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Dotolu"sticis of the cooffidefit of beat tailduclivilY of oleo. -all"ist and Xt. oil ~, (;~,"Yi 1h., X- '~ 124, No. 10. Dela-tmw .'ht vAru'u, 41cliths, from the SmIact Tff a kxI of link- with the alat ul slwck%l. thermuirletere'lis we IIAS thernimmPk-A Is tim-litv-1. BARON, L.I.-,'~ILIWOTA M.P. Conference on results of laborato%7 experiments with certain tMs of respirators. Gig.i san. no.4:54-36 Ap 134. -WRA 7 -.4) (Respirators) Filippova, M. P. -- "Working of Deposits of Sodium Sulfate and Investigation of the Influence of Natural Conditions on the Dehydration of Mirabilite in Extraction." Acad Sci USSR,, Inst of Mining Affairs, Moscow., 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 24, Moscoi, Jun 559 pp 91-104 -77 MON, Ljo; NILUVA, X.Pj Ilivestigation sa the use of the cond6isation nathod for nias dust tra"lag. Isy. AN SM. OtI.toth.amak no.8:162-164 Ag (Niue dust*) (NLRA 9: 1) R, FILIPPOVA, M.P.# kand.tekhn.nauk All-Union congress on the reduction of the dust content of the atmosphere of mines in mining industrY enter;SIBeGo- Gorahurs .e75 MY 161- no. 5 -.71 ( 1, Komissiya pri AN SSSR PO bor'be a vilikozom, Moskva. (Mine dusts) FILIPPOVA 'M.P. kand,tWdm.nauk Comparative bvaluation of dr7 dust collectors in drilling(operationse Sbor. rab. po silik. MIRIVUdO) .413entrallnaya komissiya, po borlbe a-siliko2om., (Dust collectors) FILIPPOVA., M..P.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Results of testing dry duat collectors for boring work. Gor. zh~r. no.4s69-72 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. UchazO7 oekretarl Komiissii pri AN SSSR po borlbe a si]4kozom& (Dust collectors*) (Boring) FILIPPOVA, M.P.,* Development of the vork on -the control of pnewcoaw"'Ir- the minin industry of-the Soviet Union. Bor'ba a 6'31. 5.o7-13 162. (MM 16:5) 1. Ixwtitut gornogo dela imeni Skochirskogo (Mite dusts.-Prevention) ZHARIKOVA) G.G.; FILIPPOVA M.S.; MAXAROVA, G.Ya. Sporulation of Bacillus brevis var. G.B. Antibiotiki 8 no.12-:1080- 1082 D 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iaboratoriya antiblotikov biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. P il ?"0 V A LANDAU N.S. NEF-Elf)VA, M.V. Formation of the antibiotic of the mrid.1cl.din t7jjc~. blokhIr.. A mikrobAol. I no.3;347-351 ~V-Jle 165. 8: -1 1. 14ogkovskly gosudarstvennyy uni-versItet imen,' Lomfino,-liva, bilolog3-pochvennyy fakultlet. FILIPPOVAo M.S. Preservation of the culture of Baci3lus brevis var. G.-Bo Mlkrobiologiia 34 no,3046-550 My-Je 165. (MMA 18: 11) 1. Biologo-pochvenr47 fitkulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets, M.V.Lomonot3ova. KIRISOT, Anatoliy Grigorlyevich; :rILI"OTA, K.Y., otv. za vypusk; TOROWSM, Z.Z., tekhnered-. [Game and gone birds of the Udmurt A.S.S.R.] Okhotnich'a- promysl*vye averi i ptitay Udmurtil. lzd.2. Izhevok, Udmurtskoooknishnoe izd-vo, 1960. 133 p, (KIRA 14:4) (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Chim and gem birds) STROGOVA, Takaterina GrIgorlyevnis; YIMYMA,N., redAktor; SHISTAKOY,Ao, tekhnicheakly redaktor [History of an hypothesis] Istoriia odnoi gipotezy. [Moskva] lzd- vo TeK VLKSM "Molodate, gyardlia," 1955. 86 p. (MLRA 9:2) (cosmogony) I I NOMOT, Alckkandr AR%onwvtohl Tallawo skadmiki PI At 1. POMMAWA. 0.,. DOSM'. tthAtah"kly rs4&kt*r..- - -Ukhall YmL&Iltovlg!h Lems"ev- I?U-1765. Nookwa lid-vo TaX Tiam OXelodala gwardlisiF, i;j5. 926 j. (Kin 9:5) (Losenesew, KUh&U T"Illevich, 17U-1765) SMONOV, Vadja Andreyevich; FUIPPOVA, N., rodaktor; TICROSHIN, U., takhnichaskiy redaktor-~-----"" [Travels into the unknovn) Pateshestylia Y nevedomoo. (Moskva] Izd-vo ?*K VIISH Ogolodaia variiiia,f 1956~ 238 P. (HLBA 9:9) (Rumbold. Alexander. 1769-1859) The Ccmlttee on Staltz PrIses (of Uw CouwU of UWatoro UOM) In the ft9ft of salenc* and JMMUMs anwpomm that the faLlowl" scloutIrle vorks,, popular saien- tIfIc bmkAj, and Uxtbooks bwe be4a submItted Mor competition tbr Stalin Prue& rca, the years 1952 and 1953* (santske 22A0, 20 Fab - 3 Apr 19,54) ..q& K4tura, Mwaow, Im TiUe at Waft Ramdmted by Antir,ov, i.H. L-..prc;v anent of Soion--;t:;~' in the SSh" Institutc of Soils V. N. L-ckuch---y-,",~ Acnd_-_-y of Sci-:-nc~as Sanbw, G. 11. 00t ir-306&, 7 JW4 3-9* KURUTIV, I.; FILUPOVA, N., redaktcr; BOROV, A., tekhnicheakiy nedakto--r~7 [Unbeaten paths; notes of a geographer] Isprotorennymi putiazi; sapiski geografa. Ind. 3-e. dop. [Moskul Ird-vo Tel VIM *Mo)o- daia gvardiia,14 1954. 390 P. (Microfilm] (NM 7:10) (Soviet Central Aaia-Description and travel) (Kongolia-- description sad travel) ~JE FILIPPOVAj, N.A. .......... A comparative characteri ation of the toxicological propertie's of tetraetl7l dithiopyrophosphate and aimetbyl dietIV1 dithiopyrophosphate. Kbimiya I Primrvinlye FoafororganicheakIkin Soyedinenjy (Chemistry aM apolAcation of wrganophosphoroug, com"OurX13) jk. YE. AR:117PI, Edo ;'ubla by Kwwr Arfilo Acado Sci. USSR, Mo3cow 1962, 632 po. Collection of cdmnlete DaPers Presented at the 19.59 Xazan Uonfcrence o;-.i Chordstry of :;r#:anoohosphorus Comnounds. PERSHIN, N.I.; ALEKSAJIDRDVp V.I.; ILIERITSKIT, N.Ye.; TABACHKOV, I.F. ; BOLISHAKOVY V.I.; KANARI, I.A.; YASIKO, A.Y.; KLYUKIN, A.P.; POLYAKOVO V.S.; FILIP ~N~; SHAGORINSKIY, B.S., red.; IZHBOLDINAt S.I., ternn. (The millionth tractor; on the occasion of the 30th anni- versary of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (1930-1960)],Mil- lionnyi trektor; k 30-latiiu Stalingradskogo traktornogo za- voda (1930..1960). Stalingrad, Stallngradakoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1960. 94 1). (MlRA 16:9) 1. StalingradAly traktornyy zavod im. Dzershinskogo, (Volgograd-Tractor induatry~_'_ -___ , rr I I- AA Ul 04 Micruchirtuicial dclotmination of zinc in ores by the met- I-of Cury thiacyavAte method. Yu. Vii. LAW, atut N A,"q- I-so 11017 %!, %,, so Zdr.,d~k.ovs' t l.;w 11, 11, Ifi. S. b"11. StArtri 4 /it oil Ar- It, 111% jn~ ~11- Ad I Al. 111-.. tie Ivia, "Ith At.. 00 411400 1 .4 %ill 11 ..~ M - I.W , 1-14 t A10,11 11% 1 kit 14, p", wor 1,101011"I fly NWIllit "1111 00 '1111.1 foo, r"Ill A Ifill, J 11-111 "Alto N4 00 4 140. 1. tit.. .41101,1-1 (.A w:6.1'.I.-III. 1h. so 1.71 d1two 21111 0 it H, wo4b,ing 11,14 1. "to It %At 111 -mg a, ~S .4 /11 yid-WAA (1'Z"41. 112.14. ~!X' A I Is, 11.2-t1% , raler &out Kra-W.tithil."v f,w .1.1g. /it 'j-pt" with Wilar Ibiwirsuale Mild r'I'llist. with 1 1 X ) giv., IN.-F fr%4111. ill 11" 1.1. .