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AUTHOR: Finkellp M.Ya. TITLE: On the'Paper by I'.G.Antypko and G,P'.Zhbannikoval "On the Temperature *of Gas After Primary Coolers" (K statlye Antypko i G.P~.Zbbannikovoy 110 temperature gaza posle pervichnykh kholodilinikov") PERIODICAL: Koks i-Khimiya, 1957, Nr 10, Pp.63-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the original paper, published in Koks i Xhimiya, 1957, Nr 21 an increase of the temperature of gas leaving primary coolers was proposed. The author points out that such a measure, which gives only insignificant advantagesp is detrimental to the operating condition of the whole by-product plant and therefore cannot be recommended. zt~(". n ' ASSOCIATION: UKhIN. Atc'-- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 YIM~~klj' _rV6.j prinimali uchaotiyeg SIMVCHENKO, A.I.; KAUFHLN, A.S., _yt' [deceased] ; STEPANNIKO, V.S.; FMROV, H.I.; PAVIOVA, N.Y.; AYZEMMR , L.G.; FAYMOLID, S.G.; LITVINOVA, K.I.; VASLYAYN, G.P.; STICTSIZO. Ye.Ya.; LITYINDVA, O-Yu.; USTINDVA, A.G. Improvement of the saturation process in the production of -monium sulfate. Kokq i Ichim. no-7:43-46 16o. 04IRA 13:7) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimichaWy institut (for Finkel 1)3. 2. Yasinovskiy kokookhimichpokiy zavod (for Vaslyayey 3. Giprokoko (for Ustinova), (Ammonium Pulfate) FINULL-A-U,j TOLOCHKO, A.I.; NEDIWED, R.I. Improve the quality of ammonium iulfate, Standartizataiia 25 no.11:38 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) . (Armionium sulfate) --FIMKEL I -M.YA- Problem of the purification of coke gas with electric filters. Koks.i khim. no.2:33-31+ 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Ukrainskiy uglelrbimicheskiy institut. (coke-oven gas) (Electric filters) "M LI, M.Ya, -Elm JL- Modernization of the technological procedures in ammonium sulfate producing sections. Koks i khim. no.12s33-36 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Ukrainakiy uglekbimicheakiy institut. (Coke industry-By-~roducts) (Ammonium sulfate) I- r~i , r- - CHERNTSHRYA. K.N., FINKEL Affections of the nervous system in A2 influenza, Vrach.delo no*51457-459 NY 158 (MIRA Ils7) 1, Kafedra nervnykh bOlft2ney (way, - prof, A.S, Pentalk) Rishokogo meditsinskogo instituta I pervaya Rishakaya kllnicheskgya bollnitsat (NERVOUS SYSTEM--DISIASTS) (INFIZENZA) ZHUKOVA, M.P.,; FINKELIP R.N.; SHKLOVSKAYA, I.G.; ASEYEVA, N.P.; ,5BREUNIKOVA, S.F. Errors in the determination of the activity of minor forms Of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 42 no.12:33-36 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. ~bskovskiy nauc'hno-isaledovatellskiy institut tubarkuleza (direktor - T,P.Mochalova; zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D.Aseyev) Ministerstva zdravookhrA?ioniya RSFSR i protivotuberkuleznyy dispanser Ur. 16 (glavnyy vrach P.A. Zallmunin)v Moskva. -tl W- R N -r. *Ff 4TO 49:!m4p eXINA0 MtWrdA ig L 7037-65 F' U (MMEM) (k)A'4'P(q01W(b) Pf-4 ACCEMICU FR: AVt03652( A.=WL/ASD(f)/RAEM(-,) JD,,,fHW/JG S/OL,89/G4/016/005/0426/0432 AUTHCHi Ammenko, V. lie," Arlym-hao V. M Cyr, V. Te#; 1=1widy, -Qt F. Finke-V. Vs A. TITIE: Deformatica anti ftilum of rolled berylUan of differlmt purity SOME: Atammya enere-,tm, v. 16, no. 5.* 19641 426-432 TOPIC TM beryllitm,- bery3liun defomati'm, beryllitn failure, beryllium strength. camiercial beryllitm, high purl ty beryll-itm, precipitation hardening ABSMACT: The authors investlgabft-d the plastic defem-aticE, and the type cET fai lure in 99.0 U-11d 99.'Vp pUre bexyllim strip at teriperaturea varying frcm 20 to SOO C. The specimens were prepared bybactam diotillatim and magnesiun re- duction follave(I by roELimg in a vecuun1m All at a residual pressure e,-f io-5 ag and approximately Of the sPecimens ww 85 to 303',- Purity c0ntrol waP carried out by residual resistivity meastu-ca-enta. The ;,uthors found 'bat the basic mechaniam of plastie deformation var, a aup in the (10-10) U,~o 8Y-tf!m- Failm-- occurred either alaig cleavage plaziev at iaw t-e-z -rf-;tw-- Pe or ELI -i:, s-Xain boundaries at elsvated nemiperatures. EnjAultite coaaidembIj af- Card 1/2 L 7037-65 A ACC=IOU IIR: AP4036527 fecteed the magnitude of plotic deformatica as well as the charaaater of faillure" The yieIA point ocC the hieb lKwity specimens was much lawt-r within the im-estl- gated te=tperattwe range tImi that of 99.0% pure metal. Ccmercially rgare metal -M~; a-CtUallj found to be a. precipitation-hardened a.LIW. The tendency tawar~ls Luver plaiticity In polycrytitaIline haryLUun- ww also established by yUier in- vestigratorn ar. the amcxmt cd' impurities vw increased. The authors emrhazize that they have not experimerte,4 vith tmximum-p;.rity spe-cim-e-us Emd that it va~, 11,0:7flibil'! t0 IfrOdUCb 99.9% pt,berylLtum hwring an electric M.-istIvIty Of- w- Rcvc*vc~r, the projertien of this highV ne--aim to be Orig~ art- hao: 5 figures and 2 tables. A~S,:,ICIATIIi; acne StSKIP=-, , 2WeaO ENCT.: 00 CME - P24 M.-T.", 39,o 009 OMER - 008 Card 2/2 "" gf~ -3, M PM,13~- F13,39 PA.PIROVO I.I.j TIKHINSKIYI G.Fa; FINRLI; V.A. Hardening of Be-Ni alloyo, Fiz, met. i metalloved. 17 no,41 613-61/+ 1p 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. 41 WN -4-10/26 -AUTHORS: Palatnik, L.S. qE ~Fin~kel SOV/70-3 TITLE: On Certain Regularities in the Structures of Triple ]Metallic Compounds (0 nekotorykh zakonomernostyakh, v strukturak.h troynvkh metallicheskikh soyedineniy)' PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, hr 4, pp 467-472 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Analysis of the data published on triple intermetallic compounds shows that the basic regularities established for two-component phases continue to apply to three- component phases. As a rule, two metals have similar values of atomic radii in a three-component system (Cu and Au or Fe and Ni, etc.). For interstitial phases this need not be so and a third metal can be interstitial in an alloy of two others. Aumerous regularities (standard types of structures) are observed but there are some alloys which cannot be fitted in. These are characterised by a high Al content and extremely various structure. They are, for example, Mg 3Cr2A1181 Cr4Si4All3l O-Cu2lbAl?, 11i4MnllAl6O The main regular classes are: uard 1/2 SOV/70-3-4-10/26 On Certain Regularities in the Structures of Triple Metallic Compounds 1) Triple electron compounds with electron concentrations of 3/2. 1 2~ Triple interstitial phases. (23 examples quoted). 3 Laves phases, NiAs structures and Sigma phases. There are 4tables and 50 references, 17 of which are Soviet, 1-5 English, 6 German and 12 Scandinavian. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gorlkogo (4harlkov State Univ6rsity.imeni A.M.'Gorlkiy) SUBKMD: January 22, 1958 Card 2/2 p'7 gf, 3 ~ft' I IRA SRI'. 1110 8,1111v-0 I-B+",~--R-e it; I I I I i FT WWI aA4-V-t tumL rfx NO, mg a gm SRI VA m AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/126/60/010/005/023/030 E111/E452 Ivantsov,-I,G,,_Finkell,_V.A. and_Amonenko, Influence of Carb Ion6on- the Phase Composition of an Austenitic/\Fe-Cr-Ni',Jase Alloy I "I i me allovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.5, Fizika metallov PP-780-782 TEXT: The object of the present work was to elucidate the influence of carbon on the phase composition of austenit1c steels as exemplified by high-vacuum melted alloys after different heat treatments in air. The range of composition covered N) was: 0.02 to 0.2 C, 22.0 Cr, 25.0 Nit 7-0 W, 2.0 Mot 2.0 Co. 2.6 Tit 0.05 B, 0.15 Alt remainder Fe. The phase composition of electrolytically obtained residues was determined by the X-ray method (Ref.5 to 9), solution being effected over several hours at 0.05 to 0.06 A/cm2 and 12 to 15 V in a solution of 10 g each of ammonium sulphate and citric acid in 1200 ml water. The results (Tables I and 2) for alloys hardened from 1200 with and without subsequent ageing at 8OO*C show a substantial effect of carbon on phase transformations. During ageing, the chromium carbide found after hardening changes into a form which is more stable at heat- Card 1/2 V.M. S/126/60/010/005/023/030 EIII/E452 Influence of Carbon on the Phase Composition of an Austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni Base Alloy treatment temperatures. There were no TiC lines in X-ray diffraction patterns from aged specimens, probably because of excess of other secondary phases in the residue. The temperature threshold for the sigma-phase is below 9500C and the concentration "Threshold" is about 0.035%. If alloying elements enter appreciably Into the Intermetallic compounds, they leave the solid solution and the solubility of carbon rises. The mechanism of sigma-phase formation during ageing at 8000C is more likely to be directly from austenite and not in association with chromium- carbide formation. V.S.Kozan ma e valuable comments on this work. There are 2 tables and 13 references: 7 Soviet and 6 Non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physical-Technical Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 27, 1960 Card 2/2 20791 lWb?L,01~j a01 S/181/61/003/003./017/030 B102/B205 AUTHORS: Amonenko, V. M.t Tikhinskiy, G. F., Finkel', V. A., Azhazha, V. M., Shpagin, I. V. TITLE: Plastic deformation of textured beryllium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 3, 19611 796-802 TEXT: Single crystals of beryllium show highly anisotropic mechanical properties on account of their hexagonal crystal structure. A study has now been made of the mechanical properties of high-purity beryllium foils. For this purpose, thin textured Be foils of high purity (99.987% without taking hydrogen into account) were prepared_by condensaticn of beryllium vapor on molybdenum sheet in a vacuum of 1.10 6 mm Hg. The rate of evaporation was 0.2 g/cm2-hr, the condensation temperature was 300-3200C, and the tempera- ture of heat treatment was 7000C for one hr. These conditions were the same for all specimens. The purity was checked by a determination of the resist- ivity ratio: R 4.20K/R2930K - 9-10-3 _ 1.5.10-2. The grain size varied from 8 to 15 p, the foils had a thickness of 170-300 p, and the density was Card 1/5 Plastic deformation ... 