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ZAVGORODNIY, S.V.; FILINOV, G.P. Synthesis of p-isopropyl-,see-butylbonzone and its autoxidation. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav; khim. i khim.tekh. 4 no.5:792-797 161. ('Ilim 14:11) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafodra organichoskoy khimii. (Benzene) (Nidation) S/0238/64/000/005/0055/00% ACCESSION 01 AP4038910 Kotovj V. V. ,AUTHORS: Filinovp Go P.; Sukhomlinovp Ve Bo; 'TITLEt Pyrolytic method for determining carbon black'and ash in carbon black ifillod butadiono-styrono rubber and rubber compounds on its base 1SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5, 1964, 55-56 !TOPIC TAGS: pyrolytic carbon black analysis., pyrolytic fined rubber analysiss ;stepwise rubber ashing., carbon dioxide combustion butadiene styrene rubber :combustion, carbon black KhAF ABSTRAM About 0.5 gm of finely cut, rubber compound were placed in a combustion e at 550-5600 in a current of carbons boat and subjected to pyrolysis in a quartz tub 'dioxide. After an 18-20 minute pyrolysis period for freshly prepared rubber mixture ! I ~cr a 28-30 minute period for rubber compounds.. the boat was placed in a desiccator arA woighod. The noxt stop consisted of running the cadie samples at the same temperature in a current of air. This process was completed in 20-25 minutes and Yas followed by weighing the residue, The loss ih weight during the second step Card 1/2 fAccassioN NR, AM389io was assumed to represent the weight of carbon black& Experiments with a freshly repared butadione-styrone rubber mixture containing lGiAF carbon black (and with P standard and protector types of rubber compounds containing the same carbon black fiUar) yieldod by this tocluiique amounts with an average error of U1 as compared with the actual carbon black content. The determination of carbon black by this method required 35 to 40 minutes for freshly prepared mixes and 55 to 60 minutos !for rubber compounds. Orig, art, hasi 1 chart and 1 table. "A=IATION: Voronezhskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo linstituta sinteticheskogo kauehuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (Voronezh Branch of the All- Ynion Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE AGQ: 05JuA ENGL 1 00 SUB CODEs *MT NO REF SOV: 001 OTM 000 I Card 2/2 ------ L 2.5305-65 MT(m EPF(a)/_EWP(j) Pe-4,Pr-4 RY 11P r no IA t _kEg ilt G. P. A. ~Ll~Ajl AU 1. HOR. rainoyt --r- 'Ora I I -Infoaan -or butaffieno-abrrenc rubbora cozr=mded with c-prbon blaelk rezina, no. 9, 1964, 1-4 4:; er, i, mihber, hutadinne ~4 n kr,, ~114-~r ~l 1~71~_7 T p, _j gin F 7i~r- effi-cf mf !3tabilizers -such ag ro P!, r a. tj re the alkalinitv of ~he medl-, -u- -~f n-ift vd r og e jop r, nate and Z:H. ~i ahsad 11 anti Loykni~ol A ~a n pn.,LnLq ig practienl1v equivalent tx) that al D Ccrd i A A HR: di-orc~P_se in the arnount e. StabiliZer In the disp-~rsion (less, than S. G-6. 0 parts by wL incr. --se f-n_nFlder"__y~ -,a ~-ts v wt- of carbon black) eau ses Its vNeoEilty t, e prot-Wy becawije of the for-inal-lon of more stablo cnagu ALed 5trl, t-,i - I- t, _, lte,~ iat- Eihow that a decrease below the critical value leads to a considerable Lacri-ast. iii the az_io-unt of carbon black agglomerates and to unstable dispertiioris, The kciiedi- -;tabillty -em decreases. An increase in the carbon black concentration also Lacreasas of the syst UT-Te vi-F-co6fty and density of the cUspersion. Dispersions stabilized with -"stL soaps and contain-inz 30% by weight of carbon black are characterized by a higher vincogIty ar-d have' and aggregative stabflih,. Varlmtions in allkalf content -fthir, 0. 