$1. A, '4 141 xv All'i 11 quirsI 1 %4 11v wwl At, wausig I., 11jr .4% W lot It,akh A. Ad SAW to, I tow 1.,* p1ml. An % It. 1.4 11 Aw It - 11. A affatittrGILAIL .1, 6 0 Ig lot III v VITA 1 0 7 0 0 10 0 so 0 0 00 0 0 to 0 go 0 0 0 9. :; 0 0 to 0 : i* 0 1 0- I011111111 '00 000 G a 0 to 111 0 doe wool cis 0 '010 fe 004*41 see 0 0 0:0-00-00 Mf tf I f ft I I I I fff 6 1 - to! #*WtVAI Avg #Otrfffn~ *O#W vu ilk ' i 13 "k L U z Vs. Lot s W-47(1114 ,A. 74 K _ K pt-d 7 a . a F WM. ays , of xi co wo4wrt da wa 09 t . x . . . , 1 b 1 0 f 1u = bs WA sr . 46 v rowes o 10tv by IrOSM The lose al owtA it Ow 8 ol Absorption and resewadas amounts to 1-2%. k M to "a catinaltes fer quat. a", of ampba- il = sea bum awk" &w aw"aarbxvik cadme by tork % h ll l l i m * ba em wk m is a 8 nte, with a w 1 d-rbloc t hi I i RA W Ob M t to w s M&NOW t s POSO s In t . o. . stA Al hout ob the "sts which am buk Ily- Z a, cm) 84d kat As stich ttmbw wk% tbt druawfe 0% 4 , Th1sdw(bWWtbaa4- V"up wba with Our me of areaH brdrcmw ,3 fair Ise *#Pa. dkA111d(ft CO-Wa- AM 1RAk" oev po" a quest. ma of the suipboterk nwak. It, Z, Xxtaich If f I I !f M A_x - 4, A j 0 2 I few Oamov 14 1,19" I'T I 1 -1 Ad f-# #TV -6 f Jq 0 0.0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 low !'-o0 1p So Soo Lit to 1) t I I 1 11 it I# If if p -lo itti too hiti, vx* 11 AID Jf#;tig I, I, r 9 Ilt c a A --A t a 4 11 A a a Olt L V!iiisl iu.7 pecorov.16 "U. 44 of got In sagglytica thomwky. 0 ee A Vu. Lut'l- A. F~illp A~Nqv& a last. Non-Yettlito M044INN, U.S.4 It-)-, 'Z 14. 111012(11481; lee .4. C..t. 4j, usih, fillpts. were nall- sbiNit"I with ploynalic ftilionlit (Walaill, M The fallow- qvillog, call be made 1 (1) Za and Al (rOts Vo lot 0 lid IluiVir flitill. With N&OI1 litUN 111011 Nif4*-#AtJ. 90119MIOr. M AN Not 5" (fitin As toy potosing thgo govaln. through IP. 0 giviod. rittkinior to 01ME4.196 11"%l Sri "My owl own -eats. willo till. 110 CO III frinn Cu for Ila by loolivAng the am thimallb K 1 40141. "tooinits to atmorh kkKh think 81 I'll Ie- 91 U411. ("llfird with lfw). to INT Venm.) oinil,brig. (4) 01 living Fit 7' LA by IIWA"s Of gralksulle prowitiod the thlo too `ylite clorgoess. i'l twtly 0%; it all III Is to remain I',o 41 WIN. anif an III-It"Ifift"I amt. Id top It alloggrallic, the *0 J. riffle". shoilitt lot d:!PDVV 0%; it 'All IIII is tit 110 V1141. Mail A 40 i little III It fore"amildble. the ctw". 1,*Mkl W INJUNN, 0" 00 10 1 Ard with gusuouli"' . Attlan-tachange etiots. writ nxkltk lie 00 10 84141111C. I" W*1 00111- IN1111V k MIUMI 10 hill" 111100 "All (V 4`11til. 11iiii 2-, XMIll ~1111 fig 11 and p*sgotok turn thit filimtr; In neutral for alk. wooks. MWO. I A is Infur"t if) 301"11a witkil pple, two Ilse Onimite grain% Sts i~ III wl 4411 %fill a, Cith-lksalmortotil IH 411 JOUROMP',11 V"'. Ow"oots 1-111 CAII In, rkbl. %%till j, " N.kf Ill -All. lit Ote pit, by anjorgile flont is solid. of lilt 1-12 and can birext'l. with . N.,)It ".. T,, p. C,O.-- I. Ni" in fiAns. I,, t'lll-r'd Ili-Ila, a"I.Na I---%, ... vilwd 11'a11 lIC1,411,; theft !-7- hichNi:C is as high glifid): 1. jissAthramlaur - " "" "'Pit. 14 No If-RUNal mpkf th~ c-xlIjixj% r kiLlCA 50111 , t*cau- .1 11111r. 1111`041411 thr fUliOglite, Attil A 41MI (4 tWfh nic"i N. ~p t1i fr-. Cu tit Owt.'re the 21141 01".1 Jrd 11111villon 141 usiditc any rs." -111 '. Ill %hWh Ctl: Ill 11 4- litigh AA "it 1, 44111 liable M bee A-VIC%LCIO. '*lilt J10;. NA011 S-40, In thtpur-A-11mol Ih,' 4,11-118,11r. .4n, I N 11.01 It". 11-14igc, All (*if Wig AM3111016iCAl too utdogir lie thimyur,41c Ili is uli%lartnrily alsiourtorAl both In 41-1111-11-1, PA- rat. Do ly,"ti dn"titir ii,th *cut and usiumnsfacal solo.; the &Iwxb%Lcww1tk N.41 If. Z. RAIniCh t** attiLLN&OCAL LIVIRATS01111 14~: 77-: I" lee aft, $1 (11.1 _1t-,-.5_ V I .."it O.W 1.0-1 4$. sta's 0 It IN It a It 'via A . 14 MnTOVA, X. A. 23003 prlmneniye Janitor v analitiobeskey khlaii. Soovshch. 4# Yu. Yu. twle i N, A, Filippays.. Opredeleniye seryl fostora i myshlyaka v inksle i mki. Zavodskaya. laboratoriyag 1949v No. 7. 0. 771-79. Bibliogri 5 mzv* SW LgTOPISP NO- 311 1949 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 - - .* j# w a Is 9 a p At 0 A 6 f. ~A -A OOA L I-POC14111 AND "ift Owe 0 00 '40 06 .00 09 44 so AemtWe of jum.rgehangr MalvAals In Aedyfleal .1 on of Slotter. 14"Oph- 1100 n1lotry, IV- IMtrwilldif 00 at,, and A~.Ie to Nickel and Ca T. (In Hillilall .00 0 0 wvo&k4Yd 1,ol"'ll' Yu. Yu. L.ut*e and N. A. FilieT fad (Factory Laboratory-) July 1949, P- to 0 0e 4; 771r: COO 000 L%Vcl%N WW'lk" for alooqAiun of Cu uld Ni ff4m,l wmw "ic folutiolks, thus porlill(lini darimhutum, 0 00 43 i of S, P, and As in thew titclals by we 1-kmrhm 09- otfs. TAv variatium of the mlorimetric detenninatiun .1 m mW P am desetilwd. Typical dAhj aft- WKIIAW, 00 996 It .. I mo 0 ago "AIR, illIALLONOKAL t"11410011 CLAMOCATION 400SAW 411AIll Ow 907 lit U 0 At 10 AML IONG **IN 0 9 a 4 2 0 0 is0 0 0 0 0 0 40 so 0 0 ON "00 *R 0 00 a 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 9 * 0 4D 0 0 0 a Ca6rbbWk dittaildn" of UNA qualltiff OfFism- plitim, usemis, ud Whom ic okkel &W saMr. S. i L. 1. Kasortsovs. J & .-rM tmv%t IM044004"Ir r"",fithv" (Of tl;: 4%AdlttIKtfk- drin. ol tfume of P. M, and 14 wrv situliml. Ratio. ul the Out". acidified with ll%'Ck by mra"I of MIA[ slier couvrisloo of As above itlermau knip colnPkx liarm with malytxfic " fortus, the 64%is of the faml promiure For 11 w3to. a .1A CllClm:HuOlI mist. i* advncat"l; efthcr ibe original yeillowroloror the nwm usual t4w e4tl~ (Afirs aduction) Is used for volivrinsetry. For 11cli. Ai layer floin the abuiv is Mil, Will; 1: 1 111M1 iind .the ttdu,, IuWwtd by ClfCh, the Islug volor to uml f4w the dein. For Arig. Si the a layrr treni the above i, "ified my strongly with )IN4 and exid. with DuOlt and the de-tts. made- rithrr with the orizinAl ytilow color or the W%W Cokw after "Auction with SnClp- Vistul or instrunwntal toethads can tw u~l. G. IM. KokuLpuff Fnippou. N. A. PA 169T5 ~A 018~M/Chwlatry - Askelysis" Nickel Aug 50 "Determination of Small Quantities of Zinc in Pure Nickelo" N. A. Filippoyap Yu. Yu. Lurlye) State Sci Res Inst of Nonferrous Metals "Zeyod Lab" Vol XVI,, No 8, Pp 912-91T Suggest nev meth-oll for deterlinAtIonot very small quantities, 1,000ths and 10,,000tho of 1%.. of,zine in pure nickel. 14athod is based on preliminary separation of zinc vith acri- dine and thlocyanate and subsequent colori- metric determination of zinc v-1th the. aid of dithizone. 