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3 2:~iO S/5'~-4jul/000/021/004/005 Geomagnetic phenomena D055/Dl14 hours,, They resembled a magnetic storm in that they occurred in three stagesi in the initial phase the field grows, in -the main phase it di- minishes and then come the after-effects. But the scale and duration of all three phases was less than in magnetic storms. During, the sume time at the Sverdlovsk, Pavlovsk and Tbilisi magnetic observatories the field remained quiet, The author regards ',,-hose results as an indica-iion that the variations in the magnetic field were caused by the explosion of the Tunguska meteoxite. it may be assumed that the -:)assage through the ionosphere of a shock-wave caused by the explosion,gavt rise to the increase in tension of the. geomag- netic field. The time delay in these changes after the moment of explosion was equal to the time taken by the shook-wave to pass from the point of ex- ,~r of the ionosphere. If the speed of the shock- plosion to the lower boundar wave is taken as 3-3 - 10" cm/seo 2and the height of the lower boundary as 80 km, the time delay is 2.4 10 sec,,which approximates to the figure dttermined from magnetograns 1.4 * 10- sea. The au'-.*hor expresses thank,,:; to Professox Yu.D. Kalinin, to V.I. Afanaslyeva and V4M, Mishin, Candidatts of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, to G.V. Kuklin, a junior scientifi-. associate of the East Sibe:rian branch of the SOAN SSSR, to L.A. Shepkin, Card 2/5 32349/534/61/000/021/0WO05 Geonagnetic phenomena ... D055/D114 associate of the-Kafedr3 xgdiofi.ziki Irkutskojo gosuniversiteta (Chair of Radiophysics of the Irkutsk State University),to A.V. Buklin'ikivshvili, Director of the Ixistitut C~eofiziki (Institute of Geophysics) of the AN Gruzinskaya -,:;SR, to V.A. lielousova, scientific associate of' the Institut zomnogo mp6netizma Akademii nauk ZOSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Acadomy of Sciences USSR), and to T.11. Panov, scientific associate of the Sverdlovsk 11a.cynetic Observatory. There are 2 fiLgures, I set of fi3ures and 8 references, of which 4 ace Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The 4 En,lish-langnage references are: T. Gold, Gas Dynamics of Cosmic Clouds Edit. by F.C. van de Hulet, T.M. Burgers, Amsterdam, 1955; S-F- Singer Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 36, 2, 1957! H.E. Petschek, Rev. Mod. Phys., 30t 1958, 966; H. Uyeda, H. Maeda, A. Kimpara, T. Obayashi, S. Ishikava, a. Y. Kaviabata', J. GeomaL~n. and Geoelectr., 11, 42, 1959. EAbstracters note: Essentially verbatim translat-JoT 7/5 Card .j i : :.! I :- I E I. I V ; 4 202M~~ Geomagnetic phenomena Fig. I Changes in the 11 component of the Earth's nir-~-netic field observed -it the Irkutsk Ma.,~;netic Observatory after the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite (GLAT; marking correction for one hour 4.2 min). Card 4/5 32140 S/53 61/000/021/004/005 D055YD114 32140 S153,~1611000102110041005 Goomai.-netic phenomena ... D055/DI14 FiC. 2 (,h,:LnC;o:,, in the Z component of the :-,arth's ma-netic field observed at the Irkutsk flacnatic Gboervatory after tho cxplooion of the TunG-a3'rl-a meteorite (GT.~T; no correction). +4z Gh f Card 5/5 IVANOV, K.G. Morphological patterns of sudden onsets of magnatic storms, GeOWe i aer. I no.2:232-235 Mr-AP 161. (KML 14:7) 1. Institut zemnogo magneti2~a., ionosfery i raepr'ostra-neniya radiovo~n Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Magnetic storms) JV -F-j~ .... ... 