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Professor I. S. yefremov. On Hie 50th Birthday BOY/105-59-12-21/23 In March 1956 he became head of the kafedra clektriebeekogo transports of the Mookovskiy energetioheskiy institut (Chair of Electrical Tr--nsportation of the Moscow Institute of Power, Engineering). He still hol -do this, position, In April 1959 he became dean of the fakulttat elektrifikataii promy'shlonnosti i transports, MEI (Department of Electrification of the Industry aiqd the Moscow Institute of Power Engineer- ing). In 1954 he graduated as Doctor of Technical 8ci4inces and became Professor. Since 5 years he is a member of the ekspert- naya komissiya VAK (Expert Comminsion o'f the VAK) and the Nduohno-tekhnicheakiy sovet Ministerstva kommunallnoSo khozyaystva RSFSR (Scientific?ntechnical Cbuncil at the Ministry for Communal Economy of the RSF5R). He has the order "Patriotic '~ar let Clasell-and several other medals. There is 1 figure. C.,%rd 2/2 IIIV~'(V, I. T. The wrecking of buildings. Moslkva, lzd-vo Narkomkhoza R_'7FSR, 19116. 66 p. (50-22055) TH153-1 8 Cu 1. '.%'reeking. x IT'"',07, 1. T. How houses are moved. Xoskva, Gos. izJ-vo Aroit. stroit-lia) (50-342 14) TH153-I--78 lit-ry, 1949. 65 P- (&ljuchnc-r:)j-,-uliarnaia billiotechka 1. Moving of buildings, bridges, etc. IVASHCHNIKO, I. P. Arkh. i SYPCHDK, P. F. Inzh., PTLYIP"UN, A. I. Karr]. Tekhn. 1.auk, MONHED, YU. 13.j DAMN. I. T. Kand. Teklin. llauk Nauchno-issledovatellskiy ihstitut stroitellnoy tekhnj-'-i Akademii arkhitektury KSR Ratsiona.llnyye_.kons'lruktsii zhilylrh i grazhdanskilkh zdaniy dlya rayonov podzemn),kh vyrabotok Page 68 SO: Collections of Annotations of Scif~ntific Reseirch Wor",; on Cowsl;ructioil, cnmpleted in 19IJ-0. Yoscow, 1951 f IVANOV, I.T. redaktor [construction of high buildings; experience in planning and erecting] Konstruktaiia vysotiWkh zdanii; iz opyta. proektirova?-. niia i vozvedeniia. Redaktsionnaia kollegiia;I.T.Ivanov Cotvet- stvennyi redaktorl Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroltelletvy i arkhitekture, 1952. 103 P. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Akademiya arkhitektury SSSR, Moscow. Institut stroitelluoy tekhniki. (skyear"ers) IVAITOV, 1. 2. uss-i (600) 4. Public Works 7. Comunity planning as an aid to practice performance. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12 no. 10,' 1952. 9. ,i4onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ttl-c-h 1953, Unclasnified. YEVSTIGNEYU, P,N., inshener; IVANOV, I.T.. redaktor; NOVOCHADOV. A.G., radaktor;' GUROTA, O.A., 1. te-khilf6bi'akly redak-tor (Non-compressor mechanical application of plaster] makhaniziroviinnoe nanesenie shtukaturnogo, rastvora. Ministerstva kommunallnogo khoziaintya RSFSR. 1953. (Plastering) Beakompressornoe Hoskya, rzd-va 43 P. (MMA 7t10) IYANOV, I.T., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. (Moving wooden houses] Peradvizhica dereviannykh damov. Moskva. Izd-vo Kinioterstv a kommunallnogo khoziaistva RUSH. 195). 61 1). (MLRA (Moving of buildings, bridges, ate.) ;i. 111,arce-scale const.-ticLIon of block, buildings T I~MVIO (I'inisterstvo na stroezhite JL putishtata, blar,oustro~.stvoto, i Nailchm, ~n Loni-Crad.ff(P.110 `Lnt~tcrsl.-vo na ko."nmi-I.-oto zitor~arztvc. i ~a suCil.,Z) irr" 3 'kJ `2 !~-5 J L -;j I - .4 3 SO: East European Accessions List vol 2 No 7 Aug 1954 I : I ~: I t 1:4 p : ", HF:.H.- 1,1 ~ UII - -I .. I I.: I I v -! , ! , .1 1 1 ~ I I. I ~ ~.- !:~ IVAROV, I.T., direktor, kandidat takhulcheskikh aauk. Using progressive technology in the immicipal economy of Moscow, Gorokboat Koak. 27 no. 3:13-16 Nr 153. (KT-H 6:5) 1. Akademiya kommunalinogo khosyaystva imeni K*D. ftufilova, (Moscow-Manicipal engineering) NOVOCHADOV, A.G., redakto-.'; IYANOV. I.T., kandidat te)chnicheskikh nauk, redak-tor; SOFIRSKIY, r.