169Ts A.?;.; jZvZjiS rATA, AoA#; IUP6Pb9T, r4q.; yAyNBIRGO M.)f## redaktor [doceass4l; VZL~~VA, IT. talchnicheek A.# redalctor; WR,yl, If.S., V redaktor~ rmo analys Ig of, 94ses In.the c~emj n"Aualis g,,,Ov v khlmicheskot pr cal Industrrbierga. Mogkva, Goa. nauchuO-tekOmV8hlOnnOstL- Pod red. M-M.Fat' hn, lzd-Vd khimicheakoi llt-r7, 1954- 327 p. (Gases--AmaVgj8) (HLRA 8:7)' -77. 7 bOt pit jilt "tog p4culfl-, _-Od", Woe 1L4 At Mlle sdwYll q C, C%r "'w"Ce -if. t~' jWA, J%c cc t1. ir.1 tk V%Oc mt, I ,, so minc %4 ct, v", eO To IF 1~ A_ 50 AW! !T%v bit). -u 's s it 0111'.1-mes vul ndkdftuo .ts of filih fin 41, l=lf.--Addn. of 2.2 It. cwqafnme In kOD mi. hot lIkO to '.'A It. sulfapyridine M1110rD mi. 140H follmt4 by roftuxing 3 hrfl. T--xve 2.68_x. ;!,No Wh 'wn, p$-ril"Idille gave 1. Ge 11t.wipst. Ill. Above 300 #-U~dvo4uhictlc tit 2 1. Wam UP wai added to 3~41. cold 140=10.51. tutd. N%CI; when thr. whi. imbed room terip. it viss tic-11M With 9 9. tul- fa 3iWniclt In 100 nit. HIM and after 3 disys at room tmp. live 5 pwiW by exta. Mili'liat NtOll In whkh the filvanalot 3 1p--4 wbU6, dUn. ciftheak. tit. with 11,0 pvt the pure 2-4ullanllamido- -4)eIlloquinone. Slmlkzrly was tit Vialflipyridix li=Aoite, sol. itt HtOH and AA In *61n. both I I. r M, dcrivs, are sivwly tnuidocuitO Into In--d. stdoftacts, polsibly "IyMerization or cww-nsuitlon Products. 11; acilanof,rnelhoxyquina-,tcs_with.andoes. 1. S.1offewid_ Ito g. rrd Lolpe"noll). T116( IC.) I'l 50 ;Ilzot AcOll tteAtM with I v p. .011 if arid-, tn - . I 8 ;r , . , 'T. 8 -FaT-tmr it ' AFOCC f r O am hoxyqu U*ejpcs Wj Wk. 11 C 1 S . , 7m,-jj.- SM 49 , ~; t~ - . - :, I.:I " il---, ` ~` . 4~ - z . . . . ~li` , . , I , I . . .1 , 3ABKO, Anatoliy KirillovEch; FTATNITSKIT, Igor' Vladimirovich; ALIMARIN. I.P.. redaktor; DYMOV, 1.M., professor. redaktor; WROYS, Yu.Tu.., professor. redaktor; YILIPPOIA, N.A. redaktor; LURIY3, H.S., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Quantitative anal;7siB] Kolichastvannvi analiz. Moskva, Goo. naWhao- tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry. 1956. 736 P. (KLRA 9:11) 10 Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Alimarin) (Chemistry, Analytical-quantitative) SOVII 3 7- 57- 1- 1619 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 215 (USSR) AUTHORS: Troitskaya, M. I., Polyakova, V. V., Solntsev, N. I., Filippova,N.A. TITLE- Organization of Analytical Work at the Gintsvetmet [State Institute for Nonferrous Metals] - Results of Work During the Last Five Years (Organizatsiya analiticheskoy raboty v Gintsvetmete. Itogi raboty za posledneye pyatiletiye) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr- Gos.n-i- in-t tsvet. met., 1956, Nr 12, pp 5-13 ABSTRACT: The Gintsvetmet [State Institute for Nonferrous Metals] has three laboratories: One for chemical analysis, one for physical methods of investigation, and one for the study of the material composition. An account is made of the nature of the work of these laboratories in the analysis of raw ores, the middlings, and pure metals. N - G Card 1/1 R M I ~v~ i Jz TILIPPOVA, N.A., kandidat khimicheakikh nauk. 9 0 agradian's book nProcess control in flotation plants.* Reviewed by N.A. Ifilippova. Zav.lab. 22 no-3:380-382 156. (HLRA 10:5) 1.0intsvetmet. (Ores--Analysia) (Sagradian, A.L.) mv mg nim, bg, R-SvtO v _R N~Z~L.T p Y R SOV/1 37-57- 10-Z0526 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mwtallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10. p 305 (USSR) AUTHOR: F TITLE: Works of the Gintsvetmet (State Institute for Nonferrous Metals) in the Field of Chemical Phase Analysis (Raboty Gintsvetmeta v oblasti khimicheskogo fazovo.go analiza) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR, ser. khim., 1957, Nr 1, pp 102-107 ABSTRACT: A review of the methods for the study of the material composition (MC) of.ores, concentrates, and products. of hydro- and pyrometal- lurgical reduction of nonferrous metals which were completed by the Gintsvetmet during the last few years. The study of the MG of the substances is founded on the method of the selective dissolution of separate phases; also used are the methods of sink-float separa- tion in heavy liquids, magnetic and electromagnetic separation, mineralogical and petrographic analysis and X-ray diffraction analy- sis. The sequence technique in the study of MC of the substances is described. The causes of the errors in the phase analysis are dis- cussed. Card 1/1 Z. G. 'Mawww S WZTA N 0 VA, 1?-R-; TMNOV, A.A.; GLAZUKOTA, Z.J.; DAIIN. 0.1.. I FILIPPOTA, N.A.; MUMMA, T.F.; BOYI(O. Te.P. Brief report@. Zar. lab. 23 n0.5:544 157, (MLEA 10-8) 0kUOi9otoPes-Zudustrlal applioations) (Chemistry, Analytical) GROSM. 419knan4ir Pavlovich; kand,khimenauk# red.; TSGOROVp N.Go, redo; HHFAX-b--Te,G,, (Technicil. analysis] Tekbuicheakit awlit, Ud. 2. Pod red. N.AJilippovoi. Moskva, Goo nauchno-tekhn. isd.-vo khim lit 1958. 431 pe (Kiu 11-:61' (Chemistry, Technical) (Chemistrys Analytical) I SOV/137-58-8-18140 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, p276(USSR) AUTHORS: Filippova, N.A., Sudilovskaya, Ye. M. TITLE: Phase Analysis of the Products of Pyrometallurgical Reduction for the Compounds of Iron, Copper, Lead, and Zinc (Fazovyy analiz produktov pirometallurgicheskogo peredela na soyedineniya zheleza, medi, svintsa i tsinka) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. 'tr. Gos. n. -i. tsvetn. met., 1958, Nr 14, pp 112-IZ8 - ABSTRACT: On the basis of a review of extant works on the phase analysis (PA) of the compounds of Fe, Pb, and Zn in the presence of sul- fides, and also of the investigations by the authors, it is estab- lished that the determination of metallic Fe can be done by the Cu or the mercuric-clitbride.-method; when the sulfide S content is < 2~6, the ferrous oxide and the Fe sulfide can be determined together. A new method for the analysis of the products of shaft-kiln Pb smelting, Pb agglomerates, and Pb slags is pro- posed, which permits a determination 'of the sum of Pb as oxide, Pb as silicate, Pb as ferrite, Pb as sulfide, metallic Pb and the Card 1/2 hard- to-dis solve compounds. Variations were introduced into SOV/1 37-58-8-18140 Phase Analysis of the Products (cont, the existing method which permit one to determine separately the oxide, silicate, ferrite, sulfide and the hard- to- dissolve compounds of Zn; tests of the method of PA of the materials of Cu smelting have shown that the oxides of Cu are not completely soluble in HZS04, which permits one to use it only for materials containing < 30~o Cu. The utilization of an AgN03 solution for the determination of metallic Cu produces uneven results, because a large amount of Cu sulfide goes simultaneously into solution. V. N. Motals-.Analysis 2.. Iron-Determination Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-8-18181 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, NrS, p283(USSR) AUTHOR: Sudilovskaya, Ye. M. , Filippova, N.A. TITLE: Phase Analysis of Dust for Compounds of Z1fi-caihd Cadmium (Fazovyy analiz pyli na soyedineniya tsinka i kadmiya) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n.