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FIRSOV, L.V. New data on the age of phlogopite in the Aldan. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no-3:679-682 Mr 165. (M3RA 1814) l# Institut goologii i'geotiziki Slbir3kogo otdeleniya Ul SSSR. Submitted October 31, 2964. FIRSOVP L.V. Absolute age of granitolds in the Taygonos Peninsula. Dokl, AN SSSR 162 no.2t4l!,-417 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo Gtdeleniya AN SSSR. Submitted October 31, 1964. F H SO 11, ,j . f. J;J,~s PV)SOZOIC igneouj3 tcLivity In the cemxal range ejf Karv!hatka U-Nd UJI InLIltil)le 111eUMO1-fhiSM Of anCielllt fOl-mations related to it. "wal. I geofiz. no.3:89-97 164. (Iff-R-k 18-7) 1. Severco-Vostoclinvy kompleksnyy institut Sibirskogo otdelsni~m AN SSSFI, g. MagaJun. TOMIRDIARO, S.V.; GOLIDWAN, V.G., nauchnyy red.; SHILO, N.A.p red.; KARTASHOV, I.P., red.; DIKOV, N.N.-, red.; DRABUN, I.Ye., red.; ZILIBERMINTS, A.V., red.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, A.A., red.; FIRSOV, L.V. red.; YANOVSKIY, V.V., red. ~ 7-7--~- [Thermocalculations of foundations in the regions of permafrost.) TeplovVe raschety osnovanii v raionakh vachnoi merzloty. Magadan, 1963. 104 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Severo- Vostochnyl kompleksnyi nauchno-issledovatells'kii institut. Trudy., no.4) (MIRA 18:11) GUMiSWRIZOV., N.J., professor; GBTW, M.G., redaktor; NAYBDIMT, D.I., redak-tor; 7IRSOTO M.Ye,, radaktor. [Blectrio and gas welding In shipbuilding and ship repair] Ilektri- cheakala i gazovals evarka v sudostroenit, I sudoremonts. 2 lzd., dop. I. parer. Leningrad, Isdrvo Ministerstva morskogo I, rachnogo flota sm.'1933. 397'p- (MLRL 7:7) (Rectric welding) (Oxyacetylene welding and cutting) (ShipbuAlding) SOV/ 137-58-7- 15203 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 183 (USSR) AUTHORS: Matskevich, V.D., Fir TITLE- Teaching Methods Employed in Presenting a Course in Welding to Students of the Leningrad Ship-building Institute (Metodika prepo- davaniya kursa svarki studentarn Leningradskogo korablestroitell- nogo instituta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 19, pp 109-120 ABSTRACT: The teaching methods described are employed for presentation of a welding course and include the following four types of instruc- tion: 1) Practical instruction in arc welding in the shop; Z) study of theoretical aspects of welding and welding equipment; 3) laboratory instruction in welding and electrical welding equipment, 4) design planning of welded constructions and engineering processes of weld- ing. The authors describe in detail the teaching methods employed in various courses and the contents of the latter, as well as methods and contents of laboratory projects and course planning. A. P. Card 1/ 1 1. Personnel- -Training 2. Welding-.-Study and Teaching FIRSOV. M.Ye.,i1jzh. -0000-W,L~, Experience in the operation of small dredges connected with SMD-2 pent aprenders. Torf. -prom. 35 no.2:35-37 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Orud'yevskoye torfobriketnoye predpriyatiye. (Pent machiner7) SOV/85-58-n..13/33 AUTH014 Firsov, N., Leader (Commander) of Parachutist Team of the (Fatoulan RepUj)lic Aviation Sports Clab, Tallin TITLE:. Precision Landing on the Sea (Na tochnost' privodneziya) PMODICAL: Kryllyn rodiny, 1958, N.r 3.1, p 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on the first eamq*titiona in precision Unding on the sea held by parachutists of the Estonian Republic under the auspices of the DOSAAF Republic 66mmittee. The contestants Included sportsmen frog -T I I i n, Tartu, Pyarnu, and Valgi, vbo juaped from an; M4 plane from an altitude of BW m. The rules of the competition are stated and several winners mentioned. ASSOCIATION- Estonskiy respublikanskiy aviasportklub (Estonian Repub3ic AVIation Sports Club. FIRSOYO Developing state vegetable and fruit farms In the region 01' the TSimlyanak Hydro development. Kona. I ov. prom. 13 no.10:27'--29 0 158, (MIRA 11: 10) I.Rostovskiy sovnarkhos. (Rostov Province-7ruit culture) (Rostov Province-Vegetable gardening) FIRSOVI Doi* Obtaining high yields of cherries on Rostov Province state farmse Kenn* I ov. prom. 14 no,3:27-29 Mr 159. (KIRA 121311 l.Restovskiy sovwtrkhon. (Rostov Province--Cherries) FIRSOV, N. I Developing the resources of rav products for the canning indtustry in the Rostov Neonomic Region* Konsoi oveprom. 15 no-3:31-33 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Rostovskly sovnarkhos, (Rostov Provinog-Ganning industry) F~IRSOY ~N. RKpand the sources of raw material supply of the canning Ijidustry under the Rostov 3conomic Council. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 no.9t 22-25 S i62. MU 15:8) 1. Rostovskiy sayet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Farm produce), (Rostov Province-Canning industry) L 21536-6 c Mi E M) PN WMANK ACC NR: AP6008303 SOURCE C6Dt:"'~R/0237/66/000/002'10021/0024 f ~;ALTMOR: Ivanov, A. V#; Rozov, S..P.; Firsov, N. T. a5 ORG: none 'TITLE: A vacuum x-ray spectrometer for the 1.5-45 m1i spectral region f :SOURCE: Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlennostt,-no. 2, 1966 21-24 ... TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer x rdy spot iffraction grating trosco y, d !ABSTRACT: The authors describe the SP-114 diffraction-grating vacuum Biectrometer ifor studying emission and absorptior~_Spectra in the 1.5-45 mp spectral region to de- itermine the energy structure of solids. Theoptical system of the instrument is ,:based on sliding incidence of the rays on a fixed concave diffraction gratingland -~Rowland circle spectral focusing. A schematic diagram of the instrument is shown ;i4n the figure. The input slit 2 and diffraction grating 3 are fastened'to a tem- plate 2. Receiver 4 with reception slit 5 is mounted on carriage 6 which is moved -.1 by lead screw 7 and nut 8 along template 1. The carriage may be moved oither. manu-.' ,ally by handwheel 9 or automatically by drive unit 10. Th,a automatic drive moves UDC: 535.853.3-3 i-Card, 1/2 L 21536-66 ACC NR: AP6000303 ~the carriage at rates of 1, 2.5, 9- 15, 10, 25, 50,and 1000 p/sec. The Unstrument has working ranges of 11.5-4.5 mu and 4.5-45 m" wh ich are set by changing the diffraction .grating and template. The width of, ;slits 3 and 5 may be varied from-O ito 0.4 m without breaking the, Ivacuum in the instrument., Between'' 14 ,the input slit and the radiation-, ,source is a~condenser 11 with replaceable spherical or toric mirrors 12 for focus- ,ing the source on the.inRut slit and,(in the,case of toric mirrors) compt3nsating for ''astigmatism of the lattice in certain spectral intervals. The condenser a mirrors s Yell as the anode 14 and cathode,15 in the x-ray source 13 may be adjusted without I !breaking the vacuum in theinstrument. ~ The unit -has a lock device 16 for placing ':filters in the beam between the input,olit and the lattice. The instruniont measures,_,.