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IVANESKU, P. [IvanesqVx,-,P,.j; R02ENBERG, Ivo; RUDYANU, S. (Itudeanu, S.] I - - Application of discrete linear programming to the minimization ofBooleari functions. Rev math piwes 8 no.3:459-475 163. ' 1. Institat matematiki Akademii RNR (for Ivanescu, Rudeanu). 2. Vyssheye takhnicheakoye uchilishche, Brno, OhSSR (for Rosenberg). "Hathematica 1 progmaning" by Stayon VaJda. Reviewed by P. Ivanescu. Rev math pures 8 no.3:512--513 163. di T oti, T, BALAS., E.; IVANESGU, P. On the transportation problem. Pt.6. Comunicarile AR 13 no-3: 249-251 Mr 163. IVANESCU, P.; RUDEANU, S. On the solution of tho transportation problem by the Egervary method. Pt. 2. 5tv-dii cere mat 14 no.1:59-67 163. IVANESCU, P.; ROSEMERG, Ivo; RUDEPM, S. On the minima determination of the pseudo-Boollan functions. Studii cerc mat 14 no.3:359-364 163. 1. Institutul de matematica al Academiei R*P.Rp (for Ivanescu, Rudeanu). 2. Asistent la Institutul politahnic din Brno, R.S. Cohoslovaca (for Rosenberg). IVANESCU, P. Soviet works on the application of mathematic.9i in the economy. Ga2; mat fiz 15 no.23102-103 F 163. 1. Cercetator la Instit#4 de matematica al-Academiai R.P.R. jr:1 CHO G.; IVANESCU, P.; THEODDRESCU, R. A Y Application of mathematics in economy. Gaz mat fiz 15 no.9: 500-502 S 163o yFEPGU,.. Petru, L. "Linear algebra"' by G. Hadley. Reviewed by Petru L. Ivmiescu. Rev math Roum 9 no.5t487' 164 "Flows in networks"' by L.R. Ford, Jr., D.R. Fulkerson. Reviewed by Petni L. Ivanescu. Ibid.%492-.493 "Scientific method, optimizing applied research decisionlb by Russell L. Ackoff, Shiv K. Gupta., J. Sayer Minav. Revielied bu Petru L. Ivanescu. Ibid.:493~-494 f 'Lithe. ml- ITJ i nl n II PII 'It III NEI, IVANESCU, P.L. System of pseudo-Boolean equations and ineqiialities. Bul Ac Pol math 12 no.11:673-0'80 164. The method of s"ccessive eliminations for pseudo-Boolean equations. Ibid..-681-683 Outline of the pseudo-Boolean method for intoger polynomial programming. lbid.:685-686 1. Institute of Mathematics of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest. Submitted August 3, 1964. e. n GHEA.,C.; DACU, Gh.; CCIISTANTINFSCU,M.; GAILMTI,S.; TLV.I~C~J.; IIEGOESCU,K. Oar experience with the one-stage complicated thoracic tuberculous rev. 7 no.3: 70-73 Ja-Mr'64. complex surgical cure of spndylitis. Rumanian med. _X_ MMN, Radu, conf. univ.; MGREI, Veronica; WOLIU, Luciet; POLIZU, Lucia; VISA, Eugen; WVAS, M.; GLIGOR, I.; FUCHS, I.; ZOIGAN~ Voicu; BAGEIVA, V... proff; HAD-IRCA-RZAZA, 1.;IVATZSCI~~.K& NEGREA) M.; SPIRIDON$ I.; SZABO-PLOIESTf prof; BAZACOV, Gh.,, prof.; PAUMSCU, Al MaWRU, I.; SARAGIA, C.,- -UDM, V., prof. (Galati); NIMTAN, 1. ZA'uceave) Observations on the Analytic Geometry Manual for the llth grade. Gaz mat fis 15 no,6.-298-321 Je t63. I* Societatea. de, Stiinte- Matematice- si Fikice, Filiala Iasi (for Miron)*. 2. Societatea, de Stiinte Katqmatice-si Fizice.. Filiala Graiova ~for Negrei,, Manoliu, Polizu). 3. Socistatea-de Stiinte- Matematice si Fisice, Filiala Timisoara (for Visa,, Raivas.. Gligor, F.uchs-)* 4. Societatea- do Stiinte, Matematice- s-i Fizicep SubfilijqjA Tetroseni (for Zoican). 5. Sooietatea de, Stiinto -Phtewtice si Fizice., Filiala Ploiesti (for Baghina, Hadirea-Weema, lvanescu- Tirgoviste, Negrea.+, Spiridon, Azabo-Ploiesti.. Grigore-Ploiesti). 6. Societatea de Stiinte Matematice si Fizies, Subtiliala Tg. Severin (for Bazacov, Paunescu, Moraru, Sahagia). IVANESKY, P. "Idnear programing and associated techniques; a com- prehensive bibiliography of linear, nonlinear, and dynamic programming" by Vera Riley, Saul I. Gass. Reviewed by P. Ivanesky. Rev math pures 8 no. 2:331-332 163. IVANWIC, Jurij . ing. --- on- o,f quartz sand for glass induhtry in Yugoslavia. Kem ind 10 no.5042-1" MY-161. 1. Rudnik kaolina Orna,, Kamnik. SIAVIASKIY. David Mikha7lovich; OSKASUH, Kamikon Meaukovich; HATVBYIV. Alaksandr Aleksandrov Ich; -UA_IMTS jj LISMVSKIY, Mikhail Isaakovic-h"."' YMOVA, X.F.,-inzhener, vedushchiy redaktor; KUKHIHA, N.A., takhnicheakly redaktor [Pressure furnaces in oil refining] Topki pod Uvleniam v nefteparerabotka, Mcakys, 4oo.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-vo neft. J gorno-toplivnoi lit-rjr, 1957. 130 P. (KERA 10:7) (Furnaces) (Petroleum-Refining) KOIISTAIITIVOV, Aloksandr Nikolayevich: SAKSONOT, Nikolay Aj'eksandrovich; VMSM. Moisey Abramovich-,,-IVANETS, Konstantin Tnkovlevich; UFMOVA, T.D.. vedushchiy r6d',---,"MOTOVA, 1'.G., [MachUnery and equipment of petroleum refineries; dosign and construotion. Reference book] Apparaty i oborudovenie nefte- parerabatyvaiushchikh savoaov; raschet i konstruirovania. Spravochnaia kniga. Hoskva, Goo.nauchno-takhm.1zd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 57) P. (HIRA 130) (Petroleum refineriee-Squipment and cupplieu) rMZHUK, Georgiy Timofeyevich, inzh.; NMETS KonstAtin Takovlevicb; ANASTASIO, Valentin Fedorovicl~;- iff- ~ R. , -- - VOROBIME A, L.V., tekhn. red. (Equipment for oil and gas refineries and principles of its design] Oborudovenie neftegazopererabatymiushchikh zavodov i osnoV ego raschata. Moskvap Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 343 P. (RURA 15:3) (Petroleum refineries-Equipment awl supplies) 16 1 ,~ __57 EATO irNt~XZ6~i7_547 SOURCE CODEs UR/01*9/66/0V0/00l/D0l4/D0l4 AUTPOR: Parkhomovskiy, O.A.; Andreyeva, R.I.; Burakovskly, L~Ye. Goncharovat T.A,j Al. is. Grigorlyev i , Ivanl~utat R A.I.;.Pyane so No 1. Tkachenko,_=Zh. TITLE% Determination of the developmpnt level of the technique and technology of geo,. logical prospecting for oil and gas in the Ukraine SCURCEs Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. ID97 REP SOURCE: Tr. Ukr. n.