-I. in-ttsvetn. met., 1958, N r 14,' pp 138-142 ABSTRACT: The following method for the phase analysis (PA) of dust for compounds of Zn is given. The weighed test sample of dust is treated with 30 - 50 cc of Z"/o AgN03 solution for 30 min at 18 - Z0oC and filtered. The metallic Zn gogs into solution. The residue is then treated with 50 cc of 30 76 CH3COONH41 boiling it for 10 min. The oxides Zn-ZnO and Zn3(AsO4)? are determined in the filtrate and ZnS in the residue. In the PA of dust for Cd contents, the weighed test sample is agitated with water for one hour at 20 0 and filtered. Cd sulfate is determined in the solution, and the insoluble residue is treated with H SO (5 g/liter) for 2 hours at 20 after which it is filtered. Ae 4 T , oxide, of Cd are determined in the filtrate; the undissolved Card 1/2 residue is treated with CuSO4* 5H20 (40 g/liter) for one hour at SOV/137-58-8-18181 Phase Analysis of Dust for Compounds of Zinc and Cadmium 90 - 950 and filtered. Cd sulfide and metallic Cd 0 into solution, and the insoluble residue is treated with H4SO (50 g/literl for one hour at 950 and filtered. The ferrite Cd is determine in the solution and the "structurally- combined" Cd in the residue. The method does not privide for e separate + !N determination of metallic Cd. The determination of In and Cd in PA is conducted by the polarographic method on an ammonia background after the preliminary transformation of all the solutions into the sulfate state by evap- oration with H2SO4. If Ag is present in the solution (in the determination of metallic Zn) it is removed in the chloride form and Cu in the form of thio- cyanate. M. 1. Particles (Airborne)-Analysis 2. Zinc compounds--Determination 3. Cadmium compounds- Determination Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-8-18159 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, p279(USSR) AUTHORS: Filippova, N.'A. . Korosteleva, V.A. TIT'-E,: Pha_se-Ai~- ~of- the Scoria From Chlorinating Roasting for Tin Compounds (Fazovyy analiz ogarkov ot khloriruyushchego obzhiga na, soyedineniya olova) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn. met. , 1959, Nr 14, pp 143-154 ABSTRACT: The procedure of the analysis and its foundation for the determination in the scoria left after chloride roasting of Sn chloride by treatment with ammonium solution of trilon and of the metallic Sn by treatment with an acetic-acid solution of CuCIZ, qf~ stannous oxide, and Sn silicate by treatment with concentrated HC I are described. Cassiterite is determined in the residue. The methods for the analysis and the results of their application are given. The difference between the det- ermination of the sum. of Sn contents in the separate phases and the direct determination of Sn was of the order of 6 - 80//0, Card 1/1 (relative). I. -Tin compounds-Processing P. K. 2. Slags-~~nalysis 3. Tin-Determinaticn SOV/137-58-8-18156 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Me-tallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, p278(USSR) AUTHOR- Filippova, N.A. TITLE- 0 r-~ hod f Phase Analysis of Copper Sediment in the Autoclave Process for Copper Compounds (Metodika fazovogo analiza mednykh osadkov, poluchayemykh pri avtoklavnom protsesse, na soyedineniya medi) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn. met. , 1958, Nr 14, pp 169-178 ABSTRACT: A method of phase analysis of Cu sediments is described for the following Cu compounds: Cuprous oxide, cupric oxide, metallic Cu, and its salts. The weighed test sample is treated with a ZYO solution of trilcn for 3 min, with agitation in a current of NZ, fiftered, and washed twice with a 10/0 solution of trilon, then twice with H20. The salts of Cu are determine 'd in the filtrate. The insoluble residue is treated three times with boiling 150/0 solution of.NH4CI, for three min each time, with agitation in a current of N2, filtered, and washed twice with a boiling solution of,NH4CI, and twice with viater. In the filtrate Card 1/2 the CuZO is determined photocolorimetrically in the form of its -2 SOV/137-58-8-18156 A Method'of Phase Analysis of Copper (cont. complex ammonium compound. The remainder is treated with a 20/6 solution of SnCIZ in concentrated HCI for three min with agitation in a current of NZ, filtered, and washed three times with HCI (1:3) and three times with water. In the filtrate CuO is also determined photoc olo rime tric ally in the form of its ammonium compound. In the insoluble residue renaains the metallic Cu which is dissolved in concentrated HN03 and determined iodometrically or by differ- ence between the total contcnts of Cu and the sum of Cu in all other forms. 1. Copper oxides-Analysis 2. Copper compounds- Properties 3- Colorimetry-l%pplications 4. Sterilizers-Performance Card 2/2 A. M. ~R' .5, d 'N 5(2) AUTHOR: Filippova, N. 1. SOV/32-25-1-14/51 TITLE: On the Choice of Selective Solvents in the Chemical Phase Analysis (0 vybore selektivnykh rastvoritelay.pri.khiminheakam.razovom anali-se) PERIODICALt Zavodskaja Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, pp 23-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chemical phase analysis of ores and their processing,produoto i3-usu2lly carried out by means of the selective dissolution method. The~solvents_can_be selected by calculations basing on the -formula of.,the..aolubility product SP (of the mineral). These cal- r,ulations are,-however, still inaccurate today, as the SP value has not yet been determined for any mineral. In the present case, calculations of this kind are mentioned as examples. The SP values. of salts which are difficult to solve (corresponding to themineral) are'adopted. The calculation results, however, are to be consider- ed as only approximate, due to the fact that the SP values of the salts differ from.