2- 0. 8 for iou pal-Ls by WIL. (~r ~:Uu-brn "Ia-k -Iff-! th.- v1Iqt-,-).-1[v 4 dlij,. ~ioclt 1 ;.-v ctisin aoaps only silgliUy Ai,~,,tl black dispersionq stbilized . rosin soa~,i ard 310-it'llf, ~q;ac~. by FY ~qchr,ctoOcqd properties must contain of !-QaAF .T parts by wt. of rosin potash soaps and b,; wt. of aLl_ad: per !00 pm;rtii by wt, of carbon black. Orig. art. has. 4 figur~3a wi 1 1 iablea Cord ACCESSIOU NR: A.V40.1 chno~lsdedovatdSkOV institrata ON: Voronezhsldv fflial Vacsopaznogo tLaa A-QSOC-L&-T t- im. SAI. Lf-.bc,(Ie-vfl Mort-i-immi ,.cia-a&jc~ lasattuve for Svnthetic Rubber) SiT i9 C 0 D OC; MT L! ENC car,43/5 ACCES8101N, NR.- AP4645894'- EITCLWJRE~- 01 .7- &o 10 50 Rella~ionshlp bet-ween the viscosity, of a disperptor. contadning 19 wt-I carbon ~md 01(3 tvpf, -:ml am r temper-ature, n t .1,- 1 if, T th t-ie pota3ssiiam aoap of soft ro-gin ;;dkali Lv panz,Ls by .Q. 2 5 Q parlp I-v -f- with Daxad 11., 1, 2, and 3 as under a) Card 4/5 4 7 gm 1 .......... -P i I 0114'al "%m L 54625-65 __ENT(m)/~PF(O)/EfiP(S) pc-e4/Fr-4 M ACCEiHO-11 MR.- 05017442 MV0138/64/ooo/oic% /oc,20/0024 AUTOR, Rtoyt A. Fe j Filinov, Q.. Ni k1tov, V~ V, W-ontaining carboxylic acid- ao-0.1M TITLE: Coa&lation,pf butadieno-otyrene latexes C .-A i SOU-IrGE., Kauchuk- irezinat-- not- 10, 1964- Zoww?_4 70PIC TAGS: rubber-t_-Wutadie_n-e-___po_l_ --t oVlic acid, soap ys yrenej carb -ABSTRACT., The influenoe or-pff,' nature or theanion anct cotion of the Goap* oil-filler mnd method of its intr.oducti-on, as well. as the placticity !if Qhe th ep"ae3a of coagulation of butadien~~atyrene Itatexes e~nl of the rubber was otudled. his pol-mortration tompirntairl, W.Its P_qthyA.dithioaArfx~te (04 parts by walght)i the lat=_obtained was at3t with P_ suspe=ica of neolont, D (two parts by waiett), The nature of ';he anion amd cation of the -soaps mid OIL bf the medium axx3rtod a great ini'luen-ae T IF Card 1/3 L 54-6525-65 UR: -A' 165017,r44Z on 't-ho prooesa of- coagulation ----contwt- o't-beund and free orga~io aelda' im, the rubber, as well as the lose o! the emulsifier., The content of ioual acids in the rubber vnrL ed in the series# fattv noid soap, aixtiire of wrap of roun and f ty t in W2-- modditai and - acre" in& IA: alkolina-modiuzu,- Witm - aodi%n goktia I das amd' th5ir mixtures with the sodium toap of roein were used, th G con -.ert : f riti ~itid? in t;7,a rubb,%r vae lawer than when pe,tAvsi~m ionpl -nr- aor-Pia ino'eased upon passage from tho rosin i?os~ Of 0010phogy and fatty aoidd, and furthor to lq~-! ~:L 00-pa of f-AV tLaida aad their aaxturot m4un rnq i -i,*;,,-, wNre grmater than to." P(.tAj)5"JM in a i ! nA a~' 4 7-ti4llal moap In the rubb4ir and loades 01 trio CT.U '3 :1 'a,--or ~~n ooagitlation in aoid medium tnan in aos.6ul,iAi:~n i LM" C1r19- &rt, h" 1-4 graphs, 2 tabl4o. ~Card --s -W -.F i - Ill 1~3~,,~f~~.,- 19M .94~,34 IVA Acawiou ratt kmi7442 ASSOGIATION: Vorcmezhskiyfilial Vsesoyuznogo ilauchno-issledavatel'ekogo -eticheffkop kauchuka im. S. V, Lebedeva (Voroninh Aff'.Iiate of the instituta sint All-Urtion Scieniiftc Restamh Institu~~cLf 6 ki -a e__r A. 