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CZECIi/37-59-1-17/26 A System of Apertures for the Study of Low-Angle X-ray Diffraction ASSOCIATIONs U`stav,fysikAln1 chemie 6SAV9 Praha (Institute of Physical Chemistry? Czechoslovak Ae.Sc., Prague) SUBMITTED: June 18, 1958 Card 2/2 5(4)o 24(5) AUTHORSs TITLEi Koutetskiy, Yaroulav*, SOV/20-125-4-43/74 Fingerland, Antonin.- The Calculation of Quantum-mechanical Single-electron Systems Which Comprise a Large Subsystem (Raschet odnoelektronnykh kvantomekhanicheskikh sistem, vklyuohayushchikh bol'shuyu podsistemu) PERIODICALz Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4, pp 841-844 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lifshits (Ref 1), Koster and Slater (Ref 2), and Baldock (Ref 3) developed a method for the theoretical investigation of distortions in a crystal. This method was generalized by J.-K6ut4c ' ' and applied to the general theory of surface tensions In a crystal in the approximation of the simple method of molecular orbits and in the approximation of the self- consistent field, as well as to the theory of chemisorption. This method is suited, according to the authors' opinion also for investigations of problems connected with the theory of chemical bindings With respect to its nature it is a theoretical basis of the modified method of molecular orbit by Dewar (Ref 8). Card 1/4 This method is based upon the following idea: The state of the The Calculation of Ctuantum-mechanical Single-electron SOV/20-125-4-43/74 Systems Which Comprise a Large Subsystem electron is investigated (by the simple method of the molecular orbits) or of several electrons (according to the method of the self-consistent field) which is located in the field of the configuration of the atomic remainders S. This system S is assumed to be composed of individual subsystems of the atomic remainders DI, DIIf .... DR. At least one of these subsystems is by far greater than the domain within which it comes into spatial contact with the other subsystems. In' this case, the potential acting upon the electrons is in such subsystems of approximately the same magnitude as in the corresponding parts of the system S. This applies in the case of a sufficiently weak interaction of the large subsystem to be.investigated with the remaining subsystems. The authors endeavor to find the state function in the system 3 in form of a linear com- bination of the linear orbits of the subsystems. The equations for the required development coefficients of the eigenfunctions of the electron decomposed with respect to the orbits of the subsystems may be written down in such a manner that they may be expressed by a small number of development'coefficients of Card 2/4 the Vanniyer-functions or of the equivalent orbits. The here The Calculation of Quantum-mechanical Single-electron SOV/20-125-4-43/74 Systems Which Comprise a Large Subsystem discussed calculation method may obviously be applied to the following examplesi 1) A molecule produced from two-subaystems of atomic remainders. In this case the initially existing molecules are considered to be subsystems. 2) 1 finite crystal. Here an infinite crystal is looked upon as an initial system. 3) Chemisorption of a molecule. In this case a molecule and a finite crystal or a molecule and an infinite crystal is considered to be a subsystem. 