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RACOVFJJIU, Carmen; VULPESCU, lofla; GOCTU, Mariana; Floriana; URCEANU, St. The classification of B3snier-Boeck syndrome among the reti- culopathies. Stud. cerciat. med. intern. 5 no.5:547-553 164 FIN=EIN., L Construction with typical reinforced-concrete elements prefabricated in pieces in central workshops and assembbM by prestressing in construction yards., a most useful method. P- 3 CONSTMJCTORUL, Bucuresti,, Vol 8., No. 3270 Apr. 1956 SO: East European Accessions Ust (EEAL) Library of Congress# Vol 5,, No* 7,, 10,vi, 1956 FINKELSTEINAITEP L., ated. m. kand. Prognosis in intlitrative forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and methods for their treatment. Sveik. Apsaug. no.30-12 164. 1. Lietuvos respublikinis tuberkuliozes mokslinio tyrizo institutas. RUIXEDMo A*G*# inshener; Y33MYU, Y.L., Anwhener. Compressorless centrifugal atomizer. Biul. stroi. tekb, 10 no.4; 22-25 If 153. (KLU 6.- 12 ) 1. Nauchno-tissledovatellskly institut Grashdanstroy. Mastering) ZOLOTARL FINKHTF.NGOhl VA$ R.V.; PODDUBNYY, I.Yaj. KHOROSHIN, A.V. Photocolorimtric detormination of nderoquantites of dimethylformmide and dimethylamine in isoprene. ZAv.lab. 29 no.2:160-161 163o (~MU 16:5) 1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut sinteticheakogo ka6huka imeni S.V.Iebedevao (Form'amide) (Dimethylamine) (Isoprene) Affect of graphite powder on the spectram analysis of ores. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. f1s. 19 no.1:120-12-1 JA-F 155. (NLRk 8:9) 1. Phsgnitogorskly gorno-ustallurgicheskiy institut (Spectrum anal sis) (Spectrometer) FINKIN, K. Z.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "A method of quantitative spectral ~mw , Oomm" analysis of certain ores, minerals, and concentrates for their basic components". Magnitogorsk, 1958. 14 pp (Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Inst im G. 1. Nosov), 150 copies (KL, No 9, 1959, 115) SOV/137- 59-1-2098 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 275 (USSR) AUTHOR: Finkin, K. Z. TITLE: On the Arc Temperature in the Spectroscopic Analysis of Certain Ores and Minerals by the Graphite- powder Method (0 temperature dugi pri spektral'nom analize nekotorvkh rud i mineralov metodom grafitovogo poroshka) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurg. in-t, 1958, Nr 16, pp 137- 140 ABSTRACT: The change in the temperature of the arc plasma in the spectroscopic analysis of some ores a*nd minerals is the source of an error due to the effect of fractional vaporization. The introduction of graphite powder into the test sample promotes a more uniform evaporation and stabilizes the temperature of the arc. The control of the tem- perature uniformity of the arc flame is achieved by means of multiple measurements of the differences between the potentials of the arc electrodes. V. S. Card 1/1 FINKLI1, KI Z Cand Tech �oi-- "Method of (Vaentitativo spectrwn annlysis AF---- -,-. -,-- I._-Y_~__ ~e2, 1960 the basic components of certain ores-, minerals, and ooncentrp7te_~" L (State Order of Lenin Optical Inst im S. 1. Vavilov). (KL, 1-61, 198) -258- FUNKIA. V. F- -1. ' -nkin, V. ir. Avto' 'i~-!Ic9ksy rribov Tya 20759 Pden~op I F., 1. F- M13 - kranov ot Medhanizatslya trudoyeuktki,. I tyazhelykh rabot, 1949 No. 6, s. 3~-38 SO: "-,ETOPT,7 ZHURNAL 3TA'I'EY - Vol. 28, ','ogkva, 1949. BOGIN, N.M.t kand. tekhn, nauk, Btarshiy nauchnyy sotro; FINKINSHTMI red., [Checking the tension of the reinforcement in the mantffacture of prestressed concrete productslKontroll natiazheniia arms- tury pri proizvodst-ve zhelezobetonrWkh predvoritellno- napriazhonqkh konatruktaii. Hoakvnp 1959. 32 Pe (MIRA 15s8) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsiit mekbanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Vaesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut transportnogo stroitellstva (for Bogin). (Prestressed concrete) ZZDRIN Konstantin Borisovich;~,j ~14INSHUYN, Boris Abramovich; VERSHININ, M.V., red.; ZERNOV, G.M., otv. za (Houses built of large keramzit-conersts panels; construction of block 11 in NovM Cheremushkil Doma iz krapnykh keramzitobe- tonnykh panelei; opyt stroitalletva 11-go kvertala Novyk:h Chore- mushek. Moskva# 1959. 36 -p. (Moskovskil dom nouchno-tekhnichaskoi propagandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Stroitel'stvo, vYP. 5). (MIRA 13;6) (Moscow-Apartment houses) IZVII S.S.9 kand. tekhn. nauki MADATYAN' $.Asp inzh.; FtKINSM=,p--B.4.j inzhal red. [Tensioning reinforesient-by aii blbotrbthermal method in the manufacture of presti*ssed-obfidi-ete eliments] Natiazbenis ar- matury elektrotermicbsOd- iRj)csbbbm *i IsgotovIenli predvoritall- no napriazbenzWkh zbelezobetonrqkb konstruktsii, Moakvap 1959, (MIFLA l4s7) le Akademlya, atroitelletvi i irkbitektury SSM. Institut organi- zatsil.9 mekhanizatoil. i tekbniabibskoy pomiashehi stroitelletvu. 2, Laboratorlya betonrqkh i sbele4obetotuWkh r4bot Naucbno- iseledovatel.'skogo instituta organizataiij mekbanizataii. i tekh- niche skoy: ed"shchi, stroitellstft Akademil. stroitelletwa i arkbitek-. tury SSSR (for Levi). 3. Laboratariya, takbnologii isgotovleniya predvaritelluo napryazhenmykh zbelesobetonvykh konstruktaiy Nauabno-isoledovateliskop institute organizataiis melrbanizatail, i tekhnicbeskay pomoshchi otroitellstvu Abademii stroitelOstra i arkhitektui7 SSSR (for Madatyaq). (Preotressed conal~ete) FINKINSHTEYN, B.A. inzh.; RUSETSKIY, A.S., red,, [Semiautomatic production line for the preparation of window blocka with two crossbars] Poluavtomatichaskaia linile. Ole, zagdtovsci okonnykh blokov so sparennymi perepletami; opyt ratsionalizatoroy derevoobdelochnogo kombinata No.? Glay- mospr-ometroimaterialov. Po materiala TSentrallnogo biuro po vnedreniiu peredovykh metodov rabot i truda v stroitellstve "Orgstroi." Moskva, Goestroiizdatf-1960. 24 p. (NIRA 16:6) 1. Akadeiiya stroitelletva i arkbitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizataii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheek.qy pomoshchi stroitallotyu. 2. Glavnyy inshener dere~oobdelocbpogo kombinata No.7 Glavnogo upravleniya promyshlennosti stroitellnykh materialov i stroitell- nykh detaleytfor Rugetskiy)... I (Ass"Ky-llne methods) (Windows) NAZIN, Valentin Yladimirovich; YINXINMM, B.A., insh,, red. [Itrection of the reinforced concrete element@ of a by-product coke plant] Tosvedenie zhelesobetonDykh konstruktsii kokookhi- micheekogo zaroda. Noskra, Goeoizd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkh1t, I strolt,materialam, 1960. 31 p. (KIRA 14s12) 1. Akademiya stroitalletva I arkhttattury SSSR. Institut orgaul- zatell, mokhaulzataii I takhticheekoy pomoshaht stroitelletyu. Byuro takhtichaskoy Informatell. 