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*64, :7C.-VITO 0 0 T7*, 1 6)611.4-11 off till void lift )SAII p p a R 6, 1, U 14 L. i, it 1411 a if v 4; if it 1,r A 5 1. r 2 .I I If i V--l- 1 1, AA 00 SC to U 1 .1, r0, '10 00 Pff-fftiti A,(; -00 00 -00 00 0 41 a Use of bloloikal 410atorv for the opectral antlyttla it the fedialActe eadt%d by PKk Galt dftf Istatilation by .-00 !of a ~ -1 00 MY% MwMwAdd Phylic"kim. 00 1 -,as- w h)-F. essentially repeated the wock ,j Kudfiawsews (C. A. 25, T14,7) and Kato (C. A. 32, .00 :Mjj$L;otj the kmuflallon obtained from rock Wt after , t that he used the much .0 0 illu"I'll. = it-ti.p. tuvp di h i a- rra e li.PW of blol, indk-stors to measure t 60 tion. The results confirm those previously obtained. 400 F. H. Rathinann oo c too *0 l.0 So Oll i =00 00 1 a S I k A SITALtURGICAL LIUROLSE CLASSIFICONOM 4:2 .F- j -w too o' (f ly 11, CIO Of It 9( St K a it x Wo a I in To,* 'c'; to 01000,0 4 0 v to # 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 -it_: lot 0 o 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 'Do 9 ol-U Ai FnMTOV, " of Biologic Detections for Special Analysis of Padiation Emitt-ld by the Rock Salt after Irradiation by X-PAWs." Acta Pb3ro. Vol. 10, No. 5, 1939- Dqpt. Medico-Biol. Sci.., Aced. Med. Sci. (Instituteaxptj. Medicine, Insti. fttl. Biology. ZILVPOV, M. 1. Aminazine therapy for,active form of tuberculosis in mental patip.nts; preliminary report, Zhur.nevr.i psikh 60 no.8:1024-1026 160. (MIRA .13:9) -,I. Novocherkaoskaya oblastnaya psikhonevrologicheakaya bollnitsa (glavny7,vrach A.N.Sbapiro). (CHLORPROMAZINE) (TUBERCULOSIS) (MENTAL:IL12WS) FILIPFOT, - -- -- "Aufomatic Device for Stamping and Assembly of Filter Layers," Start. i instr., 43, No.5, 1952 28(3) S/028/60/000/ 01/015/033 D041/DO02 AUTHORi Zembovskiv, I.F., and Filippov, M.M. TITLE: Unification of.Parts by-Using the Group Method ofMachining PERIODICAI: Standartizatsiya, 1960, Nr 1, pp 42-43 (USSR) ABSTRA_CT: Some machine building plants, and particularly the Laptevskiy zavod ugollnogo mashinostroyeni;ra (Laptevo Coal Mining Machine Plant) have started using the 1!EroaR'method1 for machining parts, suggested by J."-;.P. Mitrofano , Lenin prize laareate. The method corsists in splitting machine parts in- to groups of., similar configuration, dimensions, and according to"the re-quired production processeso For every group of partst special machining equip- ment is produced, and machine tool attachments adjusted. The.11group method" considerably reduces the quantity of equipment required, cuts expenses ' Card 1/1 and increases the workproductivitA~y 25 to 46%. 'R ft R, t _1V t3E -N 25(5) SOV/28-59-2-9/26 AUTHOIRSt Zembovskiy, I.F. and Filippov, M.M., Engineers TITLE.i Unification of Rubber Snalings (Unifikatsiya uplotneniy iz reziny) PERIODICALt Standartizatsiya, 1959,pNr 2, pp 32-33 (USSR) ABSTILICT: The Laptevo Coal Mining Machine Building Plant uses many different rubber sealings and components with*var3ring rubber bases. The plant's office for standardization and normali- zation reduced the number of rubber grades from 11 to 4 without affecting the quality of the product. The authors stress the need to standardize manufacture of circular section rubber sealing rings. At present the Tula and Moscow technical rubber equipment plants manufacture the rings from press-forms designed and produced by the plants themselves. Centralized production of these rings by specialized plants will out down the production costs. ASSOCIATIONs Laptevskiy zavod "Uglemash" (The Laptevo IlUglemash" Plant) Card 1/1 FILLITOV, H.M, In memoriy of Professor Grigorti Grigorlevich lulikovskit. Tout. oto-rin. 18 no.1;90-gj'! Ja~-P 156. (mmA 9:6) 1. Po poruchenlym Pmirlenly Veasoyuznogo i Moskovskogo nauabnjrkh otahchestv oto-rino-lariagologor saslushennyy vrach RSM. (OBITUARIN Kulikovskii, Grigorii. Girgorlevich) BLAGOVF )~MOROVV B. G.; YILIPTOV,__~,, M SHCHENSMA, N. S.1 ZHUMNICH, A.V. In memory of Profesaor Ollga Grigorlem Ageeva-Wkota. Vast. otorin. no.1:122-123 162. (MIRL 15:7) (AGREVA-MAIXOVA, OLIGA GRIGORIEVNA, 1887-1961) FII,,TPPOV, M.M., general-maycw meditsinskoy sluzhby; KOROLEV, M.F., --`-----PUtkevnik meditsipakoy sluzh~ Chronic toonsi..Uitb and current methods of treating it. Voen.-med,. zhur. no.4:27-33 Ap 161. (MIM 15:6) (TONSILS--DISFASFS) DIYACHKOVO A. I.; RAU, F. :?.; TDMIN, Ya. S.; FILIPPOV, M. M. Doctor of medical seLenoes Lev Vladimirovich Neiman on his 150th birthday. Vest. otorLn. no.3:111-112 162,, WA 15:6) (NEIM) IYVL VLADIMIROVICH, 1902-) EyDEI,,SHTEYN... S.I.2 kand. med. nauk; FILIP-POV, M-M-, general-mayor maditsinskoy sluzhby -- - ----- --- Rqview of M.IA. Polunov's book "Fwdamentals of.inhalatiOn therapy." Vest. oto-rin. 25 no.2:107-108 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:1) PILIPPOV, jj.M., kand.takhn.nauk Distribution of servicing installations for diesel locomotives at section railroa&','jirde. Sbor. LIIZHT no.153:172-180 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Diesel locomotives) (Railroads--Tards) - PPM --- --- ____ __ - T, M.M., kand.tekhp.nauk Distribution of installations for servicing diesel locomotives in railroad-yards,. Sbor. LIIZff no.153:181-184 158. (IIIRA 11:8) (Diesel locomotives) (Railroads--Yards) Indices for evaluating "throat.--track" designs in sectional railroads yards. Sbor. LIIZHT n0-153:185-195 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Railroads---Yards) FILIPI'IOV, M.N., dots. Leniograd-Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers is 150 years old. Vest.TSVII KPS 18 no.8:56-58 1) 159. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Laningradskiy institut inshenerov zhaleznodorozhnogo transporta im.akad.I.N.0braitsova. (Leningrad--Universities and colleges) (Railroads--Bmployaeo--Education and training) T 0 R: -MOLCITAVOV,--A-.- I-. GYUIMINEN-,--A--T.-T~ M, L L. L. 14YASITIKOV, V. N. RYSAKOV, F. I. SKRIPGV "Results of Solar Eclipse Observations of 1952 and 1954 in the 3.2 cm Wavelength" (Total Ealipme of the Sun, Februaxy 25, 1952 and June 30, 1954, Transactions of the Expedition to Observe Solar Eclipses) Moscow, Izd-vo JUT SSSH, 1951". 357 P. OV 2" PRIM. M PEN't kMK~f-,*=IvJ MN e. the apwoe ch*q;f, Inagn ~11-on #?-a In - -7 LLI, - --- ------- ---- "R kV CsKSM" Eli 1 120-3-22/40 T /Z 1~~- -o v 14, /W AUTHORS: Rakovskiy, ~.I. an-~Lpilippov I'l Al TIT12: A Broad-Band Oscillator Using a Lighthouse Triode. (Shirokodiapazonnyy gencratoro na mayachkovom. triode) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekbnika Eksperimenta, 195?, Nr 3, pp.80-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A decimeter-ban.4 oscillator using a lighthouse triode 6C5A. is described. The o3cillator can be tuned over the 12-60 cm band with, sufficient power output for experimen-. tal viork. The arzangement is shown in Fig.l. The two- conductor line consists of two lengths of copper wire 3 mm. dia and 20-30 cm (or more) long, connected to the anode and grid discs respectively. A capacitor Cl (tens of pFs) is connected by slidlng contacts across the lines and its posi- tion can be changed to suit a particular frequency. The re- mainin- part of the line has similar capacitors across it, separated from each other by X/2. Vie metallic base of the tube is completely enclosed in a brass cylinder, 1. the ~height of which is several mm. -reater than the heiSht of the 0 base. Between this cylinder and tho grid dise is connected a loop, 2, made of thick foil or wire, which makes DO con- tact bet-ireen -the 2;rid and the cathode, The distributed Card 1/2 capacity of this loop and the distributed