4) Polyene. In this case an infinite chain of atoms connected with one another by double bonds serves as an initial system. The aforementioned program may be realized by means of approximation methods of the molecular.orbita and of the selfconsistent field. The second part of this paper deals with calculations (step by step) of the simple method of the moleoular orbits. In the third part the method of a selfconsistent field is briefly disoussed. There is complete analogy between the Investigation of the problem investigated in the present case within the framework of the simple method of molecular orbits and the method of the selfconsistent field. There are I figure and 11 references, 5 Card 3/4 of which are Soviet. The Calculation of qua'ntum-mechqnical Single-electron SOV/20-125-4-43/74 Systems Which Comprise a Large Subsystem ASSOCILTIONt Institut fizicheekoy khimii Chekfioslovatakoy kkademii nauk Praga, ChSR (Inatitute of Physical Chemistry of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague, CSR) PRESENTED: January 1, 1959, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTEDi December 22, 1958 Card 4/4 ..- KOUTECKY'lj.; FINGLI140, Aa --------- ocalized states ~In the interaction existence Of 1 1-.1-16 Ja 960. Problem of the stal. Coll Cz Chen 25 m (EEAI 9:12) between an atom and a CrY TschechoslOwakische be Chemie, 1. Institut fur pbysikalise Prag. Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Atoms) (molecular dynamic.) (Crystal ~.Ulk-L, ny., A, 1- .M,4 Imu Lie of -,Or nx., Ir ' SL~tLlv a& ~Fx.m"~k FINGMIMID ~ A. 50th anniversary of Frof. Mudr Rudolf Fetr. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no.4:389-390 '61- (BIOGRAPHIES) C Z EC HO SLOVAK I A FlUG%ALAND, DrSc, Ifead (peedrtobta) Dqartment of rathological Anp-tomy Fe=i---a--FFa~~ulty Charles Univerrai--y (Z;stav ratolog.-icke a.miomie ;A.arAt fa%ulty KU&Rarlovy universitxD~ and J- JINUMHOVA, I'lead, of Occul,ational Diseases of Rraj National Health (Oddeleni cborob z rovolani KIft*'Zr=Krajske Ustav Narodniho I~radec Kralove. '5bLStG5iS Associated with Lung Cancer." Fcacavri Lekarstvi, Vol 14, No 10, Dec 1962; pp 468-471. ..,~SLractZ~nglish surr.,.ary z~,,odifiao: Description of case in 60-year -'j- a-- - 81. 0l im it w'.ie t.,or`ed in manufacture of asbestos plates for over half of !,is lif- !;roncldal r1anacellular carcinoma with widespread abdominal metastaacs surerimposed uron diffuse rulmonary asbestosis. Two slides, 3 rent,enograms, photograrli of necropsy srecimen; 5 Czedi and 4 I..estern referc cas n CZE CIIOSLOVAKIA r-------------- ~FINGERLAND~,~,A. Prof Dr, Dr of Scien; MYDLIL, F., MD; PROCHAZKA7 J., ro- Dr. 1. Pathological-Anatomical Medical Faculty KU (Pato- logickoanatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU), Hradec Kralovy (for Fingerland); 2. Surgical Clinic of the Medical Paculty KU (Chirurgicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU), Hradec Kralovy (for 10rochazka); 3. Lung Sanatarium (Plicni lecebna), Zamberk (for Mydlil) Prague, Rozhledy v tuberkulose, No 5, 19632 pp 299-305 "Contribution to the Problem of Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Cavities." PROCHAMA, Jaroslav, prof, HUDr., DrSc.; BRZEK, Vladimir; ENDRYS, Jiri; KOSMAK, Ivan; STEINHART, Leo; JURDI, P-i; SLEZAK, Premysl; ,EINGERLARD, Antonin, prof. IIUDr.0 DrSc. Experience with surgical treatment of congenital aortic stenosis. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 9 no.1:85-96 164. 