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I'~ANOV, I.D.; RAKHIZYEVA, Ye.Ye.; KRYLOVA, V.G. Folarographic wave and cataly-tic activity of chymotrypoin. in the presence of a substrate, inhibitor, and DNA in the process of irradiation with ultraviolet light. Ukr.bioklm. zhur. 34 no.6:853-~862 162. (MIRA~'16:4) 1. A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Scionces of the U.S.S.R. (CHYMM.YFSIN) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (FOLAROGRAPHY) 1 42 N I IVANOV, I.D.; RAIMLEYEVA, Ye.Ye.; KRYIDVA, V.G. Polarography of typsin in the presence of a substratum and an i*ibitor during irradiation with ultravolet lilht, Ukr, biokhim.zhur. 34 no.5s678-687 162. JIM 16:4) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.H.Bakha AN SSSR. (TRYPSIN) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (POLAROGRAPHY) :1 P Ef Ir-~cL cf u I trav o' at I igh I, and LI. ,iu",,L; -' 's 4 L I subritr;-Jes on the polarographic. wave and subtil-Loin. 13iofizlka 8, no.3:349-'J~J I 1. lnstitiiL bickhirdi imqnI Bakha Ali Polarographic stlidy of metallic cornplexpr, of DUA vith B. SUL;tL;!lq prateinase. llkr, bickhim. zhzir. 35 no.2.207-219 163. (1-U RA 1": 9) 1, A.N.Bakh InstAtixte of Biochemistry of the Actidemy of ~')c ie. nce.,-, of thf., U. S. S.'?. !,lo scow. f IVANOV, I.D.; RJAY.ILEYEVA; Ye.Ye. [FlakKlieleva, r-l*-F.I Comparative polarography of terlary protolri structuxe. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 36 no.2s163-174 164, (MIRA 1,7311) 1. institute of tlLarcbiology of the Academy cf Sciences of the U.S.S.R. MOSCOW. VORMIOV3 G.T.; IMOV, T.D.; RAKHLEYEVA, Ye.Ya. Nature'R~-~he- polarographic wave of cobalt, in the Presenea of proteJn substances. DAL All SSSR 157 no.l.-194~--197 Jl 164 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. Preastavieno akademikom N.N. Semenovym. ln~-_,U U k~ i~j'. 'r 7111 i~li I! i ~ I IMI F r 64 qJnbula-, protCins' i0 Be--m in a, *r' the, -hoi~~t 1~1~n-aturaat fif / i n- F, Pl~ll . rl R4 lajtwi 15-201); mixiot4ja for cala w'. lit" FAIN 1: q 1, 1 NA; I !I! I lit IVAIIOV, I.D.; WMMEYElhl, Ye.Ye. Use of polarograpby in tbO OtOdy of tho V.,rlary: 'protein C-lilinic- ture. Izv. AN SSSR Ser, biol. no.2.4298-305 Mr-AP164- (MITA 17:3) 1. Tnstitute of Rlochemititry., Aindemy of Scioner-im of Lh~,. U.S.S.R., Moscow. 2-46,?-~,,-1,2 Jl 164, 7ns-,,_ilut, mikrobiologli AN vr-Astavlono IVANOV, I.D.; RAHLEYEVA, Ye.Ye. Study of the glovular structure of proteins ~)y the polarographY method. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol, no.6:883-89,3 11-D '64. (MM 17: 11) 1. Institute of 11-licrobiology, Acadeny of Sciences of Moscow. " - "'! 1 ~- ! PP~NOVP T.D. 1 L A, 1'.K. ; IS ITO! I! TF~ Yll, P. Current. views on the inechanism of hiclocrical cr. mrll~-.ojijpir nitror,en. Mili.roblologila 33 llo-3.54D-5)~7 ~V-Jp I(Y/,. (MIRA 18,!2) 1. Institut mikroblologii All SSSR, lilwikva. Ji-.,nuary 27, 1961". MOLODOVA, G,, A., NIKOLAYEV, G.M. Role of calciiun ion in maintaining the conformation an~ artive center ofcx-amylase In Aspergillus oryzaa. Izv. AN SS-SR.Ser.biol. no-3:359-367 Mq-Je 165. (MIRA 18-5) 1. Institut fermentnoy i spirtovoy promyshlennosti, moakvik. V011, T I i A -, IV AYo Ye . A.; RAK1111,E'l Rolu of 11-bund in tho uift I rttorjanc,,~ t)C Lh~! -imeormaticia and for- mation of enzyme-oubstrate complex or61-anriluse of Asl-,ergillus oryzae. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. b1ol. no.2;257-273 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. All-Union Distillery and Enzyme IndustrT Fti-,search Inst-itutel Moscow. IVAUOV~ .i).; Yu.111. ; BELOV, Y11.114. flitragen fixation as a hydrogeri-acceptor prccesn. fAilcrobiologiia. 34 no.2:193-199 ',a--Ap '65. (MIFA 18: 6) 1. Institut. mikrobiolovll AN SSSR. 7 Y~ F'xation of" molecular n.Ltrogen as related to th~, electron donor Sy3t6.-,I Of MSn'17atllon and photosynthosis. Izv. A-?,' S.13,53R. Ser. b101. 31 no.1:135-1120 a-F 16.6. 1% RMI 19: 1) 1. Institut m1krobiologii Ail SSSR. Submitted May 12, 1C)()5. ij~,Yff46/6' 12/004/643/4481 ACC N'R% AP7000146 SOURCE CODE: Ui AUTHOR: Ivanov, 1. D. ORG: Acoustics Ins-~itute,'LN SSSR, M-oscow (Akusticheskiy institut JUI ""SSR) TITLE: On the problem of integral representation of a point radiator field in a layered-inhomogeneous medium SOURCE: Akasticheakiy zhurnal, v. 12, no. 4, 1966, 443-448 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic wave, wave propagation, Green function, complex i'unctionp inhomogeneous gas ABSTRACT: The field of directional emission in a layered-inhomogeneous medium is studier! analytically. Given is an inhomogeneous liquid ~'syer lying between homogeneous liquid media z :;,z1and z e--z 2- The problem consists of finding the solution to the equation *8 1 91P 02P 1 ap'ap +jC2p==0' k==_; Tr .(r Eapr + .-r2 cpz oz.PZ T, C in the inhomogeneous la~,er satisfying the radiation-radiator conditions at z z and z - -z2 P (kR) Yj (A.. cos m(p + B,,. sin ?n(p) Pn'" (COs 0)*' fn-0 Card 1/3 UDC: 934.231.1/534.26 ACC NR: A117000146 The solution for the first equation is given by )~(z, s),U.(Q;Icrs) (a. cos where H is a Hankel function, and F(Zts) satisfies the equation r P dF (32 n2) F - Lkzp~ -01 n =X(z) z dz To solve the last equationsp a Green's function G(Zf ZIj 6) is constructed, with the asymptotic solution for jej-P co given py V, -ks, Y2 ks, 0 In the vicinity of z z' the solution for the Green's function yields + at > CrV 2k 1-0 r2 1at 1 2kyl- $2 r2 at z z'. Substituting this in the general solution for p yields the where ~ 1 L Brekhovskikh for"mula given by._ P-(4nmcosm(p+Bnvtsiu,MgP)Inm(rz,e),: CoM 2/3 n-O M-0 cd-NRt Ap7ooOJ46 0) sin 0 where (o(krsinD)P JV. (I + z at G, (z, ZZ' orig. arto has; 44 G0-Uat'on'3 ()TIJ RV 001 0,-RIG PLIT. 001 0/ STJBII WMI: 04Jan65/ SUB CODE-- 2 L 34786-66 ACC NRi "6017216 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0058/65/00O/0l2/Ao62/Ao62 AUTHOPS: Iyanov, 1. D.; Khazanov_,_B. 1. i TITLE: Broadband recorder with detector switching SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mika, Abs. 12A532 REF SOURCE: Tr. Soyuzn. n.