2, Zamestitall glavnogo Inshenera tresta "Maketroys (for Kazin). (Tasinovim-Coke Industry) (Reinforced concrete construction) FINKINSMEYN, B.A., inzh., red. [PovicoB for checking otressen in prestressed rainforco- ment; practices of enterprises under the aftinistration of the National Economic Councils of the I-Estonian S.S.R... the White Russian S.S.R., and the Bashkir A.S.S.R.]Fri- bory dlia kontTolia usilii v predyaritellno napriazhennoi armature; opyt predpriiatii sovnarkho2av Estonskoi SSH, Belorueskoi. SSR i Bashldrskoi ASSH. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1961. 23 P. (MIR.;, 15:9) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva, i arkbitektury 3 M . Institut organizatsii, makhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. Byuro tekhnicheskoy informatsii. (Concrete reinforcerent-Testing) M013311CHANSKIYj, Nikolay Aleksayeviclij, prof., dok-tor tekhn. nauk; FINKINSHTEYN, B.A,_~h., red. ("Faizol" is an insulating and anticorrosive materials; experience of the Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Research Institute of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the U.S.S.R.]Raizol - izollatsionnyj i antikorroziinyi ma- terial; iz opyta NII betona i zhelezobetona ASiA SSSR. Mo- skva.. Gosstroiizdatj, 1961. 28 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheakoy pomoshchi stroitell- stva. Byuro takhnichaskoy informatsii. 2. Rukovoditell sek-to- ra gazovoy korrozii i polinerbetonov TSentrallnay laboratorii korrozii Naucbno-issledovatellskogo Instituta betona i zhe- lezobetona Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for lAoshchanskiy). (Insulating materials) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) SVETINSK:EY, Yevgeniy Vladimirovich,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOSOIAPOV, Vladimir Grigorlyevich, -4nzh.; FIIIKPLOMJ~,-B.A., inzh., red, [use of short piles in construction) Primenenie korotkikh svai v stroitellstva. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 29 p. WRA 14:11) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut organize- toli, mekbanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. Bywo tekhnicheskoy informataii. 2, Sektor promyshlennogo stroitel'stva i tekhnologii proizvodstva rabot Nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituta organizataii;,mekbanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshci stroltel'stvu. (for Svetinskiy, Kosolapov). (Pi3ing (Civil engineering)) (Foundations) VAYNSHTOK) I.S.;-FINIKINSHTM B.A., inzb., red.; [Ultrasonic pulse method of testing concrete strenth at plants producing reinforced concrete articles] Ulltrazvukovoi impul'snyi metod kontrolia prochnosti betona na zavodakh zhelezobetomrjkh iz- delii; po materialam NIIZHelezobetona Glavmospromstroimaterialov. Moskva, Gos, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 29 p. (MIU 14:11) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zatsiij mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitelistvu. Byu- ro tekhnicheskoy informataii. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdolom clektroniki i avtoratiki Vauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta zhelezobetonnykh izde:Liy i nerudrykh materialov Glavrogo upravleniya promyshlennosti stroitellrjykh materialov i stroitellzWkh detaley (for Vaynshtok). (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Precast concrete-Testing) LITVINOT, A3,eksaudr AdAmorlah-, XOSCLAPOV, Solomon Tokorlevich; LUKITMO# Tokaterins, Petrorna; FININSHTM,, 3,~L, insh., red.: I I - [Ilectrothernal method of tmaloning higb-strangth wire reinforcement] IlektrotermIcheskIA sposob nattaxbouRs. vysokoproohnol provolochnoi armaturyg Is opyta predpriiatil, straltelluoi Industrit Doubasea. Moskva, Gose'ind-ve lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit.materialan, "-s~1961. 45 p. WRL 14ill) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva, i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut organi- xatsiio mekhanizatsli-Ii takhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitelletyu. 3Mo tekhnicheskoy iTiformatsii, 2, Rukowoditell laboratorii shelesobstounfth konstruktoly Donstskogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta nadshakhtnogo stroitelletya Akademil stroitel'stva I arkhi- /-iektury Ukrainskoy-SSR (for Lityinov), 3. Douskoy nauchno-Iseledova- tellskly institut nadshakhtnogo stroltelletva Amdemii strottel'stya I arkhttaktm-y Wrainakoy SSR (for losolapor). 4. Glavw insh. tresta "Doubasezbelexobstonu Stalinskop sovnarkhoza (for raklyanko). (Concrete reinforcement) MASENKO, I.D., inzh.; KOPELEVICH, L.Kh., inzh. red. (Stands for manufacturing large prestressed concrete structural elements] Stendy dlia isgotovleniia krupnorazmer- nykh predvaritelino napriazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruk- tsR. Moskva, GosetroUadat, 1961,--64 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiy&' stroitel'stva,i arkhitektw7 SSSR. Inatitut or- ganizatsii, mekhanizataii.i tekhaiWuiskoy pomqhchi stroi- tel'stvu. 2. Glavnyy spetsialist-1AU=atorii niedrsaiya pere- dovoy tekhnologii i sekhanizataii iWtovleniya predvaritall- no napryazhennykh shelezobetonnykh konstruktsii NauchRor, iseledovatellelrogo instituta 6'IV&nizatsii, mekhanizatelt 4 tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitell Kvu Akademii 8troitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kopelevich)'. (Prestressed concrete construction) KUPRIKOV., Yuriy Alekseyevichp inzh.; KONYAYEV, Nikolay Tikhonovich, inzh.; TUCHS, Aleksey Eri=ranovich; FINKEISM EYN, B.Al.,4~~k~;__-- red. (Houses made of kerazait-concrete slabs]Doma iz keramzitobeton- r7kh panelei; opyt kombinata zhelezobetonnykh izdelii 14o.355. Moakvap GosstroUzdat, 1962. 20 p. (MMA 15:12) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, mekhanizatsii i teldmicheskoy poroshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po stroitell- stvu magistrallnykh truboprovodov (for Kuprikov). 3. Nachallnik poligona koribinata zhelezobetoWkh izdeliy NO-355 (for Tuchs). (Apartment houses) (Precast concrete construction) (Keramzit) NAZIN, Vitaliy Vladimirovich; FINKINSHTEXN-,.B.A. iazh., red. (Prestressed conqrste elements for roofs-,of industrial build- ings in the *Maketroi*; Donetakii SOVA&rkhoZ. Moskyap G*B- . stroiizdat, 1962. 30 p. . (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya straitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR.Inatitut orga- mizataii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitell- styu. 2. Glaynyy inzbener Tresta "Makstroy" (for Nazih). (Prestressed concrete) (Roofing, Concrete) KOVALICHUK, Leonid Mikhaylovich,, kand. tekhn. nwAkptatarahiy naucbn- nyy sotr.; FINKINSIHEYN, B.I., inzh.,-rade [Gluing wooden structural elements in--&-field of high- frequency curreatflSkleivanie derevianzykh atroitelinykh izdalii v pole tokoy vysokoi chaototy; po materialam. TsNII atroitelfnykb konstruktsii Asil SSSR i drugikh or- ganizataii. Moskva, Goestroiizdat, 1962- 42 p. - (MIRA 16W 1. Akademiya atroitellatya i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organizatsii, makhaxizataii i tekhaichookoy pomo3hchi. stroitellstvu. 