1. Kardicehirurgicke stredisko a chir. klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. J. Prochazka, DrSc.); IL interni klinika (prednosta: prof. MilDr. V. Jurkovic); Radiologicka klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. J. Bastecky, DrSc.) a Patologicko-anatomicky ustav kpredr-sta: prof. MUDr. A. Fingerland, DrSc.) Karlovy University v Hradce Kralove. CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.21~-006.6:616.24-003.65 NAVRATIL, 1,47iroslav; STS'JSKAL, Josef; FIRGERLAND, Antonin L_ Ins tituto of Work Hy~iene and Professional Diseases s_t-dV_RFg_.___P TT race a Chor. z, Povolani , Prague, Director (Reditel) Prof Dr J. TEISINGER; 1st Pathological and Anatomical Institute, Pac. Gen. 111ed. Charles Univ. (I. Patologickoanatomicky Ustav Pak. Vseob. Lek. IM), Prague, Head (Prednostal Prof Dr B. BEDNAR; Pathological and Anatomical Inst. Med. Fac. Charles University (Patologickoanatomicky Ustav Lek. Pak. KU), 11radec Kralove, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr A. FINGERLAND. "Occurrence of Lung Cancer in Asbestosis." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 18, No 6 - 7; Aug 66, pp 256-260 Cl - Abstract /Authors' English summary ModifieL7: In the last 9 years 57 cases of asbestosis were reported in Czechoslovakia. Reports on the state of health of 35 of these were available; of the 35, 9 patients' died within the last year, 7 of them of lung cancer. Pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma was not found. The occurrence of lung cancer in asbest-osis is very high. Workers who ex- posed to asbestos dust should be kept under observation, even after they stooped working in dangerous surroundings and do not suffer from asbestosis. 11 Figures, 3 Tables, 4 "Western, 11 1/1 Czech references. (14s. rec. 20 Dee 65 - 20- FIRGAMM, A.; VORTEL, V. -- Ilu . -i., Causes of child mortality according to data of the pathologic and anatomic branch of the medical facuIt7 of Charles University in Hradci Kral-ove in 1949. Cas.lek.ceek, 90 no.9:274-278 2 Mar 1951. (CIML 20:7) iM, A i r - ) '~ ~3) !-' 2 ~ ( Path. anat. ustav. a psychiat. klin. lek. fak. v f1rad-,i ~ralove. Inklusni encefalitis Inclusion encephalitis Gas. Lek. ces. 1951, 90/42 (1229-1232) Illus. 8 One case of chronic inclusion encephalitis, a disorder described first by Dawson in 1933, is reported. Progressive mental deterioration in a 15-year-old patient uith variable neurological signs led in 6 months to death. Grossly no uhanges were found. Llicroscopically there iiyei-e signs of chronic diffuse encephalitis in- volvinc, the whole brain with exception of cerebellum. No changes in the spinal cord ivere found. In some nerve cells intranuclear inclusion bodies, s~jftilar to them in herpes simplex, were demonstrated. In some nerve cells intra-plaimatic, non- speAfic inclusion, as described by Muson, were noted. Animal inoculations ,acrt~ not made. This chronic inolusion encephalitis may ue due to a virus. A chronic form of h2metic encephalitis is not to be excluded. Fin-.,.rerland - 1[radec Kralove (V, 8) SO: EXM~RPTA I.EDICA Vol. 5 No. 7 see. VIII July 1952 yINGIUAM, Ant., Prof. MUDr; VMIIL, Vl., MUDr; RITDRYS. J., MUDr -- --wWwwa"Aft Oesophagitis herpetica,.Cas.lok.cesk. 91 no.16:473-475 18 Apr 52. 1. Z pathologicko-anatomickeho ustavu lekarske fakulty v Hradci Kral. Prednosta: MUDr Ant. Fingerland. (ISOPHAGUS, diseases, esophagitte ulcerative, pathol.) KNGERLAND A., Prof.; VORTEL, V., dr.; PIErROVSKI, E., dr.; -1- USEK, J., dr. -5:327-333 11mbolism of the amniotle fluid. Cask. gyn. 19 no Oct 54. (AMMOTIC FLUID embolieve, pulm. in labor) (LABOR, complications embolism, pulm., amniotic fluid) (PULMONAU SUOLISM AND THROMBOSIS amniotic fluid embolism In labor) FIRGERLAND...AA, prof., HUDr; VCRTIL, V1., MUDr;jVORAI, J.. MUDr; 21 00 1AR"O L. , 14TUDr Gonerallsod oryptococcosin (torulosia). Cas. Isk. cook. 93 no.30i 809-816 23 JU17 54. 