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IVANOVI D.N. 3636. IVANOV, D.N. Poijobiye Po Pravilam Dvizhyaniya k-totransporta. V., Voyeniznat. 1954. 192 s. s ill. 23sm. Sr. 210k B Pyer-(54-57606) P SO: Knizhnaya Latopis', Vol. 3, 1955 IVANOV, Dmitr,4 Hikol_V yich, kiaadidat tekhnicheekly nauk, doteent-. '-!-B "lazhaner. reteenzent; KAUROV, D.M.. Lazhener, redaktor; GOFHLN, To.K., radaktor Watellsiva; SOK010YA. L.V., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Ifeading of engines conmuming light liquid an4 gas fuel] SistsaW pitaniia dvigatolei leGftogo, zhi(lkogo i gascivogo topliv. Izd. 2-oa, dop. i perer. Hoskya, Goo. nauchno-takhn. IAd-vo mashinastrolt. lit-ry. 1955, 238 1)- (KLU 9:9) (Gas and oil engines-luel systems) SOLOVIYICV, Georgiy Rikhaylovich; IVA Nl~gg~"JJX&JAWyv i ch; KOSOROTOV. c. %t 01-; VOLKOVA. V-Te.# B.V., inshoner-polkovulk, re oi tchnichookiy redaktor [Manuel of automobilo traffic regulationid Posobie po pravilem dvizheniia avtotransporta. lzd.2-oa. ispr. Moskva, Toon.tad-vo H-va obor.BSSR, 1957. 224 p. (14LRk 10:9) (Traffic regulations) "I ' I I I SOMPTEIT, Goorgiy Kikhaylovich; ITA~~OTt- Dmitriy Ilikols"vich; KOSOROTOT, B.V., inzh.-polkovrLik, red.; SVLELIHfKd~A,*- R.-A.', (Manual on traffic regulations] avtotransporta. Iisd-3, perer. 1959. 247 P. regulations) Pooobie po prav-ilam dvizheniia Moskva, Voen.iEd-vo X-va obor.SSSR, (KIRA 13:3) (Traffic YSHKIN, Vyacheslav Grigorlyevich; S40RODDISHY, I.M., Inzh., retsen- M I zent; LVAPGV,.-,DJ1., inzh., red.; MODEL, B.I., tekhn. red.; SKIPWOVA5 G.V., telchn. red. [Truck-mounted cranes] Avtomobillnye kxany. lzd.2.,perer. lloslcva, Gos.tauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1961. 210 1, (MIRA 14,12) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) SOLOV IYEV, Georgiy Mikhaylovieh; IVII10y, DrA V tr - jtjk-Q~Layqy~~4; DURAMIN, M.P., poll-ovnik, red.; KONOVJaak, "9.K., t-jklin. red. (Traffic regulations for automotive transportation in the U.S.S.11.1 Dvizhenie wrtotransporta v S13SR. Mo;skvas Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1961. 279 p. (MIRA 34-.22) (Traffic regulation) (Transportation, Autoeotive) IVANOV, D.I.I.; GORYACM, V.T., rod.; CHAPAI-EVA, R.I., telcbn. red. [Improl,ring the roadability of motor vehicles]Povyshenie pro- khodimosti avtorobilei. Moskva., Voenizdat, 1962. 66 1). (1,UA 15:10) (Motor vehicle s--Dynamics) MqOVj, D. N. Divialcm of the medium-9minael gfmdtes of the Oalabad deposit (a.entral Kazaklotan) ikebording to the rosults of quantitative mineralogioal awlyels and radiomirito a' ti.or.s. Poll. AN SSSR 347 no.&W25-342t D 62. (MM 26 11) Iq Uuingmdskoys otdalani7s NatemUcheakago irstituta im. V. A. Stalklava AN SSSB. P."dstav3ano akad.amikom D. S. (Oullshad rogionu4ramite) -(Rodks--&nalyais) IVANOV D.N.; FW , A.V. Re'lation botween the distribution of scandium and the type of zoaks conttvLning it. Dokl.AN SBSR 149 no.ltl76-178 Mr 163, (MIRA l6s2) 1, Leningrmlskoye otdaleftiye Matematicheakogo instituta IM4 V.A.Stekloiria, AN SSSR. Pradstavleno akademikom D.S.Korshinskime (Scandium) IVANOV , D. H. LUI~ar parog9negi# of the main rock-forming elements of central. KazakhAarL granites* Dokl. AN SSSR 15G no.2-.392-395 Yq 163 L-5) KMA 1 1. Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matematicheskogo instituta im. V.A. Steklova AN SSSR. Predetavleno akademikom D.S.Korzhinakim. (Kazakhstarr-Granite) to 1110,1-4- All. 01 Is it I I 4 Al A 1-611 ~ ,till IV, All 1,46111 0 if Iifflll~ 0 41 k l' 14.1 ~ 14 00 A -00 4) to V. 0. Akkwvva otlit 11. N. 3 ASOMM; 00 bw phivinfurttik 111'amurnie"t, Ill, if* neonst off diaphreffins Attai betw"" the dit slid cl-Ah- s(kia-eavit. rherrtativr :ostar ko, (if flit vilwcutwalsh L 00 intctuildnol the Un" 1, wul /,art ded. froin thettiquation 00 I is AOAH - *I W (11 is the briAht off fbir flit- ZgX11 of -Ii lim, ki stiff k. arr flit heights; cot llw wrAtin"I S lip" anif a Is a cun.l. deprading im flit, 4hdlw oif Ilk, chili. .3 ; ;d Thir 441 vantagr of I he InviKkiicAl flirt fli -1 ill that she ttiumilva expteviling life rAitive InivisOli of llw 0 hum doirs not roulain the SchwarmhOd "mil, rhe III*- it -10 0 adventikSir Is the dPliculty of tumforing lite lint, vvidming 7; at file ends, Ili~ suitability ilif flit uttilmid Im filial. snarwa umis frated oil 11CO Namplel mlh vallons IAIIIIVIIIN -31 Cc anti to "I "Joldes (tit the routent uI Cla. Invall arithmetkal error Ili Cr drin. froul tht Imir Cr &All 411.1 NO 0 Fe U.-t A. betymen the twwtts. of 111.3. unit 1.5ci. A %v 0 -11%. 'the mean withruttkst mot in Cu dein.from tIm- pair Cu &1417. anti Cd 32til A. lictwlicti the em"a. of WIM Aful 0.0 1% was fieun XOO at 4-tt If $1111111UP1111M %11111416111 tL41"flik"ON Iles, -v ftiiI 'i iii 4 .1 fill A-V I U 0 Ivia) Is its to to It Is 09 Is it It a as 0*00 0 0 0 *00 *a a i0 0 o be go see 0 406 0 6 4 00 00 (A 9 0 go* 0 00 isomodA 1111,111s, 0 * 0 e 0 0 0 fe a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 069*0060 00000,46900 0'~*-' Co f ' 4 00 I t 1 4 1 6 It I I a 11131$M1510 )itll 11 X? 024 . A 0 3,11M It 00 A 4 I A ix Eli I I A I)Ctominattou at coppoor itz voU by --a Of IlP*dml auolys!v. 1). N. Ivatow. 11t,14"Ry (1'. S. S. It.) 1949, %o. it. %&I 04"lle W" %'-' it and l lim-S .4 Ctt: A t l f . onten a util tAIIIII ImIt tin) 00 .1:.,-,4 A. with a wulitivitY of At at% intirmAl of I ,tandard the Cd linevrosus"I.:061A. Atniviolituiltrtw ' fit %-tvv was ii-ed in the owfii. With a rumn. Of 1-10 ' 00 6 A 11%. lw %he tucan at ithmotival etror we" I o0 j oil, A wrIl odmiltol f- all %11111~ Of of 00 of 00 of 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 000 11 34 31 M U a Is 6~ it 11 $1 m A no A -I, L N -00 -00 -00 -040 -00 '00 .00 .0 =00 :9 0 !goo zoo so* .40 1V 0 1 lo~ I,. I". wo 0 it I-;-. I 0 a tm 0 1 w 14 At 0 3 0 " " ' ": a ~ t? (f it OP &C K It It a tt it cc mLo n i la d'4' 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 : : : 0 :,* 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 it 0 a 6~ *rose - 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 It a * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0! ' 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46::4441 60 6 hi It 11 1) 11 It 4 10 If 2 03 .4 4 1-, It A A I a 1. u 11 . 