-i. in-ts, Driborostr- vyp. 2, 1965, 57-6o TOPIC TAGS: radioactive source, radioactivity measurement, radiation counter, re- cording equipment Y xaom rle-A) ;)F'rr(, -r-o< ABSTRACT: A broadband recorder for radioactive radig&1!2D of the discrete type in described, in which two detectors are used, one permanently connected to the input of the counting circuit, and the other switched over in accordance with the radiation level. In such a system, recording up to a definite intensity takes place Vith counters C, and 02 operating in parallel. When the intensity rises, counter C1 is disconnected and only counter C2 is used for the recording. With decreasing inten- sity the counter C, is again switched in. N. Zevina [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: /If/ IVANOV, I.D. [translatorj: BRMCHOVSKIKII, L.H., red.; GESSMI. L.Y., red.; '--'--9iijOROVA, A.M.# tekbn,red, (Propagation of sound in the ocean. Translations of periodical articles from English] Rasproetranenie avuka v okeane; sbomik statei. Pod red. L.H.Brakhovskikh. Koskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ryo 1951. 214 p. (MIRA 12:5) (Underwater acoustics) ry La an mvesq9tion in ~qtraufiLd aliedia. T)oicj; 33. 5!i-5.m (1952). (Rusu,~Ilj 5t va to IL CO 1-011-1i,"CrIll~ lilt' ~jw--ijj r_aso )f lill~Ay I for z :5 0. -lie lkwvr~ ii; valid for angfcti uf I lax Fo th'. Ir" pi, .... . ...... -A livitar 1. D., On act tocial Imm 1. 'am' 6i R A AIA~n luui- Ira, Aki N-L SSSR, 1914 W-lx~td 'a.. Russi.a by M. U. 5-.? C&Jiforni~ Sc., Nc~xon.ille, Sibm, 12 pp.) Froim goluti.nS by fil't lu;tf IA pre~iuJ4 ps;crs, nolution 0l U~L eqwstion is conzt~ted I- m two~jayer W &1; bLmom 1.47cr i3 humo- Senious; in upper foyer, wave velocity 4ecte4ses lir4ady with diitmce fr= liteditcc. 'be gm=er this r4te of decre"e. the core et~,;Y- is "damn off" ttwcugb refractbn into f~e up;er 14jer, "A thttel"a th't grc*ter the departure of 4mmiation in flic hawiemaLit layer fium the inv"at sipatc law. Some n=, rtical valim (or this dnc%ping ate given. U. Tundr. kissi, '14913. ONE PARTICULAR FORM GF ArilE."ATIO" YAVE PROPAG.AXFOr N LAACELLARVOKUNIFORM I V~ ~95k-). Ut Rumlar- is cmsiderw of waves in at layelt bimadA, on one elde by a mmuolfarm nvotlium in which the of propagation fhfia aff with distance frc:n the tayarber-oidity. It is ihown Wt in these conditions ptcW&ztfw Is anuorlated %with an additional we,,xitening caused by energy beti4 *s1p1).v&C off" from the wames into die nonunifarm niedizm. The 1411 -Ureary of the effect to given ard its =34nitude deterivitnid, Title Extremely prolonged propagation of sound iii the_iem Priroda 44/3, 85 - 88, liar 1955 Abstract i An analysis is made, of the complex modific~l'don'6'f 'the law or, diminishing enerar of propagation'(by the gquare~of the dis- tance) when sound is propagated in the sea, due i* reflection from the surface and the bottom, where it Is ab- sorbed, all in accordance with the principlea on which the system of sound fixing and ranging is based. Five referencesi 4 Soviet, 1 U S A (1948 1951). Diagrams. Institution Academy of Sciences, USSR, Acoustic and ln~.,.titutb Submitted A"! BREMVSKIKH, L.M., doktor fisiko-matematicheakikh nauk; BYAWVA. T.Y.; kandidat fiziko-matematicheakikb nauk; ISAKOVJCH, 4~~.0-1~-otioEr.-Ifiziko-matematichaokikh nattki rodaktd-r; RABINDTIGH. N.Ya., redaktor; RDZENBFIRG, L.D., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; TARTAKOVSKIT, B.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. GUROV, K.P., redaktor; GRMVA, U~.D., takhnicheekly redaktor. [Scientific literature on acoustics during the years 1945-1949] Nauchnaia literaturs, po akustike za. 1945-1949 gg. Monkva, 1955- 276 p. (MI.RA 8:12) 1. AkELdemiya nauk SSSR. Komisgiya po akustike. ,,2. Chlen-korren- pondent AN SSSR (for Brakhovskikh) (Bibliography-Sound) GORN, L.S.; IVALOV, I.D.; KHAZANOV, B.I. Characteristics of a precision single-ch=el amplitude analyzer. App.dlia iad. spek. no.1:93-108 160. (MnA .14:8) (Spectrometer) GORR, L.S.1 IVANOVI- I.D.; MIAZANOV, B.I. Automation of measurements of amplitude distaibution. Appod2la iad. spek. no.1:109-115 160. (141RA 14:8) (Spectrometer) 1 11lr-!i:ii ill.; ;11 if !oIi II I1111 [:[!!1 f I ACCMZM XRt AVA*224= S/005 SMCZx RZh. 74-4k-- &a. AUTHOR a Gorn, L. S. I Ivanov, r . 0. XMxawv* 11. 1 . TXTLE: Single channel aMlitudel-time transistorized &"Iyzer CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-Y ffaudbno-tekbn. bMf6rentsii p0 yadern. ra- dioslektronike. T. 2. Ch. 1. K., Cosiatomi,jdati 1963, 107-113 TOPIC TAGS: amplitude time analyzer, transistorized analyze channel analyzer, two dimenalionsil analyzer, anticoincidence differential discriminator TRANSLATION: A:single-channel amplitude-time transistorized zer, which is the simplest variant of a twol-dimlinsional anal is described. The analyzer has two inputs, onqi for the inve pulses from the pickup and the other for the starting signal c4rdl/2 1 1'': un: lpi-q!' ptji-F I.ACCESSION NR: AR4022430 signals from the-pickup are selected by a sinqla-cbanne7. differen- tial discriminator which turns on the amplifier, the upper and lower 'level discriminators, and the anticoincidence selection circuit. iThe starting signai triggers in succession two 'stages that generate isignals of fixed duration; one sets the delay of the time interval irelative to the'starting signal azid the other sets the magnitude of ithis interval. The pulse from the timing chan4el opens a gating unit whose pulses are fed'to the recorder. The latter fixes the number of pulses corresponding to a definite rukiation energy and .1 within a definite time interval, which can be abifted relative lyin; to the starting signal. The operation of individuAl. analyzer ale- ments and units is-examinod in detail. L. 1. DATE ACQz O3M&r64 Sub CODRI 99 1 00 64/2 -T 171, ip L 34796-6~ EVrr(d)AwP(1) ACC NRr A 17203 SOURCE CODE: UW0058/65/000/012/AO35/AO35 AUTHOR: Ivanov, I. D.; Khazanov, B* I* TITLE: flip-flop with additional symmetry ~13 SOMICE: Ref. zh. Fizikap Abe. 12A0 IbC/ YiRF SOURCE: Tr. 6-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentaii po yadern. radioelektron. T. 