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KUZMAK, Ye.M.; YEFREMOVAv X.P.;,f;M , I I., Heat-resistanod of drill bit edgeo reinforced by a hard alloy. ketalloved. i term. obr. met. no,12t46-48 D'63- (MIRA 17t2) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. I- - - *,, - 1T -~ ~'. I., - .- - M KUZMAK, Ye.M.; YEFREMOVAO K.P.; FIRKOVICH, T.V.; TUMUN, Yu.S. EngineerinR fundamentals of the hard-allcy reinforcement of rollers. Izv. vyso uchebe zave; neft' i gaz 6 n0.7:107-113 163. OMIRA 17:8) 1. Moskavskiy inatitut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy prowjsh- lennosti imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina. L 4D- 72-65 M~ I /F-WrI (j)/EWt(im)Jt,,Ad( C(t), -4/EE /r WA(I,) po-tj'~6-5j/~q-# Pae-2/Peb/Pi-4 IJP (c) GiT ~Tc it IEn P/,.,5?,~8/64/ooo/(,i7/oo25/oo33 501-11543, ALMOR: Firkmski, _RA_fyirkm-ki R.) TITIZ: Effect of a j~herid---pressure ati the atwrent de=ity of m! pa--t cles-and m the ratio of this density to the total particle-current density of _A=Lr,~Ve r Z lj~~; njj~ Se_ ,,a SOLTME -Loft Aeto e KaUk, Mtematyamo przyro&d(:ze,, i Lo* 17s, 25~-33 MPTC TWS; Tie effecti of-the Za:itIvIa~at=)i3rhexe on the dovelo-pment. of extenz:Lve ~~cl----rs has been st~Aied. The apparatus is an Frra v of T2 M.G. 2ounte 7k---4--t mg Particle set consisting of 96 detection e1 ements; maldng it, pos- and record data on mu-mesons vith a thr%~s~!(-Id energ,r ar 0.9 Gevy P der-i y, atmospheric pressure, variation crf pr~sf!xe W1,11 Ln 71r~-.r e-T COSMC-ray Oursms azia pamicie mensit-,r oi tne & tl:.,e soft Compoaent;, and variation in the ratio of penetmtIr4 t part i c I-e density of a cosmic-ray burst. The experiz-vmt-al (lats- coUected An to 1)62 am divided into 38 groups differing Ln wessure V I mm Hg, w2d -1 ceffe~,.r- of' penetrating the recording rates the barculetr atel. The bar=P',er coefff~clent Card 1/2 L A 01Z~ miaed as OR * "(5-4- 4- -1 - i)%- -- - - -- -3 0 .-M Per~w. 91-- ere-um no dem 6a the baxwetric -eZ~ feet for the pinetrating particle cuUmeat except for -.he quaUtative informtioa given by T.E. Cranshav et al. (Phil. Mag. 32, 811, 1958). "Me aut'lor thanks Docent Drt"aWk Zawqftki fbr~ the many discussions an(I valuable ecements pex- t-ainln6 to thf-;'.-tur~y, Dr. tMsusz Serzy Gewin for theIx discus- I-n thip ana Czen,~ LIA--arA Sndmer Vjcd-zt!!~I~rz Stefma- --- -1 - of ExWrimental ftsics, Lodv. era . I - i ~ -1. 1 1 - - - Sim OWE: M mrrmrTnv?ycln. full - . -00 ~t ES EML. FIRKOWICZ, S. Production of electron tubes in Poland. P. 100 (WIADOMOSCI ELEKTROTECHNICZNE) (Warsaw, Poland) Vol. 17, no-4, Apr. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958. . FIRKOWICZ, S. Remarks on the al3owed load of the oxide c4ttbode. Bul Ac Pol Tech 8 no.11/12:655-W 160. 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Warazawa. Vorgelegt, von J.Groszkowski. FIRKNICII, it contribution to the analysis of the allowed load of oxide cathodes. Bul Ac Pol Tech 8 no.11/12:661-665 160. 1. PrzeDlyslowy Instytut Elektronikai, Warnzawt. Vorgelegt von J. rjroszkowski. FIRR , ymon Statistica quality control of electron valves. Przegl elektroniki 2 no-4:293-308 Ag.r6l 1. Przemyslowy ImstytUt Elektroniki FIRKOWICZ., Szymon. Statistical control of the.deficiancies of a party of.electronic equipmnt., acceptance sampling b7 alternative-method. Przegl elektroniki 2 no.7:456-472 161. 1. -PrzemWelowy Inatytut.Slaktroniki. (Mactronic.apparatua and appliances) 36713 C' "-00/002/034/096 3) D2~91YD;01 AUTHOR: Firkowicz, S. TITL.T,,-',: The effect of choice of alkaline earth carbonates on the emissive properties of oxide-coated cathodes PERIODICAL: -Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-3-5e (Bu--I. Acad. polon. sci., Ser. sci. techn., 1961, 9, no, 1, 39-43) TEXT: Results are given of an experimental investigation into the effect of chemical composition and of the form of barium, stron- tium and calcium carbonate crystals on the emission current of, oxide-coated cathodes. 4 types of coating, deposited according to the same process on the cathode of a standard cylindrical diode were investigated. 