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SOV/123~69615-59218 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniyej 1.959, Nr 15, p 49 (USSR) AUTHORS: Ivanov, B.V., Kolmakova, M.A. TITLE: Automation and Mechanization of Manufaoturing Processes at the ATE-1 Plant PERIODICAL: Avtotrakt. elektrooborudovaniye, 1958, Nr 3, PP 70 - 75 ABSTRACT! Several kinds of equipment used are described. 1) Automatic device for the drilling of rivets of 3 mm in diameter, 5 - 11 mm long, to a drilling depth of 3 mm with a drill of 1.8 mm in diameter and a capacity of 1,200 rivets/hour. The automatic device consists of the bed, headstock, index head, distributing shaft, pump with tank, and electromotor. 2) Hydraulic device for the reduction of electromachine bodies along their inner diameter, made of steel bands, operating with an oil pressure of 170 - 180 at. 3) Mechanism for the automatic feed of copper bands to the press for the punching of commutator plates, Card 112 which consist of the feeding mechanism, the straightening device and ;1: 11 ITF-1; TF-Ir-T SOV/123-59-15,59218 Automation and Mechanization of Manufacturing Processes at the ATE-1 Plant roll-holder. On the same principle a feeding mechanism for caps, commutator bushes and other parts was designed. Special dies for commutator bushes were designed, com- bining four operations, as well as a special roll-holder. By the applicationaf these devices several presses can beattended by one worker. 6 figures. V.D.I. Card 2/2 V Au.L101t. iv~nov. B.V.9 ~'Jneinear 9C-56-4-3/18 TIELL". Aecults Obtained Ath Cable Cranes at the Construction of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station (Itogi pri-meneniya kabellriykh ',ranov na 3troitellstve Kuybyshevsko-o Eidrouzln) 1:_'-i-'1G,.DI~~-_L: Gidrotekhnichoskoye ~Aroitellstvo, 1958, "Ir. 11, pp 11-15 (USSH) ABiria,CT: T7,0 15 ton parallel-moving cable cranes -aerc installed in the sprinr 1954 on the construction site of the Kuybyshev Hydro- electric Power Plant. taounted on 420 ra long tracks with a sPan of 345 T, these two cranes served an area of 145,000 sqra. L;Icst of the moving and assembly work of the heavy reinforced concrete structures was done by the cable cranes as aoll as the transportation of all, heavy loads beyond the reach of the ,r,antry cranes. In the 4th quarter 19~4 handling of heavy loads by these two cranes reached its highest Ieak aith 26,000 tono. ;,'o3t efficient was the work of the cable cranes at the con- struction of the locks; one 11, ton cable crane working in con- junction v.-ith -antry cranes and havini; i span of 592 m -,-ith trackage of 510 m covered an area of 200,000 sq-ni. The result's obtained with cable cranes in this construction is sho,.t.-n in table Nr. 2. 2he results obtained from all cable cranes durin6 Card 1/2 the entire period of operation is indicated in table N'r. 3, 98-58-4-1~/i8 aesults Obtained 'I'ith Cable Cranes at the Construction of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station sho,,,,,ing an efficiency factor of only 25.0'e. There are 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kuybyshevskiy gidrouzel (Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Construction-Equipment 2. Cranes-Applications jw, 7 GZ~ G 1: 7 -L': aqq on ~SUT "JI-L j.j z:;1 "I U 1~ HO T? 1vanov, R.V. , 'Ingineer TITLE: Packing of the Soil During the Construction of the Front Part of the Sp"llway Dam of the Kuybyshev GES (Uplotneniye gruntov pri sooru::henii ponura Yuyb.vshevskoy GES PFRIODICAL: Gidrotekhrticheskoye stroitellstvo, 10,58, Nr -9, pp ABSTRACT: During the construction of the front part of the spillway dam of the Kuybyshev GES, 400,000 cu m of argillaceous soil were transported from a nearby quarry. The soil was transport- ed by dump trucks of the MAZ-205 and YaAZ-21CYatype. It was found, that the rollers used for pneking the soil were inad- en'uate on the small sur-face. As a last rasort, automobiles of the MIAZ-525 type were used, and good results were obtained, although the cost of the operation was high. Spnces near the walls were pack6d with the electric stnmpers of 1-131 type. Immediate modernization of the existing rollers is urgently requested. There is 1 photo and 1 Soviet reference. 