-i. geologorazved. in-t, Vyp. 10, 1965, 10-17 TOPIC TAGS: prospecting, seismic prospecting, gas AErRoLF_jPnz ; magnetometer gra imetry 11-2 n7oipwirro nierz~e Y. j)rospecting for oit an gas, completed on the Ukrai. ABSTRAtTi Geological-g9ah"tStl ne during 1960-1962 was analyzed. At present all the oil-bearing territory of the Uk-' raine is covered by prospecting survey with the M-2 magnetometec%,The cost of study was 46.4 roubles/km2. The output and precision of the seromagnetic survey As much bet- ter. The gravimetri2 survey is basically complete. The cost of the total survey was 92.2 roubles per km In 1960 and 47e2 roubles in 1962, Highly.precise gravixeters (.01 - #03 ngal) can elucidate various anomalies, Inspite of the relative cheapness of' of the electrooorecon method, and its nobility, it has not been affotckd the deperved development in the Ukraine,,. Volme of,selftic work reaches 87% of the,total geophysi- Card 1/2 UDCj 550.830(477) ACC NR: AR6017A7 cal work volume. Cost of I km of seismic profile work was'560-850 roubles. In 1962, seismic reconstructing instrumentation for the automatic processing of seismograns and-de3ign of boring-sections.; has been developed, Techno-ecotionical indices of str tural mapping boring are very high; those of structural-recom boring are at relati, ly low levels* On the basis of consideration of the possibilities of each a methodology for the recon of oil and gas to proposed* 'Translation of abstm. SUB COM 08 e T-F-777-- I I M I I: - 11 F- IVANETIS.,-_ju.?l.,;,, LETYAGIN, V.A. Beauty of working environment. Mashinos-troitell no.q: 35-36 S 165. OMIRA 18:12) ; H ~I!i ; 't ! , r:. C,xtcgory : USSPy/-1hcorotic:%1 Physics - Thoory of Rolativil.7 md 11nifiod. 111-2 Fiold Thoory. -.1s Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1957, Ho 5629 -',ut-hor -vTonc r1 no to eit1c n no P6ssibl,3 Initi:1 Promiaos of th(j SGoond ,pproxim--tiozi to th(; '1L,--.v of InturrulaFtioi, Botwoon Spacc, Tim and hotion." OriG Pub : Nauk. zap. Xiivslk. un-ptu, 1956, 13, No Vp 39-54 ,bs'.-ract : Th.. author d:-volopa tJio ooncopt of -di,; possibility of go-acral- izi,ir, tho sp,:;cizLl Lhoory of rolativit~- to iioludo non-inortial motion of particlos. Thocpocial principla of rolattdvit"j~ IIS consid-jr,~d as i particular caso of ri morc gLnoral laTr of "in- torrolation. bot-w,,wi spaco and ti.m." To dovolop th ; thoory it is noc(,,ss-,.ry totakc, into account tho pkysioal diffcrcneo botimon th-, covariomb -%nd contravarizmt qu~~ntitics, thu ra- lationships bot~:.-..oii -,hich dct:-mim-sU,:~ 4-,ntz~rrolation bctwcon spaco md timo. It is proposod th-tt rUndorcumont of th,~ con- xicativity b..-t,.-;.c,.n thj local "Minkows1d viorlds" comparA ;dth th,~ connuctivity in tho spucial thoory of mli,.tivit/. 1-,ads to ,% gen,3r.-.1ization of th,:; thcory to includo highly-accolorr%tcd Motions. IVAHEY. Vadim M. Condi~ione,a reflex lactation. Akush. I gin- n0,5:14-16 S-0 154. (MIRA 7.-12) 1. Iz akushersko-ginakologicheekogo otd6laniya (zav. V.H.Ivaney) gorodskoy bolluitay g. Svishchove, (Bolgarskaya naroduaqa respubliks.) (LACTATION, r.4siology. conditioned reflex mechanism) (REFLU, CONDITIONND, lactation) GURVICH, Solomon S&muilovich; IVANEYKV-, I.G., otv. za irypusk; BLINOV? A.I., tekhn. red. & (A bibliogra bical index of our countrymen's ne-fDes on the map of the world a~Imena na6hikh zemliakov na karte mira; bibliogra- ficheskii ukazatell. Rostov-na-Donu, 1956. 47 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Roatov-on-Don. Gosudarstvennaya nauchnova bibliotaka imeni K.Marksa. (Bib]-tography--Names, Geographical) R It I Ir rv.1 21 BWNOVA, D.I., bibliogref; IVANETEV, I.G., red.; BLINOV, A.I., [Technical education in the schools of Rostoir Province] 0 poli- tekhnicheakom obuchenii v shkolakh Rontovskoi oblpsti; kratkii ukazatell literatury. Rostov-na-Donu, 1957. 81 P. (HIRA 13:4) 1. Rostav on the Don. Goaudarstvennaya nauchnaya biblioteka imeni K.Harksa. (Rostov Province--Technical education) IVANFI, Jeno Now aepects of the question Of ClUWYing alkide-type artificial resins; a prelimin&ry communication, blagy kem. folydr 68 no.10s461-462 0 162. 1. Tiazavideki Vegyi Kombinat Lakkfestek- eii Mugyantagyar Kutato Caoportja, Tiazaazederkany. IVA NF I Jono Data on the structural analysis of alkyd resins. Magy kem folyoir 69 no.12:528-538 D163. 1. Tiszai Vogyikombinat Iakkfestek es Hugyantagyar Kutato- osoportja, Tisz-aszederkeny. JI: li~il~ Jill Jlli~iflldj~ i 11!ij !VANI, F. "Device for ti.-hten-in,c- *--d alloys and other m-,-n-~hes, Ma,ri-es, 4tc.v p. 21, (Ratsionali2atsiia, Vol. 7, no. -11, Oct. 19:57, Sof'-*--;a, B,!