2. I'Sentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut stroitellmykh konstruktsiy Akademii atroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kovallohuk). (Electric fields) (Gluing) ROMANOV, Dmitriy Andreyevichp kand.tekhn. nauk; F-IN _41N~HTEYN, B.A.) inzh.) red. (Fondations of indus'trial structures resting in loess on column piles with pedestals formed by blasting; experience of the Zaporozh'ye Economic Council and the Scientific Research Institute of the Organization and Mechanization of Construction Work of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the U.S.S.R.] Funds- menty provjshlenrWkh s6oruzhenii na zhelezobetonrykh svaiakh-stoikakh s kamufletnoi piatoi v usloviiakh les- sovykh gruntov; opyt Zaporozhakogo sovnarkhoza i NII0MSF ASiA USSR. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 30 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut. organizatsii, mekhnnizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Rukovoditell sektora stroitel'stva fundamentov i podzemmykh sooruzhe- niy Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta organizatsii i mekhanizatsii stroitellnogo proizvodstva Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury Ukr.SSR (for Romanov). SPIVAK., Natan Yakor-.1ev.f.:!h-. kani, teldin. nauki USHAMIRSKIY, Mark Konstantinovich; LINETSKrY, Yakov Isaakovich; KNIOMOVA, Zinaida Pavloirna, at. inzh.;_L1141UK~~ inzh.. red.; [Large-,-Panel apartment houoos of keramzit concrete; practices of trust, Nc,.25 of the Kuybyshev Economic CouncAll Krupnopanellnye zhilye doma iz keramzitobetona; opyt tresta no.25 Kul.byshevskoi:o 2-ovnarkhoza. ~f^qkvaj GoastroiiWat, 1962. 471 P. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Rukovod'itell laboratorii TSentr. nauchnc-issledovatelf- skogo Institi)ta indastriallwikh zhilykh i massovykh kall- turnr--bytovykh zdaniy Akademii stroltellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Spivak)~ 2. Glavnyy inzhener tresta No.25 KWbyshev.qkogO sovnarkhoza (for Ushamirskiy). 3. Rukovodi- tell laboratorti Nau-,hno-iss"Ledovatellskogo Instituta stroitellno,7 fiz1kJ i ograzhdayushchikh konst--uktsiy Aka- demli stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Linetskiy). OVSYANKINO V.I,., doktorlt,tekhn. nauk; KAZARINOV, V.M.) kand. tekhn. nauk,- FINKINSHTEYN, B.A., inzh., red. [Industrial construction in countries of Northern Europe; a survey] Industriallnoe stroitellstvo v stranakh Severnoi Evropy; obzor. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Chlon-korrespondent Akademil. stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Oveyankin). SOVALOV, I.G., kand. tekhn.nauk; ROZENBODI, L.S., inzh.1 KUCHEROVSKIYj O.A., inzh.; RAYSKAYA) A.D., inxh.; OS4AKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; BRAUDE, F.G., inzh.; FINKINSHTEYN, B.A., lnzh.,, red. -Ww-ft" (Methods of molding precast concrete products] Metody formovaniia sbornykh zhelezobatonriykh izdelii. Moskva., Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 49 P. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Rukovoditell laboratorii betonnykh i zhelezobetonrWkh rabot Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekbnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu, Mo- skva(for Sovalov). 3. Laboratoriya betonrykh i zhelezobe- tor.ijykh rabot lqauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. organi- zatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheoRoy pomoshchi stroitell- stvu, Moskva (for Rozenboym, Kucherovskiyj Rayskaya). 4. Sotrudniki Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo in- stituta gidrotekhnicheskikh i sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh ra- bot(for Osmakov , Braude). PILIPM6',-Viktor Ivanovich; SHEPELEV, Vasilly Mefedovich; FINKINSHTEYN, B.A. inzh., red. (Reinforced foamed ash concrete panels for exterior wal-Is of the State Regional Electric Power Plant; practices of the Kurakhov Plant for Reinforced Concrete Elements of the "Donets Basin Power Plant Construction" Trustj Armo- penozolobetonnye paneli dlia naruzbnykh sten GRES; opyt Kurakhovskogo zavoda zhelezobetor-nykh konstruktsii tresta "Donbassenergestroi.11 Moskva, Gogstroiizdat,, 1963. 15 P. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moscow. Nauch-no-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekIwAcheskoy pomoshchi stroitelistvu. 2. Glavnyy inzhener Kurakhovskogo zavoda zhelezobetoiuiykh konstruktsiy (for Pilipenko). 3. ZamestitGll glavnogo in- zhenera tresta "Donbassenergostroy" (for Shepelev). KOSOGOV, Anatoliy Mikhavlovich; FJ11MShUTN,, B.A., inzh.., red. fBuilding large-panel schools in rural areas; practices of the "Mosoblsellstro,," Tnist No.13 Main Adminis- .tration for Construction in the Central Regions, of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Construction of the R.S.F.S.R.1 Stroital'stvo, krupnopanellnoi shkoly v sell- skoi mestnosti; opyt tresta "Mosoblsellstroill No.11 Glavtsentrostroia Ministerstva stroitel'stva. RSFSR. Mo- skvap Stroiizdat,, 1964. 19 p. (MIRA 17:121 1. Moscow. Naucbno-issledovatelfskiy institut organizatslip mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Nachallnik otdela organizatoli i industrializatsii stroitel'stva Glavnogo, upravlertj stroitellstva predpri- yat*.'Ly v tsentrallmykh rayonakh Ministerstva stroitellstva RSFSR (for Kosogov). MORGULIS, Ioyb Aronovicho lauvoilt Gosudai'sLvenzioy premi-A' S-S,111i; FIIIKINSHTEYII,,,-~,A.,~.inzh.,. red. (Laver operation-flow digging of trenches; practices of the "All-Union Trust for the Mechanization of Construction Work" of the State Industrial Committee on the Gas Industry of the U.S.S.R.] Posloinaia operatsionno-potoclinaia razra- botka transhei; opyt tresta "Soiuzprovodmekhanizatsiia" Go- sudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po gazovoi pro- myshlennosti SSSR. Moskva, Gosstrolizdat, 1963. 23 P. (NIHA 17:9) 1. Moscow, Nauchno-iBsledavatellekiy institut organizateii.. mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi. stroitellstvu. 2. Glavnyy inzhener Spetsializirovannogo upravleniya No.2 tresta "Soyuzprovodmekhanizatsiyall (for Morgulis). Y-4MTA, Igor' Mefedovich; KULIK, Boleslav Fadeyevicb; FOKINSHTM B.A., inzh., red. (Transporting long reinforced-concrete products on trucks used for moving girders and beams; practices of the "Orgtekhstroi" Trust and the "Mekhpogruzstroill Of- fice of the Vinistry of Construction of the White Russian S.S.R.] Perevo2:ka dlinnomernykh zhelezobetonnykh Izdelii na ferrriovozakhi ba:Lkovozakh; opyt tresta "Orgtekhstroi" i kontory "Nekhpogruzatroill MinisteL-stva stroitellstva BSSR. Moskva, Goostroiizdat, 1963. 27 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Moscow. Naucbno-issledovateltsk-iy institut organiza- tsiip mekbanizatsil i tekhn'.cheskory pomoshchi. stroitell- stvu. 2. Nachallnik konstruktorskogo otd-la tresta "Orgtekhstroy" Ministerstva stroitellstva BSSR (for Manyuta). SOULOV, I.r' I karil. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.j SHESTOPAL, N.M., kand: tekhn. naukp nauchn. red.; PD-11KINSHTEYN, B.1.0 inzh., red. (Problems in improving the organization of construction and the overall mechanization of building and assembling opera- tional Voprosy uluchshaniia organizatsli stroitellnogo pro- izvodstva. i kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii stroitol'no-montazb- ny1ch rabot. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1961+. 78 p. (MIRA 18:11) VELIUNOTA , L.K.; FINKINSHTITN. Ta.D. Oemoreceptors of the liver. 11siol.zhur. 45 no.12:1472-1476 D 159. (KIRA 13:4) 1. From the Department of Physiology, Medical Institute. Novosibirsk. (LIVXR physiology) (DIURNSIS Taysiology) (osmosis) KURDUBANf L.I.; FINKINSETEMIS-Ya.D.- Ontogenetio changes in the camoregulating reflex. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no.1317-20 A 160. 04IRA .13:7) 1. Iz kafedry.normallnoy fiziologii (sav. - dotsent Ya.D. Finkinshteyn) Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskog~ institute. (dir. - zaaluzhennyy deyatell wilki prof. G.D. Zalosskiy. Predstavlena deystv. chienom AMN SSSR V.N.CherrjAgovskim. i (URnM-SUPPMSION) (SODI%1 CHLORIDE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (REFIEM) (PITUITARY EXTRACT)' INCHINA, V.I.; FINKINSHTEYN, Ya.D. Osmo- and baroreceptors of the pancreas. Fiziol. zhur. 50 no.3: 301-305 Mr 164- (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Meditsinskogo instituta, Novo- sibirsk. VFLIKANOVA, L.K.; FINKINSHTEYN, Ya.D. Mechanism of the stimulation of osmoreceptors. Blul. eksp. "plol. i med.78 no.8.-6-9 Ag 164. (MIRA 18-3) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent Ya.D. FinkinBhteyn) Novosibirskogo moditsinakogo instituti. Submitted May 27,, 1963. P11-1KELISHTEYN, Yu.Yu. Al I- -- I I- - - . 4.-.. 1. Algorithm for solving problems of integral lineal' with Boolean variables. Dokl. AN SSSR 161, no.5--993-996 .0 165- (MIRA 18i10) 1. TSentrallnyy ekonomiko-matematiche--kiy institut 91 S)SSR. Submitted Marchs 3,, 1965. VIKTOROV. I.F.; ICA AYEV, D.G.; FINKLER, A., red.; DKUKHAR, V., tekhn. red. (Makhachkalao, economic-geographical study] Kakhachkola; ~skonomiko- geografichookii ocherk. Kakhachkala, Degestanskoe.16d- isd-vo. 1958. 99 p. (MIRI 13:4) (Kakhachkala-leonomic conditions) FIRMIGH, I.M.; MUAM, D.A. Use of sulfacyl in the treatment of minor wounds. Zdrav.Belor. 3 no.10:60 0 157. (MIRA 13-.6) 1. Vitebskiy oblastnoy kozhuo-venerologichaskiy dispanser (glavnyy vrach I.M. Finkevich) i zdravpunkt kozhzavoda g. Vitebaka (zavedivushchiT D.A. Melamea). (SKIN--WOMMS AND INJURIBS) (ACETAMIDE) ----------- ir tit Irt 41 c We it lit tit 1;L -4 28 p. ; 1g HT 1 44- P A 11 T -8 USS C~j~e&tjon Apr Telephones "The Now Telephonic Apparatus TAN-5111 I E Finklerp 3 pp, IvVestnik Svyazi" Vol 7, No 85 Now dial telephone tried and adopted. Construction details 1TS FINKM9 I. Ye. *Y*thods of Increasing the Distinguishability of Speech Against Background Noise in Industrial Telephone Wires.w Cand Tech Sci, Lenin- grad Electrotechnological Inst, of Railroad Transport Enginecring,, Lenin- grad, 1954. (RzhFiz, Nov 510 Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 521, 2 Jun 55 BRAM , S.B., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; POKROVSKIT. N.B.. Icandidat takhnicheakikh nauk,- PI , Inshener. TiA- ~I- Discussion of IU.N.Ioroboy's article "What a telephone apparatus should be like.* S.B.Brandt. I.B.Irinkler, N.B.Pokrovskii. Test. sviazi 14 no.1:28-29 Ja 054. (MLRA 7:5) 1. Hachallnik laboratorli Ufimakogo 2. Doteent YKIAS (for Pokrovskiy) (Telephome-Appaxittus and zavoda RISR (for Brandt) supplies) (Korobov, IUX) KUZWUSOV, Yevganiy Kona tant inov ich;_IINI~.~, _I.Ya.. otvetstvannyy redaktor; DOBRYNINA, A-Ya., re3axv0r-,-ZWWjCTA# N.V., tekhnicheski7 redaktor [Telephone apparatus] Telefonnys apparaty. Moskva, Go@. izd!:vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1956. 295 P- (MLBA 9:9) (Telephone--Apparatus and supplies) FMOROVICH, Tyacheolav NikDlayevich; BLISNITS, Alaksandr Germanovich; FjNKI,1M,_j.,_U,-otvet9tvennyy red.; DOBRYNINA A.Ta., red.; SUSEWIGH, .,A,, vekhn. red. [Methods of determining the qualitrof telephone transmission recommended by the International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph] Netody otsenki.kachestva telefonnoi. peredachi, rekomenaxqem7e NKUT, HoAwa, (Fos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam, eviazi i radio. 1958. 66 p. 13L:?) (Telephone-Testing, FIMER, I. Ye. I. Ye. Finkler - "Central Battery System Teleplic-ne Switch." Authors' Certificates, Elektrosvyazz, 1958, No. 7, pp 77. FINKLER, I.Ye., insh. hone apparatus for rural cololm"Ication. vest.sviazi TOB-I f-ei-ep O(IRL 13: 7) 20 no.6:9-10 Je 160. 1. jiLaballnik laboratorii Nsuchno-isoledovatellskogo institute, gorodskoy i sellskay telefonnoy evyazi Ministerstva "yazi SSM. (Telephone.-Nquipment and supplies) FINUZR, Isaak Yekhill evichp inzh.; KUZNETSOV, Ye.K., dots., otv, - -:F I III 1~9" edl-;--- a) KIMI-VI -T.J. red.; OLUTSKIN, A.A., tekhn. red. 0 [Blectroacouatical characteristics of a telephone channel] Elektroakuticheskie kharaktarietiki telefonnogo trakta. Moskva, Gos. izd-voIlt-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1961. 131 p. (Blectroacoustics) (Telephone) (MIRk 15:2) V Rig" 'p, rnr L 848-66- L 1" ACC 62N1651 010 0121 0121 NR, I AP5025757 -SOURCE CODEt URT AUTHORS i ovt V* L.; Finklert S. T0._ -1 Y, ~!r ORG: none TITLEs Device for automatically advancing the electrode-instrument during elsotro- cal machining of holes, Class 49P No. 174935 01 SOURCEI Byulleten' I:zobreteniy i tovarnykh znakovt no. 189 19659 121 TOPIC TAGS:. electrochemical machining, electrode Mc_rfit MACH1,v14P ~ I . I d~. P ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a vice for automatically advancing the electrode-instrument during electrochemical machining of holes with pressuriz electrolyte supply. The davrice consists of a cylindrical body with the electrode-, instrument moving axially inside the body (see Fig. 1). To simplify construction and to provide continuous elec~rode-instrument advance during the hole machining, the electrode-instr=ent is spring-loaded in the axial direction. Its front end is closed by a dielectric disk hold on a shoulder with openings for the electrolytet while its back end is closed by a throttling disk, UDC1* 621o9,%7 i -Card 1/2 621.3.035.2-589..33 go L*44W t g __ MMM16- 01 W N'Na c Him FINKIZR, S.Ye., inzh. Using epoxy compositions in making master forms. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.9:41-43 S t63. (MIRA 16tio) Prepared for anti-gas defense; textbook for students qualifying for the anti- gas defense nomp second clas3 Izd. 5. Hookup Oos. Izd-vo med. lit-ry* 1939. 87 P- (48-)4638) RG87.F45 1959 -z lmav R-01 T YAR.-v~ KCRCHAGINA, V.I.; GINZBURG, S.A. - FINIKO, A.A., RUTMAN L.I.; 04 .9 DAVYDOV, I.V.; LAVRINOVICH, D.A. Electric method for measuring the water content in crude oil. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:51-56 Ap-Je 162. WIBA 15:6) 1. Odeaskiy nsfteyererabatyvayushchiy savod. -(Petroleum-Refining) KORCHAGINA, V.I.; L.I.; 61ilioLlj F.E.; L.N.; ANDMICH~ H.V.; VULIM, Yu.L. Plant use of a cracking residue in the production of bitumens. Nefteper. i neftekhhn. no.6:25-28 164. (MLU .17:9) 1. Odesskiy neftepererabatyvayuslichiy zavod i OdGsskiy politekhril- cheskiy institut. Kf1AVGHUK, V.F., inzh.; KORCRAGINA, V.I., inzh.; GIIABUJ~G, 6.A., in~;i;.; T.ONGRE, G.A., inzh.; RUTHAN, L.I., inzh.; FINIKO, A.A., inzh.; bi',1NDOV, I.V., inzh.; LAVRINOVICH, D.A., inzh . . ....... 'I', ............. Express method for determining water content in highly viscous mazuts using their dielectric constant. Elek. sta. 35 no.9.-22-26 S 164- (MIRA 18:1) - P MIZKO. B.G., polkovnik med. i3lulihbyj r 'vpolkovnik med.91uzhby(Sevastopo3q P~IKO,Asl. Importance of examining the blood for bile acids in Hotkin's disease. Vrache'delo noo9t979-980 $158 (MIRA litio) (MTATITIS,, .11020TIOUS) (B11M AGIN) F IN I KO, D. I. D jagi~~s-li - -of acute dystropby of the liver in Botkin's disease. jain. m (CLKL 23. O'd., Nodcva 31 no.6:77-80 June 1953- -1) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Sevastopol'. ~4 4- Win It OpUyer I V khbi mWillo i i. D Lobirermixtai: 40tic dh;oases. Labirts -r. owing to the inability- the liver to conTerk _.Ilozo.3-7.-Diltnt ta n I be td. wi. CH isrubin Intn the dirta form which ia ex=vA inta: Tlv~ ClICIrmextrutable hilini In yes 11 note ses Itd tbt gall Wadder; type 4, top arid middle layers red, Lrover, di,,-ct, in others the Indirect reaction. This Is closely fon- c;Purlcss,,_,whis:* Lected vith--the-tiaturt- of- the-varlaus complelsm-whiCIV-7-7-1 6-to-the bile;jype 5; bile It- grayish Wore adda.-d CMQi$_ bilimbin-forms with thi-"cottipouints of the Bile' Thesr and diazo reagtnt, aft-r centrifugilla, trip and lowee layers colllplexr-.i car& be sabdivided into 5 different types of diAg- art! colrl't to middle gray; this type wria obtairml :'_-om n,~itic significance. Two cc. of each of the 3 pmtlois of till, gAll Hadder af persons who died from acute hqntie~ li;U, obtainsid In the ts,uhl way, A. D, C Is mixed iyi~lt air dyitropby, The 3 bile porticinq, A, 13, stud C, do riot at- -.,jual vol. of Flirlioli's diazo reagent, tire inixt. shaken.well. %-Ays jive identic-al colji; consi&riug the fact that the first .1 cc. of ClIels lidded, and thcAnking repeated. I'lli. te t flW f__ th -duodanal duct, the 2 lid from the V11 ttib,.-s nrl.- cerstriftigcd until there k a clear scpn. into~l hLi and dilated eucls, and the "d frorn t1w UVVr. The Inwcr iaycr cnanim CIICfj with or xvithoutt, A. 14. Mirkla eltni"I.WU ulysEallee", the luiddie most of tile biliary Pill- mout complexes, mucist, and other bile conitituents, -arid the top m-t of thc7'biliary acids and other ivater-sol. con- s-ituellts, - Five different types w6e noted, tach Corse- spritAitir to a more (ir le,;s dertvlte pathol. procLif.* type t 'till 3 Layers colored phil: to dark red. obierved its absence Gi pathologie.. proce-es; type 2, 311 3 layers colored yellow, It(;.tcd its hemolytic jaundke colliplitratt-11 by parenchyma- V_-a _at A-1 WAR PRO MIND U M; Vol 11/0 Intorml. ~ed Sent 50 ExcrpnTA -'.DTCA Sen A 5201. A METHOD OF QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF BILE ACIDS AND THEIR BLOOD CONCENTRATION IN INFECTIOUS HEPATITIS (BOTKIN'S DISEASE) (Russian text) - F I n k o D. 1. - LAB. DELO 1957, 4 (16- 20) The 'green fluorescence methd*773~rqu.. Rav analysis of blood bile acids in health and In cases of jaundice of any aetiology and the 'blue fluorescence method' for estimation of bile acids only in cases of infectious hepatitis and obstructive jaundice are described. The blood content of bile acids in health varies from 0.5 to I mg. per 100 nil. 200 cases of infectious hepatitis were investigated. In benign cases during the period of increasing jaundice the corresponding figure varied from I to 16 mg. per 100 ml. with an average value of 7 mg. per 100 mI.. while at the height of the disease, coinciding with maximum biltrubinaemia, values of 6- 36 mg. per 100 nil. were obtained. In some very severe cases with fatal. acute liver dys- trophy even 70 mg. per 100 ml. has been reached. Very high blood levels of bile acids in the cases of parenchymatous hepatitis and especially in acute liver atrophy 0 this accumulation of bile acids lit the blood,. playing a major role in the Ito..'s t, pathogenesis of hepatargy. Their concentration of 30-70 mg. per 100 ml. inter- feres with intermediate metabolism and especially with nutrition of the liver itself. and leads to the death of hepatic cells. (S) FINIXO, P.I., kandidat meditainnkikh nauk; HIMIKO, B.G. (Sevastopol') " *jMWXVftrW%JW1 - Blood transfusions for treating Botkin's disease, Vrsch.delo no.9: 995 S '57. (HLPA 10.9) (HEPATITIS, 1141aCT10UZ;) (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) FINIKO, D.I., (Sevastopol' ) 11-~ Clinical importance of determining the bilirubin fractions of the blood in liver diseases. Vrach.delo no.1:1321 D 158. (MIRA 12;3) (BILIRMIN) (LIVICR--DISIASES) 17(l) SOV/177-58-?-8/28 AUTHOR: Fin1ko, D.I., Candidate of Medical Sciences, '-Cal'on-al-or--the Medical Corps TITLE: A Laboratory Method for Diagnosing Non-icteric Forms of Botkin's Disease PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 7, pp 41-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a method for diagnosing Botkin's disease in the pre-icteric period. According to Ya.K. Gimmellfarb, both the agglutinoid reaction and the complement fixation reaction give a rela- tively high percentage of positive results in Bot- kin's disease. The method of investigation des- cribed by the author is based on determinin7g the bile acid in the blood serum by means of the fluo- rescence method. In positive cases, in presence of cholic or glycholic acid, the test-tube with Card 1/3 the liquid to be investigated emits blue light and d" SOV/177-58-7-8/28 A Laboratory*Method for Diagnosing Non-icteric Forms of Botkin's Disease in negative cases a light blue one. Studying the dynamics of the changes of the bile acid and bili- rubin content in the blood of patients suffering from Botkin's disease in various phases, the author ascertained that the concentration of bile acid is not always adequate to that of bilirubin. Taking into consideration that cholic acid and its normal compounds in the blood cannot be found by the above method, their ascertainment in the blood may serve as a definite laboratory index for the early diag- nosis of Botkin's disease and its non-icteric forms. According to Achsenfeld and Brass, already the ear- ly states of acute parenchymatous hepatitiden in the mesenchyma of the liver,show a slowing down of the blood stream, swelling of the walls of the capil- Card 2/3 laries, a disturbance of their permeability and an SOV/177-58-7-8/28 A Laboratory Method for Diagnosing Non-icteric Forms of Botkin's Disease exudation of a liquid rich in albumen in the Disse's spaces. The determination of the bilirubin fractions, the investigation of the 'aile acid in the blood and the increased content of albumen in the A, B and C bile are valuable laboratory indices for the diag- nosis of non-icteric forms of Botkin's disease. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 3/3 FINIM, DIII,; B~LIBAKR, A.S. (Sevastopol') Diagpostle value of the bile color reaction In chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis. Vrach.delo no.8:825-827 Ag 159 (KMA 12:.32 ) (BIM) (LIVIR-DISEASES) (GALL BLADMM--DISEASES) (DIG3STIV31 ORGANS--DISIUSES) C FINIKO, D.I. Chromatographic method for studying COMPIOX Compounds in bile components. Top.xGd.khIm. 6 no.lt29-33 Ja-7 16o. Wu 1325 ) (BUJ) FINIKO, P.I. - ------ Some critical remarke concerning N,D,Mikhailova and E.S.Margolinals article "Color reaction of bile according to D.I.Finikols method.0 -Lab. delo 6 no-4:29-31 R-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:12) (BIM) (MIKHAILOVA, N.D.) (MLRGOLINA, E.S.) I XjjLEqj_D_,J__, CUnical. significance of ester-extracting cholesterol in infectious hepatitis. Vrach. delo no 5:89-92 14Y 161. (MIRA 3-4:9) (HEPATITIS, INFiCTIOUS) (CHOLESTEROL) FINIKO, D.I.,; ZHDANOV, P.A. (Sevastopoll) ------------- i Amowit of total and ethwl~;oxtractive cholesterol D2 arterloBc2orosio accompanied by otenociardiat myocardial infarction; hypertension and general 6besity. Vrach. delo no.10158-65 0 161. i) (MIRA 14;12) ~GUO~-MTEROQ (GLRDIOVASCULkR SYSTEM-DISUSES) (CORPULENCE) AUTHOR: Fin1ko, V.I. 26-58-5-19/57 TITLE: The &cmxlwy Coloring of an Agate (Vtorichnaya okraska agata) 17 PERIODICAL: Prirodaq 19589Fir 5, pp 81-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: While artificial coloring of agates by aid of inorganic and organic substances has been known and practiced for a long time, natural colors of these semi-precious stones had not yet occurred. In 1954,1955, sites with colored chalcedonies were discovered in the Zeysko-Bureinskaya De- pression in the recent sediments of the Zeya, Selemdzha and Amur rivers. The conglomerates are so large that they are of practical interest to the natural-color stone in- dustry. The trust "RuBskiye samotsvety" has taken charge of the sites, The chalcedony pebble is traced back to Mesozoic effusion rock and Tertiary mallow sand-pebble sedimentsq both found largely on the periphery of the de- pression and had been washed away by Zeya and Amur rivers. The pebbles are small, a mean size of 2 to 5 cm, with a few exceptional sizes of 10 - 15 cm. This is true for the sites on the Zeya river southwest of Svobodnyy in the district of the villages Malaya Sazanka and Moskvitino. Card 1/2 A larger concentration of larger-sized chalcedony pebbles The Second Coloring of an Agate ASSOCIATION: AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 26-58-5-19/57 was found in the district of the so-called "Goryashchiye Gory" (Burning Mountains) in the vicinity of the village Smirnovka, where the Amur river cuts through an ancient valley. Here in layers of 80 m thick are chalcedony pebbles of 3 to 5 am thickness with individual sizes up to 22 am. Many natural color shades occur, such as blue-grey, pale green, transparent, slightly iridescent, honey-yellow, light yellow and dark black. There is also white-yellow-black and grey-banded onyx. Ferrous substances in the soil caused reddish and purple tones. But this coloring goes only I to 2 and in some instances 5 mm deep. It is liable to be worn away in time. The best colors are seen, where the con- glomerates have been exposed to wind and weather only re- cently. There are 2 photos, 17 color reproductions on insert, and 1 Soviet reference. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mi- neralogil i Reokhimii Akademii nauk SSSRq Nbscow (Geo1ogicai Mistitute. ' O:r-- Ore Deposits, Petrography, Miner~logy and Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Library of Congress 1. Geochemistry - USSR 2. Chalcedony - USSR PETROV, V red.; FIN'KO,_V-.I.[translator]; GREKIff, S.S. fpt~'#.slatoij HOMANOUCH, G.P.p red. (Problems in the geology and mineralogy of bauxites. Translated from the English and French] Voprosy geologii i mineralogii boksitov. Moskva, Mir) 1964- 481 F-- (MIRA 18:10) PIMOV, V.P.; FINIKO, V.I. Mallite and cordierite in sandstone xenoliths in basalts of the Zeyu-lhmya Plaby~ hn* TOM no*17111-22 157- (KIRA l1t6) (Zsy&-Dwey& Plain--Kineralocr) FINIKO,-V, .; ZA.KLINSKAYA, Ye.D. Stratigraphy of loose sediments in the Zeya-Buraya Plain. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 23 no,2:25-43 7 '58. (MIRA 11:5) l.Inatitut geologii rudnvkh mestorozhdonly, petrografii, Mineralogii i geohimii AN SSSR i Geologicheeldy institut All SSSR, Moak-va, (Zeya-Bueya Plain--Geology, Stratigraphic) FIN'KO, V. I., Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) *Geological and petrographic characteristics and genesis of fire-resistant clays of Weysko-Bureinskaya depression." Mos, 1958. 15 pp (Inst of Geology of Ore DeposiAl Petro- graphy, Mineralogy and Geochamistry, Acad Soi USSR), 150 copies (KL, 16-580 118) -.32- FINIKOO V.I. Gbalcodomy In the Zeya-Buroya Plain. Trudy Hin.miz. no.g: 196-202 159. (UIRA 12:6) (Zeya-Buroya Plain-4balcmdow) FINIKO, V.I., kand. geologe-mineral. nauk; OVSTANNIKOV, N.V., kand. tekhn.nauk few deposit of decorative mrblo. Priroda 48 no.6:88-90 Je '59- (MIRA 12:5) l.Institut goologli rudnykh mostoreshdenir, "petrograf it, mineralogil, i gookhinii AN'SSSR, Moskva (for Finike). 2.Dallnevostechnyy politakhnicheskiy institut, Vladivostok (for Oveyanniksv)a-~-! .,-,I (Maritime Tarritory~--Marble) FINIKO, Vladimir Ivanovich'-JIMOV, V.P.,, KOLONTIROV, A,.F., red.19d.-va; GUSITA, A.P., [Geology, petrology, and genesis of fire clays in the Zaya- Bureya Plain] Goologo-patrograftebaskaia kharaktoristika i genezis ognouporr4rkh glin Zoisko-Burainakoi depressii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.aauk BSSR, 1960. 130 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut gologit rudnykh mestoroubdenti. DetroRrafii, mineraloRii i 9 okhImIl. TrU47. U6.26). . (xntA. 13:9) (Zeya-3kroya Plain-7ire clay) FINIKO, V.I., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk Imprints of crystals. Priroda 50 no. 3:109 Mr 161. (MM 14: 2) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdaniyt patrografiip mineralo-z gii i geokhimii AN SSSRp Moskva. (Geodes) F I anslatorb OV, V.P.s, red.; YAKOVENKO, M., red.; KHOWAKOV) A.D,p tekhn. red. (Problems in the mineralogy of clays)Voprosy mineralogii glin; abornik statei. Moskva., Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry., 1962. 