-D---,-rn-zbener-arkhitektor, re&xktor; KOMOT, H.A.,'Inzhener, redaktor; GHLIN, H.H., inzhener, redaktor; POLYAKOV, Ye'.V., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauki redaktor; KRYUCHKOV, 1U., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor: KOITYASHM, A., tekhniche- skiy radaktor (Rules governing the tedhnical operation of clwellinp-,sl PraviLm takh- nicheakoi ekspluatateii zhilykh zdanil. Moskva, rzd-vo Ministerstva kommunall-nogo khoziaistva IMM, 1954. 139 P. OMRA 9-; 6) 1. Diraktor Akademii kommunallnogo khozyaistva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Ivanov). 2. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravlaniya zhiliahnogo kho- zvplvstva Ministerstva, kommunallnogo khozyaystva RSFSR (for Sofin- okk,r).3. Glavnyy inzhaner Zhilishnogo upravlaniya 1Bpolkoma Mop- ,toveT,a (for Kozlov). 4. Glavnyy inzhener Frunzenskogo trastr Uprav- leniya k--pit<nogo remonta Ispolkoma Mosoveta (for Gelin). 5. Rt- kovoditall Sektora ekspluatataii zhilykh i kommunallnykh zdaniy Akademit kommunallnogo khozvaystva (for Polyakov). 6. Sfarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Akademil. kommunallnogo khov-yaystva-(for Irryuch- kov). 1. Russia (1917- R.S.P.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommunallnogo khozyaystva. Owallings) II II! If ,I, I, I IVAWV, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; Pol"kov. Ye.T., kandidat `- ... ~-iiibiicheskikh nauk. House moving without dismantling. Stroi.prom.32 no.11:22-24 u e54. (KLRL 7:11) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva im.K.D. Famfilovs. (Having of building, bridges, etc.) IVANOV, I.T.; MONAM, Yu. B ; PILTUGIN, A. I.; BUGUN, D.D. -, P.P.; IZRAIWVICH, H.Te., inshener, rodaktor; TFMRDVA, N.O., redaktor; TOKIR, A.M., tekbnicheakiy redaktor. [Construction of dwellings and civil buildings in area of underground coal mining] Konstrukteii zhilykh i gra:h- dbanskikh zdanii v raionakh a podzemnoi rasrabotkol uglia. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkbitekturs, 1955. 68 p. O'ILRA 911) (Building) ITANOV, Ivan Tikhonovich, k-j-didat tekhaichosicikh nauk; ITOVOCWOV,A.G., --"'--'7r6d2rtor-, OVSKAYA.Ye.,. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Strengthening the'foundations, substractures and walls of dwellings] Usilenib oanovanLi, f-dament9v i sten zhilykh zdanU.-Xomkvs.,.Izd-vo Ministerstya kommunallnogo M6zlaistva RSM, 1955- 159 P- (MIding) (KLU 9:3) IVANOV,I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk ?or a bold use of reinforced concrete elements in communal conetru- atiou. Zhil.-kom.khoz-5 no-5:1-3 '55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Direktor Akademii kommunallnogo khonyaystva imeni K.D.Pamfilova (Precast concrete construction) IVANOV, L, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Some problems of municipal economy and city planning In England. Zhil.-kom.khos- 5 no,7:26-29 155- (KLRA 9:1) (Great Britain--Municipal aervicea) VP IVAIJOV, I.T*,..kanL'.J,49,~,.tekhnicheskikh nauk., improving the technblog7 of municipal econom)r. Gor.khoz.Kook. 30 no.11:4-7 N 156. (MLn 1033) 1. Direktor Akademii kommunallnogo khozvaystva imani K.D.Pamfilova. (Moscow--Municipal services) 1p. Imndidat takhnichaskikh uauk; GUROV, S., redaktor; YEGORoVA. I., a icheskiy redaktor [Types of precast foundation] XDnetruktsii [Hoskyal Moskovskii rabochii, 1957. 55 ps (Foundations) (Precast concrete construction) abornylch fundamentoy. (MA 10:4) IVAN red.; KONTASHINA, q,~Ivaa_Tikhon0vjchi kand.tekhnonauk; BOTOVA. Tu.1 [Construe-tion, repair, and maintenance of apartment houses] Konstruktaii, remont i soderthanie zhilykh odenti. Hoskva, Izd-vo H-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 1957. 