capacity and 120-3-22/40 A Broad-Band Oscillator Using a Lighthouse Triode. inductance of the,cylinder forn the grid resonant circuit. Connection of the loop also alters the inter-electrode capacity forminG the feedback path. Altering the dimensions of the loop alters the frequency of oscillation. The ener- gy is taken off by a coupling element or by an anteana. By selecting the second harmonic waves do%,m to X = 12 cm can be obtained. There is 1 fiL-are and no references. ASSOCILTION: Leninc-rad State University im. A.A.Zhdanov. Q (Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhaanova) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1957. AVAILAB10: Library of Congress. Card 212 1, Oscillators-operation 2. Triode-AppUcatiorw ~7777777_7_ 7. FILIMV, M;M.; BUKIN, A.N* Oscillograph for the centimeter band. Izv. vyss ucheb, zav,,, iidiotekh. no.3:373-376 My6-Je '58. (MIIU 11: 7) l.Itekomendovana kafedroy radiofiziki Leningradskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta. (Oacillograph) (Microwaves) SOV/120-59-2-42/50 AUTHORS: Bukin, A.N., and Filippov, M.M. TITLE: High Voltage Rec'tjfj#r~,Vjth"6'dt t~V61tage Control (Vysokovolltnyy vypryamitell s reguliruyemym vykhodnym napryazheniyam) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimental 1959, Nr 2, PP 139-141 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The block diagram is shown in Fig 1. The low voltage supply, which should be stabilised, is first converted into a voltage between 12 and 15 kV peak at a frequency of 8 kels. This derived supply is rectified in 3 units. In the first, two units D.C. supplies of +10 kV and -10 kV are formed.. The third unit is a voltage quadrupler'with outputs at +20, -1-30 and +50 1.cV. There are auxiliary units for feeding the heaters of the high voltage rectifiers in the quadrupler period. Fig 2 is a more detailed circuit diagram, and Table 1 describes the five-winding coil to which the GU-29 valve is connected as a Hartley oscillator. Fig 3 shows how the Card coil is mounted with respect to the first two rectifiers. The oscillator is tuned by varying the position of a cylindrical ferrite core of F-600 material and its BOV/120-59-2-1+2/50 High Voltage Rectifier with Output Voltage Control output voltage can be ~waried from 2 to 12 kV by.changing the grid bias but this results in a dissimilar variation of the � 10 k1l outputs. The quadrupler uses 1.1'alves type lTsllP and would normally supply +40 W for an input of 11 k-Ve By connecting the rect-rfier system in series-with the +10 kV supply a maximum of +50 kV can be obtained. The +20 kV supply is filtered via the components R4C12, Valves J?8 and A 9 are a pulse power Supply for the quadrupler heaters and are coupled by the transformer TI--' shown In Fig 4. Table 2 gives some typical readings taken at various points in the circuit. The quadrupler together with its heater transformer is mounted separately in a unit measuring 130 x 170 x 110 mm3 completely filled with paraffin. Themhole arrangement measures 300 x 300 x 200 mm3 and can supply 1 nA at 50 kV to a.UHF oscillograph tube using Card 2/3 SOV/120-59-2-1+2/50 Hil- h Voltage Rectifier with Output Voltage Control ost-accoleration. K ere are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstven;n~y universitet (Leningrad State Universit SUBMITTEP.- March 29, 1958 Card 3/3 ~., ~10 -ti -LE BUKIN, Anatolly Nikolayevioh; 0112bj, ISAYEV, Andrey Eylyubovich; TSARIKOVA, Z.I.,, red.; YELIZAROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Oscillographic recording of super-high frequency o5cil- lations) Ostsillografirovanie koletanii sverkhvysokikh chastot. Lening7ad, Izd-vo Leningradakogo univ., 1963. 2.11 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Oscillograph) (Microwave mGasurements) (Electric measurements) Monthly List of Russian Ace-essions, Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SATAROV,V.A., inihener; TITOY,V.P.; FFILIPPOV,K.N.. inshener 3lectric power transmission Kuybysher-Moscow. Nauka i rbiznl 22 no-8:7-9 Ag55- (MIRA 8:10) (Khybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station) (Electric power distribution) 22(l) SOV/3-59-3-3/48 AUTHOR: Filippov, M.P. - ------------- 'TITLE: A Broad Road to the Vuzes for Production Workers (Proiz pdstvennikam - shirokuyu dorogu v vuzy) PERIODICAL: Vestnil: vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 3, PP 8-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tells of the experience gained by the Lenin- grad vuzes in training production workers. In 1957, the nwaber of production workers enrolled in the vuzes amounted to 5,569, i.e. 30.2% of the total number; in 1958, it was 7,681 with almost half of the freshmen having a 2-year record of practical work. In 4 vuzes of the city - the Sellskokliozyaystvennyy,Veterinarnyy, Bibliotechnyy institut (Agricultural, Veterinary, Li- brary Institute) and the Institut sovetskoy torgovli (Institute of Soviet Trade) - 80% of the freshmen were production workers. Many students have inter- rupted their education for a considerable time, in some cases for 8 to 10 years. The City Committee of Card 1/3 the Party advised the Party organizations of vuzes to SOV/3-59-3-3/48 A Broad Road to the Vuzes for Production Workers especially help these students so that they won't drop out in the first term. Poor students were granted scholarships, and those from other towns were accomodated in hostels. To oveDcome the educa- iional gaps, many institutes organized additional studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. for the production workers. At present the level of training of those admitted in the fall of 1958 com- pares favorably with the production workers who were accepted in 1957. An analysis of last; year's results made in 6-institutes - the Polytechnical, Electrical Engineering imeni V.I. Ullyanov (Lenin), Pedagogical imeni Gertsen, Engineering and Construction, 1st Medi- cal, and Mechanical - leads to the conclusion that the majority of the production workers were able to cope with the training program. In several subjects they proved to have even a better knowledge than those who had come direct from school. The author comments on these results giving numerical data in Card 2/3 respect to the individual institutes. The Leningrad .A Broad Road to the Vuzes for Production Workers SOV/3-59-3-3/48 KPSS City Committee has recommended that a pre-admis- sion training of the students be developed. This year the short-term coiirses are planned to last 9 months. ASSOCIATION: Leningradski.y gorodskoy komitet KPSS (Leningrad City Committee of the KPSS) Card 3/3 .To the Cze6oslavakian medical congress. Vrach. delo no.5:132-133 My 1152, (CZECHOS.LOVAKIA--MDICINE--CONGFiESSIPS) (MIRA 15:6) plit",-CiT vgg //YO L) USSR/PhysicaL Chemistry Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4 Aba Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1 1958, 99 Author A.V. Ablov, M.P. Filippov. Inst Title Licht Absorption by Corm- lex Compounds of Trivaleirl, Cobalt. I. , Dependence of Absorption Spectra of Compounds of CCO- En2Amine C1 7X, Type on liature of Co-ordinated kxIne. Orig Pub : Zh. neor(3%n. khimii, 1957, 2, No 1, 42-52 Abstract : The .absorption spectra of solutions of cations Z7CoEn2Amine Cj in 0.1 n. HU were investigated. Ethylamiiia, 'jenzy.La- mine, aniline, n-fluoraniline, n-chloraniline, m-toluidine, o-anisidine) 0-phenetidine and n-anisidine were the amines in this cations- 3 absorption bands were found in the ab- )r,-,'72-'- at sorption spectrum of the cations CCoEn2(XC6H4NH2 %~j 5220, 305 to 345 and 232 to 235 H~" . A 4th absorption