-those of the correeiponding.mineral. The mineral was assumed to represent a simple birtary electrolyte with a bi- valent oation and a bivalent anions In the case of complicated minerals the final-formulae have a more complex aspect, but the Card 1/2 calculating procedure remains the name. The greater the relation ~iM _2 ~W'R SOV132-25-1-14151 On.,the-Choice of Selective SolmAnts in the Chemical Phase Analysis of the two-SP-values-(that of the mineral and that of the salt forming in.-the. dissolution process), the easier the mineral cation will enter the solution. The treatment of a substance containing PbSO 4:~With_a soda solution for the extraction of the B04 ione is a dissolution-of this kind. Another example is the method suggested by K.D. Leontlyeva in 1955 for the dissolution of zinc contained in.calamine.. and. smithsonite -Yjith a copper sulfate solution. It is, ascertained that.-the velocity.and the completeness of the mineral disscvlution will--be.the.higher the higher the resistant degree of the resulting-coaplax.compound. The solving velooity of a mineral in an acid will-,be.higher in the cave of the mineral being the s&U'of-a weak acid. The reduction or oxidation of any mineral part--, does not only depend on.the magnitude of the redox potential of the anion or the cation of.the mineral, but also on its solubility. ASSOCIATION., Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatel skiy institut tsvetnykh aetalov (State Scientific Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals) Card 2,1 5(2) A7JTHORSs Filippoval No A., Rorosteleve., V. A$ BOY/32-25-5-2/56 TITLE: utilization of'Trilon in the Chemical Phase Analysis (Primenaniya trilona v khimicheekom fazovom analize) PERIODICALt Zavod skuya Laboratoriyal 1959, Vol 25, Nr 5, YY 535-539 (USSR) ABSrRACT: The present paper gives a description of the phase analysis of copper compounds in mixtures containing metallic Cu, Cu20 and CuO as well as cupric salt soluble in water. It was not possible to extract the latter with water, owing to the formation of a redox system CU 2+ /Ou0. Trilon (I) was found to besuitable in this regard and it is stated that a 0-054 M solution (I) with a PH - 5-5 does not extract metallic Cu, Cu20 and CuO. The scheme of the phase analysis is given. Many products of the nonferrous metallurgy contain large amounts of oxides that increase the PH of the solution, thus di'sturbing., the course of phase analysis. They must be therefore extracted beforehand, without however extracting any of the other components. Also for this purpose (1) is Card 1/3 suitablepas could be ascertained with material consisting of Utilization of Trilon in the Chemical Phase Analysis SOV/32-25-5-2/56 SnC1 21' Snot Sn02 and Sn, which contained up to 15 % CaO. Not only CaO could be removed, but also SnC12 was solved, whereas previously this could not be,done without difficulttes. The scheme of this phase analysis is also given. The same was also observed with a material containing CaO, CaS and Cac wherein metallic zinc was to be determined with AgNO 3* Also in thle case the use of (I) makes it possible to solve all Ca compounds, and consequently allows the quantitative separation of C2 H2 and R2S as well as the determination of CaS and. CaC'2 In this case PbO and ZnO ente:: solutionas well, thus favoring the analysis. The scheme of a phase analysis on Pb- and Zn compounds in the presence of Ca compounds is given. (1) may also serve for the dissolution of some lead minerals, in which case the insolubility of PbS may be exploited for its separation. To be true, a dissolution of Pb- and Zn sulphides may be also brought about by a treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The apparatus (Fig) as wall as the Card 2/3 working technique for the determination of C&C 2t CaS and CaO Utilization of Trilon in the Chemical Phase Analysis SOV/32-25-5-2/56 are described. There are I figure and 3 Soviet references, ASSOCIkTIOH3 Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-inslodovatel'skiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (State Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Xetals) Card 3/3 -OW W-_ 10 5(2) AUTHORS: Filippova, N, Ast Korosteleva, V, A# SOV/32-25-9-9/53 TITLE: Phase Analysis of Fuming Encrustations on Compounds of Zino,Tin, Leadt and Arsenio PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 99 PP 1053-1059 (USSR). ABSTRAM A zinc stannate 2 SnO, (I) was produced by malting a mixture of I n2 4 and SnO4 (molar ratio 20) at 12000 for the purpose,of a ZnO 2 . phase analysis of stanniferous fuming encrustations (F). since the latter is partly soluble in reagents which are used for the extraction of ZnO.and ZnSf and Sn from (I) dissolves simultaneously with Sn froRL sulphide, and consequently increases the result of the Sn-determination, an attempt was made to find conditions under which ZnO and ZnS are dissolved, without dis- solving (I). It was taken into account in the elaboration of the determination method of zino compounds that Trilon (II) which dissolves the oxidized Zn-compounds, and copper nitrate which dissolves metallic Znq also dissolve the analogous lead compounds. The following 9-oheme for phase analysis on the Zn- and Pb-compounds from a weighed portion was established on the Card 1/3 baeis of the i~esults obtained (Table 1): 1) Treatment with an ---- ---- -- Phase Analysis of R~ming Encrustations on SOV/32-25-9-9/53 Compounds of ZinciT4604,,and Arsenio ammoniacal TrIlon solution Inhibited with sodium dibutyl naphthalene sulfonate ("Mikal") and the subsequent determination of Zn and Pb of the oxidation product in the filtrate. 2) Treatment with copper nitrate and determination of the metallic-Zn and Pb in the filtrate. 3) Treatment with H202 and Trilon and subsequent determination of Zn and Pb of the sulphide in the filtrate. 