'Tnthetic-- K."L Go sup.14ri'Mt 00 MCL. 00 SUB COD, NIR Fw Zov., ow OTHER: 002 JPRs W, N RMYNER ACC MR: A117010725 SOURC~ COD.,.; UR/0138/66/006/010/0002/0004 AUT11OR: Filin il.; Titov, A. V.; Suldiomlinov, V. B.; Tsaylingolld, V. L.; Oladov, Shildialova, K. P. 0;'%C;: Vorone-h Branch, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic "-Ub71,-r in. S. V.. Labcdev (VoronezlisMy filial Vscsoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatollskogo instituta sintetichaskogo kauchuka); Scientific Research Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber (Nauchno-issladovatellskly institut monorrorov dlya sinteticheskogo kauchuka) TITLE: Cold-resistant butadiona-mothylstyrene rubber with low ash content SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 10, 1966, 2-4 TOPIC TAGS: but~idlena styrene resin, potassium compound, fluid viscosity rubber S UB CODE: 11 ABST:IvICT: The effect of additives of potassium caseinate Dnd bone cement -on the viscosity and coagulation of latex and also on the ash content and properties of the rubber SKMS-10RP was investigated. Laboratory results were checked in a pilot plant. The latex was obtained according to a formulation adopted for high- temperature copolymerization of butadiene with alpha-methylstyrene. Latex was Card 1/2 UDC: 678.762.2-134.622036.485 ACC NR. AP7010725 coagulated without using sodium chloride. It was found that addition of potassium caseinate markedly raises the latex viscosity. Bone cement, in contrast, only slightly raised the latex viscosity. Raising, the temperature from 10 to 500 C reduces the viscosity of latex containing the a~lditives by 50-100%. Results of chemical analysis show that ceparation of the rubber SiQ6-l0RPD with low ash content without use of sodium chloride solutions reduces its total ash content by 300-400% and-its content of water-soluble ash by approximately 1900%. The avoidance of sodium chloride gives purer rubber and bigher dielectric .pX,oRe.rtie.a.. Orig. art. has; 5 figures and 2 tables'. LJ1RSz 40,35-17 2/2 K---, ... ~-. (Ifl5t. de construztion des iitiblissemants de 111niustrie da la '.'ian-,4aJ, Xoscar): 'Iftap-6irculating Small-.apacity .'ircuit of Ammonia Unas Ath U.)Pur Fraed of the Liquid" ZFrench - 5 page2/ report presented at the -1nturnitional iii3t. of 1-~fri.,araticn Aan4al Meetingn of 6ommiasions 3,41 and 5, Moscow, 3-6 z>ep 1958. /V v IM. pig ZX u Ila gig HMO 7:1.. &69: 4-4 all AA I ; 00 v A 4 11 Ail! 191 - --------------------- i3OV/24-59-1-13/35 AUTHORS: Filinov, M.V..and Charnyy2 I.A., (Moscow) TITLE: Approximate Method of Calculating the Injection of a Gas into a Watei-Beariag Stratum and its Relation to Some Bxact Solutions (Priblizhennyy metod rascheta nagmetaniya gaza v vodonosnyy plast iyego sra-%,-neniye s nekotorymi tochnymi resheniyami.). PERTODICAL:Izvestiya Akademii Wauk SSSR, Otdeleniye,2ekhnicheskikh Nauk, Energetika i Avtoma:bika,l'-)59,Nr 1~ 100-103 (USSR) ,pp ABSTRACT: The pressure in a water-bearing stratum is given by the heat-conductivity type equation with boundary conditions on the moving boundary of division, which is a circle of variable radius Ro(t). The solution of this equation is