1~ , '. . I- . 9 .. . I ' A 11_ L_c . Q 9 -1- A, ___ L 4 fill fm a Ji I1 1 N. 4 l s C ~ . , r .0 00 _ _. . .. _ . _4 ;00 as, ~ 0 A -.4 AJ 1_ 4 ; 00 ApplicatiOu Of ROU Isdets"' Sit thyl S 1 . . ., . Lls~, N~ .1d. 0, "" t~lf f " of 0 '0 -Thr k - tram t G 1 .. w ti % rt,%j *11, A. 144is. vlvilIt,lll% kK. Ill, -viki d id . An 0 Alli'lls. tell, In. I.i. 1w, etc I, lap 00 d) o For tile .10". of Cis, tile arctyl,ne flanic its th~ Alt w 1, l with Ile cirrimilmi Uss" Cis 321T A. still TV4 A. 09 lv~, C.1 lv~d A4 If,, r.1111.16-11 Orllwnt. 'the wlsti%, ji 1111C11,111C4 J Cis and C.1 tin" and 32411. A.. itip.l 4-ttv l 1 l i '.111 . l v I' 00 ir doil. by file Ittrill"d of pjwt.~jtap 4 01c,41M N tit, ".mud. 1, 01~.I. Mj; m- I~ktist,h v.-jvjq,j ~s. 0 9 No j l go lt . , bw tile 'Ittant. 'Jj y 0: 0 If 00 At&j , Np* 1 OWIli - 0 0 A atTALLUPGKAL LITTRA-fult UAMPKA110H 11 t, . . 1. tiv.48 1 p 11 SAL fli- it IV Is It 19 11 11 1 to if I 0 0 0 : ; : : 0 0 a 0 0 o q 06 ~T;l 111141 PH: r!! ~ I 0 is'li v u A a M 9 S Is 4 41 U 43 AN Of) 60; 71166", It I a 0 b [11 a It w it k 11 If to u A -IS 0 N p a a I I v -A-1, AMA - qcx u -.1 V.2 A P, 0 A .'Tj-~j -1'(Als I T!10 0 IS 0 00 Mutual stied of 00 -A 4 alka elements on the i~tettcily of 1~hrir *00 OPOCuum 10 the 08=11, 1). N. Ivaptiv. Zliplidikaya 00 A 10, 401-3(1~j I),- The addii. of 57v NaCl of 5% J,jCj 1., .0 kbC1 pAn. jljtm&.,, of 0 the intcW%ftYQ the Rb %pm-truijj it, 0 .41TAYlene flaire and decreases it ill illuminating sit,, 00 4%e inttmitY of the b1sectnim of th, alkuh kmwnt j, ill, -00 00 created upuu (ht atintim. of other illwo vitnityll ,. 'I hu *00 vatiatim of the intensity incremse, with im-framnX at. wt -00 00 A -1 the Aftlixt. For the -.4filt adllii%i. tht itl4tive challgi: in intensity iflcrca~~ With InCTtAL'Ing ill. %I. of the t-10111clit V00 00 9 tu 1w deld. 11 kanlich --00 06 1100 of 3:00 00 00 it 00 goo 00 t:0 a WOO tloo voo 1:11041 Aja.jLA SITALLUIGICAL LIMATUR11 CLASSWKA"CX He - -- - ------ woo fill. OiLlIc" LILI .0 to 03a 4L Qat It . I W 14 1 43 4 /s- -%11041 IT, " . i;i , , tIt Kw ; r 0 0 U AV 90 It 49 4 0 0 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : :1 1 4 0 0 0 Ole. as** 0 06 '~ eck~o 0 9 00 6 of In rm lee 11141699609 000894*69o V W,11K, 3 V 0e f -*--W JPF W- 0 so 00 of 4if r 00 Ri " I, . " -I- AA 0 CC gr U -a- 1~:; -A . C Vlatelbutloo of copper to the main sai I types ot ine U. S S. R. 1. 