1- i f 11 r117117 IVANOV, _ -G - - - Cause of subsequent changes in the magnetic field during the geo- maghatic effect of the Tunguska meteorite. Geomag. i aer. 1 no.4:616-618 Jl-Ag-161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniva radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya MI SSSR. (Magnetis% Terrestrial) (Podkamennaya Tunguska Valley-Meteorites) 42165 S/203/62/002/001/017/019 1023/1223 AUTHOR: I v a n ov, -". G. TITLF: Geomagnotic effects of.explosions in the lowor atmos-ohero PERIODICAL Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, v.2,-no.1, 1962, 153-160 TEXT: Results on the geom.9gnet'.c effects in the lower atmosphere (banonth 80km), publ13hod diiring 1959-60, are presented. It is assumed that the initial variation of the geomAgnetin field caused by the explosion near the Christmas island-(April 28,, 1958) is induced by the passage of a shock wave thrpugh the ionosphere. The shock wave Is producod by the explosion, The shock waves of the explosions near the Johnston island (August 1, 1958, August 12, 1958) increased the geomsgnetic field by passing through the ?- region of the ionosphere. The time lag of the variation behind the explosion near the Christmas Island is equal to the time it takes the shock wave to roach the E-layer from the explosion place ( v 106cm above ground). The propagation velocity of the shock wave Cerd 1/2 % S/20 69/002/001/017/019 1023X2~23 Georiagnetic effects... cm is assumed to be _ 3.3X104 F-ac. The time It took for the shock ,.-.,ave to travel fron. the explosions near the Johnst/fon island to the height of 200 to 111,00 lkn, -.-ias estimated by using formulas of points explosion in a non-homogeneous atmosphere. The calculated T U times are 1-2 min. for the explosion of August 1, 1958, and 2-9 min. for the explosion of August 12, 1958. The measured delays are 2 and J - 5 min. correspondingly. There are 3 tables and 1 figure. ASS OC IAT ION: 1-natitut zamnogo magnetizma, ionsfery, I rasprostranoniya radiovolu SO Akademll nauk SSSR (institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radlowave Propagation S), Academy of Sciences, SU3'11ITTED: Deceirber 5, 1961 Card 2/2 Ito!AN M ~ 17, 711 'T WIF IT 7 I I 421h1 S/203 62ZU02/002/017/017 Ib46X'2146 AU'111011j Ivanov, K.G. TITILt The effect of the electric currents induced in the earth on tho form and size of midnight sudden magnetic atom comrmncemontB (SSC) 11MIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aerolcgiya, v.2, no. 2, 1962p 367-368 T LI.T The magnetic field of -the electric currents induced by SSG in the earth intensifies the near-midnight SSC by --40~1, and the relaxation of these currents is thus responsible for the/-j30,,..'. drop in the SSC amplitude within 6LA/ to 10 minutes after the ragnetogram maximum. The"most important English- language reference roads. S. Chapman, V.C.A. Ferraro, Terr. Magn. and Atmos. Electr., 36, 77, 1931. ASSOCIATION: Institut zomnogo wagnetizma, ionosfery i meprostrananiya radiovoln so Jul SGSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere and Propagation of Rndiovaves of the SO AS USSR) SUMUM D: December 5, 1961 Card 1/1 111~ M[ TF ; I IVANGV, K. G. Diurnal variation of the frequency in geomagnetism. Geomag. i aer. 2 (Magnetic storms) of sudden comenceinents no.3:573-574 My-Jo 162. (MIRA 15:11 ACCESSION M AT4035839 S/2534/64/0001024/0141/0151t AUTHORt Ivanovo 9. Go TITLEs Goomagnetic effect due to the Tunguska meteatLte SOURCE: AN SSSR. Komitst po mateoritam. MetaorLtIka, no. 24, 1964. Trudy*, Desyatoy Meteoritnoy konferentaii v Laningrade 29 maya - 1 iyunya 1962 g., 141-151 ;"TOPIC TAGSt meteorite, meteorite explosion, geomagnetic field, shock wave, magnetohydrodynamicso icaosphere, E-layer, Tunguska meteorite ABSTRACT: The variation In the geomagnetic Intensity due to the ---impact of the Tunguska meteorite, which fell inthaTungus regimof Siberia.: on 30 June 1908, is considered. The Interaction of the shock wave generated by the explosion Irith',the geomagnatic field caused the H-component of the latter to vary 2#3 min later* The magnitude, form, and duration of such variations are similar in nature to the geomag-. netic effects caused by nuclear explosions, Using the method of ~Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: 'AT4035839 successive approximations it was found that the explosion occurred at 0016.9 GMT on 30 June 1908, at about 6-9 km above ground. The- explosion liberated approxim4tely 1023 ergo of