1. Z kateder pathologicke anatomis, mikrobiolcgie a nourologie Vojenske lakarske akademle v Hradci Kralove. (CRYPTOCOCCOSIS, CUU. aspects) IINGERLAIID. Ant., Prof.; TORTEL, Tl., doe., Hradec Kralove Diabetes mallitus; patbologlcal anatomy. Cask. gastroenter. 9 no.3:161-169 Sept 55. (DIABMS MTrX-TTUS, pathology.) VORTEL, Vlad., Doe., Dr..-..jqNG9RLAND, A., prof., Dr. Perinatal mortality causes; statistical report from the Anstonoptbological Department, Hradec Kralove Military Medical School, 1949-53. Cook. pediat. 11 no.11:867-874 Nov 56. (INPANT MORTALITY perinatal, causes, statist. (Cs)) t'~4 4 - 41V01.10/2 thology zeb 57 j~,.M.RPTA X:MICA bec*5 Gen.11a 351. -FINGERLAND A. VLA, Hradec KrAlovd. *Zji�t6nf nedomykavosti chlopnf PFrUFrn-F-PrrvT.-D7Tr7m inat ion of valvular insufficiency in routine autopsies CAS.LMCES. 1956, 95125-26(696-699)lllus.3 In 250 autopsies a simple method for the determination of valvular insufficiency was tested. The left ventricle Is filled with saline under a pressure of 100- 120 cm. of water (through the aorta), the right ventricle under a pressure of 30-40 cm. and the closure of mitral and tricuspid valves is observed. Defects of the intra- ventricular septum were easily demonstrated as well. This method was reliable in normal and thickened valves of the left heart, but unreliable in the tricuspid valve and in the normal mitral valve when autolysis is too advanced. DvoWek - Olomouc ~A --nx 5 Vol .-10/ 6 1732. FINGERLAND A. Pathol.-Anat. Inst., l1radec Kralovd (Tachechos Iowa ke Q. fZ_ur_ff6-F-pWMb=ge und Pathogenese der geschichteten Lun-entubc rku tome. Morphology and pathogenesis of stratified tuberculoma of the lung VIRCHOWS ARCH. PATH, ANAT. 1956, 329/4(521-532) Illus. 9 Tuberculomas are fundamentally related to the bronchi, which in this case usually present a tuberculous inflammation. in the 60 cases studied, M. tuberculosis was detected 41 times. The bacilli were always found in the centre or in the blocked bronchial rest. The fact that they are found in the micro-acrophile centre, that is. in the place where the bronchus has been is so characteristic that a fundamental significance should be attached to it whith reference to the development of tuber- culomas. This central colony of bacilli is a nucleus round which the tuberculoma grows In layers. These layers are the manifestation of the change in activity. The tuberculoma grows at the periphery, not through the direct action of the bacil- It, but owing to a humoral reaction of probably antigen-antibody type. Van Dongen-Torman - Appelacha (V, 15*) Jjur : Dlol-) No 5.. lf,~53, Ulor : Fin ~"Crl -I - '.~l T I. t L e Yi % nemocech. -olic, NO '957, 1Y., ' 7, 557 'cr - FINGERLOD, Antonin, prof., doktor mad.; VORTHL, Vladimir, dotsent, doktor Med. Some staphylococcal infections caused by strains of microbes resistant to antibiotics which arise insargical wards. Vest. Mir. 83 no.7:21-30 JI '59. (MIRA 12.11) 1. Is kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii Voyenno-seditsinakoy akademii v Gradtae Kralove (Chekhoolovatskeqa ReBpublika). (STAPHYLOCOCCAL INDICTIONS) CZECHOSLOVAKIA FINGERLAND, A. Prague, Rozhledy v tuberkulose, No 3, 1963, pp 145-146 "The Pathology of Smoking and Pneumology.11 FRIGERLAND, To the 50th anniversary of professor Vladimir Vortel, DrSc. Sbo3m. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.4,.4(Y7-418 , 65. FINGEWD kitoninp prof. MUDr., DrSc. On the bronchogenic genesis of stratified tuberculomas. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov Unir. 8 no. 4:419-426 65. FINGh-").D, Antonin; KOPECNY, Jaroslaw lung cancer in women. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Ka&v. Univ. 8 noo,4:495-499 1 65. 1. Patol6gicko-anatomicky ustav (prednosta: prof. MUDr. A. Fingerlandq DrSc.)p Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove. VORTELO V,; PIACHYj V.; FINGERIANDO A. Hepatitis in infants after transfusion of pooled plasm. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.lOt879-882 0 165. 1, Patologickoanatomicky ustav (prednosta prof. dr. A. Fingerland, DrSc.) a detWa klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Blecha, DrSc.) lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove. KRAUSY Z.; VORTELY V.; F SALAVEC., M.; KRCH) V. Uncommon skin mAnifestations in Wegener's granulomatosis. Cesk. derm. 40 no.6:378-382 D 165. 1. Registracni stredisko histologie koznich nemoci pri patologickoanatomickem ustavu (prednosta prof. dr. A. Fingerland), kozni klinika (prednosta prof. dr. B. Janousek) a I. interni klinika (prednosta prof. dr. F. Gernik) lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradei Kralove. SKRIVANEK, Ota; SALAVEG, Miloslav; PRIBORSKY, Jaromir; FITGERUND, Antonin; KRCH, Taclav. Roentgen picture of the lungs in Vegener's granulomatosiso Sborn. ved. prac. le3c. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.2t249-256 t 65. 1. Radiologicka klinika (prednorta - prof. MUDr. J. Biatecky, DrSc.)j 1. Interni klinika (prqdnosta - prof. MUDr. F. Cernik); Patol. anat. ustav (prednostas prof. MUDr. A. Fingerland, DrSc.) Lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradoi Kralove. jINDRICHOVA, Jirina; VORTEL, Vladimir; FINGERIMM, Antonin; JINDTtAK Karel- CHROBAK, Ladislav Fatal pamyelophthisis degenerated to subacute myeloid leukemia caused by benzene. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.10:995-999 0 165. 1. Krajsky ustav narodniho zdravi, odd-,Ieni chorob, z povolani, Hradec Kralove (prednosta: doc. I-IlDr. Jirina Jindrichova, CSc.), Patologicko anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty Karlovy University * 11radci Kralove (prednosta: prof. MDr. Antonin Fingerland, Dr.Sc.) * I. vnitrni klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (prednosta: prof. MUDr. Frantisek Cernik). FINGERLAND, A. "Boundary and eigenvalue problems in mathematical physics" by Hans Sagan. Reviewed by A.Fingerland. Cs cas fys 12 no.3: 304 162. 1. Ustav fyziky p4nych latek, Ceakoslovenska akademie ved, Praha. FINGM-LUT 0 YU& --.- -.- 41 From the fund of public conamption* Sov,shakht. U no*6:31-32 .To 162. (MIRA .15:6) 1# Shakhta imeni laninap go Novoshakhtinak. (Nonwage payments) (Coal miners) KIBBLEVA, V.L.; POLFZHMVA, N,P.; JINDEROVA, A.L. Blectrolytic tinning from sulfuric acid electrolytes with additionsof polyethylene glycol asters, Izvovys.uchebo sav.; Ubim.i khim.takh 2 no.4;578-581 '59. (mm 13;z) 1,Ivanovekly khimko'-takhnologicheakiy institut. Kafedra tokbnologii elaktrokhimichookikh proizvodstv. (Tin plating) Physical development of rural schoolchildren in Pskor Pro- vince. Zdrav. Ros. Teder. 8 no.2tl2-16 P163 WIRA 17:3) 1. Otdel sanitarnoy statistiki. (rukovoditel' - doUent Ye.A. Sadvokasova) Instituta organizatgii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashlco. FINGL, J. Control of vater supply in the food industry. p. 305, Vol. 6.. no. 6. 