11 Wqllr1,kI1 And It, Iv.411"t, I I-; ".j arad. )1), 1'. R~ %, S~ 30, *-1 3(t9tyl(iii of .11lain -I, - -I -)If" I be CIA k kill trill C"Ift'l thrimight)ut thl, Itr4tir tit lhu t,,,1 cxrij. t z it w k- relmivdy high in the it, htwijors. oint. III Ifit. i bmuon anti Accumulated in the B hwigon tit I-Irol, The CIA content devirevi%ril with depth in chirtnort-tivi arid 0 iller,awil with ils-pth In the hnjnie-glvy~y I)iN. A uh- j trottwa] poditil ronlainril 01 and Ihe 1wrignij C ' th, 11"ril.trts difference, were leis trioniittictil than in rio,12ol. A podiolized %Iv%Ty iihirnImA -i1 (t. con. o0 tained 0AWW% Cu which W21 UlliflMildill di,liribuictl a:* 0 - -4 1 mn - throughtheproti4e. Tht,mlloutofthrhor,ton Ishwd 1101101 0.0104"', Cu~ TIm ittctraw,l Cit vwilvnt CIO 0 00 tit III.. ollold ho", III, IlIfItitfur .,f ail."I'litill ..It III, Isil. 00 cont,tit of olivint- ba~flt% friont 11.111012" . in the tock 1'. S* 0 00 , 11.0110r/j', in the friable wratlict,rd primitictl; Ni-l-n MrKaig, Jr. j; 1,00 41TALILUSt6KAIL LITERATURE CLASSWICATICH 4".01 - - , - - - 1, is its K, 11 a, It t1t It r 11 An I s a Od 0 - - W 54 ii7 A3 7 y i 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 -7~ 0 0 94 0 - 0 0 a 0 C. A. J_A_A-sL_&_A 9 A P Q A I V A 41 A 0 0 Wtt) If 0 we j,,%kwjjjjA Imit, 11. V. I?pkw(Awm. Xsekortsthtto .00 dlyj Pwerykh i Lab. liskslitund AvAto S. At,-kkisw. AfdMy Isslodowssiya Paciv No. 1. 140-1,11 00 M444). cf. C.A. 33. 41400-The authm ttL&kt the M- go I cralization that soils of dep!CSSUM are 10"vir in Cu can. tent, "BoU cultivatim sicksAm- due t dcfic* of CIA appstan vibot the CIA CMtetil drom, IWIDW 1-7 x In- Or"10, Swe peat soils cantstibed Itu than 3 X 10-1%. A sprctral method of dris. Cu I& dmil;ord and WastrattA. go Z'q 0 roe la ties IS, 11- S L AWALLURCK&L LillEATURE CLASUP)CAMMI ....... ;see -to- is I _W_ , T"_j_T j A OF Y -A --- 1131 T U to :1 to Ob As x It 01 19 tv It In to Is I :11s Ass A 1 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lit, 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I . , - , , . , - I I I F 71~=~4" MU~~,Q I I I I :.~ I., I P;! jvw;v~,-q q will ! 1 t'.1 ~:! - , 1, 1 1 : ;- I ~, ;,. 1 -1 z :- I :1,~l - I -:t , - t I . - 1! 11; IVAN 0V , Tj . N . USSR Physico-chem. Lab., Soil Inst.Vi Acad. Sci. (-1946-) "To the farming utilizarion of peaty-boggy soils" Fochvovedeniye, No. 12, 1946. Oct 22 1951 The application at the O"tron maid Me fat the dett~ mitutdon of the alkan alaiments. 1). N. ivanov Un3t. of Sods, Acad. Sci. U-S-SX.). P;4iJR'PWMMbkVY~ t949 4=1": cf. Ruirtdif (C.A. 39, MM.-The multiplier i4 described and Illustrated. The PriliciP41 41wctral lines of the alkali tuttats were measured: Li 0708 A., NA AW)IVA A., K 7t=/99 A,. Rls 7t*X) A., C% Wei A. An axrtylene-mir donve was used to ticila the 1."Irum. The higs of the deviatious of the mirm c-N-Anotneter (which expr"i the too of Ibt inirnsily o( the Sperfrdl lines) am plotted against the kV of th, cut C11%. of (be ek-tatnts within the limits of I X lo-"'~ to X If)-'% (to Na and K, 6 X IO-4c," to 1.1 x 10-te") Ito Li, Rb, and Cs. This rmetbod can be used in ml analyws. A comparison with stan"d techniques show.~ th6 turthod to be accurate. I. S. IC'ffr 0 If 0 a 11 4 1T c 1. t. I" dit"Is toot Ll N' lkvt,..v ' 't4l'T fa- I Ittill) P-.Ij I h 1 h 1 4 1 00 m..' t. i 1 , IwIgN .1 tit, nis I all aivol.tiv all 111414m. 