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L z3876-65 EWTW/Z11R/EWP(0/EWP(b) PB-r4 up(c) JD/MLK ACCESSION NR: AT5002753 S/0000164/000/000/0040/0043 -541 AUTHOR: Lebedev, X. D.; Agovey. S. ; Okhotnikorva, N. A.; Yermilov, V. V.; Raimbeko;, Ye. S ; Fillmonov. M. T. _Wp~ MZW-4L I i TITLE: R6covery of xhinium from copper concentrates by alkaline leaching 7. 14 SOURCE: Vaesaytiznoye iovesh haniye po probleme reniya. 2d, Moscow, 1962. Raniy (Rhenium); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 40-43 TOPIC TAGS: rhanium, rhanium extraction, copper concentrate, alkaline leaching, rhenium cementation, potassium perrhanate ABSTRACT: The authors propose a method for recovering rhanium in which the con- centrate (about 30% copper, 3% lead, 2% zinc, and 0.003% rhenium) is leached with sodium hydroxid,39 thenium and lead go into solution, and their cementation is then carried out on zinc. A complete flow diagram of the process is given, and the procedure is described in detail. The method in applicable to' both copper and copper-lead rhenium-eantain;ing concentrates. The final recovery of the metals Is tentatively estimated as follows: rhenium In potassium perrhanat, 50-55%; lead in crude lead, 20-25%, zinc in shoet.aina, up to 2%. Orig. art. bast I figure Card 1/2 ay L 23A76-65 AccEssioN NR: AT500:1755 and I formula. ASSOCLVIONI Norse SUMaTTEDt -05ku&64 Ems 00 SUB 00DIt NO REIF SOV: 011 MMI 000 Card 2/2 DAVYDOVSKAYA, Ye.A.; ZAGORULIKO, L.V.I,- FILIMONOV M.-1.- Hydrometallurgloal treatment of oxidized and mixed orEs from the Dzberkazgan daposito Sbor. nauch, trudo GJntsvetTata no.23o269-282 165. 3.8-12) RLWVSKIT, Te.Te.; YILIHONOV, M.L. First reitults of the separate operation of first aid ard emergency treatment; in Kinsk. Zdrav.Belor. 5 no.12:34-35 D '59. (MIRA 13:4) (MINSK--PIRST AID IN ILLNESS AND INJURT) ,- FILIMONOV9 M.L.; RADOVSKIYp Ye.Ye. Ta4 arud prospects in the development of first aid and emergency care,6 2;drav..Bel. 7 no.3:44-48 Mr 161. (MIRA 11+.3) (FIEBT AID IN IUNESS AND INJURY) I 11 eILDIONUV, W.L. O-Iinsk) Some problems in the registration work in polyclinics.( ,50v, zdrav. 20 no.9:3*43 161. (14-MICAL CARE) vd,~,A l,: 12) T- 473-g-65 E WA ( b/Elyl 1! 11 b 0 AUT HOR: Iy zyan, Hargveiashvili, I FilirrvaaOv L I-L._N - , A. A ., - _=7___. 7, . - - . . - TTTr,E - sor~e of the generation proc-es-, in nul-se systei!s with, delayed feedbac? based -,n m~flected signals qOITP'r_E: -AN CruzSSR. I:istitvt kibernetiki, Eleuranty kiberneticheskil4h sLstem 7- - ;~, m I - r_-D~-s of cybenietic systei~s). Tiflis, Izd-vo Met.3niyen~ba, '96-', _75-131 TAC-9- er oscillator,,, nanosecond technique;:;. hip_h-speed _,j41-sf___genE-VatOr ~rsv - I - co-111puter, delayed feedt;ack 2,5 t__IOLP,~CT: ExDerlments 'with a dalayed feedback pulse generator de;;cribed in the delay line is a shott-circuited section of Une with feedba-:k by mu.L-'.-iple on. A Mock diagr arator and a detail-d si:hemna-ic of znal v-flecti am-of the gen Lven In figs. 1 and 2 of- the Enclosur-a. Me alithot-3 examine tl,L. delay circuit- are E, of the gereration process in systems with a feedl; ic?. -A-- lay time atic contri)l un. the natural r-elayztion tim- of the automi 't for factor. c,;Mohrorous oscillograms of the voltages at dif'er-_nt points -IrCL-it for coni:inuous and interrupted generation a_"~ Civen. z`z! example I Card 'id 473-13-655 IACCEP.SGIOU NR.,. AT5.00788-111 ~,Tiven, the pulse duration at -Che ex'ander output was 0.1 us the prf was I p mc, and 'the pulse eumplitude was 30-35. Delayed feedback generators are the mr:st effectivei PUISC it t"Pes in nanosecond technology for. generation of shoec-duration h a high jpr,c, 'rue advantages of the' described unmatched type over the m.-atched t~Te are noted. Use of the short-circuited delay line makes it easy to change the oscilla- tion frtquency, since different sections of the delay line can be grolmded. The ismall number of elements, design simplicit)r, and stebility of its prf make the described generator widely applicable as a driver oscillat-or in high-::ipeed digitali computers. Orig. art. has: !i figures. 