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UIMR/Human and Animal Physiology. Diecation. T Abs Jour: Rof Zhur.-Biol., Vo 8, 1958P 36591. Author : Filipyova-lltueik V.A.- Inst litlo I Crig Pub: V.ab. Hokotoryo vopr.- morfol., fisiol. I patol. organ6v pishchovaronya.~ M. Hodgizm 1956, 97-101. Lbstract: In experiments on dcge the motor activity of the small. intontino was rcgiatorod synchronously with the rospira- tory movements, Mechanical stimulation~ section and pressur.3 of the phronic nerves (P N), increasod the tonus and intonsifiad fho contractions of the intestine. Soction of the VagUS norvas (V 11) intonsifiod thove phcnomcna. Ligatio-a o:' P N increased the tonus and intensified the contraction of tho bowel in only a small Card 1/2 USSIR ! Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). Neuromuscular Physiology. Abs J)ur : Ref Zhur - Siologiya, No 13, 1958, No- 60687 Author : riliplyeva-ftwi Inst .-I" Title : Physiological Characteristics of the Phrenic Nerve Fibers Orig Pub : V ab.: Nekotoryye vopr. morfol., fiziol. i patol. organov pishchavareniya, m., mdgi .z, 1956, 102-107 Abstract : 377 experiments were conducted on 37 dogs. The sti=la- tion of the phrenic nerve (PN) and the vague (VN) evolved an active motor renction in the intestine, expressed in a heightened tonuB and stronger contractions. The administration of a 0.4% solution of atropine-sulfate (I) in 2 m./kg. during the intestinal rest period pro- duced a gradual deomase in its tonus; with someminor Card. 1/2 121 USSR Human and Anirml _PhYBtOl69Y_(NOMal -rind -Pathological). Nouro=scular Physiology. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60687 contractions the" Wis Usually a lowering Of the ton'o and a decreade in O'oh+Wa(Aiohe- A particularly sharp drop in tone and reduction of contractions ialmost to complete disappearance, was noted in the presence of violent contractions. Consequently, I in some wasure reduced the excitability of the PN. In nine out of ten tests, I removed partially or completely for some periods of time the effect of the parasympathetic fibers on the motility of the intestine. The measurement of chrozvixye and of the accommodetion of the PN fiber, affecting the intestinal movement, shoved that these fibers are similar in their functional character to the parasympathetic fibers of VN. PN evidently partakes in the movement regulation of the u.*pper division of the small intestine, in which its effect is analogous to the effect of VN. -- F - 1. P=ladze T Card. 2/2 N. Nq 00fOMWq V. A.1 FILISHFAKMP 9- G- wCperation of city pipelines*" 14tort to be submitted at the 9th Intl, Gas Conferencej, Haguev Sept 1964. MW MM M. - M J-~ SHMUK, A.j SHARAPOV, I.j SIMUN, V.; JTL-I0T-*-Rf-xe.- Our thoughto and our labor we dedio*~e to you, the partyl Sov, prolooiusy 17 no.3-10.0-11 Je 161, (KUd 146) 1, Predsedatell uobaatkovogo komiteta profsoyuza shakhty No.37 Karagandim3kogo ugolliu)go basoeyna (for Shvaruk). 2. Starshiy inzb. Sverdlovakogo s6vnarkku)'za (for Filisteyev)s -(Socialist competition) i. I L t RE M V 30,ii FILISTEM, Ye. Cooperation of scientific and production workers. Sov.profsoiusy 5 uu-'4,00-33 AP 155., 80) 1. Sakretarl Sverdlovelm)go obkoma profsoyuss rabotnikov kullturye (Research, Imdus4rial) FILISTEYEV, Ye. In the rich minin areas of the Urals. Metallurg 39 Ag 161. (MIRA .14:8) 1. Sverdlovskiy somarkhoz. (Ural Kounta~ne--Ore deposits) FIL13TEYKV, Yee,, otarshiY W'Shi, ats come to the miners. Sov, t. 10 no.12:32 D 161. (MIM 14 -12) 1, Sverdlovokiy sovngirkhozo (Coal miners.-Education and txikng) Aohievenents of Ural muntain metallurgiots. Metallure 8 no,5t33 W 163,, (MrRA 16t7) I# Sredft-Urallskir so"t narodnago kbosMetvas (Ural Momtkins-Steel-44stanlaw) FILIST=, Ye. Holders of world records# Metallurg 9 no.1226 Ja 161+ 1.1 (KIRA 1.8:1) 7USsp / pharmacology and Toxicology. Cardiovascular Agents v-6 Abs jour :Hof. Zhur - Biologiya.. No 17, 1958, No. "94 Aut'ior :Filietovich, M. 'r.,- Arkhipkins, N. M. Ins b Nor g3wn Title The Effect of Dabur Rhododendron on the Activity of the Heart Orie Pub V eb.