463 Translated from theEnglish, (MDU 15WI, (Clay-Analysis) FINIKO. V.I First find of wagnerite in the U,S,S,Re Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.6sl424-1427 Ap 162. (PURA 15:4) 1. I,natitut geologii rudnykh mbBtorozhdeniy, petrografii, miner'alogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. Predetavleno akademikom D. S. Korzhinskim. (Wagnerite) FINIKO, V.I.; MAGIDOVICII~ V.I, Pottery stones of the Gusevka depoeit in the maritime Territox7. Gool.rud.mestorozh. no.3:115-124.'NY-Je 162. (MIRi 15:6) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdoniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy issledovateltakiy elektrokeramicheakiy institut, Moskva. (Vl~div-ostok District-Ceramic materials) FI~IXO V.I.,, kapd.geole-mineral.nauk Agalmatolite of bm-yat-HDngo.Ua. Friroia 51 no-53W 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdoniy, petrografii., mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR,, Moskva. (Dlryat-MDngo3.ia-Agalmato3.ite) FINIKOP VIII Sauoonite from the weattering surface of the laroslavskoye tin-ore deposit in the Maritime Territory. Korn vyvetr. no.5: 30-34 163. NIFLA 16:7) 1. Institut geologil radnykh meBtoroohdaniy, petrografii., mineralo ii i geokhimii AN SSSR. f4liaritime Territory--Sauconite-Analynis) (Maritime Territory-Tin orev) iCCESSION NR-. AT4008770 8/2719163/000/095/0049/0055 AUTHOR: F.intko, V.I.-.- T1Tq: Natural resources of the kaolin industry In the USSR SOURCE: AN SSSR. In at. geolp rudn. meatoXozhd., petrogr., mineral. I geokhimiii Trudy*, no. 95, 1963. Prirodn. mineralln. tiapolniteli; ikh resursyk I ispol, zovaniye v promy*shlennosti, no. 2. Issledovaniya v oblasti nemetallich. polezn, iskopayemy*kh, 49-55 TOPIC TAGS: natural resourcq, economic geology, kaolin, kaolin deposit, kaolin industry, kaolin deposit exploitation ABSTRACT: The article describes the genetic, mineralogical, chemical and tech- nological characteristics of kaolin and gives an extensive survey of its occur. rence in the SSSR. Genetically, two basic kaolir~varisties are discerned - pri- mary or residual, resulting from early erosion or hydrotheraml kaolinization, and secondary - a product of redeposition. The SSSR possesses very larie, prac- tically unlimited, kaolin resources of various types, whose geographical dis- tribution is extermely irregular. The nationle basic explored kaolin deposits total 70, out of which 45 are loacted in the Ukraine. Those of greatest impore Card 1/2 1%; m FACCESSION NR: AT4008770 :tance are: Prosyanovskoye in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast; Glukhovetskoye in the Vinnitsa oblast; Vlad'imirskoye and Bogoroditskoye in the Donets oblast; Novo- selitskoye in the Cherkassy* oblast, and Polozhakoye in the Zaporothe oblasto More important In the Russian SFSR are: Tuganskoye In the Tomsk oblast, Ky*-. shty*makoye, Zhuravliniy Log, Chekmakulakoye, and Yeleninskoye in the Chelya- binsk oblast, Dombarovskoye in the Orenburg oblast, and Kluchevskoye in the Sverdlovsk oblast. Angren deposits in the Uzbek SSR are among the nation's largest, while comparatively small deposits are found in the Georgian, -Azerbaijan, Kazakfi and Kirghiz S$Rs. More than 85% of the nation's kaolin is produced in the Ukraine. Approximately two thirds of the nation's current kaolin output is processed for enrichment, and the rest is used in natural form by the ceramic industry. A drastic increase in kaolin planned for the near future. Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut geol, rudno mestorozhd., petrogr*p mineral. i geokhimii AN SSSR (Institute of Ore Site Geologyp Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, AN 883R) SU&[ITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 25Jan64 ZNCL: 00 SUB CODE: HT No REP SOV: 000 0THER: 000 !Card 2/2 FINIKOO V.I. Distribution of rare and rare-earth elements in minerals and effusive rocks. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 29 no.1100-94 N 164. (KCRA 17: 12) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografti, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. FINIKOP- V.I.; KORBKU~Mp V.S.; KOLBIN, M.F. Ancient weathering surfaces in the Maritime Territory. Kora vyvetr. no.6:195-202 163. (MBA 17:9) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniyl petrografii, mineralog'ii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Fintko). 2. Primorskoye geologicheakoye upravleniye, Vladivostok (for ko'renbauz)- 3. Geologioheskiy institut Dallne- Vostophnogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Vladivostok (for Kolbin). 10) T, [OR 3: Sinyaginal 11. Technical Sciences, T I 'I L E Conference on the Territory I.p CandieEte of SOV/6-59-9-17/*19 Pinllro, Ye. A. the Problem "Present Tectonic 'Movements in of the USSR" PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959f Nr 9, PP 71-74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A conference on the problem "Present Tectonic Movements in the Territory of the USSR" took place at the Institut geo- grafii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) in Moscow early in February 1959. At this conference, the results of the work carried out-in 1958 were discussed. This work was carried out by the Teentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geodezii, aeros"yemki i kartagrafii (TsNIIGAiK) (Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, and Cartography), the Institut geografii (Institute of Geography), Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aero- fotosllyemki i kartografii (MIIGAiK)(Moscow Institute of Geo- detic, Aerial Survey, and Cartographic Engineers), and the oceanographic institutes. In the conference were taking part: more than 70 representatives of the institutes of the AS USSR,. Card 1/6 of the Sibirskoy6 otdeleniye PIT SSSR (Siberian Branch of the Conference on the Problem "Present Tectonic SOV/6-59-9-17/19 Movements in the Territory of the USSR" AS USSR), the Academies of Sciences of the Ukraine, Turk- meniya, Eathoniaq of the Bashkirskiy filial A11 SSSR (Bash- kiriya Branch ofthe AS USSR), of the MIIGAiK, the TsNIIGAiK, of the Mosk6vsl:iy geolog6razvedochnyy institut (Moscow Geo- logical Prospeoting Institute), of the Odesskiy gidrometeoro- logicheakiy inatitut,(Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute), the Sveralovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk Poly- technic Institute), th6-.Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii-Arktilci (Scientific Research Institute of Arctic Geology), the''7seso-yuzn-yy-gidrogeologicheakiy treat (All-Union Hydrogeological Trust), the Kiyevskiy universitet (Kiyev Ubi- versity), the Permskiy universitet (Perm' University), and the Sredneaziatskiy universitet (Soviet Central AsiaNUniversity). The conference was opened by Academician I. P. Gerasimov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee. He mentioned the high scientific importance of the first monograph on the present vertical motions of the earth's crustf as well as the Important circumstance of the participation of Poland and Rumania in this research work. He also mentioned the participation of Card 2/6 Yu. A. Meahcheryakov and M. I. Sinyagina iethe International Conference on the Problem "Present Tectonic sov/6-59-9-i7/iq Movements in the Territory of the USSR" Congress of Geodesy and Geophysics in Canada, 1957. S. S. Shullto (Laboratoriya aerometodov AN SSSR (Laboratory of Aeromethods.of the AS USSR)) and N. I. Nikolayev (Moskov- skiy geologorazvedochnyy institut (Moscow Geological Prospect- ing Institute)) delivered a report on the legend and model of the map of modern tectonics (on a scale of I : 2,500,000)9 which is being compiled for the whole territory of the USSR, and on the additional map "Present Tectonics and Seisni.ology". M. I. Sinyagina reported on.the results of work in th6 MIIGAiK in 11958. One of the methods of checking the rate of present tectonic motions in the west of the European part of the USSR was the calculation carried out by F. V. Antohova, Candidate for Diploma at the MIIGAiK, concorning the polygon misclocure in the leveling net of Ist and 2nd order, G. A. Zhelnin, col- laborator of the Institut fiziki I astronornii, AN ESSR (Institute. of Physics and Astronomy of the AS Esthorffan-ASSR) reported on the second leveling in the state leveling net for the purpose of ascertaining the present vertical motions of the earth's crust in the area of Eathonia.- A. K. Pevnev (IIIIGAiK) reparted Card 3/6 on the results of the second leveling in the area of the Conference on the Problem "Present Tectonic SOV/6-59-9-17/19 Movements in the Territory..of the USSR" Baskunchakskiy salt dome (town of Bogdo).- A. P. Bachmanov .(Odesakiy gidrometeoroloeicheskiy institut) spoke on the systematization, evaluation, and analysis of leveling data of different years in the area of Odessa.- S. K. Gorelov and L. Ye. Setunskaya (Institut geografii AN SSSR) reported on the results of application of geological-geomorphological methods.-A. P. Rozhdestvenskiy and Yu. K. Zhurenko (Bashkirskiy filial AN 535H) Presented the results of investigations of present tectonic motions in the territory of Bashkiriya.- 11. V. Dum4irashka, S. L. Kushchev, and D. A. Liliyenberg (Institut geografii AN. SSSR) reported on'the studies of tectonic motions in the Caucasus.- Preliminary results of the geological- geomorphologicnl analysis of data of the second leveling were put forward in brief by the collaborators of the Institut geografii AN SSSR, A. G. Doskach (Kurgan-Irgiz line), Ye. A. Pifilko (Semipalatinsk - Alma-Ata line), and V. A. Fillkin (Barnaul-Semipalatinek line).- V; V. Lomakin (Geologicheakiy institut AN SSSR) teported on the wave-like character of the motion of the earth's crust in the area of Lake Baikal.- Card 416 N. P.-Ladokhin (Geologicheakiy institut Sibirnkogo otdeleniya Conference on the Problem "Present Tectonic SOV/6-59-9-17/19 Movements in the Territory of the USSa" AN SSSR (Geological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the A3 USSR)) described the method of studying the present tectonic movements in the Proval Gulf of Lake Baikal.- Ye. N. Pokrass reported on the investigations of present tee-tonic movements in the Lower Caucasus (Predkavkazlye) and in West Siberia by means of geomorphological methods.- A. T. Donabedov (Kompleks- naya yuzhno!-geologicheakaya ekBpeditsiya (Multiple-purpose South-geological Expedition)) explained the connection between the rate of present vertical motions and the gravitational anomalies.- G. A. Kon1kov (Novocherkasakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute)) pointed - by the example of Donbass - to the possibility of a connection between the coal- and gas discharge, on one band, and the present tectonic movements and stresses, on the other hand. N. I. Nikolayev (MGRI) spoke -On the Nature of Present Tec- tonic Movements and on the gethod of Studying Them in the Technical Activity of Man".--Yue A. ?Aeshcheryakov (Institut geografti AN SSSR) described the present state of knowledge' concerning secular motions, A. V. Zhivago (Institut geografii Card 5/6 AN SSSH) pointed to the necessity of considering the eustatic Conference on the Problem "Present Tectonic SOV16-59-9-17119 Movements in the Territory,of the USSR" variations*- A'@ I* Durnev (MIIGAiK) spoke in favor of an extended investigation of this problem.- A. A. Izotov spoke on the critical judgment of data of the second leveling, V. Yu. Skullskiy (Sverdlovskiy universitet) analyzed the map of present tectonic movements in the'Ural.- Yu. A. Skvortsov (Srodneaziatakiy universitet) pointed to the great possibilities of applying avromethods to the analysis of present movements.- The Conferenob*decided to publish the monograph "Present Tec- tonic Movements in the Territory of the USSR". The next con- fere~3ce is planned for 1961. Card 616 FINIKO, Ye.A. cal structure and ne0tectonics of the northeastern border- GoomorpholoZi eplain. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. 009. no.1:117- land of tho Kazakhstan pen ~VILIRA 14:2) 123 Ja-F 161. 1. Institut geografii Ali SSSFL- (Kazakhstan-Geologyt Structural) /Oo6jO5,do6'v eate 125 -re 1962, y.0-CII tkie 69 seta, v0, 0, ,Le - 40- agi. JIZIIB 9 I y.0 00-4 eOe Ge, - it, 119 .VCtOD te 96,,, tee. 5y~ 1091 te t X-N t-co .1-ce jk, NG %A50 ~55 t~:a , e' ...ops rfo~l tv%~ 0 ,10109, v99-18, o-C'9 er, co,-A tyke SO j41,00 - e& 0rte I 0 to .6jorZ joGiO86 vePe3-- 0106 vive ~e-CO- . 60 VeO ou Ve e I Ve "Tao" -Yyv q el~ps tre aT4 -re4 O"Os :~ le ~~e, to toal te%x "935, e116 9~-Ul Oe 4e e -Ceipea Cete a jSv sjj~ 0~ a. ,tev'P Oe ey~e,D t 0 ,;alts -,~e-re ip geTfo ooD'f cte& ""!t)N 5 -re %40- 06 Cr_oVaA tjolla Yas 'tX011, of 1". ,& %40,5 t ya je*4C ~ejd, 'CC ro ve les .33"CO, 19 osr-, Ot V JOS & ,jer ~tvte ocess Ve -geo e-Ce C)~~t ,Oe jel elVavy-" , e-C -"Ds .4e ttle 'I, Oa ,,~,,,e Ste. 0 be e vael 0 OV O-Ca- 06V IC'st 00..Cyv- O&N4 60"1) ,,,te 0 ted6 'of joe S Te loco, eos IN cot%*- Recent tectonic movements... 3/035/62/000/006/05P-/064 A001/A101 nature. Data on shifts of these marks were not utilized for charactorizing the recent tectonic movements. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of geo-, detic and geologic-geomorphological materials, the conclusion is drawn that the recent vertical movements of the Earth's crust determined from the data of re- peated leveling along the Semipalatinsk - Alma-Ata line are regularly connected with the geologic structure, morphological structure and in particular with the latest (Holocene) movements. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] V. Sinyagina C ard 2/2' BETUNSKAYA, L#Yee; FIN1909, re,Av The Third Interdepartmental'Conference on the Study of the Recent Tectonic Movements,'of the Earth's Crust. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog.' no.2:145-~148 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Geologyj Structural-Gongresses) a' LILI7ENMG, D.1 ; FINIED Te*Ae Tectomica of the activated smom of the oft-thOo crust. IwoIN * . SWR. Ser.geog. mg.6i232-134 114 162o (MMA l5tl2) . I (emlogy, Structural-Congregoes). SRMSKAYA# L.Ye.; FINIKO Ye.A. jL~ Third InteMepartmental Conforonce on Rectnt Crustal Tectonic Movements. Geofiz.biul. no.litIO3-108 162. (min 16:5) (itarth-Surfact) (Geology, Structural) 0