1. M., Atonizdat , 1964, 119-126 'POPIC TAGS: transistorized circuit# flip flop circuit, silicon transistor, silicon diode A' -4---~RACT: The power consumed by sealer devices can be reduced by replacing the clansical symmetrical.flip-flop with a silicon-transistor filp-flop circuit having additional symmetry. In such a circuit, which contains two transistors of different conductivity types and five silicon semiconductor diodes, both transistors are cut-off' or conducting simultaneously, and in the conducting state the current consumed can amount to -175 pa at 6 volts. The flip flops operate well in cascade or ring circuit and make it easy to obtain an analog indication of state. A decade cell is also de- BI scribed) whose operating reliability is not lower than that of a binary counter, owing' to application of an operational signal to the flip flops, which do not chw)ge their state at the given instant under the influence of the input signal. V. P. (Tranala- tion of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 IJP(c) n I ACC NR: E74T (1) .7792 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Gornt L. S.*, Zhurina, L. S-;~;v D. TITLE: biicUits for m-fold coincidences of signals 1;rom K detectors'_-.~~,',~i"` 1 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 1A398 V5 REF SOURCE: Tr. 6_=.y-Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii pp yadern. radioelektron. T. 1. M., Atomizdat, 1964, 127-132 TOPIC TAGS: coincidence circuit) computer circuit, pulse amplitude, particle detecto: adder ABSTRACT: It is noted that the many practical cases, when registering coincidences o signals from several pickups (for example, using K detectors)) it is of interest to construct a system that registers separately cases of coincidences of different Multi~ plicityj i.e., operation of all K detectors, and also of arbitrary combinations of K-1, X-2, etc. detectors, and in the general case the operation of an arbitrary numbe (m) out of K detectors. A description of such a system is presented. Its construc- tion is based on the principle of a summing mixer, when the signals from each of the detectors are normalized in amplitude and duration, and axe then summed. The ampli- tude of the signal after addition turns out to be proportional to the number of de- tectors operating after a time r, where T is the duration of the normalized signals and the resolving time of the coincidence circuits. The main units of the proposed system are signal shapers and a summing mixer; amplitude discriminators and registers Cad IVANOV, I. D.; TODORDV, T. Inhibition of causative agents of tuberculosis with xantbogenates, Izv. TAkrob. inst.. Sofia 7M-101 1956. (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, effect of drugs on, xanthogenates (Bul)) (SULFIDES, effects. xanthogenates on M. tuberc. (Bul)) 1111HEI -------- --- Card 1/1 Author i Ivanov, I. D. Title Arresting of mono-ad- poly-phenol oxidaset actlAty,,,by =thopoatea. Periodical 9 Dokl. AN SSS?-j, 95j. 68 1255 125$,. 21 Apr 1954j Abstracts The article proves that xanthopnates (sthylp butyll, lsowql a*1 benzyl) are very strons inbibitore for the adivity.ot copper tgsn- taining ferments. Institution Republican Research Scientific Inst. Of Hematology 4~id'blood transfusion in Sophia, Bulgaria. Submitted 22 Feb 1954 Tr MIL f N"IrIbibition of the Wslyfic scuv-ity With -2=t1i Oct. -1. ('0111PI. M-4 Vild - IIUI . I .94fd S,:S. summiry).-Inic Whibiting dhirt of X-anthqgenes uls the catalytic activity of the blood pres-scA ill a IU-,.If crmcll, fferc, finincited Chain X~ ~(D gencs iiihibit (11, catAyttv tamt It!-.s Moll itraightwchaht, XanthoVncs 1wely ill, ddartnt. joil'a 11-knolyll illbibims for re-collig. oup-.1m 'rilt, iiiiiihifing vfft~t oji Ille jictivi-y it, vm!~M~rably %%c:lk,zr fhatl t4at on 01-c'mtg. culym- JOFC,! Im"j. NANOVp 1. D. - .1-- . - . . I - '. . - . 1. Planning and'mortisiiig; a textbook. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1949j--165 P. (51-15491) TJ1205-1 9 1949 m Speeding up technical progress at local Industrial enterprises. Gor. khoz.Mosk. 33 no.9:1-4 S 159. (KIRA 1,'1:11) 1. Zamestitell predeedatatelya Gorodskoy planovoy kDmisaii. (Moscow-Factoriee-Equipment and supplies) (A-ato,mation) fAT.1 TF SOLOMONOV, A,A., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANOV, I.D., starshiy prepodavatell Adjusting geodetic nets by means of nodal points and polygons. Izv. vys. ucheb. %av.; gead. i aerof. no.3%33-40 164. (MIRA 18 % 3) 1. Beloruaskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akadem-1ya (for Solomonov). 2. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zemieustroystva (for Ivanov). ~[;Ijl; RL'Lfl! 1~! 'H~ _- ~P 1_'; Tl~- P ru'Pi DIMINO IVANOV. I.D. Xffect of xanthogenates On smV1888 activity of nalt [witb summaq In Inglish]. Biokhlmita 22 no.6:991-993 V-D 157. (XIRA ll:P) 1, Institut vinodeliya I pivovarennov porc7shlemnosti, Soviya, Bolgariya. (BULYMRYL CORPOUNDS. eff eeta, .on amylase in barley (RUBD (AKTIASE, barley, eff, of sulfhydryl cpda. (Rua)) (GRAIN, barley. eff. of oulfbydr7i cpds. oa amylase (Rua)) Uil I vTT' r; I Bill Cal.-ivated TIUC+3. 'PotEtoO3. Velptabl-00. JUP ;7 zltam va --ilstitutes of elant Koohet:istz-f and PhysiololCr, AL USSR] the Dozvanty of Ne-41y ilarvesb~-d Pol-,Ito Tuberg With Flzicl. raster~ly, 1958, 5, lfo. 2, I Its r V n 1956, at the Institutes of Plant Bioehowistry ,Lnd ~;y, AS USSR, tlieze was corduoted t~-,& treLtmerit i (one moa~h after harvesting) of the vaAetiais Lorkh, I BariiklhLigen and Epn:~n with othylonexanthogratiate (BIG) ior W 2 hours. in the concentratinn. of the treatment, the tubers woro cat in half. Con i Wallel trestmont with water or thiourea (TU). LIG aace erated the sprout1mg of the tubern, rund Wie L,,,ruwth of tho plati`s~ In the '1957 experLment the freshly harveated tuberz of Spron variety werc treated with SXG solution in trio ~,-on- -52- IVANOV, I.D. Fulfill the-plan for.1963i Gor~khoz.Mosk. 37 no.102,1-4 0 163. ' (MM 17:2) 1. 4amestitell predsedatelya Moskovskoy goro4~koy planovoy komissAi. 