- Materialy k izuch. zhenshenya i limonnika) vYP- 3, L., 1958) 224-21-7 Abntract In teats on cats, the infbience of a 10% aqueoUS tincture from the leaves of rhodenctron (Rhododendron daburicum; I) on the activity of the heart was studied in situ. 1- delpression of the work of the heart was first caused in the animal by the intravenous introduction of 2% quinine chlorhydrato in a dosage of 2 ml/kg. On this basin) I in a dosage of 0.5 mg/kg causos a significant increase of the amplitude of heart contractions., and increases the rhythm Card 1/2 13 =3 / Pharmacology and Toxicologyo Cardiovascular Agents v-6 Abs Joux Rof . Zhur Biol(ViYa., No 1.7 ~' 1958, 17o. 80594 Of the heart. 5-10 minutes after the introduction of I, the cardial. activity of the oats achieved its original magnitude and., in some cases, it even increased in compari- son with the nornal. cerC. 2/2 DNU)T. T. T~;FILISTOTICK, To 1. Depressor effect of pessimal Inhibition. Fisiol. xh. OSSR 38 no. 2:206-216 Mar-Apr.1952. (CLHL 2213) 1. Laboratory of Blectroonysiolo of the Department of General , gy Physiology, Institute of.:Nxpsrik~ntal Medicine, AcadevW of Medical Sciences USSR, LentngrM. USSR/Mm and Animal Physiology. Cir:ulation*' V Abs Jour: Ref. Zbur-Biol., No 6, 1958., 26 925. Author 34 Inst erinental Medicine of the Academy or Medical Sciences of the USSR Ntle Efferent Mqmlses in SyMethetle Nerves and Changes in Blood Pressure Level. Orig Pub: Yezhegodnik. In-t eksperim. med. Aked. nod. railk SSSR, 1955, Leningrad,, 1956j, 109-113- Abstract: In anesthetized cats the efferent impases in the central segments of splancbmic nerves were charac- terized by a slow rate of flaw, high anplitude and grouping In pulse and respiratory rhythms - When the carotid arteries were compressed, augmentation of Card 1/3 USSR/Humaa and Animal Physiology. Circulation. V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6) 1958, 26925, efferent impulses preceded the rise in blood pres- suro by two Iseconds. The wwlitude of the action potentials . increased graduaw; new groups of potentials arose, synchronous with the pulse rate., in periods of.lowered activity associated with the phases of respirstion. When the lungs were distended, brief bursts of efferent impulses Appeared and ceased prior to the beginning of the fall in blood pressure. ~Ihen respiration was ar- rested, the rise in blood pressure at the beginning of asphyxia did not depend upon changes in efferent impulses in the sympathetic fibers of splanchnic nerves, since the efferent impulses were markedly augmented only in the subsequent stage when blood pressure was at a high level. When the animnle Card 2/3 7 1 TO- Pessimal inhibition of the depressor action of the carotid sinus. liziol,zhur. 42 no.6-.477-4815 is 156. OURA 9:8) 1. Laboratoriya elektrofiziologii Otdela obahchey fiziologii Instituta eksper.imentallnoy meditsiny AMY SSSR, Leningrad. (WMO~-Sl=, physiology peosimum inhib..of depressor action (Run)) USSR / Human and Animal Pbysiolo&6 Cirmlation. T Abs J our Ref Zhur - Mole., No 15., 1958j, No- 70121 Authcr Inat Academy of Solences-Ift TIU-C, Blootropbysiological Analysis of the ~bahanlam of the ContraX Influonob.,m4he Cardiovascular System Orig Pub In the collection, Proble fiziole teentr. nervn. sistemV, MBOW-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1957s 557-566 Abstvact In anesthetized cats recordings vere made of the action potentials of the cantral segments of the me8onteric nerves, The efferent impulses were biphasio grouped oscillations synchronous with tho pulse emd also with the respiratory rhythm* Upon inducing the carotid aims pressor reflex the efferent impuleation at first increased azil then diminished; after discontinuation of comlwesaion of the carotid artery, there vas also an increase in activity. Car~L 1/2 USSR / RUzan and Animal Physiolog7. Circulation. T AIS Jour t Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958., No. 70121 Distention of the lungs produced a brief decline In the blood pre'saure ard an inoroase In the impulsation. With respiratcry arrest the amplitude and frequency of the efferent imp;-Isee increased markedly until the Becond to fourth mimte of asphyxia, when the blood pressure rose and the respiratory convulsions weakened. Upon withdrawal of blood.