___ i140 x 130 x 140 cm. "The authors are grateful to A. 1. Yefremov for a nunber of comments and for assistance in developing the instrument and to Academician A. A. t -- 1-17 hebedev for directing the work*- OrIgo art,, hast 4 figures. SM %E.., 20/ SUBM DATE*... 154pr~S/ REFt 007/ OTH IMF: -001 -D U RES 'Card 2/2 L 26785-66 EWP(.J)/EWT(I)/EVfr('M)/Elt(m)4/T iJP(C-) RM/W/bJ ACC NRi A136017452 SOMCE CM W62377667000jroa/062170W, AUTHOM. Ivanov, A9 Val Rosov, S Pet* LiEsavy No Te~ 4-07 CRG: none TITIE t Vacuum x-ray spectr6meter. for the spectral region SOURCEz Optiko-nekhanicheekaya. proaWshlennost', no* 2. 1966, 21-24 TOPIC TAGS: L"etrometer, emission spectrum, absorption speotrum/EE- r V ABSTRACT: The'authors-desoribe the SM W' spectrometer for analyzing 428'sion and absorption.spectra in the 1.3-45 mp x-ray region. The device uses,the Principle of glancing beam incidence on &'stationary concave diffraction- ~grading with Rowland circle spectral focusing. A schematic diagram andcutamay 1view of the instrument are shown., The instrument has spectral working ranges of 1,3-4,3 up-and 4.5-45 m whiWare selooted bv changinr, the,-difl'raction grating and master tamplath. The grating for the shortwave range has a radius of curvature of 6 m, while that for the lonprave range has a radium of Our G lof 2 m The width of the input and output, - slits for the spectrometer :Pay be varied from 0 to 0.4 mm without dentroying tho vacuum in theinstrument: ,Provision is mdde for controlling the height of both slita. The condenser mirrors may be adjusted without d4stroying the vacuum. AU the vaouuw.~ seals In thelinstiument are made from metal and the devici'may- Card 1/;-__ UDv-. 535-8M-2,3 FIRSOV, N.V. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. . I Potato harvesting combines and their further development. Sellkhos- mashina no.50-9 Ky 154. WRA 7:5) (Harvesting machinery) (Potatoes-Harvesting) FIRSOVI N v Epp -H9159 Mashiny dlya, vozdelyvaniya kartofelya. Moskva, Hashgiz, 1955. 124 P. illus.s diagra., tables. rIRSOV, N.V. Over-all jechanization of potato barventing, Traktal gol'khozmasb. no.6:25-28 Je I n OaRk 12:9) .57e (Potatoes-Harvesting) PETROV, G.D.; Mpd.tekhn."; FMOV, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk HArvesting. potatoes in a continuous operation. Makh. I islok. sotao' oellkhoz,, 19 zo-92:10-22. 161. (MIFLA 14% 3) le Toesoyusnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sellskokliozyay- stvennogo maohinostroyaniya* (Potato6o-rHarvesting) GUDZENKO, I.P.; fIRSOV,_ffl.V~ GORBUNOV, V.R., inzh., retsenzent; ZHURAVIEVA, M.N., red.izd-va; YEGORKINA, L.Lp red. izd-va; .SMIRNOVA, G,V.p tekhn. red. [Machines for.raising and harvesting potatoes]Mashiny dlia v3z- delyvaniia i uborki kartofelia. Moskva, Maohgiz 1962. 269 y. IHIRA 16:3) (Potato w-chinery) PETROV, G.D.;--L~~~ Types of potato diggero. Trakt. i sel'tkhozmash. 32 no.6:22-26 je 162c, (KM 15:6) .I* VoesoyuzM7 nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sellskolrho- zyaystvennogo masbinootroyeniya, (Potato digger (Machine)) PETROV, G.D.; FIRSO_V,,J[,V,.; KOLCHIN, N.N.; KALAMIN, A.I.; KUCHERENKO, N.Ye.; ANIKEYENKr, A.I. Mechanization of potato storing and-prospects for its development. Trakt.'i Bellkho-amash. no.7s22-24 J1 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Vaesoyiiznyy nituchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskokhozyaystvennogo masbinostroyenlyap Moskva (for Petrov, Firsov, Kolchin, Kalazin). 2. Nauch- no-isaledovatel'3kiy institut torgovIi i obshchestvennogo pitaniya (for Kucherenko). 3. iltosudaratvennyy inatitut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy torgovli i obshchestvennogo pitaniya (for Anikeyenko). FMOV, JI., inzh. Such arewdrivers ore very useful. IITO 3 no.n:17 N 61. (141RA 14:10) 1. Zavod "Mem=etr", chlen Ilauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva tavoda. (Screwdrivers) FIRSOV 0., innhener, luureat Stalinskoy premii. ---io A I Operating a multi-oradle side slip. Mani rech.flot 13 no.4:16-20 Ag 153. Nm 6:10) (Shipyards) FM~OV, 0. B. 35822. Shimia urovney emr~:ii atom. s bol'shim Flavnym kvantor_,r chislom. Doklady akad. nauk SSSP, novaya seri3ra. T. MR. No- 3, 1943 5- 357-59 SO: Le-topis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 Pirs 1y, 0. B. On the thenn 70 W" at "W& MWV k"k at WO quantum srombers. 0.11 Pkww (Leninivad Plty!sleach- last.). [WWy Akd. =VS-.S.S.R. 69.337-9(1919).-The d. ductuatiox of dm pertufbing gas In considerW within a sphae of mdkd r. 1, 1, 1 which the wave function of the tlcclrw jac"SM aspowatiolly; 9 the "IMILO quantum no. I -C x (a - prbKW quantum no.), Y. - 2 aial, whem r* - 41/4w%0, mW the mean time om whkb the no. of ligols. in a tpbm of mdius r. changto by a ow4nitude of M wder of dw mean squam fluctuation, r./v - 24,42P (Whem v - own dwmal Velocity of the gas mols.) Is con-, Aderably Wmtcr than VME. -- Ft). Supmedinc Lbe #40MINIIIIIS of Ferad (CA. 28. MW). the rz for the bAN *Wtb becomes - l(ki/4.1m) =I-In to 0 a WI/I (0.4/48) 1.,., In contrast to F.s- Iff-la. iave"dY VmPortional to x' and proportlottal to VA (Mftn am of ". per m). For Na Unn perturW by He. me fimis (IF.),/# - 1.2 cm.-I which Is by a lactor of 1.5-2 IM then The expti. half wkth of Fficlabsuer (C.A. 29.32331). TbodioutpoWmayposiblybeduccolocarmt toluctim to 00 and I atm. N. Thon Tho inguanice of' r U on the Abs"Pflon gpec. -tr Lm f~aar tb.-! wl -1 Y In 1= IN L 7- M`X, B-1, ~A I ~I. k .USSR/1~4ysics Spectrum, Absorption- YAY 51 ."Influence of a Foreign Gas -on the Absorption -4 Spectrum Close to the Limit of the Series, 11," 0 0. B. Firsov, Leningrad Physico Tech Inst, Acad E-4 Sci USSR a) "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI, No 5, pp 634- 641 Firsov determines form of spectral line on basis of expression for displacement of spectral line of atom in foreign:gas. Uses method of charac~ teristic functions in the derivation. Thermal motion of mols is not taken into consideration, LC 183TIO1 USSR /physics spectrum, Absorption May-151 (Contd) i~hd therefore theoretical curves showing depend- .ence _of width of the line on main quantum nunber, ;,!A,e below exptl curves. Submitted 9 Jun 50. 