20791 S/181/61/003/003/017/030 B102/B205 1.831 91CM3. The texture was studied by X-ray analysis using a tube de- signed by B. Ya. Pines and V. S. Xogan. Two different textures (I and II) were studied. Texture I of the Be foil showed no relationship with that of the molybdenum backing which had been oarbidized. The X-ray diagrams showed no (002) linep i.e., an axi symmetric texture with the axis rootl (perpendicular to the surface of the foil) could be assumed. Texture II showed "interaction" of the condensate of hexagonal beryllium with the backing(body-centered cubic Mo) with the texture (100) [0111 . on account of this "interaction", the basalplane (002) was orientated at an angle of 450 toward the surface of the foill, which resulted in a shift of the inter- ference points. The plastic defo!rmation (rate: 1% per min) was studied at 20-80000. The temperature'waiis measured by means of a Pt-PtRh thermo- couple (accuracy: +20). The specimens had a size of 50 x4 x(0-17-0.3) mm. Three kinds of specimens with different directions of the texture relative to the direction of expansion were studied. Type T: The basal plane coincided with the plane of the specimen. The temperature dependence of the breaking point a b of the longitudinal expansion 6 and of the lateral contraction T was measured (Fig- 4). The maximum value of a b at room tem- Card 2/5 20791 S/18 61/003/003/017/030 Plastic deformation ... B102YB205 perature was 43 kg/mm2. 6 increased monotonically from 14% at room temper- ature to 77% at 6000C. These specimens showed a three-dimensional plastici- ty. X-ray analysis disclosed effects of prismatic sliding in the entire range of temperatures (20-8000C). Type II: The basal plane formed an angle of 450 with the plane of the specimen. It showed practically the same temperature dependence of ab; at room temperature ab - 44 kglmm2 and 6 - 18.% (somewhat higher than in the case of I). These specimens exhibited a two- dimensional plasticity. The temperature-dependent variations in width and thickness are illustrated in Fig- 5. The two types show different ru ture. Type III: The same texture as II but expansion in the direction E610T. These specimens showed a particularly low strength; at room temperature, there is practically no longitudinal expansion. X-ray diagrams showed no variations. Only at 2000C they showed an insignificant shift of the intensi- ty maxima. Maximum 6 appeared at 5500C (26.5~). The behavior of these specimens on expansion in one direction perpendicular to the plane of a prism of type II is similar to Be single crystals. I. A. Gindin and V. S. Kogan are thanked for a discussion. There are 6 figures and 16 references: 11 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/5 8/18 06719~03/003/017/030 J Plastic deformation ... B102~%205 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR Kharikov (Institute of Physics and Technology, AS UkrSSR, Kharlkov) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1960 Legend to Figs: 1 - 1, 2 - 11, 3 - III (type of texture); a) change in width, b) change in thickness. Card 4/5 2909115s-s', IHIV 25917 S/126/61/012/001/009/020 ------ E021/z4o6 AUTHORS: Amonenko, V.m., Papirov, I.I., Tikhinskiy, G.F. and Finkel', V.A. Orientated'growth of beryllium precipitates on oriented TITLEt and on isotropic bases PERIODICAL; Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.129 No.1, PP-73-77 TEXT: The Plasticity of beryllium can be increased by preparing it with a preferred orientation. A preferred orientation can sometimes be obtained by condensing the metal onto a base with a preferred orientation or by changing the angle between the direction of the molecular stream and the normal to the base. In the present work, the structure of beryllium precipitates prepared by the condensation of vapour in vacuo on a textured base of various metals, and also the variation of structure with the angle of inclination of the molecular stream to the bass, were investigated, The-method of precipitation used was described earlier (Ref.10t Fmm, ig6o, lo, 4, 581). Beryllium of 99-987% purityAdiscounting oxygen) was vaporized in a resistance furnace with a BeO crucible. The rate of evaporation was about 0.2 g/cm2 hr, the condensation Card 1/5 6 25917 S/126/61/012/001/009/020 Orientated growth of beryllium ... E021/E4o6 surface temperature 300 to 350*C. The precipitate was annealed for 1 hour at 700 to 7 00C, Precipitation was carried out in a vacuum of (1- 5) x 10-2 mm HS. Rolled sheets of Mo, Ta, Ni, Cu, Ti and armco Fe were used an a base. The texture of the bbndensed beryllium was investigated by X-ray methods. Some of the photographs obtained are shown in the paper (of a layer condensed on a molybdenum base, on nickel. and on an amorphous bass). Fig.2 shows the orientation of the crystals on the same bases. The results are given in the table. Epitaxial growth was observed in several cases with precipitates up to 500 -o thick. The best plastic properties of beryllium were obtained by condensation in the (2111 direction on a molybdenum base, and on a neutral baBe. The orientation of beryllium condensed on a nickel base is unfavourable for plastic deformation. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 16 references: 9 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows: Newman R.C. Proc.Phys.Soc., 1956, B69, (4), 432; James J.A. Trans. Faraday Soc., 1955, 51, 8331 Finch G.I., Sun C.H. Trans. Faraday Soc., 1936, 32, 8521 Burgers W#Gof Dippel C. J.Physica, 19341 19 549. Card 2/5 mn 50 'T" .11: UUM 25917 S/126/61/0.12/001/009/020 Orientated growth of beryllium E021/E406 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS,UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: November 9, 1960 (initially) January 11, 1961 (after revipion) Card 315 -WHER-1, Wi AM, NNW S/126/61/012/005/023/028 E040/E435 AUTHORS3 Vasytitinskiy.. B-M,, Kartmazov, G.N.,, Finkel2, V.A. TITLE: The structure of chromium in the temperature range of 700 - 1700"C PERIODICAL2 Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, -~12, no-5, 1961, 771-773 TEXT. Previous investigations of the crystalline structure of Ni-,Cr alloys in the temperature range of 1840 to 19300C indicated the presence of a cubic, face-centred P-phase of chromium and the possibility was suggested that chromium exists in five allotropic modifications. To verify these assumptions, a study was made of the crystalline structure of 80 x 10 x-.2 mm chromium specimens with a purity of 99,94%. The examination was made i~ a high-temperature X-ray camera, which was first evacuated to 10- mm HS and then filled in with argon to the pressure of 300 mm Hg. The specimen was heated by passing through �t electrip, current (up to 600 A). The examination was made in Cr anticatho&5 radiation at a specimen-film distance of 60 mm, which ensured good resolution of the a-doublet and enabled an accurate determination of the lattice~parameter, The experimental Card 1/4 S/126/61/012/005/023/028 The structure of --hromium ... B040/E435 set-up was designed to facilitate reflettion from the (211) plane of the body-centred chromium in the whole Interval of the test temperatures. The experimental results are shown in Fig.1 and 2. V/ The results shown in Fig.1 indicate the absence of any polymorphi-- transformations in pure chromium within the temperature range Investigated, There are 2 figures and 14 references; 11 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-blot. The three references to English language publications read as follows4 Ref.12 Bloom D.S., Grant N.J. J. Metals, V.3 (11), 1951, 1009; Ref.23 Abrahamson E., Grant N.J. J. Metals, v.8, 1956~ 975; Ref.3% Stein C., Grant N.J. J. Metals, v."I, 1955~ 127~ ASSOCIATIONg Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED3 April 19, 1961 Card 2/4 ~00 ?