* a sharp ftll in blood pressure was accompanied by increase of impulsations., up to the point of complete wwanguimtion. In addition to slow potentials,, fast raonophasio potentials wore also recorded which persistod after bilAteral tramsection of the vagus nerves. With the IntXavenous :Injection of 200-1000 Sa=a of acetylcholine, the fast potentiala were weakened, ard with the saw doses of adronalin they itere strengthened. The slow sympathetic impulnes changed in the opposite direction under the influence of these substances. -- A. M. 11yabina7skaya Carl 2/2 45 FILISTMON, VIL Changes in sme vascular reflexes in byWrtenoian. TOP3 pri. I nevr. no.9t2O2-,'!13 162. (MIRA 17:1 1. Otdel obohehey fiziologii. Imeni akademilm K.M. Bykova (sav. - Prof. A.V. MWI) Instituta eksperimentalInvy meditainy AMN SSSR (dir, eblen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. DOA. Biryukov). 4~ - FILISTOVICHI$,--~v.01-10.,~l'.~r.~ Role of pessimal inhibition in the mechanism of the Interaotion of the vascular and respiration centers. Nerv. sist. no-4:a7-91 163 (MIRA 18tl) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy moditsiny MIN SSSR, Leningrad. R --- ip~dm;pt All Unian -S~j. n4mr1i V~ fc;y Nkola-;.' 1. 1-T0. fl. I , 161 minF 6 003 art! pr ipmed 6 lid the detn. ;I the u.' plit, dealing wit i b-Ay tQXicity, xvbi---h sha-wl .11. 'rit-c. aunAts nz tt'.C ncxmri tk-o ~wl -13 m'! 'Im. Ul-- Oe- c- -ir j -j 1"c'.6pz"U' "6 -n'. u -h'j;Iq I ~.~tr'j 't:lt r u.- va .1ame: MITIS L. N. Disseatation: Colchicum alkaloids and their derivatives in experimental treatment of tumors Degree: Cand Biol Bpi Affiliation: Min Health USSR., All-Union Sci Res Chemicopharmaceutlcal Inst imni S. Ordzhonikidze Defense Date, Placez 1956, Moscov Sawce: Knizbnaya.L8toPis',, Nol, 1957 --- ~IMM~ 7/5 FILITIS L.M. Realtion of modified chostical structure to changes in toxicity and antineoplastic activity of Colchicum alkaloids and their derivatives. larm. i toks. 20 n0,03:69--74 YT-Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1, Iaboratoriya khtniotarapii opykholay (zav. - kan'd.biologicheakikh nauk V-A-Chernov), otd:el khimioterapii (zav. - prof. G.R.Pershin) Voesoyuz-nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo institute imeni S.Ordshoulkidse. (GOLCHIM, illciloids & their deriv., 'off. of chem.structure on tox. & anti-neoplastic off. (Rua)) .Golehioum alkaloids and derivatives in experimental tberapy for tumors. Hed.prom. 12 tio.1:64 Ja '58, (HFRA 11:2) ImrUnDel I&nf&nnw QAVWDAUI (ATr&TnTnq% VFZ~I! -P` r-11- . .- I FIL:=S.,L.N.; MA641SAGETOVO P*S,, Antineopletatio activity of aristolochic acid. Vop.onks 7 no.8:97-98 161. (14MA 15:1) 1. Iz leboratorii khimllloterapii opukholey i khimik tanichaskoy laboratorii Thesormolgo nauchno-issledovatellskogo khimiko- farmatsevticheskogo institute. im. S. Ordzhonikidze. (CYTOTOXIC MMIA) (ARISTOLOCHIC ACID) T UMWEEM Zky'r,9EV, L,P,; FILITHAN. L.M. Ejnstio-wwzz~ J"A"Aad by a-Langential discontinuity crack on tba intecrfsoo. of Awo, alattlo _jwdia. -Isv. AN SSSR. Fla. zen;, no. 111 13-i9 065. (MIRA 18%12) 1, Inatitut finiki ZeAli AN SSSR,, Submitted May 11, 1965. RTM-7M FILITSIN, V,V,, inzh. The GAN-8 herbicidei-ammonia machine. Zashch, rast, ot vred, i bol. 9 no-5:36-w3ll '64. (MIRA 17s6) KIIIZHNYAK, P.A.; NOVINSKIY, Yu.S., agronom; SHUMS, I.; GARGAUllp G.; FILITSUN V. GARDIMAN, V. Information and brief news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.507-60 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Goaudarstvennaya inspektoiya po karantinu i zashchite rasteniy Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (vor Navinskiy). J. FILI78INP V,V,o insh, The PTI-3 di minfector. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.8: 25-28 164. (ICM 17 t 12) FILITSIN, V., insh, !WPU,~IB seed disinfecting machine. Zashch. rast. ot vred i bol. 10 no.203-34 165. (WRA 18SQ 2 I ACC NR, Ap6o23854 SOURCO CODEt UR AUTHCR: Filitsin Ve (Senior engineer for'the control of orders, testing and -1ntrodvdf1ffi=5rMw' chniques) ORG: :V 01- "Soyuzsol'khoztekhnika" TITLE s Now =chinos are undergo3llig testing SOUR= t' Zashchita, ras tefilS~ ot'vroditeloy i bolozney, no. 3j 1966, 29-30 TA TOPIC GS: Agricultural machinei7l fortiUzer, insect control, plant disease contro: model testj agronomy, imed kLller, insecticide, agricultural sprayor/OV-4 agricul- tural sprayer, ON-10 agricultural sprayer, OIM-14 agricultural sprayer, OSV-32 agricultural sprayer ABSTRAGrz in 1965 the Machine Testing Stations (MIS) tested 20 now rachines for chemical plant protsAione Among them -was an all-purpose mach4n for applying liquid nitrogen fertilizer axA. for treatront of plants with herbicidogJand toxic chemicals, w-Tho POU,'daveloped by the GSKB for machineg for chemical plant protection, together with tho GSKB for machines for cotton grovIng. The machine can apply armnia water, dry fertilizor, solutions or suspensions of herbicides, and toxic chemical sprays.' Various: las I's recommended -the manufacture of an experimental lot of thoso machines. The'OV-4 vineyard sprayer was tost9d in Moldavia and Goorgiae Since the machines ..,,,-..'arrived to in the 1965 season, t3sting would continue in the 1966 season# The Ca rd 32903-66 ACC NRs AP6023854 ON-10 ~sprayer would also be =do experimentallye The OVICh-14 ventillator sprayor .,with dusting attachment (design of the GSKB for machines for cotton grolringTI'sTe- ~_signat;qd for controlling harml'al insects and diseases by the artificial removal of T leaves and dessication of cotton plants, treatment of orchards and other crops. Iho OSV-12. sprayer (design of the GSKB for machines for cotton growine).is. designated for the protection of orchards -and vineyards by fine-drop spraying arAalso for the trea: ment of cottoni, For treati4a plants OS13-12 is inferior to the OVKh-14 sprayer. The Moldavian and Pushkin MIS t6sted the all-purposo field dustier, the OShU, created to repla6o the 014U and 0PS-3OBe 'The, PFKh attachment can be suspended on plows for app3,yJng systemic insecticides into the soil. Other items of equipment mentioned are the FPCh scoop fumigator, Wi UPR-15 installation, (grinder ani mixer), OT-2 sprayer, omd the OR-IM baak-pack sprayer* Orige art* hast 3 figiwes- Lj'k_S7 SUB CCVE P2 SMI DAM nono Card 2/2 GECIGESCU., Georgep inge (Bucurgiati); FILITTI, Danj, ibg. (Bucureati.) Aspects of the o=U mefohaamtion of setting up works In thermalectria pmer stations. Snorgetica Rum 10 no.8:348- 351 Ag 162& I., Trustul do Constructil. si Montaje Energetics., Buouresti. KMlTOV2 Ivan; FILIZOVAI Liudmi3a- woo- Godishnik biol 52 noo2sl59- Zeolites in Wgaria; laumontiteo 186 957/,,"58 .[publa, .1591, AKSIN, Vladimir; FILJAKp Radovan Developmentand results.,of-oil and gas prospecting in Yugoslavia.. Nafta Jug 14 no.4S117-123 Ap 163. 1. Naftagas, Novi Sad (for Aksin). 2. Naftaplin, Zagreb (for Filjak). FN Jam CZECHOSLOVAKIA -FILKA. J.:.Department of Physiology of Domestic Animals, Veter- inar-y-Fa-cult . College of Agriculture (Veterinarni Fakultax Ka- tedra Fyziologie Hospodarskych Zvirat), Brno. "The Diet of Calves Weaned on the 3rd Day of Life and Reared Without Milk from the 22nd Day after Birth," Prague, Veterinarni Medicina, Vol 12, No 1, Jan 67., pp 55 - 60 Abstract LAuthor's hhglish summary modified,7.- Details of the dieF-administered to the calves are described. The nilk given to the weaned calves was prepared from 1 part -dry milk con- taining 26% of fat on dry matber, and 5,5 parts . water, Begin-. ning with the 8th day semisynttietic milk substitutes were added to the food. Hay and water-saturated starter were fed ad libit- wn after the 8th day. A 20 g dose of Galacid Spofa was admin- istered beginning with the 3rd and ending with the 60th day of life. Or a total 2d calves, 23 survived, 5 Tables, 2 Western references. (Manuscript received 2 Jul 66). CZ_Q,-G.-jC)3LOVAKIA Veterinary Facultys FILIKA J.; Chairof PhYsiOlOgyj "=am C. Vsz), colle7e of A ure (Katedra pysiologie Voterinarni Fal Brno. Life nnd Main 3rd Day of "Dev-pilopment of Calves Weaned on the ' k. III. Use tained After the 22nd,Day .-Jithout a Sueoly of Mil Life* of Anirial arld Vegetable Proteins in the First 60 Days of 15, No 5, Sep 6_6, Pp a F siologie, Vol Pranuej CaskosloTertsk 369_'- 3701 sumption of Abstract:. Bet~reen fhd13rd:an&21st days the average con Of these 8% were vegetable proteins. pro7e-Ua was 2580 9 per day# s 718o g of which on%y 520.