energy and created, in the E-layer of the ionosphere, a region with a locally increased conductivity. The life of such a region and its of-fact on the geomagnetLc field are considered important. The author thanks Yu. D. Kalinin and V. 1, Afanaslyev for their help, OrLSo art. has: 6 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDt 00 DATE ACQt May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEs AS NO REF SOVI 026 OTHERs 009 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Ivanov, 1K.G. ~202.3 'z/203/62/002/005/009/010 1046/1246 TITLE: The effect of the local conductivity enhancement in -Uhe ionospheric -7-layer on the S q-variation of the geo- ma-netic field 0 PE--cIODICAL: Geomagnetizrz, i aeronomiya, v.2, no.5, 1962, 943-948 T-',.-XT: The effect of the local conductivity enhancement in the -E- layer (procucea by nuclear explosions in the lower atmosphere or .-eiletr~,tion of meteorites) on Sq-currents *and on the geomagnetic L, om Naxwell's-equations for steady cur- Ij -variation is calculated fr t, rLt by inethoas developea in 'Ref.9 (T.Kagata, T.Rikitake, j.Yoloya- ma. Rept.Ionosphere ltes.ulapan, 1955, 9: 121-135). Numerical s*Olu- tion i;- given for the additional currents produced by a circular reuion 1000 km in radius witA a 10041-" conductivity enhancement at tz the center, a parabolic decrease to the initial conductivitv level at the 'boundary, and an unai.-turbed 9 -current density of-1.5.10-4 C"GS14 per I cm of' meridianal ler.Lth. he Sq-variation of the X- 4 -1 - C,ard (1/21 MW TT -'z/203/62/002/005/009/01C The effect of the local conauctivity ... 1046/1246 component gains in intensity at points situated belo", the enlianced- conductivity region -and grows woZlker at all other t;oints. The Sq- A 0 v2r.Lation Of tile 7--component is enhanced by the southern current vortex, and weakened b~,-- the northern vortex. The additional-eurrent intensity flowing t~rouEn the reSi on should constitute -7000 A, i - e - -30"' of the undisturbed S -current intensity. The resulting X- component at the point beh,,,. the center of the region is -3.5 When the conductivity inorea:~es at the center bY 30C", the v&riation ~A of the X-component of the MaSnetic field produced by the additional current that flows alonjE the meridian passine -,,znder the center of the region and of the Y-comionent along the parallel passing throush the focus of the southern current vortex is 10.5 and 6)r respec-uive- ly. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo maFnetizrza, ionosfiery i raSproEstra- S~Sj--" (Insti-tute of the Terrestrial neniya voln S~ Uic: lonoophoro and Propt~gatlcn of Ra(*.io- SB A'-:' USSR) SURY,ITTEE: &',,.arch 23, 1962 Card 2/2 ill 11 llflli b;i 11111 ~J IVANOAI K G Height of the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite. Astron.zhur. 40 to.2:329-)31 Mr-Ap 163. OURA 16-3) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetima, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya. radiovoln AN SSSR. - (Podkamennaya Tunguska Valley--Yeteorites) IVANOV~ KtG Geomagnetic effect of the Tunguska fall. Meteoritika no.24:141-151 164. (MIRA 17:5) ACCESSION NRi AP4031639 8/be03/64/0O4/Cb2/03h2/0346 =HORs Ivanov, Ka Of TITLEs Movement of ahock waves in outer space near the earth SOURC4t Geomagnetizm i aeronomiyas v* 4. no* 2, 19640 342-346 ~OPIG TAGS: shock wave., outer space,, corpuscular stream,, magnetic atorm,, geomag- notic field ABSTRACT: This study stems from the growing accumulation of data, experimental ard thooretical, showing that shock waves arise during movements of corpuscular streams in outer space,, and from a desire to relate those data to the theory concerning a4vance of shock waves into the earth's magne ic Aelde The author has computed the movement of a 1-dimensional plane shock wKe by means of infinitely small discrete increments as it encounters an inhomogenecus magnetic field paralle3 to the shock front, He has found that the field strength decreases in proportion to the cube of the distance