1. Dams--Construction 2. Soils--Applications Card 1/1 Jul 1. 1 111, 1; !7 IVANOV, B.,_inzh. (g.Izmail) New-t7pe tracks for cranes. NTO no.6:22 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) kCranes, derricks, etc.) : .1 ' I ! ; "";! r ! ill::;, jH1 11111: 1 11111 1~ 1 i : I ~y I ; IVAVOV, B.V. , inzh. Using reinforced concrete slabs In constructing crano run- ways. Transp.stroi. 9 no-7:34-35 J1 159. (141RA 12t12) (Concrete slabs) (Cranes,derricks, eta.) IVAITOV, B.y inzh. ------- Improved pavement of crane tracks. NTO Z n0-3:28 1r l6o. OURA 13-6) (Cranes, derricks, etc. (Pavements, Concrete) I ! ~!~! 1 .1 - I!;* ~' -!, SOVII 24- 57-11-4184 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 47 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov, B. V. TiTLE: On the Effectiveness of Flat Slope Faces of Shallow Railway Open Cuts as a Measure Against the Formation of Snow Drifts (Ob effektivnosti upolozheniya otkosov melkikh zhcleznodoi-ozlinykh vyyen-lok kak sredstva protiv obrazovaniya v nikh snezhnykli zanosov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Transp.-energ. in-ta Zap.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR, 1954, Nr 4, pp 159-163 ABSTRACT: It is stated, on the strength of three series of experiments performed in a wind tunnel, that there is a marked decrease of wind velocities in open cuts with shallow sloping banks. Nevertheless, according to the author, this does not justify the consideration of the indicated design method I recommended at this time in the current "Tek]-inicheskiye Ustoviyall ("Technical Spec if ications ")I as effective under any condi- tions, since the volume of snow accumulation that has to be cleared from an open cut for the restoration of railway traffic depends not only upon the intensity but also upon the duration of the precipitation Card 112 of the snow. Consequently in areas where snow 5torms are of greater I i - SO VI 12'4 - 37 -4-4184 On the Effectiveness of Flat-slope Faces of Shallow Railway Open Cuts (cont.) duration the expedient of cient without adequate snow ness must be based on the velocity and on a larger references. simply making the slope -faces shallower may not be suffi- fences. The quantitative evaluation of their effective - empirical dependence of the snow transpoet on the wind number of practical observations. Bibliography: 14 M. A. Velikanov Card 2/2 IVANOV B. V. Ivanov, B. V. - "Peculiarities of the Projeoting of the Plan and Profile of Railroads in the Rayons of Western Siberia Which Are Subjected to Snow Drifts." Leningrad Order of UnIn Inst of Engineers of Haib-oad Transport imeni Academician V. N. Obraztsov, Novosibirakp 1955 (Dissdrtation for Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopislp No. 239 Moscow, June., 1955P Pp. 8?-104- vialov, B. V. ltwoort3 at the 1-Itn Sclsntifln Z;etislon of the 'tl'jqt Siberlm Bmach Of the Acadeny of Science.; of the ." 3 (), 1113.4/5:235-. 5?. 9) srah) IVANOV, B.V. - Twelfth scientific session held to hear reports at the West Siberlam Branch of the Acadery of Sciencso of the US*S.R, Izv, Sib, otd. All SSSR no.4:143-144 158. (MIRA n-.g) (Siberia, Western-Research) IVINOV, B.V. Conference on the development of productive forces of Bastern Siberia, Izv.Sib.otd. AN SSSR no.9:142-144 '58- (Siberia. Eastern-Natural resources) ul .1 11 11 ~ I ;:! F ~ ;II I ;2 1 :! -1 IVAKOV, B.V.; MIGIRENKO, G.S.,, prof.; IMOLETOTOV, I.A.; - OMBYSH-KUZNETSOV, S.O.; SOSKIN, V.L.; LOKSHINA, O.A., tekhn. red.; VYALYKH, A.M., takhn. red. (Science center at Novosibirsk] Novosibirskii nauchnyy tuentr. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSA 1962. 206 p. WRA 16:7) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdelerjiye. (Academgorodok-Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) fl: I AI- I SICMIKO, V.K.; POLYAKOV, I.I.; REZNIKOVI A.A.; DOR.FIIWIY G.A.; IZRAELIT, E.M.; 1110TYCH, A.G,; TORUN, L.A.: CHALYY, G.1a.; STETSRIKOYe.Ya.; UDOVICIIEDIKO, L.V.; FILIPPOV, B.S., nauchn. red.; OINER, R.Z., nauchn. red.; GOLIDDI, Ya.A., glav. red.; KULESHOV, M.M., red.; POLOTSK, S.M., red. (By-product coke industry] Koksolchimicheskoe proizvoclotiro. Moskva, Metallurgiiag 1965. 