band was also observed at 215 to 218 iqm in some cases (a- mine n-chloraniline, 0-anisidine and o-phanetidine). Card 1/3 F ~V' A 77~ USSR/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 99 The! lst and 3rd absorption bands little dependino on the nature and position of the substitute in the aniline nu- clous are attributed to the groupation En CoCl(C6H5NH2)- The stability of the position of the lst band notwith- standing the differences in the limits of the fluctua- tions of dipole moments of the anines (from 1.51 to 2.97) contradicts the electrostatic theory of Hartmenn (BZhKhim, 1956, 3162). The position of the 2nd band depends an the aature of the substitute, as well on the substitution ty- pe, and its bathochromic shift rises in the series n-F, m-CH3, n-Cl, n-CH31 O-OCH3, O-OCpH5, and n-003. The )Cg2' and /-CoEao- absorption spectra of CCc%(NH2C2H5 _j - - (ITH2CH2 C05)C,2'r are very close and differ only in the left hand branch of the short wave band. ConsiderinC; Card 2/3 W5 ka % USSR/Physical Chemistry Molecule, Chemical Wnd. B-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 99 the similarity of the absorption skectra of these tuo cations with the spectrum of 1.2- n,,IM,Cg the 6coF, - ) authors arrive at the zonclusion reC=dinr- the cis-structu- re of the investiGated cations. It Is Postulated that the structure of all the other studied cations is also a cis- structure. The synthesis of LC-oEa2.(n-C6H41UL2C1)C9C12- .H,,20 and ZCoEn2(NH2C,,,HdC!7S206.H2O is described. Card 3/3 ~- / 4- 111CFC7111-4r I ABICV, A.S.; FILIPPOT. H.P. Absorption of ligbt by complex compounds of trivalent cobalt. FArt 2: Dependence of absorption spectra for compounds of [bis (ethylenediamine) &mmino-'bromocobmlt(III)3 snlts. Zhur. neor khim. 2 10;2390-2399' 0 157. (HI ll..3) 1. Kiabinevokly goeudarstyenmyy uniyersitet. (cobalt) (Absorption spectra) (Complex compounds) FILIPP.,)V,.M.P., Doc ~'hem Sci -- (diss) "Absorption of light complex compounds of tri-valent cobalt." Kishinev, 195b, 16 pp (Min of Righer k;ducation USSR. KIshinev State Univ) 100 copies (KL, 29-58, 129) - 17 AUTEORS% Ablov, A.V.,, li v SOV78-3-7-17/44 TITIM: III. The Dependence of the Aboo:cption Spectrum of the Compound of the Type 111o.Ajnin2 (DE) 2] x 011 the Nature of the Coordination Amine 6111. Zavisixont' spektrov pogloshoheniya soyedineniy tipa o.Amia2 (DH)2)', ot prirody koordinirovannogo amina) PERIODICAL Zhurnal neorSudcheakoy kkdmii, 1958, VOL 3., Hr T; pp- 1565-1572 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: The absorption spectrum within the range of 210-650 m64~ up to dimetbylglyoxymd:Laminooobalt-c%xtj.on complex [Co (Amine (DH) 2j Yw in'restigaimA, in whiob, wAna r- P-mm nia, pyridine, aniline, 0-, m- and p-toluidine. m.- and p-chloroaniline, m- and p-bromo- an133z*# p-iodine aniline, o- and p-aniaidine and o-phenetidine. DH denote* the remainier of dimethyl glyoxin. The first line of the in'restigated oompwWa shifts in the direction of the short vaye range in oontrast to the wrresponding ethylene-diamine compounds. The omirrenoe of new intense line3 in the absorption speotrm on 'the introduction of aniline into the inner sphere of the ocaplax is amuseaby the gr:)up Co-N . During exchange Card into the complex IPO (NH3)2 (DH)2~* of one molecals ammonia for III. The Depen4enva of ths Absorption Spsotr= of the SOV/78-3-7-17/41* COMPM111a of the Type lqo.Amin2 (IS) 2] on the Nature of the Coordination Ahdne cat oblorine, atom the pooltim of the lines of the absorption apectzm changes oray sl1gh-k3,V. The occurrence of the lines in *he absorption speotmm at 250 m ~, does not depend on the nature of the &mive but upon the groups., ?-H 0 P N = 0 - CH OH3 3 CH3 G N N =0 - CH 3 0-,--H 0 There are 7 figureaq 3 tabl"c and 11 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCII.-TICK., Klshiamkly goBadamtvannyy universitet (Kishinev State Univer- sity) SUBIMUM: JUVA IOP 1957 2. Complex compounds-Chemical .1. Complex compaunds.-SpectriL Card 212 reactions 3. Amines-Chemical properties 5(2) SOV/78-4-10-6/40 AUTHORS: Ablov, A-'V.9*Vilippov,-M. P. TITLE: D6pendexice-6f, tha:"AVsorption Spectra of the Glyoximines of Trivalent Cobalt of the [Co(Anine)(M) Hal) Type on the Nature 2 of the Coaordinated Amine PERIODDIAL., Zhurnal zieorganiaheakoy kfiimiio~1959o, Vol- 4, Hr 10g, pp 22044212 '(USSR)' OSTRAOT: Idthe foimuls, mentioned in'the title D 'denotes dimeth'yl glyoxime, hal'- chlorine'or bromine, amine - ammonia, pyridiney aniline, o-,.m-; p-6toluidine, o-9 m;-, p-ohloro-aniline or o-k m-~ p-;~romo-anilinii-e the' prod.uotion of these non-electro- lytes acootcling to the method of L.- A. Chugayev (Ref -5) does not yiell,puire prepdr*ationseloir this reason the reaction of ammonia and amines.with diazido-bia-dimethvlglyoxime-cobaltio acids found by A. V.Ablov and No. M.-Semus' (Ref 6) was used. The analysei'of-tbe preparaticno' are given in table 1.~ In figures -1-i5 the lighf absorption curves are shown and .in iable-2 position and intensity of the absorption bands in the region Z10_600 In contrast with the-diojeime electrolytes- m'o Card 1/2 of the structur e Co(amine)2 (DH)2]' the compounds investigated [ L~f a R NZ V BOV/78-4-10"-6/40 Dependence of the ibsoitiion' Spectra- of the 01-yoximines, of Trivalent Cobalt of the Lbo(Amine)(DH)~Ha Type .on tho Nature of the Go-ordinated Amine exhibit piimary banas in the inner sphere owing to the presence of the halogenp the position of which does not depend on the dipole moment of the- aromatic 'anihe-, which, howeTerp can be masked by'an iniense ultraviolet absorption. The band in the range 340-370 mp d~pende on the nature of the co-ordinated aromatic amine and is shifted into the short-wave range with respect- to the band of the diodmine . electrolytes owing to the tranB-position of the halogen. The band in the range of from 250-300 m/A is due to the CO(DR) group. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 11 refe'renoest 8 oP,which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Otdel neorganioheskoy khimii Moldavokogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Moldau Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMI16TED: June,.,jqp 1958 Card 2/2 J;'; 1;1 TM W- v., ABLOT, A.Y.-janToy, x.P.; ume, N.m.. 0 Zxisl;ence of cis- and trans-4iaquobia(dimetkTlglyoximato) cobaltates(III). Dokl,AN SSSR 133 n0-3075-577 J1 '60- (MIM 13:7) 1, Moldavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR i Kisibinevskiy gosudaretvennyy universitete Predstavleno almA. I.I.GhernMovyme (Cobalt compounds) A a ABLOVO A.V.1 FILUTOV, M.P. Spectrophotometric study of the Aoid-base equililwium of cobalt (III) dioximine complexes* Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.5:1021-1027 my 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut, khimii, (Cobalt compounds-Spectra) (Cmitaes) (Acid-base equilibirum) PMkSE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6259 ,Poltavets, Ivan Mikhaylovich, Faina Fedorbvna Sinitsyna, 11ark Petrovich,Filivpov. and Mikhail Panteleymonovich Kolyada Ostr3rje radiatsionnyye porazheniya i ikh lecheniye (Acute.Radi- ation Diseases and Their Treatment) Kiyev,, Medgiz UkrSSR.* 1962. 