183='~ fit. ,-~l 6 t Ronvatice-cxcli-mige nt fool; (n 4o" voff(,(m~. 0'. It. npulv. 7ft. T-A-s,,,rr. re~. I r: 11, IMI -4 Gl-, 01C cm~ whnql Mc 'llocil A"'d if~, tml Are U-141111 tchooll ilm Iflo m-t" ..V of an Cko(oa in 't k%t Eff',,IkAim 1110AN il Alcmisw-J. A t:m%ij,alisv;i of expCOntellfal and tholfulk.0 ;v; vf cxvfmtlc.r, (if jlo~ifhcly chargof foug f,f III; av i Iln' .,63210 Dr~KIIWHAT )N OF TURCM AC-111(l DFMI~I.N A n-JM9 lh'TTFI TIB 11131' OF TUX 't)TFIKRL?MAL CROM UMON Or lKI.&M-111 S;LIMMM. Q. 11. Firney. Zh4r r"pt) t T~rrtt Ftx. 1, , rm-83(1=1 Wr. o patnlj~al [fir co.?Jitting partlelco is d~ t.rattued C-li tv KlTm "IWIDOIKIP bOtw"b lhv a;41- Of mcaitartrg a ara tho collialon Darmct~- R A encibmi im ]PAIcalrd wt~crv. 7 atp) can be determintx! from the rrt-zs- ,lr~d wil'" of 'l, , diffirvidw -MRS Ser-loo "t iAstIr .'at to" Art mm pit Illatilratel lfw tise d the forravilma dv- rtv*d, &M the c so of forces rd varyitif stgo (attraction &I grt2tpr. " ret ilsion at gmaller. diounceal is diarx-mited In duull- (~iclen v Xtstraas) Fraw, 0. F), 21 Jul 53 USSR/IflucleEir Physics - Atoms, Interaction OInteraction of Atoms at Distances Below 5X10-9 Centimeters," 0. B. Firlov, Leningrad Physicotech Inst, Acad Sci USSR DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 3, pp 515-518 Derives eqs of motion of atomic nuclei as function of potential energy, and the state of electrons as function of interatomic distance and initial state. Concludet) that processes occurring with valent electrons cannot modify interaction of atoms at distances below 10-8 cm. Presented by Acad V. A, Fok 30 May 53. 262T71 W..~11: AUTHOR FIRSOV6 O.B. !5&&25/56 TITLE Int-er-a-UTTo-nEnergy of Atoms for Small Nuclear Separations. (Energiya vzaimodeystviya atomov pri malykh rasstq7anJjrakh mezhdu ya- drami -Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fizikitl957,Vol 32,11r 6,p,,? 1464-1469 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The Minimum Principles If the separations between the nucleons of the atoms which are in interaction, are less than 1o-8 cm, the in- teraotion of the exterior parts of the electron shells of the atom makes only a amall contribution to the interaction artargy of the a- toms (compared with the modification of the energies of the inter- ior parts of the electron shall). For the inner parts of the elec- tron shell the conceptions introduced by Thomas-Fermi can be applied. The density Q can be determined from the minimum condition fo= H. Also the Thomas-Fermi-equation for any number of nuclei is derived. The maximum principle: Here a functional of a certain function of the coordingtes is set up, the highest value of which is equal to the same energy of the electrons. The next chapter deals with the .physical significance of the maximum principle and the maximum va- riation principle.With the help of these two principles the upper. and the lower limit of Ho can be daterm ined. Near the extrem-m the functional in only little sensitive to small modifications of its argument - function. Therefore# Q can be varied within the domain Card 1/2 of a more or less well selected class of functions and the appro- Interaction Energy of Atoms for Small Nuclear Separatignij. ximated value of Ho can be determined in this manner. 56-0-25/56 The last chapter deals with the two center problem. Here also the upper limit of the error is evaluated on the occasion of the de- termination of the energy of the electrons. ( I table). ASSOCIATION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 24.9-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Firoov, OoB, 56-3-21159 -- ------------------------ TITLE: Calculation of the Interaction Potential of Atoms. (Vyahisleniye potentsiala vzaimodoystviya atomov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperi2. i Teorst. Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 339 Nr 1), pp. 696-699 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The inte'ralk on potential of atoms is represented as sum of the Coulomg inti5raction of atomic nuclei and the change of electronic energy in approaching the nucleus. A change of electroxio energy is theoretically calculated by means of statistical mo-Jels taking into account the.Thomao-Yermi screening function. The fact that the screening function can be approximately represented as function of an argument makes it possible to immediately okiculute within 06riain areas the differential affective scattering cross-section for any pair of colliding atoms. There are 1 figure an-d 3 Slavic references. SUBMITTED: March 5# 1957- AVAILARI Library of Congress Card 1/1 --F1-RSGV7,-O. B. It The Repulsion of charged Particles from Regions of Strong Magnetic %Fields.." (Work carried out in 1956); pp. 259-267. "Plasma in Magnetic Net." (Work Carried out in 1957); PP. 327-335. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactials." VOL. III. 1958, -published by Inst. Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR. reap. ed. M. A. Leontovich,, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in Library. AUTHOR; Firsov.9 0. B: 56-2-23/51 TITLE; The Scattering of Ions on Atoms (Rasseyaniye ionov na atomakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy F:iziki, 1958, vol 34, Nr 2, pp 447-452 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of the potential of interaction between atoms, earlier defined by the author on the basis of the statistical theory of Thomas-Fermi, the author computes the target parameter (prizellnyy parametr) as a function of the relative motion and of the angle of scattering. Furthermore the diffusion cross section of the scattering in atomic collisions is calculated. Only such collisions are investi- gated the energies of which considerably exceed the ionization potential of the atorms (-lkelr and --tore). The first chapter deals with the dimensionless energy as well as with the target parameter. First a formula for the interaction potential of the electrons, calculated on the basis of the statistical model for electrons, is given. This formula has Card 1 a degree of accuracy of about lo~64. The solution of an The Scattering of Ions on Atoms 56-2-23/51 equation given here makes possible the determination of the differential cross section of scattering for any pair of colliding atoms (or of an atom and a single-charged ion). Condition is that the ionization of the one atom before the collision is not important. The next chapter deals with the diffusion cross section. The results of the calculations are mentioned in a table, and formulae of good approximation are given. Furthermore the diffusion cross section of the total scattering was calculated and a formula of good approximation for the result found on this occasion is given. The calculated values of the target parameter correspond approximatively to the interaction potential- 1/r2. The experimental values, however, for the scattering angle a,>60 rather correspond to the Coulomb law with Z Z = il~~. (This 0). 