-1-aria.) onthly index of East Europear, Accessions LC~ . V - I Vol. '~. ~jo. 6. TU-je r; ~ j i HUNGIRY/Chordcal Techn-olo,-y - Chenical Products and Their H. Application - PhotoGrraphic Ylaterials. Abs JDur Ref Zhur - Mir-dya, No 9, 1958, 30o4i AuthDr Ivani, I. Inst Title Sone of the M.-)st Inportunt Cheriicals Used in Photography C-eig Pub Papir- es Nyondatechnika, 8. No 1, 12-13 (1956) (in HunL-jarivn) Abstract A polular article. Card 1/1 T ,~T !'~!T 7 i I L I I 1 0 -al MR, !u I 21 Im Eta CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical TechnologY. Chemical Products. H Leather. Furs. Gelatin. TannerB. Technical Amides. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 20, 69557. Abstract:ides ~.-n the tanning extracts made of spruce bark is described. Effects of temperature and of various chemical substances added during the ex- traction on the leaching of pectins from tanning solution of vegetable origin are reviewed. From spruce bark, pectins age leached out only at a temperature of ;>40-50 Card 2/2 121 iVANIC, 1. Yut~Dsl,~v:a (;30) Te c lin o BF,ul;c stenderds no. 2, SePt- 1950. 'Ear't Fvropean Ac-pssions List, Lil Of Congr,!es, Vol. 1, no. JE, ~D..~. C " i U. N. LA 3 sI FI). PANIC, R "Pyrethum, an Important Domestic Insectide Raw Materials", p. 243 (NAUYA T PPJFCjDA) Vol. 6, No. 6, 1953, BeQgrad, Yugoslavia ) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions L. C. Vol, 3, No. 4,, April 195~4 iO H JANACKOVIC. Bojaria; ITANIC. Rigils The quality of Secale oornutum cultivated in Yugoslavia. Arh. farm., Beogr. 4 no.4:108-114 Aug 54. 1. Iz instituta zrs ispitivanjo lakpritog bilja M - Beograd. (ZRGOT AUCAWIDS cultivation in Yugoal., quality) zi. .!ii ry-UGOSLAVIA -R---IVANJZ-and M. SEKULIC, Department of Pharmacognosy of College of Pharmacy of University (Farmakognosticki Institut Faxinaccutskog fakulteta Univerziteta,) Belgrade. "Concantration of Fatty Oils and Albumin in Loaves of Fennel, Coriatidor and Kucr=el. 11 Belgrade, Arhiv za Farmaciju, Vol 13, No 2, 1963; pp 105-107. Abstract r French suanary modified]: Study to potential value '~T-~x-Eiicting fatty oils to save on import thereof, and to determine nutritive qualities for possible use as feed. 'Increasing areas are being planted with these 3 plants (Foeniculum vulgare, Coriandrum sativum and Carum carvi) for essential oil extraction. Average values found: fatty oils 17.25%, 13.79% and 16.07%; peptides 18.99%, 15.887. and 23.2,V1.; hence plants are certainly very valuable from all points of view. Three tables; 2 Yugoslav and I German reference. 1/1 L -27 PANA, Pptrn, ~1.011111U, !on, ing.; MVNICA, Alexan,.1ru, Irg. Lavtil conditions of the phreatic water in the Doianu Sticleana- Ezarul Calarasl precirc-',,-. Ilidrotah apele mateor 10 no.2:76-82 F 165. 30(75 YUG/1-5)-l-7/67 AUTHOR - of ..::t;1nocrLn,; and _"rOfe=~Or TITLE: The Twelfth Spacial ;o3oion of the 3orid Power Conference PIMIODICAL: Tnhik.. 1959, Nr 1, pp 20f-'01 (YUG) A-',;T!1ACT; The Twelfth Special ;,oaoloa of the Jorld Power Con- ference was hold from 7 to 11 Z-.,te=ber 1958 In Montreal. The xlavemth Special La4sion-of this Orraml- zation wa3 hold in BooGrad in 1957. -Kilo theme of tl~d Twelfth Special Session in Canada wan "Zconomic Tr,n-- c l in the Production, Transmission and utilization of Fu and Power". Various papcra *acre read by doleGazeu fr~:; various countries inclutlijk; the U3!,.Rg 11gland, CH, - Y d- = ugoslavia. Th a U3ZR del * 4 a z23 nf% - " _ , ~.% _ On - Economic Px i.cipl .a far C ., Capacities of 11ydropowor Plants"; I- and ' - tdr-Commected In -X-ZM1Z11O_v Om "Formation of a SL CTF Card 113 Card 2/3 Card 3/3 A 4 ,~o.j,tLaizniricanca ,djactrit, Powor Network Im the U tr for the 11acional. Boonom and I c Indices"; D T - end on ".'rfic1cmZy a, Puel 1T ~irzution in U3L;R Rofino.-ion" .1 and, Z- 4 on -economic ,dvantaZ;c5 Of toc UsL:or ,',lectrkc Power in At;ricultuW; and 1. !~u,c ~ on I cc ml al Economic Problems of BrimZJZ~~ ~~cctric I over Villages". The Polish dQIaZ;.tC3 preue:,ted t!la papers; Profasnor J~ on*Detorniminz tan UP~e.- Lim.Lt of gimaral. 1=11aritics in Goals Above -'"ch Zx- traction in Profit able. ar'd the Zffocto or Zlineral Impurities on the Coal Combustion i~roc0u** and i, 1:-z,, on -Analysis or the Use of Stean Turbiaud with a- traction in an ~;lectric Pazar 673tcz". TL4 CZa p.por~ w m cycle with Supple- ,:re- y Kral on ".-he Cam - Zte-1 at~r;y'-.7-ai-n-me asd on vi ev of the Plans for Po-aer i'lants for wor -olecatcz ~re=enttd -_ o1% jollowia.Z papers; !)octor of Installed Capacltio~ of lly4roFoaer gre of Utilization of 11ye-ropcour RorouxceG' ; Profc~,-; and Lmi;inccr A. .3truna oB ilistorj of 7:ltur Conatruction7rin -lueorlavia-i J. "I and T~ jrr_ j=16 on "Una all voor_,uallt~_ Power Plantum and~R ~Itano~I6 on "A -,~pplemcrt to Ll~,, Calculation of ~;leatrlc l,oavr roductioa Zrazz- minaian Coats". ITAITICHENKO. -G.A. A rare nnse of medinntinal tuner.