154 p. (Series: Biblioteka prakticheskogo vracha) 4180 copies printed. Ed.: N. 1. Konstantinov; Tech. Ed.:. L. A. Zapollskaya. PURPOSE: The book is intended for physicians in all specialities and for students of advanced courses at medical institutes. COMM: The book describes methods of treating severe radiation injuries, the treatmebt of patients with radiation sicknesas, and the patho;ogical changes occurring in the organism in the caarse of radiation slo,kness. Classificatioz4 diagnosis, and evacuation of casualti-6s from areas of massive destruat'Lon.and the organization of dosimetric control among the personnel and Card Aoute Radiation Diseases and Their Treatment SOV/6259 in th'e installations of the civilian defense medical service .are discussed in the light of the most recently promulgated operational proeeduren. There are 47 references, all Soviet, including three translations. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Tntroduetion 3 Ch. I. Characteristics of Injuries Due to Atomic Explosions 5 Vnique features of atomic e4losions ~5 Injurious effects of atomic explosions .6 Damage zones about a,center of atomic destruction 13 Gharaqteriaties of losates and casualties in atomic explosions 16 Nuclear radiation and nuclear radiation measurement units 18 Ch. 11. Radioactive Substances 23 General characteristics 2.3 Card 22~. FILIPPOV. M.P.j RUCHIMA, N.I. Specti6ophotometrii-.,dateraiination of terephthalic acid in a mixture; of ben2enecarboxy.Lia'acids. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.5:642-643 Ag 62.' (MIn 16:3) 1. lAsichanakiy ftlial-Gosuaarstvennogo nauchno-iaeledovatellskogo f p-royektnogo ins-tituta'asotboy prgaqo4lennosti i produktor o~ganicheskogo silateia, Severodonatek, (T;rephthalio-acid..:Spqotra).- (Benzine'aarboxylic aol~os), s.; nLvpov-. x. Ej GUSHCHM, L. F. Determirattion of bonxoic, isophthalic, and terephthalic acift- in their mixtures. Zhur. WO 8 no.2t229-230 163,-* (pan 1~6:4 1, lisichanskly filia .I4ndretvannogo nauCOMP-11M A ftvate~k. skago i Proyektnogo Institute. azotnoy prowyahle=osti i produk-- tov- orgadcheskogo slutesao (Benzoic acid) (IsophthaUo acid) (Terephthalic acid) PILIPPOV, M,P,; RIJCHIYEVA, N.I.; KODNER, M.S. Colorimetric determination of cyclohexanone oxime in Tyclohexane and water-insoluble reoins. Zav.lab. 29 no.5s549 63. (WRA 16:5) .1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshler.mos .ti. (Cyclo:haxanons) (Gy-olohexane) (Colorimetry) jg~ FILIIPovp"M.P.; VYSOTSKIY, Yu.L. .Cuvette for luminescent analysis at low temperatures. Zav. lab. 29 no.9tlI47-1148 063. (NI RA 17 1.) 1. Liolohanakiy filial Goaudarotvennogo inatituta azotnoy prongrahlonnosti. II Ui _4 i~Mg OEMEli, N10,04,;E Ruch"YEVA, Determination of vinyl acatate in ita mixture with alkyl vinyl ethers. Zhur, anal. khim. 19 no.3086-388 t64. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledavatell- - skogo i proyektnogo inatituta azotnoy promyshlennosti I produktoy organicheskogo sintezaO Severodonetsk. FILIPPOV, M.Pe; KAGANSM, I.M.; PANCHEUKO, V.S.; KUTSENKO, V.P.. Spectrnphotometric determination of a nitrate ion in complex fertilizers. Zav.labo 30 no.12114"-1"6 164. (MIRA 18tl) I., Severodonetskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo institute. azotnoy proqrshlen- nosti. UR ig,i -J, z Zki- 'Im RR Fozzstion of molybdenum blue. Zhur. nt~rg. khim. Ift no.1, 28)-285 Ja 165. (KTRA Atli) L, Zeverodonetakiy filial GoswIprstvannogo instituta azzotnoy proq~stdennvstl. Suhm~tted Felrr. 11, 1964. -FILIEBW-,B,Ptj IVOLGA, N.F. . Spectrophotowtric determination of d1phenylolpropane in phenol. Zhur. VKHO 9 no. 2t234,..235 164. (MIRA 1?:9) L'U-sichantskiy filial Gosudarstvannogo instituta. azotnoy promyshlonnosti. AID P - 35,19 Subject USSR/Power Eng Card 1/1 Pub. 26 13/3o Authors Agafonov, M. S., F. T. Makeyev, and M. S. Filippov, Engs. Title 25 years of operation of the Chelyabinsk State Regional Power Plant of the Order of Lenin Periodical : Elek. sta., 9s 42-43, S 3.955 Abstract : The article describes the 2~i years of operation of this power plant, without mentioning any engineering details. Names of workers and repairmen are given. Institution : None Submitted : No date - ---- ---- r ot ~ " * i P - - I r--- " -- - -- - - ! . ~ :- - ~: , !I; . - . XONLET, L9V,;jILIPPOV, M,S#; WILEVICK. S~Itr ITANOVA, K,,S. Geochemistry of radioactive elements in rocks found in the Kirovograd - Zhitomir magmatic complex in Ukraine. Trudy Radiev. Inst,AN SSSR 7:155-Iqq 156,, (NM 10:5) . (Ukrains-RMioactive substances) KOMIXT. L.V.; DANIISVICH, S.I.; IVANOVA,E:.S.; HIKHAT VSKAYA, A.D.; SAVONMMV, V.G*; YILIPPOV,- M,S, Age of geological formations in the south-wes t rt of the Ukrainian pro-Cambrian [with summary in Znglishr. Geokhimiia to-7:566-572 157. (MINA 11: 1) l.Radiyevyy in" titut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Ukraine--Geolog3r, Structural) (Nuclear geophysics) -S I---- KOHLIV, L.V.; DAKILEVICH. S.I.; IVANOVA, K.S.; ZTKOVI KUCHINA, G.N.; MIMALIVSKATA, A.D*; FILIITOV, H.S. On the age of some rare metal granite intrusions in Central Lizakhatan [with suzmary in Inglish]. Geokhimiia no.8:647-656 157. (MTRA 1i:2) I.Radiyevyy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Geology, Stratigraphic) (razaketan-Granite) (Nuclear geophysics) 4 M" 3-1 0 M I - I.M f N I 2=.P(,V.. M. S..- Master Goolog-Mineralo sci (diou) -- '!Radioact-ive elements .L in the granites of the oentral Dnepr area". LenIrgrod., 1953. 2x pp (jrningmd Order of Lenin State U im A. A. Zhdanov), 150 copItes (KL, uo 6~ 19,)q, 128) rr I I I V T FILIPI)OV, Fill ff. 2. The Age of the Rare Metal Akchatau Intrusion According to Data Obtained by the Iead and Argon Method. The SJxth Session of the Committee for Determiviing the Abadlute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGG4) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 195?. lzv. Ali Nauk WM0 Bar. Owl., No. 1, 1958, p. 115-117 author Pekarskeya, T. FILIPIIOVL Is., Sq F=w, M, S, The Age of Osologic Formatiorw of the South-*btern Parts of the Ukrainian Pre-Cambrian (Podolia). The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGON) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957. Izv. A Nauk SM, Ber. Oeol., No. 1, 1958, V. 115-117 author Pokarskaya, T. N. FTLIk 'F X_ =,_~S _- FiLlEp2v - Now Data on the Age of the Ukrairdan Pre-Cambrian. I M.S.p ~ The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of-Geologic ~ Formations atthe Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGON) of the USSR ACademy of Sciences at Sverdlovak in May 1957 'Tv7. Ak. 9,,-jk Ser. , IN,- I , j), 1~ 15~117 arWIf.,-t ?6Lra%&Y&, T. 8, IPILIMV. M,Bo so KOWAV, L.T. Tholribso of the central Dnieper Valley. Trudy Radlevoinst, All SSSR, 8:241-249 158. (MIRA 3.2:2) (Dnieper Valley%.-ftoophothorits) 3(8) SOV/7-59-2-3/14 AUTHORS: Komlbv, L. V. Filippov, X, S9 Danilevich, S. I., Ivanova, Ko S-j Kryukovag He F., Ku-clina, G. N., Mikhalevskaya, A.D. TITLE: Age Data by the Argon and Lead TBotope Method for Some Granites and Pegmatites of the Central Dnepr Region (Vozrastuye danny,ye argonovogo i svintsovo-izotopnogo metodov dlya neko- torykh granitov i pegmatito*ir srednego Pridneprovlya) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 2, PP '110-115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This report was presented at the 7th meeting of the Commission for Determination of the Ab:9olute Age of Geological Formations. An investigation was made of mica from granites and pegmatitest and of accessory monazites and orthites from pegmatite veins. In order to calculate their age from the results of the K/Ar determination the disintegration constants according to Wetherill et al.wexeused (R-ef 9). For comparative purposes the age was also calculated by the constants found by E. K. Gerling (Ref 10), which had until recently been used in the Soviet Union for age determinations. Table 1 lists 16 determina- tions of micas from granites and granodiorites. Values are between 1830 and 2280 million years; biotite from the Yamburg- Card 1/2 skiy Quarry.