1 2 value was calculated for a = lo in agreement with the experiment the scat+ering therefore occurs in ouch a way as if in the beginning of the interaction all exterior shells with both colliding atoms would collide strongly or at least would strongly inflate. On this occasion the inner (neon-) shells remain undainaged here. There are 1 table and 5 referencest all of which are Slavic. Card 2/j- FIRSOV, O.B., Doc Phys Math Sci - (diss) "Calculation!3 of the collision,,of ions vn-*,.-n atoms." Los, 26 pp (Order of Lenin Inst or Atomic h%ergy of Acad Sci USS.R) 101 copies. Yjmeograpied M, 34-59, 110) - 1 - "702 la ? a.T. and , AUrIWRSs Gr~vskir. T.L.. L-k'.Ywwv p Tr= i Report - the -3.a..d All-U.Lon C.of.r..c. a &a- Bleatru,"ce, PRUXODICALt Radio Oubuilm I War-1k., 1.451. V.1-41, Kr a. t vj~ - 13~8 (033R) pp L3" a: ABSTR=j Th. --- ~.mcop vae or$-.L..d by the As- U33 HinI.OtrT of KL&h~ td.c.ti.. and Kmca~ Ority. It wato opened by the chairman of the arganiminS CoNsitteo. dowle I.n. During the pl.nary sessions ~ vard. numbar of survey papers ~ar. 4*LI paper an wProduation at Ultra-high =: . A survey of the optical imethad C neasuramout. -as sivem La the papers by T.A.'rabrikAnt &m4 S.M. Prish. ". oz. of the X.S."b".tta X"tLtnt. Of T*rhmalogy ..,ve w summay, of the higb-Crsquoucy aothods of the lareati Satlam, xC stationary and non-stationary pla." (so* p12*4 'to ---- Immum, of the Journal). I. adoweako road .paper entitled -Xomls.tLom and Crwls ShArI.C Atoftic Collisionap. 'ZLemontary d t ith -Me Role or al, w t a ) It 0. rZen&.. . ci a S C -14.rd the LuAtIal stages or the X. a - _Zwo P.,,t Mrks (corona-loadar. w"A Gbann.% and the I? , Cia&x skowmal). procoss" -2-K. 91yarfalld Sava A mu,,-r of the Ignltt.n or the 4LOchars;& 1. highly r-Ified Sea*.. The mmoftmmj~ of the br*.k4a~ of a blgb.v&au" gap oas olualda%od Is a paper by T.L. Qr.movskiy. L. Tooke (USA) "pounded a thoory of the notion of olectrwas In a oacustic crop ( ... p 1326 of this Journal). & Ad-dwalsiout R- Scope Ct"t.m Q.ruwxyl da.orlb.4 Umber of w:cpmwix%=mt6 on non-st.ttanary plazoa b; X. stsbak (244%.m Germany) SO,. & stmermli.od theory of &*-. The Goof.r.m. was, divideA late BJz sections. firot action - p,-Ldd Omar by L.A.. Same, &" ~%* 00" "Ift0d w1th ths OlaRautnry processes 1, 8.8 discharge,. I The COLIM-Lng Pap*ro war. read in this maqtLcaj 0 X-N 'TravorcruatL.0, or Positive sons late ~11- t - . I, Rar*clod CLOs.... TS' N' FOS&'$ With VLA bj_yt~ LL2~ ax__Axd ALn f A;Avkm 'C t d ) r :ft%; ur. -a Lea* a Il at j -p ,ra ~ uriag the llia r"t At*" of C"bo. and Hydr.gan vItft the Nalocal" at a=xnko at al. - m0im.ociation, of Molecular Tans Z=d !~% , som During COILI-Loom in Q..". P Fl,,_ -4 X,,3_ - -C~opca,. Cross-soctlona .! ; I aLrosm, In MultIchazge lona In Inert Q&a*s*. 11 1. - 'Rxp-Lm;..t.l X.W.OtlgatLan of the :M . Vag In CartaLn 3Lngl*-.%" "a" and Natal V.Poeuw.. Qualit. Iva air 1..lastic ~L.x Zff"tiw* txcitation Cromm.0oationa of the J .2 pactr&Z 14ams of PutamaLust and Argon*. CordS/li L.2--Zap. R"m JS.M. Iishk. "a... Result. of the --a- __V ad Invo-tignt"a of the optical Functions of the zZaLtation sand, or a'. 5yotace. =~Jmrr and - -1mv tgati-n or the tjt j the lociriiis-Tr. Bot.:2. Chaobor-. Th. SOC."d pr.#Ld.d over by B.N. Klyre.L. 4 and sea deovtd to the problems of the Awtri..l br.4, in roriCL.4 jamax w 1. high v..acan. The following Papers -or* rood In this ovations (6Tm---XmkAr~-LLoanqw &ad "91"trostatle Control ;f lh~ 19=ItIOU of Glov-diach&,go Tubeew(mos p 127% a La. j ,rhO& ). ~ a.VPtlt&".Wt al. war* Concerned with the brokdovu I 1. hI&h-"L'Lsgo mara"y rectifier (4** V 1278 of the -1, ~IG of the Xon-uniform Go- Press mr... (.*. P 1 6* of th u r A j - A.S. Sobalow,a llyarf.l.d - -Th* "Leo h:r V g: b -a!* n. a" aPoLmat and Fla.* at Ga. Pre..wwe. of act; :., 21M, 240Y AUTHOR: Firsov, 0. B. BOV/56-36-5-34/76 TIME: A Walitative Interpretation of the Mean Excitation Energy of Electrons in Collisions Between Atoms (Kachestvennaya traktovka, sredney energii vozbuzhdeniya elektronov pri atomnykh stolknoveniyakhY PERIODICAL.- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Yol 36, Pr 5, pp 1517-1523 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is assumed.that the transformation of the kinetic energy of the re2ative motion.of the two colliding particles into electron excitation energy is the result of a deceleration caused by electron exchange. Electron motion in the region of overlapping of the shells of the colliding particles is investigated in quasiclassical approximation. It is further assumed that an electron changing over from the potential field of one atom into that of another transfers from the first to the second a moment=, the average value of which is proportional to the product of the relati7e velocity of the atom and the electron mass. The criterion for the applicability of the author's calculation method consists in the fact that the distances between the adjacent energy levels Card 1/3 of the systems of the colliding atoms are small compared to the A qualitative rnterpretation of the mean Excitation Energy SOV/56-36-5-34/76 of Electrons in Collisions Between Atoms average excitation energy of the electrons, which most probably renders the applioability of the first apprTimation of any perturbation theory impossible. For eleo-bron:,excitation energy one proceeds from -the following ansatz: -V 'V Mf ( S "VOU (11 RbI, the distance between the nuclei, S 4 itdenotes their relative velocity). By means of the substitutions 4 udx, u RI, dx the formula goes over to u F-f (I?dS)dx. The final formula, if the S-surface is 41 &0 ~ a assumed to be mlan- + ZJ733 4*3A;-R 11/3.107i,15 L- [-1,0.'16(Z.