*i rad, 33 no.4:72-74 JI-Ag '58 (MIRA 1118) 1. Is rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (zav. G.A. Ivanichenko) Krasnoclarskoy krayevoy, klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach L.S. Shevchenko). (MEDIASTINUM, neoDlanma fibronarcona Ma)) (FIBROSARCOMA, esse reports medinstinum (Rus)) IVANICHENIKO, G.A. Two cases of melorheostosia. i rad. 34 no.4:84-87 -71-A9 '59. (1111RA 12: 12 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdelenlya (zav. G.A. Ivanichenko) Karasnodar- skoy krayevoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavuyy vra-,h ^~.V. Novitskaya.). (OSTMPRITIROSIS case reports) 7C7 -I Tll~;Jjj II!!; IVANIM19KO G.A. Rare cases of xanthomatosis. Vest. rent, i rad. 35 no. 5:63- 6/+ my-je l6o. (DLUU 14:2) 1* Iz rentgenovskogo otdoleniya (Zav. G*A. Ivanichenko) Krasnodarskoy kraYevoy klinioheskoy bol'nitsy (glavnyy vrach G.V. Rovitskaya),, (LIPOIDOSIS) IVANICHENKO.I. I.F.; SUPOSHINIKOV, Gylindroma of the scal.p. Vest. derm. i ven, 38 no-5:84!45 My 164, (MIRA 18.12) 1. Kafedra patologichoskoy anatomii. (7:,4v. - dolftor ir,--(I.nauk N.V. Onopchenko) Kubanskogo meditsinskogo Instituta -LmenL Krasrviy Armii i Krasnodarskiy krayevoy onkologicheskiy disraan.,~er (glal,-nyy vrach M.G.Lazarev). Submitted MaY 5p 1963. IVAITICIMVA, T. Ye... and DUMANSKIY, A. V. 110 n the ,haracteristil-s of the bond of rectin with uelluluse of 6ugar beets," Koll-Zh., 7, 573, l9bl. ~11!11p:l Iml 'A jj~iil III, ,;,ECI[a 'T' C,7 ,C;T gj~jj;.~, ,/C .7. PI, Abs Jour 1,of '2iur - Diol. 110 10", 70,240 Author I'lanicka) J, is Inst Title E:,mori-mcnts on Corn `n Southern Orif; Pab Za vysokou uroem, 195Y, 5, No 10, 221-223. A~Stract Tj,) abstract. CarLI 1/1 111A!~IICKA, K. Yethods for detenriining economic and geographical zones in Poland. p. 29. GEOGRAEICKY CASOPIS. Bratislava. V(I. 8, no. 1, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (EFAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 84: August 1956. TVA'J'C','~A.q A. or. -~Iic 61oval-- -.t Slovak Acade:.-.,.- of Sod'er-c-s. Vol. ro. 2/3, lc;56, ClIMPIS Czec',,cz;lOval.-ia SO 7~1 ast Eua"rpan Acct--ss4on, Vol. ~5n. Y l(f" 7 ail IVANICKA, K. Convention of Czechoslovak Geographers.. June 6-11) 1955- p. 213. Vol. 282 no. 1$ 1956 Ijar8zava SOURCE: East European Acession List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5j no. 8, August 1956 CIIL't I i:. 31azek's HospocLarsim ~~tpa- Ceskoslovenska (Econo.-,uc :'-,p of C.-cchoslovaKia): a review. 192 (Geograficlq~ Casopis) Vol 0, no. 3, 1957. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. SO: ; ',!.orthly index off East --,~~pean Accessions (=)LC, Vol. nr,. 1, Jan 111-M3 i:f,* IF1 1~1:111Ir 1 '1'l .,I IVOICKA, K. GOographical distribution of domestic handicrafts in the Uppor Rtra region. p. 273 GIOGAA-FICKY CASOPIS (Slovenaka akademle vied. Zemopisay ustav) Bratislava, Czechaslavakia VOL 10, no- 4, 1958 Moxthly list of Sast Suropeax Accessions (MIAI) LO. Col. 9. No. JL. Jaxuary 1960 ------------- - ------- -------- TV, TVA-TCKA, K I'M. Blacck's '!-)srcjersk-,- zerm-Pis Ceskoslovemska (Lco.-_iomj2 -_orrt~phy Czechosloveki;j a book _gt _ _ -Rf GECf,R.AFICKY CISOPTS, Bratislava, Czechoslovnkie, Vol. !it no. 2, 1959 Monthly list of Ea-t Europe Accessions (ERAI), LC, Vol. S, No. 6, Sept 59 'Jnclns IVANICKAY K, Soria changes of the geographical conditiomi in Upper Nitra District, ps 207 GEOGRLPICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akademie vied. Zempisny ustav) Bratislava.. Czechoslovakia., Vol. 11j. no. 3, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI)s ICO Vol, 8,t no. 11., flov. 1959 Uncl. IVANICKA, Koloman "Methodological problems of economic geography" edited by J.G. Fejgin (Feygin, Ya.G.], M.P.Alampijev [AlampiyovIM.P.]. Reviewed by lojoXm Ivanicka. Geogr cas SAV 15 no."4':81-82 1631 EP: ITANICKA, Koloman "Distribution of socialist industry":by A.E.Probst. Reviewed by Koloman Ivanicka. Georg cas M 15 no-4:306-307163. "Economic goography of the European people's-democratic countriest' b-7 I%rtin Darai. Revieved bv Koloman Ivanicka. 308-3096 "Agricultural origins and dispersals' by Carl O.Sauer. Reviewed by Koloman Ivanicka. 309-310. IVANIMA,, KoLmlin,, dov, C;i-% Process 3f i-idustrial, LzsLicn nf Slcivak~.a. , i~:j- SA7 16 no.Z,-.21*~-227 ?U. I 4" v. ! i ~ i'"', , - ..% I IVANICKA, Nolom"In, doc. CSC. Problems of econcmic geography vieved by three international symposia. Geogr cas SAV 17 no.l:?8-81 t65. i U-R": A~-.I 71 1-. d:44- M R) E DE, a R I i'l i'~ t. I C iE*j,t , -'/. Radial short-circuit forces in transformers with cyl-linirical 35 winding. p. 6. C:7';ICF CA E .. -Y '- SOPIS, Vol. 7, INo. 6. 195,% 3rati,31zzva, "zechoi-:.lovaki-a) S~,: Ponthly List of -'ast Eurovean Accessions (LEAL) LC. Val. 6, N-~7. 12, Lec 1,057. Uncl. i; jJf, KUKURL,J.; MIKLETIC,T.; IIEUSCHLS.; STEPXEK,S.; technicka spolupraca: JANCOVA,M.; IVAIIICOVAIE. Contribution to the study of some life manifestations in stu- dents of the 7th class during the course of learning. Bratislo lek. listy 2 no.lM610-619 163. 1. Ustav hygieny Lek.fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Dratislave (ve- duci: akademik V.Ifucha); Katedra automatizacie a regulacis Elektrotechnickej fakulty SVST v Bratislave (veduci :prof dr. inz,. MSalamon) a Ustav pre lekarsky film a fotograf:Lu Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava (veducit S.Steprnek). IVANICOVA, S. Inactivation of Aujeozky disease (pseudorabien) Virus bY fluorocarbon. Acta virol.Engl.Ed.Praba 5 no.5:328 S 161. 