1) (Ba, Sr)CO 3 50:50% by weight, deposited from nitrate solutions by reaction with Na 2C0 3' 10H20 (whisker crystals having average length 5.95 and 4.7 microns). 2) The carbonate ae- Card 1/5 S11 94/62/000/002/034/096 The effect of choice ... D201/D301 posited by reaction with NH 4HCO3 (spherical crystals with the ave- rage grain diameter 3.0/u). 3) (Ba, Sr, Ca)CO. with the weight ra- .3 tio of components 47:43:10, deposited by reaction with N ' HCO q4 3 (spherical crystals with average diameter 3.0/U). The number of samples tested in every series was 74, 64, 100 and 57 respectively. The emission current was measured at a fixed heating power of + 0.5,ulf, corresponding to the temperature of 5230K. The diode an- 3de voltage was 5 V (to avoid the effect of ion currents). The am- bient temperature error correcting factcr was calculated from e e(To ) El +.D(20 - To)] where To Lthe ambient temperature peasured to + 0.500; Ie (T 0) emission current at TO; D - logarithmic derivative of emission Card 2/ 5 8/194/62/000/002/034/096 2he effect of choice ... D201/D301 current D L I e = (W5 To Ie 8TO KTK Tx in which l/K 11600 degrees/volt; the 'work func.tion determined experimentally from measure=ent of emission current I and I at I e e two heating power levels (P H 200/uW and PH 150 uVI). From T t Tto T I I C.10K K K n Ie 5 K T T 1 4 T K K e K T 5230K and T" 4870K and hence K K Card 3/5 S/194/62/000/002/034/096 The effect of choice ... D20'1/D301 0 = 1,41 (log Le _ 01039) e The measurements have shown a normal statistical distribution of the logarithm of emission current in every series. Quanti-tative evaluation of differences in emisEbn current of various series was carried out statistically by means-of Student's t-criterion. For a 55 difference level (t = 1.96), the di.-E*ference between separate se, ries is appreciable, the emission current increasinc with smaller carbonate crystals. Spheroidal crystals were deposited by ammonium carbonate, as compared with the whisker-type crystals deposited by sodium carbonate. The trio2ibonate (Ba,Sr,Ca)CO3with the weight ra- tio 47:30:10 produces a considerably greater emission current than. that obtained with the dicarbonate (Ba,Sr)CO3 in the weight ratio 50:50. The spread in the value of emission current depends in each Card 4/5 S/194.1/62/000/002/034/C)96 The effect of choice D201/D301 series on the form of carbonateu and is independent of both the di- mensions and chemical composition. This spread decreases when the shape of crystals approaches that of a spheroid. The conclusions as to the uniformity of the emission current may be extended over to the electrical and thermal conductivity of oxide coatings. 3 re- ferences. / Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2 Card 5/5 f, )4&0 /,3,)170 AUTHOR: Pirkowicz, TITLE: Evaluation upon frequency changes of B/194/62/000/005/096/157 D230/D308 S. of the rel"ability of electron tubes based 'L of damage being equivalent to relative characteristics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhumal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat no. 5, 1962, 11-12, 5zh78 (Bull. Acad. polon~ sc*i. Ser. sci. techn., 1961t 9, no. 10, ~71-575) TEUT: A method of calculating the reliability 0f electronic valves is given; it is based on the observed parameter -changes with res- pect to their initial value and, to the frequency of failures equi- valent to these changes. The equivalent failure frequency of a sin- gle valve characteristic determining the lower limit of the region of changes observed in practicep is found from the condition of working stability of a random selection of valves. A graph of the failure frequency versus region of changes of the valve character- V/r, istic obtained in practice is given. General failure frequency is defined as the sum total of failure frequencies of all valve cha- Gard 1/2 S/194/62/000/005/096/157 Evaluation of the reliability ... D230/D308 .. racteristics. Formulas for the reliability interval [Abstractor's note: Meaning of I'doveritelInyy interval" not cleari are given in which, for a given probability, the number of valve failures is ./61 found. [Abstractor's note: Complete translationi. f Card 2/2 FLMOWIG~0-9[5 -~ u Sputtering of oxide-ooat~d cathodes in oaocwa tubes as reil~lt Of-the,ourrent passing through the emitting loyer. Archiw ' elektrotech 10 no,Z505-533 161, *,0 a (/3,3/, /00// //1,/) AUTHOR: Firkowicz, Sz. 30573 P/019/61/'010/003/006/008 D265/.9505 TITLE: Contribution to the statistical analysis of the qua- lity of electron tubes PERIODICAL: A.rchiwum elektrotechniki, v. 10, no. 3, 1961, 783-787 TEXT: The author considers the quality of electron tubes as the product of the probability of the lack of damage Ra and the condi- tional probabilities of keeping the electrical parameters within the required tolerances Rxil Rx2' ..I, R xi* In order to establish the probability R the distribution functions of the parameter X are taken as the Rhode current - Is, and the slope of its characte- ristics - Ra. A test is described for the quantity n = '103 of the electron tube BP80 working under normal conditions. During the time ti the values of Sa and Ia were taken for each tube under test for constant grid polarization. As random variables for the statistical analysis the quantities of Sa(t and log Ia(t were assumed and Card 1/2 11 30) 3 P Oly6f 010/003/006/008 Contribution to the statistical ... D265 D305 their normal distributions were checked by calculating the statist- ics X2according to Pearson's relationship. The experimental and calculated results are tabulated and proved to show the logarith- mic distribution for the anode current and normal distribution for the slope of the characteristics of the electron tube. To confirm these results another test was made for conditions more severe than the normal, i.e. for the anode voltage increased from 170 V to 250 V. In this case the normal distribution of Sa(ti) during time ti was also observed. There are 3 tables and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: PrzemysYowy instytut elektroniki (The Industrial In- stitute of Electronics) SUBMITTED: pebruary 6, 1961 Card 2/2 P/053162/000100i/001/001 1004/1204 AUTHOR: Firkowicz, Szymon TITLE: Experimental estimation of an unknown probability PERIODICAL: Przcglqd elektroniki, no. 1, 1962, 37-45 TEXT: Methods of estimation unknown probability of a random event in a population are discussed on the basis of the observed probability of such an event in n independent experiments, treated as a random sample of this population. General principles of estimation of unknown parameters in a population are stated, and it shown that the best estimate of a random event is its frequency, as observed experimentally. Methods of establishing confidence limits for an unknown probability are thoroughly discussed. Several examples arc given based on the practice of electronic production. ASSOCIATION: Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki (Industrial Electronics Institute) Card 1/1 -S/275/63/000/002,1002/032- D405/U301 AU-ITIOR: FiOCOWICZ .3. TITIS: statistical es, imatc, of lifeti!, e of ampli:fier tubes, t Reiferativny _-zhurnal, E lektronika i eye p-rimiarteniye:' 26, abstract 2A135 (11race Przemysl. no. 21 19631 inst. elektron., v. 3, no. 1, 1962, 49-68 Uol.: summaries in Lng, and Pus.)) TEXT: The standcird-- method: of e stin, at-Lug -the -lif c time of tuIbcs, adopted in the electron-tube industry of Poland, leads to disagreements between producers and consumers owinSr to the. quality estimate. This method, which' is based on the :division of tubes into serviceable and defective, reduces to lifetime-testing ofa, lot of 10 -tubes; . after'.a. given period oll! time the number of defec-; tivc tuber, rhould not-exceed 2. An analysis oE the method shows that a statistical method,of estimating the guaranteed lifetime on the basis of the concept of:tube failure would be more cacrect; the, -guarante.ed-life-t-ime- rL as- the time of service under,the~_givenl card 1/2~ 