- / 0,0 AUTHORS: Amonenko, V.M., Ivanov, Finkel', V.A.., Shpagin, 33453 S/126/61/012/oo6/olO/023 E021/E435 V.Ye., Tikhinskiy, G.F., I.V. TITLE: The high temperature polymorphism of beryllium PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.12, no.6, 1961, 865-872 TEXT: Measurements of the electrical conductivity of beryllium were carried out on specimens in the form of plates about 0.3 mm thick, prepared by condens ng beryllium vapour on molybdenum sheet at 3000C and 2 x 10-~ mm Hg pressure. The beryllium was of purity 99.96 to 99.97% (total metallic impurities 0.01%, oxygen content 0.01% and carbon content less than 0.02%). The density of the beryllium was 1833 g/cm3. The plates had axial symmetry with the '[0011 axis perpendicular to the surface. Electric resistance measurements were carried out in the range VIK 18 to 128oOc, in an atmosphere of purified helium above 900*C. Fig.1 shows the relation between temperature and relative electrical resistance of beryllium. Curve 1 is for 99.97% beryllium and shows a continuous smooth increase with increase in Card 1/3 33453 - S/126/61/012/oo6/010/023 The high temperature ... E021/E435 temperature. Curve 2 is for 98% beryllium. This shows the effect of impurities in the region 2oo to 8oo0c. Curve 3 is for 99.97% beryllium after 10% deformation and annealing at 9000C for l..5 11, and shows the effect of residual stresses which are difficult to eliminate. At 1254 + 5*C the electrical resistance increases rapidly, due to a polymorphic transformation. Samples similar to those used for electrical resistance measurements but no less than 0.5 mm thick were investigated by X-ray analysis. The results showed that there was a transformation at 1254 + 50C from the hexagonal a-Be lattice to the body-centred cubic P-Be lattice with the parameter a = 2.5464 kX. The transformation was accompanied by a decrease in specific volume. Acknowledgments are expressed to M.I.Kaganov and V.S.Kogan for discussions and to S.F.Kovtun for supplying the vanadium used in the anodes. There are 7 figures and 18 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.4: Kaufmann A.R., Gordon P., Lillie D.W. Trans. ASM, v.42, 1950, 785. Ref.6: Sidchu S.S., Henry C.O. J. Appl. Phys., v.21, (10), 1950, Card 2/3 33453 S/126/61/012/oo6/010/023 The high.temperature ... E021/E435 1036; Ref-7: Seybolt A., Lukesh I., White D. J. Appl. Phys., v-22, 1951, 986; Ref.11i Martin A.J., Moore A.J. Less-Common Met., V.1, (2), 1959, 85. ASSOCIATION: Fizikortekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (physicotechnical Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 19, 1961 Fig.l. Card 3/3 Ro 6 41 21 LX a PDO 400 500 8m /wo ge S/185/62/007/006/010/014 D407/D301 AUTHORS: Vasyutynslkyy, B. Mo, Kartmazov, H. M. and Pinkell, V.O. TITLE: X-ray investigations of the structure of tantalum up to 27000C PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 6, 1962, 661-662 TEXT: In the present investigation, the temperature range is ex- tended beyond 220000. The specimens were made of tantalum wool, 0.3 mm thick. The metal was annealed in a vacuum at 22000C so as to remove gaseous impurities. The X-ray analysis was carried out in-a high-temperature X-ray chamber in a vacuum of 1-3-10-4 mm Hg. The specimens were heated by an electric current. Only the tantalum line was observed over the entire temperature range; the ~arame- Llers of the body-centered cubic lattice vary smoothly with tempera- L.ure. This indicates the absence of phase transitions in tantalum. --The temperature dependence of the lattice parameters of tantalum Card 112 S/18 62/007/006/010/014 X-ray investigations D407y,)301 can be expressed by the empirical formula a -5T+0.8660.10-BT2 TOC ~ (3-3017 + 1.4142-10 kX. The coefficient of linear expansion was calculated by'an approxi- mate formula. The temperature dependence of the coefficient of li- near expansion is shown in a fig6ie. At temperatures above 20000C the lattice parameter varies almost linearly with temperature, whereas the coefficient of linear!expanBion remains practically un- changed. There are 2 figures. Thejmost important English-language reference reads as follows: J. W.8dwards, R. Speiser, H. L. John- Appl. Phys., 222'.' .son, J. .424, 1951. ASSOCIATION:, Fizyko-tekhilichnyy instytut A1N UkrRSR, Kharkiv (Physi- cotechnica~r--Institute of the AS UkrRSR, Kharkiv) SUBMITTED: ;Februar il''1962 Y. Card 2/2 S/126/62/013/006/013/018 E021/E192 AUTHORS; Amonenko, V.M., Papirov, I.I., Tikhinskiy, G.F., and Finkel', V.A. TITLE: Investigation of whisker crystals of beryllium.* 1. Preparation of whisker crystals and determination of their orientation. PERIODICAL; Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13', no.6, 1962, 928-930 TEXT: Single crystal beryllium whiskers were prepared by evaporation in vacuo and condensation of the vapour on a cylindrical column of molybdenum sheet. Distilled of purity 99.99% (neglecting exygen and carbon) was Used. The vaporising temperatures were 1365-16oo OC and'the condensing temperatures 770-950 *C. The rate of evaporation variqd from 0.4 to 0.9 g/cm2.hour and the rate of growth of the whiskers from 0.01 to-0.07 g/cm~-.hour- The majority of the crystals had a diameter of several tenths of a micron and a length of several millImetires. X-ray investigations (by rotating the sample in the D-S camera) showed that the whiskers were single crystals. Card 1/2 S/126/62/013/006/013/018 Investigation of whisker crystals E021/E192 There was some splitting of reflections indicating plastic deformation in the process of removal from the condensate. The dire'ctions of growth of the crystals investigated were E,221], ~3313, and C111]. Thus the growth does not occur in the direction of closest packing. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physicotechnical Institute, AS Ukr.SSR) SUBMITTED: December 2, 1961 Card 2/2 S~?A'/6'2/014/001/012/018 E193/E383 AUTHORS: Amonenko, V.M., Ivanov, V.Ye., Tikhinskiy, G.F. and Finkel.' , V.A. TITLE: On the problem of the solubility of impurities'in beryllium PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye,'v. 14,,no. 1, 1962, 128 - 130 T=-': Data on the solid solubility of nonmetallic itpurities (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) in beryllium are scarce and sometimes contradictory. This prompted the present authors to study this problem by comparing the temperature-dependence of the-lattice parameters of high-purity be'rylfium with that of beryllium containing-nonmetallic impurities in quantities sufficient to ensure the formation of saturated solid solutions. These relationships are demonstrated in Fige 11 where the magmitude (kX) of a '(lefthand scal8) and c (righthand scale) is plotted against the temperature ( C), the broken and continiious curves relating, respectively, to specimens containing 0.40.10 impurities (mainly C and 0) and 99.98% pure beryllium, Card 1/4 s/126/62/014/001/012/018 On the problem of .... E193/E383 the dotted liiies representing data obtained by Martin and Moore ( Less-Com. Metals, 1959, 1, no. 2 85~ for commercial- grade metal. The solubility limit at 1 ~00 C was evaluated in the following manner: experimental data on the degree of lattice distortion (,ac, IcX/1 at,%) of Ti and Zr due to dissolution of oxygen (C.F. Domogola, D.J. McPherson- J. Metals,. 1954, 61 21 238; E.S. Bumps, H.D. Kessler, 11. HunsLen - Trans '. ASINI, 1953, 45, 1008) were plotted against the reciprocal of the volume of the elementary cells of these metals (i.e. against the value characterizing the size of the interstitial pores);' on linear extrapolation of this graph to the reciprocal of the volume and elementary cell of Be, the magnitude of Lc = 0.02 lall at.-,'O',was obtained, which corresponded to the total solubility of interstitial impurities equalling I to 1-50"0. This value, although evidently too high owing to inaccuracy of extrapalAtion and inability to take into account tho incroAno in the thermal-expansion coefficient due to distortio_n of the, vibration spectrum of the lattice by the impurity atoms,.is not in contradiction to the value of 0-3% obtained by metallographic analysis (J. Greenspan. TID - 7526 (part 1), 1957 (quoted Card 2/ 1 03 S/126/62/olVool/m/W. On the problem of .... E193/E383 according to G.R. Darvin, I.H. Budery - "Beryllium", London, 1960, p.'291)). There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: Deo'ember 2, 1961 Card 3/6 VASYUTIMK3Y, B.M.; KARTYAZOV, G.N.; FINMI, V.A- Obtaining filiform crystals of chromium. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 14 no.5:792-793 1 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. FJziko-tekhnicheakiv, institut AN TTkrSSR. (Chromium) (Crystallization) AMONMOO VA; IVANOVt V-Ys.; TIKHINSKIrj~r,.F.; nNKEL1 V:A X-ray study of the solubility of. impurit4~les in beryllim. Fizo '3) met.1, metallovedo + 'no.6t852-856'D 1629/ (KMk 1622) 1, Fiziko-tikhnicheskiy institut AN Ukr6SR. .(Beryllium-Inclusiono) (I rays-Industrial app3ications) FINKELIP V.M.; ZRAYCHENKO, V.A.; DEYASHKINA, T.K. Chariacteriatics of cementite decomposition in hypereutectoid steel. Izv. "vys. itcheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no,10:95-100 163. (NMA 16:12) 1. Sibirskiv wtallurgicheskiy institut. FINFELIP V.M.; BEREZOVSKIY, V.N.; ZRAYCHENKOp V.A. Elastic and plastic deformation of transformer steel. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.1 chern. met. 6 no.12:126-132 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1, Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. AID Kr. 983-1 5 June STRUCTURE OF TANTALUM AT HIGH TE MPERATURES. (USSR) Amonenko, V. M. , B. M. Vasyntinskiy, G. N. Kartmazov, Yu. N. Smirnov, and V. A. Finkel'. Fizika metallov i.metallovede*niye, v. 15, no. 3, Mar 196-3,744 T- 4-4 9. S/126 / 63 /015/003 /016 /025 The Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR, has studied the structure of Ta at 20 to 2600*C and the effect of vacuum heat treatment on the structure and properties. X-ray diffraction patterns obtained with a high- temperature x-ray camera in a vacuum of 3-10-5 mm Hg showed that the body- centered cubic structure of Ta remains unchanged at all temperatures tested. Th~ lattice parameter a. increases from -3. 3030 kX at 20*C to 3. 3750 kX at 2600*C. 