1, InBtiiute of Virology, Czechoslovak Acadeav of Sciences., Bratislava. (ETBIL CHLORIDE rel cpds) (VIRUSES pharmacol) IVANICS Dr. - *Aerial warfare" between American and Europowi airlines. Ropulas 13 no.1a15 JTa 160. AVP,RIYANOV, S.N. inzh.; KATS, 111.0 p inzb.; 4YANIDI, -~JI, iiizh. DT-60 tractor. Traktt,A sellkhoma h. 31 no.8:13~-14 Ag 161. XT (MM 14:7) 9 - I., Stalingradskiy traktornyy zavad. (Crawler tractors) VAN 111010V, lf*P*-, IVANIDZJI# T,G, Frouts masked in regard to mWon, Trudy OGNI no.11:211..22Z 157. (Atmosphere) (MIRA 112-3) DOERYNIT, Ye.M., kand. toklm. nauk IVANIDZE BAIWIOVA, Z.S., red. izd-va; NIRNOUt G.V.j tokhn# reds [Instrument industry of the Georgian S.S.R.]Priborc,stroenie Gruzinskoi SSR. Moskva, Mashgiz; 1961. 70 p. (MIRA 15:5) (Mosccw-Exhibitions) (Georgia-Instruments) IVADIIKP Miji,- TrPES"iTTKNIV, Ya.14.; SOFLCIA. MI.M. ;,eologic~~al strUcture of the ,pnB oll fiold. M."M ipz. prom. no.20-5 Ap~-Je '65. OuRA i8s6) GONCRAROVp Yuriy Grigorlyevich) inzh.; CIANKMCH, Tadeush TSemarevich, inzh.; ?EMVp Vladimir Yegoroviohl inzh.; SHAMANOVp L.G. j inzh. v retsenzerAl IVAIIIN, V.F.p inzh.9 retsenzent; VaL'Fj 7S., inzh.p red.; KRnTMp P.A., ~e. red. (Operation and maiiftenerce of a diesel loc9qi0tive] Upravlenie teplo- vozom i ego obsluzhivahie. Mo6j,~~a, Vs-s. ;el'sko-poligr. ob"edi- xo~nie M-va. pUtei soobsbobeniial 1961. 160 p. diagr, (MIU 3.4s8) (Diesel locomotives) 44h4PINIIN11i 1101,IP11:;6H 11~11: 1 1 ; !;,!,I IVXn-KAYL, Ye.A.; ICUZIN, A.M. Wfect of irradiation on the activity of tyroolteae in the skin of mice and rats. Radiobiologiia 3 no.1&17-20 163, (MIM 1612) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSF4 Mbekwao (TYROSINASE) (UMA RAYS.-PMIOTOGr. AL EMGT) ;.: 1W, -:. YFIPI~KIMOV!. V19 kand. 'Vekhn. nauk; MERS011"FilY, j., IV \,'Ty i-, ~ [)V master prolzvodetyennogo ohirhi-nlya. Device for measuring the cutting forces in turnira, Prof.-tekh, obr. 21 no.12t23 D 1641. (KIRA 18-.2) IVANIKOV, V.I. Selection of developers for photographs of metaors. Biul. Stal.astron.obser. no.14:12-13 '55. (MLRA 9:10) (Astronomical photography) IVANIKOV, V.I. -- - -..- WN MAWN I I Calculating atmospheric absorption in connection with photographing heavenly objects in panchromatic photolayers. Izv.0td.est.nauk AN Tadzh.SSR no.14:53-61 '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Stalinabadakaya astronomichookaya observatortya AN Tafthikskoy SSR. (Solar radiation) (Astronomical photography) IVANIKOV. V 1. Nampa - WRIFROMMI Using the photomAric connection of meteor trails with daiI7 Itar trails for building up the characteristics curve, Biul. Stal.astron.obear. no.15:14-19 '56. (MLRA 9110) ('-Photometry, Astronomical) 4 T! IVANILKOV' V.I. M- Relation of readings on the objective microphotomater to the width of the alit and the magnitude of the sky background. Errors in the photographic process. Biul.Stal.antron.obser. no.15:20-23 '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Photometry, Astronomical) IVANIKOV, V.I. Determining the correction required by failure to comply with the principle of interchangeability in relating meteor trails to daily paths of stars. Biul,Otal,astron.obser. no*16:3-22 156& (MIJU 10: 1) (Meteors) (Photometry, Astronomical) AHJ! d i!iiI~il 11 !1- 1~ A I!Ujflkll~ P IVANIKOV, V. 1. Cand Pbys-Math Sei -- (diss) "OncUm methods of photographio photometry of meteors." Lon, 1957. 9 pp 22 om. Wad Sci USSR. main Astronomioal Observatory), 100 copies. (KL, 15-57, 104) r7 - ~d -IjI - I U Ni IVAITIKQ)V. V.1.; SOLOVIYEV, A.V ,; BABA]ZHANOV, P.B,, red; "'tdt[~VOLISKIY, O.V.: red; KATASEV, L.A., red.; BAKHMV, red.; FWIDV, [Methods used in photographic photomatry of mateoral 0 matedakh. fotograficheakol fotometrii mateorov. Stalinabad. Izd-vo Akad. nauk Tadzhik. SSR. 1957. 45 p. (Stalinab&&Astronosichaskaia observatoriia. Blulleten'. No. 21) (MINA 11:8) (Meteors) (Photometry. Astronomical) IVANIKOV, V.I. I Selecting prisms for objectives used in the sDactrophotometry of meteors. Biul. Stal. astron. obseranoo 20:24-28 '57- (MIRA '11--8) (Meteors) (Spectrophotometry) 8/035/60/000/006/026/()38 AOO1/AOOl 'rTanslation from-. Referati-myy zhuz--el, Astronomiya I Gqodaziya, 19-40, No. 6, P. 6% # 5312 AUT-HORt ,Jvanikov. V. i. TITLE: On the Methods of Photographic Phot�ret of Metaore. FERI=LCAL:- Byul. Stalinabadsk. astron, observ., 1957, No. 21, PP. 3-47 TEXTz Me method of photographic photometry of mateors, developed by N. N. Sytinskaya and oompleme.-O".ed by the wathor, Is explained, followilZ a briAf hisTorical r w. -The method is based on the conneotl:ng the trail of a moti--or to the diurnal trails of the stars on the negative. Drawb&,As of the met-hod-s are pointed out: The unf'alfillment of the interchargeabilitv law, difficulties -4-1 t-he selection of comparison stars, diffe.-ences in the formation sonditions --)f the stellar and metsoric trails, et3. A devize, called "artifloial meteor", is described which is used for imprinting the ph-Avuetrio standard. 