'A - 410 w- Ins I t1 t t c. . ' 4" 1l w k IS W-cill. clv*trt%lf srKtottj %% 09 It"IJKTd. b1mrAvil thAt thic infellsity (if SIXTtrA liltv~ ii 4ittiRk-Antly 11010I)VIA kV,l 'AiINWO drAT% I iM S 1-ittill I'l 3 1 kv. -tv-11 orkowilto kith Li- 6"Illall, V 41 Ills.wifl) itill "t willf-1 a t i 11 '00 00 4 1 'w t. S111111ii 1"4(a 04 - l At tit I.,--- lus"iml th K -we Its, a rr-efird g 13~jiq of ji~- 1,5; Ilic vil,vt I "h,mi . C :!rr 1401t), 111g, reert 1. om-l Ity jjjctfAwqj "ji"Ir o 0 rhi, mortNO 1--- 1'.' Itijill NI'll k' fin L" 11"j,, 41"1 t~ it, I t.1,411tv vo o , z:e 0 11 44 I 0 t 0 . 9 z - ;hoo 00 of all "vg VICT" U 0 0 0 6 0 0 o o o 0 0 00 0 0100 ce 6 a 0 o 0 0 is a 0 0 to 0 10 0- 0-0 0-0- 0 00000 0 4~4'6 0 0~41'0. 0 16 0-00 6 a a as 16 db a a is IVANUV, D.h. USSR "Occurrence of Copper in Soils and Role of Copper Fertilzers in Increasink the Yeild Capacity of Farm Crops." Thesis for degree of Cand. Geological- Mineralogical Sci. Sub 7 Jun 50, Soil Inst Iment VV. Dokuchayev, Acad Aci USSR Summary 71, 4 Sept 52, Dissertatlons PresenVad for Degrees in Science padEL i eqrjnj: ja Mosc - i250 Tn From Vechernyiftya Mog)MM, Jan-Dee 1950. Distribution of coppr in=nd the colt of copper con- tailling fell'tRAILMIJIll in 'L't the yield of wiciallizial plants. 1) , N INAtivey 1*rvdYAK4mmx.,C,,1kkkL,.. V V, Poke, iw rile owlell .4 Cie ilk .'vil' 1, III I III "';.. it, it, th'. I"- SVI4, .1 -1 1, 1 It, - JIO " ;., (hilillislily. 111cf., 1, .%1, 1.-1 1 ..... .. .. I Cie I's ..0. I Is.,, It. fit, satirists, 9-li, ..I selea.1, it. -j!, Lie--I, J- Islikill .,,It sImI. k:U 11"Is tilt .,It, In %III, [I if. w 6:1,.% , i'lls, 111'I'vi twkl .4 thr Ca. Illere the Cu i. in rise (skeeken W eml.plieu, Ilse di~ttibutitmt it( Cie thrmigh the luestsisn% it( %Ati-,ui -d* it Ifi-IlwA. Wltru t1m. Cie cmal'.11 (.11, 1 'VII.Im C41.11 . 1, .1 it) 110. it Imto let, I.. I.e. ...w a .1-1, i" IVANOV,. D.N. The application of interference light filters for the determination of sodium and potassium in soils. Pochvovedenie '53, Ho.l. 61-6, (CA 47 no.14:7144 '53) (MLRA 6:2) id -- ~ ~. , --. ~A.Tvl ! - -`: . . . - - ` i. I . - 1; . I ~'! ~!] ~ - ~ 11, . ;,i:'i : 7. 111 i1 i~'; ~ ~ H-,~ id -- - -". . . I . I : , : I "Job In solutl imX. A mal. Odw. I ~ N.S. R 'S's L. m m n al i US,'-R/ Agriculture - Soil science Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 85/97 Authors Ivanov, D. N. Title I Use of interference light filters for the datemimti6n ok Na and K ib the soil Periodical Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. f-1z. 18/2., page 294#* Har-Apr 1954 Abstract t The results obtained by utiUzing btarfereme lig:ht Where for the determimtion of sodiun and potassiun in the soil aare bvisf3y sumarized, One USSR reference (1953). Institution Acadeny of Sciences USSR, The Ve V, Dakuchayev SA1 Institute Sutmitted t Di~',ributir,q of M-I)idimm In O.Aac gadj;. T). N~ 1, jilov T--",fv tm. V~ V. f'. Nifil -Rh mrmt b t:.bubtev-d (A ~,,rv ry of 1,tjjfljj Yli)) ,,nd w A q+e--fz ,f (lie B-a-Lbin-A PlAill - Ot~', 111~i-lat'-d ~t dlc~)dm '1P to I lie, k 1, 1~~d dmi met )ICIp to Me vJfi-1; ~YT,` I T r :1v -,J.7m elf Ph in is Wi m tilt ratige 0~00&- 11 ac of rt% deir- mg 'allriraiw% we, eny wvU-rxvrvi;,!,I - umuht.'an oe Rb A. W - I .zjy~fn- IVAROV, D.X.