of P, equals zero; the surface P itself can be compared to the plate of a periodically overcharged capacitor. As the current density is expressed by j j (34) Card 5/8 On current flow ... 3219,9 S/201/61/000/003/001/006 D299/D303 one obtains for the r,,lean quantity of Joule heat 2 Cr (36) From Eq. (34) it is evident that with increasing distance between contact and the points of P, the current density decreases rapidly, Already at the boundary of the "half-spheroid" surface 1/nr0 (where n = -1 Y a fac c wyuwol , the current density j is smaller by tor e as compared to its density at the input of P, for 0. Hence it can be assumed that the main part of the current is concentrated in the region of P, bounded by the "half-spheroid" 1'nr It also follows that in the case of high-frequency currents the entire cur- rent is practically concentrated in a region, adjacent to the con.- tact. With decreasing frequency, the region of ci.,,rrent concentra- tion spreads out. Comparing the quantities of heat produced by a high-frequency current per unit volume and unit -time, in the two Card 6/8 r_rFU__Tr1 3 ": 19 ") 0/201/61/000/003/001//00")' On current flow ... D299/D303 regiono of Fig. 1 (the shaded and unshaded regions respectively), one obtains QO nr0 > nr0 e (42) Hence the mean quantity of heat in the first region exceeds by a factor of more than nr 0enr0 the mean quantity of heat of the second re.-ion. In general, more heat is produced in the re6ion of P, close to the edges of the contact in a thin layer, than in uiny other re- gion of P. Formulas are given for j and Q in the case of a point contact, and for the stream lines. There are two fi-,ures. Card 7/8 On current flow ... Card B/8 - 0 0 - lz 1, : . I ); S/201/61/000/003/001/006 D299/1)303 Fig. 1 4+ .;f:, I . I- 11 4 37200(yVil 1) MTHOR.- TITLE: 3563J4 S/201/62/000/001/005/005 D251/ "301 Ivanov, YeA, Diffraction of a plane wave by two parallel elliptic cylinders PERIODICAL; Vestsi akademii navuk BSSR. Seryya fizika-tekhnich- nykh navuk, no. 1, 1962, 34-41 TEXT: The author considers the numerical solution of the diffraction problem shown in Fig. 1, where the two infinite elliptick~ cylinders are of equal cross-section for a longitudinal. wave distur- bance A =1h and some partial values of the two parameters which determine the dispersion on the cylindrical field in the wave zone. This problem is said to be analagous to that previously discussed by Ye.A. Ivanov and A.M. Rodov for the problem of diffraction. by a !;ystem of N parallel infinite non-intersecting elliptic cylinders, wiLli cross-sections of equal focal length (Ref, 1: Vestsi AN BSSR, Ser., fiz-tekh., no, 2, 1960, 27-36). "Local" systems of Cartesian Card 1/3 S/201/62/000/001/005/005 Diffraction of a plane wave- D251/D301 co-ordinates are taken, with origins at Os (s = -1, +1) and the solu- tion is obtained in terms of Matthi'e functions,, For a numerical solution of the problem, it is stated that these functions may be, obtained by the methods of N.V. Mac-Lachlan (Ref. 2: Teoriya i pri loAeniye funlctsiy Matlye (Theory and Application of Ij'.atthi6 Func.- tions) IL, M~, 1953). It is stated that the convergence of the sol- utions depends on the distance between the cylinders, their cross- sectional dimensions and the magnitude q, derived in (Ref. 2: Op cit). Diagrams are given for various values of r,,0 and different values of where ~O = tOr is the value of ~s on the contour oE the s-th cylinder, where Xs = lich S. Cos Is, ys = hsh ~s sin Is, in the usual elliptic co-ordinates. These figures give the direc- tion and polar diagram of the waves, There are 5 figures and 8 ref- erences: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: P. Morse and P. Rub- Card 2/3 CA P-it7,-) '85:61 '969 'Vg '*A311 'SAtll 'UTa4SUa aAwa z)uuTd v go uoT4ouajjrTG !;oO/GOO/-[oO/OOO/zq/lOz:/s VANOVY Ye.A. (Minsk) Comments on I.G.Portnov's article NPrecise solution of the problem on freezing with a random temperature va-i-iation at a stationary boundary (Doklady AN SSSRO 1962, vol.11+3 no.3). Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr, no.ItI2