from the source in a direction perpendicular to the wave front* The results of these computations were used to determine the properties of Card X/2 ACCESSION NRs AP4031639 'shock-Taves as they give rise to sudden onsets of magnetic stormso It was found that the amplitude of tho shock wave in the magnetic field of the earth decreases from its initial value at a distance of about 3S radii to a value ot Z - 2 at a distance of about 7-9 radii,, depending on the initial amplitude. I'm velocity of the shock wave Uso declines and at a distance of about 7-9 radii becomes simLlar to the velocity of the small magnetic disturbances* The generation of shock'staves practically ceases here. The magnetic flald strength at the front of the shook wave depends on the value of the initial amplitude, and its greatest value, 60-1.60 gammag -is observed at distances of 7-9 radii from the oeiter of the earthd: "In conaimionj, the author considers it -his duty to thank ru. Do Kalinin for Us interest, in the work and for his suggestions** Orige art., hass 3 figures and 2,9 formtUso AMOCMIONt Inatitut zemnogo magnetisma# ionaefory* i raspr~&tranazdya,radi*voln SO AN SSW (Institute of TerreetrJAa Magnitismo the loompbaroji,$ad Propagation of Radio Waves W AN BSBR) MB CODES ES NO RV SM. 003L COM212 IVANOV, K.G. Interpretation of observations of the sudden onset of magnetic storms in outer space. Geomag. i aer. 5 no.3:471-/4.76 My-je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut zemnogo, magnetizma, ionoofery i raBprostraneniya radlovoln AN SSSR. L W91-66 EW? (1) /A"WA(d) aw ACC NR: AP6002763 SOURCE CODE: 4/920/65/0051006/11119/1120 AUTHOR: Ivanov. K. G. ORG, Institute-of-Terrestrial--.Maitnetism -Ionos ore-' A_ok~ ave-P SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnetlzma, ionosfery i rasprotr~prienlka radovoln) TITLE: Time of explosion of the Tungus Meteorite d1dolay 0 the geomirpetic effect SOURCE: GeomagrietizIn i aemnamiya, v, 5 no.~ 6. 1965 11119-11".'o :TOPIC TAGS: geomagn-etism, ionosphere, meteorite ABSTRACT: Two formulas are given for calculating the time 0"f" eV16sion 6f the Tungu 9 meteorite: S 11- ta ---A. VM Card 1/2 UDC: 523.5 'd Ili 11 Ii 1 L 14191-66 ACC NR:- AP6002763 where t and tR are the times of arrival for the Love~a~d Ra~16igh waveu~respective-' M: ~ly; V ind VR are the velocities of these waves; a is the distance fro I ii-,e e~pieen- Q ter to TrkUtsk; A is the correction for an explosion ih'i the air which is 'equal to the path of the shock wave from the point of explosions the' surface of :: t h e'earth. at the epicenter of the explosion (0. 1-0. 3, minutes). Vie, most ~~eliable ~dlata Igive a value of (0 h. 15.2 m.10.2 m.) UT. The time for delay (if. the''; 6tiginning of th'~ p geo magnetic effect from the Tungus meteorite with. respect:to the'smoment of exploision is calculated at (4.6 m.tO.2 m.). It is assumed that the.iime of delay is eqluaf to ~ffie time for the shock wave to pass from the point of explosion to ihe ionospherei ~ A wave propagating with a velocity of 330 m1seccovers ad.istance of v95 ktulin 4.8 minutes, which is extremely close to the altitudesof thiro'conductive layer,of'the .ionosphere. Orig. art. has: I figure, 2 formulas$ SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 07Jan65/ ORIG REF: 008/ btH REFj'*A03 ;"~42 NR. AP6011091 1,0UVE CODE: UR/0203/66/006/002/019010196 AUTHOR: Ivanov, K. G. ORG: Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Propagation of Radio Waves,AN SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i raspro- straneniya. radiovoln AN SSSR) TITLE: Solar plasma streams observed by Hariner 11 as free rotating jets SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 2, 1966, 190-196 TOPIC TAGS: corpuscular stream, interplanetary matter, central meridian, calcium flocculus, magnetic storm', asymmetry coefficient ABSTRACT: Corpuscular streams of solar plasma emitted by active centers are turbulent because of their interaction with interplanetary matter. Measurements which the cosmic rocket ?