'ASSOCIATION: none S in, K=D! 07Jul64 NO FEF SOV: 004 Ccrd 2/33 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: D? OTHER: 002 M ............. . . . . . :_A_ p 1, r r. , It A Z, AA IN !X (4P Et so A : , _ , 1:11 L-I.m Frolhod vw- b", IM 4.1 4.00 ppom. ExII 4. NO -1 1 ,~ ;,"i jr in.,uLiting hot pipt.,. To frotheli gypsutT, 5 is A4111iI Aftcc thorougn mil- ompf-t 17, 411 ke, 11 &,j unit thc whitic, Is mixetl to M(Adtll Ali,, drik"I for Imif-ly. lusty 11!T111. Thc m 11,M), 4.4 hirt. at 13940 COO of see 00 A! -00 AL 1L. c:49 A%A SLA 41LICL1,110 K&L ~IIILRII!LkF CLASS41CAYiCil CIO 41 Aven a U a v w" ~fr IT U Z' It a it K it I( SIC it tt tt it 09 1 at* 0 0 4) 9 0 9 0 0 00 00 10 & 0 0 ei* 0000 49 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO 0 9 * 0 e I rf so *, 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 ei# 0000 is &OSSM&MA I Practice using centrifuged poles. Blek.i tepl.tiaga no.5:19 my 157. (MM 10 : 7) 1. Nachalinik distantsii kontaktnor seti 5-go uchRatka energo- enabsheulya Yushno-Urallskoy sholesnoy dorogi. (Illectric lines--Poles) USSR/Cultivated Planti; - PotcLtoes. Vegetables. Mlelons M-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 1563 Author M.S. Filimonov Inst Not- even MLtle Potatoes on Irrigated Soils Orig Pub Povo.lozhlya, 1957, No 5, 35-38 Abstract Experimentation conducted at the Stalingrad Tastiag-Meliora- tion Station during 1955-1956 in the Northern part of the Volga-Akhtubinskiy river valley has shown than by the supple- mental feeding of potatoes with superphosphate k'150 kilograms per hectare) during the second irrigation, and ammonium sul- fate (45-60 kg/H) and potassium chloride (50 kg/H) during the third irrigation, a crop yield of 228 centne:.-s per hec- tare was obtained. 02e full complex of organic mineral fer- tilizers is most effective when applied in 4-5 sprayines. At 20% soil humiclity of the field's moisture holding capaci- ty, the percentage of commodity tubers is 89.2%, the content of starch 12.26%; at 60% moisture, it is 80.1 and 11.1% res- pectively. Irrigation reduced the temperature of the soil at the arable level bY 3-40. Card 1/f1 30(l) 14(2) SOV/99-59-4-1/10 AUTHORS: Kvernadze, G.I., and Filimonov, 11I.S,$ EnU-ineers TITLE: Experience in Irrigation by Sprinkling in the Stalin- Zrad Oblasto(Opyt orosheniya dozhdevaniyem v Stalin- gradskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 101,59, 1Tr 41 PP 3-11 (USSR) ABSTRIICT: The article deals with the experience in irriga- tion gained by sprinkling an area of 600.1 hectares Of vegetable lands belonging to the Kolldioz "Sovets- kaya Rossiya", Sovkhoz "Sur'ovikinskiy and Sovklioz "VolGa-Don" (all in the StalinZ;rad Oblast') in 1958. The sprinkling was carried out by 9 sprinklers of the DDA-10OLI-type,desiGned by the Vsesoyuznyy nau-; chno-issledovatel skiy institut Gid-rotekhniki. i melioratsii imeni A.N. Kostyukovaqa-U3im,%-iad Ibmzmh Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and 1.1elioration ineni K-ostyukov) and manufactured by a 3talin- Card 1/3 g-rad plant. Thei- water consumption is 100 liters per SOV/901-5S-4-1/10 Experience in Irrigation by SprinklinG in the Stalingrad Oblast' second. The sprinklers were subject to tests by the St,-Llingradskaya opytno-meliorativnaya stantslya (Stalingrad Testing elioration Station) and the TITI'MiLl. The water for sprinklin,- was supplied by the "64 kilometra VDSK" and "Varvarovskaye." irri- Cation systems (total irrigation area - 8,120 hec- ta7,es), fed by the VolGo-Doaskoy sudokhodnyy kanal imeni V.I. Lenina (Volga-Dori Shipping Canal imeni V.I. Lenin). To make the operation of sprinklers possible, the irrigation systems of tae collective farms had to undergo reconstruction, with the Volgo- Donskoy opornyy punkt meliorativnoy stantsii (Volga.- Don Base of the Ilelioration Station) doin~r, the or- Canizational work. The diGgin~ of temporary irriga- tional canals to feed the sprinklers ,-.,ith water was carried out by =-200OA-type trench di--cr3 and ~,/,o rd 2,13 craders dra= by S-80-type tractors. The canals SOV/99-59-4-1/10 Experience in Irrigation by Sprinkling in the Stalingrad Obla3t' varied from 0.50 to 0-80 m in depth and from 1.8 to 3.2 m in uidth. The sprinklers' capacity, at a sprink- ling rate of 270 m3/hectare, came to an average of 9,5-10.0 hectares in a 11.0 t9 11.5-hr lonG period; at a sprinh-linG rate of 450 m-'~'/hectare, only 5.? to 6.0 hectares were irrigated. The combined sprinkling and fertilizing of potatoes at the fertilizing rate of "1?1'25 Kll per hectare resulted in a crop increase from 147 to 188 centners of potatoes per hectare or 28%. There are 7 tables, 3 photos, and 2 diagrams. 0 ASSOCL~ITIOITS: 1.) Stalingradskaya opytno-meliorativnaya stantsiya 2,) Volgo-Donskoy opornyy punkt meliorativnoy stantsii 1:~ StalinGrad TestinG Melioration Station (Kvernadze) 2 VolGa-Don Control Point of the '11.1elioration Card ~/3 Station (Filimonov) _z ~4 FILIMNOV KikhalLI Stepanovich; XMIN, P.T., red.; 1293CUM. 8.L. t a khn. i~)-&- (Thousand poode of A?ra In to the bectare; using advanced yractices in caltLvating CoinT Tysischa pudov xerna a gektara; opyt vyrashchivaniia kukumzy pri vysokom agrotekhnichaskom fone. Stalingrad, Stalingradekoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1960. 18 p. (KM 14:3) . (corn (Naise)) FILIMONOV, M.Ya.; MONICH, V.K., Prof. Petrography of' metamorphosed rocks of the Verkhniye Kayrality. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kaz GMI no.19:231-237 '60. (HIRA 15:3) (Verkbniye Kayrakty Valley--Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic) 'FILJ:-T401'1OV' N. AUTHOR: Filiz.onov, N.0 Candidate of Technical Science 27-6-24/29 TITLE: Manue.1 for Railroad Car I~qppectors (Uchebnoye posobiye dlya oamotrshchikov vagonov). PERIODICALt Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, 1957, Nr. 6(145) P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author points out that although the program for training railro-ad oar inspectors contains among its subjects also Management of Railroad Cars, no manual existed on this subject until recently. He then reviews the first text book written for this purpose "Vagonnol khozyayatyo" (management of RR cars) by F.A. Lapshin and S.G. homarov for technical schools of railroad transport and technical schools of the Labor Reserves and calls attention to a number of deficiencies. AVAILABLE: Lib:rary of Congress Card 1/1 FILIM01-lov, ti.0 Ic&nd.ekonom.nauk countrY by the party. Sciontific management of the econonq Of the 'Korma. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.0-0:25-13 0 165. (mi-:Lk 18:12) .-WRIKIYAN, S.M.; KOVAL', P.V.; FILIMONOV, N.A. Stgdy of the performance of the parts of metal struts. Nauch. trudy Mosk. inst, radioelek. i gor. elektromekh. no.41:102- 108 162. (MIRA 16:10) A LU U 0 "A L L-A--L, 9wo""Its Alm 004W ma w"1 . A 34 26731) (C - 0 a;" ddm Omit, the equil. mcupa. t*mw. c4 kn to NE40. semwh wem frm d =P f MCI l KH 0 Wl i NI d cr o an W& trxm o . U aw n . attakallm, -humidity. The H.0 content o( the drop- If i h 1h () a fl ( i . w t . a % n. n equ lets Agreed w" tba 0 , Ot v4pw prewfif to IWt sk. The liquid pham of mists I., in rquil. with 'bak cu Phsm, and no qwckl thtudes for 0% #0 13 cut.. are rt4tdmd. pikermAn 000 Oej Oew Oev 11 U Is A, 0 d1i Goo* 41 0 a 0 0. 0 w 0 0, - b v to As a a ss a 't A $two V"JAV 41Ibi ad O-V 4sk on& SNUG 9 *%Vasa* 3ST o ot; a *of *111 :04 agog -ILIM-ONOV$ N. A. "Calculating Pneumatic Drills Model ovzp-5,,II Naych. Trudy Mosk. Cor. inst., 110.83 1950 HELIOMOV, Lev Georgiyevich; NAZAROV, Petr Petrovich; ORWV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; FILIMONOV, Nikolay AiAreyevich; KOZIN,Tu.V., redaktor; KORCMKOiA",LA. ~.l 9w,1M,-lfM,f`iedaktor; ALAWVA,Ye.l.. takhni- chesiki.r redaktor [Mining maohineryl Gorare mashiny. Moskva. Ugletakhisdat, 1955. 458 P. (KLRA 9:4) (Mining machinery) YEVNEVIGH, Anton Vladislavovich; ILIMONOV 4 N.A., otvetstvennyy redsictor; W, NADEIRSKATA, A.A., tekhni- KOIJDMIYTE;BV, A.D., re(L rqwzgN~a . chaskiy redaktor; KOROVERKOVA, Z.A., takhnichaskiv rectaktor [mine transportation machinery] Gornye transportnve mashiny. MoskYa. Ugletekhiz"t, 1956. 405 P. ((14IRA 10:4) (Mine haulage) a AGAPOV, D.S.; ARTIBILOV6 B.M.; VIKTOROT, A.M.; GINTS, A.B.; GORIKOV, A.Y.; GUSYATINSKff, M.A.; KARPOV, A.S.; KOLOT, I.I.; KOMARAVSKIT, T.T.; KCRYAGIN, I.I.; IRIVSKIT, N.M.; KRATHOV, A.G.; ASTHROVA, I.N.; OBXS' I.S., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SOSN(YVIKOV, K.S.; SUKHOT- SKff. S.F.; CHLICNOV, G.O.; YUSOV. S.K.; ZHUK. S-Ta.. akademik. glavuy radaktor;,KOSTROV, I.N., redaktor; BARONENKOV. A.Y.. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KIRZMR, D.M.. professor. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHZSHKO, Ye.y., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh neuk, redaktor; AVARIN, H.D., inzhener. redaktor [deceased]; GORIKOV, A.Y., inzhaner, redaktor; XO"VEKIY, V.T.9 inzhenar. reclaktor; ROGOVSKIT, L.T., in2hener. redaktor; SHAPOTALOYt T.I., inzbener. redaktor; RUSSO, G.A., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor: FIL NOV. N.A., inzhaner, redaktor; VOLKOV, L.N., inzhener, =-H - -K. I redaL-tor7- professor. doktor-takhnichaskikh nauk. redak- tor; ZHURIN, V.D., professor, doktor tekhniCh8Bkikh nauk, redaktor; LIKIUCffiff. V.P., inshener, redaktor; MIDMI7. Y.M., kandidat takhni- cheskikh nauk, redaktor; MMIAYIOV, A.V., kandidat takhnicheakikb mauk, rodaktor; nTROT. G.D., inzhener, radaktor; RAZIN, N.V., redaktor; . -, SOBOJAV, V.P.. inzhener, redektor; FIRINGER, B.P., inthenar, redaktor; TSYPIAKOV, V.D., inzhaner, redaktor; ISAYXV, N.Y., redaktor; TISTROVA, O.N., radaktor; SXVORTSOV, I.M.. takhaichaskiy redektor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanakaye bydro development and irrigation works (19h,9-1952); in five volumes] Vb1go-Don; takhnichaskii otchat (continued on next card) AGAPOV, D.B. -- (continued) Card 2. o strottellist-fe Volgo-Donelcogo sudok:hodnogo kanala iment V-1-lenina. TSWtaask(go gidrouzla i orositelInykh sooruzhenii (1949-1952) v piati tomakh. S.IA. Zhuk. Moskva. Gos.energ. izd-vo. Vol-5- [C~uirry management] Karlernoe khozialstvo. Red.toma I.N. Kostrov. 3.956. 172 p. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo elektrostantaii. Byuro tekhnichealcogo otcheta o stroitallstva Volgo-Dona. 2. Daystvitellayy chela I~kadomil atroitelletva, i arkhttaktury SSSR (for Razin) (Qwirries and quarrying) FILIMONOV, N.A., dots.kand.tekhn.nauk. Wear of flat surfages on two-connector, unbalances, single-link chain cutters, Nauch.trudy MGI no.13/14:139-146 154. (MIRA 10:1.0) (Coal mining machinery) Olechanloal wear) FILIMONOV, H.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dots* loom&" Wear of cutting chain links on n D(P-1 cutter during laboratory testa. Nauch.trudv KGI no.15:45-51 155. (MIRA 10tlO) (Keehanical wear) (Coal mining machinery-Testing) --I- - . - - /- 14- IAI _; A F,1,7, - - - - - --- --- -- p DIMIDOV, P.N.; FILIMOHOV, N.A. Wear of cutter chain elements on a "Donbass" cutter loader. Nauch.trudy KGI no-17:93-117 156. (MIRA 10:11) (Coal mining machinery) (Mechanical wear) /V Y " , I , 124-11-13480 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr. 11, p 162 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dem,'dov, P. N., and Filimonov, N.A. TITLE: Life --Expectancy Calculations for the Pinions of Cutting Chains ( Mechet dolgovechnosti sharnirov rezhushchykh tsepey ) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Mosk. gorn. in-ta, 1956, sb. 17, pp U9-127 ABSTRACT: It is assumed that the tension of the chain resulting from the friction forces accrues uniformly over the entire length of the bar, whereas the tension created by the cutting forces appears only over the active length of the guide bar. Utilizing a relationship between the chain advance ratio and the attrition coefficient obtained experimentally, as well as by computational formulas derived in the work, the Authors have calculated the life expectancy of the pinions of the cutting chains of the coal-cutting machine GGK-35M. Bibliography: 4 references. (B. M. Zuyev) Card 1/1 ANDONIYEV, V.L.; BAUM, V.A.; BAUHGARTICT, IT.K.; BMoF,'ulll, V.D.; BIRYUKOY, I.K.; B.TRYUKOV, S.M.; BLCKHIN, S.I.; BCHOVOY, G.A.. BUL-3V, M.Z.; BURAKOT, N.A.; TARTSA171R. B.A.; TOVK, G.M.; VOR14M, B.A.; VOMCNININ, A.P.; GALWIONOV, V.D., kand. tuldin. nmik; GIOKIN, To.M.; GILIDEMIAT, Ya.D., kand. teldan. umk; GIMURG, M.M.; GLIMOV, P.S.; GODRS. 2.G.; GORRAWW, V.H.; 07-H-10, B.Y.; GRWWWV, L,F.. kand. -.-kh. uauk; GRODZICISKAYA, I.Ta.-, WJIIWT, A.^%:.; DMITRITSV, I.G.; DKITRUMMO, Yu.D.,-,, DaBRO]MOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNWKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZA2DWICH, D.K.; ZIMOIXV, Ya.7.; ZIMAMC07, S.V.; ZUBRIK, K.M.; rARAITOV, I.F.; KNUU7, S.N.; KOILWAY'AW, N.M.; KOHOWSKIT, V.T.; KOSHHKO, Y.P.; KOUNISTOT, D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KMLYARSKIY, D.M.; KRIVSICIY, M.N.; KUZIW.30'1, A.Ya.; IAGARIKOl, N.I.; LGAMV, V.G.; LIMCM, V.P.; LOGUNOT, P.I.; MUS~WICH, K.F.-, M11LINICIMIKO, K.I.; IMMLIVICH, I.R.; MIKHAYWV, A.V., lwaul. talchn. raifec; MUSIUVA, R.Y.; NATANSON, AJ.; NIKITI~11, H.V.; OW, I.S.; OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIXW, A.D.; 0.31-M, N.A.; FIT OV, V.I.; P3aYSHKIN, G.A., proll.; F"YARKOVA, Yo.Y.; RA"PORT, Yv..D.; RMUZ(N, N.P.; ROZAXOV, M.P., ka-ad. biol. jla-.ik-, ROCIIEGOV, A.C..; RUBUICHZ, A.M.; R'YBCE3VSKIY, V.S.; SUCHIKOV, A.V.; WWTSP7, V.A.; SID-10MO, P.M.; SINYAVSKAYA, LT.; SITAROVA, M.N.; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.,; STOLYAROT, B.P. (decoaaad]; SLDZILOVSKIY. A.0.; SYRTSOTA, Ye.D.,, Icand. toldin. tauk; FILIPPSKIY, V.P.; PUTURIN, A.Dq TSISll3VM1IY, P.M.; CHOKASOV, M.J.; CBXRNYSH3v, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.-, SIUMOPAL. A.O.; SHWITIAR, P.&.; SHISWO, G.A.; SHCHRRBRU, I.N.; ZMBLI, F.T.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; TAKMOV, P.A., AllialANGIMISKIY, (Coa~imed wa ~mec ~w!d) A1MOHIYHV, V.L.... (cOntiTreed) Caz,! 2. Ye.A., retucenzont, red.; AKIIUTIN, A.U., re"vzonzar.14, rod.; BAU-SHUT, YU.S., retsencout, red.; BARABANOV, V.A., rwbsenzam-~-, reel.; PUTUM, P.D., retsenzent. red'; BORODIV, P.V., ka-ae,. 14-31dua. uwak, retsempnt, red.; VAIIJTSKIY, Is I.: kmud. teldva. * x%WC, rot conzo-at , rad. ; GRIGORIM, V.M., Imnd. telch-a. ujuak, 1-014- va riza it", red.; GUBIN, H.F., retsenuent, red.; GUDAYW, I.M., '., vve..: YMMOLOV, A.!., kand. telchn. uauk, ralwaanzent, rad.; KAILIULOY, B.F., reau-pianzgy., red.; KRITSKIY,'S.11., doktor tvold~n. -aauk, aleteon-aw;, r06..; L=, V.V., --atsenzent, red.; UM-111, VJ., rot5ouz-au-I., rad.; LUSKIN, Z.D., retsenzent, :!ed.; MATRIROSOV, A.11i., rfjtzen..