+Zbl 0 Cu in [cm/seo] and % in [cm]) Card 2/3 A qualitative Interpretwbion of the Mean Excitation Energy SOy/56-36-5-34/76 of Electrons in Collisions Between Atoms Direct measurements are available only for collisions of the ions Ar+ and No* at.75 kev with Ar-atoms (V. V. Afrovimov and N. V. Fedorenko),-(Ref 2). A comparison between-the theoretical calculations and measurements shows only very unsatisfactory agreement; the experimental t-values are considerably higher. This fact is discussed in detail. The author thanks the participants in the joint seminars of experimenters and theoreti*r 9 of the Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut.(1reningrad Physico-technical InstituteP, especially N. V. Fedorenko, V. M. Dukel'skiyj L. E. Gurevich, I. M. Shmushkevich, G. P. Drukarev, B. T. Geylikauwt D. M. Kaminker, V. V. Afrosimov, N. M. Poliyektov-Nikoladze and V. Is Kogan for discussions. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBUTTEDs November 25, 1958 Gard 3/3 24 (5), 24 (7) AUSHOM, Fetisov, I. K., Firsov, 0. SOT/56-37-1-14/64 TITLE: The Resonance Charge Exchange of Doubly Charged Ions in Slow Collisiona (Rezonansuaya perezaryadka dvukhzaryadnykh ionov pri medlennykh stolknoveniyakh) PERIODICAL: zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichookoy fiziki, 1959t Vol 37t Nr 1(7),* j)p 95 - 97 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The auth 03?8 of the present paper calculate the cross-section of the resonance charge exchange of doubly charged ions in adiaba- t�c approximation$ and then they compare the experimental and theoretical cross sections of the charge exchange of doubly charged positive ions of At Krp Xe, Be. This problem is reduced to the calculation of the separation of the electron levels in the approximation of nuclei. The authors presuppose that with not very small distances between the atomic nuclei, the differ- ence E a - Ea can be calculated by substituting K,a'w [fA(r, pr 2) � TB(slyaj /W for He++. E a and Ea denote the energy level of electrons corresponding to the antisymmetric and Card 1/3 symmetric wave functions-, respectively. fA and fB denote the The. Resonance Charge Exohange of Doubly Charged Ions SOY/56-37-1-14/64 in Slow Collisions wave funotions, belonging to helium, of electrons in the ground state if the.electrons I~elong to nucleus A and B, respectively, Formulas eor the energy of the electrons are given in first ap- proximation. Most simple helium functions of the type(, 0 SXP [-a (ri + Q, a .a-1 0 V(Ej + E2)/2EO were used as functions E1 + E2 denote the total energy of the electrons of the atom, E0 the energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom, a. the Bohr radius. The theory di3cussed in the present paper is suitable 2A for the relative velocities defined by the inequality v /Vae omo. The results of calculations are illustrated in a diagram. The relative velocity of motion of the nuclei is plotted on the axis of abscissas, a 2a on the axis of ordinatesp a denoting 't he cross section of the charge exchange of two electrons. The curve con- tained in this diagram'falls almost linearly downward to the right, only in its initial ranee it is a little concave upward. Card 2/3 The same diagram contains the exp-erimentally measured cross The Reaonance Charge Exchange of Doubly Charged Ions in BOV56-37-1-14/64 Slow Collisions sections of the two.!-electron*oharge exchange of the rare gases A, Ne, Kr,,Xe. As the one-electron charge exchange proceeds in the same 69gree by means of the two-eleatron charge exchange and by means of elastic scattering (which was not considered in the calculation of the cross section), the theoretical curve rather-corresponds to the sum d 20 + (1/2)d 211 620 denoting the cross section of the two-electron c 'harge exchange, and a21 the cross section of the one-electron charge exchange. In, the second diagram, the experimental resalts,for the case just mentioned are compared with theory. In the authors# opinion, the results found herei.-agree better with the experiment than those found by Gurnee and. Magee (Ref 9).. There are,2 figures and 11 referencess 3 of which are Soviet. SUEMITTED: December 29, 1958 Card 3/3 83193 S/056/60/039/002/030/044 B006/BO56 AUTHOR34 Mordvinoir, Yu,.P., Firsov,'O. B. --------------- TITLE:. The Inelastic Collision Cross $ection/?or Atoms and Ions as Dependent on Their Velocities in the Case of Pseudo- intersection.~ of the Levels PERIODICAL:' Zhui~nal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8), pp. 427-431 TEXT: The present paper gives a theoretical investigat3on of the in- elastio.oollibion cross sections for atoms and ions as dependent on their velocities in the case of pseudo-intereection of the levels of the system of colliding particles. Here, it is assumed that the nuclei of the-collid- ing particles moire in the classical sense rectilinearly and uniformly, and that v >I.and-Ij in( k1l aftd,'-A tan 1 e7p for >1.8 and- B- for,.' A o-' Thickoss' sidtion is-thsh 6&10%d #t4d io ` 6" k from the relat* n 2 ~(I ~-i 6 'Sith clan or be daterairAd 0 0 from a point of in: Ag or of the U ion. Sy egaV ve The mean electron-o6ilisiui fre'quenoy'in the gas. is determined f io'--a M-4 xe-:rdi, 4 where x. E/T I s"r'a i n' Maxwell distribution& -Vhs,. g..As,;;otrr r-epults Of-n ejil6jj~ 4xajjOjq'- Oam.ent v, n" goo ter 0 ore i ith th9,sxp?rjm'~ntal cf(E) ourves. There",.*' ab e, SUBMITTEDi July ~.12 jj6. 9 2 Gaid -3/3 . .............................. ACCESSION NR: AP4042394 S/0056/64/047/001/0232/0239 ov 00 B AUTHORt Smirnov, Be He; Fire TITLE: The interaction between negative Lone and atoms -T! :SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor, fiz., vo 47, no* 1, 1964, 232-239 TOPIC TAGS% negative ion energy, atom negative ion system, negative ion decay, Lon decay cross sectiong resonance charge exchange, j..charga exchange cross section ABSTRACT: The properties of a system resulting from a close encounto*r between an atom and a negative Lon are investigated. It was assumed that interaction between an electron and an atom is significant in a restricted region of the order of atomic dimensions and that a weakly bound electron does not change the properties of an atom* IThe dependence of electron binding energy on the distance between Al ~the nuclei, when this distance is much greater than atomic size, Van I! 11 'obtained. It appears that under certain conditions when an atom :approaches a negativajon, the