167 j,'. (mm lg..?) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ir~- formatsii i takhniko-ekonomiclieskikh issledovaniy chernoy metallurgii. 2. Direktor TQC-Intrallnogo nauchno-losladova- tellskogo ins'llituta informatsil i teklmiko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy chernoy metallurgii,(for Kuleshov). 7 17 1., 0'47) B. V. Oecurp -,-ooi maintenance cf a n i ma ,i ~i ,i a -Lr- -a r 4- 41 A it C~ no.2: 5-7 F 165. 18, : 3 1. Glavnyy votrrinarny vrtio`i upraj- .. loniya Krfusnoiarskogo kri-,~va. . I I ! ~ ~ I I b ::! .1117 ..' I ~'I I I I I ;~ , I u ~' ! '~ . I ! --- --- --- - M6= KLYACHKO, B.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SMGEYEVA, N.D., inzh.; PETUIYAKOV, B.A., inzh.,- IVANOV, B.V., inzh. Corrosion of low-temperature heating surfaces of boilers operating on mazut with high sulfur content. Teploonergotika 10 no*8333-38 Ag 163. (HMA 16: 8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy teploteldmicheskiy institut. (Boilers-Gorrosion) SHVAYGER, M.I.; IVANOV,, B.V, Determination of sodium 2-ethyl hexyl sulfate in alkaline solutions. Zav. lab. 30 no.9jlO?0-1071 064. (MIRA 1813) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgichesk'LY kbmbinat. 1 .1 - !:~ if . i!. ;. I i i . I -- ~i -M[11j]-i-,!jj ! 1 t s : I il, . .! iili iii 11 1 ! I 1~ I li!O 1,;1 .. ~ F I; I I - W ~ ]:~i 1;1 1. 1 1 1 . . . , .. . I I I I IVANOV, B.V.; FEDOROV, M.V. Eruption of the Karymskiy Volcano in 1962. Biul. vulk. sta. no-36:3-16 164. (MIRA 17:9) GAKHOKIDZE, Akakiy Melitonovich; IVANOV Boris_V1adJzjvpvich [organic and biological chemistry] [Organicheslkaia i biologicheskaia khimila. Tbilisi, Ganatlebal 1965- 458 P. [In Georgian] (MIRA 18:7) B. A. A. Lhi. c)" ilus,~iaa IVANOV, B.Ya., insfiener; APANASITEV, A.. kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk. "Standardizing the consumption of basic materials.' H.1.Shustorovich, P.S.Zaitseva. Reviewed by B.IA.Ivanov, A.Afanaelev. Log.prom.14 no.3: 50-54 Mr 154. (KMA 7:5) (Shoe industry) (Shustorovich, M.L.) (Zaitiseva, F.S.) IVANOV, B-Ta. Organizing production in a cutting shop. Leg.prom. 14 no.?.-15-16 Jl 154. (MLU 7:7) 1. Direktor obuvnoy fabriki Ho. 4 Moakovskogo gorodakogo upravlenlya. (Shoo industry) ITAMOT, B., inzhener. On the complexity of shoo models. Leg.prom. 14 no.11:51-52 N 154. (Boats and shoes) (XLRA 7:12) - ----- --- --- -- ----------- --- -7 Aellfls 119 < e C- r 'Al :p t4lVe I' OSTROVITYANOV, Rmiliy Mikhaylovich, IVANOV B Uj4VjAvjjgh4 APANAS'YEV. A.A.,ratsenzent; MMW W M.A.,retsenzent; SHMSOVA, T.P.,ratsanzent; TSVAYGMMAUM, B.M.,retsenzent; MELIKSETITAN, M.A., retsanzent; MINAYEVA. T.M.,rodaktor; POPOVA, T.G.,takhnichaskiy redaktor [Technology of footwear; assembling uppers, molding, sawing and finishing processes? Takhnologiia,6buvi; sborka zagotovok, formolroahnye, poshivochnyo i otdalochnye proteasay. Hosku, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo M-va lagkoi promyshl. SSSR, 1956. 391 P- NLRA 10:5) (Shoe industry) P I I ill :, -M i i: 1, SHVARTS, A.; IVt=Vp B. "Inveatigating materials used In making shoes" by K-G.Liubich- Reviewed by A.Sbvarts, B.Ivanov. Kozbe-obuveprome no,4:36-38 ),p 15 9. ,(Boots and Aoes - -Testing) OURA 12:7) (Liubich, M.G.) s/i25/60/000/06/03/007 AUTHORS: Astaflyev, A.S., and Ivanov, B.Ye. IMM TITLE: Weldin Cast Nichrom~ Alloy X2OH8OT M201480T) of 25 mm Thickness PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, ig6ol"No. 6, pp 48 - 54 TEXT: The "Kh2080V (orN4435 [E1435]) is scaleproof, one of the alloys extensively used as cold-roller sheet or thin-walled castings for miner stresses. It is weldable by different methods [Ref. 1-3]. For 25-mm thick castings auto- matic welding is recommended with)H 4_37A (Ei437A) welding rods in combination with oxygen-free "AM41-5" (ANF-5) flux, but In construction assembly welding with flux is difficult. This article gives.;the results of experiments carried out to develop special electrodes for use without flux, J.e.for manual are welding. The information Includes the chemical composition of all materials