1955. PEWSL POTR&VIN. Praha. Source: East European Accessions List (MAL)s LC,, Vol. 5,, No. 30 march 1956. FIVGL, Ari Standardization helps the operatioz of publio eating facilities. Normalizace 11 no*6xl75-179 Je- 963. 1. Zavody potravinarokyeh a chladicich otroju, n.p., Vy~a~ ustav., Prahae FINGL - - .:- ".Jinl~ll Use of high-frequency and infrared radiation in restaurants. Pr= potravin 15 no.2&54-61 F 16,/ I. Zavody Vitemeho unora, n.po, Vyzkumny ustar stroju chladi- olch a potravinarsky-chg Praha, ' tbe, rec ut fractionated tv evc 'Cj g r Bfs~ I ll l l l sFathem ana ogs of the cura (tardary m1foalum sdb) and aull te a m o d ; Wim-1-11 . be., 130*; di-Afel sa!j, ch(fte. MIMIST Protiva LIMM .1. Z.A-A. MLAnd P. por. M. 7 10,5 g. MeINCHICIGSI-1 in 100 nil 0 with 7.75 C. (CHCOCIN (111) (tj~_u 94-41' -hem. Lilly 47, 1197-1210m, A. *V. analogs of &=x A p I, I iWap and of mcdaylAwlitte -in I ml. Wit gave, afttr sepg. the NaCl at d cxtg, the. " .111 .all all SQIn- With C4114. 7.4 soln'. Wl lr !51%) prq4. Uwe d ub" ' SC bo.4 166-7o. di-Misf $n in. 197'. Refluxing. it IW & activity, ReAuxing.2 g. No In 150 ml. EtOII with 22g., -1 hr. C. 100 ad. C4Hs With 15.5 g.-IU 1~ave 21.7 g. 100 , - '~,Rf'Pr. ~- ba.3 159-61% dirmvlh- ~P N p-IIOCJWH tn 75 ml, StOlt &ad w(th 60 S. MeSCHr brs gave 15 1 & (on purification) o-C4H.(OCHr C1T Cl 6 Wad, - ~;. Distg. off.the EtOll from the mixt. of D d . . . ; 'CH -SMeN, bs.s_vt V 0. m. 47-8* (ftam EtOU); Met .4.6 g~ Nat 410 ml. EtOU. and 2AQ S. U and rt-fluxing the redd wic i2s T U;ana , sah, m. 133-4*. SimiLul tlffAmh' 'Z'; Was 41-2 di- Ith ni CH SMe) (40%) ol"V' (AiNcif tMOCHils. bo.& 1439' . % , , Refluxing 31 g. M*W.HsC*f4OH (1). 160 mi. CtH.. aud'~ oily Jot= ;R. . CHiOlIh in 10 ini. CAN with 10 OL41, (b%4 70*). gave 11.3 g. (74%) 18 g. 70% Nabills I br., adding 35.3 g. Br(C11,11,11r and ts 160" be Refluxing I hr the 6 reftxIng the mist. 7 hm gave 19.4 D5070) Mes(C]Itko- (CHi)60(CHASMe, be.4 1441- li- o xaU. notteryst.' , . , . tt- 4.411 g. IftSH), lk4 76*). 13.1 g. IV, trid 80 mi.' CjI ywd4x t JMeS(CHACOS('H b j Refluy~ng 5 bra. a mist, prejJ. from 4.6 S. N., 250 mi.. and 18.8 c. (RfC1h)* EtOH .1kIeSCff,CHtSH (U) 21 0 C #1 ,, o.q j MS'~ The vnethiodid" were prepd. in Me'CO, C'R'. . . . , yielded alur dissolving the NaBr In 11. HA 22.5 g. (907 j) 5' j A 64 f OB C SM Et%&Without solvent, and were crystd. from BtOH olr M . Pyridlue derivatives of pharmacelogicsi - . rom c t e. tn. t HO EUCHAS( M qCHA ( MeS 'HI di-Ifel s4U m Ghallarly were prepd 138 Quateruq volts of glycol diesUm of mano- % . . . . . , b- 167-9 and U mg, f98 i 80' tn il 8 C A :148 d the Wdlue and piperldine series. %J an MifWav PrWva. INd. 12044; cf. C-4. j . . ' 1804* Dimdkkdi4s of l CH b 1 e (62 .40. We" of pyriditiemodocarbatylk acid . g.g I o l, Refluting a snist. of 44 g.! h e t 3 cmp&. were Wy Were. 'r to give the corresponding . .Na, M mi. EtOH, 21.8 g. U, and 10.1 g. HOCIftcHgO'. ' -i- PkoUvk chloride prepd. by relluxing 15. min. i 9. Picotinic acid in'1250 ml. C411, with 14 sid, . .dis1g. off the EtOH, dlig. the raMue with Et%O. filt=ing ) Me-q- est. gave'" off the NaCl and disig. the 23,!L (7!5p ~ Wei heated. 2 bxs. with 8.5 S. HO(CUtOll save. JL(tLr . 8 I X&HCO4 in 120 ml ith J H O 1 1 j e t. '(C 554 Hs)OCHOsOH, bob 160'. P. 'N1e.lqCH.CJR*QH (b. 130-3*), 20 g. Cmcdixi~ A . . . I . F m. 81-2* (from H&O). Most Refi2xing 37, Pad -I Ott 'Miag add Was recovered at 1040 ff=.~ �K), d O.Ikjl. R& wiss distd., HtO _M . 