energy level of such a system (quasi- molecule) intersects with the boundary of a continuous spectrum, "H: '1/2 -7 !ACCESSION NR: AP4042394 0239 S /0056/64/047/001/0232/ iThis made it possible to obtain it relation between the electron ibinding energy and the cross section of resonance charge exchange !and the cross section for negative Lon decay in atomic collisions. !'Investigation of a system consisting of atoms with spin 1/2 and an !electron shows that, in general, the splitting of the energy level !of an electron in a field of two widely separated identical atom i(ions) with spin 1/2 is half of that noted when the atoms have zero "spin. This result is important in calculating the cross section iof resonance charge exchange for slow collisions. The possibility, ~of determining the binding energy of negative ions by means of ,experimental 1~ values of decay cross sections and charge exchange 'cross sect ions was also investigated for collisions between the ,.negative ions and atoms@., hast 18 formulass iASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDS 14Jan64 ATD PRBSSt 3075 EMS 00 :sun CODES lip :.NO REP SOVt 005 OTHERS 005 2 2 SMRNOVY B.M.; FIRSOlly 01B. .,A .. Interaction between n;g'a~tive Ions and atoms. Zhur. eksp. I teor. fis. 47 no.lt232-239 JI 164. (MIRA 17,9) _,F.Wr(1)/r/fiWA(M)"2 IJP(c) I ACC NR tAp6ool776 Gotwx CODEt W0386/65/002/010/478/482 q L\ 11reov ~AUTHORt. Smirnoyp -B. --M,; ORG: none- v) i TITLEi-: Ionization of an atom colliding with an mited atom !SGURCE: Diurnal eksperimentallnoyLl teoretichaskoy Miki. Pialma v redak4.siyu. ~Prilozheniyep ve 2PLno!1-101 l965$L ';TOPIC TAGS: particlecolliolon,, ionization,potentialp excitation cross section, :atomic structure .';ABSTRACT: The authors calculate the cross section of the reaction 0 + D A + Bt + e, !with the excitation potential of atom A exceeding the ionization potential I of !atom B. The asawsption is use&that the cross section of transition (1) Is deter- mined. essentially by collision impact parameters vhicfi greatly exceed the dimen- sions of the colliding atoms. Transition (1) is an important procese occurring In is in the gas discharge of a gas laser. The authors show that if the atom A* :resonant excited state from which a transition to the ground state via dipole radi-I Ion is possible$-then the cross section of process (1) to larger than in the case, -card 3./3 120'76-66 Acc 1.qR: AP6=776 of the Penning effect. In calculating the erase section of process (1) it is as- sumed that the relative velocity v of the atom colUsions is much smaller than the characteristic velocity of the electron in the atom. We makes it possible to db-,, tain the probability per unit ti ~ of transition (1), with constant distance between me nuclei (the frequency of the Auger effect of the quasimlecule). The case when the cross section of process (1) Is determined by a transition occurring when the dis- tance between the atoms -is largej, so that the perturbation operator can be expanded~ in powers of 1/R, is treated for two cases of practical interest: (i).vhen A* is a metastable atom., and (it) when it corresponds to a resonant excited state of the atomp from which a transitionto the growid state by dipole radiation is possible. ~In the first caee the matrix element of the operator in terms of the wave functions !of the ground and excited state of atom A to exponentially small at large distances; between the atoms. This leads to a weak dependence of the cross section for the ;decay of the mrxtastable atom on the velocity of collision with the other atom. When : the excited state A* corresponds to the resonant state the ana3ysis can be confined ~to the dipole-dipole interaction. -The results are used to determine the cross see- 'tion of the reaction HaWPO U(Cs) ug(611; + M~(Cs+) + e, .0 jSqp~ 2 - Ai , -,~ :, - , - - . i . , ,~ -~ -* ~ ~ it' ...- I , , . 1 - - . I , . wil-vM0 Dxqot~,rxm ,aalo , ~Ryt lcm Ljj4tj*i 0 an atba coMdbg I#ith an O=ited atiom* PIN 1,6, v roU ?Awe skeperv i tacret., flas 2 no# IM47SP482 N 065 (MIRA 1911) Is Oubidtted September 286 196% L 36389-66 Ew(i) AT ACC W! AP6014038 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/004/0975/0978 AUThOR: Lopantseva, G. B.; Firsov, 0. B. 112 ORG: none TITLE: Breakup of fast negative ions in inert gases SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoj fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966, 975-978 TOPIC TAGS: negative ion, atom, inert gas, perturbation theory, elastic scattering, free electron ABSTRACT! A problem of breakup of weakly bounded negative ions of the first periodic group in inert gases has been analyzed. The perturbation theory with the Fermi potential was applied in the calculations. The breakup.cross section for a negative ion was found to be equal to the total elastic scattering cross section for slow free electrons on corresponding atoms of inert gases when the electron velocities are equal to the relative velocity of the colliding atomic systems. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 6 formulas. [Based an author's abstract]. [NT] SUB CODE., 20/ SUBM DATE: l40ct65/ OTH REF: 005 I -- 07876-67 -AT- ACC NRs, AP603065.5-- SOURCE CODE: UR/002016611_.~qloo6li~Wj~~] AUTHOR: 27 ORG: none TITLE: Reflection of fast ions from a dense medium at glancing angles SOURCE: AN SSSR# Ddklady) ve 169,-noo 6) 1966.o 1311-1313 TOPIC TAGS: ion interaction.. binding energy, small angle scattering, kinetic '~% equation ABSTRACT: The author determines the velocity distribution of the reflectedvons vhen the incident ions have energies much greater than the binding energy of t e re-. flecting medium, so that the principal role in the scattering is played by near-' Coulomb interactions, corresponding to scattering at very small angles. The solution of the kinetic equation is obtained in this case by replacing the collision integral by an angular Laplace operator describing the directional diffusion of the particle velocity vector, and by a term describing the uniform deceleration of the particles. It is shown that the maximun distribution corresponds to the specular-reflection angle and that the form of the distribution does not depend on the concrete scattering mechanism, provided small-angle scattering prevails. The author thanks M. A. Leonto- vich for directly.participating in the mathematical aspect of the work. This report was presented by Academician L. A. Artsimovich 1 December 1965. Orig. art. has: 32 77 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l1Dec65/ OTH REF; 001 Card -1/1 be UDC: 539-12.172 + 517.946 BF,NYA:KOVSKIY, M.A.; GUTNIK, M.V.; TGROPOV, G.M.; LUTYLKINA, L.I.; REUTOV, Yu.O.; SHIKHAVOVICH, B.A.; FIRS011, P.A.; NAMED,', S.A. Mastering the ope-ration of the plant for cold-rolled sheet production. Stall 25 no.8:726-730 Ag 165.. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Cherepovetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. RRUN5T FIRSOV, P.D. Determination of the stages of malignant tumors of the upper respiratory tracts, Nauch, trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:567- 568 164. (MM 18:9) 1. Kafedra'bolezney ukhat gorla i nosa (zave - prof, NA Lozanov) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta i RespLiblikanaka),a klinicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach - K.L.Svechnikov) Ministerstva zdravookhranoniya Tatarakoy ASSR. FIRSOV) PO is Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences at the Institute of Slavic StudOs (In. Z,2 uStruggle of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia for the Unity of the Working Class During the Economic Crisis of 1930-1933." Vestnik Mmd, Nauk., No. 4, 1963s pp 119-145 137-1957-12-23624 from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 111 (USSR) AUTHOR: Firsov, P. V. TITLE: Investigation of Methods of Determining the Friction Coefficient During the Rolling of Metal (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye metodov opredeleniya koeffitsiyenta treniya pri prokatke) PERIODICAL: Tr.. Donetsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Vol 19, pp 9-17 ABSTRACT: In order to determine the friction coefficient (CF) in the rolling of steel of the STZ type, experiments were carried out in accord- ance with three different methods in a rolling mill equipped with cast-iron r.TOEU. of 290 mm diameter. In determining the CF by means of the critical angle (A) at which the steel (heated to 1040- 10800) is gripped, it was found that the critical A :6f &jp - is equal to 22- 220 101 .This A corresponds to a CF of 0.404 - 0.407 at the moment of the initial . - ~ grip. In determining the CF by means of the forward flow use was made of the core method and the CF was computed in two ways; 1) the value of the neutral angle was determined by means of the Fink formula and the A of Card 112 F was computed with the aid of the Pavlov formula; 137--1957-12-23624 Experimental Investigati6n- bfAletthods-6"D ' ermin.i4g t' e Friction (cont. .Li et A I 2) Chekmarev's formula was used to determine the value of the neutral A. In order to determine the CF from the established neutral A, use was made of a formula derived from the condition of equilibrium of the forces at the seat of the deformation, taking into account the widening in the zone of the forward flow and assuming the pressure to be constant along the arc of the grip. It is established that the neutral angle increases with the A of grip., ; as long as the latter is larger than the AF, and then diminishes. When the A of grip reaches 25-260 the CF in- creases, passes through an extended maximum up to 300 and decreases thereafter. It was discovered that the CF is greater when the A of seizure is small. The CF in a steady-state oper- always smaller than at the instant of . grip* In the process of determining the CF by the vise-method, the value of the CF increased from 0.28 to 0,325 with an increase of the A of 9riP from 160401 to 340. The decreased value of the CF is explained by the fact that the presence of the rear tension in- creases the velocity of the slippage. In order to determine the maximum A of grip . during rolling, use may be made of the CF established by means of the critical A of grip. Card 2/2 1. Metals-Rolling 2. Friction coefficient-Determinationp. G. 1~ , ,- ~ , i~ F if f - , - _i - - - - - DONSKOY, A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof; FIRSOV. P.V., inzh. ------- N%wwawu"-. Thermal calculations for surface induction heating. Vest- mash. 37 - no.8:65-70 Ag 057. (KBA 10:9) (Induction heating) (Metals--Heat treatment) TRKTOV, I.K.; ZARUTIT. IX.; -V rabote------------- prinimali uchaettya : KALWOVICH, Tu.R.; GRIGCRIYEY, F.H.; KOSHILEEKO, A.M*; LITVINBIIKO, Yu.P., DHITRIM, V.D.; POLYAKOT, Y.Y.; PNIUSEMOV, U.S.; FIRS07, P.V. Rolling double bulb-bar ahapes with longitudinal cutting in the finishing mtll. Stall 20 no. 12:1113-1115 D 16o, rU 13:12) 1. Stalinskiv metallurgichookiy zavod i Donets* politekhnicho- BUY institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) P.V. inzh.- PHUSS-ZhUKO-;-QFAYA, DONSKOYY A.V.p doktor tfkhn. nauk; -Vipsovt p I.N., inzh. Induction heating of the oil lines of hydraulic lifts. Elek. sta. 34 no.10148-50 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) DONSKOYP A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; FIMOV9 P.V., lnzh. Inductive beating of hydraulic metal structures. Elek eta. 35 no,1001-34 0464. (MIRA 17tl2) N Sol/ 112-3-6066 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 3, P. 147 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vdovin, N., Firsov, S. TITLE: Feeding of the Carbon-feed Electric Motors of the K T-1 (Motion Picture Projector] in A-C Supplying the Arc Lamp (Pitaniye elektradvigateley podachi ugley Kn T-1 pri pitanii dugi peremennym. tokom) PERIODICAM Kinomekhahik, 1956, Xv 3, PP- 37-38 ABSTRACT: It is well known that the are lamp of the KrIT-1 motion picture projector is designed for d-c operation. When the lamp is operated on alternating current, automatic carbon feed is impossible. The proposed system includes a selenium rectifier for insuring automatic operation of the arc lamp. B.S.T. Card 1/1 BOaATENKOVO V.F.1 MICHTEINS O.TA.; ZVEMI B.F.; FIRSOV$ S.G. Improvibg the method of phoophorue remoul during steel smelting. Metallurg 6 no.nai-b N 161. Nna :14-. n) L. .0bal7abinskiy met&.Uurgiobeskiy savod i Chelyabinakly nau-ohno-Issladovatel'Ady Anatitat vatanurg~A* (st"l--Metallurgy) AL-fM,, L.A... inzh..-, VAYNSHMN, O.Ya.,, in*.; KEYS. N.V.., insh.; LUBENETS., I.A., inzh,; SKERNOV, luoDov inzhe; jW-gj B.G., insh. Production of I St. 5pe semikilled steel for concrete reinforcements. Stall 23 noo4t320-321 Ap 163. (MIM 16 -.4) (Steel, Straotural.