'Ihe coefficient of thermal expansion was calculated from "a."' An- nealing in a vacuum of 3.10-5 to 1-10-3 mm Hg at temperatures up to 22000C was found to increase "a" and microhardness. Curves of these two param- eters versus temperature show maximA under all conditions tested; their magnitu de increases with increasing pressure. With a constant annealing Cara 1/2 1_1SN231VT.`i- .1 Oil AID Nr- 983-1 5 June STRUCTURE OF TAMLM4 [Cont'd) S/126/63/015/00.3/016/025 time of 10 min these ma3dma occur at 16000 to 1800*C under all pressures tested. With prolonged annealing the ma3dma are shifted toward lower temperatures, occurring at '1500-1600*C with annealing for 6 hrs. Poth phenomena are at- tributed to gas absorptio4 by the Ta. X-ray diffraction patterns of a specimen annealed for 15 hrs showed the lines of two high -temperature modifications of Ta2Q5 at 1460 to 1490*C and 1500 to 1540*Q,' [ND) Card 2/2 S/126/63/015/003/018jO25 E193/F,183 AUTHORS:. papir'6v 101.1 Tikhinskiy G.F., and Finkel' V.A.. TITLE: Diffusionless phase transformations in the Be at.% nickel alloy PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov' i metallovedeniyej V.15% no-3, 1963. 462-465- TEXT: X-ray diffraction analysis, metallographic examination and microhardness mea'silrements-were used to study the phase transformation taking 'place in the Be 8 at. nickel alloy at F fast rates'of cooling., The'tests id were carried out either on sol test pieces quenched:in various media from the p-phase range, or, Oil specimens obtained by qielting athin.strip by a current pulse and cooling the resultant droplets in nitrogen; the partic-le size. of the droplets varled.'from a few microns to I - 2-mm. c onclusions. 1) The diffusionless decomposition ofthe p-phase C cannot be completely..siuppressed by quenchimg in water or other liquid media, at room 1;emperature. 2) Rapid cooling of small droplets of the molten 'alloy coming in contact with a copper plate. at -196 *C results~ in, the!alloy undergoing diffusionless a -Card -- 1/2, rz~ - - - s/126/63/oi5/oo3/ol8/O25 Diffusionless'phase transformation. E193/E.183 accompartied by a considerable increase in hardness. 3).The metastable solid solution formed by ultra-rapid,cooling is decomposed by 2 hours'-,.t MreaItment at 6oO *c; the transformation is accompanied by the precipitation intermetallic compound Be Ni 4) Specimens' 'with various structures wore found to have t 2-1 5* the following microhar.dness,-(kX/mm a-sblid solution of nickel,~~ ~-in Be atmthe equilibr:Lum.concentration (at room.temperature), 373 383; Y-phase (Be Ni ), 1214 - 1290; the 'eutectoid before 21 5 quenching,.,635 -.716;::(x-solid solution of Ni and Be after quenching, 946 1008;~ an alloy quenched and aged,for 2 hours at 6oo cc, 635, - 716-- There are -2 figures axkd~-.l table.. ASSOCIATION,. Fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institut, AN USSR (Physico-technical Institute, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: Auguat 9, :1962 ('in it ia, 11y) 62 -(aft vision). September 15# .19 er re Car4i 2/2 SHIRNOV, Yu.N.; FIMLIJ V.A. at 40-725'G. Fiz. met. i x-ray study of a chromium structurO (MM 16%12) metalloved. 16 no-4:637 0 163. 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4034060 8/0126/64/017/004/0613/0614 AUTHORSt 'Papirov, 1. L; Tikhinekiyj G. F.; Finkel', V. A. .TITLEt On the problem of hardening of Be Ni alloy SOURCEt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyep ve 17P no* 4P 1964j 613-614 TOPIC TAGS% hardening, annealing, beryllium, niokelp radiographic apparatua RKD 57P .,alpha beryllium line, beta beryllium line# hypoeuteotic alloy :ABSTBACTs The purpose of this work was to study the hardening process in Be-Ni alloy at high rates of cooling. Minute specimens produced by contact ara discharges rwere cooled on the inside walle.of a copper container of 60-mm diameter, rotating at ,a. speed of 2500 rpm. Hardening of the speoimene took place over a thickness of I ;10 JA, with the cooling rate of 106 degrees/sea. Radiographic analysis was per- Jormed with an equipment of the type RKD-57- -The radiogram of the hardened speci- men was to be characterized by the absence of the OC-Be line and the change in .relative intensity of the line of the Y phases but the absence of the C(-Be line I was observed only in -the smallebt specimens constituting about 25~ of the total number. Tempering was done at temperatures of 100-400C and the exposure time at these temperatures houro Radiogram of.speoimens tempered'at temperatures .Card 1/2 ;ACGESSION NRs AP4034060 ~below 300C could not be distinguished from those or hardened speoimenep but rMU10- g:VaMG or*speoimene tempered at above 340C showed (K-Be lines. Hardening of pure 0 and of intermetallio compounds did not cause any change in the form of the ra4io- gram. Experiments with hypoeutectio alloys with 5-20~ Ni contained the ~X-Be lineol, Orig. art. basi I photographs iSSOCIATIONs Pisiko-telchnickeskiy inatitut, AN SSSR (Phyeico-teohnical Institute# AN SSSR) - 6MMITTEDs O1Aug63 CLS 00 so CODEI A( NO RV SOTI 001 r r Card 2/2 8/0056/64/047/00i/~Z7ii 79 ACCESSION MRS AP4043619 '.AUTHORS SmirnoV, YU- N-1 Fink0l', V- A- TITLEt Crystalline structure of chromium at 113--373K SOURCE# Zh. eksper. i teor. fizos v. 47* no* 2, 1964, 476-479 ~TOPIC TAGSs crystal structures chromium, low temperature research. cubic crystal, x-ray diffraction analysis, second order phase transi-~ ,tion ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors "'AMM, v. 12, 771e 1961 and v. 16, 637, 1963), and its purpose was to study further the presence, temperature, and nature of a low- temperature transformation in chromium, since the available dart= maw contradictory. The investigations were made with polycrystalline chromium in the form of a lump of vacuum condensate 99.9S% pure. The structure was investigated over a wide range of temperatures by d 1.1/4 ACCESSION MRs AP4043619 by an x-ray dif fractometric method. -.The apparatus and the measure- ments are described. The results are shown that the unit cell of the body-centered cubs in retained in the entire investigated tear- 1perature interval. The existence of a second-order phase transit ion ..i (paramagnetism-antiferromagnetism transition) is confirmed at 317K. sit is found that at 168K there is a first-order ase transition I Ph 'which'is obviously connecte i -d with the change in the magnetic aniso- 1tropy at this temperature." Orig,.,art. has: 2 figures and I formula. ASSOCIATION%. Pimiko-tekhnichaskiyinstitut AkademiL nauk UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of SciencesUkrSSR) 'SUBMITTEDs 2lMar64 ENCLI 02 A. SUB CODEt MMj SS NR REP SOVs 006 OTHER: 0 10 Card 2/4 low "CCFS"ION OR AP4043629 R"CuXultz 01 a, kx mj 17 1 - ~-; woof Me 170 ZIP z5a zx are r, 7W%watuim jn[ of cLvysw.lattice PONE Mtn Idj 3/4 DIT L 16451-65'_~~ v1~6o):1. _PAd lJp(c)/MD(t)/SSD/Ap,,t b ACCEWIMI !4R:-. 0404~045 8/0126/64/0 6/08n/0889 IAUTHOR: Bolgov, 1.:S*- SmIrnovi Td-,94 finkellp V A,, TITIR: 4-tuffiefop" in 4obalt V --nov 6p 1964p 877-88Q---- TOPIC TAGS: --cobalt- - first order'tranaltions -second order transitlani, hexagonal 1 structure, face ceatered structum, thexual expansion, anomaly dbove 400 C has not. b -tely- ABISTRACT: -The-c6balt-'structure-at temperatures Cen ua studied. The autborsp therefore,, investigated the structure of high-purit 'cobalt at temperatures ranging frv= 20 to 1300 C. Electrolytic 60 x 8 x 2 = platea Vere "cuum annealed at 300 C for sevilral hours and their structure examined in a bJAh- tecyperatlire vacuum x-ru~r chamber, The length - cross sectional ratio of the spttcimene provided wn biothermal, area of at least 10 m. In 'Lne ceuter which vas x-ayed. The authors found that a first order tmisition occurred from hexagonal i% -,Cc to f ace-centered 8 -co at 4o3 to 42o C durla,,r neating. The 13 - w trans - fc:.miation was greatiy arfected by the cooll-ag rate because of the Mzx-t4analte cbi.u-acter of that process. Eyen vhcn cooling proceeded rather slowl_v, the nainitma Card 1/2 L 16451-65 ACMU(N NR.- AP4o42(A5 transformation point was at 320 C. The atomic volume and the coefficient of therm-~ al expansion at different temperatures were comuuted. It van convenient to caiculate the mean coefficient of Linear eiTansion (4x) for a coaparison between the coefficients ot tK- and A-Co. At 1100 C an anomaly of the coefficient of thermal expansioa waa abc;emred. The authors conclude that the anomalous shape of t-he temperature cu"! is caused by second order phase transt-.ion witn feritalaguetie Co changing into a pLramagnetic state. Other authors have erroneously attributed the anoma-Ly to first crder pbtwe tranufarmation. Orig. art. haa: 3 rigures aad 1 tables. ASSOMMON: Fitiko-tekhaicheskly ftatitut AN UkrSM (Physico Te-,.hnical Institute, AN UkrSSR)-- SUEbMTM: 23JU63 EMCL: 00 40 W so Vt '005 SM CODE. M 01M: 012. Card 2/2 Q~ :g A '10, A M Fl~c 5A-Miif-, F40 g% SMIRNOV, Yu.N.j FINKEL, V.A. Crystalline structure of chromium at 1130 to 3730K. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.2t476-479 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:3.0) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. ,-, ~j"-' S. GORBOIP~.Vss M.N. I FINYU&I V.A, Use"Of the wuxmw'.-,'~~3._'indicator for the' automatic control and regulation of carbon black and chalk level, Kaunb.i rez, 24 no,1147-50 A 165, (MIRA 18:3) Is VasooyuzW govudarntvannyy proY6ktno-konstruktorskiy institut Giprostroyindustriya i savod "Xauohuk", I -~ -"" . . . . . .. . . . . C) P50265971 SOURCE CODIE: UP/0656/65/049/004/1077/1082 In, 4rs AUTHORS: Smirnov,, Yu. N.; Finkel I A. ORG; Pbysicotecbnical Institute, Academy of-Sciences, Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii. nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TITLE: Crystal structure of tantalum, niobium vanadium at lio-400K SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy teoreticbeskoy riziki, v. 49, no. 4.. 