278 P. (HIRA 11:5) (Apartment houses) _YaRy I,T., kand.telchn.nauk, red.; SOSTANTS, V.G., dotsent, obshchiy red.; I 0--l KLOPATOV, K.K., inzh., red.; MMdV'_, A.I,, prof., doktor tokhn.nauk, red.; GULTATAV, N.F., knnd.takhn.nauk, red.; DUBOV, Tuj., inzh., -red.; JUNTONOV, I.K., kand.t0thn.nauk, red.; TEFREMOV, :I.S., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; DTUSKIN, V.K., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; VINOGRADOV, K.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; BOTOVA, Tu.P., red. izd-va; RALAZKOV, H.P., fKaterials of the Scientific and Technical Conference on Problems in Introducing Achievements of Science and Technology in Municipal Economy] Materisly Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo soveehahaniia po vopronam vnedreniia dostizhenii nauki i tekhniki v gorodskoe khoziaistvo. Moskva Izd-vo kommn.kJwz.RSM. Np#.6. ER wn -electric pada'Wj_~c.1pal transportation] Gorodskoi transport i dorogi. Pod obahchei red. V.G, Sosiantsa. 1959. 197 P. (14IRA 13:2) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye soveshchaniye po voprosam Tnedreniya dostizheniy nauki i tekhniki v gorodskoye khozyaystvo. 2. Rukovo- ditell eektora gorodskogo transports Akademii kommunallnogo khozyaystva (for Sosyants). (Local transit) (Road construction) IVI.NOV, I.T. , kand.tekhn.nauk Introduce more widely nechanization and autonatic control of municipal services. Gor.khoz.14,oak- 34 no.1:9-10 Ja 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. Direktor Akademii kommunallnogo khozyayetva imeni K.D.Panfilova. (14oscow--14unicipal services) (Automatic control) DIUMASHOV, Yu.F., inzh.j red.Ljy~~()~V., kand. tokhn. naukj MLRCMKO, V.T., inzh.; FOLYAKOV, Ye.V.v kand. tekhn naukp dotsent; KHIMINt B.Da, kand. tekhn. nauk; ZAMYSHLY=A, 1.14.1 red. izdva,- NAZAROVAl A.S.9 tekhn.'red. [Standards and norms for-the maintenance of renidential buildings] Pravila i noxW tekbrichaskoi ekspluatatsii zhilishchnogo fonda. Moskva, 1961. 183 p. (kMA 34:7) 1. Russia (1917- R*S.FdS*Rl) Ministerstvo koirTminellnogo kho- zyaystva . 2.GlavjV7 insh6nigr U~riivleniya zhilishchnogo khozyaystva. Ministerstva ko=mnallnogb khozyaystiva RSFSR (for Dumadaov). 3. Di- rektor Akademii'k6mmixn6llnogo khozyay6tva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Iva- nov). /+. G:LavMy #2herk6r'Zhilishchnogo upravlemiya ispolkoma Mossoveta (for H&rchenkO. 5. Kosk-o-vskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy in- stitut im. V.V.1~4byshevs:(for~Polyakov). 6. ZaTeduyushchiy labora- Iloriyey kapitalInogo rem6n-ta zhil~kh dorov Leningradelcogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo institute. Akadeblii_ko=m=l'nogo khozyaystva (for Khimm-ln) (Dwellirgs-Mair#,enance and repair) r _jVMN I.T kand.tekhn.nauk; MWIN,G.F.jinzh.; MHASHOV,Yu.F., inzh.';'-KOL-ODEY,A.P.) inzh.; 1VX4OV,,V,P., inzh,j VEKS1ZRZ.Ya.., MYUKOVA.A.,, inzh.; SEMENEFjKO,V.A., inzb.; VISMf=SXIY,1.M., inzh.; SHTREYEL1,G.Kh... inzh.; MARCHENKO,V.T..,; SMIFIIOVA,R.14.~ red. izd-va; NAZAROVA,,A.S.,takhn. red. - (Technical~speojficatiovA for conducting and bispecting general and special construl;tion work in the capital repair of apaa-tment houses]Tekhnichaslde usloviia na proizvodstvo i priemku obshcbe- stroitellnykh i spetsialtrqkli rab6t pri kapitallnoir, remonte zhi- lykh doibv. Moskva)-1960. 