-~3--t, :7ad..; 1ARMELF-W7, D.M., retse-avent, rod.; IMUGLI, M.P.0 dokto-" teklan. aa:ak, rall'seazent, red.; CBRW-IOV, S.S.,' re"'renz-a-W4, FETW.SHHNI, P.Y., rateenzent, red.; POLYAKOV. L.M., retuouZant, red.; RU14Y&WSW, A.M., rotsanzatit, red., RYABCHIKOV, Ye.I., zetsenzen-10, -red.; SUMIKOV, N.G., r6taG-n- zen~w 1, redo; TAKANAYN7, PsY., vatzen-w-at, ree..; TARANOVSKIY, S.V., prof.,, dolctor takhn. uwak, TIZER 1, R.R., 1-ataml- cent, red.; FIIDOROV, Te.M., retsaammt, rad.; SHBTUXOV, M.N., retsenzent, red.; SIBUKOV, M.I., zeijvni2ant, red.; ZHU, S.M1. [deceasedl, akademik, glavnyy rod.; ITJ3SO, G.A., Imud. tekhn. nauk, ff~# II.A., red.: VOLKO*T, L.N., red.: GRISHIN, M.M., rod.; red.; JY4~;~()Hq ZHURO, VS." do'ktor told-in. nexib., Kw2R.OV, I.N., red.; P Plo so LIKHAGHEY, V.P., red.; MEDVEDIV, V.M., kand. teleau. nauk, red.; MIKHAYWV, A.V., kand. teldin. uauk, red.; FMWI, G.D., red.; RAZIII, N.V., red.; SOBOLEV, V.P., red.; nMIITGXa, B.P., :7erl.; FRV-WM, (Cout'llnued. on next card) ANDONIM, V.L.... (continwid) Card 3. Ye.F.., red.; TSYPIAKOV, V.D. [decoasodl, red.; KOROLINOY, P.N.0 tekhn. red.; GMINg Ye*M.* tuekhn. rad.; KACIMOVSKIY, N-V-, takhn. red. [Vol4r,a-Don; technical acco-~nt of 'who construction of -*,-he 7.1. Ienin VolOL-Don Navigation Canal, tho Mml~mnsk ltrd---oelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; tokhnicheakii otchet o stroitell- st-we Volgo-Donskogo sudold,-od--3go knmla imen! V.I. Lenina, TSi-m- lian:akogo gidro-azla i orositWm~~i s~-.ioruzhen:U, 1949-2:952; v Pisti, tomakh. MosIrva, Goo. energ. izd-vo. Tol.l. (GoueLml f3turuc-'aml descriptions] Obaboh6e opicanle sooivzhenli. Wlar. red. S.IA. !-link-. Red. toma MA Grishin. 1957. 319 P, Volo2. [Ox-ganizatlon of con- structiou. Specializod opemlia= in- hydraulic engingering] orga- aizatsiia stroitellat-M.. S-pctS-*--al'vVo gidro'.-oL4i'421-beelde raboty. . 1~ I I (Continued on n6-,t c~zd) Amillylv, (contimed) Card 4. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. tom I.N. KoBtrov. 1950. 319 P. (KIRA 11-9) 1. Ihosia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo elektrostanteii. Byu-ro telffinicheskogo otcheta o stroitellstve Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Mmdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Deystvitelinyy chlon Akadomii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Griahin, Razin). (Volga Don Canal-4draulic engiunering) FILIMONOV, N.A., Geroy SotBialisticheakogo Truda, inzh. The Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station. 01~r.ktroi. 26 no.11:515-61 N 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station) IRNOV, A.I.,; LTUBIMOV, N.G., "NO N'A 4441.111d~-Va; MWA. Z.A,,, [Coal mining and tunneling machinery] Vysmochnye i prokhodche6kis goraye manhiny. Xoskva, Ugietekhizdat, 1958. 428 p. (MIRA 1W) (Coal minixg machinery) P, FILIKONOvp_A-,IL-, dots. kand. tekhn. na-ak. Determining loads acting uPon cutter chains of coal cutters and cutter-loaders. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; gor. delo no.2:229-234 158a (MM U f6) 1. PreastavlOM kaf6drOY gomYkh maghin Moskovskogo gornogo inati- tuta im. 1.V. Staline.. ~(Goal mining machinery); KOSTOHITAN, KOVAL', Petr Vasillyevich;.YW A.Ta., red.izd-va; XMINSKATA, A.A.,; Rwxr,?R, O.G., (Mining and mine-building machines) Gornoprokhodcheskie i stroitelInye mehiny. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu, 1960. 423 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Mining machinery) FILIMONOV, N.A., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, ingh. ----------bperation of the Irkutsk Eydroelectric Power Station. Temporary Gidr. i stroi. 30 no.5:30-34 My 160. (MIRA .14s5) (Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station) BECIIIII, Aleksey Petrovich; -FIQ1010 prof., Geroy Sotsiali nticheckogo Truda; MOZIEVITINOV, A.L., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S.t tekhn, red. [Construction of foundation pits for IWdraulic power instal- lations) Sooruzhenie kotlovanov gidrouzlov. Moskv.) Gos. enerf.izd-vo, 1961. 179 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Hydraulic structures) (Foundations) FILIMONOV, N.A., prof.; VASIVYEV, P.I., kand.tPkhn.naukj KONONOV, Yu.l.t Basic recommendations In the control of crack formation in large concrete structures. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.10:61-64 0 '61. 04IRA 14:20) (Concrete construction) FILIMONOV, N.A.,, _2?Gf.; VASILIYEV, P.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOEONOV, Yu.I., Teclmological conference on the problem of overcoming crack formation in solid concrete structures. Gidr. stroi. 31 no.9: 58-(A S 161. MMA 14:12) (concrete construction-Congresses) TOPMYEV, Ajohoey Vasillyevich, prof., doktor tokhn. nauk; SHUHIS, Naun, Aronovichp inzh.; FILI140140 jI.,A-.,,-otv. red.; BOLLiTREVA.. -E-Y-I Z.A.0 tekhri. red.; SH=AR, S.Ya., tekhn. red. (Machinery for atoping and development operations; design and constnictionlHashirw dlia ochistrwkh i podgotovitel'rWkJi rabot; raschet i konstruirovanie. Moskva, Gosgortekhizd.-t 1962. 