3/275/63/000/9021/002/032 Statiotical. estimate ... D405/0301 FIRKOWICZ, Szymon Reliatility and quality evaluation of electronic devices. Frzegl elektronilci 3 no.3:118-119 Mr'162 RL iiamMRII MONK RIC ION- ~'j' iC`. FMOWICZ, Szymon The uniform quality evalwLtion of electronic element3. Przegl elektroniki 3 no-3:149-150 Mr 162 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektrpiki, Warszawa. i FIFT(NICZ, Szymon On the parrisnible current Icad of cxide cathcdes. Przegl elektraniki 3 no. 5i277-279. Yq 162 1. Przeirynlcwy Instytut Fl ektrcniki, Vlar3zawa. FMOWICZ, SZYMOM Control testing of special quality tubes, Przegl elektroniki 3 no.9:535-539 S 162i 1. przemyslowy Instytut Elektromilcij, Warszawa* FIRKOWICZ, Szymon - --- Principles of statistical evaluation of the reliability, of vacuum tubes. Przegl elektroniki 3 no.10:605-618 0 162. 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Warszeya. FIRKOWICZ, Szymon Contribution to a statistical evaluation of worldng stability, of electron tubes. Przegi elektroniki 3 *o,.12:716-?21 D f62. L Przeymelowy Instytut Elektronikij Warszmwa* FIRKOWICZ.- .; NIEMODA) J. Distribution of basic parameters in receiving tubes. A--chiw elektrotech 11 no.2s285-297 162. 1. Przemyslowy ~nstytut Blektroniki, Warszawa. AUTHOR: TITLE: P/019/62/011/004/003/010 D271/D308 Pirkowiez, Sz. Statistical evaluation of the quality of electron tubes PERIODICAL: Archiwum Elektrotoohniki, v. 11, no. 4, 1962, 741-756 TEXT: Practical methods are discussed for evaluating the quality of a batch on the basis of the percentage of sub-standard speci- mens. The measure of quality of a batch is the probability that at least one of the requirements will not be satisfied, called the factor of demerit. Statistical analysis of a random sample permits the evaluation of the demerit factor, i.e. to determine the confi- dence interval (w', w") which will contain the demerit factor with a confidence level 8: the theory of estimation is applied in the analysis of sampling results. For alternative classification (each item is either good or bad) Hanamaker's table'pf w', w" values is reproduced for a lot (n) of 5 - 500; disqualified items number W 0 - 20 and the confidence level is one of 0.90. The top limit of Card 1/3 P/01 62/011/004/003/010 Statistical evaluation of D271YD308 the confidence interval (w") is termed the guaranteed factor of demerit and 2 is the guarantee level. Nomographs of w" as a func- tion of n are given for various values of z. In handling some mea- surable parame*ters (parameters-class;II) the alternative clasbifi- cation-is not sufficiently precise.*The demerit factor is estima- ted on the assumption that permissible values of parameters are limited on one or both sides. In the case of upper value limita- tion the confidence interval for the unknown demerit factor is: W, gW 5 Q(Y"), 9 w11(X) 0.5 --Q(Y~) 9 (12) wheray is the normalized variable and 9(y is the value of the.' 9 9 Laplace integral. Numerical examples are given. The combination of alternative classification and normal distribution of a class II parameter is considered, as well as the evaluation of the batch on ~Card 2/3 Statistical evaluation of P/01 62/011/004/003/010 D271YD308 the basis of several parameters. The average demerit factor of a production batch can be evaluated on the basis of m independent samples with n1, n21 .... nm specimens each, by treating all these samples-as one random sample of a lot equal to the sum of lots of individual samples; formulas are derived for the confidence inter- val in this case. Evaluations of the demerit factor on the basis of two samples of unequal lots and unequal numbers of rejects are compared and conditions are specified for when the two demerit fac- tors can be regarded as identical. There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Przemys-kowy Instytut Elektroniki (Institute of Indus- trial Electronics) SUBMITTED: March 21, 1962 ;Card 3/3_ Z/037/62/000/005-6/026/049 E140/E562 AUTHOR: Firkowicz-,-S !TITL9: Maximum loading of oxide cathodes PERIODICAL: 'C/eakoslovensk casopis pro fysiku)'_o-5-6, 1962, 605-608 TEXT: In high-current, pulsed operation of an oxide- cathode.j Joule heating and the change in surface-layer donor concentratioii must be taken into account. CritIcal ioading of the cathode may: be taken as the maximum current at which it is still possible to-V neglect changes of the physical properties of the emission layer's',-!,, A relation was found, which agrees well 4ith the observed influence of the properties of an oxide cathode on its allowed~ loading. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Pramysiov/ 4stav elektroniky, Vars"ava y (Industrial Institute of Electronics, Warsaw) Card. 1/1 ACCESSION NRs AP4015986 P/0021/63/000/032/WO/0465 AUTHORs Firkowicz. Szymon (Doctor, Engineer) T7.1m: On Application Of the F distribution of Snedecor to reliability problems SOURCE: PrzegW elektrotechniewy, no. 12. 1963. 460-465 TOPIC TAGSt Snodecor F-distributions reliability. statistics, production production homogeneity, dispersion ana2ysisq probab4l4typ stAwAard deviationg statistical production analysis ABSTRACT: In this article the author show the usefulness of the F-Alistribution of Snedecor in solving problems of dispersion analysis, production homogeneity control$ determination of the confidence interval for reliability and comparison of ha2ards. Verification is given for the hypothesis that incidence of hazards is Independent of time* The mathematical definitions of reliability and intensit7 of failures are givene Orige art* hass 3 figures and 66 equations*' 2/2 Card k ACCESSION NR: AP4036W ASSOGIATIONs Pfteuplm Institat ElektrordJd (Mmdustrial SUctronias InsUtute) smar= oo DAZ ADQ: 03Feb64 Eum: oo "Afj SUB CODE: HH. 33 NO M sovg 001 OTHM 006 GRZESIAK, Kazimierz., dr inz,j_FIRKOWICZ, Szymon, dr inz. RolleAlity evaluation by using time space transformaticin. Prk;,gl elektroniki 4 no. 10/11%563 O-N 163. Statistical methods for testing the homogeneity and repetitiveness in mass production. Ibid.:569-586. 1. Osrodek Badawczy Sprzetu lacznosci, Warszawa (for Grzesiak). 2. Przemyslovy Instytut Elektroniki., Warszawa (for Firkowicz). FIRKOWICZ, Szymon, dr inz. ~S~nedec~orts ~diatributlon do used 1n reliabil-ity inveeti- gations. Przegl slektroniki 4 no. 10/11:568 O-N 163. 1. Przemysloi~iy Instytut Elektrorliki., Warszawa. FIRKOWI 0 dr inz.; KOSMOWS-KA, Alina Distribution of certain measurable attributes of low- power electron tubes. Przegl elektroniki 4 no. 10/11: 635438 O-N 163, 1. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Warszawa. ACCESSION NRt AP4009261 P/0019/63 /012/004/0703/0724 AUTHOR: Grzesiak~ K.j Firkowiczp S. -;~- ~.hN~G TITIEt ReliabilitY.evaluation based on time space transformation SO~RCZ: Archiwum elektrotechnikip v* 12, not, 4p 1963s, 703-72LL . TOPIC TAGS: system reliability eviluation., time spacep time space trtmsforma- tion., distribution function, longevity distribution function.. Rayleigh distribu-,- tion, Weibull distribution. ABSTRACT: Reliability evaluation is usually based on information concerning the longevity distribution of the elements cawdtutWS the device under considera-' tion., i.e. the form' of the distribution f unction and its parameters. This creates the nebessity of devising a method which would permit a relatively simple and fast preliminary verification of thehypothesis used for the fo= of t1m distribu- tion function of ' element longevityas well as for a preliminary rough esti- mate of the parameters of this function, based on experimental tindings. Authors attempted to solve this problem by means of a unique representation. of an actual Card ACCESSION NR-. AP400926i. longevity distribution by an exponential distribution in an imaginary "Ame space 'r M y(t).. which permits a representation of the given distribution function .9 0 and the' F(t; 91J, .0'60 -iandcm variable T (object's life) in another form of distribution function 0( r I SX) with random variable r, the requisite condition of this type of distribution function being FO 01. ON)-G(T; 0,)=O 0