~ Occurrence of lithium, rubikium, and cesium in products of recent weathering and in soils. Kora vyvetr. no.2:77-84 156. (KGU 9: 8) (Minerals in soil) M.N.H., W I No-, 11"M ISM 177 1 1 41,111 ~ " "Im r PI pq. , ~ , '71 1111111: IVANOV, D.N. Making use of photoresistance in flame photometry. Pochvove- denie no,1:117-118 Ja 159- (HIRA 12--2) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Dokuchsyeva AN SSSR. (Flame photometry) 3(13) Alj'i'IIOR: Ivanovt Do No SOV/20-128-3-47/58 TITLI-.;: On the Orientation of the Optic Axes of Quartz Grains in Sandstones of the Red Mass on the Cheleken Peninsula PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR* 1959, Vol 128, Nr 3, pp 604-606 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper intends to clarify the position of quartz grains on the surface of the layers in the sandstones mentioned in the title. Borings of 1955 were 'investigated. It was then attempted to put in agreement the stratigrapN, established by A. Be Vistelius and Me A. Romanova aith the geophysical working characteristics of the crosc section of the red mass. The author determined the directionc of the optic axes of the quartz grains- 4 grindings were maae in parallel to the layers diagram of the Ist type , 4 more in a perpendicular direction agram of the 2nd type~(Table 1). The experimental results M showed the following circumstances: (1) The optic axes of the quartz grains form, in most cases, an ansle of 5-25 0 with the plane of the sandstone layers, sometimes an angle of 25-500, in the diagrams of the 1st type (the P08ition of the axis in the Card 1/2 plane of layers being assumed with 0 ). This suggests a certain On the Orientation of the Optic Axes of Quartz Grains SOV/20-128-3-47/58 in Sandstones of the Red Mass on the Cheleken Peninsula predominance of grain surfaces in parallel to the prism facets over those in parallel to the rhombohedron faces. (2) The existence of 2 maxima in the diagrams of the 1st type surely points to the fact that the sandstones of the Karagel'skiy and DokushkuzlanBkiy horizons of the red mass were deposited in a medium with a directed motion. (3) The above-mentioned investigation confirms (for nonmetamorphized sandstones) the concluaions drawn by Ingerson - Ramish (Ref 7) and Rowland (Ref 8) saying that the quartz grains in the nedimentation are preferably deposited upon the surfaces in parallel to the rhombohedron- and prism facets. The types of structure diagrams constructed by the author are in agreement with those set up by T. Ye. Gryaznova (Ref 1) and V. 2.. Golovenok (Ref 2). There are 1 figure, I table, and 9 referencos, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriyaaerometodov Akademii nauk SSGR (Laboratory of Aeromethods of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: May 20, 1959, by D. S. Korzhinskiyt Academician SUBMITTED: May 16, 1959 Card 2/2 IVANOV, D. N. GP-22A flame photometer. Pochvovedenie no.81106-109 Ag 16o. (XU 13!8) I. PochvenW institut im. Y.T.DAuchayeva Akudemij nauk SSSR. (Ilame PhOtOmetr7) .1 IN, 1! 