4. .4 'L dd 2 h". with 19D 5M be t w7 irvapc - I . . , . .. . RMWIt na L-A Pri I m., an, I 'jZ1119,~tth 1-2 IOMRITINI ~1010 -23.- C1114 save, after 1. 1.. w r. I Ith KHCoj,. 22.3 di 1260 (from Etoli); di-M SIM"Ar treatment of In W IlsOnkethlic acid (the I[Cl sal; ~911" chbride did not me t below 20u') with 0-9 Ir. I pve' (12 .9~ . ) gth 91ft diii-fCOUndk, m. 1751 (from di.Tj~ f rt it ztOH - 1 44 ), in. 213' (deccnpn.). 111dre.. IOW v Ion of I In Et 9 er t(h gave Bgc/,o eli.,11 Id t, t". of el i10 Olisfal.), 170* Et.0). thted' T 77 41 %7-77 kill- M 4+0 IN W MEN U wo FINGRUT I.Ya,,,;. TSITRMI A.P. Packless mixer viith an electromagnetic drive as a reactor for the production of alkyl sulfuric acids. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.2:44-4'9 F 162. (MIR! 15:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledova:tellskiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov isulft-ric acid) (Alkylation) IINEORN.-~gxzv; rENNER, Julian; OBORSKA-JADWISZCZOK, Elzbiet;i Iodine uptake in the thermal test in varioits functional conditions of the thyroid gland. Endokr. Pol. 14 no.6a 619-626 N-D 163. 1. 111 Klinika, Chorob Wownetrmyeh Sl. Akademil Medyzznej w % y tu t Onkciog-, I Bytomiu tKierovnik: prof. dr K. Gibinski) i Inst; w Gliwicach (Dyrektors Dr med. J. Swlecicki). FINIASOV, B. (Vitebsk) ~Fercentaae of honesty* Iz6br,i rate. no.lltY~,N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 10 Spetaiallnyy korreapondent zhurnala Oizobretatell i rataionalizator (Technological innovations) Diatr; E2o/LR2b(j)/4B3d 06 -A , 210) , . , , J , I I.Jr lee 14' l1w, I tow MM&AW, not published r n th ( w d t1w ti a pa" o o Out o= e" p kV 19 tftstlag a numbee of s4ai"derivattv" Ipmi aly, 51 A" UC4r)$O libmto Aa yl I vog(U00"s, itia"tyl 1"Y"10eam"t"I M%d am A, b wet Mid 1066 i i Ufa taim The -co"i tion 6t he lomod F44 omple3we w"'(ouid to bb:affected by two (aeton, the eala-1 billsyofearn xes dvadmw njcjo~ ratio and the cwdltfons~ of ell FINIKOV, A., inxhaner. a special equipment on the Uk-12K airplane. Grazhd. 14 no,*4.,25 Ap 057. (MLIA 10:6) (Aeronautics in agriculture) f IT , / ~r- C V T j IV , A AUTHOR: Finikov, B. 1. 20-2-13/62 'TITLEi On a Family of Classes of Functions in the Algebra of Logic and Their Realizations in the Class of n-Schemata. (Ob odnom semeystve klassov funktsiy algebry logiki i ikh realizatsii v klasse x-skhem) PERIODIMALt Doklady Akademii Nauk,SSSRi. 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 2, pp. 247-248 (USSR) ABSTRACT; This paper examines a fami 1y of some of these classes, namely of the classes Rn,k of functions, which depend on n arguments and ac- cept the value I exactly on k sets of the values (n) of the argu- ments. Further the possibility is investigated here to re lize the ~ functions from these classes with the aid of P-schemata. he pre- sent paper is the continuation of a work by G.N.Igosheva.'But the author here uses another algorithmfor the realization of the func- tions of these classes and shows that even in the case of a certain increase of k the number of the contacta in the P-schemata (which realize the functions from Rn k) is asymptotically not higher than 2n. By L (f) the author here Motes the minimum number of the signs of the variables, which suffice for writing down the function f with the aid of the formulas used here. Further the function Lk(n)- oduced here, where the maximum refers to all func- maxL(f) is intr I tions of Rn,k. Then the following theorem applies.Lk(n)_