1965, 1077-1062 TOPIC TAGS: crystal ~m~ structure, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, x. ray diffraction analysis, electric resistance, thermal expansion., antiferromagnetism ABSTRACT:. The structures of tantalum, niobium, and vanadium were in- vestigated in the temperature range 110-400K by x-ray diffraction analysis, in view of lack of data on thesemetals below room tempera- ture. Aa an auxiliary method, the electrical resistance of these. metals.was measured in the temperature range 110-300K. Polycrystalline samples with low-temperature attachment was described by the authors earlier (zhETF v.'47,., 476, 1964),. The measurement showed that both metals retained their body-centered cubic structure over the entire ACC. NRt AP5026597 range of temperatures. No singularities were observed in the tempera- ture dependence of the linear expansion coefficients to indicate the presence of phase transitions. The temperature dependence of the rela- tive electric resistance of'tantalum and niobium likewise exhibited no anomalies in the 110-300K range. Anomalies were observed in the thermal expansion coefficient of vanadium., at temperatures between -.20OK and -233K, depending on the purity of the sample, and in the temperature dependence of the electric resistivity. This anomaly is of the X-point d'-- W66 to tb?,,,, ferromagnetic state in the type an ; is ascribed to a tram vanadYx t 9-~ M.-VasyuU&MY G. N. Ka Au hors thank and I V. Sb for help with the work.. Orig. art. haa., -figures and formulas, SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26May65/ NR REP SOV: 005/ OTH REP: 017 Lcard .,-72/-2 L17603-66 EWT(1)/-? 00 ACC NR: AP60027i6:. SOURCE CODE:, UR/0056/65/049/006/1774/~778 AUTHORS: V Smirnov, Yu..N.; Finkel', V. A., ;ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR F i z i k 0_-~n Wc~ Mi Y 7n_8 t ='U 'K I ff de- MM -07 U R r YM :TITLE: Crystal structure of gadolinium at 120 -- 370K ~SOURCE:, Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I tireticbeskoy fiziki, v. 49,9 .no. 6, 1965, 1774-1778 TOPIC TAGS: gadolinium, rare earth metal, second order phase 'transition, temperature dependence, x ray analysis, crystal lattice ~stru6ture, magnetic moment A BSTRACK-The.autbors have investigated by x ray structure analysis wtbe crystalline structure of polyarystalline gadolinium in the tem-. ;perature interval 120 -- 370K. The research was-motivated by the 'complexity of the magnetic structures of rare earth metals (presence ,,of both first and second order phase transitions) and by the fact Card 1/3 L 176o3-66 iAOC NR:~ AP6002716. 0 !that earlier x ray-structure investigations of gadolinium were made at low temperature and at low accuracy, particularly with regards to .ithe temperature dependence of the crystal-lattice periods in the vicinity of the Curie point and in the 210 -- 250K range. The poly- crystalline gadolinium was 99.7 pure and In the form of ground and Tolished prisms measuring 9 x 13 x 1.5 mm. The test procedure, by .~means of an URS-501 x ray spectrometer, was described earlier (ZhETF !v. 47, 476, 1964).- The measurement yielded the temperature dependence~ :of the crystal-lattice parameters, the atomic volume, and the coef-' Ticlents of linear and volume.expansions. negative ',\-anomaly con- :nected with the transition of the ferromagnetic gadolinium into the paramagnetic state, is observed In the coefficient of thermal expan- sion at 293K. The curve showing the temperature dependence of the :atomic volume exhibits a maximum at 200K as a resuit of a change in the direction of the magnetic moment relative to the [001) axis. This change agrees witb the theory of second-order phase transitions and with other experimental data. The complicated character of the de- pendence of the atomic volume on the temperature in the ferromagnetic region is connected with the complicated character of the temperature Card 05OKFE ETI IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR, AP6024471 SOURCE CODE; uii/oi8l/66/008/OOT/2092/2097 AUTHOR: Finkel', V. A..; Papirov, 1. 1.; Tikhinskiy.-G. F. ~(110 ~13 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN UkrSSR, Khar1kov (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN UkrSBR) TITLE: Investigation of plastic deformation Af single crystal of beryllium - during compression I'll 1-6 77 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. T, 1966, 2092-209T TOPIC TAGS: beryllium, plastic deformation, pressure effect, x ray study, crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: The authors describe x-ray structure investigations of the plastic de- formation of single crystals of beryllium with different orientations. The plastic deformation was investigated with the aid of a special x-ray camera described else- where (Zav. lab. v. 32, 1248, 1966). The x-ray photographs of the sample could be taken both at fixed load, or directly during low-speed loading. The camera makes it possible not only to obtain x-ray photographs of the deformed substance, but also tqd determine the character of the deformation curve. The&-ray source was of the URS--f- 70K1 type with unfiltered iron radiation. The tests were made on beryllium of tech- nical purity (99%) with three different orientations, and are described in detail. -U417J4-tj/- ACC NR, AP6024471 The x-ray pictures obtained during different stages of deformation are compared with different sections of the deformation curve and conclusions are drawn concerning the deformation mechanism of the beryllium. The results are also compared in some cases with those obtained by investigating beryllium crystals by ordinary techniques. The relative contributions of slip along the basal planes, prisms of the first kind, and twinning over the plane of the pyramid of the first kind to the deformation are eval- uated for each orientation. The authors thank Yu. N. Smirnov and A. S. Izmalkoy for help with the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures SUB CODE: 20/ SUEN DATE: IlDec65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 008. 2/2 ....... )IC IJ--r- iji~ J-,-, ilj~ ~3 ~~~ ft/ ACC NR%- ~WQ61-7310' T077 SOURCE COM: U1?/0 12-6-166t-021/60 0774, 8 AUTHORS: Gindin, 1. A.; Neklyudov, I. 1J.; Finkel' V A ; Shubin, Yu. V. 2~ O?G: Physico-technical Institute, All UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institute MI Ukr-"SR) TITLE: Effects of programmed loading on the plasticitypf 'peryllium monocrystals, SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 5, 177, 77N78 TOPIC TAGS: Veryllium, metal property, metal crystal, crystal property, (ABSTRACT: The effects of preliminary programmed loading at 400C on the subsequent mechanical properties of beryll, monocrystals at room temperature were investigated. One set of specimens (99-0~-, ur with baGe plane oriented at 450 to the loading axis) was load , Womem2 ed (0, 5, 6, and 10 mm ) and tested in compression. Another set (99.9/"* pure, base plane and < 1010 ~/ direction coincided with loading axis) was loaded (0, 4.3, and 5 kg/mm2) and tested in tension. It was found that the room temperature yield stress d-, and relative compressibility F- were 9.6, 11.3, 11.0, and 9.8 kg/mm2 and 10-7, 17.7, 24.7 and 11.2~16 respectively for the preloading conditions of the first set of specimens and 14-5, 16.1, and 12.4 kg/mm2 and 29, 36, and 39.5F%6' respectively for the second set. Elongation was 54, 53, and 64~6 respectively for the second set. X-ray diagrams of the preloaded monocrystals are also presented. Orig. art. has; 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ 'suni DATE: 31May65/ ORIG REF: 0061 OTH REP: 006 Card 1/14-316/' 6 08168-67 E1WT(m)/EWP(t)/ET1-. -IJP(-c-)- JDIJG ACC .AP6024861 SOURCE CODE: UR100561alo~fjooljCOY21 dif AUTHOR: jia)S~111 V. A.; Smirbov, Yu.-'N.; %loroblyev, V. V. =IW ORG: ?hyAi,~qtechnical Institute. Acadeffy o~-_~Siences Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko- ,technical Institute Akademii.nauk Ukrainskoy SsA) TITLE: Crystal structure of 'terbium ~at -120 300K SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i,t.eoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 32-37 TOPIC TAGS! terbium, low temperature research, crystal lattice structure, x ray diffraction analysis~q phase.transition, paramagnetism, antiterromagnetism ABSTRACT: This is a continuation.of'an earlier study of the crysta3 structure of rare earth metals (RM) (ZhETF v. 49,,1774, 1965), which was devoted to gadolinium. The present study was' devoted to 99.5% pure polycrystalline terbium. The low- temperature x-ray diffraction procedure employed was also described by the authors earlier (ZhETF V.' 47, 84, 1964-a'nd.v.''49, .1077, 1965). The tests were made at temper- atures 120 - 300K. The results show that at 234K there a X-anomaly of the coefficier of linear expansion, connected with-the transition of the paramagnetic terbium into the antiferromagnetic state.. At 223K a-jump in the atomic volume is observed, signi- fying that the transition of the'.antiferromagnetic helicoidal structure into a ferro- magnetic one (with colinear ordering)'Is a first-order transition. A small rhombic N 5;SE4 2 _1L_ L o8168-67 -A -t -CWR #AP6024861 0 distortion of the.hexagonal