11 1 t P, W.,, IVANOV, D.N. High-temperature flame and large samples used in spectrum analy-slo. Fochvovedenie no.10:109-112 160, (MIRA 13:10) 1. Pochvean~7 institut Imeni V.V. Dokachayeva Akademij nauk SSMI. (Soils-Aiialysis) (Spectrum analysis) IVANOV, . D. N. Use of the ampensatJon method in flame photometry. Zav.lab. 27 no.3f297- 299 161. 1 (MIRA,10) (Flame photometry) IVANGV., D.N. Flame photometric analysis. Fochvovedenie no-40-62-70 AD 162. lo Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. 60A 15:4) (Photometry) (Soils-Analysis) r A.R., kand. geol.-min. nauk, otv. red.; FAVLOV, A.N.j red.; ANTSELOVICH, le.M., red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S.) tekhn. red.; ZUDINA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Trace elements in some soils of the U.S.S.R.) Mikroele- menty v nekotorykh pochvakh SSSR. Moskva2 Izd--vo nNauka," 1964. 162 p. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Pochvennyi institut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva. IVANOV D.N.; FAAS, A.V. Evaluation of the content of accessory-minerals in thin sections using a linear calculation method. Sov. geoi. 7 no.142:140-147 D ,64. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matematicheskogo instituta im. V.A. Staklova AN SSSR. IVANOV) D.U.; IVANOVA, N.N.; GIRLOVA, L.P. Concentration of microelements for their deterrdnation in sails and ~ other biological objects. Trudy Kom. anal. khim~, l5t3O6-3-',O 165. . (AURA 18.-7) 1 v ik .01 for dlo M- tLe -0) ts il, cr, V5 Lxace no -89 3 0 -V;,L , -) I L IYANOV , I KOSIKO, "1.K. 2,kil'j Linear parageneses of the main rock-forming elem-Ints o' the eandesit~-basalts of Y.-Linchatka. DokI-. IIIN s-I-:LR 164 no.()i1363- 1365 0 165. (MIRA 18'.10) 1. Gruppa matematIchaskoy goolo-ii Itinn-.,*zjcji!kq--o ottrieleniya t~, L L, I ) Ptatematicheskogo instituta im. V.A.StckI..I,-;va All SSSR .1 Niauchio- issledovatellskiy institut geol.ogii Arktild Gooudarzt"nnogo goologichesRogo kL)mit--ta SSSR. Siihmitted April 21, 1965. ;77 P: f IVANOVI D.1). On the afferent innervation of the autonom!c ganglia. Dokl. Bolg. akad. nauk 17 no.4;415z--41F 164. 1. Note presentee par D. Kadanov. ii. KOTSYUBINSKIY, O.Yu., doktor tekhn. nauk; dokttr tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; ZITSTKOVA, I.N.j inzh. red. [Warping of iron castings from residual stresnen) Koroblenie chugunnykh otlivok ot ostatochnykh napriazhenii. Moslcva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 174 p. (MIRA 18:4) IVANOV. D. P. , I nzh. ,.