11: illIT !I'll I ~ 1 11 IVANOV, Ivan Dmitriyovich, kand. ekon. nauk; ROVIIISKAYA, Ye., =~~A,R mlad. red.; 11,10SPINA, R., tekhn. red-. ["Common Market" and the competition of the two systems] "Obshchii rynok" i sorevnovanie dvukh sistem. 14oskva Sotsekgiz, 1963. 110 p. (MIRA 17:11 (European Economic Community) (Gompetition, International) KAP IIISKIY, Yu.11.; POLYAHID, D.V.; ZZOTOV, Yu.A.; MFIrMIIISKIY, Ye.A.; KOSTYINHIIT, D.I.; DUDUKIN, A.N.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGEIJOV, V.P.; ZAKBMTOV, M.I.; SOLODKIN, R.G.; DUSURTIKIN, V.N.; BOGDAIIOV, O.S.; SHROVA, L.V.; GONCHARDY, A.N.; LYUBSKIY, M.S.; PUCHIK, Ye.F. [deceased]-, KAILEINSHY, 11.1%; &UELINIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; KARAVAYEV, A.P.; KARPOV, L.N.; VARTIArfAN, E.L.; SHIPOV, Yu.P.; ROGOV, V.V.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VLADIMIRSKIY, L.A.; LEBEWN, B.I.; ANA141Y"&V, P.G.; TRINICH, F.A.; GOLOVIN, YuJI.; HAT)RIKHIN, I.S.; SHYFULIMULYUKOV, A.M.; SHILODKRTJT, V.A.; AD-',KSIVfEV, A.F.; BORISMIKO, A.P.; GHURAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; GMUS, V.G.; ORWV, N.V., red.; KAFELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.; GORYUROV, V.P., red. V radnktirovanli prinimall uchastiye: BELOSHAPKIII, D.K., red.; G-TORGIYEV, Ye.S., red.; KOSAREV, Ye.A., red.; PANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; SFULDENKOV, Yu.S., red.; )CALAROV, V., red.; BORISOYA, K., red.; CUSPULTA. 0., (The economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 Hkonomike kapita- listicheskikh stran v 1958 -,odu. Pod red. II.V.Orlova, IU.N.Kn-pe- linskogo, V.P.Goriunava. Moskva, ltd-vo sotsiallno-ckon.lit-ry, 1959. 609 p. (141M 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy inatitut. (Economic conditions) .1 FT I Ii 111 11! 1 T7- 0 SO: Letuopils, "o. 32, 19,19. USSR / Human and Animal Morphology, Normal and Pathological. S General Problems. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol..y No 8.. 1958., 110 35901 Author :,Ivanov) I. F. Inst : N-OVVT'en- Title : The MSeans for the Further Development of the Neuron Theory. Orig Pub : V sb.: Probl. morfol. nervn. sistcmy) L. Medgiz, 1956, 5-19 Abstract : The outlook on the neuron theory (NT), as an antiquated and subject to change theory of continuity or the repre- senta-V,.on of the refractor curve as an anutomico-physiolo- gical unit, is criticized. Contemporary NT is the objec- tive reflection of the divergent development of the nervous system., the origination of various types of neurons and inter-neuronal relationsy the differentiation of neuronal and glial elements. The origin of neurons of different Card 112 3 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 0AOb-1 195~, Unclassified. u000 AUTHOR: Ivanov I F . , , T T T L. E Me as ur enn.-I a v s e r.~ C c) m pi as PERIODICAL! Hadiotekhn-iiia 1950 71 - 0 V-D' L5 7 N!, 3 1 , , ~ . ,9 S R ; , pp ABSTRACT: A method is exp lained ,)f experixi,n-_2111y rion-linearl."-y of ar imp u I s e '~.y ot enn 1'c- input a d C, U t p U t 3 r'a C, , n A bl"~ok. or !, . 'netc -rain- emc nt i and cl-irrent, cur ~ I .es, -ire it, Fi - 2 He r ~ T dime of ooerati . , , . oper l on. Generator ', prr -duces i , mpa se~~ on plot, 2a. These impul s es Ile mocau,11.a-led 2. and af`,er having paosc_-; tht~y f'~eci 4-r,-,e j 'n%,~~ ... 1, -see ' c-J a o o 11 crie or J'n outs or the co" maoced P nvu e econ'! .3 `nnou e e nie n S a p,_ i-d t_-o i.he _:~l 1 r ~19 I 1~1 M I v m I., u Systems by CDmpar-,s(--)n Ilard 2/5 Y; C, '-he cc)mparisc)n c-ircul. 71~11C_ e n e o C', o r his sipma I ac c urar. e ly imul a' he vo 1: cre e n e 'D c, 0, 0 j-2 ~.z e t eMelll- z3 e C P :3 W -.L [ C p e m t- a c e ;--e ilp 1!-: ie L in~ e a i- ca. e 17., inves~_Qgat-d e I ement . Maximi-va -;,.a L Lies c -..I E:~- e s u and U,,, a p p 1 --*- e d t o e 1. n 1) 1 ; r c h e c o nip a- r 1- n 2 rr, a x circli.::L~ 7 are a.:iljust~ed :~,; be equal. ir. ccmpa-risorl clz- cuj-,- these ape subtra(-le,J arl~j -.hpir difference after havin,7. passed the paraphase ampli-Fier 1~he ver- ticall deflectior, ;,q), is anpiled t;--, the pla'-s c..~ the electron beam tube (10 (sce cur-,res e' atrid The Plates of ~-)clrizontal deflecti-on an~ 'ed b,-.,, voltarre taker, from the ilmputlso wideninI7 and the cl -1 paraphase amplifler of rhe /see clir"ves f' nnd L)ir ~he 2uxiliary neti. -e are lo the cont-oLlin- eLectr()de. a! oc '_Ihe Measuw,-,mcnit of' Nronlii-warity o~,' 78150 Syo,tems by Compari~~,on SOV,/108 - 15 - 3- 13117 modt,,latin.g for 2 and the recr.ulatinge voltaL-,el- for the viideninc elemonts, b and The re-oult of tile inipu1je oy~,,telfl 11011111learitil is given ill vi,,.-ual form oil the ocreen of the t-Abe ;,is shown in FiE. 3. Froi,,i ohape of the metering line them degree and the -Lorm of nonlinearity may be determined. The circuits basic --,quations are 711i..'en. The accuracy or this method is d 4 J.ocus~;od in its following auDects. (a) erfect of nonlinearity of metering device; (b) phase and frequency di6tort,ion introduced by the Lnve!Aigated arrangement; (c) instabilil y at time transfer t~aefricients of elements of tile Metering device. Ill COlIC1LlSiOl-l '. the author smys 1; im t (1) The determinat-on of' nonl.inemrities is ma-de 03111," f3i.gnals of the same type az; thc-.! operating, z~igrials ,)t, "hic :3-Stem: (2) the error of tile method is withinS of the nietered quantitr; in order ~-o have a a V higher accuracy of this method, nonI ineari tiess of elements should not exceed 0.~-I%. of Crindidate (:,r Toch- L. Y~A, 131:IrkimIwr,I and Em~. B.F. A"ryalicivich ar, know I edged. Thore are 10 fiC-UrCS: and. 2, Soviet reference Meaot.irernent of Nonlinearity Of IMDulse 7 8 15 by Comparioon S OV.,,'.L 08 -1.5 - 3 - 1 3//l P 1. g2 ~'ard 4/5 pr S/10 63/018/002/007/010 D413YD308 Iva L, F. and Trofimov, V. S., Members of AUTHORS: the Society (see Association) ITITLE: A universal'method of measuring the nonlinearity of pulse-circuit equipment PERIODICAL: Rqdiotekhnika, v. 18, no. 2, 1963, 52-60 !TEXT: The authors survey the various methods used for measuring inonlinearity in pulse circuits for television, radar and other !purposes and consider the general requirements for such a method. !They examine three main nonlinearity criteria: q as used in tele- ,vision, expressing the maximum deviation of the differential am- iplification factor from its intial value;.