- Beti4eenthe.21st and 60th-days theaverage wa was animal protein. Between-the 3rd and 21st days 48-01 g or vegetable proteins was,consumediper-kg of-body weight; between the 21st and 60th days this figure was on3,v 9.11 9. No refer(mces. Submitted at 3 DkY8 i ,9 Dec 65. of Ehysiology.,qf Domestic Animals -at Liblice -.98 C ZZ," 3 11,03LOVA11CIA HOLM, 'A.; 4 KONAREK, T.; Chair of Physiolor7Y, vaterin- 04 0 eteri- c.0 11.18 ary v'ac1.1ltYj ~ege of Agriculture (Katodra Fysiologie V narni i~'akulty VSZ)., Brno* "Chang-cs in Erythrocyto Util.ization of Glucose in calves During the F-irst L~ Monbhs of Life." Prarue, Ceskoslovenska Pysiolortie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep 66, P 377 A b q 'U r al cu tu :4 '0iie ut-ilization of glucose related to 100 ml mass of erythrocytes exceods 20 me in calves aged up to 21 days; it de- creases with ase and drops to 15 mg per 100 ml of mass per hour after 120 days. Tho erythrocytes in calves show lower rtlyool- ytic activity than t-l-lose of most of the mammals. It is nrobably due to the fact thitu erythrocytes of ruminants become adapted to the supply of other metabolites than glucose. 2 Western, 3 Czech references. Submitted at 3 Days of Physiology of Domestic Animals at Liblice, 9 Dec 65. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 110 - KO'VARU, F.; FILKA. J.; Chair of Physiology., Veterinary Faculty, College of kg-riculture (Katedra Pysiologie Veterin-arni 17r.1mity VSZ), Brno. "Dave lopraent of Calves Weaned on the 3rd Day of Life and Maintain- ed on Milk-Pree Diet-Aftor the 22nd Day of Life. IV. ,Consumption of Milk and Vegetable Fats in the r ,irst 60 Days of Life. gue, Ccs',roslovenska Pysiol gie, Vol 15, 110 5s Sep 66,p 381 Prar- Ab3tract: Absolute and relative amount of fats in total food-sup- plly was 'u - s-udied on 12 calvess The absolute consu.,,iiption of milk fats in tlao first 21 days was 1200 g, and of vegetable fats 2500g in 60 d s; total per calf 3700 g. The relative constLivption was 1-24 9 M of be dy woight per- day* On the third day the fats ac,lounted for' 51.1013 of total food intake, on the 15th day 6.6c%.. ani after the 22nd day 14.0%. 1 Czech reference. Submitted at 3 Days of Physiolo-y of Domestic Animals at Liblice, 9 Dec 65. FIZA. Miloolaw How can ve: limeass.the reliability and stability of plamingt 17- i1099L418-419 , 8163 Podn orgy 1. Zavody potriminarokyoh a ohladicich stroju, Pardubice. M Litt,- ~I't, T -4-7URN i now= MOO QM-6,25-mw I'MODICIr, V. V., v=nT, A. X. rqunl V. 73., Goldb, A. 2., 1 r. G. Yj3Rozp N. K., Ani rwrxw-1, B. "Critical c=,ut fd~ ft-Zr.rIbj;,vaj in Wx;~:,rnnl man.-tio fl*14," rop=t to 'be oulmitt-I for tl~~th InUL. Owt. ca Lov Tx."_m' ur* I'hpion (MAP) 1,6-22 Sop 62. .TI. No Kj - - -W J.L~ -1 .12, 1 I:L~ -I,- tT . - A . - - - --- - - - - - - - ---- - -- --- - - -- -- - --,- - ---- ---- -- "Investigating the Process of the Thermil Dest-niction of Ccllulose." Q-nnd Tech Sci, lk)scow Textile Inst, Moscmi Textile Inst, Moscow, 1954- (RWILU-i, I'lo 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (13) SO: Sum. Vo- 598, 29 Jul 55 -0~;:?:'! ~-IAt X Orl~~ .AMK N EKF' IN, N.O.; F1 L I Investigating the performance of continuous production lines in panel manufacture. Nauch. trudy LTA,no.972115-131 162.(NIRA 1`7:2) M. F ga g ilz F-ILIKEVICH, ~%Ya. Fillke,,,ich,, ir.Ya. "A ---raphic iftethod of curviltiear slotu noles", Tz-ady LesoLekhri. akcad. im. Kirova, No. 63, 1948s P. 55-57. SO: U-3042, 1.1 l4arch 53,, (Letopis Inykh Statey., No. 9, 1949) Fillkevich. V. Ya. - "The kinematics of making a match box.4 Trudy lasotekhn. akad. i*. Xlrovap No 63j 1949, p. 201-08 SO: U-52410# 17. Dec. 53. (Letopis 'Zhurnal trVkh Statey, No. 25, 1949). Movyjmv M*S.p red.; PLESHANOVAp M.I.p m--et -Leg imUnt red* [Balancing of gang-Oav units] llravnoveahivanie mass leoopillm#h ram. Moskva, Goslesbumizilat 1961. 115 P. (MMA 14:6) (Balancing 9f maohineryl (Sawmills) UMNAUR~N 7ILIVN, A.I.. provisor. Brief sumeriss of dissertations, for the degree of candidate in pharmaosulloal tolenoe, defended In 1953. Apt.delo 2 no.5-:72-73 6-0 153. WBA 6:10) MI YILIMN, A.I., inzhener. New deeign. of a drawing table. Der. i lesokhim.prom. 2 no. 12:11-13 D '53o (MLRA 6:11) Mentrallnoys mebellnoys yroyaktno-konstruktorskoys byuro (;Iavm bellpromas 11 0 ~-,- - - ~ -1 -2 Oij ~h=V--Ivr-g.