- on the Mokraya Sura River attains 2900 and even SOV/7-59-2-3/14 Age Data by the Argon and Lead Isotope Method for Some Granites and Peg- matites of the Central 2910 million years.-Purthfirmore, two samples each oforthite and monazite were investigated (Tables 2, 31 4)- In order to check the results theso analyses were repeated two times. Orthite from Korbino has an age of 2100-2610 million years, biotite from the same plaae 2280 million years (Table 1). Similarly, it was possible to compare two monazites from the Novo-Danilovskiy Quarry.,: monazites 1520-2100 million years, biotite 2020 million yeari3. Orthite of Podstepnoye bas an age of 2400-3000 million years. This shows that orthite peg- matites may be characterized as relies. There are 4 tables and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCLITION: Radiy,evyy institut im. V. 0. Khlopinaj, AN SSM,, Leningrad (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin, AS USSR, LeningrsA) SUBMITTED: July 21 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Filippov, M. 8.0 Komlev, L. V. SOV/7-59-5-6/14 TITLE: Uranium and Thorium in the Granitoids of the Middle Pridneprov'- ye (Uran i toriy v granitoidakh Srednego Pridneproviya) PERIODICIL: Geokhimiya, 10,59, Nr 59 PP 437 - 448 (USSR) ABST.ItCT Three complexes of granitoids of the Ukrainian crystalline shield were investigated. The determination of uranium and thorium was carried out in the Laboratoriya geokhimii radio- aktivnykh elementov RLLN SSSR (Laboratory of the GeochemiBtry of'the Radioactive Elenents RIAN USSR); the activity was measured with electrometers of the type SG-IM. K. S. Ivandva, S. 1. Danilevich, V. G. Savonenkov assisted in the investiga- tions. The following complexes were investigatedi 1) The oldest complex.of gran6diorites and plagiogranites has an extraordi- narily low contenti 1.2.10-4% ,U, 0.5-10-3%Th. Vith respect to the accessory minerals it belongs to the orthite-sphene-granites. 2) The content of the widely distributed Kirovograd-Zhitomir ranites corresponds .approximately to the normal Clarke figures 5-7-10-4-M, 3-3-10-3%Th). These granites belong,accordi g to the acceseory Card 1/2 minerals, to the mona21te-garnat group; a part of them to the Uranium and Thoriun in the Granitaids of the Middle SOV/7-59-5-6/14 ~ridnc-proVlye orth.ite-sphene-granites. 3) The most recent of the three investigated complexes, the Tokovskiy complex, is considerably enriched with thorium and uranium: 9.7.lo-3%Th and 9.3.10-4%u. Carrier is above all thorite. The "black quartz" granite of the river Ingulets belongs, according to the accessory minerals to the monazite-garnet group, the tokovskiy granite to the thorite-molybdenita granites. The results confirm the rule, detected by Komlev (Ref 16) that uranium and thorium are en- riched in the more recent granites. There are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 16 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION- Radiyevyy institut in, V. G. Ehlopina AN 535R, Leningrad (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin AS USSR, "eningrad) SUBMITTEDs October 20, 1958 Card 2/2 s,/Oi5/6o/Ooq/Oo9/oo3/b05 A052/A129 AUTHOR: TITLE: Radibactive blements in granites of the central Dnepr region P.MIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurn4.Geologiya, 1960, no. 9, 182, abstract 16996 (Avtoref. diss. kand. g(jol.-mineralog. n-, LOU, Leningrad, 1958) TEM On the ba4is of three granitoid agglomerates of a different age it is established that the younger rocks have a lower Na, Ca, and Mg content and a higher 11, U and Th content compared idth more ancient agglomerates. The prefer, ential geochemical combination of U and Th with acid granitoids rich In alkalis is confirmed. [Abstract6r's note% Complete translation] Gard 1/1 /08 62-0100YO12/058/06 S 3 B158YB101 AUTHORS:- Dzhag'atspanyan, R. Vs, Zetkin, V. Is, Motsarev, G. V.9 Filippov, M. T. TITLE: Chlorination of silioon-containing monomers and polymers under ~he effect of gamma-radiation 'PERIOD'ICAL: Referativnyy'zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1962, 612-'613 abstract 12P282 (Sb. "Radioakt. izotopy i yadern. 'izlucheniy~ SSSR. V. I.". M., Gostoptekhiidat*~, 1961, 157-200) TEXT: Polydimethylsiloxane rubber (I) and polyphenylmethylsiloxanet (II), 0 as well as a number of monomers were clilorinated at 0 C under the action' 60 1 of~`-radiation (CO with an activitY of 1400 g-equiv of Ra). Chlorinati( .f f of I takes place easily and rapidly until the introduction of an average 1 of two C1 atoms into the chain of the polymer, after which the pro cess 0 rate falls sharply. In a metal autoolAve,at both 0 C and' 609C destruction of the.polymer takes place. With chlorination of II (molar Card 1 /9 S/08 62/000/012/058/063. Chlorination of silicon-containing B158XB101 ratio of Cl:siloxane - 2:1 and 3:1) substitution-and adaition chlorination takes place in the aromatic ring. With chlorination of (CH 3)3 Clsi. Onolar ratio of Cl :silane - 0-51:1) the basic product is a monochlorine 2 derivative; chlorination of 18.6 g of ethyl-trichlorosilane (molar rat,io of 012-silane 0.35:1) gAvee; 6-5 g of a and P-chloroethyl-trichlorosilanps. C.-dorination of methyl-pheny3. dichlorosilane results in the formation of (C 11 Cl )(0cl )SiCl (b. 1). 185-188/10 mm)- [Abstracterf.s note: 6 2 3 3 2 Complete translation.] Card 2/2 LM 21135 S/190/61/003/004/Olo/614 B101/B207 LUTHORS: ~Dzhagatspanyan, R. V., Zetkin, V. I., Motearev, G. V., q1ITLE: Chlorination of organo-silicon monomers and polymers under the action of gamma rays. I. Chlorination of liquid poly- phenyl-methyl siloxane and,of polydimethyl. siloxane rubber. The infrared spectra of the chlorination products PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulxrnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no, 4, 1961, 607-612 TEXT: In the introduotiong the authors state that initiating the chlorina- tion of organosilicon compounds by meanh of ultraviolet light proceeds too ulo%ly, however, that chemical initiators as e.g., benzoyl peroxide re- quire a higher temperature at, which a sufficient chlorination of Blethyl chloro sillanes is not possible owing to their instability. Therefore, the present study aimed at initiating chlorination by means of gamma rays of C060 at low temperatures. The following compounds were chlorinated: 1) Polyphenyl-methyl siloxane (poly-PMS) (molecular weight 2000), and 2) three samples of polymethyl ailoxane rubber (poly-MSR) (molecular weight Card 1 / 5 23135 S/19 61/003/004,1010/014 Chlorination of B1 01 YD207 4001000~500,000)- 4-5F,4 solutions of the polymers in CC14 were used, to which chlorine taken from t:he cylinder was added. The samples were irradi- ated in sealed ampoules at OOC with gamma rays of C060, activity 1400 g. equ radium. Tables 1 and 2 list the results. Heating with 405,fo KOH of a chlorinated poly-PMS sample with 55-5% C1 yielded a paste from which crys- tals with. a chlorine content of 64.3-66-7% were separated. On the basis of analytical results, they obtain the empirical formula C6H6Cl 4 or C6H 4 Cl 4' The infrared spectra of the oily residue of hydrolysis showed art intensive band at c-10 p which corresponds to the Si-O bond. Chlorination of poly- MSR ledp according to the sample*used, to quite different results wiih respect to the intensity of reaction and the chlorine content of the prod- uct obtained. This is due to impurities (catalyst residues) in commercial poly-IASR. Study of the infrared spectra yielded 3690 and 3615 Cm-1 bands both in initial and chlorinated rubber. These bands are due to OH groups (3690 cm-1 free OH; 3615 cm-1 OH with H bond). Acccrdingly, commercial ~poly-MSR contains silanol 13rOUP8. As a result of spectral analysis the following is stated: though the IR spectra of chlorinated poly-PNIS and poly-MSR differ from those of the initial samples, no absorption bands were found to exist which are characteristic of ch1crinated substances. Card 2, 5 23.135 S/19 61/003/004/010/014 hlorination of,... B101 207 YB 8 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-'. There: are 2 figures, tables, and 14 references: !3oviet-blcc. The 2 references to -English-language ppblications read as fol- ~:Lovnq: Ch. Tamborckip H. W'. Post, J. Org. Chem., jj, 1400, 1952; C. W. Joung, :P. C. Servais, C. C. Currie, M. J. Hunter, J. Amer. Cheme Soc., 70t 3750, '1948. SUBMITTED: JUIY 15, 1960:1~ COMO tutaue, Bea % Onul M Pell! p/ccx nun. unil a Onumep wi-ONOROJIL 1 4.70 4 65 .1,97: 1 .70 30 8,874 48,0 51 65 2.98: 1 70 30 1 t 425 59,5 61 2 7.2 4 : 4.9 3,12 3:1 120 2 6,1 3 /1819 56.1 at Card 3/5 4 4,9 3,12 3:1 120 5 7,Ot28 54.6 61 5 4 9 3,12 3: 1 i2o to 7.6840 50.7 61 8 2:4S 4,68 120 15 7,1014 33,0 34,3 7 3, 3.12 2,03:1 J20 5,9015 50.2 51 8/844/62/000/1)00/066/129 D204/D307 AUTHORS: Dzhagatepanyan, R. V., Zetkin, V. I., Motaarev, G. V. and Filippov, M. T. ------------------- TITLE: The chlorination of phenylmethyldichlorosilane (I) and dimethyldichlorosilane (II) under the action of irradi- ation SOURGB: Trudy II Isesoyuznogo soveahchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Hoscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 386-389 TEXT: I was chlorinated in sealed ampoules' at 0 and 200C, under 3'irradiation (-120 r/sec., over 15 or .30 min), with molar ratios (n) of-Cl, : I equal to 0.25:1, 0.50, and 1:1, since polychlori- nated silanes are of interest in preparing fluorinated Si-contain- .Ing monomers and polymers. In contrast to chemically initiated Chlorine-tion of I, the present reaction was one of addition of 01 2 into the aromatic ring rather than substitution into the methyl Card .11'e' S/844/~2/000/000/0066/129 The chlorination of ... D204/1)307 group, the Main product being a viscous oilp which by chemical and ir spectroscopic tests proved to be CH C H Cl Sici JAL small am- 3* 6 5 6 2' ount of CH 3-chlorinated compounds was also formed. No product in which ch'~orination oil CH 3- and C6H5-groups occurred simultaneously was observed, although it might form in initial MiXtUrCs richer in C1 2' Silane 11 was similarly chlorinated at 000, writhn equal to 0.3:1 and 0-5:1, under.2 min doses of or rays at -12U r/sec, to give /-30~4 yie-.ds of the monochloride and 5 to--17~ yields of the dichlo- ride, the latter becoming greater with increasing n. There are 4 tables. ASSOC IAT3WN: NII Goskomiteta, Soveta Ministrov SSSR po Ichimii (NIIfor Chemistry of the State Committee, Council of Piinisters:of the USSR) Card 2/2 S107616210361'00810041011 BlOIJBI44 AUTHORS: Filippov 11 T Dzhagatspanyan, R. V., Motuarev, 0. V., and TITLE: Infrared spectra of organoch-'~.--~,.silanes containing chlorine in the organic group PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, V. 36, no. a,. 1962, 1751 - 1754 TEXT: IR spectra o."'". qq C H Sim 2(1); CH 2Cic 6H5 Sicl 2 (11); CHC1 2C6H Sici2 3 6 5 5 (111); CC1 C6115S-.;Cl2(1,.,); (CI13)2 Sici 2 (y); CH2ClCH3 Sici2(VIA), and CHU 2oil 3SiC12 (VII) were studied with the following re-sults: (1) The 3.)5 and 3-4 bands correspond to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching - vibrations of CH in.the methyl group. (2) The position of the bands in the range 11-16g strongly depends on the degree of chlorination; The 11-76 - 12.7p band of V in VI becomes weaker and is shifted toward longer waves; in VII it splits into two bands. (3) The 12-58g band of I corresponds to the.Bi-bound CH, grpup. It changes with the degree of Card 1/2 S/076/62/036/008/004/011 Infrared spectra of... B100144 chlorination-and disappears in IV. (4) The bands of 13-1-59 for I-IV corresponds: to the C6H 5 groups. (5) The 15.6211 band of VI and the 15-38t, band of Il are ascribed Ao the SiCH2 01 group. There are no bands in this range for the other compounds.- (6) in the case of IV, 11.36 and 11.90g bands were observed which appear due to symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of the C-Cl bond in CC1 3' This was confirmed by the fact that CCl3 (CH3)Si(OC2H5)2 and.(.Ccl 3)2S'(OC2H5)2 also shoved bands in th 'e range 11-11.4p which were absent in compounds containing no CU group. 'There 3 are 5 figures and 2 tables. 03MITTED: November 9, 1960 Card 2/2 Isr V_ at Z, ACCESSION NR I ~AP4034544 ~'S/0020/64/155/005/1163/1166 iAUTHORS: Dzhagatspanyan, R.V.; Motsarev, G.V.; Zetkinj V. I.J Ronenberg, V.R. !TITLE: Radiative chlorination of certain organochlorosilancc-sand organ6oolysiloxanes SOURCE,: AN SSSR. Doklady* ove 155, no'!! 59 1964, 1163-1166 !'TOPIC TAGS: chlorination, irradiation chlorination, organochloro- .silane, organopolysiloxanej chlorination mechanism, polydimethyl- silox,-,nel.polyphenylmethylailoxane; ethkltrichlorosilane, methyltri- i'ichloro3ilane$'~dimethyldichlorosilane,- ~henyltrichlorosilane, phenyl- ~ .:.methyldichloros'ilane, photochemical chlorination, substitution chlorination, ionic mechanisi-ii, free radical mechanism ABSTRACT: ThO'mechanisms involved in the chlorinatJon of various derivatives under the influence of CoOO radiation were investigat,eds. i A palydimethylsiloxane resin, maecular weight 400,000- 500,000, was OC as a 4% solution in ('#Cll,* After Card- ------ ----- 1113 IACGESSION NR: IP4034544 ilchlorijiation under 4200 rad/mino radiation the chlorine content was !50-55%;' 30',6inutes. Total radiation optim reaction time was.15- ;greater than 1,.25 1o5 rad did not leaO to a higher chlorine con- x '.tent, but promoted degradation of the p6lymer.,*3y chlorinating .polyphdnylmet lsiloxane under the sameiconditionsp products.,contain-i Ing UP'to 56.', chlorine were obi~ain6d~'! About 80% of the chlorine .reacto4 with the aromatic nucleus and RO% replaced hydrogenz~;on a methyligroup.~ Ghlorination of ethyltri~hlorosilane imolar ratio 012,1'. C 3:?) at OC using 900 rad7min i9ave. o(- and' is -mono chl6roderi- 2115SiC12- I ivative's' in a ratio of I:lo7j corresponding to results obtainad by -photochemical,chlorination. On chlori~~ting'*methyl-brichlorosilane band ditnethyldi'chlorosilane the amount of monochloro derivatives in' the reaction mixtu.redid not depend',onthe molar ratio of reagents band the change in -the amount of dosage did not influence the products! of chlorination. The relative reaction' rate of methyltrichlrosilane did not depend on the. oncentration of ~~hl6rine and at OC an& 3300 rad/min equaled 0 148 0030,moles/litdr-ml:h, The magnitude;is proportional ib tho square,root of the J"erof dosage# The 'energy 47. KSIMF4~v PS &-P ACCESSION NR a.!:AP40"14544 lof activation!lis about 7300-6100 cal/mqie for the reaction. Phenyj- ltrichlorosila~e and phenylpiethyldichlor silane were chlorinated at '0-150G at 5900 and 800 rad/'0-20d:. The chlorine added';to the double bond ot the aromatic nucleus giVing C H Cl~SiCl and C6H5Cl ('H )'icl~;m This additive chlorination. under ~-avd atioA is analgo u� to Aotoc ical cUorination. At,504~ addition chlorinatio n pro- ,ducts as well-as products of subst tioif chlorination. in the methyl I group and thqlaroma.tic nucleus were fo*ed, At 100-150C substitution. [chlorination.of the aromatic nucleus predominatod indicatinj~ionic .,mechanism for the arylalkylchlorosilane~s. A free radical mechanism .!:was postulated for the alkylchlorosil"es. Orig. art. has: 11 equa- tions and 1 table iASSOCILTION: None SUBMITTED: l6Nov63 ENCL: 00 -1-4 T_ mm MR, Ap4f,Um a/cy)63/64/OOq/rO1_'/n14'7q /0476 T" A_U-T'-1O1S: ]~:LUApA~6=&T i~~ Djh ~t ant R.V.; MotFare7, G.V.; 4 4n TITLE: Radiation~hlorina+Aonlf et4y1tri-ohlorosi.1ame metbyltri- ~.;J:1.LO1O81jLa4-e and dime thy1d 101,110 r0 a 1.L Ewe, SOURC :-'-- VF1e9oyUzncyO khimieheakoye obsho%hPntvt5_ Zhijrnftl vt 0, V-. 