experimented ,aith: the base metal, electracb rods, wire coatings. As the result. electrodes -'rom "ail 86W (Ei868) (also named "B)K-98" [VZh98]) withIA4W3 (Tj3C' 111-1-3) coating are recommended for electric are welding of 25 mm thick E1435. Welding rods from E1435 are not recommended for use, they caused hot cracRing; "M87f (-EI873) and ")M 4376'(EII~_37B) rods with basic coating did not provide stable mechanical Card 1/2 S11 25/60/000/06/03/007 Welding Cast Nichrome Alloy X2OH80T (Kh2ON80T) of 25 mm Thickness strength of welds in assembly. Besides, their content of aluminum and titanium necessitated development of special coatings, as the conventional basic coating gave a slag crust, which was not easily removable. The composition of the "Kh2ONWV', the rods recommended and the coating are given in tables (Tables I and 2). There are 6 tables, 4 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCTATION: TsNIIChYERME-P im.I.P.Bardina (TsNIIChYERMET Imeni I.P.Bardin) SUBMIMD: December 31, 1959 Card 2/2 VIB S" AUTHORS: --IV B. Ye.9 Khudyakov, V. L. S/153/60/003/02/22/034 B011/B006 TITLE% The Influence of the Preparation of AluminUM Si4rfaces for Cathodic,.Polarization in the Eleetrodeposition of Chromium PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskays tekhnologiya, 1960P Vol- 3, No. 2, pp. 330-334 TEXT: The authors investigated the cathodic polarization in the electro- deposition of chromium on aluminum as a function of various methods of pretreatment. The investigation was carried out according to the methods by A. I. Levin and A, 1. Faliohevg (Ref. 11). A solution of 2MCrO3 + 0*04 N H2 s04 was used as'electrolyte. Tho anode was made of plati- num, and the cathode was composed of aluminum (99c0 Al). The aluminum spe- cimens were washed with C01 4 and alcohol to remove grease, a-ad etched in a solution of alkali. Tests were carried out using a somewhat modified cell by Krasovskiy (Ref. 13). Before taking polarization curves, the specimens Card 1/4 The Influence of the Proparation of Aluminum 5/153/60/003/02/22/034 Surfaces for Cathodic Polarization in the BO11/BOO6 Electrodepddition of Chromium were treated in the following order: 1) etching in 5~ 1101, 2) etching in a solution of 20 ml/I H 3P04 + 20 gA NeE?O 41 3) etchiAg in an HP solution, Opassivating 2in HNO3 (eP- 9r- 1.4), 5) anodizing in 20% H 3P04 at M2 for Da M 1-3 a/dM for 10 min, 6) anodizing in 20% H 2 so4at 2Da"1 1-3 a/d 10 min, 7) anodizing in 3% oxalio aoid at D a - 1.3 a/dZ2 ,for 10 min, and 8) anodizing in the first-mentioned electrolyte at Da = 1.3 a/dm 2 at 20 0C and 450C for 10 min. Potential-time curves were plotted to explain the be- havior of the deposited film in the electrolyte. After serving as cathode at current densities of 10_5~ 10-4 9 10-3 9 IO_' a/omi2 and OJ a/cm2p the specimens were miorophotographed. Curves thus obtained for chemically treat- ed surfaces and for alx~~um specimens oxidized in the chxomium electrolyte are shown in Pigs. 1 and 2. The potentiale,of specimens etched in dilute FC1 and passivated in ENO 3 and H2so4 change considerably during the first minutes after immersion in the electrolyte, but finally attain approximate- Card 2/4 The Influence of the Preparation S/153/60/003/02/22/034 of Aluminum Surfaces for Cathodic Polar- B011/3006 ization in the Electrodeposition of Chromium 1y the same values. This is obviously due to the destruction of the initial adsorption- and oxide films and the formation of chromate oxide films. Curves obtained for aluminum specimens pretreated In the afore- mentioned manner shown in Fig. 3. The authors did not obtain reproducible data for acid-etched specimens. For different acids, the potentials of chromium deposition on these specimens have the same values and lie in the interval from 0.82 v to 0.84 v (measured with respect to the normal hydrogen electrode). The potentials of chromium deposition on anodized specimens range from 0.9 v to 1.0 v, the most negative value pertaining to specimens anodized in H3PO 4* From these findings the authors draw the conclusion that the mode of pretreatment has a strong influence on the shape of the polarization curve. Polarization curves of anodized aluminum have only one branch instead of three branches (Ref- 15)- By microphoto- graphic investigation of chromium-plated specimen surfaces, the authors found that the deposits are uniformly distributed over the surface of passivated specimens whereas they are deposited groupwise in the pores of the films on anodized specimens. There are 5 figures and 17 references, 12 of which are Soviet. 