-Metallurgy) (Goncrete reinforcements) YIOROZOV, A.N.; CHIRKOV, N.A.; FIRSOV,.,S.G.; KRASHCHFIIKO, L.S.; Prinim9li uchastiyes RISFELlf K.N.; VAYNSHTEYN, O.Ya.; BTJSHUYFV, A.P.; SNnHKO, B.Ya.; MELINICHFITKO, A.A.; ZIIURAVLFV, V.M. Alloying open-hearth steel vith exothermic ferroalloys in the ladle. Stall 25 no.5:412-424 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) FIRSOV, S.I.-_ - , , ~ - - Spring suspension of freight care with friction absorbers. Biul.tokh.-akon.inform. no.2:57-59 158. (MIRA 11-4) (Railroade-Freight cars) FIRSOV, S.I. --------- Your-axle covered freight care with 750 = wheel track. Biul. tekho-ekonsinform, no.12:62-64 158. (KM 11:12) (Railroads-m-Yrelght cars) 7IRSOV, S.I. Three-car aection, vith mechanical refrigeration aud electric heating. Biul. tekh.-ekon. Informo n0.3:70-72 '58- (KEU 11:6) (Befrigirator-cars) YIRSOvt S.I. .i~ - --11i;w" brake 1'58. air distributors. Biul. tekh.-ekou. inform. U0,3172-74 (KntA 11W (Air brakes) - FIRSOV, S.I. Train for tsuk cars wasbing and gtoaming. Biuletekbo- okon.inforoo no*3157-58 060, IN, in 1) 16) (Tanic care-Maintenance and repair) New containers used in railroad freight transportation. Diul.tekh. -ekon.inform. no.9:66-68 160. (Min 13110) . (Containers) (Railroads--Freight) IMIVORUCHKO, Nikolay.Zakbarovichp kand. tekhn. nauk; SLUSHAYENKO, A.M., dotsent, retsenzent; YELISEYEV, F.G., dots., retsenzent; IZUK, K.S., dots.,, retsenzent; GIMMOV, V.A., dots.p retsenzent; KIYAROV, P.I., inzh., retsenzent; TSIBIDANOV, V.M;,, inzh., retsenzent; DOROFEYEV, V*G*j inzh,) retsenzent; YUUMENKOV, S.S., inzh.,retsenzent; KOROLEV) , FIRSOV, A.N.p inzh., ret6enz6nt; LOKSHIN, Kh.A.., inzh.0 retsenzent; S I inzh., retsenzent; SHAKURSKIY, K.D.v inzh... retsenzent; tekh., retsenzent; VA.LETCV, A.I., inzb.9 red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N., tekbn. red. (Operationp management,, and repair of rolling stock] Vagonnoe kho- ziaistvo. Moskva, Vses.izdatel!sko-po3.igr.ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniial 1961. 319 p. (MPU 14: 3.1) 1. Kafedra..nKonstruktsiya, remont i ekspluatatsiya vagonovO Rostov- skogo instituta inzhenerev zhelezhodorozbnogo, transporta (for all except Valetov, Bobrova). (Railroads-Rolling stock) S/193/61/000/003/008/009 A004/Alol AUTHOR: Firsov, S. 1. TITSE: Four-&xle 60 m3 capacity railroad tank car of frameless design PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 3, 1961, 63-65 TUT; On the order of the Ministry of Transportation the new frameless 60 m3 capacity tank oar.was designed and built in 1960 at the Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniyit (Zhdanov*Plant of Heavy Machinery). In contrast tD the existing tank cars-thenew model has no solid frame structure. The tractim force of the locomotive is taken up by the tank itself, which is a welded struc- ture mounted on two welded metal semi-frames. The thickness of the lower.tank plates has been increased to 1 2 mm. The design of'the tank car has been altered somewhat to place the automatic coupling equipment, which made it possible to lower the center of gravity of-the tank car by 188 rnm~compared to the existing 60-ton tank ws and by 62 mm in comparison with the.50-ton tank cars. The braking equipment is mounted on brackets welded or to the lower plate of the ' ank. The tank is equipped with an outer and inner ladder and a 400 x 1.000 mm platform. The following technical specifications are given: length between the Card 1/2 3 S/I 93/61/000/00 3/008/009 Four-axle 60 m capacity railroad tank car ... A004/A101 axes of.the automatic couplings -'12.020 mm; base - 7.800 mm; length of tank - 10.390 rrq; tank diameter - 2.800 mm; tank capacity (total and useful) - 61.2 and 60.0 ml; load capacity - 60 tons; tare coefficient - 0.366; tare - 21.9. -~cns. The new frameless structure made it possible to reduce the tare weight by 5.6%, mainly owing to the elimination of the ridge beam and the lateral chan- nel beams, and to.decrease the load from the axles to the rails and-the 1-oad on 1 rur-ning meter of rails. The new tank cars are fitted with the new au'Comatic MT3- 270 - 002 (MTZ - 270 - 002) brakes and. a universal overflow device which makes it possIble to transport both clear and dark petroleum products. Static, Impact and dlyn~mlc tests carried.,out by the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (All-Union Scientific Research In- stitute of' Railroad Transportation) at speeds exceeding 125 km/h proved the new frameless tank car to be superior to the existing ones, since it has better dy- namic properties, a reduced tendency to rolling and an improved ratio of verti- cal to lateral forces-, which determines the degree of stability 6f the wheel pairs. There is I figure. Card 2/2 - 'S FIRSOVp S.L I IWoved four-axle Imcar,. Kul, tekh.-ekon,, inform. no. 4:68-69 .11619 1/ (Railroads"Freight cars) (MIn 14:5) FIRSOVP S.I. The 93 to 100 ton capacity bogie for railroad cars. Biul.tekh.- ekon.inform. noe2s07-68 162. (MIRA 15:3) cars) (Railroads-Freight FLR~_qLS.L; BRAYIDVSKIY, N.G., insh., red.; FSDVEDEVA, M.A., fbIhn. red. . - [Progressive organization of the vork of technical inspec- tion points] Peredovala organizataiia raboty punktov tekhni- cheskogo osmotra. Moskva, Transsheldorizdat, 1963. 129 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Railroads--management) IN FIRSOV V D inzh, ~"-, V ~"- Tw.o-way braking of the turntable. Elek, i tepl.tiaga no.8s28 Ag 163, (MIRA 160) 1. Lokomotivnoye depo Saratov II. (Railroads-Repair shops) r=071 V.D. Case of apontaneous perforation of a chylous cyst of the mesentery of the man intestine, xhirurgiia no.i23n8 161* (MIRA 15311) 1. Is khirurgicbeekogo otdelen.iya (zav. - A.Se "ov) Michurin- skoy shelannodoroohnoy bolluitsy (naebaltnik V.N. Korotkov). (MOTMI-DISMES) (CYSTS) FIMOV V.D. (Tambovskaya oblaot'j, Michurinskj, u1. Gogolevskaya,, d.57a,, kv,71 Operation due to a g1gantio liver eobinococcus In a 75-7ea-r-old patient, E3.inokhire noo9t69 S 162. (MMA 1625) 1. Xhirurgicheekoys otdoloniye Staro-Yurtywokoy rayonnoy bolluitffy Tambovskoy oblasti. (LIVEF,--HMATIDS) (LrVK&-SURGEU) FINSOV, V.D. Case of oanner or tho small inteatine, Khirurg.4.ia 39 no.D':a34--!35 Je 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz kiLruargichoskego otlelenlya Ricluirin.Aoy zhaIeznodori),zhnoy bollnitsy (nsichallnik V.N. Korotkov). t, KORCTKOV, V.N.; FIRSOVy V.D. (Michurinsk, Tambovskoy oblasti, Gogolevskaya ul. 57-as k~v Torsion of tha spleen. Vast. khir. 92 no.107 Ja 164. (NIIIA 1711l) 1, Iz khirurgicheskogo otdaleniya Miohurinskoy zhele=odorozlmoy boll- nitsy (nachallnik - V.N. Korotkov).