--Inzhener;-FILI]Th, A. lwgwm~~~ Furn!Wre vith dur&lumin tube frames. Der.prom. 6 no, 7:3-4 11 '57 (MURA 10: 8) l.TSentrallnoye proyektnc)-konstruktoreskoye by"o Rinbumdrevproma RSFS-., (Furnitwe) (Duralumin) Ki1v POLDIMM, x,H,j inzh.i YILIJCINO Aoj#, inzh, MAnufActure.of bent and kerfed back legis of aWre. Der, prom. 6 n00'9:5-7 8 157V (min lotil) Mntrallnoye proyektuO-konstruktorskoye byuro Hinbualrevprom POLILISHRY, N.H.p A.Z., insh. Bent and glued tables and cheirse Der* Prolao 7 no. 5-.6-8 Ky 158. (MA 11:7). 1. TSentralInVe proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro Upravlenip mebellnoy promyshlennoati Roagorsovnarkhota. (Furniture) 7~7 rks Chinese lemon. A. 161, Fit Apiechmae Deli IOS2. 1.6toW lu"I.I. T A. reirkie of splAk-adws of tht Chiotoe lalioto phint tot phw- werutiral I,r;ictkv. with pryffal tirferetim. t PMrmcology - Congresses Second All-m-Uition Conference of Medical Students Socities. Apt. delo no. 3, 1052. MouthlX kLs_t.2f_ Russian 4ZL2qjjgM Library of Congress, RLi~nmber 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. Iv it 0 min FILtXTII 2. USSR (60)) Pharmacy 7. :Abstracts of the Disnertations defended as requirement for the degree of "Candidate" of Science in 1952, Aptodelo no.5, 1952. 9. Monthly list of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jan2!UZ 1953. Unclassified. M. PHAPUCIST 2. USSR (600) 4. Pha macy 7. Abstracts of the dissertations defended as requirement for the degree of "CandidateN of Science In 1952. Apt. delo no. 6, 1952 1. FILIKINj -A. H. PHAIRACIST 2. USSR (600) 4. Phlox 7. Polemonium coeruleum; information on history and literature. Apt. delo no.6, 1952 9. Month-- LiBt of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. March 1953. Unclassified. Annotatiorkii of dissertations for the degree of candidate In pharmaceutical science, defended in 1932. Apt.dolo 2 no.2.-73-78'Kr-Ap 133. (xw 60) (Dissertations# Academic) (Pha;macy) FILIKIN, A.M. --7----- Storing mediamients. Apt.delo 2 no.3:11-13 MY-Je 153. (KWU 6t6) (Druge) Amotations of dissertations for the degree of candidate in pharmaceutical science, defendei in the academio year 1952/1953. Apt.delo 2 no.3:72-74 Mv- Je '51. (KLRA 6:6) (Pharmacy) FILIX-Mi. A.M., provizor. 'Information latters of lle pharmaceutical administration of the city of Moscow. Apt.delo no.4:66-67 Jl-Ag 153. MR& 6:8) .(Pharmacy) FIVKIF, A.M. (M013000. Dirch Bap. FaVd.i akush. no.2:34-55 7 154. (ML*RA 7:2) (Botany. Medical) (Birch) A*M., provisor. Summaries of dissertations, Apt.delo no.1:57-38 -14-F 154. (MIaA 7:1). (Pharmacy) SIROV, 1j, Lo. professor; FILIKIN, A. M. Alview of the) OInformation Circulars" of the Stavropol TerrItor7 612tion of the Main AdmintatTation ef Pharmacies of the R.S.F.S.R. A (MLU 8:4) ,~t.delo 4 no.1:56-57 Ja-F 155 (STAVROPOL TMIRITORT) (PUM(COLUW - PIRIODICILS) U.- FILIKIN, A.M. Pharnacutical examination in the 17tb century. Apt.delo 4 no-31 53-54 MY-Je 155. (WLRA 8: 8) (PHARUCY, education, blot. in Russia, exam.sample from 17th century) FILIKIIN, A.M. lorms and kinds of drugs used In melleal manuscripts of the 16th - 18th centuries. Apt.delo 3 no,2-31-35 Mr-Ap 156. (XLVA 90) (KILURIA MIQL) 43~, 7 - I A. IT - r- [I -, /A-'! /,r,- - ---- - /I FILIXIN, A.M. (Hook-78) Birch esp. Vraab.delo supplement 157:100 (MIRA 11:3) . . (BIRCH-THEROMIC USE) - ~ -14Qtv. 6A~wmww Pharmacopoolas for the poor In the fIrst half of the 19th century. A-,~t.dslo 6 A0,2378-80 Kr-Ap '57- (MMA 10: 6) (PUMCUKBIAS-HISTORT) FILIKIN, A.M. .. Now literatinv about pharmacy and allied problems. Apt.4elo 6 no.3: 90-92 My-Je 157. (MIRA 11:1) (BII)LIOaRRHY-PBAWGY) -1 f -V-/z'A' t /t I /,itq. 11 FILIKII Sumnnrletp of dissertations for the degree of Docitor and Candidate cf ftema 0811 tio-ol Sciences defe-Acd In 1956 and in first half of 1951v. Apt-4elm 6 ni.4t90-92 J).-Ap 057. (MLRA in-9) (?HAJ4RA(-;UWGT--ABiTRACT.S) luseials Istin pharmacopoeias of the 19th centw7; Apt -daloo 7 n0,5183-87 S-0 158 (;In 3.1: 10) (IngwooponlAS) ............................ Dissertations fmr the degvee of Candidate in Pharmaceutical 3oience preeentWL in the second half of 1957 and in 1958. Apt. iLelo 8 no*4:39-43 JI-4g 139. - (MIM 12: 10) (BIBLIOGUPHY-PHARROY) PI-L, hw literature on .pharmacy and related sciences for 1957 and 1958, Apt.delo 8 no.5:90-91 S-0 159. (MIRA 1311) (BIBLIOGWRY--PRAMCY) TILIX110 A,X, Chronology of Bassian pbaratooposial, Aptedelo 8 uo.6s60-63 W-D (MM 13s4) (PMOACOPDIIAS) FIL K-I N-2--- k- A-- ----- kanotations of dissertations on pluirmacoutical themes submitted in 1,?606.1961, Apt. delo 10 no.51ft-93 S-0 161. (MRA 14,12) (PRUMCY-ZTUDY AITD TFACHING) FILIKINP A.M. Consultationo, Apts.delo 12 no.3t89-9O Ptr~-Je 162, ~MIRA 16:1) (OINTMENTS) 5VIR, A FILIKIUI., A,.M.j LISITSKIYO R.M. Riview of P.E. Rozenteveigto handbook *ftual of drug prescrip- t:'.cns*. Aptech. dilo 12 fio-3s86-97 lky-4063 (MIRA 17:2) FILIKINv A.M. Gonoultaticoof Aptech,, delo 12 no,3s88 ftr-JetO Offm 1722) to~ A iko ftaz:t~ l&&aE&ihLlA U. iSLSZ'd LLJ L 13, Innotatima of disseriatims on phamueutical topica de- fended in 1962-1963. Apt.delo 12 no.5t88-92 S-0163 (MIRA 16111) Ita t 1,,,n3 do I ',j 10" FILIKINI hX :noompatible combInatiorol with suphyllin, Apt, delo 13 noo4s 92-94 ji-Ag 164. (MMA 18t 3) FILIKIN, A.M, New literature on pharmacy published in the second half of 1963. Apt. dj1o :13 no.3187-89 W-Je 164. .(MIRA 180) rILIKIN x4me Ibw literature on pharmaceutics published in 1964,, Apt. delo 14 ~ . I no.IsSI-87- Ja-F 165. 1 . - (MIRA 18 s10) iz '. :- --. Reviews and bibliography. Apt. doln 14 no.5.-83-92 S-0 165. (MIRA l8tl-I) 1. Leningradakiy khirdko-fArmatoevticheekiy inatitut (for Danilanko). DAMENKO, A.A.;. FIL'KIN, A.M. n, KAMENSH',HIKOVO V.; RaTORGUYEV, I., inzli,; POPOV, P., inzh.; FILIKIN, I. Exchange of experience. Avt.tranol.p. 43 no.3.,48-49 Mr 165. (MJRA 1815) KASIMOVs Ye-LIT-It."UNs ~,j KUCHMASOVO P.; RUSINYAK, A.1 POIETAYEV, R.; BMZHI R.1 BABKOV, D., inzh. :Ixc!hotnge of experience, Avt. tranap. 43 no.2:50-54 F 165. (MIRA IM) SHAPOVALOVp A., inzh,; KATrSHEV, A.; RGVOVOY,, D,; VASIUNXOV# N.,, oleoarl Rxchange of experienos. Avt. transp. 41 no.8t52-54 Ag (MMA 16: 11) I. Khartkoveldy avtotrest (for Shapovalov). - - ---- ---- 28~ 3/028/60/000/03/0()3/029 25 2 D04l/D006 AUTHORS: lagaziner, V.V and Fillking I.N. TITLE: p Thel Requirements for Forge And Ptessing Equipment Standards PERIODICAM Standartizatsiya,,1~609 Nr 3#' pp 10-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ~This article stresses the necessity of revising the exist- :ing "COST 4862-49", "GOST 7639-53", and "GOST 6739-53" :standards for forge and pressing equipment on account of .their obsolescenco. The Tsen.tralgnoye byurokaznechno- pressovogi),mashinostroyeniya.:- TsBKM (Central Offi-.e of the Forge and Pressing MachilLe Yu-i-lding-) was charged with the development of new standard drafts, but the TsBKM prepared only one drafl;-which did not solve the problem of inter-type unificeLtiona The authicra give an example of the.economy made by the Voronezhskiy zavod ItTyazhmekhpress" (Voronezh 1'9?yazhm9khpres " Plant) by Card 1/2 :-.,introducing inter-type unification of press rr'tz, and '~J 6., 26(l) 8/028/60/000/03/003/029 25(2) D04l/D006 AUTHORSs V.Vp and Fillkia I.H. TITLEs The Requirements for Forge and Rressing Equipment Standards- PERIODICAL8 13tandartizatsiya, 1960, Ir 3p pp 10-12 -'USOR) ABST.RACT.- !IhiaArticle stresses the necessity of revising the exist- Lng "COST 4662-49", "COST 7639-53"y and "GOST 6739-53" gitandards for forge and pressing equipment on account of their obsolescence. The Tsentrallnoye byuro kuznechno- j;essovogo ma8hiriostroyeniya - TsBKM (Central Office of ,the Forge and Pressing Machino 1=163,ng) was charged mith the de,~relopment of new standard drafts, but the Tb',BKM prepared only one draft,,-whicb. did not, solve the problem of inter-type-unificationo The authors give ari arample of the economy made by the Voronezhskiy zavod "'Pyazhmekhpress" (Voronezh "Tyazhmekhpress_~p~awt) by Card 112 12troducing inter-type unifiCELtion of press parts9 and .Q,//182/60/000/010/003/006 A16l/Ao2g AUTHQRS: Fil'kin, I.N.; Rozenblat, H.M. TITUt "Retin4ks"~in Clutches and Brakes of Presses PERIODICALI Kuznechno-.shtauq)ovochnoye