~ as used in radar, ex- pressing the maximum relative deviation of'the amplitude charac- iteristic from the tangent to it at the origin, and g, expressing Ithe maximum relative deviation of the characteristic from the line lJoining its ends. They introduce a classification of amplitude characteristics, work out the values of the various criteria for lCard 1/2 S/108/63/018/002/007/010. !;A universal method ... D413/D308, ,,seven typical standard characteristics, and draw conclusions about ithe advantages and disadvantages of the criteria. They consider a ~universal method of measuring nonlinearity previously presented 'by the first author (I. F~~ Ivanov~ RadiotekhrLikat v. 15, no. 3, :1960), which uses a sawtootb:-modulated pulse-train as input, auto- :matically compares output and input voltages, and presents the function directly on a CRT display. It is shown that !this method is mobt suited to the purpose and has extensive furthers applications in pulse-circuit design work. There are 5 figur( 12 tables. :ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheekoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektroavyazi im. A. S. Popova (Scientific and T,,Ch' nical Society of R.dio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A. S, Popov) Z-Abstracter's note: Name of Association taken from,first page of journal.,7 iSUBMITTED: June 3, 1961 (initially) November 14t 1961 (aftar revision) 10pird 'IV 4--) ~\ 0 v, T , r--, Ajj[)V Y,X, g V4 I Ilau,10, prof.; SOLOVET, red.; YEDOTOVK.--A.F., (General histology with elements animals] Obahchaia gistologita 8 zhivotnykh. Hoekva, Gos.izd-vo (Histology) (Veterinary embryology) A.S., red.; BAIJA)D, A.I., tehu. of the embryology of domestie oanovami embriologii domashnikh sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 328 p. (HIRA 11:3) USSRAiuman and Animal Physiolo&7. Digestion. T Abs Jour: ReP Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 36583. Author Ivanov I.F Inst Lnzansk Stato Veterinary institute. Titlc The Problem of the Metabolic Gradiant of the Bowel. Orig Pub: Uch.zap. Kazansk. gos. vot. in-ta, 1956, 64, No 1, 149-154. Abstract: In mico, rabbits, rats and puppics the blood voDsols wc;:o vmshod through t-he thora6ie aorta and then per- fused for 10 T-in. with a solution of groon junL!S B (dye) (1;1:1000). The stomach and boviol. togothor with ligarionts and mosontory were oporMt1vcly removed tuidor Ringer solution (37-38' C) ahd varo left in that solution. The possibility of indirect contact of Vho stained organs with air 02 was excluded. Thu initial stainin- of 'Uic stomach and bovicl with bluo or bluo green c, Card 1/5 sic acid-1'1'.UU'jj lul. ore is not' coll- reduction of I was not observed. h metabolism tinuous gradation of the intonsitY Of process in the aboral direction in the gastro-intzs- Card 2/3 69 UIS)SIIAILL'.an und Animal PhyoioloV. Digoation. T Abs Jour; Rof Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 3658). tinal tract, but there exist areas of highor and lower metabolism. Card - 3/3 IVAHOV, - F. Kies' new book and antineuronism (*Stephan von Apathym by F. Kiss. Reviewed by I.F. Ivanov). Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 36 no.5:105-108 MY '59. (XIRA 12:7) - . 1. ., ~- -- '-. ~71- 1. KU2'minki,- oms go r-nal Mooky.obl. , Voterinamaya akdemiya, c1. 7, kv.4) (MMVOUS SYSTEM) (KISS I Fe ) ---XUNOV-9--I.F.-(Moskva) Contemporary status of the problem of the division of diMrantiated neurons. Arkhe anat. gist i embr. 38 no. 6:89-104 Je 160. (MIU 13:12) 1, Adres a'vcpra.. KUSImi*# Lyuberstakiy rayon Moskovskoy oblastly Vdt-erinarnaya akademips 109 kv, 9* (IERVFZ) 1-11, 4-W.1 -1 :- IVANOV-,-L.?,. (Moskva) "Quantitative histology' of wallerian degenerations Arkhoanate eist, i embr. 40 no.3*4.5 Hr 161. (MIRA 14z5) 1. Moscow Veterinary Academy of Agricultural Animals, Adres avtqai Kustminki, Moskovskoy oblasti, Lyuberetskogo rayona-.. VoterinarnaA akademiyay 10., kv.9. (NERVOUS SYSTE14--DISEASES) .- IVANOV, Ivan Filippovi h, prof.; MOVALISKIY, Pavel Aleksayevich, prof.; BYRDINA, A.S., red.; DEYEVA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Histology and the principles of embryology of domestic animals] Gistologiia a osnovami embriologii domashnikh zhi- votnykh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 678 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Histology) (Veterinary embryology) NOV I F. (Moskva); RADOSTINA, T.N. (Moskva) n=A-t? Vegetative periphery, itg structure and rea6tive properties. .Xrkh. anat. gist. i embr- 45 no.9t:LO3-121 S165 (MIRA 1713) 1. Adres avtorov; Moskva, Zh,-378, Veterinarna-ya akademiya,, 10, kvartira 9. 9 .41- IAL 11 ill 11 A-' i:.,; II Ifti; -Mlil ill I II ;t:11111 11:1 IVANOV aperience in rcof control at the 11Dolzhanskaiv;-JTTzhnaiaO mine. Ugoll 40 no.q,,23~Q4 S 165- (141RA 18-10) lo Poinoshchnik glavnogo inzhenera po proizvcdstvu sha1LhtoAprav1en!.y& "'I,)Izhanal-cye-yii-~,lmo-,re'I tresta Sverd1migoll. - 1A III:'! L.15, 1!11M wj~ ~aq wl J,!Ii~ ~49 I q 1 KOZLOV, L.I.; IVANOV, I.G. (Moskva) Hearing in riveters. I i prof.zab. no.3-1:35-38 161- (MIlRA 14:13.) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy AMN SM. (DEAFNESS) (RIVETS AND RIVETIIRG-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) ITANOV, I.G. (Moskva) impaired hParing among, certain groups of miners. Gig. truda i prof.zab 2 no.3:38-42 W-Je'58 OIRA 11:6) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i nrofzabolevnniy AMN SSSR. (HEARING) (MINERS-DISMASES AND HYGMM) BULGARIA Farm Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7375 Author IvanoX,_Ivan G. Inst Nor-glVen Title The Antibiotic Characterisitc of Lactobacilli and Their Utilization in the Dairy Industry Orig Pub Priroda (B"lg.), 1956, 5, No 6, 42-45 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 55 DULGAM/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their H Application. Food Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1956) 44977- Author ivanov Ivan G. Inst Title Swelling of Drynza ~ Cheese_7 Caused by Dutyric Acid Dacteria and Its Control. Orig Pub: Zhivotnovedstvo i vet. delo, 1956, 10, No 5, 36-38. Abstract: During a rainy period in early spring, when milk is strongly contaminated with particles of soil (con- taining a huge amount of butyric acid bacteria), brynza was prepared from pasteurized (60,, T. mi. nutes) milk (under conditions excluding any addi- tional infection). Five of the 9 samples underwent Card 1/3 DULGAIM/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their H Application. Food Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rbim., No 13, 1958, 44977. strong swelling with slight change in taste, and contained on the 40th day from 6000-22000 butyric acid bacteria per 1 g of bryaza, while the other samples contained 7000-12000. Dacteria isolated from these samples caused strong swelling of brynza. Partial or complete suppression of the activity of these bacteria was attained on using for the production of brynza an inoculum made from sour milk having antibiotic properties and pre- pared by the method of Dimov; the boiled (on a water bath) milk is inoculated with sound sour milk and allowed to curdle at 50-529. This milk is used to inoculate milk which has been boiled Card 2/3 39 IVANOV, I.G. ~ Infinity and eternity of the univeree. ffaWm i thiml 23 no-10: 39-42 0 '56. (mm 9:11) (Cosmogony) mi"Nov, T-. G-. ?A 4T1 I " 1, i H 'itiO, ~i 11,I:V,r p :1 .; ; i !j, A - . R . : . !, , : Al ~, T I .1 1 . ill 11-41- i . ; ~, I I . ACCESSION Mit: AT4013975 S/3070/63/000/000/0003/0006 AUTHOR: Pines, B. Ya.; Ivanov, I. G. TITLE: A vacuum installation for nioauuring rate of creep and rupture strength or metals and alloys at temperatures up to 1200C SOURCE: Novy'3ye wnshiny*i pribory-* (Ilya ispy*taniya metallov. Sbornik statey. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1963, 3-6- TOPIC TAGS: creep rate, rupture strength, creep tester, aerial creep tooter, t? high temperature creep, high temperature rupture strength, rupture strength measurement ABSTILICT: Tho authors describe equipment they designed and have used since 1959 (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure) to test rive specimens simultaneously. Temperature can be maintained constant within 2-30 over a range up to 1000C and within 3-5C for temperatures above 1000C. Typical results of creep tests on copper or copper alloy specimens are illustrated (see Fig. 2 in the Enclosure). The equipment is intended to measuro changes in elongation occurring over a period of time under a constant load* Well defined values can be obtained for*the iate of creep. Rupture strength for a given load is also plotted on tho resulting diagrams. Ccrd 11 T 111 111; ACCESSION NII: AT4013975 Low accuracy in deformation. measuremenLs is the stated shortcoming of the in- stallation. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs. AS.90MTION: Xharllcovsldy gosu&=tvenny*.v tmiversitot Im, A.,M. Gorlkago (Miarllcov. State University) SbDMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 04 80 CODE: ML, SD NO REP SOV: 003 OTHM: 000 Cord 6/18756010/002/05/29/041 B004 B056 AUTHORS: Pines, B. Ya.p Ivanovq I* Go TITLE: The "Aftereffect" in Metal Samples Which Had Been Exposed to Diffusion Creep at High Temperatures d PERIODICAL: Fizika-tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, 110. 5, PP. 959 - 966 TEXT: The authors carried out experiments with samples made from cast copper or copper cermete (grain size < 50 p). The samples were heated to temperatures of from 850 to 10700C and exposed to a stress of from 30-50 g/mm2 . The deformation after removal of the stress was measured. Experimental date for different temperaturesp sampleep and stresoee are given in Figs. 1-6. An aftereffect, a deformation with reversed signp was observed as soon as the stress was removed. At constant temperature the ratio between the amount u of the aftereffect and the creep rate v does not depend on the applied stress. With increasing -temperature -K becomes small and tends towards zero at the melting-point. At constant v the same temperature dependence exists for x as for that stress which Card 1/2 61890 The "Aftereffect" in Metal Samples Which Had 8/181/60/002/05/29/041 Been Exposed to Diffusion Creep at High B004/BO56 Temperatures is necessary for realizing the given v. In the case of samples that are not in equilibrium, n decreases with decreasing v at constant stress and temperature. Besides on v, % depends on the creep deformation e. In the case of a slight deformation, nlE tends toward unity. With in-- creasing deformation %/E at first decteases quicklyg and later slowly, and becomes nearly constant by strong deformation. The phenomena ob- served are explained by micro-nonhomogeneities of the polyory8talline samples, which are caused by the diffusion creep. In the crystal, germs of now "atomic faces" are formed by creep, which gradually lead to an irrevereible extension of the sample. There are 6 figures and 4 Soviet references. I~K ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy universitet (Khartkov University) SUBMITTED: June 239 1959 Card 2/2 i A [I F I I S/181/0"2/004/007/020/037 B102/B104 A U TI 0 1 S Pines, B. Ya., Ivanov 1. G.. and Smushkov, 1. V. T 1 The partial diffusion coefficlitaits and the self-diffusion coefficients of alloys of the copper-nickel system Fizika tverdogo tela, V- 4,no. 7, 19062, IAH2-1,990 T_'--,'.'_1' Th6 values of the exp arimentally determined heterodiffu5ion Smushkov, FTT, 1, ", 939, ni! ca:icultited coefficients (Pines, 0 1959) and t. rasios of the -jartial diffusion coefficients are used zo determine ~..