crystal structure of the terbium lattice takea place at 223K. Slight discrepancies-obeerved-between the measured values of the transition temperature6 and the latest published data may be connected with difference in the purity of the investigated terbium,_Orig. art. has: 4 figures SUB CODE: 20/' SUBM DATZt*4,3IJan66/'-~ORIG REF: 6061 oTH w: 013 -V' 2/2 list 4- Card ~RIJO__ ACC 14KI AP6023705 SOURCE CODEi UR/0126/66/'021/004/0620/0621 Smirnov, Yu. 1-1.1 FWcoll AUTHORSt Vasyutinskiy, B. M,j ~~ovr G. N V, A, ORGt Physico-Technical Institute, EJTSKS~~(Fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institut JUI UkrcZR) TITLE: Investigation of the crystalline structure of niobium and vanadium at high 7-- temperatures SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovodeniye, v. 21, no. 4, 1966l 620-621 TOPIC TAGS: niobium, lanadium, x ray spectroscopy, crystal lattice parameter ABSTRACT: The crystal structure of niobium and vanadium was dotornLined as a function of the temperature. The experimental procedure was described earlier by V. M. Amonenko, B6 M Vas tinBkiy, Go 11. Kartinazov, Yu. No Smirnov, and V. A. Finkel' (FMM, 1963p 15: Mr. The experimental results are prosonted graphicaUy (ooo Fig. 11 It was found that the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters obeyed 'the folloiring relationship L aH TI) 3#3001 (1 + 7,223 - 10 v I + 7,314 - I r0 -.T + 2,N4 - ir rd 1/2 UDC; 548-0:546-88OU ot./OwcFegroo 10, ~.o voo Mv 2&V, F.4CC-*Nij--- AP6032475 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/003/0786/0790 AUTHOR: Finkel% V. A.; Vqroblyev, V. V. ORG: Physicoteegn-i'cal Institute, AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Crystal structure of dysprosium at 77-300K SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy ftsiki, v. 51, no. 3, 1966, 786-790 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, crystal structure, crystal lattice, crystal lattice structure, dysprosium ABSTRACT: The crystal structure of dysprosium is studied by the low-temperatur x-ray diffraction method at temperatures between 77 and 300K. It Is shown that at 178K, a negative anomaly of thermal expansion coefficients occurs which is related to a phase transition of the second kind similar to the helicoidal antiferro- magnetism-_paramagnetism type of transition. A discontinuity in the crystal lattice period and atomic volume at 85K and also the appearance of rhombic distor- 1/2 TG-- FINKEL' V.A. -L! .1 ~, A , A. 11. , ,"utom,ltic weiz~ inr, of mater.,al t:. nauch.-issl. inst. rutuch. i tokh. ;nforri. 17 ro.o:-l,,---'( FIMLI,V.K. X-ray camera design. Zav.lab.21 no-6:737 '55. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Irusnetskiy metallurgichookly kombinst. (X rays--Apparatus and supplies) (Crystallography) FIMLI, V.M.;KOVRIGIN, A.A. re- - Transportable X-ray equipment for determining principal stresses in rails. Zav.lab.21 no-9:1137 155- (KIMA 9:1) l.Kuzuetskiy metallurgicheakiy kembinat imenj I.V.Stalina. (.X rays--Industrial applications) (Rajlroads--Rai~j) ,..e 124-57-2-2583D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: Finkel', V. M. TITLE: The Distortion of the Crystal Lattice During the Static and Dynamic Deformation of Steel (Iskazheniye kristallicheskoy reshetki pri staticheskom i dinamicheskorn deformirovanii stali) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of the Physical-Mathematical Sciences, presented to the Tomskiy un-t (Tomsk University), Tomsk, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy un-t (Tomsk i University), Tomsk 1. Steel--Deformation 2. Crystals--Distortion 3. Crystals --Lattices Card 1/1 Ilistuttious (if IfIV cr"Atal Llltic~l &uf (Ium- mid f"Vilu.-Gritim-d Stk!Cl by GAI j:U. mg I.L.111,111in I/irkrulliefirAul wAiettil krupnu~_Jh....' -tali kfi~ 10V "Itwi I'luslWienkai deformalmii. (I(twmaii, i V. M. ~ mk, I Fizika AleMilou i Alvidlotwdenic. v 2. im. 1. M Re-Litiort of icarmit) (if lini-; to degrue of tk-furisiation. l7,11E-et (if lextum crupliN. 7 rcf. P SOV/137-58-11-23410 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Metalturgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 224 (USSR) AUTHOR: Finkel' , V. M. TITLE: On the Static and Dynamic Deformation of Steel (0 staticheskom i dinamicheskom deformirovanii stali) PERIODICAL: Dokt. 7-y Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyashch. 40-letiyu Velikoy Oktyabrlsk. sots. revolyutsii. Nr 2. Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, 1957, pp 63-64 ABSTRACT: The distortions in crystal lattices and the dimensions of blocks in the mosaic structure were investigated on specimens of rail steel and steel of the St 3 grade after they had been subjected to static and dynamic deformation. The method of harmonic analysis of the shape of an interference line was employed. The distortions of the crystal lattice become more pronounced as the strain rate is increased. In the case of dynamic deformation of rail steel, the Joule effect mani- fests,itself in a reduction of microstresses although the hardness and distortions of the third kind are of considerable magnitude. The re- lationship between the properties of steel and the strain rate is re- Card 1/2 garded as a function of the interrelationship of such factors as harden- SOV/137 58-11-23410 On the Static and Dynamic Deformation of Steel ing and recovery, as well as of the behavior of interlayers separating the individual crystals and blocks. It is established that breaking down of blocks. is more intense during dynamic deformation than it is during static deformation. Z. F. Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-11-23419 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 226 (USSR) AUTHOR: FinkeV TITLE- On the Nature of the Cold Shortness of Steel (0 prirode khladnolom- kosti stali) PERIODICAL: Dokl. 7-y Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyashch. 40-letiyu Velikoy Oktyabrlsk. sots. revolyutsii. Nr 2. Tomsk. Tomskiy un-t, 1957, '~p 72 ABSTRACT: Ref. RzhMet. 1958, Nr 11, abstract 23418 Card 1/1 SOV/137-58-11-23418 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 225 (USSR) AUTHOR: Finkel' V.M. TITLE: On the Nature of the Cold Shortness of Steel (0 prirode khladnolomkosti stali) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Fizika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 147~151 ABSTRACT: Cleavage surfaces of untreated and normalized specimens of rail steel, as well as of specimens which had been hardened and annealed were investigated by means of X-ray methods; the ak I resilience] values of the above specimens were also determined. The tests were performed at temperatures ranging from -600 to-+1000C. The width (b) of the reflexes (211) and (222) and the intensity ratio 1(2-20)11(110) were measured. Curves representing the ak, the b, and the 1(220)/ I(110) as functions. of the temperature: a-r.e shown. Compared withun- treated specimens, the ak of normalized specimens increases at room temperature by a factor of 2 and that of specimens which had been hardened and annealed by a factor of 6; correspondingly, an increase Card 1/2 is observed in the magnitude of b. Temperatures of transition from On the Natture of the Cold Shortness of Steel SOV/137-58- 11-23418 the ductile to the brittle state were determined for specimens which had been sub- jected to various heat-treatment procedures. At these temperatures, the points of the beginning of the reduction of b and of an increase in the ratio 1(220)/1(110) are linked with the cessation of processes of plastic deformation that occurs upon transition from the ductile to brittle failure. Thus, the latter is characterized by smaller lattice distortions. A. B. Card Z/Z FINNELI, V.M. X-ray analysis of statically hnd dynamically deformed steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.2:23-29 158. (miRA 11:6) l.Sibirskiy metallurgichaskiy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze. (Steel--Metall~graphy) ,c,OV/126-6-4-23/34 AUTHOR: Shivrin, O.N. TITLE: Discussion on VA-I.Finkel*s Paper on "Crystal Iattice Distortions in-N-ar-s-e-- -and Fine . Grained Steel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" (Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye., 1?56, Vol 2.. Nr 1, p 189) (Po povodu stat'i AA.Fiakelya "Iskazhenija Kristallicheskoy Reahetki Kri,:pno- i Melkozernistoy Stali Pri Kholodnoy Plasticheskoy Deformataiir?) PERIODICA.L:Fizika Metallov i Metallo-~mdeni-ye, 1958. Vol 6., Nr 4. pp ?5?-?60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was reported by Finkell that in a wide range (80%) of plastic deformation the intensity of the (310) lines (Co-radiation) of coarsely grained steel remained practically constant. bnde~r the same conditions, the intensity of the (211) lines (Cr-radiation) was 1.4 times higher, but also did not depend on the degree of the n1astic deformation. While grairting that this.fact is ;f great practical interest, O.N.Shivrin disagrees with Finkel's interpreetation of his experimental results and Card 1/12 points out that: (i) It has been shovm (Ref.l.