1964, 475-476 TPOPTO TAGS: radiation chlorination, reaetion mechariam, alkylahloro-1 n1niorInaticn, liquid phase re-di-Ann 3 lan e. it e th,' yltrlchlorosl lane, "-e- na tz on IM ~17. ABSTBACT: The reaction mechanism of radlation-Initiated ch)orina- tion ~)f alkyl-chlorosilanes was studied. Liquid phase Co- 0 -.inn-initiated ohlorination of w! th molar Of 01/sliane ranging from 0.1~) to J.35 resuitEid 11a %be -.,-on of uand,s monochloro derivativeB oniy, wltt. proportion oi 1.72 when reaotant, ratio was 0.26 or 0.35, eLnd,&v,= 1 when car 1/3 MBoom a W. 1VM M MAIMIMMO. L 1666 5-65 AOCESUON YR: A-P4040020. -epaotant ratio GA5 or 0.18. Ohlo-rination of met-hyltrichlorsilaher;j silane moliLr ratios ranging from 0.20 to o,,,i .7ave about 91 and a --otal concentration of 7,rop( rtional to tne so!aA- derlvatives. A A mpauu-nism Is discussed for t~,,,3 rEdLa,,i on -,..Lo.~Inatlon c~f Letayltr1ohloroEi'Llane wherein the rate of formation 0 f OH 2CISiOl-. aril ierall reactim is determined by tho reaction + ::j' , ar.d the rate of Ite d!aappoai,aric-- le. by rec ton 010H "tol + 01- -GHOlSiOl-i + HC1. '-i' `1~-ICI Is 2 2 ' 3 ciii-oriaated about 10 times faster than 0133'"!-~; ln'c'rea.Sing-tempera- 'i,u.Ee f vom 0to 24.40 Increased this chlorinatl6n rate about 3 times; eaergy of actiNation Is about 7300 cul/mol. the same general rules :pply to the chlorination of dime thyldi a-hloro s 11ane as to methyltrichlorosilane; the rate of the dlmethyldiahlorosilane ohlor- inatio2 at 00 is 15, times faster than for chlorinating methyltri- ohloro3ilaae; its energy of activkLtion is 6100 ca-1/mol. The effootq 3f --e Cl/ullana re.tio In radiation chlo.-Ination are the same as In Card WTSAREV, G.V.; YAXUBOVICH, A.Ya.; ROZENBERG, V.R.; FILIPPOV M.T.- DZHAGATSFANYAN' R,V.; BARDENSHTEYNY S.B.;Mr=~' ZETKINt V.I. Halogenation of azlonatiC Bilanes. Part l7s-Addjti,~n of chlorine to phenyl.-'trichlorosiliine.'Preparation of hex~Al*,~idcyclohexyl- trichloroidlane and the mechanism of its, format1wi. ~Zhur. ob. khim (MMA 18:8) 35 rio.7:1178-1183 J1 65. ACC NR,i -- AP601 5121 somm; coij&:"- UIV0661.1661&0100510011810020 AUTHOR: Filippov, -No T.; ~Ln~~sin V. I!; -to V - ~Xa.. j_ Yakimenko, 19; Glabova,_.Lo Is; Zp~ ~nV. I. ORG; none TITLE: Radiation chlorination Of kerosano SOURCEs Khimichookaya promyshlennoett, no. 5, 1966s 18--,20 TOPIC TAGS: kerosene, radiation,, chlorinations, photochemistry ABSTRACT. Groznyy kerosene, from which the aromatic and unsaturated compounds wore oliminalted by extrqation with liquid SO was used during chlorination initiated by Tl-~-adia-tion of CoOu made in the appara?us described by the authors previously (niia. prom. no* 4, 247P 1965). Uter purification the kerosene had a molecular weight of 177. Chlorine was passed at thorato of 0.469 g/min in the reactor set into a thorm-o- stat. with a controUed given temporaturee The radiation source was introduced after 15minuteso The chlorination products wore purified from Cl and HC1 by passing a flow of nitrogen. The densities and refractive indexes were mcas?1red and th-3 dogreo of chlorinatiofi was determined from the graphs., plotted experimentally, showing the do- pendence of density d~B and the refractory indoxes n20 of the chlorinated products on their chlorine content* Kinetic curves tcontent of ,chlorine vs time in min) were UDC: 665e634-1+ 66.094.1+03.085*3 R" an- . -- -1--i I~086.59-67 ACC NRi ARS015121 0 plotted at various temperatures of chlorination (T 20v 40, and 60C) and at various doses of radiation (P = 26.12 7.3j, I.S. and 0.81 radlaoc). The dependenca of the radiation-chemical efficiency coefficient G (number of atoms bound with carbun per 10O.equival.ent)on.tho radiation dose P was plotted from kinetic curves. Tho expression (L*-10 45.10. 16-11%cil well describes the results obtained. (Dis- a= 1,22. log T P-0.41' iLgreement of experimental and calculated values averaged ;~ 10.8'V.) This equation can-be used for designing a reactor for a temperaturo range of 0-10OGp a radiation dose of 1-50 radIsec, and a chlorine content of 5-60%, The apparent energy of activation 'was determined as 3200 cal/molo. The results of radiation. chlorination wero compiLred with those of photochemical- chlorination and chlorination initiated by azo-biti-isobutyronitryle It was shown that the s=o degree :of chlorination was achieved moro rapidly during radiation chlorination. At~ T = 20C and P 26 rad/sec,, the product (*ntaining C1> 60% was obtained in 90 minutes during radiation chlorination. It took 23 and 21 hours to obtain the same product by photo- chemical chlorinatzoin and chlorination initiated by azo-bis-isobutyronitryl,, respect- ively. Radiation chlorination also has other advantages; it depends little on temper- att.ure and is controlled by the radiation dose (easily controllable rate of chlorin- ation), the rate of the radiation. process does not depend on.the color of the react- ing mixture,, and there is a much smaller danger of resinification because of an absence of local overheatings Orig, art* has: 3 fig.,,4 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE; 07/ SUBM DATFs none/ ORIG REFs 001/ OTH RFFg 001 E Card ?L2 J,J, -- FIL "otsent Experiments pertaining to the effect of planting time on corn yields. Sbor.nauph.trud. IVan.sellkhoz.inst. no.16:55-58 '5P- (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra rasten,iyevodetva Ivanovskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo inatituta. (Corn (Maize)) (Planing time) ~4-'R 'W ilDMI, R- NINE.. V4. 4, .5, 60), 6(5) SOV/10-59 8-28J40 AUTHOR: Filippoy, M. V., Engineer TITLEi Nomogram for the Determination-of the Functions V(k'h) and k1h) .PERIODICAL: Elektric hestyo, 19591 Nr 81p Iiiside of,back co~er-(IJSSR) ABSTRACT: These,two functions serve to determine the resistance of rectangular conductors in the slot of an electric machine When designing electric machines.these functions must be calculated repeatedly for different values of k' and h. This can be done by neanB of this nomograph. The h-scale is divided into millimeters. in example is given. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 AOJ94- Iv, d jig M I V, I I ! In 33 VI al-'as lay- J Met 0 it H j ,ialdv i ASit V4 p-~ t--q- 2 /4~poV/ PHASE,I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6352 Akademiya nauk SSSR.. VychislitelInyy tsentr Nomografichaskiy.aboxmik (Collected Papers on'Nomography, no. 1.) Moscow, 1962.. 248 p. 1800 copies printed. Resp* Ed.: G. S- KhoVanskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1: A.