447 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Russia (1917- Aa,F.S.R.)Ministerstvo kommunallnogo kho- zyaystva. (Apar~ment,,houaes--~tai,ntenance and rspair) c Y t IVANOV,.I.T,-, kgnd.tekhn.nauk; KIWIN, G.F.,, inzh.; EU14ASHDV, Yu.F., inzh.; KOIDIM, A.F., inzh.,* IVANOV, V.P.,, inzh.; VERSLER, ZJL., inzh.; KRY-UKOV, A.A., inzh.; SEKEMM, V.A.0 inzh. VISMWET-SKIYs inzh.; SIUMIELI., G.Kh... inzh.; S41RNOVAy R.N,, red. izd-va; LMZUMNO A.A., tekbn. red. [Technical specifications for carrying out and inspecting general and apecial construction work during major repairs of residential buildings] Tekhnichaskis usloviia na proiz- vodstvo i priemku obabohestroitelliqkh i spetsiallnyldi rabot pri kapitallnom remonte zhilykh domov. Izd.2., bez i=exwnii. Utverzbdeny prikazom, Ministerstva komcunallnogo Ichoziaiatva RSFSR ot 26 aprelia 1960 g. No,118 i soglasovany s Gosudar- stvennym kor-itetom. Soveta Ministrov SSSR po delam stroitell- stva. Moskva, Izd-vo If-va komm.khoz.R.SFSR, 1962. 326 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F*S.R.) Ministerstvo kommnallnogo kho- zyaystva. (Apartzent houses-Maintenance and repair) BEDA, N.Lp inzh.; RYZHKOV, P.Ya., inzh.; GORYUCHKO, 1,G., inzh.; MASHKOVA, A.K., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: LIFSHITS, S.I.; KOTOV., N.K.,- KOSHCBEYEV, A.D.; CHUVICIIKINA, N.K.; KOLPOVSKIY, N.M.; GOLOVKO, O.F.; LUDENSKIY, A.M.; SMIN, I.V.; IVANOV, I.T.- ALEKSEYEVA, N.V.; HENEELISON, N.Ya. Quality of pipe billets and pipes made of killed converter steel. Stall 21 no.9:824-825 S '61. WIRA 14-.9) 1. Metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Petrovskogo i Truboprokatnyy zavod im. Lenina. (Pipe, Steel) IIIANOV, I.T. Let's introduce the at-hievements of ncience into tho municipal economy. Gor. khoz. Wisk. 35 no.10."7-9 0 161. (ICTLA 16 v7) 1. Direktor Akademli I:ommunallnogo khozyaystva imen:~- K.D. Psn&ilova. (~bscow--Munlcipal serv-ices) PCLYAKOV,'Te.V.., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BORODO, I.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; RUFELI, N.A., prof., rBtsenzent; KHIFUNIII, S.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; DUPIASHOV, Yu.F., inzh., retsenzent; IVANOV, kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; ISEYEVAj-R-.Mr.-j"T~d. (Reconstruction and repair of apartment houses] Rekon- struktsiia i remont zhi-lykh zdanii. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 200 p. (MIPLA 17:12) IVANOV, Iv. T. Metamorphized granite porphyry between the villages of Bulgarin and Shishmanovo, Rbprmanli District. Spis Bulg geol druzh 25 no.3:229-238 164. 1. Chemical and Tec:hnologicql Institute, Sofia. Submitted June 25, 1963. IVANCV, Ivan Tikhonovich; BGCHAROVA, Yuj., red. (Technical maintenance o.I.' buildings! Takhrii::boukala ekspluatatsiia zdanii. Moskva., Vysshaia shkola, 2965. 211 p. (MIRA 18:4) IVANOV.. I. V... Candidate of Vb Sci (dies) -- "The Pathomorphology of spinal and ertramural vegetative ganglia in disordors to metabolism In hlf#ily prOdLICtiVe C(T,rs". moscowy 1959. 16 pp (Moscow Vet Acad of the Min Agvlc USSR), POO copies (21Y NO 22) 1959, 119) Co,xitry : BULGARIA Category : Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. . Tropical Cereals. M Abs Jour : RZhBiol.q No 6. 1959, No 24815 Au-*.-',-kor:Ivanov., I* Ve; Sh.arkov7 T, K, IrI5 b5o-Uru a4gi~fc-ultural Scientific Research Insti- tute imeni Vo Chervenkov. Ti'~Ile : Concerning Agricultural Engineering of the Karno- bat Early-Maturing Brand of Wheat. O-Tig Pub : Sb, nauch. tr. Dobrudzh. sUskostop. nauchno- izsled. In-T 'IV, Chervenkov" pri M-voto zemed.1 19562 31 149-164 Abstract : Data of the Scientific Research AgricnItural Station of the town of Polyanovgrad. A number of demands for varieties suitable to environ- mental conditions is enumerated, Card 1/1 18 Mill A~O V 00 L) n ~ ry Hul6nria T :.-1l G 0 k yCULTIY~AIED PLANTb, Grmir,%.Le7,uwjKjour4 Gralus# F Z :1 1 -1 Ivallov. 1 v r n -v mad Min-"!;try of A gr c u1 t m R ie ~i u 3, L;F of Tntrwvuridtal. e t Wt., eli No.11-1, 'Karnictbateke Rnixc)zre..Lhu A%W F.)3.r-,IQb a t ~~2 Wheat Vavietii-s~ Maw:hr.. ?~ejred,i &oritij r t )--a V"dc-tV3 , J.05d 140 A Data frma 1951-19f3 ~tot%tcn at th) I, xr., a wurita~ Stat-L'04 --.11; Fc.Lyauovgra