difficult and,as far as is known the problem has not been solved although Berigin (Ref 35 has obtained a solution for RO(O) = 0. It is therefore necessary to use approximate methods such as successive variations from stationary states., In this way the equation Po(V U) uln(lT + -r, /u (7) Card 113 ED' OV/24-5 9-1-13/35 Approxi-mate Method of Calculating the Injection of a Gas into a Water-Bearing Stratum and its Relation to Some Exact Solutions is obtained where R02(t) 4at Pk = p0 VH (t i;T(_O) R.'f -(0)- T VH(O) Pk = initial pressure in. watei-bearing stratum K = elasticity modulus of the liquid in the elastic porous medium VH.(t) = supply of gas at time t, a = coefficient of conductiirity of the water bearing stratum given by a = kK/qLB m = porosity, k = permeability, 11B = viscOsitY of water. Foi RO(O) = 0 F a;-1 = K (9) 1!z(-l + a;- 6P where P(t) Pk = Ap,, R02(t)/4at = a This is compared with the exact solution obtained on Card 2/3 the basis of Berigins wcrk (Ref 3) and good agreement SOV/24-59-1-13/35 Approximate Method of Calculating the Injection of a Gas into a Water-Bearing Stratum and its Relation to Some Exact Solutions is obtained. There is I figure, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: 3rd June 1958 Card 313 it .8 j3 04, FILIHOV, M.Y. (Moskva) Gas injection into a water-bearing layer. Izv.AH SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk, MekhA mashinostr. no.4:178-179 Jl-Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Boundary layer) FILINOVP M.V. skva) Axisymmetrical probleu. of pumping gas into an aquifer. P14TF no./+:UI-W JI-Ag 061* (MIRA, 14sIO) (Soil absorption) (Gas dynamics) - FILINOV, M.V. (~to-sja~~ Determining some parameters of a stratum in case of an ela-,tic liquid by another elastic liquId. 157-158 '61. (Oil field flooding) of the displacement Inzh.zhur. 1 no.2: (MIRA 14:12) FILINO!, . . ~M__(Moskva) ... Approximate method of solving the ment by we-ter. PMTF no.2,.142-U4 problem of oil displace- Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Petroleum geology) FILINOV, M.V. Oloskva) Problem of an unsteady fluid flow in elastic drive. Izv.AN SSSR.- Otd.tekh,nauk.Mekh. i mashinostr. no.4:172-173 J1-Ag 162. I (NIRA 15:8) (Oil reservoir engineering) FILINOVp M.V. IV Applying the method of consecutive changes in steady states to the oil flooding problem. Neft. khoz. 40 no-5:49-50 MY 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Oil field flooding) F I ill N~)V; NI V. ( !'io f; 'k v 'a ) of ~,il by wa,er a ai,-7istam uncler eDistic iond-Itions, Tsv, AN' SSSR ilekfq. I moflhrnstr. nc,.6:165-166 N-D f 64. ( M 111k 18:2'~ ~.: -. ~:~D -~.' FILETOV, M. V. (Mo5cow) "Fluid displacement to a system of wells In compressible strata". report presented. at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jarru%)x-y - 5 February 1964. FILINOV, M.V. (Moskva) Problem concerning the unsteady seepage of a liquid through nonuniform porous media. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.1:188-190 Ja-F 165. OTIRA 18: 5) PI1,111YI, 14.V. (Mosklia) uv u-'ratun. lzv, Displacement of wat&,r by gab in an Jnhwwjn~ner AN SSSR. Mekh. rio.2:3,79-1181 165. (!