1 Card 3/4 The Influence of the Preparation of 5/153/60/003/02/22/034 Aluminum Surfaces for Cathodic Polarization BO11/B006 in the Electrodeposition of Chromium ASSOCIATION: Izhevskiy mekhanicheskiy institut; Kafedra!obshchey khimii (Izhevsk Institute of Mechanics, Chair of General Chemistry) SUBMITTED: JulY 14, 1956 Card 4/4 A 5,1310 7764.~ SOV/80-33-2-18/52 AUTHORS: Bogoyavlenskiy, A. F., Ivanov, B. Ye., Khudyakov, V. L. TITLE: Chromium Plating of Aluminum by Superposing Alternating and Direct Currents PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khirnii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 2, PP 368-372 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors studiedr rectifying effect of the cell with standard chromium electrolyte and aluminum cathode; polarization of aluminum cathode in the chromium electrolyte upon superposing of alternatingl,current; effect of alternating current upon the yield; Its microrigidity and strength of Its adherence to the base. Figure 2 shows that the rectifying effect of the chromium electrolyte (250 9/1 CrO 3 and 2.5 9/1 H2SO4 measured at 500 for various current densities) in the cell with an Card 1/7 aluminum anode and lead cathode is inversely IIIJIHIT17 I TF 11 1j;!1.1 11 1;, 1; Chromium Plating of Aluminum by Superposing Alternating and Direct Currents 77643 SOV/80-.33-2-i8/52 proportional to the current density. A so. 40 JO z0 so, 10 90 30 f 0 .. I I' Fig. 2. Rectifying effect of the cell with the chro- mium electrolyte. (A) degree of curreqt rectification. (in %); (B) current density (in amp/dm, ). Black, porous film, forming on the surface of the aluminum electrode at low current densities changes into light, well adhering film with increasing cur- rent density. After the current density reaches / "--* 70 amp/dm2 the aluminum electrode becomes a cathode and the rectifying effect disappears. The Card 2/1~'( assembly used to obtain data for construction of N!:I; 11111 11 Chromium Pl,~,tint:r, of AILINLItiUM 1071 7'(64.7 Superpo-Ing SOV/80-33-2-18/52 Direct ~UPI:Onts polarization curve.,; In e]ectxoIy.,,i.,, with superposed cuvrento i,- "hown In Pig. 1. Vi C, . I .Diagvm for polarization and current density measuvements with supevposed alternating and direct curvent:.; . Direct current was supplied by a storage battery through a rheostat; the 50 cycle alternating current Dassed throug ,h a potentlometet, which also Card 3/7 served as a mlxcv. Capac Ltov C l6o f was v 1 Jill ~,T Tl."~;"'~FIIII~' fl P'7 T] I i I H Chromium Plating of Aluminum by Superposing Alternating and Direct Currents Card 4/7 77643 SOV/80-33-2-18/52 connected into the circuit of alternating current. Oscillation circuit LC was tuned for 50 cycles. Use or this assembly allowed one to vary the ratio of ;0,ternating direct current densities and to kec~, them con,3tant during the taking of polarization cu"I'lle.". Platinum anode and aluminum cathode of composition Al, ()9.894%; si, m65%; Fe, 0.041%,' were used. Piguve 3 shows the polarization curves obtained for various ratios of alternating-direct current densities. The shape of the polarization curves led to the following explanation of the process: at an electrode potential below 0.8 v, the action of alternating current prevails, causing formation of an oxide coating on the surface of aluminum, i.e., the aluminum electrode becomes an anode, and the current density remains constant. Above 0.8 v the electrode becomes a cathode and chromium plating begins. The yield of chromium based on current depends upon the D --_ ratio and D I-Ij Chromium Plating of Alumintim by 77643 superposing Alternating and SOV/80-33-2-18/52 Direct Currents Fig. 3. Polarizat 'Lon curves obtained