~ 2) the SOV/126-6-4--)8/34 Discussion on V.M.Finkells Paper m "Ox~ystal Lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained Steel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" process of blar,, which causes weakening .of the extinction effect practically ceases at 8-10% deformation; with inoreasing deformation one should expect a decrease of the line intensity as a result of the foribation of distortions of the 111-rd type. Such an effect was in fao+~ vbze.T-.,ed by Shivrin in the case of steel 2 deformed by turning at high rates of feed and small depth of the out-, and iu -the case of brass and copper under hydrostatic pxessure: In every case the intensity of lines inereasqd up to a certain degree of deformation only, (ii) Since the intensity of the diffraction bactkgroizid is associated with the magnitude of the distortions of the 111-rd type, but not with the extinc~tion effect, the fact of its remaining coastant during deformation of coarsely grained metal is quite ircomprehensible. No matter how strong is the masking.effect of extinction on the Card 2/12 weakening of the inter-aity of the lines due to SOV/126-6-4-28/34 Discussion on V.M.Finkelvs Paper on "Crystal Lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained Steel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" distortions of the 111-1d type, the magnitude of which should be considerable at 80% deformation, their effect should be reflected in the variation of the background intensity. This, for some -reason or other, was not observed by Finkel). (iii) Block fragmentation results in (a) weakening of the pAmary extinction effect which is directly associated with the size of the blocks, and indirectly in (b) weakening of the secondary extinction affect due to the increase of the degree of disorientation of the blocks within the orystallites. This means t]3a-.t a metal can be characterised by coarsely grained structure and still not show any .secondary extinction effect if only the structure of the crystallites is sufficiently close to the ideal, and that tho secondary ex'u-inetion effect can be considerable even in finely grained metals if only the degree of disorientation of the blocks within each crystallite is sufficiently small. The character of the variation of the line intensity will depend on Card 3/12 whether the primary or secondary extinction only, or SOV/126-6.-4,28/34 '. Discussion on V.M.Finkeihs Paper on "Crystal Lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained Steel During Cold, Mastic, Deformtion" both these.effects take place in a polycrystalline metal specimen. It is easy to show that, as was postulated by Avarbach (Ref-3, 4) in the presence of primary extinction only,, the variation of the intensity of the lines of high orders is negligible. (This fact, for some reason or other, is overlooked by Finke!Q On the otber hand,, the presence of secondary extinction (Ref-5, ~), particularly when the conditions are favourable for the formation of texture (Ref.?)-, the variation of the lines intensity can be quite different. For this reason Finkel's contention that the observed effect was caused exclusively by the secondary extinction is not quite justified., since in the case under consideration the effect of texture might have been the predominant factor. (iv) The difference (not much larger than the limit of the experimental error) of the values of 4iT`2 in the (310) and (211) dire6tions can be attributed not only to the anisotropy of the Card 4/1p distortions of the 111--rd type; but also to the , M1 SOV/126-45j6.28/-34. , " Discussion on V.M.Finkell's Paper Coarsely and Finely Grained Steel on "Crystal Lattice Distortions in During Cold, Plastic Deformation" difference between the depth'of penetration of the Co- and Cr-ratliation. Some authors favour the hypothesis of the weakened surface layer in which small distortions are neutralised. In the final analysis the correctness of this or other theory can be proved only by further experimental work. There are 9 Soiiet references. ASSOCILTION: Petrozavodskiy Gosuniversitet (Petrozavodsk State - University) SUMMED: 28th January 1957. Reply by v.M.Finkellstates the following: In spito of the "coarsely" and "finely" 4ned. structure of the experimental steels2 the size of the regions of .coherent steel 3 did not exceed j.? x lo-.toca at 2% deformation and 1.1 x 10-5ca. at 4% deformation. In the case7of the heat-treated rail steel, the size of the mosaic blocks was smaller by OnO Card 5/12 order of maguitude (e.g. 2 x 10--6cia at 10016 deformation). SOV/126-6-4-r28/34 Reply by V.M.Finkd Consequently, the observed phenomena cannot be attributed to the effect of primary extinction in either case since primary extinction is practically non-existent at the size of the regions of coherent dispersion quoted above. (Ref.3, 4). To account for the stability of the intensity of the (310) lines, one has to assume that its decrease due to the effect of micro-distortions of the 111-rd type is counter-balanced by an opposite affect of some other factors, such as secondary extinction and texture. The secondary extinction can, in all probability, display itself throughout the whole deformation range: In its initial stages it is associated with the process of block fragmentation and the resulting disorientation of the mosaic blocks9 in the later stages it is caused by the process of disorientation not directly connected with the block fragmentation (Ref.5). Unlike secondary extinctiong the effect of primary extinction (in a coarsely grained aggregate), being associated with the process of Card 6/12 fragmentation only2 probably disappears in the initial Reply by V-M.Finkell Card ?/'12 S'OV/126- 6-4-28/34 stages of the deformation (having increased the intensity of the lines), after which the intensity of the lines decreases due to the effect of the distortions of the 111-rd type. Shivrin carried out his experiments on brass and copper in which the size of the mosaic blocks is one or two orders of magnitude larger.than that in steel, so that..the maximum on his curves is obviously associated with the effect of the primary extinction. When a high carbon content steel is quenched, a structure is obtained which is submicroscopically nonhomogeneous, and which is characterised by small size of the blocks and high degree of their dimorientation. This minimises or possibly even elimi tes secondary extinction, which would explain the differemt character of,the variation of the lines intensity with defoTwation in annealed and quenched specimens of steel 3. He (Finkel) did not take into account the effect of texture, since this effect in the case of plane (310) is negligible (Ref.?). In addition, hacL the observed phenomena been attributed to the effect of taxture only, it would imply that the character of the texture in SOOV/126 6-4-,e~,8/34 Reply by V.M.Finkell steel 3 and rail steel is basically diffe3:ent (since in the former case 1(3~0) is constant and 1 increases With increasing degree of deforma~121651), while in the latter case both 1(310kand 1 211) decrease) Which, of cours6, cannot M e. I~ is difficult to understand vChy Shivrin should be surprised by the fact that the background intensity in deformed steel 3 did not change: The variation of the background iutenBity in the high carbon content, rail steel did not exceed 7-8%. It is.only to be expected that it should amount to less in the case of steel 3 in which, owing to its low carbon content, the lattice distortions caused by deformation are much snaller ~bau. those in steel'3. Since the variation of the backgroand intensity is generally small it cannot be used as a practical criterion of the degree of lattice dist ortion. As regarding Shivrin's comments on the problep of anisotropy, the hypothesis of the weakened surface layer does not Card 8/12 seem to have any bearing on this problem: Unstable, Reply by V.M.Finkelf 6 0 V/1 2- - /3 4 elastic distortions may be present in the surface layer, while distortions of the 111-rd type are of non-elastic nature,, There are 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Sibirskiy Metallurgicheskiy lastitut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: lst April 1957. comments of O-N-Shivrin on the Reply of V.M.Finkel j (i) In his reply Finkel gives the dimensions of the mosaic blocks of the investigated materials which were not given in his original paper. The quoted figures do, in fact, exclude the 'b lity of the intensity ,rssi i of the (211) and (31 lines being affected by pri-Imary e2rtJnction, but then he (Shivrin) did not assert that such ~n effect was possible. On the contrary, he emphasized that secondary extinction is not directly Card 9/12 associated with the size of the blo(*s and that such a SOV/126, 6--4-28/34 Comments of O.N.Shivrin on the Reply of VJA-Finkell direct connection exists in the case of the primary extinction only. (ii) The data on the size of the blocks given by Finke~ are not reliable.. If the quoted size of the blocks in quenfahed and tea ered rail ste~el deformed 10% is in far:,t, D = 3.8 x 10-Fem then the width of the lines (310) calculated from the Selyakov formula is B = 0.285 radion or 160. This broadening is supposed to be due to the small size of the blocks only, without taking into account the effect of the distortions of the 11--nd type. Under these conditions the (310) lines would disappear completely arid one could not discuss the variation of their intensity, This proves that the quoted data on the size of the blocks are incorrect. (iii) The assumption that, secondary extinction diminishes throughout. the whole deformation range cannot be regarded as well substantiated. since increasing disorientation of the blocks leads to its rapid disappearance. (iv) The increase of the lines intensity observed in brass and copper cannot be attributed to the effect of Card 10/12 primary extinction since this effect is negligible SOV/126-6 -.4 -28/34 Comments of O.N.Shivrin on the Reply of V'M.Finkell 0 already at the size of the blocks equal to 1 x 10-4 emo In the case under consideration the size of the blocks was 4 x 10-5, o.9 x lo-5 and 4 x 10-6em. at 2. 