-WeWt~. Hollow punch for frozen gromA used in d rIv Ing do-wa pilese Torf prom. 37 no-7131-32 160* (MIRA 13:11) 1. Torfopredprlyatlys Nazi7a. (Peat industry-lquipment and supplies) MINT: 111:11 11 111 1~ IVANOV, D.P. On the problem of the development of incapsulated nerve endings of the urinary bladder in man.,Sofla no-9/10:31-45 159. 1. 1z Iratedrata po anatomiia na choveka pri VMI - Safiia. Zav. katedrata: prof. D. ladanov. (BIAMSH innervation) (MV2 ENDINGS embryol.) M? 1:1 I X-j-, if! :-,I.. Jul j! [WiT41 !1 11' H. ; 11 1 : , , m , - ~ IVANOV3 D.P. mwan"= . Embryogenesio of nerve calls in man's winary bladder* lov inst morf BAN no.5:83-91 16ps, i : .,. - I I'll nn- rv a t 4an 1! 1,4 2~ i F li!l, 11, .1 1~ Mifl;,i ~I MAH Hi 197. Df7i I a Ezgtm LIG gin vil] FRcm To? (NAIRCMI; 116taf 1955, Inrcm. letter 129, Zpp.; t1tis in Tarr. Prtm. (Fe--,, 1--L, lio=000 Jan. 19-54, vol. 31. 32). . ....... . .........7 Mai I'M 3 -It I ][%I Uji p v.1 fl., i- IiBi 2;pr-Pi IVANOV, D.P., insh. -MEW Apparatus for the reconditioning of slurry pipes. Torf.prom. 34 no.6:35-36 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Torfopredpriyatiye Naziva. (Peat industry-Equipment and supplies) (Pipe) PROKOPOV, P.Ye. [Prakopau,, P.1A.); IVANOV, D.P. Scientific activity of the academicians and corresponding members of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the White Russian S.S.R. for 1961. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser. biial.nav. no.2:1)3-139 162. MU 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Prokopov). (WHITE RUSSIA--AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH) 10 ~4,~) SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1754 AUTHOR BEZBATCENKO,A.L., GOLOVIN,1.11., IVANOV,D.P., KIRILLOV,V.D., JAVLINSKIJ,N.A. TITLE The Investigation of a Gas Discharge with High Amperage in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energija, 1, faso-5, 26-37 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 The present work describes the investigations of a gas discharge in deuterium at pressures of from 0,05 to Ot4 mm torr. The stages of the discharge from the growth of the field from zero to the maximum are investigated. Amperage attained 700 kiloamp4res and the field strength of the longitudinal field was 12000 ~rsted. Investigations were carried out at a field strength of the longi- tudinal field which was comparable to that of the discharge current. The momen- tum device used is explained on the basis of a drawing, It consists of a or farfor tube of a length of from 65 to 70 cm and with a diameter of from 18 to 20 cm with plane copper electrodes. These tubes are mounted inside a coil of 36 cm diameter. The condenser pile with-Cl - 23-000 microfarads on the occasion of its discharge by way of a spherical discharger produces damped electric 08- cillationa with a frequency of 73 a. Summary and discussion of results: The longitudinal magnetic field delays the compression of the discharge column under the influence of the eigenfield of the current. Breakdown of the discharge column begins later than at Ho = 0. (Ho - longitudinal field before the discharge). At Ho,