in superposition of alter- nating and direct cur- rents. The samples were pickled in 5% solution of HC1. D K is cathodic current density (in Lunp/dm2), E is potential(in ,v). Ratio of densitiesi of direct alternating reuvrents D-- D 7;7- equals 1 2 - 2; 3 - 1. card 5/7 Chromitun Plating of Aluminum by Superposing Alternating and Direct Curvents Card 6/7 77643 SOV/80-33-2-18/52 the absolute dennitles oC the altermating and direct currents. Chromium. plating starts only at a D ratio of 21, with the yields equal to D r- 2 2(for 11% at 10 amp/dm and 10.7% at 20 amp/dm D 8L 2 - = 3, tilt, Yields were 10 at 10 amp/dm D I'\- ~ 2 12.1% at 35 amp/diii and 10.2% at 70 amp/din Measurements of adherence of chromitun deposits obtained In electrolysis with auperposed current on the aluminum cathode pickled in 5% HC1 (after preliminary degveasing it In 10% NaOH) gave poor results. Samples pickled in a mixture of 2% H3PO,, and HF solutions had higher (and reproducible) 2 adherence strength up to 50 amp/cbn . There are 3 figures; and 5 references, 2 Soviet, 1 U,K., 2 U,S. The U.S. and U.K. references are: Bunce, Bernard E., Electroplat. and Metal Spraying, 6, 317 (1953); Bunce, Bernard E., Metal Finish.., 52, 70 (1954); Chromium Plating of Aluminum by 77643 Superposing Alternating and SOV/80-33-2-18/52 Direct Currents Passal, Frank, U.S. Patent 2662054, 8, 12 (1953). ASSOCIATION: Izhevsk Mechanical Institute (Inevskly mekhani- cheskiy institut) SUBMITTED: February 9, 1959 Card 7/1"'T NAKHODKIIN, G.A.; TRUILOVA4 G.V.; IVANOV, B.Ye. Preparation of adhesives from settled gas producer tar. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.prom. 14 no.3il6-18 161. (MMA 14:4) 1. Izhevskiy metallurgichookiy zavod Qpr NakhodU4 anA Trefilova). 1 2. 1zhevskiy mekhanichookiy institut (for Ivanov).'.' .(Adhesives) (Wood-tar) x__ Chemical Abst. VOL 48 No. 8 Apr. 25, 1954 Organio Chomistry Addition of dlAIhj,I PhoSfhI!ej M.'Griovi-LI and -11 Bull. arvd. Ivallov. Jei. U.S.S. ., (7 chim-19,52, 837-42(LI1191. transla- tion). Sce C.A. 47, 7r IH Eli Iii" IiT~ INI, PUWVIK, A.N.; IVAHOV, B.Ts. Addition of dialkyl phosphites and their chloridoe to oc-axides. Izvest. Akad. Hauk S.S.S.R., Otdel. Khim. Nauk 152, 947-55. (MLR-L 5:11) (CA 47 no.20:io464 153) 1, Kazan State Univ, PUDOVIK,A.14.; IVANOV,B.Ye. -* -, , - 't.w Hypachlorination and oxidation of piperylene. Dokl. AN SSSR 103 rLo.3:443-444 J1'55. OrLRA 8:11) 1. Kazanskly gosudaretvannyy universitat Imeni V.1.Ullymova-Lenins. Predstavleno akademikom B.A. Arbuzovym (Piperylene) PUDDVIX, A.N.; IVANOV, B-Te. Addition of ethyl alcohol to isoprene oxide. Uch.sapsKazouna 116 no.1:141-144 155. (MLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra sintatichaskogo kauchuka. (IsoRF~ne) (Rubber, Synthetic) (Ethyl glcohol) T117" T P-11 IT I I W IVANOV, B. YE. TVANOVp B. YE. "The Synthesis and Reaction of Alpha Oicides of Piperylera." Kazan' Order of Labor Red Barmer State V imeni V. I. Ullyanov Lenin. Kazan', 1956. (Dissertation for Degree 6f Candidate in Chemical Science) So: Knizhnaye LetopisIv No. 17, 1956. TI: :lp IVANOV B.Te.,* VALITOVA, L.A. Synthesis of substituted benzylphosphinic acids. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim~nauk no.6:1049-1052 Je 163. (141RA 16:7) 1. Instltut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. (Phosphinic acid) (Rearrangements (Chemistry)) gn!t cO~ ",- manrtql~-f-tfl-te d~metiyl At f ILL"' A ~h qt~p f. me #-)IV lei plhc:-q!-h ,.- ,- 7--- -."- ..- - 11 1 11.1-111---. :: I "I- , I. M~ I I ~ ~ I . -... " , =- , - ~, U4- ~ -.; - - - --.- -- - .-- . I M , , - ,-- -- Ve ~--n,.3 of d Zhu ;j2, i1 . k h I In 17 14 71'r NANCY,'. :ai.~~-ulaticn of a mean quadratic arrar by mearu, of a slide rule. Mor. sbor. 48 no,10-472-273 0 165. WIRA 180) r! """TH NjRM ACC NRS AP6032571 SOTIRCS CODE: BU70OU OIST07127U,7915~ AUMORt Ty Ch.; "nMM.6pl4mwA- L. CRG: Depwtomt of organic chawAry, chemacia IgohnolodaAl instjtde, sofu TITLEi ReducUon of 4-pheqVl-34WdrW-a,2Amnj,- and djj&n&M iWMt bagwalm akmlamd7a. na. notAte. DaklAdy. T. 18, noe 12, 1965t =94= IMC TAGSt fluorimW organic compotud, obeadaal reduction, dabodration, lmomrt 4WMA.Cti Ths mtbor shaved In earlier popert.that 1) the deludratl6a of.the 1,3- daphwwlAl.