351 P. (I-ORA .15: ll~ (Mining machiner7) MELIED-IOV, Lev Goorgiyevich; ORIDV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; FILDLONOV., Nikoki~X_Apdr.q ~vich~-LYUBIMOV, N.G., otv. red.; IMILINA, L.K., iikbn. red. (Yaning machinery for strip rnining]Goruye mashirq dlia otkry- tykh rabot. Hoslcva, Goagortekhizdat, 1962. 470 p. (MMA 15:12) (Mining machinery) FILIMDNOV, Nikolay Aleksandroviq4, Geroy SotsWisticheskogo Truda; AVDETEVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Encounters on the way; reminiscences] Vstrechi v puti; vospominaniia. Moskva, Sovetakaia. Rossiia, 1963. 196 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric power plants) YU1,11WCIT, Doi-is PetrovIch, doktor tokhn. rauki 1"..'k.) kii-nd. tekhn. nauk, dots.2 retsement; 2 kand. teklui. nauk, dota., retsenzen-,; RADC17niYO, L.I*". dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; FIIUS, A.!., dots.j kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; HAZAhJV, VAL, gom-y inzh., retmnzent; HOSWIT, A.M., otv. red. (Mining machiner-i for working placer deposits! rornye ma- shiry d1la razrabotki rossypei. Voskva, Nedra, 1964. 374 P. (MIRA IW) 1. Kafedra Irkiatskogo politeklinicheskogo instituta (fo'. Kvdryashov) Radchenko, Filus, Kazakov). ANDRIANOV, B.M.; IURYUTIN, B-S-; BBZHWSKIY, M-I-; BOGI"Jy- 14-N-; (30141YANW, S.V,; IOPS, II.S.; KOW, NA: KIMffN, A.Y.; ]COWBOV, G.M.; KOROLIVA, M,A.; KURIN, A.I.; MIRATZ7, M.S.; POMITAKOVA, T.A.; PROKOPOVICH, V.M.; SOLOVITSV, S.N.; , A U,-N.D- TRRTITAKOV, H.P.; CHXKOV, A.K.-, )PILINDR -Petr Fedorovich Lellkov; obituary, PtItsevodetvo 9 no.8:48 Ag 159. (MIM 12112) (Lellkov, Petr lodorovich, 19057-1959) j .--/ / /; "---4 1' r-, /- ", T., 'I"?" I - / , - , I -- ",-XULIKDV, A.V .. .-;-- EDPIM. V-Ya.; FRITMN. H-I-; PLOONOV, V.I.; FILIMMV, I.I.I. Adoptli4, practices of the Zolotukhino mine innovators. Gor.zhur. no.2: 15-19 Ir"55. (KLRA 8:7) (Zolotukhino-Kine manageiment) AID P - 4977 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - training Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 5/26 Authors Saprykin, N. D., Lt. Col., Pilot Class I, and N. I. Filimonov, Guards Lt. Col., Pilot Class II Title Ground-controlled approach for landing of a fighter Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 9, 21-25, S 1956 Abstract The authois suggests some methods of ground-controlled approach for landing, which permit the fighter to avoid the premature coming out of overcast at a too far distance from the homing station, particularly on air- fields not equipped with instrument landing systems. Institution : None Submitted : No date BZRKOVICH, M.Ya.; SPIVAK, A.I.1 KORNONOGOV, A.P.; FILIMONOV,.N.M.1 POPOVt Adl,.; VDOVIN, K.I.; ALEXSE,YEV, L.A.; POSPELOV, V.P. Some problems of gas drilling. Izv.vys.ucheb. zav.;neft' i gw 5 no.5:29-34 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. (Oil wall drilling) SPIVAK, A.I.; POPOV, A.11. Dynamic interrolation between bit-roller tooth and rock. Izv. v-jrs. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.105-40 163. (I-11RA 17; 10) 1. Ufimalciy neftyanoy Insvitut. FII.IMDN3V N M. - MAVUUTOV, M.R. Vibrations of the lower part of a drilling tool with the bit in operation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 n.j.10t 19-23 164. WIRA l8r2) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. FILR~ONOVP N, M, , agronom po zashebite rasteniy A. machinery operator and an efficient worker. Za9hch. rast. at vred. i bol. 5 no.10".6 0 160. (MIRA 16:3.) L Borskava rayonnaya traktornaya stantsiya, Gorlkovsl:aya obl, (Spraying and dusting in agriculture) ~M FILi.%Y)11(,V, N.M., 4AVLYUTOV, M.R. Dett."minatton of the time of contact of cone-bil. 'zv. v',:,3, . -4 17~,QN uche~,zav.; nnft' i gaz 6 no.ll.t4l-43 163. ( '.'j j-,*i 1. llflmski5r neftyanoy institut. BEMOVICH M.Yao; SPIVAKt A.I.; KOPINONOGOV, A.F.; VDOVIN, K.I.; AUXSEM, L.A.; POPOV, A.N.; 4q4P4ONOV,, N.M.; POSPELOV, V.P. Studying the power requirements for breaking rocks by rolling cutter bits, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; ne2t' i gaz 5 no.8:43-49 162. (MIRA 17:3) I* Ufinskiy neftyanoy institut. FILIMONOVP N.M.; HAVLYIJTOV, M.R. Mechanism of the process of rock disintegration tlh-:~ pressing of stnmps, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i paz. 9 no.5~!25-27 165. (KIRA 18%7) 1. Ufimakly neftyanoy institut. u 1()52. -ore cornrcr,-, ccu 2 clc-mts o 'L trac' or o:,,cratl-ons 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -tR55; Uncl. FILIMOHOV, N. N. Use of the vacuum extractor. Akush. i gin. no.3:15-19 l61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz rodillnogo doma No. 19 (glavnyy vrach - zaeluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N. N. FiLimonov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. Ye. 1. Kvater), Moskva. (OBSTETRICS-APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS) FILIMONOV, Hikolay Petrovich; kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk; FALALEYiZVA,--T-.