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~-ILIMOXOV, V.A. Beta-decay of -byperons and the spine of light hyper-auclei. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav,; fiz, n0-3:89-97 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut pri Tomskom politekhnicheskom institute imeni S.M.Kirova. FILICNOV, V.A. Decay of the E'~-p hypernucleus. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.6:195,1,-1959 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki, elektroniki i avtomatiki Tomskogo politekhriicheekogo instituta. A.P.; PlUll."WO VWAO --m Lpperatav for atudylr.- t" ht+,,-~*ved pymlyzis of a,,-ar ruzont in t1ro Can nuaMalf-c., c,,f a vellil hwl amr-.-'ur-* Tnpolfo tmrd. topl.,, car. n"s i gam no, :5tlT,.,132 Q1, (',L!IYA lcf:2) _S'OURCE_ CODE t U-iVO00-01661000100010101101'10---' ACC NR, AT7006W AUTHOR: Pachurop'N. S. (Professorp Doctor of technical aoiences); Pesin, 0. Yu.; FilimonovL_V.,.A. ORO: none TITLEt Effect of electrode diameter and stock circulation on the decomposition of liquid hydrocarbons in electric discharges SOURCEI Moscow. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorazhu- shchikh stAnkov. Khimicheskiyo roaktsii organichoskikh produktov v elektrichaskikh razryadakh (Chemical reactions of organic products in electric discharges)w Ebscow'. Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 101-110 TOPIC TAGS: electrocracking, are dischargep petroleum Droduct, hydrocarbon ABSTRACT: The effect of outer and inner electrode diameter and stock circulation on the electrocracking of a petroleum product was studied under both stationary and dynamic conditions in a low-voltage alternating-current are. The quantity of stock was varied from 0 to 17 .0 liters/~dn, and the power of the arc discharge from - 0.4 to 4.0 kVl'. It was found that an increase in the amount of circuluting stock and inner electrode diameter and a decrease in the outer diameter Dermit an increase in the yield of gas per unit time and the acetylene content of the gas. It is shown that the influence of D, d and Q manifests itself in a change of the volume velocity 1/2 ia_, - -;kCc NRI kT70068146 of the si;ock in the interelectrode, gap; this velocity determines the pwwor of tha are:- and the rield and composition of the gas. An increase in the volume volocity do - creases the spol3ific consumption of electric energy per nm3 Of C2H2; under opti== conditionsp this value amounts to -7.6 kW hr at an acetylene concentration of - 36-37%, Orig. art. hast 4 figures, 7 tables and I formula. SUB CODE: 67 SUBM DATE i none/ ORIG REF: 003 2/2 FILIMONOV, V.G. (MOSKVA) Conditioned reflex chamber for the study of higher tervous activit7 in rats by defense methods. Pat.fiziol. I ekap.terap. 3 no.6:64-65 X-D '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz kafedry patologtcheskoy fizioloc-ji (2aveduyushchiy S.M. Pav- "enko) I Moskovskogo ordera I-enina meditsinskogo instituts. imeni I.M. Sechenova. (CENTRA1 NMVOUS SYSTIRM phyaiol.) (RW= CONDIT IOMM) FILIMONOVs V.G. Method of-;lectro& implanation In the nerve for reading biopotentials in a chronic exprinanto Fiziol. zhur. SSSR 46 no. 9:.U65-11(Y7 S 160, OMM 13: 10) 1. From the Chair of Pathological Phypiologyp Sechenov First Med-ical Institutep Moscow. (EISCIROPHYSIOLDGY) FILIMONOV, V.~G- (Moskva) Technology of fising."AM-7" plastic in making an dlectrode holder for recording cerobral currents.. Pat.fiziol.i ekep 5 no.1:70~72 J'a-F 161. iMIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M.Pavlenko). I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (E LE GTHOENCEPHALOGRAPIff) (ACRYLIC RESINS) SUCHKOV, V.V.; FIL1140140V V G, Multichannel photoelectronic rheograph. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.U: 1434-1439 N 161. (14IIRA 1/.:Jl) 1. From the Laboratory r Phypiology of Abnormal Bodily Reactivity, 1".M.Setchanov Medical 12titute Moscow. (BLOM-CIRCULATION) (LABOILMiLIES-APFARATUS AND SUPPLIES) FI'LTM(Xf OVI,,,V,_q. (Moakva) - 11, - i-_ - - -:1 "i Device for recording respiration. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no.3974,-,75 My-.Te'62 (MIRA 17t2) 1. Iz laboratorii po izucheniyu reakUmosti pri kafedre pato,- fiziologii ( zav. - prof. S.M. Pavlenko) I Moskovskogo orderia Lenina maditainskogo institute. imeni I.M. Sechenova. FILIMONOV; V.G. (Moskva) Modified electropbysiological indicea of the uerebral cor-temp hypothalamus and vagua nerve under the influence of sensiti- zation. of the body. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 noo6s45-51 N-D'62 (MIRA .1723) 1. Tz laboratorii po izucheni7u reaktivnooti o-,arilzma pri kafedra patofiziologii (zav. - zasluzhennly de:pitelt nauk! RSFSR prof. S.M. Pavlenko) I Moskovskago ordena Lenina medl- 4.-sinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. TILIMONOV, V.G. (FLlimonovp VH,j -, Photoati:mulator for eleatrooncephalographic studies. FiZlol. zhur. (Ukr.] 10 no.3411-413 M-Y-Je 164. WIRA 18;9) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologli 1-go Moskovskogo meditzi-askogO inatituta im. Sechenovae ABIVT)ER.; A.A.; FILIMNOV, V.G. EffecL of the changed.state-af.the nervous aysLem on the development of protein sensitization of the organism. Pat. fiziol. i ekap. terap. 9 no.3s76-77 My-Je 165. (MIRA 1.819) .1. Kafedra--patofiziologil (2&v.- prof. S.M. Pavlanko) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. GROIND, M.G., Inzhenerl FILIMDNDV, .V.G., inshener. -, Iran powder production for metal-c'eramic parts. Test.mash-27 no-11: 54-6o N 147. (Powder metallurgy) (MIRA 9: 4) 094111644604000094990690 NO[--- fie* -16 9 0411 1 at 31 1 cc 41 6 1 1 0 to 11 11 11 W n 14 it W it 4 ita W A 0 malt Ifl) Jim ill? 4 of a it a a a a A A-A, _J_ _~L_JKJS' cc_ A f t I_, is 41104) A 41 0 ill a 1110to .1 all of# .3 so .3 ve ** t Ott the Stre"am a" 11it"tkity of Krim Pawder Cons- "arl". 1. M. Fedorchenko, G. Villmovy and M. G 1. no. Ilenry Drutcher AlMiRenn,rulif.l. Trans- Intb!"! No. 2041. Irt pages, From Vestnik 31ashimp- froftt~a (Machine Constructlim WwO. v, '27, nit IN . P. 35 43. Given results of an experimental study of the true nature of differences in physical and rnechanical progrties between sintered powdered metals and ras etals. Influences of powder -production proc eases and of densities obtained on compacting mi mechanical properties of Iron-powder parts arr dr. scribed. Test results are evaluated and cormlated with R. P. Koebripies data. 410. 1 L A _111TALLIMCKAL 4,119RAT049 CLAHVICATION Lit 1. MW 0.1 tv -.-, I---, '; .---T--T - jr !r 1 f I* " 0 ti to OR 0 11 It " It 9 U VC It a I 0 0 a 0 41 0 0 11111 0 0 00 0 0 0 ,* 41111 0 0 0 Fole-O" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 1111 0 9~* 0 0 -00 was 14111111111, see L I a W 0 jul 48 Machinery - Construction Metallurgy, Powder Mechanization of the Process of Pressing Puifdar," V. G. 1rillmonovY Inmr, 4 pp, nVeet Maahinostrog" No 7 Discusses basic conatruction of mechanical and hydraulic presses. Mechanical presses arc mallor to omerate anct are perfarming satisfactorily in production of emall-size parts. Describes basic principles and operations of the mechanical press. USM /Engineering '(Contd) jul 48 Includes sketches of press parts. .2/49T45 C~- C5n5fr4zv2n Qf 'v-.. f t-u, st r s - A' 7 T MIAN F ~4v Etc fr,T arrc~- zix. ti-e b.!-. '--l 51 -e ~7- - 'Using metal ceramics in machinery Industry" by V.SAakovskii, V.T. Saklinskit. Reviewed by V.G. Filimonov. Vast-Ma0h. 37 no.6:89-91 Js 157- NLRA 113:7) (Fowdor~ metallurgy), (Cornets) (Rakovsk# , V.S.) (Saklinakii, T.T.) Ce 0 nip -v cd S. Itc. e~~gra-la ;,~r ~ i -, LI, the vattal to t T~Z, fcr t fi, 41j, and' A UTF 0 F. Fihmonc-v~ V, ovo I i;lo lb jS 3 TELE lln~vlllntrii-l p~t,