(2 02 ~Soid-vlth concwtriw siU*U.. sold ths isommirs, A mzA B bf 4-vliilw~. 3-hpdroxydibentflubtenaft DAN SM 9. 19649-:131) inkl) t6,x and B-I~~ we the 4,0a V4 2 6 7. dibensfIm" -tht 4.-Vb*WU3-Wro3w4.2 .4ibenuMuoramis r" ativel** ft* predout OWUAU deserlboo tn'd*WU'4& fwther reduction of ft wu* 66nmertut Vio'ciiiiiebaWl 06V of tM~ flve-atom. ring into a mtlw24!w.,S= ALU preser*W tio. ubmg ths. Rdtun Is lbo rsduction 4"Atev u 4t liali at pow "a pm~ 8022 flaures in psi" Is" -7- m3 mmi S* 1919, 1 Omm, 009 V am m 03 ']A of Qlc I"" 1~-!t:w U., Ill, r ~.t Ic 11 -mmim"V 1. - .1%.It'll I - mcl it u I- ..1-f villiffill yI 1 5. "IlQvidiole V~ ;14 li'vilck* C! I IT1 It :VAI' 11141 1 Ill . A Of COT "jerv .1 (1740401 J nj fla.-cilto. it Irarlimi IJ itilder 2f:0' :,I ft"J'111V hich vr),,O~ hotit A,,(-)If , if I -,- itlrdf'~* di 'Ed. tIlt" K h"W61-111 tit .4 Illillt . Mitt I hV. f.11- !W~ i I 19 In I I 11114. WTL-FU It! fif I I i;'J~ I ftl-(Xlg [I E I It ir if I t1o) deriv n.: Ijj(-ljL- ill t!lt: frt,Ct(Nl 1). if jtjj~r I"11*1 jj% 1111.4! ;~Oletlllll 11. XS*; if, the NuCtIvil h. ..t;fi 1--fll )HIL 011t:111701t., 1,11 OIC fr.111ZIMI 11. !111~141. CAI .3.4 vvricti-l P nwl lgi%uj at 3-4.6 41 1 -0 ilr.wtio- w4rc not iticnidit.'I The m'i.111c voil-alluttf] -H HP If Mil H 7 11 I! i II , : ,: 1- T7TT". I i z I F i H 1, 1 , V ~ 01; el. 0. Delkydratl~n or ail disubs'dt"ut'~*d 3-hrdmxyjsrop"i~ ddC Method of lirtillmdon of Indust. Dimit'rl Ivanov and Chavdar Iyunov. 4xxx4jre axis. sefia. PossealM set. 44;~Vvri' 2, 121-42(1947-IM).-In at. tempting to prep. a.O,#4rj~m - Phj1kcrylic acid (1) by de hydratlion of Ph%C~011)Cl Ph Ollf (U) with cuaj. lf*904- 2.3-diP")4$mdowe (111) was obtained. Coned. firSO. has long been used for the jorclon, of indones, frosts kuWitulctf cinnamic acids. De Fazi bAs shoym that esters CA :-'alk-rl-j-hvdrOxvfW4)M"Oir acid't are trootwormed with conot. t(rSO.'into' indottes with ves; T love Yields. Most. that the ac-ill, In. 2R1-8% oblainelf its j"ting a milti. tit Ilh,CO Ansol PhOIX(MI, 3n,1 conslotem.1 to be 11. 0vts 9.5' 111 with control. Ill.S04. 1. (with 'c Spasov) starting with PhC(I anit X%t%CftphCON&, obtaiziell an acid. no. 185 7'. These 2 ackbi are thus different. The 2rof acid, from its synthesis and Its a1k. clestya1v prollucts, must he 11, anti the firit am intat hAve a totally (Rffrmt sti-iticture. As kt?=jVax#If "Ild (IV) M - 2 M - 5'. It it probable- that t Paterno and De Fazi rrprvwnts impure 1. In. 211-13 so. BY the new method Of L slid collaborators. 3. hydrolorproMnaic acids we easily prepid. staning directly with chussromethyUsted arommic hydrocarbon% slid ke- tolim. Trials were CaMed out on the follomri cill 11. Phre (011) Cliff" - C6If'C`I)CW1 (y). ell f;o-6o-PrCJl,)C(NII (VO. and (p-%IcCsIl4)jC(Oll) Clfl'hCWf (VII). The yield of the wids jj fg-Igil7c, tgIt may be improver] by incrt-asing the Lmt. of ketone loy rol ING. proplinvicalrid(VII)iststiv; it rofmicularksacrysti.4m. -IWO' (cor.). The trartsbormatumn of hydrollypoxopoinctic acids into indones Is usuide by adding 7-10 cc. contest. IfqSOj to I C. acid, stirflng.5 min. 1213 min. for V). Imouring dowly into cul,l" with tilmking. filttTinj the in,jane after some hrt., and putifiting by ciirtut, Sints: a little " remains unclullsed. ils order to somplifF the pufific-4. tion of the inslotte it is better it) tic. lint with Moo. wstsh the HtjO soln. well with 1120 ithe firm WJACS hAvor a Se'l COM), ami then ext. tbo: still with a 21% soft&. of N.6011; the Stro thus obtaint'i 1111C!' CV.1110. 41VM 41MOSt Past in- done. In this wily lht ItAlowing fossilsoostol have bevit ists- taloned: 91% Ill. a.7% (VIU)'. 8S.5% (IX 77.6% 2- VW wW IX twe Celle. -yukornost largeorantecilvitall.m. forms clew sted crystals, in. 103-4' (air.). Diffiwady substituted in- dom ate Obtained by the cronal. HISO, dthydratis:4 of aryl-lubstituttil hydra%vivropunck acitts. j"Pd. by Woo method. which Ato acids (yiellis IV) slid the* debristatilm to 1:3 stones (yitlds W) W%). The iamn*-trilmict whWII this mrihfxl pfmnts is tile irpn. 4 the 2 i*wucric inskoes. which arefirrint-vt imson Ut Incill%clo,119. its tile d-jKMltI(M2 lliffavit IIr7-I r.11lical). TI-411 141ve prlmd that the (1041111tielt 4 tile 3 J.11111-111 (llWI~Jij1(ql 111141 their rruptitIcs AM My diff"Itut 411411 hill their sirpil. ii x-.