-F.V- ISTAUbtfunshav, L.Te., tek-hnicheakly redaktor. [Advantages of using machines in a socialist society] Preimushchestya primeneniia mashin Y sotsialistichaskom obahchestve. Mcakra, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1957, 38 P. (Toesoiuxnoe obahchestvo po ra r traneniiU politic),iskikh i nauchnykh Snanii. Ser-3, no.- 3MU21 10:11) (Industrialization) J-* L'(~l5jajj_.jj,4 0 A~'Llirnvm Ekonordehiiskom 'Sorevnovan ful Econonlc CorIvAition ").elmooll ~3oci.llsvi vild po I j. t, 1 zd a t y 191g; 7 66 P. ~r&phs, I~iblio!=aplliczd icotnotes. AKOPOV, R.Ya,, kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; BASYUK, T.L... doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; BIRMAN, A.M., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; GRlGORIYEV, A.Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; DOXUK:[N, V.I., prof.; IKONNIKOV, V.V., prof.; KONDRASHEV. D.D., doktor skon. nauk; KURSKIY, A.D., doktor ekon. n~uk; WLSHIN, E.Yu., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; MALYY, I.G., kand. ekon. nauk, dota.; PERVUSHIN, S.P., kand. ekon. nauk; PLOTNIKOV, KA, TYAPKIN, N.K., kand. ekon. nauk; ElLlH2NQVX.P., Icand. ekon. nauk; SHAFIYEV, K.N., doktor ekon. nauki prof.--,--BAKOVETSKIY,O., red.; KOKOSHKINA, L, mladshiy red.; FOSKVINA, R., tekhn, red. (Economics; communist means of production]Politichaskaia ekono- mAia; kommunistichaskii sposob proizvodstva. Uchebnik 2., pe- rer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1963. 599 P. I (Ml RA 16: 5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Plotnikov). (Economics) (Communism) FII,IMONGV,,..Niko2ay..-YakoVlq~y.ig# . [FilimonausHikolai Yakaulerich); MOTH, K., red.; SLAVYA-NIN, I.,, tekhn. red.; STSYAPANOVA, N. [Stsiapanava,, N.1p tekhn. red. [Reportage from a foreign land]Reparta7,h z chuzhoi ziamli. Itinsk, Dziarzhvyd BSSRv 1962. 225 P. (KRA 15:12) 1. Zamestitell redaktora gazety "Zvyazda" (for Filimonov). (United.Nations) (United States-Description and travel) (Europe, Western-Description and travel) FILIVONOV, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk Second edition of the textbook "General course on railzoadgm VGeneral course on railroads" by M. Hodzolevskii and others. Reviewed by N.B. Jrilimonov). Zhel. dor. transp. 37 no.8:91-94 Ag '55. (KIRA 12:8) kRailroadg) kModzolevskii, N.V.) _114~1(OKOV. K,Te.. kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk. Textbook an railroad care (NR&ilroad cars.' F.A.Lapshin, S.G. Kmarov. Reviewed by X.R.Filimonov). Zhel.dor.transp. 38 no.10: 95-96 0 '56. (nu 9: U) (Railroads--C*rs) (Lapshin,lr.A.) (Komarov, S.G.) MORI)VINKIN, Hikolay Alakeandrovich-, Tevdokimovich; IIRAYLOVSKIY, N.G., red.; OBROVA - -- , TOONVI [Manual for railroad car inspectors] Rakovodstvo oamotrahchiku vagonov. Moskva, Goa. tran8p. 2hal-dor. izd-vo. 1958. 270 P. (KIRA 12j2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo putay soobshchaniya. (Railroads--Cars) FILI140NOV, J1.Z., folldsher (g. Petrikov) Popu3,ar education on the prevention of tuberculosis in a r-mTal environment. Falld. i akush. no.7:44-45 J1 '54. MBA 7:7) (HAAM, education *tuberco prove, Rassia, rural areas) (TUBERCULOSIS, prevention and control *educ, of village population, Russia) FILIMONOV, N.Z. (Truskavets Drogobychokoy oblasti) Role of medical workers in the prevention of aunpurative skin diseases in forest industry workers. Felld. iakLah. 22 no.B., 35-37 Ag '57- (MIRA 10:12) (SKIN--DISEASNS) (LUMBERING--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) 25(6) SOV/113-59-5-15/21 AUTHORS: Genkin, M.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deni- sovas M.N., Filimonoy_, -O.S. TITLE: Estimating the Quality of Mechanisms by Their Vi- bration Indexes PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 5, PP 37 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: HIIAvtoprom, in cooperation with mechanical engin- eering plants of the AS USSR, conducted investiga- tions on the causes of noises and vibrations in automotive mechanisms, above all in transmissions. A special apparatus was developed for objective evaluation of various mechanisms by the noise they create. The apparatus - a differential noise meter with inductance and capacitance filters - will mea- sure mean and peak- noises as well as noise irregu- larities in distinction from existing noise meters which determine only the mean noise level. The Card 1/4 peak noises and 'the noise irregailarities determine SOV/113-59-5-15/21 Estimating the Quality of Mechanisms by Their Vibration Indexes type anO. character of knocking, howling, etc. The results of special and series measurements, the in.