4) Treatment with hydrochloric acid and determination of Zn from (I) In the filtrate* A method for the determination of Sn is aloo-recommended according to which SU may be determined from metallic Sn, SnO, Sn020 SnSt SnCl2 Snp, and fflp Sn from (I) beirig calculated from the Zn determination for I . The determination of arsenic comyounds mayt as in the analysis.of powders, result from the water-jacket-melt (Ref 4)- Card 2/3 Phase Analysis of Fuming Encrustations on SOV/32-25-9-9/53 Compounds of Zino tftLead,and Arsenio The experimental amlysescarried out showe& (Tables 2, 3), that to obtain satisfying results a definite working procedure must be followed. Corresponding schemes I - III concerning the sequence for the accomplishment of the phase analysis.on the compounds of Pb# Znq Bn, and As are given. There are 4 tables and 6 referenoeaj,6.of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Gosudarstvennyy nauahno-itioledovatellskiy institut tevetnykh metallov (State Scientifto Research Institute of Non-~ferroue Metals) %A 5(2) 05770 AUTHOR-. Filip ova Candidate of SOV/32-25-10-59/63 'C emical Sciences TITLE: Conference on (Ration al) Phase Analysis PIMIODICAL: Zavods kaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 10, p 1276 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. The first Conference on Chemical Phase Analysis took place in the town of Ordzhonikidze from July 10 to JulY 15Y 1959 and was convened by the WOO tavetnoy metallurgii (NTO of Non- ferrous Metallurgy), the sovnarkhoz of the Severo-Osetinskiy ekonomicheskiy administrativni rayon (Severo-Osetinian Economic Administration Region~j and by the Gintevetmet. ' The Conference was attended by 26 representatives of scientif ic institutions and by 25 representatives of USSR plants. 21 lectures were held and 16 reports were made concerning problems of chemical phaseF analysis.and the investigation of the composition of ores and other products as well as their enrichment and the process of workin# them into rare and nonferrous metals, among them lectures on several general and theoretical questions, such as the taBk8 and methods of phase analysis (Gintsvetmet), the phase analysis of sulphidic Card 1/3 and mixed ores (Llvovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut) Conference on (Rational) Phase Analysis Card 2/3 05770 SOV/32-25-10-59/63 (Ltfvov Agricultural Institute), phase analysis of the pro- ducts'of metallurgical processing, which contain metal phases,, and the application of inhibitors (Gintsvetmet), X-ray struc- tural phase analysis of mineral products (Iegiredmet). The l6ctures on the phase analyses for,copper-,lead-, zinc-com- pounds and those for other metals# among other thingag also dealt with analyses of such objects as are particularly dif- ficult to analyze, e.g. of copper cement from backwaters obtained by precip#ation-on to iron, the residues obtained by the combined method according to Professor Mostovioh etc. Mekhanobriy recommended 'that In.ahalygde for copper a previous investigation be carried;out of the "solubility" of the c6pper sulphides with corresponding corrections of analysis results. The conference decided to follow certain directives in the further development of chemical phase analysis: 1. Inveatiga- tions of the composition of metallurgical slags, -matte, anneal.- ing.producte,and kinds of dust. 2. Comparative investigations of the solubility of natural minerals and their synthetic analogs. 3, The application of inhibitors in phase analysis for the purpose of inhibiting oxidation processes of metallio and salphide phases. 4. An ext5nded application of auxiliary 05770 Conference on (Rational) Phase Analysis SOV/32-25-10-59/63 methods. 5- Development of accelerated methods of phase analysis. 6. Application of ultrasonics in chemical phase analysis. The necessity of an intensified training of the respective experts, as well as of an increased exchange of opinions and acceleration of the publication of literature dealing with this subject is pointed out. Card 3/3 IMTAMO, Yuriy Arkaolyo4lch; SWIRO, Sofiya Abramovna; FILIPPOVA, N.A., red.; ZAZMIZAYA, V.11.p CCourse in qualitative analysial lure khtmicheakogo ka- chostvannogo analiza. Roalm, Gos.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo khim. lit-ry. 1960 702 p. (MIRA 130) i0hemistry, Analytical-Qualitative) N, .TR -FILIPPOVA.. Diagnosis of the nymph stage of Ornithodorus verrucosus Olen., Saaa. at le., 134 (Ixodoldea, Arguelds) Zo olzhur. 39 no.4:514-520 Ap 160. (M MA 13: 11) 1. Zoological'Inatitute of tto U*S.S.Re Academy of Sciences, Leningrads (Ticks), _MN.'A u4 - V S/078/60/005/007/017/043/xx B004/BO60 AUTHORS 'Filippova, No A*9 Savina, Ye. V., Korostelevat V9 A. TITLEs Production and Identification of Zinc Stannate PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichoskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5v No- 7, PP- 1423 1427 TEXTs The authors attempted to identify the compound formed in the fuming process of slags containing tin. This compound is difficultly soluble in dilute sulfuric acid, and is an ob13tacle to the full yield of tin. Papers by A. K. Yevdokimova, A. 1. Migina, and A. A. Tseydler (Ref. 1), V. V. Koe.telov and V. So Morachevskaya (Ref.2) identified the unknown products as zinc stanna.te of a hitherto unknown composition. The authors of the present article prepared the following specimens from ZnO and SO I 0 2 I: molar ratio,ZnO a Sn02 - I 1 1; 4 h heating to 1200 C; M ZnO 1 Sh02 2 s 1,. same treatment; Uat ratio as in II, but heating for 8 hours; IIIs ZnO sSn02 3 t 11 treatment as in I and II; M ZnO s Sn02 2 ~j 1, Card 1/2 Production and Identification of Zinc S/078/60/005/007/017/043/Xx Stannate B004/BO60 initial heating for 4 hours, followed by additional 8 hours. Free ZnO and free SnO2 were identified incalcined mixtures whose weight had remained unchanged. Table 1 gives the amounts of free ZnO and SnO 2 along with the analytical data for the four specimens. Ila consisted of Zn2 SnO4 at 96.e%. The mixture 1 t 1 contained an excess of Sn02 , and the mixture 3 1 1 an excess of ZnO. Fig. I shows a microscopic picture of zinc stannate. The X-ray analysis performed with a YTC-50-0 (URS-50-I) apparatus yielded the interplanar spacings for Zn 2SnO4 in agreement with data avai lable in literature. A reaction in the solid phase takes place at 1200 0C*ir, a mixture of 2 moles of ZnO and I mole of SnO 2, and the resulting produc't. is Zn2 SnO 4' This compound is difficultly soluble in dilute H2 so4, and is ,-therefore responsible for the incompleteness of zinc extraction in the fuming process. There are 2 figures, .2 tables, and 6 referencest 5 Soviet and I US. SUBMITTEDt March 27, 1959 Card 2/2 2/046 S/032/60/026/04/0, BO1O/BOO6 AUTHORSi iliRRova, tynova, L. A., Savinag Ye. V., Kulichlkhlna~ D. ,TITLEs Phase Analysis of Lead Industry.Dust for Selenium Compounds PERIODICAL: Zavodekaya laboratoriyaq 196o, Vol. 26, No, 4, PP. 401 410 TEXTs Various solvents were tested to find a scheme for the phase analysis of lead dust for selenium compounds (Table 3, solubility of selenium COMDOunds in the solvents investigated). The