%3ilY realix"j, A. -..Yl .0111luled qI x; -tristrylbem'.... J~e A I=v ChAvdu 1!~Sqy. and Chrikill, Ivanov (Vitiv., Sofia. Hui. pria):-Annuaw unir. Sofk:, F"OJ sci., Livre 2. 4S.- 157-75, French Aunainary, 1713-80NA-49); Camf4. rrotd. Ill. 679 Cf. C.A. 33. MI-Illypno (hj.)jj.lprctxI. by condensing chak~t 111) wit d.T the prmnce of jIvr4 0.155 1 it I ) t ;r and 0.48 S. 1.3.5-111tc'If, Whris its SON, ill 5 cc. AcOll I, satd. with 0 (70hrs.). However. when 0 is pasud through I In boiling AcOll or AcOll-11COJI, 1.3.6-1114C,11'Coph 6 produced. This difference is ex lained by Oftuitting It bond between oil and co in It" which resists InitIt3 dehydration at room temp. The Ist rtsetion is uqt~j to "aake triaryl-subItituted benteries In 45-50% yields. The OP 84CO I were 5 following d I ubjected to aulaxidation: CAAA 214-16'. front CO(CIj:CIIph)j and M, gave ZA6-14pArnjrkhakme, in . IWA' and 2OD-10"'. CRJISA (Vj' Ill. from P-mcthylchalco" and IU, gave M. C.11.- Cl()~ (VI) - in- 108-9 - from P-chlorochalcone and M, gdve lfu()~ (Vff), in. IrA-8 . from P-niethox)-chalcone and M, gave 1.3-diphtoyl.5.(, in. 138- 9': Colt-(),. m. I'Mr-W. fr.,m and p,p',fjPAtxy1d t (VIU), its. 1-,2-4*, did not undergo autosidatioll. M"W"as obtained it, Wl"', Yield by condensing 0.1 mol. p.pbCji,. CONle in thr Itirwocr )1 1103 MOL JhN%fr%fgBr. Tile 'InitlopinacoloT14-4, oillailled 11 heillinx for 12 tin. the cur- rcs=jIng I in AcOll mad lrCO,lt c"AW A little hYNfn)- qu one, were dchydrost-rutml with 8 to tilt cofft'"ling twilzopitcoones (cf. C.A. 39. 2WO). T11c fOlluffill-9 dypwopi-racaloner werr tiu-,d; CjillisO, ill. 12S-9', fTO41 V. Love tit. 144-M)"'; Cil- IluCIO, tit. to."-$*, runt Yl. -I-diphexyl -chlofo- r hexyl)6ensophtlione, lit. I-!live .7. -#;.(p 5-14'; C,:160I. m. from, VII. gave xone, in. C.11.0. tit. front IV. gavc 2.4.6- tripheny1chalcone. A diwu~sioti ef the mechatiLun of the rcaction 6 also included. %letructian C P lum of Builluian oil C4 tur"Otine from Pious wuv= D. lvanov and Chi. Ivanov.. Camip(. rend ~,..d, 1.1,v, "i, Swi, mik-irl-Q."I , '11-111111IWw French).-Qual. analysis of a sample front the 1141 ctol, .howed I-a-pinene (1). I-0-phiene, (111. dilmutene (111). and I-limiquene (IV) to be prevent. Fruct lona I ion an-f optical raw$on were umil it) amilyze the Ample. and I M, 11 27, 111 Anil IV 0, Anil rmillor 3, " %vi-re I'mill.l. The %ampte was mmilar to Bordeaux nil of tugmthit from Pimmi marshm. X. G. Slone 17 v I ,,I- ~v I.Ti5 C-14 The sbWure of dithydrolulso- and dohydrodypnopinz- to=". A new c"s of reftolifisstolle trampoddort by do. Ilydrollenation. Dimitm lvuna~, Ckawd""Ivanow.-Nowl- SWAVOVA-lVaj(!VA~ Cempl.1"Nd. 231, ti.1-, -.'- vf.*01' -Dehydrui4eitlypnoptuavolone (1) it paMulated a4 4.2.3,14 MePhiC411COPh and III ~ i, the 2.3,4,64slnurr IXLW4 (M3 the follosymil drffnvjAfl'%'.: 2. 121 x - 11 and 4 times its wt. of KOH ati- heated 3 hi,, at in a As crucible With i(ItTbig mi it .411t Nab and 111C (11K41 UMA treated with 1110 ACidified Willi and extd. with ether. The HgOlf & 6ohited by trratitirm with NAIICO~ 21HI purified by sublintat Ifni, A. qC111111 4111.111- 1ilyofa yellow Sibitimcc Is refourm from the fiviar;8I Intallict from the ether soln. by tmtment with EtOll and rmv.[.l from MerCO. in A brown minotm mairriji ii i-olated from the mother liquor, dMd. at '21 mm., and rv. 'r".fd. train EtOlf. to give colork~% (111). in, 04'. The %&me procedure, except for a fmioti tf of29OllO*,wilhlltiv"llzOllanill). Aport~m~,l IITU through sublimation. The xinictute of the debs-dr- flypnopinacok'n" hat been fufthel druion.trated liv Frit4iti-Crafts reaction: 4,88 S. 111. 43 S- C$, 2 .1 X. A1(%, and 2.33 g. MCI yield 3 t. 11. m. 180-W. No 14 (mad, pfoltibly bocxu~e of the steric hindrince of the 2 Ph "ipi. 1,~hit W. fr. ni 11 1ard,.Arrm1VA11an of me (91 In Mae &vtfu-rr C d ri. Ognywiav. Annuaire tolliq.~, sc.~z r-,. ti-. Pkyr,. 'T"att., LuT, J,. Pt. 1. 15-ITKIM1,11 54.