1-t consists of a photometric box within. which projection b-albs are arranged. Ths front wa,11 of 'Ais box is shielded with a frosted glaqs behind which a photomet::~ic attennator is located. Furtlitr is located a rotating Durallaminum disk with - 1-= C ;ard 1/2 -9/035/60/000/006/026/038 A001/AG01 On the Methods of Photographic Photometry of Mataors apertures bored along the radius. PassirZ in front of' th...) att.eviator apertures ---tat-e ar+lficial moteori of diffe".nt angalav valooittj and vaxy-Ing lrtt8nslty; they are photographed with a oam,-~ra from a definAte distan-:e. Calibration is made by comparirg with ztars of well-1-n-c-mm stellai, magnitrad6s, 'Th, th I i met ode of prootsiing the observations bT means of an iiqrintA-d st'iLndard ax~?k described. The author e~,ompares the resultis obtained from the matthod of contral tie to the diurnal stellar tralls with thosft of c=-trol tie to -the trails of sr-',Iflolal mst-eors, and ooncliidas that the lattar m&+.hod is more as-,uratt and reliable. E-y-more arising in photcgraphl,:t photoms+~,-y of met-aora arfl~ analyzed and estimated: errors of the ph-otography process, of the field, of fo,~Using, wad Orrors from uAing the mean trar-Ruarenoy coafficitart. Theri, a--, 31 L. A. Kata-oev Tran~latorls note- This 1.9 th,-% full translation of 1-he ori-,Pins-l Rissian abstract. Card 2/2 F`711, 7 M " ITANIKOV r--0" Possibility of photographing artificial earth Batellites. Astron. tsir. no.187:5-7 D 157. (MM 1116) .1, Stalinabadskays astronomicheakaya observatoriya. (Artificial satellites) (Astronomical photography) IVANIKOV, V.I. Determining the length of meteoris fall. Astron. tsir. no.187t 23-25 3) '57. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Stalinabad"ya astronomichoskaya obeermtorlya AN Tadzhikskoy SR. (Yateors) - IVANIKOV V I Possibility of photographing artificial satellites. Astron. Itair. A0.193:6-8 Jy 158* (MIRA 12:1) 1. Stalinabadakaya astronomicheeltaya observatoriya. (Artificial satellites) I 1411!, I II I I! Z I, :I I ~ I . . . I I SOV/35-59-9-7326 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 9, P 75 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tvanikov- V.I. TITLE: The Photographic Photometry of the Second Sputnik PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1958, July 3, Nr 193, PP 8 - 10 ABSTRACT: There is a description of the method of determining the brightness of the Artificial Sputnik from images of the trail taken by the NAFA 30 a? camera. There is a citation of results of the photometric processing for 10 positions of the second Soviet Artificial Satellite on March 20, 1958, from two images of the trail obtained on the same frame on a film with pre- printed standards. The period of the vai~lation in brightness of the Sputnik was determined. It is equal to 1 m15s G.A.M. Card 1/1 Tt 834" S/035/60/000/007/014/018 3, 1 ~,qo AOO 1/AO,0 I Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1960, No. T. p. 83, f 6491 AUTHOR: Ivanikov, V.I. \IV TITLE: The Dependence of the Non-Intersubstitution Effect -nn the Meteor Intensity PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1959, apr. 15, No. .201, pp. 18-20 TEXT: When meteor trails are photometrically tied to the diurnal trails of stars, it is necessary to take into account a correction for deviations from the law of intersubstitut-lon ("vzaimozamestimost"'). The purpose of the present study was the determination of this correction. It turned out that the correction depends on the trail intensity: it grows with an increase of Intensity, varyIng within the range cif 1.06 - 2m~l . The method of calculating the acrrection is' described. N.P.K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Risstau abstract. Card 1/1 IVANIKOV, V. I- Photometric error of the field of the nFA 3SI25 camera. Astron. tair. no.208:19-20 Ja 160. NIRA 13:11) 1. Justitut astrofisiki AN Tsdzhikokoy SSR. (Astronomical photograpby) L .. ......... ACCESSION NR: AT3012282 S/3017/62/009/000/0003/0065 AUT~OR: Ivanikov, V. 1. TITLE: Spectrographic observations of meteors in Dushanbe in 1958-1960 SOURCE-:, AN TadzhSSR. Institut astrofjz1kL_"_T-ru4y~-; v-- 9, 1962, 3-65 TOPIC.TAG~: spectroAraphic meteor observation, meteor, meteor Spec-!: trum,'meteor patrol, Gissar meteor stat'ion, meteor spe6trum photog- raphy,, meteor wake, Dushanbel Stalinabad ABSTRACT: Spectroscopic data have been compiled and analyzed on thei basis of 20 photographs of me~eor.spectra obtained by'the Institu*t astrofiziki AkademiL.nauk Tadzhik-skoy SSR (Institute, of Astrophysics Tadzhik Academy' of Sciences) ih'1958-1960. Syste-matic photography was carried out at the Gissarlstation 13.6 km from'Dushanbe, using an L. A. Katasev high-speed spectral unit consisting of six NAPA ZS/25 (D a 10 cm, P 25 ctd) cameras having Vens prisms with a refraction angle of 25% Panchromatic aerial phot'ographic film with :~Cajd J/2 ACCESSION NR: AT3012282 a sensitivity of approximately,1000 GOST units wag used. The meteor -3pectra,vere measured on the MIR-12 and the sImplar UI3-21 micro- scope$. To construct dispersion curyes of the meteol spectra, the characteristic lines of Nal (A-- 5893 A) , MgI (Am 5177 A) , MgII ( Xm4481 A)$ Call'(X-3933.7 X or A-3968,5 1). and of the hydrogen *cries of. the spectra of near stars were selected.