5 and. 20% deformation, respectively. (v) Finkel's statement that the character of texture in the rail steel and in steel cannot but be the same, has not been questioned. However, it should be borne in mind that even small additions of alloying elements can af4ect the character of texture formation (Refol2). Finkel's explanation of the variation of the lines intensity, based on the assumption that it is due to secondary extinction only Card 11/12 SOV/126- 6--"r-28/34 Comments of O.N.Shivrin on the Reply of V.M.Finkell is not -very convincing. There are 12 references of which 8 are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION:Petrozavodskiy Gosuniversitet (Petrozavodsk State UnIveralty) SUBMITTED: 10th April 1957. Card 12/12 FINKEL', V.M., dote., kand.fiz.-mat.iieuk Possibility of excluding the effect of texture on the intensity of X-ray interferences. Zzvevyseuchebetave; chernemeto nos8: 119-126 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Problemneya laboratorlys. metallovedeniya i metallof izw Sibirskogo metallurgicheskogo institutae (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Metallography) (Interferometr7), 7TR 1 9 Me _ _k~z~*-matenauk Sixth all-Union conference on the use of X rare for the Investlb- Cation of materials. Isv.vys.ucheb*zav.: chern.met. no.8:170-171 At, 138, (MIRA 11:11) 1. 8.1birskly metanurgicheekly inatitut. (X rwo--XndustrW applications) 24(2) BOV148-23-5-15131 AUTHOR: Finkellp Ve M. TITLE: On the Possibilities of Eliminating the Influence Exerted by Texture on the Intensity of X-Ray Interference (0 voz- mozhnoeti isklyucheniya vliyaniya tekstury na intensivnost' rentgenovokikh interforentsiy) PERIODICAL: Izv~stiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakdya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 5, pp 611-614 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction the influence exerted by texture on the intensity of X-ray interference is stated as being explained by the orientation of the structural grain surfaces. To eliminate this influence it is necessary to introduce a method making it possible to record all or at least most of the reflecting surfaces of the structural grains and to measure the reflec- tion intensity. As this would require the rotation around any axiel the authors applied the method tested in the determina- tion of deformations of the 3rd kind, permitting the measure- ment of the intensities of the various interference lines, A principle scheme of such a system is shown (Fig 1). The ground section is inclined by a certain angle and the inter- Card 1/2 ference is observed. Next, a graph is given depicting the SOV/46-23-5-15/31 On the Possibilities of Eliminating the Influence Exerted by Texture on the Intensity of X-Ray Interference mechanical arrangement for the rotation of the crystal (Pie 2), and mathematical considerations are made concerning the in- tervals of intorferenoe lines in dependence of the angle of rotation. The results obtained with this method are compared with other methods in a diagram, and it becomes evident that it is actually possible to eliminate the influence of the texture. Two X-ray pictures are given in the appendix for an exemplification. There are 4 figures and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) Card 2/2 6/139/60/000/005/001/031 E03 2/1114 AUTHORS: Finkel', V.M., and Gurzheyev, V. TITLE: A Study of Small Angle Scattering in Elastically and Plastically Strained Cooper.1 PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizikat 1960, No. 5, pp 3-7 TEXT: The scattering of X-rays in the small angle regiong i.e. in the region close to the primary beam, is determined by the distribution and size of the microstructure of the material under investigation. The present paper reports two methods for studying the small angle scattering in elastically and plastically strained copper. In the first method the primary X-ray beam is very narrow and this is achieved by careful collimation. This method requires long exposures (of the order of 100 hours). If a counter is employed as the detector, considerable errors are introduced owing to an appreciable X-ray background due to the scattering by slit edges and to cosmic radiation. From the-experimental point of view, the method is very difficult and requires high-output tubes. The second method is based on the apparatus described by Zhurkov and Slutsker (Ref. 6). Here, a divergent beam is limited on one Card 1/4 S-/1-39/60/000/005/001/031 Eb32/Ell)+ A Study of Small Angle Scattering in Elastically and Plastically Strained Copper side by a screen and a baffle placed at a distance frcm each other. The baffle serves to absorb the radiation scattered by the edge of the screen. In this method angles of the order of 11 from the primary beam can be investigated. The present authors have modified the Zhutkov-Slutsker method as follows. A wide mono- chromatized beam is passed through a collimator consisting of three slits. The width of the first and second slits can be adjusted within the range 0.3-0.5 mm and the actual width is chosen so as to obtain the maximum possible intensity as well as a geometrically sharp beam on one side. The optimum slit widths 'are chosen empirically. The third slit is in the form of a lead baffle having a sharp edge and absorbs radiation scattered by the e7dge of the second slit. In practice this baffle is brought right up to the beam without actually entering it. The total length of the collimating system is 160 mm. The specimen is placed immediately behind the baffle and coincides with the centre of rotation of the counter. A 0.1 mm wide slit is placed in front of the counter. Gard 2/)+ S/139/6o/ooo/oo5/001/031 E_bD/E114 A.Study of Small Angle Scattering in Elastically and Plastically Strained Copper A schematic drawing of the device is shown in Fig. 1 in which 1 is the slit system, 2 is.the X-ra, beam, 3 is a monitor, )+ is the X-ray machine (type YPC -55 ~URS_55))' 5 is the specimen 6 is a goniometer, and 7 is. the working counter. The scattered radiation is dete cted by self-quenching counters of type MCTP-4 (MSM-I+). In the absence of the specimen, the primary beam was found to be in the form of &sharp Gaussian curve. The region where the intensity increases very rapidly (1000-4000 pufies/sec in the first mimte) was taken as.the atarting point for the measurements. The total width of the primary beam was about 201. The device has been used to measure X-ray scattering in the region up to 2-31. Since the experiments were only preliminary, all the measurements were carried out in air. Figs 2-4 show the intensity of the X-rays (pulses/sec) as a function of angle from the primary beam for thin (0-3-0.1+ mm) copper foils subjected to different mechanical and heat treatments. Card 3/4 S/139/6o/ooo/oo5/001/031 ROWE114 A Study of Small Angle Scattering in Elastically and Plastically Strained Copper Acknowledgements are made to A.I. Slutsker for valuable advice and Professor Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu,V, Grdin, in whose laboratory the-present work was carried out. There are 4 figures and 25 references: 14 English, 5 Soviet, 3 German and 2 international. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Siberian Metallurgical Institute imeni S-.-'Tr7zhonJ Idze) SUBMITTED; july 6, 1959 Card 4/1+ 8W4 sli3ql6oloooloot-11021107,2 24.7700 /S31 EiqvE48i AUTHOR- F-inkel V,M, T T -.A';!!' 7~-Qay Investi-gation of Flastic Deformat tian oC Minio and PoLy-Crystals l"FI?JC'Dl('AL- lz%-'e-Aiya vysshikh uchebnykli zavedenty. Fizika, 1960, NO,6i PPA35-141 TEXT. Some invc5~:t1gayoris (Ref.1,2) have shown that X-ray diffraction pattcrn.-ti,. obtained'hy the Laue method on singte crystals stressed with-in the elastic range, were identical with those of unstressed specimens. However. the Laue method i.-3 no(. nufficiently sensitive to reveal small. changes in the crystal Nittice geometry and, since many other workers (Ref.3. 5 to ll) h:t%,e found evidence of misalignnent of blacks in elamtica.lly -,tri-ssed single crystals, the Lnvestiga tion Wescri bed Jn the paper was undertaken in order to obtain more conclusivc it,vi.dence on the effect of elastic deformation on the degree of nii!~or_entatjon of' the L-locks in moiaxc struk;turns. The wort, carrj(,,d out or) NaCI and KC1 sing)e crystat s, studied with the a.Lcl of the classical method nf twin-cryt!iell Ca I d II / 4 W4 s/139/6o/ooo/cio6/021/032 E193/E483 X.-Pity Investigat ion of Elastic Deformation of Mono- and Floly- C r %, ~~ t.!t ! ~ X -1 it, ", p(-V t V0.1111., I (.T The principle of this method is 1.1lustrated Ir. Iti- ~Fig 1), A diterrew. X-rav bram is reflected from T it crystal A onto thr- iurface of thf B . can he votate;l %Lvitt an axx~ !1~ tAlf, platic, ol, the dtagram, As III- -f beaul ond thd, stirface or cl,v:~,I..0 B t~ j in I C. t, I ( ...i e J b N- (I t"t 4, c v [I t I r v ~; t a I i o g rj. p h I ( 1) 1 A t c I. r c U I v c 1: 1) i~ X - ra y Ii . i tit u li i ti an a ri g wh j h I it r %- r 1 lwa thi, .111KIo fit' divergen,.4- o. Vitt, ot iglva I bv.-w I~vtwe,:.o the-v twc~ ongle-~ givc- a uioo~,tire- (it nu _sn 1 itoiin.-w, 31' t0t. _rv-~te, Ilographi, plane--, ub!'At (onstil-it,- i U 1. J'~j C