-um 18.10) ANTS.YSHKINV S.P.; BOBYLEV9 G.V. ; GORYACHEVj I.V.; ISACM4KOt Kh.M.; KOVALIN, D.T.; IAVRENTIYEV, V.A.; LITVINOV, LT.; MUKIN, A.F.; CHD p B. M. ; PISWNNYYy N.R.; REBROVA, G.I.; SERGEYEVp P.A.; SOBINOV, A.M.; FKDO- ROV, P F.; FILINOV N9P ; KHRAHTSOV, P.N.; KAZAKOVA, Ye.D., red.; BALIAOD; Ae-st tekbno red* [Refer3nce book for foresters] Spravochnik lesnichego. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. Iit-ryp 1961. 894 p. (MIRA 34:7) (Forests ard forestry) PEMPECHIN, Boris Mikhaylovich,- Zj~~V N~ikolay Petrovich; ANUCHIN, N.P., red.; SARMATSKAYA, G.I., red. tekhn. red. [Forest utilization in the U.S.S.R.; 1946-19591 LesopolIzovanie v SSSR 1946-1959 g9. Moskva,, Goslosbumizdatp 1961. 72 p. (MM 14: 10) (Lumbering-Statistics) FILINOV, N. P. .11, 1 Le.s o.1 po.I.Izovaniye v SSSR, 1946-1959 gg. Z - by-7 B.M. Perepechin fij N.P. Filinov. Moakval Goslesbumizdatp 1961. 72 p. chief tables. E f i I I- (Foroqt OxIi-loitatIon ill U.(, polIzovanio -i Ssat IL'd. it RA FILRO'..!, N.P., ILP'll-cim. I-C-1. (Principal yield cuttings; a bibliographical index of Soviet and foreign literature for 1909-19621 Rubki gla-,r- nogo poll,zovaniia; bibliografichaskii ukazate2' oteche- stvennol I inostrannol literatury za 1.909--1962 gg. Mc- ,, I'Sent . nauchno-issl. in-t informatsil i te'- niko.- skva ur kh ekon. issl. po lesnoir tselli,iioznc-bumaz~moi, deravo- obrabatyveJushchei Frorrjshl.. I lesnomi khoz-, -1963. '114 P. "I IRA 1719) 1. Mo5cow. TSentra'Llnaya biblloteka jesnoy -1 bumazhnoy pr=V~ohlenjiosi.l. FILINOT, N.Ye., mayor meditsintkoy sluzhby, kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Indleations and contraindications for the treatment of hypertension at tne Sochi-Kateesta health resort. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6:56-60 Js 151. (MLRA 9:9) (HYPARTINSION) (SOCHI4UITSISTA--THEIAPWTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) FILINOV, U.Ye.,, polkovnik meditsinakoy aluzhby Bulneoclinvitotherapy in hyportennion at the Sochi-Kateenta Health Resort. Voene-modozhure no*6:0-64 Je '59. (MIU 12; 9) (HY M TKUSION, ther. baluao-climatother. (Rus)) (BALNEOTHER&M in various die. hypertension, with climatother. (Rua)) (CLIM&TH, ther. use climatother. in hypertension. with balneother. (Rue)) FILINOV I N. Ye. -- Treatment of hypertension by sea baths. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 26 no.6:52L~-532 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. 1z Sochinskogo sanatoriya Min.-Lsterstva oborony SSSR (nachallrdk N.N.Chukalin). (BAM , SEA) (HIPERTEBSION) FILINOV, S.A. High-frequency surface hardening at the Karl Marx plant. [Izd.] WNITOMASR n0-33:332-338 $54. (MM 8:2) (cementation (Met&l1urg7)) FILIN(N,S.A.,- inzhener Precast reinforced concrete platforms of the TSNIS type. Trudy TSNIS no.14:20-39 '55. (MLRA 8:11) (Railroads--Stations~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3978 Fil-inov, Bergey Artemlyevich) and Iosif Vladimirovich Firger Spravochnik termista (Heat Treatment Handbook) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 239 p. Errata slip inserted. 16,000 copies printed. Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine-Building Terminology (Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): Ye.P. NsumovI, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: T.L. Leykina; Tech. Ed.: A.I. Kontorovich; Ed.: G.F. Golovin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This reference book is intended for skilled workers, crew leaders and foremen of heat-treatment plants. COVERAGE: The book contains material on the heat treatment of steel, cast iron and honferrous alloys. Data on the quality control of heat treatment and on the equipment of heat-treatment plants are presented. No personalities are mentioned. Them are 42 Soviet references. CAB^ FILINOVJ-.S,A* - FIRGER, I.V.; GOLOVIN, G.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, -.- -.- -'. -1 -1 retuenzent (Handbook on the heat treatment of metals] Spravochnik termista. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo, I'Mashino- stroenie," 1964. 242 p. (MIRA 17:7) FILINOVSKIY, V.Yu.;KIRIYAIIOV, V.A. Contribution to the theory of nonstationary convective diffusion on a rotating disk electrodo. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6:1412-1415 Je 164. (141RA 17:8) 1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Frumkihym. PHASE I BOOK EXP10rTATIOM SOV/3671 Aks4emlya nauk X15R. Institut e2ektronn_vkh uprawlyagushchikh sashIn T41frOv&YA takhrilka I vychi4litellnyie ustraystva; (Sborniki (aL&Lt4 Tdchnique and Ccrputtng Devices, Collectian of Articles) Ploscow, Izd-vo AN 33SR,1959. 184 P. Er7&t4L &LIP Inserted. Js,OOO copies printed. ZNd.N;S. Rr%:W, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of 3CIencas; f Publishing House: G.Yu. ShtCynbok, Teell. Ed.: W.V. Valkhava. ?URMEt This collection of ax~ticlss to intended for persons specializing In computer technique. COVERAGIs Most of the work In this first Los" of the CollectiocL of Articles of the Institute of Electronic Control PlAchines of the kc&d*my or sciences. USSR carried out during 1958-1959. and va dedicated to digital ;.'et"m1clue. The rAstltute conduc- ted niZ.,., --med at creating a high-BPC~d memory device of large capacity. One of the result of this work Was Iaproveft*nt Of ei.-6j--i;Wpl7ai 1n& ii23 static storage device With forrite '06mOry' Corse. Other articles concern the use of translators in ~'coctputers, stability of analog computers equipped yith d!fltp AtiQn&I L-Plifierz. and ttA' use or the K-2 c-oputer In Rolving various problems. Future Issues of this ~*Ilectloa r rti 102 will present the rvault3 or waric I= dici"Li tech- 9 mathematical Investigations. and in control machines : 1qua systems of control Which operate on the principle or digital technique. Sam personalities are sentioned in the articles. References ace..)MP&hy 60=0 Of- the articles, r___7XUKh-v,_ yuN--; M.A.' RArtwev. Id W-K Sh`-JTovrZiy- PerrIt_e_MC.ry-N-.Tc-*-Vj" TK.-i`u1Wa--rz~-preaent a general description or the ferrite care mes*ry d&vlce' It has A 4096 word capacity, WACh word consisting Of 36 binary bits, two or jach Are reaerve. The Acm ~Csa t1us, 12 ~about 30 microsso; Part of this CY:le overlaps other coaputor Operations. This meacory unit Is *Quipped with 526 electron tub.. and 103 additional tubes are used In the Power sov;0y. These :P*CiriC:tIOns cOnstituto A. great I=PrOv,~It over the Previous Gmary 4 vice , In hich the operational olq:t-os-&tIO stomgg Anj the reserve m3gmtlc drum Storage h3d a 512 bInju7. 