-Orlova;- Tech. Ed.: A. I. Korkina. PUR130SE: This collection of papers is intended for those engaged In research on and design of nomogrAphs~ COVERAGE: This collection contains 27,papers concerning vaelous aspects of*the theory, construction, and use of nomograms for the solution of algebraic%, functional, tranacendental, and dif- ferential equations. No personalities are mentioned. There are 122 referencea: 102 Soviet (1 of which. Is a translation from the English)1.8 aermAn, 5 French, 2 English, 2 Spanish, 2 Rumanian, and 1 Czech. Card 17-Ta .0ollected.Papers on Nomography SOVI/6352 III. Fell,dman, Ya. S.. (Director of the Nomographic Cir- cle at the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics). The Nomogiaphic CIrcle'of Students In a Higher Technical School 19 IV. Fil ;]Roy. N. Y__,_RIga Experience in Using Nomograms I ntperimental Invesiigations 24 V. Ullmasov, N.., bloscow. Alignment Charts for the Solu- tion of a Tranneendental Equation Vith Thr,*e Parameters 39 VI. Borloov, S. N,,., Moscow. Constructing Nomograms for a Particular Problem 45 VII. Lapteva, D. G., Mosco*. Construction of an Approxi- mate Nomogram by Substituting the Sum of Functions forTheir Product 51 VIII. Lapteva, D. G. Construction of a Nomogram with Com- bAned Scales 57 Card", 7=5 1', 19713-65 md(!) rvto Ov AM;8SIV NR: AR5009355' 910270/65/00(1/003/OD27/0028 !30MCE: Ref. zh. Geodeziya. Otd. vy~., Abs. 3.52.133 iWTHOR: N at-menko, M. A- ; Filippov, M. V. of agrInkiltural Lands on aortal ')hutographs -a 8 ing rej.res si ion t"ITED OURCS: Tr.'Omsko&o' s4-kh'.~ in-ta, v.55, no. 2, 1964, 73-80 T COPIC TAGS. xerial photography, aerial photograph interpretation, photo-F-r-avPOtXy, regrestion equation rwisu'rImu A statist JZAI 6 tud bA& been made of the Influence of the denuit~,of;.--, Y the photo tone in the office interpretation of an aerial photograph of agricultural Lands. Teri c,)ntact prit.ts at a scale of 1:14,000 were used, Betwee.1 20 anti 30 ;ristlc features were noted cn each of the printi, Iic values of tl-i deri- Lhe photo tone vere datermired With an accuracy to .).Z-5 v-sual pho--metric 3--i 8-.,nit sca',e of it gradatIon post:*Ave. S,.-) iis 'iclk: i? n tO C.5 unit on a 10-tinit scaie prepared LM L ile U6 56 1 L ... z~ Ca L~ I 4--l' Card IJ3 M M `i- -t* KA;0 Ur -i-s, IT Al qQ$1~1VAAfSVm T F~ 7 _7~ El Ili NR: AR500935,5 9-ft m4tyling from kerW' pbotographs. Relied was asti=ttd directly ort the ~~,roer]Mhs with an accuracy t:) 0.25 ,nit on a 5-init sca-~, low~ait iss~zned t,:: unit 1 and :~Ie F-arurps of aalricilt iral I a n,1, _q t-ipn .3sfe-.3 L :Aip aere derived as the meaa ar,,-,nmetica un s 3 r 0 fr,~; -, U r e w 3 ~ a -. S were e,~aluated separately: dens'.-y 50 1 R). ~an the tasis of the abservec daLa a e~- WAA derived for characterizing the dependeace of PF on P. S and R. i-d value was 0.873. rhen the special. cur rt IaL Lu.. iota: i 11, Te Z !ra - A- TE atj~ do-rived for P. S and X. PF a 007 0.22F + 0.19S + 0.32R. Such statistical investigations should be expanded in -r!7!,jn of an imr4ease. of the numbor of inter?retation criteria. The -e- ~,quaLlotx aerivec on chair b4R a is caii oe u5 7~; Ln 4cm..65 9355 A M.SSIGH f 7. itew. Yu- i~fjce .nterprotAtiono rap 0,. L 84448 S/05 60/030/009/011~/021 BO19YB054 AUTHORS:1 Kirko, 1. M. and Filippovp M* V. TITLE: Characteri8tics of a Suspended Layer of Ferromagnetic Particles in a Magnetic Pield PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheitkoy fizikip 1960, Vol. 30, No. 9, PP- 1081-1084 TEXT: The,suspe nsion and pseudoliquefaction of iron particles (0.1-0.248 am) in water under the action of an alternating field was carried out with the aid of the experimental arrangement shown in Pig. 1. The particles were placed in a vertical glass tube through which the water was pressed from below. A magnetic coil was arranged around this glass tube, and a small periscope served for the visual observation. It was shown that suspension and pseudoliquefaction of the layer in a magnetic field differ from the same processes in the absence of a magnetic fijald. 'X- The authors thoroughly discuss the observations made, and then construct a phase diagram for the state oT the suspended layer of ferromagnetic Card 1/2 8hh48 Characteristics of a Suspended Layerof S/05~/60/030/009/014/021 Perromagnetic Particles in a Magnetic Field B019 B054 particles in a magnetic field (Fig- 3) This diagram shows on the abscissa,the Re nolds numbers, on the ;rdinate the- dimensionless quantity~Ma . Nho/PD, where ho Is the initial height of the layer, P its weight, and D the 00 i1 diameter. The following phases are shown: layer at rest, pseudopolymeric state, development into pseudoliquefaction, developed pseudoliquid layer,-destruction of the layer, and escape of the particles from the glass tube with higher Reynolds numbers. This approximate diagram, in spite of its rough approximation, permits clarifying the rules governing a suspended layer of ferromagnetic particles in a magnetic field. Thore are 3 figures and 6 references: 4 Soviet, I German, and I US. ASSOCIATION:. Institut fiziki AN Latv. SSR (Institute of Physics of the AS Latviyskaya SSRI. SUBMITTED: March 31, 1960 Card 2/2 MKO, I.;-REZNIK(IVICE, K.1 TOM,, Oq, FILIPPOV, & 'Circulation of materials being irradiated in an atomic reactor CLoop). I* Circulation circle, [vlth summaI7 in Englishlo Vestis Latv ak no,6s 27-32 161. (Raclear reactDrs) (Radioisotopeo) 16 2~ 012/002/003 S/197/61),00~ -3 B117 B108 AUTHOR: V. TITLE: Effective magnetic permeability of a stratum of ferromagnetic particles in liquid suspension PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR. Izvestiya, no. 12 (173), 1961 , 52 - 54 TEXT: The effective magnetic permeability p eff of a ferromagnetic stratum, is ddfJned by the !Luthor as the ratio of the averaged vector of the magmetic induction R to the-v ct-or of the external ma etic-,field r and H do not streng1h F, in the form of A eff The directions of coincide in general. Such a determination of the effective magnetic permeatility is not very accurate, but it has the advantage that the required quantity can be determined 'by direct measurement. The I component in the direction Twas measured for a stratum of magnetite particles of 0.009, 0.012, 0.023 and 0.03 cm diameter, and for a stratum of q-1000 (F-1000) type ferrite particles of a size of 0.023 cm. The Card 1/3 31624 S/197/61/000/012/002/003 Effective magnetic permeability... B117/BlO8 measurements were made in a homogeneous, longitudinal, variable (50 cps) external magnetic field (10 - 100 oersteds). The results were nearly independent of the size of the magnetite particles. The relative height"; of the suspension, i. e., the ratio between the height h of the broadening of the stratum in the magnetic field, (determined by the demagnetization factor of the "body" = susDension) and the initial stationary height h09 was 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 in all experiments. The effective magnetic permeability of the stratum was found to vary between 2,5, for the smallest fields investigated at the stationary stratum, and-..-2.9, at E =1-5 in the strongest field of about 100 oersteds. The effect of the magnetic permeability Ii of the particles on the quantity IL,ff is small, since despite its great diversity for magnetite and ferrite, the corresponding change of tie-ffdoes not exceed 20%. The functions Aeff - 4,ff(H) show that Veff increases with increasing fi, though concentration of the ferromagnetic decreases. The cause for this is the formation of a pseudo- polymeric structure in the magnetic field and a decrease in the demagnetization factor ofthe broadened stratum. In order to clarify the Card 2/3 3162b S/197/61/000/012/002/003 Effective magnetic permeability... B117/BlO8 effect of the concentration change on v effs the function 4eff = Peff(H) was measured at different a and a constant height of the stratum hot The reduciion of a during the broadening of the stratum is compensated by the orientation and pseudopolymerization of the suspension which involves a decrease in the demagnetization factor. V. G. Vitol is thanked for discussions. There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet -references. ASSOCIATION: Institut-fiziki AN Ditv. SSR (Institute of Physics AS Latviyskaya SSR)