- The wavelengths of.unknown meteor spectrum lines were computed with Cornu's formula. All of the spectra *obtained were predominantly linear. The results of wave- length determinations of individual lines are given in tables, ltst.-, ing the computed wavelengths of the meteor spectra, laboratory wavem lengths. corresponding atoms or ions, and the multiplats.' A list is' provided of the multiplets.detected in the meteor,spectra examined. Visual observations were made by Z. M. Bakharev. The author thanks V, I. Ul'rLkh for aiding in processing the data. Orig. art..has; 4 iiguras and ll.tables.' ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE'ACQ:_ 19Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEi AS NO REF SOVt Card 2/2 nz. Oll OTHER: 002' I a IVANIKOV,- V.I.; KRADOV, I.M. Photometric errors of the field of the NAFA 3s/25 cameras. Biul. Inst. astrofiz. AN Tadzh. SSR no.35:3-13 163. (MIRA 17:5) IVANIKOV, V.I. Photographic photometry of meteors. Biul. Inst. astroriz. AN Tadzh. SSR no.32:25-31 '62. (111'RA 17:11) I I !!!:j!p-!:j1;1;!j,!,:l.j, L 04283-67 M (1) GW XCC NR- 6646 SOURCE CODI~-:7V-R/02~V016AP 77 1-6/60WO65~1 AUTHOR: Ivanikov. V. I. TITLE: Technique and some results of photometric studies of meteors during_lKand -IGQS (1957--1959) SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abe. 10-51-416 REF SOURCE; B.Yul.-Za-t& astrofiz. AN TadzhSSR, no. 39-40, 1965, 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: meteor observation, meteor tracking, camera, microphotometer/ NAFA 3-9/25 camera,.MP-2 microphotometer, NF-4 mi,~-rnvhotometer ABSTRACT: Photographing of meteo,~s in Dushanbe was carried out from two points with the help of a meteor trol manrung NAFA 3Y25 camera~,,Yith Tran-911 obJectives (P/D - 2.5; F - 25 cmr. Photographs obtained on a corresponding unit without a shutter were used for photome'.,ric analysis. Photometric standardization was carried out on the laboratory apparatus "Artificial meteors." The problems of the photograph analysis technique are considered in detail. The photograph measuxements were made with W-2 and NP-4 microphotometers. The results presented for 152 meteors are: meteor number, datat velocity outside the atmoaphere, zenith distance of the radiant, altitude of the maximum light intensity, magaitude of the maximum luminosity, mass of the meteor body, shower membership, and light intensity curve. Flashes were observed for 30 meteors, for which are givent flash altitude, time and duration of flashp Card 1/2 UDC, 523-53 L 04283-67 -AC-C - N' A-A-R,"6-0-04 67 7 initial kinetic energy of the meteor body, kinetic energy lost at flash, and relative mass loss of the meteor body at flash. The obtained reSUlts are discussed briefly. Bibliography of 33 citations. B. Lebedinets ZTrauslation of abstracI7 SUB CODE: 03)t4 IVAN! KCV Methodology for the study of some charneteristics of the Drecess of visual perception. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. inst,xikh. 431.274- 278 165. LULI 1819) 1. Institut r).qi lk'n Latrii AMN SSSR (direktor prof, A.V.Snezhnevsk:Ly). IVANIKOVA, Z.A.,, dotsent Biochemical changes in the blood in c-sorders of cerebral circulation of a thrombotic nature. Trach. delo no.111 26-30 N163, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Klinika nervn--,,,i bolezney (zav. - dotsent F.Ya. Roza) Daepropetrovskr,go meditsinskogo institutai, IVAVIKOVA, Z.V., dotsent Protein and lipid metabolism in disorders of cerebral circulation. Vrach. delo no.9:67-70 S 161. (KIRA 1,1,:12) 1. Klinika nervnykh boleznoy Dnepr tr skogo meditainskogo instituta, (zav. - dotsent F.Ya.Roz (PROTEIN METABOLIS (LIPID METABOLISM) (CZP,&BRQVASCULAR DISEASES) (HUIERTENSION) V 01 IVANILOVA, R.F. Hydrogeology of the foothill part of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Mat. Kom. po izuch. pod-zem. vod. Sib. i Dal' Vos--*,. no.2:125-129 162. (BEIRA 17:8) i'll-AINID7,11j, *-;-3 Gas Turbines Conversion of heat energy in gas turbines. Nov. nauk. i tekh., No. 1, 1948 Monthly List of Russian Accessions Libra of GoRMss,, October 195112 Unclassified ; !!,::, 1': 1 [ H I #-;:,!: .1!!;:Ii:: D,I X, ~` TLO`M~ Y11%, El-,~:. Gas Turbines Conversion of heat energy in gas trubines. (Conclusion) Nov. nauk. i tekh.j No, 2.p 1946 Mont wt 2r Russian Accessions, Library of Congresep Octobor 1952. Unclassified f'91 4 fW V jo 124-1957-1-433 Translation from-. Referativnyy zhurnal. Melhanika, 1957, Nr 1. p 54 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanilov, Yu-P. TITLE: Some Two- dimensional Problen-is of the Impact on a Container Filled With a Liquid (Nekotorvye ploskiye zadachi udara po sosudu s zbidkoseyu) PERIODICAL: Tr. Azerb. industr. in-ta. 1956.. Nr I'Z, pp 22-30 ABSTRACT. Three two-dimensional problems of the impact on a container filled with an ideal, incompressible liquid having a free surface: 1) a horizontal impact