-Ie Partial diffusion coefficients of Ni and Cu in dependence on the conoenzra- 0 , sd tion of the components at 1000, 900, 800, and 700 C. D = 0 D +C D and al A A B B na sd hd Dal = C3DA+GADB; Da1 and D al are the self- and heterodiffusion coefficients _L of the alloy, cA,3 and DA)B are the atomic concentrations and the-partial dlfffusior, coefficients of the components. The oart-Jal diffusion . c4 an's o-ta-ned are used to calcula'e 'he self-diffusion coefficients of Cu-Ni alloys as dependent on the concentration. The calculations are' Card 1/45rr S/1 8Y0'2/004/007/02()/037 T',-.e rjartial diffusion coof'ficients.. . B102 .3 104 CazriC;I--* O-C~t :c -,,;.LIr-soI-utior, aj-,roxiriation (Pines, ZhTF, 24, &, 1521, L where Da D! is the vacancy concentration in the alloy of v en c c r, c en t ra t o ri, L a z hermodynamic factor M 2zU 6 2 L. DcB'l-cB) I DI exp F o" G )/kT.J` kT 11 OT L A- A U 46 the dis,.~Iaoemen-u enerEy, z the coordination number in the alloy 0 5 the ii-teratomic distance, T the shortest lattice v-*bration ~U .1 eri o d G.11 the c~anoe in potential energy of the alloy when. an A atom is disnl-ced "to infinity", "i, is the samie when the atom -Js brought -frorn. .M 4eff-'n-'ty to the "no'ential barrier verex". An atom located at 'his vextex G ~.;i -c a% c ~o th4~~ oordination u,-,,b a r so that A A 13UA B)UAA] .iku + ..:here U., are t ki~' tual pot&n.-vial ene les. e x P 1/2kT), 6? is AA in free eliergyo AFO=-7(j_~ZIR Coy U -4- C2 U 2c,7 (I ca) U,4,91. (5a) Card 21061 coeffic'ient-o... V181/62/004/007/020/037 B102/D104 he e~f"'IvE coordinatioll nun two lattice nodes. I iber ()-P an alloy atom situated between "IhO Self-diffUsion co' Oificiehts are obtainea from DccvU M exp 1 V-Z" kT1 2 Ni Dcu Mexp ILT 7Z -2 UNWI -4-'(Z - I U.Ni; Dcu-M,,p (9) DNi . wT 2, Uc.. - Z1.1 U,~.Nl; Ni M exp --L 5 - I kr -2 z - z'j U.N1 I Dcu Ni =exp K, ncu -cu -- exp (9a) --bNN,! kr (qNI v 2 (z vxp - qN Card '3/&V S/181/62/004/007/020/037 The partial di!'fuslon coefficients... B102/B104 where ci.'- -a is t'-e difference of the latent evaporation heats per atom, U N(q~'i-qC' qj,-qCu';~15-16 kcal/g-at, (z-z")/2 - 2.58, z-z' 1.62. N U zj 2.6-10- 13 ere/part. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIAT' .011: Khar"--ovs'ki.%- gosudarstvannyy universitet im. L. M. GorIkogo (KhurIkov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUB:,UTIM: Pebruary 22, 1962 3. Sel'-diffusion coe"ficients as dependent on the Ni concentration~v--)- 1, 11, 111, 1111- experimental curves, 2, 21, 211, 2111 calculated (equilibrium) Fig. 4. Experimental (1 and 3) and calculated (2 and 4) equilibrium partial diffusion coefficients (D al -and Dal ) as dependent on the Ni concen- 6 Cu Ni tration. Card 4/,f S/1 8 116 2/OC,4/OCS/O' 3/cI B 12 5/1,1102 AUTHO. Pines, B. Ya., and 1vanov, i. G. RS: TITLE: Mechanical nroperties of cop-~er nickel. alloys at increased temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika 'Uverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 6, 10062', 2109-2115 'I' I-XT - T~~ tire -. that copper - nickel alloys can resist strasses of 2 0 -0 0 a t. 400 to 1100 &/mm Lncreases with the nicke' concentration( Ni), at first ra-aidly and then more slowly. AA 85 to 9&-,~a it has a small peak. Perhaps the mechanism of deformation and fracture at, these concentra- tions is different. With decreasina temperature the durves for the concentration dependence of logT and loge shift- almost parallel to higher values of logT(V). The concentration dep6ndence of logZV-,! (V being -,.-he rate of creep) is almost a mirror image oz the concen"ration dauandence of logT. The concentration dependence of V and T is mainly caused by the concentration dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient D. If the nickel concentration increases from 0 to 80~4. then loe'V,/D) decreasea slightly and log(TD) increases slightly. At -)93~-',.Ni, lOE(V/D) has a Card 1/2 44L"'w S/1 8 1 162/004/0C3/01 3104 1 Mechanical properties of 13125/B102 rather flat minimum and log(TD) has a rather flat maximum. III first approximation log(VT) is independent of the temperature, the voltage at -r - (D p") - I applied, and the nickel concentration. VvD -D n 1 %-,_;"h nrJ4.0 .but TJ((kT)2/p-)e (Uo-qp)/kT . -If the alloy surface is not protected from evaporation then T is smaller and V is greater. T4csc t' 0 anrl are less changes become clearly apparent at temperatures ofabout 6000 distinct at 10500CI they are more distinct in alloys rich in nickal tu~-'an in alloys poor in nickel. There are 5 fieures. ASSOCIATION: Khartkovski-y'gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. Y. Gorllkolzo (Kharlkov State University imeni A. 1,41. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTM: March 16, i9.62 Card 2/2 A JY_ JD ~:i /EWT(zu) S/032/0' AUTHORS: Pines, 'B.-:- Ya. and Ivanoy,:I.~G. TITLE: Preparin5 monocrystala~of'Ni, Cu and Cu-Ni smelting~furnace PERIODICAL, Zavodskai'ra, laboratbrlykp p Poo, -5) 196j, pq T: A aimplei~method of forming.mqqpcrystals~d l c metals, nickel, coppeii. and.nickel-~ opper alloys diredt~yl worked out-. The moltAln allay ~'in a crucible,As dti'ven. by atmos- nitrogen~at a pressure :of,l phera. Th . to several degrees below the solldiftcati~n~~p6int of t~e under vacuum ,for 1, hour. 1 Then -it As slowly ti~.u in length and 3-5 mat in diam. have been' cbt~indd. There ASSOCIATION: Khar I kovd,,~iy gosudarstyennyy universitet Ila (Kharlkov~~State_Uniyera]~im nVA. M.:~Gor;'~ Card 1/1 lifff~ulitly-fusi~ T. Ydii/020 xllo;a' y in Vaculol - *'09 oi~ 5 ie from bii ee t lons ba!31b ~t~' ~iirconi 14: a! ove,ed t ~. i I 1 1; erei a lloy and kep 'rys't-1R :S-up to: 0 Mgt 14re A li, li~~ IVAIIOV, I.I. Electrification is a powerful factor in the increase of labor productivity. Zhel.dor.transp. 46 no.3:12-18 Mr 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Glavnogo upravleniya slaktrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khoayaystva Miniaterstva putey soobopheniya. IVANOV,I.I., inzhenar. Hydrnuiic excavatora Model 504 built by the firm wDeW." Mekh.atrol. 13 no.12:27-29 W56. (MMA 10:1) (ExcavAting machinery) IVANOyj 1 tackle. Kokh. stroi. 14 T:wer crane with a holstiug,~Lrm a~*4.balamciv n .2:29-30 7 1% NLU 10:4) (Cranes, Derricks, ate.) T1 -11T IHIV; TA SOKOLOV, L.S.; I SHLYCHKOVA) N.S.; YAIICIIUK, A.) reed.; -VANOV LILIYE, A., [Brief review of the subways of the world]Kratkii obzor me- tropol-itenov mira. Moskva,, 1956. 