34-bit Words each, and In which Access tLus 0- f- 37.5 to 50 or more al 3* 1 Was equipped with (A4 sil.,Itro. V4.. And 150 addlrolnci tubes Were used in the power s~qply. The ferrite core memory device W13 developed, executed, and adj at the Institute under Li_ &QrAr-. . djr~ctIn Of r.S. aruk, Corresponding Member of the Ac;kdemy or Sciences, U=. prejUa. nary studies ware made in 1955-1956 under the direction or O-V. R30nltalcly. The essential part kf the work was done ;x4s,~ he supervision or m,~, KArt&.eV by enelte." T,X. A.1rk3aajrI4j. VB, Borok, Yu wGlukhQv, V.I. 7~01-tarevs"y, L.V. lvs=v, V:P. K--At,.,tiAo;, YO.N. Pilinov, and ft.P. Snidl.v.kly.. aw technicians I.I. 0&117=Ova~ M.S. Zhdaxiov, Vjo~ PlIr~yev, jq.y&. 83 i tanzon, Z.H. Sidyakov& And V.S. Solcolov. Th. conat-~~tjon group was under 0. Of A.M. ratrikeyov, ar&l the assembly Shop Was under the Supervision Or A.D. Orvchus-lizinand the macitanical shop of the Institute. L.V.han' Y P", ChOtking ln-tsilati.n Used In the 1 irno V ;~i er~ w1hA rite M-ry Oc~vjce opt_ !CA carried out ,~%tions, which are cunsi'd"md Ind"_ pon3abi re larlnK pn~lu-tt~n of trr ferrite core me-ory device% Adlect'-On Or the CO.--- azCorilLng to so- tbllfhed requirements; tt3tlrg the fLnt%t~d =%triz frames, 14 .ndschecklng the w~ialc device. T, is verjr little ref rnse literature conc-,ing the th~,tz ~J ~q"Pacnt fcr carryIne out such work, an,j tne article .13 written Cro- out.rl.l sclu t1-1 in d0vOlOPIng Ouch check',,,; srr,hr-,,t,,. This work was done at the I.~stjtute~ cnI the rollow-r.Z Para-_n,%, In &JIltiot, to the au thOrs Of this artilzie. PartIcLpstal In iti V.P. K',n- &tantinov, M~yxn SckoloT, t~ Mats =on And v.s. r4f.renzes, 1,11 SovI t. . TnC-. am twa, Chernov, A.M. Utilization of & Dy~smlc Trljr,&~r ETulpt-1 With a '~~ctimr-r3n.i.t.r in A~Ith~-tj~ revce Cjrjujts The author briefly describes the result. of his Investigation of P0331b..31ties )r developlne. & dynaLlIc trieger equipped w ft Junction tra., ~,~tor -d wtll!.zq ith . h& cl.-cltance as Its mory device He concl-&jes that such trIFAers Can Xculi. Applied In 1~fil QA I And that their =&-'n Advantage ow,r scatic trigzara ja their use or only one transistor Inateaj or two. Their S&In dlstldvsht&g~ is their LOW InPUt malstance. AUTHORS: Kaminskiy, V.N., Filinov, Ye.N. TITLE: Selection of magnetic cores for matrix-type, memory equipments 4"' SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektronnykh upravlyayushchikh m4shin- Tsifrovaya tekhnika i vychislitellnyye astroystva. no. 3. 1962, 6p.-75. TEXT: The paper sets forth the result of the development of -~he element2o."'of a rnatrix-type mernory equipment (ME) of a capacity of 21"048 numbers with the'~ '4se 01 BT- I (VT-1) ferrite cores, which was performed at the Institute ol'Electronj-d Control Machines, AS USSR, during 1959 and 1960. A supplementary impulse is u.seff to re- --duce-the noise ationship~ be- -background.due to serniexcitatiOn in the ME. The rel, onditions- tween the read-out signals and the semiexci ation nois -wi C oi the core are examined. Optimal parameters of the operating current pulshr. are selected, among them that of the supplernentai-y pulse. Criteria are providc4- for the selection of cores for a ME, also a testing code. The circuitry of ar, automatic equip- ment for the inspection of ferrite rings according to the criteria selected is described. The experimentation of the pulse characteristics of ferrite cores was performed in the amplitude region corresponding to the effective field of a plain. matrix,