following selective solvents were found: methanol fo~---- selenium dioxide, 0-5 M acetic acid for zinc Belenite, an 0-5 M sodium chloride solution for mercury selenite, 0.5 M citric acid for lead selenite, a 1.5 M sodium sulfite solution for elementary selenium, an 0.1 N potassium bromide solutionin 0.1 N sulfuric aoid for zinc selenide, and 7 N nitric acid for-lead selenide. An 0.25 M Trilon solution was found to dissolve all selenites. Solubilities were investigated using selenium preparations. Microscopic analyses were made by R. D. Kulichikhina and the structural analyses with X-rays by, Ye. V~ Savina (Table -1, composition of selenium preparations). The possibility of determining selenium dioxide, zinc: selenite, lead aelenite and mercury Card 1/2 Phase Analysis of Lead Industry Dust for Selenium 8/032/60/026/04/C,2/046 Compounds B01O/B006 selenite separately was verf ied using mixtures of radioactive (Se75) preparations of these compounds. Owing to the complex composition of the dust, howeveri. zinc selenite and lead selenite can not be determined separately in industrial samples~ The phase analysis of a dust sample admixed with selenium compounds showed that the added amounts were found analytically. A scheme for the phase analysis was developed. Tables showing the composition of the samples investigated (Table 5) and the results obtained by the phase analysis of these samples (Table 6) are gi,ien. A handbook by K. B. Yatsimiiskiy and V. P. Vasillyev (Ref,, 9) is mentioned in the paper, giving the.values~of the equilibrium constants of lead- and zinc selenite (Table 2) published in it. There are 6 tables and 9 references.) *,F of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-.isaledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (State Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals) Card 2/2 8/032j60/O26/06/11,1044 BOIO/B126 AUTHORSe Filippovat No Atq Diabrovskaya, To F. TITLEs The Use of Trilon in the Analysis of Active Accumulator Masses and Red Lead PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laborstoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 6, PP- 711 716 TEXTt A method of determining lead in accumulator masses and red lead with the aid of Trilon is described. The dissolution of metal lead in Trilon depends on the concentration and the.pH of the soluticu (Figs-1-4). In this case lead sulfate was determined in products of the accumulator industry by heating the sample with 10% soda solution, and the final determination was carried out trilonometrically, and not gravimetrically (Ref. 3). The results agreed with those obtained by gravimetric final do- terminaticn (Table 1). V. V. Tentkovtsev (Ref. 4) suggested treating the sample with aoidp but it was established that higher results are obtained with this method (Ref-' 4) with positive accumulator masses (Table 2). According to No Go Kiseleva and B. No Kabanov (Ref. 5), this is due, to adsorption of the sulfuric acid on lead dioxide. P. Pr'ibil and J. digalik Card 1/2 3,:'Q 7, The Use of Trilon in the Analysiv of Active S/032J60/026/06/11/044 Accumulator Masses and Red Lead B010/B126 (Ref. 2) suggest the -use of Trilc:~n for determining lead dioxide by re-- ducing the'lead dioxide with potassium iodide in an acetic acid solution in the presence of Trilon. I. M. Kolltgof (Ref. 6) recommends this method for analysing red lead. It was eatablished that the Trilon methodp and the thios alfate method described in fl')~r (GOST) 1787-50 give Ooncurrinj re.- sults on the determination of lead dioxide in accumulator masses Table 3). The Trilon method (Ref. 4) was wied in this case to find the total lead content in active accumulator manses, and the results obtained agreed (Table 4) with the above a6id-troatment method. According to the reelilts of the analysis, an analytic course to determine lead sulfate in acti-re accumulator masses (sodi-treatment method for all masses, and acid-trest- ment methA for negative masses) is given# as well as a way of determining lead dioxide and the total lead oontent in accumulator masses. Thereare 4 figures, 4 tables, and 6 Soviet references. A550GLiTION; Filial 'hno-iseledovatel'skogo akkamulyatornogo inatituta nsur (Branch of the Scientific Research Institute for Accumulators) Card 2/2 7;. FIUPP(JVA, N.A.; MUMMA, V.A. Solution of lead minerals in certain organic acids. Sbor. nauch, trudo Gintswtmata no.18:127-138 161. (tan 16:7) (Lead compounds) (Solubility) .(Acidej, Organic) FLAPPOVA, N.A.; KGROSTEWA) VA. SemiVantitive method of deternining lead oxide in ores, Sbore nIauch, trudo Gintsvetwata no.18:139-345- 161* (MIRA 16:7) (laad ores--Analysis) (Leadoxide) g -F I !.i FIIJ:PPOVA, N.L.; KCROSTELEVA, V.A. Pikes analysis of lead-zinc dusts containing calcium compoilrylse Sbor, nauch. trud, Gintsvetmets. no.18:11+6-154 161. (KMA 16:7) (Nonferrous metals-Metall'urgy) .(Fly ash) FMCPFOVA) H,A,; KOROSTEUVA) V,A,. Solution of lead minerals in organic acids. Zav. lab. 27 no..4:301- 1 386 161. 04M 14:4) 1. Gosudarst-vennyy nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut tavetnykh metanov. (Lead) (Acids., Orgaae) M, IOWA, FILIM'OVAp N.A.; KOROSTFJZVA, V.A;; CHZHU YUF-IN. More preoise.methods 'of phase analysis for lead compounds, ores, an d enriahmeiat products. Zav.:Lab. 27 no.n:.1346-1352 161. (MIFA 14'. 10) .1, Gosudarstvenmy nau4no-insledovateliskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov. (Lead compounds) (ores) FILIPPOVA,, N.Aaj DOBROTSVETOVI BoL. Botablishing %be form of binding of dispersed elements. Sbor. naucha trudo.Gintovatmeta no.19079-784 162. (MIRA 16:7) MetaU. Rare and minor) Ghamieal bonds) ~ 5-~ A.R. YAM FILIPPOVAq N.A,;,DCEROTSVETOVP B.L.; NOROSTEMA.. V.A. Establishing t* fam of binding of th"um in the ores of a p~rritia deposit. Sbor. nauch. trud. ffMvetiwts~ no.19: 785-794 '62- (MM 16:7) Thallium-Analysis) Pyvites-Ana3yeis Cheutical bonds) ~ M'l N-Z A ;.-flf7--i'~l'i,lD~ ~ ~S Z, Im : . '. N . I-m A _0 7. FILIPPOVA, N.A.; MARTMVA, L,Ao,* SAVINA, Ye.V. Uning the X-ra-T moth&[ of anal;Ws in the eyathesis of pure selenites of lead, siric. mercury and mercury seienide. Sbor. nauch, trud, Gintavetsieta no.l9t795-799 162. OCMA 16t 7) Seleniusi compounds) i-ray w7a tanograpby) l FILDPOVA, N.A. Inteirrepublie school of workers of analytical laboratories of the lead-zinc industr7,.