- vestigation of sedan and freight truck transmissions on test stands, were used for establishing the re- lations for determining the ultimate noise levels under consideration of design and technological pe.- culiarities of gears and transmission housings. A new method for estimating the quality of different automotive mechanisms by their vibration level was developed. This new method eliminates the influence of environment noise and it may be used under shop conditions for a hundred-per-cent control. The in- vestigations were conducted by comparative measure- ments and analyses of noises and vibrations of trans- missions and other automotive assemblies. The authors then describe the vibration measuring apparatus in detail. The noise pick-ups were developed by the Institut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR (Institute of Me- Card 2/4 chanical Engineering of th., AS,, USSR) -ind contain SOV/113-59-5-15/21 Estimating the Quality of Mechanisms by Their Vibration Indexes barium titanate plates as sensitive elements. In Table 1, the authors compare the pick-ups IDK-1, IDK-2, IDK-2T, IDK-V with similar devices manufac- tured in the USA, England, and Denmark. Pick-ups of -type IDK-1, IDK-2, IDK-2T have frequency ranges from 5 to 20,000 cycles. The pick-ups are calibrated on a test stand, shown in Figure 3. Further, the authors explain pecularities of the measurements. For example, the electric motor driving the assem- bly to be tested must be suspended in such a way that its own oscillations are not transferred to the assembly being investigated. The authors pre- sent the results of measurements rerformed on trans- missions and rear axles of a ZIL-110, "Pobeda", "Moskvich-402" by several graphs. Figure 9 shows a test stand for shoclj:: absorber vibration. The Card 3/4 investigations showed that the method has a suf- SOV/113-59-5-15/21 Estimating the Quality of Mechanisms by Their Vibration Indexes ficiently high accuracy when applied for telescoping shock absorbers. There is 1 photograph, 3 diagrams, 6 graphs, and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR (Institute of Me- chanical Engineering of th( AS, USSR); -,IIITAvtoprom Card 4/4 's-213. VDOVINA, L,; HAUMDV,, G.; F TURBIV, I. ReadlTs arugsdat. Fin. WSR 37 no.lt84 Jo. 163, (MMU .16s2) 1, Rachalfnik byudzhetnogo otdela Vinnitskogo oblastnoge fimi-- sovogo otdela (for Tdovina), 2. TSentralln7y rayormyy finansoM otdel Toronezha (for Naumov, Filimonov, Tarbin)e (Education-Finance) (Taxation) BOTKO, M.; FILIMONOV, P. This machine can see, think, and bear. Znan.ta pratsia no.6., 1.4-15 Je 159. (MIRA 12311) (Machinery. Automatic) RIBAS, Yu.; FILIMONOV. P. New explosionproof electric equiprent. Pozh.delo 8 no.1:11-12 Ja "62. (YIIRA 1.5:1) (Electric apparatus and appliances--Safety measures) FjL-1'1v)0A10V P. T, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION scv/6158 Seminar "Sovreiaennyye voprosy fizicheskogo metallovedeniya," Leningrad, '1961. Sovremennyye VDprosy fizicheskogo, metallovedeniya; materialy seminara, provedennogo v Leningradskom, Dome nauchno-tekhnialieskoy propagandy 9 - 11 maya 1961 g. (Present,Problems in Physical Metallurgy; Materials of the Seminar Held in Leningrad House of Scientific and Technical Propaganda, 9 - 11 May 1961). Leningrad, 1962, 6o p. (Series: Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. SektBiya metallovedeniya i termoobrabotki. Seriya: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka) 4500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obahchestvo po rasprostraneniyu. politicheskikh i nauchnykli znaniy RSFSR, and NTO Mashprom Leningradskoye oblast- noye pravleniye. Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propa- gandy. Sblctsiya metallovedeniya i termoobrabotki. Ed.: N. F. Vyaznlkov, Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: D. P. Freger; Tech. Ed.: V. A. Bol'shakov. Card 1/3 777 Present Problems in Physical Metallurgr,(Cont.) sov/6158 PURPOSE: This booklet is Intended for scientists and engineers interested in physical metallurgy. COWMAGRi This booklet contains five of the fourteen reports presented at the seminar an flPresent Problems of Physical 14etallurgy,".held in the Leningrad House of Scientific an'd Technical Propaganda on May 9-11th, 1961. The program of the seminar wati worked out by the organizational Committee under t"ne supervision of Academician R. N. Davidenkov. The reports review a number of new trends In the development of physical metallurgy,, No personalities are mentioned. Each report is accompanied by references, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTIOITS: Malkin, V. S. The K-State in Alloys 3 Dianov, S. V. Intraphase Decomposition (K-3tate) and Its Significance in,Modern Alloys 11 Card 2/3 Present Problems in Physical Metallurgy; (Cont.) sov/6158