115 P. (MIRA 15:11) 1. flauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo~moskovskogo ifetropolitena im. V.I.Lenina. 2. Tekhnicheskiy otdel ir.oakovskogo metropolitana in. V.I.Lenina (for -SDkolov, Ivanovf Shlychkova). (Subways) YAKERSON, Matvey Samenovich; T.SYMMISKIY, Tlaaimir Abramovich. Prinimali uchastiye: LARMIN, I.A.; FHDOROY, Ye.L.; KMW, 1.0.; CHi2aysEly, A.L.; PCLENOY, I.N.; RIKITIN, M.N.; ITANOY, I.I.; GEYST, H.T.; FEDOROY, Ye.Y.; 3WOSOT, M.G. YJ&dMYA-, 'r1.. red..; ONOSHIO, N.G.,tekhn.rea. [The "Zaamia Truda" Factory-, a brief account of the "Thamia Truaa" Armature Factory in Ieningradl Znamia triaa; kratkii, ochark isto- rii lenin&Tadakago armaturnogo ravods 47.namia truda." 1960. 207 P. .(MIRA 14:4) (Leningrad-Pactories) HIT III I I: I V. ! ~ - 14101; ., ! L f -I I I I V - I I I I , f I I ! i ~POVSTYANOY, M.F. Mechanization of accounting. Koks i khim. no.5:63 163. (MA 16:5) (Zaporoahlye--Coke industry--Accounting) (Machine accounting) .--BOLOTO-V, V.V. (Leningrad); RIVIDONIK, V.S. (Leningrad); IVANOV, I.I. (Leningrad); CHERVONENKIS, Ya.M., kand.tekbn.nauk 040skva) Transmission of electric power at long distances. Prospects of stepping-up the voltages of overhead power transmission lines. Elektrichastvo no.9t77-80 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) Hot T V I-OT7 Fuel CouseriatiCh 'Hathods of Rationalizing the Fuel Comoh, ti at p 04. iftwer Stations.. 1. 1. Ivanovo Tranept-10 pp "bergeticheekiy Byull' So 1 States 'that to skske a=7 sort of ratibnaiisatibw lu~:, fuel expenditure). neceneai7 to date - " " he te; 66- riin# t a hould be bam act- loGical norm. Any Increase s bined norm of theteabnological norus. Presents -calculate thi norjw for iniivldu~21; et"Iw formulas to having ons Diesal:.unit operatin aterlliousmea AsterodnatIon of, ioiiaw I Oa44 Ip tv~r ~~jj~ at :1, or~ more Diesel oxits olierite C10i ;b 0m$ Le ?A CII 19h7 'Diesel clo Loadey IlThe Be of Diese -1.7oncrly 10 PP Bfulleten 1 "ljo of ,tEner tirhesyil ion Vitt 6ra., 1 discuss we'ell MM t end f ae. 0.90ratirL6 dp- a 16TB2 IVANOV, L L PA 58T30 Efficiency, Industrial "Fael Econotoy Through Combining the Processing of Thermal and Electrical Raergir," I. I. Ivanov, Min- PuteyBoobehohenlyal 6k pp "Mergeticheakiy Pyulletent" No 7 Shows relationship between degree of fuel econow., realized in a combined Installaticap and structure of energy utilization. We can be characterized by relationship between utilization of thermal or oleo-. trical energy. 58T30 IVANOV2 I. I. USSR/Engineering Railroads2 Electric Pawer Transmission, Electric Jan 48 "On So Me Serdinov's Article, 11he Problem of Long-Distance Pcnrer Supply for Electrical Railroads" 3 pP "Elektrichestvoll No 1 Froblems presented in original article is of great importince. Here suggestions are offered by X. A. Shatelen) Corr r1em, Acad Sci; Prof V. V. Bolotov) Leningrad Polytech Inst imeni Kalinin; 1. 1. '1 arpv.,.-Gand, Cen_Sec,,j'&- -- g ;con, vpp En Ministrj of Means of Communicabion USSR; L. 0. Gruberj Engr, Transtakliproyekt, Sarkisov, Engrj Jaku. PA 4A91h9 1.0 to lei 101 *w 0u 40 I'll Ts a) I it b :J1I IV It u u )a )I In If 0 41 U Q A I C. 2 -a 9 1 1 V v A 7 r AA IM 4- X--I-- Ik,. _A_t~_v - 00.4 016 004 00 If* Soo' 1236m, OPrIMUM I-OAD DISTRIBUTION -ErWEiN 31JV=AN9=LY 00 RUNNING DIESEL ENGINES. Ivan~ovs I.I# 9640 (Enyergetichaskii Bull. Jan. 1948, roe 1110, (1), 3-51 Feb. 1948, (2). 6-11). Coo 400 goo, Soo go* . .. ....... Aill,iLd MIETALLURCKAL LITIERATWIf CLASSWICATIO 9.4?- 1.1114a .11 a-- cat 41101 mil$314md L"IV III ----r I I 1 0 1 1 1 ; 0 3 An L I I rld 0 of V I It W 5 43 4 1 AA 10 (1 it pr u it KID (II 1. 44 a 11 . a Cc i0o 0 111 0 0 0 a * o 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 * e, 0 0 46 46 0 0 # 0 0 6 0 0 0:0 0 0,41 .000 10-00 0* 0 'u 0 re: 0 Oro : : I : 0 01*~MOA 0 O.'s, 610 0 e a 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 o * o 0 0 0.0 0 0 .6 0 0 16, 0.0 R-k 2AOT15 Power Plahtb., Dieisbl Electric Efficiency Industrial "Effect of the Coefficient of Consumption. 6f a Plant on the Cost of Electric' Ivanov, Minister of Means or Cc=W-*-cat1oni.,* 7 PP "Energett Byul" No 6 An somcmic priholple stated that the greatew out - sat= put of a pover plant and corresp6aftZly W. coefficient of utilization win. iiecreiaseAh6 ovoTW an cost of power. Diamwees a Ofo, then$ powar-~economlcal:oharaoteriatiom on basis ~4 ditt obtained from operation,of Diesel power stmticlw.:~i Lc TRI 6pifqv'mti= ana r4onamy of Blec tric fterMr, 3 PP ~t 27a" No 7 k*11-representea. In C-LUD tr ial - t~ c imic &I' a vac,"em-9 -M~Uoac -oblems was held 20 - 2 May 9 In V tased, j=odvctt-7i:t7 and eleAri6Z.Power 13eA=,-,= giAle'ved. 'by using rapid metalvork-Ing (outtingy 65/49T4O UM/Blectricity Sffloiency, Jul 49, Industrial (cont&) awhinery in hie plant. Aresolutidn vas adopted' ndlag =&owes for further rationalization, electric power in lnftstr7. USSR/Electricity - Power Economy, Elec- Apr 50 tric Normi, Skecific- Power "Problems Relating to Establishing Norms for Specific Consumption of Electric Power in Mach- anical Workshops," I. I. Ivanov, Cand Tech Sci, 3 3/4 pp "Proz-_ Energet" No 4 Describes method and gives formulas for estab- lishing norm of tlectric power consumption per stamAwd machine-hour in metalworking industrY. Experimental data acquired can be used for 161T36 USSR/Electricity -.Power zccmomy, Electric Apr 50 (Cantd) average load of electric motor in machine bank, after certain corrections, to obtain norms for level of power consumption and productivity of work. 161T36 Canal Oct 52 !.,A General Mecting of the Adminizatration of HPMME (Hoscow Branch of the All-Union. Scien- - tIfIx! and Technical Society of Power Engineers) Dev~oted to the Opening of the Volga-Dan Canal I=e~nmi V. i. Lenin," 1. 1. Ivanov, Cand Tech Sci, sel. ~~cy, IM-11ITOE "Iektric- hestvo" No 10) p 92 Speeche~- were given by Acad'M. V. Kirpichey, Chm, ICK M-E, 1. 1. Kandalov, Engr; Ya. W. Vetukhn6Y9kiY, 231IT35 Chie4i, Engr Of the Planbihg 'Office, Gidrostal ~yroyekt; and:M. M. Trekbov*.a,nd,,A.S.,,Tikhomirov, enginiers cf the Automobile Plant imeni Stalin. 23IT35