--Z&v.lab, 28 no.10:1276-1277 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Goaudarstvannyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut tsvetnykki -Metal~ov* (Chomical laboratories) FILIPPOVA Aleks-androvna; IIASLENITSKIY, N.H., kand, tekhn, re a Zen I TIANGELfSKAYA., M.S., red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA.. L.V., tekhn. red. L'Phase analysis of nonferrous metal ores and.,7:the products of their processing] Irazovyl analis rud ttv4nykh metallov i produktov ikh pererabotki. Moskva,,Meta14r isdat, 1963. 211 P. fMIRA 161g) (Nonferrous metals.-Analysis) (Ore dressing) FATNBERG, Solomon Tul'yevich; ETTJ VA,. -Nina...Alsksandrovnq; KLIMENKO;, Tu.V., kand. tekbn,nauk, retsenzent (deceased]; FAHOMOVAO K.S.J9 kand. tskhn.nauk, retsenzentl TITOV, V.I., red.; APUMBLIS.KAUp H.S.,, red.izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYk, L.V., tekha. red. (Analysis of nonferrous metal ores) Analiz rud tsvetnykh met&l- lov. 3., ispr. i dop. izd. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 871A (MIRA 16:10) (Nonf errous metals-knalysis) analysls bf fernmolybdemm prrduction dustF for bisnuth compomda. Zav. lab. '110 no.5.518-522 64. O-a--:~ 1715) Crosudarstvenny.7 n,,iLtnhno-is5lwovptellsl,'Ly --~nmqtitt-lt 't-9vewylich mtAllov, FILIPPOVA, V.A. Thare iB a need for changing praml, mithods foll' l'ale'llati-ogg production costs. Vest.mashinostr- 1,4' no. 2-03-76 F 164. (P(TRA 17370", FILIPPOVA N, KOROSTELEVAO V.A. Trilonometric determination of tin. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.23:352-355 165. (MIRA 18:12), FILIPPOVA. &,A!j KOROSTELEVA., V.A.; SAUNA, Ye.V.; GUSELINIKOVA, N.Yij. Analyzing the products of the disproportioning of tin protioxide. Sbor. nauch. trud..Gintsvetmeta no.23:315-382 165. (MIRA 18:12) FIUIPPOVA-i-- N .-A.-- From Russian for W. A. P. Collins Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 33 (1): 69-76; 16 figs.; !954 Diagnosis of Certain Species of Ixodid Ticks of the Genus Ixodes Latr. (Subgenus Ixodes, a. str.)'According to Larvae and.Ny~tphs by N. A. Filippova (Chair of Entomology of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) Translated at t!a-- Na t 'Izz t." t I; tx~i; ~f I A' FuU trazalation, avallabi--at ta IPILIPPOVA, N.A. DiWosis of the tick Ixodes (Itopalpiger) trianguliceps Bir. by larvae and nymphs,, Zool.shur. 33 a0-5:1053-1057 S-0 '34. (HLHA 7:11) 1. Irafedra entomologii biologo-poohvennogo fakulltata XGU im. H.V.Iomonosova. (Ticks) FILIPPOVA,, N. A.: "Research on the morphology and systematics of the ixodinae". Moscow .1955. Moscow Order.of Lenin and Labor Red Banner State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov. (Disoortation for the Do&-so of,,.Candidate of BiologIcal ScienceB) SO: Kidthnu ya Letopi Noe 40s 1 Oct 55 I:SHIMY.7,No; FILIPPOVA, T.A, Ixodes taurlaus Vshiv. et Fillp., gpo nov. (Acarins, Ixodidne) from the Crian twith.summary Lu Inglishl. Znt.obox. 36 no.2:553-560 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Zoologlebookly Institut Almdoull nauk SSSR. LeningTad. (Cr issa-ficke 7ILIPPOVA, N.A. r "M __ lzodea stroul, a now spacies of tick and its position In the system Ixodinas [with sumary In ftliah], Zool, shur. 36 no.6064-869 A '57,, (Xiak 10:8) 1, Kafedra entomologii Moskovskogo gotudaretyennogo universiteta In. X.T. Lononosova. (Tien Shan--Ticks) USSR Zooparasitology. Mite and Insect Vectors of G Disease Agents. Acarids. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 1910.3 Author :Fili,22oyA., N. A. Inst :Mod-cow Society of Nature Research. Branch of BloloBy Title :Systematic Grouping of Acarids of the Sub- family Ixodinae in Falearctica Orig Pub :Byulo Moak. o-va ispyt. prirody. Otd. biol.9 1957,62, No 6, 31-34 Abstract :Classification of the Ixodinae fauna in Palearctlea and a brief diagnosis of the genera and subgenera entering into the Composition of this subfamily. Two genera are isolated In the Ixodinae subfamily - Ixodes Latr. and Ceratixodes Neum. P. Ixodes Card-1/2 17 USSR / Zooparasitology. Mite and Insect Vectors of G Disease Agents. Acarids. Abs Jour Ref Zhur -- Blologlya, No 5, 1959, No,, 19703 is divideds In Its turn, into 6 subeeners, - Ixodes (a. str.), Eschatocephalus Frauenteld, 1853P IxOdioPsia Filippova, 1957t Pholeo~xodes P. Schulzo, 1942t Scaphiyodes F. Sohulze, 19419 Exopalpiger P. Schulze, 1935. Card 2/2 gt~dy'a ticks transmiItting spir6chat;s'in Trainscaucasia Cvit~ ~,qm,wry iu 3ngl -ishl. Parax. abor. 18:5-9 '58-. (MIR& 12:3) ltWedra abehoh _tjo ogii_i pa;axitologii im. eked. U.N. -k~' 1y '.4 , P avlove go Voyanno-maditainskoy ordona lonina akademii im. S.',K. I.irova i Zoologiohookiy inetitut AN SSSR. 0'rabscauciela'n, -'S --- pirochetosis) -(heke an carrie r-'a of disease), Materials an larvae ancl nymphs of the subfamily Ixodinae Bapkaw 1907 [with summary In-Uglishl. ALraz. abo,r...118:10-77 158. . .1 - - 1. . .. . 1. . , (MIRA 12:3) I.Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. (Ificks) ... (larv&-Insecte) FILIPPOVA, N.A. Age characteristics of nymphal stages of the tick Ornithodorois tartakovskyi Ol., 1931 and specific diagnosis of some rqwphs of the genuis Ornithodaros. Paras.sbor. 19%7-15 160. (MIRA 13p)t- 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akadeaft nauk BSSR* (Turkmenistan-Ticks) (Kazakhetan-Ticks) 3"'n ........ . Larvae and nymphs of ticks of the subfamily Qrnithodoriae (Ixodoidea~ Argasidae) in the fauna of the SoViet Union. Paraz. sW,r. 20t148-184 1614 (MIRA 1419) 1 Zoologichoskiy institut AN SWR. (TICKS) (tMAE-INSECTS) N. A- ILIPP OVA Systematico of ticks of the "croulatus" group (Ixodidae, TzDdes, Phlolaoixodoo). Paraz, abor, M226447 161. (MPA 14:9) 1. Zoologiobeakiy institut AN SM. (TICKS) FILIPPOVAIr N.AG Materials on ticks belonging to the subfamily Argasinae. Report No.l: Adult ticks and larvae-of the genus Argas Latr. of the "Reflexus" group. Zool. zhur. 40 no.12:1815-1826 D '61. (MM, 15-3) 1. Zoological Institute, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, LeninCrad. (Ticks) FILIPPOVA, N.A. Recent data on argasid ticks parasitic on birds of the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.1:247-248 S-0 161. (MIRA :14: 9) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Y,9.N. Pavlovskim. (Crlmea-_Tick3) (Parasites--Birds) _;w 4, FILIPMVAP NOAO Distribution and char.aeteriAtics of the developmental cycle of the tick Argas be, ftdop 1827 (Ixodoidea.. Argasidae) in-Turkmenia, Zool,zhur. 41 no.lOsl575-1578 0 162. (KMA 15M) 1. Zoological Institute# AcadeW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.t Leninpad. (Turkmenista- 4rgasidas)