-tariner 11 obtained during the period from 2 September to 16 October 1962 showed cyclic changes in plasma velocity. The velocity increased gradually, attained its maxi- mum, and then gradually decreased. These measurements were obtained when Mariner 11 passed streams in interplanetary space. Each stream measured by Mariner II coincided with the passage ofan active solar Card 1/2 UDC: 523.877.629.192,2 al meridian. These active centers were rich in calcium flocculif which are sources of magnetic storms. A supplementary analysis showed that each passage through a stream of plasma coincided with the position of calcium flocculi in the central meridian. The Width of the plasma streams may be determined from data of Mariner II. It was found to be from 0.3 to 1.0 AU at the distance of Mariner II. Analysis of plasma velocity graphs shows that the structure of the plasma stream is asymmetric with respect to its axis. The density of the stream varies$ causing the location of its axis to change. In four of nine cases the plasma streams causedmaguetic storms with sudden com- ,mencement and in four other cases, storms wicl, gradual commencement. .:The remaining case showed weak perturbances. Storms with sudden com- mencement have maximum field intensity during the first part of the tream, and the coefficient of asymmetry is also great. Magnetic storms !Occur when the earth is located in the first part of the stream and when the Source of the stream is a group of bipolar sunspots. The author thanks Yu. D. Kalinin. Origs art. has., 1 table, 3 figures and 12 for- mulas. [EG] Card 2/2 tri ACC NR; AP6032685 SoURCL CODE,: tilt/0203/66/006/i)05/08-)2/0826. AUTHOR: Ivanov, K. G.; Shevnin, A. D. :ORG: Institute of Terrestrial 11apnetism, Ionosphere, and Propagation of :1,' ionosfery, i adio Waves, AN SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnetizma, Jasprostraneniy&i radievoln AN SSSR) iTITLE: Geomagnatic phenomena observed during the passage of the earth through the tail of RbLlley's comet in 1910 SOURCE; Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 6 no. 5, 1966, 822-826 i TOPIC TAGS: comet tail, comet' head, dis-~ turbance, solar wind,T%Mock wave, A,6-4'k AA-A Lb eLLI. ;.D C-,O'r ABSTRACT: On 18-19 May 1910, the earth passed through th,e tail of Halley's Comet. At that time the comet was in the lower conjunction with the sun, and its distan'ce from the earth was approximately ~4 mil- lion kr, . The tail's length exceeded th 'at distance. The orbital velocity of the comet.was 45 km/sec, and the orbital velocity of che earth counter to the comet's head was 30 km/sec at an angle of 30*. The'computed velocity of-tile.tail at the earth's orbit was 80 km/sec. In one hr the earth travelled 300,000 km in the comet's tail. Magnetic disturbances were observed at-the moment of passage. Magnetograms of Card 1 PA UDC: 550.385:523.6 ACC NR' AP6032685 the time of passage of seven g 'comagentic observatories at various geo- graphical latitudes and longitudes were repeatedly studied. Irregular -oscillations of the magnetic field were recorded b 'y all observatories. The amplitude and duration of variations differ at individual observa- tories. The distribution of disturbances concerned with the passage of the'.comet through 'the solar disk is asymmetric. The comet had a type-I main'tail and a type-II secondary tail. The main tail consisted of highly co*nductive plasma, which was streamlined by the solar wind as a solid body. The interaction between the solar wind and the com 'et sub- stance created a shock wave whose frontal surface enclosed the cpmet I with its t.ail. Turbulent motions-withiA this surface were trans. ferred into tive mhgnetohydrodynamic trace. The asympto'tic position of the shock fro-it aL largd distances from the streamlined body is determined by the 'Mach angle, which d6pends upon the velocity of the magnetic sound waves within the solar wind. The 'Mach angle wan determined to be bctween 9*41' and 13% The tail plasma of the comet connisted of ions of carbon diokide and electrons. The concentration of particles in the tail decreased in proportion to the square of the distance from the-heacL At the di 'stance of the earth the plasma density was able to produce only slight magnetic disturbances. The authors thank V. N. Bobrov, 11. Burgod, Z, A.