proizvodstv6, 1960, No. 10, pp. 28 30, TEXT9 '"Retinaks" is a friction meterial developed a few years ago by LMASh AN SSSR (334ASh AS USSR)and VNIIATI GM in joint work. Its major components are asbestos, bar;ite and phanol-fomaldehyde resin [Abstracter's note: No other com- position details are givenli it withstands pressure of up to 50 kg/cm2 on the. friction suz~face and develbpo a peculiar surface layer protecting it from wears It works paiticularly well in heavy-duty brakes where the temperature reaches 400-' -1,OOOOC'and has a Aable friction coofficient of about 0.3 even In this work. ' There are two."retinaks" grades 4)K-24A (FX-24A) without brass chips, andc~k -16A (FK-16L) containing brass chips. It has become into extensive use in brakes of aircraft wheels, walking excavators and some other machines, but no data are avail- able on its behavior under definite work conditions, which delays its application in other machines :Lnoluding presses. The pressed asbestos called "ferodo" which is used up to now in ciutches and brakeis of presses is not satisfactory, and the Card 1/3 s_1/_182/6o/boo/bio/0q3/006 "Retinaks" in Clutchet and Brakesof Presses A16i/AO29 4 friction lir~.nss have to be replaced every 3 - 6 months, and at high temperatures of about 200)0 It fe do" loses its friotion properties and withstands only a pres- sure of 4 - 1; kg/05. -Due to these "Yerodoff properties obsolete multidisk clutch t and brake.designs are'still being used. In-view of this, the press laboratory of the "Tyazhmdkhpress" p1mit has tested "retinaks"An. comparison with "ferodo" in a single-difsk design with square and round pleces-of these materials the disk. One (driven) disk of the 315-ton K-274A (K274A) press has been used for this purposej then~a single-disk clutch and.brake. It was stated that after a while the "retinaks surface became nearly mirror-smooth and its wear stabilized, and the absclute wear of theAnsert (on both sides) was about 0.15 mm after 20,000 brakings. Ibis means that "retinaks" gives the possibility of using single-disk clutches ar,14 brakes in presses with inserts of "retinaks". Their advantages are: simplicity of design, better heat transfer and easier removal of the wear products, lower inert'La of the driven,masses and 'Lower friction work, lower manufacturing costs, econ)my of metal. Replacement of worn inserts is simple; it is only neces- sary to shift the Pressure disk 50 - 70 mm off along the shaft. The "Tyazhmekh- press".plant has developed new single-&isk clutch and brake designs. -Laboratory tests led to the following conclusions. 1) "Retinaks" is 5 - 8 times more wear- -resistant:than "ferodo" in clutches and brakes. 2) Surface pressure of 10 - 15 kg/cm2 on 'retinaiks".o'an be recommended. 3) Single-disk clutches and brakes with Card 2/3 S1182160100010101C,03100~ -,naks" it! ClutchesAnd BreYes of Presses A161/AO29, r:-.--1-_-'naks" inserts ensure normal operation of a'press. The fitting surfaces of jnzert.,, -,^cquire no additional machining or coating. It is necessary to con- "L-7::a tests- d to :)f "retinaks" twider different conditions -and applications in or er .2 in tfte shortest possible time the necessary data for designers and pro- enirineers. The article includes a drawing of a test disk used. There is rure. 1174ma C Card 3/3,. 414 -11--j zqu hatsil; 111. . t . I . - 01~2 -~-; ~ . , . - . ,q~- -~wf - . . -- ,.; p-!o_,~ : --, I ~~z , ro, ri&Alim ~ I , q --% , ~~ - _,, :,j - .~ . : :~ i' - ~l ;~; , --- cl ',-La ~ :.- - - . , , , ez~ v - - ." ~~: ~M-VtN-- - rl ..". ~ 1, , ~ , - - - such:rand providin ~.for: a~ attIbla ditf.eiren.; typelp.#11whAe. analysis'of the regula ~UGAZINEAI V.V.; TYNYANOV MWOVSKIY, G.M., imb., retsenzent; ZLOTNIKOV.S.L., red. (Operation of single-crank single-acting presses] Eks- pluatatsiia, odnokriv6shipnykh pressov prostogo deintviia. Moskva, Mashinostroenie) 1964. 124 p. (MIRA 17:7) YILIXIN, X. Our school graduates have been docorated. Prof,-tekh.obr. 17 no.2:24 7 16o. . (XIU 13:6) 1. Sekretarl partbyuro Poki-ovskollo uchilishcha makhanizateii eel,skogo, khoulaystys, Io.5,, Orenburgskaya oblast'. (Orenburg Provinoe-Um meebanization-.3tudq and teaching)