on a container shaped in the form of a cir- cular segment; 2) a vertical impact on a circular cylinder which is half-immersed into a liquid that fills a likE-shaped container in which it is placed eccentrically; 3) a horizontal impact on a con- tainer shaped in the form of a circular sector. In the first instance the space containing the liquid can be conformally transformed onto a strip, whereupon tbe velocity potential of the perturbed motion of the liquid can be sought in the form of a Fourier integral. In the second problem the 5pacc occupied by the liquid is represented on a rectangle and the velocity pot(-.ntia'.. is ri-presented by a Card I /Z Fourier series. In the last problem the space occupied by the 1 1: 31 T 124-1957-1-433 Some Two-dimensional Problems of the Impact on a Container (cont.) liquid is transformed onto a semistrip and the. potential is repre- sented by the sum of a Fourier series and a Fourier integral. Expressions for the Joining mass are adduced for all of the cases. L. Blokh 1. Impact shock--Analvsis 2. Fourier's integrals--Applications 3. Fourier's series--Applications Card Z/2 Vi F.'', AUTHORS: -;xaa!4-v s eyev, N. N and SOV/20-123-2--5/50 Ter-Krikorov, A.M. TITLE: On the Asymptotic Character of the Formulas of M.A.Lavrentlyev (0b asimptoticheskom kharaktere formul M.A.Layrentlyeva) PERIODICAL: Boklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 127,Nr 2,pp 231-234 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The authors show that the approximate expressions (obtained by Lavrentlyev [Ref 1,2,3] ) for functions mapping conformally almost rectilinear strips, are the first terms of certain asymptotic series. Let the strip T ws 0 41F~51 be mapped onto the strip T z 1 0 _'t Y ~4- f W where w(oo ) - OD , W(z) - T +i V; z - x+iyj Jr harmonic in TZ, '?-Ofory- 0, -~- 1 for y- f(x). Put Fxul, y-~, where F. 2 ~)2V 2 is a parameter, then Ir satisfies the equation F- 4-p + la - 0. 2 %12 1,12 The solution is sought in the form '~- Iro+ Y1+ t 'Y2+-"' where 1e - Ofory-Oand -V - 1,-Y, -Y2. ... -Ofory- f. 1 0 In x and y then Card 1/2 If(Xvy) - -yo(xgy)+ Y,(X,Y)+. --+ 1ek(X1Y)+-- - 9 . " I . On~ the Asymptotic Character of the Formulas of SOV/20-123-2-5/50 M~A.Lavrentlyev (a 0) where Aeo w aoyp '?1 3 1 y +a Iy etc.; here a 0 - f all 0 2 a 3 ! f i.... The determination of ?. Re w is carried out dx 1 LL(Al 2 1 2f12-f11f drature,f(x,,y 71-7 + - by the qua x r,"f2(x) Y + f dx+- Theorems I t IV (X,Y) - n order tha Im is an asymptotic 1-0 solution of the problem, it is necessary and sufficient that f(I)k,x) - 0( F-11), where k-1,2,. ..,2m and 1k are arbitrary positive numbers. In this case the solution has the form *Xyy) - TM(XVY) + 0(-W.+,). In an analogous manner the authors consider more general problems, There are 6 references, 7 of which are Soviet, and 1 English. PRESENTEDs May 13, 1956, by M.A.Lavrentlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958 Card 2/2 IVANILOV, YU. P., MOIso-i-VI N. N.) VLR-KRIKOROV, A. M. (Mosco-,i) "Assymptotic Methods In Motion Analysis of Liquids With Free Sur.1i'aces." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical aml Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. : PI :1; 1 ': I ~.I ! I : P I ~' IT i: 16 .-79o0 10 - 1 1)00 80260 . S/040/6o/024/02/28/01~ AUTHOR: _Ivanilov, Y4. P..(Moscow) TITLE: On- tIhe S.1 tabi liItyNf the Plane Parallel Flow of a Viscous Fluid on an Inclined Plane PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhE-nika,1960, Val, 24, ffo', 21 PP, 380-381 TEXT; The author ccnsiders a plane parallel liquid flow on -- plane -nclined against the horizontal under the angle V, -, Let h be the distance between plane and free surface, let g be the acceleration due to gravity, V the viscosity, H = & ~ /9 the "viscous dept-10., The author states that the flow is unstable if 2/S- H' sin2cv, k. Cos C4 If the capillarity is taken into censideration, then the condition trans -formis into -41 0 where C~j is the nondimensional surface stress and 2,74 the nondimensio- na-" 7,ave lerts-1-h, There is I, fi,~ure, and 'I Soviet reference. SUBMITTMD: NC)VQ-n'DLr 1959 Card PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6201 Vaesoy-uznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. lstMoscow, 1960. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo s"yezda po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy makhanike, 27 yanvarya -- 3 fevralya 1960 g. Obzornyye doklady (Transacilons of the All-Union Congress on TheoreUcal and Applied Mechanics, 27 *January to 3 February 1960. Summary Reports). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 467 p. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. NatsionalInyy kornitet SSSR po teoret4cheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. Editorial Board: L. I. Sedov, Chairman; V. V. Sokolovskiy, Deputy Chairmani. 0. S. Shapiro, Scientific Secretary; G. Yu. Dzhanelidze, S. V. Kalinin, L. G. Loytoyanaldy, A. 1. Lurlye, G. K. Mikhaylov, G. 1. Petrov, and V. V. Rumyontsev; Resp. Ed.: L. 1. Sedov; Ed. of Publishing House: A-. 0. Chakhirev. Tech. Ed.: R. A.' Zamarayeva. Card l/ 6