-V1yukhina,-N._A. Katsiashvili, and K. L. Svendson for submitting magnetograms and L. S. Banukhin, B. A. Vorontsov-Velyeninov, i ~ 77. ACC NR; AP6032685 is. %. V,sckhsvyatskiy, and Yu. 0. Kalinin for their intcrcat and dir,-, ;cussicns of the problem. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 2 figures and 4 for- tmulas. SUB CODE:030 8;A,6/ SUBM DATE: 15May65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 013 jj~ 11:: 11 111 MH A 6 0116 9 1 SOURCE CODE: UR/02031661006/002/0190/01961 AUTHORs Ivanov,,K. G. ORG: Institute of Terrestrial !~rg :_g.nd Provaizatfon ofl. _gagnetism, I i"P-4 Radio Waves#AN SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnetizmaq! ion0sfery i raspro- straneniya radiovoln AN SSSR) TITLE: Solar plasme r N streams observed by no 1I s~i free rotatitig jets SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronoutiya, v. 6, noe 20 '1966.' 190-196, TOPIC TAGS: corpuscular streamo Lnterplanetary.m'sttei. centralimetidian" calcium flocculus, magnetic storm, asymmetry coefficient ABSTRACT: Corpuscular streamaNof solar plasma emitted by active ednteral are turbulent because of their interaction with Interp4inetary:sattler. Measurements which the cosmic rocket Mariner 11 obtaidad during, the period from 2 September to 16 October 1962 ahowed.tycii~ change~d in, PA.asma velocity. The velocity increased ~gradu 117i att4tined it4 ut ax L - a mum, and then gradually decreased. These measursinentwAaere obta'ine',d when MarLner 11 passed streams in interplanetary space",:. Each at t re aia, measured by Mariner 11 coincided with. the passagd:~of an~~ alctive si"ar' Cord 112 UDC: 521,877,629,- uo- 11 - 7. L L3_0437~,*___ ACC NRI AP6011691 center through the central meridian, These active centers veto rf'eh in calcium flocculi, which are sources of magnetic iptorm,sb A supolementary analysis showed that each passage through a stre;im of... plasma c6inclided with the position of calcium flocculi in the centrallmeridian.~.TWM width of the plasma streams may be determined from diL':t& of Mariner':11. lIt was found to be from 0.3 to 1.0 AU at.the d1sianco':of Marin'dr 11. lAnalysis of plasma velocity graphs shown that the':structure of~the;- :, 0 -plasma stream is asymmetric with respect to its ixis,..The deqsity;' f. the stream varies, causing th4 location of its Wits to change., In four of nine cases the plasma streams causedmagnatic btorms.with su'4den -com- mencement and in four other cases, atcras ~wilth gtadval. :camijen cement. The remaining case showed weak perturbances. St6rms:i;fth sudden com- mencement have maximum field intensity during. th~ If irp t part of: thd stream, and the coefficient of asymmetry is a1s*:'8rG4t*, MAgnetic atorms o- rur when the earth i's -located in the fLrst pari" of 0ho streAm', an4 when the source of the stream is a group of bipolar smaspote. The 'A~thi 'ir thanks Yu. D. Kaliniu4 Orig, avto hass I tabljtt~~ I ftSurie's awdl~:12,pfor- mulaq. SUB CODE-. 04/ SUBM DATE& 22Feb65/ ORIG RM ~Qut OTLH Rui 01.1 AID PRESS t il-A Card 2/2 ------------- T~A R 1V.k1OV,--,Krasarz,jyanovich; MUCHKOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovichl POGODIV, L.Ye., red. (Realized dreams; on the 20th anniversary of the libera- tion of Hungary] Voploshchenrore mechty; k 20-letiiu osvo- bozhdoniia Vengrii. Moskva, Znanie,, 1965. 38 P. O'llovoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. VII Seriia: Mezhdunarodnaiap no.6) (MIRA 18:4) IVAIFOV, K.I.,inzh.; LBYBOSHIN, R.A.,insh,; SHIFRIN, D.Ya., Suoh, I Passenger ship for the Caspian Sea. Sudostroevie 26 ao-911-5 S160. (KM 13.4 10) (Inland water transportation--Passenger traffic) (Caspian $aa--Ships) RP .4